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ETECH SF Reviewer

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E-Tech Reviewer - helping reinvent the art of

Lesson 1: Online Platforms for ICT presentation.

Online Platform
- are technologies that are grouped 2. Zoho Office Suite
to be used as a base upon which - is another office suite just like
other applications processes or MS Office which contains word
technologies are developed. processing, spreadsheets,
- is base of technologies designed presentation, databases, note-
to run within an online taking, wikis, web conferencing
environment and provides and project management.
interactive online services. - online project management app
that helps you plan and keep
track of your work’s progress.
Examples of Online Platforms:
1. Presentation and Visualization
2. Cloud computing
3. Social media
4. Web Page Creation 3. Slide Share
5. File Management - is a presentation tool that lets
6. Mapping users upload files publicly or
Presentation and Visualization - to build quickly from concise,
- is a website/application that we well-presented content from top
can use to create presentation, experts.
infographics or videos and we
were able to share it to others via 4. Mind Meister
internet. - an online mind-mapping tool that
- communicates info clearly and lets you capture, develop and
efficiently via statistical graphics, share ideas visually.
plots and information graphics. - it also lets you assign task for
collaboration, set priorities, add
Examples of Presentation and due dates, and indicate progress
Visualization: by using a widget.
1. Prezi
- is an online tool/software which Cloud Computing
allows you to zoom in and out, - it is the practice of using a
display, and navigate your network of remote servers hosted
presentation in 2.5 D or parallax. on the internet to store, manage,
and process data, rather than a
local server or a personal o allows you to create and
computer. share slide presentation.
- in other terms, it is the storage
hosted online with free of d) Google Forms
charges rather than your any o allows you to create and
local host or personal computers. share forms such as
- simply called as “the cloud”. attendance survey and quiz
- you can access it anytime, form GCR.
2. Evernote
Examples of Cloud Computing: - it is design by Evernote
1. Google Drive Corporation for note taking,
- is the most popular cloud tool organizing and archiving.
storage that offers free charges.
- the greatest feature I that you can 3. Dropbox
share your files through the link - designed to allow users to
so that you can collaborate with synchronized their files from a
your co-workers, customers, personal computer to cloud
family, etc. computing.
- with a “Google account”, you - free of charge and used by many
can access other services such as: individuals who want to have
backup files through internet
a) Google Docs cloud.
o allows you to create a
resume or any type of letter Social Media
document and share with - are computer-mediated tools that
your co-workers, friends, allow people, companies and
etc. other organizations to create,
share, or exchange information,
b) Google Sheets career interests, ideas, and
o allows you to create and pictures/videos in virtual
share spreadsheet communities and networks.
documents like MS Excel. - in other terms, it consists of
website/apps that enable users to
create and share content in social
c) Google Slides
Examples of Social Media
1. Twitter 2. Weebly
- online social networking service - a web-hosting service featuring a
that allows users to post drag-and-drop website builder
messages and keeps you updated that allows you to create unique
to latest happening/conversation websites, blog or online
through the trending section. platforms.
- short 280-character messages are Drag and Drop features
called “tweets”. - means that within the platform
you can drag widgets and design
2. Facebook elements to create your site
- the most popular social instead of working with code.
networking online platforms.
File Management
3. Tumblr - allows you to manage your files
- a micro-blogging platform for digitally whether it is saving,
blog and entertainment about converting into a different format
beauty, fashion, etc. that makes and retrieving.
you happy.
4. Instagram Examples of File Management:
- is an American photo and video 1. Zamzar
sharing social networking - web app that allows you to
services owned by “Meta”. convert files via online.

Web Page Creation 2. Word2PDF

- allows you to showcase your web - it converts word documents into
content. PDF (portable document format)
- encompasses a number of or vice versa.
important elements including
color, layout, and overall Mapping
graphical appearance. - a transformation taking the points
of one space into the points of the
Examples of Web Page Creation: same or author space.
1. Wix - uses GPS (global positioning
- a cloud-based web development system) where you can access
platform that allows users to online maps where to go while
create HTML5 websites and driving a car.
mobile sites through the use of
their online drag and drop tools. Examples of Mapping:
1. Google Maps
- it is developed by Google for
desktop and mobile web mapping Website Template
services via online. - or web template, is are pre-
designed webpage, simply by
2. Wikimapia adding your text and
- it is clickable web map with a customization to create your
geographically referenced wiki desired web page. It is usually
system for privately owned open built with HTML and CSS code.

Content Management System (CMS)

- is a computer application
(sometimes online or browser-
based, only works w/ internet REMEMBER!
connection) that allows you to Today, we use a WYSIWYG editor. It
publish, edit and manipulate, allows you to create and design a web
organize and debate web content. page without any coding knowledge.
- CMS is used in blogs, news
websites, and shopping WYSIWYG
- acronym for “what you see is
Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) what you get”.
- is the code that styles web - this means that whatever you
contents. type, insert, draw, place, re-
- it is a sheet style language and it arrange, and everything you do
is what you see to selectively on a page is what the audience
style HTML elements. will see.
- it shows and prints whatever you
Blogs type on the screen.
- is a discussion or informational
website published on the web Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
consisting of discrete, often - a feature that maximizes the
informal diary-style text entries search engine optimization
(“posts”). feature so visitors can easily
o Posts are typically locate your website.
displayed in reverse
chronological order, so that Basic Web Page Creation
the most recent post STEP 1: Open MS Word
appears first, at the top of STEP 2: Type anything on the page
the web page. like “Hello World!”
STEP 3: Click on File > Save as >
Type any file name
STEP 4: In the save as type, select
“Web Page (*.htm, *.html)”
STEP 5: Click the Change Title button.
STEP 6: Input the title as seen below,
then click “OK” then save.

STEP 7: Open your saved file and you

will see that you just created a
webpage using MS Word.

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