Assignment 2 (MUZAMMIL 019)
Assignment 2 (MUZAMMIL 019)
Assignment 2 (MUZAMMIL 019)
Assignment 02
Muzammil Riaz
Submitted to,
When the Prophet (PBUH) enter into Maddina, it was a new phase for the Holy message. Islam
obtaining new belivers began to start it’s power and soon started to spread in all around in
Arabbian Peninsula. Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) was fivty-three year at the time of migration.
In Maddina, he spent ten years of his life. The divine call now entered a decisive mode and many
important events took place in Maddina. Which eventually laid a firm foundation for the spread
of Islam to reach father.
The important event after Hijratt was the establishment of the Islamic state and governs by the
prophet (PBUH), who by applying the divine commandments to convert ignorant Arabs into a
real society. The prophet (PBUH) presented to the dark world seething under the edge of hell and
oppression, the most perfect ever constitution, spiritual, social. Political and a key to their
success both in this mortal world and hereafter.
Treaties and Events
Madina pact
Conquest of Macca
Battle of Badr
Battle of Yarmouck
Ridda wars
War of yamamah
Treaty of hudaybiyah
Pact of Umar(R.A)
The impact of Islam on IR starts with the birth of Islam. The universal rules and regulations
which are followed today for IR are prepared in the light of Islam teachings.
For example if we want to make a decision between to state which have difference in power then
this can influence the decision but in Islam there is no such things. Islam makes sure of equality
and equity. Islam makes all Muslims one “umma”. There is no boundaries, it does not matter you
are white, brown or black. Politics in Islam aims to guide people towards good and far from evil.
Integrity, honesty, and trust are key Islamic values that also apply to politics. These things are
under by the firm punishments that the ultimate reward lays not in this world, but in the hereafter
and admission to paradise.
“I guarantee, a house in jannah for one who gives up arguing and even if he is the right, home in
the middle of jannah for one who abandoned lying even if he is joking and, a house in the highest
part of jannah for one who has good manners”
Roman Empire
Roman Empire consists of Mediterraneen Sea in Europe, North Africa and western Asia. The
city of Rome was capital of empire. The common language that was spoken here was Latin,
Greek and regional languages. The religion was polytheism and Christianity. It was controled by
a monarch.
The peace of Westphalia consider as base of the international relations which are highly
maintainable in nowadays. The peace of Westphalia ended wars. It created the frame for modern
IR. The definitions of state sovereignty and balance of power were revised.
The ancient Greek live in many places around the Medirerrean Sea, from Turkey to France. They
have similarities with Egyptian, Syrians and Persians. The Greek live in many cities but they
have common language and religion. Different city have different structure of government. They
all were mainly farmers.
Treaties and Events
It is said that the diplomacy is generated in Greece which has a great impact and also it implicate
in nowadays. Many of the problems are solved by diplomacy. This was the time when
philosophy and architecture were growing but due to wars feeling of trust was zero on each other
due to third ego. But their work in science was remarkable.