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Chapter-6b Welded Connection CENG417

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Why Weld Connections?

Where there are favourable working conditions (workshop connections), welding is the
most economical way to make strong connections.
Where site connections are necessary (erection) they are usually bolted, but the connections
are often prepared in the workshop with welded plates, etc. necessary for the bolted joint.

Types of Welds
Full penetration BUTT weld in Full penetration Partial penetration
which there is a complete
penetration and fusion of weld
and parent metal throughout
the thickness of the joint. Butt joint

Partial penetration BUTT weld,

in which there is a weld
penetration less than the full
thickness of the joint
Tee joint

Types of Welds
A FILLET weld is a weld of approximately
triangular cross-section applied to the surface
profile of the plates. No edge preparation is
Therefore, fillet welds are usually cheaper than
butt welds.
Fillet Weld Butt Weld

General classification of joints

SLOT and PLUG welds.
Seldom used.

Slot Weld
Corner joint Lapped joint


Plug Weld

Fillet Weld

Detailing of Fillet Welds

1. Fillet welds terminating at the end should returned
continuously around the corners for a distance > twice
the leg length s.
2. In lap joints the minimum overlap Lp should not be
less than four times the thinner plate joined min(t1, t2).
Single welds should not be used except where the
parts are restrained to prevent opening of the joint.
3. The length of the longitudinal fillet weld L should be
not less than the transverse spacing Tw.
Single fillet weld
t1 Lp

Double fillet weld


4. Single fillet welds should not be subject to

bending about the longitudinal axis.

5. The longitudinal spacing between effective

lengths of weld sw should not exceed
300mm or 16t for compression elements and
24t for tension elements.


Longitudinal spacing of fillet welds


Design of Fillet Welds

Weld metal
The effective length L of a fillet weld is
normally taken as the overall length, less
one leg length s for each end that does not
continue around a corner. A fillet weld with
an effective length less than 4s or less than
40mm should not be used to carry load.

Parent metal

Types of Loading on Fillet Welds

a) Weld subject to longitudinal shear b) Weld subject to transverse forces


Effective Throat Size of Fillet Welds

The effective throat size a should be
taken as the perpendicular distance
from the root of the weld to a straight
line joining the fusion faces but
generally is not taken as greater than
0.7 times the shorter leg length s.
Root of weld
Can either use the table or
the formula for design. a=0.7s a=0.7s1

a = s cos(γ/2) Effective throat size for equal leg lengths

Angle between fusion Factor (to be applied to
a faces (degrees) the leg lengths)
s 60 to 90 0.70
91 to 100 0.65
a = s cos(γ/2)
101 to 106 0.60
The angle of intersection of members
connected by fillet welds should be such that 107 to 113 0.55
the angle between the fusion faces of a weld
is not less than 60º and not more than 120º. 114 to 120 0.50

Which Weld is Stronger?

½ volume of weld

6mm fillet weld, design strength is 220N/mm2

Weld capacity = 220 x (0.7 x 6) x 300 = 277kN
12mm fillet weld, design strength is 220N/mm2
Weld capacity = 220 x (0.7 x 12) x 150 = 277kN
Whenever possible, use the smaller leg size of fillet weld and a longer
length of weld.

Design Stress for Fillet Welds

The force per unit length transmitted by a fillet weld at a given point in its length should be
determined from the applied forces and moments, using the elastic section properties of
the weld or weld group, based on effective throat sizes.
The design stress in a fillet weld should be calculated as the force per unit length
transmitted by the weld divided by the effective throat size a.

Capacity of Fillet Welds

(1) Simple method
The shear capacity of the weld PW should be taken as sufficient if, throughout the length of
the weld, the vector sum of the design stresses due to all forces and moments transmitted
by the weld does not exceed its design strength pw.

Capacity of Fillet Welds

(2) Directional method
The directional method recognizes the fact that the transverse capacity of the fillet
weld is greater than the longitudinal shear capacity of the weld. The forces per unit length
transmitted by the weld may be resolved into a longitudinal shear FL parallel to the axis of
the weld, and a resultant transverse force FT perpendicular to this axis.

Transverse weld Longitudinal weld

Weld is loaded Weld is loaded parallel
transverse to the to the direction that it is
direction that it is laid laid

Direction that
weld is laid

Fillet Weld Under Longitudinal Shear Load

Simple method
PW = a pw (shear capacity per unit length of weld), BS Cl
Directional method
PL = a pw (longitudinal shear capacity per unit length of weld), BS Cl
a = effective throat size
L = effective weld length
pw = design strength of weld

Fillet Weld Under Transverse Shear Load

PW or PT Throat Line
PW or PT
Throat Line
PW or PT θ

Transverse Plane PT

Simple method
PW = a pw (shear capacity per unit length of weld), BS Cl
Directional method
PT = K a pw (transverse shear capacity per unit length of weld), BS Cl

K  1.25
1  cos 2 
Comparison of Fillet Weld Under
Longitudinal and Transverse Shear Load
PW or PT Throat Line
θ = 45º
θ = 45º
PW or PL

K=1.25  =1.25
Simple Method Assume equal L in both loading conditions
PW = a pw
Directional Method
PL = a pw For the same weld, its transverse
PT = K a pw = 1.25PL shear capacity is higher.

Interaction Equation for Transverse

and Longitudinal Stresses
Range of K
θ K θ = 0º
θ = 45º
FT 0 1.083
15 1.101 θ = 30º
30 1.157 θ = 45º
45 1.250 θ = 90º
60 1.369
FL 75 1.482
90 1.532
Interaction Equation:
2 2 2 2 θ is the acute angle
 FL   FT   f L   fT  between the transverse

     1 or     1 force and the weld throat.
 PL   PT   pL   KpT  (Even if the obtuse angle
is taken, the same values
will be obtained for K).
FL, FT - longitudinal & transverse load per unit length (N/mm)
PL, PT - longitudinal & transverse resistance per unit length (N/mm)
fL, fT - longitudinal & transverse stress (N/mm2)
pL, pT - longitudinal & transverse strength (N/mm2)

Welding Process and Types

1st deposit

2nd deposit

Lapped Joint 3rd deposit

After 6th deposit

Tee Joint

Example 6.8
Given S275 steel with E35 electrode. Area of tie, A = 100×8 = 800mm2. Design the
weld such that the connection fails by tensile rupture of the tie.

S275 steel with E35 electrode ⇒ pw = 220N/mm2 [Table 37]

Tie tensile capacity, F = 800×275x10-3 = 220 kN
Effective length of weld L = 2 x 100 = 200 mm [ignoring welding length along thickness]

Simple Method
F < L a pw ⇒ a > F/(L pw)
amin = 220/(200x220x10-3) = 5mm ⇒ s = 1.4a = 7mm (Use 7.0mm weld minimum)

Directional method - transverse weld

F < K L a pw ⇒ a > F/(K L pw)
= 220/(1.25x200x220x10-3) = 4mm ⇒ s = 1.4a = 5.6mm (Use 6.0mm weld minimum)

Example 6.9
Given S275 steel with E35 electrode. Area of tie, A = 100×8 = 800mm2. Design using s = 6 mm welds
such that the connection fails by tensile rupture of the tie.

S275 steel with E35 electrode ⇒ pw = 220N/mm2 & a pw = 0.924kN/mm

Tie tensile capacity, F = 800×275x10-3 = 220 kN

Simple Method
F < (100+2beff) a pw ⇒ beff > F/(2a pw) - 50
beff = 220/(2x0.924) - 50 = 69mm ⇒ b = beff + s = 75mm (Use b = 75mm)

Directional method
F < 100K a pw + 2beff a pw ⇒ beff > F/(2a pw) - 50K
beff = 220/(2x0.924) - 50x1.25 = 56.5mm ⇒ b = beff + s = 62mm (Use b = 65 mm)
Example 6.10
Design the connection between angle (50x50x5) and gusset plate shown. Use steel grade S275 and
electrode E35.
8 mm
14 F
(DL 60 kN
L2 & LL 40 kN)

Gusset  plate, t=8 mm

Assume 5 mm welding leg length fillet weld but not less than 3 mm [cl. 6.7.2]
Factored load = 1.460+1.640 = 148 kN
Load on one angle (Fu) = 148/2 = 74 kN
36 1 mm

A A 74 kN

F1 and F2 can be arranged, so that Fu can pass through the centroid of the angle
to avoid eccentricity
MA-A = 0; 36F1 =14F2…………………...(i)
Fx-x = 0, F1+F2 =74 …………………...(ii)
Solving these two Equations, F1 = 20.72 kN and F2 = 53.27 kN

Weld Strength of 1 mm length = 0.7 S*pw = 0.7*5*22010-3 = 0.753 kN/mm

(where S = 5 mm, pw = 220 Mpa for E35 Electrode [Table 37] )
l1e   27.53 mm  Tw ( 50 mm) [Cl.6.8.2]
l2e   70.79 mm [Where le = Effective length of a fillet weld]

Minimum, Tw = 50 mm [according to code, cl.]

To apply clause, l1e has to be 50 mm, (l1e  Tw ).

50 mm
36 1 mm

A A 74 kN
F1 = 50  0.753 = 37.65 kN

MA-A = 0; 37.6536 = F214  F2 = 96.81 kN

l e ( new )
2   128.57 mm

l practical
l S e
[cl. 6.8.2]

l 1
 l  S  50  5  55 mm

l 2
 l  S  128.57  5  133.57 mm  135 mm

Use 55 mm length for weld 1, and

135 mm length for weld 2

55 mm
l1e S

10 Cl. 6.7.2


l2e S

135 mm

Weld detail

Example 6.11 (Torsion connection with load in plane of weld)

Design the connection for S275 Steel parts using (a) Simplified method (b) Directional method
100 FV = 100kN
y 100kN

Mz = 0.1(100+120–cx)kNm
160 x Corner weld around
160 x
the back of plate


120 B A
Geometrical properties of the weld group
Assume a minimum weld of > 2s around the corners Iyy= (160)(362) + 2(1203/12)
Length of weld, L = (160 + 120 + 120) = 400 mm2, + 2(120)(242)
Center of welding length, Take moment about AB line, = 0.63×106 mm4
xc =[12060+12060]/400 = 36 mm Polar moment of inertia of the weld
Moment of inertia of welding, group,
Ixx= 1603/12+ (120802)2 =1.88106 mm4 Ip = Ixx + Iyy = 2.51×106 mm4
Maximum stresses occur in weld furthest from the C.G of C D
the weld group (at point B or D),
At D, shear due to torsion, FT =Mr D/ Ip y FS
rD =(842+802)0.5 =116 mm;
FT =MrD / Ip = (18.4103)116 / = 2.51×106 β Mz = 18.4kNm
= 0.85036 kN/mm 160
At D, shear due to direct shear, FS=100/400 cx
=0.25 kN/mm
 =tan-1 (80/84)=43.60280 A B

FR  F S
 FT2  2 FS FT cos  
FR = 1.0457 kN/mm
Simple method
pw = 220N/mm2 regardless of the class of electrode used since S275 steel is used (Table 37)

shear capacity per unit length of weld, (Cl

PW = a pw =0.7Spw
1.0457103 = 0.7S220 No deduction for leg length required at weld
ends since it is continuous and goes around a
S=6.79 mm corner with > 2s length
Use 7 mm leg length size welding

Directional method

Ftansvers = FS+ FT cos =0.25+ 0.850360 cos43.6 =0.8657 kN/mm

FLongitudinal = FT sin = 0.85036 cos43.60 =0.58646 kN/mm

(FLongitudina / apw)2 + (Ftansvers / K apw)2  1 (Cl

[0.58646/(220*a)]2 +[0.58646/(1.25*a*220)]2  1
 a  4.1 mm
Use 6 mm leg length 1.5
K  1.25  1.25
1  cos 2 
For angle of throat line 450

Example 6.12 (Moment with load in plane of weld)

Determine the size of fillet weld required for the bracket connection shown in Figure. All dimensions
and loads are shown in the figure. Design assuming rotation about XX axis. Welding at flange is with
end return.
Dead load = 110 kN
Imposed load = 130 kN

S275 steel

Factored load = (1.4 × 110) + (1.6 × 130) = 362 kN

Effective welding Length L = (2 × 173.2) + 2280 = 906.4 mm,
Inertia Ix = (2 × 173.2 × 1822) + 2(2803 /12) = 15.133 × 106 mm3,
Direct shear FS = 362/906.4 = 0.3994 kN/mm
Shear due to moment will be highest at flange weld location.
Shear from moment, FT = 362 × 250 × 182 /(15.133 × 106) = 1.0884 kN/mm,
Resultant shear FR = [0.39942 + 1.08842]0.5 = 1.1594 kN/mm. [at flange]

Simple method
pw = 220N/mm2 regardless of the class of electrode used since S275 steel is used (Table 37)

shear capacity per unit length of weld, (Cl

PW = a pw =0.7Spw
1.1594103 = 0.7S220
S=7.5286 mm
Use 8 mm leg length size welding at flange

Total length of flange welding = 280+2S =280+2*8 =296 mm (Cl.6.7.2)

Welding size at web can be smaller than flange, because effect of moment on the web welding is less
than flange. To be conservative, 8 mm welding can be provided at web.

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