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Phenols - Sources and

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Polish J. of Environ. Stud. Vol. 16, No.

3 (2007), 347-362

Phenols – Sources and Toxicity
J. Michałowicz*, W. Duda
University of Łódź, Faculty of Biology and Environment Protection,
Banacha 12/16 str., 90-237 Łódź, Poland

Received: February 18, 2006

Accepted: December 18, 2006


Phenols and their derivatives commonly exist in the environment. These compounds are used as the
components of dyes, polymers, drugs and other organic substances. The presence of phenols in the ecosys-
tems is also related with production and degradation of numerous pesticides and the generation of industrial
and municipal sewages. Some phenols are also formed during natural processes. These compounds may be
substituted with chlorine atoms, may be nitrated, methylated or alkylated. Both phenols and catechols are
harmful ecotoxins. Toxic action of these compounds stems from unspecified toxicity related to hydrophob-
ocity and also to the generation of organic radicals and reactive oxygen species. Phenols and catechols re-
veal peroxidative capacity, they are hematotoxic and hepatotoxic, provoke mutagenesis and carcinogenesis
toward humans and other living organisms.

Keywords: phenols, catechol, natural origin of phenols, anthropogenic sources of phenols, toxicity of

Introduction the individual compound and formation of free radicals

[6]. Hydrophobocity affects the solubility of phenol in
Phenols of anthropogenic origin exist in the environment a cells’ fractions and thus possibility of interaction of
due to the activity of the chemical, petrol, tinctoral or phar- the compound with specified cell and tissue structures.
maceutical industries. The compounds penetrate ecosystems For example, the increase of hydrophobocity of chloro-
as the result of drainage off the municipal or industrial sew- phenols is related to the increasing number of chlorine
age to surface water [1]. Moreover, the occurrence of phe- atoms that enhances toxicity of the individual compound
nols in the environment stems from the production and use [7]. The strength of toxic influence of the compound
of numerous pesticides, in particular phenoxyherbicides like also stems from localization of the substitutent. For in-
2.4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2.4-D) [2] or 4-chloro-2- stance, a chlorine atom substituted in ortho position in
methylphenoxyacetic acid (MCPA) and also phenolic bio- phenol molecule decreases its toxicity and meta substi-
cides like pentachlorophenol (PCP) [3], dinoseb or diaryl- tution increases toxic action of the compound. Phenols,
ether pesticides [4]. Some phenols may be formed as a result after penetration of the cell, undergo active transforma-
of natural processes like the formation of phenol and p-cresol tion, mainly at the participation of oxidases within cy-
during decomposition of organic matter or synthesis of chlo- tochrome P450. Sometimes transformation processes
rinated phenols by fungi and plants [5]. lead to increase of toxicity of individual compounds by
Phenol toxicity is related with two main processes the formation of electrophilic metabolites that may bind
– unspecified toxicity related with hydrophobocity of and damage DNA or enzymes. The noxious influence
of phenols and their derivatives concerns acute toxicity,
histopathological changes, mutagenicity and carcinoge-
*Corresponding author; e-mail: nicity. The compounds presented in the review represent
348 Michałowicz J., Duda W.

phenols most commonly present in the environment and pork the content of phenol was 7 and 28.6 µg/kg, respec-
human surroundings that reveal toxic influence towards tively [19]. Other authors have found phenol in the outer
living organisms, including human. layer of smoked meat in concentrations of 37-70 mg/kg.
The exposure data are inadequate to determine the degree
of exposure of the general population to phenol. However,
Anthropogenic and Natural Sources of Phenols persons exposed to phenol through inhalation of air from
strongly industrialized areas or with frequent consump-
Phenol tion of smoked food with high phenol content may ac-
cept toxic doses of phenol about 4 mg and 2 mg per day,
Phenol (hydroxybenzene) is a colourless, crystalline respectively. It also has been estimated that 0.3–0.4 mg of
substance of characteristic odour, soluble in water and phenol per cigarette is released during its burning. Expo-
organic solvents. Phenol was one of the first compounds sure to phenol may also be accidental. Delfino and Dube
inscribed into The List of Priority Pollutants by the US described the case of contamination of ground water with
Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA). Phenol is phenol that was then used for drinking purposes. The au-
synthesized on an industrial scale by extraction from coal thors evaluated the daily exposure to be 10-240 mg of
tar as it is formed by transformation of high quantities of phenol per person. The result was statistically significant
cumene present in plants that were used for tar produc- increases of diarrhoea, mouth sores, dark urine and burn-
tion. Phenol is also obtained in a reaction between chlo- ing pain in mouth [20].
robenzene and sodium hydroxide, toluene oxidation and
synthesis from benzene and propylene. It is commonly
used in different branches of industry including chemical Chlorophenols
– production of alkylphenols, cresols, xylenols, phenolic
resins, aniline and other compounds [8], oil, coal process- Chlorophenols are the most widespread and the larg-
ing and metallurgic [9]. Phenol is also used in pesticides, est group of phenols. Chlorophenols are formed in the
explosives, dyes and textiles production [10]. environment by chlorination of mono and polyaromatic
Phenol also penetrates the environment through vehi- compounds present in soil and water. Synthesis of chlo-
cle exhaust, and it is used as a disinfectant and reagent in rophenols proceeds at the participation of chloroperoxi-
chemical analysis. In the United States alone, are 580,000 dases contained in plants and microorganisms in the pres-
people occupationally exposed to phenol influence [9]. ence of hydrogen peroxide and inorganic chlorine [21].
Phenol is also formed as the result of chemical reactions The example is synthesis of chlorinated phenols by fungi
that occurred in the atmosphere in condensed water va- from Hypholoma genera [5, 22]. The concentrations of
pour that forms clouds. Hydroxybenzene is also formed chlorophenols in oceanic waters are of 5-10 ng/L. The
during natural processes like biosynthesis by plants or highest concentrations are noted for river waters and are
decomposition of organic matter [11]. This compound is in the range of 2-2000 µg/L. Chlorophenols are also pres-
also formed from aminoacids contained in plants’ hemi- ent in drinking water due to substitution of organic matter
celluloses under the influence of UV irradiation (sunlight) and low molecular weight compounds (present in puri-
[12] and tyrosine transformation in mammalian (includ- fied water) with chlorine atoms derived from inorganic
ing human) digestive tract [13]. The concentrations of chlorine oxidants. The investigations of drinking water
phenol in surface water are different. In natural waters its of Warsaw and Łódź (Poland) revealed the presence of
amounts are between 0.01 – 2.0 µg/L [14]. Relative fast 2,4,5-trichlorophenol and tetrachlorophenol in concentra-
degradation of phenol causes its concentration in waters tions of 0.2 – 0.3 µg/L [23]. The highest concentrations
exposed to strong anthropogenic pollution may be compa- of phenols are noted in industrial sewages and may reach
rable. Concentration of phenol in surface water of Neth- (for pentachlorophenol) 0.1-10 mg/L. Atmospheric con-
erlands were of 2.6 – 5.6 µg/L. River water polluted with centrations of chlorinated phenols are usually contained
sewage derived from petrol processing plants contained in low concentrations of 0.25 to 7.8 ng/m3; however, in
the concentration of phenol over 40 mg/L [9]. Phenol was urbanized areas of Holland the concentration may reach
also found in domestic water supply in the USA at a level even 1 µg/m3 [24]. The concentrations of chlorophenols in
of 1 µg/L. Background levels of phenol in air are expected soils that are not exposed to anthropogenic pollution are
to be low, at about 1 ng/m3 [15]. In high concentrations rather low. However, Garrett has reported that soil sam-
phenol is determined near factories that impregnate wood ples from the farmer site of pesticide plant in Richmond
and its value reaches 9.7µg/m3 [16]. Phenol is also present (British Columbia) contained 2 mg of TeCP and 0.18 mg
in food. Moderate quantities of this compound (5 µg/kg) of TCP per kg of soil. Soils situated within sawmills are
were determined in honey [17], also in coffee, in which usually heavily contaminated with chlorophenols. Ki-
is formed from ferulic acid. In this process ferulic acid it tunen and co-workers determinated the concentrations
the natural compound present in corn-undergoes conver- of chlorophenols near preserving facilities at 4 different
sion to vinyl-guaiacol, guaiacol and finally to phenol [18]. sawmills in the range of 500 to 3500 µg/kg [25]. Both
Phenol concentration in processed food may reach alarm- tetrachlorophenol and pentachlorophenol were identified
ing concentrations. For example, in grilled sausage and in agricultural products like carrots, potatoes and turnips
Phenols – Sources... 349

in concentrations of 1 to 45 µg/kg of wet weight [26]. [32]. Microbiological transformation of chlorophenols,

Chlorophenols were also determined in poultry with con- mainly PCP used in finishing materials, leads to the for-
centrations of 2 to 3 µg/kg of chicken flesh. Usually 10 mation of other toxic compounds – trichloroanisole and
mg/kg levels of the lower chlorinated phenols are found in tetrachloroanisole [33].
serum and adipose tissue of the general population. Per-
formed analysis in Germany concerning a large group of
people revealed the chronic exposure of investigated pop- Catechol and Chlorocatechols
ulations (both children and adults) to pentachlorophenol
with its mean concentration in blood plasma of 2.48 µg/L Chlorocatechols in regard to anthropogenic origin
[27]. The other investigation, performed in the Arctic area more commonly occur in polluted water. The analysis
of Russia (Czukczi Penisula, Uelen locality), revealed a of samples of water obtained from the polluted Ner river
mean concentration of PCP in human plasma of 0.64 µg/L (central Poland) revealed considerable amounts of chlo-
[28]. Exposure of chlorophenols may occur via ingestion, rocatechols including very toxic tetrachlorocatechol in
inhalation or dermal absorption. The general population a concentrations of 2 µg/L. The concentrations of chlo-
is thought to be exposed mainly through the ingestion of rocatechols in municipal raw sewages that contaminated
food and drinking water. However, non-occupational ex- the river exceeded 5 µg/L [1]. In water of natural origin
posure by inhalation may be significant if chlorophenols chlorocatechols may be absent or exist in small concen-
are used for extensive treatment of the interior of houses. trations. The annual investigation in the drainage of the
In Canada estimated exposure of chlorophenols for a 60- Dzierżązna river (central Poland) revealed lack of chlo-
kg person was evaluated for 3.84 µg of 2.4-DCP, 1.62 rocatechols in investigated ecosystems [14]. The presence
µg of TeCP and 0.084 µg of TCP. Including PCP, expo- of chlorocatechols – 4-chlorocatechol and 3,4,5-trichlo-
sure to the total concentration of chlorophenols is about rocatechol in low concentrations was noted in drinking
10 µg per person. Similarly, NRCC estimated that total water of the largest cities of Poland [21]. Catechol is aro-
chlorophenol exposure per day of the general population matic alcohol that has hydroxyl residues on the first and
in Canada is about 10-30 µg per person [29]. Long-term the second carbon positions. It is soluble both in water
exposure of people to these concentrations may in some and organic solvents. On an industrial scale it is formed in
cases lead to cancer. Chlorophenols are used or formed a process of catalytic hydrolysis of 2-chlorophenol in high
as a result of the activity of some branches of industry – temperature. It is also formed in the result of phenol and
mainly chemical, textile, pharmaceutical and metallurgic benzoic acid hydroxylation process. Catechol is used in
[30]. The presence of chlorophenols in the environment photography [34], rubber and synthetic material produc-
is also related to the use and degradation of organic com- tion and drug synthesis [35]. It is also used in cosmetic
pounds like growth regulators, pesticides and, in particu- [36], dye and insecticide production [37]. Catechols are
lar, phenoxyherbicides and phenolic biocides. The most also employed in production of 4-tert-buthylcatechol, the
popular are 2.4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D) [2], compound that inhibits the polymerization process of syn-
4-chloro-2-methylphenoxyacetic acid (MCPA) [31] and thetic materials [38]. Chlorinated derivatives of catechol
2,4,5-trichloro-phenoxyacetic acid (2,4,5-T) that biodeg- are used in dichloroaniline and chlorinated biphenyls pro-
radation leads to the formation of both phenols (phenol, duction [39]. Catechol and chlorocatechols are the main
2-chlorophenol and 2,4-dichlorophenol) and catechols products of phenol and chlorophenols environmental
(catechol and 4,6-dichloro-catechol). transformation. The processes are mainly performed by
Biotransformation of 4-chlorophenoxyacetic acid microbes that hydroxylate phenols at the second carbon
leads to the formation of 4-chlorophenol and photodeg- position [40]. For example, the transformation of penta-
radation of dichlorprop and 2,4-D causes the formation chlorophenol lead to tetrachlorocatechol formation that
of 2-chlorophenol, 4-chlorophenol and 2,4-dichlorophe- may be further degraded to chlorinated catechols of lower
nol. Moreover, transformation of the widely used group number of chlorine atoms. It was also noted that micro-
of diaryl-ether pesticides like nitrophen or dichlorodiphe- biological transformations of chlorobenzenes, chlorinated
nyl results in the formation of very toxic and resistant to phenoxyacetates and chlorobiphenyls result in chlorocat-
biodegradation 2,4-dichlorophenol [4]. The other well- echols formation [41].
known pesticide used as a herbicide and insecticide is
pentachlorophenol (PCP). This compound is also used to
impregnate wood, textile and skin products as it has strong Nitrophenols
fungicide capacities. In the environment pentachlorophe-
nol is usually degraded to chlorophenols of lower number The presence of nitrophenols in the environment is
of chlorine atoms [3]. The compound may also be formed related both to natural processes and anthropogenic ac-
from other pesticides including hexachlorocyclohexane, tivity. Nitrophenols, particularly 2-nitrophenol and 4-
hexachlorobenzene, pentachlorobenzene and pentachlo- nitrophenol, are formed in the reaction of phenol with
ronitrobenzene. Other phenolic biocides are 2-chlorophe- nitrite ions in water. The reactions proceed under the in-
nol, 2,4-dichlorophenol and 2,4,5-trichlorophenol used fluence of UV irradiation (sunlight) and in the wide range
as herbicides and 4-chlorophenol employed as fungicide of pH values [42, 43]. Environmental reactions also lead
350 Michałowicz J., Duda W.

to the formation of nitrophenols in the atmosphere. The The highest concentrations of methylphenols are noted in
reaction of phenol, nitrite ions and hydroxyl radical leads waters situated near plants that produce coal tar (creosote)
to the formation of 2-nitrophenol and other nitrated com- – determined concentration of 4-methylphenol in ground
pounds [44]. Nitration of phenols substituted mainly in water exceeded 2 mg/L. There are some reports concern-
ortho and para positions also proceeds at the participation ing atmospheric concentrations of methylated phenols.
of enzymes present in plant tissues. Peroxidases and li- The analysis of air samples obtained from eleven areas of
pooxygenases in the presence of nitric ions and hydrogen California (with different levels of industrial emissions)
peroxide catalyze phenol nitration to form nitrophenols. revealed the range of the concentrations of methylphenols
It is considered that this phenomenon may considerably of 0.07 to 4.6 µg/m3. The median air concentration of cre-
effect the presence of nitrophenols in soil environment sols was 1.58 µg/m3 for 32 source sites in the USA. Rain-
[45]. Nitrophenols in the atmosphere are usually deter- water concentrations for o-cresol were determined at 0.24
mined in low concentrations of some ng/dm3, however to 2.8 µg/L. These results may lead to the conclusion that
strong pollution of air due to industrial emissions lead to methylphenols exist in the air in higher amounts than oth-
increase of nitrophenols concentrations up to 320 ng/dm3 er phenolic compounds. Discussing xenobiotics are also
[46]. In water nitrophenols exist in concentrations that formed due to pesticide degradation. The environmental
seldom exceeded some µg/L. Analysis of the Ebro river transformation of 4-chloro-2-methylphenoxyacetic acid
(Spain) revealed the presence of 2-nitrophenol, 4-nitro- (MCPA) lead to the formation of 2-methylphenol [31].
phenol and 2,4-dinitrophenol in the range of 0.1 – 5.0 Methylphenols are contained in high concentrations (up
µg/L of individual compound. 2-nitrophenol and 4-nitro- to several grams per kilogram) in coal tar used for asphalt
phenol were detected in 177 samples of river waters of production and wood impregnation. The commonness of
Japan. The concentrations were of 0.04 to 10 µg/L. 2-ni- creosote usage is the reason for releasing considerable
trophenol levels in rainwater and snow are between 0.03 concentrations of methylphenols, in particular 4-methyl-
to 5.7 µg/L. Nitrophenols are formed by man during pro- phenol, to the natural environment. The representatives of
duction and degradation of pesticides like 2-buthyl-4,6- methylphenols are cresols that form three isomers – ortho,
dinitrophenol (Dinoseb) and 4,6-dinitro-2-methylphenol meta and para-cresol. Chlorinated and nitrated form of o-
(DNOC). Those compounds are also used as components cresol is used as a compound of herbicide and pesticide
and precursors in polymers and drug production [47], and properties. It is also used for epoxy-resins, dyes and drug
employed as photographic developers and preservatives. production [52]. Both cresols, dimethylphenol and 2,4,6-
Moreover, nitrated phenols are used in dyes, solvents, trimethylphenol are formed during coal and gasoline com-
plastics and explosives production [48] and formed due bustion [53]. The presence of p-cresol is also related to the
to electric, electronic and metallurgic industrial activity production of sewage by the petrochemical industry. The
[19]. Mononitrophenols, 3-methyl-4-nitrophenol and 4- occurrence of m-cresol in the environment is mainly relat-
nitro-3-phenylphenol reach the environment in regards to ed to use this compound in cosmetic, fragrance, disinfec-
vehicular emissions [49]. In the United States exposure tant, explosive and pesticide production [52]. The mixture
to nitrophenols related with exceeded and illegal use of of m-cresol and p-cresol is used in insecticide synthesis.
methylparathion has led to the accumulation of the main The solution of cresols in potassium soap is known as li-
metabolite of this pesticide (4-nitrophenol) in tissues. sole and is used in medicine as it reveals strong disinfect-
The analysis of samples obtained from 16,000 people ing activity. Cresols at concentrations normally found in
revealed the increased concentration of 4-nitrophenol the environment do not pose any significant risk for the
and its concentration was correlated with the amount and general population. However, the potential for adverse
frequency of methylparathion usage in homes [50]. Ex- health effects exists for specific subpopulations living on
posure of the general population to nitrophenol isomers the industrialized regions and under conditions of expo-
is mainly through ambient air and drinking water. A daily sure. For example, significant concentrations of cresols
uptake by inhalation of nitrophenols was calculated to be (0.01 – 0.2 mg/L) have been noted in beverages. More-
of 0.06 µg/kg per body weight. The uptake via drinking over, the incineration of one cigarette leads to inhalation
water for 2- and 4-nitrophenols is calculated to be about of 75 µg of p-cresol.
0.02 µg/kg body weight [51]. Workers are usually ex-
posed to high (toxic) concentrations of nitrophenols via
inhalation and skin contact during production and pro- Alkylphenols
cessing (mainly in the manufacturing of pesticides).
Alkylphenols of low molecular weight commonly exist
in rock-oil and shale oils. The sources of these compounds
Methylphenols in particular substituted in para position are geochemical
processes like methylation, buthylation and alkylation that
Methylphenols commonly exist in the environment, proceed in geological structures [54]. These compounds
often in considerable concentrations. High amounts of 4- are also produced in some technological processes. For
methylphenol – 204 µg/L were noted in Hayashida river example, nonylphenols are derived from nonylphenol
in Tatsuno town (Japan) polluted from industrial effluents. ethoxylates – the surfactants produced for industrial and
Phenols – Sources... 351

farming purposes [55]. They are also used as emulsifi- Bisphenols

ers, wetting agents and dispersing agents. Nonylphenol
polyethoxylate are used in many sectors including textile Bisphenols, in particular bisphenols A and F are used
processing, pulp and paper processing, paints, resins and as the components or are formed as by-products in lubri-
oil production and steel manufacturing. Alkylphenols are cants, epoxy-resins, rubber and other synthetic production
also formed as a result of pesticide degradation, agricul- [66]. Brominated bisphenols like tetrachlorobisphenol in
ture and industrial sewage production [56]. Analysis of considerable concentrations are present in ashes produced
drinking water purified by plants situated nearby textile during aluminium processing [67]. The mean concentra-
and wood processing factories (Qebec, Canada) revealed tions of BPA from 21 European and 13 States was 0.016
the presence of alkylphenols in the range of mean con- and 0.5µg/L respectively. In the USA the median concen-
centrations of 0.02 to 2.8µg/L with the highest amount tration of Bisphenol A in several streams was 0.14µg/L,
of 43.3µg/L [57]. The analysis of rain water collected in only two streams were reported to contain BPA at levels
Germany and Belgium showed the common occurrence of above 1µg/L. The investigations performed in Germa-
4-nonylphenol in the concentrations of 0.253 to 0.534µg/ ny revealed the presence of bisphenol A in water of the
L. The concentrations of alkylphenols in surface water Elba river – its estuaries (4-92µg/L) and sediments (10
are different and concern the range of 0.7 to 21,000µg/L. – 380µg/kg) [68]. The atmospheric content of bisphenols
However, the most common of these compounds exist in is different. Performed analysis of air samples collected
low concentrations. Analysis of more representative sites over an estuary of the Hudson river did not detect bisphe-
in the USA indicate nonylphenol levels less than 0.1 to nol A [69]; however, the presence of the compound in
0.6µg/L in rivers and 0.003 to 3.0µg/g in sediments. In high concentrations of µg – mg/dm3 were noted in the air
Canadian rivers inconsiderable levels (0.01 to 0.9µg/L) of urbanized areas of Germany [70]. The commonness of
of nonylphenol were determined. Analysis of samples of bisphenols appearance in plastic packages and varnishes
water obtained from the Elba river (Germany) were be- used in internal sides of tins causes penetration of these
tween 0.028 to 1.22µg/L [58, 59]. The concentration of compounds to food [71]. This compound also migrates
nonylphenol in soil may be high. In a field that received from through rubber products and plastic stretch film used
municipal sewage sludge application, the concentration of in food contact applications. For example, in honey high
4-nonylphenol was 2.7 mg/kg of soil. Alkylphenols and concentrations of bisphenol A and F (2.0-33.3 mg/kg)
alkylphenol ethoxylates are able to accumulate in tissue were noted as the result of contact of this product with
of living organisms. The analysis of fish tissue collected package materials [72]. Considerable concentrations of
from the Kalamazoo river (Michigan, USA) revealed bisphenol A were also noted in fluids that were in contact
the presence of alkylphenol with the highest concentra- with polycarbonate bottles intended for infants. Multiple
tion of 3.4µg/L of body weight [60]. Similar investiga- usage of bottles (often contact with warm fluids, washing,
tions performed in rivers of Germany and the Baltic Sea scrubbing) caused polymer degradation and more inten-
showed accumulation in tissues of molluscs – Dreissena sive releasing of bisphenol A to water, and the determined
plymorpha and Mytilus edulius considerable concentra- concentration was about 6.7µg/dm3 [73]. Human infants
tions of nonylphenol up to 112µg/kg of body weight and ingest bisphenol A in a formula at an estimated rate of
lower concentrations of octylphenol – 5.5µg/kg [61]. The 1.6µg/kg/day, which is comparable with doses (about
presence of p-buthylphenol and p-octylphenol was also 2.0µg/kg/day) that cause toxic effects in animals [74]. In
noted in rubber products that are in contact with food. The some instances, contamination has even been reported to
range of high concentrations of octylphenol was of 2.6 arise from water filters [75]. Futhermore, patients on kid-
to 513µg/kg [62]. The study of 60 food products on the ney dialysis may receive elevated exposures to Bisphenol
market in Germany illustrated the widespread nature of A as a result of the use of polycarbonate components in
alkylphenol contamination. Nonylphenol was detected in the equipment. Bisphenol A was also isolated from phenol
every sample within the range of 0.1-19.4µg/kg of food. red, the preparation commonly used to investigate physi-
The highest (toxic) concentration was noted in samples ological processes among animals and human [76].
collected from apples [63]. Those compounds have also
been identified in dust samples of offices and houses.
Moreover, they have been found in bottles, toys, paints, Aminophenols
cosmetics, air fresheners, T-shirts, sport shoes, mobile
phones and computers [64]. The common occurrence of Para-aminophenol is used in oil, lubricants and as
these compounds in food and industrial products leads to photographic developer. As N-acetylated form it is used
exposure of the general population to these compounds. as the main component of paracetamol, a drug of anti-in-
Greenpeace analyzed the presence of 4-nonylphenol and flammatory and analgesic capacities [77]. 3-aminophenol
bisphenol A in blood samples from representative group is used as the marker in analysis of antibacterial drugs
of Dutch people including 48 males and 43 females. The – sulphonamides [78] and 2-aminophenol is used as the
concentration of the compounds were in the range of 1.1- precursor for indols synthesis. All isomers of aminophe-
3.0 ng and 1.4-1.8 ng per gram of serum for 4-nonylphe- nols and 2.4-diaminophenol are used in dyes used in co-
nol and bisphenol A respectively [65]. louring of hair [79]. The presence of p-aminophenol in
352 Michałowicz J., Duda W.

urine is the marker of paracetamol and aniline influence to 1.22µg/L [57]. The concentrations of chlorophenols in
of human organism. People of highest occupational expo- soils that are not exposed to anthropogenic pollution are
sure to aniline are workers employed in rubber production rather low. The investigations that concerned the presence
and processing [80]. of chlorophenols in forest soils of Tucholski Landscape
Park (northwest Poland) did not exceed several µg/kg of
soil. Generally, phenols occur in low concentrations in air
Buthylhydroxytoluene and Buthylhydroxyanisole in Poland; however, high concentrations of phenol are re-
lated to urban areas. Ambient air levels of phenol were in-
Buthylhydroxytoluene (BHT) and buthylhydroxyani- vestigated in strongly industrialized and urbanized upper
sole (BHA) are antioxidants that are capable of scaveng- Silesia region of Poland were from 3.8 to 26.6 µg/m3.
ing reactive oxygen species and preventing their forma-
tion [81]. The world production of BHT is about 62,000
tons per year [82]. Both compounds are commonly used Exposure of Population
in food-stuffs given to animals. BHT is commonly used in
gasoline, lubricants, oils, waxes, synthetics, rubber, plas- Occupational exposure to phenols is related to pro-
tics and elastomers as it prevents those materials from ox- duction of phenolic resins that belong to plastic materi-
idation during storage. BHT is also used in edibles – oils, als used in Poland to produce glue, vitreous fibre, dyes
vitamins, cosmetics and fragrances [83]. Sources of BHT and products of common applications. During processing
also include industrial sewages and wastes combustion. (induration) of resins at high temperatures, some phenols
The concentrations of BHT in the environment are usu- (like phenol and m-cresol) are emitted. Exposure of work-
ally low, the analysis of the content of BHT in samples ers to benzene is also related to the influence of phenol
collected from rivers of Germany revealed the concentra- on their organisms as it is formed as the main metabolite
tions of the compounds of 0.02-0.16µg/L. during benzene metabolism. It has been determined that
about 8,000 workers in Poland are chronically exposed
to benzene influence. In regard to the presence of ben-
The Presence of Phenols in Poland and zene in gasoline and vehicle exhausts and also in cigarette
Exposition of the Polish Population to Their fumes exposure of the general population to phenol is
Influence considerable [85]. Exposure to biocyde – o-phenylphenol
mainly concerns health service workers, and in particular
Phenols in the Environment assistant personnel. This compound is also used in disin-
fections of medical equipment and hospital waste. Other
The concentrations of phenols in surface water are examples are trichlorophenol and p-chloro-m-cresol used
different. Investigations in the water of the drainage of as the impregnants of leather and textiles to protect them
the Dzierżązna river (Central Poland) revealed concentra- from microbes [86]. Exposure of the general population in
tions of this compound between 0.01 and 2.0 µg/L [14]. Poland is also related to strongly industrialized areas, for
The investigations of strongly polluted water of the Ner example Silesia, which is characterized by high emissions
river (Central Poland) revealed the concentrations of phe- of toxic compounds, including phenols.
nol only for 1.7 µg/L; however, considerable concentra-
tions of chlorophenols (above 2 µg/L) were determined in
this ecosystem [9]. The concentrations of chlorophenols Noxious Activity of Phenols
in water are related to its pollution. In lakes and rivers
of the Tucholski Landscape Park the total concentrations Toxic influence of organic compounds depends on
of chlorophenols were low and did not exceed 1 µg/L. many factors. Penetration of phenol to organisms is re-
On the other hand, polluted water of the Vistula River lated with diffusion of the compound across a cell’s mem-
contained about 6 µg/L of 2,4-dichlorophenol [84]. The brane. The factor that strongly affects diffusion is hydro-
similar total concentration of chlorophenols (0.1-6.0 µg/ phobocity of the individual compound. The increase of
L) were determined in water of the Gulf of Gdańsk. Chlo- hydrophobocity affects the more effective penetration of
rocatechols in regard to anthropogenic origin more com- a cell’s membrane by phenol and thus enhances the toxic-
monly occur in polluted waters. The analysis of samples ity of xenobiotics. When comparing toxic effects of phe-
of water obtained from the polluted Ner River (Central nols one cannot omit such important parameters as pKa
Poland) revealed considerable amounts of chlorocate- (where Ka is the compound dissociation constant) and log
chols, including very toxic tetrachlorocatechol in concen- P (where P is the octanol-water partition coefficient of the
trations of 2 µg/L. The investigation performed after four undissociated acids). The increase of hydrophobocity and
years revealed that the quality of water of the discussed the value of logP, and the decrease of pKa value result in
river has improved as only trace concentrations of these more effective membrane penetration by xenobiotics and,
compounds were detected. Analysis of samples of water thus, enhance their toxicity [86]. The example is 2.4-chlo-
obtained from the Odra River (Poland) showed inconsid- rophenol which has (in comparision to other phenols) the
erable concentrations of nonylphenol estimated for 0.028 highest value of log P and the lowest pka value.
Phenols – Sources... 353

Fig. 1. Phenol. Fig. 2. Catechol. Fig. 3. 2-nitrophenol.

Fig. 4. 4-methylphenol. Fig. 5. 4-aminophenol. Fig. 6. Buthylohydroxytoluene.

Fig. 7. 4-nonylphenol. Fig. 8. Bisphenol A.

radicals and intermediate metabolites – semiquinones and

Table 1. The values of log P and pka. quinone methides that interact with biomolecules in the cell.
In these reactions reactive oxygen species like superoxide
The compound Log P pka radicals or hydrogen peroxide also are formed. The effect
Catechol 0.7 9.30 of these forms on specified cell structures depends on phe-
Phenol 1.47 9.98 nol reactivity. Phenols that exert higher reactivity quickly
2,4-dimethylphenol 1.99 10.26 undergo radical reactions and provoke lipid peroxidation
2,4-dichlorophenol 3.23 7.81 of a cell’s membrane. The forms of lower activity penetrate
internal spaces of the cell and damage membranes of en-
doplasmatic reticulum, mitochondria and nucleus and also
Hydrophobocity may be the ultimate factor when pKa their components like enzymes and nucleic acids [89]. In-
values of the compounds are similar. The example are teraction of phenols (nitrophenols, nitrocatechols and penta-
phenols that have similar pKa values and whose transport chlorophenol) or its radical metabolites with mitochondrion
rate depends on the length of side aliphatic chain. The or- also leads to coupling between oxidative phosphorylation
der of diffusion velocity of these phenols is given below: and electron transport in respiratory chain. Toxic influence
of phenols is also related to the kind of substrate that comes
methylphenol > ethylphenol > propylphenol > into reaction, also its localization in cell and phase of cell
> buthylphenol [87]. proliferation. An important factor is also tissue type (cell)
exposed to phenol activity. For example, diffusion of phenol
The essential factor that determines phenol toxicity is to hepatocytes leads to its conjugation with glucuronides,
the reactivity of the compound with a cell’s biomolecules sulphates, aminoacids and other substrates that protect cells
and is related with easiness of donation of free electrons by from electrophilic metabolite influences.
phenol from oxidized substrate. One-electron reactions in Most phenols including phenol, chlorophenols, ni-
cells are usually catalyzed by oxidative enzymes like per- trophenols and aminophenols are characterized by toxic
oxidases present in liver, lungs and other organs, prosta- activity. Toxic influence is also exerted by catechol [90],
glandins and myeloperoxidases contained in bone marrow chlorocatechols [91], methylphenols and other phenolic
[88]. The effect of their action is the formation of phenoxy compounds [92].
354 Michałowicz J., Duda W.

Acute Toxicity nitrophenol has been used as a slimming drug and as an

additive in food at the beginning of the last century. Nu-
Phenol irritates skin and causes its necrosis, it dam- merous cases of chronic heat, depression and deaths led
ages kidneys, liver, muscle and eyes. Damage to skin is to this compound being removed from the market [99].
caused by its coagulation related to reaction to phenol It is considered that a lethal dose of 2,4-dinitrophenol for
with aminoacids contained in keratin of epidermis and a man is of 14 to 35 mg/kg of bodyweight [100]. Lethal
collagen in inner skin [93]. In a dose of 1 g phenol may doses (LD50) of nitrophenol orally administrated to rats
be lethal for an adult man, but individual tolerance for and mice are 450-850 mg/kg and 380 mg/kg of body
this compound can be high. Some reports reveal that a weight, respectively, and for dinitrophenol (rats) only 30
man can survive even after administration of 30 g of this mg/kg of bodyweight [101]. 2,4-dinitrophenol undergoes
compound (60 ml of 50% solution). In regard to fast ab- fast absorption by skin and respiratory system, it is also
sorption by skin (from 60%-90%) even contact of hand quickly absorbed from the digestive tract. The compound
or forehand with phenol solution may cause death [94]. is accumulated in blood plasma, kidneys, lungs and liver
Acute poison with phenol is characterized by dryness in [102]. In work, acute poison as the result of one intake
throat and mouth, dark-coloured urine and strong irrita- of 2,4-dinitrophenol has been described. In the first hour
tion of mucous membranes. The investigations showed after poisoning a high increase of temperature and intense
that chronic administration of phenol by animals leads perspiration was observed. In the next hour, in spite of an-
to pathological changes in skin, esophagus, lungs, liver, tidotes being applied, contact with the patient was broken
kidneys and also urogenital tract. Described changes are and circulatory and cardiac failure caused death.
mainly induced by lipid peroxidation that is responsible The highest occupational exposure is noted form meth-
for damage and finally degradation of a cell’s membrane. ylphenols. It has been estimated that in world exposure to
Chronic exposure of workers to phenol vapours causes 4-methylphenol concerns some 600 to 1,200 thousands
anorexia, lost of body weight, weakness, headache, mus- of workers. This mainly refers to workers who produce
cles pain and icterus [95]. Phenol is mainly accumulated antioxidants, disinfectants, dyes, plastics, explosives,
in brain, kidneys, liver and muscles. Two days after phe- epoxy-resins, coal tar and steel [9]. Acute poison with
nol administration it is mainly excreted in unchanged methylphenols cause burning pain in mouth and throat,
form and also conjugated with sulphates and glucuro- abdominal pain, headache, weak irregular pulse, hypoten-
nides. Catechol is also considered a strong toxin. Doses sion, fall of body temperature, stentorous breathing, dark-
of 50 to 500 mg/kg of body weight usually cause death. colored urine, shock, paralysis of nervous system, coma
For mice after oral administration of catechol LD50 is 260 and death. The incident of poison related with intentional
mg/kg of body weight. administration of 140 ml of 50% of 4-methylphenol solu-
Acute poison with chlorophenols is characterized by tion by a man has led to an increase of plasma aminotrans-
burning pain in mouth and throat, white necrotic lesions ferases activity and then degradation of hepatocytes. In
in mouth, esophagus and stomach, vomiting, headache, ir- spite of intensive detoxification, the sufferer died after 14
regular pulse, decrease of temperature and muscle weak- days [103]. It is considered that a lethal dose of 4-meth-
ness, convulsions and death [96]. Chronic exposure to ylphenol for man is of 30-60 g [104]. Lethal doses for
chlorophenols cause hypotension, fall of body tempera- animals are different in regards to the type of chemical
ture, weakness and abdominal pain. Poisoning by chlo- structure of methylphenols. For example, LD50 for rats
rophenols results in damage to lungs, liver, kidneys, skin that were orally administrated of 2,4-dimethylphenol was
and digestive tract. Strong toxicity of chlorophenols is estimated for 207 mg/kg of body weight [105]. Para-cre-
expressed by very low, acceptable daily intake (ADI) for sol is absorbed by skin, mucous membrane of digestive
pentachlorophenol that was established for 16 µg for a tract and respiratory system. It is excreted in urine and
man of 70 kg of bodyweight. LD50 for male and female in a low concentration with bile and expired air [95]. 30
of rats after oral administration of PCP is 14 mg and 3.85 minutes after administration, 2,4-dimethylphenol is me-
mg/kg of bodyweight respectively [97]. For 2,4,5-trichlo- tabolized and excreted 94% conjugated with glucuronides
rophenol LD50 is much higher and is of 820 mg/kg of body and other conjugates.
weight, [19]. Air pollution with a mixture that contained Considerable toxicity exerts 4-aminophenol. This
2-chloro-6-fluorophenol is the result of an accident in a compound causes skin and eye irritation, eczemas, asth-
chemical factory (New York, USA) that caused symptoms ma and anoxia [95]. Aminophenol toxicity is related with
like dryness in mouth and throat, coughs, headaches and generation of semiquinones and superoxide radicals that
abdominal pain [98]. Chlorophenols undergo fast absorp- damage a cell’s biomolecules. P-aminophenol by forma-
tion by skin and mucous membrane of respiratory sys- tion quinonoimines damages cell membranes and in par-
tem. Pentachlorophenol and tetrachlorophenol dissolved ticular (in doses of 200 mg/kg of body weight) is char-
in fats are adsorbed by skin in 62% and 63% respectively. acterized by nephrotoxic influence [106]. Lethal doses
Chlorophenol accumulation proceeds in kidneys, spleen, of p-aminophenol for a man are estimated at 50 to 500
liver, heart, brain and fat tissue. mg/kg of body weight. LD50 for rat after oral administra-
Clinical symptoms related to poisons with nitrophe- tion is much higher and is of 1580 mg/kg of body weight.
nols are similar to that exerted by chlorophenols. 2,4-di- The investigations revealed that buthylhydroxytoluene
Phenols – Sources... 355

and buthylhydroxyanisole reveal histopathological ac- xenobiotics. Chromosome aberrations and other structural
tivity. Those compounds cause damage of adrenal gland changes within chromosomes were also induced by pen-
and increase brain and liver weight [81]. The results of tachlorophenol and proceeded even at low concentrations
clinical investigation also describe mass poison with chlo- of PCP [112]. Damage of DNA was provoked by the for-
rophenols. The example is pollution of water and fish in mation of the PCP product – tetrachlorohydroquinone and
reservoir in Jarrela locality in south Finland with a mix- also harmful intermediate form –tetrachlorosemiquinone
ture of 2,4,6-trichlorophenol, 2,3,4,6-tetrachlorophenol radical (TCSQ) that degraded DNA and handicaped the
and pentachlorophenol derived from a wood processing mechanisms responsible for its repair [113].
plant. As the result of poison of about 2000 people – the Mutagenic influence was also exerted by nitrophenols
consummates of water and fish increase morbidity on the and nitrated aminophenols. In the test with the use of Sal-
side of digestive tract. Also, the increase of infections of monella typhimurium mutagenic activity was observed
respiratory system, strong exhaustion, headaches and de- for 2,3-dinitrophenol, 2,5-dinitrophenol, 3,4-dinitrophe-
pression were observed [107]. nol, 2,4,6-trinitrophenol and 2-nitro-5-aminophenol. In
another experiment performed on Salmonella typhimuri-
um and Eschericha coli, mutagenic activity was noted
Mutagenicity for bisphenol F. This compound induced the increase of
frequency of sister chromatyde exchange and decreased
The investigations of hamster fibroblasts revealed mu- the number of micronucleus in human lymphocytes [114].
tagenic activity of phenol. This compound also inhibited 4-aminophenol is capable of interacting with genetic ma-
synthesis and replication of DNA in HeLa cells [108]. terial at the presence of Fe3+ and thus damages DNA con-
Moreover, phenol stopped reparation of DNA in diploid tained in mouse and human lymphocytes. The process
human fibroblasts. Hydroquinone (1.4-dihydroxyphenol) was related with action of free radicals that were formed
induced damages of chromosomes in human lymphocytes, in the reaction of iron ions and hydrogen peroxide [115].
increasing deletion ratio in 7. chromosome, which may Some BHA and BHT metabolites also reveal genotoxic
lead to leukemia development [109]. In another experi- capacity toward DNA. Tert-butylhydroquinone (TBHQ)
ment phenol, catechol and hydroquinone induced morpho- is formed in cells from buthylhydroxyanisole in oxidative
logical changes in cells of hamster embryos. In another demethylation reaction and reveals genotoxic, cytotoxic,
experiment catechol and hyroquinone inhibited rybonu- clastogenic and mutagenic capacities. 2,5-di-tert-buth-
cleotide reductase activity (the enzyme that participates in ylhydroquinone (DTBHQ) is formed from 2,5-di-tert-
DNA synthesis) and thus stopped activation and prolifera- buthylhydroxyanisole (DTBHA), the compound that con-
tion of T lymphocytes. Those compounds also inhibited taminates commercial preparations of BHA. In performed
the proliferation cycle of lymphocytes in G1 phase [110]. experiment both DTBHQ and DTBHA unplaited DNA
Catechol in the presence of NADPH and Cu2+ was able to helix by cleavage of single and double hydrogen bonds.
modify guanine and tymine residues and induce gene mu- TBHQ revealed stronger activity – 92.5% of DNA struc-
tations and chromosome aberrations. Catechol and hydro- ture was damaged. As free radical scavengers like gluta-
quinone damaged chromatides and induced incorrect DNA thione were activated in this process, it was considered
synthesis. The similar changes were provoked by pyrogal- that DNA cleavage was induced by free radicals gener-
lol, which induced the strongest (among hydoxybenzenes) ated by describing metabolites [116]. BHT metabolism is
chromosome aberrations. Pyrogallol and hydroquinone ex- related with hydroxylation of alkyl substitutents, and also
pressed their toxicity by forming a reactive oxygen species with oxidation of aromatic ring. In the experiment some
that included a hydroxy radical that caused deprotonation buthylhydroxyanisole metabolites like 2,6-ditertbuthyl-4-
of the substrates and thus degraded deoxyrybose [111]. It hydroxyl-4-methyl-2 cyclohexadienone (BHT-OOH) and
was also observed that semiquinone and quinone radicals 2,6-ditertbutyl-4-benzoquinone (BHT-quinone) caused
are involved in damage of DNA structure by discussed damage to DNA in the presence of Cu2+ by cleavage of

Fig. 9. Pentachlorophenol (PCP) oxidation yields tetrachlorosemiquinone (TCHQ) radical and tetrachlorohydroquinone (TCHQ) formation.
356 Michałowicz J., Duda W.

hydrogen bounds. These compounds also induced charac- and additionally generated reactive oxygen species [121].
teristics of apoptosis endonucleosomal DNA fragmenta- Occupational exposure of workers to phenoxyherbicides
tion. The mechanism of action of both metabolites was is related to an increase of death incidents. The observed
different: BHT-OOH indirectly damaged genetic material increase of mortality was linked to morbidity on cancer of
and BHT-quinone interacted by the formation of hydro- respiratory system, lymphoma and myocardial ischaema
gen peroxide [117]. [122]. The positive correlation was also noted between
non-Hodgekins lymphoma appearance among children
and documented frequency of using pesticides and their
Carcinogenicity effect on the organism of birth child [123]. The investiga-
tions of 10,000 workers employed in vinyl chloride pro-
Clinical data have shown that people exposed to chlo- duction factories revealed that they suffered from liver and
rophenols influence fall ill with of tumours, sarcoma and lung cancer [124]. Chlorophenols are the main by-prod-
lung cancer. According to literature data the mixture of ucts that are formed during vinyl chloride production. The
chlorophenols or sodium salts of these compounds is exposure of people to chlorophenol influence appears also
probably carcinogenic for animals [35]. An admissible in factories that produce chloroorganic pesticides, mainly
daily dose of individual chlorophenol that may be taken phenolic biocides. The main compound that is formed in
by a man that does not induce carcinogenic changes is this process is pentachlorophenol that was classified by
5µg/kg of body weight for 2-chlorophenol, and 3µg/kg of the U.S. EPA as a probable carcinogen. The workers that
body weight for 2,4-dichlorophenol, 2,4,6-trichlorophe- are employed in pesticides production suffer from non-
nol and pentachlorophenol [118]. Catechol also reveals Hodgekins lymphoma and sarcoma [125]. Carcinogenic
carcinogenic activity. The U.S. Environmental Protec- properties are also characteristic for 4-methylcatechol
tion Agency classified this compound as a carcinogen and 4-methoxyphenol that are responsible for skin can-
and the World Health Organization classified catechol cer and epithelium cancer development. In an experiment
in 2B group as a compound of possible carcinogenicity catechol, 4-methoxyphenol and buthylhydroxyanisole
[35]. Para-cresol was classified as probable carcinogenic individually and particularly in mixture induced papillo-
for human [119] and 2,4-dimethylphenol was considered mas in stomach of rats [126]. Carcinogenic activities of
as the compound responsible for carcinogenic influence catechol were also confirmed in investigations of mice,
[120]. Chronic exposure of skin rats to 2,4-dimethylphe- the compound given in a dose of 85 µg/kg of body weight
nol caused the formation of skin tumours (31% towards in a few weeks caused skin cancer development. In other
control). In the experiment an additional application of investigations 4-nonylphenol in concentrations of 25 and
3% dimethyl-benzanthracene caused the formation of 250 ppm given in food to rats by 28 weeks provoked pro-
skin tumours (50% towards control) and 18% of skin liferation of cancer cells in lungs. In the experiment 8-hy-
cancer. These changes were induced by o-quinones, in droxy-2’-deoksyguanosine as a marker of DNA damage
particular quinones methide that revealed high toxicity was determined [127].

Fig. 10. Pentachlorophenol transformation by hepatocytes of rat and mouse.

Phenols – Sources... 357

Fig. 11. Transformation of tyrosine to phenol and 4-methylphenol.

The cancer development in people exposed to phenols and humans. The examples are alkylphenols, bisphenol
is related with microsomal activation of cytochrome P450. A, 2,4-dichlorophenol and pentachlorophenol [131, 132].
The oxidation reactions lead to conversion of some xeno- Those compounds express their activity by binding with
biotics to electrophilic forms that actively interact with a ER receptors. There are some places within a receptor that
cell’s structures. For example, pentachlorophenol activa- may bind not only 17-β-hydroxyl groups of hormones but
tion leads to the formation of tetrachloro-1.4-benzoqui- also hydroxyl residues of phenols as well. Moreover, it is
none and tetrachloro-1,2-benzoquinone by intermediate considered that core of alkylphenols imitates a ring A in
steps with formation of respective semiquinone radicals. E2 estrogens and thus reveal estrogenic activity [133]. In
Formation of the above-mentioned compounds is also re- another experiment bisphenol A caused protein expres-
lated to liver cancer development in mice. The essential is sions in TM4 cells in mice, which play a key role in sper-
that cancer development is also correlated with the level matogenesis. It was noted that viability of cells decreased
(strength) of microsomal activation of cytochrome P450 10 to 70% after exposure to doses of 50-250 µM/kg of
of hepatocytes. Much lower activation of this cytochrome body weight over 16 hours. Obtained results showed that
by PCP in rats does not lead to cancer development in bisphenol A may induce infertility in mice.
spite of the identical pentachlorophenol metabolism in Phenols also modulate the activity of ion channels in the
this species [128]. nervous system. It was noted that simple phenols and in par-
ticular trichlorophenols, trijodophenols and butylphenol may
block ion channels in a micromolar concentrations range.
Other Toxic Influence of Phenols The conclusion of investigation was that phenol and hydro-
phobic residues – alkyl chains or additional phenyl rings sub-
4-octylphenol and 4-nonylphenol induce immuno- stituted in third, fourth and fifth positions are responsible for
toxicity by inhibition of lymphocytes proliferation. The the above-described kind of toxic activity [134].
second compound revealed stronger toxic activity and Some phenols like phenol and p-cresole may be
induced this process even in a concentration of 1 µM/kg formed from non-toxic compounds like tyrosine in di-
of body weight [129]. Administration of 4-nonylphenol gestive tract of mammals, including humans. P-cresol is
to rats in doses of 125-375 mg/kg of body weight caused also a marker of organism exposure to toluene. This com-
changes in the activity of the immunological system. The pound in the presence of hydrogen peroxide caused DNA
mechanism of action was related to modulation of genes adducts formation in HL-60 cells. Researchers revealed
expression that are responsible for mRNA synthesis in ty- that DNA damages were induced by a metabolite of 4-
mocythes. Decrease of mRNA synthesis led to apoptosis methylphenol – quinone methide of p-cresol (PCQM) that
and finally inhibited thymocyte proliferation [130]. also may be used as biomarker of organism exposure to
Phenols also affect the function of the hormonal system. toluene influence [135]. Damages caused by aminophe-
Some phenols are capable of disturbing sexual hormones nols are related to fast oxidation of these compounds in
function, which finally may lead to sterility of animals physiological conditions to benzosemiquinoimines that
358 Michałowicz J., Duda W.

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