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Recent Advances in Chemistry of Enzymatic Browning: Coli

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Chapter 1

Recent Advances in Chemistry of Enzymatic

An Overview

John R. Whitaker and Chang Y. Lee

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Publication Date: May 5, 1995 | doi: 10.1021/bk-1995-0600.ch001

Department of Food Science and Technology, University of California,

Davis, CA 95616
Department of Food Science and Technology, Cornell University,
Geneva, NY 14456

Polyphenol oxidase (PPO) is important in the beneficial coloration of

some of our foods, such as prunes, dark raisins and teas. However,
in most cases, PPO is the most damaging of enzymes in color
deterioration (browning) of plant foods, with resulting losses of up
to 50% for tropical fruits and others. Preventing PPO activity in
postharvest fruits and vegetables has enormous economic and quality
benefits, but current prevention methods are not ideal. Through an
understanding of the structure and mechanism of action of PPO, and
the chemistry of enzymatic browning, better prevention methods can
be used, including decrease in PPO biosynthesis in vivo by the
antisense RNA method. PPO can be used commercially in the
biosynthesis of L-DOPA for pharmaceutical uses and for production
of other polymeric products. PPO is stable in water-immiscible
organic solvents, facilitating specific oxidation reactions with waterinsoluble organic compounds. Melanins for use as sun blockers can
be produced readily by PPO genetically engineered into Escherichia
Polyphenol oxidase (PPO) is a generic term for the group of enzymes that catalyze the
oxidation of phenolic compounds to produce brown color on cut surfaces of fruits and
vegetables. Based on the substrate specificity, Enzyme Nomenclature (i) has
designated monophenol monooxygenase, cresolase or tyrosinase as EC,
diphenol oxidase, catechol oxidase or diphenol oxygen oxidoreductase as EC,
and laccase or p-diphenol oxygen oxidoreductase as EC PPO is found in
animals, plants and microorganisms. The role of PPO in animals is largely one of
protection (pigmentation of skin, for example), while the role of PPO in higher plants
and microorganisms is not yet known with certainty. Intensive efforts to show that it is
involved in photosynthesis and/or energy induction have failed to date.
The action of PPO leads to major economic losses in some fresh fruits and
vegetables, such as Irish potatoes, lettuce and some other leafy vegetables, apples,
apricots, bananas, grapes, peaches and strawberries (2). In some tropical fresh fruits,
up to 50% can be lost due to the enzyme-caused browning. Browning also leads to offflavors and losses in nutritional quality. Therefore, the consumer will not select fruits
1995 American Chemical Society
In Enzymatic Browning and Its Prevention; Lee, C., et al.;
ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1995.


Chemistry of Enzymatic Browning

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Publication Date: May 5, 1995 | doi: 10.1021/bk-1995-0600.ch001

and vegetables that have undergone browning. Black spots in shrimp are caused by
PPO-catalyzed browning; the "browned" shrimp are not acceptable to the consumer
and/or they are down-graded in quality. PPO activity in plants is desirable in processing
of prunes, black raisins, black figs, zapote, tea, coffee and cocoa and it probably
protects plants against attack by insects and microorganisms (3).
PPO was first discovered by Schoenbein (4) in 1856 in mushrooms.
Subsequent investigations showed that the substrates for the enzyme are O2 and certain
phenols that are hydroxylated in the o-position adjacent to an existing -OH group
(Equation 1), further oxidized to o-benzoquinones (Equation 2) and then
nonenzymatically to melanins (brown pigments).






Millions of dollars are spent each year on attempts to control PPO oxidation; to date
none of the control methods are entirely successful. It is said that Napoleon offered a
sizable financial reward for the replacement of NaHS03, to which he was very
sensitive, in wines to prevent browning with an innocuous compound. To date, the
reward has not been claimed.
The objectives of this overview chapter are to provide a broad, general treatment
of the current knowledge of PPO, including structure and function, molecular biology,
biosynthesis and regulation, chemistry of formation of brown products and prevention
of browning, as well as suggestions of future research needs.
Structure, Function and Molecular Biology of PPO
Purification to homogeneity of the enzyme required before detailed structure and
function studies has been difficult, in large part because the required disintegration of
tissues leads to formation of 0-benzoquinones (first product formed); the obenzoquinones rapidly react non-enzymatically to form melanins, leading to
modifications of proteins, including PPO. Most of the earlier purification was done on
mushroom PPO, which occurs in multiple forms (isozymes and artifacts) with different
ratios of cresolase to catecholase activities. Mushroom PPO is a multi-subunit protein
which associates to give dimeric to octameric polymers. The purification of PPO from

In Enzymatic Browning and Its Prevention; Lee, C., et al.;

ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1995.

Downloaded by on March 21, 2014 |

Publication Date: May 5, 1995 | doi: 10.1021/bk-1995-0600.ch001


higher plants continues to be a problem (5), compounded by the presence of some

bound and/or inactive forms of PPOs, whose nature is poorly understood.
Rapid advances were made in understanding the structure and function of PPO
when Neurospora crassa PPO, a monomeric protein, was purified (6). During the past
decade, much progress has been made in understanding the nature of the active site and
interrelation of the mechanisms of hydroxylation (cresolase activity) and
dehydrogenation (catecholase activity), activation and inactivation of the enzyme by
reducing compounds, as well as its inhibition by pseudosubstrate-type compounds.
The primary structures of 12 PPO's from plants (tomato, potato, fava bean,
grape and apple (Boss, P.K., Gardner, R.C., Janssen, B.-J. and Ross, G.S.,
unpublished, 1994)), microorganisms (Neurospora crassa, Streptomyces glaucescens,
A. antibioticus and Rhizobium meliloti) and animals (human, mouse and frog) have
been determined, largely by cDNA sequencing techniques (7). It is expected that
several more primary sequences of PPO will be known shortly, because of the major
interest in this economically important enzyme. Within closely related organisms, such
as tomato and potato there is -91% exact homology between the PPO's, but between
tomato and fava bean PPOs there is only 40% exact homology, for example (7). While
the overall homology in primary amino acid sequences among the 12 PPO's is limited,
there are two regions around the active site that are highly conserved, especially with
respect to five of the six histidine residues that ligand the two C u at the active site.
This active site sequence has appreciable homology with the 02-binding site of
hemocyanins (8).
Nothing is known about the tertiary structures of the PPO's. However, the
close resemblance of the PPO active sites with respect to amino acid sequence, the five
histidine residues and their coordination to C u , among others, to that of domain 2 of
subunit of Panulirus interruptus (spring lobster) hemocyanin (8) may give clues as to
the tertiary structures of the PPO's. Except for mushroom PPO, which is thought to
contain four subunits (MW of 128 kDa), all other PPO's studied are probably single
polypeptide enzymes of 31 to 63 kDa (7).
Polyphenol oxidase is found in many plants (9), where PPO is localized in the
plastids (10). PPO is expressed as a proenzyme, with various sizes of N-terminal
signal peptides in different organisms which are removed to give the mature, active
enzymes of 40-60 kDa. Despite the continuing hypotheses that plant PPO is an essential
component of photosystem I or II, PPO biosynthesis in Irish potato has been largely
repressed by expressing mRNA for PPO in an antisense orientation without any
detectable disadvantages to the potato plant (11), but with potentially major economic
benefits to the potato industry.
2 +


Chemistry of Enzymatic Browning

Control of enzymatic browning in fruits and vegetables and in juices and wines requires
chemical knowledge of the types of phenolic substrates present in a particular plant, the
level of reducing compounds, such as ascorbic acid and sulfhydryl compounds, the
level of O2 accessibility, nature of co-oxidizable compounds present and the pathways
of polymerization and degradation of the 0-benzoquinones. It is also essential to
understand the level of PPO and substrates available at different stages of plant
development. Above all, it is important to distinguish between enzyme-caused
browning and non-enzyme-caused browning (the Maillard reaction) in foods.
Some PPO's hydroxylate monophenols to give 0-dihydroxyphenols, which are
then further oxidized enzymatically to o-benzoquinones (see Equations 1 and 2). The
yellowish o-benzoquinones are very reactive and unstable. Further nonenzymatic
reactions with O2 lead to additional reactions to give complex products such as indole-

In Enzymatic Browning and Its Prevention; Lee, C., et al.;

ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1995.

Downloaded by on March 21, 2014 |

Publication Date: May 5, 1995 | doi: 10.1021/bk-1995-0600.ch001


Chemistry of Enzymatic Browning

5,6-quinone from tyrosine for example with further polymerization to melanin and
reaction with nucleophiles, such as amino groups of proteins. The o-benzoquinones
can react covalently with other phenolic compounds by Michael addition, to give
intensely colored products that range from yellow, red, blue, green and black (72). oBenzoquinones also react with aromatic amines and thiol compounds, including those in
proteins, to give a great variety of products, including higher molecular weight protein
polymers (13).
The mechanism of action of N. crassa PPO has been extensively investigated
and there is a plausible and detailed theory explaining its catalytic activation. (Figure 1;
(14, 15)). The proposed mechanisms for hydroxylation (Equation 1) and
dehydrogenation (Equation 2) reactions with phenols probably occur by separate
pathways but are linked by a common deoxy PPO intermediate (deoxy in Figure 1).
The proposed mechanism of dehydrogenation, with intermediates, is shown in
Figure 1A. O2 is bound first to the two Cu(I) groups of deoxy PPO (deoxy) to give
oxy PPO in which the bond distance of O2 bound to the two Cu(II) groups is
characteristic of a peroxide (75). The two Cu(II) groups of oxy PPO then bind to the
oxygen atom of the two hydroxyl groups of catechol to form the 02*catecholPPO

Figure 1. Proposed kinetic scheme depicting the mechanisms of oxidation

of o-diphenol (catechol; top (A) and monophenol; bottom (B)) for
Neurospora crassa polyphenol oxidase. (Adapted from ref. (14) and (75)).

In Enzymatic Browning and Its Prevention; Lee, C., et al.;

ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1995.


Downloaded by on March 21, 2014 |

Publication Date: May 5, 1995 | doi: 10.1021/bk-1995-0600.ch001

The catechol is oxidized to 0-benzoquinone and the enzyme is reduced to met PPO.
Another molecule of catechol binds to met PPO, is oxidized to 0-benzoquinone and the
enzyme reduced to deoxy- PPO, completing the cycle.
The mechanism of 0-hydroxylation of a monophenol by PPO is shown in Figure
IB. In vitro, the reaction begins with met PPO (at about 11 o'clock on the A portion of
the diagram). Met PPO must be reduced by a reducing compound BH2 (Equation 1;
catechol is BH2) if a lag period is to be avoided, to give deoxy PPO. Deoxy PPO binds
O2 to give oxy PPO, the monophenol is bound to one of the Cu(II) groups via the
oxygen atom of the hydroxyl group to give the 02*monophenolPPO complex.
Subsequently, the 0-position of the monophenol is hydroxylated by an oxygen atom of
the O2 of the C^monophenolPPO complex to give catechol, which then dissociates to
give deoxy PPO, to complete the cycle. Only the first cycle of hydroxylation of a
monophenol requires starting at the Met PPO; all subsequent cycles begin with deoxy
Inhibition of Enzymatic Browning
In theory, PPO-catalyzed browning of fruits and vegetables can be prevented by heat
inactivation of the enzyme, exclusion or removal of one or both of the substrates (O2
and phenols), lowering the pH to 2 or more units below the pH optimum, by reactioninactivation of the enzyme or by adding compounds that inhibit PPO or prevent melanin
formation. Hundreds of compounds have been tested as inhibitors of enzymatic
browning (16, 17).
Exclusion and/or separation of O2 and phenols from PPO prevents browning of
intact tissues; commercial utilization of these methods are being examined by numerous
researchers (18). Fruits and vegetables have "skins" (waxes, and other surface layers)
that exclude 62 as long as there is no damage to the skins. PPO is physically
compartmentalized from phenols in the intact cell. Commerically, O2 can be excluded
from or reduced in concentration in fruits and vegetables by controlled atmospheric
storage, packaging techniques, etc. Phenols can be removed from fruit and vegetable
juices by cyclodextrins or by treatment of cut surfaces with 02-impermeable coatings.
PPO activity can be decreased by modifying the pH; the pH optima of most PPO's are
near 6, although there are some exceptions.
Reducing compounds, such as ascorbate, sodium bisulfite and thiol compounds,
decrease browning by reducing the 0-benzoquinones back to 0-dihydroxyphenols or by
irreversible inactivation of PPO (79). Maltol does not inhibit PPO, but it prevents
browning by its ability to conjugate with 0-benzoquinones, while kojic acid is effective
in preventing browning by both reacting with PPO and with 0-benzoquinones (20).
Competitive inhibitors, such as benzoic acid and 4-hexyl-resorcinol, are useful in
controlling browning in some food products. 4-Hexylresorcinol is a very good
inhibitor of enzymatic browning of shrimp, apples and Irish potatoes.
Enzymatic browning due to PPO in our plant foods is controlled in the food processing
industry by use of ascorbate, sodium bisulfate and lowering the pH (addition of citric
acid for example). However, chemical control is not fail-safe, not acceptable to some
consumers and cannot be used to prevent browning in intact fruits and vegetables.
Through better understanding of the mechanism of action of PPO and its essential or
nonessential metabolic role(s) in plants, it is expected that genetic engineering
techniques will be important in preventing unwanted enzymatic browning. Breeders

In Enzymatic Browning and Its Prevention; Lee, C., et al.;

ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1995.


Chemistry of Enzymatic Browning

have been working to decrease the level of PPO in apples, bananas, mushrooms,
peaches and other plants over many years. The genetic engineering approach provides a
more precise method of decreasing PPO expression, while retaining the desirable
genetic traits of plants. Its utility has already been demonstrated for preventing
browning in potatoes (77).
Literature Cited

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Publication Date: May 5, 1995 | doi: 10.1021/bk-1995-0600.ch001


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RECEIVED May 10, 1995

In Enzymatic Browning and Its Prevention; Lee, C., et al.;

ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1995.

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