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Project Share

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region 02
Division of Tuguegarao City
Tuguegarao North District

Name of Project Project SHARE (Shaping and Harnessing Abilities

through a Responsive Education)
Proponent JULIET B. ALAN
Rationale No schools, teachers and learners must be left behind in this
time of pandemic. The Covid-19 is indeed opened vast
opportunities to develop and improve educational
perspective in an unfamiliar manner. Despite the challenges
encountered by everyone, education still continues.
Teachers, learners and parents are now on their toes to
embrace, engage and stay connected with one another
through the leadership and active support of the school heads
and higher school authorities.
Key Changes in the Through the Project SHARE, the school improves not only
School as a result of this on the physical environment but also on the professional
project. growth of teachers and learners. It allows teachers to
showcase their talents, skills and capabilities through
modelling and providing them opportunities to participate
actively in varied trainings, webinars, activities/clubs that
develop potential skills, proper attitudes and behavior
towards assigned work/tasks and in return apply them in
shaping and harnessing the abilities of their leaners.

The learners also increase their capability in developing their

own knowledge, skills and attitudes appropriate to their age
in the new normal of education.

The parents are also given the chance to explore, collaborate

and learn new things while teaching their own children at
home through modular, online and blended learning.
Describe current The new normal education in the school is at stake without
situation (problem or the equal cooperation of the teachers, parents, and learners.
opportunity) particularly Full-cooperation of the teachers and learners without the
on ACCESS, parents may not guarantee quality education. Everyone must
PARTICIPATION have a role to play and must take it seriously. Since parents
RATE and act as teachers in teaching and inculcating good values of
RELEVANCE) their children at home it is their primary role to monitor, to
motivate, and to guide their children even in their simple
ways. Providing their children better opportunities to explore
things by themselves in their “class-home” is now
considered as a must-have.

Teachers on the other hand continue on communicating and

collaborating with the parents and learners and give
extraordinary services in teaching and try their best to reach
out their learners through online teaching to achieve quality
education even in this time of pandemic.

With the full support of the school head on the planned

programs, projects and activities in the school, everything
runs smoothly and efficiently.
Project Objective To help the administration in encouraging all teachers and
learners in doing extra miles in terms of sense of
responsibility and accountability.
To improve the academic performance in all subjects.
To provide opportunities for the teachers and learners to
engage into productive, meaningful and effective activities
that promote interest and involvement of everyone in co-
curricular and/or extra-curricular activities.
Start Date January 2021
The First Steps The proponent had the following activities in order to
implement the project:

1. Present the action plan to the school head and

request for approval.
2. Coordinate with the club advisers and learners on
their planned activities.
3. Conduct School-Based Club Contests/Festival of
4. Encourage teachers to continue creating AVP
lessons and updated instructional materials.
5. Submit accomplishment report.
Length of Project Once approved, it is a continuing activity or project of the
school. It is only enhanced for better outcome.
Outcome: Greater participation of learners and teachers in all club
Awareness on the importance of celebrating, “Festival of
Talents” in all levels.
Showcasing of talents and skills using technology-based
instructional materials.
Beneficiary: Learners, parents and teachers.
Success Indicator: The project is successful when the following will be met:
1. Increased pupils’ performance level in all subjects.
2. Won in different club competitions.
3. Increased teachers’ participation in trainings/
webinars and LAC Sessions.
4. Produced AVP lessons/assessments and other
technology-based instructional materials.
Department of Education
Region 02
Division of Tuguegarao City
Tuguegarao North District

ACTION PLAN ON PROJECT SHARE (Shaping and Harnessing Abilities through Responsive Education)
SY: 2020-2021

 Increase academic  Use online teaching School Head Year round Increased performance 100% targeted performance
performance level of techniques/strategies Teachers level of proficiency. level achieved
pupils in all subjects.  Provide enjoyable activities Pupils
suited for diverse learners
such as educational games,
worksheets and written
performance tasks.
 Conduct online assessment
using google forms.

 Provide pupils  Conduct School-based Festival EPS/PSDS Won in competitions in 75% improvement in all
opportunities to of Talents in different clubs. School Head different levels. contested subjects/clubs
participate actively Teachers
in co-curricular Pupils
activities/ clubs that
will develop
potential skills,
proper attitudes and
behavior towards
assigned work/tasks.
 Improve teachers’  Attend trainings, webinars EPS/PSDS Year round Improved teaching 75% increase of teachers’
competencies and LAC sessions School Head competencies competencies, skills and level
Teachers of proficiency.
100% teachers’ participation
in trainings/ webinars.
 Encourage ICT  Conduct peer mentoring on School head INSET Produced AVP 75% produced AVP
expert teachers to new technology applications Teachers Quarterly lessons/assessments and lessons/assessments and other
conduct more LAC ICT Coordinator/ other technology-based technology-based
sessions on the expert teachers instructional materials. instructional materials
production of AVP
and other

Prepared by: Approved:


Master Teacher 2 Principal III
Department of Education
Region 02
Division of Tuguegarao City
Tuguegarao North District


Draft an action plan for the project
Present the action plan to the school head and
request for approval.
Coordinate with the club advisers and learners
on their planned activities.
Conduct School-Based Club Contests/Festival
of Talents
Encourage teachers to continue creating AVP
lessons and updated instructional materials.
Submit accomplishment report.
Department of Education
Region 02
Division of Tuguegarao City
Tuguegarao North District

February 22, 2021

Principal III
Annafunan Integrated School


Christian Greetings!

The undersigned hereby submit the Action Plan for the Project SHARE (Shaping and Harnessing Abilities
through Responsive Education) for this School Year 2020-2021.

Thank you and God bless!

Very truly yours,

Master Teacher 2
Department of Education
Region 02
Division of Tuguegarao City
Tuguegarao North District


(Shaping and Harnessing Abilities towards Responsive Education)
SY: 2020-2021


Every institution aspires to develop teachers and learners to their full potential-creating
them a mindset of excellence and nurturing them to be responsible and caring citizens. At the
beginning of the school year, Annafunan Elementary School started planning for the physical,
intellectual, emotional and spiritual worthwhile activities to help both the teachers and learners
worked and enriched their needed skills. The planned programs, projects and activities were
accomplished through the PROJECT SHARE which contributed much on the development of
the abilities, skills and potentials of every individual in the school. Challenges and pressures
were faced, but all of these served as the driving tool to continue striving for excellence to all the
teachers and learners and through this project, there was an improvement in their skills and have
greater involvement in all DepEd programs and activities.


The school year 2019-2020 has ended and here are the important milestones achieved by
Annafunan Elementary School.

1. There was an increase of academic proficiency levels in all subject by at least 2% of the
baseline data.
2. The school was able to increase the involvement of teachers and pupils in different clubs
such as English, Filipino, Science, Math, AP, Journalism, Sports and Cultural which were
actively participated by all pupils from Kindergarten up to Grade Six Classes. Every
adviser conducted contest in his/her own class and whoever the winners represented the
grade level for the School-Based Festival of Talents Competitions and joined the Division
and Regional Competitions in different subjects.
3. Teachers attended trainings/ workshops and LAC sessions and three teachers were able to
graduate successfully in the GURO 21 SEAMEO Course.
4. A beautiful Science Organic Garden was put up in the school were children and teachers
were benefited in doing outdoor activities which serve as an application of the skills
learned in the classroom. The vegetables planted in the garden were utilized as a
supplement for the feeding program.
5. The participation and camaraderie of parents, PTA officers, Barangay Officials and other
stakeholders were greatly seen during the different activities and programs done in the
At least 80% of the targeted plans were achieved through the collaborative efforts of
teachers, parents, school head and other stakeholders.

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