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Biosfer: Jurnal Pendidikan Biologi

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Biosfer: Jurnal Pendidikan Biologi, 12 (2), 223-237 (2019)

Biosfer: Jurnal Pendidikan Biologi

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Experiential learning model with mind mapping on fungi: how to

improve science process skills?

Desi Indriani*, Ixora Sartika Mercuriani

Biology Education, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta,

* Corresponding author:


Article history This research aimed to find out the effectiveness of experiential
Received: 10 September 2019 learning (EL) model with mind mapping to improve the science
Revised: 17 October 2019 process skills (SPS) on fungi materials. It was quasi-experiment
Accepted: 11 November 2019 research by using a pre-test post-test control group design. The
population of the study was all of the tenth-grade students of
Keywords: Kalasan State 1 Senior High School amount of 127 students in the
Keywords: odd semester in 2018/2019 of the school year. The sample
Experiential techniques were cluster random sampling. The sample consisted
Fungi of 26 students (10 students male and 16 students female) as the
Learning model experiment class by implementing EL model with mind mapping
Mind mapping and 26 students (9 students male and 17 students female) as
Science process skills control class by using 5M (observing, asking, collecting,
associating, communicating) learning model. The used
instrument was ten essay questions. The data of the research were
analyzed by using t-test (independent sample t-test). Based on the
result of the normalized gain score, it showed that there was an
improvement of SPS about 0,85 in the experiment class which
was higher than that in the control class about 0,70. Besides, it
also showed a significant value (2-tailed) that was 0,000 (<0,05).
It means that there was a difference in science process skills
between the experiment class and control class, so the learning
process through EL learning model with mind mapping proved
useful to improve the students’ science process skills.
© 2019 Universitas Negeri Jakarta. This is an open-access article under the CC-BY license

Suggested Citation
Indriani, D., & Mercuriani, I. S. (2019). Experiential learning model with mind mapping on fungi:
how to improve science process skills?. Biosfer: Jurnal Pendidikan Biologi, 12(2), 223-237. Doi:

10.21009/biosferjpb.v12n2.223-237 Indriani & Mercuriani E-ISSN: 2614-3984 223


The learning is arranged for the occurrence of teaching and learning process between the teacher
and students in the school (Winataputra et al., 2007). According to Isnaini et al., (2016) to achieve
the appointed objectives of learning, the teacher must prepare the learning components such as
syllabus, lesson plan, students’ worksheet, and learning media that are suitable for the materials
taught. These learning components will be implemented during teaching and learning process to make
the learning be effective.
All this time, the problems found in the learning process can make the teacher realize to give
the innovation both in choosing and in using the learning model based on the needs in the school. It
will not create the learning that is focused on the teachers who deliver the materials monotonously,
but they have to present a pleasant learning atmosphere in the class. It is done to make the students
be more motivated, eager to learn and be active during learning process. It is expected to achieve the
learning outcomes of the students to be more optimal (Mulyasa, 2007).
Moreover, living things and their lives can be learned through biological science as one of the
lessons taught in the school. Biology is expected to enhance the students’ learning experience through
learning activities that are connected with the environment, technology, and society (Tanjung, 2016).
Recently, many students assume that biology is a difficult lesson. It is caused by many foreign terms
in this lesson, the difficulties to visualize the form from the biological objects, anatomy position from
the biological objects, and the difficulties to understand the physiological process of biological
Based on the observation done in the school, during the teaching and learning activities of
biology lessons the students tend to receive the materials by taking notes the teacher’s explanation
through pointer (powerpoint) and textbooks. Then, they are given some exercises to be done. The
domination of teacher’s roles makes the students be passive participants during teaching and learning
process. Another problem found is that students often do experiments, observations, and discussions.
It is strengthened by Lubis, Hasairin & Rengkap (2017), saying that 60% of the students (74 from
124) get score above (<75). The difficulties acquired by the students are caused by the limitation of
study book, learning media used by the teacher in teaching fungi materials is not suitable enough, and
the facilities of the laboratory are less complete to be used in teaching and learning process.
During the learning process, the students do not only take notes or listen the information given
by the teacher, but they have to involve the students’ participation actively in learning activities as
well. These activities involve physical and mental activities. It means that both activities must be
done by the students to create the learning to be more meaningful and can improve their learning
outcomes. In line with the statement of Timutiasari et al., (2016) the SPS can involve the physical,
mental, and social skills that are obtained from students’ experiences whereas based on Sardiman
(2005) learning is doing a learning process that makes the students be more active.
Science process skills are a skill focusing on the students to be able to understand a concept, to
find out independently, and to develop the facts, concepts, and values. In the activity, the teachers
become a facilitator during teaching and learning process, so the students can independently build
new facts, concepts and values in their daily life (Siahaan et al., 2017). The indicators of science
process skill aspects used in this research are synthesized and modified by Rustaman (2005), Isnawati
(2014), and Samatowa (2011) such as the aspect of observing that uses senses to collect the
information, aspect of analyzing that finds out and connects the patterns in the observation to be
concluded, the aspect of classifying that makes groups of objects in some categories based on their
parts, aspect of making hypothesis that makes more than one temporary hypotheses to be tried out
their truth, aspect of predicting that present what might happen in circumstances that have not been
observed, aspect of planning experiment that decides what must be done for example work steps, and
aspect of communicating that uses verbal, writing, or graphic to explain an event.
This study is done based on the results of descriptive research by using a survey method done
by Apriliyani, Subali, Mariyam (2016). The research showed that the science process skill of the

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students in State of Senior High School in Sleman Regency was low. The cause of the low level of
science process skill is the knowledge of the students’ science process skill that is limited to the
concepts. The minimum of learning to train the students in order to develop their SPS causes them
being difficult to do science activities, so it needs to find out the learning model that is appropriate to
be analyzed in the school to improve the students’ science process skill.
Based on the interview results with the biology teacher in SMA N 1 Kalasan, it shows that the
increasing of SPS especially for the fungi materials has been done completely, but the experiences
doing research methods are ever done through a practicum. In line with the research by Rofiqoh &
Martuti (2015) stated that the fungi materials do not only learn about macroscopic fungi but they also
learn microscopic fungi that need practice activity to concretize the microscopic fungi in order to
make the students understand. The practice that has been done also includes a series of science
activities such as observing, classifying, deciding the variable, formulating the hypothesis and
communicating. They are aimed to improve the students’ SPS. Based on the observation, it is found
that the students’ skills in doing the observation are complete yet especially in describing the objects
observed, is not able to formulate the hypothesis, and still asking the teacher’s help during the
experiment, and they are often initiative by themselves to present their learning results done.
According to Fatimah et al., (2016) the aim of SPS is to develop the scientific skills and enhance the
science activities. The science process skills are very needed by the students in constructing science
by themselves and implementing their experiences to the science problems found in their lives
(Handayani et al., 2018). Thus, the teacher says that the students are difficult to understand the fungi
materials because there are many Latin terms used. During the teaching and learning process, the
students tend to be passive, especially in asking and expressing their opinions toward the materials
delivered by the teacher.
The fungi materials are part of the biology materials related to human life directly. The fungi
materials have some indicators of competency achievement about some topics such as the
characteristics of fungi, the way of living, the classification of fungi, kinds of fungi that have the way
of living by symbiotic way with another organism, and fungi’s roles in life. According to the teacher’s
statement, the students have some difficulties to understand the fungi materials because of Latin
terms, classifying the fungi correctly, and doing the simple practice only for finding out the object
observed without doing detailed practice related to morphology of the fungi arrangement in
microscopic and macroscopic. In other words, the fungi practice done is not complete. It is
strengthened by the research Musriadi & Rubiah (2016) that showed that 65 students are difficult to
understand the concepts and problems related to the fungi materials. They need innovation in learning
and the suitability and organization of materials as the solution to the problem of fungi materials.
The learning model that can improve the students’ science process skills is the learning model
based on the experience. The experiences are very important in teaching and learning process since
the students can reflect these experiences both individually and in group. Reflection is one of the
steps in experiential learning (EL). The reflection will become the basic in the process of
understanding the concepts from the experiences happened to the students and its estimation of
applying in other situations. Thus, these concepts are internalized through the processes of
strengthening, finding, and linking (Baharuddin & Wahyuni, 2007). One of the learning models based
on the experiences is EL learning model. Based on Kolb & Kolb (2008) EL learning model is the
forming process of knowledge from the real experience, so there is a combination between the real
experience and the believed experience. The procedures of EL learning model consist of four steps
that are Concrete Experience, Reflective Observation, Abstract Conceptualization, and Active
Experimentation (Azrai & Ernawati, 2017). One of the learning models that can improve the students’
science process skills in SMAN 1 Kalasan is EL learning model.
EL learning model can give the opportunity to the students to do the learning activities actively.
It will guide them to get more experiences through their active involvement rather than reading the
materials or concepts. This learning model does not only emphasize the students’ cognitive aspects,
but they also can involve what they learn directly as well. It will make the learning process to be more

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One of the lack of EL learning models is the need for adequate and appropriate learning media
or sources or learning techniques during teaching and learning process. The solution to strengthen the
concepts of learning materials in EL learning model is combining the effective technique of taking
notes in the syntax of reflection observation contained in the syntax of EL learning model. The fun
note-taking technique is mind mapping which aims to arrange the information in order to make the
students be easy to remember and understand the learning materials. By using mind mapping to
strengthen the students’ learning concepts, it is expected to be able to give an effect in increasing the
science process skills. In line with Feyzioglu (2009), he stated that there is a positive correlation
between the mastery of science process skills and the students’ science skills. The improve of the
students’ learning outcome is done by developing the concepts and the science process skills as well.
It shows that the better the student in making the mind map then the science process skills will
Some researches state that EL learning model and mind mapping as the note-taking technique
can improve the SPS. Kastawaningtyas dan Martini (2017) states that science process skill (SPS) of
the students can improve after implementing EL learning model toward the environmental pollution
materials. Three aspects (formulating the problem, interpreting the data and making conclusions)
produce the enhancement in high category whereas two aspects (formulating the hypothesis and
identifying the variable) can improve in medium category. The research done by Ardhi (2014) shows
that the learning quality can be improved by using mind mapping that can be used in the microbiology
subjects with the various learning methods, learning strategies, various learning media, and the ways
in evaluation. Nevertheless, there is no detail information relating to the effectiveness of EL learning
model to improve the science process skill in the fungi materials, and the EL learning model is not
combined with the mind mapping to strengthen the concepts learned. The ideal learning model to
deliver the fungi materials for the students is not done only through explanation, but it can be done
by the learning process that involves the students’ participation actively. So, it needs to implement
EL learning model with mind mapping.
Buzan (2013), mind mapping is an effective and efficient note-taking that involves two parts of
brain to sharpen the students’ creativity according to what is in their minds. Besides, there are the
symbols, pictures, curved lines, colors, and keywords contained in the mind mapping in order to make
the students easy to get information found or learned. It means that the acquired information is easier
to be understood because the students are more interested in learning rather than learning by using
traditional note-taking done in the school. Besides, the implementation of EL learning model with
mind mapping makes students more active in learning, foster attitude to dare to convey opinions, have
critical thinking, interact with friends, and ask the things that are not well understood. Learning
patterns are becoming more innovative because students can analyze directly and think critically
about abstract events and only can be seen using media. The material in mind mapping will stimulate
learners to think critically, giving rise to the students' science process skills in identifying problems,
formulating hypotheses, concluding, conducting experiments, and communicate effectively. The
learning technique facilitates the students to develop the science process skills, so the students’
science process skills can be improved. In line with Muhlisin et al., (2016), he stated that the mind
mapping can improve the students’ critical thinking because it can decrease the learning anxiety,
develop the students’ way of thinking in the learning process, and participate actively to relate
something to its reason, assumption, and conclusion. By combining EL learning model and mind
mapping, it is expected to be one of the solutions to make the students easy to understand the fungi
materials such as the characteristics of fungi (size, shape color, and body structure of fungi), the way
of life and the habitat of fungi, the reproduction of fungi, the classification of fungi (Zygomycota,
Ascomycota, Basidiomycota and Deuteromycota), the types of fungi that have the way of life by
symbiotic way with another organism (Lichen and Mycorrhiza) and the roles of fungi in life. Besides,
EL learning model focuses on the students’ experiences either in daily life such as experience in
consuming fungi or in learning process in the school. These matters can develop the students’ science

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process skills to be more active, creative, skilled in thinking and skilled in acquiring knowledge.
Based on the explanation above, the objective of the research is to find out the effectiveness of
experiential learning model (EL) with mind mapping to improve the Science Process Skills (SPS) on
fungi materials for the tenth-grade students of SMA N 1 Kalasan.


Research Design
This research was quasi-experiment research that uses pre-test post-test control group design
(Subali, 2010). The arrangement of research patterns in quasi-experiment by Sugiyono (2012) can be
seen in Table 1.

Table 1
Research Design
Classes Pretest Treatment Posttest
Experiment O1 X1 O2
Control O3 X2 O4
X1 = EL model with mind mapping O2 = Post-test of the experimental group
X2 = 5M model O3 = Pre-test of the control group
O1 = Pre-test of the experimental group O4 = Post-test of the control group

Population and Sample

The population of the research was all of the students at the tenth grade of SMA N 1 Kalasan
at odd semester in the academic year 2018/2019 that consists of 5 classes with amount of 127 students.
The sample was taken by two classes based on cluster random sampling techique by assuming all
homogeneous classes. The random sampling cluster technique was based on the cluster group
(classes) existed previously. The sample consisted of 26 students (10 students male and 16 students
female) as the experiment class by implementing EL model with mind mapping and 26 students (9
students male and 17 students female) as control class by using 5M (observing, asking, collecting,
associating, communicating) learning model.

The instrument in this research was the test of science process skills in form of essay test
consisted of 10 questions. The instrument was a test done twice that was a pre-test to find out the
students’ science process skills before getting the treatment and post-test to find out the students’
science process skills after getting the treatment. The try-out of the instrument was accomplished by
validity test and reliability test. The essay test had been validated by the expert and tested to determine
reliability and validity. The results of the analysis showed that the items tests fit with a Rasch model
or model 1 - PL ranged from ≥ 0,77 - ≤ 1,30, it can be concluded that the test was valid and the value
of summary of case estimate is 0, 71, which indicates that the items tests have a high reliability
(Subali, 2016). The indicator of science process skills is presented in the following Table 2.

The procedures done in the research consist of three steps (Figure 1). First step was doing pre-
test in the experiment class and control class to find out the students’ initial ability before getting
treatment. The second step was giving the treatment of EL learning model with mind mapping in the
experiment class whereas the control class did not get any treatment. The implementation of
experiment class includes introducing activity (explaining the learning objectives and motivating the
students), main activity or concrete experience (CE) which the students explained their experiences
based on the topic given, reflective observation (RO) by using mind mapping which the students
observed and reflected the experiences obtained from various aspects and created the information
obtained from mind mapping, abstract conceptualization (AC) which conceptualized a theory to get

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conclusion and applied the abstract theory from the experiences acquired, and active experimentation
(AE) which the students did the research to prove the hypothesis made previously, so the learning
process would be more useful), and closing activity (conclusion). Therefore, the learning activities in
the control class contained the introducing activity (delivering the learning objectives and motivating
the students), main activities (observing, asking, collecting, associating, communicating), closing
activities (conclusion). Thus, the third step was doing post-test to find out the science process skills
of fungi materials after getting the treatment of EL learning model with mind mapping in the
experiment class and the control class by 5M learning model.

Table 2
Indicators of Science Process Skills
Aspects of Science Process Skills Indicator Questions
Observing Measures the observing aspect in the science process skills about using
the senses in the safe and appropriate

Analysing Make inferences observation

Connecting the result of the observation
Planning experiment Determining the tools/ materials/ resources to be used
Determining what will be implemented in the form of a working step

Classifying Finding the basis grouping

Making hypothesis Knowing that there is more than one possible explanation from one
Predicting Thinking about something that has not happened based on something
of an existing trend or pattern

Communicating Able to convey a test result or report in a clear and systematic manner

Able to read graphs, tables, and diagrams

Data Analysis
The data were analyzed by using a pre-requirement analysis test and hypothesis test. The pre-
requirement analysis tests consisted of normality and homogeneity test. The hypothesis test used t-
test (independent sample t-test). The data further were analyzed by using software SPSS version 20.

Figure 1. Research Procedure

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The learning process of fungi materials was done in three meetings and every meeting was done
during 3 x 45 minutes. It was done orderly starting from introducing activities to closing activity. The
learning activities done are based on the steps in EL learning model with mind mapping that consist
of 4 steps such as CE, RO, Abstract AC and AE (Abdulwahed & Zoltan, 2009). The experiment and
control classes were differentiated based on their learning steps. In the experiment class, the students
did practicum and made the product of fungi fermentation result based on the indicators in the
achievement of competence. The practicum of fungi was done in every meeting with the subjects
such as fungal characteristics, fungal classification, and types of fungi that have a way of life that is
symbiotic with other organisms. Based on the obtained data in this research, the SPS test consisted
of 10 essays containing some aspects of science process skills (SPS) such as observing, analyzing,
classifying, making hypothesis, predicting, planning the tryout, and communicating.
The presentation of descriptive analysis was done to present the obtained data based on the
measurement result of the students’ SPS that was done by using SPSS version 20. The analysis results
toward the pretest of SPS getting an average of 39,87 in the experiment class and an average of 40,26
in the control class (Table 3). It shows that between the control class and the experiment class has the
initial ability which is almost same as a difference of 0,39. Thus, the results toward the post-test of
SPS getting an average of 88,21 in the experiment class and an average of 69,49 in the control class.
It shows that between the control class and the experiment class has the science process skills which
is different from a difference of 18,72. It can be concluded that the experiment class gets higher
average after getting the treatment that can be seen further in Figure 2.

Table 3
The Value of Science Process Skills (Pretest & Posttest) in Control Class and Experiment Class
Test Classes
Mean Maximum Score Minimum Score Standard Deviation
Control 40,26 56,67 26,67 8,00
Experiment 39,87 53,33 23,33 8,40
Control 69,49 86,67 60,00 7,28
Experiment 88,21 96,67 76,67 5,43


Experiment Class Control Class
Pretest 39,87 40,26
Posttest 88,21 69,49

Figure 2. The Value of Experiment Class and Control Class

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Before doing the hypothesis test, it was done normality and homogeneity test toward the results
of pre-test and post-test of the students’ SPS. The data analysis to find out the normality of the
students’ SPS data in the experiment and control classes was done by using software SPSS version
20. The normality test was done to find out whether the obtained data were distributed normally or
not. It used the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test with a significant value of 0,05. Based on the analysis result
of normality test, the pre-test and post-test values in the experiment and control classes toward the
SPS show that they are distributed normally with a significant value more than 0,05 (p > 0,05), so Ho
is rejected (Table 4).

Table 4
The Results of Normality Test
Classes Test Significance Significance Level Description
Pretest 0,200 P > 0,05 Normally
Control Posttest 0,153 P > 0,05 Normally
Pretest 0,086 P > 0,05 Normally
Experiment Posttest 0,139 P > 0,05 Normally

Moreover, the homogeneity test done to find out whether the pre-test and post-test values in the
experiment class and control class has same variant (homogeny). The homogeneity test of the
students’ SPS data used Levene test. Based on the analysis result of homogeneity test, the pre-test
and post-test values in the experiment and control classes toward the SPS show that they have
homogeny variant with the significant value more than 0,05 (p > 0,05), so Ho is rejected (Table 5).

Table 5
The Results of Homogenity Test
Test Significance Description
Pretest 0,914 Homogeneity
Posttest 0,130 Homogeneity

After the experiment class was given the treatment by giving EL learning model with mind
mapping and the control class by giving 5M learning, the SPS result of the experiment class was
higher than the SPS result of the control class. It is proved by t-test that has a significant value of
0,000 for the EL learning model with mind mapping toward the students’ SPS (Table 6). The
probability value is smaller than 0,05, and both values are really different. From t-test result, it shows
that the EL learning model with mind mapping is effective to enhance the students’ SPS toward fungi
materials in the tenth grade.

Table 6
Value of Independent Samples T-Test
Test Significance (2-tailed) Description
Pretest 0,866 Insignificant
Posttest 0,000 Significant

Based on the analysis result of the N-gain score test, it can be known that the learning process
by using EL learning model with mind mapping can improve the students’ SPS with high category
(Table 7).
In this research, the students are able to pass the learning steps in EL learning model with mind
mapping. They are able to observe, feel, think based on their experiences, do the tasks given in
students’ worksheets, discuss in group well and do the practicum of fungi materials. Besides, they are
able to analyze every learning material gotten through acquired experiences. It is showed with the
students’ ability to tell their experiences in making fermented soybean (tempeh), consuming

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mushroom (Auricularia polytricha, Volvariella volvacea (straw mushroom), Pleurotus sp. (oyster
mushroom)), and seeing liken in the stem of tree. It means that the students already do the concrete
experience. In line with Suciati et al., (2017) that the experience of learning will make the students to
be more active in learning process either doing the experiment or doing the tasks from the teacher.
The concrete experience can develop the brain function in the cortex sensory part, so the students are
always active to ask in the teaching and learning process.

Table 7
The Results of Main N-Gain Sores
Average Value
Classes Enhancement N-Gain Scores Category
Pretest Posttest
Control 40,26 69,49 29,23 0,70 Medium
Experiment 39,87 88,21 48,34 0,85 High

In the theoretical perspective, Robert (2006) stated that EL learning model is in line with the
constructivism learning theory that leads the students to get the knowledge from learning experiences.
Association for Experiential Education (AEE) defines the learning through experience process where
the students build their knowledge, skill, and value from direct experience (Purnami & Rohayati,
2007). This learning focuses on the learning process by using the students’ experiences in their daily
life, so learning is more conducive and fun.
In the reflective observation step, the students are asked to give some questions then these
questions are focused based on the try out activities that will be done. The try out activities will make
the students easy to understand more the materials because the back integrative cortex of brain
function works actively (Suciati et al., 2017). After they tell their experiences, it will be found some
problems from these experiences to determine the problem arrangement. The students’ skill in
arranging the problems is guided by the teacher and trained through students’ worksheets given. In
the closing activities, the teacher gives the confirmation about how to arrange the problems correctly.
The reflective observation of EL learning model with mind mapping can enhance the students’
science process skills. It is caused by mind mapping that can give wider thought about the problems,
planning experiment, make the collecting data of observation easy, make the students easy to find out
the solution of the problem and train the students creativity to express their ideas about the materials,
so these advantages can make them remember the materials easily. Based on Muhlisin et al., (2018)
mind mapping activity makes the students possible to think analytically, to arrange the information,
to build the concepts found to be placed in the mind mapping. Making mind mapping can help the
students to plan, observe, and to evaluate the results of mind mapping, so it can improve their
cognitive skills and improve the science activities in order to achieve the objectives of learning. It is
relevant to the research of Keliat & Susanti (2017) in which mind mapping can make the students
more focus on the idea developed with their thought. Besides, they can connect their ideas and map
their knowledge in order to get the information given easily. In line with Warseno & Kumorojati
(2011), they stated that the human brain will be easier to understand the information in form of
pictures, so mind mapping can be one of the alternatives to make the students remember the concepts
learned easily for a long time.
Moreover, in this step, the students are guided to make mind maps based on the important
concepts found in the passage. In making a mind map, they will work together with their own group
well. Nevertheless, there are some students who can cooperate well because they still count on their
member of groups that has the ability to draw well. In this case, the teacher has to try to guide them,
so they can be responsible for making mind map and finishing it on time. According to Riswanto &
Pebri (2012) stated that mind mapping can be functioned well because the students train to connect
their ideas and motivated to classify certain ideas by visual framework. Besides, mind map made by
the students from a group discussion will help them in collecting many ideas and creates fun learning.
In line with the research by Ardhi (2014), it shows that there is an increase of science process skills
of the biology education students in Madiun by using mind mapping that is implemented in

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Microbiology lessons through lesson study.
In the second and third meetings, each group of the students can cooperate each other in making
mind map. In the last activity of learning, each group will present their discussion results. The member
from other groups can give questions or comments toward the presentation of the presenting group.
Moreover, reflective observation step can help them to answer the questions relating to the aspects of
observing, analyzing, classifying, and making hypothesis.
In this research, the aspects of science process skills that can be developed into mind mapping
are aspects of analyzing, classifying, making a hypothesis, predicting, communicating, and planning
experiments. In the aspect of observing, because of the pictures in mind mapping, they can help the
students to observe the real objects in detail such as observing the structure of microscopies and
macroscopies fungi. In line with the research by Muhlisin (2019), the results of observation show that
the students feel happy, do not bored, and are excited during the learning process because there are
various colors, symbols, pictures, and simple words in the mind map. These things make the students
easily understand, memorize, and remember the learned materials. In the aspect of analyzing, the
noting technique of mind mapping trains the students to summarize the concepts of materials written
in the materials, so they can conclude the results correctly. Besides, the classifying aspect can be
developed through mind mapping because there is curved line inside mind mapping that gives the
groove or direction for classifying the fungi correctly. There is a social interaction happened in the
group discussion that triggers the students to exchange their ideas or information in order to solve the
problem and be able to improve the process of thinking. These matters can help the students to
develop the aspects of predicting, communicating, and making hypothesis. The concepts built by
using mind mapping techniques can train the students to plan an experiment.
The science process skill of the research is measured by test instrument that contains 10 essays
including some aspects such as observing, analyzing, classifying, making hypothesis, predicting,
planning the experiment, and communicating). Each aspect of science process skill implemented in
the experiment class or control class improves. Nevertheless, experiment class gets higher average
after getting the treatment that can be seen further in Figure 3. It means that the EL learning model
with mind mapping can improve the science process skill. From seven aspects of science process skill
measured, the aspect of planning in the experiment class has a score of 97,44 that is higher than the
score of other aspects. In this activity, almost all students have no trouble. It is caused by the students
who are able to plan and to do the experiment. Besides, it can make them enthusiastic and can test
the theory explained directly, so it can make the students easy to answer the questions related to the
planning experiment aspect. Aydogdu (2014), found that science teachers usually do the science
process skill in the classroom and get the high score of the skill. The classifying aspect in the control
class has a higher score about 87,18 than the score of other aspects. The lowest aspect of the KPS is
communicating in the experimental class of 82,05 and the control class is 51,28. The students get the
difficulty in the aspect of analyzing because they are lack of explanation and the way to conclude the
existed data. Besides, the students in the control class get some trouble in communicating aspect since
they are less active in the discussion activity and are not enthusiastic to present the results of
observation. In line with the research done by Chabalengula (2012) stated that the result of science
process skill of the students in the aspect of analyzing is very low because the students do not easily
understand in analyzing the data of graphics correctly.
Thus, in the abstract conceptualization step, the students learn to arrange the hypothesis
(determine the temporary answer from the questions asked). In this step, they are asked to use their
thought to find out the answer to the problems arranged previously. Based on Suciati et al., (2017) by
training to make hypothesis, the students will be easy to look for the solution of a problem because
the frontal part of their brain can develop well. In making hypothesis, the students are trained through
experiment activity. In the first meeting, they are still difficult to arrange the hypothesis and ask the
teacher’s help. In the next meeting, they start to understand and know by the investigation done and
can give examples related to the materials learned. The hypothesis made, then, will be proved through
practicum that is accomplished in the active experimentation step.

10.21009/biosferjpb.v12n2.223-237 Indriani & Mercuriani E-ISSN: 2614-3984 232







Making Planning Communica
Observing Analysing Classifying Predicting
Hypothesis Experiment ting
Experiment 88,46 84,62 92,31 89,74 88,46 97,44 82,05
Control 79,49 66,67 87,18 79,49 85,31 60,26 51,28

Figure 3. The aspect of Science Process Skills

The last step is active experimentation. In this step, the students are trained to arrange the
experiment and make a conclusion. In planning the experiment, they have to decide their own steps
of activities based on the experiment completed previously and write on the students’ worksheet
given. Almost all students do not have any problems. They are not difficult to make the conclusion
based on the problem statements made previously and based on their learning experiences during
learning process. It is relevant to the statement of Baharuddin &Wahyuni (2007) that knowledge will
be more meaningful through experience. By science experience, the students will get the science
process skills.
EL learning model with mind mapping is different from the common learning model used by
the teachers because this learning model makes the learning activities fun, so the students are
enthusiastic to follow the class and can cooperate well in group discussion. This learning model
demands the students to participate actively during teaching and learning process. They are trained
by using real experiences at the beginning of the learning activities that will be further presented.
They also interact in the group discussion to find out other experiences, ideas or concepts from their
mates to achieve the learning outcome optimally. In line with Kastawaningtyas & Martini (2017),
they stated that EL learning model can improve the students’ science process skills (SPS). Meyer
(2010) also stated that EL learning model is the process to construct the knowledge that involves 4
aspects in the learning model toward the demand to understand the materials connected with the living
context. The science process skills are very important for the students since these skills can help them
to use scientific methods and develop their science (Bahtiar & Nurhayati, 2019). Besides, mind
mapping can also improve the science process skills that make it easier for learners to learn the
concepts of science. Muhlisin (2019), mind mapping can help the students to understand the science
concepts well as they are more focused on organizing meaningful information and can review the
obtained information. Besides, influenced by the interaction between the individual in the groups
which requires the students to understand and remember the materials learned helps them to express
the ideas in written form. So, there is a combination between the mind mapping and learning model
of EL can improve the students’ science process skills.

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Based on the results of the research done, it can be concluded that normalized gain score in the
experiment class improves higher than in the control class. In the research, there is a difference in
science process skills between the experiment class and control class. So, the learning model of EL
with mind mapping is effective to improve the students’ science process skills in the tenth grade of
State 1 Kalasan Senior High School toward the fungi materials. This research is expected to be the
reference for the next research and the research using learning model of EL with mind mapping to
improve the science process skills toward other materials needed to be done.


We want to say thanks to Basuki Jaka Purnama, M.Pd. as the headmaster of Senior High School
1 Kalasan which has facilitated this research. Thanks to Monik Anesia, S.Pd. as the biology teacher
in SMA 1 Kalasan that already gives time and class to get the data, so this research can be finish. The
writing of this article was supported by the Department of Biology Education, Graduate Program,
Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Indonesia.


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