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Sturgill March Newsletter

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March 2011 ~ Larry and Holly Sturgill Media

From Fear to Faith

Fear and anger charged the sultry jungle air. Sweat beaded on painted faces as
Khakimarr warriors surrounded a neighboring Gwahatike village. When the
Khakimarr heard that the Gwahatike had converted to Christianity, they were
outraged. The Gwahatikes had broken the long standing covenant with the
forces of darkness; retaliation from the spirits was inevitable. The Khakimarrs
hid in the bush, awaiting the signal to attack.

When the Christians saw their plight, they gathered to pray, asking God to inter-
vene. Finally, one Khakimarr warrior cried out in shame at what they were
about to do to their brothers and they gave up the attack.

That was in 1990 and the Khakimarrs remained anti-Christian until January of
1998, when David Glen took the Gwahatike Luke video to show in the villages.
Since the Khakimarr could understand the dialect, he decided to try to show the
video in their village. The Khakimarr had not allowed any Christian in their vil-
lage, but when they heard they had an opportunity to see a video, they allowed it
in. The whole village gathered under a starry sky to watch the video and hear the gospel of Luke in a dialect of their own

After their eyes were opened to truth by the video, the Khakimarrs went to the translator of the Gwahatike New Testa-
ment to request help in translating the Scriptures into their own dialect. They also asked the Gwahatike Christians, from
the village they had once tried to destroy, to come help them learn to read and write. The Khakimarr decided to follow
this amazing Jesus after seeing the Luke video in their own language.

Our Role in Bible Translation How, then, can they call

on the one they have not
Media is a powerful tool for communicating God’s Word to Bibleless peo- believed in? And how can
ple. We are excited God has given Larry the privilege to use his skills for
such a purpose. We are also excited to sit under the supervision of the man they believe in the one of
who’s department, Vernacular Media Services, in Papua New Guinea, pro- whom they have not heard?
duced the video mentioned above. It is not just some distant story. It is a real
event. Now you can pray for the spiritual growth of the Gwahatike and the
Khakimarr. Romans 10:14

In his assignment at JAARS, Larry will develop both audio and video re-
sources to be used by Bible translators all over the world. He will also train
others to do the same. People in the furthest reaches of our world will have
access to God’s Word because of the technical support provided at the
JAARS facility. Media can be used to speed up the Bible translation process.
It can also be used to reach people from oral cultures who may never learn to
read. Media creates a unique opportunity for others to hear, see and receive
God’s Word.
Moving Forward

The year has taken off like a rocket. Meeting new people, speaking
about Bible translation, building friendships; it has been a great blessing. It’s
also been a challenge allowing God to shape us as He sees fit.

We are reminded of some words our pastor spoke in recent months, “Vision
does one of two things. It unites or it divides.” Thank you for uniting with
us! Your encouragement keeps us moving forward. Thank you for sharing
your prayers with us too. We are privileged to pray with/for you and en-
courage you as well. As Paul said, “We have not stopped giving thanks,
remembering you in our prayers.” Eph. 1:16

In this process, our greatest need right now is financial partnership. We will only be able to take up our assign-
ment when we have 100% of our monthly financial partnership pledged. We invite you to join us in reaching the
Bibleless people in our world.

Visit our link below and fill out our Invitation to Partnership.
You can tell us if you are praying or if you desire to give financially. We
are building a ministry team of people who share the same passion we
have, to give others access to God’s transforming Word. Please join us
as we work to reach the last languages of our world through media.

Every People, Every Tongue,

Larry, Holly, Hannah and Micah

“I have sheep that are not of

this pen. I must bring them also.
They too will listen to my voice,
Visit us online and there shall be one flock and one shepherd.”
John 10:14

Send gifts to: Our Contact Information

Wycliffe Bible Translators
P O Box 628200 Larry and Holly Sturgill
Orlando, Florida 32862-8200 2404 Carten St.
1-800-992-5433 Fort Worth, TX 76112
Please include a separate note saying,
“For the ministry of Larry and Holly Sturgill”

Please do not send or post without permission.

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