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Roman Catholic Symbols of Satan

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Christian Resource Center New Hampshire (www.crcnh.


Roman Catholic Symbols of Satan

My Church recently purchased and relocated to a Roman Catholic Church. I
wrote the following document to enlighten our leaders and members:
Because we have purchased a building from the Roman Catholic Church, it
is extremely important that we understand exactly what we have come into
possession of. The Roman Catholic Church is, at its roots, a satanic cult.
Their doctrine and symbols that they use are heretical and created to not
only hide the truth about Jesus Christ but also to glorify Satan in a secretive
(gnostic) fashion using symbols and rituals that can be traced back to the
ancient mystery religions of Egypt, Babylon, Samaria, and Chaldea.
Because this is going to be our place of worship, it is imperative that
everyone understand these things so that we can rid our church of
blasphemous and questionable symbols and structures.
I could write many pages on each of these topics due to their extensive
history and complexity but I am only going to go through, at a very high
level, in order to try to explain the history and meaning of the symbols and
doctrines involved.
Remember what Jesus said:
[Matthew 10:16] Behold, I send you out as sheep in the midst of
wolves. Therefore be wise as serpents and harmless as doves.
Topics to be covered:
1) Satan & Demons: Overview to show biblically that both Satan and
demons are real and they have great power right now.
2) Magic, Sorcery & Witchcraft: Overview to show biblically that magic
is real and it can be used against people or to perform strange things.
3) Religious (Satanic) Cults: Overview to show biblically that religious
cults are rooted in Satanic doctrines that hide and pervert the grace
and love of Jesus Christ.
4) Symbols & Likenesses: Overview to show biblically that God does not
want us to use symbols and likenesses in our worship and that the
origins of all Christian symbols goes back to the ancient mystery
religions of Egypt, Babylon, Samaria, and Chaldea.
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Satan & Demons
The first thing that must be made clear is that right now, Satan has been
given kingship over the world. We dont know why Satan is the ruler of the
world or when he was given this authority, but it is a fact and it must be
taken very seriously. Of course Satan is a created being and God has full
authority over him and everything else; however, God has given the world
over to Satan for the present time. Here are a few of many verses that
support this.
Jesus Stated:
[John 14:30] I will no longer talk much with you, for the ruler of
this world is coming, and he has nothing in Me.
Paul tells us:
[2 Corinthians 4:3-4] But even if our gospel is veiled, it is veiled
to those who are perishing, whose minds the god of this age has
blinded, who do not believe, lest the light of the gospel of the
glory of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine on them.
[Ephesians 2:1-2] And you He made alive, who were dead in
trespasses and sins, in which you once walked according to the
course of this world, according to the prince of the power of the
air, the spirit who now works in the sons of disobedience,
Notice how Paul points out that Satan works in the children of
disobedience...This is one of the interfaces between the spirit world and the
flesh world. The further people are from God, the more control Satan is able
to exact over them to accomplish his purposes.
Peter Reminds us:
[1 Peter 5:8] Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the
devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may
Paul also tells us:
[Ephesians 6:12] For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood,
but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of
the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in
the heavenly places.
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Satan and the fallen angels/demons that support him are real and they are
far superior to human beings in many ways. They are not just boogiemen
hiding in the shadows, they are extremely intelligent and powerful beings
that want us dead. Satan is a murderer and a liar.
Satan doesnt just lie outright, he takes the truth and twists it into a very
confusing and subtle lie...The entire world is layer upon layer of very
complex twisted lies.
Jesus Said:
[John 8:44] You are of your father the devil, and the desires of
your father you want to do. He was a murderer from the
beginning, and does not stand in the truth, because there is no
truth in him. When he speaks a lie, he speaks from his own
resources, for he is a liar and the father of it.
Jesus spent a huge amount of time during His ministry casting out demons.
I believe He was trying to show us how prevalent demonic possessions and
influences are and how much danger people are in if they do not follow
When magic is used, there are specific spells that can conjure up demons.
These spells include the use of special secret (gnostic) symbols. We need to
make sure that our church does not contain any of these symbols.
Magic, Sorcery & Witchcraft

It is difficult for cultured people living in the 21st century to accept the
fact that magic is real. Part of Satans agenda is to make people think that
magic is false and foolishness and that it is only fake tricks used for
entertainment or just the stuff of movies. The bible makes it very clear
many times in both the old and new testament that all different types of
magic are real. If we go all the way back to Moses and the Egyptians, you
can recall that Pharaohs magicians were able to perform the first 3
miracles (turning a stick into a snake, turning water into blood, and
conjuring masses of frogs from the Nile river) that God allowed Moses
and Aaron to perform.

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[Exodus 7:10-12] So Moses and Aaron went in to Pharaoh, and
they did so, just as the LORD commanded. And Aaron cast down
his rod before Pharaoh and before his servants, and it became a
serpent. But Pharaoh also called the wise men and the sorcerers;
so the magicians of Egypt, they also did in like manner with their
enchantments. For every man threw down his rod, and they
became serpents. But Aaron's rod swallowed up their rods.

Here it tells us that the wise men and sorcerers (magicians) were able to
turn sticks into snakes by using enchantments. This is no joke...Satan
has been given great powers by God and if people are evil enough to
learn the proper rituals to perform, Satan will allow these powers to
become manifest.
There are books that date back to the ancient Egyptians, Babylonians,
Samarians, and Chaldeans that explain step by step how to perform evil
rituals to accomplish certain evil things. Two of the best known books are
called the Necronomicon and the Goetia and are readily available to
people who have the desire to do these evil things.
There is an incredible story in Acts that we should recall...
[Acts 19:13-19] Then some of the itinerant Jewish exorcists
took it upon themselves to call the name of the Lord Jesus over
those who had evil spirits, saying, "We exorcise you by the
Jesus whom Paul preaches." Also there were seven sons of
Sceva, a Jewish chief priest, who did so. And the evil spirit
answered and said, "Jesus I know, and Paul I know; but who
are you?" Then the man in whom the evil spirit was leaped on
them, overpowered them, and prevailed against them, so that
they fled out of that house naked and wounded. This became
known both to all Jews and Greeks dwelling in Ephesus; and
fear fell on them all, and the name of the Lord Jesus was
magnified. And many who had believed came confessing and
telling their deeds. Also, many of those who had practiced
magic brought their books together and burned them in the
sight of all. And they counted up the value of them, and it
totaled fifty thousand pieces of silver.

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NOTE: It has been estimated that 50,000 pieces of silver were worth
between $10,000 and $50,000 depending on the specific coin type being
These passages show us several things:

Demons and demon possession is real.

Demons have extreme physical power in certain situations.
Exorcism is real (when done properly in the name of Jesus)
Magic books are real and many people have them.

Whereas Jesus Christ gives all who believe salvation and eternal life as a
free gift, Satan requires people to do works in order to get help from
him....This is why there are magic books that explain how these very
complicated rituals must be performed.
God made it very clear on several occasions that people should not mess
around with magic or sorcery...
[Deuteronomy 18:10-11] There shall not be found among you
anyone who makes his son or his daughter pass through the fire,
or one who practices witchcraft, or a soothsayer, or one who
interprets omens, or a sorcerer, or one who conjures spells, or a
medium, or a spiritist, or one who calls up the dead.
I could go into many biblical examples that cover all of these dark arts but it
is sufficient to say that Magic and Sorcery are real and that when the
enchantments or spells are performed, it requires special words, special
symbols, and many times animal or human blood or a sacrifice.
Religious (Satanic) Cults
All of the religious cults (Catholics, Mormons, Buddhists, Hindus, 7th Day
Adventists, Muslims, etc.) were created by Satan (through the children of
disobedience) in order to hide the truth of Christianity and Jesus Christ.
The doctrines and symbols of all of these religious cults can be traced back
to ancient Egypt, Babylon, Samaria, and Chaldea where they were practiced
under different names than what we are familiar with today.
Originally, all of the people involved in the ancient mystery religions were
aware of the satanic and demonic powers and influences. They met out in
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the open and performed their rituals where anyone could see them and join
in if they desired; However, as time has gone by, people have become more
cultured and the sorcery and evil practices have become hidden and only
the very top levels of authority (and their carefully chosen support network)
are aware of and directly involved in the true satanic rituals and worship.
People who are your normal everyday members of a catholic church (for
example) have no idea what is going on at the upper levels. The real
problem is that people who are in these cults do not read the bible. They are
usually religious people who show up on Sunday to do the required
rituals and also believe they need to do works in order to get into
heaven. All of the religious cults deny the true redeeming value of what
Jesus Christ did for us and they promote works based salvation.
When a Catholic talks about Jesus or God, they are talking about an entirely
different Jesus and God than we as true Christians know. Their Jesus is
weak and perverted and did not accomplish a true redemption for us
through His blood. They believe they must save themselves through works
because what Jesus did was not good enough. Their overall view of God is
that He is also weak and prone to mistakes...The Pope has authority to fix
or override anything in the Bible that he feels is wrong through what is
called Papal Supremacy.
Here are some examples of Catholic Heresy:
1) Catholics promote purgatory which is the place they say you go after
you die. Depending how bad you were dictates the length of time you
need to stay in purgatory in order to pay for your sins. This means
that what Jesus did does not is up to the individual to
save themselves while in purgatory.
2) Catholics make it a sin if you are not in church every Sunday. This is
because they require you to take communion every week in order to
cover your sins for that week. They also believe that the bread and
wine actually become the real flesh and blood of Jesus Christ at the
time they take it. This is called Transubstantiation and it is also
cannibalism. They believe that the blood of Jesus must be shed every
week in order to cover their current sins.
3) The Catholics believe that Mary remained a virgin her entire life and
also that she was sinless.
4) Catholics believe that people must pray through Mary or a Saint as an
intermediary in order for God to listen to their prayers.
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The bible makes it very clear that Jesus Christ gave His life for us all and
that the one time was sufficient.
[Hebrews 10:10] By that will we have been sanctified through the
offering of the body of Jesus Christ once for all.
The bible also makes it very clear that all men (and women) are sinners
(Except for Jesus) so Mary was a sinner too.

[Romans 3:23-26] for all have sinned and fall short of the glory
of God, being justified freely by His grace through the
redemption that is in Christ Jesus, whom God set forth as a
propitiation by His blood, through faith, to demonstrate His
righteousness, because in His forbearance God had passed
over the sins that were previously committed, to demonstrate
at the present time His righteousness, that He might be just
and the justifier of the one who has faith in Jesus.
The bible also tells us that Jesus had half brothers and half sisters so Mary
did not remain a virgin.
This is just a very tiny tip of the iceberg of evil that is being promoted by the
Catholic church. This is blasphemy and heresy and rooted in Satan.
It is important to realize that if we know anyone who is a Catholic (or
Mormon, or other) that we should try to help them to understand who the
true Jesus Christ is in a loving and humble fashion. They may seem like
really great people who love the Lord but if it is the wrong lord, they are
Symbols & Likenesses
Now I need to move onto the symbols and the supposed images of Jesus
Christ. Nowhere in the bible does God tell us to create, use, or promote any
symbols. In fact, God makes it clear that we need to be very careful with our
worship and that we should not do certain things...
The second commandment states:
[Exodus 20:4] "You shall not make for yourself a carved image
or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in
the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth;

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The church is our place of worship and by having images incorporated
within the building, we are using them as part of our worship. A symbol or
picture of any living thing is a likeness of it.
False Images of Jesus Christ:
Let me start with the image that is supposed to represent Jesus Christ.
Absolutely nowhere in the bible does God describe what Jesus Christ looks
like. There is no one alive that knows what Jesus Christ looks like. In fact,
incredibly, we dont know what any person mentioned in the bible looks
like. God went out of His way to keep the specific descriptions of people out
of the bible. This is probably to help thwart idolatry...once people have an
image, it can quickly become an idol (just as the Catholic church does with
their images of Mary and Jesus).
So where did the present day image that everyone believes to be Jesus
Christ come from? The oldest known image of Jesus Christ (shown below)
is dated from about 600 AD...That is about 600 years after Jesus was
crucified. I was not surprised to find out that it showed up in a Catholic
church (Saint Catherines monastery).

Oldest known false image of Jesus Christ

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Above are two of the false images of Jesus Christ in our church.

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Lets just think about this for a minute...Imagine waking up one morning
and having the nerve to think that you have the right to take a guess at what
Jesus Christ looks like. Then you are so arrogant that you decide to paint a
picture of Him and hang it on a church wall so that people can worship it.
This is blasphemy and there is no way that the Holy Spirit moved anyone to
do this...This is the work of Satan.
Now lets think about this further...why would Satan want to create and
promote a particular image of what God in the flesh looks like. I believe
the only valid and logical answer is that this will be what the anti-Christ
looks like. This is a nearly 2000 year old agenda that has programmed
everyone on the planet to believe that Jesus Christ was a somewhat
underweight man with long brown hair and a beard. If you think about
it...nearly any skinny man that has long brown hair and a beard looks
somewhat like this image. This will make it very easy for the anti-Christ to
take on this very well known identity.
I realize this is speculation so I will move on to conclude this section by
1) God does not want us to know what Jesus Christ looks like;
Otherwise, He would have told us in the bible or allowed a verified
painting or sculpture from the time of Jesus to have survived.
2) There are 7 billion unique people alive today and many hundreds of
millions who have is a statistical impossibility that someone
guessed at what Jesus looks like and got it right.
3) If we are not 100% sure that the image is exactly what Jesus Christ
looks like AND that God wants us to use it in our worship, we should
NOT keep it or promote it.
Let me begin by saying that the majority of the non-Christian world
believes the lie that:
Catholic = Christian
This is one of the most confusing things that there is surrounding religion.
When you go onto Wikipedia or almost anywhere that is not a true
Christian web site, when they say Christian they are really referring to
Catholics. Of course, we should all know that Catholics are not Christians
based on doctrine and beliefs (this is not to say that there are not Christians
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that are Catholics but I must say that this is despite the Catholic Church,
not because of it)
Having said this, please realize that all of the supposed Christian Symbols
that we have today such as the fish or the Chi-Rho or even the cross
came from the Catholics. Because of the incredibly confusing layers of lies
as well as hundreds and thousands of years that have passed since their
true origins, real Christians have adopted these symbols as representing
Christianity based on misunderstandings and lies.
Please realize that in most cases, Christians use symbols because they love
Jesus and they want to let everyone know that they are a Christian. Pretty
much none of them realize the origins of the symbols. This is a personal
choice being made by their heart. Nearly all present day Christian symbols
originated in ancient Egypt, Babylon, Samaria, or Chaldea and have had
different lies attached to their meaning based on the current cultures and
their understanding of things. If an individual wants to display a
Christian symbol, that is their personal choice; However, we should not
allow them to be integrated into our worship.
It is important to understand that you could ask 10 people what they
believe a particular symbol stands for and you may get 3 or 4 different but
seemingly valid answers...and they all might be wrong. Because it is so
difficult to determine the true and original meaning of most symbols, it is
important that they are not incorporated into our church. Symbols are used
in sorcery to claim stakes on property and to identify things as being part
of a particular system and also during satanic rituals. We do not want to
accidentally incorporate a satanic symbol into our church because it could
have a spiritually degrading effect on our worship or even draw demons to
us in a dangerous and unwanted manner.
We should be extremely careful to not play games with unknown spiritual
I have compiled a list of some of the symbols that are in the Catholic
church, which is now ours, that we should do our best to remove.

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Chi-Rho in our Church

Current Meaning: Also known as labarum, Constantines cross,
Christogram, and the Monogram of Christ. The Chi-Rho became a Christian
symbol when adopted by the Roman Emperor Constantine, representing
the first two letters in the name of Christ- the Chi, or ch, and Rho, or r.
According to Church Father Eusebius (a Catholic), on the eve of the Battle
of the Milvan Bridge, the Emperor saw the emblem in a dream, with the
inscription, By this sign, you shall conquer. According to the story, the
battle was won and in return for the victory, Constantine legalized the
religion and erected Christian (Catholic) churches.
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Unfortunately, this story is very unlikely because Constantines conversion
occurred on his deathbed, if at all. In any case, the symbol was the standard
of the Emperors army, prominently displayed on the emperors labarum,
or battle standard. Constantine was probably not a Christian because he
forced Christianity on people and killed anyone who did not become a
Christian. He was possibly demon possessed and played a key role in the
workings of Satan at that time.
Original Meaning: Before it became the monogram of Christ, the ChiRho was the monogram of Chronos (whose name also begins with a ChiRho), the god of time, and an emblem of several solar deities. It is also
believed to be a derivation of the Egyptian ankh which represents the sun
rising on the horizon.

Egyptian Ankh
Satan has used several layers of lies to change this into a Christian symbol.
This is one of the best examples of how incredibly confusing and devious
the lies are surrounding these symbols

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Celtic Cross

Front doors of our church

Current Meaning: Used as a cross to represent the crucifixion of Jesus
Christ in and on many churches.
Original Meaning: The Celtic Cross (also known as the Ionic cross or the
cross of Saint Columba) has its roots in a pre-Christian variation of
the Solar cross. Examples of the Celtic cross date back as far as 4000 BC.
The origin of the Celtic cross are not clear, but it was known to be an early
symbol of the Gallic sun god Taranis. After the conversion of the Celtic
people to Christianity, the Celtic Cross became an emblem of the Celtic
Christian Church. Irish legend holds that the cross was introduced to
Ireland by St. Columba (a Catholic), so it is sometimes referred to as
Columbas cross, or the Ionic cross, after his monastery on the isle of Iona.

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Star and crescent of Islam

Current Meaning: This emblem is commonly recognized as the symbol

of the Islamic faith. It is used by Catholic and other non-islamic churches in
a secretive fashion through their architecture.

Notice how the cross is set so that it represents the sun being cradled by the
moon (the church roof) from an east to west perspective.
Original Meaning: The star and crescent symbol itself is very ancient,
dating back to early Sumerian civilization, where it was associated with the
sun god and moon goddess (one early appearance dates to 2100 BC), and
later, with goddesses Tanit and even Diana. The symbol remained in near
constant use, and was eventually adopted into the battle-standard of the
Ottoman Dynasty, who are mainly responsible for its association with

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This is the traditional symbol of Islam and also the flag of Mauritania in

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Vesica Pisces

Fish symbol in our church

Current Meaning: This symbol is called the Vesica Pisces or Jesus
fish and has an unusual history. Used almost exclusively today to promote
Christianity, the symbol once held a very different meaning (even to the
early Christians who adopted it). The word usually found inscribed within,
IXOYE (Ichthus), is Greek, meaning fish. The emblem became significant to
Christians after St. Augustine (a Catholic), who extracted the word from the
acrostic prophecy of the Erythraean Sibyl, and applied the Kabbalistic
technique of notarikon (acrostic) to the word to reveal Jesus Christ, Gods
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son, savior. This is a form of mysticism and St. Augustine used a satanic
oracle to extract this information.
Another meaning of this symbol is explained by the custom of early
Christians who would communicate by one person drawing a portion in the
dirt and another completing the fish with the second portion. This was
carried over from the practice of the ancient Pythagoreans, who discovered
the shapes unique properties and made it an important part of their
Original Meaning: In earlier times, this glyph was associated with the
goddess Venus, and represented female genitalia. Early depictions of Christ
depict him as an infant within the vesica (In this context, it is usually
referred to as a mandorla, meaning almond shaped.), which represented
the womb of Mary, and often, the coming together of heaven and earth in
the body of Jesus (part man, part god). As such, it is also a doorway or
portal between worlds, and symbolizes the intersection between the
heavens and the material plane.

Christ in the Vesica Pisces (mandorla)

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The shape of arches in Gothic architecture is based on the vesica. The shape
of the vesica pisces is derived from the intersection of two circles, the
Pythagorean measure of the fish that was a mystical symbol of the
intersection of the world of the divine with the world of matter and the
beginning of creation.

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Eye of Horus/Eye of Ra

On the back of a one dollar bill

Our church has both the left and right eyes represented next to the alter
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Outside a Catholic Church in Europe

Inside a Masonic Temple

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Current and Original Meanings: This symbol has absolutely no place
in a church. It does not currently and never did have any link to
Christianity. The Catholic church uses this symbol based on its original
design of The All Seeing Eye of Horus which is equivalent to Satan.
Designed to resemble the eye of a falcon, this symbol is called the Eye of
Ra or Eye of Horus and it represents the right eye of the Egyptian Falcon
God Horus. As the udjat (or utchat), it represented the sun, and was
associated with the Sun God Ra (Re). The mirror image, or left eye,
represented the moon, and the God Tehuti (Thoth). (A very similar concept
of the sun and moon as eyes appears in many religious traditions, such as
the Celtic tale of the hand of Nuada.)
According to legend, the left eye was torn from Horus by his murderous
brother Seth, and magically restored by Thoth, the God of magic. After the
restoration, some stories state, Horus made a gift of the eye to Osiris, which
allowed this solar deity to rule the underworld. The story of this injury is
probably an allusion to the phases of the moon as the eye which is torn
out every month.
Together, the eyes represent the whole of the universe, a concept similar to
that of the Taoist Yin-yang symbol. Spiritually, the right eye reflects solar,
masculine energy, as well as reason and mathematics. The left eye reflects
fluid, feminine, lunar energy, and rules intuition and magic. Together, they
represent the combined, transcendent power of Horus. The Eye of Horus
was believed to have healing and protective power, and it was used as a
protective amulet, and as a medical measuring device, using the
mathematical proportions of the eye to determine the proportions of
ingredients in medical preparations.
The Masonic all seeing eye, the Eye of Providence symbol found on
American money, and our modern Rx pharmaceutical symbol are all
descended from the Eye of Horus.

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Current and Original Meaning: SPQR is an acronym from a Latin
phrase, Sentus PopulusQue Rmnus ("The Senate and People of Rome"),
referring to the government of the ancient Roman Republic, and used as an
official emblem of the modern day commune (municipality) of Rome. It
appears on coins, at the end of documents made public by inscription in
stone or metal, in dedications of monuments and public works, and was
emblazoned on the standards of the Roman legions. This has no place in a
Christian church.

SPQR in our church

SPQR Acronym for modern day Rome

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The Madonna Lily

Current and Original Meaning: There is no Christian significance to
the Madonna Lily. The Roman Catholic Church dedicated the Madonna Lily
to the Virgin Mary, hence the Madonna Lily name. It symbolizes "purity".
The Catholic church believes that Mary was sinless and a perpetual virgin
and signifies it through this pure white lily.

Madonna Lily in our church

Another example of the Madonna Lily in another Catholic Church

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I feel that it is very important that we do everything we can do to remove all
questionable symbols and false images of Jesus from our new church. I
thank you for your time and prayerful consideration of this matter. I would
be happy to answer any questions anyone may have and I would also be
happy to go into more depth on anything contained in this document.
God Bless You!

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