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June 2017 Newsletter

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June, 2017

Rose Kirby

Dear Friends and Family,

It hasnt been long since my last letter, but a lot has happened. The
past month, my life has been filled with traveling. Thats the life of a
support-raising missionary, I suppose.
At the end of April, looking for support partners took me back to
Chicago. A church in the suburbs invited me to speak to the congregation
about my ministry. Through sharing my heart and passion with them, I
made several new friends who may partner with me in ministry. While I
was there, I met with several other contacts to invite them to join my
support team, including a few who live along the way to Chicago. A
highlight of the trip was seeing some of my kids as I sat in on a Good
News Club I used to teach.

Why I Do What I Do
Youve likely seen this picture
before. It was taken a year
and a half ago, when I first
met Dariana. That day she
told me about the tragedy she
was going trough.
These are the many places I met with people to ask them about
joining my team during my trip to Chicago. Her parents were never really
around. Then, through a
Events: Before I left Chicago, I had an horrible situation, she lost the
important stop to make: the airport. The grandmother who was caring
April 24May 2:
Support raising trip to national director of Child Evangelism for her. Where she is now,
Chicago Fellowship in Uganda, Emmanuel Dariana is loved, cared for,
Mukasa, was flying in for a visit. Mr. and beginning to heal. Yet, in
May 119: Emmanuel Mukasa is a national missionary, instead of a sense she is no ones
Mukasa visiting the working cross-culturally like I will be. He is daughter.
United States
a natural-born citizen of Uganda. Mr. While visiting Chicago again,
May 812: CEF Mukasa had only visited the United States I sat in on Darianas Good
International once before. The first time, he was News Club. After the Bible
Conference in North occupied at CEF International lesson, she went back to talk
Carolina Headquarters, so he didnt experience much to the teacher about believing
in Jesus. When she returned to
of American culture. This time, I wanted to
June 516: Iowa the group, she looked up at me
CYIA, ministry
help him see as much as possible.
and said, Im Gods
training for teenagers (Continued on Back ) daughter now.
After showing Mr. Mukasa around Chicago, I drove
him to Iowa. That week, we remembered just how different our
cultures are. For example, I had to explain handicapped
parking spots. Even what we naturally mean by certain phrases
is different. One time, we stopped to get some lunch. Mr.
Mukasa wanted chicken, and I asked whether he preferred fried
or grilled. He responded, Which is better for you? As I
started to say, The grilled, of course, he clarified that he did
not mean Which is healthier? but Which do you think tastes
A week later was the On our way to North Carolina, we
Support Child Evangelism Fellowship stayed next to a beautiful waterfall.
Mr. Mukasa enjoyed the scenery.
My support team International Conference in
has continued to North Carolina. With a local CEF worker, Mr. Mukasa and I traveled
grow, slowly but through five other states over the course of three days. Arriving at the
surely. I now conference, it was an exciting time. This year is the 80th anniversary of the
have about half
of my needed
founding of CEF, and 1,500 people from 108 countries came to celebrate.
monthly pledges! Each regional director shared what God is doing through Child Evangelism
Fellowship in their part of the world. Through a special flag ceremony, we
praised God for all the countries in which He has given us ministry.

A West African choir, a

Korean choir, and a
childrens choir came
together to celebrate and
worship God at the
International Conference.

Our hearts were burdened, though, for one of the Praises & Prayer Requests
countries not open to us: North Korea. It is perhaps the
Praise God that He made Dariana His
most closed country in history. People there are denied the daughter. Pray for her continued emotional
truth about almost everything, especially the truth about healing and spiritual growth.
God. CEF would love to teach the Good News of Jesus to
children there, so we are asking everyone to pray. Years Pray for God to raise up my needed
ago, our founder, Jesse Irvin Overholtzer, longed for financial partners so that I can move into
doing ministry in Uganda.
children in the USSR to be taught about Jesus. Many
believed the Iron Praise God that CEF ministry is going on in
Curtain would never every region of the world.
fall, but today CEF is
allowed in Russia. Pray for the children of North Korea.
We know that God
can likewise answer Praise God for the gift of salvation through
Jesus Christ our Lord!
We each received a bracelet our prayers for North
reminding us to pray for the Korea.
children of North Korea.

God is doing great things! Thank you for partnering with me in ministry. Your gifts and prayers are a
blessing to me. May you be blessed in return.
By the grace of our Lord,
Rose Kirby

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