DC Motors: List of Motor Characteristics
DC Motors: List of Motor Characteristics
DC Motors: List of Motor Characteristics
No Load Load
Parameters Parameters
Model of Motor Voltage Power Speed Current Speed Torque Current Brush Life Motor Weight
V W RPM A RPM mN.m A H kg.
Z2D06-12 12 6 3200 0.6 Max. 2950 19 0.8 2000 0.6 Description of Motor Part Number:
Z2DW06-12 12 6 3200 0.6 Max. 2950 19 0.8 2000 0.6 Model & Dimensions-Z2:60mm;
Z2D06-24 24 6 3200 0.3 Max. 2950 19 0.5 2000 0.6 DC Motor Type: D: internal brush
Z2DW06-24 24 6 3200 0.3 Max. 2950 19 0.5 2000 0.6 DW: external brush
Z2D06-90 90 6 3000 0.2 Max. 2800 20 0.3 2000 0.6 Output Power: 06:6W; 10:10W
Z2DW06-90 90 6 3000 0.2 Max. 2800 20 0.3 2000 0.6 Voltage: 12:12V, 24:24V, 90:90V
Shape of Motor Shaft:
Z2D10-12 12 10 3200 1.0 Max. 2800 34 2.0 2000 0.7
Z2DW10-12 12 10 3200 1.0 Max. 2800 34 2.0 2000 0.7 GN: For connection to gearbox, or
Z2D10-24 24 10 3300 0.5 Max. 3000 32 0.9 2000 0.7 A: Round shaft, A1: with keyway
Z2DW10-24 24 10 3300 0.5 Max. 3000 32 0.9 2000 0.7 Options: M = Brake - the brake voltage
Z2D10-90 90 10 3200 0.3 Max. 2800 34 0.6 2000 0.7 is the same as the rated voltage of motor.
Z2DW10-90 90 10 3200 0.3 Max. 2800 34 0.6 2000 0.7
Model Type Reduction Ratio 3 3.6 5 6 7.5 9 12.5 15 18 25 30 36 50 60 75 90 100 120 150 180 200
Output Shaft Speed r/min 983 819 590 491 393 327 236 196 163 118 98 81 59 49 39 32 29 24 19 16 14
N.m 0.04 0.05 0.07 0.09 0.11 0.14 0.19 0.23 0.28 0.35 0.42 0.51 0.70 0.76 0.96 1.15 1.28 1.53 1.92 2.30 2.56
Allowable Torque a
kgf.cm 0.48 0.57 0.80 0.96 1.20 1.45 2.00 2.40 2.89 3.61 4.34 5.21 7.23 7.85 9.81 11.7 13.1 15.6 19.6 23.5 26.1
Output Shaft Speed r/min 1000 833 600 500 400 333 240 200 166 120 100 83 60 50 40 33 30 25 20 16 15
Z2D10-24 a
N.m 0.07 0.09 0.12 0.15 0.19 0.23 0.32 0.38 0.46 0.58 0.69 0.83 1.16 1.26 1.57 1.89 2.10 2.52 3.0 3.0 3.0
Allowable Torque a
kgf.cm 0.78 0.94 1.31 1.57 1.97 2.96 3.29 3.94 4.73 5.92 7.11 8.53 11.8 12.8 16.1 12.2 21.4 25.7 30 30 30
75 L 75 L
60 63
Output Shaft Speed r/min 1000 833 600 500 400 333 240 200 166 120 100 83 60 50 40 33 30 25 20 16 15
Z2D15-24 a
N.m 0.11 0.13 0.19 0.23 0.29 0.34 0.48 0.58 0.69 0.87 1.04 1.25 1.74 1.89 2.36 2.83 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0
Allowable Torque a
kgf.cm 1.18 1.42 1.97 2.36 2.96 3.55 4.93 5.92 7.10 8.89 10.6 12.8 17.7 19.2 24.1 28.9 30 30 30 30 30
89 L 89 L
60 63
DC Motors 25W
No Load Load
Parameters Parameters Description of Motor Part Number:
Model of Motor Voltage Power Speed Current Speed Torque Current Brush Life Motor Weight Model & Dimensions-Z3:70mm; Z4: 80mm
V W RPM A RPM mN.m A H kg. DC Motor Type: D: internal brush
DW: external brush
Z3D25-12 12 25 3300 1.0 Max. 3000 80 3.5 2000 1.0
Output Power: 25:25W
Z3DW25-12 12 25 3300 1.0 Max. 3000 80 3.5 2000 1.0
Voltage: 12:12V, 24:24V, 90:90V
Z3D25-24 24 25 3200 0.5 Max. 2800 85 1.6 2000 1.0
Z3DW25-24 24 25 3200 0.5 Max. 2800 85 1.6 2000 1.0
Shape of Motor Shaft:
Z3D25-90 90 25 3100 0.3 Max. 2700 88 0.8 2000 1.0 GN: For connection to gearbox, or
Z3DW25-90 90 25 3100 0.3 Max. 2700 88 0.8 2000 1.0 A: Round shaft, A1: with keyway
a Options: M = Brake - the brake voltage
Z4D25-12 12 25 3200 1.4 Max. 3100 77 3.6 2000 1.7 is the same as the rated voltage of motor.
Z4D25-24 24 25 3000 0.7 Max. 2850 84 1.7 2000 1.7
Z4D25-90 90 25 3200 0.2 Max. 3000 80 0.5 2000 1.7
Model Type Reduction Ratio 3 3.6 5 6 7.5 9 12.5 15 18 25 30 36 50 60 75 90 100 120 150 180 200
Output Shaft Speed r/min 933 777 560 466 373 311 224 186 155 112 93 77 56 46 37 31 28 23 18 15 14
Z3D25-24GN a
N.m 0.20 0.24 0.34 0.41 0.51 0.62 0.86 1.03 1.12 1.55 1.86 2.24 3.11 3.37 4.22 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0
Allowable Torque a
kgf.cm 2.11 2.53 3.52 4.22 5.28 6.34 8.80 10.5 11.4 15.8 19.0 22.8 31.7 34.4 43.1 50 50 50 50 50 50
Ratios 3 to 18 & 50 to 200 - rotation direction of output shaft same as motor, all other ratios are opposite. The output shaft speed
Gearbox type 4GN...K excludes the motor speed slip. The actual speed will be 2-20% lower than the stated values depending upon the load.
Model Type Reduction Ratio 3 3.6 5 6 7.5 9 12.5 15 18 25 30 36 50 60 75 90 100 120 150 180 200
Output Shaft Speed r/min 950 791 570 475 380 316 228 190 158 114 95 79 57 47 38 31 28 23 19 15 14
Z4D25-24GN a
N.m 0.20 0.24 0.33 0.41 0.50 0.61 0.84 1.01 1.22 1.52 1.83 2.20 3.05 3.31 4.14 4.97 5.52 6.63 8.0 8.0 8.0
Allowable Torque a
kgf.cm 2.07 2.49 3.46 4.15 5.19 6.23 8.65 10.3 12.4 15.6 18.7 22.4 31.2 33.8 42.3 50.7 56.4 67.7 80 80 80
Dimensions for Z3D25 (in mm) - For dimensions of Z4D25 please contact TEA or go to www.tea.net.au
101 L 33 96 L
70 73
DC Motors 40W
Z5D40-12 12 40 3100 2.0 Max. 2800 136 5.2 2000 1.9 A: Round shaft, A1: with keyway
Z5D40-24 24 40 3000 1.0 Max. 2800 136 2.2 2000 1.9 Options: M = Brake - the brake voltage
Z5D40-90 90 40 3200 0.2 Max. 3000 127 0.7 2000 1.9 is the same as the rated voltage of motor.
Output Shaft Speed r/min 1000 833 600 500 400 333 240 200 166 120 100 83 60 50 40 33 30 25 20 16 15
Z4D40-24 a
N.m 0.30 .032 0.51 0.61 0.77 0.92 1.28 1.54 1.85 2.32 2.78 3.34 4.64 5.04 6.30 7.56 7.84 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.0
Allowable Torque a
kgf.cm 3.15 3.78 5.26 6.31 7.89 9.47 13.1 15.7 18.9 23.7 28.4 34.1 47.4 51.4 64.3 77.1 80 80 80 80 80
Ratios 3 to 18 & 50 to 200 - rotation direction of output shaft same as motor, all other ratios are opposite. The output shaft speed
Gearbox type 5GN...K excludes the motor speed slip. The actual speed will be 2-20% lower than the stated values depending upon the load.
Output Shaft Speed r/min 933 777 560 466 373 311 224 186 155 112 93 77 56 46 37 31 28 23 18 15 14
Z5D40-24 a
N.m 0.33 0.39 0.55 0.66 0.82 0.99 1.38 1.65 1.98 2.48 2.98 3.58 4.50 5.40 6.75 8.10 9.00 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0
Allowable Torque a
kgf.cm 3.37 4.05 5.63 6.76 8.45 10.1 14.1 16.9 20.2 25.4 30.4 36.5 45.9 55.1 68.9 82.6 91.8 100 100 100 100
Dimensions for Z4D40 L Dimensions for Z5D40 L
Z5D90-12 12 90 3100 2.0 Max. 2600 330 12.0 2000 2.2 Shaft suitable for connection to gearbox, or
Z5D90-24 24 90 3300 1.0 Max. 2800 307 5.0 2000 2.2 A: Round shaft, A1 with keyway
Z5D90-90 90 90 3000 0.3 Max. 2900 307 1.4 2000 2.2 Options: M = Brake - the brake voltage
is the same as the rated voltage of motor.
Output Shaft Speed r/min 933 777 560 466 373 311 224 186 155 112 93 77 56 46 37 31 28 23 18 15 14
Z5D60-24GU a
N.m 0.49 0.59 0.82 0.99 1.24 1.49 1.86 2.24 2.68 3.37 4.05 4.86 6.75 8.10 10.1 10.8 12.0 14.4 18.1 20.0 20.0
Allowable Torque a
kgf.cm 5.07 6.08 8.45 10.1 12.6 15.2 19.0 22.8 27.4 34.3 41.3 49.6 68.9 82.6 103 110 123 147 184 200 200
Ratios 3 to 9 & 25 to 75 - rotation direction of output shaft same as motor, all other ratios are opposite. The output shaft speed
Gearbox type 5GU...K excludes the motor speed slip. The actual speed will be 2-20% lower than the stated values depending upon the load.
Output Shaft Speed r/min 933 777 560 466 373 311 224 186 155 112 93 77 56 46 37 31 28 23 18 15 14
Z5D90-24GU a
N.m 0.74 0.89 1.24 1.49 1.86 2.23 2.80 3.36 4.03 5.06 6.07 7.29 10.1 12.1 15.1 16.2 18.1 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.0
Allowable Torque a
kgf.cm 7.61 9.13 12.6 15.2 19.1 22.8 28.5 34.2 41.1 51.6 62.0 74.4 103 124 155 166 184 200 200 200 200
All dimensions in mm (unless otherwise stated). DC Motors are also available in 120W & 250W
All dimensions are subject to change without notice. Please contact TEA or visit our website www.tea.net.au for details.
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