Geothermal Well Design PDF
Geothermal Well Design PDF
Geothermal Well Design PDF
Dubrovnik, Croatia.
Workshop #26 June 9 – 13, 08 June 2008
Hagen Hole
Geothermal Consultants NZ Ltd., Birkenhead, Auckland, New Zealand.
What is the purpose of the casing?
The reasons for including casing strings and liners Slotted Liner
• Prevention of loose formation material from
collapsing into and blocking the hole.
• Provision of anchorage or support for drilling NOTE: An intermediate casing
may be installed between the
anchor and production casing.
and the final wellhead.
• Containment of well fluids and pressures.
• Prevention of ingress or loss of fluid into or Figure 1. Casing strings and Liner for Typical
from the well, and “communication” or Geothermal Well.
leakage of fluids between different aquifers.
Hole. H M Petroleum Engineering Summer School
Dubrovnik, Croatia.
June 2008 Workshop #26 June 9 – 13, 08
In a hot water or two phase field with boiling
CASING SETTING DEPTHS conditions as assumed above, it is possible (although
The casing setting depths for a typical geothermal well unlikely) at any stage of the drilling for the well to be
will be chosen from the following information and filled with a column of steam at a temperature and
expectation related to the following aspects: saturation pressure corresponding closely to formation
conditions at hole bottom, or at the level of greatest
• Surface or Conductor Casings Strings – permeability. As this pressure is more than that of the
These are the largest casings which are set at a formation fluid, there is a tendency for steam to escape
shallow depth and are employed to prevent into upper permeable formations, and in weak
loose near-surface material collapsing into the geological conditions blow out at the surface. Upper
hole. They are also utilised to support the casing depths should beset to seal off possible leakage
initial drilling wellhead, and to contain the paths to the surface and to limit the well fluid pressure
circulating drilling fluid. The setting depth of at the shoe to that imposed by the overburden pressure,
the casing shoe will estimated from geological or by the fracture gradient of the materials if this is
deduction, but may be altered to reflect known.
conditions found during the course of drilling, The competence of the rock and the incidence of
and may have to contain hot fluid under drilling circulation fluid losses are likely to govern
pressure if there is a thermal zone close to the casings depths, and thus the number of casing strings
surface. needed to allow the target depth to be reached most
• Anchor or Intermediate Casing Strings – This ‘competence of the rock’ can only be derived
These casings are intermediate in diameter from experience as suggested above, but usually falls
and in setting depth which are set to support somewhere between a theoretically derived fracture
successive wellheads (usually including the gradient and a theoretical overburden pressure.
permanent wellhead) and to contain drilling Figure 2 below illustrates a theoretically based casing
and formation fluids of relatively high shoe depth selection procedure.
temperature and pressure. Setting depths will
be chosen from expected formation rock and 0
Casing Depths
• Production Casing –
This casing is smaller in diameter and set at 600
Petroleum Engineering Summer School Hole. H M
Dubrovnik, Croatia.
Workshop #26 June 9 – 13, 08 June 2008
CASING DIAMETERS The design checks for axial stress can be separated into
The diameters of the various strings of casing in any two sets of conditions – before and after the casing is
well are chosen after consideration of the following cemented.
• Sufficient cross-sectional area to convey the Axial Loading before and during cementing
expected / desired flow of fluid; Until the annular cement sets around the casing the
• Sufficient annular clearances to run and tensile force at any depth includes the weight of the
cement concentric casing strings; casing in air less the buoyant effect of any fluid in the
• The use of casing sizes which are standard well.
manufactured products which are readily
available and match the handling tools usually T–
held by drilling contractors. Thus: Fp = [ Lz Wp – (Lz-Lw)Ap/n]g
Hole. H M Petroleum Engineering Summer School
Dubrovnik, Croatia.
June 2008 Workshop #26 June 9 – 13, 08
= 1.8 x 10-3 programme. A slow and gradual cooling process
allows the stress to be uniformly distributed over the
Stress = modulus x strain = (200 x 103) x 1.8 x 10-3 full length of casing is essential.
Petroleum Engineering Summer School Hole. H M
Dubrovnik, Croatia.
Workshop #26 June 9 – 13, 08 June 2008
around 1.5 times the bit diameter, depending formation with water as controlled by formation
integrity. pressure.
• A restriction within the casing, such as a
The design factor is – blocked float valve or a cementing plug which
will hold the differential pressure.
minimum yield stress x Rj This scenario is not a likely situation, but it is possible,
total compressive stress and therefore must be taken as a worst case scenario.
The differential burst pressure in this case is:-
where (Rj) – the connection joint efficiency does not
exceed 1.0. The hydrostatic pressure inside the casing at the
casing shoe caused by the cement slurry plus any
where (Rj) – the connection joint efficiency does applied pumping pressure – minus the hydrostatic
exceed 1.0., the design factor is – pressure in the annulus at the casing shoe caused by
the head of water in the annulus.
minimum yield stress
total compressive stress Pi = [(Lf Gf + Pp) – (Lz Gz)]g
Hole. H M Petroleum Engineering Summer School
Dubrovnik, Croatia.
June 2008 Workshop #26 June 9 – 13, 08
Where: maximum allowable differential collapse pressure is
3.58 MPa.
F = maximum tensile stress This implies that the deepest this casing can be set and
Pw = maximum wellhead pressure cemented with a standard SG 1.87 cement slurry totally
D = casing outside diameter displaced to the annulus is 420 m depth.
d = casing inside diameter
and the design factor shall be not less than 1.2. WELLHEADS
The permanent wellhead components include:
It is to be noted that the large diameter, relatively thin • Casing Head Flange (CHF) usually, and
walled surface and intermediate casings are particularly preferably, attached to the top of the Anchor
susceptible to this mode of failure. casing – but in some instances is attached
directly to the top of the production casing.
For example:- the standard 185/8” diameter 87.5 lb/ft, The casing head flange may incorporate side
Grade K-55 casing has a collapse pressure rating of outlets to which side valve are attached.
only 4.3 MPa. If the design factor of 1.2 is applied, the
Petroleum Engineering Summer School Hole. H M
Dubrovnik, Croatia.
Workshop #26 June 9 – 13, 08 June 2008
• Double flanged Expansion / Adaptor spool. Wellhead Working Pressure Derating for Temperature
the CHF).
• Master Valve 40.00
ANSI 2500
11" 3M 20.00
API 3000
10" 3M
expanding gate valve
ANSI 900
11" 3M API 2000
11" 3M
2-1/16" 3M Expansion 2-1/16" 3M ANSI 600