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21 Ways To Reduce: A Simple Step-by-Step Guide To Improve Your Health and Eliminate The Pain of in Ammation

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The document discusses 21 ways to reduce chronic inflammation in the body through lifestyle changes such as diet, exercise, stress management, and environmental exposures.

Some lifestyle habits mentioned include cold therapy, probiotics, epsom salt baths, rebounding, vitamin D supplementation, stress management, sleep, water intake, exercise, and maintaining a healthy weight.

Foods and supplements mentioned include probiotics, omega-3 fatty acids, turmeric, ginger, cinnamon, green leafy vegetables, beta-carotene, flavonoids, and anti-inflammatory herbs.



A Simple Step-by-Step Guide to Improve Your Health

and Eliminate the Pain of Inflammation



By Carly Fraser, BSc

LiveLoveFruit © 2019
Copyright © 2019 by Carly Fraser All rights reserved.
This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any
manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the
publisher except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

The author of 21 Ways to Reduce Chronic Inflammation in The Body does
not dispense medical or other professional advice or prescribe the use of
any technique as a form of diagnosis or treatment for any physical or
medical condition. As with any nutritional guidance or program, you should
consult your licensed healthcare practitioner before beginning.

Nothing in the 21 Ways to Reduce Chronic Inflammation in The Body

should be misconstrued as medical treatment or advice. The participant
understands that utilizing this advice is the sole responsibility of
themselves and not that of the provider of the information.

Neither this or any other book should be used as a substitute for

professional medical care or treatment.
Introduction 4
Bio 5
#1 Cold Therapy 6
#2 Probiotics 8
#3 Epsom Salt Baths 10
#4 Rebounding 12
#5 Vitamin D 14
#6 Eliminate Pro-Inflammatory Foods 16
#7 Enzymes 18
#8 Balance Your Omegas 20
#9 Do a Heavy Metal Detox 22
#10 Reduce Exposure to Toxins 24
#11 Eat More Anti-Inflammatory Foods 26
#12 Manage Stress 28
#13 Supplement with Anti-Inflammatory Herbs 30
#14 Avoid Antibiotics, Antacids & NSAIDs 32
#15 Get Tested for Food Sensitivites & Chronic Infections 34
#16 Exercise 36
#17 Get Enough Sleep 38
#18 Drink More Water 40
#19 Eat More Greens 42
#20 Maintain A Healthy Weight 44
#21 Limit Salt Intake 46
3 Free Recipes from the Freedom from Inflammation Ebook 48
References 53
In this eBook, I cover what I believe to be the top 21 Ways to Reduce Chronic
Inflammation in The Body. These 21 practical lifestyle habits can
be easily incorporated into your daily routine to quickly get rid of chronic
aches and pains, FOREVER!

For many years I suffered from chronic inflammation in my body. This was
because of the food I was consuming, lifestyle habits I was living and
environmental factors I exposed myself to.

You might think that the pain you are experiencing is the result of ‘bad
genetics’ and that it’s simply your ‘fate’ in life. But I am here to shift that
perception inside of you and set you up for a successful recovery, just like I
did for myself.

This easy to follow eBook guide will help you discover and implement
different habits and modalities to remediate inflammation in your body.

Just imagine waking up each morning, jumping out of bed and feeling
energized and pain-free.

No more aching joints, no more chronic fatigue, no more digestive

complaints, and effortless weight loss.

By adding into your daily routine the habits from this eBook that resonate
with you most, and by removing the habits that are causing the pain…you
WILL experience a completely new reality (and a pain-free one at that!).

Before you continue on to read the 21 ways, please give yourself permission
right now to live a healthier life and heal your body from inflammation.

We are in this together!

Carly has her Bachelor of Science Honours Degree in Neuroscience,
and has a determined life mission to help inspire and motivate
individuals to critically think about what they put in their bodies.

Carly believes that finding a balance through nutrition and other

lifestyle factors can greatly improve one’s health. She has helped
hundreds of thousands of individuals re-connect with their bodies
and heal themselves with proper eating habits and natural living.

Carly gained a following after sharing her story of how she lost weight
and eliminated many chronic health conditions
with a raw and vegan diet. Now, the health
science expert is joined by more than a million
followers to her site and social media platforms
for insights into eating plant-based and living

Carly has co-authored the publishing of

two different studies related to her work
as a research assistant and research
coordinator at the Winnipeg Health
Sciences Center and Saint Boniface
c Hospital. She now distills her wealth
of knowledge into digestible info
via her website and social
media outlets.

Carly Fraser

What is Cold Therapy?
Cold therapy is a technique where you expose your body to cold temperatures.
If practiced on a regular basis, immersing yourself in cold water can provide
long-lasting health benefits. The best part? It’s free.

The Main Benefits

Cold therapy is an easy way to boost your immune, lymphatic, circulatory and
digestive systems. When our diets aren’t optimal, digestive imbalances occur, which
create slow elimination and an eventual acidic environment of backed up waste. This
waste, when accumulated over a period of time, manifests as chronic inflammation.
Stress, and other environmental factors can also contribute to built-up waste matter.

A key system in our body, the lymphatic system, requires a little help to keep it
pumping (it doesn’t come with an automatic pump like the heart). Cold water
immersion helps in this regard, as it forces the lymphatic vessels to contract, allowing
built-up waste to be effectively carried via lymph fluid. This triggers a response from
the immune system, whereby white blood cells come to attack and destroy foreign
invaders that are carried in the dislodged fluid.

How to Do It
1. Upon waking up, turn on your shower to a medium-cool temperature to get your body
used to the water. Start slowly reducing the temperature until it is on the cold
water-only setting.

2. Stand in the cold water, breathing deeply, for as long as you can (about 30 seconds),
and then switch it back to a warmer setting. Breathing deeply will help warm up your
body from the inside out.

3. Continue cycling between warm and cold water for 30 second intervals. Do this for
about 3-5 minutes. Eventually you will be able to stand in the water for 5 minutes
straight, with cold water only.


What are Probiotics?
Probiotics are living microorganisms, often referred to as the “good” bacteria in your
intestines. These bacteria or yeast are believed to enhance our health through their
support of our immune system.

The Main Benefits

Probiotics boost the immune system, enhance the production of B vitamins, reduce
the population of harmful bacteria in our gut, and improve the thickness and strength
of the mucus that lines our intestines.

Probiotic bacteria produce substances called short chain fatty acids, which lower infl-
ammatory markers (like pro-inflammatory cytokines) in addition to strengthening the
lining of our gut [1]. This is important, because gut-associated inflammation has been
linked to insulin resistance, some forms of cancer, and even mental health concerns.

How to Do It
1. Source out a good probiotic supplement (10 billion+) that includes these top
five strains: Lactobaccilus plantarum, Lactobaccilus acidophilus,
Lactobaccilus brevis, Bifidobacterium lactis, Bifidobacterium longum.

2. Take your probiotic supplement at least 30 minutes before a meal, or with

your meal for improved survival of the bacteria [2].

3. Make sure you provide a nurturing environment for your probiotics by

consuming prebiotic fiber found in plant foods like bananas, asparagus,
onions, garlic, dandelion greens, apples and burdock root.

4. Probiotics can also be consumed through food and drink like sauerkraut,
beet kvass, kimchi, miso, kombucha, kefir and coconut yogurt.


What Are Epsom Salts?
Epsom salt is a naturally occurring mineral compound of magnesium and sulfate.
Studies have shown that magnesium and sulfate are readily absorbed through the
skin [3], so taking epsom salt baths is a great way to absorb and utilize the minerals.

The Main Benefits

Magnesium, found abundantly in epsom salts, is one of the most important minerals
in the human body. It regulates over 325 enzymes, and is key in reducing inflammation
and assisting proper function of our nerves and cardiovascular system. Deficiency of
magnesium has been linked to a variety of chronic health conditions like fibromyalgia,
chronic fatigue syndrome, leaky gut, migraines and more.

Studies have found that increased levels of magnesium coincide with lower levels of
inflammatory indicators in the body like CRP, TNF-alpha and IL-6 [4].

Sulfate, another component of epsom salt, helps the body flush toxins, which exacer-
bate inflammation, while also reducing stiffness and pain.

How to Do It
1. Grab a bag of epsom salts at your local grocery store or bulk foods store.

2. Draw yourself a warm bath and add 1-2 cups of epsom salts depending on your
weight. Add 1 cup if you weigh between 60-100 pounds. For every 50 pounds
more, add an additional 1/2 cup of salts.

3. Add in a few drops of your favorite essential oil (like lavender) to help relax.

4. Make sure you schedule yourself at least 40 minutes to sit in a bath of epsom
salts. The first 20 minutes pulls out toxins, and the next 20 allows the body to
absorb minerals.


What is Rebounding?
Rebounding is a type of aerobic exercise that involves jumping on a mini-trampoline.
It is a form of low-impact exercise where individuals can perform a wide range of
movements while not putting much strain on the joints in their knees or hips.

The Main Benefits

Rebounding is best known for its ability to clear a stagnant lymphatic system.
Stagnant lymph inevitably leads to inflammation, which is a strong determinant of
most disease. Rebounding helps circulate the lymph fluid, which carries waste and
other byproducts through the lymph nodes and out of the major detoxification path-
ways like the liver and kidneys.

Other benefits of rebounding include improved balance, coordination and overall

motor skills, as well as healthier bones. Bouncing puts a small amount of pressure on
the bones, helping them grow stronger, while decreasing bone resorption (which can
lead to conditions like osteoporosis) [5].

How to Do It
1. Find a rebounder you can utilize for years to come. My personal favorite brand,
that can withstand years of wear, is Bellicon. Similar brands like JumpSport also
work, if you need an option that is a bit easier on the wallet.

2. Once you have your rebounder, put on some shoes (or go barefoot to work the
muscles in the foot) and slowly start jumping gently with your feet still on the
rebounder. Eventually, you’ll want to work your way up to jumping with your
feet leaving the rebounder.

3. Jump for 15-20 minutes every day, utilizing different moves so you don’t over
use the same muscles each time you work out.

4. If you get bored, turn on some of your favorite music!


What is Vitamin D?
While vitamin D is popularly known as a ‘vitamin,’ it is actually a fat-soluble pro-hor-
mone steroid. Vitamin D’s primary role is to control the levels of calcium found in the
bloodstream. Our bodies make vitamin D by converting UV-B rays that land on the
skin into a substance called 7-dehydrocholesterol. This substance converts
“previtamin D” and makes it into usable vitamin D3 [6].

The Main Benefits

Vitamin D impacts not only our skeletal structure, but also our blood pressure, brain
function, mood and immunity. It affects the expression of over 1,000 genes with the
possibility of affecting over 27,000.

There is evidence to suggest that low levels of vitamin D are linked with higher levels
of inflammation in the body [7, 8]. When vitamin D levels are sufficient, this hormone
helps decrease markers of systemic inflammation, reducing the risk of developing
certain diseases.

Vitamin D is also important for keeping our bones strong, and reducing cancer risk.

How to Do It
1. Set aside 15-20 minutes in your day to get out into the sun.

2. Go out in the sun during safer hours of the day (like 10am - 12pm and
3pm-5pm in the Northern hemisphere). If you must be out in the sun all day,
use a natural sunscreen like Raw Elements.

3. Avoid taking a shower or scrubbing your skin at least 48 hours after you’ve
been in the sun (this will allow vitamin D to properly absorb).

4. During the winter season when you’re outside for very little hours in the day, I
suggest taking a vitamin D3 supplement. Around 5,000-7,000 IU’s a day
should suffice.


What Are Pro-Inflammatory Foods?
The most inflammatory foods are those with the highest risk of sensitivity and
allergy. Prime suspects include refined sugar, vegetable oil, dairy, wheat, fried foods,
red and processed meats, corn, trans fats, artificial chemicals, flavors and other food

The Main Benefits of Eliminating These Foods

Pro-inflammatory foods act like foreign invaders in the body that our immune system
scouts out and attacks. When these foods are consumed on a daily basis, our immune
system is constantly on high alert, so we become chronically inflamed, sick and

Chronic inflammation that stems from a poor diet can drive illnesses like diabetes,
heart disease, fatty liver disease and cancer [9, 10]. By eating fewer of these inflam-
matory foods, you can drastically reduce your risk of developing an inflamma-
tion-triggered disease later in life.

How to Do It
1. Eat meat sparingly or not at all. Choose organic if you still consume it.

2. Steer clear of oils like canola, soy, safflower and sunflower oil. Swap these out
for oils like coconut, avocado, or olive oil.

3. Swap out wheat for low or no-gluten flours like buckwheat, cassava, coconut,
spelt and almond flour. If you must choose wheat, pick ones that are organic
and sprouted for best digestion.

4. Swap out dairy for plant-based alternatives like coconut, almond or oat.

5. Avoid ingredients like MSG, refined sugar, artificial food coloring, artificial
flavors, sodium nitrite, artificial sweeteners, carrageenan, high-fructose corn
syrup and sodium benzoate.


What Are Enzymes?
An enzyme is a type of protein found within a cell. Enzymes create chemical
reactions in the body, and help your body perform very important tasks. They help
build muscle, destroy toxins and break down food particles during digestion. The
three main types of digestive enzymes include protease (break down protein), lipase
(break down fat) and amylase (break down carbs).

The Main Benefits

Digestive enzymes are naturally produced by the body. However, their production
slows with age, increased stress and poor diet. This means that the food you eat
won’t break down properly, and as a result, you won’t be absorbing essential nutrients.

When food isn’t digested properly, larger undigested molecules can break through
cell walls in your digestive tract (this is called “leaky gut syndrome”). These molecules
then enter your blood, which triggers your immune system to kick into gear and fight
these “invaders”. As a result, your intestines (and other body parts) become inflamed.

Enzymes also help reduce symptoms of IBS, migraines [11], promote clearer skin,
combat anxiety, improve focus and inhibit autoimmune disease.

How to Do It
1. Eat more raw whole food sources. The process of cooking completely destroys
the enzymes in the food we eat. Try having a smoothie for breakfast, and a big
salad alongside your dinner to aid digestion.

2. Focus on consuming enzyme-rich fruit and vegetables like pineapple, ginger,

papaya, kiwi and fermented foods like sauerkraut and kefir!

3. If you choose to take an enzyme supplement, look for one that is described as
“delayed release” in capsule form. It should contain a mix of bromelain,
protease, papain and serrapeptase.


What Are Omega Fats?
Omega-3 and -6 fats are essential fatty acids that the body needs for normal growth
and development. The body needs a healthy balance of omega-6 and omega-3 fatty
acids, but many people currently consume more 6s than 3s. This imbalance can
contribute to many different forms of chronic disease.

The Main Benefits of Balancing Your Fats

The recommended ratio of omega-6 to omega-3 fatty acids in the diet is 4:1 or less.
However, the Western diet currently provides a ratio between 10:1 and 50:1 [12].

Excess consumption of omega-6s can trigger the body to produce pro-inflammatory

chemicals. Omega-3s are considered anti-inflammatory, but scientists have
hypothesized that eating too much omega-6 counteracts these beneficial effects.

So a diet with a lot of omega-6 and not much omega-3 will increase inflammation,
while a diet high in omega-3s and low in omega-6 will reduce inflammation. Making
sure these levels are in check is a crucial step in fighting inflammation.

How to Do It
1. Start consuming foods rich in omega-3s like chia, flax, walnuts, kidney beans,
hemp seeds, seaweed and algae (like spirulina).

2. Cut down or limit the amount of foods that have been cooked in refined
vegetable oils high in omega-6 fatty acids. This includes oils like corn,
sunflower, canola, safflower, grapeseed, soy and peanut oil.

3. Take a high-quality DHA supplement like those created by Cymbiotika

(especially if you’re vegan and consume plant-based sources of omega-3 fatty
acids that are richer in EPA and ALA, but less concentrated in DHA).


What Are Heavy Metals?
Heavy metals are trace metals that cannot be metabolized by the body. The most
harmful heavy metals are aluminum, arsenic, cadmium, copper, lead, mercury and
nickel. We are exposed to heavy metals from the air we breathe, water we drink, and
food we eat.

The Main Benefits

If the body’s detoxification pathways aren’t functioning at their best, then heavy
metals will gradually accumulate in our body tissues.

Heavy metals that have been lingering in our tissues for years on end have the ability
to oxidize, causing damage to surrounding tissue and promoting inflammation [13].
By utilizing herbs and different techniques, you can effectively get rid of these metals
and lower the inflammatory response in the body.

Heavy metals also wreak havoc on our nervous system, leading to conditions like
brain fog, confusion, lack of motivation and memory problems. They are also known
to cause fatigue, headaches, skin problems and poor digestion.

How to Do It
1. Eat organic when possible. Avoid the “Dirty Dozen” at minimum.

2. Drink filtered water or spring water over heavy metal-laden tap water.

3. Reduce consumption of farmed fish and rice. They are highly contaminated
with mercury and arsenic, respectively.

4. Eat at least 1 cup a day of wild blueberries and cilantro, and 1 teaspoon of barley
grass juice powder to mobilize heavy metals from the body.

5. Once mobilized, bind heavy metals for removal from the body with two
teaspoons each of: atlantic dulse, spirulina and activated charcoal.


What Are Toxins?
A toxin is something that can be harmful to your body and one of these impacts can
be increased inflammation. We come into contact with toxins by breathing them in
(air pollution), eating them (pesticides and herbicides), or having them touch our skin.

The Main Benefits

Your body eliminates toxins through your detox organs like the liver, kidneys,
digestive system, skin and lungs. Unfortunately, if these organs aren’t healthy
enough to do their job properly, they will have trouble eliminating toxic waste.

Reducing toxin exposure gives our detox organs a much needed break. As a result, it
gives the body a chance to start clearing out toxins that have accumulated at the
cellular level to help avoid long-term damage. It also eases stress on the immune
system, which might constantly be on guard to protect our delicate organs and cells
from the threat of toxic particles.

While some toxins are environmental, we can reduce our exposure and our
contribution to overall emissions of toxins by making some simple lifestyle shifts.

How to Do It
1. Get rid of products in your home that contain synthetic fragrance like air
fresheners, dryer sheets, scented candles, laundry detergent and more.

2. Switch to non-toxic cleaning products, and use vinegar and water instead.

3. Choose glass containers to store and heat up food in (avoid plastic!).

4. Drink 3-4 litres of filtered or spring water daily, and limit alcohol consumption.

5. Eat organic food when possible, or at the bare minimum, avoid conventional
produce from the “Dirty Dozen” list.


What Are Anti-Inflammatory Foods?
Chemical compounds found naturally in nearly all fruit and vegetables possess
anti-inflammatory properties, which (you guessed it), help reduce inflammation.
This includes foods like pinapple, cherries, berries, beets, leafy greens, citrus fruit,
broccoli, avocado, grapes, and peppers.

The Main Benefits

Anti-inflammatory foods fight inflammation at the source. These foods contain
antioxidants and polyphenols that destroy free radicals, which are the cause of disease
and illness as a direct result of the inflammation they create.

Protecting your body against the damage caused by inflammation will lower your risk
for developing certain diseases later in life like diabetes, heart disease, cancer, asthma,
osteoporosis and can even protect against mental health disorders like depression.

By adding in anti-inflammatory foods to your diet, you can fight inflammation and
restore health at a cellular level.

How to Do It
1. Make a grocery list of the anti-inflammatory foods mentioned above, and pick
them up from the grocery store (choose organic when possible).

2. Try incorporating at least 1-2 of these foods in your daily meal plan.

3. Swap out your regular breakfast with an anti-inflammatory smoothie with

pineapple, mango, coconut, spinach and chia seeds.

4. Swap out your second coffee for some celery juice or other green juice to give
your body a beneficial dose of inflammation-busting antioxidants.

5. Eat fruit, vegetables, nuts and seeds in place of processed snack foods.


What is Stress?
Stress is your body’s way of responding to any kind of demand. It can be caused by
both good and bad experiences. When your body is experiencing stress, your adre-
nal glands (located on top of your kidneys) release a surge or hormones, including
adrenaline and cortisol.

The Main Benefits of Managing Stress

When you’re constantly feeling stressed, or stressors are always present, cortisol and
adrenaline remain chronically elevated. This is highly disruptive on the body and puts
you at increased risk of many health problems like anxiety, depression, digestive
problems, headaches, weight gain, sleep problems, heart disease, and brain fog.

When stress becomes chronic, it can lead to constant tissue breakdown and
impairment of the immune system. This makes the body less able to regulate the
inflammatory response, thereby increasing susceptibility to disease [14].

Although there are situations outside our control, the good thing is that we can use a
few simple tools to help manage the impacts of those stressors on our lives.

How to Do It
1. Practice deep relaxation like yoga, breathing, meditation or massage.

2. Take time for hobbies, like reading a book, making art or listening to music.

3. Exercise regularly, even if it’s just a 15-30 minute walk each day.

4. Supplement with nervous system-calming herbs like lemon balm and


5. Reduce caffeine intake, as it can heighten your stress response. Opt for
alternatives like roasted chicory root or yerba maté tea.


What Are Anti-Inflammatory Herbs?
Anti-inflammatory herbs are those that possess properties to reduce swelling,
promote blood circulation and tissue irrigation. These anti-inflammatories include
things like turmeric, ginger, rosemary, cinnamon, white willow, cat’s claw,
frankincense and black pepper.

The Main Benefits

The antioxidant content of many anti-inflammatory herbs make them able to target
inflammation at the source. This helps reduce dependency on anti-inflammatory
drugs like ibuprofen, which can cause stomach bleeding.

Turmeric and ginger offer inflammatory relief as their active components selectively
scavenge and destroy inflammation-causing free radicals in the body [15, 16].
Rosemary helps deregulate pathways associated with inflammation, while cinnamon
induces the expression of anti-inflammatory proteins that help fight against
inflammation-induced disease [17].

Cat’s claw and white willow have both been shown to reduce inflammatory responses
in the body, with white willow having a comparable effect to aspirin [18].

How to Do It
1. Start adding these spices to your food. Turmeric and pepper make great
additions to soups or stews, and cinnamon is great in baking or smoothies!

2. Make a turmeric paste by adding 1/2 cup turmeric powder with 1 cup of water
and boiling it down for 7 minutes until thick. Add in 1 tsp. cracked black pepper
and 1/4 cup coconut oil, stir, and store in a jar up to 3-4 weeks in the fridge.
Take 1/2 teaspoon, 3-4 times daily.

3. For herbs like cats claw and white willow, you’ll want to take them in tincture,
tea, or capsule format. It is recommended to take 20 to 60 mg daily of cat’s
claw, and 240 mg per day of white willow bark for ongoing conditions.


What Are Antibiotics, Antacids & NSAIDS?
Antibiotics are medicines that fight infections caused by bacteria (NOT viruses).
Antacids are a class of medicines that neutralize acid in the stomach. Lastly, NSAIDs
are non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, which are often non-prescription and
include drugs like aspirin and ibuprofen.

The Main Benefits

One of the most effective ways to prevent chronic inflammation is by minimizing the
intake of antibiotics, antacids and NSAIDs. These drugs harm the microbiome in the
gut, causing inflammation in the intestinal walls (otherwise known as leaky gut). As a
result, toxins are released into the bloodstream, triggering chronic inflammation [19].

As these drugs make our gut more permeable, they allow what normally wouldn’t
make it through to the bloodstream: undigested food particles. These particles trig-
ger inflammation, and a chain reaction of problems like bloating, gas, cramps, food
sensitivities, fatigue, headaches and joint pain.

How to Do It
1. If you’re currently using prescription antibiotics, antacids or NSAIDs, talk to
your doctor about options for going off of them, if that is a safe possibility.

2. Sometimes doctors prescribe antibiotics for viral infections, which is not

necessary. Always double check you have a proper prescription, or if the issue
will resolve itself over time.

3. Always follow up with a high-quality probiotic after taking a series of

antibiotics to rebuild the good bacteria in your gut.

4. If you regularly depend on NSAIDs to relieve your pain (like ibuprofen or

aspirin), consider switching to anti-inflammatory herbs like turmeric, which
has been proven as effective as ibuprofen [20].


What Causes Chronic Infections?
Chronic infections like bacteria, viruses, yeast, and parasites, as well as food
sensitivities can drag down our immune system and trigger chronic inflammatory
responses in the body.

The Main Benefits of Getting Tested

Chronic infections and food sensitivities negatively impact our immune system, but
how does this exacerbate inflammation?

Inflammation, in many cases, is the immune system’s response to harmful stimuli

(like bacteria, viruses, parasites and certain food particles). When we have chronic
infections that go unnoticed, our immune system gets triggered, and inflammation
becomes a constant. This can eventually lead to tissue damage or disease. Both
infectious and non-infectious agents, like food particle sensitivity and cell damage,
turn on inflammatory signaling pathways [21].

Removing food sensitivities (whether that is gluten, soy, dairy, eggs or yeast), and
getting treatment for chronic and/or hidden infections gives our immune system
some time to relax. It will also give our immune cells the chance to heal damaged
tissue, and reduce the risk of developing chronic disease.

How to Do It
1. Find a good integrative medical doctor that will take a holistic approach to your
health. Naturopathic doctors are also a great option.

2. If you believe chronic infections are suspect in your inflammation mystery,

request blood work and/or stool samples to be analyzed.

3. If you think you might have a sensitivity or allergy, start paying close attention to
what you’re eating and how it makes you feel.

4. If food sensitivity symptoms persist, your doctor may suggest a blood test or
elimination diet. You can also try to eliminate certain trigger foods yourself for a
week or two to see if it will relieve your symptoms.


Why Do We Need Exercise?
Your body was built to move. It was designed to walk, run, skip, dance, push and pull.
Back in the day, people were much more physically active. As technology changed
through the 21st century, the need for everyday movement decreased significantly.
This lack of exercise has become a major cause of chronic disease.

The Main Benefits

Our muscles connect to our bones via tendons and ligaments as a form of structural
support. When you use your muscles regularly, you’re stimulating the growth of new
muscle, and bone cell production, which means reduced risk of developing diseases
like osteoporosis.

When you start exercising and moving your muscles, your muscle cells release a pro-
tein called Interleukin 6, or IL-6. This protein plays an important role in fighting
inflammation by lowering levels of inflammation-triggering proteins like TNF-alpha
and interleukin-1-beta.

In addition, it has been found that one 20-minute session of brisk walking can have
anti-inflammatory effects on the body through its stimulation of the sympathetic
nervous system [22].

How to Do It
1. Pick a time in your schedule that you can set aside for some exercise. This
might mean waking up a little earlier (it’s worth it - trust me!).

2. Use this time to go on a brisk 20-30 minute walk. You can do this as often as
you please, but aim for 3-5 days a week.

3. If you get easily bored with exercise, consider joining an exercise class, which
can be fun, stimulating, collaborative and educational.

4. Consider walking up and down the stairs at your office instead of taking
elevators or escalators.


Why Do We Need Sleep?
Sleep is regulated by a strong internal drive, telling our bodies that it needs time to
rest and recuperate and recover. Many restorative functions in the body like muscle
growth, tissue repair, protein synthesis and growth hormone release occur mostly,
or in some cases only, during sleep.

The Main Benefits

A good night’s sleep is incredibly important for your heath. Sleeping 8-9 hours every
night can drastically change the way you look and feel.

For example, studies have found that those who sleep longer have a reduced risk of
weight gain and obesity [23]. Getting enough sleep has also been linked to improved
concentration and productivity, as well as reduced risk of heart disease, stroke,
type 2 diabetes and depression.

But that’s not all. Getting long rested hours during the night is directly linked to lower
levels of inflammation in the body. According to new research, losing sleep for even
a few short hours during the night can trigger cellular pathways that produce
tissue-damaging inflammation [24].

How to Do It
1. Turn off the lights at least 1-2 hours before going to bed. If you need some light, opt
for red light (like a string of red LED christmas lights) or warm light from a salt lamp.

2. Limit your exposure to blue light before bed, which is emitted from electronics like
smart phones, computers and tablets.

3. Turn off the wifi in your house during sleeping hours (also, turn off your phone).

4. Don’t drink any caffeine past 12pm. If you want to drink something warm later in the
day, consider calming herbal teas like chamomile, which will help relax the body.

5. Exercise early in the day, so your body is tired and ready to fall asleep later in the night.


Why Do We Need Water?
Our body is about 60% water by weight! Water is used by our cells, tissues and
organs to help regulate the body’s temperature and maintain other bodily functions.
As a general guideline, people should drink between 2-4 liters of water, depending
on body weight.

The Main Benefits

A major benefit of drinking more water is how it impacts the brain. Studies show that
even mild dehydration (1-3% of body weight) can impair brain function, which can
trigger mood swings, poor concentration and headaches [25]. Drinking more water
may also help relieve constipation, treat kidney stones and improve skin complexion.

Furthermore, chronic dehydration can stimulate inflammatory signaling in our

endothelial cells (the cells that line our blood and lymphatic vessels), which can
increase an individuals risk of developing cardiovascular disease [26].

In addition, not getting enough water can significantly impact our lymphatic system.
When we’re dehydrated, our lymph has a harder time moving, which can result in a
back-up of toxic waste matter and a subsequent increase of inflammatory responses
in the body.

How to Do It
1. Upon waking up, drink at least 1-2 cups of filtered water. Eventually increase this
amount over the course of a week, until you can comfortably drink 4 cups (1 litre).

2. Drink another litre of water 20-30 minutes before each meal to stimulate digestion.

3. Make drinking water more fun by adding lemon, mint or cucumber slices.

4. Whenever you finish your glass or bottle, make a habit to immediately fill it back up.

5. Start incorporating more water-rich foods into your diet like watermelon, cucumber,
zucchini and citrus fruit. These foods hydrate your body on a cellular level.


Why Eat More Greens?
Green leafy vegetables are among the best foods on the planet, and some of the
most nutrient-dense, too. They’re packed with antioxidants, vitamins, minerals and
important phytonutrients that fight disease and calm agitated nervous systems.

The Main Benefits

Studies have found that those who eat a high quantity of leafy greens each day have
slower rates of cognitive decline compared to those who eat the least [27]. Not only
do they support brain health, but they’re rich sources of beta-carotene, which can
give your skin a youthful glow, and even protect it from harmful UV rays [28].

Dark green vegetables and leafy greens are also known for their inflammation-
fighting properties. For example, greens, like kale or broccoli, have a compound called
quercetin, which possesses properties similar to anti-inflammatory drugs like aspirin
and ibuprofen. Quercetin blocks the effects of tumor necrosis factor (TNF), which is
often found in high levels in those with rheumatoid arthritis [29].

How to Do It
1. Buy bulk packages of organic greens and store them in your freezer. Use these greens
in smoothies, soups, stews or stir-frys.

2. Add greens into anything you can fit them in. Whether that’s sandwiches, wraps, pizza,
or even baked goods, you’ll be glad you did it!

3. If you’re making a smoothie, add 1-2 cups of your favorite green (like spinach, or
romaine). And trust me - you can’t taste the greens if you add sweet fruit like dates!

4. Try eating a salad every day. Fill your salad bowl with arugula, mixed baby greens and
red cabbage. You can add quinoa, tomato, avocado, and any other favorite additions.

5. Prepare fresh green juices with a juicer or blender (and strain with a nut milk bag). A
great combination is 6 ribs of celery, 4-6 leaves of kale, 1 lemon, 1 apple and ginger.


What Is a Healthy Weight?
A healthy weight for each individual will be very subjective. Someone who is 160
pounds might have a more muscular body type, which fits that weight, compared to
someone who might have a very narrow, less muscular body frame. For me, a healthy
weight is a weight I feel most comfortable and healthy in, where I can actively move
my body and not feel out of breath.

The Main Benefits

The connection between being overweight and experiencing more joint pain is strong.
Studies have shown that adults over 18 years of age who are overweight or obese are
up to 15% more likely to report doctor-diagnosed arthritis [30]. The reasoning for this
is because carrying extra weight puts strain on your bones and joints.

Fat cells are also capable of creating chemical signals that lead to chronic inflammation.
Studies have found that weight increases are associated with chronic inflammation,
and that the relationship is linear. This means that as a person’s weight increases, so do
the levels of C-reactive proteins (inflammation markers) in their blood [31].

The good news? Shedding just a few pounds can often be enough to ease pain and
prevent future inflammation.

How to Do It
1. If you feel you aren’t in the best shape, start by going on small walks around your
neighborhood. Even a short 15 minute walk is enough to boost your metabolism.

2. Increase your walking to 30-45 minutes each day. This might mean waking up a bit
earlier in the morning to fit it in, but at least you’ll get it over and done with for the day!

3. Try intermittent fasting, which is eating only during a certain period of time, and fasting
for 16 hours inbetween. For example, finish eating breakfast at 11am, and supper by 7pm.

4. Start making your food from scratch, putting a large focus on vegetables and fruit. For
breakfast, make a green smoothie, and finish the day with dishes that focus on veggies.


What is Salt?
Salt is a substance produced by the reaction of an acid with a base. The salt that we
consume is also called sodium chloride, and consists of 40% sodium and 60%
chloride, by weight.

The Main Benefits of Limiting Salt Intake

When consuming too much salt, especially too much of the overly refined table salt,
our bodies become inflamed.

Excess sodium is normally secreted in urine, but if your kidneys can’t eliminate it fast
enough, it accumulates in your bloodstream. Your blood volume then starts to swell,
because sodium holds onto water. This directly affects your heart, making it pump
harder. Inflamed veins and arteries associated with high salt intake may place
uncomfortable pressure on the surrounding joints, and can actually exacerbate
conditions like arthritis.

Excess salt intake has also been found to trigger or worsen certain autoimmune
diseases by increasing amounts of pro-inflammatory cytokines [32].

How to Do It
1. If you currently use table salt, swap it out with mineral and electrolyte-dense celtic
sea salt. It might be a little more expensive, but the benefits are well worth it.

2. Cook from scratch, so that you know exactly how much salt goes into your food.

3. When opting for packaged foods, choose those that are sodium free or low in sodium.

4. Start substituting spices, herbs and salt-free blends for salt on your food. Over time,
your taste buds will become fine-tuned, and you won’t depend on salt as much.

5. Try and break the habit of automatically reaching for the salt shaker. Leaving it stored
away while you eat will keep it out of reach.

from the Freedom from Inflammation eBook

• Cassava Crust Pizza

• Sweet Potato Tahini Brownies
• Spiced Turmeric Tonic



This gluten-free pizza recipe tastes just like the real thing! The crust has an airy, chewy
texture and is surprisingly easy to make.

• 2 cups mashed yuca root* (peeled, cut into large

pieces, boiled until fork tender (12-15 minutes) Makes 1-2 servings
and drained) *Cassava or yuca root is easily
found in large grocery stores or
• 1 tablespoon coconut oil
Asian food stores. In Canada, the
• 2 tablespoons coconut flour or almond flour
Real Canadian Superstore
• 1/2 teaspoon sea salt regularly carries it.

• 2 cups cherry tomatoes
• 1/2 teaspoon each of dried oregano, basil and garlic powder
• sea salt & black pepper to taste

1. Preheat oven to 375.
2. Combine all ingredients in a food processor, and pureé until a dough is formed.
3. Empty dough onto parchment paper and roll out to make 1 or 2 crusts (1/2 inch thick).
4. Bake 15-20 minutes on parchment lined baking sheet or until nicely browned. Remove
from oven and flip crust(s) over, and continue baking until the other side is browned.
5. While crust is baking, add all pizza sauce ingredients to a pot and simmer on medium until
a paste is formed (about 10 minutes).
6. Assemble the pizza with your sauce, toppings (I love green pepper, onion, mushrooms and
black olives), and then bake again for another 10-15 minutes.



The perfect recipe to satisfy your sweet tooth without having to feel guilty after. Packed
with sweet potatoes for moisture and tahini for richness and decadency.

• 2/3 cup cooked, mashed sweet potato (about

one large sweet potato) Makes 8-9 servings
*To make a flax egg, mix 1 tbsp.
• 1/3 cup sesame tahini
flaxseed meal with 2.5 tbsp. of
• 1/2 cup coconut sugar
water, and mix. Let stand for 5
• 2 flax eggs* minutes before using. For this
• 2 teaspoons vanilla extract recipe you will need 2 tbsp. flax
• 3/4 cup almond flour in 5 tbsp. water.
• 1/4 cup coconut flour
• 1/4 cup cacao or cocoa powder
• 1/2 teaspoon baking soda
• 1/4 teaspoon salt

1. Preheat oven to 350ºF and line a small brownie pan with parchment paper on the
bottom and rub coconut oil on the sides.
2. Using a hand mixer and a bowl or food processor, mix the sweet potato, tahini and
coconut sugar. Add in the flax eggs and vanilla and mix until well combined.
3. Add all of the remaining ingredients, and whisk by hand until well mixed.
4. Spoon and press down the mixture into a baking pan. Bake for 20-25 minutes, or until
a toothpick comes out clean.
5. Let cool completely before cutting and eating. Store in fridge for up to one week.



This unique and healthful blend of turmeric, ginger, cinnamon, and coconut milk make
it the perfect remedy for poor digestion and chronic pain.

• 2 cups coconut milk (Real Thai is my favorite

brand) Makes 4 servings
• 1 teaspoon turmeric powder *If you are purchasing turmeric
powder, make sure that it has
• 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon powder
been tested and free from heavy
• 1 teaspoon freshly grated ginger root
metals. Turmeric is a major
• pinch of ground black pepper source of lead contamination.
• 1 teaspoon maple syrup or sweetener of choice

1. Bring coconut milk to a boil, and then reduce to simmer.
2. Add turmeric, cinnamon, ginger and black pepper and lightly whisk to incorporate.
3. Let simmer for about 3-5 minutes.
4. Remove from heat and strain.
5. Mix in sweetener and drink immediately.

The Freedom From Inflammation
recipe eBook is coming soon,
in January 2020...
For now, join our private Facebook
group to connect with the
Live Love Fruit community!


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