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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region III
Division of Bulacan
Malolos City
Pulong Gubat, Balagtas, Bulacan
Tel. or fax Number 044 815 55 49

Teachers Induction Program

Module I Session 4

Pre- Test
Check whether each statement is true or false.

1. PPST stands for Philippine Professional Standards

for Teachers.

2. There are 37 Domains and 7 strands in the PPST.

3. There are 4 career stages from Beginning to

Proficient Teacher.

4. The number of years in service determines the

career stages of teachers.

5. Providing safe learning environment is the sole

duty of a school head.

6. Every teacher is expected to know diversity of


7. Learning outcomes should be aligned with the

learning objectives.

8. Learners and parents should inform the teachers

about the results of the learning assessment.

9. Beginning teachers can only get professional

growth through seminars.

10.All teachers need to have professional goals to

improve teaching practice.

Activities and Assessment

A. “Map Me”

In this activity, you are going to make your own career map by
answering the question below. (Note: Please read and
understand DepEd Order 42, s.2017)

Make your own timeline.

Beginning – Proficient - Highly Proficient – Distinguished

Years 1-2 Years 3-4 Years 5-6 Years 7-8 Years 9-10

Years in Teaching Career Stage

Years 1-2 Beginning Teacher
Years 3-4 Proficient
Years 5-6 Highly Proficient
Years 7-8 Highly Proficient
Years 9-10 Distinguished

Answer the questions that follow.

1. In what career stage are you now as a teacher?

I believe that I am already in the proficient stage.

2. In what career stage do you situate yourself 10 years from now?

I see myself 10 years from now, with all my plans being fulfilled and as a
highly proficient teacher.

3. What professional development activities would you engage in to

achieve your desired career stage?
As a new teacher, I know I can learn a lot from my fellow teachers who
can help me improve my skills as a teacher, and another way is to attend
seminars and conferences on professional development to be a good

Answer the questions that follow.

1. What are the different career stages of teachers?

The career stages of teachers are the following: Beginning, proficient, highly
proficient, and distinguished.

2. How will you go to the next higher career stage?

I can go to the next higher phase of my career by managing my time to work
and participating in many activities that suits in my profession that will help
me progress more myself in teaching.

3. Is it possible for a beginning teacher to stay in 1 career stage for 5–10 years? Why or why not

Yes, it is possible. One can stay in 1 career stage for 5-10 years if he or she
is being lazy. Teachers like that have not been promoted and not really grow
in their career path.

What I Learned
What are the seven domains of the PPST? Discuss each domain briefly based on
your own understanding.
Domains Brief Discussion
One must recognize the importance of content
knowledge and its interconnectedness within any
across curriculum areas, coupled with a sound and
CONTENT KNOWLEDGE AND critical understanding of the application of theories
PEDAGOGY and principles of teaching and learning.

Domains Brief Discussion

Provide learning environment which is safe, secure, fair,
and conducive for learning. It should create a child-
friendly atmosphere which will utilize materials and
It should cater and be responsive to the diversity of the
learners. Teachers should also be attentive to the
differences and needs of the students to encourage them
DIVERSITY OF LEARNERS to be successful.
CURRICULUM AND PLANNING Teachers should adhere to the curriculum and plan well
various activities which will cater the needs of the
students. Everything they do inside and outside the
classroom must be based on the principles of effective
Apply a variety of assessment and strategies in
monitoring, evaluating, documenting, and reporting
ASSESSMENT AND REPORTING learners’ needs, progress, and achievement.
Establish school-community partnerships aimed at
COMMUNITY LINKAGES AND enriching learning environment, as well as community’s
PROFESSIONAL ENGAGEMENT engagement in the educative process.
Value personal growth and professional development and
exhibit high personal regard to his profession by
PERSONAL GROWTH AND maintaining qualities which uphold the quality of teachers
PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT such as caring attitude, respect, and integrity.

1. What is the difference between domains and strands, and strands and
In nature, domains are general. In the teaching-learning method, it covers a
wide field of what teachers should target. In the other hand, the strands are
more basic aspects of teaching experience in any area. And ultimately, markers
are the real and measurable manifestation that realms and strands are being
2. Why do we need to set standards for teachers?
It is important to set standards for teachers to enhance the quality of education
in the Philippines. These guidelines also provide teachers with a guide for how
their instruction needs to be performed in order to meet standards.
3. As a beginning teacher, which do you consider as the most important among
the seven domains? Justify your stand.
Content knowledge and pedagogy. I consider this to be the most significant of
the seven domains, since this must be done first of all. One cannot be called
an instructor without a knowledge of the subject that he teaches.

What I Do

Read thoroughly Domain 1 Content Knowledge and Pedagogy particularly the three
indicators in the beginning and proficient teachers. Answer the questions that follow.

Which of the indicators can you confidently say you are doing?

1. Which of the indicators are you NOT doing yet?

None. I am doing the aforementioned indicators.

2. What do you notice about the indicators from beginning to

proficient teacher?
Indicators come under the knowledge and pedagogy of content. It
means that one must be competent and have the skill to learn the
subject matter he is teaching before you can hit the next step of
your career.

Read the following teaching practices. With all honesty, choose

your answer by ticking (/) the box that corresponds to your answer.
A- Always S- Sometimes N- Never
How often do you do the following in your teaching practice?

Indicators A S N
1.Demonstrates content knowledge and its application within and /or
across curriculum teaching areas
2.Shows skill in the positive use of ICT to facilitate the Teaching –Learning
3.Demonstrates knowledge of strategies that promote reading and
numeracy skills
4.Applies teaching strategies that develop critical and creative thinking
and/or other higher order thinking skills
5. Demonstrates an understanding of the range of verbal and nonverbal
classroom communication strategies that support learner understanding,
participation, engagement, and achievement.
6.Uses Mother Tongue, Filipino, and English to facilitate teaching and
7.Demonstrates understanding of research based knowledge and principle
of teaching and learning

. What I Realize

Read thoroughly Domain 3 Diversity of Learners particularly

the three indicators in the beginning and proficient teachers.
Answer the questions that follow.

1. What teaching practices do you think are responsive to the call of the
indicators in Domain 3 to address diversity of learners?

Teaching practices under 3.1.1 until 3.3.2 because these talks about
the strategies needed to accommodate the different needs of the

2. To address learner diversity, what teaching practices would you employ to

enable you to move from beginning to the proficient career stage?

I would use differentiated and effective teaching methods to address the diverse
needs of my students. I'm also going to design a plan, and I'm going to implement
my own materials to customize it for all my students.

As a teacher, what are the indicators under beginning stage that you can do? Is it
possible that you can move to the higher career stage? Knowing where you are, what
professional development goals could you prepare based on your strength and areas
for improvement?

Strongly believe that I can do all the indicators under the beginning stage
which fall under the content knowledge and pedagogy. It is indeed a basic and a must
for all the teachers to have the mastery of the subject matter that they are teaching. As
a teacher, I know that I can move to the higher career stage for I am doing everything
that I could to improve myself and my practices as a teacher. I attend seminars and
workshops which could help me to become an effective and efficient teacher. I also
plan to finish my graduate studies and be more engaged to activities which will surely
help me grow in my profession and as an individual.

Based on the results of the self-assessment tool, make a professional

development plan.

Areas for Recommended Time Persons

Improvement Development/Inte frame Involved
 Sensitive to  Effective Attend seminars 2 years Myself
others’ Classroom highlighting the and Students
feelings management. areas for my onwards. Co teachers
 Perseveran  Improvise improvement. Administrator
ce to the Mapeh s
attainment activities that
of my goals. make my
 Flexible teaching
enough to simpler and
any events can be absorb
that comes easily by my
on my way. learners.

Professional Development Goal


Check whether each statement is true or false.

I. Learning outcomes should be aligned
with the learning objectives.
II. Providing safe learning environment is
the sole
duty of a school head.
III. There are 4 career stages from
Beginning to
Proficient Teacher.
IV. The number of years in service
determines the
career stages of teachers.
V. There are 37 Domains and 7 strands in
the PPST.
VI. PPST stands for Philippine Professional
for Teachers.
VII. Every teacher is expected to know
diversity of
VIII. Learners and parents should inform
the teachers about the results of the
learning assessment.
IX. Beginning teachers can only get
growth through seminars.
X. All teachers need to have professional
goals to
improve teaching practice.

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