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Ethnomedicinal, Phytochemical, and Pharmacological Profile of The Genus Dalbergia L. (Fabaceae)

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Ethnomedicinal, phytochemical, and pharmacological profile of the genus

Dalbergia L. (Fabaceae)

Article · April 2013


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7 authors, including:

Sanjib Saha Jamil A Shilpi

University of Iowa Khulna University


Himangsu Mondal Md Anisuzzman

Chosun University Khulna University


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Phytopharmacology 2013, 4(2), 291-346 Saha et al.

Ethnomedicinal, phytochemical, and pharmacological profile of the

genus Dalbergia L. (Fabaceae)

Sanjib Saha1*, Jamil A. Shilpi1, Himangsu Mondal1, Faroque Hossain1, Md. Anisuzzman1,
Md. Mahadhi Hasan1, Geoffrey A. Cordell2
Pharmacy Discipline, Life Science School, Khulna University, Khulna 9208, Bangladesh.
Natural Products Inc., Evanston, IL 60203, USA.
Corresponding author:; Tel: +880-1717-986703

Received: 10 October 2012, Revised: 11 January 2013, Accepted: 13 January 2013


Dalbergia is a large genus of trees, shrubs, lianas, and woody climbers in the pea
family, the Fabaceae, consisting of approximately 274 accepted species widely dist-
ributed in the tropical and subtropical regions of the world. Members of the genus
enjoy a number of traditional uses all over the world. Various species are widely
used in the treatment of different ailments like aphthae, bleeding piles, cough, diar-
rhea, dysentery, dyspepsia, epigastria, epistaxis, gonorrhea, haemorrhages, leprosy,
malaria, rheumatism, scabies, scalding urine, stomach ache, syphilis, traumatic inj-
uries, and ulcers, etc. Species are also used for their analgesic, anthelmintic, anti-
inflammatory, antimicrobial, antipyretic, anti-spermicidal, anti-ulcerogenic, aphro-
disiac, astringent, expectorant, and larvicidal activities in traditional medicine. So-
me species are already validated through different pharmacological investigations,
and others require scientific investigations to rationalize their traditional uses. Phyt-
ochemical investigations of this genus have isolated different groups of compounds
including isoflavonoids, neoflavonoids, glycosides, cinnamylphenols, quinones, fu-
rans, and other miscellaneous compounds. This comprehensive review is a compil-
ation of information regarding the ethnomedicinal, phytochemical, and pharma-
cological data of the genus Dalbergia.

Keywords: Dalbergia; ethnomedicinal; phytochemical; pharmacological


The family Fabaceae (alternatively known as the Leguminosae) is one of the largest
families of flowering plants, consisting of 730 genera and over 19,400 species (Stevens,
2008). The genus Dalbergia is placed under the subfamily Faboideae containing 274 Interna-
tional Legume Database & Information Service (ILDIS) accepted species distributed all over
the world, especially in the tropical and subtropical regions. Most Dalbergia species are wid-
ely used timber trees, and are valuable because of their decorative and fragrant wood (Chopra

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Phytopharmacology 2013, 4(2), 291-346 Saha et al.

et al., 1980). Many species are used in traditional system of medicines all over the world in
the treatment of various ailments like diarrhea, leucoderma, dyspepsia, dysentery, syphilis,
gonorrhea, stomach ache, leprosy, eye diseases, scabies, pain, and ringworm (Pooley et al.,
1993; Ghani, 1999; Khare, 2007; Kazembe et al., 2012). Traditionally, they are also used for
their analgesic, antimicrobial, aphrodisiac, anthelmintic, antipyretic, anti-inflammatory, and
larvicidal activities (Nadkarni 1954; Kirtikar et al., 1991). Only a few species have been sub-
jected to pharmacological investigations in order to rationalize their traditional uses. Several
phytoconstituents like isoflavonoids, neoflavonoids, glycosides, cinnamylphenols, quinones,
and furans have been isolated from different species. The present comprehensive review is a
compilation of geographical distribution, ethnomedicinal uses, isolated phytoconstituents,
and pharmacological activities of the genus Dalbergia.

The genus Dalbergia

The plants of the genus Dalbergia L. are small- to medium-sized trees, shrubs, climb-
ers, and lianas with leathery, alternate, imparipinnate, and compound leaves. Leaflets are
alternate, rarely, some subopposite and glabrous. Corolla small, rarely fragrant, white to crea-
m, sometimes flushed purplish. Fruits are oblong-lanceolate, indehiscent, usually flattened,
and seeded (Chopra et al., 1980). Seeds are kidney shaped, thin and flat, light brown in color.
Root nodulation is very common. Several species are cultivated commercially for their
colored timber used in the furniture industries. In Bangladesh, Dalbergia lanceolaria L.f.,
Dalbergia latifolia Roxb., Dalbergia sissoo Roxb., Dalbergia spinosa Roxb., Dalbergia
stipulacea Roxb., and Dalbergia volubilis Roxb. are commonly available and widely used in
traditional medicines (Ghani, 1999). A list of some important Dalbergia species, along with
their geographical distribution, is indicated in Table 1. Both indigenous and introduced coun-
tries are mentioned for each species. Among 274 species most common species are included
in this table to express geographical distribution. Index Kewensis (IK) assaingments for each
species from IPNI website are mentioned in the table.

Table 1. Selected Dalbergia species and their worldwide distribution.

Botanical Name Index Kewensis (IK) Geographical Distribution

J. Asiat. Soc. Bengal, Pt. 2,

Indonesia, Irian Jaya, Papua New Guinea and Solomon
Dalbergia albertisii Prain Nat. Hist. 70: 62. 1901 [14
Aug 1901]
Dalbergia amazonica
‒ Brazil, Guyana and Venezuela
(Radlk.) Ducke
Fl. Trop. Afr. [Oliver et al.] Malawi, Mozambique, Tanzania, Zaire, Zambia and
Dalbergia arbutifolia Baker
2: 232. 1871 Zimbabwe
Pl. Jungh. [Miquel] 256, in
Dalbergia assamica Benth. China, India, Kenya and Myanmar
J. Asiat. Soc. Bengal, Pt. 2,
Dalbergia balansae Prain Nat. Hist. 70: 54. 1901 [14 China, Hainan and Vietnam
Aug 1901]
J. Linn. Soc., Bot. 21: 337.
Dalbergia baronii Baker Madagascar
1884 [1886 publ. 1884]
J. Asiat. Soc. Bengal, Pt. 2,
Brunei, Indonesia, Malaysia, Papua New Guinea,
Dalbergia beccarii Prain Nat. Hist. 70: 64. 1901 [14
Peninsular Malaysia, Sarawak and Solomon Is
Aug 1901]
J. Asiat. Soc. Bengal, Pt. 2,
Dalbergia benthamii Prain Nat. Hist. 67(2): 289, as China and Hainan
'benthami'. 1898

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Phytopharmacology 2013, 4(2), 291-346 Saha et al.

Angola, Cameroon, Central African Rep., Guinea

Pflanzenw. Ost-Afrikas C
Dalbergia boehmii Taub. Bissau, Kenya, Malawi, Mozambique, Senegal, Sudan,
(1895) 218.
Tanzania, Zaire, Zambia and Zimbabwe
Fl. Trop. Afr. [Oliver et al.]
Dalbergia bracteolate Baker Kenya, Madagascar, Mozambique, and Tanzania
2: 234. 1871
Belize, Colombia, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Mexico,
Dalbergia brownie ‒
Panama, United States and Venezuela.
Andaman Is, Australia, Bangladesh, Bismarck
Archipelago, Brunei, Burma, China, Fiji, India,
J. Asiat. Soc. Bengal, Pt. 2, Indonesia, Malaysia, Micronesia Federated States,
Dalbergia candenatensis
Nat. Hist. 70: 49. 1901 [14 Moluccas, Myanmar, Nicobar Is, Northern Marianas,
Aug 1901] Papua New Guinea, Peninsular Malaysia, Philippines,
Ryukyu Is, Sabah, Sarawak, Singapore, Solomon Is, Sri
Lanka, Sulawesi, Sumatera, Thailand and Vietnam
Arch. Jard. Bot. Rio de
Dalbergia cearensis Ducke Brazil, Mexico
Janeiro iv. 73 (1925).
Bull. Mens. Soc. Linn. Paris
Dalbergia chapelieri Baill. Madagascar
i. (1884) 436.
Dalbergia chontalensis
Ceiba i. 81 (1950). Nicaragua
Standl. & L.O.Williams
Dalbergia congestiflora J. Wash. Acad. Sci. 1922,
Pittier xii. 57.
J. Asiat. Soc. Bengal, Pt. 2,
Dalbergia coromandeliana
Nat. Hist. 70: 60. 1901 [14 India
Aug 1901]
Dalbergia cuiabensis ‒ Bolivia and Brazil
Numer. List [Wallich] n.
Dalbergia cultrate Graham India, Laos, Myanmar, Thailand and Vietnam
5861. [1831-32]
Dalbergia cuscatlanica Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist.,
Costa Rica, Guatemala, Mexico and Panama.
(Standl.) Standl. Bot. Ser. 4: 215. 1929
Angola, Antigua-Barbuda, Bahamas, Barbados, Belize,
Brazil, Cameroon, Cayman Is, Colombia, Costa Rica,
Cuba, Dominica, Dominican Republic, French Guiana,
Ghana, Grenada, Guadeloupe, Guatemala, Guyana,
Dalbergia ecastaphyllum
‒ Haiti, India, Ivory Coast, Liberia, Martinique, Mauritius,
Mexico, Montserrat, Nigeria, Panama, Peru, Puerto
Rico, Reunion, Senegal, Sierra Leone, St Vincent,
Surinam, Togo, Trinidad & Tobago, United States and
Dalbergia eremicola Polhill Kew Bull. xxiii. 483 (1969). Kenya and Somalia
Pflanzenw. Ost-Afrikas C Malawi, Mozambique, Tanzania, Zambia and
Dalbergia fischeri Taub.
(1895) 218. Zimbabwe
Icon. Carpolog. 22. 1849 Brazil, Colombia, French Guiana, Surinam and
Dalbergia foliosa T.S.Ralph
[Apr-May 1849] Venezuela
Bull. Torrey Bot. Club xvi.
Dalbergia frutescens Britton Argentina, Brazil, Guyana, Paraguay and Venezuela
(1889) 324.
Fl. Forest. Cochinch. t. 381
Dalbergia fusca Pierre China
Dalbergia gardneriana J. Proc. Linn. Soc., Bot.
Benth. 4(Suppl.): 42. 1860
Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist.,
Dalbergia glabra Standl. Belize, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Honduras and Mexico
Bot. Ser. 8: 15. 1930
Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni
Dalbergia glaziovii Harms Brazil
Veg. 24: 212. 1928
Bull. Mens. Soc. Linn. Paris
Dalbergia greveana Baill. Madagascar
i. (1884) 436.
J. Asiat. Soc. Bengal, Pt. 2,
Dalbergia havilandii Prain Nat. Hist. 70: 45. 1901 [14 Brunei, Malaysia and Sarawak
Aug 1901]
J. Asiat. Soc. Bengal, Pt. 2,
Dalbergia inundata Nat. Hist. 70: 45. 1901 [14 Brazil, Colombia, Guyana, Peru and Venezuela
Aug 1901]
Dalbergia junghuhnii Benth. Pl. Jungh. [Miquel] 254. Indonesia, Malaysia and Singapore

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Phytopharmacology 2013, 4(2), 291-346 Saha et al.

J. Asiat. Soc. Bengal, Pt. 2,

Dalbergia kurzii Prain Nat. Hist. 66: 450. 1897 Laos and Myanmar
[1898 publ. 1897]
Suppl. Pl. 316. 1782 [1781
Dalbergia lanceolaria L.f. Bangladesh and Pakistan
publ. Apr 1782]
Dalbergia latifolia Roxb. Pl. Coromandel ii. 7. t. 113. Bangladesh and Pakistan
Dalbergia louvelii Madagascar
J. Asiat. Soc. Bengal, Pt. 2,
Dalbergia malabarica Prain Nat. Hist. 70: 48. 1901 [14 India
Aug 1901]
Angola, Botswana, Burkina Faso, Chad, Ethiopia,
Dalbergia melanoxylon India, Ivory Coast, Kenya, Malawi, Mali, Mozambique,
Fl. Seneg. Tent. i. 227. t. 53.
Guill. & Perr. Nigeria, Senegal, South Africa, Sri Lanka, Sudan,
Tanzania, Uganda, Zaire, Zambia and Zimbabwe
Dalbergia microphylla Ann. Bot. (Rome) 13: 385.
Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia and Tanzania
Chiov. 1915
Ann. Roy. Bot. Gard.
Dalbergia mimosella Prain Indonesia, Malaysia and Philippine
(Calcutta) x. 42.
J. Proc. Linn. Soc., Bot.
Dalbergia miscolobium 4(Suppl.): 35. 1860; et in Fl.
Benth. Bras. (Martius) 15(1): 222
Bull. Mus. Natl. Hist. Nat.,
Dalbergia mollis Bosser &
B, Adansonia Sér. 4, 18(3- Madagascar
4): 211, nom. nov. 1996
Belize, Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Dominican
Republic, French Guiana, Guadeloupe, Guatemala,
Suppl. Pl. 317. 1782 [1781
Dalbergia monetaria L.f. Guyana, Haiti, Honduras, Jamaica, Martinique, Mexico,
publ. Apr 1782]
Panama, Peru, Puerto Rico, St Vincent, Surinam and
J. Proc. Linn. Soc., Bot.
Dalbergia nigra Allem. ex 4(Suppl.): 36. 1860; et in Fl.
Benth. Bras. (Martius) 15(1): 224
Dalbergia nitidula Welw. ex Fl. Trop. Afr. [Oliver et al.]
Tropical Africa
Baker 2: 235. 1871
Comm. Pl. Afr. Austr.
Dalbergia obovata E.Mey. Mozambique, South Africa and Tanzania
(Meyer) 152.
J. Asiat. Soc. Bengal, Pt. 2,
Dalbergia obtusifolia Prain Nat. Hist. 70: 42. 1901 [14 China, Myanmar and Thailand
Aug 1901]
Dalbergia odorifera Acta Phytotax. Sin. viii. 351
T.C.Chen (1963).
J. Asiat. Soc. Bengal, Pt. 2,
Dalbergia oliveri Gamble ex
Nat. Hist. 66: 451. 1897 East Indies
[1898 publ. 1897]
Hort. Bengal. 98; Fl. Ind. iii. Borneo, Brunei, Burma, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia,
Dalbergia parviflora Roxb.
225. Moluccas, Myanmar, Malaysia, Singapore and Thailand
Dalbergia pervillei Vatke Linnaea 43: 106. 1881 Madagascar
Diagn. Pl. Nov. Mexic. 1: 8. Costa Rica, El Salvador, Mexico, Nicaragua and
Dalbergia retusa Hemsl.
1878 [Jul 1878] Panama
Dalbergia rubiginosa Roxb. Pl. Coromandel ii. 9. t. 115. China and India
Angola, Cameroon, Gabon, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea
Niger Fl. [W. J. Hooker].
Dalbergia saxatilis Hook.f. Bissau, Ivory Coast, Liberia, Nigeria, Senegal, Sierra
314. 1849 [Nov-Dec 1849]
Leone, Togo and Zaire
Numer. List [Wallich] n.
Dalbergia sissoides Graham India and Indonesia
5876. [1831-32]
Hort. Bengal. 53; Fl. Ind. iii.
Dalbergia sissoo Roxb. Bangladesh and Pakistan
Hort. Bengal. [98]; Fl. Ind.
Dalbergia spinosa Roxb. Bangladesh, Burma, India, Malaysia, and Myanmar
iii. 233.
Trop. Woods No. 12, 4
Dalbergia stevensonii Standl. Belize

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Phytopharmacology 2013, 4(2), 291-346 Saha et al.

Bangladesh, Bhutan, China, India, Indonesia, Laos,

Hort. Bengal. 53; Fl. Ind. iii.
Dalbergia stipulacea Roxb. Malaysia, Moluccas, Myanmar, Nepal, Papua New
Guinea, Philippines, Solomon Is, Thailand and Vietnam
Arch. Jard. Bot. Rio de Brazil, French Guiana, Guyana, Peru, Surinam and
Dalbergia subcymosa Ducke
Janeiro iii. 144 (1922). Venezuela
Dalbergia sympathetica in J. Grah. Cat. Pl. Bomb.
Nimmo 55.
J. Linn. Soc., Bot. 25: 311.
Dalbergia trichocarpa Baker Madagascar
1890 [28 Jan 1890]
Dalbergia tucurensis
Bot. Gaz. 46: 111. 1908 Belize, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Honduras and Mexico
Dalbergia vacciniifolia Oesterr. Bot. Z. 28: 263.
Kenya and Tanzania
Vatke 1878
Bangladesh, China, India, Laos, Myanmar, Nepal, Sri
Dalbergia volubilis Roxb. Pl. Coromandel ii. 48. t. 191.
Lanka, Thailand and Vietnam.

Ethnomedicinal uses

A number of ethnomedicinal uses of different species of the Dalbegia genus have be-
en documented and published. Many species are widely used in the treatment of various
ailments in different communities all over the world. After conducting a literature survey, a
comprehensive list of the different species used, along with their routes of administration and
traditional uses, is presented in Table 2.

Table 2. Ethnomedicinal uses of various species of genus Dalbergia.

Part Used (Route of
Botanical Name Traditional Medicinal Uses (References)
A decoction of the bark is used in dyspepsia, leaves are used
Leaves, bark and seeds
Dalbergia lanceolaria L.f. in leprosy and allied obstinate skin diseases. Seed oil is used
in rheumatism and cutaneous diseases (Khare, 2007).
Bark is used in body pain, and whole plant is used in
Bark and whole plant diarrhea, dyspepsia, leprosy and obesity. Whole plant is also
Dalbergia latifolia Roxb.
(oral) used as stomachic, anthelmintic and bitter tonic (Ghani,
1999; Khare, 2007).
In Senegal, stem and root bark are used in the treatment of
diarrhea with baobab or tamarind fruits. Smoke of burnt
roots is inhaled in colds, bronchitis and headache. Smoke of
burnt stems is inhaled to treat rheumatism in Sudan. A
Dalbergia melanoxylon Guill. Leaves, stem and root decoction of roots is used as anthelmintic and aphrodisiac,
& Perr. bark (oral, topical) and applied in the treatment of gonorrhoea, stomach-ache
and abdominal pain. A decoction of bark is used in healing
wounds. Leaf decoction is used in relief of joint pain, and
leaf sap is taken to treat inflammation in mouth and throat
(Bolza et al., 1972; Neuwinger et al., 2000).
Chewed leaves are applied to treat snakebites and leaves are
rubbed on abscesses. Powdered root soaked in warm water
Leaves (topical), roots
Dalbergia nitidula Welw. ex is gargled to treat toothache and root decoction and infusion
(oral, topical) and bark
Baker is used in the treatment of malaria and cough. In Zimbabwe,
bark is used to treat wounds and ulcers (Kazembe et al.,
A root infusion is used in the treatment of stomach-ache and
Roots (infusion) and
Dalbergia obovata E.Mey. toothache (Louppe et al., 2008). Bark is applied to treat sore
bark (topical)
mouths in babies (Pooley et al., 1993).
Heartwood is used in Chinese traditional medicine in the
treatment of ischemia, blood stagnation syndrome swelling,
Dalbergia odorifera T.C.Chen Heartwood (oral)
rheumatic pain, epigastria, traumatic injuries and necrosis
(Kang et al., 2005; Hou et al., 2011)
Dalbergia sissoides Graham Roots (oral) Anti-inflammatory (Khare, 2007).

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Phytopharmacology 2013, 4(2), 291-346 Saha et al.

Leaf juice is used for eye ailments, and wood is used in the
treatment of blood disorders, burning sensations, scabies,
stomach problems, scalding urine, epistaxis, hemorrhage,
eye and nose disorders, syphilis and bleeding piles (Kirtikar
et al., 1993). Bark and wood are applied as expectorant,
Leaves, Bark, wood, astringent, anthelmintic, aphrodisiac, antipyretic and used in
Dalbergia sissoo Roxb. roots and whole plant diseases of the blood, dyspepsia and dysentery (Kirtikar et
(oral) al., 1975). Extract of wood rasping is very useful in leprosy,
and roots are used as astringent (Ghani, 1998). Decoction of
leaves is also prescribed in acute gonorrhea, and whole plant
is used in ancient Yunani preparations and in the treatment
of skin diseases and gonorrhea (Kirtikar et al., 1975;
Nadkarni, 1954).
Fruits are used as tonic and antipyretic. Leaves and stem
Fruits, leaves and stem
Dalbergia spinosa Roxb. bark are applied as febrifuge and anthelmintic (Naskar,
barks (oral)
Roots and leaves are used in the treatment of gonorrhoea
Dalbergia stipulacea Roxb. Roots and leaves (oral)
and aphthae (Yusuf et al., 1994)
Paste of bark is used in the treatment of pimples. Leaves are
Dalbergia sympathetica Bark (topical), leaves
used as alterative, and aerial parts as spasmolytic, CNS
Nimmo and aerial parts (oral)
active and hypothermic (Khare, 2007).
Decoction of leaves is used as anti-inflammatory and
Leaves, roots and antiarthritic, applied in aphthae, and also used in sore-throat
Dalbergia volubilis Roxb.
aerial parts (oral) as gargle. Juice of roots is used in gonorrhea. Aerial parts
are applied as diuretics (Ghani, 1998, Khare, 2007).

Phytochemical studies

A number of phytochemical types, including isoflavonoids, neoflavonoids, glycosi-

des, cinnamylphenols, quinones, furans, steroids, and other miscellaneous compounds have
been isolated from various species of the Dalbergia genus. Following a literature survey, the
isolated and characterized compounds are tabulated in Table 3, and bioactive compounds
along with their activity are tabulated in Table 4. Structures of all the mentioned compounds
are presented in Table 5.

The highest investigated plant part is the heartwood while most of the reported comp-
ounds are phenolic compounds. A wide range of flavanoids namely, flavones, isoflavones,
neoflavones and chalcones have been isolated either in their aglycone form or as glycosides.
Glucose is the most common sugar of the glycosides while some glycosides also contain
rhamnose and galactose. So far various species of the genus Dalbergia including D. volubilis,
D. sissoides, D. sissoo, D. parviflora, D. coromandeliana, D. lanceolaria yielded apiogluco-
sides which is rare in nature (Malhotra et al., 1967; Ramesh et al., 1995; Farag et al., 2001;
Umehara et al., 2009; Dixit et al., 2012). Therefore, isoflavone apioglucoside can be conside-
red as a chemotaxonomic marker of Dalbergia (Innocent, 2012). Only D. nitidula and D.
monetaria has yielded diflavonoids so far (Bezuidenhoudt et al., 1984; Bezuidenhoudt et al.,
1988; Nunes et al., 1989). Some of the flavonoids isolated from D. nitidula, D. stipulacea, D.
oliveri, D. candenatensis have isoprene unit attached to the ring (Van Heerden et al., 1978;
Ito et al., 2003b; Bhatt et al., 1992; Cheenpracha et al., 2012). Flavonoids act as chemoattr-
actant for the formation of root nodule in Leguminosae family and this might be reason for
abundant presence of flavonoids in Dalbergia (Zuanazzi et al, 1998).

Plants of the legume family are well known for the production of nitrogen containing
compounds due to the presence of nitrogen fixing bacterial in root nodules. Among the

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Table 3. Phytochemicals isolated from various species of genus Dalbergia.

Compound (Structure Number) Plant Name (Part) Reference

Alpinetin (1) D. parviflora (heartwood) Umehara et al., 2008
Biochanin A (2) D. volubilis (flowers), D. sissoides Chawla et al., 1974; Kavimani
(flowers), D. sissoo (leaves), D. et al., 1997; Dixit et al., 2012;
parviflora (heartwood) Umehara et al., 2009
Biochanin A 7-O-[β-D-apiofuranosyl-(1→5)- D. sissoo (leaves) Farag et al., 2001
glucopyranoside] (3)
Biochanin A 7-O-apiosyl-(1→6)-glucoside (4) D. sissoo (leaves) Farag et al., 2001
Biochanin A 7-O-glucoside (5) D. sissoo (leaves) Dixit et al., 2012
Biochanin A 7-O-rutinoside (6) D. paniculata (bark) Parthasarathy et al., 1976
Bowdichione (7) D. parviflora (heartwood), D. Umehara et al., 2009; Chan et
odorifera (heartwood) al., 1998
Butein (8) D. odorifera (heartwood) Liu et al., 2005; Chan et al.,
1998; Cheng et al., 1998
Butin (9) D. odorifera (heartwood) Liu et al., 2005
Cajanin (10) D. parviflora (heartwood) Umehara et al., 2008
(3R)-Calussequinone (11) D. odorifera (heartwood) Choi et al., 2009
Calycosin (12) D. parviflora (heartwood), D. Umehara et al., 2009;
cochinchinensis (heartwood) Kuroyanagi et al., 1996
Campesterol (13) D. monetaria Khan et al., 1997
Candenatenin A (14) D. candenatensis (heartwood) Cheenpracha et al., 2009
Candenatenin B (15) D. candenatensis (heartwood) Cheenpracha et al., 2009
Candenatenin C (16) D. candenatensis (heartwood) Cheenpracha et al., 2009
Candenatenin D (17) D. candenatensis (heartwood) Cheenpracha et al., 2009
Candenatenin E (18) D. candenatensis (heartwood) Cheenpracha et al., 2009
Candenatenin F (19) D. candenatensis (heartwood) Cheenpracha et al., 2009
Candenatenin G (20) D. candenatensis (heartwood) Cheenpracha et al., 2012
Candenatenin H (21) D. candenatensis (heartwood) Cheenpracha et al., 2012
Candenatenin I(22) D. candenatensis (heartwood) Cheenpracha et al., 2012
Candenatenin J (23) D. candenatensis (heartwood) Cheenpracha et al., 2012
Candenatenin K (24) D. candenatensis (heartwood) Cheenpracha et al., 2012
Candenatone (25) D. candenatensis (heartwood) Hamburger et al., 1988
Carthamidin (26) D. odorifera (heartwood) Zhao et al., 2011
Cavunin (27) D. paniculata (seeds, leaves) Radhakrishniah, 1973; Rao et
al., 1992
Caviunin 7-O-[β-D-apiofuranosyl-(1→6)-β-D- D. sissoo (leaves) Dixit et al., 2012
glucopyranoside] (28)
Caviunin 7-O-glucoside (29) D. sissoo (pods) Sharma et al., 1980
Caviunin 7-O-rhamnoglucoside (30) D. paniculata (root) Rajulu et al., 1980
Cearoin (31) D. odorifera (heartwood) Chan et al., 1998
Coromandelin (32) D. coromandeliana (leaves) Ramesh et al., 1995
Daidzein (33) D. ecastaphyllum (wood) Matos et al., 1975
Dalberatins A (34) D. cultrata and D. nigrescens (stem- Ito et al., 2003a
Dalberatins B (35) D. cultrata and D. nigrescens (stem- Ito et al., 2003a
Dalberatins C (36) D. cultrata and D. nigrescens (stem- Ito et al., 2003a
Dalberatins D (37) D. cultrata and D. nigrescens (stem- Ito et al., 2003a
Dalberatins E (38) D. cultrata and D. nigrescens (stem- Ito et al., 2003a
R(+)-Dalbergiphenol (39) D. odorifera (heartwood) An et al., 2008
Dalbergichromene (40) D. sissoo (stem bark, heartwood) Mukerjee et al., 1971
Dalbergin (41) D. cultrata (heartwood) Donnelly et al., 1972
Dalbinol (42) D. latifolia (seeds) Chibber et al., 1978
Dalbinol O-glucoside (43) D. monetaria (seeds) Abe et al., 1985
Daljanelin A (44) D. nitidula (heartwood) Ferreira et al., 1995
Daljanelin B (45) D. nitidula (heartwood) Ferreira et al., 1995

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Daljanelin C (46) D. nitidula (heartwood) Ferreira et al., 1995

Daljanelin D (47) D. nitidula (heartwood) Ferreira et al., 1995
Dalnigrin (48) D. nigra (heartwood) Kite et al., 2010
Dalpalatin (49) D. paniculata (seeds) Adinaraya et al., 1972
Dalpaniculin (50) D. paniculata (seeds) Rao et al., 1991
Dalpanin (51) D. paniculata (seeds) Adinarayana et al., 1972
Dalpanitin (52) D. paniculata (seeds) Adinarayana et al., 1972
Dalpanol (53) D. paniculata (seeds) Adinaraya et al., 1975
Dalparvin (54) D. parviflora (heartwood) Umehara et al., 2009
Dalparvin A (55) D. parviflora (heartwood) Umehara et al., 2008
Dalparvin B (56) D. parviflora (heartwood) Umehara et al., 2008
Dalparvin C (57) D. parviflora (heartwood) Umehara et al., 2008
Dalparvinene (58) D. parviflora (stem) Songsiang et al., 2009
Dalparvinol C (59) D. parviflora (heartwood) Umehara et al., 2008
Dalparvone (60) D. parviflora (stem) Songsiang et al., 2009
Dalpatein (61) D. paniculata (seeds) Adinaraya et al., 1972
Dalpatin (62) D. paniculata (seeds) Adinarayana et al., 1972
Dalspinin (63) D. spinosa (root) Gandhidasan et al., 1982
Dalspinosin (64) D. spinosa (root) Gandhidasan et al., 1982
Dalsympathetin (65) D. sympathetica Nagaranjan et al., 2006
Darbergiol (66) D. cochinchinensis (heartwood) Kuroyanagi et al., 1996
7-Demethylrobustigenin (67) D. parviflora (heartwood) Umehara et al., 2009
8-Demethylduartin (68) D. ecastaphyllum (vine wood) Donnelly et al., 1973a
Dehydrodalpanol O-glucoside (69) D. paniculata (seeds) Rao et al., 1991
12-Dihydrodalbinol (70) D. monetaria (seeds) Abe et al., 1985
12-Dihydrodalbinol O-glucoside (71) D. monetaria (seeds) Abe et al., 1985
Dihydrorotenone (72) D. monetaria (seeds) Abe et al., 1985
2,3-Dihydrobenzofuran (73) D. melanoxylon (heartwood) Donnelly et al., 1969
5,5′-Dihydroxy-2′,4′-dimethoxy-7-[(6-O-β-D- D. vacciniifolia (root bark) Innocent , 2012
isoflavone (74)
7,3’-Dihydroxy-5,4’-dimethoxy-6-formyl-4- D. volubilis Chawla et al., 1989
phenylcoumarin (75)
(3R)-7,2'-Dihydroxy-4',5'- D. louvelii (heartwood) Beldjoudi et al., 2003
dimethoxyisoflavanone (76)
2,5-Dihydroxy-4-methoxybenzophenone (77) D. cochinchinensis (heartwood) Kuroyanagi et al., 1996
2,4-Dihydroxy-5-methoxybenzophenone (78) D. odorifera (root) Wang et al., 2000
(3S,4S)-3,4-trans-2',7-Dihydroxy-4'-methoxy- D. nitidula (heartwood) Bezuidenhoudt et al., 1984
5'-yl]isoflavan (79)
7,4'-Dihydroxy-3'-methoxyisoflavone (80) D. louvelii (heartwood) Beldjoudi et al., 2003
(2S)-6,4ʹ-Dihydroxy-7-methoxyflavan (81) D. odorifera (heartwood) An et al., 2008
6,4ʹ-Dihydroxy-7-methoxyflavanone (82) D. odorifera (heartwood) An et al., 2008
3-(2,4-Dihydroxy-5-methoxy)phenyl-7- D. louvelii (heartwood) Beldjoudi et al., 2003
hydroxycoumarin (83)
7,3’-Dihydroxy-4’-methoxy-4- D. volubilis Chawla et al., 1989
phenylcoumarin (84)
6,2'-Dimethoxy-7,4'-dihydroxyisoflavone (85) D. vacciniifolia Innocent et al., 2010
Di-O-methyldaidzein (86) D. miscolobium (heartwood) Gregson et al., 1978b
Dinklagin A (87) D. candenatensis (heartwood) Cheenpracha et al., 2012
Elemicin (88) D. spruceana (wood) Cook et al., 1978
Epifisetinidol-(4β→8)-epicatechin (89) D. monetaria (bark) Nunes et al., 1989
Epiguibourtinidol-(4α→8)-epicatechin (90) D. monetaria (bark) Nunes et al., 1989
Eriodictoyl (91) D. odorifera (heartwood) Hou et al., 2011
Formononetin (92) D. odorifera (root, heartwood), D. Yu et al., 2007; Choi et al.,
frutescans (barks) 2009; Khan et al., 2000
Formononetin 7-O-rutinoside (93) D. paniculata (bark) Parthasarathy et al., 1976
Friedelin (94) D. erruginea Donnelly et al. 1972
Genstein (95) D. sissoo (leaves), D. parviflora Dixit et al., 2012; Umehara et
(heartwood) al., 2009
Genistein 8-C-glucoside (96) D. sissoo (leaves) Farag et al., 2001
8-C-glucosylprunetin (97) D. paniculata (bark) Parthasarathy et al., 1976
Hemileiocarpin (98) D. nitidula (bark) Van Heerden et al., 1978

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Hesperetin (99) D. parviflora (heartwood) Umehara et al., 2008

Hexadecanoic acid, ethyl ester (100) D. odorifera (root) Wang et al., 2000
Hexanoic acid, 2-propenyl ester (101) D. odorifera (root) Wang et al., 2000
5-Hydroxybowdichione (102) D. candenatensis (heartwood) Hamburger et al., 1987
2-Hydroxy-3,4-dimethoxybenzaldehyde (103) D. odorifera (heartwood) Choi et al., 2009
9-Hydroxy-6,7-dimethoxydalbergiquinol D. odorifera (heartwood) An et al., 2008
(S)-4′-Hydroxy-4-methoxydalbergione (105) D. nigra (heartwood) Kite et al., 2010
4-Hydroxymaackiain (106) D. spruceana (wood) Cook et al., 1978
3'-Hydroxymelanettin (107) D. odorifera (heartwood) Chan et al., 1997
Hydroxyobtustyrene (108) D. odorifera (heartwood) Choi et al., 2009
1-(3-Hydroxyphenyl)-3-(4-hydroxy-2,5- D. louvelii (heartwood) Beldjoudi et al., 2003
dimethoxyphenyl)propane (109)
4-Hydroxypterocarpin (110) D. spruceana (wood) Cook et al., 1978
3'-Hydroxy-2,4,5-trimethoxydalbergiquinol D. odorifera (heartwood) Chan et al., 1997
7-Hydroxy-2',4',5'-trimethoxyisoflavone (112) D. monetaria (seeds) Abe et al., 1985
7-Hydroxy-2',4',5'-trimethoxyisoflavone 7-O- D. monetaria (seeds) Abe et al., 1985
glucoside (113)
Isocavuinin-7-O-glucoside (114) D. paniculata (bark)) Parthasarathy et al., 1980
Isodalbergin (115) D. sissoo (stem bark, heartwood) Mukerjee et al., 1971
Isoliquiritigenin (116) D. louvelii (heartwood), D. odorifera Beldjoudi et al., 2003; Zhao et
(heartwood), D. cochinchinensis al., 2011; Kuroyanagi et al.,
(heartwood) 1996
Isoparvifuran (117) D. parviflora (heartwood), D. Muangnoicharoen et al., 1981;
odorifera (heartwood) An et al., 2008
Isoviolastyrene (118) D. miscolobium (heartwood) Gregson et al., 1978b
Isovolubilin (119) D. volubilis (flowers) Chawla et al., 1974
Kenusanone G (120) D. parviflora (heartwood) Umehara et al., 2008
6-Keto-dehydroamorphigenin (121) D. sissoides (stem-bark) Sripathi et al., 1994
Khrinone A (122) D. parviflora (heartwood) Umehara et al., 2009
Khrinone B (123) D. parviflora (heartwood) Umehara et al., 2009
Khrinone C (124) D. parviflora (heartwood) Umehara et al., 2009
Khrinone D (125) D. parviflora (heartwood) Umehara et al., 2009
Khrinone E (126) D. parviflora (heartwood) Umehara et al., 2009
Koparin (127) D. odorifera (heartwood) Chan et al., 1998
Lanceolarin (128) D. lanceolaria (root-bark) Malhotra et al., 1967
Latifolin (129) D. parviflora (heartwood), D. Muangnoicharoen et al., 1982;
odorifera (heartwood), D. An et al., 2008; Kuroyanagi et
cochinchinensis (heartwood) al., 1996
Latinone (130) D. latifolia (heartwood) Criodain et al., 1981
Leiocarpin (131) D. nitidula (bark) Van Heerden et al., 1978
Leiocin (132) D. nitidula (bark) Van Heerden et al., 1978
Leiocinol (133) D. nitidula (bark) Van Heerden et al., 1978
Liquiritigenin (134) D. odorifera (heartwood), D. Liu et al., 2005; Zhao et al.,
cochinchinensis (heartwood) 2011; Choi et al., 2009;
Kuroyanagi et al., 1996
Luteolin (135) D. stipulacea (leaves) Borai et al., 1993
Luteolin 4'-rutinoside (136) D. spruceana (leaves) Borai et al., 1993
(‒)-Medicarpin (137) D. stevensonii (heartwood), D. Donnelly et al., 1973b; Wang
odorifera (root, heartwood) et al., 2000; Choi et al., 2009
(+)-(6aS,11aS)-Medicarpin (138) D. volubilis (flowers), D. Chawla et al., 1976; ;
congestiflora (heartwood) Martínez-Sotres et al., 2012
Melanettin (139) D. odorifera (heartwood) Liu et al., 2005
Melannein (140) D. baronii (heartwood) Donnelly et al., 1968
Melanoxin (141) D. melanoxylon (heartwood) Donnelly et al., 1969
Melilotocarpan A (142) D. candenatensis (heartwood) Cheenpracha et al., 2012
2'-Methoxybiochanin A (143) D. parviflora (heartwood) Umehara et al., 2009
3′-Methoxydaidzein (144) D. odorifera (root) Wang et al., 2000
R(+)-4-Methoxydalbergione (145) D. odorifera (heartwood), D. louvelli An et al., 2008; Beldjoudi et
(heartwood), D. candenatensis al., 2003; Cheenpracha et al.,
(heartwood), D. cochinchinensis 2012; Kuroyanagi et al., 1996

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(S)-4-Methoxydalbergione (146) D. baronii (heartwood), D. odorifera Donnelly et al., 1968; Chan et

(heartwood) al., 1998
2′-Methoxyformononetin (147) D. parviflora (heartwood) Umehara et al., 2008
5-O-Methoxylatifolin (148) D. cochinchinensis (heartwood) Kuroyanagi et al., 1996
(3R)-4'-Methoxy-2',3,7- D. odorifera (heartwood) Zhao et al., 2011
trihydroxyisoflavanone (149)
5′-Methoxy-vestitol (150) D. odorifera (root, heartwood) Yu et al., 2007; Choi et al.,
2′-O-Methyl-isoliquiritigenin (151) D. odorifera (root, heartwood) Yu et al., 2007; Park et al.,
3'-Methylorobol (152) D. parviflora (heartwood) Umehara et al., 2008
8-O-Methylretusin (153) D. retusa (heartwood) Jurd et al., 1972a
7-Methyltectorigenin 4'-O-[β-D- D. sissoo (leaves) Farag et al., 2001
7-O-Methyltectorigenin 4'-O-galactoside (155) D. spinosa (leaves, stem-bark) Narayanan et al., 1988
3'-O-Methylviolanone (156) D. odorifera (heartwood) Chan et al., 1998
Mucronulatol (157) D. odorifera (heartwood), D. oliveri Choi et al., 2009; Deesamer et
al., 2007
Naringenin (158) D. stevensonii, D. odorifera Donnelly et al., 1973b; Hou et
(heartwood) al., 2011
Neocandenatone (159) D. congestiflora (heartwood) Barragán-Huerta et al., 2004
Neokhriol A (160) D. parviflora (heartwood) Umehara et al., 2008
Nitiducarpin (161) D. nitidula (bark) Van Heerden et al., 1978
Nitiducol (162) D. nitidula (bark) Van Heerden et al., 1978
Nitidulan (163) D. nitidula (bark) Van Heerden et al., 1978
3,8-Nonadien-2-one (164) D. odorifera (root) Wang et al., 2000
Nordalbergin (165) D. sissoo (stem bark, heartwood) Mukerjee et al., 1971
Obtusafuran (166) D. retusa, D. louvelii (heartwood) Gregson et al., 1978a;
Beldjoudi et al., 2003
Obtusaquinone (167) D. retusa (heartwood) Jurd et al., 1972b
Obtusastyrene (168) D. retusa (heartwood) Gregson et al., 1978a
Obtustyrene (169) D. retusa (heartwood) Gregson et al., 1978a
Odoratin (170) D. parviflora (heartwood) Umehara et al., 2008
Odoriflavene (171) D. odorifera (root) Yu et al., 2007
Olibergin A (172) D. oliveri (stem-bark) Ito et al., 2003b
Olibergin B (173) D. oliveri (stem-bark) Ito et al., 2003b
Onogenin (174) D. stevensonii (bark, heartwood) Donnelly et al., 1973b
Orobol 6-C-glucoside (175) D. monetaria (bark) Kawaguchi et al., 1998
Orobol 8-C-glucoside (176) D. monetaria (bark) Kawaguchi et al., 1998
Paniculatin (177) D. paniculata (bark) Narayanan et al., 1971
Parvifuran (178) D. parviflora (heartwood) Muangnoicharoen et al., 1981
4-Phenylcoumarin (179) D. baronii (heartwood) Donnelly et al., 1968
Pratensein (180) D. parviflora (heartwood), D. sissoo Umehara et al., 2009; Dixit et
(leaves) al., 2012
Prunasin (181) D. spinosa (leaves, stem-bark) Narayanan et al., 1988
Prunetin 4'-O-[β-D-apiofuranosyl-(1→6)-β-D- D. sissoo (leaves) Farag et al., 2001
glucopyranoside] (182)
Prunetin 4'-O-galactoside (183) D. spinosa (leaves, stem-bark) Narayanan et al., 1988
Prunetin 4'-O-glucoside (184) D. sissoo Farag et al., 2001
Pseudobaptigenin (185) D. spruceana (wood) Cook et al., 1978
Quinone (186) D. candenatensis (heartwood) Hamburger et al., 1987
Retusin (187) D. retusa (heartwood) Jurd et al., 1972a
(3S)-Sativanone (188) D. parviflora (heartwood), D. Umehara et al., 2009; Zhao et
odorifera (heartwood) al., 2011
(3S)-Secundiflorol H (189) D. parviflora (stem) Umehara et al., 2009;
Songsiang et al., 2011
Seshadrin (190) D. volubilis (young branches) Chawla et al., 1984a
Sissotrin (191) D. sissoides Ravi et al., 1990
Sitosterol (192) D. erruginea Donnelly et al. 1972
Sophorol (193) D. parviflora (stems) Songsiang et al., 2009
Spirolouveline (194) D. louvelii (heartwood) Beldjoudi et al., 2003
Stevenin (195) D. cultrata (heartwood), D. Donnelly et al. 1972;

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stevensonii (bark, heartwood) Donnelly et al., 1973b

Stigmasterol (196) D. monetaria Khan et al., 1997
Stipulin (197) D. stipulacea (root), D. Bhatt et al., 1992;
candenatensis (heartwood) Cheenpracha et al., 2012
Sulfuretin (198) D. odorifera (heartwood) Zhao et al., 2011
Tectoridin (199) D. volubilis (flowers) Chawla et al., 1976
Tectorigenin (200) D. odorifera (heartwood), D. Choi et al., 2009; Umehara et
parviflora (heartwood) al., 2009
Tectorigenin 7-O-[β-D-apiofuranosyl-(1→6)- D. sissoo (leaves) Farag et al., 2001
β-D-glucopyranoside] (201)
Tectorigenin 7-O-gentiobioside (202) D. sissoides (stem-bark) Khera et al., 1978
2′,4′,5′,6-Tetramethoxy-7-[(6-O-β-D- D. vacciniifolia (stem) Innocent et al, 2010
isoflavone (203)
4,2ʹ,5ʹ-Trihydroxy-4ʹ-methoxychalcone (204) D. odorifera (heartwood) An et al., 2008
4′,5,7-Trihydroxy-3-methoxyflavone (205) D. odorifera (root) Wang et al., 2000
4′,5′,7-Trihydroxy-2′-methoxyisoflavone (206) D. nitidula (heartwood) Bekker et al., 2002
2′,3′,7-Trihydroxy-4′-methoxyisoflavanone D. odorifera (root) Wang et al., 2000
(3R)-2',3',7-Trihydroxy-4'- D. odorifera (heartwood) Zhao et al., 2011
methoxyisoflavanone (208)
(3S,6R,7R)-3,7,11-Trimethyl-3,6-epoxy-1,10- D. odorifera (essential oil) Tao et al., 2010
dodecadien-7-ol (209)
(3S,6S,7R)-3,7,11-Trimethyl-3,6-epoxy-1,10- D. odorifera (essential oil) Tao et al., 2010
dodecadien-7-ol (210)
(6aR, 11aR)-Vesticarpan (211) D. parviflora (heartwood) Umehara et al., 2008
Vestitol (212) D. odorifera (root, heartwood) Wang et al., 2000; Zhao et al.,
Vestitol-(5'→2)-2'-hydroxyformononetin D. nitidula (heartwood) Bezuidenhoudt et al., 1988
Violanone (214) D. odorifera (heartwood), D. oliveri Liu et al., 2005; Deesamer et
al., 2007
Violastyrene (215) D. miscolobium (heartwood) Gregson et al., 1978b
Vestitone (216) D. odorifera (heartwood) Liu et al., 2005
(3R)-Vestitone (217) D. odorifera (heartwood) Zhao et al., 2011
Volubilin (218) D. volubilis (flowers) Chawla et al., 1974
Volubilinin (219) D. volubilis (flowers) Chawla et al., 1976
Volubinol (220) D. volubilis (non green branches) Chawla et al., 1984c
Volubolin (221) D. volubilis (young branches) Chawla et al., 1983
Voludal (222) D. volubilis (non green branches) Chawla et al., 1984b
Xenognosin B (223) D. odorifera (heartwood) Chan et al., 1998

Table 4. Bioactive compounds isolated from various species of genus Dalbergia.

Bioactive Compound (Structure
Bioactivity Plant Name (Part) Reference
Biochanin A (2) Anti-inflammatory; D. sissoides (flower), D. Kavimani et al.,
osteogenic, cytotoxic sissoo (leaves), D. 1997; Dixit et al.,
parviflora (heartwood) 2012; Umehara et
al., 2009
Biochanin A 7-O-glucoside (5) Osteogenic D. sissoo (leaves) Dixit et al., 2012

Bowdichione (7) Anti-inflammatory D. odorifera Chan et al., 1998

Butein (8) Anti-inflammatory, D. odorifera Chan et al., 1998;
antioxidant (heartwood) Cheng et al., 1998

(3R)-Calussequinone (11) Cytotoxic D. odorifera Choi et al., 2009

Calycosin (12) Anti-androgen D. cochinchinensis Kuroyanagi et al.,
(heartwood) 1996
Carthamidin (26) Antibacterial D. odorifera Zhao et al., 2011

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Caviunin 7-O-[β-D-apiofuranosyl- Osteogenic D. sissoo (leaves) Dixit et al., 2012

(1→6)-β-D-glucopyranoside] (28)
Cearoin (31) Anti-allergic, anti- D. odorifera Chan et al., 1998
inflammatory (heartwood)
Dalberatins A (34) Cancer chemopreventive D. cultrata and D. Ito et al., 2003a
nigrescens (stem-bark)
Dalberatins B (35) Cancer chemopreventive D. cultrata and D. Ito et al., 2003a
nigrescens (stem-bark)
Dalberatins C (36) Cancer chemopreventive D. cultrata and D. Ito et al., 2003a
nigrescens (stem-bark)
Dalberatins D (37) Cancer chemopreventive D. cultrata and D. Ito et al., 2003a
nigrescens (stem-bark)
Dalberatins E (38) Cancer chemopreventive D. cultrata and D. Ito et al., 2003a
nigrescens (stem-bark)
R(+)-Dalbergiphenol (39) Protective in oxidative D. odorifera An et al., 2008
injury (heartwood)
Darbergiol (66) Anti-androgen D. cochinchinensis Kuroyanagi et al.,
(heartwood) 1996
2,5-Dihydroxy-4- Anti-androgen D. cochinchinensis Kuroyanagi et al.,
methoxybenzophenone (77) (heartwood) 1996
2,4-Dihydroxy-5- Antioxidant D. odorifera (root) Wang et al., 2000
methoxybenzophenone (78)
7,4ʹ-Dihydroxy-3ʹ-methoxyisoflavone Antiplasmodial D. louvelii (heartwood) Beldjoudi et al.,
(80) 2003
(2S)-6,4ʹ-Dihydroxy-7-methoxyflavan Protective in oxidative D. odorifera An et al., 2008
(81) injury (heartwood)
6,4ʹ-Dihydroxy-7-methoxyflavanone Protective in oxidative D. odorifera An et al., 2008
(82) injury (heartwood)
6,2'-Dimethoxy-7,4'- Cytotoxic D. vacciniifolia Innocent et al.,
dihydroxyisoflavone (85) 2010
Eriodictoyl (91) Antioxidant D. odorifera Hou et al., 2011
Formononetin (92) Antigiarrdial, cytotoxic D. frutescans (bark), D. Khan et al., 2000;
odorifera (heartwood) Choi et al., 2009
Genstein (95) Osteogenic, cytotoxic D. sissoo (leaves), D. Dixit et al., 2012;
parviflora (heartwood) Umehara et al.,
Hexadecanoic acid, ethyl ester (100) Antioxidant D. odorifera (root) Wang et al., 2000

Hexanoic acid, 2-propenyl ester (101) Antioxidant D. odorifera (root) Wang et al., 2000

2-Hydroxy-3,4-dimethoxybenzaldehyde Cytotoxic D. odorifera Choi et al., 2009

(103) (heartwood)
9-Hydroxy-6,7- Protective in oxidative D. odorifera An et al., 2008
dimethoxydalbergiquinol (104) injury (heartwood)
Hydroxyobtustyrene (108) D. odorifera (heartwood) Choi et al., 2009

Isoliquiritigenin (116) Antibacterial, D. louvelii (heartwood), Beldjoudi et al.,

antiplasmodial, anti- D. odorifera 2003; Zhao et al.,
androgen (heartwood), D. 2011; Kuroyanagi
cochinchinensis et al., 1996

Isoparvifuran (117) Protective in oxidative D. odorifera An et al., 2008

injury (heartwood)
Koparin (127) Anti-inflammatory D. odorifera Chan et al., 1998
R(-)-Latifolin (129) Protective in oxidative D. odorifera An et al., 2008;
injury, anti-androgen (heartwood), D. Kuroyanagi et al.,
cochinchinensis 1996

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Liquiritigenin (134) Antibacterial, cytotoxic, D. odorifera Zhao et al., 2011;

anti-androgen (heartwood), D. Choi et al., 2009;
cochinchinensis Kuroyanagi et al.,
(heartwood) 1996
(‒)-Medicarpin (137) Antioxidant, cytotoxic D. odorifera (root, Wang et al., 2000;
heartwood) Choi et al., 2009
(+)-Medicarpin (138) Antifungal D. congestiflora Martínez-Sotres et
(heartwood) al., 2012
3´-Methoxydaidzein (144) Antioxidant D. odorifera (root) Wang et al., 2000

R(+)-4-Methoxydalbergione (145) Protective in oxidative D. odorifera An et al., 2008;

injury, antiplasmodial, (heartwood); D. Beldjoudi et al.,
anti-androgen cochinchinensis 2003; Kuroyanagi
(heartwood) et al., 1996
(S)-4-Methoxydalbergione (146) Anti-allergic, anti- D. odorifera Chan et al., 1998
inflammatory (heartwood)

2′-Methoxyformononetin (147) Cytotoxic D. parviflora Umehara et al.,

(heartwood) 2009
5-O-Methoxylatifolin (148) Anti-androgen D. cochinchinensis Kuroyanagi et al.,
(heartwood) 1996
(3R)-4'-Methoxy-2',3,7- Antibacterial D. odorifera Zhao et al., 2011
trihydroxyisoflavanone (149) (heartwood)
(3R)-5ʹ-methoxyvesitol (150) Cytotoxic D. odorifera Choi et al., 2009
2′-O-Methyl-isoliquiritigenin (151) Cytotoxic D. odorifera Park et al., 1995
3'-O-Methylviolanone (156) Anti-inflammatory D. odorifera Chan et al., 1998
Mucronulatol (157) Cytotoxic, antifungal D. odorifera Deesamer et al.,
(heartwood), D. oliveri 2007; Choi et al.,
Naringenin (158) Antioxidant D. odorifera Hou et al., 2011
3,8-Nonadien-2-one (164) Antioxidant D. odorifera (root) Wang et al., 2000

Obtusafuran (166) Antiplasmodial D. louvelii (heartwood) Beldjoudi et al.,

Orobol 6-C-glucoside (175) Immunomodulating D. monetaria (bark) Kawaguchi et al.,
Orobol 8-C-glucoside (176) Immunomodulating D. monetaria (bark) Kawaguchi et al.,
Pratensein (180) Osteogenic D. sissoo (leaves) Dixit et al., 2012

Sativanone (188) Antibacterial D. odorifera Zhao et al., 2011

(3S)-Secundiflorol H (189) Cytotoxic D. parviflora (stem) Songsiang et al.,
Sulfuretin (198) Antibacterial D. odorifera Zhao et al., 2011
Tectorigenin (200) Cytotoxic D. odorifera Choi et al., 2009;
(heartwood), D. Umehara et al.,
parviflora (heartwood) 2009
4,2ʹ,5ʹ-Trihydroxy-4ʹ-methoxychalcone Protective in oxidative D. odorifera An et al., 2008
(204) injury (heartwood)
4´,5,7-Trihydroxy-3-methoxyflavone Antioxidant D. odorifera (root) Wang et al., 2000
2´,3´,7-Trihydroxy-4´- Antioxidant D. odorifera (root) Wang et al., 2000
methoxyisoflavanone (207)
(3R)-2',3',7-Trihydroxy-4'- Antibacterial D. odorifera Zhao et al., 2011
methoxyisoflavanone (208) (heartwood)
(3S,6R,7R)-3,7,11-Trimethyl-3,6-epoxy- Anti-thrombotic, anti- D. odorifera (essential Tao et al., 2010
1,10-dodecadien-7-ol (209) platelet oil)

303 © 2013 Inforesights Publishing UK

Phytopharmacology 2013, 4(2), 291-346 Saha et al.

(3S,6S,7R)-3,7,11-Trimethyl-3,6-epoxy- Anti-thrombotic, anti- D. odorifera (essential Tao et al., 2010

1,10-dodecadien-7-ol (210) platelet oil)
Vestitol (212) Antioxidant, antibacterial D. odorifera (root, Wang et al., 2000;
heartwood) Zhao et al., 2011
(3R)-Vestitone (217) Antibacterial D. odorifera Zhao et al., 2011
Violanone (214) Antifungal D. oliveri Deesamer et al.,
Xenognosin B (223) D. odorifera
Anti-inflammatory Chan et al., 1998

Alpinetin (1) Biochanin A (2)


Biochanin A 7-O-[β-D-apiofuranosyl-(1→5)-β-D-apiofuranosyl-(1→6)-β-D-glucopyranoside] (3)


Biochanin A 7-O-apiosyl-(1→6)-glucoside (4)



Biochanin 7-O-glucoside (5) Biochanin A 7-O-rutinoside (6)



Bowdichione (7) Butein (8)

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Phytopharmacology 2013, 4(2), 291-346 Saha et al.

Butin (9) Cajanin (10)

(3R)-Calussequinone (11) Calycosin (12)



Campesterol (13) Candenatenin A (14)


Candenatenin B (15) Candenatenin C (16)




Candenatenin D (17) Candenatenin E (18)


Candenatenin F (19) Candenatenin G (20)

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Phytopharmacology 2013, 4(2), 291-346 Saha et al.



Candenatenin H (21) Candenatenin I (22) Candenatenin J (23)



Candenatenin K (24) Candenatone (25)

Carthamidin (26) Cavunin (27)

Caviunin 7-O-[β-D-apiofuranosyl-(1→6)-β-D-
glucopyranoside] (28) Caviunin 7-O-glucoside (29)



Caviunin 7-O-rhamnoglucoside (30) Cearoin (31)

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Phytopharmacology 2013, 4(2), 291-346 Saha et al.

Coromandelin (32) Daidzein (33)

Dalberatins A (34) Dalberatins B (35)

Dalberatins C (36) Dalberatins D (37)

CH 2


Dalberatins E (38) R(+)-Dalbergiphenol (39)


Dalbergichromene (40) Dalbergin (41)




Dalbinol (42) Dalbinol O-glucoside (43)

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Phytopharmacology 2013, 4(2), 291-346 Saha et al.

Daljanelin A (44) Daljanelin B (45)



Daljanelin C (46)
Daljanelin D (47)

Dalnigrin (48) Dalpalatin (49)

Dalpaniculin (50) Dalpanin (51)

Dalpanitin (52) Dalpanol (53)

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Phytopharmacology 2013, 4(2), 291-346 Saha et al.


Dalparvin (54) Dalparvin A (55)

Dalparvin B (56) Dalparvin C (57)


Dalparvinene (58) Dalparvinol C (59)

Dalparvone (60) Dalpatein (61)

Dalpatin (62)
Dalspinin (63)

Dalspinosin (64) Dalsympathetin (65)



Darbergiol (66) 7-Demethylrobustigenin (67)

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Phytopharmacology 2013, 4(2), 291-346 Saha et al.

8-Demethylduartin (68)
Dehydrodalpanol O-glucoside (69)

12-Dihydrodalbinol (70) 12-Dihydrodalbinol-O-glucoside (71)



H 3C
Dihydrorotenone (72) 2,3-Dihydrobenzofuran (73)

apiofuranosyl-β-D-glucopyranosyl)-oxy]- 7,3’-Dihydroxy-5,4’-dimethoxy-6-formyl-4-
isoflavone (74) phenylcoumarin (75)

(76) 2,5-Dihydroxy-4-methoxybenzophenone (77)

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Phytopharmacology 2013, 4(2), 291-346 Saha et al.


2,4-Dihydroxy-5-methoxybenzophenone (78) 2',7-dihydroxy-4'-methoxyisoflavan-5'-yl]isoflavan



7,4'-Dihydroxy-3'-methoxyisoflavone (80) (2S)-6,4ʹ-Dihydroxy-7-methoxyflavan (81)


O 3-(2,4-Dihydroxy-5-methoxy)phenyl-7-
(2S)-6,4ʹ-Dihydroxy-7-methoxyflavan (82) hydroxycoumarin (83)

(84) 6,2'-Dimethoxy-7,4'-dihydroxyisoflavone (85)
H 3C

Di-O-methyldaidzein (86) Dinklagin A (87)



Elemicin (88) Elemicin (89)

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Phytopharmacology 2013, 4(2), 291-346 Saha et al.

Epifisetinidol-(4β→8)-epicatechin (89) Epiguibourtinidol-(4α→8)-epicatechin (90)


Eriodictoyl (91) Formononetin (92)
Formononetin 7-O-rutinoside (93) Friedelin (94)



Genstein (95) Genistein 8-C-glucoside (96)



8-C-glucosylprunetin (97) Hemileiocarpin (98)

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Phytopharmacology 2013, 4(2), 291-346 Saha et al.

Hesperetin (99) Hexadecanoic acid, ethyl ester (100)

Hexanoic acid, 2-Propenylester (101) 5-Hydroxybowdichione (102)


2-Hydroxy-3,4-dimethoxybenzaldehyde (103) 9-Hydroxy-6,7-dimethoxydalbergiquinol (104)

CH 2


(S)-4′-Hydroxy-4-methoxydalbergione (105) 4-Hydroxymaackiain (106)



3'-Hydroxymelanettin (107) Hydroxyobtustyrene (108)



dimethoxyphenyl)propane (109) 4-Hydroxypterocarpin (110)

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Phytopharmacology 2013, 4(2), 291-346 Saha et al.



3'-Hydroxy-2,4,5-trimethoxydalbergiquinol (111) 7-Hydroxy-2',4',5'-trimethoxyisoflavone (112)

7-Hydroxy-2',4',5'-trimethoxyisoflavone 7-O-
glucoside (113) Isocavuinin-7-O-glucoside (114)



Isodalbergin (115) Isoliquiritigenin (116)

Isoparvifuran (117) Isoviolastyrene (118)

Isovolubilin (119) Kenusanone G (120)



6-Ketodehydroamorphigenin (121) Khrinone A (122)

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Phytopharmacology 2013, 4(2), 291-346 Saha et al.


Khrinone B (123) Khrinone C (124)




Khrinone D (125) Khrinone E (126)



Koparin (127) Lanceolarin (128)

Latifolin (129) Latinone (130)

Leiocin (132)
Leiocarpin (131)



Leiocinol (133) Liquiritigenin (134)

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Phytopharmacology 2013, 4(2), 291-346 Saha et al.

Luteolin (135) Luteolin -4'-rutinoside (136)




(-)-Medicarpin (137) (+)-(6aS,11aS)-Medicarpin (138)




Melanettin (139) Melannein (140)


Melanoxin (141) Melilotocarpan A (142)




3′-Methoxydaidzein (144)
2'-Methoxybiochanin A (143)

R(+)-4-Methoxydalbergione (145) (S)-4-Methoxydalbergione (146)

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Phytopharmacology 2013, 4(2), 291-346 Saha et al.


2′-Methoxyformononetin (147) 5-O-Methoxylatifolin (148)


(3R)-4'-Methoxy-2',3,7-trihydroxyisoflavanone 5′-Methoxy-vestitol (150)


2′-O-methyl-isoliquiritigenin (151) 3'-Methylorobol (152)



7-Methyltectorigenin 4'-O-[β-D-apiofuranosyl-(1→6)-
8-O-Methylretusin (153) β-D-glucopyranoside] (154)


7-O-Methyltectorigenin 4'-O-galactoside (155) 3'-O-Methylviolanone (156)



Mucronulatol (157) Naringenin (158)

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Phytopharmacology 2013, 4(2), 291-346 Saha et al.


Neocandenatone (159) Neokhriol A (160)


H 3C



Nitiducarpin (161)
Nitiducol (162)

Nitidulan (163) 3,8-Nonadien-2-one (164)



Nordalbergin (165) Obtusafuran (166)



Obtusaquinone (167) Obtusastyrene (168)

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Phytopharmacology 2013, 4(2), 291-346 Saha et al.


Obtustyrene (169) Odoratin (170)



Olibergin A (172)
Odoriflavene (171)

Olibergin B (173) Onogenin (174)



Orobol 6-C-glucoside (175) Orobol 8-C-glucoside (176)


Paniculatin (177) Parvifuran (178)

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Phytopharmacology 2013, 4(2), 291-346 Saha et al.

4-Phenylcoumarin (179) Pratensein (180)

Prunetin 4'-O-[β-D-apiofuranosyl-(1→6)-β-D-
Prunasin (181) glucopyranoside] (182)




Prunetin 4'-O-galactoside (183) Prunetin 4'-O-glucoside (184)

Pseudobaptigenin (185) Quinone (186)



Retusin (187) (3S)-Sativanone (188)

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Phytopharmacology 2013, 4(2), 291-346 Saha et al.



(3S)-Secundiflorol H (189) Seshadrin (190)



Sissotrin (191) Sitosterol (192)




Sophorol (193) Spirolouveline (194)

Stevenin (195) Stigmasterol (196)

Stipulin (197) Sulfuretin (198)

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Phytopharmacology 2013, 4(2), 291-346 Saha et al.

Tectoridin (199) Tectorigenin (200)

Tectorigenin 7-O-[β-D-apiofuranosyl-(1→6)-β-D-
glucopyranoside] (201) Tectorigenin 7-O-gentiobioside (202)

isoflavone (203) 4,2ʹ,5ʹ-Trihydroxy-4ʹ-methoxychalcone (204)



4′,5,7-Trihydroxy-3-methoxyflavone (205) 4′,5′,7-Trihydroxy-2′-methoxyisoflavone (206)

2′,3′,7-Trihydroxy-4′-methoxyisoflavanone (207) (3R)-2',3',7-Trihydroxy-4'-methoxyisoflavanone (208)

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Phytopharmacology 2013, 4(2), 291-346 Saha et al.


dodecadien-7-ol (219) (3S,6S,7R)-3,7,11-Trimethyl-3,6-epoxy-1,10-
dodecadien-7-ol (210)



(6aR, 11aR)-Vesticarpan (211) Vestitol (212)



Vestitol-(5'→2)-2'-hydroxyformononetin (213) Violanone (214)


Violastyrene (215) Vestitone (216)

(3R)-Vestitone (217) Volubilin (218)

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Phytopharmacology 2013, 4(2), 291-346 Saha et al.




Volubilinin (219) Volubinol (220)



Volubolin (221) Voludal (222)


Xenognosin B (223)

nitrogen containing secondary metabolites, quinolizidine ring containing are most common
(Wink and Mohamed, 2003). Interestingly no alkaloids were reported so far from Dalbergia
genus although some of the works were carried out with the roots, where the presence of nitr-
ogen containing secondary metabolites is most likely to occur.

Very few terpenes have been reported so far from the genus Dalbergia. Only two
sesquiterpenes were reported so far and were isolated from the essential oil of D. odorifera
(Tao et al., 2010). Friedelin, isolated from D. erruginea is the only triterpene reported from
the genus Dalbergia (Donnelly et al. 1972). A triterpene glycoside containing fructose, nam-
ed dalsaxin was isolated from D. saxatilis however the structure of the compound was not
given may be due to insufficient data (Uchendu and Leek, 1999b) The common phytosterols,
namely stigmasterol and sitosterol were isolated from D. monetaria and D. erruginea,
respectively (Khan et al., 1997; Donnelly et al. 1972). The other sterol, campsterol was also
reported from D. monetaria (Khan et al., 1997).

Some of the timber producing Dalbergia species are famous for their fragrant wood
and are termed as rosewood. Although some other genera of legume family also produce fra-
grant woods, the most desired rosewoods are D. nigra and D. latifolia. Most of the phytoc-

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Phytopharmacology 2013, 4(2), 291-346 Saha et al.

hemical works found on Dalbergia species are on the heartwood. The presence of aromatic
oils might have prompted the researchers to work on the heartwood.

Most of Dalbergia species contain sensitizing quinones in their heartwood which are
known for their skin irritation. Different derivatives of dalbergione are present depending on
species. In one study, among several quinones, R-3,4-dimethoxydalbergione was found to be
the most irritant (Mitchell and Rook, 1979). However, it might not be as strong as some other
naturally occuring skin irritants (Schulz et al, 1979). In another study, contact dermatitis was
reported due to an arm bracelet made of Brazilian rosewood (D. nigra). Three quinones,
namely, R-4-methoxydalbergione, S-4,4'-dimethoxydalbergione, and S-4'-hydroxy-4-metho-
xydalbergione were identified as the responsible agents (Hausen, 1982).

Pharmacological studies

A number of species of the Dalbergia genus are widely used in traditional medicine
systems. However, relatively few of these have been investigated from an evidence-based
pharmacological approach. As a result, only a small number of bioactive compounds have
been isolated and reported. The pharmacological activities of different species and the activ-
ities of their isolated bioactive compounds are described below:

Analgesic activity

The analgesic activity of the ethanol extract of the bark of D. sissoo was investigated
using the tail flick method in Wistar rats. The extract at the doses of 300, 500 and 1000
mg/kg was reported to possess significant and dose dependent, central analgesic activity,
compared with the standard drug aspirin at the dose of 300 mg/kg (Asif et al., 2011). An
ethanol extract of the leaves of D. sissoo showed both peripheral and central analgesic
activity in a dose dependent manner. Peripheral analgesic activity was studied using the
acetic acid-induced writhing reflex and Randall-Selitto assays in mice as well as central
analgesic activity was studied using the hot-plate and tail-clip tests in mice (Hajare et al.,
2000). In writhing test, the extract (100, 300 and 1000 mg/kg) moderately inhibited writhing
in mice while aspirin (300 mg/kg) showed strong activity; in Randall-Selitto assay, the
extract failed to increase pain threshold level at the doses of 100 and 300 mg/kg but exhibited
significant (P<0.01) activity at the dose of 1000 mg/kg and comapared with the aspirin (300
mg/kg) which increased pain threshold throughout the observation period of 1 to 3 h; in hot-
plate test, the extract (1000 mg/kg) increased reaction time at 2 and 3 h while pathidine (5
mg/kg) increased reaction time at 1 and 2 h; in tail-clip test, the extract failed to increase
reaction time even at the higher dose of 1000 mg/kg (Hajare et al., 2000). An ethanol extract
of the bark of D. lanceolaria also showed both peripheral and central analgesic activity in
acetic acid-induced writhing, tail-flick, and formalin-induced licking tests in Swiss-Albino
mice in significant and dose dependent manner at the doses of 100, 200 and 400 mg/kg
(Misar et al., 2005). The crude methanol extract of the stem bark of D. spinosa showed
potential analgesic activity in the acetic acid-induced writhing model with an inhibition of
40.01% at a dose of 500 mg/kg body weight as compared with the control (Raihan et al.,
2012). The methanol extract of the spike of D. spinosa showed significant analgesic activity
in the acetic acid-induced writhing test in mice with inhibition of 33.34 and 63.89% at the

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Phytopharmacology 2013, 4(2), 291-346 Saha et al.

doses of 250 and 500 mg/kg while standard drug diclofenac sodium showed 75% inhibition
of writhing at the dose of 25 mg/kg (Bala et al., 2011).

Angiogenesis activity

In chick embryo chorioallantoic membrane (CAM) model, the frize dried aquous root
heartwood extract of D. odorifera, increased the vessels on CAM by 95.24±11.28 and 169.05
± 30.28% at the concentrations of 0.2 and 1 g herb/mL, respectively, while basic fibroblast
growth factor (bFGF) increased 156.19±28.55 and 211.43±35.65% at the same concentrate-
ions, respectively (Wang et al., 2004). In bovine aortic endothelial cells (BAEC) culture mo-
del, the frize dried aquous core of root extract of D. odorifera, increased the living cell num-
bers by 37.05±3.39 and 50.35±7.11% at the concentrations of 0.2 and 1 g herb/mL, respe-
ctively, while bFGF increased 161.39±41.68 and 216.92±19.57% at the same concentrations,
respectively (Wang et al., 2004).

Anthelmintic activity

The petroleum ether, carbon tetrachloride, benzene and ethanol extracts of leaves of
D. sissoo were assessed for anthelmintic activity against Indian earthworms (Pheretima pos-
thuma) at different concentrations of 10, 25, 50, and 100 mg/mL, and compared wth piper-
azine citrate (Hood et al., 2012). All the extracts revealed anthelmintic activity against the
eartworms and the carbon tetrachloride extract exhibited most ptent activity with the paral-
ysis time of 19.14±2.78 min and death time of 48.15±3.23 min at the concentration of 100
mg/mL, while piperazine citrate showed 5.23±0.72 and 20.45±2.33 min, respectively at the
concentration of 10 mg/mL (Hood et al., 2012).

Anti-allergic activity

The flavonoids (S)-4-methoxydalbergione (146) and cearoin (31), isolated from the
heartwood of D. odorifera, showed significant anti-allergic activity in defferent models (Cha-
n et al., 1998). (S)-4-methoxydalbergione (147) and cearoin (31) showed IC50 values of 17.6
and 17.9 µM, respectively against the release of β-glucuronidase and IC50 values of 20.0 and
16.3 µM, respectively against the release of histamine from mast cells, and mepacrine was
used as positive control (Chan et al., 1998). (S)-4-methoxydalbergione (147) and cearoin (31)
also showed IC50 values of 20.6 and 7.9 µM, respectively against the release of β-glucuro-
nidase and IC50 values of >30.0 and 11.7 µM, respectively against the release of lysozyme
from rat neutrophils, and trifiuoperazmne was used as positive control (Chan et al., 1998).

Anti-androgen activity

A methanol extract of heartwood of Dalbergia cochinchinensis Pierre, showed potent

anti-androgen activity by inhibiting testosterone 5α-reductase and formation of 5α-dehydrot-
estosterone (DHT)-receptor complex (Kuroyanagi et al., 1996). Bioacative constituents, latif-
olin (129), methoxydalbergione (145), 5-O-methoxylatifolin (148), 2,5-dihydroxy-4-methox-
ybenzophenone (78), isoliquiritigenin (116), liquiritigenin (134), calycosin (12), and darber-
giol (66), isolated from the methanol extract of heartwood of D. cochinchinensis, showed
potent anti-androgen activity (Kuroyanagi et al., 1996). Methoxydalbergione (145) showed

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Phytopharmacology 2013, 4(2), 291-346 Saha et al.

most potent activity with the inhibitory effect of 69.9% on testosterone 5α-reductase, and
85.3% on 5α-(DHT)-receptor complex formation at the concentration of 100 µg/mL (Kuroy-
anagi et al., 1996).

Anti-arthritic activity

The etherial, petroleum ether, aqueous, and alcohol extracts of D. lanceolaria showed
significant and potent anti-arthritic activity against formaldehyde-induced arthritis in young
albino rats as compared with the standard anti-arthritic drug cortisone acetate (Singh et al.,
1966). The mean joint swelling was reduced by all the extracts as well as by cortisone. The
mean joint swelling values on the 11th day were of 1.04±0.56, 1.40±0.06, 1.79±0.61, 1.19 ±
0.81 and 0.53±0.74 mm for etherial, alcoholic, petroleum ether, watery extracts and cortisone
acetate, respectively meanwhile the control group showed 2.10±0.48 mm (Singh et al., 1966).

Anticancer activity

The methanol extract of the heartwood of D. odorifera T.C.Chen possessed signif-

icant and potent inhibition of the proliferation of human tumor cell lines, including multidrug
resistant cells in vitro. Seven flavonoids medicarpin (137), 2-hydroxy-3,4-dimethoxybe-
nzaldehyde (103), formononetin (92), tectorigenin (200), mucronulatol (157), (3R)-5ʹ-meth-
oxyvesitol (150), hydroxyobtustyrene (108), and two phenolic components liquiritigenin
(134) and (3R)-calussequinone (11), isolated from the heartwood exhibited as active consiti-
tuents for cytotoxic activity of methanol extract of heartwood (Choi et al., 2009). Medicarpin
(137) and hydroxyobtustyrene (108) exhibited most potent cytotoxic activity with IC50 value
of 5.71-7.28 and 5.14-6.83 µg/mL, respectively against all the tested cell lines and other
comounds showed moderate cytotoxic property meanwhile doxorubicin exhibited IC50 values
of 0.0010- 0.0887 μg/mL (Choi et al., 2009). A cytotoxic compound, 2'-O-methyl-isoliquir-
itigenin, isolated from the heartwood of D. odorifera, showed cytotoxic activity against A-
549, SK-MEL-2, and SK-OV-3 cancer cell lines, and the activity was higly coparable with
the 5-fluorouracil (Park et al., 1995). Several isoflavones isolated from the heartwood of D.
parviflora Roxb. showed effects on estrogenic-responsive human breast cancer cells. Isolated
compounds were evaluated for their cell proliferation stimulatory activity against the MCF-7
and T47D human breast cancer cell lines. Their luciferase inductive effects were investigated
using luciferase transiently transfected MCF-7/luc and T47D/luc cell lines (Umehara et al.,
2009). Genistein (95), biochanin A (2), tectorigenin (200), and 2′-methoxyformononetin
(147), stimulated the proliferation of both cells at the concentration of lower than 1 μM and
activity was equivalent to the activity of 10 pM of estradiol (Umehara et al., 2009). An isof-
lavone (3S)-Secundiflorol H (189), isolated from the stems of D. parviflora, showed strong
cytotoxic activity against KB, MCF-7, and NCI-H187 cell lines with IC50 values ranging
from 3.5 to 5.4 μg/mL (Songsiang et al., 2011). The methanol extract of the spikes of D. spi-
nosa showed toxicity in the brine shrimp lethality bioassay with an LC50 value of 15 µg/mL
(Bala et al., 2011). 6,2'-Dimethoxy-7,4'-dihydroxyisoflavone (85), isolated from D. vaccine-
iifolia Vatke, was reported, with an LC50 value of 266 µg/mL against brine shrimp larvae
(Innocent et al., 2010). An isoflavone mucronulatol (157), isolated from D. oliveri Gamble ex
Prain showed significant cytotoxic activity against the HBL100 leukemia cell line with an
LC50 value amounting to 5.7 μM (Deesamer et al., 2007). An ethanol extract of leaves of D.

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Phytopharmacology 2013, 4(2), 291-346 Saha et al.

spinosa, was cytotoxic, against brine shrimp nauplli with the LC50 value of 84.14 µg/mL,
while vincristine sulphate showed 0.64 µg/mL (Saha et al., 2013).

Antidiabetic activity

Hypoglycemic and antihyperglycemic effects of the ethanol extract of leaves of D.

sissoo were investigated in normal and alloxan induced rats at the doses of 250 and 500
mg/kg, and compared with glibenclamide (Niranjan et al., 2010). The extract reduced the
blood glucose level up to 189.2, 115.2, and 104.6 mg/dL at successive days of 7, 14, and 21,
at the dose of 500 mg/kg, while glibenclamide reduced upto 250.2, 141.2, and 120.4 mg/dL
(Niranjan et al., 2010). In comparison to glibenclamide, the extract was 12% more effective
in reducing blood glucose level (Niranjan et al., 2010).

Anti-diarrheal activity

The effect of a decoction of the dried leaves of D. sissoo in infectious diarrhea, and
the probable mechanism of action, was investigated in a cholera and labile toxin assay. The
decoction of the dried leaves inhibited the production of cholera toxin (CT), and at the same
time it also increased the production of labile toxin (LT). The binding of both LT and CT to
the GM1 (monosialotetrahexosylganglioside) receptor was reduced (Brijesh et al., 2006).
The ether, ethanol and aquous extracts of bark of D. sissoo were investigated for anti-diarrh-
eal activity in castor oil induced diarrhea in rats at the doses of 200 and 400 mg/kg, and
compared with loperamide (1 mg/kg) (Kalaskar et al., 2012). The ether extract was most
potent with the inhibition of 84.61% at the dose of 400 mg/kg, while loperamide showed
inhibition of 65.71% at the dose of 1 mg/kg (Kalaskar et al., 2012). All the extracts at the
dose of 400 mg/kg also reduced the intestinal transit time in charcoal meal and compared
with atropine sulphate (1 mg/kg i.p.) (Kalaskar et al., 2012). An ethanol extract of the bark of
D. lanceolaria showed moderate anti-diarrheal activity in castor oil induced diarrhea in mice
at the dose of 400 mg/kg at 4 h and in magnesium sulfate-induced diarrhea in mice, activity
was strong enough at lower dose of 100 mg//kg at 6 h but in both model activity was less as
compared to diphenoxylate HCl (Mujumdar et al., 2005). The extract also reduced intralu-
minal fluid accumulation in a castor oil-induced, intraluminal fluid accumulation assay, and
decreased the intestinal motility in charcoal and barium chloride treated animals (doses of
extract were 100, 200 and 400 mg/kg and compared to loperamide at the dose of 5 mg/kg)
(Mujumdar et al., 2005).

Antifertility activity

The antifertility activity of a triterpenoid glycoside isolated from the roots of D.

saxatilis Hook.f. was investigated in female Wistar rats. Inhibition of conception occurred in
71.4% of the treated animals at the dose of 200 mg/kg body weight at the premating period
by gastric intubation. The fertility Index (FI) was 107.82 as compared with 373.5 for the
untreated control group and it was calculated using the formula of FI = (LFN × FCRL ×
PPF)/CLN, where LFN indicates mean live foetal number per pregnant female; FCRL indic-
ates mean Day 20 foetal crown-rump length (cm); PPF indicates percentage of pregnant fem-
ale animals in each group and CLN indicates mean corpus luteum number per pregnant
female (Uchendu et al., 2000).

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Antigiarrdial activity

The extracts, and the bioactive compound, formononetin (92), isolated from the bark
of D. frutescans (Vell.) Britton were reported to possess significant and potential antigiarrdial
activity against Giardia intestinalis, with IC50 value of 30 ng/ml (approx. 0.1 μM) as comp-
ared to the standard drug metronidazole which showed an IC50 value of 100 ng/ml (approx.
0.6 μM) (Khan et al., 2000).

Anti-inflammatory activity

The anti-inflammatory activity of the methanol extract of the roots of D. sissoo was
investigated in a carrageenan-induced paw edema assay in rats. The extract was reported with
significant and potential anti-inflammatory activity, without any side effect, on gastric muco-
sa observed in acute and chronic ulcerogenic tests conducted in rats at the doses of 100, 500,
and 1000 mg/kg, and the most potent activity was at the dose of 1000 mg/kg throughout the
observation period of 4 h, and compared with indomethacin (10 mg/kg) (Kumar et al., 2010).
The potential anti-inflammatory activity of an ethanol extract of the leaves of D. sissoo was
also investigated (Hajare et al., 2001). The extract significantly inhibited carrageenin induced
paw edema with 29.55, 34.09 and 43.18% inhibition at the doses of 100, 300 and 1000
mg/kg, respectively as compared to phenylbutazone (100 mg/kg) showed 50% inhibition of
edema; in Kaolin-carrageenin induced paw edema, the extract (300 and 1000 mg/kg) showed
significant activity after 6 h and persisted for 24 h as compared to acetylsalicylic acid (300
mg/kg); in nystatin-induced paw edema, the activity was strong at only the highest dose of
1000 mg/kg as compared to phenylbutazone (100 mg/kg) and also reduced the weight of
granuloma induced by a cotton pellet at the all dose levels. Inhibition of dye leakage in the
acetic acid-induced vascular permeability test conducted in mice was also observed at the
doses of 300 and 1000 mg/kg as compared to acetylsalicylic acid (300 mg/kg) in significant
and dose dependent manner (Hajare et al., 2001). An ethanol extract of the bark of D. sissoo
also showed anti-inflammatory activity in right hind paw edema method in Wistar rats at the
doses of 300, 500 and 1000 mg/kg as compared with the standard drug indomethacin (10
mg/kg) and the extract showed most potent activity at the dose of 1000 mg/kg (Asif et al.,
2009). Biochanin-A (5,7-dihydroxy-4-methoxyisoflavone) (2), isolated from the flowers of
D. sissoides Graham showed antiinflammatory activity in carrageenin induced rat hind paw
edema with 35.85% inhibition of edema as compared to ketorolac tromethamine (54.92%)
(Kavimani et al., 1997). This compound also showed dose dependent, anti-inflammatory acti-
vity in the prostaglandin E (PGE), bradykinin, 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT), and histamine-
induced rat hind paw edema assay (Kavimani et al., 2002).

The topical and systemic anti-inflammatory activities of the ethanol extract of the
bark of D. lanceolaria were investigated in different animal models. Topical anti-inflamm-
atory activity was tested in the 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol-3-acetate (TPA), ethyl phenyl pro-
piolate (EPP), and arachidonic acid (AA)-induced ear edema assays in mice. In TPA, the
extract showed 79.89% inhibition of inflammation at the dose of 1 mg/ear as compared to
indomethacin (0.5 mg/ear) showed 67.83% inhibition; in EPP, inhibition was 40.02 and
59.58% at the doses of 0.5 and 1 mg/ear, respectively as compared to dexamethasone (0.5
mg/ear) showed 69.08% inhibition; in AA, inhibition was 66.49 and 72.22 at same doses
respectively as compared to phenidone (1 mg/ear) showed 83.72% inhibition (Kale et al.,

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2007). Systemic anti-inflammatory activity has been tested in acute and sub-acute anti-
inflammatory models in albino rats. In Histamine, 5-HT and PGE1 induced rat paw edema,
the bark extract showed inhibition of edema at the dose of 100 mg/kg (Kale et al., 2007). The
ethanol bark extract was also reported to show significant systemic anti-inflammatory acti-
vity in the carrageenan-induced rat paw edema assay at the doses of 100, 200 and 400 mg/kg
as compared to indomethacin (10 mg/kg) up to the observation period of 4 h, and also
exhibited activity against turpentine oil-induced exudative changes at the doses of 50 and 100
mg/kg as compared to indomethacin (1 mg/kg) as well as leukocyte count was reduced at
both doses for 7 days (Kale et al., 2007). The flavonoids (S)-4-methoxydalbergione (146), ce-
aroin (31), butein (8), koparin (127), bowdichione (7), 3'-O-methylviolanone (156), and
xenognosin B (223), isolated from the heartwood of D. odorifera, showed significant anti-
inflammatory activity by inhibiting superoxide anion formation from rat neutrophils induced
by Formyl-Met-Leu-Phe (FMLP) and phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate (PMA), and results
were compared with trifluoperazine (Chan et al., 1998). The compounds showed IC50 values
ranging from 3.0 to >100 and 0.9 to >100 µM against the formation of superoxide anion
induced by FMLP and PMA, respectively (Chan et al., 1998). The methanol extract of the
leaves of D. paniculata showed anti-inflammatory activity in the carrageenan-induced infla-
mmation model in rats with a maximum inhibition of 47.83% at 3 h at the dose of 800 mg/kg
and compared with indomethacin (5 mg/kg) (Ganga et al., 2012).

Antimicrobial activity

A biherbal preparation, comprised of bark of D. sissoo and seeds of Datura stramon-

ium L. (Solanaceae) with cow urine was reported to have antimicrobial activity against some
Gram-positive (Staphylococcus aureus and Streptococcus pneumoniae) and Gram-negative
(Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and Klebsiella pneumoniae) bacterial strains as
compared with the standard drugs, chloramphenicol (30 mcg), Nalidixic acid (10 mcg), Am-
picillin (10 mcg) and Rifampicin (30 mcg) (Yadav et al., 2008). The biherbal preparation
showed the zone of inhibition of 25.38±0.21, 24.85±0.41, 8.56±0.36, 13.56±0.89, and 9.33 ±
0.32 mm against S. aureus, S. pneumoniae, E. coli, K. pneumoniae, P.aeruginosa, respecti-
vely in disk diffusion assay (Yadav et al., 2008). Antibacterial and antifungal activities of the
methanol, citric acid, aqueous, dichloromethane, and petroleum ether bark extracts of Dalbe-
rgia melanoxylon Guill. & Perr. were investigated using the agar well method. The citric
acid extract was reported with strongest antimicrobial activity against both bacterial (Bacillus
subtilis, E. coli, K. pneumonia, P. aeruginosa, Salmonella typhimurium, Staphylococcus aur-
eus and Yersinia pestis) and fungal (Aspergillus niger and Candida albicans) strains (Gund-
idza et al., 1993). The citric acid extract showed MIC values of 2.81, 6.25, 11.83, 6.25, 50,
3.35, and 50 µg/mL, and MBC values of 5.12, 12.5, 24, 12.5, 65, 12.6, and 65 µg/mL, aga-
inst the bacterial strains of B. subtilis, E. coli, K. pneumonia, P. aeruginosa, S. typhimurium,
S. aureus, and Y. pestis, respectively, and activity was highly comparable with tetracycline h-
ydrochloride (MICs: 3.31, 12.5, 13.3, 100, 12.5, 103, and 12.5 µg/mL, and MBCs: 13.1, 25,
51.1, 135, 50, 139, and 100 µg/mL, respectively) (Gundidza et al., 1993). In antifungal test,
the citric acid and dichloromethane extracts (0.625 mg/mL) showed 59.1 and 62.8% inhib-
ition against C. albicans, and 55.7, and 61.0% inhibition against A. niger, respectively (Gun-
didza et al., 1993). Inhibition was expressed as percentage relative to the control flasks, and
activity was highly comparable with nystatin (70.30 and 75.40% inhibition against C. albi-
cans, and A. niger, respectively) (Gundidza et al., 1993). The ethanol extracts of the leaves

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and bark of D. saxatilis Hook.f. were investigated for their antimicrobial activity against six
pathogenic microorganisms. The leaf extract was reported with antibacterial activity against
only S. aureus with minimum inhibition concentration (MIC) of 1000 mg/mL, and the bark
extract was reported with broad spectrum activity at MIC values of 250, 125, 1000, and 1000
mg/mL against bacterial strains of S. aureus, B. subtilis, E. coli, and P. aeruginosa, respec-
tively (Okwute et al., 2009). The flavonoids sativanone (188), (3R)-vestitone (217), (3R)-
2',3',7-trihydroxy-4'-methoxyisoflavanone (208), (3R)-4'-methoxy-2',3,7-trihydroxyisoflava-
none (149), carthamidin (26), liquiritigenin (134), isoliquiritigenin (116), (3R)-vestitol (212),
and sulfuretin (198), isolated from the heartwood of D. odorifera, were reported to show
antibacterial activity against the Gram-negative pathogen Ralstonia solanacearum in disk
diffusion method (Zhao et al., 2011). Sativanone (188), (3R)-vestitone (217), (3R)-2',3',7-
trihydroxy-4'-methoxyisoflavanone (208), (3R)-4'-methoxy-2',3,7-trihydroxyisoflavanone
(149), carthamidin (26), liquiritigenin (134), isoliquiritigenin (116), (3R)-vestitol (212), and
sulfuretin (199), exhibited the zone of inhibition of 6.53±0.05, 11.19±0.15, 8.11±0.14, 9.99 ±
1.25, 8.34±0.16, 12.23±0.45, 14.15±0.95, 16.62±1.07 and 9.10±1.22 mm, respectively again-
st R. solanacearum and compared with streptomycin sulfate (16.80±0.33 mm) (Zhao et al.,
2011). The benzene, alcohol, and aqueous root extracts of D. spinosa were investigated for
their antimicrobial activity against selected Gram-positive (S. aureus) and Gram-negative (P.
aeruginosa, K. pneumoniae, E. coli) bacterial strains, as well as fungal (C. albicans) strain in
cup plate method. Benzene and alcohol extract at the concentrations of 50 75 and 100 µg/mL
and aqueous extract only at 100 µg/mL exhibited potential antimicrobial activity (Sentham-
arai et al., 2003). Various extracts (hexane, diethyl ether, ethyl acetate and acetone) of the
heartwood of D. congestiflora Pittier were investigated for their antifungal activity against
Trametes versicolor. The hexane extract showed 100% inhibition of fungal growth at the
concentrations of 250 and 500 mg/L. An antifungal compound, (+)-medicarpin (138) was is-
olated from this extract and showed same level of activity at the concentration of 150 mg/L
(Martínez-Sotres et al., 2012). Mucronulatol (157) and violanone (214), isolated from D.
oliveri showed antifungal activity against Fusarium oxysporum in direct bioautographic
assay (mucronulatol at 0.5 µg and violanone at 1 µg amount spotted on TLC plate showed
clear zone of inhibition and compared with iprodion and captan at amount of 0.1 µg) (Dees-
amer et al., 2007). An ethanol extract of leaves of D. spinosa, showed antibacterial activity in
disc diffusion assay with the diameter of zone of inhibition of 7, 8, 11, 9, 14, 9, 10, 9, and 8
mm against the bacterial strains of S. aureus, Staphylococcus epidermidis, Streptococcus py-
ogenes, Salmonella typhi, P. aeruginosa, Shigella flexneri, Shigella sonnei, Shigella dysent-
ery, and Shigella boydii, respectively at 500 µg/disc, and the activity was compared with
kanamycin (30 µg/disc) (Saha et al., 2013). The MIC values of the extract were determined
in broth macrodilution assay, and compared with ceftriaxone. The values were ranged
between 250 and 500 µg/mL against all the tested bacterial strains (Saha et al., 2013).

Antioxidant activity

The ethanol extract of the bark of D. sissoo was screened for antioxidant potential
(Kumari et al., 2008). The total phenolic was 58.06 gallic acid equivalents (GAE) mg/g of
extract and tannin content was varied from 218.34 to 61.75 mg catechin equivalent (CE)/g of
extract. Lipid peroxidation inhibitory (LPO) and NO quenching potentials were investigated
and reported. The bark extract showed 69.1% LPO inhibitory potential/10 µg of extract, and
trolox was used as positive control (Kumari et al., 2008). Superoxide dismutase (SOD)

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mimetic activity was 116.62 unit/min/mg extract and catechin was used as positive control as
well as total antioxidant capacity (TAC) and ABTS radical cation decolorisation power were
also investigated for bark extract (Kumari et al., 2008). The antioxidant potential of the
aqueous and methanol extracts of the stem bark of D. sissoo was measured using the 1,1-
diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) radical scavenging assay, the ferric ion reducing power
assay, the ferrous ion chelating assay, and the measurement of Au nanoparticle formation. In
DPPH assay, the IC50 value of the aqueous extract was 12.23±1.11 µg/mL while the metha-
nol extract showed IC50 value of 23.63±1.65 µg/mL and gallic acid was used as standard; co-
ncentration dependent activity was observed in both reducing power (gallic acid as standard)
and ferrous ion chelating (EDTA as standard) assay and sharp surface plasmon resonance
(SPR) band was appeared at 539 and 543 nm for aqueous and methanol extract, respectively
and compared with natural extract of amla (Roy et al., 2011). Total polyphenol content of the
aqueous and methanol extract was 153.35 ± 4.42 mg GAE/g and 189.79 ± 4.27 mg GAE/g,
respectively and flavonoid content was 45.33 ± 0.14 mg quercetin QE/g and 49.41 ± 0.49 mg
QE/g (Roy et al., 2011). The methanol extract of the leaves of D. saxatilis was investigated
for DPPH radical scavenging activity, total antioxidant capacity, reducing power, and the
total phenolic compound content present (Sofidiya et al., 2006). In DPPH assay, the extract
showed 71.1 ± 0.019 % inhibition at the concentration of 0.20 mg/mL as compared to α-toc-
opherol (97.9 ± 0.001% at 0.20 mg/mL); in reducing power assay absorbance was 0.846 ±
0.056 at 0.40 mg/mL as compared to α-tocopherol (1.589 ± 0.089 at 0.40 mg/mL) and total
phenolic content was 4.47 ± 0.001 mg GAE/g of extract (Sofidiya et al., 2006). Butein (8)
iso-lated from D. odorifera showed DPPH radical scavenging activity with an IC0.200 value of
9.2 ± 1.8 µM as compared to α-tocopherol (11.9 ± 0.2 µM) and BHT (14.5 ± 2.5 µM), and
exhibited inhibition of xanthine oxidase with an IC50 value of 5.9 ± 0.3 µM (Cheng et al.,
1998). It scavenged the peroxyl radical derived from 2,2-azobis(2-amidinopropane) dihydro-
chloride (AAPH) in the aqueous phase, and also inhibited copper-catalyzed oxidation of
human low-density lipoprotein (LDL) in a concentration dependent manner with an IC50 va-
lue of 6.3 ± 0.2 µM. (Cheng et al., 1998). Butein (8) also inhibited iron-induced lipid perox-
idation in rat brain homogenate with IC50 value of 3.3 ± 0.4 µM and compared with BHT
(IC50 value of 1.3 ± 0.1 µM), in iron and copper chelation study, the Fe2+-butein complex
showed peaks at 286 and 422 nm while the Cu2+-butein complex showed peaks at 286 and
454 nm, and it was more effective than ascorbic acid in the prevention of AAPH-induced cis-
parinaric acid oxidation in LDL (Cheng et al., 1998). A new benzophenone 2,4-dihydroxy-5-
methoxybenzophenone (78) and eight known compounds namely 2´,3´,7-trihydroxy-4´-
methoxyisoflavanone (207), 3´-methoxydaidzein (144), 4´,5,7-trihydroxy-3-methoxyflavone
(205), vestitol (212), medicarpin (137), hexadecanoic acid, ethyl ester (100), hexanoic acid,
2-propenylester (101) and 3,8-nonadien-2-one (164) were isolated from the root of D. odo-
rifera and investigated for antioxidant potentials using an oxidative stability instrument at
100˚ C in American Oil Chemists’ Society Official Oil Stability Index (OSI) method (Wang
et al., 2000). Among nine compounds first six compounds showed significant activity as co-
mpared to BHT and α-tocopherol in OSI (Wang et al., 2000). Naringenin (158) and eriod-
ictoyl (92), isolated from the heartwood of D. odorifera, showed stronger antioxidant activity
than the synthetic antioxidant BHT in OSI, reducing power and ABTS methods (Hou et al.,
2011). In OSI method, antioxidant activity was expressed as Protection factor (Pf) calculated
using the formula of Pf = IPantioxidant / IPlard where, IPantioxidant and IPlard were the oxidation ind-
uction potential (IP) with and without antioxidant, respectively (Hou et al., 2011). Naringenin
(158) and eriodictoyl (91) showed Pf value of 4.20 ± 0.02 and 6.48 ± 0.31, respectively at

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concentrations of 0.012% and when concentration was increased to 0.02% the Pf values were
5.57 ± 0.07 and 9.32 ± 0.28, respectively and compared to BHT (3.61 ± 0.10 and 4.22 ± 0.48
for 0.012 and 0.02%, respectively) (Hou et al., 2011). In reducing power and ABTS radical
scavenging assay, both compounds showed stronger activity than BHT in concentration dep-
endent manner (Hou et al., 2011). Ethanol seed extract of D. odorifera was partitioned using
petroleum ether, ethyl acetate, n-butanol and water, and each part was investigated for total
phenolic and flavonoid content, DPPH radical scavenhing activity, reducing power, linoleic
acid and lard peroxidation inhibition activity (Lianhe et al., 2011). Total phenolic content of
135.5 ± 13.4, 563.2 ± 11.3, 167.3 ± 10.6 and 135.0 ± 4.2 mg GAE/g extract and flavonoid
content of 103.7 ± 1.6, 350.3 ± 3.1, 79.9 ± 0.6, 115.1 ± 1.6 mg rutin equivalent (RU)/g
extract were found for petroleum ether (PE), ethyl acetate (EE), n-butanol (BE) and water
(WE) extracts, respectively (Lianhe et al., 2011). In DPPH assay, PE, EE, BE and WE show-
ed scavenging activity of 67.1 ± 0.2, 62.8 ± 0.5, 57.2 ± 1.1 and 59.5 ± 1.0%, respectively at
0.8 mg/mL as compared to vitamin C (95.2 ± 0.1% at 0.8 mg/mL); in reducing power assay,
PE, EE, BE and WE showed reducing power of 0.351 ± 0.017, 1.230 ± 0.034, 0.444 ± 0.014
and 0.818 ± 0.006, respectively at 1mg/mL and compared with vitamin C (0.779 ± 0.032 at
0.1 mg/mL); in linoleic acid peroxidation inhibition assay, PE, EE, BE and WE showed 14.0
± 1.0, 64.4 ± 2.1, 30.1 ± 1.4, 48.5 ±1.7, rspectively at 1mg/mL and compared with BHT (97.9
± 2.5 at 1 mg/mL) (Lianhe et al., 2011). The methanol extract of the leaves of D. paniculata
Roxb. showed superoxide radical, hydroxyl radical, and DPPH radical scavenging activity
(Ganga et al., 2012). In speroxide radical scavenging assay, IC50 values for the extract and
ascorbic acid were 69.3 and 80.2 µg, respectively; in hydroxyl radical scavenging assay, IC50
values were 112 and 190.2 µg, respectively and in DPPH scavenging assay, IC50 values were
70.6 and 60.24 µg, respectively (Ganga et al., 2012). The methanol extract of the spikes of D.
spinosa showed potential DPPH radical scavenging activity in a qualitative assay (Bala et al.,
2011). The ethanol extract of the bark of D. latifolia was investigated for its antioxidant act-
ivity using different methods. The extract showed DPPH, NO, and thiocyanate percentage
inhibition scavenging activity of 92.10±1.10%, 86.39±2.12%, and 87.22±2.47%, respective-
ely. The total phenolic and flavonoid contents of the extract were also reported (Khalid et al.,

Antiplasmodial activity

The flavanoids (R)-4-methoxydalbergione (145), obtusafuran (166), 7,4ʹ-dihydroxy-

3ʹ-methoxyisoflavone (80) and isoliquiritigenin (116) isolated from the heartwood of D. lou-
velli R.Vig. were reported to possess antiplasmodial activity in vitro with IC50 values ranging
from 5.8 to 8.7 um against Plasmodium falciparum (Beldjoudi et al., 2003). Antiplasmodial
activity was tested based on the inhibition of [3H]-hypoxanthine uptake by P. falciparum
cultured in human blood, and compared with positive control, chloroquine, showed IC50 val-
ue of 0.13 µM (Beldjoudi et al., 2003).

Antipyretic activity

The ethanol extract of the leaves of D. sissoo showed significant antipyretic activity
in a Brewer’s yeast-induced pyrexia assay in rats (Hajare et al., 2000). The extract at the dos-
es of 100 and 300 mg/kg showed significant antipyretic activity at 1 h after drug admini-

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stration while at the 1000 mg/kg showed activity throughout the observation period up to 6 h
and results were highly comparable with aspirin (300 mg/kg) (Hajare et al., 2000).

Anti-spermatogenic activity

The anti-spermatogenic efficacy of the ethanol extract of the stem bark of D. sissoo
showed dose- and time-dependent effects on sperm motility and viability. The Sander-Cram-
er method was used to assess sperm motility. The extract caused complete immobilization of
sperm within 3 minutes at the concentration of 20 mg/mL and at same concentration sperm
viability and hypo-osmotic swelling was reduced in significant manner (Vasudeva et al.,

Anti-thrombotic and anti-platelet activities

Two bioactive sesquiterpenes namely (3S,6R,7R)-3,7,11-trimethyl-3,6-epoxy-1,10-dodec-

adien-7-ol (209) and (3S,6S,7R)-3,7,11-trimethyl-3,6-epoxy-1,10-dodecadien-7-ol (210) isol-
ated from the essential oil of D. odorifera, were investigated for their anti-thrombotic and
anti-platelet activities. It was reported that the anti-thrombotic activity of these two compo-
unds was poor, while the anti-platelet activity was strong at both middle (5 µmol/mL) and
high (10 µmol/mL) concentrations (Tao et al., 2010). (3S,6R,7R)-3,7,11-trimethyl-3,6-epoxy-
1,10-dodecadien-7-ol (209) and (3S,6S,7R)-3,7,11-trimethyl-3,6-epoxy-1,10-dodecadien-7-ol
(210) showed anti-platelet activity with inhibition rate of 15.5 and 9.4%, respectively at 1
µmol/mL; 39.6 and 25%, respectively at 5 µmol/mL; 51.4 and 46.9%, respectively at 10
µmol/mL (Tao et al., 2010).

Anti-ulcerogenic activity

The lyophilized aqueous extract (LAE) of D. monetaria L.f. was reported to possess
significant anti-ulcerogenic activity in pylorus-ligature, ethanol and hypothermic-restraint
stress induced gastric ulcer lesions in Shay rats (Cota et al., 2010). The LAE (89.7 ± 21.5
pg/mg) increased gastric mucosal PGE2 synthesis in comparision to control (52.6 ± 11.8
pg/mg) in rat stomach assayed by enzyme immunoassay and reduced acid content of gastric
juice without modifying PH in Shay rats, and reduction was highly comparable with cimet-
idine (Cota et al., 2010).

Cancer chemopreventive activity

Five new cinnamylphenols, dalberatins A (34), B (35), C (36), D (37) and E (38), iso-
lated from the stem-bark of D. cultrata and D. nigrescens were reported to have inhibitory
activities against EBV-EA (Epstein-Barr virus early antigen) activation induced by TPA (12-
O-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate) in Raji cells (Ito et al., 2003a). All cinnamylphenols
showed inhibitory activity on EBV-EA activation, even at the concentration of 10 mol rat-
io/TPA (8.3-18.0%) and full blockage of EBV-EA activation occurred at the highest concen-
tration of 1000 mol ratio/TPA without any decrease in viability of the Raji cells (Ito et al.,
2003a). IC50 values were ranged from 209 to 303 mol ratio/TPA and compared with β-car-
otene, a vitamin A precursor (Ito et al., 2003a).

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Diuretic activity

The benzene, alcoholic and aqueous root extracts (75 mg/kg of each) of D. spinosa
were investigated for their diuretic activity in male albino rats. The alcohol extract showed
diuretic activity which was highly comparable with the standard drug furosemide (100 mg/
kg) in aspect urinary output and excretion of sodium, potassium and chloride per 6 h (Jaiga-
nesh et al., 2009).

Estrogenic and antiestrogenic activity

Estrogen agonist and antagonist activities of the methanol extract of wood of D. can-
denatensis, were studied using the yeast two-hybrid assay system expressing ERα and ERβ,
as well as the extract was also subjected to a naringinase treatment, and retested for their estr-
ogenic activity (El-Halawany et al., 2011). The extract showed estrogenic activity only on
ERβ with β-galactosidase activity of 206.3±18.2 at the concentration of 100 µg/mL, and
while naringinase-treated extract showed 284.2±1.4 at same concentration (El-Halawany et
al., 2011). The extract also showed antiestrogenic activity with 42.2±5.0% inhibition of 17β-
estradiol-induced β-galactosidase while tamoxifen showed 78.2±2.4% inhibition (El-Halaw-
any et al., 2011).

Immunomodulating activity

D. monetaria L.f. was evaluated for mitogenic and colony-stimulating factor (CSF)-
inducing activities. Orobol 6-C-glucoside (175) and orobol 8-C-glucoside (176), isolated fro-
m the bark of D. monetaria, showed dose dependent CSF-inducing activity at a range of 0.1
to 10 mg/mouse (Kawaguchi et al., 1998). Intraperitoneal injection of orobol 8-C-glucoside
(176) at the dose of 1 mg/mouse increased serum CSF production which reached at peak wit-
hin 4-6 h, and compared with Salmonella abortus equi LPS (1 µg/mouse) (Kawaguchi et al.,

Larvicidal and mosquito repellant activity

The oil extracted through hydro-distillation from the wood scrapings of D. sissoo
showed dose dependent larvicidal, growth inhibitor and repellent actions against Anopheles
stephensi, Aedes aegypti and Culex quinquefasciatus (Ansari et al., 2000). The oil at the low-
er dosages of 0.4-0.8 mL/m2 showed 50% mortality after 72 h except against A. stephensi,
the mortality was 65% after 72 h and at the higher dosages of 4-5 mL/m2, the mortality was
90-100% against A. aegypti and C. quinquefasciatus but mortality was 60-85% against A.
stephensi and results were compared with commercial ‘Mylol’ oil (Ansari et al., 2000). No
adult emergence was observed at the dose of 4 mL/m2 against A. stephensi, A. aegypti and C.
quinquefasciatus, while no fertility was found at the dose of 2 mL/m2 (Ansari et al., 2000).
The repellent action was ranged from 89.7 ± 3.1 to 100% against tested species namely
Anopheles culicifacies (96.11 ± 6.6), Anopheles annularis (100.00 ± 0.0), Anopheles subpict-
us (89.7 ± 3.1) and C. quinquefasciatus (91.7 ± 2.2) and compared with Mylol oil (Ansari et
al., 2000). The ethanol extract and the aqueous methanol and hexane fractions of the bark of
D. saxatilis were reported to have almost equal insecticidal activity against adult mosquitoes

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at 0.2% concentration in the first 30 min of application as compared to solvent as control but
ethyl acetate fraction showed less activity than other fractions (Okwute et al., 2009).

Osteogenic activity

A new isoflavone glucoside, caviunin 7-O-[β-D-apiofuranosyl-(1→6)-β-D-glucopyra-

noside] (28) and four known compounds namely genstein (95), biochanin A (2), pratensein
(180) and biochanin 7-O-glucoside (5), isolated from the leaves of D. sissoo, showed osteog-
enic activity in primary calvarial osteoblast cultures. These compounds showed increased
alkaline phosphatase activity and mineralization, which substantiated potential osteogenic
activity (Dixit et al., 2012). All the compounds at the concentrations ranging from 1 pM to 1
µM applied to calvarial osteoblast cells to screen alkaline phosphatase activity as well as sti-
mulatory activity of those compounds on osteoblast formation mediated via estrogen receptor
(ER) was studied (Dixit et al., 2012). It was found that differentiation of osteoblast formation
was ER independent. Caviunin 7-O-[β-D-apiofuranosyl-(1→6)-β-D-glucopyranoside] (28),
genstein (95), pratensein (180) and biochanin 7-O-glucoside (5), failed to inhibit ALP produ-
ction except mild response from biochanin A (2) (Dixit et al., 2012). Biochanin A (2) inhib-
ited osteoblast formation at the concentration of 10 nM in the presence of ICI-182780 (anti-
estrogen). All tese five compounds also induced the formation of mineralized nodules in ost-
eoblast cultures and in all studies control was untreated cells (Dixit et al., 2012). Caviunin 7-
O-[β-D-apiofuranosyl-(1→6)-β-D-glucopyranoside] (28) showed most potent osteogenic acti-
vity than the four known compounds (Dixit et al., 2012).

Protective activity

Several compounds namely 4,2ʹ,5ʹ-trihydroxy-4ʹ-methoxychalcone (204), (2S)-6,4ʹ-

dihydroxy-7-methoxyflavan (81), 6,4ʹ-dihydroxy-7-methoxyflavanone (82), R(+)-4-methox-
ydalbergione (145), R(-)-latifolin (129), R(+)-dalbergiphenol (39), 9-hydroxy-6,7-dimethox-
ydalbergiquinol (104) and isoparvifuran (117) isolated from the heartwood of D. odorifera
were reported to show a protective effect on glutamate-induced oxidative injury in HT22
cells (An et al., 2008). All these compounds were tested at the concentrations of 1, 10, 20 and
50 µM and compared with trolox (positive control). EC50 values were of 7.47, 2.85, 3.3, 8.54,
5.82, 6.54, 8.14 and 3.09 µM, respectively for compounds as mentioned above and trolox
showed EC50 value of 15.8 µM (An et al., 2008).

Tyrosinase inhibition

Tyrosinase (E.C. is a Cu-containing enzyme, and it is mainly involved in

biosynthesis of melanin. It catalyzes the initial two steps in biosynthesis of melanin, which
includes the hydroxylation of L-tyrosine and the oxidation of its product, the L-DOPA (diph-
enolase activity), to the corresponding O-quinone (Kang et al., 2005). In mammals, this
enzyme is responsible for skin pigmentation abnormalities such as flecks and defects. Tyrosi-
nase is also associated with Parkinson’s and related neurodegenerative diseases (Nithita-
nakool et al 2009) by oxidizing dopamine to generate DOPA quinones, which are highly
reactive compounds inducing neuronal damage and cell death. Interestingly, isoliquiritigenin
(116), which is a constituent of D. odorifera and D. louvelii is reported to possess significant
tyrosinase inhibition (IC50 value: 61.4 μM, Kang et al., 2005). Molecular docking studies usi-

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Figure 1. Binding mode of isoliquiritigenin inside catalytic site of tyrosinase. Hydrogen bonds are depicted as dotted

Figure 2. Steric and electrostatic interactions of isoliquiritigenin with tyrosinase (PDB: 1WX2). Blue color indi-
cates positive electrostatic surface, red color regions indicate negative electrostatic surface, and white regions
depict non-polar (hydrophobic) surface of the enzyme.

ng Gold Software revealed significant molecular interactions between the active site of
tyrosinase and isoliquiritigenin. Simultaneous hydrogen bonding between terminal phenolic
group of isoliquiritigenin was found in close favorable contact with Asp 46 and Ile42 of
enzyme active site (Figure 1). On other side, phenolic moieties at position 2′ and 4′ were obs-

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Phytopharmacology 2013, 4(2), 291-346 Saha et al.

erved to be favorably interacting with Thr 203 and Ala 202 of tyrosinase. Isoliquiritigenin
seems to be sterically and electrostatically favorable inhibitor for tyrosinase (Figure 2). Futu-
re work on modification of isoliquiritigenin will lead development of new lead compounds
for treatment of diseases associated with abnormal function of tyrosinases.

Uterine muscle contracting activity

A saponin isolated from the roots of D. saxatilis was investigated for uterine muscle
contracting activity in rats. Activity was demonstrated in a concentration dependent manner
with an ED50 value of 0.13 mg/mL (Uchendu et al., 1999a). The saponin at the concentration
of 0.04 mg/mL was sufficient to initiate forceful contractions of a quiescent uterine muscle
strip and concentrations ranging from 0.08 to 0.36 mg/mL produced transient single contrac-
tions associated with onward increase in the amplitude of contractions as well as frequency
of spikes within each burst and carbachol was positive control which also caused dose-depe-
ndent uterine muscle contraction with ED50 value of 2.31 µmol and lowest active concen-
tration was 0.30 µmol (Uchendu et al., 1999a). A triterpenoid glycoside dalsaxin, isolated
from the roots of D. saxatilis, showed dose dependent uterine muscle contracting activity by
stimulating post-junctional alpha 2-adrenergic receptors by inhibiting plasma membrane
adenylate cyclase system associated with the increase in intracellular cAMP content (Uch-
endu et al., 1999b). Adrenaline (9.10 nmol) reversibly decreased (92.6%) myometrial contra-
ction stimulated by dalsaxin (0.24 mg/mL) and atipamezole (1.50 ng/mL) also reduced (80%)
myometrial contraction but prazosin (7.72-15.60 nmol) failed (Uchendu et al., 1999b). Resp-
onse of dalsaxin (0.24 mg/mL) to uterine muscle increased by propranolol (beta-adrenergic
receptor anatagonist) (Uchendu et al., 1999b).


An acute toxicity study showed that the ethanol bark extract of D. sissoo was non-
toxic up to 3000 mg/kg body weight in Swiss Albino mice (Asif et al., 2011). A decoction of
the stem bark of D. subcymosa Ducke was investigated for embryo-fetotoxicity effects and
disturbance of postnatal development of pups in female rats (Peters et al., 1995). The deco-
ction (40 mg/rat) was given to female rats on days 6-15 of pregnancy by gastric intubation
and compared with control received distilled water (0.5 mL/rat). Maternal, fetal and newborn
studies suggested that the decoction has no embryo-fetotoxicity and disturbance of postnatal
development of pulps in female rats (Peters et al., 1995).


The aim of our review was to compile the phytochemical and pharmacological works
on the plants of Dalbergia genus that have been done so far. Our investigation revealed that a
good number of reports are available on the plants of this genus. This indicates that the plants
from Dlabergia genus have been an interesting choice for the researchers to investigate for
either their medicinal value or secondary metabolite content. World wide distribution of
these plants might have eased the collection process of the plant material. Although the pla-
nts are native to tropical and subtropical regions of the world, these plants have been nature-
alized in different parts of the world due to their commercial value. Use of these plants in
ethnomedicinal practice might also have acted as a factor for pharmacological investigation
or bioassay guided phytochemical investigation. Ethnomedicinal uses of these plants are oft-

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en specific to certain diseases. Most of the plants are used in various forms of pain, rheuma-
tism, gonorrhea, stomach disorders and blood disorders (Ghani, 1999; Kang et al., 2005;
Khare, 2007; Hou et al., 2011). We found that only thirty four plants have been investigated
so far for their phytochemical contents. On the other hand, twenty eight biological activities
have been reported. Antioxidant activity study is the highest screened activity. The virtue of
this plant to synthesize phenolic compounds including flavonoids made them attractive
natural source for antioxidant activity study. Antiinflammatory, antimicrobial and anticancer
are the other assays that have been done in a considerable extent. Bioassy study also revealed
some interesting activity including antiplatelet, antithrombic, antifertility, antispermatogenic,
and antiplasmodial activity. Such activities are indeed important finding since development
of novel agents for the management of aforementioned cases are a dire need. Bioactive com-
pounds were reported only from twelve plants. In some cases, mechanism of action in molec-
ular level has also been pinned down. Despite this limited number of plants being inves-
tigated; such investigations led to the identification of a good number of active compounds.
Some of these compounds are exclusively found in this genus. Most of the active compounds
are flavones with pyran or furan ring, isoflavone, neoflavone and chalcones. Onle a few of
the active compounds are simple phenolics, styrene derivatives, cimmanyl phenols, fatty acid
derivatives or sesquiterpenes. Pure phytochemical investigation also led to the discovery of
molecules that are considered important due to their diverse role in biolo-gical processes.
Some of these well known compounds belong to the class of flavonoids, isoflavonoids,
neoflavonoids and chalcones and are abundant in this genus. Such copounds already drew the
attention of the researchers for their ability to ameliorate or prevent condit-ions including
cancer, diabetes, neurodegeneration and oxidative damages. Therefore, there is a good oppor-
tunity to exploit plants of this genus as a good source of neutraceuticals.


The number of plants cited above may vary to some extent as some more works mi-
ght have published at the time of the publication of this article or articles published but are
not available on internet. Still, our present investigation suggests that this only a few plants
of this genus have been investigated so far for bioactive compounds. The use of the plants of
this genus in ehtnomedicinal practice coupled with rich secondary metabolite content made
this genus a true natural product resource for the investigation of biological activities as well
as bioassay guided phytochemical investigation which can lead to the discovery of novel
structures with potential therapeutic value. As a common phenomenon with natural product
research, it is possible that some known compounds might end up as the active compounds.
At this point we do recommend for conventional bioassay guided investigation since some of
the well known and easily available compounds can prove valuable in the treatment of dise-
ase for which still no good cure is known.


We authors are greatful to Dr. SM Abdullah for his contribution in molecular modeli-
ng study of isoliquiritigenin as tyrosinase inhibitor.

Conflict of interest

There is no conflict of interest associated with the authors of this paper.

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