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Diversity, Characterization and Utilization of Ginger: A Review

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Diversity, characterization and utilization of ginger: A review

Article  in  Plant Genetic Resources · August 2011

DOI: 10.1017/S1479262111000670

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2 authors:

Jaleel Kizhakkayil Sasikumar Bhas

United Arab Emirates University Indian inst if spicesvres


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q NIAB 2011 Plant Genetic Resources: Characterization and Utilization (2011) 9(3); 464 –477
ISSN 1479-2621 doi:10.1017/S1479262111000670

Diversity, characterization and utilization of

ginger: a review
Jaleel Kizhakkayil1 and B. Sasikumar2*
Department of Presidential Affairs, Abu Dhabi, Al-Ain, PO 47087, United Arab Emirates
and 2Indian Institute of Spices Research, PO Marikunnu, Calicut 673 012, Kerala, India

Received 24 January 2011; Accepted 14 April 2011 – First published online 1 June 2011

Ginger (Zingiber officinale Rosc.), originated in the Indo-Malayan region, is now widely
distributed across the tropics of Asia, Africa, America and Australia. It was domesticated in
India and China, which represent the centre of origin of the species. Cultivated ginger
though sterile, exhibits variations in rhizome and vegetative characters. The crop is gaining
importance as a curative agent for a variety of ailments. Yield and quality traits (such as essen-
tial oil, fibre and oleoresin contents) along with volatile and non-volatile constituents are
important determinants of the commodity’s end product. Cultivar diversity for yield and
morphological features is well known in ginger with few primitive types having excellent
quality. However, the common name(s) of ginger cultivars are confusing and have resulted
in geographical bias in its ex situ conservation. Most of the molecular/biochemical marker
studies reported in ginger show low levels of polymorphism in contrast to plentiful phenotypic
variability recorded in the species. The large influence of environmental factors on the content
of key compounds, lack of seed set and confusion of the common names are the leading
constraints to further varietal improvement of ginger. As tailor-made ginger varieties assume
future significance these aspects will have relevance.

Keywords: antiquity; biochemical; medicinal use; molecular; morphological; taxonomy

Introduction Ghana, Guatemala, Hawaii, India, Indonesia, Jamaica,

Mauritius, Malaysia, Nepal, New Zealand, Nigeria, Philip-
Ginger (Zingiber officinale Rosc.), originated in the Indo- pines, Sierra Leone, Sri Lanka, Taiwan, Thailand, Trinidad
Malayan region, is now widely distributed across many and Uganda covering a total area of 387,300 ha with a
countries as a spice and medicinal plant (Purseglove production of 1,476,900 MT. India is the world’s largest
et al., 1981; Burkill, 1996; Park and Pizzuto, 2002). producer of ginger at present (Table 1). Export of
Traders took ginger from India to Mediterranean region ginger from India was 7500 MT during 2006 –2007.
during the 1st century CE (Current Era). The Arabs intro- ‘Cochin ginger’, ‘Wayanadan ginger’ (India), ‘Chinese
duced ginger to East Africa in the 13th century CE and the ginger’ (China), ‘Buderim Gold’ (Australia) ‘Jamaican’
Portugese spread it to West Africa and the Pacific islands (Jamaica) are globally traded products. Ginger in various
for commercial cultivation (Ravindran et al., 2006). forms is used as food flavorant, antioxidant and antimi-
The major ginger growing countries include Australia, crobial besides as deodorizing agent in food. Chinese,
Brazil, Bangladesh, Cameroon, China, Costa Rica, Fiji, Indian, Tibetan and Arabic systems of medicine recog-
nized the medicinal value of ginger since ancient times
(Atman and Marcussen, 2001).
This review is intended to provide an overview of the diver-
* Corresponding author. E-mail: sity of cultivated ginger, its characterization and utilization.
Diversity, characterization and utilization of ginger 465

Table 1. Area, production and productivity of ginger in the Taxonomy

world (2006)

Production Productivity
The genus Zingiber belongs to the family Zingiberaceae
Country Area (ha) (tons) (tons/ha) under the order Zingiberales and the tribe Zingibereae
(Holtum, 1950). Zingiberaceae includes three other
India 105.50 517.8 4.9
tribes: Hedychieae, Alpinieae and Globbeae (Petersen,
China 24.50 279.0 11.3
Indonesia 18.20 159.0 8.7 1889; Burtt and Smith, 1972). The tribe Zingibereae has
Nepal 12.90 154.1 12.0 seven other genera: Boesenbergia, Camptandra, Roscoea,
Nigeria 191.00 134.0 2.4 Kaempferia, Amomum, Hedychium and Curcuma
Bangladesh 7.70 49.4 6.4 (Kress et al., 2002). Jatoi et al. (2006) using rice microsa-
Thailand 14.00 34.0 2.4
tellite markers assessed the genetic variability among
Philippines 3.90 27.2 6.9
Cameroon 1.30 7.5 5.7 three genera of the family Zingiberaceae: Zingiber, Alpi-
USA 0.04 1.9 47.5 nia and Curcuma and found the origin of the genera
Rest of the World 8.20 71.5 8.7 diverse covering eight Asian countries. Zingiber contains
World 387.30 1476.9 3.8 150 species and four sections distributed throughout tro-
Source: pical Asia, China, Japan and tropical Australia besides the
PageID¼567. subspecies (varieties): Z. officinale var. rubra and Z. offi-
cinale var. rubrum (Muda et al., 2004). Z. officinale is
included in the section II, Lampuzium (Baker, 1882;
Sabu, 2003; Larsen and Larsen, 2006).

Ayurveda, the Indian ‘science of life’ of approximately

5000 years of antiquity, documented the medicinal Diversity
value of ginger in treatises such as Charaka Samhita,
Shushrutha Samhita and Ashtangahridaya. In Ayurveda, Species level
ginger is known as Mahaoushadhi meaning great medi-
cine. It is Sringavera in Sanskrit, the ancient Indian The genus Zingiber includes many economically import-
language, which has given way to the Greek Zingiberi ant species besides Z. officinale as given in Table 2. The
and to the Latin Zingiber (Rosengarten, 1969; Purseglove Indian species reported include Z. chrysanthum Rosc.,
et al., 1981). Ginger is also mentioned in Koran (76: Z. rubens Roxb., Z. roseum Rosc., Z. nimmonii Dalz.,
15 –17) though it does not figure in Bible. Ginger was Z. wightianum Thw., Z. barbatum Wall., Z. squarrosum
first documented by van Rheede (1692) as inschi Roxb., Z. ligulatum Roxb., Z. cernuum Dalz., Z. pandur-
(inchi) in ‘Hortus Indicus Malabaricus’ – the first printed atum Roxb., Z. pardocheilum Wall., Z. intermedium
account of the plants of Western Coast (Malabar Coast) Baker, Z. officinale Rosc., Z. griffithii Baker, Z. gracile
of India. Jack., Z. zerumbet Smith, Z. cylindricum Moon,

Table 2. Some of the economically important Zingiber species

Species/subspecies Occurrence Use

Z. officinale Roscoe Tropical countries, China, USA Spice, condiment, medicinal
Z. officinale var. rubrum Malaysia Medicinal, spice
Z. officinale var. rubra Malaysia Medicinal, spice
Z. mioga Roscoe Japan Vegetable. Shoot and flower are edible
Z. zerumbet (L.) Smith Tropical Asia Medicinal, ornamental
Z. montanum ( Koenig) Link ex Dietr India, Malaysia, SriLanka, Java Used in traditional medicine
Z. clarkii King Sikkim Himalayas Ornamental
Z. aromaticum Val Tropical Asia Ornamental, medicinal, flavouring
Z. rubens Roxb Indo-Malaya Medicinal, ornamental
Z. griffithii Baker Malaysia Ornamental
Z. ottensii Valet South East Asia Medicinal, ornamental
Z. corallinum Hance South East Asia Chinese medicine, ornamental
Z. americanus Bl. South East Asia Medicinal, vegetable
Z. argenteum (J. Mood and I. Theilade) Sarawak, Malaysia Ornamental
466 J. Kizhakkayil and B. Sasikumar
Table 3. Continued
Table 3. Cultivar diversity of ginger in India S. No. Cultivar/variety
(revised from Sasikumar et al., 1999)
60 Taiwanb
S. No. Cultivar/variety 61 Thang-Chang (Mizoram)
62 Thing laidum (Mizoram)
1 Ambalavayalan (Kerala)
63 Thingaria (Mizoram)
2 Anamika
64 Thingpui (Manipur, Mizoram)
3 Arippa
65 Thodupuzha (Kerala)
4 Assam (Assam)
66 Tura (Meghalaya)
5 Athiraa (Kerala)
67 Uttarpradesh (Uttarpradesh)
6 Bahrica (Orissa)
68 Valluvanad (Kerala)
7 Bajpai
69 Varadaa (all over India)
8 Bazar local (Arunachal Pradesh)
70 Vellinchi (Kerala)
9 Bhaise (Sikkim)
71 Vengara (Kerala)
10 Bola (Assam)
72 Wynad Kunnmangalam (Kerala)
11 Burdwan (West Bengal)
73 Wynad local (Kerala)
12 Chinab (Kerala)
74 Zahirabad
13 Edappalayam (Kerala)
14 Ellakallan (Kerala) Words in parenthesis denote important states of
15 Ernad-Chernad (Kerala) cultivation.
16 Ernad-Manjeri (Kerala) Improved variety, b Exotic.
17 Gorubathani (Sikkim)
18 Himachal (Kerala, Himachal Pradesh)
19 Himgiria (Himachal Pradesh) Z. macrostachyum Dalz., Z. spectabile Griff., Z. casumu-
20 Jamaicab (Kerala) nar Roxb., Z. parishii Hook., Z. clarkii King, Z. capita-
21 Jatia (Assam)
22 Jorathangey (Sikkim) tum Roxb., Z. marginatum Roxb. (Baker, 1882).
23 Jorhat (Assam) Most of the Zingiber species are diploid (2n ¼ 22)
24 Jugijan (North East India) except Z. mioga (2n ¼ 55) and set seed. In cultivated
25 Kakkakalan (Kerala) ginger (Z. officinale) 2n ¼ 24 and 22 þ 2B are also
26 Karakkal (Kerala) reported besides the normal diploid number of 2n ¼ 22
27 Karthikaa (Kerala)
28 Keki (Arunachal Pradesh) (Ravindran et al., 2005). The species is sterile.
29 Khasi local (Meghalaya)
30 Kozhikkalan (Kerala)
31 Kunduli local (Orissa) Cultivar level
32 Kunnamangalam (Kerala)
33 Kuruppampady (Kerala)
34 Mahim (Maharashtra) Ginger is a rhizome propagated crop. Cultivar diversity
35 Mahimaa (all over India) abounds in India and China, which represents the
36 Majhauley (Sikkim) centre of origin of this species, unlike Simmonds (1979)
37 Mananthody (Kerala) observed in many other crops. Geographical spread of
38 Maran/Moran (Assam, Kerala)
39 Mowshom (NorthEast India) ginger clones coupled with mutation and selection are
40 Nadia (West Bengal, Kerala, Meghalaya) considered to be responsible for the cultivar diversity
41 Naga Shing (Manipur) (Ravindran et al., 1994). About 74 cultivars, most of
42 Nangrey (Sikkim) them with vernacular names, possessing varying levels
43 Narasapattam (Andhra Pradesh) of quality attributes and yield occur in India (Table 3;
44 Poona
45 Rajagarh local Sasikumar et al., 1999). Major Chinese cultivars include
46 Rejathaa (Kerala) ‘Gandzhou’, ‘Shandong’, ‘Zaoyang’, ‘Zungi big ginger’,
47 Rio-de-Janeirob (Kerala, Karnataka) ‘Chenggu yellow’, ‘Kintoki’, ‘Sanshu’ and ‘Oshoga’ are
48 Sargi guda (Orissa) three major ginger cultivars from Japan (Ravindran et al.,
49 Saw thing laidum (North East India) 2005). Ridley (1912) has reported three types of ginger
50 Sawthing Pui (North East India)
51 Saying Makhim/pink ginger (Meghalaya) from Malaysia viz. ‘halyia betle’, ‘halyia udang’, ‘halyia
52 Shing Bhoi (Meghalaya) bara’, ‘Native’ and ‘Hawaiin’ are cultivars from the
53 Shing Bhukir (Meghalaya) Philippines. Nepal has about 50 cultivars (Sasikumar
54 Sierra Leoneb et al., 1999). Ginger varieties of Guyana, mainly from
55 Singhihara the hinterlands of that country, are bold or very bold
56 Suprabhaa (all over India)
57 Suravia (Orissa) and lack any varietal names. An obsolete cultivar charac-
58 Suruchia (Orissa) terized by very dwarf stature and extremely slender,
59 Taffingiva fibrous rhizome is also grown in Guyana (Sasikumar,
Diversity, characterization and utilization of ginger 467

2008). ‘Sidda’ and ‘China’ are the cultivars of Sri Lanka 1988; Arya and Rana, 1990; Sasikumar et al., 1992;
(Macloed and Pieris, 1984) and Jamaica has only one Zachariah et al., 1993; Ravindran et al., 1994; Sasikumar
popular cultivar (Lawrence, 1984). et al., 1994, 1999, 2003; Aiyadurai, 1996; John and Fer-
Varietal improvement in ginger has been limited to reira, 1997; Chandra and Govind, 1999; Yadav, 1999;
germplasm selection for high yield and better quality Zachariah et al., 1999; Singh et al., 1999; Singh et al.,
attributes besides some mutation breeding and ploidy 2000; Gowda and Melanta, 2000; Mohandas et al., 2000;
breeding. So far nine improved ginger varieties (‘Varada,’ Naidu et al., 2000; Singh, 2001; Tiwari, 2003; Abraham
‘Mahima’, ‘Rejatha’, ‘Suruchi’, ‘Suravi’, ‘Suprabha’, ‘Himgiri’, and Latha, 2003; Rana and Korla, 2007; Lincy et al.,
‘Athira’ and ‘Karthika’) were released in India (Sasikumar 2008) (Fig. 1). Primitive types (obsolete cultivars) in gen-
et al., 2003, 2007) and one (‘Buderim Gold’) from Australia eral are characterized by small rhizomes; poor yield and
(Smith et al., 2004). better quality although the cultivars/improved varieties
possess attractive bold rhizomes with good yield and
mixed quality traits. Ginger cultivars/varieties suited for
Characterization of ginger various end uses are given as Table S1, available online
only at However, yield
Morphological and anatomical characterization and quality levels in ginger also vary with genotypes,
soil types, locations, seasons, cultural practices and
Variability for yield, quality traits and rhizome features climatic conditions.
has been reported in ginger (Khan, 1959; Thomas, Ginger (Z. officinale) has distinct anatomical features
1966; Krishnamurthy et al., 1972; Muralidharan and such as absence of periderm, short lived functional cam-
Kamalam, 1973; Mohanty and Sharma, 1979; Nybe and bium, occurrence of xylem vessels with scalariform
Nair, 1979; Nybe et al., 1980; Sreekumar et al., 1980; thickening in the rhizome compared with Z. zerumbet,
Kumar et al., 1980; Mohanty et al., 1981; Rattan et al., Z. roseum and Z. macrostachyum (Ravindran et al., 1998).

(a) (b) (c)

(d) (e) (f)

(g) (h) (i)

(j) (k) (l)

Fig. 1. Variability for rhizome features in Indian ginger germplasm (a) ‘Varada’, (b) ‘Mahima’, (c) ‘Rejatha’, (d) ‘Suprabha’,
(e) ‘Sabarimala’, (f) ‘Kozhikkalan’, (g) ‘Kakakalan’, (h) ‘Ellakallan’, (i) ‘Nadia’, (j) ‘Rio-de-Janeiro’, (k) ‘Silent valley’ and
(l) ‘Himachal’ (A colour version of this figure can be found online at
468 J. Kizhakkayil and B. Sasikumar

Molecular characterization characterized eight polymorphic microsatellite markers. A

total of 34 alleles were detected across 20 ginger acces-
RAPD (random amplified polymorphic DNA), AFLP sions, with an average of 4.3 alleles per locus. This study
(amplified fragment length polymorphism), ISSR (inter revealed the existence of moderate level of genetic diver-
simple sequence repeats), simple sequence repeats sity among the ginger accessions genotyped.
markers and isozymes have been used to characterize Recently, Kizhakkayil and Sasikumar (2010) character-
ginger germplasm. Sasikumar et al. (2000) evaluated ized 46 accessions using 30 RAPD and 17 ISSR markers.
14 accessions of ginger from different regions of India Unweighted pair group method with arithmetic mean
for variations in acid phosphatase, polyphenol oxidase, dendrograms based on three similarity coefficients (Jac-
super oxide dismutase (SOD) and peroxidase (PRX). card’s, Sorensen–Dice and Simple Matching) placed the
Among them, acid phosphatase showed maximum accessions in four similar clusters and revealed less gen-
number of bands followed by SOD, while PRX had etic distance among the accessions. Improved varieties/
the least bands. Though variability in the population cultivars were grouped together with primitive types. In
was very low, the accessions from Kerala region the clustering pattern of the accessions, a geographical
(southern India) were distinct from those collected bias was also evident implying that germplasm collected
from the north-east Indian states suggesting a geo- from nearby locations with local identity may not be
graphical bias of the germplasm studied. A total of 28 genetically distinct. The clustering of the accessions was
ginger cultivars from China were compared for PRX largely independent of its agronomic features.
isoenzyme patterns by fuzzy cluster analysis (Chengkun The different molecular markers in general revealed
et al., 1995). The cultivars differed in zonal number, low level of polymorphism (Figs. 2 and 3) and only mod-
activity intensity and isoenzyme pattern, which were erate variability with some exceptions, among the ginger
related to rhizome size, growth intensity and blast accessions studied probably due to the confounded effect
(blight?) (Ralstonia solanacearum) resistance. The culti- of the duplicate accessions in the genebank.
vars from the Fujian Province were more diverse.
Muda et al. (2004) studied the genetic variation among
three Z. officinale cultivars/subspecies i.e. Z. officinale Biochemical characterization
var. officinale, Z. officinale var. rubra (‘halia bara’) and
Z. officinale var. rubrum (‘halia padi’) using RAPD analysis Characterization of ginger for the major biochemical
and cultivar-specific markers were obtained. Similarly, constituents viz. oleoresin, essential oil and crude fibre
Nayak et al. (2005) based on their study of 16 ginger culti- levels has lead to identification of cultivars rich in one
vars from India showed that RAPD primers OPC02, OPD20 or other of these constituents (Table S1, available
and OPN06 had strong resolving powers and were able to online only at Oleoresin
distinguish all cultivars. However, Palai and Rout (2007) content of ginger varied from 3 to 11% depending on
found that of the eight Indian landraces/varieties of the genotype, solvent extraction condition, state of rhi-
ginger (‘Surabhi’, ‘Tura Local’, ‘Jugijan’, ‘Nadia’, ‘S-558’, zome, place of origin and harvest season (Ratnambal
‘Gorubathani’, ‘ZO-17’ and ‘Nangrey’) all but one formed et al., 1987; Vernin and Parkanyl, 2005).
a single cluster in the dendrogram. Molecular characteriz- Crude fibre content of dried ginger ranged from 4.8 to
ation of seven ginger accessions including primitive, 9% (Natarajan et al., 1972) although essential oil content
exotic and elite ones using 14 ISSR and 16 RAPD markers of ginger varied from 0.2 to 3%, depending on the origin
by Prem et al. (2007) also showed that the four primitive and state of rhizome (van Beek et al., 1987; Ekundayo
gingers (‘Kozhikkalan’, ‘Kakkakalan’, ‘Ellakkallan’ and et al., 1988). Characterization of 46 ginger accessions
‘Sabarimala’) formed one cluster while all others were sep- revealed that the primitive type gingers such as ‘Sabari-
arately clustered in the dendogram. In another molecular mala’, ‘Kozhikkalan’ and ‘Kakakalan’ as well as few land-
characterization study using 25 RAPD primers Zhen-wei races have higher levels of oleoresin and essential oil
et al. (2006) reported a narrow genetic base among 20 compared with the improved varieties. (Kizhakkayil and
Chinese cultivars. Sasikumar, 2009). Menon (2007) too has observed that
AFLP markers were used to study the genetic relation- primitive ginger types such as ‘Kozhikkalan’ and ‘Vel-
ship among three Indonesian type gingers (big ginger, linchi’ are rich in essential oil content. Shing Bhukir, a
small ginger and red ginger) (Wahyuni et al., 2003). In primitive type ginger from Meghalaya, India, is sold at a
this analysis, 28 accessions including those from Africa premium price for its medicinal value (Rahman et al.,
and Japan were used. Red ginger was genetically distinct 2009). ‘Kintoki’, a landrace from Japan, has very low
from the big ginger, but close to some accessions of small fibre content (Kizhakkayil, 2008). Indian ginger cultivars
ginger. There was no clear genetic differentiation between are known to vary for the pungent and non-pungent
the small and big types ginger. Lee et al. (2007) isolated and constituents: gingerol and shogaol (Zachariah et al.,
Diversity, characterization and utilization of ginger 469

M 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23

M 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46

Fig. 2. RAPD profile of the DNA isolated from different ginger accessions amplified with primer OPA 07. M-marker; lane
1– 46 ‘Varada’, ‘Mahima’, ‘Rejatha’, ‘Suruchi’, ‘Suprabha’, ‘Himachal’, ‘Maran’, ‘Nadia’, ‘Karakkal’, ‘Mananthodi’, ‘Sabari-
mala’, ‘Kozhikkalan’, ‘Ellakkallan’, ‘Kakakalan’, ‘Pakistan’, ‘Oman’, ‘Brazil’, ‘Jamaica’, ‘Rio-de-Janeiro’, ‘Pink ginger’,
‘Bakthapur’, ‘Kintoki’, ‘Nepal’, ‘China’, ‘Jugijan’, ‘Acc. no. 50’, ‘Pulpally’, ‘Acc. no. 95’, ‘Ambalawayalan’, ‘Kozhikode’,
‘Thodupuzha-1’, ‘Konni local’, ‘Angamali’, ‘Thodupuzha-2’, ‘Kottayam’, ‘Palai’, ‘Silent valley’, ‘Wayanad local’, ‘Vizagapat-
nam-1’, ‘Vizagapatnam-2’, ‘Fiji’, ‘Gorubathani’, ‘Bhaise’, ‘Naval parasi’, ‘Neyyar’, ‘Jolpaiguri’, respectively.

1993) though lack of variability for gingerol and shogaol 600 accessions screened for bacterial wilt tolerance
has been observed in Australian ginger (Wohlmuth et al., using soil inoculation method were found susceptible
2005). High levels of ar-curcumene and b-bisabolene (Kumar and Hayward, 2005). However, Shylaja et al.
with reasonable levels of citral isomers and very low (2010) reported that the ginger clone ‘Athira’ is relatively
levels of zingiberene were observed in dried Sri Lankan more tolerant to bacterial wilt and soft rot than its mother
ginger (Macloed and Pieris, 1984). clone ‘Maran’. Clones ‘Maran’ ‘Suprabha’ and ‘Himachal’
In short, the volatile and/or non-volatile compounds of have been reported to show field tolerance to ginger
ginger are affected by the environment and the state of rot (Pythium aphanidermatum) (Indrasenan and Paily,
rhizome (Connel and Jordan, 1971; Macloed and Pieris, 1974; Setty et al., 1995).
1984; Ekundayo et al., 1988; Menut et al., 1994; Vernin Nybe and Nair (1979a) while recording shoot borer
and Parkanyl, 1994; Fakim et al., 2002; Wohlmuth et al. incidence in 25 ginger cultivars reported cultivar ‘Rio de
2006). However, a wide variability in the essential oil Janeiro’ with minimum incidence. Devasahayam et al.
profile of ginger is unseen though there are few odd (2010) could not find any shoot borer resistant lines in
cultivars/primitive types excelling in one or the other 592 ginger accessions screened though 49 accessions
compounds including the pungent constituents. were rated as moderately resistant.

Characterization against pests Uses

Bacterial wilt (R. solanacearum), soft rot (Pythium spp.) Products and end uses
and shoot borer (Conogethes punctiferalis) are three
major pests of ginger. No stable bacterial wilt resistant Ginger imparts flavour and pungency to food and bev-
ginger cultivar is known to exist. Consistent with this, erages (Arctangder, 1960; Pruthy, 1993; Bakhru, 1999).
470 J. Kizhakkayil and B. Sasikumar
M 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23

M 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46

Fig. 3. ISSR profile of the DNA isolated from different ginger accessions amplified with primer ISSR3. M-marker; lane 1– 46
‘Varada’, ‘Mahima’, ‘Rejatha’, ‘Suruchi’, ‘Suprabha’, ‘Himachal’, ‘Maran’, ‘Nadia’, ‘Karakkal’, ‘Mananthodi’, ‘Sabarimala’,
‘Kozhikkalan’, ‘Ellakkallan’, ‘Kakakalan’, ‘Pakistan’, ‘Oman’, ‘Brazil’, ‘Jamaica’, ‘Rio-de-Janeiro’, ‘Pink ginger’, ‘Bakthapur’,
‘Kintoki’, ‘Nepal’, ‘China’, Jugijan’, ‘Acc. No. 50’, ‘Pulpally’, ‘Acc. No. 95’, ‘Ambalawayalan’, ‘Kozhikode’, ‘Thodupuzha-1’,
‘Konni local’, ‘Angamali’, ‘Thodupuzha-2’, ‘Kottayam’, ‘Palai’, ‘Silent valley’, Wayanad local’, ‘Vizagapatnam-1’, ‘Vizagapat-
nam-2’, ‘Fiji’, ‘Gorubathani’, ‘Bhaise’, ‘Naval parasi’, ‘Neyyar’, ‘Jolpaiguri’, respectively.

Flavour properties of ginger depend on both volatile and value of ginger (Aimbire et al., 2007; Ansari and Bhan-
non-volatile fractions. Fresh succulent baby pink ginger, dari, 2008; Morakinyo et al., 2008; Heimes et al., 2009;
salted ginger, crushed fresh ginger, dry ginger, ginger Nammi et al., 2009, 2010; Lakshmi and Sudhakar, 2010).
powder, ginger oil, ginger oleoresin, dry soluble Ginger is recommended to expecting women as an ante-
ginger, ginger paste and ginger emulsion are used in natal medicine as well as to alleviate the ‘morning sick-
different preparations. Fresh young ginger, succulent in ness’ during pregnancy (Ozgoli et al., 2009; Broussard
nature with low fibre content is preferred for products et al., 2010) and motion sickness. Trikatu is a favourite
such as ginger candy, preserves, and salted ginger while carminative remedy prepared with equal portions of
mature fresh ginger is used for preparing ginger shreds, Z. officinale, Piper nigrum and Piper longum (Anonymous,
the ethnic ginger chutney, ginger tea and ginger curry 1982). Ginger is the major constituent in formulations
(Inchi puli). Ginger is an indispensable component of including Chatarbhada Kvatha used against fever and res-
curry powder, sauces, ginger bread and ginger flavoured piratory disorders; in antitussive drug Lavangadhichurn
carbonated drinks (Hirara and Takesma, 1998) in addi- and in Hingvastaka churna recommended for indigestion
tion to its use in biscuits, pickles, confectionaries and (Singh, 1983; Thakur et al., 1989).
other dietary preparations. Ginger is also a major ingredient in Unani preparations
such as ‘Hub-gul-pista’, an expectorant, ‘Sufuf-shirin’ an
anti-dysenteric drug and ‘Majun Izuroqui’ a geriatric
Ginger in medicine tonic as well as in the ginger based carminatives
‘Qurs Pudina’ and ‘Murraba Adrak’ (Singh, 1983; Thakur
Ayurveda recommends ginger as a carminative, diaphor- et al., 1989).
etic, antispasmodic, expectorant, peripheral circulatory Chinese medicine too value ginger since 4th century
stimulant, astringent, appetite stimulant, anti-inflammatory BC (Wagner and Hikino, 1965). The Chinese administer
agent, diuretic and digestive aid (Warrier, 1989). Recent ginger for a wide variety of medical problems such as sto-
pharmacological studies attest this age-old medicinal machache, headache, diarrhoea, nausea, cholera, asthma,
Diversity, characterization and utilization of ginger 471

heart conditions, respiratory disorders, toothache and The major non-volatile pungent compounds of ginger,
rheumatic complaints (Wagner and Hikino, 1965; Grant the gingerols and shogaols, too possess analgesic, anti-
and Lutz, 2000). Africans and West Indians also use pyretic, cardio tonic, antioxidant, and anti-inflammatory
ginger for many ailments (Tyler et al., 1981). Ginger properties besides suppressing cytokine formation and
has been used in the Mediterranea for treatment of arthri- promoting angiogenesis. (Mascolo et al., 1989; Yamahara
tis, rheumatological problems and muscular discomfort et al., 1989; Yamahara and Huang, 1990; Huang et al.,
(Langner et al., 1998; Sharma and Clark, 1998). It has 1991; Mustafa et al., 1993; Lee and Surh, 1998; Surh et al.,
also been recommended for the treatment of various 1998; Surh, 1999; Bhattarai et al., 2001; Chung et al., 2001;
other conditions including atherosclerosis, migraine, Ficker et al., 2003; Jolad et al., 2004; Isa et al., 2008; Pan
rheumatoid arthritis, high cholesterol, ulcers, depression et al., 2008; Park et al., 2009; Koh et al., 2009; Imm et al.,
and impotence (Liang, 1992). 2010). Gingerol, particularly 6-gingerol, has been found
In folk/ethnic medicine too ginger is indispensable. to be the most active compound biologically (Yamahara
Fresh ginger juice is administered to pregnant women et al., 1989; Mascolo et al., 1989; Huang et al., 1991; Mustafa
just before childbirth for easy delivery (Rao and Jamir, et al., 1993; Aeschbach et al., 1994; Agarwal et al., 2001;
1982). Ginger is an ethnic remedy for pain, rheumatism, Ficker et al., 2003; Kim et al., 2005; Tripathi et al., 2006;
mad convulsion, collapse, scabies, constipation, indiges- Lam et al., 2007; Sjmonatj, 2009; Jeong et al., 2009; Wu
tion, prolepsis, fistula, cholera, throat pain, tuberculosis, et al., 2010; Yang et al., 2010).
cold, fever and cough (Jain and Tarafder, 1970; Anon- Biologically active compounds of ginger are given in
ymous, 1978). Ginger along with P. longum is used as the Table S2, available online only at http://journals.
an abortifacient in some tribes (Tarafder, 1983).
In veterinary medicine too ginger is important against Ginger has strong antibacterial and to some extent anti-
many livestock maladies. Iqbal et al. (2006) reported fungal properties too (Kapoor, 1997; Habsah et al., 2000;
the anthelmintic activity of crude powder and crude aqu- Srinivasan et al., 2001). In vitro studies have shown that
eous extract of dried ginger in sheep naturally infected active constituents of ginger inhibit multiplication of
with gastrointestinal nematodes. colon bacteria (Bakhru, 1999). Ginger also inhibits the
growth of Escherichia coli, Proteus spp., Staphylococci,
Streptococci and Salmonella (Gugnani and Ezenwanze,
Pharmacology 1985; James et al., 1999). O’Mahony et al. (2005) reported
curative effects against Helicobacter pylori. Fresh ginger
Both the volatile and non-volatile compounds of ginger juice showed inhibitory action against Aspergillus niger,
are credited with medicinal properties besides imparting Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Mycoderma spp. and Lacto-
pungency and aroma to ginger as a spice (Fig. S1, avail- bacillus acidophilus at 4, 10, 12 and 14%, respectively,
able online only at The at ambient temperatures (Nanir and Kadu, 1987; Meena,
main volatile compounds are mono- and sesqui-terpenes, 1992; Kapoor, 1997). Martins et al. (2001) demonstrated
camphene, phellandrene, curcumene, cineole, geranyl antimicrobial activity of essential oil against gram-positive
acetate, terphineol, terpenes, borneol, geraniol, limo- and gram-negative bacteria using agar diffusion method.
nene, linalool, zingiberene, sesqui-phellandrene, bisabo-
lene and farnesene. Many of these compounds are
credited with curative properties. (Feng and Lipton, Conclusion
1987; Zebovitz, 1989; Keeler and Tu, 1991; Yamahara
et al., 1992; Hansel et al., 1992; Reddey and Lokesh, Ginger is one of the most important and ancient spices.
1992; Martin et al., 1993; Denyer et al., 1994; Leung and Though ginger is sterile, plentiful cultivar diversity,
Foster, 1995; Newall et al., 1996; Obeng-Ofori and Reich- recognized mostly by local names exists. However,
muth, 1997; Blascheck et al., 1998; Atsumi et al., 2000; most of the molecular/biochemical characterization
Coppen, 2002; Murakami et al., 2003; Zhou et al., 2004; studies attempted so far failed to reveal significant poly-
Juergens et al., 2004; Masuda et al., 2004; Ali et al., morphism commensurating with the observed morpho-
2005; Hsu et al., 2005; Kuo et al., 2005; Shin et al., 2005; logical variability or yield. A geographical bias in the
Rao and Rao, 2005; Riyazi et al., 2007; Chen et al., 2007; ginger germplasm conserved in the ex situ genebanks,
Shukla and Singh, 2007; Lee et al., 2009; El-Baroty et al., probably due to local (vernacular) identity problems
2010; Hsu et al., 2010). b-Phellandrene and zingiberene during germplasm collection and the geographical
are the major compounds in Indian commercial gingers. effect on key constituents are the hallmark of most of
Ginger oil per se is also having antiulcer, antidepressant the germplasm characterization studies. Variability for
and anti-inflammatory properties (Sharma et al., 1997; the essential oil profile as well as the pungent constitu-
Khushtar et al., 2009; Qiang et al., 2009). ents is also not that remarkable though few primitive
472 J. Kizhakkayil and B. Sasikumar

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strategy especially because convergent improvement or Rheumatism 44: 2531 – 2538.
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