J: Triangl i'"JS: Mul Tivector Review and Training Center
J: Triangl i'"JS: Mul Tivector Review and Training Center
J: Triangl i'"JS: Mul Tivector Review and Training Center
1. J:~ perimeter of an (sosceles rig!1t triangl~~·i'"JS '1 0.2426. Compl1te 1rH::l area of the triangle in ·
/ 't
/,.~·square urns.
2 8. 3 0.4
is the sum of tile int~~.r'or a. ngles of a 15-sidt::d regular polygon? ~ ·
,<,.,..,0 ~"") •
~ 0. ~...,./ C "'4RQ
,_ L tl r) 2620
t,_ • ·~
'k~ .
REE - Oct. 1 ~199
5. Two squares eacr1 wrtt1 'i 2 ern sides, overlapped each other such that the overlapping area is
a re~~ular octagon. Determine the overlapping area in sq. em. ~~
1 B. '132.09 C ·123.4'i 8J119.30
A 110
c b0.'l9 D. 407.29
Kt.E ";\pr.
,./F~ri(.:l;t~ a per 1t~90n in a c1rcle with a circumference of ·1 00 ern.
/ f\-" ..)33.55 em
B. 125.68 em C 1'15.6:3 em [} 89.5tl ern
Find the area of a regular hexagon circumscribing a circle with an area of 28~n sq. em.
2, . ern. El 1,001 sq. ern. C. 550 sq. em. D. 328 sq. ern .
.f'. . : .
of 2, 4 and 6 are externally tangent to each other, find the radius of the
circle that passes through the centers of the three-Rirc!es.
A. 3 4 5 (q:/ D. 6
·- A.pr, 2003
11. A wirr:: is shaped form a rectanf.1le 15 ern in length, the rectangle has an area of 150 cm 2 .
Then reshaped to form a square, wt13t is the square~)
168.45 B. 165. 156.25 D. '152.65
REE -· Sep. 2004
13/\/Vilat is trH3 lengt!l of the arc intercepted by a central angle of ·1 /3 radian on a circle of radius
/ 30 ern? ·
5 ern .6/:j:o em C. 8.32 em 12.44 em
-· Apr. 2000
14. circiEJS, with a diameter ot ·1 0 rn, overl<?lp each other in such a way that each circle
tout;bes the centc:Jr of the other circ!e. Find the area bein~~ overlapped by the two circles.
:A~30. m2 61. m2 C. 15.355m 2 · D. 92.13m 2
'15. A road is tangent to a circular !ake. !\long the road and 12 km from the point of tangency,
' another road opens towards the lai<e. From the point of intersection of the two roads to the
periphery of iakf;:, the length of new road is 11 km. If the new road will be prolonged
across lake, find tile len~Jth of be constructed.
A. 2. km B. 2. 2. km D. 2. km
·- Sep. 2002
'16. The ionr&est diagona: of a is 15 em, find volume of cube.
625.85 / 52 cmj C. !193.24 cm
D. 1295.36 cm
-·Apr. 2006
7 The ratE~ at which a of vitamin C begins h? dissolw~ depends en the surface area a
One brand of tablet is 2 centirr110ters and iS in the shape of a cylinder \Iilith
f1emispheres of diamr::ter 0.5 attached to both ends. A second brand of is to
rnanufactured in the shape of a right circular cylinder of altitude 0.5 centimeter. Find the
of the tablet so H1at surface area is equal to that first tablet.
A !.1 em 1.2 ern C. 1 ern D. ·1.5 em
. in a po:iion of electrical railway cutting the areas of cross--section taken every 50 m are 2556,
9, ;noo, 2610, 2484 rrl Find volume~ cu. rne_ ter.
ra,. 2~'1
v ' 3· 00 B. !)·l:2
... r , t:::')l
~.; r.)·ry?
I~ P")O
....... D. 129,690
22.. What is the area in sq. rn. of a spherical triangle w!1ose angles are 60°, 80°, and 100", on a
sphere whose volume is 32rr/3 cu.m.
(t.04rr/3 B rr/3 C n/2 2n/3
Find the area in sq. em. a zone of cadiu·:. ern if altitude of the zone is '? em.
A. C I D. 148n
I'". }. :::
l. ln a circk of radius 2m, a five pointed star inscribed. \Vhat is the area of the star in square meter?
a. 4.5 · 045 c. 5.65 d. l(Ul2
2. The area of a regular polygon inscribed in a (ircle is to the area ofth: circumscribed regular polygon of the same
number of sides as 3:4. Find the number of :;ides.
h. 7 stdcs c. (i s:dcs d 5 ,ides
4. [)etcrmine the total length of the crossed belt which goes around the pulleys of radii 300 mm. and 180 mm.
respectively. Tl11~ distance between pulley centers is 762 mm.
a. 3347 mm. b. 3340 mm. c.J337 mm. d. 3330mrn.
5. T·.vo perpendicuiar chords each .5 m. fi·om the center of a circle of radius 4.0 m. cut the circle into four· parts. Find the
area of the sma!kst part.
a. 4.W5m~ c. c. 3.! d. L089m~~
6. A lawn is in t.hc form of a 30° right whose is 67m. On the long and 15m. from the short leg, is a peg to
w;1ich :: go:t! is tied such a;,; the farthest its rnouth can reach i.'; 30m. fhm1 !he peg. Find the area of lawn on which it can
gtaz<~ in square meters.
a. 1056.4 b. 1020.6 c. 1000.9 d. 1678.5
!. A lJwn A.BC is in !:1c form of a tri;.mglc wlwse is i.20m . ;;nd shun nf 60m. A can1ho is tied to peg [j
such that the farthest distance its mouth em, reach is 65m. fn>m ;he ;>:g. Find tiw ar-::a of the !r11.vn on which it can graze
m sqwm:: meters.
a ...:345.8 d. 2987(';
8. /\n Inscribed angle is n/4 radian. and tits:.~ chord ofth~..- (~irclc subtcndcd thi::~ i:; I em. i·ind the radius of the
circk ;md t1w kngth of the ar·,·.
a. l2 em, 4rr em b. 12 em. 6n em c. lO em, 7n ern d. 12 em, i:ln em
q Fir:d th(;' dl'C(! ~quare em.) common two il'te,-seding circles of radii Scm. and Rem. iftheir c,;nters are Ocm.
a. 40.89 b. 56.98 c. 25.98 35.88
J 0. J'wo men /\ and n ~tartt:d h' walk fl·om the same nn ll!e circumftn:ncc of a circle whos •.· radius is lOOm; each
mm; at the rate of 120m per minulc. l f./\ vv<Jlks toward !hecen1cr of the c:ircl.c and B :1long the circunrtercnce,
whm wdl hz: the: distance ofthc lwo l'!ll'll aHcr one minuie?
b. !34.7m. c. 456.1\m. d. 49!l.7m.
ll. ~,()ft. 35ft. lfihe rope is ':Oft. and the goat can reach i ft 1~1rther than the
rope what is the ma1:.imum area the gont can ccw~r?
a. 4840 ..07 b. 4804 07 c . 804L(.(J7 d. 4084.07
l ::::. Tht~ d;o<ancc between the cen~er of the three c:rdc.s which arc tangent to cad: other externally are I 0, 12, and
l-~ units. Fi;Jd the :m::l oC!hc iargt·st cin·lc.
72;r c. 2Jn d. l6n
section of an prism ;u,; 3 in., 4 in .. 5 in., and 6 in., respectively, whik: the
btcr,J! edge i~ 8in. Find the area m sqp;:;re iqches.
a . .36 b. IAl C. 18 d.42
!:'i. Hmv much ofcJrtll's surf<H.T emil iiEili ;n· 1flw vvcn.: misccd h• tiw of tile diameter above it'! Radiu·; of the earth
is r;lkcn ds IJ·lnOk m.
:!. 171.6.\!0' b. l8.1.6xl0'' C. 19! 10 d.20 l .6x i o''
! (l, Find the dl'•,\'l in square inches or 1he b:IS(' n I'd l square pvn1m id whose Lttc:rai fan:s an: lu:.erallrianglcs and
wh1S<.' altiwje is Sin
384 d. 42
l7 Two cuts arc made on a circular log d r;1dius 0 .8ChrL The first perpendicular to the axis and the
s•-:cond inciined at an angle of 60" ·w1th the first. !f ~he; two cuts meet on the line through the center, find the volume of
lhc wc>n.:l cut out in cubic mef.en:
;;, 0.896 b.iQ.)O c. 0.235 d. 0.768
l 8. A herni~phcric;,oll
bowl was filled to a of l50mm. with mixture compounded from of two liquids one
whit~:. the other red. AJler f(:;r a period the mixture wa~; separated, the red liquid setiling bciow lhe white.
If the thickness ofsegmem whte i.s SOmm. find the voi. of liquid in the ':!owl in liters.
a. 9.4 b. !0.1 c. 8.4 d. 7.8
i 9. The area of a ltm·~ is 30 square em. and tltc area <.if its is ! SO square em. Find the angle of the iune.
b. l50" c. 30° d. 60°
:'0 A Jll'ntag,m and ;m cquian 1.~iilar spllnical Pll tile :;;nne sphere are equal in an:a. l ;he spherical exces~,
of the pcnwgon is Tl', find each of' tlll' triangle.
a. 70" b: 84''
The arc , 78'·', !34°, and !,6", on a sphere vvhose radii;;; is 3rn. Find the area of
the in square meters.
a. 28.97 'iQ 'l
L.\Y •. •.. c. 14 14 d. 84.82