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1. In television system, channels 2 to 13 are classifies as


2.What is the minimum number of wattmeters required to measure unblanced power for a three-phase
A. 2 B. 3 C. 4 D. 5

3. Form factor is defined as

A. rms value/ peak value C. rms value/ average value

B. maximum value /rms value D. effective value / rms value

4. Find the horsepower rating of a motor running at 1500 rpm and developing a torque of 105 lb-ft

A. 22 B. 3 C. 30 D. 36

5. There are two wires A and B. if the resistance of B is R and the diameter of A is twice B, the length and
the nature of the material is the same, find the resistance of A.

A. R/2 B. R/4 C. 4R D. 2R

6. The basic function of a circuit breaker is to

A. produce the arc C. transmit voltage by arcing

B. Ionize the surrounding air D. extinguish the arc

7. Two 30 ohm resistors are connected in series, When an unknown resistance R is connected in parallel
with one, the new total resistance is 40 ohms. What is the value of R?

A. 5ohms B.15ohms C. 20 ohms D. 25ohm

8. In parallel circuit . the potential difference across the resistance

A. varies C. is sometimes constant

B. is different from the applied voltage D. is always constant

9. What is the minimum clearance between the recessed incandescent fixture and the nearest point of a
storage space of a closet?

A. 100mm B. 150mm C. 200mm D. 250mm

10. A wire 36 inches long carries a current of 1200 A. Find the flux density in gauss at a point 12 inches
from the wire.

A. 2.40 B. 7.87 C. 6.31 D. 5.52

11. A factory works at 400-kw, 0.7 pf lagging. A 200 HP synchronous motor is connected to the plant to
correct the pf to 75% lagging. What should the pf of the synchronous motor be ?

A. 80% B. 89% C. 91% D. 95%

12. A transformer has an impedance of 6%. The X/R ratio is 16. Find the per unit admittance G+ jB.

A. 10.3963 + j1.6634 B. 1.0396+j16.6342 C. 10.3963-j1.6634

D. 1.0396-j16.6342

13. A balanced delta connected load impedance of 15+j18 ohm per phase is connected across a 230 v,
three phase source. Find the total power consumed.

A. 10,580W B. 1,445W C. 4,336W D. 3,527W

14. The voltage across a 50uF capacitor rises at a constant rate of 10V/ms. Calculate the current

Through the capacitor.

A. 2mA B. 5mA C. 50 mA D. 500mA

15. One advantage of distributing the winding in alternator is to

A. reduce harmonics C. Reduce the amount of copper

B. improve voltage waveform D. decrease the value of the voltage

16. Two identical coupled coils have an equivalent inductance of 40 mH when connected in series
aiding and 17.5 mH in series opposing. What is the value of the mutual inductance?

A. 0.5625 mH B. 562.5 mH C. 5.625 mH D. 56.25 mH

17. At what value of x does the equation x-2/ x-1 is discontinuous?

A. 0 B. 1 C. -1 D. 2

18. Two buildings with flat roofs are 60m apart. From the roof of the shorter building, 40m in height ,
the angle of elevation to the edge of the roof of the taller building is 40°. How high is the taller building?

A. 60 m B. 70 m C. 80 m D. 90 m

19. Evaluate I raised to 96.

A. -1 B. 0 C. 1 D. -i

20. Three ships are situated as follows: A is 225 mi due north of C, and B is 375 mi due east of C. What is
the bearing of B from A?

A. N 56° E B. S 56° E C. 82 m D. 76m

21. A parabolic arch 18 m high has a horizontal beam 64 m long placed across the arch 8 m from the top
Find the width at the bottom.

A. 109 m B. 96m C. 82 m D. 76m

22. Evaluate the Integral of cos x dx limits from pi/4 to pi/2.

A. 0.392 B. 0.293 C. 0.564 D. 0.789

23. Evaluate the laplace transform of cosh at.

A. 3s/(2s^2 – a^2) B. 2s/(s^2 + a^2) C. s/(s^2-a^2) D. 2s/( s^3 + a^3)

24. In a circle of radius 12 inches, a line from the center perpendicular to a chord is 4 inches. Find the
length of the chord.

A. 64.56 in B. 55.67 in C. 22.63 in D. 45.65 in

25. Find the volume of the solid generated by revolving the circular disk x^2+y^2= a^2 around the
vertical line x=a

A. V= 2pi^2 a^3 B. V= 3pi/2a^3 C. V= 2pia D. V= pi/2a^2

26. Find the area of the region inside the triangle with the vertices (1,1)(3,2) and (2,4).

A. 5/2 B. 3/2 C. ½ D. 7/2

27. Find the second derivative of the function y= 5x + 2x +1.

A. 2x B. x C. 30x D. 24x

28. Jody’s English quiz scores are 56, 93, 72, 89 and 87. What is the median of her scores?

A. 87 B. 85 C. 72 D. 56

29. Steve earned a 96% on his first math test, a 74% hs second test , and 85% on his third test. What is
his test average?

A. 82% B. 91% C. 87% D. 85%

30. Find the area bounded by y sq. = 4x and x sq. = 4y.

A. 2.33 B. 5.33 C. 0.33 D. 8.33

31. If the man sleeps from 6:48pm up to 7:30am. The number of hours and minutes he sleeps is

A. 11 hrs and 42 min B. 12 hrs and 42 min C. 13 hrs and 42 min D. 10 hrs and 42 min

32. The price of a ballpen rises from Php 4.00 to Php. 12.00. What is the percent increase in price?

A. 100 percent B. 120 percent C. 150 percent D. 200 percent

33. Roll a pair of dice. What is the probability that the sum of two numbers is 11?

A. 1/36 B. 1/9 C. 1/18 D. 1/20

34. If the logarithm of MN is 6 and the logarithm of N/M is 2, Find the logarithm of M.

A. 2 B. 3 C. 4 D. 5

35. Which of the following Is not included?

A. 0.60 B. 60% C. 0.06 D. 3/5

36. The area of a circle is 89.42 sq. in . What is its circumference ?

A. 32.25 in B. 33.42 in C. 35.33 in D. 2

37. The slope of the curve y^2-xy-3x=1 at the point (0, -1) is

A. -1 B. -2 C. 1 D.2

38. A pole which leans 11 degrees from the vertical toward sun cast a shadow 12 m long when the angle
of elevation of the sun is 40 degrees. Find the length of the pole.

A. 15.26 m B. 14.26 m C. 13.26 D. 12.26

39. How long is the latus rectum of the ellipse whose equation is 9x^2+16y^2-576=0.

A. 7 B. 9 C. 10 D. 15

40. In a conic section , if the eccentricity is greater than one (1), the locus is:

A. a parabola B. an ellipse C. a circle D. a hyperbola

41. A bus leaves manila at 12 NN for baguio 250 km away, traveling an average of 55 kph. At the same
time, another bus leaves baguio for manila traveling 65 kph. At what time will they meet?

A. 3:25 PM B. 4:25 PM C. 2:05 PM D. 3:05 PM

42. Find the fourth proportional to 7, 9, 28,

A. 36 B. 35 C. 22 D. 32

43. what is the value of x if logx 1296 = 4?

A. 4 B. 5 C. 6 D. 3

44. If cos z = 2, find cos 2z

A. -26 B. 14 C. 5 D.7

45. Find the area of a regular hexagon circumscribing a circle with area of 289 pi sq. cm.

A. 2,002 sq. cm. B. 1,001 sq. cm C. 550 sq. cm. D. 328 sq. cm

46. A container is in the form of a right cylinder with an altitude of 6 in. and a radius of 2 in. if an
asbestos of 1 in thick is inserted inside the container along its lateral surface, find the volume capacity of
the container.

A. 12.57 cu. In. B. 12.75 cu. In. C. 18.58 cu. In. D. 18.85 cu. In.

47. It represents the distance of a point from the y-axis.

A. abscissa B. ordinate C. coordinate D. polar distance

48. Write the equation of the line with x intercept a = -1, and y intercept b = 8

A. 8x + y – 8 = 0 B. 8x – y + 8 = 0 C. 8x + y + 8 = 0 D. 8x – y – 8 = 0

49. Find the slope of r = 1/theta when theta = pi.

A. ¼ B. -pi C. ½ D. 2pi
50. Find the approximate change in volume of a cube if you increase the side from 2 to 2.05 units

A. 0.4 B. 0.5 C. 0.6 D. 0.3

51. Find the integral of 12 sin^5 xcos^5 xdx if lower limit = 0 and the upper limit = pi/2

A. 0.8 B. 0.6 C. 0.2 D. 0.4

52. Find the area of the lemniscate r^2 = a^2 cos 2 theta

A. a^2 B. a C. 2a D. a^3

53. State the order and degree of y’’’ + 2(y’’)^2 + y’ = cos x

A. 3,2 B. 2,1 C. 3,1 D. 2,2

54. Given that the half life of radium is 1690 years, how much in milligrams will remain of one gram of
radium after 1000 years.

A. 627.2 B. 589.3 C. 663.6 D. 547.8

55. Evaluate sinh (95 + j5).

A. 23.15 – j78.28 B. 21.05 – j71.16 C. 25.47 – 64.69 D. 19.14 – j86.11

56. Matrix 2 1 + 2 Matrix -1 2 equals

-1 3 1 1

A. Matrix -2 4 B. Matrix -1 2 C. Matrix 2 1 D. Matrix 0 5

2 2 1 1 -1 3 1 5

57. You are given n = 5 measurements 0, 5, 1, 1, 3. Find the mode.

A. 2 B. 3 C. 1 D. 1.5

58. A class of 40 took examination in Algebra and Trigonometry. If 30 passed Algebra, 36 passed
Trigonometry, and 2 failed in both subjects, the number of students who passed the two subjects is

A. 28 B. 30 C. 25 D. 23

59. Find the length of the vector (2, 4, 4)

A. 5 B. 6 C. 4 D. 8

60. Find the volume of the parallelepiped having i + 3j + 2k, 2i +j-k and i- 2j + k be the edges.

A. 18 cu. B. 19 cu. C. 20 cu. D. 21 cu.

61. If the area of the equilateral triangle is 4 (sort of 3), find the perimeter

A. 16 B. 12 C. 18 D 14

62. The lateral area of a right circular cylinder is 77 sq. cm. and its volume is 231 cu. cm. Find its radius.
A 4 cm B. 5 cm C. 6 cm. D. 7 cm.
63. The number that is subtracted in subtraction,

A subtrahend B minuend C. quotient D. Difference

64. A ranch has cattle and horses in a ratio of 9.5. If there are 80 more heads of cattle than horses, how
many animals are on the ranch?

A 140 B. 168 C. 238 D. 280

65. If four angles of a pentagon are 100 deg, 96 deg, 87 deg and 97 deg, find the fifth angle

A. 160 deg B. 150 deg C. 140 deg D. 130 deg

66. If the equation of the directix of a parabola is x -5 = 0 and its focus is at (1,0), find the length of its
latus rectum.

A. 6 B. 8 C. 10 D. 12

67. A circle in quadrant III is tangent to both axes. It touches the y-axis at (0-5). Find the coordinates of
the center of the circle.

A (-5, -5) B. (5, -5) C. (5, 0) D. (-5,5)

68. How many petals are there in the rose curve r = 3cos5theta?

A. 5 B. 10 C. 15 D. 6

69. A reflecting telescope has a parabolic mirror for which the distance from the vertex to the focus is 30
ft. If the distance across the top of the mirror is 64 in, how deep is the mirror at the center?

A. 23/45 in B. 27/43 in C. 32/45 in D. 32/43 in

70. Find the centroid of the first quadrant area bounded by the parabola y = 4 - x^2.

A. (3/2, 4/5) B. (4/3, 5/8) C. (2/3, 5/4) D. (3/4, 8/5)

71. What is the value of the expression (x-y)^2 when x = 5 and y -1?

A. 4 B. 16 C. 24 D. 36

72. What is the value of |3 - x| if x - 6?

A. -3 B. 3 C. 6 D. 9

73. Find the initial point of v = <-3,1,2> if the terminal point is <5,0,-1>.

A. <8,1,-3> B. <8,-1,-3> C. <-8,1,3> D. <-8,-1,3>

74. The coefficient of the x^4 in the Taylor series for e^2x about x = 0 is

A. ¾ B. 2/3 C. 1/24 D. ½

75. Evaluate tan^2 (j0.78)

A. 0.653 B. -0.653 C. 0.426 D. -0.426

76. A constant force of F = 4 k newtons is applied to an object in moving it from (0,0,8) to (4.4,0), where
the coordinates are given in meters. Find the work done.

A. 39 J B. 16 J C. 32 J D. 18 J

77. A tank has a 100 liters of brine with 40 N of dissolved salt. Pure water enters the tank at the rate of 2
L/min and the resulting mixture leaves the tank of the same rate. When will the salt concentration on
thetank be 0.20 N/L?

A. 24.6 min B. 34.7 min C. 44.8 min D. 54.9 min

78. Water leaking onto a floor forms a circular pool. The radius of the pool increases at a rate of 4
cm/min. How fast is the area of the pool increasing when the radius is 5 cm?

A. 40pi cm/min B. 20pi cm/min C. 10pi cm/min D. 80pi cm/min

79. An observer stands 700 ft away from a launch pad to observe a rocket launch. The rocket blasts off
and maintains a velocity of 900 ft/sec. Assume the scenario can be modeled as a right triangle. How fast
is the observer to rocket distance changing when the rocket is 2400 ft from the ground?

A. 648 ft/sec B. 468 ft/sec C. 432 ft/sec D. 864 ft/sec

80. Determine the order and linearity of the differential equation: (y’)^2 + sin (t) y’ – y = t^3

A. First order and linear B. First order and nonlinear

C. Second order and linear D. Second order and nonlinear

81. For the second order differential equation : y" - 2y’ - 3y = 0

Find the general solution y(t).

A. y = C1e3t+ C2e-t B. . y = C1et+ C2e-3t C. . y = C1e2t+ C2e-5t

D. . y = C1e2t+ C2e-3t

82. If dy/dx = sin x cos^2 x and if y = 0 when x = pi/2, what is the value of y when x = 0?

A. -1 B -1/3 C. O D. 1/3

83. if f is the antiderivative of x^2/(1 + x^5) such that f(1) = 0, then f(4) =

A. O B. 0.016 C. 0.376 D. 0.629

84. A quiz consists of four true false questions How many possible answer keys are there?

A. 2 B. 4 C. 8 D. 16

85. What is the third term of (x – 3)^6?

A. X^6 B. 135 X^4 C. 540X^3 D. 729

86. A statistic is:

A. a sample characteristic C. unknown

B. a population characteristic D. normally distributed

87. A castle guard is standing on the opposite side of an 8-foot moat and wants to reach a window is 15
feet above the ground. The guard props a ladder against the castle wall to form a right triangle
Approximate the length of the ladder needed to reach the window to the nearest tenth of a foot.

A 17.0 ft B. 23.0 ft C. 289.0 ft D. 12.7 ft

88. A parasailer is attached to a boat with a rope. While parasailing, the angle of depression to the boat
is 25° When the parasailer is attached to the boat with a 300-foot rope, how high above the boat is he?
Round your answer to the nearest tenth of a foot.

A. about 271.9 ft B. about 82.8 ft C. about 177.5 ft D. about 126.8 ft

89. The total area of a cube is 150 sq. in. A diagonal of the cube is _______ in.

A. 5(sq.rt. of 2) B. 4(sqrt of 3) C. 5(sqrt of 3) D. 4(sq.rt. of 2)

90. A wall is 15 ft high and 10 ft from a house. Find the length of the shortest ladder which will just
touch the top of the wall and reach a window 20.5 ft above the ground.

A. 11.4 ft B. 14.1 ft C. 42,5 ft D. 54.2 ft

91. If f(x)=x^2 and g(x)=2x, what is the value of f(g(-3))-g(f(-3))?

A. 54 B. 18 C. -18 D. -54

92. A line segment joining two points on a circle is called:

A. arc B. tangent C. sector D. Chord

93. The three angles of a quadrilateral are 75 degrees, 80 degrees and 75. What is the fourth angle?

A. 80 degrees B. 90 degrees C. 100 degrees D. 130 degrees

94. How many diagonals can be made out of the vertices of a regular octagon?

A. 8 B. 28 C.20 D. 18

95. In a group of students 40 percent are males. If there are 240 females, how many students are the in

A 96 B. 141 C. 400 D. 600

96. If a clock strikes the appropriate number of times on each hour, how many times will it strike in one
A. 3822 B. 84 C. 546 D. 1092

97. In ABC sin(A+B) = 3/5. What is the value of sin C?

A. 2/5 B. 2/3 C. 3/5 D. 1/2

98. Find the difference in longitude between A and B if A is in longitude 45 deg E and B is in longitude
155 deg W.

A. 200 deg B. 180 deg C. 160 deg D. 110 deg

99. 32 percent of 20 is 20 percent of what number?

A. 24 B. 32 C. 38 D. 42

100. If the sum of the interior angles of a regular polygon is 1440 degrees, find the number of sides of
the polygon.

A 10 B. 11 C. 12 D. 13


1. The moment of inertia of any plane figure can be expressed in units of length to the

A. first power B. second power C. third power D. fourth power

2. What is the static ahead corresponding to a flow velocity of 10 ft/sec?

A. 1.55 ft B. 1.75 ft C. 2.05 ft. D. 2.25 ft

3. The loss of zinc in the presence of certain corrosive media or at high temperature is known as?

4. Sec. 16 (c) of Art. : Qualifications of Applicant for Registration as Professional Electrical Engineer
states that _____________________

A he is of good reputation with high moral values

B. he is a citizen of the Philippines

C. he has not been finally convicted by the court of an offense involving moral turpitude

D. he is a holder of the degree of BSEE from a university, school, college, etc

5. What diameter of the shaft is required to transmit 200 horsepower at 1850 rpm if the maximum
shear stress is 10,000 psi and the maximum twist is 1 degree per foot of length? The shaft is round steel.

A. 1.415 in B. 1.514 in C. 1.451 in D. 1.541 in

6.A machine was purchased 5 years ago at a cost of P120,000. Its estimated salvage value at the end of
10 years is P10,000. If it is sold now for P30,000 what is the sink cost if the depreciation method used is
straight line method?

A. P21,000 B. P30,000 C. P35,000 D. P25,000

7. The temperature when water vapour of the air begins to condense.

A. Boiling point B. Freezing point C. Critical point D. dew point

8. What is term used to describe the moving of software from another computer to your own

A. Surfing B. Downloading C. Uploading D. Accessing

9. Find the resultant value of two 10-lb forces applied by the two ladies at the same point when the
angle between the force is 30 deg Use any convenient scale.

A. R= 20lb B. R= 19.3lb C. R=15 lb D. R= 23 lb

10. Any equipment which produces, modifies, regulates, or controls the supply of electric energy is the

A. “Electric supply equipment” C. “Substation”

B. “Transformer” D. “Generator set”

11. Ice in an iceberg has specific gravity of 0.922. Determine the % exposed volume of the iceberg if it
floats in seawater with specific gravity of 103.

A 11% B. 11.5% C. 12.2% D. 10.5%

12. A secondary book of accounts, the information of which is obtained from the journal.

A. Worksheet B. Balance sheet C. Trial balance D. Ledger

13.What is Article II of Code of Ethics for Electrical Engineers?

A Professional Life

B. Penal Provisions

C. Relations with Client and Employer

D. Relations with Fellow Engineers

14. Find the product of (F10) base 16 and (101) base 2. Express the answer in base 10.

A. 19990 B. 19280 C. 19850 D. 19200

15. An employee obtained a loan of P10,000 at rate of 6% compounded annually in order to build a
house, How much must he pay monthly to amortize the loan within a period of 10 years?

A. P120.42 B. P110.22 C. P105.75 D. P115.54

16. The mass of a certain object is 10 g. What would its mass be if taken to the planet mars?
A. 6 g B. 0 C. 10g D. 20 g

17. What in binary is A base 167

A 1011 B. 1000 C. 1010 D. 1110

18. The amount of heat required to raise the temperature of 2 kg of iron (sp. Heat = 0.115 kcal/kg-°C)
from 27°C to 100°C is:

A 16.8 kcal B. 12.8 kcal C. 15.8 kcal D. 14.8 kcal

19. A Carnot machine operates between the hot reservoir at 200°C and a cold reservoir at 20°C. When
operated as an engine it receives 1000 kJ/kg. Find the coefficient of performance (COP) when used as
heat pump

A. 4.1 B. 2.95 C 2.63 D. 2.88

20. The hammer of a pile driver weighs 1000 lb and must be lifted a vertical distance of 6 ft in 3 sec.
What horsepower engine is required?

A 5.34 HP B. 3.64 HP C. 4.63 HP D. 6.43 HP

21. A batted baseball leaves a bat at an angle of 30° above the horizontal and is caught by an outfielder
400 ft from the plate. What was the initial velocity of the ball?

A. 116 ft/sec B. 128 ft/sec C. 22 ft/sec D. 126 ft/sec

22. Acid solution turns litmus paper into____________________.

A. red B. yellow C. Blue D. Green

23. What does the prefix atto- refer to?

A. 10^15 B. 10^18 C. 10^15 D. 10^18

24. Find the change in internal energy of 5 lbm of oxygen gas when the temperature changes from 100°F
to 120°F. Cv = 0.157 BTU/bm-°R.

A 23.55 BTU B. 15.70 BTU C. 14.63 BTU D. 10.23 BTU

25. The total income equals the operating cost.

A. Break-even-no-gain-no-loss B. In-piece-value C. Interest Rate D. Scrap Value

26. In the periodic table of elements, which of the following is NOT a transition metal?

A. Copper B. Sodium C. Silver D. Nickel

27. The VCP Trading Co. Set aside P200,000 each from 100°F to year for expansion. If the fund earns 8%
compounded annually, how long will it take before a new building costing P2,500,000 cam be built?

A. 7 years B. 8 years C. 9 years D. 6 years

28. What is the decrease in height of an 8 inch round by 16 inch high concrete cylinder (E = 25 x 10^6
lbf/in^2) when the unit deformation is 0.0012?

A. 392 m B. 0.0192 C. 355 cm D.891mm

29. RISC means?

A. Reduce Instruction Set Computing C. Reduce Instruction Set Component

B. Reduce Instruction Set Computer D. Reduce Information Set Capacity

30. Time value of money

A. Capital B. Interest C. Rate of interest D. Investment

31. The minimum size copper equipment grounding conductor required for equipment connected to a
40 ampere branch circuit is:

A. 14 sq. mm B. 5.5 sq. mm. C. 8.0 sq. mm. D. 22 sq. mm

32. A single grounding electrode is permitted when the resistance to ground as stated in the PEC is:

A. 30 ohms or less B. 30 ohms or more C. 25 ohms or less D. 25 ohms or more

33. Find the pressure experienced by a scuba diver at a depth of 40 m in a saltwater.

A. 404 kPa B. 44.0 kPa C. 4.04 kPa D. 440 kPa

34. An interest rate is quoted as being 1.5% per month and compounds monthly. What is the effective
annual interest rate?

A. 18.12% B. 19.56% C. 1.51% D. 16.95%

35. In how many years will the investment to double in value at 5% simple interest rate?

A. 2 B. 4 C. 20 D. 40

36. The length of time, usually in years, for the cumulative net annual profit to equal the initial
investment is called:

A not in the choices B. payback period C. receivable turnover D. return on investment

37. The unrecovered depreciation results due to poor estimate as the life of equipment.

A Sunk cost B. Economic life C. In-place value D. Annuity

38, What is the 9's complement of 54600?

A 45399 B. 54399 C. 36299 D. 63499

39. A train whose speed is 60 mph rounds a curve whose radius of curvature is 484 ft. What is its

A 10 ft/sec^2 B. 12 ft/sec^2 C. 14 ft/sec2 D. 16 ft/sec2

40. Maximum distance between 2 outlets in a dwelling unit?

A 1500 mm B. 2000mm C. 1800 mm D. 1600 mm

41. A gauge on a steam condenser weads 24 inches of mercury. If atmospheric pressure is 14.7 psia,
what is the pressure inside the condenser?

A. 2736 psfa B. 5000 psfa C. 620 psfa D. 420 psfa

42. What is the molarity of 2 liters of aqueous solution formed from 588 grams of H SOA?

A. 1 B. 2 C.3 D. 4

43. Maximum voltage allowed in dwelling units.

A 230 V B. 250 V C. 277 V D. 1000 V

44. The shorthand chemical name for bismuth is

A Bi B. Bs C. Bm D. Bt

45. A 25 hp car engine travels at 100 kph What is the tractive force between the tires and the road?

A. 6m B. 7m C. 8 m D. 9 m

46. The moment diagram for a simply-supported beam with a load at the midpoint is a

A. triangle B. parabola C. trapezoid C. D. rectangle

47. A parachutist, after bailing out, falls 50 meters without friction. When the parachute opens, he
decelerates downward 2.0 m/s^2. He reaches the ground with a speed of 3.0 m/sec. How long is the
parachutist in the air?

A. 17.4 sec B. 14.2 sec C. 12.4 sec D. 18.2 sec

48. What is the kinetic energy of a 2,500-lb car whose velocity is 40 mph?

A. 1.42x10^5 ft-lb B. 2.34 x10^5 ft-lb C. 1.36 x10^5 ft-lb D. 1.28 x10^5 ft-lb

49. A person buys a piece of property for P100,000 down payment and ten deferred semi-annual
payments P8,000 each starting three years from now. What is the present value of the investment if the
rate of interest is 12% compounded semi-annually?

A P144,000 B. P192,000 C. 148,500 D. 185,000

50. A bar under torsion is called a

A strut B. beam C. shaft D. Tie

51. The transfer of heat energy from molecule to molecule is known as

A. absorption B. conduction C. radiation D. convection

52. A container 9.3' of water, 6.5' of oil (SG = 0.71), and 5.0 of air at 26 psig and 70 deg F. What is the
absolute pressure at the bottom of the container?

A. 47.637 psia B. 46.377 psia C. 43.767 psia D. 46.737 psia

53. The density of a 2.03 M solution of acetic acid in water is 1.017 g/ml. Calculate the molality of the

A. 16.64 m B. 2.27 m C. 2.0 m D. 12.37 m

54. A refrigerator gives off 3 J of heat for every joule of mechanical energy input. Its coefficient of
performance is

A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4

55. It state that if two bodies are in thermal equilibrium with a third body, they are also in thermal
equilibrium with each other.

A. first law of thermodynamics C. third law of thermodynamics

B. zeroth law of thermodynamics D. second law of thermodynamics

56. When a sound wave goes from air into water, the quantity that remains unchanged is its

A. speed B. amplitude C. frequency D. Wavelength

57. What is the maximum operating temperature of type THWN conductor?

A. 75 deg C B. 60 deg C C. 90 deg C D. 110 deg C

58. A metal string under tension of 88.2 N has a length of 50 cm and mass of 0.50 gram. Determine the
frequency in the second overtone.

A. 891 Hz B. 987 Hz C. 790 Hz D. 670 Hz

59. What is the maximum size of lighting load that can be connected to a 20-A single phase branch
circuit supplying a fixed appliance load of 7 A?

A. 10 A B. 16 A C. 12 A D. 8 A

59 What is the maximum size of lighting load that can be connected to a 20-A single phase branch circuit
supplying a fixed appliance load of 7 A?

A 10 A B. 16 A C. 12 A D. 8 A

60 What management function involves selecting candidates and training personnel?

A. organizing B. staffing C. motivating D. Controlling

61. What is the interest of P8 600 after 4 years at 12% simple interest rate?

A P4 161 B. P4,116 C. P4,218 D. P 4,128

62. The mathematical expression (1 + i)^n is referred to

A. compounded B. interest factor C. future factor D. compound amount

63. How much should you put into a 7.9% savings account in order to have $ 175,000 in 63 years?

A $1.541.44 B. $1,454.41 C. $1,342.21 D$1,356.32

64. A machine costs P 50,000, last 10 years and has a salvage value at the end of life of P 5.000.
Determine the depreciation charge during the 5th year and the book value at the end of 5 years by SYD

A.P 4,909.091, P 32,727 273 C. P 3,908.091, P 35,285.254

B.P 4,909.091, P 17,272.73 D. P 4,505.091, P 21,235.528

65. The branch of mechanics that deals with bodies in motion is known as

A. statics B. dynamics C. kinetics D. kinematics

66. When an object exerts a force on another object, the second object exerts on the first a force of the
same magnitude but in the opposite direction. This law is known as:

A. Newton's First Law of Motion C. Newton's Third Law of Motion

B. Newton's Second Law of Motion D. None of these

67. A car moving at 30 m/s slows uniformly to speed of 10 m/s in a time of 5.0 s. Determine the distance
it moves in the third second.

A. 10 m B. 15 m C. 20m D. 30m

68. What is stress?

A. force per unit length C. Force per unit area

B. mass per unit acceleration D. Force per unit volume

69. A thin-walled pressurized vessel consists of a right circular cylinder with fiat ends. Midway between
the ends, the stress is greatest in what direction?

A. Longitudinal B. Circumferential C. Radial

D. At an angle of 30 degrees to the longitudinal and circumferential direction

70. Find the limiting peripheral velocity of a rotating steel ring if the allowable stress is 140 MN/sq m
and the mass density of the steel is 7850 kg/cu. m

A. 130.62 m/s B. 129 58 m/s C. 142.37 m/s D. 133.55 m/s

71. Which is not covered by Thermodynamics?

A. Utilization of energy C. Transfer of energy

B. Transformation of energy D. Storage of energy

72. The first law of Thermodynamics is based on which of the following principle?

A. Conservation of mass C. Action and Reaction

B. Conservation of energy D. The entropy- temperature relationship

73. Change in enthalpy occurs at constant of the following principles?

A. Pressure B. volume C. temperature D. entropy

74. The techniques of finding the intensity and phase of light at any point only when a portion of wave
front is exposed.

A. Quantum theory B. Brewster's Law C. Huygens principle D. Polarization theory

75. Fluids like oil, gasoline, water, and alcohol are Newtonian fluids.

A. Charles law B. True C. False D. Boyle’s law

76. What is the principle behind in a hydraulic brake of the automobile?

A. Archimedes' principle C. Stoke's principle

B. Bernoulli’s principle D. Pascal's principle

77. This principle states that "Where the velocity of a fluid is high, the pressure is low, and where the
velocity is low, the pressure is high”.

A. Archimedes Principle C. Flow principle

B. Torricelli's Theorem D. Bernoulli's principle

78. How many members does the Board composed of?

A. Three members C. Two members & a Chairman

B. Two members D. One members & a Chairman

79. It refers to the fractional change in the volume of a fluid per unit change in pressure at constant
temperature process.

A Bulk modulus C. Capillarity

B. Proportional limit D. Compressibility

80. A car has wheels of radius 30 cm. It starts from rest and accelerates uniformly to a speed of 15 m/s is
a time of 8.0 s. Find the number of rotations one wheel maxes in this time.

A. 42 rev. B. 34 rev C. 36 rev D. 32 rev

81. _______is a definite amount of matter, the parts of which are fixed in position relative to one

A. mass B. force C. rigid body D. static body

82. The weight per unit volume of a liquid at a standard temperature and pressure is called.

A specific weight B. mass density C. specific gravity D. none of these

83. A flanged bolt coupling consists of eight 10 mm diameter steel bolts on a bolt circle 400 mm in
diameter, and six 10 mm diameter steel bolts on a concentric bolt circle 300 mm in diameter, as shown
below. What torque can be applied without exceeding a shearing stress of 60 MPa in the bolts?

A. 10.72 kM B. 12.70 kM C. 17.02 kM D. 71.20 KN

84. A 30.00 kg mass falls from a height of 4.000 m. The momentum of the mass just before it hits the
ground is

A. 144.2 kg m/s B. 187.8 kg m/s C. 320.0 kg m/s D. 442.4 kg m/s

85. Two objects collide and stick together. Which of the following is false?

A. momentum is not conserved C. kinetic energy is conserved

B. kinetic energy is lost D. momentum is lost

86. In any collision

A. total momentum is not conserved C. total momentum is conserved

B. total kinetic energy us conserved D. total momentum is not conserved but total
kinetic energy is conserved

87. As compared with conventional stress-strain curve, the true stress-strain curve is

A. Above and right B. Below and right C. Above and left D. Below and left

88. A farmer selling eggs at 50 pesos a dozen gains 20%. If he sells the eggs at the same price after the
costs of the eggs rises by 12.5%, how much will be his new gain in percent?

A. 6.89% B. 6.65% C. 6.58% D. 6.12%

89. A loan of P5,000 is made for a period of 15 months, at a simple interest rate of 15%, what future
amount is due at the end of the loan period?

A. P5,937.50 B. P5,873.20 C. P5,712.40 D. P5,690.12

90. What is the present worth of two P100.00 payments at the end of the third year and fourth year?
The annual interest rate is 8%

A. P150.56 B. P152.88 C. P153.89 D. P151.09

91. What is the present worth of a P 500 annuity starting at the end of the third year and continuing to
the end of fourth year?
A. P727.17 B. P717.17 C. P714.71 D. P731 .17

92. What refers to goods and services that are required to support human life, needs and activities?

A. Producer products B. Consumer products C. Luxury D. Necessity

93. If there are many sellers and B few buyers, the market situation is______________.

A. Duopsony B. Oligopoly C. Oligopsony D. Monopoly

94. What type of bond is A Mortgage bond issued jointly by two corporations or more?

A. Mortgage bond B. Joint bond C. Tie-up bond D. Trust bond

95. In SYD method of computing depreciation, which of the following is the formula for finding the sum
years' digit?

A. n(n-1) B. [n(n+2)/2 C. [n(n-1)]/2 D. [n(n+1)]/2

96 Euler's formula holds good only for

A. short columns B. long columns C. both short and long columns

D. weak columns

97. A steel bar heated from 15°C to 40°C and it is free to expand. The bar will induce.

A. no stress B. shear stress C. tensile stress D. compressive stress

98. The maximum diameter of the hole that can be punched from a plate of maximum shear stress 1/4"
of its maximum crushing stress of punch, is equal to (where t = thickness of the plate)

A. t B. 2t C. 4t D. 8t

99. The deformation per unit length is called.

A. tensile stress B. compressive stress C. shear stress D. strain

100. A 25 mm square-cross-section bar of length 300 mm carries an axial compressive load of 50 kN.
Determine the change in length when the load is applied. For the bar material E = 200 GN/m² .

A. 1.2 mm B. 0.12 mm C. 0.012 mm D. 0.0012 mm


1. In television system, channels 2 to 13 are classified as


2. What is the minimum numbers of wattmeters required to measure unbalanced power for a three
phase system?

a. 2 B. 3 C. 4 D. 5
3. Form Factor is defined as

a. rms value / peak value C. rms value / average value

B.k maximum value / rms value D. effective value / rms value

4. Find the horsepower rating of a motor running at 1,500 rpm and developing a torque of 105 lb-ft

a. 22 B. 28 C. 30 D. 36

5. There are two wires A and B, if the resistance of B is R and the diameter of R is twice B, the length and
the nature of the material is the same, find the resistance of A.

A. R/2 B. R/4 C. 4R D. 2R

6. The basic function of a circuit breaker is

A. produce the arc C. transmit voltage by arching

B. Ionize the surrounding D. extinguish the arc

7. Two 30Ω resistors are connected in series. When an unknown resistance R is connected in parallel
with the one, the new total resistance is 40 Ω. What is the value of R?

A. 5 Ω B. 15 Ω C. 20 Ω D. 25 Ω

8. In a parallel circuit, the potential difference across a resistance

A. varies C. is sometimes constant

B. is different from the applied voltage D. is always constant

9. What is the minimum clearance between the neccessed incandescent fixture and the nearest point of
a storage space of a closet?

A. 100 mm B. 150 mm C. 200 mm D. 250 mm

10. A wire 36 inches long carries a current 1,200 A. Find the flux density in gauss at a point 12 inches
from the wire.

A. 2.40 B. 7.87 C. 6.31 D. 5.52

11. A factory works at 400 k-W, 0.7 pf lagging. A 200 hp synchronous motor is connected to the plant to
correct the pf to 75 % lagging. What should the pf of the synchronous motor be?

A. 80% B. 89% C. 91% D. 95%

12. A transformer has an impedance of 6%. The X/R ratio is 16. Find the per unit impedance G+jB.

A. 10.3963+j1.6634 B. 1.0396+j16.6342 C. 10.3963-j1.6634 D. 1.0396-j16.6342

13. A balanced delta connected load impedance of 15+j18 ohms per phase is connected across a 230V
three phase source. Find the total power consumed.

A. 10,580 W B. 1,445 W C. 4,336 W D. 3,527 W

14. The voltage across a 50-microfarad capacitor rises at a constant rate 10 V/ms. Calculate the current
through the capacitor,

A. 2mA B. 5mA C. 50mA D. 500mA

15 One advantage of distributing the winding in alternator is to

A. reduce harmonics C. reduce the amount of copper

B. Improve voltage waveform D. Decrease the value of the voltage

16. Two identical coupled coils have an equivalent inductance of 40mH when connected in series aiding
and 17.5 mH in series opposing. What is the value of the mutual inductance?

A. 0.5625 mH B. 562.5 mH C. 5.625 mH D. 56.25 mH

17. The voltage across a 15 H inductor is given by v = 28.5 + 6t v. Find the current in the inductor at 2.5
seconds if the initial current is 15 amperes

A 16.5 A B 20.8 A C. 21.7 A D. 18.4 A

18. A room air conditioner is to be attached to an individual branch circuit. If the load is 12 A, what is the
minimum size of branch circuit required?

A 13.8 A B. 15 A C. 12 A D. 9.6A

19. A material which is not a semiconductor is

A. selenium B. gallium-arsenide C. Carborondum D.silica

20. Evaluate the expression a-1 in rectangular form.

A. 1.5 + j0.866 B. -1.5- j0.866 C. 1.5- j0.866 D. -1.5 + j0.866

21. A parallel RLC circuit has the following properties: R = 6 ohms, bandwidth = 1,000 rad/s, Q = 120.
Determine the resonant frequency

A. 130,000 rad/s B. 110,000 rad/s C. 120,000 rad/s D. 140,000rad/s

22. An instrument having a voltage coil and a current coil would be a

A wheatstone bridge B. voltmeter C. wattmeter D. ammeter

23. A three-phase wye-connected wound rotor synchronous generator rated at 20 kVA, 240 v has a
synchronous reactance of 1.5 ohms/phase and an armature resistance of 0.6 ohm/phase. What is the
percent voltage regulation at full load with 80% lagging p.f.?

A. 38 B. 34 C. 47 D. 51

24. Two coils in network are positioned such that there is 100% coupling between them. If the
inductance of one coil is 12 mH and the mutual inductance is 6 mH, find the inductance of the other coil.

A. 3.6 mH B. 3 mH C. 0.4 mH D. 4.5 mH

25. Two capacitors C1 = 50 µF and C2 = 30 microF are connected in series. Find the equivalent
capacitance in microfarad.

A. 187.5 B. 18.75 C. 1.875 D. 1875

26. Given the following phase current

la = 5 pu with 45 deg angle

Ib = 3 pu with -90 deg angle

lc = 3 pu with 150 deg angle

Determine the positive symmetrical current for phase

A 3.635 pu with 276.8 deg angle B. 3.635 pu with 156.8 deg angle

C. 3.635 pu with 36.8 deg angle D. 0.748 pu with 65.3 deg angle

27. A7.5 kVA, 10, 240 v, 60 Hz alternator has an effective armature resistance of 0.20 ohm and an
armature leakage reactance of 0.80 ohm. What is the induced emf when the machine is delivering rated
current at a load of unity p.f?

A. 245.5 B. 247.5 C. 251.5 D. 249.5

28. The equipment grounding conductor is required to be in the same metal enclosure as the circuit
conductor to protect against

A. induced current in metal enclosure B. surge current in metal enclosure

C. maintaining constant voltage D. increasing impedance of the circuit

29. The lighting load for a dwelling expressed in terms of a unit load in volt amperes per square meter
must be at least

A. 28 B. 16 C. 12 D. 24

30. An emf induced in a coil due to a change in current in a neighboring coil is known as

A. speed B. mutually induced C. self-induced D. series

31. An amplifier has an output of 50 watts. What is its output in dBm?

A. 47 B. 50 C. 75 D. 24
32. A 220 volts de series motor when running at 800 rpm draws a current of 100 amperes. The
combined resistance of the armature and the field is 0.1 Q. What is the speed when the motor develops
one-half of the original torque?

A. 1,600 rpm B. 1,690 rpm C. 1147 rpm D. 1, 225 rpm

33. Its primary function is to provide ground source.

A. zig-zag transformer B. sectionalized

C. surge arrester D. tertiary transformer

34. A 100 watts 230 volts gas fitted lamp has a mean spherical candlepower of 92. Find its efficiency in
lumens per watt

A. 11.56 B. 1.156 C. 115.6 D. 1.156

35. With the primary of CT energized, the secondary must never be made open to prevent this to

A build up of magnetic bias B. burning of primary winding

C. burning of secondary winding D. absence of induced voltage

36. What is the speed of an induction motor of six poles if the percent slip is 2.5%?

A. 1462 rpm B. 1170 rpm C. 877 rpm D. 1755 rpm

37. MHO relay is used for

A. rectifier B. circuit breakers C. transmission lines D. feeders

38. What is the output current in amperes corresponding to maximum efficiency for a transformer
having core loss of 100 watts and equivalent resistance referred to the secondary of 0.25 0?

A 40 A B. 80 A C. 20 A D. 4A

39. In a series motor, what is the relation of the connection of motor field winding with respect to the
armature motor?

A series B. parallel C. series-parallel D. delta

40. A 6-pole, 60 Hz, 1140 rpm induction motor has a starting voltage of 120 V across its rotor winding.
What is its starting current in amperes if the rotor resistance is 5 ohms and its blocked rotor reactance is
10 ohms?

A. 24 B 10.7 C. 9.7 D. 12

41. If three transformers in delta-delta are delivering rated load and one transformer is removed, then
what is the overload on each of the remaining transformer in percent?

A. 173.3% B. 73.3% C. 57.7% D. 33.3%

42. Calculate the effective voltage in one phase of an alternator, given the following particulars: f= 60
cps, turns per phase N. = 240; flux per pole = 2.08 x 10^6

A. 1.330 v B. 2,304 v C. 1,225 v D. 2,122v

43. What is the frequency in kilohertz of a radio signal whose wavelength is 15 m?

A. 10,000 B. 20,000 C. 15,000 D. 20,500

44. What is the equivalent rectangular form of 34226°?

A. 30.559- j14.905 B. 21.555 + j14.539 C. 21.555 - 114 539 D. 30.559 + 114.905

45. A transmission line has a triangular configuration of 4 ft spacing. The conductors are 336.4 MCM
ACSR The outside diameter of 336.4 MCM ACSR is 0.721 inch. If the length of the line is 30 km, what is
the shunt capacitance in microfarad?

A 0.34 B 0.48 C. 3.4 D. 5.4

46. Two parallel plate air capacitors have their plate areas 100 cm^2 and 500 cm^2 respectively. If they
have the same charge and potential and the distance between the plates of the first capacitor is 0.5 mm,
what is the distance between the plates of the second capacitor?

A. 25 cm B 2.5 cm C. 0.25 cm D. 0.025 cm

47. Two capacitors of capacitance 15 microF and 20 µF are connected in series to a 600 V d.c. supply.
Find the charge on each capacitor

A. 12 mC B. 5 mC C. 21 mc D. 9mC

48. Any waveform that is not symmetrical in area about the time axis has a component


49. The random unpredictable electric signals from natural causes, both internal and external to the
system is known as

A. Distortion B. Noise C. Distortion D. Interference

50. What is the wavelength of a carrier wave with frequency of 100 megahertz?

A 3.0 m B. 7.5 m C. 1.5 m D. 6.0 m

51. A 240-V, 25 Hz sinusoidal generator is connected to a 20 ohms resistor. Determine the instantaneous
current when elapsed time is 0.01 second.

A. 15.43 A B. 16.30 A C. 16.97 A D. 12.00 A

52. When comparing rms voltage and average voltages, which of the following statement is true,
assuming sine wave?

a. Either the rms voltage or the average voltage might be larger.

b. The average voltage is always greater than the rms voltage.

c. There will always be a very large difference between the rms voltage and the average voltage.

d. The rms voltage is always greater than the average voltage.

53. Two resistors have a resistance of 25 ohms when connected in series and the 5 ohms when
connecte3d in parallel. Calculate their resistances.

a. 20 ohms, 5 ohms b. 18 ohms, 7 ohms c. 13 ohms, 12 ohms d. 10 ohms, 15 ohms

54. a wire has a resistance of 1 ohm, If the length is increased four times and the area is doubled the
original, find the new resistance of the wire.

a. 5 ohms b. 2ohms c. 1 ohm d. 0.5 ohms

55. three capacitors are connected in parallel. C1 = 12µf, C2 = 10µf and C3 = 40µf. what is the total

a. 45µf b. 5µf c. 10µf d. 52µf

56. What is the complex expression for a given alternating current I = 25 Ampere – 25 deg. ?

a. 227 + j106 b. 110 – j 75 c. 227 – j106 d. 160 + j75

57. A 10 ohm resistor is connected in parallel to an impedance Z = 2 + j4 ohms. Find the circuit
power factor

a. 0.600 lagging b. 0.5 lagging c. 0.409 lagging d. 0.808 lagging

58. a 240V balanced 3phase sourced supplies a purely resistive impedance of 11.52 ohms/phase. What
is the total power drown if it is Y-connected?

a. 5KW b. 15KW c. 20KW d. 30KW

59. For an unbalanced load which connection is suitable?

a. 3 – wire open delta c. 3 – wire delta connection

b. 4 – wire wye connection d. 3 – wire wye connection

60. what is the time constant of a series RL circuit?

a. R/L b. L/R c. RL d. 1/RL

61. A parallel RLC circuit contains a resistor R = 1 ohm and an inductor L = 2H. Find the value of the
capacitor so that the circuit is critically damped.
a. 1.0 F b. 1.5 F c. 2.2 F d. 2.52 F

62. A 4-pole lap winding motor with 16 slots, 42 conductors per slot, 280V turns at 1800 rpm. Find
the flux produce per pole.

a. 11.9 mWb b. 47.6 mWb c. 36.7 mWb d. 23.8 mWb

63. Which dc motor cannot be used without a load connected to it?

a. Shunt b. Series c. Compound d. Universal

64. Alternators are usually designed to generate

a. variable frequency b. definite current c. definite frequencies d. definite p.f

65. A 25kVA, 220 Volt, 3Phase alternator delivers rated kVA at a power factor of 0.84. the effective
ac resistance between armature winding terminals is 0.18 ohm. The field takes 9.3 amps at 115 volts. If
friction and windage loss is 480 watts and the core is 510 watts. Calculate the percent efficiency.

a. 87.82% b. 84.27% c. 86.41% d. 88.32%

66. transformer are rated In?

a. KW b. KV c. KWHR d. KVA


89. The advantages of star connections over delta connections for the same voltage is that it gives.

A. step down current C. extra step up current

B. extra step up voltage d. extra step up power

90. A balanced delta connected load having impedance per phase of 20˂30.87˚ ohms is supplied from a
balanced 3phase, 240 V source. Determine the total real power.

A. 6824 W B. 7416 W C. 6912 W D. 6740 W

91. The unit of illuminance is

A. lumen b. Candela/ square meter C. lux D. steradian

92. A piece of paper lies on a table 2m away from a point directly below a bulb of 100 Cd and is 4m
above the table. Calculate the illumination on the center of the paper in lux.

A. 5.2 B. 5.7 C. 4.5 D. 3.4

93.Electric power is almost exclusively generated, transmitted and distributed, by three-phase system
because it

A. it is more efficient C. costs less than single-phase apparatus.

B. uses less material for a given capacity D. all of these

94. Three equal impedances are first connected in star across a balanced 3-phase supply. If connected in
delta across the same supply.

A. phase current will be tripled. C. line current will become one-third

B. phase current will be doubled. D. power consumed will increase three-fold

95. A 132 kV line, 3-phase system delivers 70.7 MVA of a balanced delta load of power factor 70.7%.
Determine the reactance necessary in order to attain unity power factor.

A. 1,092 Ω B. 1,142 Ω C. 965 Ω D. 1,045 Ω

96. A power plant gets water from a dam from a height of 100m at the rate 1000 cubic meters per
minute. If the over-all efficiency of the plant is 75%, what is the kW output of the plant?

A. 7500 kW B. 15250 kW C. 12262kW d. 5250kW

97. In a balanced star connected, line voltages are __ ahead of their respective phase voltages.

A. 30˚ B. 120 ˚ C. 60 ˚ D. none of the above

98. in fission, energy is produced when

A. chemical compound split into its constituents C. nuclear particles split

B. nuclear particles combine D. molecules combine

99. The ratio of the average load on the plant for the period of time considered to the aggregate rating
of all the generating equipment.

A. capacity factor B. load factor C. utilization factor D. diversity factor

100. A 220V, 3-phase, two-pole, 50Hz induction motor is running at a slip of 5%. Find the rotor
frequency in Hertz.

A. 1.0 B. 1.5 C. 2.0 D. 2.5


1. A short circuit test was performed upon a 10-KVA 2300/230-volt transformer with the following
results: Esc= 137 volts, Psc= 195 W, Isc= 4.34A. Calculate the percent regulation at a lagging power
factor of 0.707.

A 5.28% B. 5.55% C. 5.37% D. 5.72%

2. A generator, rated 600KVA 2400 V. 60 Hz, 3-phase, 6 poles and wye connected has 10% synchronous
reactance. If a three-phase fault occurs what will be the short circuit current?

A. 1443 A B. 1532 A C. 1435 A D. 1428 A

3. How many parallel paths does a 6-pole triplex lap wound connected armature of a DC generator has?
A. 3 B. 12 C. 6 D. 18

4. A four pole DC generator has an armature containing 4 elements per slot and 48 slots per pole. The
armature is simplex lap wound. The flux per pole is 2,500,000 maxwells and the speed of the armature is
1500 rpm. Calculate the total voltage generated in the armature.

A 120V B 480 V C. 960 V D. 240 V

5. The stator of a three phase 20 pole alternator has 120 slots and there are four conductors per slot
accommodated in two layers. If the speed of alternator is 300 rpm, calculate the emf induced per phase.
Resultant flux in the air gap is 55mWb per pole. Assume that the coil span is 150° electrical.

A. 1822 V B. 455.5 V C. 1822 V D. 911 V

6. A three phase, star connected alternator is rated 2,000 kVA, 13.5 kV. The armature effective
resistance and synchronous reactance are 1.3Ω and 20 Ω respectively per phase. Calculate the
percentage regulation 0.80 power factor.

A 7.76% B 15.52% C. 2.91% D. 6.56%

7.Calculate the average voltage generated in a six turn, full pitch coil of a 25 cycle alternator if the flux
per pole is 7.2 x 10^5 maxwells.

A. 4 V B. 12 V C. 4.32 V D. 4.8 V

8.The speed of a series motor at no load is:

A Zero B. 3000 rpm C. 3600 rpm D. infinity

9. A 230 V DC series motor is connected to 230 V AC. It will:

A Run slowly B Run with less efficiency.

C. Not run at all D. Run faster than its rated speed.

10. For a uniformly distributed winding the value of distribution factor is.

A. Unity B. 0.960 C. 0.866 D. 0.955

11. A winding is short pitched by 60 degrees electrical. Its pitch factor is:

A. 0.50 B. 0.866 C. 0.707 D. 0.966

12. A 4-pole DC generator with duplex lap winding has 48 slots and 4 elements per slot. The flux per pole
is 2.5 x 10^6 maxwells and it runs at 1500 rpm. What is the output voltage?

A 60 V B. 360 V C. 225 V D. 120

13. A simplex lap wound armature has 580 conductors and carries a current of 125 amperes per
armature current path. the flux per pole is 20 mWb, calculate the electromagnetic torque developed by
the armature?

A. 210. 64 N-m B. 252.72 N-m C. 230. 77 N-m D. 207.63 N-m

14. A 50 Hp, 550 V shunt wound motor draws a line current of 4.5 A at no-load. The shunt field
resistance is 275 ohms the armature resistance exclusive of brushes is 0.3 ohm. The brush drop at full
load is 2 V. At full load, the motor carries a line current of 84A. Calculate the efficiency at full load.

Α. 92% B. 88.5% C. 91.2 % D. 89.9%

15. A long shunt compound wound motor takes a current of 42 A from a 230 V source. The generator
parameters 0.10 ;Rse=0.20; and Rsh= 50 Q. If the friction and windage losses amount to 400 W,
determine the overall efficiency of the machine.

A. 82.24% B. 80.56% C. 81.22% D. 79.53%

16. A ½ HP. 1750-rpm capacitor motor develops 350 percent starting torque, find starting torque in Ib-

A 1.5 B. 4.5 C. 5.25 D. 18.38

17. A shunt generator has a full-load current of 100 A at 220 V. Stray losses are 1000 W and shunt field
current is 12 A. The armature resistance including brushes is 0.055 Ω. Calculate the efficiency of the

A 83.5 % B. 80.2% C. 86.9% D. 90.7%

18. The windings of a short-shunt compound generator have the following resistances under working

Arm. Resistance = 0.5 Ω Shunt field resistance = 253 Ω

Interpole resistance = 0.2 Ω Resistance of series field = 0.15 Ω

When the generator delivers full-load of 20 kW at 500 V, its total brush drop is 2 V and the sum of iron,
friction and windage losses is 0.8 kW. Calculate the overall efficiency of the generator.

A 87.58% B. 85.57% C. 90.33% D. 93.11%

19. Interpoles are connected in _____ with the armature and compensating windings are connected in
____ with the armature

A. Series, series B Series, shunt C. Shunt, Series D. Shunt, shunt

20. The no-load current of a transformer is 4 A at 0.25 p.f. when supplied at 250 V, 50 Hz. The number of
turns on the primary winding is 200 Calculate the rms value of the flux in the core (assumed sinusoidal

A 3.98mWb B. 9.38 mWb C. 8.39 mWb D. 3.22 mWb

21. The shunt field of a compound generator is connected across both the series field and the armature.
This connection is known as

A. Short shunt B. Differential compound C. Long shunt D. Cumulative Compound

22. Condition for maximum power output for a DC motor is

A. Eb = V B. Eb = V/2 C. Eb= IaRa D. Eb= ½ IaRa

23. A20-HP 3-phaseinduction motor operates at full-load with 440 volts across its terminals. Its takes 25
amp per line, lagging 30° behind the phase voltage Determine efficiency of this motor.

A. 90.5 % B. 89.5 % C. 88.5 % D. 87.5 %

24. Shunt generators are most suited for stable parallel operation because of their _____ voltage

A identical B. drooping C. linear D. rising

25. A 200 - KVA transformer has an iron loss of 1 kW and full - load copper loss of 2 kW. What is its
percent load at maximum efficiency?

A 50 B. 67 C.83 D. 71

26. The rotor speed of a six - pole, 50 - cycle induction motor is 960 rpm. Calculate the percent slip.

A. 2 B.3 C. 4 D. 5

27. In a 10:1 step down, 21400 / 240 - v transformer, taps are changed to reduce the number of primary
turns by 5%. The secondary voltage will most nearly be ______ volts.

A. 235 B. 228 C. 240 D. 253

28. A 20 KV /7.87 KV autotransformer has a secondary line current of 100 A. What is the current in the
common winding?

A. 139.25 A B. 60.65 A C. 100 A D. 39.35 A

29. A 3-phase, 6- pole, 50 HZ induction motor develops 3.73 KW at 960 rpm. What will be the stator
input if the stator loss is 280 watts?

A. 3855 W B. 4285 W C. 3935 W D. 4165 W

30. A 6-pole, wave-wound shunt generator has 1200 conductors. The useful flux per pole is 0.02 Wb, the
armature resistance 0.4 and the speed 400 rpm. If the shunt resistance is 220 Q, calculate the maximum
current which the generator can deliver to an external load if the terminal voltage is not to fall below
440 V.

A. 96 A B. 97 A C. 98 A D. 99 A

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