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TLE-TE 6 - Q1 - Mod2 - Agriculture

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
National Capital Region
Manila Education Center Arroceros Forest Park
Antonio J. Villegas St. Ermita, Manila


Module 2
Quarter 1 Week 2 (Lesson 2,3,4)
Learning Competencies: Uses technology in the conduct of survey to find out the:
• elements to be observed in planting trees and fruit bearing trees
• market demands for fruits
• famous orchards farms in the country
Before starting the module, I want you to set aside other tasks that will disturb

you while enjoying the lessons. Read the simple instructions below to successfully

enjoy the objectives of this kit. Have fun!

1. Follow carefully all the contents and instructions indicated in every page of this


2. Write on your notebook the concepts about the lessons. Writing enhances

learning, that is important to develop and keep in mind.

3. Perform all the provided activities in the module.

4. Let your facilitator/guardian assess your answers using the answer keycard.

5. Analyze conceptually the post-test and apply what you have learned.

6. Enjoy studying!
Specifically, this module will help you to:

• Identify the elements to be observed in planting trees and fruit-bearing trees.

Choose the letter of the correct answer.

1. It is the main energy provider in the process of food manufacture in the plant
A. soil B. sunlight C. water D. fertilizer
2. ___________are added to soil to increase it productivity.
A. climate B. water C. fertilizer D. air
3. It makes the leaves cool and dissolve the nutrients and transfer to the other parts
of the tree.
A. water B. soil C. fertilizer D. sunlight
4. The best climatic condition for trees and fruit-trees is _______________.
A. sunny B. long light rain C. rainy D. windy
5. It provides nutrients in plants and contains mineral elements necessary for normal
plant growth and development.
A. soil B. water C. sunlight D. air
Identify the following pictures indicating the importance planting of trees and fruit-
bearing trees. Write your answer in each line.

1. 2.

3. 4.


Planting trees and fruit tress require careful study of various factors to ensure
its proper adaptability and growth. Important elements or factors in planting trees and
fruit-trees are to observe to achieve success in this industry.
Let’s see how these elements affect the growth of the trees and fruit-trees and why
do we need to observe these before planting.
Climate is the most Soil provides nutrients in Trees and fruit-trees need
important factor affecting plants and contains water. Water makes the
the growth of trees. It has mineral elements leaves cool and dissolve
been observed that necessary for normal the nutrients and transfer
different varieties of trees plant growth and to the other parts of the
and fruit-trees grow best development. tree.
in certain climatic Such as: Water is one of the
conditions. •Mineral Soil-composed components in the
CLIMATIC CONDITIONS of inorganic substances process of making food
• Temperature- the with varying amounts of for the plant called
degree of coldness and decaying organic matter. photosynthesis.
hotness of the •Organic Soils- is
atmosphere at certain formed from decayed
period of time. plant materials.
• Sunlight- the main •Fertilizers-are added to
energy provider in the soil to increase it
process of food productivity.
manufacture in the plant
kingdom. *The best type of soil
• Rainfall- is very for trees and fruit-trees
important in the growth of is dry, warm, porous
all kinds of trees, it must and loamy.
be controlled so as not to
flood and down the
growing trees with water.
Long-light rain is good
for tree crops.
Identify the elements present in each picture. Put an arrow in each element and label

example: SOIL


Draw a happy face on practices that are good and sad face on practices
that are not good.
_________1. Look for trees and fruit trees suited in your location.
_________2. Consider the water supply before planting.
_________3. Plant trees and fruit-trees without studying the location.
_________4. Identify the type of soil first in your farm to know if it is good in your
_________5. You will continue to put up a farm in area even you know that the
climatic condition there is not good for trees and fruit-trees.
_________6. Add fertilizers to the soil if needed.
_________7. Check for the availability of sunlight in your farm.

It is necessary to observe the elements in planting trees and fruit bearing trees in
order to have bountiful harvest and become successful in this industry. The elements
to be observed in planting trees and fruit-bearing trees are climate, soil and water.

Fill in the blanks with the correct word. Choose your answer in the box below.
Write your answer in your T.L.E notebook.
1. The best climatic condition for trees and fruit-trees is _______________.
2. Soil provides _____________ and contains mineral elements that needed in
the growth and development of plant.
3. The best type of soil for trees and fruit-trees is dry, warm, porous and
4. Aside from photosynthesis, __________ is also needed to dissolve the
nutrients in the soil to transfer into the other parts of the tree.
5. One of the climatic conditions need to consider is ___________ which
provide energy needed in the process of food manufacture in the plant

A. sunlight D. long light rain

B. water E. loamy
C. soil F. nutrients
Learning and Living in the 21st Century for Grade 6, pp 309-315
Gloria A. Peralta, et al. The Basics of Better Family Living pp. 53-59
*other online website indicated in the content

Specifically, this module will help you to:

• Identify the market demands for fruits.

Choose the letter of the correct answer.

1. What is the first thing to consider if you’re going to produce fruit products?
A. Evaluate the market demand for the product.
B. Look first for the workers in your farm.
C. Plant crops without studying the market.
D. Produce fruits whatever kind you want.
2. As the market demand increases, the price also ____________.
A. decreases B. remain the same C. increases D. equal
3. The following statements are correct EXCEPT___________.
A. Plant first and then look for a market.
B. Market demands cannot help the suppliers what to produce in the market.
C. Identify potential customers before you investigate consumer demand.
D. Determine and define the geographic area where you will market fresh fruits
and vegetables.
4. One of the potentially profitable markets of Philippines tropical fruits and vegetables
is ____________ because of many Filipino immigrants here.
A. Canada B. Germany C. Dubai D. Egypt
5. The Philippine agricultural industry is focused on fruits and vegetable
production due to their __________________ in the world market.
A. export potential B. demand C. low quality D. lack of supply

Choose the letter of the correct answer.

1. It is the main energy provider in the process of food manufacture in the plant
A. soil B. sunlight C. water D. fertilizer
2. ___________are added to soil to increase it productivity.
A. climate B. water C. fertilizer D. air
3. It makes the leaves cool and dissolve the nutrients and transfer to the other parts
of the tree.
A. water B. soil C. fertilizer D. sunlight
4. The best climatic condition for trees and fruit-trees is _______________.
A. sunny B. long light rain C. rainy D. windy
5. It provides nutrients in plants and contains mineral elements necessary for normal
plant growth and development.
A. soil B. water C. sunlight D. air

What is market demand?

Market demand describes the demand for a given product and who
wants to buy it. This is determined by how willing consumers are to spend
a certain price on a particular good or service. As market demand increases,
the price also increases. When the demand decreases, price will go down as
Market demand is the total of what everyone within a specific
industry desires and can help guide suppliers what to produce.
Some farmers generate profits by planting first and then looking for
a market, but this is extremely risky for fruit and vegetable growers. There
are far more failures than success stories in this situation. If you are a
new grower, or an established one planning to produce a new item, you
should first attempt to evaluate the market demand for the product
and then decide which direct marketing channel(s) will best meet the
needs of your consumers.
Most fresh fruits grown in the Philippines are consumed
domestically, although a few cash crops are exported in large volumes.
The Philippine agricultural industry is focused on fruits and vegetable
production due to their export potential in the world market. Quality-
wise, our fruits are among the best in the world but they quality
depreciates when they get transported.
They say that the best mangoes come from the Philippines. Well, as
the national fruit of the country, mango (mangga) is one of
the most significant fruit crops in the country. Typical fruits include
avocados, bananas, pineapples, mangoes and papaya. These
mainstream fruits make up 90 percent of sales.
Studies conducted by the Bureau of Agricultural Research (BAR) and
other partner organization showed that UAE, Dubai in particular, as a
potentially profitable market of Philippines tropical fruits and vegetables.
Among the reasons identified include abundance of Filipino emigrants in UAE
and its neighboring countries, less strict requirements, and short transit time
(21 days by sea). Among the commodities in great demand are mango,
banana, papaya, calamansi, and pineapple.
Travel report highlights: Market reconnaissance on tropical fruits and vegetables, Dubai
and EU, 05-26 August 2006

Through online or text message, interview fruit vendors in your community if what fruits
have high demand in the market or commonly bought by the buyers. Use the table
Draw at least 5 of your favorite fruits. Inside the drawing write if it is in
demand in the market or not in demand.

in demand

As a fruit grower, you should first attempt to evaluate the market demand
for the product and then decide which direct marketing channel(s) will best
meet the needs of your consumers.

Write TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if it is not.

_____1. Plant first and then look for a market.
_____2. As the market demand increases, the price also increases.
_____3. Philippine fruits have high quality all over the world.
_____4. Most fresh fruits grown in the Philippines are consumed domestically.
_____5. Dubai is one of the potential profitable market of Philippines tropical fruits.
_____6. Orange is one of the most significant fruits in the Philippines.
_____7. The Philippine agricultural industry is focused on fruits and vegetable
production due to their export potential in the world market.
_____8. Market demands cannot help the suppliers what to produce in the market.
_____9. When the demands decrease, the price will increase.
_____10. They say that the best mangoes come from the Philippines.

Learning and Living in the 21st Century 6 pp.331
Moving up with HELE 6 pp.161
other online sources indicated above

Specifically, this module will help you to:

• Identify the famous orchard farms in the country
• Get inspire with the success story of famous orchard farms in the country.

1. It is a piece of land where fruit trees are planted.

A. forest B. pond C. orchard D. bay walk
2. It is not just an ordinary mango orchard but an Agri-tourism destination in Zambales
as well as a venue for team building, and corporate events, camping and family
outing, educational tours rest and recreation.
A. Ato Belen’s Farm C. Rosa Farm
B. Rosit’s Cocoa Farm D. Davao Golden Pomelo Farm
3. Located in San Pablo Laguna covers with more than 15 hectares, which are planted
with 2,000+ trees each of Rambutan, Lanzones, Durian, and Papaya.
A. Rosit Cocoa Farm C. Rosa Farm
B. Ato Belen’s Farm D. Nica’s Rambutan Farm
4. An orange plantation in Staunton Road, Sagada, Mountain Province.
A. Davao Golden Pomelo Farm C. Rock Farm At Café’ Bodega
B. Rosa Farm D. Phil. Mango Seedling Farm Corp.
5. Located in the Baguio District of Davao City in the southern Philippines.It is owned
and manage by a former employee of the Philippines Postal Corporation.
A. Rosit Cocoa Farm C. Rosa Farm
B. Ato Belen’s Farm D. Nica’s Rambutan Farm
Let’s answer the following questions.
1. What is the first thing to consider if you’re going to produce fruit products?
2. What are the typical fruits in great demand in other countries?



Orchard is a piece of land

planted with fruit trees.

Famous- known about by many


photo source:

Rosa Farms is a 12.5-hectare mango orchard in the coastal province of
Zambales, home of the Philippine Carabao Mango. The property was purchased in
1920 by David Jocson and Rosa Magsaysay. When Mount Pinatubo erupted in 1991
the whole place was buried in ash, leaving only a few surviving mango trees. David
and Rosa’s grandchildren faced the devastation with resilient spirit, they rehabilitated
and develop the farm into a mango orchard. By 2011, the farm was renamed as Rosa
Farms under the management of Ding and Nelda Zulueta. Today it is not just an
ordinary mango orchard but an Agri-tourism destination, as well as a venue for team
building, and corporate events, camping and family outing, educational tours rest and

photo source:


Rock Farm at Café Bodega: an orange plantation in Staunton Road, Sagada,

Mountain Province. Pick and pay with entrance fee of P50 you can eat as much as
you want inside the farm.
Philippine Mango Seedling Farm Corporation. A family owned and operated
agricultural enterprise situated in the border of Candaba, Pampanga and Baliuag,
Bulacan. The company was established mainly for three objectives: 1) environment
preservation through youth education; 2) strengthen of the mango industry by ensuring
the constant and sustainable supply of mango produce; and 3) livelihood
enhancement through corporate involvement by promoting mango farming.

Davao Golden Pomelo Farm, Davao City

Hailed as Davao’s pomelo king, Carmelito Mercado is possibly the top pomelo
producer and distributor in the Philippines. From his humble beginning as a trader,
Mercado’s determination and thirst for knowledge to improve his business has bear
fruit. What started as a 1-hectare lease has now expanded to the 350-hectare Davao
Golden Pomelo Farm that Mercado owns. It produces the Magallanes variety- the
preferred variety of Filipinos for its sweet pink flesh. The oldest trees in the farm are
17 years old and can bore as much as 600 kg per plant.
Nica’s Rambutan Farm, Barangay Lapaz, Tibiao, Antique
Nica’s Farm is the biggest green rambutan farm located in Barangay Lapaz,
Tibiao, Antique. The farm was named after the youngest daughter of the owner. Aside
from the green and red rambutan, you’ll also find bananas, durian, lanzones,
mangosteen, pomelo and other fruits.
The rambutan tree belongs to a group of fruit bearing tropical trees like longgan
and lychee. The name rambutan came from an Indonesian name “rambut” which
means hair.
Ato Belen’s Farm is in Barangay San Juan, San Pablo City, Laguna. It started
in 1987 with an initial capital of Php 700.00. With his hard work and exceptional
diligence, Mr. Ato was able to grow his farm from a 200 square meter lot to 2.3
hectares of land and continued to expand years hence. To date, the farm covers more
than 15 hectares, which are planted with 2,000+ trees each of Rambutan, Lanzones,
Durian, and Papaya. The farm is also lined up with 800 Aromatic Coconuts. To
maximize productivity, these high-value crops are intercropped with vegetables and
condiments such as Black Pepper from India.

Rosit Cocoa Farms is located in the Baguio District of Davao City in the
southern Philippines.It is owned and manage by Mr. Grover Rosit. Before, he was
working full-time as a postman earning a moderate wage as a government employee
of the Philippines Postal Corporation. His wife also earned an average income working
as a teacher and he could only dream of ways to supplement
the family’s earnings to one day send his six young children to university. With a
passion for plants and gardening, he used his wife's small family plot to dabble in
farming. Today he operates the Rosit Cocoa Farms in the Baguio District of Davao
City in the southern Philippines. Mr Rosit now earns 50 times his postman's salary and has
paid for all of his children's education.
Complete the table below using the information that you have read.

Name of Orchard Location Owner Reasons why they

Farm became successful

Aside from the famous orchard farms mention above, give at least 5 fruit-tree orchard

farms in the Philippines. You may search on the internet.

Name of Orchard Location Kind of Fruits Owner

There are so many famous orchard farms in our country. Most of them
became successful because of their passion and determination.

Choose the letter of the correct answer.

1. Located in San Pablo Laguna covers with more than 15 hectares, which are planted
with 2,000+ trees each of Rambutan, Lanzones, Durian, and Papaya.
A. Rosit Cocoa Farm C. Rosa Farm
B. Ato Belen’s Farm D. Nica’s Rambutan Farm
2. An orange plantation in Staunton Road, Sagada, Mountain Province.
A. Davao Golden Pomelo Farm C. Rock Farm At Café’ Bodega
B. Rosa Farm D. Phil. Mango Seedling Farm Corp.
3. Located in the Baguio District of Davao City in the southern Philippines.It is owned
and manage by a former employee of the Philippines Postal Corporation.
A. Rosit Cocoa Farm C. Rosa Farm
B. Ato Belen’s Farm D. Nica’s Rambutan Farm
4. It is the biggest green rambutan farm located in Barangay Lapaz, Tibiao, Antique.
A. Ato Belen’s Farm C. Rosa Farm
B. Rosa Farm D. Nica’s Rambutan Farm
5. This farm started as a 1-hectare lease and now expanded to 350-hectares
located in Davao.
A. Davao Golden Pomelo Farm C. Rock Farm At Café’ Bodega
B. Rosa Farm D. Phil. Mango Seedling Farm Corp.
Life Skills Through TLE Gloria Peralta, EdD,


Writer: Edgardo Flores, MT II

Editors: Ariel D. Tosio, EPS, Aquilina Tiama, PSDS
Reviewers: Rommel Y. Rojo, MT II, Danielle Sta Maria, MT I
Management Team: Maria Magdalena M. Lim-Schools Division
Superintendent-Manila, Aida H. Rondilla-Chief Education Supervisor
Lucky S. Carpio-EPS and Lady Hannah C Gillo, Librarian II-LRMS


Lesson 1 Lesson 2

Pre-Test Pre-Test
1. B 1. A
2. C 2. C
3. A 3. B
4. B. 4. C
5. A. 5. A
Looking Back to Your Lesson Looking Back to Your Lesson
1. Trees prevent floods 1. B
2. Trees provide shade and fresh air 2. C
3. Good source of income 3. A
4. Fruit trees give us fruits 4. B
Activity 1 5. A
Picture 1- water and soil Activity 1
Picture 2- sunlight Answers depend on learner’s
Activity 2 gathered information
1. happy face Activity 2
2. happy face Answers depend on learner’s favorite
3. sad face fruits and his assessment if it is in
4. happy face demand or not.
5. sad face Post-Test
6. happy face 1. TRUE
7. happy face 2. TRUE
Post-Test 3. TRUE
1. D-long light rain 4. TRUE
2. F-nutrients 5. TRUE
3. E-loamy 6. FALSE
4. B-water 7. TRUE
5. A. sunlight 8. FALSE
10. TRUE
Lesson 3

2. C
3. B
5. A
Looking Back to Your Lesson
1. Evaluate the market
demands for the products.
2. Banana, mango, papaya,
pineapple, avocado
Activity 1
Number of correct answers
depend on the number of
information provided in the
Activity 2
Number of correct answers
depend on the number of data
gathered by the learner.
1. B
2. C
3. A
4. D
5. A

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