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Chapter Sixteen: Testing and Maintenance of Relays

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The complexity of the present day systems and the ever increasing
technological improvements, where products have greater number of
functions to perform, warrants a high reliability in such affairs.
In general terms "Quality Control" is defined as An effective system for
coordinating quality maintenance and quality improvement efforts of
the various groups in an organization so as to enable production at the
most economical levels which allows for all customer satisfaction".
The reliability of a product may be defined as "a mathematical
probability that will operate in a specified manner for a specific period
of time".


Basically the tests conducted on relays are classified as:

1) Type tests
2) Routine tests
The above are the tests conducted in a factory at the manufacturing
stage. Subsequently when the relays are received at site the following
tests are conducted:
3) Acceptance tests
4) Installation tests
5) Maintenance or Functional tests

6) Repair tests.

Type Tests


Type tests are tests conducted to ensure adherence to guaranteed

design details and conformity to conditions of use. This is conducted
on a typical sample of the product immediately after new development
and periodically depending upon its application, performance and
customer requirement.
The following type tests are to be conducted on relays as per IEC 225 -


Thermal Requirements

3.2.1 The relay shall be subjected to both continuous as well as temporary

duties (energised for withstand value for the particular duty) at
ambient temperature. After the test and when restored to reference
conditions, the relay shall meet all other specification requirements.
3.2.2 Overload tests relating to input energising circuits and the tests shall
be accomplished with all connections made to the relay in a normal

After the tests and after reference conditions are restored,

the relay shall comply with all other specification requirements. The
relay shall also withstand a single application of the limiting short time
thermal withstand value stated by the manufacturer for the following
Current relays

1 sec

Voltage relays

10 secs


3.2.3 The relay shall also withstand a single application of the dynamic value
of the energising quantity. The duration of the test should be half a
cycle of the
sinusoidal waveform at rated frequency. The test may be made with
either symmetrical waveform or with asymmetrical waveform.

The accuracy of the dependent time relay is primarily associated with
the specified time, but may also be concerned with the accuracy
associated with the basic value of the characteristic quantity.


Mechanical Endurance
The mechanical endurance for relay is conducted under the following

a) Mounted as for normal service
b) At rated value of the auxiliary energising quantity
c) At values of the characteristic or input energising quantity.
d) At specified rate
e) For relays with adjustable time setting; at the time setting values
which gives the most severe conditions for

mechanical durability.

After the tests, the relay shall be substantially in good condition and
should be capable of fulfilling its designed functions throughout its
setting range at least once at the minimum and once at the maximum
values of the operative range of the auxiliary energising quantities.


The contact circuit should be carrying the maximum current ratings

assigned to them and the error limits shall not be more than twice the
limiting error. The relay shall be capable of withstanding a dielectric
stress of not less than 0.75 times the value originally specified.

Shock Vibration
The relay shall be subjected to shock and vibration tests and the test
value is to be decided mutually between the manufacturer and the


Contact Performance
The contact performance of the relay contacts to be verified with
respect to the guaranteed values.


Rated Burden and Rated Impedance

The value of rated burden and rated impedance of the relay as
guaranteed by the manufacturer has to be verified.


Insulation Requirements

3.8.1 Di-electric Withstand Capacity









terminals must withstand 2KV insulation level for one minute between
ground and between each other.
3.8.2 Impulse Test
An impulse voltage withstand test is performed to determine whether
the relay and its individual components will withstand, without
damage, high voltage surges for short durations.


The conditions for such a test are as follows:

Impulse Waveform - A standard 1.2/50 micro second impulse having
the following tolerances:

a) Voltage rise time 30%

b) Voltage fall time 20%
c) Standard value of test voltage - 5KV
d) Test voltage tolerance 10%
e) Source impedance 500 ohms; tolerance 10%
f) Source energy 0.55 KVA; tolerance 10%
g) Test leads not to be longer than 2 meters.
The positive and three negative impulses shall be applied at intervals
of not less than 5 seconds. The test voltage shall be applied between
all terminals connected together and earth and between each of the
After the test, the relay will still comply with all relevant performance
3.8.3 High Frequency Disturbance Test
This test is for static relays only.

It is recommended in order to

determine whether a relay will operate in a faulty manner when

specified high frequency transients which are representative of
practical system conditions are applied to a fully energised relay.
The test circuit conditions are as follows:


a) Waveform - a damped oscillatory wave with the envelope decaying to

50% of peak value at the end of 3 to 6 cycles
b) Frequency - 1 MHz ; tolerance 10%
c) Source Impedance - 200 ohms; tolerance 10%
d) Duration of test - 2 secs
e) Test voltage - longitudinal mode : 2.5KV peak
- transverse mode : 1KV peak
f) Test voltage tolerance + 0%
g) Test leads not to be longer than 2 meters

D.C. Auxiliary Supply Interruption Test

The effects shall be determined for an interruption having a duration
selected from the following values and declared by the manufacturer: 2
- 5 - 10 - 20 - 50 - 100 - 200 milliseconds. The interruptions shall be
sudden and the effects of the interruption shall be declared on:

a) Accuracy
b) Operating time
c) Resetting performance
d) Any other characteristics
The relay shall not change its output state in a faulty manner when the
auxiliary energising quantity is switched on or off.
3.10 Operating Value Test


All relays shall be tested for their operating values by gradually

increasing or decreasing the characteristic quantity of the relay until
the relay just operates. The relay shall then conform to the accuracy
class specified.

3.11 Operating Time Test

The time of operation for both dependent and independent time relays
shall be measured and it should conform to the accuracy class
3.12 Reset Value Test
The relay shall be tested for the resetting value by gradually increasing
or decreasing the characteristic quantity of the relay, until the relay
returns to the un-operated condition.
3.13 Reset Time Test
The time taken by the relay to return to its un-operated position from
its operated position by sudden removal of the characteristic quantity
shall be determined.



The routine tests on the relay comprises of the following:

1) Visual checks and inspection

2) Verification of operational characteristics
3) Verification of operation on auxiliary supply variation
4) Verification of operation of target coils and flag indicators


5) Dielectric test

The check list on Visual Inspection of all types of relays is listed below:

4.2.1 Verification with respect to purchase order to confirm:

a) Setting range
b) Inscriptions
c) Number of flag indicators
d) Indicating/Name plate
4.2.2 Soldering:
Check for proper soldering in:
a) Printed Circuit Boards
b) Connections of wiring
c) Components fixed to the lugs or terminals
d) Short, if any
4.2.3 Terminations:
Ensure the following:
a) Fixing of all necessary wires to the terminal blocks
b) Proper locking of all the current and voltage terminals
c) Keying code and its mechanical fixation.
4.2.4 Wiring:
Ensure the following:
a) Proper connections of wires to the lugs and current terminals
b) That the wires do not have large sag to prevent entry and withdrawal
of the relay


c) That the heads of the wire straps are turned towards the interior of the
relay to facilitate easy entry
d) That the earth wire is connected and fixation is alright
e) That the wiring does not come between the frameworks obstructing
the easy
entry and withdrawal of the relay either from the case or from the rack.
4.2.5 Varnishing:
a) Whether all parts are varnished as per drawing particularly windings
and relays coils
b) Whether from appearance the terminal settings/terminals are free from
4.2.6 Winding:
a) Whether the identification stamp, number or catalogue code is fixed
b) If the protection tape is properly wound and the winding is not exposed
4.2.7 Indication/Name Plate:
a) Verify the inscription details
b) Ensure that they are legible and can be easily read

Ensure that the surface is free of scratches, stains, scale formations

and reasonably clean

4.2.8 Mechanical Fixing:


Verify that the mechanical fixation of transformers, armature and coil

assembly, disc spindle, printed circuit boards, sub-assembly of settings
and setting boards, flag indicators and accessories is rigid.
4.2.9 Finish:
a) Observe for a good and pleasing general appearance
b) Ensure the

removal of excess solder, excess of component lugs,

excess length
of loose and sagging wires, excess varnish, stained varnish on
undesirable terminals.
c) Ensure that the components are painted for locking to facilitate
removal of damaged component and re-assembly.
d) Endorse for approval.


4.3.1 I.D.M.T. O.C. and E.F. Relays

a) Pick up and Drop Off Value
I.D.M.T. Relays shall pick up between 110% to 130% of the setting
value and the ratio of drop off to pick up shall be greater than 70%
b) Time Delay
The time of operation of the relay with various current inputs is to be
verified for confirmation of the inverse characteristics of the relay.
Tolerance allowed is 12.5% at any current from 2 to 4 times setting for
electromagnetic relays and 5% for static relays.
4.3.2 Definite Time O.C. and E.F. Relays


a) Pick Up and Drop Off Value:

The pick up value shall be within 5% of the setting. The ratio of drop
off to pick up shall be greater than 80%
b) Operating Time Test:
The value shall be verified to be within 5% tolerance limit by passing
5 times the current.
4.3.3 Directional Relays (Voltage Restraint)
a) Quadrature Test:
With the rated voltage applied at current up to 5 times the rated
current of the relay, the relay shall always operate when the current
vector lags or leads by an angle which is less than 90 o 9o with
respect to its position giving maximum torque and shall never operate
when this angle is greater than 90o + 9o
b) Sensitivity Test:
The relay shall operate with accuracy when 1% rated voltage and
currents up to 5 times the rated current are applied.
4.3.4 Directional Relay (Current Restraint)
Tests as described in paragraph 4.3.2 are conducted except that
instead of the restraining voltage, the restraining current is applied.
4.3.5 Voltage Relays (Over Voltage)
a) Pick Up Value:
The tolerance limit for the pick up value shall be within 5%. The
ratio of drop off to pick up value shall be greater than 90%.


b) Operating Time:
The operating time for definite time over voltage relays shall be
verified by suddenly applying 1.1 times the set voltage.

The time

delay shall be within 5% tolerance limit.

4.3.6 Voltage Relays (Under Voltage)

a) Pick Up Value:
The tolerance limit of the pick up value shall be 5%. The ratio of
drop off to pick up value shall not be more than 115%.
b) Operating Time:
The operating time for the definite time under voltage relays shall be
measured by suddenly reducing the rated voltage to 80% of the set
voltage. The time delay shall be within 5% of the tolerance limit.
4.3.7 Transformer Differential Relays
a) Operating Characteristics:
The test circuit is shown for a single phase relay.


The pick value is verified as follows:


With I2 = 0, check the threshold value of the relay


With low values of I2, increase Io until the relay operates


Increase I2 to higher values. Again increase Io until relay operates

b) Operating Time Test:

The operating time shall be measured by suddenly applying the test

c) Harmonic Restraint Characteristics
The test circuit is as shown below:



If is the current at rated frequency and I x F is the current at specified

harmonic frequency


Set I x F to an initial value. Increase I F from current zero until relay



Repeat test for different values of I x F.

d) Stability Test:
The differential relays with independent operating and restraining coils
shall remain in-operative at all currents up to 15 times the rated
current of each coil or 30 times the current setting whichever is lower
when currents are passed simultaneously through the operating and
restraining coils so as to oppose each other in effect.
e) Auxiliary Supply Variation:
The operating value and time shall be within tolerance specified for
variation in the auxiliary voltage supply from 80% to 110% of the rated
f) Operation of flag Indicator:
During each energisation of the relay, the operation of the flag
indicator shall be verified and it shall be reset.




Generally Acceptance tests are done once and in a laboratory only.

These tests are separated into two types:


a) New products supplied for the first time: - Such products having not
been used previously in the system are subject to extensive tests on a
sample to gain experience and knowledge and/or additional technical
information. Sometimes they are installed in the field in parallel with
an existing similar relay to study the performance as above.
b) Tests on each product received: - Every product received from the
manufacturer is subject to a minimum of practical checks to ensure:

That the product is what the manufacturer specifies


To ensure that the relay can be safely accepted into the store inventory
and dispatched to site for subsequent





Installation tests also referred to as Commissioning tests are conducted

at site as field tests to determine that the relay will perform correctly in
actual service. These tests are not normally repeated unless the relay
frequently mal-operates. Most frequently these tests are performed by
simulation with the secondary circuits energised from a portable
source. Other methods of conducting such tests include:

a) Simulated tests using primary load current and voltage

b) Operating tests with the primary energised at a reduced voltage
c) Staged fault tests.

Staged Fault tests are actual faults applied to the power system to
verify the relay operations.

Usually several types of faults, both

internal and external are applied. While this is the best method, the


cost and potential hazards are high. Therefore staged faults tests are
limited to very important and/or new relay installations to the power

Normally the commissioning tests include the following:

a) Checking the circuit and wiring diagrams, studying the relay and
equipment catalogues.
b) General inspection of equipment, checking all the connections, wires
on relays and terminals.
c) Checking the insulation resistance of all circuits to ground.
d) Checking the insulation resistance of control cables to ground and
between different cores of a control cable and between different
control cables.
e) Checking the insulation resistance between current, voltage secondary
circuits and auxiliary A.C. and D.C. supplies.
f) C.Ts tested for insulation, polarity, ratio and excitation characteristics.
g) V.Ts tested for insulation, polarity and ratio.
h) Relays tested independently by secondary simulated tests.
i) Relays tested by injection of current in primary of C.T. and secondary
circuits of V.T., Burden on C.Ts and P.Ts checked.
j) Operation of relays checked with 80% of D.C. voltage supply.
k) Relay flag indicator and alarm circuits checked
l) Tripping of circuit breaker checked by relay operation at 100% of D.C.
voltage and at 80% of D.C voltage.


m) Maintaining a commissioning log of all tests conducted.




Maintenance or functional testing is generally done in the field at

regular intervals. The question of the frequency of maintenance tests
is a subject of debate. This is because in actual service, a relay or a
protective gear may stand quiescent for months and yet be required to
operate with precision if a fault occurs on its associated primary

Thus the keynote should be minimum testing for

maximum performance.

Several electrical utilities the world over

conduct maintenance tests with a time interval varying from once in 6

months to once in a year or even to once in two years. These intervals
vary among users depending upon:
a) Past experience
b) Type of protective relays employed (electromagnetic or static)
c) Voltage class of the power system
d) Importance of equipment being protected
e) Supporting system amongst others.
A large majority of users perform maintenance or functional testing at
least once in a year which is quite a reasonable interval.


functional testing is also carried out in the course of fault investigation

when a relay or protective gear has failed to operate or when it has
mal-operated or when relay settings are altered after a study of the
relay co-ordination during the course of fault investigation.



Relay maintenance tests generally consists of:

a) Covers cleaned, gaskets seated properly in position

b) Dusting inside, brushing, removal of foreign matter
c) Contacts inspected, cleaned and burnished
d) Screws checked for tightness
e) Mechanical free movement and contact follow through checked
f) Proper shape of springs, alignments and their cleanliness checked
g) Magnet gaps cleaned
h) Fall of mechanical flag indicator just before contact closure checked
i) Adjustments and operations checked in `as found' settings of relay or
as found' settings of relay noted; adjustments and operations checked
at minimum value of relay settings or at test settings prescribed by
relay manufacturer and then restoring relay settings as left' instead of
as found' and recording as left' settings
j) Occasionally breakers are tripped by relay operation or by manual
contact closing.

Repair tests as the name implies, involves re-calibration after major
repairs have been made. Such tests are usually made in a laboratory
attached to a relay repair shop.

Many minor repairs are frequently

carried out during maintenance tests and need not involve complete
re-calibration tests.


After a component is changed, a test need only to be performed to

indicate that the circuit is operational and that the change of the
component has not affected the performance of the relay.





Test switches are normally supplied with relays and are installed in the
control panels in the case of non-draw out type relays. But in the case
of draw-out type relays this is not the case as relay test jacks (plug)
are provided. Sometimes relay test terminal blocks are installed where
test switches are not installed.

These test switches or test jacks

(plugs) or test terminal blocks are a convenient access to the voltages

and currents seen by the relay. However, sufficient care must be taken
to ensure, when checking the currents that the secondary circuits of
the C.T. do not become open circuited.

The test accessories also provide a convenient location to isolate the

trip circuits and potential circuits.

They also allow test personnel to

short out and isolate the current circuits from the relay panel for
separate source testing.

When testing on line it is important to take out only one relay or relay
system at a time leaving the other back-up relay or relay system intact
in the event of a fault.



Caution must be taken when using separate source test quantities.

The test plug must be inserted into the test switch ensuring isolation
from the power system before any equipment is connected to the test
plug. Ungrounded test supplies should be used to prevent accidentally
introducing a ground on the secondary circuits which could cause a
false trip.


At all times when testing relays on an energised power system, all

safety precautions for both personnel and equipment must be


Many manufacturers offer a variety of portable test sets varying in

function and capability. These test sets offer a convenient and quick
means of conducting functional tests instead of rigging up a test circuit
with several separate instruments and leads.


Relay and test equipment manufacturer's manuals or NEPAs' own test

procedures must be followed. This is the basic information that is to be
known before any maintenance test is carried out.


Past records of relay performance should also be consulted during



The typical tests on several relays is as follows:

a) Test method:
This is by secondary injection by isolating the relay from the power
b) O.C. and E.F. Relays:


The pick up current at minimum setting checked and adjusted. This is

similarly done at relay setting.
Operating times at 2 times and 4 times of relay current checked and
adjusted as per relay characteristic.
c) Directional O.C. and E.F. Relays (Voltage/Current restraint):
The directional feature checked up with voltage/current polarity in
direction of operation and with reversal of voltage/current polarity.
Other tests on current units are checked as in item (b) above with the
unit blocked.
d) Differential Relays:
Minimum operating values are checked and adjusted.
e) Distance Relays
Distance characteristic is checked at or near both the fault and load
angles. All operating sequences are checked and adjusted.

Tests on the following equipment is conducted at the time of

a) Bucholz Relay
b) C.Ts
c) P.Ts
d) Thermal Relays



A maintenance record of the tests conducted is always maintained for

future tests, study, co-ordination station-wise / feeder-wise and for
fault investigation


10.1 Immediately on the occurrence of a fault and tripping caused by relay
operation, an investigation is carried out to ensure that the relay coordination is in order and also that the relay operation is in order.
10.2 The procedure generally followed for fault investigation is as follows:
a) The cause of the fault is located, and considered
b) The effect of the fault on the protective gear is considered
c) The clearing of the fault by the current operation of the primary relays
is verified with reference to tripping, relay flag indication and audio
visual annunciation.
d) If there is any mal-operation or if the primary relays have failed to act,
the relay co-ordination is checked and subsequently functional tests
carried out on the relays and protective gear.
10.3 Normally a register of tripping is maintained feeder-wise/station-wise
and alongside relay operations are remarked as OK/Not OK and if Not
OK, measures taken to rectify are recorded.


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