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Biology 11 Notes

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Session Name – Metabolism and Secondary Metabolites

and Chapter Questions

Session Time – 8.15 pm daily

Dr. Manali Shah

What we are going to learn

● Metabolism
● Secondary Metabolites
● Chapter Questions

Biology - Metabolism and Secondary Metabolites and Chapter Questions 2


● Sum of the chemical reactions that take place within each cell of a living organism
● Energy for vital processes and for synthesizing new organic material
● Continuous process of breakdown and synthesis of biomolecules through chemical reactions
● Two types of pathways
○ Catabolic pathways – Formation of simpler structure from a complex biomolecules
○ Anabolic pathways – Biosynthetic pathway that involves formation of a more complex
biomolecules from a simpler structure

Biology - Metabolism and Secondary Metabolites and Chapter Questions 3

Biology - Metabolism and Secondary Metabolites and Chapter Questions Source: MH Board Textbook 4
Metabolic Pool

● Reservoir of biomolecules in the cell on which enzymes can act to produce useful products as
per the need of the cell

Biology - Metabolism and Secondary Metabolites and Chapter Questions 5

Secondary Metabolism

● Small organic molecules produced by organisms that are not essential for their growth,
development and reproductions
● Bacteria, fungi and plants produce secondary metabolism
● Terpenes
● Phenolics
● Nitrogen-containing compounds

Biology - Metabolism and Secondary Metabolites and Chapter Questions 6

Uses of Secondary Metabolism
● Drugs developed from secondary metabolites have been used to treat infectious diseases,
cancer, hypertension and inflammation
● Morphine was the first alkaloid isolated from plant Papaver somniferum
● Alkaloids nicotine and cocaine and the terpenes cannabinol
● Improve our food preference
● Tannins are added to wines and chocolate for improving astringency
● Antibiotic properties

Biology - Metabolism and Secondary Metabolites and Chapter Questions 7

Choose correct options
D. Lipids associated with cell membrane
are ------------.
A. Sugar, amino acids and nucleotides unite a. Sphingomyelin b. Isoprenoids
to their respective subunits to form-------- c. Phospholipids d. Cholesterol
a. bioelements b. micromolecules
c. macromolecules d. all of these E. Linoleic, Linolenic and --------------------
acids are referred as essential fatty acids
B. Glycosidic bond is found in ---------------. since they cannot be synthesized by the
a. Disaccharide b. Nucleosides body and hence must be included in daily
c. Polysaccharide d. all of theses diet.
a. Arachidonic b. Oleic
C. Amino acids in a polypeptide are joined c. Steric d. Palmitic
by ---------------bond.
a. Disulphide b. glycosidic F. Haemoglobin is a type of --------------
c. hydrogen bond d. none of these protein, which plays indispensable part in
a. simple b. derived
c. conjugated d. complex
Biology - Metabolism and Secondary Metabolites and Chapter Questions 8
Choose correct options
G. When inorganic ions or metallo-organic
molecules bind to apoenzyme, they
together form------
a. isoenzyme b. holoenzyme
c. denatured enzyme d. none of these

H. In enzyme kinetics, Km= Vmax/2. If Km

value is lower, it indicates ----------------
a. Enzyme has less affinity for substrate
b. Enzyme has higher affinity towards
c. There will be no product formation
d. All active sites of enzyme are saturated.

Biology - Metabolism and Secondary Metabolites and Chapter Questions 9

Solve the following questions
Observe the following figure and name the type of bond shown by arrow in the structure.

Biology - Metabolism and Secondary Metabolites and Chapter Questions Source: MH Board Textbook 10
Answer the following questions
A. What are building blocks of life?
B. Explain the peptide bond.
C. How many types of polysaccharides you know?
D. Enlist the significance of carbohydrates.
E. What is reducing sugar?
F. What is the basic difference between saturated and unsaturated fatty acid?

Biology - Metabolism and Secondary Metabolites and Chapter Questions 11

Answer the following questions
G. Enlist the examples of simple protein and add their significance.
H. Explain the secondary structure of protein with examples.
I. Explain the induced fit model for mode of enzyme action.
J. What is RNA? Enlist types of RNA.
K. Describe the concept of metabolic pool.
L. How do secondary metabolites useful for mankind?

Biology - Metabolism and Secondary Metabolites and Chapter Questions 12

Solve the following questions
A. Complete the following chart

Biology - Metabolism and Secondary Metabolites and Chapter Questions Source: MH Board Textbook 13
Solve the following questions
B. Answer the questions with
reference to the following figure

i. Name the type of bond formed

between two polypeptides.
ii. Which amino acid is involved in
the formation of such bond?
iii. Amongst I, II, III and IV structural
level of protein, which level of
structure includes such bond?

Biology - Metabolism and Secondary Metabolites and Chapter Questions Source: MH Board Textbook 14
C. Match the following items given in column I and II

Biology - Metabolism and Secondary Metabolites and Chapter Questions Source: MH Board Textbook 15
Long answer questions
A. What are biomolecules? Explain the building blocks of life.
B. Explain the classes of carbohydrates with examples.
C. Describe the types of lipids and mention their biological significance.
D. Explain the chemical nature, structure and role of phospholipids in biological membrane.
E. Describe classes of proteins with their importance.
F. What are enzymes? How are they classified? Mention example of each class.
G. Explain the properties of enzyme? Describe the models for enzyme actions.
H. Describe the factors affecting enzyme action.
I. What are nucleic acids? Enlist the point of differences among DNA and RNA.
J. What are the types of RNA? Mention the role of each class of RNA.
K. What is metabolism? How metabolic pool is formed in the cell.

Biology - Metabolism and Secondary Metabolites and Chapter Questions 16

If double stranded DNA has 14% C (cytosine) what percent A (adenine), T (thymine) and G
(guanine) would you expect?

Biology - Metabolism and Secondary Metabolites and Chapter Questions 17

i. The term that describes all the chemical reactions taking place in an organism.
ii. The form in which carbohydrate is transported in a plant.
iii. The reagent used for testing for reducing sugar.

Biology - Metabolism and Secondary Metabolites and Chapter Questions 18

Thank You
Over the next three days, we are going to learn about:
● Cell cycle and mitosis
● Meiosis
● Practice test on chapters 5 , 6, 7

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we can help curate awesome courses for you and deliver superb content to give you the best
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Biology - Metabolism and Secondary Metabolites and Chapter Questions 19



Session Name – Cell Cycle and Mitosis

Session Time – 7 PM daily

Dr. Manali Shah

What we are going to learn

● Cell division
● Mitosis

Grade 11-Biology - Cell Cycle and Mitosis 2

Three Types of Cell Division
● Amitosis
○ Simplest form
○ Nucleus elongates a constriction appears
○ Unicellular organisms, abnormal cells, old cells, foetal membrane cells
● Mitosis
○ Two daughter cells
○ Identical to parent cell
● Meiosis
○ Number of chromosomes is half
○ Four haploid daughter cells

Grade 11-Biology - Cell Cycle and Mitosis 3


● Karyotype
● Representation of condensed chromosomes in pairs
● Analysis indicates whether the individual has a normal set of chromosomes or abnormalities

Grade 11-Biology - Cell Cycle and Mitosis 4

● Prophase
● Metaphase
● Anaphase
● Telophase

Grade 11-Biology - Cell Cycle and Mitosis 5


● Condensation of chromatin material,

migration of centrioles, appearance of
mitotic apparatus, disappearance of
nuclear membrane
● Chromosome with its sister chromatids
● Nucleolus starts to disappear
● Chromosome moves towards the
opposite poles
● Mitotic apparatus

Grade 11 -Biology - Cell Cycle and Mitosis Source: MH Board Textbook 6


● Condensed and short

● Centromere and sister
chromatids are prominent
● Equatorial plane of cell
● Divides horizontally into two,
each with a chromatid

Grade 11-Biology - Cell Cycle and Mitosis Source: MH Board Textbook 7


● Chromatids separate and form

two chromosomes
● Opposite direction by spindle
● Opposite poles of the cell

Grade 11-Biology - Cell Cycle and Mitosis Source: MH Board Textbook 8


● Chromosomes lose their

identity and form
chromatin fibres
● Nucleoli and nuclear
membranes reappear
● Spindle fibers breakdown
● 2 nuclei formed

Grade 11-Biology - Cell Cycle and Mitosis Source: MH Board Textbook 9


Plant cell Animal cell

Cell plate formation Cleavage furrow formation

Centrifugal Centripetal

Formed by middle lamellae

Grade 11-Biology - Cell Cycle and Mitosis 10

Importance of Mitosis

● Equational division
● DNA equally distribute
● Growth and development
● Replacement and repair
● Asexual reproduction

Grade 11-Biology - Cell Cycle and Mitosis 11

Thank You

Over the next three days, we are going to learn about:

● Meiosis
● Whittaker classification
● Acellular organisms

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we can help curate awesome courses for you and deliver superb content to give you the best
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Grade 11 -Biology - Cell Cycle and Mitosis 12



Session Name – Meiosis

Session Time – 7 PM daily

Dr. Manali Shah

What we are going to learn
● Cell division
● Meiosis

Grade 11-Biology - Meiosis 2


● Reductional division
● Number of chromosome is reduced to half

Grade 11-Biology - Meiosis 3

Phases of Heterotypic Division
● First meiotic division
● Diploid cell is divided into two haploid cells
● Phases
○ Prophase I
○ Metaphase I
○ Anaphase I
○ Telophase I

Grade 11-Biology - Meiosis 4

Prophase I
● Complicated and longest phase
● Five sub phases
○ Leptotene
○ Zygotene
○ Pachytene
○ Diplotene
○ Diakinesis

Grade 11 -Biology - Meiosis 5


● Chromosomes become long distinct

● Bouquet stage
● Ends of chromosomes converged towards the
side of nucleus where the centrosome lies
● Centriole duplicates into two
● Migrates to opposite poles

Grade 11-Biology – Meiosis Source: MH Board Textbook 6


● Pairing of non-sister chromatids

● Synaptonemal complex
● Synapsis
● Bivalents or tetrads

Grade 11-Biology – Meiosis Source: MH Board Textbook 7


● Individual chromosome begins

to split
● Two similar chromatids
● Chiasmata
● Exchanged between non-sister
chromatids of homologous
chromosomes resulting in

Grade 11-Biology– Meiosis Source: MH Board Textbook 8


● Chiasmata visible in diplotene

● Repulsion between synapsed
homologous chromosomes
● Desynapsis
● Synaptonemal complex

Grade 11-Biology – Meiosis Source: MH Board Textbook 9


● Displacement of chiasmata
● Terminalization
● Nucleolus and nuclear
membrane disappear
● Spindle fibres appear

Grade 11-Biology – Meiosis Source: MH Board Textbook 10

Metaphase I

● Spindle fibres well-developed

● Tetrads orient on equator

Grade 11-Biology – Meiosis Source: MH Board Textbook 11

Anaphase I
● Homologous chromosomes towards
the opposite poles
● Disjunctions
● Two sister chromatids; do not
separate in meiosis; called
reductional division

Grade 11-Biology – Meiosis Source: MH Board Textbook 12

Telophase I

● Haploid number of
chromosomes becomes uncoiled
and elongated
● Nuclear membrane and
nucleolus reappear
● Two daughter nuclei formed

Grade 11-Biology - Meiosis 13

Cytokinesis I

● Occurs after karyokinesis

● Two haploid cells are formed
● Daughter cells pass through

Grade 11-Biology – Meiosis Source: MH Board Textbook 14

Phases of Homotypic Division
● Two haploid cells formed during first meiotic division
● Five phases
○ Prophase II
○ Metaphase II
○ Anaphase II
○ Telophase II
○ Cytokinesis II

Grade 11-Biology - Meiosis 15

Prophase II

● Condensation of chromatin material,

migration of centrioles, appearance of
mitotic apparatus, disappearance of
nuclear membrane
● Chromosome with its sister chromatids
● Nucleolus starts to disappear
● Chromosome moves towards the
opposite poles
● Mitotic apparatus

Grade 11-Biology – Meiosis Source: MH Board Textbook 16

Metaphase II

● Condensed and short

● Centromere and sister
chromatids are prominent
● Equatorial plane of cell
● Divides horizontally into two,
each with a chromatid

Grade 11-Biology – Meiosis Source: MH Board Textbook 17

Anaphase II

● Chromatids separate and form

two chromosomes
● Opposite direction by spindle
● Opposite poles of the cell

Grade 11-Biology – Meiosis Source: MH Board Textbook 18

Telophase II

● Chromosomes lose their

identity and form
chromatin fibres
● Nucleoli and nuclear
membranes reappear
● Spindle fibers breakdown
● 2 nuclei formed

Grade 11- Biology – Meiosis Source: MH Board Textbook 19

Cytokinesis II

Plant cell Animal cell

Cell plate formation Cleavage furrow formation

Centrifugal Centripetal

Formed by middle lamellae

Grade 11-Biology - Meiosis 20

Importance of Meiosis

● Produces gametes or spores

● If absent, number of chromosomes would double or quadruple
● Constant number of chromosomes in a given species across generations
● Exchange of genetic material takes place

Grade 11-Biology - Meiosis 21

Thank You
Over the next three days, we are going to learn about:
● Whittaker classification
● Acellular organisms
● Cryptogams

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we can help curate awesome courses for you and deliver superb content to give you the best
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Grade 11-Biology - Meiosis 22



Session Name – Whittaker Classification

Session Time – 7 PM daily

Dr. Manali Shah

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What we are going to learn
● Kingdom Monera
● Kingdom Protista
● Kingdom Plantae
● Kingdom Fungi
● Kingdom Animalia

Grade 11 -Biology - Whittaker Classification 3

Kingdom Monera
● Microscopic, unicellular, prokaryotic
● Omnipresent
● No well defined nucleus, have nucleoid
● Have plasmid
● Cell wall – peptidoglycan / murein
● No membrane bound organelles
● Nutrition – heterotrophic, parasitic or saprophytic . Very few autotrophic either phototrophic
or chemoautotrophic
● Reproduction – binary fission or budding or sexual reproduction by conjugation method

Grade 11 -Biology - Whittaker Classification 4

● Coccus
● Coccobacillus
● Vibrio
● Bacillus
● Spirillum
● Spirochete

Grade 11 -Biology - Whittaker Classification 5


● Primitive
● Extremophiles – found in extreme environmental condition
● Halophiles – withstand high salinities
● Thermophiles – withstand extreme temperature
● Methanogenic bacteria - found in gut of ruminants , used in biogas

Grade 11 -Biology - Whittaker Classification 6


● True bacteria
● Autotrophs – photosynthetic e.g. Chlorobium (green sulphur bacteria) and Chromatin
● - chemosynthetic bacteria e.g. sulphur bacteria
● Multicellular filaments
● Have mucilaginous sheath
● Photosynthetic pigments like chl –a, chl –b, carotent. Xanthophylls
● Cyanobacteria(Nostoc)

Grade 11 -Biology - Whittaker Classification 7

Useful bacteria

Bacteria Use

Lactobacillus Milk curdling

Azotobacter Nitrogen fixation

Streptomyces Antibiotic production

Methanogens Biogas

Pseudomonas sp Clear oil spills

Grade 11 -Biology - Whittaker Classification Source: MH Board Textbook 8

Harmful bacteria

Bacteria Disease

Salmonella typhi Typhoid

Vibrio cholera Cholera

Mycobacterium tuberculosis Tuberculosis

Clostridium tetani Tetanus

Grade 11 -Biology - Whittaker Classification Source: MH Board Textbook 9


● Smallest cells
● Lack cell wall
● Pathogenic
● Resistant to common antibiotics because they lack cell wall

Grade 11 -Biology - Whittaker Classification 10

Kingdom Protista

● Unicellular eukaryotic

Grade 11 -Biology - Whittaker Classification 11

Plant like Protists / Chrysophytes

● Phytoplanktons
● Microscopic
● Photosynthetic
● Major producers in oceans
● Diatoms – body wall like soap box of silica
● Diatomaceous earth
● Use -polishing and filtration

Grade 11 -Biology - Whittaker Classification 12

Animal like protista / Protozoans
● No cell wall
● Heterotrophs

Protozoans Feature

Amoeba Pseudopodia , free living

Entamoeba Has pseudopodia, endoparasite

Trypanosoma Fhas flagella, causes sleeping

Paramoecium Ciliated

Plasmodium Sporozoan, causes malaria

Grade 11 -Biology - Whittaker Classification 13

Grade 11 -Biology - Whittaker Classification Source: MH Board Textbook 14

● Aquatic
● Photosynthetic
● Stiff cellulosic plates
● Pair of flagella
● Photosynthetic pigment – yellow, red, blue, brown
● Gonyaulax – makes red tide

Grade 11 -Biology - Whittaker Classification Source: MH Board Textbook 15


● Lack cell wall

● Tough covering of proteinaceous pellicle
● 2 flagella – one short and one long
● Heterotrophs in absence of light
● Can do photosynthesis in presence of light

Grade 11 -Biology - Whittaker Classification Source: MH Board Textbook 16

Fungi like protista / Myxomycetes

● Saprophytes
● Plasmodium – cell aggregation
● Spores - tough

Grade 11 -Biology - Whittaker Classification 17

Kingdom Fungi
● Eukaryotic
● Heterotrophic with extracellular organisms
● Uninucleate or multinucleate
● Mycelium – body of fungi
● Hyphae – thread or fibre like structures
● Coenocytic hyphae – nonseptate multinucleated hyphae
● Cell wall – chitin
● Cell organelles- all except chloroplasts
● Nutrition – saprophytic
● Reproduction – sexual or asexual

Grade 11 -Biology - Whittaker Classification 18

● Symbiotic with algae (Lichens) or with plant roots (Mycorrhiza)
● Unicellular fungi – Yeast
● Unicellular multinucleated fungi – Rhizopus, Saccharomyces
● Penicillium – antibiotic production
● Yeast- bakeries and breweries
● Puccinia – fungal disease in plants and animals

Grade 11 -Biology - Whittaker Classification 19

Phycomycetes Ascomycetes Basidiomycetes Deuteromycetes

Other name Algal fungi Sac fungi Club fungi Imperfect fungi

Hyphae coenocytic Branched septate Branched septate -

Examples Mucor, Rhizopus ( Neurospora.Asper Mushroom, Alternaria

bread mould), gillus, Penicillium Puccinia(rusts),
Albugo ( parasitic Ustilago(smut)
fungus on

Grade 11 -Biology - Whittaker Classification Source: MH Board Textbook 20

Reproduction Phycomycetes Ascomycetes Basidiomycetes Deuteromycetes

Asexual Motile zoospores, Conidia produced Generally, not Conidia

reproduction non-motile exogenously on found
aplanospores conidiophores.
produced Conidia on
endogenously in germination
sporangium produce

Grade 11 -Biology - Whittaker Classification Source: MH Board Textbook 21

Reproduction Phycomycetes Ascomycetes Basidiomycetes Deuteromycetes

Sexual Zygospore Ascospores are Plasmogamy Either absent or

reproduction formation occurs produced in sac occurs -> fusion of not known
due to isogamy like asci (sing. two vegetative
(similar gametes ascus) cells -> give rise to
fuse) or endogenously. basidium ->
anisogamy Asci are arranged karyogamy and
(dissimilar in fruiting bodies meiosis occurs in
gametes fuse) or called ascocarps basidium to
oogamy (small produce four
flagellated male basidiospores
gamete and
large female
gamete fuse)

Grade 11 -Biology - Whittaker Classification Source: MH Board Textbook 22

Grade 11 -Biology - Whittaker Classification Source: MH Board Textbook 23
Characters Monera Protista Fungi Plantae Animalia
Cell type Prokaryotic Eukaryotic Eukaryotic Eukaryotic Eukaryotic

Cell wall Peptidoglycan Only in some Chitin Cellulose Absent

Nuclear Absent present present present present


Grade 11 -Biology - Whittaker Classification Source: MH Board Textbook 24

Characters Monera Protista Fungi Plantae Animalia
Body Unicellular Unicellular Multicellular / Tissue / organ Tissue / organ
organization loose tissue system

Mode of Heterotrophic Autotrophic Heterotrophic Autotrophic Heterotrophic

nutrition (saprophytic/p photosynthetic (saprophytic/p (photosyntheti (holozoic)
arasitic) , heterotrophic arasitic) c)
Ecological role Decomposers Producers and Decomposers Producers Consumers

Grade 11 -Biology - Whittaker Classification Source: MH Board Textbook 25

Thank You
Over the next three days, we are going to learn about:
● Acellular organisms
● Cryptogams
● Pteridophyta and Gymnosperms

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we can help curate awesome courses for you and deliver superb content to give you the best
social learning experience -

Grade 11 -Biology - Whittaker Classification 26

Systematics of Living Organisms


Session Name – Acellular Organisms

Session Time – 7 PM daily

Dr. Manali Shah

What we are going to learn
● Viruses
● Viroids
● Prions
● Lichens

Grade 11-Biology - Acellular Organisms 2

● Acellular, highly infectious, ultramicroscopic
● DNA or RNA; never both
● Covered by a protein coat (capsid); called nucleoprotein
○ Made up of capsomers
● No activity outside the body of host
● Uses the cellular machinery

Grade 11-Biology - Acellular Organisms 3

Plant Virus Animal Virus Bacteriophage

Shape Rod or Polyhedral Tadpole

Genetic RNA DNA or RNA Double stranded
DNA; head
collar, tail
Disease Tobacco Mosaic Influenza

Grade 11-Biology - Acellular Organisms 4

Viruses Viroids
High molecular weight Low molecular weight
larger Smaller
Infect plants, animals and Infect plants
ss-RNA, ds-RNA, or DNA Single stranded circular RNA
Protein coat is present Protein coat is absent
Leaf mosaic disease Tomato chloric dwarf

Grade 11-Biology - Acellular Organisms 5


● Symbiotic association between algae and fungi

● Algae – phycobiont
● Fungi - Mycobiont

Grade 11-Biology - Acellular Organisms 6

Types of Lichens

Fungal component Group of fungi

Ascolichens Ascomycetes

Basidiolichens Basidiomycetes

Deuterolichens Deuteromycetes

Grade 11-Biology - Acellular Organisms 7

Types of lichens
Crustose Foliose Fructose

structure Crust like Dry forked leaf Hair like growth

Found in On rocks and barks of On dry trees On branches,

trees cylindrical and
eg Graphis Parmelia Usnea

Grade 11-Biology - Acellular Organisms 8

Lichen Use

Parmelia Curry powder

Cladonia , Parmelia fodder

Usnea Antibiotics

Dyes, tanning,soaps, cosmetics

Lasallia Litmus indicator

Grade 11-Biology - Acellular Organisms 9

A. Which of the following shows single
stranded RNA and lacks protein coat?
a. Bacteriophage b. Plant virus
c. Viroid d. Animal virus

B. Causative agent of red tide is

a. Dinoflagellate b. Euglenoid
c. Chrysophyte d. Lichen

Grade 11-Biology - Acellular Organisms Source: MH Board Textbook 10

● C. Select odd one out for Heterotrophic

a. Nitrogen fixing bacteria
b. Lactobacilli
c. Methanogens
d. Antibiotic production

● Paramoecium : Ciliated Protist

Plasmodium : ____________
a. Amoeboid protozoan b. Ciliophora
c. Flagellate protozoan d. Sporozoan
Grade 11-Biology - Acellular Organisms Source: MH Board Textbook 11
Match the following

Kingdom Examples
Monera Lichen
Protista Cyanobacteria
Plantae Rhizopus
Fungi Spirogyra

Grade 11-Biology - Acellular Organisms Source: MH Board Textbook 12

Grade 11-Biology - Acellular Organisms Source: MH Board Textbook 13
Grade 11-Biology - Acellular Organisms Source: MH Board Textbook 14
Grade 11-Biology - Acellular Organisms Source: MH Board Textbook 15
Grade 11-Biology - Acellular Organisms Source: MH Board Textbook 16
Grade 11-Biology - Acellular Organisms Source: MH Board Textbook 17
Grade 11-Biology - Acellular Organisms Source: MH Board Textbook 18
● The connecting link between Meiosis-I
and Meiosis-II is ...............
a. interphase-I b. interphase-II
c. interkinesis d. anaphase-I
B. Synapsis is pairing of .............
a. any two chromosomes
b. non-homologous chromosomes
c. sister chromatids
d. homologous chromosomes

Grade 11-Biology - Acellular Organisms Source: MH Board Textbook 19

● Spindle apparatus is formed during which
stage of mitosis?
a. Prophase. b. Metaphase.
c. Anaphase. d. Telophase.
D. Chromosome number of a cell is almost
doubled up during ...............
a. G
1-phase b. S-phase
c. G
2-phase d. G0-phase

Grade 11-Biology - Acellular Organisms Source: MH Board Textbook 20

● How many meiotic divisions are
necessary for formation of 80 sperms?
a. 80 b. 40 c. 20 d. 10
F. How many chromatids are present in
anaphase-I of meiosis-I of a diploid cell
having 20 chromosomes?
a. 4 b. 6 c. 20 d. 40

Grade 11-Biology - Acellular Organisms Source: MH Board Textbook 21

● Histone proteins are synthesized during
a. G
1 phase b. S-phase
c. G
2 phase d. Interphase

Grade 11-Biology - Acellular Organisms Source: MH Board Textbook 22

● While observing a slide, student observed many cells with nuclei. But some of the
nuclei were bigger as compared to others but their nuclear membrane was not so
clear. Teacher inferred it as one of the phase in the cell division. Which phase
may be inferred by teacher?

Grade 11-Biology - Acellular Organisms Source: MH Board Textbook 23

● Students prepared a slide of onion root tip. There were many cells seen under
microscope. There was a cell with two groups of chromosomes at opposite ends
of the cell. This cell is in which phase of mitosis?

Grade 11-Biology - Acellular Organisms Source: MH Board Textbook 24

● Students prepared a slide of onion root tip. There were many cells seen under
microscope. There was a cell with two groups of chromosomes at opposite ends
of the cell. This cell is in which phase of mitosis?

Grade 11-Biology - Acellular Organisms Source: MH Board Textbook 25

● Students prepared a slide of onion root tip. There were many cells seen under
microscope. There was a cell with two groups of chromosomes at opposite ends
of the cell. This cell is in which phase of mitosis?

Grade 11-Biology - Acellular Organisms Source: MH Board Textbook 26

● Students prepared a slide of onion root tip. There were many cells seen under
microscope. There was a cell with two groups of chromosomes at opposite ends
of the cell. This cell is in which phase of mitosis?

Grade 11-Biology - Acellular Organisms Source: MH Board Textbook 27

Phases Events
Leptotene Crossing over
Zygotene Desynapsis
Pachytene Synapsis
Diplotene Bouquet stage

Grade 11-Biology - Acellular Organisms Source: MH Board Textbook 28

● If an onion has 16 chromosomes in its leaf cell, how many chromosomes will be there
in its root cell and pollen grain.

Grade 11-Biology - Acellular Organisms Source: MH Board Textbook 29

Thank You
Over the next three days, we are going to learn about:
● Cryptogams
● Pteridophyta and Gymnosperms
● Competition

Please share your valuable feedback on Noon Academy Platform experience and Classes, so that
we can help curate awesome courses for you and deliver superb content to give you the best
social learning experience -

Grade 11-Biology - Acellular Organisms Source: MH Board Textbook 30



Session Name – Cryptogams

Session Time – 7 PM daily

Dr. Manali Shah

What we are going to learn
● Thallophyta
● Bryophyta

Grade 11 -Biology - Cryptogams 2

Kingdom Plantae
● Multicellular
● Eukaryotic
● Autotrophic
● Have cell wall of cellulose
● Have chloroplasts

Grade 11 -Biology - Cryptogams 3

Cryptogamae Phanerogamae

Sex organs concealed Visible

seed Not produced Produced

Ovule absent Present

flowers never May or may not

types Thallophyta, Bryophyta, Gymnosperms and

Pteridophyta Angiosperms

Grade 11 -Biology - Cryptogams 4

Thallophyta / Algae

● Aquatic
● Thalloid – undifferentiated into root, stem and leaves
● Cell wall – polysaccharides / cellulose
● Reserve food material - starch
● Photosynthetic pigments - Chl- a, chl –b, chl – c, chl – d, carotene, xanthophyll
● Reproduction – vegetative, asexual, sexual
● Life cycle – alternation of generation , dominant haploid and dependent reduced diploid

Grade 11 -Biology - Cryptogams 5

Algae importance
Chlorella Unicellular. Non-motile
Chlamydomonas Unicellular, Motile
Spirogyra Multicellular unbranched
Chara, Spirogyra Multicellular, branched

Grade 11 -Biology - Cryptogams 6

Chlorophyceae Phaeophyceae Rhodophyceae

colour Red algae Brown algae Brown algae

Found in fresh water marine Both,brackish

Plant body Unicellular, colonial, Branched filamentous (has Thalloid

filamentous holdfast and stipe, frond)

Cell wall cellulose Cellulose, algin, fucan Cellulose, pectin

Reserve food Starch Mannitol, laminarin Floridean starch

Pigments Chlorophyll- a and b Chl-a, chl-c, fucoxanthin Chl-a, chl-d, phycoerythrin

eg Spirogyra, Chara, Chlorella, Ectocarpus, Fucus, Laminaria, Porphyra, Gracillia,

Chlamydomonas, Sargassum

Grade 11 -Biology - Cryptogams 7

Type Importance

Chlorophyceae Rich in food, as protein source by space travellers

Phaecophyceae As food or production of hydrocolloids

Rhodophyceae To make agar-agar

Grade 11 -Biology - Cryptogams 8

Economic Importance of Algae

Chlorella, Sargassum, Porphyra Food

Alginic acid Kelps

Hydrocolloids Brown algae

Agar Gracillaria

Fodder Brown algae like seaweeds

Grade 11 -Biology - Cryptogams 9

Role of Algae in Environment

● Photosynthetic – So algae increase level of dissolved oxygen in aquatic environment

● Primary producers for aquatic environment

Grade 11 -Biology - Cryptogams 10


● Amphibians of plant kingdom – they survive on land but need water for fertilization and
completion of their life cycle
● Show alternation of generations – gametophyte and saprophyte
● Plant body –gametophyte - thalloid or leafy
● sporophyte – capsule which producing spores
● Rhizoids – root like structure which absorbs water and minerals
○ Fixation of thallus on the substratum

Grade 11 -Biology - Cryptogams 11

Liverworts / hepaticae
● Primitive
● Gametophyte – thallus (flat body)
● Thallus – dorsoventrally flattened , green prostrate, unicellular rhizoids
○ For example, Riccia, Marchantia
● Hornworts – flattened thalluses which produce horned structures as sporophytes eg.,

Grade 11 -Biology - Cryptogams 12

Mosses / Musci
● Advanced
● Posses erect plant body
● Gametophytic phase – 2 stages
● Protonema - prostrate , green, branched, filamentous, has buds
● Leafy stage – erect slender stem (Cauloid) bearing spiral leaf like (Phylloid)
○ Fixed in soil with multicellular branched rhizoids
○ It bears sex organs
● Vegetative reproduction – fragmentation and budding
● Eg – Funaria,

Grade 11 -Biology - Cryptogams 13

Economic Importance

● Food for herbivorous mammals, birds

● Sphagnum – provides peat as fuel
● Mosses - packaging transport material for transport of living materials because they have
significant water holding capacity
● Mosses and lichens – help in weathering of rocks
● Prevent soil erosion and act as soil binders

Grade 11 -Biology - Cryptogams 14

Thallophyta Bryophyta
aquatic Terrestrial and need water for
Thallus – unicellular/multicellular Multicellular
Motile and nonmotile gametes Non Motile gametes except male
Rhizoids absent Rhizoids present

Grade 11 -Biology - Cryptogams 15

Thank You
Over the next three days, we are going to learn about:
● Cryptogams
● Pteridophyta and Gymnosperms
● Competition

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we can help curate awesome courses for you and deliver superb content to give you the best
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Grade 11 -Biology - Cryptogams 16



Session Name – Pteridophyta and Gymnosperms

Session Time – 7 PM daily

Dr. Manali Shah

What we are going to learn
● Pteridophyta
● Gymnospermae

Grade 11-Biology – Pteridophyta and Gymnosperms 2

● First vascular and true land plants
● Habitat –

in moist and shady places Ferns

Aquatic Azolla
Xerophytic Equisetum
Epiphytic Lycopodium

Grade 11-Biology – Pteridophyta and Gymnosperms 3

● Plant body – root, stem and leaves
● Primary root- short lived, replaced by adventitious roots
● Stem –aerial or underground
● Leaves

Scaly Equisetum
Simple and sessile Lycopodium
Microphylls Selaginella
Pinnately compound Ferns

Grade 11-Biology – Pteridophyta and Gymnosperms 4

● Vascular tissue – imperfect
● Xylem has only tracheids and phloem consists of only sieve cells
● Secondary growth – absent (no cambium)
● Alternation of generations - heteromorphic alternation–
o sporophyte – diploid, dominant, autotrophic and independent
o gametophyte – haploid, multicellular, autotrophic, short lived

Grade 11-Biology – Pteridophyta and Gymnosperms 5


● Seed bearing plants

Grade 11-Biology – Pteridophyta and Gymnosperms 6


● Evergreen, woody
● Imperfect vascular tissues- xylem with tracheids and phloem with sieve cells
● No flower
● Naked seeds
● Body – sporophyte , with root, stem and leaves
● Root- tap root system
● Stem – aerial , erect, solid, unbranched, cylindrical
● Secondary growth present (due to cambium)

Grade 11-Biology – Pteridophyta and Gymnosperms 7

● Leaves - dimorphic
o Foliage leaves – green, simple needle like or pinnately compound
o Scale leaves – small , membranous, brown
● Spores – produced by Microsporophyll (male) and megasporophyll(female)
● Symbiotic association
o between Cycas and blue green algae
o between Pinus and endophytic fungi called mycorrhizae
● Single fertilization

Grade 11-Biology – Pteridophyta and Gymnosperms 8

Example Importance

Cycas Ornamental plant

Pinus Source of pine wood, pine oil, resin

Zamia pygmaea Smallest gymnosperm

Sequoia sempervirens Coast redwood of California

Ginkgo biloba Living fossil

Grade 11-Biology – Pteridophyta and Gymnosperms 9

● Highly evolved
● Flower present
● Seeds enclosed in fruit
● Flower has essential and accessory whorls
● Heterosporous
o Microspores / pollen - formed in anther
o Megaspores / ovules – formed in ovary

Grade 11-Biology – Pteridophyta and Gymnosperms 10

● Double fertilization
● Alternation of generation – heteromorphic
● Sporophyte – diploid, dominant, autotrophic , independent
● Gametophyte – haploid, reduced and concealed

Grade 11-Biology – Pteridophyta and Gymnosperms 11

Point Dicotyledonae Monocotyledonae
cotyledons two One
Roots tap Adventitious
Venation Reticulate Parallel
Flower symmetry Tetramerous/ Pentamerous Trimerous
Vascular bundles Conjoint, collateral, open Conjoint, collateral, closed

Cambium present Absent

Secondary growth present absent

Grade 11-Biology – Pteridophyta and Gymnosperms 12

Alternation of Generation

Grade 11-Biology – Pteridophyta and Gymnosperms Source: MH Board Textbook 13

Grade 11-Biology – Pteridophyta and Gymnosperms Source: MH Board Textbook 14
Points Bryophyta Pteridophyta

vessels Non-vascular Vascular

Plant body thalloid Root, stem, leaves present

Dominant phase gametophyte Sporophyte

Grade 11-Biology – Pteridophyta and Gymnosperms 15

Thank You
Over the next three days, we are going to learn about:
● Competition
● Kingdom Animalia – first 5 phyla
● Kingdom Animalia – next 5 phyla

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we can help curate awesome courses for you and deliver superb content to give you the best
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Grade 11-Biology – Pteridophyta and Gymnosperms 16



Session Name – First 4 Phyla

Session Time – 7.30 PM daily

Dr. Manali Shah

What we are going to learn

● Criteria for classification

● Phylum porifera
● Phylum Cnidaria
● Phylum Ctenophora
● Phylum Aschelminthes

Grade 11 – Biology – First 4 phyla 2

Kingdom Animalia

● Multicellular and Eukaryotic

● Habitat – aquatic, amphibian, terrestrial, aerial
● No cell wall, no plastids, no central vacuole
● Centrosome and centrioles present
● Locomotory organs present except in sponges
● Reproduction – mainly sexually but can be asexually
● Nutrition – heterotrophic , mainly holozoic
● Growth is determinate

Grade 11 – Biology – First 4 phyla 3

Criteria used for classification
● Grades of organization
● Animal body plan
● Body symmetry
● Body cavity
● Germ layers
● Segmentation

Grade 11 – Biology – First 4 phyla 4

Cellular organization

● Cellular
● Cell- tissue
● Tissue-organ

Grade 11 – Biology – First 4 phyla 5

Animal Body plan

Type Description Example

Cell aggregate plan Minimal differentiation and Porifera
division of labor
Bind sac Single opening for ingestion Cnidaria
and egestion
Tube within tube 2 separate openings, one Annelida onwards
mouth and other anus

Grade 11 – Biology – First 4 phyla 6

Germ layers

Diploblastic Cnidaria, Ctenophora

Triploblastic Platyhelminthes onwards

Grade 11 – Biology – First 4 phyla 7

Body cavity

● Acoelomates
● Pseudocoelomates
● Coelomates

Grade 11 – Biology – First 4 phyla 8

Body symmetry

Asymmetrical Porifera

Radial symmetry Cnidaria , Echinodermata

Bilateral symmetry All others

Grade 11 – Biology – First 4 phyla 9

Points Non-chordates Chordates
Notochord absent Present

Neural tube Solid and ventral Has canal and dorsal

Heart Dorsal Ventral

Pharyngeal gills Absent present

Grade 11 – Biology – First 4 phyla 10

Phylum Porifera

● Sponges
● Habitat - Aquatic , mostly marine, some fresh water
● Forms – sedentary
● Body plan – cell aggregate
● Symmetry – asymmetrical
● Cavity – spongocoel

Grade 11 – Biology – First 4 phyla 11

● Body surface – minute pores ostia( water enters), one major opening called osculum ( water
● Circulation – water canal system
● Endoskeleton – made up of calcareous or siliceous spicules or proteinaceous spongin fibres
● Speciality – has flagellated choanocytes/ collar cells, flagella creates water current.
● Reproduction – asexual – fragmentation and gemmule formation
● - sexual - formation of gametes
● Fertilization – Internal
● Indirect larval stage
● Eg – Sycha, Euspongia, Euplectella
Grade 11 – Biology – First 4 phyla 12
Phylum - Cnidaria
● Habitat - Aquatic , mostly marine, some fresh water
● Forms – sessile or free swimming
● Body plan – blind sac
● Symmetry – radial symmetry
● Cavity – coelenteron , helps for digestion and circulation
● Body form – cylindrical polyp and umbrella shaped medusa

Grade 11 – Biology – First 4 phyla 13

● Digestion – internal and external
● Speciality – has tentacles, which bear cnidoblasts or stinging cells for anchorage, offence and
● Reproduction – asexual – fragmentation and budding
● Metagenesis - alternation of generation between polypoid and medusoid generation
● Polyps reproduce asexually, medusa reproduces sexually
● Eg – Hydra , Aurelia, Obelia , Sea anemone

Grade 11 – Biology – First 4 phyla 14

Phylum Ctenophora
● Comb jellies or sea walnuts
● Habitat - Aquatic marine
● Forms –free swimming
● Body plan – blind sac
● Organization – tissue level
● Symmetry – radial symmetry
● Germ cells - diploblastic

Grade 11 – Biology – First 4 phyla 15

● Digestion – intracellular
● Speciality – bioluminescence
● Reproduction – sexual with indirect development
● Have colloblasts to capture prey
● Eg – Ctenoplana, Pleurobrachia

Grade 11 – Biology – First 4 phyla 16

Phylum Platyhelminthes
● Flatworms
● Habitat –endoparasite mostly, some free living
● Body plan – blind sac
● Organization - organ system
● Symmetry – bilateral symmetry
● Germ cells – triploblastic
● Cavity - acoelomate

Grade 11 – Biology – First 4 phyla 17

● Digestion absent
● Speciality have suckers or hooks for attachment of to the body of host
● Exoskeleton – thick cuticle for endoparasites, cilia for free living
● Excretion / osmoregulation – flame cells/ protonephridia
● Reproduction – hermaphrodites, self fertilization
● Have high power of regeneration and polyembryony
● Eg Planaria m Taenia, liver fluke

Grade 11 – Biology – First 4 phyla 18

Thank You
Over the next three days, we are going to learn about:
● Kingdom Animalia – first 4 phyla
● Kingdom Animalia – next 6 phyla
● Phylum Chordata

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Grade 11 – Biology – First 4 phyla 19


Session Name – Last 2 Phyla, Urochordata and Cephalochordata

Session Time – 7.30 PM daily

Dr. Manali Shah

What we are going to learn

● Phylum Echinodermata
● Phylum Hemichordata

Grade 11 – Biology – Last 4 Phyla, Urochordata and Cephalochordata 2

Phylum Echinodermata
● Habitat – marine
● Forms – solitary, free living or sedentary , benthic or gregarious
● Body plan – tube within tube , soft bodied
● Symmetry – radial symmetry with pentamerous symmetry
● Shape – spherical, elongated or star-shaped

Grade 11 – Biology – Last 4 Phyla, Urochordata and Cephalochordata 3

● Body parts - lacks definite division, has 2 sides oral and aboral, mouth is ventral and anus
● Speciality –Water vascular system - have Madreporite is opening of water vascular system
through which water enters
● Water is needed for locomotion, food capturing, respiration
● Digestion - complete system
● Endoskeleton – calcareous ossicles
● Exoskeleton – spines on the body
● Excretion / osmoregulation absent

Grade 11 – Biology – Last 4 Phyla, Urochordata and Cephalochordata 4

● Nervous system - nerve ring around mouth and radial nerves in arms
● Circulation – absent
● Respiration- peristomial gills, respiratory tree

Grade 11 – Biology – Last 4 Phyla, Urochordata and Cephalochordata 5

● Reproduction – separate sexes
● Fertilization – external
● Development – indirect through larval stages
● High power of regeneration
● For example, Sea lily, Sea urchin, Star fish

Grade 11 – Biology – Last 4 Phyla, Urochordata and Cephalochordata 6

Phylum Hemichordata

● Habitat – marine , live in burrows at the bottom of sea

● Forms – free living ,( sedentary – Rhabdopleura)
● Body plan – soft, unsegmented, vermiform
● Body parts- proboscis , collar trunk
● Symmetry – bilateral symmetry

Grade 11 – Biology – Last 4 Phyla, Urochordata and Cephalochordata 7

● Speciality –connecting link between non-chordates and chordates
● Digestion - U shaped, complete , buccal cavity has buccal diverticulum
● Nervous system - in epidermis on both sides
● Circulation – open
● Respiration- pharyngeal gills with gill slits

Grade 11 – Biology – Last 4 Phyla, Urochordata and Cephalochordata 8

● Reproduction – separate sexes
● Fertilization – external
● Development – indirect through larval stages
● For example, Balanoglossus

Grade 11 – Biology – Last 4 Phyla, Urochordata and Cephalochordata 9

Phylum Chordata
● Notochord present in atleast in embryonic stage
● Nerve cord –single, dorsal, non-ganglionated
● Ventral heart
● Pharyngeal gill slits
● Post-anal tail

Grade 11 – Biology – Last 4 Phyla, Urochordata and Cephalochordata 10

Sub-phylum Urochordata

● Habitat – marine
● Body covering – tunic made up of tunicine
● Notochord- present in tail in larval state, which is lost during metamorphosis
● Respiration - pharyngeal gill slits
● Circulation – closed
● Reproduction – indirect
● For example, Herdmania, Doliolum

Grade 11 – Biology – Last 4 Phyla, Urochordata and Cephalochordata 11

Sub-phylum Cephalochordata
● Lancelets
● Small fish like animals , maximum 5 cm size
● Notochord – in entire body , persists throughout life
● Post anal tail
● Circulatory system – close, blood laks pigment
● For example, Branchiostoma

Grade 11 – Biology – Last 4 Phyla, Urochordata and Cephalochordata 12

Sub-phylum - Vertebrata
● The notochord is replaced by cartilaginous or bony vertebral column
● Divided into –
○ Agnatha – lacks jaws
■ has only one class Cyclostomata
○ Gnathostomata – has jaw
■ divided into 2 superclasses – Pisces and Tetrapoda

Grade 11 – Biology – Last 4 Phyla, Urochordata and Cephalochordata 13

Class Cyclostomata
● Jawless eel –like organisms
● Skin – devoid of scales, soft, smooth, contains unicellular mucus glands
● Median fin present, but paired fins absent
● Ectoparasites on fishes
● Sucking circular mouth, no jaws
● Cranium and vertebral column – made up of cartilage

Grade 11 – Biology – Last 4 Phyla, Urochordata and Cephalochordata 14

Class Cyclostomata
● Lacks stomach in digestive system
● Respiration - 6 – 15 gill slits
● Heart – 2 chambered, 1 auricle and 1 ventricle
● Single large gonad, no gonoduct
● External fertilization
● Petromyzon (Lamprey), Myxine(Hagfish)

Grade 11 – Biology – Last 4 Phyla, Urochordata and Cephalochordata 15

Thank You
Over the next three days, we are going to learn about:
● Phylum Chordata

● Chapter revision and questions

● Epithelial tissue

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we can help curate awesome courses for you and deliver superb content to give you the best
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Grade 11 – Biology – Last 4 Phyla, Urochordata and Cephalochordata 16



Session Name – Phylum Chordata

Session Time – 7.30 PM daily

Dr. Manali Shah

What we are going to learn

● Phylum Chordata

Grade 11 – Biology – Phylum Chordata 2

Chondrichthyes (Cartilaginous fishes) Osteichthyes (Bony fishes)

Endoskeleton is made of cartilage Made of bones

Exoskeleton – minute scales called placoid scales Large, flat, overlapping cycloid or ctenoid scales

Mouth is ventral Terminal

5-7 pairs of gill slits w/o operculum 4 pairs covered by operculum

Caudal fin is heterocercal Homocercal

Males have claspers Lack claspers

Air bladder is absent Present to maintain buoyancy; no need to constantly swim

Fertilization is internal External

Viviparous animals Oviparous

Scoliodon (dogfish), pristis (sawfish) Exocoetus (flying fish), hippocampus (sea horse)

Grade 11 – Biology – Phylum Chordata 3

● Group of vertebrates
● Includes amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals
● Two pairs of appendages

Grade 11 – Biology – Phylum Chordata 4


● Live on land as well as water (fresh water only)

● Poikilothermic
● Neck and tail absent
● Two pairs of limbs arise from the pectoral and pelvic girdles
● Skin is moist and glandular with mucous glands
● Exoskeleton absent
● Eyelids are present
● Tympanum represents ear

Grade 11 – Biology – Phylum Chordata 5

● Excretory products, digestive products and gametes released through common chamber
● Closed circulatory system
● Heart three chambered and ventral
● RBCs are biconvex and nucleated
● Oviparous
● Exhibit metamorphosis
● Rana (frog), bufo (toad), Salamandra (salamander)
● Ichthyophis is limbless

Grade 11 – Biology – Phylum Chordata 6

● Habitat
○ Crawling animals
○ First true terrestrial vertebrates
● Locomotion
○ Limbs are pentadactyl with clawed digits
○ Snakes are limbless
● Poikilotherms
● Exoskeleton
○ Dry, non-glandular
○ Spidermal scales or scutes
○ Lizards and snakes shed

Grade 11 – Biology – Phylum Chordata 7

● Tympanum is present
● Circulatory system
○ Two complete auricles
○ Ventricles are incompletely partitioned
○ Heart not perfectly four chambered, except crocodile
● Nervous system
○ Olfactory lobes are cerebellum better developed
● Reproduction
○ Fertilization is internal
○ Oviparous, except viper which is viviparous
● Naja naja (cobra), testudo (tortoise)

Grade 11 – Biology – Phylum Chordata 8

● Habitat
○ aerial
● Locomotion
○ Forelimbs - Modified to wings for flying
○ Hindlimbs – for walking, running,
○ In aquatic birds – webbed toes, helps in swimming eg, Duck
● Homeotherms
● Exoskeleton- feathers, scale are present on hind limbs
● Skin is dry, scaly and non glandular

Grade 11 – Biology – Phylum Chordata 9

● Body shape – streamlined
● Endoskeleton - hollow bones
● Digestion – jaws modified to beaks. Teeth absent . They have crop and gizzard .
● Circulatory system – double circulation, red due to biconvex and nucleated RBCs.
● Respiratory system – lungs , presence of air cavities
● Nervous system – cerebellum fro equilibrium
● Reproduction – separate sexes, female has only left ovary and left oviduct
● Oviparous
● Well developed parental care
● Eg – Pigeon, Crow

Grade 11 – Biology – Phylum Chordata 10


● Habitat
○ omnipresent
● Locomotion - 2 pairs of limbs
● Homeotherms
● Exoskeleton- hair, fur, nails, hooves ,
● Skin is sweta , sebaceous glands
● Mouth - heterodont

Grade 11 – Biology – Phylum Chordata 11

● Circulation – ventral heart, 4 chambered, enucleated RBC(except camel)
● Respiration – lungs
● Nervous system – corpus callosum
● Reproduction –
● Oviparous -= duck billed platypus
● Marsupials – has pouches fro development of immature young ones
● Placental and viviparous
● Eg – human , kangaroo, etx

Grade 11 – Biology – Phylum Chordata 12

Thank You
Over the next three days, we are going to learn about:
● Chapter revision and questions

● Epithelial tissue

● Quiz and Competition

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we can help curate awesome courses for you and deliver superb content to give you the best
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Grade 11 – Biology – Phylum Chordata 13



Session Name – Epithelial Tissue

Session Time – 7.30 PM daily

Dr. Manali Shah

What we are going to learn

● Epithelial tissue
● Cell Junctions

Grade 11 – Biology – Epithelial Tissue 2

Epithelial Tissue
● Covering on inner and outer surface
● Intercellular matrix
● Cells rest on non-cellular basement membrane
● Polygonal, cuboidal, or columnar in shape
● Single nucleus is present
● Tissue is avascular
● Good regeneration capacity
● Function
○ Protection
○ Helps in absorption, transport, filtration and secretion

Grade 11 – Biology – Epithelial Tissue 3

Types of Epithelial Tissue

● Simple epithelium
○ Single layer of cells
● Compound epithelium
○ Composed of several layers

Grade 11 – Biology – Epithelial Tissue 4

Squamous epithelial

● Flat, thin, polygonal with serrated margin.

● Fit together like tiles of footpath. Called
pavement epithelium.
● Prominent spherical or oval nucleus is
present at the centre of the cell.
● In blood vessels, alveoli, coelom, etc.
● Functions
○ Protection, absorption, transport,
filtration, secretion

Grade 11 – Biology – Epithelial Tissue Source: MH Board Textbook 5

Cuboidal epithelial

● In the lining of pancreatic ducts,

salivary duct, proximal and distal
convoluted tubules of nephron
● Cuboidal
● Centrally placed, spherical nucleus
● Functions
○ Absorption and secretion

Grade 11 – Biology – Epithelial Tissue Source: MH Board Textbook 6

Columnar epithelium

● In inner lining of intestine,

gallbladder, gastric glands, intestinal
● Tall, pillar like
● Nucleus is oval or elliptical in the
lower half
● Large number of microvilli
● Function
○ Secretion and absorption

Grade 11 – Biology – Epithelial Tissue Source: MH Board Textbook 7

Ciliated epithelium

● In inner lining of buccal cavity of frog, nasal cavity,

trachea, oviduct of vertebrates
● Cuboidal or columnar
● Broad while narrow ends rest on a basement membrane
● Hair-like cilia
● Nucleus is oval and at basal end of the cell
● Function
○ Prevention of entry of foreign particles in the
trachea, pushing of the ovum through the oviduct

Grade 11 – Biology – Epithelial Tissue Source: MH Board Textbook 8

Glandular epithelium
● Columnar, cuboidal, pyramidal
● Secretory granules
● Glands
● Unicellular (goblet cells of intestine), multicellular
(salivary gland)
● Exocrine gland
● Endocrine gland
● Function
○ Secrets mucus, lubricate inner surface of
respiratory and digestive tracts
○ Secrete enzymes and hormones
Grade 11 – Biology – Epithelial Tissue Source: MH Board Textbook 9
Sensory epithelium

● Modified form of columnar cells and

elongated neurosensory cells
● Sensory hair
● In nose (olfactory), ear (auditory hair
cells), eye (photoreceptors)
● Function
○ Perceives external as well as
internal stimuli

Grade 11 – Biology – Epithelial Tissue Source: MH Board Textbook 10

Germinal epithelial

● Epithelium divide meiotically to produce haploid gametes

● Lining of seminiferous tubules, inner lining of ovary

Grade 11 – Biology – Epithelial Tissue 11

Compound Epithelium
● Many layers of cells
● Stratified
○ Nucleus in stratum germinativum (basal layer)
○ Cells at free surface become flat and lack nucleus called stratum corneum
○ Function
○ Protection – epidermis of skin, oesophagus, cornea
● Transitional
○ Structure same as stratified
○ Cells undergo change in shape and structure depending on degree of stretch
○ Function
○ Distension of order – urinary bladder

Grade 11 – Biology – Epithelial Tissue Source: MH Board Textbook 12

Cell Junctions

● The epithelial cells are connected to each other laterally as well as to the basement
membrane by junctional complexes called cell junctions
● Types
○ Gap Junctions (GJs)
○ Adherens Junctions (AJs)
○ Desmosomes (Ds)
○ Hemidesmosomes (HDs)
○ Tight Junctions (TJs)

Grade 11 – Biology – Epithelial Tissue 13

● Gap Junctions
○ Intercellular connections that allow the passage of ions and small molecules between
cells as well as exchange of chemical messages between cells
● Adherens Junctions
○ Involved in various signalling pathways and transcriptional regulations
● Desmosomes
○ Provide mechanical strength to epithelial tissue, cardiac muscles and meninges

Grade 11 – Biology – Epithelial Tissue 14

● Hemidesmosomes
○ Allow the cells to strongly adhere to the underlying basement membrane. Help
maintain tissue homeostasis by signaling
● Tight Junctions
○ Maintain cell polarity, prevent lateral diffusion of proteins and ions

Grade 11 – Biology – Epithelial Tissue 15

Thank You
Over the next three days, we are going to learn about:
● Quiz and Competition

● Connective Tissue and Supporting Connective tissue

● Muscular tissue

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we can help curate awesome courses for you and deliver superb content to give you the best
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Grade 11 – Biology – Epithelial Tissue 16



Session Name – Connective Tissue and Supporting Connective Tissue

Session Time – 7.30 PM daily

Dr. Manali Shah

What we are going to learn

● Connective tissue
● Supporting connective tissue

Grade 11 – Biology – Connective Tissue and Supporting Connective Tissue 2

Areolar Connective Tissue

Grade 11 – Biology – Connective Tissue and Supporting Connective Tissue Source: MH Board Textbook 3
● White fibres
● Yellow fibres
● Fibroblast
● Mast cells
● Macrophages
● Adipocytes (fat cells)
● Functions
○ Packing material
○ Helps in healing process
○ Connects different organs and layers of tissues

Grade 11 – Biology – Connective Tissue and Supporting Connective Tissue 4

Adipose Tissue
● With areolar
● Beneath the skin, around the kidneys, between internal organs
● Structure
● Large number of adipocytes
● Rounded or polygonal
● Fats in form of droplets in adipocytes, so nucleus shifts towards periphery
● Matrix less, fibres and blood vessels few
○ White adipose tissue
○ Brown adipose tissue
● Good insulator, shock absorber, source of energy

Grade 11 – Biology – Connective Tissue and Supporting Connective Tissue 5

Grade 11 – Biology – Connective Tissue and Supporting Connective Tissue Source: MH Board Textbook 6
● Two types of dense connective tissue
○ Dense regular connective tissue
○ Dense irregular connective tissue
● Tendons

Grade 11 – Biology – Connective Tissue and Supporting Connective Tissue 7


Grade 11 – Biology – Connective Tissue and Supporting Connective Tissue Source: MH Board Textbook 8
Supportive Connective Tissue

● Presence of hard matrix

○ Cartilage
○ Bone

Grade 11 – Biology – Connective Tissue and Supporting Connective Tissue 9

Grade 11 – Biology – Connective Tissue and Supporting Connective Tissue Source: MH Board Textbook 10
● Calcified cartilage

Grade 11 – Biology – Connective Tissue and Supporting Connective Tissue Source: MH Board Textbook 11
Cartilage Bone

Matrix covered by perichondrium Surrounded by periosteum

Flexible Rigid

Haversian absent Present in mammalian bones

Matrix made up of chondrin Made up of ossein

Grade 11 – Biology – Connective Tissue and Supporting Connective Tissue 12

Bone Structure

Grade 11 – Biology – Connective Tissue and Supporting Connective Tissue Source: MH Board Textbook 13
Thank You
Over the next three days, we are going to learn about:
● Muscular tissue

● Nervous tissue

● Excretion and excretory products

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Grade 11 – Biology – Connective Tissue and Supporting Connective Tissue 14

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