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Bio Eoc Review Session 1 Questions 11-12

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SESSION 1: Biochemistry & Cells

Background Information:
Carbohydrates: 1. Elements- CHO (carbon,
hydrogen & oxygen)
2. Monomer (building block- saccharides
3. Function- energy & structure
4. exs- glucose, sucrose (table sugar), starch &
Lipids: 1. Elements- CHOP
2. Monomer- 3 fatty acids & glycerol
3. Function- fat & oil give energy, cholesterol
and phospholipid for membrane, steroid=
chemical messenger
4. exs- fats, oils, waxes, steroids, cholesterol &

Proteins: 1. Elements- CHONS

2. Monomer- amino acids (20)
3. Function- structural, protein channels,
enzymes speed up reactions, insulin
4. exs- collagen & hemoglobin
Nucleic Acids: 1. Elements- CHOP
2. Monomer- nucleotide (sugar, phosphate & a
base- A, T, C & G)
3. Function- store & transmit hereditary
4. exs- DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid &
ribonucleic acid)

Cells: Prokaryotes (bacteria): lack a nucleus, few organelles; Eukaryotes (everything else: including
plants & animals): have a nucleus & many organelles
Plant cells: have a vacuole (store water), chloroplasts (carry out photosynthesis), and a cell wall made
of cellulose
Animal cells: centrioles (for division), NO CELL WALL, NO CHLOROPLASTS!
ALL CELLS: have a cell membrane, cytoplasm, genetic material (DNA or RNA), and ribosomes (site of
protein synthesis)
1. The diagram to the right is the monomer of nucleic acids. What is this monomer?
a. amino acid
b. saccharide
c. 3 fatty acids & glycerol
d. nucleotide

2. The diagram above represents which of the following biomolecules?

a. carbohydrate
b. protein
c. lipid
d. nucleic acid

3. The diagram to the right represents which of the following biomolecules?

a. carbohydrate
b. protein
c. lipid
d. nucleic acid

4. The diagram to the right represents which of the following biomolecules?

a. carbohydrate
b. protein
c. lipid
d. nucleic acid

Nitrogen (N) is used and reused by various organisms and processes as it cycles through
the environment.
5. Study the statement above. Nitrogen is NOT a part of which of these biomolecules?
a. enzyme
b. amino acid
c. nucleic acid
d. carbohydrates
6. Study the statement above. Why is nitrogen important to living things?
a. Nitrogen is a key component of all carbohydrates.
b. Nitrogen is a key component of proteins.
c. Nitrogen is a key component of cellulose.
d. Nitrogen is a key component of lipids.
Specific biomolecules serve various functions in the body.
7. Study the statement above. Identify the molecule, which is broken down during respiration
forming water and carbon dioxide and releasing energy.
a. deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA)
b. glucose
c. nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD+)
d. hemoglobin
8. Study the statement given above. Identify the molecule which forms when the chemical bond
between two phosphate groups in an ATP molecule is broken.
a. hemoglobin
b. glucose
c. adenosine diphosphate (ADP)
d. nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD+)
9. Study the statement above. Identify the molecule which stores energy in its chemical bonds for
quick, easy use by cells.
a. nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD+)
b. glucose
c. hemoglobin
d. adenosine triphosphate (ATP)
10. Study the statement above. Identify the molecule which is found in red blood cells that binds to
oxygen and carries oxygen from the lungs to the bodys cells.
a. glucose
b. deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA)
c. nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD+)
d. hemoglobin
Four major groups of organic compounds are particularly important to living things. Most
life processes rely on molecules from one or more of these groups.
11. Refer to the information above. To which group do sugars belong?
a. nucleic acids
b. proteins
c. lipids

d. carbohydrates

12. Refer to the information above. To which group do RNA molecules belong?
a. nucleic acids
b. proteins
c. lipids
d. carbohydrates
13. Refer to the information above. To which group do enzymes belong?
a. lipids
b. proteins
c. carbohydrates
14. Refer to the information above. To which group do oils belong?

d. nucleic acids

a. nucleic acids
b. carbohydrates
c. lipids
d. proteins
15. Study the diagram below which illustrates the cyclic nature of the formation and breakdown of the
molecule adenosine triphosphate (ATP). What happens when the chemical bond, which attaches the
third phosphate group to the molecule is broken?

a. No energy is made available to the cell for cellular functions.

b. A molecule of adenosine monophosphate (AMP), with one phosphate group, is formed.
c. Energy is released, which can be used by the cell.
d. Energy is lost in the process.
Nitrogen is found in a variety of forms in living things and in the environment. Molecules
include N2, a diatomic molecule, and NH3, ammonia. Other forms include NO3-, or nitrate, and
NH2, an amino group.
16. Refer to the information above. Which of these forms is a key component of an amino acid?
a. nitrate
b. diatomic molecule
c. ammonia
d. amino group
17. Certain types of biomolecules are crucial to a variety of life processes and body structures. One of
these types of molecules are proteins, which area. composed of building blocks called amino acids
b. insoluble in water and are used by the body for energy storage and insulation
c. complex biomolecules that store genetic information
d. organic compounds used by cells to store and release energy
18. Which of these important chemicals forms the framework for carbohydrates, fats, and other
molecules of life?
a. nitrogen
b. oxygen
c. water
d. carbon
19. Which of the following statements about enzymes is true?
a. Amylase, a digestive enzyme found in saliva, helps break down food molecules.
b. Enzymes do not play a role in metabolic processes of the body.
c. Enzymes are chemically altered during reactions in which they are involved.
d. Enzymes always slow the rate at which a chemical reaction occurs.
Guard cells are pairs of cells that surround stomata, which are small openings or pores in
the leaf. Guard cells control the opening and closing of the stomatal pores.

20. Refer to the information and graphic above. Guard cells from a tomato plant are kidney-bean
shaped. Which cell type would you expect to look most similar to tomato guard cells?
a. root cells from a tomato plant
b. guard cells from a marigold plant
c. leaf palisade cells from a tomato plant
d. stem cells from a corn plant

Guard cells are pairs of cells that surround stomata, which are small openings or pores in
the leaf. Guard cells control the opening and closing of the stomatal pores.

21. Refer to the information and graphic above. The guard cells determine whether or not the stomatal
pores are open. When guard cells absorb water, they swell, and the pores open. When guard cells lose
water, they shrink, and the pores close. When stomata are open the plant loses water through the pores
in a process known as transpiration. What is the most likely effect on the plant if the guard cells stay
swollen on a hot day?
a. The plant will turn yellow.
c. The plant will lose its leaves.
b. The plant will wilt.
d. The plants roots will grow.
22. Suzanne is looking at different types of muscle tissue using a microscope. She notices that cells
from a stomach muscle (A) look smooth and spindle-shaped, while tissue from leg muscle appears to be
striped (B). What is the reason that the two tissue types look different?

a. The stomach muscle is fill of dividing cells.

b. Stomach muscle functions differently than leg muscle.
c. The stripes in the leg muscle do not relate to its function.
d. The two muscles function the same despite differences in their appearance.
23. The pancreas contains a special group of cells that produce the hormone insulin. Insulin stimulates
the liver to remove sugar from the blood. If the cells in the pancreas do not produce enough insulin then
excess sugar builds up in the blood. The result is a disease calleda. hypoglycemia
b. pancreatitis
c. insulin-deficiency syndrome
Miguel is looking at cells through a microscope. His teacher, Mrs. Sheng, has told him that
he is viewing either a tomato cell or a bacterial cell. Mrs. Sheng would like Miguel to answer
some questions about the cell he is looking at.
24. Read the information above. Mrs. Sheng asks Miguel to figure out what type of cell he is viewing.
What cell structure should Miguel be looking for to determine whether this cell came from a tomato
plant or a bacterium?
a. ribosomes
b. mitochondria
c. nucleus
d. DNA
Adrian is watching a movie with his friends. When he sees something scary happen in the
movie, his brain sends a signal to the adrenal gland, which releases the hormone adrenalin
into the bloodstream. This hormone causes Adrians heart to pump faster and his breathing
to speed up.
25. Refer to the information above. In Adrians body the effects of adrenalin are occurring at the level
ofa. individual cells
b. groups of cells
c. a single organ system
multiple organ systems

26. Like complex carbohydrates, proteins are biomolecules that serve many functions and can be
chemically broken down and restructured. Both proteins and complex carbohydrates are which of the
a. polymers of smaller subunits
b. sequences of sugars
c. lipids of large molecules
d. nucleotides of DNA
27. An iodine solution is placed on the cut side of a potato. Within seconds, a blue-black color
appears. What is most likely occurring?
a. a positive test for proteins
b. a positive test for starches
c. a negative test for proteins
d. a negative test for starches
28. The diagram below represents a cell.

Which organelle is the site where amino acids are synthesized into proteins?
a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. 4
29. RNA and DNA are which type of organic compound?
a. carbohydrate
b. lipid
c. nucleic acid
d. protein
30. This diagram shows an enzyme-substrate complex.

Which is represented by Structure X?

a. substrate
b. product

c. enzyme

d. complex

31. What will most likely happen if an appropriate enzyme is added to a chemical reaction?

a. The reaction rate will increase.

b. The equilibrium of the reaction will be maintained.
c. The reaction rate will decrease.
d. The reaction will stop.

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