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Music - Summative Test

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Name: ____________________________Grade & Section: _______________Score: ______

A. Read each item carefully. Write the letter of the correct answer on the space provided.

_____ 1. It is called “The Age of Reason”.

a. Medieval b. Renaissance c. Baroque d. Classical
_____ 2. The term for Italian opera also known as comic opera was spiced with sight gags, naughty humor
and social satire.
a. Opera b. Comic opera c. Opera Buffa d. Opera Seria
_____ 3. It is a multi-movement work for solo instrument.
a. Symphony b. Sonata c. Concerto d. Cantata
_____ 4. A musical work with different movements for an instrumental soloist and orchestra
a. Symphony b. Sonata c. Concerto d. Rondo
_____ 5. A musical composition designed to played by the whole orchestra, generally in four movements
a. Symphony b. Sonata c. Concerto d. Cantata
_____ 6. A section of the sonata allegro form where the themes are introduced
a. Exposition b. Development c. Recapitulation d. Theme and Variation
_____ 7. It repeats the themes as they first emerged in the opening exposition
a. Exposition b. Development c. Recapitulation d. Sonata
_____ 8. The general texture of Classical music
a. Monophonic b. Homophonic c. Heterophonic d. Polyphonic
_____ 9. The term for serious opera
a. Opera b. Comic Opera c. Opera Buffa d. Opera Seria
_____ 10. The most important form that was developed during the Classical Era and usually the form of
the first movement of a sonata or symphony
a. Minuet b. Sonata Allegro c. Rondo d. Symphony
_____ 11. He was named as “Father of the Symphony”.
a. Ludwig Van Beethoven b. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
c. Franz Joseph Haydn d. Thomas Morley
_____ 12. He composed wonderful concertos, symphonies, and operas such as “The Marriage of Figaro”.
a. Ludwig Van Beethoven b. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
c. Franz Joseph Haydn d. Thomas Morley
_____ 13. His works include the “Missa Solemnis” and opera “Fidelio”.
a. Ludwig Van Beethoven b. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
c. Franz Joseph Haydn d. Thomas Morley
_____ 14. A special type of broken chord accompaniment where the chord is played in this order: lower
note- highest note-middle note then repeats the pattern to create a smooth, sustained, flowing sound
a. Alberti Bass b. Allegro c. Andante d. Cadenza
_____ 15. The middle part of the sonata-allegro form where in themes are being developed
a. Exposition b. Development c. Recapitulation d. Sonata

B. Match the title of the music in Column A to the composers in Column B. Write the letter of
the correct answer on the space provided before each number.

Column A Column B
16. Symphony No. 3 (Eroica) A. Franz Joseph Haydn
17. The Magic Flute B. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
18. Missa Solemnis C. Ludwig Van Beethoven
19. Eine Kleine Nachtmusik
20. The Military

Name: ____________________________Grade & Section: _______________Score: ______

A. Read each item carefully. Write the letter of the correct answer on the space provided.

_____ 1. It means “an irregular shaped pearl”.

a. Renaissance b. Baroque c. Medieval d. Sculpture
_____ 2. “Ecstasy of St. Teresa” is the artwork of _______.
a. Bernini b. Rembrandt c. Rubens d. Raphael
_____ 3. One of his famous works is the “Conversion of St. Paul”.
a. Caravaggio b. Bernini c. Rembrandt d. Rubens
_____ 4. He is known as the greatest Baroque sculptor.
a. Velasquez b. Rembrandt c. Bernini d. Rubens
_____ 5. “The Maids of Honour” is the artwork of_______.
a. Velasquez b. Bernini c. Rembrandt d. Rubens
_____ 6. It is the period of economic progress and artistic experimentation.
a. Renaissance b. Baroque c. Medieval d. Sculpture
_____ 7. The greatest cathedral building of the Renaissance Period was the rebuilding of ________.
a. Miag-ao Church in Iloilo b. Saint Agostino Church in Rome
c. St. Peter’s Basilica in Rome d. Santa Maria Church in Ilocos Sur
_____ 8. His artworks include the “Equestrian Monument of Gattamelata”
a. Donatello b. Michelangelo c. Leonardo da Vinci d. Raphael
_____ 9. He is a painter and known as “Renaissance man” because of his intellect, interest, talent and his
expression of humanist and classical values.
a. Michelangelo Simoni b. Leonardo Da Vinci c. Raffaelo Urbino d. Donato Bardi
_____ 10. One of Leonardo Da Vinci’s work and it is the famous and most parodied portrait.
a. The Last Supper b. Pieta c. Mona Lisa d. David

B. Match the period in Column A to the artist’s names famous in that period in Column B, then
match Column B to Column C based on artist’s famous artworks. Column A may match
multiple answers on Column B. However, only one answer must be match from Column B to
Column C. Write your answer on the space provided. Note: An example is given to you on the
first row.

Column A answer Column B answer Column C

1. Renaissance Period
2 a. Bernini
a I. Ecstasy of St. Teresa

2. Baroque Period b. Leonardo da Vinci II. Sistine Madonna

c. Caravaggio III. Self-Portrait
d. Michelangelo IV. The Last Supper
e. Raphael V. Conversion of St. Paul
f. Rembrandt VI. Pieta



Name: ____________________________Grade & Section: _______________Score: ______

A. Identify each dance if it belongs to Latin American Dances, write LAD, or it belongs to
Modern Standard Dances, write MSD. Write your answer on the space provided.
_____ 1. Samba ____ 6. Salsa
_____ 2. Tango ____ 7. Jive
_____ 3. Foxtrot ____ 8. Viennese Waltz
_____ 4. Rumba ____ 9. Quickstep
_____ 5. Cha-cha-cha ____ 10. Mambo
B. Read each item carefully. Write the letter of the correct answer on the space provided.
_____ 1. Which of the following is a term used to refer to dances primarily intended to get to know other
people in a certain formal or semi-formal occasion?
a. ballroom dances b. dance sport c. festival dances d. social dances
_____ 2. What is the general term referring to the DOs and DON’Ts in social dancing?
a. behaviour b. character c. dance demeanor d. dance etiquette
_____ 3. Social dances are of two classifications namely, Latin American and Modern Standard Dances.
Which of the following is an example of Modern Standard Dances?
a. cha-cha-cha b. jive c. rumba d. waltz
_____ 4. Which of the following is the attire appropriate for males in Modern Standard Dances?
a. black/white shirt c. black/white sweat shirt
b. black/white long sleeves d. coat and tie
_____ 5. Which of the following best describes social dances?
a. Social dances are for pairs only.
b. Social dances can be competed.
c. Social dances are dances that improve social skills and fitness,
d. Social dances are dances that entertain people in attendance to a social function.
_____ 6. How would you best use the knowledge and skills learned in social dancing to enhance your
community’s fitness?
a. I will render an intermission number with my partner during fiestas.
b. I will make social dancing my lifetime fitness activity.
c. I will share my skills by teaching community folks, young and old, about social dances.
d. I will coordinate with community officials in conducting a social dancing program for the
_____ 7. “It takes two to Tango.” What does this quote mean?
a. A Tango requires two individuals to dance
b. One cannot exist without the other
c. It takes two to make any endeavor work
d. There should always be two individuals dancing the Tango
_____ 8. The following are dance etiquettes that should be considered in a social dancing activity EXCEPT
a. Wear appropriate dancing attire
b. Insist in executing difficult dance steps including aerial combinations with your partner
c. Ask someone promptly if you wish to dance with him or her
d. Always follow counterclockwise as line of direction social dancing
_____ 9. “May I have this dance?” This line implies…
a. A boy forcing a girl to dance
b. A boy who wishes to dance with somebody
c. A boy with no one to dance with pleading
d. A boy who treats a girl with respect even in dancing
_____ 10. Which of the following, aside from fitness, can be developed if one engages in social dancing
a. Respect b. sense of community c. courtesy d. all
Name: ____________________________Grade & Section: _______________Score: ______

A. Read each item carefully. Write the letter of the correct answer on the space provided.

____ 1. Drugs that speed up a person's central nervous system and have the opposite effect of
a. Stimulant drugs b. Narcotics c. Hallucinogens d. Inhalants
____ 2. Drugs which relieve pain and induce sleepiness, these drugs are administered in moderation to
patients with mental disorders and those in severe pain like cancer.
a. Stimulant drugs b. Narcotics c. Hallucinogens d. Inhalants
____ 3. Which of the following is the most commonly used illicit drugs?
a. Marijuana b. Heroin c. Ecstasy d. Cocaine
____ 4. Drugs which distort reality and facts and affects all senses and makes a user see, hear and feel
things that don’t exist in the time being.
a. Stimulant drugs b. Heroin c. Hallucinogens d. Inhalants
____ 5. Which of the following is a symptom of drug dependence?
a. Increase heart rate c. Loss of appetite
b. Depression and craving for more of drugs d. Flashback
____ 6. It is a substances or chemicals which when taken into the body have psychological, emotional and
behavioral effects on a person.
a. Drugs b. Cigarettes c. alcohol d. Chemical
____ 7. Depressant drugs slow down a person’s central nervous system. Which of the following is an
example of a depressant drugs?
a. Cocaine b. Marijuana c. Barbiturates d. Shabu
____ 8. Which of the following is the negative effect of excessive use of opioids?
a. mood swings and chest pain c. problem thinking and speaking
b. nausea and vomiting d. rapid and weak pulse
____ 9. It is the condition of a body to adapt to the effects of substance to the body thus requiring an
even larger amount of the substance to experience the same physiological and mental effect experienced
when taking the smaller dosage.
a. Drug abuse b. Drug Dependence c. Drug Tolerance d. Drug Misuse
____ 10. Gateway drugs are legal drugs that a non-drug user might try, which can lead him/her to more
dangerous drugs. Which of the following is an example of gateway drugs?
a. Marijuana b. Shabu c. Alcohol d. Cigarettes

B. Answer the following questions. Write your answer neatly and eligibly on the space

11-15. As a student do you agree on the drug-testing among Elementary school? Agree or disagree
support your answer.

16-20. What can you suggest on how to protect the youth from drug abuse?
MAPEH 9 - Performance Task 1-2
A. Compose a simple song or campaign jingle about drug scenario in the Philippines. Write the
lyrics on the box provided. (50 points)

B. Make an advocacy awareness on Anti-Drugs Abuse through SLOGAN Making or POSTER

Making. Be creative on doing the task. (50 points)

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