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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Regional Office IX, Zamboanga Peninsula

11 Zest for Progress

Z Peal of artnership

Statistics and Probability

Quarter 3 - Module 5:
Random sampling, Parameter, Statistics,
and Sampling Distribution

Name of Learner: ___________________________

Grade & Section: ___________________________
Name of School: ___________________________
What I Need to Know

The module contains only one lesson:

 Lesson 5 - Random Sampling, Parameter, Statistics and Sampling Distribution.

After going through this module, you are expected to:

1. illustrate random sampling;

2. distinguish between parameter and statistic; and
3. identifies sampling distributions of statistics (sample mean).

What I Know

Directions: Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. Which of the following employs simple random sampling?

a. Picking a house randomly and then picking 5 more on the same street.
b. Drawing names randomly from a covered box.
c. Selecting every 10th person that you see.
d. Picking a random location on a map and then the nearest two houses are chosen.

2. What type of sampling technique where each list of elements in the population is used as a
sampling frame and the element to be included in the sample are selected in regular
a. stratified sampling
b. Systematic sampling
c. cluster sampling
d. simple random sampling

3. What is the sample interval in a study with a population of 200 and a sample size of 35?
a. 5 b. 6 c.7 d. 8

4. A research about candidate preference requires registered voters in Sibugay. From 16

municipalities, 8 are randomly selected. From each selected municipality, 3 barangays are
selected. All registered voters from this barangay were included in the sample. What type of
sampling technique is illustrated?
a. cluster random sampling
b. stratified random sampling
c. systematic random sampling
d. simple random sampling

5. Which of the following illustrates a stratified sampling method?
a. A researcher conducted a survey of 50 randomly selected workers from each of these
categories: high school graduate, with undergraduate degrees, with master’s degree,
and with doctoral degree.
b. A researcher interviewed all freshmen in each of 15 randomly selected public schools in
Zamboanga Sibugay.
c. A researcher doing a research work on students’ reaction of the newly implemented
curriculum and interviewed every 10th student entering the gate.
d. A researcher selected a sample of n = 120 from a population 850 using the Table of
Random Numbers.

6. Which of the following refer to a statistic?

a. 35% of public school teachers in the Philippines have doctoral degree.
b. 75% of the Philippine senators voted for a particular measure.
c. 40% of math major students in university have free lunch.
d. 30% of all 120 workers in a certain company was below minimum wage.

7. Which of the following represents a parameter?

a. business owner of the town
b. residents of 3 different barangay of the town
c. 500 voters ages 18-40
d. residents of the town

8. A sampling distribution is ______________________.

a. a set of object collected from a statistical population.
b. a value taken by statistic from the same population.
c. a probability of statistic obtained from samples from a specific population.
d. a collection of large samples from a specific population.

9. A population consists of the values (5, 6, 9). How many possible samples of size 2 can be
drawn with replacement from this population?
a. 3 b. 6 c. 9 d. 12

10. What is the mean of the sample in the population consisting the values (3,3,6) and a sample
size of 2?
a. 4 b. 5 c. 6 d. cannot be determined

What’s In
Activity 1: Show me what you’ve got!
Directions: Tell what sampling technique is illustrated in each of the following
situations. Choose your answer from the box below and write your answer on a space
Simple random sampling Systematics random sampling

Stratified random sampling Cluster random sampling

_____________1. Every 8th person boarding a plane is searched thoroughly.

__________________2. The names of 50 contestants are written on 50 cards. The cards are
placed in a bag then three names are picked from the bag.

_____________3. Senior high school teachers are interested in knowing what study
techniques their students are utilizing. Rather than assessing all
students, teachers randomly select 10 students from each of the
sections to comprise their sample.

__________________4. A sample of 1,000 was sought to estimate the average achievement in

math of grade 7 students in public schools. The average grade 7
enrolment in public schools is 100, thus 10 schools were randomly
selected and all grade 7 students in that school were tested.

_____________5. A researcher who is studying the effect of social media on office employee
conducted a survey of 50 randomly selected workers from each of
these categories: high school graduate, with undergraduate degrees,
with master’s degree, and with doctoral degree.

What’s New
Activity 2: Can you tell?

Directions: In the given problem below, identify the given value as a Statistic or a
Parameter. Write your answer on the space provided.
______1. A study of every national park’s sale receipts for December shows they bought
in an average of 10 million peso of revenue.

______2. 60 male shoppers of Budget Wise were randomly chosen and their waistlines
were measured revealing an average waistline of 37 inches.

______3. 500 Filipino men were randomly chosen and asked if they are willing to work
abroad leaving their families behind and 65% agreed to work abroad.

______4. After reviewing the arrival times of every flight that landed at the NAIA airport
last month, it was determined that the on-time rate for flights is 68%.

______5. It was found out that all 45 teachers of a certain high school have masters’

What is it

Random Sampling, Parameter, Statistics, and Sampling Distribution

Random Sampling

A part of sampling method or technique in which each sample has an equal

probability of being chosen is called Random Sampling. A sample chosen randomly is
meant to be unbiased representation of the total population. An unbiased random
sample is important for drawing conclusions.

There are four methods of random sampling.

1. Simple Random Sampling is one of the simplest forms of collecting data from the
total population. In this method, every element of the population has the same
probability of being selected for inclusion in the sample. One way to do simple
random sampling is using Table of Random Numbers. This contain rows and
columns of mechanically generated digits. Another way of doing this is by using
Lottery Method. Under this, there are two methods;

 Simple Random Sampling With Replacement (SRSWR)

In this method, the population units which is selected in the sample is
observed and replaced in the population so that the selected unit has the
same probability of selection in the successive sample draw.
 Simple Random Sampling Without Replacement (SRSWOR)
In this method, the population units which is selected is observed and
will not be replaced in the population so that once selected, it does not
have the probability to be selected again in the successive sample draw.


A researcher wants to study the effects of social media on 1000 Senior High
School students of Zamboanga Sibugay NHS. He wishes to use the simple random
sampling (without replacement) and to determine how many students should be in
the sample.

Here are the steps:

Step1: Determine the number of students in the sample. To do this, you can
use the Slovin Formula.
1 + 𝑁𝑒 2
Where: n = number of samples needed
N = population size
e = margin of error
For the margin of error, you can use 5% or 0.05

From the formula, solve for n:

= 1+(1 )( )

n = 285.7 or 286

Step2: Assign a number to each of the 1000 Senior High School students.
Step3: Write the numbers on the pieces of papers with the same size and shape
and fold.
Step4: Put all the folded papers in a bowl or box.
Step5: Without looking randomly pick out 286 folded pieces from the bowl. Those
286 randomly picked are samples in the study.

2. Systematic Random Sampling is a random sampling method in which every kth

element on the population is selected until the desired number of elements in the
sample is obtained. The value of k is the sampling interval which can be obtained
using the formula below.

𝒌= 𝒏
Where: k = sample interval
N = number of elements in the population (Population size)
n = number of elements in the sample (Sample size)


Suppose in a 250 students, you can only choose 71 students to be part of

your sample. How are you going to choose your sample?

Here’s the step by step solution.

1. Randomly arrange the 250 students

2. Assign number to each student from 1 to 250.
3. Find the sampling interval k using the formula: =
N= 250 (population size)
n = 71(sample size)

Solve for the sample interval, k:

= = =

4. Select a number from the whole numbers between 0 and k+1. Since the value of
k is 4, therefore you are going to choose a number between 0 and 5 which are 1, 2,
3, and 4. The chosen value or number is called as the random start.

5. Let’s say you choose number 2, then 2 is your starting number. This means
that the number 2 is your first chosen sample.

6. Then select every 4th student from the sampling frame starting after the 2nd
(Note: See the illustration below to give you an idea on how to use the sample
interval in choosing samples for the study.)

Therefore, the 71 students to be part of your sample are the students

holding number 2, 6, 10, 14, 18, …

3. Stratified Random Sampling is a sampling method in which the population is

first divided into subpopulation called strata and then samples are randomly
selected separately from each stratum. In Stratified Sampling, the several
subgroups or strata is based on characteristics. The most common strata used are
year level, gender, age, ethnicity, religion, educational attainment, etc.


Suppose you want to know the opinion of 200 students in a certain school
which has a total population of 6,000. If there are 1,200 grades 7; 1,100 grade 8;
1,050 grade 9; 940 grade 10; 900 grade 11 and 810 grade 12 students, how are
you going to choose your sample using stratified sampling?

Here’s the solution:

1. Subdivide the population first into several strata. In this case, we can subdivide
by year level. See the illustration below.

Strata/Subgroups Population per Strata

Grade7 1200
Grade 8 1100
Grade 9 1050
Grade 10 940
Grade 11 900
Grade 12 810
TOTAL 6000
Given: N= 6000(population size); n = 200(sample size)

2. Compute the Sample size per strata using the formula:

=( )( )
a. Grade 7: ( )( )=

b. Grade 8: ( )( )=

c. grade 9: ( )( )=

Try to compute the rest of the sample size per strata and check your answer on
the table below.

Population per Sample size

Strata per strata
Grade7 1200 40
Grade 8 1100 37
Grade 9 1050 35
Grade 10 940 31
Grade 11 900 30
Grade 12 810 27
TOTAL N=6000 n=200

Based on the computed sample size per strata, you can now choose 40 students in
grade 7; 37 in grade 8; 35 in grade 9; 31 in grade 10; 30 in grade 11and 27 in grade 12
for a total of 200 from a population of 6000 students. Take note that, not all elements in
each strata were included in the sample.

4. Cluster Random Sampling or Area Sampling is a sampling technique in which

the entire population is broken into small groups called clusters and then some of
the clusters are randomly selected. The data from the randomly selected clusters
are the one that is analyzed. It means that all elements from the sampled clusters
will make up the sample. If the clusters are too large, then we need for a second
set of smaller clusters. Like for example, divide the Province into towns, then
towns into barrios, then a sample of barrios will be selected at random. Cluster
Sampling is good for dealing large and dispersed populations. It uses one of other
sampling techniques to get sample within each cluster. This method requires more
cost and time compare to other methods.


It is a measure that describes an entire population based on all of the elements

within that population. The value of a Parameter is fixed and unknown and usually
denoted by a Greek letter. Population mean , population standard deviation  and
population variance 2, are examples of parameter.


It is a measure that describes a fraction of the population under study or the

sample. Statistics is a known number and a variable which depends on the portion of

the population. It usually denoted by a Roman letter. Sample mean ̅ (x bar), sample
standard deviation s and sample variance s2 , are examples of statistic.


A. 70% of the 500 students have pets.

For this survey, each and every one of these 500 students has been asked so we
know the answers from everyone in the entire population; therefore, in this case we have
a Parameter.

B. 35% of Filipinos has at least one car.

In this case, it is impossible to ask all Filipinos. Most probably, only sample of
people who live in the Philippines has been asked and based on their answers, the
researchers made an assumption about the whole population. So what we have is a

Sampling Distribution

A sampling distribution is a probability distribution of a statistic (such as the

mean) that results from selecting an infinite number of random samples of the same size
from the population.

A sampling distribution is the distribution of statistics that would be produced in

repeated random sampling (with replacement) from the same population.

It is all possible values of a statistic and their probabilities of occurring for a

sample of a particular size.

To create a sampling distribution, one must select a random sample of specific

size (N) from a population, calculate the chosen statistic for this sample like the mean
and repeat this step in infinite number of times.

To find the mean of the sampling distribution of means  ̅ , use the following

𝐱̅ =

where ̅ = sample mean

n = total number of observations

Alternative formula for  ̅ :

 ̅ = ̅( ̅)

Where ̅ = sample mean

̅ = Probability of each sample mean


1. Consider the population consisting of the values 2, 3 and 5

a. List all the possible samples of size 2 that can be drawn with replacement.
b. Compute the mean ̅ for each sample.
c. Identify the probability of each sample.
d. Compute the mean of the sampling distribution of the means  ̅ and the
population mean .

Solution: (Refer to the table below)

a. All possible sample of size 2 with replacements are listed in the second
b. The corresponding means of all the samples are shown in the third column.
For instance, the first sample drawn is (2,2) and the corresponding mean
( )
̅= = . The second sample consist of (2,3) and the corresponding
( )
mean ̅ = =

Means of Samples Drawn with Replacement from the

Population = (2, 3, 5)

Observation Sample ̅
1 (2,2) 2.0
2 (2,3) 2.5
3 (2,5) 3.5
4 (3,2) 3.0
5 (3,3) 4.5
6 (3,5) 4.0
7 (5,2) 3.5
8 (5,3) 4.0
9 (5,5) 5.0

c. The probability of each sample, ̅ = . This is the number of occurrence for

each sample mean.

A total of 9 samples with 9 sample means can be drawn from the population.

Sampling Distribution of Sample Mean 𝒙
̅ with
Replacement and Sample Size n = 2

Sample mean ( ̅) Probability ( ̅)

2.0 1⁄

2.5 1⁄

3.5 1⁄

3.0 1⁄

4.5 1⁄

4.0 1⁄

3.5 1⁄

4.0 1⁄

5.0 1⁄


d. Compute  and ̅ .
1. Mean of population (2,3,5)

+ +
= = = =

2. Mean of the sampling distribution of the means

̅ = = =

Using other formula:

 ̅ = ( ̅ )( ̅) =( )( ) = =

Notice that the population mean () is equal to the mean of the sampling
distribution of the mean ( ̅ ), that is  =  ̅ .

What’s More

Activity 3: Help me!

Directions: Answer the problem below using stratified sampling method.

1. A certain school has 390 students. Each student studies one of the
following languages; Korean, Japanese, Spanish and Chinese. The table below shows the
number of students who study each of these languages. The researcher wants to look at
the work of the 70 students only.

Korean 175
Japanese 96
Spanish 54
Chinese 65

Problem: Find the number of students studying each of these languages that should be
included or part in the sample.

What I Have Learned

Activity 4: Complete me!

Directions: Complete the statement below.

1. A part of sampling method or technique in which each sample has an equal

probability of being chosen is called __________________________.

2. A method of simple random sampling that is good for dealing large and dispersed
population and requires more cost and time is _________________.

3. Parameter and statistic are similar yet different measures. Parameter describes
__________________ while Statistic describes _______________.

4. The statistic that is arrived out through repeated sampling from the larger
population is ____________________________.

5. The mean of the sampling distribution of the sample mean is equal to


What I Can Do
Activity 5: Do me a favor!

Directions: Consider a population with values (3,5,7,9).

a. List all the possible samples of size 2 with replacement.

b. Compute the mean of each sample.
c. Identify the probability of each sample.
d. Compute the mean of the sampling distribution of means.
e. Compute the population mean.

Directions: Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. Which of the following illustrates a systematic sampling method?

a. A researcher conducted a survey of 50 randomly selected workers from each of
these categories: high school graduate, with undergraduate degrees, with
master’s degree, and with doctoral degree.
b. A researcher interviewed all freshmen in each of 15 randomly selected public
schools in Zamboanga Sibugay.
c. A researcher doing a research work on students’ reaction of the newly
implemented curriculum and interviewed every 10th student entering the gate.
d. A researcher selected a sample of n = 120 from a population 850 using the
Table of Random Numbers.

2. A research about learning modalities was conducted in Zamboanga Sibugay. From

16 randomly selected public schools, 50 were selected to comprise the sample. What
type of sampling technique is illustrated?
a. simple random sampling
b. systematic random sampling
c. stratified random sampling
d. cluster random sampling

3. What type of sampling technique where each list of elements in the population is
used as a sampling frame and the element to be included in the sample are selected
in regular interval?
a. simple random sampling
b. systematic random sampling
c. stratified random sampling
d. cluster random sampling

4. A researcher conducts an opinion survey in a major city. He randomly picks four
different ethnic groups for a total sample of 300. The researcher then selects 75
participants from each of the four predetermined subgroups? What sampling
method is being utilized?
a. simple random sampling
b. systematic random sampling
c. stratified random sampling
d. cluster random sampling

5. What is the sample interval in a study with a population of 3,500 and a sample size
of 500?
a. 5 b. 6 c.7 d. 8

6. Statistic: Local farmers of the town; Parameter: _______________________.

a. residents of 3 different barangay of the town
b. residents of the town
c. business owner of the town
d. 500 voters ages 18-40

7. Which of the following represent statistic?

a. 15% of the Philippine senators voted for a particular measure
b. 30% of all 120 workers in a certain company was below minimum wage.
c. 35% of public school teachers in the Philippines have doctoral degree
d. 40% of math major students in university have free lunch.

8. A population consists of the values (5, 6, 9). What is the probability of the sample
a. b. c. d.

9. What is the mean of the sample in the population consisting the values
(3, 5,6,9) and a sample size of 2?
a. 5.75 b. 7.67 c.11.5 d. cannot be determined

10. A sampling distribution is ______________________.

a. a collection of large samples from a specific population
b. a value taken by statistic from the same population.
c. a set of object collected from a statistical population
d. a probability of statistic obtained from samples from a specific population.

Additional Activities
Activity 6: I got you!

Directions: Read the situation and answer the questions below.

A cable company employs 1,850 people. If a random sample of 175 is taken

from the entire population by systematics sampling;

1. What is the sample interval?

2. Which number will you choose the starting number?


Jesus P. Mercado and Fernando B. Orines, Next Century Mathematics Statistics

and Probability Quezon City: Phoenix Publishing House Inc, 2016

“Sampling(Introduction, Steps in Sampling, types of sampling)”, Bioscience Notes, Last

modified May 12, 2018,

“Sampling Distribution”, Investopedia, Last modified April 10, 2020,

Wendy,“Parameter-vs-Statistic”, whatagraph, November 5, 2020,

Development Team
Writer: Maribeth R. Saladaga
Sulo National High School
Ivy V. Deiparine
Pede I. Casing
Danniel M. Manlang

Reviewer: Gina I. Lihao

EPS in Mathematics

Layout Artist:
Management Team:
Evelyn F. Importante

Dr. Jerry C. Bokingkito

OIC-Assitant Schools Division Superintendent

Dr. Aurilio A. Santisas,CESE

OIC-Assistant Schools Division Superintendent

Dr. Jeanelyn A. Aleman, CESO VI

OIC-Schools Division Superintendent


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