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Third Quarter Summative Testt

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It is best describe as wooden xylophone

A. Agung C. Kulintang
NAME:_________________________SCORE:___________ B. Gabbang D. Suling
MULTIPLE CHOICE: Read each statement/question carefully. Choose
and write the letter of the best answer on the line provided. 16. From the art of Mindanao called Sarimanok, what do “ sari” means?
A. chicken
MUSIC B. cloth or garments
C. tiger
1. Which of the following is the function of the Music of Mindanao? D. weaving
A. Lullabies 17. It is a method of fabric production in which two distinct sets of yarns
B. Music for planting or threads are interlaced at right angles to form a fabric or cloth.
C. Music for worship A. Carving C. Sculpture
D. Music for contrasting emotion B. Painting D. Weaving
2. What do you call a ritual dance song and chant in Mindanao? 18. Why does Manobo tribe consider as the most prominent ethnic group
A. Estijiro C. Tangungo in Agusan?
B. Miminsad D. Tud-ob A. They are great architects
3. A musical piece based on motif of Maranao melody with words of B. They are great painters
children chant. C. They are great sculptors
A. Antang D. All of the above
B. Darangen 19. These are the people living in the ancestral home of Maranao Village.
C. No te Vayas de Zamboanga A. Businessmen who sell Mindanao’s crafts
D. Pokpok Alimpako B. Highest titleholder in a Maranao Village
4. It is a type of Mindanao vocal music that includes love, lullabies, C. Peasants who rent land for cultivation
legend chant and courtship. D. Priests of Muslim Region
A. Music for entertainment 20. How will you describe the traditional costume of Bagobo?
B. Music for daily activities A. It is woven from abaca
C. Music for gathering B. It is ornamented with beads, shells, metal discs and embroidery
D. Music for religious C. It has bright colored geometric appliqué
5. Which of the following states the importance of indigenous music? D. All of the above
A. Used for work 21. Which is NOT a characteristic of an okir art?
B. Used for entertainment A. designs are used as decorative elements in architecture
C. Used for religious activities B. design pepicting a bird holding a fish in its beak or talons
D. All of the mentioned above C. it’s designs are mostly figurative, depicting animals, plants, and
6. Which of the following best describe a kudyapi? mythical figures
A. It is made of wood D. the style is highly decorative with long curvilinear lines and
B. It is a guitar with two strings secondary arabesque
C. It is played in the same position as cello 22. It refers to the ornamental design for men.
D. All of the mentioned above A. Bulul C. Okir a bay
7. Darangen is an ancient epic song that encompasses a wealth of B. T’nalak D. Okir a datu
knowledge about the Maranao people who live in the Lake Lanao 23. Why does Maitum consider as Sarangani’s cradle of civilization?
in Mindanao. It comprises 17 cycles of how many lines? A. It is the place of rich culture that they still treasuring
A. 72 C. 7 200 B. Their traditions are handed from generation to generation
B. 720 D. 72 000 C. It is the home of unique 2,000 year old anthropomorphic jars
8. “ Angan bata-bata” is a Tausug song called ________________ D. All of the above
A. Epic C. Match-Making 24. What makes Mandaya and Mansaka culturally related?
B. Lullaby D. Ritual A. They are both excellent silversmiths crafting breastplates, jewelry
9. Dangdang-ay bayok: Manday; Limbay: ________________ and knives
A. Maranao C. Samal B. They are both excellent in weaving
B. Manobo D. Tausug C. They are highly musical – playing groups
10. It is a melodious song of lamenting over the dead of the Maranao’s. D. All of the above
A. Kandidigao C. Kissa 25. Pussuk labbung is a saw tooth design used for cloth baskets and the
B. Kambiok D. Tud-ob native sword called _______________
11. Teresa played a bamboo flute in an acquaintance event. She’s A. Butuan C. Kris
leaving six holes for the fingers and trumpet made of coconut leaf. B. Crux D. Niaga
It is about 50cm long and 3cm in diameter. What instrument did 26. Which indicates the wearer’s village of origin?
she play? A. panolong C. torogan
A. Karaga C. Kudyapi B. malong D. sarimanok
B. Kinapaw D. Sahunay 27. Which of the following best describe a madrasa?
12. It is a musical instrument from Mindanao that is composing of eight A. large arched hall
(8) gong kettles which are laid horizontally upon a rack creating an B. four-sided building surrounding a courtyard
apasangan. C. a place of community gathering and prayer
A. Agung C. Kulintang D. the ancestral home of the highest titleholder in a Maranao village.
B. Gabbang D. Suling 28. What does the head of Sarimanok symbolizes?
13. Which is the famous dance of the Maranao people of Lake Lanao A. good fortune C. good health
based on the Indian Epic of Ramayana? B. good harvest D. good production
A. Jota C. Pig a pir 29. According to their belief it was the spirit Baipandi, who taught the
B. Singkil D. Tinikling weavers the tie dyeing technique ( ikat ) and the designs woven
14. Which of the following best describe a Sua-Sua? into fabric. What specific tribe believes in this tradition?
A. A dance of Bukidnon A. Bagobo C. Mansaka
B. A love song of datus and princesses of the Tausug tribe B. Mandaya D. T’boli
C. A song performed as a courtship song of Jolo, Sulu.
D. A melodious song of lamenting over the dead of the Maranao’s
30. ________________ is a set of triangles, squares,and other geometric 45. Cramps often can be a tough problem. What is the correct way in
shapes used for cushions, pillows, casings, mats and hats. administering first aid in cramps?
A. Hablun C. Jawi A. Administer CPR
C. Kabban Buddi D. Sulut Sug B. Rest briefly and cool down
C. Have the patient sit down and firmly pinch his/her nostrils shut for
PHYSICAL EDUCATION several minutes
D. Compress the injured area by gently wrapping the ice bag in
31. What is the advantage of exercise? place with the remainder of the elastic bandage.
A. Stress relief HEALTH
B. Improve quality of life
C. Decrease chronic diseases 46. One way to improve your mental health is through___
D. All of the above A. sports C. volunteer work
32. How effective are having a warm up exercises? B. reading books D. religious activities
A. To avoid muscle pain and injury 47. Job Promotion : Eustress ,Death of Love Ones : ______________
B. To make sure that our body is healthy A. Stress C. Mistress
C. To make sure that our body is physically ready in every activity B. Distress D. Press
D. To awaken our blood stream and to function according to our 48. The following are characteristics of a healthy mind except…
needs A. Accepts self, others and life’s disappointments
33. Predict what would happen if did not undergo stretching and proceed B. Incapable of experiencing the full range of human emotions
to the mainstream of activity. C. Functions where and when appropriate
A. our body become unhealthy D. Enjoys and contents oneself with simple everyday pleasures
B. our body will suffer from pain 49. What activities can help relieve stress?
C. we cannot perform our activity well A. Dancing C. Meeting with friends
D. both b and c B. Napping D. All of the above
34. A fitness that has relationship with learning motor skills quickly and 50. Which of the following produces positive stress?
the ability to achieve a high level of performance in activity. A. work demand C. birth of baby
A. Fitness C. Health-related fitness B. car troubles D. death of love ones
B. Skill-related fitness D. Cardiovascular fitness 51. What are the factors affecting mental health?
35. How can you measure muscular strength? A. Heredity C. Environment
A. through throwing B. Background and Personality D. All of the above
B. through walking 52. The following are practical ways to help oneself when signs and
C. through stretching symptoms of mental illness occur except…
D. through the amount of weight you can lift A. Entrust worries to someone trustworthy
36. Jian plan to be physically fit. Which of the following is the best activity B. Isolate self from families and friends
he must do? C. Do physical activities like house beautification
A. Watching television D. Have a relaxation to have a better condition emotionally and
B. Jogging every morning intellectual
C. Eating junk food 53. What are the preventive measures against mental disorders?
D. Playing with your gadgets A. Foster family relationship
37. The following shows fitness goals except ________________ B. Engage in leadership and skills training
A. Doing household chores C. Avoid communicating with friends or others
B. Walking at the park D. Both A and B
C. Losing weight by running 54. It is the permanent cessation of function of all vital organs and is a
D. Playing in the computer normal part of life cycle.
38. How will you maintain your personal fitness? A. Grief C. Death
A. Watch television always B. Dying D. Stress
B. Go to salon 55. It is the stage of dying and death where after denial of terminally ill
C. Chatting with friend at the phone individuals, they typically become angry, resentful and hostile.
D. Have an exercise every morning A. Denial C. Bargaining
39. Running with your friends can be part of what health-related B. Anger D. Depression
component? 56. What can we do for someone grieving a loss?
A. Agility C. Cardiovascular Fitness A. Attend memorial services
B. Flexibility D. Muscular Endurance B. Be available during difficult times
40. The following are definition of folk dance except…. C. Have empathy for the person’s loss.
A. A type of dance that depicts culture, tradition and heritage. D. All of the above
B. A cultural art form handed down from generation to generation 57. How can someone close help dying individuals?
C. A series of rhythmic and patterned bodily movements usually A. Spend time with them
performed to music B. Listen carefully to feelings and thoughts
D. The customs, beliefs, occupations, and rituals of the people of a C. Reassure the person with affection, hold hands or hug
certain region or country. D. All of the mentioned above
41. Which dance originated in the province of Leyte and derived its name 58. A medical doctor who specialized in treating mental and emotional
from the bird “tikling”? disorders. He can prescribe medications for various mental or
A. Tiklos C. Tinikling emotional problems.
B. Itik-Itik D. Ati-Atihan A. Psychologist C. Psychoanalyst
42. Which dance step does not include in Tinikling dance? B. Psychiatrist D. Counsellor
A. hop C. Kuradang 59. A Psychiatrist or a Psychologist having a special training in
B. gallop D. waltz Psychoanalyst. It allows the client to face trauma to be able to
43. What is the time signature of Tinikling dance? resolve the conflicts and begin to lead a more productive life.
A. ¼ C. ½ A. Psychologist B. Psychoanalyst
B. ¾ D. 4/4 C. Psychiatrist D. Counsellor
44. Sway Balance : step, cross-step, step, close, Waltz : ____________ 60. Clinical Depression : Emotional Phobia : ______________
A. step, close, step C. heel-place, close A. Emotional Disorders C. Anxiety Disorder
B. slide, cut, hop D. step, brush C. Personality Disorder D. None of the above

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