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Read this article from The Marketer’s Guide and

answer the questions:

When people talk about their iPods, you might
Brand love by Peter Vane think they're talking about a best friend: ˮI'd
Branding, branding, branding: If you haven't never go anywhere without it! . ˮ 'If I had to
heard the word, you've been under a rock for choose between my iPod and my girlfriend,
the last, oh, ten years. But is all the talk about well ..' Despite the number of me-too products
branding just so much hype? designed to compete with the iPods, the original
In a word: no. I think that branding is the most still has the largest market share. Why? Brand
important point your company can consider - and loyalty.
everyone should consider it. And those of you And remember, once you've inspired
who sell to companies - office chairs, obscure brand loyalty in your customers, you can't betray
chemicals, you know who you are - you should be them and change the story of your brand.
paying attention too. Cadbury, for example, has a reputation for their
It's not enough just to have everyone chocolates. But when they introduced Cadbury's
recognize your brand name or your logo. soup, it flopped. The problem was that the
Branding is about connecting, after all, and product was off-brand, and didn't fit with the
everyone in marketing needs to know how to expectations people had about Cadbury's
make their product connect to their customer. products.
The best brand has a rational as well as an So remember that when you're telling a
emotional appeal, and speaks to your customer's story about your product, the story has to be
head as well as his or her heart. You want your consistent. Very few products live forever. iPods
brand to be something the customer knows is the might already be yesterday's news. But establish
best - and feels is the best too. your brand, and people will remember it. When
Today, everyone's talking about iPods, Apple introduces its next new idea, millions of
and not just as state-of-the-art musical devices. people will be paying attention, ready to fall in
love again.

1. Make up 5 sentences with the words from the text related to brands

a. In the past, iPods were the most requested devices, but at the moment they are no
longer needed when we have high-end phones.
b. The most interesting chocolate brand is Cadbury, because it was filmed in several
movies and now every person knows this brand.

2. Make up 5 questions with the words from the text.

a. Branding is the most important strategic attack for a company that is growing in a
competitive market
b. Loyalty to a brand is the most important aspect for the development of the company
and its revenues

3. What is the key message of the text?

In my opinion, this text tells the true story of how to make a quality branding, without
hype but with an idea that will always be remembered in people's minds. The text explains
how to do the right branding, how to make your product always audible like iPods and
other brands listed in the text
How important is branding?
How important is it in your culture?
Make a list of brands you like and brands you don’t like. Explain your feelings. (Did
you have a bad experience with the brand? Was it advertised with an amusing or a
horrible commercial?)
Branding is the most important strategic attack for the competition that persists
today on our market. For our daily life, always when we hear a product, we analyze it, we make a
statistic and we decide if we buy it and if we are satisfied, we always We will recommend. List of
products I do not like: Apple, Mercedes Benz, Gucci. The reason is that these products do not
deserve the hype and all the attention they have at the moment, the quality of their products is bad,
which never changes
II. Comment on the following: Advertising makes us buy things we don’t really need. Do you agree or
not? Explain your reasons in 10 sentences.
In my opinion, the best strategy for a success for a brand is advertising. The reason is that
through advertising, you will always have customers who through good advertising will be
interested in your product and will buy and advertise it as well. to everyone, even if there is no
great need for this product. But sometimes, the ad can do you much worse than it is at the moment,
the main ad should be well structured, well thought out, have content that will attract customers
and of course interesting prices for future customers. I totally agree with the message mentioned,
because if we review the history of popular brands, they all rose because they had an advertisement
that made hype, many heard about it and began to communicate with others and the brand he
caught this moment and did not miss it and rose from it.
My opinion, a successful brand cannot be without an advertisement that made hype, for
example: Gucci, Louis Vitton, Armani, Apple

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