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4 The Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Arms Rules, 2014

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Peshawar, dated the 17th March, 2014.

No. SO(Arms)HD/2-B/2004/Vol-XII(B-1421.---In exercise of the powers

conferred by section 11 of the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Arms Act, 2013 (Act No.
XXIII of 2013), the Government of the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa is pleased to
make the following rules, namely:




1. Short title and commencement.---(1) These rules may be called the

Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Arms Rules, 2014.

(2) These rules shall come into force at once.

2. Definitions.---In these rules, unless there is anything repugnant in the

subject or context,-

(a) “Act” means the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Arms Act, 2013

(Act No. XXIII of 2013);

(b) “Deputy Commissioner”, means the Deputy

Commissioner of the district concerned;

(c) “Forms” mean Forms provided in Schedule-I, appended to

these rules;

(d) “non-prohibited bore weapon” means the weapon which is

allowed to be manufactured, repaired, sold, possessed or
transported by an individual under a license and includes
restricted bore weapon and non-restricted bore weapon;

(e) “non-restricted bore weapon” means the weapon which is

in positive list of the description of arms, as Government
may notify from time to time;

(f) “prohibited bore weapon” means the weapon as mentioned

in rule 4 of these rules which are not allowed to be
manufactured, repaired, sold, possessed or transported by
an individual;

(g) “restricted bore weapon” means the weapon which are in

the negative list of the description of arms as Government
may notify from time to time;
(h) “Schedule” means Schedule appended to these rules;

(i) “Secretary”, means the Secretary to Government Home

and Tribal Affairs Department; and

(j) “transportation” means to transport arms or ammunition

and machinery for manufacturing of arms or ammunition
within, into or away from the Province.


3. Conditions for licensee.---(1) An applicant shall be granted a license

(a) he is a citizen of Pakistan;

(b) he has attained the age of 21 years;

(c) he possess national identity card;

(d) he is of sound mind and having no mental disorder;

(e) he is not fugitive from law;

(f) he is not convicted by any Court of law:

Provided that a convict who has undergone the

imprisonment shall be treated as eligible as of normal

(g) he is not a bankrupt;


(h) he is not a habitual criminal;

(i) he is considered suitable by the local police in view of

general conduct or previous record; and

(j) he fulfills any other condition as Government may notify

from time to time:

(2) No verification, under rule (1) shall be required in respect of

members of Parliament or Provincial Assembly of the Province or persons who
are in service of Pakistan serving in the Province or the Province, as the case
may be.


4. Manufacture, repair, sale, possession and transportation of cannon

and certain other articles.---A license for the manufacture, repair, sale,
possession and transportation of-

(a) cannon, or
(b) articles designed for torpedo service, or

(c) war rockets, or

(d) machinery for manufacture of such arms or ammunition,

(e) other articles which may be notified by Government, from

time to time,

may be granted by the Secretary, in Form-I, only to the law enforcement

agencies or any other Government Departments, as may be authorized by
Federal Government or Government, as the case may be, in this behalf, after
due satisfaction.

5. Prohibition of transportation of arms or ammunition otherwise than

under license.---(1) Save as otherwise provided in this rule, the transportation
of arms-or-ammunition is prohibited all over the Province except under a
license and to the extent and in the manner permitted by such license.

(2) Nothing in sub-rule (1) shall be deemed apply to-


(a) arms, and ammunition transported personally or as

personal luggage in reasonable quantity for his own use
by any person lawfully entitled to possess arms or go

(b) arms or ammunition which are covered by a license being

transported by licensed dealer; and

(c) arms or ammunition transported-

(i) by any person licensed to possess such articles or

exempted from the liability to obtain such license,
where such articles are transported in reasonable
quantities for his own use from the premises of a
licensed dealer, or are transported for purposes of
examination or repair to or from any such premises,
or are transported to any other person so licensed or
exempted as aforesaid; and

(ii) by a licensed dealer, where such articles are

transported in a case or package legibly addressed
to such a person as is referred to in sub-clause (i), in
compliance with an order given by such person for
the supply of such articles in reasonable quantities
for his own use.

6. Transportation of arms or ammunition of non-restricted bore

weapon and restricted bore weapon.---(1) Save as otherwise provided by
rule 5, license for the transportation of arms and ammunition of non-restricted
bore weapon may be granted, by the Deputy Commissioner, on the approval of
the Secretary in the manner as specified in Form-II.
(2) The license for the transportation of arms or ammunition of
restricted bore weapon may be granted by the Secretary in the manner as
specified in Form-II-R:
(3) The licensee shall, prior to the transportation of arms or
ammunition of non restricted bore weapon or restricted bore weapon, as the
case may be, obtain a No Objection Certificate from the Provincial
Government or the Federal Government, as the case may be, where the
consignment is to be delivered.
(4) The Deputy Commissioner shall forth sent a copy of every
license granted under sub-rules (1) and (2), for the transportation, beyond the
local limits of the district or the Province, as the case may be, to the receiving

authority of the district, Province concerned or the Capital Territory, as the case
may be, where such consignment is to be delivered.

7. Delivery of transport licenses.---(1) The licensee of any arms or

ammunition transported by land or river, shall deliver a copy of the license
within six days of the arrival of the consignment at its destination to the Deputy
Commissioner of the district in which the place of destination is situated, or to
such other officer as the Deputy Commissioner may authorize in this behalf.

(2) Every consignment shall be properly packed, sealed and

dispatched under the supervision of an officer deputed by the Deputy
Commissioner and a police official deputed by the Police Department.
(3) Where the arms or ammunition are to be transported across the
Provinces and the Capital Territory, as the case may be, entirely by rail, a copy
of the license under rule 6 shall forthwith be sent by the Deputy Commissioner
or any other officer authorized by the Secretary in this behalf, as the case may
be, to the receiving authority at the place from which the consignment is to be
(4) Where the arms or ammunition are transported by rail, a copy of
the license shall be attached to the way bill or invoice, as the case may be, and
an invoice of every such consignment shall be sent by the railway authorities
from the forwarding to the receiving station and the consignment shall not be
taken from the railway premises unless the railway police, or, if there are no
railway police, the railway authorities, have satisfied themselves that the arms
or ammunition correspond with the description given in the license.
(5) The railway authorities shall not receive for dispatch any case or
package containing arms or ammunition unless accompanied by the original

(6) Where the arms or ammunition are to be transported by road or

(a) a copy of the license granted under rule 6 shall forthwith
be sent by the Secretary or Deputy Commissioner, as the
case may be, to the Deputy Commissioner of the district
out of which the consignment is to cross the frontier of the
Provinces and Capital territory to which it is transported;

(b) the licensee shall, within six days of the arrival of the
consignment in the district out of which it is to cross the
frontier of the Provinces and the Capital territory to which

it is transported and before it so crosses, be delivered to

the Deputy Commissioner of such district, or to such other
officer as the Deputy Commissioner may appoint for this

(7) Every officer to whom a license is delivered under this rule shall
satisfy himself that-

(a) the arms or ammunition corresponds with the description

given in the license;

(b) the arms or ammunition shall not exceed the number

mentioned in the license;

(c) such license is identical in substance with the copy send to

him under sub-rule (4) of rule 6; and

(d) any deficiency is properly accounted for shall be

forwarded to the Secretary or the Deputy Commissioner,
as the case may be, and the arms or ammunition shall be
taken into temporary possession by the receiving authority
till the disposal of the issue.

(8) A licensee shall, after obtaining the imports or exports license

regarding arms or ammunition from the Federal Government, inform
Government in this respect and a copy of the same shall be provided for
endorsement and record.


8. Manufacture, conversion, sale and keeping for sale of arms or

ammunition from the manufacturing unit or factory.---(1) License for
manufacture, conversion, sale and keeping for sale of arms or ammunition
other than rifles, parts of rifles, ammunition of rifle of non-restricted bore
weapon and restricted bore weapon, from manufacturing unit or factory, may
be granted by the Secretary, in the manner as specified in Forms-III and III-R

(2) License for manufacture, conversion, sale and keeping for sale of
rifles, parts of rifles and ammunition of rifles of non-restricted bore weapon
and restricted bore weapon, from manufacturing unit or factory, may be granted
by the Secretary in the manner as specified in Forms IV and IV-R respectively.

(3) License for sale and keeping for sale of arms or ammunition other
than rifles, parts of rifle and ammunition of rifles of non-restricted bore weapon
and restricted bore weapon, from the dealers, may be granted by the Secretary,
in the manner as specified in Forms-V and V-R respectively.

(4) License for sale and keeping for sale of rifles, parts of rifle and
ammunition of rifles of non-restricted bore weapon and restricted bore weapon,
from the dealers, may be granted by the Secretary, in the manner as specified in
Forms-VI and VI-R respectively.

(5) The Secretary may, by licenses granted under this rule, authorize
selected dealers to sell and keep for sale a specified amount of arms or
ammunition of non- restricted bore weapon or restricted bore weapon:

Provided that the licensee shall not sell from his stock to any person who
does not hold a license to possess such arms or ammunition.

(6) Any officer authorized by the Secretary or a police officer not

below the rank of Inspector, may, on the directions of the Secretary, within the
local limits of his authority,-
(a) enter and inspect any premises in which arms or
ammunition are manufactured, converted, sold, or kept for
sale; and

(b) examine the stock and accounts of receipts and sale of

arms or ammunition.

(7) Licenses for the transportation, possession or use of sulphur, in

reasonable quantities, proved to the satisfaction of the Deputy Commissioner,
to be required in good faith for medicinal, agricultural, manufacturing or
industrial purposes other than the manufacture of arms or ammunition, may be
granted by the Deputy Commissioner, in the manner as specified in Form-VII.


9. License to keep for safe custody of arms or ammunition of non-

restricted bore weapon.---(1) A license to keep for safe custody of arms or
ammunition of non- restricted bore weapon deposited by their owner for that
purpose may be granted in Form-VIII by the Secretary.

(2) A license to keep for safe custody of arms or ammunition of

restricted bore weapon deposited by their owner for that purpose may be
granted in Form-VIII-R by the Secretary.

10. License for repair of arms or ammunition.---(1) A license to keep for

repair of arms or ammunition of non-restricted bore weapon deposited by the
owner for that purpose may be granted in Form-IX by the Secretary.
(2) A license to keep for repair of arms or ammunition of restricted
bore weapon deposited by their owner for that purpose may be granted in Form
IX–R by the Secretary.


11. Licenses to Government controlled organizations.---(1) Where a

license granted for possession of any arms or ammunition is granted to a
Government controlled organization for its security, maintaining law and order
and security of general public, such arms or ammunition may be possessed and
used by the security personnel of such organization under a written authority of
the Secretary.

(2) The security personnel who are trained to use and authorized to
possess arms under written authority under sub-rule (1) shall be deemed to be a
licensee for the purpose of the Act, these rules and any other law for the time
being in force.

12. License for the possession and use of arms or ammunition for
purposes of target practice.---A license for the possession and use of arms,
for the purposes of target practice, by the members of any military mess or of
any club or association may, with the approval of the Secretary, be granted in
Form-X in the name of the mess, club or association by the Deputy

13. Possession of arms or ammunition and going armed for sport,

protection or display.---(1) Save as otherwise provided by rule 4, a license
for the possession of arms or ammunition of non- restricted bore weapon in
reasonable quantities and for going armed for the purposes of sport, protection

or display, may be granted, under these rules in Form-XI, by the Deputy


(2) The Secretary shall grant a license for restricted bore under these
rules in Form XI-R.
(3) Where an officer so authorized, receives an application for a
license of the nature referred to in sub-rules (1) and (2), from any person who is
not resident within the local limits of his authority, or is not personally known
to him, he shall, before granting such license, ascertain or verify, when the
applicant resides in a place in other Province and the Capital Territory, as the
case may be, from the Deputy Commissioner of the district in which such place
is situated.
(4) No license shall be granted to a Junior Commissioned Officer of
the Pakistan Army, Warrant Officer, Chief Petty Officer, Petty Officer, Non-
Commissioned Officer, Seamen, Soldier or Airman of the Pakistan Naval,
Military or Air Force respectively, except on the recommendation of his
Commanding Officer.
(5) A licensee shall purchase an arm or ammunition of the category
mentioned therein from a registered dealer, within sixty days of the issuance of
the license and apply to the Deputy Commissioner for its entry in the record.

(6) Where a license granted or renewed under these rules is lost or

accidentally destroyed, the Secretary or the Deputy Commissioner, as the case
may be, may grant a duplicate of it, free of any fee or on payment of a fee, as
the case may be.
(7) The Deputy Commissioner shall process application for change
of bore in license for pistol, shotgun or rifle, as the case may be, free of any fee,
however, conversion of a license for pistol into shotgun or rifle or otherwise, as
the case may be, shall be on payment of a fee as may be specified in Schedule-

14. Institutional arms or ammunition License.---A registered institution,

may through an authorized agent, apply to the Secretary, for an institutional
arms license. Such institution shall provide registration documents along with a
surety bond for use of arms for defense purposes only and details of security
guards, deployed in the Province. However, prior clearance from Government
shall be obtained before processing any application for such license.

15. Temporary license for possession of arms or ammunition and for

going armed by bona fide travelers.---(1) Save as otherwise provided by rule
5, a license may be granted in Form-XII to bona fide traveler proceeding from a

port of arrival in the Provinces and the Capital Territory to his place of
destination and for the possession of arms or ammunition in reasonable
quantities during the period occupied in so proceeding and for going armed
during such period, by the Deputy Commissioner.

(2) A copy of every license, granted under sub-rule (1), shall

forthwith be forwarded, where his place of destination is elsewhere in the
Province, to the Deputy Commissioner of the district in which such place is

(3) Any officer to whom a copy of such license has been sent under
sub-rule (2) shall satisfy himself when necessary that the licensee has complied
with all conditions of the relevant Form.

16. Possession of arms or ammunition, and going armed for the control
or destruction of wild animals.---A license for the possession of arms or
ammunition and for going armed for the control or destruction of wild animals
which likely to cause injury to human beings or cattle may be granted in Form-
XIII, by the Deputy Commissioner.

17. Possession of arms or ammunition, and going armed for the

protection of crops.---(1) A license for the possession of arms or ammunition
and for going armed for the destruction of wild animals which likely to cause
injury to crops may be granted, in Form-XIV, by the Deputy Commissioner.

(2) The license under sub-rule (1) shall only be granted to bona fide
cultivators and shall be valid only in the place or area specified in the license
by the Deputy Commissioner.

18. Going armed on a journey.---A license for going armed on a journey

in or through any other Province or Capital Territory, as the case may be,
granted in Form-XV by the Secretary.



19. Previous sanction in certain cases.---(1) A license, having effect

beyond the powers of the Secretary or the Deputy Commissioner, as the case
may be, shall not be granted-

(a) for the transportation of any arms or ammunition to any

place within the Province without the previous sanction of
the Deputy Commissioner of the district in which such
place is situated;

(b) for the transportation of any arms or ammunition to

any other Province or Capital Territory, as the case may
be, without the previous sanction of the concerned
authority of that Government; and

(c) one of the person or persons belonging to one of the

classes of persons as exempted by the concerned authority,
from time to time, and the consignment is intended for the
personal use only of the consignee.

(2) The previous sanction referred to in this rule may be obtained

either through an application by the applicant to the Competent Authority.

(3) Where the previous sanction is sought by the officer to whom

application for the grant of license is made, he shall send a copy of the
proposed license to the authority whose previous sanction is required, and, on
receipt of the reply of such authority, they shall either grant the license or
inform the applicant that his application is refused.

20. Application for license.---(1) Every person who applies for obtaining a
license under these rules, shall apply in writing to the Secretary or the Deputy
Commissioner, as the case may be, and shall in such applications furnish all
such particulars as per Form-XVI:

Provided that applications for non-restricted bore weapon and restricted

bore weapon shall be made in Forms XVII and XVII-R respectively.

(2) Without prejudice to generality of sub-rule (1), every person

applying for a license for the transportation of any arms or ammunition shall
specify in his application-

(a) the place of destination;

(b) the route;
(c) the time likely to be occupied in the journey; and
(d) the quantity, description and price of each kind of arms,
ammunition or stores in respect of which the license is
required and the purpose for which they are intended.

(3) Where the grant of license requires the previous sanction of some
other authority specified in rule 19, the application shall state where such
previous sanction has been obtained and, if so, shall be supported by
documents thereof.

21. Form and language of license.---(1) Every license shall be granted or

renewed in the appropriate Form, and subject to the conditions set forth in such
Form, and save as therein otherwise expressly provided, the arms or
ammunition specified and the person named in the license shall alone be
covered thereby.

(2) Every such license shall be written or printed in English.


22. Registration of licenses.---(1)A license, in any Form, granted by the

Secretary, the licensee shall, within sixty days of the receipt thereof, present it
at the office of the Deputy Commissioner, for registration.

(2) Where a license granted or registered, in any Form, by the

Deputy Commissioner shall be communicated to the Secretary.

(3) If the licensee fails to get his license registered at the office of
Deputy Commissioner within the period specified in sub-rule (1), his license
shall, on the expiry of that period, stand cancelled.
(4) Licenses issued in Forms -XI and XI-R shall be registered by the
Deputy Commissioner and a copy thereof may be sent to the concerned police
station, for record.

23. Duration and renewal of license.---(1) Save as otherwise provided,

every license granted under these rules, shall, unless previously cancelled, be in
force for such period and expire on such day as specified in the license, subject
to any restrictions or limitations provided in the relevant Form:

Provided that where a license is granted in Forms-X, XIII or XIV the

Deputy Commissioner shall direct that within a specified period, which it may
from time to time extend, arms or ammunition under the license shall be
produced for his inspection, and if within period so specified or extended the
licensee fails to comply, the license shall stand cancelled.

(2) A license for transportation of arms or ammunition shall be

granted for a period longer than twice the time likely to be occupied in the
journey to the place of destination by the route indicated in the license.
However, the Deputy Commissioner on the approval of the Secretary may
extend the time period so granted, on reasons to be recorded.

24. Conditions for renewal of license.---Following are the conditions for

the renewal of a license:

(a) the license may be granted or renewed for a period-

specified in the relevant Forms;

(b) the license may be renewed within a period of one month

of its expiry hereinafter referred to as the grace period
without the payment of any penalty or late fee;

(c) after the expiry of the grace period before the lapse of
three months from date of expiry of the license it may be
renewed at fine as notified by the Secretary from time to

(d) a late fee for the purpose of license in any Form shall be
fined as notified by the Secretary from time to time, for
every month that intervenes between the expiry of the
grace period and the date of renewal of the license; and
(e) if a license is not renewed within the period specified
above, the license shall, on the expiry of the said period,
stand cancelled.

25. Procedure for renewal of license.---(1) A licensee who desires to have

his license in any form renewed, shall present his license to an authorized
officer or in-charge of the bank who shall after depositing the requisite fee,
allot a registration number to each renewal and also make necessary entries in
the account of the licensee under intimation to the Secretary or the Deputy
Commissioner, as the case may be.

(2) The in-charge of the bank concerned shall, at the close of each
month, send a report in the proforma set forth in Schedule-II, to the concerned
authority, who grants license under these rules, about the registration of the
licenses at his branch during the month.

(3) The authorized person of the bank shall check the necessary
entries in license, the date up to which the license is renewed and after putting
his signature and affixing the date-seal of the bank thereon, with regard to such

renewal, return the license to the licensee. At the end of each month the bank
shall furnish a statement in this respect to the concerned authority, who grants
license under these rules in the proforma set forth in the Schedule-III.

(4) Where a license has been registered at any branch of the

authorized bank, the licensee shall not be entitled to have his license got
renewed at any other branch:

Provided that if the licensee takes up permanent residence within the

area of another branch of authorized bank he may, after giving notice in writing
of the change of his address to the Deputy Commissioner and the bank
concerned where his license was registered so as to enable it to transfer the
record relating to his license to the other branch and the Deputy Commissioner
of the area to which he has shifted.

(5) The in-charge of the authorized bank shall, as soon as may be,
after 31st January of each year, submit to the Secretary and the Deputy
Commissioner, as the case may be, a list of defaulters in the proforma set forth
in Schedule-IV.

(6) Licenses granted under these rules, requiring renewal, may be

renewed in a manner as specified in a separate form attached to each relevant
Form respectively.


26. Quota.---Government may, from time to time, specify a maximum

number of licenses to be issued by the Secretary or the Deputy Commissioner,
as the case may be.

27. Powers to grant the license.---(1) The concerned authority empowered

to grant or renew a license or to give his previous sanction to such grant or
renewal may in his discretion,-

(a) refuse to grant or renew such license or to give, such

sanction; or
(b) cancel or suspend a license; or
(c) where the authority is subordinate to Government, refer
the application for orders to Government:

Provided that in any case in which such authority

refuses, renewal, cancels or suspends license, as the case
may be, the applicant may appeal to the immediate officer
superior to the authority so refusing, canceling or
suspending such license.
(2) The concerned authority shall exercise all powers and perform all
duties, conferred by these rules.
28. Obligation to produce license.---Any person who holds a license,
granted or renewed, shall forthwith produce such license upon the demand of
the Secretary or Deputy Commissioner, as the case may be, or any police
officer not below the rank of sub-inspector.

29. Production and inspection of arms.---(1) The Secretary or the Deputy

Commissioner, as the case may be, or any other officer so authorized in this
behalf, may, for the purpose of satisfying himself, by order in writing, inspect
any such arms, equipment, manufacturing unit and business sites, as the case
may be, covered by such license, at any time and place as he may deem
(2) The Deputy Commissioner may inspect arms, equipment,
manufacturing unit and business sites, as the case may be, in his jurisdiction, at
any time along with local police.
(3) A report of such inspection as provided in sub-rule (1) or sub-rule
(2) shall be furnished by the authorized officer to Secretary or Deputy
Commissioner, as the case may be.


30. Retainers.---A concerned authority, who grants license, may, on an

application, allow the appointment of not more than two retainers at a time of a
licensed arm subject to the conditions set forth in rule 4 of these rules. The
retainer may be the legal heirs of the licensee. All the rights given to a licensee,
under these rules, shall be equally applicable to the retainers.

31. Transfer of licenses.---Transfer of licenses under various Forms shall

be considered only on ‘inheritance’ or ‘extreme hardship or need’ basis and
upon the satisfaction of Secretary or Deputy Commissioner, as the case may be,
at a fees as may be notified by Government from time to time; provided that the
person to whom the license is transferred also fulfills all the legal requirements
of such license mentioned in sub-rule (1) of rule 4. Statements of all concerned

on stamp paper, duly attested by the Registrar or Sub-Registrar of the

concerned District or Political Agent, as the case may be, shall be furnished
along with such application. The Registrar or Sub-Registrar of the District or
the Political Agent, as the case may be, shall also authenticate the agreement
between the parties before the transfer is effected.

32. Change of title.---Change of title of the company shall be admissible to

any licensee on application, subject to the approval of the Secretary or Deputy
Commissioner, as the case may be, as specified in Schedule-I.

33. Addition or inclusion of sale agent in licenses.---Sale agents shall be

added to licenses for dealership, manufacturing, institutional etc; subject to
proper verification of applicant.

34. Addition or inclusion of proprietorship.---Proprietorship shall be

added to licenses for dealership, manufacturing, institutional etc., subject to
proper verification of the applicant.

35. All Pakistan and increase of cartridges in licenses.---(1) Validity of

licenses of non-restricted bore weapons may be extended to other Provinces as
well as the Capital Territory by the Secretary on the recommendation of the-

(a) concerned Deputy Commissioner or Political Agent, as the

case may be, or

(b) Commanding Officer, in case of army men, or

(c) Gazetted officer or public representative.

(2) Government may notify, from time to time, the maximum

number of cartridges and procedure of its increase in a license as per Forms-XI
and XI-R, respectively:

Provided that the free license holder is exempted from such fee up to the
limit of one hundred (100) cartridges.


36. Weapon of non-prohibited bore.---(1) All arms or ammunition

forfeited by Government under these rules, other than the weapon of historical

interest and the prohibited bore weapon shall be disposed of by the Deputy

(a) through sale to Government servants who possesses valid

license in respect of the weapon, at a price to be fixed by
the Deputy Inspector General of Special Branch Police, in
case of sale at district Peshawar and by the Deputy
Commissioner himself, in consultation with the District
Police Officer, in other districts; and

(b) through open auction amongst general public, who

possesses valid license in respect of the weapon.

(2) The local made weapons shall be sold or auctioned at a price less
than one third of its market price and no foreign made weapon shall be sold at a
price less than one half of its market price.

(3) Government may distribute weapon amongst Government

servants and other persons who are either required to possess a weapon in the
discharge of their official duty who render such services to the state as warrant
them to keep a weapon whether indefinitely or for a limited period, as
Government may fix it.

(4) All such persons including Government servants possessing

weapon under sub-rule (3) shall surrender the weapon to Government as soon
as they cease to discharge such duty or render such services as warranted them
to keep the weapon.

(5) If a person fails to surrender the weapon under sub-rule (4), due
to any reason, the Secretary shall conduct an enquiry in this respect and if the
person proved guilty under such enquiry shall be liable to deposit an amount
equivalent to the weapon according to the market price.

(6) No foreign made arms or ammunition shall be disposed of

through open auction at a place other than Peshawar, and for this purpose, all
the Deputy Commissioners shall shift all such arms or ammunition to the
Provincial Malkhana.

(7) All sale proceeds of such arms or ammunition shall be deposited

in the treasury in the relevant head under intimation to Government.

37. Disposal of prohibited bore weapons.---(1) All forfeited or confiscated

prohibited bore weapons may be handed over to law enforcement agencies or

other Government Departments, free of cost, for discharging their official

duties, under proper documentation.

(2) All such weapons or parts of it, which cannot be used by any
such agencies or Departments, may be sold to a registered factory other than
that of arms or ammunition at a price to be fixed by Government and a
certificate of destruction shall be obtained from such factory in respect of such

38. Disposal of weapon of historical interest.---Government may dispose

of weapon which are of historical interest by offering free of cost, to museums
located in the Province or by sale to museums located out of the Province or to
interested persons at a cost to be fixed by Government.

39. Reward.----Government may, in recognition of exceptionally valuable

services rendered by an individual to the cause of advancement of welfare of
the public at large, grant a non-prohibited weapon to such individual as a


40. Fee payable for license.---Every license granted or renewed under these
rules shall, save as otherwise expressly provided, be chargeable with the fee as
specified in Schedule-V.

41. Exemption from fees.---(1) Government may, by general or special

order, exempt, remit, reduce or enhance, as the case may be, the fee payable in
respect of the grant, renewal, late fee or any other fee, as the case may be, of
any license.

(2) No fee is chargeable in respect of the persons mentioned in

Schedule-VI for a license of non-restricted bore weapon.

(3) All Government Servants serving in the Province and Federal

Government Servants in BPS-17 and above shall be exempted from payment of
any fees of one non-restricted bore weapon.

(4) All Government officials in BPS-16 and below serving in the

Province shall produce departmental permission for obtaining one free arms
license of non-restricted bore weapon.

42. Collection of fee.---The fee, as specified in Schedule-V shall be

deposited in the relevant head of account.

43. Arms policy.---Government may, from time to time, formulate a policy,

for carrying out the purposes of the Act and these rules, which is not in
consistent with the provisions of the Act and these rules.

44. Repeal and Savings.---(1)The Arms Rules, 1924, to the extent of the
Province of the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, are hereby repealed.

(2) Notwithstanding the aforesaid repeal, anything done, action taken

and notifications or orders issued under the aforesaid rules shall, so far as it is
not inconsistent with the provisions of the Act, be deemed to have been done
taken, made or issued, under these rules and shall have effect accordingly.




______________ Home and Tribal Affairs Department ______________

(see rule 4)

License for the transportation, possession of prohibited bore weapon including cannon, articles designed for
torpedo service, war rockets or machinery for the manufacture of such arms or ammunition.
Name, description of licensee and agent,(if

Description with specification of caliber of

Period for which the license is valid

Name description and residence of
cannon or other articles
any) and residence of

Place of dispatch and route


Usage of the articles

Number of packages

Place of destination
Number of articles


1. This license is granted subject to all the provisions of the Act and of
these rules.

2. In cases of transportation-

(a) bulk shall not be broken before the articles reach the place of
destination, and

(b) the articles shall be delivered only to a person lawfully entitled to

receive them.

3. In cases of transportation by land or river, an account of contents of each

package shall be legibly written thereon.

4. In case of transportation by rail, each package shall be marked with the

word “cannon”, or as the case may be, in such a manner as to be readily,
recognizable by the railway authorities.

5. A person may be authorized by the law enforcement organization in

writing, before the consignment is made.

6. The receiving authority upon reception of the consignment certify the

receipt which may be furnished to Home and Tribal Affairs Department


______________ Home and Tribal Affairs Department ______________

[see rule 6(1)]
License for the transportation of arms or ammunition of non-
restricted bore weapon.


Name description residence

licensee and agent (if any).
Name, description and

Purpose for which and route.

Numbers, or Weight in

Place of dispatch and

of consignee.
Period for which the
license is valid.
Number of Packages.

Place of destination.



1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

From the ______ to


Date on which the previous sanction of



1. The sealing and loading of the consignment of arms or ammunition shall

be done in the presence of a police officer of the rank of Deputy
Superintendent of Police, who would certify the contents of the
consignment, and submit the compliance report within seven (7) days of
expiry of the transportation license.

2. The consignment shall be escorted by the police from the port or factory
to the point of delivery.

3. This license shall be valid for a period of sixty days (60) for one

4. Compliance report along with video footage of the whole process shall
be submitted to this office within seven (7) days of the expiry of
transportation license.

5. This license is granted subject to all the provisions of the Act and under
these rules.

6. The articles shall not be conveyed by any route other than that specified
in column 1 and bulk shall not be broken, nor shall the consignment be
stopped before the articles reach the place of destination.

7. An account of the contents of each package shall be legibly written

thereon and where the articles are conveyed by rail, each package shall
be marked with the word or expression “Arms”, “Ammunition” as the
case may be, so as to be readily recognizable by the railway authorities.

8. The articles shall be delivered only to a person lawfully entitled to

receive them.


______________ Home and Tribal Affairs Department ______________

[see rule 6(2)]

License for the transportation of arms or ammunition of restricted bore


Name, description and

Period for which the license is

Purpose for which and route.
licensee and agent

Place of dispatch and route.

residence of consignee.
Numbers, or Weight in

Name description
Number of Packages.

Place of destination.


(if any).

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

From the______to

Date on which the previous sanction of



1. The sealing and loading of the consignment of arms or ammunition shall

be done in the presence of a police officer of the rank of Deputy
Superintendent of Police, who would certify the contents of the
consignment, and submit the compliance report within seven (7) days of
expiry of the transportation license.

2. The consignment shall be escorted by the police from the port/factory to

the point of delivery.

3. This license shall be valid for a period of sixty days (60) for one

4. Compliance report along with video footage of the whole process shall
be submitted to this office within seven (7) days of the expiry of
transportation license.

5. This license is granted subject to all the provisions of the Act and of
these rules.

6. The articles shall not be conveyed by any route other than that specified in
column 1 and bulk shall not be broken, nor shall the consignment be
stopped before the articles reach the place of destination.

7. An account of the contents of each package shall be legibly written

thereon and where the articles are conveyed by rail, each package shall
be marked with the word or expression “Arms”, “Ammunition” as the
case may be, so as to be readily recognizable by the railway authorities.

8. The articles shall be delivered only to a person lawfully entitled to

receive them.


______________ Home and Tribal Affairs Department ______________

III [see
rule 8(1)]

License to manufacture, conversion and keeping for sale of arms or ammunition other than rifles,
parts of rifles, ammunition of rifles of non-restricted bore weapon from the manufacturing unit or

Description and Description and

number of arms quantity of
ammunition or
Name , military stores
of license Date on
Serial and duly To be To be which
number authorized Place of manufa sold or To be To be the
of agent or Business ctured kept for manufac sold or license
license. agents, if or shop. or sale. tured. kept for expires.
any. converted. sale.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.



______________ Home and Tribal Affairs Department ______________

Form for renewal of the license

Name: ______________ Title Of license: _______________ Serial No. ______________

Date and year of Date on which the Seal and Signature Endorsement of
renewal. renewed license of authorized bank. granting authority.



1. General. The license is granted subject to all the provisions of the Act
and of these rules.

2. Maintenance of stock books, etc. The licensee shall maintain stock books
and accounts of receipts and issues in Forms A and B respectively of the
Appendix to these conditions. The pages of these books shall be
numbered and before any entries are made the books shall be exhibited,
together with the manufacturer’s license, to the Deputy Commissioner or
any other officer so authorized who shall sign the first and the last pages
of each book and seal them with his official seal.

3. Inspection of premises stocks and registers. The licensee shall exhibit at

his premises his stocks and his registers for inspection on the demand of
Deputy Commissioner, Magistrate, any police officer not below the rank
of Inspector, or if Government may directs, a Sub-Inspector, or any other
officer authorized in this behalf. At the time of inspection the books shall
be initialed by the inspecting officer and any irregularity or breech of the
rules which may be noticed shall be reported to Government and Deputy
Commissioner at once.

4. Signboard to be affixed-

(a) the licensee shall have affixed on a conspicuous part of his

place of business, factory or shop a signboard on which
shall be painted in large letters in English and in the
vernacular of the district, his name and the words
“Licensed to manufacture”, “or Licensed to deal in, as the
case may be “arms, ammunition; and.

(b) the licensee shall also affix in his place of business, factory
or shop a copy of such license.

5. License to be endorsed at the time of sale. The licensee shall at the time
of sale of any arms or ammunition endorse upon the license of every
purchaser holding a license in relevant form-

(a) the name, description and residence of the person who

takes delivery of the articles sold;
(b) the nature and quantity of the articles sold; and

(c) the date of sale, and shall sign the endorsement.

6. Number and marks to be entered in register at the time of sale. The

licensee shall make a sale of a weapon enter in his register the number
and marks, if any, stamped on the weapon at the time of manufacture.

7. Sale to be reported to the Deputy Commissioner and Superintendent of


(a) Whenever a licensee makes a sale of arms or ammunition, he shall

within forty-eight (48) hours make a report thereof to the Deputy
Commissioner and Superintendent of Police of the district in
which the licensee has his place of business, factory or shop and
shall in such report states-

(i) the name, description and residence of the person who

takes delivery of the articles sold;
(ii) the nature and quantity of the articles sold; and

(iii) the date of sale and such report shall be signed by the

8. Sale not to exceed maximum fixed. The licensee shall not sell to any
person licensed to possess or carry arms, rifle ammunition in excess of
the maximum which may be fixed by Government for such person and
which is endorsed on such person’s license.

9. Sale only allowed in regular place of business. The licensee shall not sell
arms, ammunition or elsewhere than at place of business, factory or shop
specified in the license.

11. Restrictions on keeping of Government arms or ammunition etc. The

licensee shall not keep Government arms, Government ammunition and
such arms, as are in current use of Government Armed Forces and the
Police and have been declared as “restricted bores”.

Explanation.---For the purpose of this condition-

(a) “Government arms” means a arms or other weapon which is the

property of Government; and

(b) “Government ammunition” means ammunition manufactured in

any Government factory, or prepared for and supplied to


12. Restrictions on sale to members of FATA. Where the license is granted

in and for any local area in FATA of the licensee shall not sell arms or
ammunition without a special permit from a Political Agent, to any
member of a FATA to which Government may, from time to time, by
notification, apply this condition.

(2) Nothing in this condition shall be deemed to apply to sales

to, or for the use of-

(a) any person who is exempted under rule 3 of these


(b) any person who is notified by Government for this


13. Loss or theft of arms to be reported forthwith. The licensee shall

forthwith give information at the nearest police station and the office of
the Deputy Commissioner concerned of the loss or theft of any arms or
ammunition covered by the license.


1. Provision for fire extinction. The licensee shall build his factory in
concrete, fitted with fireproof material, and shall keep fire extinguishers
and other appliances necessary for protection against fire.

2. Location of factory and its size. The licensee shall, as far as possible,
locate his factory at sufficient distance from congested areas or thickly
populated places, and shall surround it with a high compound wall. The
factory shall be of a size commensurate with the number of workers
3. Provision of police guard. The licensee shall apply to the District
Superintendent of Police for a police guard for guarding his factory both
by day and by night. The number of the police guard shall depend on the
size of the factory and the number of gates to be guarded and its costs
shall be realized from the owner of the factory.

4. Anti-sabotage precautions. The licensee shall ask the District

Superintendent of Police to get the antecedents of all workers in his
factory verified by the police before employing them. He shall also

arrange with the police for issue of an identity card to each worker,
bearing his photograph and signature or hand thumb impression.

5. Precautions against smuggling. Workers shall be searched on entering

and leaving the factory. A record of the finished products shall be kept
and certificates should be furnished showing the actual number and
description of finished products sent out of the factory in any

6. Making of numbers of arms manufactured. The licensee shall take

steps to ensure that all arms manufactured in his factory bear the name of
the factory and a number. The number shall be marked on the barrels of
guns and pistols, on barrels and breeches or rifles and on the barrels and
cylinders of revolvers. The marking shall be done at the time when the
component parts are ready and no arms shall be allowed to leave the
factory unless they have been marked as indicated. The number shall
correspond with those in the registers and in the sale book at the time of
disposal. Separate registers shall be maintained for each type of arms.

Note. Government may, by order in writing, waive or relax any of the

conditions or special conditions through a notification.


Stock book of……………. Son of ……………caste…………………..resident

of……………….. licensed to manufacture arms or ammunition.

Description and number / quantity of arms or ammunition

Parts of arms other

Including lead and



Signature of
Pistols and



Daily sale book ……………..son of……….caste……….resident of…………
licensed to manufacture arms or ammunition.

Date. Name and Caste and Residence Articles Price Signature

father’s profession of purchased. rupees. of
name of of purchaser. purchaser
purchaser. purchaser. and


______________ Home and Tribal Affairs Department ______________

[see rule 8(1)]

License to manufacture conversion and keeping for sale of arms or

ammunition other than rifles, parts of rifles, ammunition of rifles of
restricted bore weapon from the manufacturing unit or factory.

Description and number of Description and quantity of

arms. ammunition or military
Serial Name Place of To be To be sold To be To be Date on
number of description business manufactured or kept for manufactured. sold or which the
license. of license
or shop. or converted. sale. kept for license
and duly
authorized sale. expires.
agent or
agents, if
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.



______________ Home and Tribal Affairs Department ______________

Form for renewal of the license

Name: ______________ Title Of license: _______________ Serial No. ______________

Date and year of Date on which the Seal and Endorsement of

renewal. renewed license Signature granting authority.
expires. of authorized bank.


1. General. The license is granted subject to all the provisions of the Act
and of these rules.

2. Maintenance of stock books, etc. The licensee shall maintain stock books
and accounts of receipts and issues in Forms A and B respectively of the
Appendix to these conditions. The pages of these books shall be
numbered and before any entries are made the books shall be exhibited,
together with the manufacturer’s license, to the Deputy Commissioner or
any other officer so authorized who shall sign the first and the last pages
of each book and seal them with his official seal.

3. Inspection of premises stocks and registers. The licensee shall exhibit at

his premises his stocks and his registers for inspection on the demand of
the Deputy Commissioner, Magistrate, any police officer not below the
rank of Inspector, or if Government may direct, a sub-inspector, or any
other officer authorized in this behalf. At the time of inspection the
books shall be initialed by the inspecting officer and any irregularity or
breech of the rules which may be noticed shall be reported to
Government and the Deputy Commissioner at once.

4. Signboard to be affixed-

(a) The licensee shall have affixed on a conspicuous part of his place
of business, factory or shop a signboard on which shall be painted
in large letters in English and in the vernacular of the district, his
name and the words “Licensed to manufacture” or “Licensed to
deal in”, as the case may be, “arms, ammunition”; and

(b) The licensee shall also affix in his place of business, factory or
shop a copy of such license.

5. License to be endorsed at the time of sale. The licensee shall at the time
of sale of any arms or ammunition endorse upon the license of every
purchaser holding a license in relevant Form-

(a) the name, description and residence of the person who takes
delivery of the articles sold;

(b) the nature and quantity of the articles sold; and

(c) the date of sale, and shall sign the endorsement.

6. Number and marks to be entered in register at the time of sale. The

licensee shall make a sale of a weapon enter in his register the number
and marks, if any, stamped on the weapon at the time of manufacture.

7. Sale to be reported to the Deputy Commissioner and Superintendent of


(a) Whenever a licensee makes a sale of arms or ammunition, he shall

within forty-eight (48) hours make a report thereof to the Deputy
Commissioner and Superintendent of Police of the district in
which the licensee has his place of business, factory or shop and
shall in such report states-

(i) the name, description and residence of the person who

takes delivery of the articles sold;

(ii) the nature and quantity of the articles sold; and

(iii) the date of sale and such report shall be signed by the

8. Sale not to exceed maximum fixed. The licensee shall not sell to any
person licensed to possess or carry arms or ammunition, rifle in excess of
the maximum which may be fixed by Government for such person and
which is endorsed on such person’s license.

9. Sale only allowed in regular place of business. The licensee shall not sell
arms or ammunition elsewhere than at place of business, factory or shop
specified in the license.

10. Restrictions on keeping of Government arms or ammunition etc. The

licensee shall not keep Government arms, Government ammunition and
such arms, as are in current use of Government Armed Forces and the
police and have been declared as “restricted bores”.

Explanation.---For the purpose of this condition-

(a) “Government arms” means a arms or other weapon which is the

property of Government; and

(b) “Government ammunition” means ammunition manufactured in

any Government factory, or prepared for and supplied to

11. Restrictions on sale to members of FATA. Where the license is granted

in and for any local area in FATA the licensee shall not sell arms or
ammunition without a special permit from a Political Agent, to any
member of a FATA to which Government may, from time to time by
notification, apply this condition.

(2) Nothing in this condition shall be deemed to apply to sales to,

or for the use of-
(a) any person who is exempted under rule 3 of these
rules; and
(b) any person who is notified by Government for this

12. Loss or theft of arms or ammunition to be reported forthwith. The

licensee shall forthwith give information at the nearest police station and
the office of the Deputy Commissioner concerned of the loss or theft of
any arms or ammunition covered by the license.


1. Provision for fire extinction. The licensee shall build his factory in
concrete, fitted with fireproof material, and shall keep fire extinguishers
and other appliances necessary for protection against fire.

2. Location of factory and its size. The licensee shall, as far as possible,
locate his factory at sufficient distance from congested areas or thickly
populated places, and shall surround it with a high compound wall. The
factory shall be of a size commensurate with the number of workers

3. Provision of police guard. The licensee shall apply to the District

Superintendent of police for a police guard for guarding his factory both
by day and by night. The size of the guard shall depend on the size of the
factory and the number of gates to be guarded and its costs shall be
realized from the owner of the factory.

4. Anti-sabotage precautions. The licensee shall ask the District

Superintendent of Police to get the antecedents of all workers in his

factory verified by the police before employing them. He shall also

arrange with the police for issue of an identity card to each worker,
bearing his photograph and signature or hand thumb impression.

5. Precautions against smuggling. Workers shall be searched on entering

and leaving the factory. A record of the finished products shall be kept
and certificates should be furnished showing the actual number and
description of finished products sent out of the factory in any

6. Making of numbers of arms manufactured. The licensee shall take steps

to ensure that all arms manufactured in his factory bear the name of the
factory and a number. The number shall be marked on the barrels of
guns and pistols, on barrels and breeches or rifles and on the barrels and
cylinders of revolvers. The marking shall be done at the time when the
component parts are ready and no arms shall be allowed to leave the
factory unless they have been marked as indicated. The number shall
correspond with those in the registers and in the sale book at the time of
disposal. Separate registers shall be maintained for each type of arms.

Note: Government may, by order in writing, waive or relax any of the

conditions or special conditions through a notification.

Stock book of………………. Son of …………caste…………………..resident

of……………….. licensed to manufacture arms or ammunition.

Description and number / quantity of arms or ammunition

Parts of arms other

Including lead and



Signature of
Pistols and



Daily sale book ……………..son of……….caste……….resident of…………
licensed to manufacture arms or ammunition.

Date. Name and Caste and Residence Articles Price Signature

father’s profession of purchased. Rs. of
name of of purchaser. purchaser
purchaser. purchaser. and

______________ Home and Tribal Affairs Department ______________

[see rule 8(2)]

License to manufacture, conversion and keeping for sale of

rifles, parts of rifles, ammunition of rifles of non-restricted bore
weapon from the manufacturing unit or factory.
Description and number Description and
of arms. quantity of
ammunition or
military stores.
Serial Name Place of To be To be sold To be To be Date on
number of description business manufactu or kept for manufa- sold which the
license. of license or shop. red or sale. ctured. or license
and duly converted. kept expires.
authorized for
agent or sale.
agents, if
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.


______________ Home and Tribal Affairs Department ______________

Form for renewal of the license

Name: ______________ Title Of license: _______________ Serial No. ______________

Date and year of Date on which the Seal and Endorsement of

renewal. renewed license Signature granting authority.
expires. of authorized bank.


1. General. This license is granted subject to all the provisions of the Act
and of these rules.

2. Maintenance of stock books, etc. The licensee shall maintain stock books
and accounts of receipts and issues in Forms A and B respectively of the
Appendix to these conditions. The pages of these books shall be
numbered and before any entries are made the books shall be exhibited,
together with the manufacturer’s license, to the Deputy Commissioner or
any other officer so authorized who shall sign the first and the last pages
of each book and seal them with his official seal.

3. Inspection of premises stocks and registers. The licensee shall exhibit at

his premises his stocks and his registers for inspection on the demand of
the Deputy Commissioner, the Magistrate or any police officer not below
the rank of inspector, or if Government may direct, a sub-inspector, or
any other officer authorized in this behalf. At the time of inspection the
books shall be initialed by the inspecting officer and any irregularity or
breech of the rules which may be noticed shall be reported to
Government and the Deputy Commissioner at once.

4. Signboard to be affixed-

(a) the licensee shall have affixed on a conspicuous part of his place
of business, factory or shop a signboard on which shall be painted
in large letters in English and in the vernacular of the district, his
name and the words “Licensed to manufacture”, “or Licensed to
deal in” as the case may be “arms, ammunition and ”.

(b) the licensee shall also affix in his place of business, factory or
shop a copy the license

5. License to be endorsed at the time of sale. The licensee shall at the time
of sale of any arms or ammunition endorse upon the license of every
purchaser holding a license in relevant Form-

(a) the name, description and residence of the person who takes
delivery of the articles sold;

(b) the nature and quantity of the articles sold; and

(c) the date of sale, and shall sign the endorsement.

6. Number and marks to be entered in register at the time of sale. The
licensee shall make a sale of a weapon enter in his register the number
and marks, if any, stamped on the weapon at the time of manufacture.

7. Sale to be reported to the Deputy Commissioner and Superintendent of


(a) Whenever a licensee makes a sale of arms, ammunition or, he

shall within forty-eight (48) hours make a report thereof to the
Deputy Commissioner and Superintendent of Police of the district
in which the licensee has his place of business, factory or shop and shall
in such report states-

(i) the name, description and residence of the person who takes
delivery of the articles sold;

(ii) the nature and quantity of the articles sold;

(iii) the date of sale; and such report shall be signed by the licensee.

8. Sale not to exceed maximum fixed. The licensee shall not sell to any person
licensed to possess or carry arms, rifle ammunition in excess of the maximum
which may be fixed by Government for such person and which is endorsed on
such person’s license.

9. Sale only allowed in regular place of business. The licensee shall not sell arms
or ammunition, elsewhere than at place of business, factory or shop specified in
the license.

11. Restrictions on keeping of Government arms or ammunition etc. The licensee

shall not keep Government arms, Government ammunition and such arms, as
are in current use of Government Armed Forces and the police and have been
declared as “restricted bores”.

Explanation.---For the purpose of this condition-

(a) “Government arms” means a arms or other weapon which is the property
of Government; and

(b) “Government ammunition” means ammunition manufactured in any

Government factory, or prepared for and supplied to Government.

12. Restrictions on sale to members of FATA. Where the license is granted in and
for any local area in FATA of the licensee shall not sell arms or ammunition,
without a special permit from a Political Agent, to any member of a FATA to
which Government may, from time to time by notification, apply this condition.

(2) Nothing in this condition shall be deemed to apply to sales to, or

for the use of-

(a) any person who is exempted under rule 3 of these rules;

(b) any person who is notified by Government for this

13. Loss or theft of arms to be reported forthwith. The licensee shall forthwith give
information at the nearest police station and the office of the Deputy
Commissioner of the loss or theft of any arms or ammunition covered by the

1. Provision for fire extinction. The licensee shall build his factory in concrete,
fitted with fireproof material, and shall keep fire extinguishers and other
appliances necessary for protection against fire.

2. Location of factory and its size. The licensee shall, as far as possible, locate his
factory at sufficient distance from congested areas or thickly populated places,
and shall surround it with a high compound wall. The factory shall be of a size
commensurate with the number of workers employed.
3. Provision of police guard. The licensee shall apply to the District
Superintendent of police for a police guard for guarding his factory both by day
and by night. The number of the police guard shall depend on the size of the
factory and the number of gates to be guarded and its costs shall be realized
from the owner of the factory.

4. Anti-sabotage precautions. The licensee shall ask the District Superintendent of

police to get the antecedents of all workers in his factory verified by the police
before employing them. He shall also arrange with the police for issue of an
identity card to each worker, bearing his photograph and signature or left hand
thumb impression.

5. Precautions against smuggling. Workers shall be searched on entering and

leaving the factory. A record of the finished products shall be kept and
certificates should be furnished showing the actual number and description of
finished products sent out of the factory in any consignment.

6. Making of numbers of arms or ammunition manufactured. The licensee shall

take steps to ensure that all arms manufactured in his factory bear the name of
the factory and a number. The number shall be marked on the barrels of guns
and pistols, on barrels and breeches of rifles and on the barrels and cylinders of
revolvers. The marking shall be done at the time when the component parts are
ready and no arms or ammunition shall be allowed to leave the factory unless
they have been marked as indicated. The number shall correspond with those in
the registers and in the sale book at the time of disposal. Separate registers shall
be maintained for each type of arms.

Note: Government may, by order in writing, waive or relax any of the conditions or
special conditions through a notification.

Stock book of……………. Son of …………… caste…………………..resident

of……………….. licensed to manufacture arms or ammunition.

Description and number / quantity of arms or ammunition

Parts of arms Other

Including lead and

sulphur saltpeter.


Signature of
Pistols and



Daily sale book ……………..son of……….caste……….resident of…………
licensed to manufacture arms or ammunition.

Date. Name and Caste and Residence Articles Price Signature

father’s profession of purchased. Rs. of
name of of purchaser. purchaser
purchaser. purchaser. and dealer.

______________ Home and Tribal Affairs Department ______________

[see rule 8(2)]

License to manufacture conversion and keeping for sale of rifles,

parts of rifles, ammunition of rifles of restricted bore weapon
from the manufacturing unit or factory.
Description and number Description and
of arms. quantity of
ammunition or
military stores.
Serial Name, Place of To be To be sold To be To be Date on
number of description business manufact or kept for manufa- sold which the
license. of license or shop. - sale. ctured. or license
and duly ured or kept expires.
authorized converted for
agent or . sale.
agents, if
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.


______________ Home and Tribal Affairs Department ______________

Form for renewal of the license

Name: ______________ Title Of license: _______________ Serial No. ______________

Date and year of Date on which the Seal and Endorsement of

renewal. renewed license Signature issuing authority.
expires. of authorized bank.


1. General. The license is granted subject to all the provisions of the Act
and of these rules.

2. Maintenance of stock books, etc. The licensee shall maintain stock books
and accounts of receipts and issues in Forms A and B respectively of the
appendix to these conditions. The pages of these books shall be
numbered and before any entries are made the books shall be exhibited,
together with the manufacturer’s license, to the Deputy Commissioner or
any other officer so authorized who shall sign the first and the last pages
of each book and seal them with his official seal.

3. Inspection of premises stocks and registers. The licensee shall exhibit at

his premises his stocks and his registers for inspection on the demand of
the Deputy Commissioner, the Magistrate or any police officer not below
the rank of inspector, or if Government may directs, a sub-inspector, or
any other officer authorized in this behalf. At the time of inspection the
books shall be initialed by the inspecting officer and any irregularity or
breech of the rules which may be noticed shall be reported to
Government and the Deputy Commissioner at once.

4. Signboard to be affixed.

(a) the licensee shall have affixed on a conspicuous part of his place
of business, factory or shop a signboard on which shall be painted
in large letters in English and in the vernacular of the district, his
name and the words “Licensed to manufacture”, “or Licensed to
deal in” as the case may be, “arms, ammunition”; and

(b) the licensee shall also affix in his place of business, factory or
shop a copy of such license

5. License to be endorsed at the time of sale. The licensee shall at the time
of sale of any arms or ammunition endorse upon the license of every
purchaser holding a license in relevant Form-

(a) the name, description and residence of the person who takes
delivery of the articles sold;

(b) the nature and quantity of the articles sold; and

(c) the date of sale, and shall sign the endorsement.

6. Number and marks to be entered in register at the time of sale. The
licensee shall make a sale of a weapon enter in his register the number
and marks, if any, stamped on the weapon at the time of manufacture.

7. Sale to be reported to the Deputy Commissioner and Superintendent of


(a) whenever a licensee makes a sale of arms, ammunition or, he

shall within forty-eight (48) hours make a report thereof to the
Deputy Commissioner and Superintendent of Police of the district
in which the licensee has his place of business, factory or shop
and shall in such report states-

(i) the name, description and residence of the person who

takes delivery of the articles sold;

(ii) the nature and quantity of the articles sold; and

(iii) the date of sale; and such report shall be signed by the
8. Sale not to exceed maximum fixed. The licensee shall not sell to any
person licensed to possess or carry arms or ammunition, rifle in excess of
the maximum which may be fixed by Government for such person and
which is endorsed on such person’s license.

9. Sale only allowed in regular place of business. The licensee shall not sell
arms or ammunition elsewhere than at place of business, factory or shop
specified in the license.

11. Restrictions on keeping of Government arms and ammunition etc. The

licensee shall not keep Government arms, Government ammunition and
such arms, as are in current use of Government Armed Forces and the
police and have been declared as “restricted bores”.

Explanation.---For the purpose of this condition-

(a) “Government arms” means a arms or other weapon which is the

property of Government; and

(b) “Government ammunition” means ammunition manufactured in

any Government factory, or prepared for and supplied to

12. Restrictions on sale to members of FATA.---Where the license is granted

in and for any local area in FATA of the licensee shall not sell arms or
ammunition, without a special permit from a Political Agent, to any
member of a FATA to which Government may from time to time by
notification, apply this condition.

(2) Nothing in this condition shall be deemed to apply to sales

to, or for the use of-

(a) any person who is exempted under rule 3 of these

rules; and

(b) any person who is notified by Government for this


13. Loss or theft of arms or ammunition to be reported forthwith. The

licensee shall forthwith give information at the nearest police station and
the office of the Deputy Commissioner of the loss or theft of any arms or
ammunition covered by the license.

1. Provision for fire extinction. The licensee shall build his factory in concrete, fitted
with fireproof material, and shall keep fire extinguishers and other appliances
necessary for protection against fire.

2. Location of factory and its size. The licensee shall, as far as possible, locate his
factory at sufficient distance from congested areas or thickly populated places, and
shall surround it with a high compound wall. The factory shall be of a size
commensurate with the number of workers employed.
3. Provision of police guard. The licensee shall apply to the District Superintendent
of police for a police guard for guarding his factory both by day and by night. The
number of the police guard shall depend on the size of the factory and the number
of gates to be guarded and its costs shall be realized from the owner of the factory.

4. Anti-sabotage precautions. The licensee shall ask the District Superintendent of

Police to get the antecedents of all workers in his factory verified by the police
before employing them. He shall also arrange with the police for issue of an
identity card to each worker, bearing his photograph and signature or left hand
thumb impression.

5. Precautions against smuggling. Workers shall be searched on entering and leaving

the factory. A record of the finished products shall be kept and certificates should
be furnished showing the actual number and description of finished products sent
out of the factory in any consignment.

6. Making of numbers of arms manufactured. The licensee shall take steps to ensure
that all arms manufactured in his factory bear the name of the factory and a
number. The number shall be marked on the barrels of guns and pistols, on barrels
and breeches of rifles and on the barrels and cylinders of revolvers. The marking
shall be done at the time when the component parts are ready and no arms or
ammunition shall be allowed to leave the factory unless they have been marked as
indicated. The number shall correspond with those in the registers and in the sale
book at the time of disposal. Separate registers shall be maintained for each type of

Note: Government may, by order in writing, waive or relax any of the conditions or
special conditions through a notification.

Stock book of……………. Son of ……………caste…………………..resident

of……………….. licensed to manufacture arms or ammunition.

Description and number / quantity of arms or ammunition Or

Parts of arms Other

Including lead and

sulphur and


Signature of
Pistols and



Daily sale book ……………..son of……….caste……….resident of………… licensed to
manufacture arms or ammunition.

Date. Name and Caste and Residence Articles Price Signature

father’s profession of purchased. Rs. of
name of of purchaser. purchaser
purchaser. purchaser. and dealer.

______________ Home and Tribal Affairs Department ______________

[see rule 8(3)]

License to sell and keep for sale of arms or ammunition other than
rifles, parts of rifles, ammunition of rifles of non-restricted
bore weapon from the dealers.

Description and number Description and

of arms. quantity of
ammunition or
military stores.
Serial Name, Place of To be To be sold To be To be Date on
number of description business manuf- or kept for manufac sold which the
license. of license or shop. actured sale. tured. or license
and duly or kept expires.
authorized converted for
agent or . sale.
agents, if
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.


______________ Home and Tribal Affairs Department ______________

Form for renewal of the license

Name: ______________ Title Of license: _______________ Serial No. ______________

Date and year of Date on which the Seal and Signature of Endorsement of
renewal. renewed license authorized bank. granting authority.


1. This license is granted subject to all the provisions of the Act and of these

2. The licensee shall maintain registers of all arms or ammunition and in

stock, and of all sales, in such form as Government may direct.

3. The licensee shall exhibit his stock and his registers on the demand of the
Deputy Commissioner, the Magistrate, any police officer not below the
rank of inspector, or if Government may direct, a sub-inspector, or any
other officer authorized in this behalf.

4. (a) The licensee shall affix on a conspicuous part of his place of

business or shop a signboard, on which shall be painted in large
letters in English and in the vernacular of the district his name and
the words “Licensed to deal in arms or ammunition and”; and
(b) the licensee shall also affix in his place of business or shop a copy
of such license.

5. The licensee shall at the time of purchase of arms or ammunition, endorse

upon the license of every purchaser holding a license in relevant Form-

(a) the name, description and residence of the person who takes
delivery of the articles sold;

(b) the nature and quantity of the articles sold; and

(c) the date of sale, and shall sign the endorsement or shop specified in
the license.

6. The licensee shall at the time of the sale of a weapon enter in his register
the number and marks, if any, stamped on the weapon at the time of

7. The licensee shall give information of all sales of arms or ammunition to

such person and in such manner as Government may direct.

8. The licensee shall not sell to any person licensed to possess or carry arms
or ammunition in excess of the maximum which may be fixed by
Government for such person and which is endorsed on such person’s

9. The licensee shall not sell arms or ammunition elsewhere than at the place
of business, factory, shall not keep Government arms or ammunition or,
unless he is specially authorized in this behalf by Government.

Explanation.---For the purpose of this condition-

(a) “Government arm” means a arms or other weapon which is the

property of Government; and

(b) “Government ammunition” means ammunition manufactured in any

Government factory, or prepared for and supplied to Government.

10. The licensee shall forthwith give information at the nearest police station
and the Deputy Commissioner of the concerned district, of the loss or theft
of any arms or ammunition, covered by the license.

11. (a) The license may be renewed with a period of one year ending on
31 December;

(b) the license may be renewed within a period of one month of its
expiry (that by 31 January) hereinafter referred to as the grace
period without the payment of any penalty or late fee;

(c) after the expiry of the grace period before the lapse of three months
of the date of the expiry of the license (that is by 31 March) it may
be renewed at the authorized bank on the payment of a late fee
calculated at the rate of fine as notified by Government for every
month that intervenes between the expiry of the grace period and the
date of renewal of the license;

(d) the license may be renewed after three months but before the lapse
of six months of the date of expiry thereof under the orders of the
granting authority on the payment of four times the normal renewal
fee and such initiation shall be sent by the granting authority to the
incharge of the bank where the license was registered and the
licensee shall pay the renewal fee at such bank.

(e) if a license is not renewed within the period specified in clause (d), the
license shall on the expiry of the said period, stand cancelled.

______________ Home and Tribal Affairs Department ______________

[see rule 8(3)]

License to sell and keep for sale of arms or ammunition other than rifles,
parts of rifles, ammunition of rifles of restricted bore weapon from the dealers.

Description and number Description and

of arms. quantity of
ammunition or
military stores.
Serial Name, Place of To be To be sold To be To be Date on
number of description business manufact or kept for manufac sold which the
license. of license or shop. ured or sale. tured. or license
and duly converted kept expires.
authorized . for
agent or sale.
agents, if
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.


______________ Home and Tribal Affairs Department ______________

Form for renewal of the license

Name: ______________ Title Of license: _______________ Serial No. _____________

Date on which the Seal and Endorsement of

Date and year of renewed license Signature of granting
renewal. expires. authorized bank. authority.


1. This license is granted subject to all the provisions of the Act and of
these rules.

2. The licensee shall maintain registers of all arms or ammunition and in

stock, and of all sales, in such form as Government may direct.

3. The licensee shall exhibit his stock and his registers on the demand of
the Deputy Commissioner, the Magistrate or any police officer not below
the rank of inspector, or if Government may direct, a sub-inspector, or
any other officer authorized in this behalf.

4. (a) The licensee shall affix on a conspicuous part of his place of

business or shop a signboard, on which shall be painted in large
letters in English and in the vernacular of the district his name and
the words “Licensed to deal in arms or ammunition”; and

(b) The licensee shall affix also in his place of business or shop a
copy of such license.

5. The licensee shall at the time of purchase of arms or ammunition,

endorse upon the license of every purchaser holding a license in relevant

(a) the name, description and residence of the person who takes
delivery of the articles sold;

(b) the nature and quantity of the articles sold; and

(c) the date of sale, and shall sign the endorsement or shop specified
in the license.

6. The licensee shall at the time of the sale of a weapon enter in his register
the number and marks, if any, stamped on the weapon at the time of

7. The licensee shall give information of all sales of arms or ammunition

and to such person and in such manner as Government may direct.

8. The licensee shall not sell to any person licensed to possess or carry
arms or ammunition in excess of the maximum which may be fixed by
Government for such person and which is endorsed on such person’s
9. The licensee shall not sell arms or ammunition elsewhere than at the
place of business, factory, shall not keep Government arms or
ammunition or, unless he is specially authorized in this behalf by

Explanation.---For the purpose of this condition-

(a) “Government arm” means a arms or other weapon which is the

property of Government; and
(b) “Government ammunition” means ammunition and manufactured in any Government
factory, or prepared for and supplied to Government.

10. The licensee shall forthwith give information at the nearest police station and the Deputy
Commissioner of the district concerned, of the loss or theft of any arms or ammunition,
covered by the license.
11. (a) The license may be renewed with a period of one year ending on 31 December;

(b) the license may be renewed within a period of one month of its expiry (that is by
31 January) hereinafter referred to as the grace period without the payment of any
penalty or late fee;

(c) after the expiry of the grace period before the lapse of three months of the date of the
expiry of the license (that is by 31 March) it may be renewed at the authorized bank
on the payment of a late fee calculated at the rate of fine as notified by Government
for every month that intervenes between the expiry of the grace period and the date of
renewal of the license;

(d) the license may be renewed after three months but before the lapse of six months of
the date of expiry thereof under the orders of the granting authority on the payment of
four times the normal renewal fee and such initiation shall be sent by the granting
authority to the incharge of the bank where the license was registered and the licensee
shall pay the renewal fee at such bank; and

(e) if a license is not renewed within the period specified in clause (d), the license shall
on the expiry of the said period, stand cancelled.

______________ Home and Tribal Affairs Department ______________

[see rule 8(4)]

License to sell and keep for sale rifles, parts of rifles, ammunition of rifles
of non-restricted bore weapon from the dealers.

Description and number of arms. Description and

quantity of
ammunition or
military stores.
Serial Name, Place of To be To be sold or To be To be Date on
number of description of business manufacture kept for sale. manuf- sold which the
license. license and or shop. d or actured or license
duly converted. . kept expires.
authorized for
agent or sale.
agents, if any.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.


______________ Home and Tribal Affairs Department ______________

Form for renewal of the license

Name: ______________ Title Of license: _______________ Serial No. ______________

Date on which the Seal and Endorsement of

Date and year of renewed license Signature of Issuing authority.
renewal. expires. authorized bank.


1. This license is granted subject to all the provisions of the Act and of
these rules.

2. The licensee shall maintain registers of all arms or ammunition and in

stock, and of all sales, in such form as Government may direct.

3. He shall exhibit his stock and his registers on the demand of the Deputy
Commissioner, the Magistrate or any police officer not below the rank of
inspector, or if Government may direct, a sub-inspector, or any other
officer authorized in this behalf.

4. (a) The licensee shall affix on a conspicuous part of his place of

business or shop a signboard, on which shall be painted in large
letters in English and in the vernacular of the district his name and
the words “Licensed to deal in arms or ammunition”; and

(b) The licensee shall affix also in his place of business or shop a
copy of the license

5. The licensee shall at the time of purchase of arms or ammunition,

endorse upon the license of every purchaser holding a license in relevant

(a) the name, description and residence of the person who takes
delivery of the articles sold;

(b) the nature and quantity of the articles sold; and

(c) the date of sale, and shall sign the endorsement or shop
specified in the license.

6. The licensee shall at the time of the sale of a weapon enter in his register
the number and marks, if any, stamped on the weapon at the time of

7. The licensee shall give information of all sales of arms or ammunition

and to such person and in such manner as Government may direct.

8. The licensee shall not sell to any person licensed to possess or carry
arms or ammunition in excess of the maximum which may be fixed by
Government for such person and which is endorsed on such person’s
9. The licensee shall not sell arms or ammunition elsewhere than at the
place of business, factory shall not keep Government arms or
ammunition, unless he is specially authorized in this behalf by

Explanation.---For the purpose of this condition-

(a) “Government arms” mean a arms or other weapon which is the

property of Government; and

(b) “Government ammunition” means ammunition manufactured in

any Government factory, or prepared for and supplied to

10. The licensee shall forthwith give information at the nearest police station
and the Deputy Commissioner of the loss or theft of any arms and
ammunition, covered by the license.
11. (a) The license may be renewed with a period of one year ending on
31 December;

(b) he license may be renewed within a period of one month of its

expiry (that is by 31 January) hereinafter referred to as the grace
period without the payment of any penalty or late fee.

(c) after the expiry of the grace period before the lapse of three
months of the date of the expiry of the license (that is by 31
March) it may be renewed at the authorized bank on the payment
of a late fee calculated at the rate of fine as notified by
government for every month that intervenes between the expiry of
the grace period and the date of renewal of the license.

(d) The license may be renewed after three months but before the
lapse of six months of the date of expiry thereof under the orders
of the granting authority on the payment of four times the normal
renewal fee and such initiation shall be sent by the granting
authority to the incharge of the bank where the license was
registered and the licensee shall pay the renewal fee at such bank.

(e) if a license is not renewed within the period specified

in clause (d), the license shall on the expiry of the said period, stand

______________ Home and Tribal Affairs Department ______________

[see rule 8(4)]

License to sell and keep for sale rifles, parts of rifles, ammunition of rifles of
restricted bore weapon from the dealers.

Description and number Description and

of arms. quantity of
ammunition or
military stores.
Serial Name, Place of To be To be sold To be To be Date on
number of description business manufact or kept for manufac sold which the
license. of license or shop. ured or sale tured. or license
and duly converted kept expires.
authorized for
agent or sale.
agents, if
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.


______________ Home and Tribal Affairs Department ______________

Form for renewal of the License

Name: ______________ Title Of license: _______________ Serial No. _____________

Date and year of Date on which the Seal & Signature of Endorsement of
renewal. renewed license authorized bank. Issuing authority.


1. This license is granted subject to all the provisions of the Act and of
these rules.

2. The licensee shall maintain registers of all arms or ammunition in Stock,

and of all sales, in such form as Government may direct.

3. He shall exhibit his stock and his registers on the demand of the Deputy
Commissioner, the Magistrate or any police officer not below the rank of
inspector, or if Government may direct, a sub-inspector, or any other
officer authorized in this behalf.

4. (a) he shall affix on a conspicuous part of his place of business or

shop a signboard, on which shall be painted in large letters in
English and in the vernacular of the district his name and the
words “Licensed to deal in arms or ammunition and”;

(b) he shall also affix also in his place of business of shop a copy of
the license.

5. He shall at the time of purchase of arms or ammunition, endorse upon

the license of every purchaser holding a license in relevant Form-

(a) the name, description and residence of the person who takes
delivery of the articles sold;

(b) the nature and quantity of the articles sold; and

(c) the date of sale, and shall sign the endorsement or shop specified
in the license.

6. He shall at the time of the sale of a weapon enter in his register the
number and marks, if any, stamped on the weapon at the time of

7. He shall give information of all sales of arms or ammunition to such

person and in such manner as Government may direct.

8. He shall not sell to any person licensed to possess or carry arms or

ammunition in excess of the maximum which may be fixed by
Government for such person and which is endorsed on such person’s

9. He shall not sell arms or ammunition elsewhere than at the place of

business, factory shall not keep Government arms or ammunition, unless
he is specially authorized in this behalf by Government.

Explanation.---For the purpose of this condition-

(a) “Government arm” means a arms or other weapon which is the

property of Government; and

(b) “Government ammunition” means ammunition manufactured in

any Government factory, or prepared for and supplied to

10. The licensee shall forthwith give information at the nearest police station
and the Deputy Commissioner of the loss or theft of any arms or
ammunition, covered by the license.

11. (a) The license may be renewed with a period of one year ending on
31 December.

(b) the license may be renewed within a period of one month of its
expiry (that is by 31 January) hereinafter referred to as the grace
period without the payment of any penalty or late fee.

(c) after the expiry of the grace period before the lapse of three
months of the date of the expiry of the license (that is by 31
March) it may be renewed at the authorized bank on the payment
of a late fee calculated at the rate of fine as notified by
government for every month that intervenes between the expiry of
the grace period and the date of renewal of the license.

(d) The license may be renewed after three months but before the
lapse of six months of the date of expiry thereof under the orders
of the Licensing Authority on the payment of four times the
normal renewal fee and such initiation shall be sent by the
Licensing Authority to the incharge of the bank where the license
was registered and the licensee shall pay the renewal fee at such

(e) if a license is not renewed within the period specified in clause

(d), the license shall, on the expiry of the said period, stand
Government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
Home and Tribal Affairs Department

(see rule 8 (7))

License for sale and transportation of sulphur for

industrial, agricultural or
medicinal purposes.
Arms and ammunition

Name, Place of storage Purpose of Quantity of Place or Period for Date on which
description and of sulphur transportation sulphur area from which the licence the licensee or
residence of of rules where is valid the arms, or
licensee. sulphur is both shall be
to be produced for
transported inspection
before the

Dated _______________________

______________ Home and Tribal Affairs Department ______________

Form for renewal of the License

Name: ______________ Title Of license: _______________ Serial No. _____________

Date and year of Date on which the Seal & Signature of Endorsement of
renewal. renewed license authorized bank. Issuing authority.


1. This license is granted subject to all the provisions of the Act and these rules

2. It covers only the person named, and the arms and ammunition described
therein and such retainers, (if any) as may be entered in license.

3. He shall forthwith give information at the nearest Police Station or office of the
Deputy Commissioner of the loss or theft of sulphur covered by this license.

Note 1. Any breach of the conditions of this license is punishable with

imprisonment for a term which may extend to six months or with fine
which may extend to Rs.1000 or with both.

Note 2. Licences are warned that sulphur covered under this license will be
used by them and will not be sold to other persons without information
to deputy commissioner.

______________ Home and Tribal Affairs Department ______________

[see rule 9(1)]

License for safe custody of arms or ammunition

of non-restricted bore weapon, deposited by their owner.

*Period for
Serial number Name, Description of Place (with which the
of license description and arms. description, license is valid.
residence of where articles
licensee and of are to be kept).
duly authorized
agent or agents,
if any.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

* Note: A license in this form will be granted for a period ending on the
day on which the licensee’s license in Form III, IV, V or VI, as the
case may be, is due to expire.

______________ Home and Tribal Affairs Department ______________

Form for renewal of the license

Name: ______________ Title Of license: _______________ Serial No. ______________

Date and year of Date on which the Seal & Signature of Endorsement of
renewal. renewed license authorized bank. Issuing authority.

1. This license is granted subject to all the provisions of the Act and of
these rules.
2. It covers only arms and ammunition of the description given in column
not authorize the licensee-
(a) to go, sale, manufacture arms and ammunition.
(b) to keep Government arms or ammunition
Explanation.--- For the purposes of this condition-
(a) “Government arms” means a arms or other weapon which is the
property of Government; and
(b) “Government ammunition” means ammunition manufactured in
any Government factory or prepared for and supplied to
3. The licensee shall maintain a register of all arms or ammunition in his
possession under this license in such forms as Government may direct.

4. The licensee shall exhibit such arms or ammunition and his register on
the demand the Deputy Commissioner, Magistrate, any Police Officer
not below the rank of Inspector, or if the Government may directs, a sub-
inspector, or any other officer authorized in this behalf.

5. The licensee shall forthwith give information at the nearest police station
and the office of the Deputy Commissioner of the loss or theft of any
arms or ammunition covered by the license.
6. (a) The license may be renewed with a period of one year ending on
31 December;
(b) the license may be renewed within a period of one month of its
expiry (that is by 31 January) hereinafter referred to as the grace
period without the payment of any penalty or late fee;

(c) after the expiry of the grace period before the lapse of three
months of the date of the expiry of the license (that is by 31
March) it may be renewed at the authorized bank on the payment
of a late fee calculated at the rate of fine as notified by
government for every month that intervenes between the expiry of
the grace period and the date of renewal of the license;

(d) The license may be renewed after three months but before the
lapse of six months of the date of expiry thereof under the orders
of the granting authority on the payment of four times the normal
renewal fee and such initiation shall be sent by the granting
authority to the incharge of the bank where the license was
registered and the licensee shall pay the renewal fee at such bank;
(e) if a license is not renewed within the period specified in clause (d), the
license shall; on the expiry of the said period, stand cancelled.

______________ Home and Tribal Affairs Department ______________

[see rule 9(2)]
License for safe custody of arms or
ammunition of restricted bore weapon deposited by their owner.

*Period for
Serial number Name, Description of Place (with which the
of license. description and arms. description, license is valid.
residence of where articles
licensee and of are to be kept).
duly authorized
agent or agents,
if any.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

* Note: A license in this form will be granted for a period ending on the
day on which the licensee’s license in Form III-R, IV-R, V-R or
VI-R, as the case may be, is due to expire.

______________ Home and Tribal Affairs Department ______________

Form for renewal of the License

Name: ______________ Title Of license: _______________ Serial No. _____________

Date and year of Date on which the Seal & Signature of Endorsement of
renewal. renewed license authorized bank. Issuing authority.


1. This license is granted subject to all the provisions of the Act and of these rules.

2. It covers only arms and ammunition of the description given in column not authorize the

(a) to go, sale, manufacture arms and ammunition; and

(b) to keep Government arms or ammunition.

Explanation.--- For the purposes of this condition-

(a) “Government arms” means a arms or other weapon which is the property of
Government; and

(b) “Government ammunition” means ammunition manufactured in any Government

factory or prepared for and supplied to Government.

3. The licensee shall maintain a register of all arms or ammunition in his possession under
this license in such forms as Government may direct.

4. He shall exhibit such arms and ammunition and his register on the demand the Deputy
Commissioner, the Magistrate or any police officer not below the rank of inspector, or if
Government may direct, a sub-inspector, or any other officer authorized in this behalf.

5. The licensee shall forthwith give information at the nearest police station and the office of
the Deputy Commissioner of the loss or theft of any arms or ammunition covered by the

6. (a) The license may be renewed with a period of one year ending on
31 December;

(b) the license may be renewed within a period of one month of its expiry (that is by
31 January) hereinafter referred to as the grace period without the payment of any
penalty or late fee;

(c) after the expiry of the grace period before the lapse of three months of the date of
the expiry of the license (that is by 31 March) it may be renewed at the authorized
bank on the payment of a late fee calculated at the rate of fine as notified by
Government for every month that intervenes between the expiry of the grace period
and the date of renewal of the license;

(d) the license may be renewed after three months but before the lapse of six months of
the date of expiry thereof under the orders of the granting authority on the payment
of four times the normal renewal fee and such initiation shall be sent by the granting
authority to the in-charge of the bank where the license was registered and the
licensee shall pay the renewal fee at such bank;

(e) if a license is not renewed within the period specified in clause (d), the license shall
on the expiry of the said period, stand cancelled.

______________ Home and Tribal Affairs Department ______________

[see rule 10(1)]

License for repair of arms or ammunition

of non-restricted bore weapon.
*Period for
Serial number Name, Description of Place (with which the
of license. description and arms. description, license is valid.
residence of where articles
licensee and of are to be kept).
duly authorized
agent or agents,
if any.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

* Note: A license in this Form shall be granted for a period ending on the
day on which the licensee’s license in Form III, V, XIV or XVI, as
the case may be, is due to expire.

______________ Home and Tribal Affairs Department ______________

Form for renewal of the License

Name: ______________ Title Of license: _______________ Serial No. ______________

Date and year of Date on which the Seal and Signature Endorsement of
renewal. renewed license of granting authority.
expires. authorized bank.

1. This license is granted subject to all the provisions of the Act and of
these rules.

2. It covers only arms or ammunition of the description given in column 2

so long as they are kept in the place described in column 3, but does not
authorize the licensee-

(a) to go, sale, manufacture arms or ammunition; and

(b) to keep Government arms or ammunition.

Explanation.---For the purpose of this condition-

(a) “Government arms” means arms or other weapon which is the

property of Government; and

(b) “Government ammunition” means ammunition manufactured in

any Government factory or prepared for and supplied to

3. The licensee shall maintain a register of all arms or ammunition in his

possession under this license in such forms as Government may direct.

4. He shall exhibit such arms or ammunition and his register on the demand
the Deputy Commissioner, Magistrate, any police officer not below the
rank of Inspector, or if Government may directs, a Sub-Inspector, or any
other officer authorized in this behalf.

5. The licensee shall forthwith give information at the nearest police station
and the office of the Deputy Commissioner of the loss or theft of any
arms or ammunition covered by the license.

6. (a) The license may be renewed with a period of one year ending on
31 December;

(b) the license may be renewed within a period of one month of its
expiry (that by 31 January) hereinafter referred to as the grace
period without the payment of any penalty or late fee;

(c) after the expiry of the grace period before the lapse of three
months of the date of the expiry of the license (that is by 31
March) it may be renewed at the authorized bank on the payment
of a late fee calculated at the rate of fine as notified by
Government for every month that intervenes between the expiry
of the grace period and the date of renewal of the license;

(d) the license may be renewed after three months but before the
lapse of six months of the date of expiry thereof under the orders
of the granting authority on payment of four times the normal
renewal fee and such initiation shall be sent by the granting
authority to the in-charge of the bank where the license was
registered and the licensee shall pay the renewal fee at such bank;

(e) If a license is not renewed within the period specified in clause (d),
the license shall, on the expiry of the said period, stand cancelled.

______________ Home and Tribal Affairs Department ______________

[see rule 10(2)]

License for repair of arms or ammunition of restricted bore weapon

*Period for
Serial number Name, Description of Place (with which the
of license. description and arms. description, license is valid.
residence of where articles
licensee and of are to be kept).
duly authorized
agent or agents,
if any.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

* Note: A license in this Form shall be granted for a period ending on the
day on which the licensee’s license in Form III-R, IV-R, V-R or
VI-R, as the case may be, is due to expire.

______________ Home and Tribal Affairs Department ______________

Form for renewal of the License

Name: ______________ Title Of license: _______________ Serial No. ______________

Date and year of Date on which the Seal and Signature Endorsement of
renewal. renewed license of authorized bank. granting authority.

1. This license is granted subject to all the provisions of the Act and of
these rules.
2. It covers only arms or ammunition of the description given in column 2
so long as they are kept in the place described in column 3, but does not
authorize the licensee-
(a) to go, sale, manufacture arms or ammunition; and
(b) to keep Government arms or ammunition.
Explanation.---For the purposes of this condition:
(a) “Government arms” means a arms or other weapon which is the
property of Government; and
(b) “Government ammunition” means ammunition manufactured in
any Government factory or prepared for and supplied to
3. The licensee shall maintain a register of all arms or ammunition in his
possession under this license in such forms as the Government may
4. He shall exhibit such arms or ammunition and his register on the demand
of the Deputy Commissioner, Magistrate, any police officer not below
the rank of Inspector, or if Government may direct, a Sub-Inspector, or
any other officer authorized in this behalf.
5. The licensee shall forthwith give information at the nearest police station
and the office of the Deputy Commissioner of the loss or theft of any
arms or ammunition covered by the license.
6. (a) The license may be renewed with a period of one year ending on
31st December;
(b) the license may be renewed within a period of one month of its
expiry (that is by 31stJanuary) hereinafter referred to as the grace
period without the payment of any penalty or late fee;
(c) after the expiry of the grace period before the lapse of three
months of the date of the expiry of the license (that is by 31 st
March) it may be renewed at the authorized bank on the payment
of a late fee calculated at the rate of fine as notified by
Government for every month that intervenes between the expiry
of the grace period and the date of renewal of the license;
(d) the license may be renewed after three months but before the
lapse of six months of the date of expiry thereof under the orders
of the granting authority on the payment of four times the normal
renewal fee and such initiation shall be sent by the granting
authority to the incharge of the bank where the license was
registered and the licensee shall pay the renewal fee at such bank;
(e) if a license is not renewed within the period specified in clause
(d), the license shall on the expiry of the said period, stand

______________ Home and Tribal Affairs Department ______________

[(see rule 12)]

License for the possession and use, for the purpose of target
practice, of arms or ammunition.
Name, Arms or ammunitions that Place within Date on Date on
description licensee is entitled to posses. which the which the which the
and location Description. Quantity. license is license license or
of mess, club valid. expires. the arms or
or both shall be
association. produced for
before the
under 23.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

1. This license is granted subject to all the provisions of the Act and of
these rules.

2. It covers only the mess, club or association named and the arms or
ammunition described therein.

3. The mess, club or association, at the time of purchase of arms or

ammunition, endorse upon the license-

(a) the name, description and residence of the person who takes
delivery of the articles;

(b) the nature and quantity of the articles; and

(c) the date of sale, and shall sign the endorsement or shop
specified in the license.

4. The mess, club or association shall not purchase ammunition in excess of

the maximum, which may, from time to time, be fixed by Government.

5. The mess, club or association shall forthwith give information at the

nearest police Station and office of the Deputy Commissioner of the loss
or theft of any arms covered by the license.

6. The license does not authorize any member of the mess, club or
association to keep Government arms or ammunition.

Explanation.---For the purposes of this condition-

(a) “Government arms” means a armsor other weapon which is the

property of Government; and

(b) “Government ammunition” means ammunition manufactured in a

Government factory or prepared for and supplied to Government.

7. The government may require any armsor ammunition possessed by the

mess, club or association to be registered in such manner as the
Government deems fit.

8. The authority granting or renewing the license has the right to enquire at
any time during the currency of the license whether the weapon for
which it has been granted are still in the possession of the mess, club or
association and to require the production of such weapon for the
purposes of such inquiry.

Note: Licenses are warned that in case they sell any arms or ammunition
covered by the licenses possessed by them to any other person, they are
required to give notice forthwith of the sale, together with particulars
including name and address of the purchaser to the Deputy
Commissioner of the district or the Officer incharge of the nearest Police
Station or any other officer authorized by Government in this behalf.
Failure to give notice as required above is punishable with imprisonment
for a term which may extend to six months or with fine which may
extend to Rs. 10000/-, or with both.
9. (a) The license may be renewed with a period of one year ending on
31 December;

(b) the license may be renewed within a period of one month of its
expiry (that by 31 January) hereinafter referred to as the grace
period without the payment of any penalty or late fee;

(c) after the expiry of the grace period before the lapse of three
months of the date of the expiry of the license (that is by 31
March) it may be renewed at the authorized bank on the payment
of a late fee calculated at the rate of fine as notified by
government for every month that intervenes between the expiry of
the grace period and the date of renewal of the license;

(d) the license may be renewed after three months but before the
lapse of six months of the date of expiry thereof under the orders
of the granting authority on the payment of four times the normal
renewal fee and such initiation shall be sent by the granting
authority to the incharge of the bank where the license was
registered and the licensee shall pay the renewal fee at such bank;

(e) if a license is not renewed within the period specified in clause

(d), the license shall on the expiry of the said period, stand

______________ Home and Tribal Affairs Department ______________

[see rule 13(1)]

Form for License of arms or ammunition of non-

restricted bore weapon for sport, protection or display.

License No.

S.No Particulars Information

1 Name
2 Father Name
3 CNIC No.
4 Caliber/weapon
5 Weapon No.
6 Cartridges
7 Profession
8 Police Station
9 Present Adress
10 Permanent Address

Retainer’s Information

11 Name
12 Father’s Name
14 Address

Date of Issue Extension Date of Expiry


______________ Home and Tribal Affairs Department ______________

[see rule 13(2)]

Form for license of arms or ammunition of restricted bore weapon for sport,
protection or display.

License No.

S.No Particulars Information

1 Name
2 Father Name
3 CNIC No.
4 Caliber/weapon
5 Weapon No.
6 Cartridges
7 Profession
8 Police Station
9 Present Adress
10 Permanent Address

Retainer’s Information

11 Name
12 Father’s Name
14 Address

Date of Issue Extension Date of Expiry


______________ Home and Tribal Affairs Department ______________

[see rule 15(1)]

Temporary license for possession of arms or ammunition and

for going armed by bona fide travelers.

Temporary license for the possession of arms and going armed during the
period occupied in journey from the port of other place of arrival in other
Provinces or Federal Territories to place of destination within Khyber

Name and Arms or ammunitions that Name of Place of Period for

description licensee is entitled to posses. Other destination. which the
of licensee. Province or license is
Brief Quantity Federal valid.
description and Territory.
of each description
weapon. of each kind

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

1. The license is granted subject to all the provisions of the Act, and of
these rules.

2. It covers only the persons and the arms and ammunition described

3. The licensee shall not, unless especially empowered in this behalf by the
authority granting the license, go armed to a fair, religious procession or
other public assemblage.

4. The licensee shall not go armed with Government arms or ammunition.

Explanation.---For the purposes of this condition-

(a) “Government arms” means a arms or other weapon which is the

property of the Government; and

(b) Government ammunition” means ammunition manufacture in any

Government factory or prepared for and supplied to Government.

5. Condition 4 may be cancelled by the authority granting the license,

if empowered to do so by the Government and an endorsement
added showing the Government arms and ammunition which the
licensee is authorized to possess.
6. The licensee shall on arrival at his destination, if such places is situated
in other Provinces or Federal Territories, forthwith apply to the nearest
licensing authority for a license in Form-XVI or Form-VI in respect of
the arms and ammunition described herein and shall at the same time
deliver this license in original to that authority.

Note: Any breach of the conditions of this license is punishable with

imprisonment for a term which may extend to six months or with fine
which may extend to Rs. 5000/ or with both.

Note: Licenses are warned that in case they sell any arms or ammunition
covered by the licenses possessed by them to any other person, they are
required to give notice forthwith of the sale, together with particulars
including name and address of the purchaser to the Deputy
Commissioner of the district or the Officer incharge of the nearest Police
Station or any other officer authorized by Government in this behalf.
Failure to give notice as required above is punishable with imprisonment
for a term which may extend to six months or with fine which may
extend to Rs. 10000/- or with both.
Name, description and residence of licensee

Brief description of each weapon with details,

e.g. registered No and other distinguishing

Arms or
Quantity and description of each kind of



Place or area for which the license is granted.

Specification of the wild basis which may be

(see rule 16)

destroyed under this license

Period for which the license is valid unless

previously ceasing to be in force under the
proviso to sub-rule (1) of rule 23.

Title and residence of Deputy Commissioner to

whom the license and weapon must be shown
between the 15th November and 31st December.
______________ Home and Tribal Affairs Department ______________

destruction of wild animals which do injury to human beings or cattle.

Date on which the license or the arms or both

8. shall be produced for inspection before the
License for the possession of arms or ammunition and for going armed for the

licensing authority under sub-rule (1) of rule 42.

which it may from time to time extend, arms or ammunition under the
license shall be produced for his inspection, and if within period so
Note: A license in this Form may be granted for any period not exceeding three
years. The granting authority shall direct that within a specified period,
specified or extended the licensee fails to comply, the license shall stand

1. This license is granted subject to all the provisions of the Act and of
these rules.

2. The licensee shall produce this license and every weapon covered hereby
before the Deputy Commissioner referred to in column 7.

3. The licensee shall not go armed with any arms covered by this license
otherwise than in good faith for the description of wild animals which do
injury to human beings or cattle nor shall he take any such arms to a fair,
religious procession or other public assemblage, or to any considerable
distance beyond the place or area entered in column 4.

4. The licensee shall forthwith give information at the nearest police station
and office of the Deputy Commissioner of the concerned, the loss or
theft of any arms covered by the license.

5. He shall not keep Government arms or ammunition.

Explanation.---For the purpose of this condition.

(a) “Government arms” means a arms or other weapon which is the

property of Government; and

(b) “Government ammunition” means ammunition manufactured in

any Government factory, or prepared for and supplied to

6. Condition 5 may be cancelled by the granting authority the license if

empowered to do so by Government and endorsement added showing
Government arms or ammunition which the licensee is entitled to

7. The licensee shall not purchase rifle, revolver or pistol and ammunition
of any kind, in excess of the maximum which may from time to time be
fixed by Government.

8. The licensee shall at the time of purchase of arms or ammunition,

endorse upon the license-

(a) the name, description and residence of the person who takes
delivery of the articles sold;
(b) the nature and quantity of the articles sold; and

(c) the date of sale, and shall sign the endorsement or shop specified
in the license.

9. Without prejudice to the voidance of this license for breach of any of the
foregoing condition, it shall be void if-
(a) the licensee dies; or

(b) any weapon covered thereby is sold or attached in execution of a

10. The authority granting or renewing the license has the right to enquire at
any time during the currency of the license whether any weapon for
which it has been granted is still in the possession of the licensee and to
require the production of the weapon for the purposes of such inquiry.

Note. 1: Any breach of the conditions of this license is punishable with

imprisonment for a term which may extend to twelve months or
with fine which may extend to rupees five thousand (5000) or
with both.

Note 2: Licenses are warned that in case they sell any arms or ammunition
covered by the licenses possessed by them to any person they are
required to give notice forthwith of the sale together with
particulars as to the name and address of the purchaser to the
Deputy Commissioner of the district or the officer incharge of the
nearest police station. Failure to give notice as required above is
punishable with imprisonment for a term which may extend to
one years or with fine which may extend to rupees five thousand
(5000), or with both.

______________ Home and Tribal Affairs Department ______________

[see rule 17(1)]

License for the provision of arms or ammunition for going armed for protection against wild
animals harming crops.
Arms or ammunition

Name, Name and Brief Quantity Place or Period for Date on

description description description of and area for which the which the
and of any each weapon description which the license is licensee
residence member of with details, of each kind license is valid. or the
of the e.g. registered of granted. arms, or
licensee. licensee’s No. and other ammunition. both shall
family or distinguishing be
servant marks. produced
employed for
to watch inspection
crops or before the
cattle. granting
Residing authority
with him, under
by whom sub-rule
the arms (1) of rule
covered by 23.
this license
may also
be based.

Note: A license in this Form may be granted for any period not exceeding three

Provided that where a license is granted in Form-IV for

possession of arms to be acquired by the licensee subsequently to the
grant of license, the authority granting the license shall at the time of
granting the same direct that within a period specified by him in this
behalf, which he may from time to time extend, the arms covered by
the license shall be acquitted and that the license or the arms or both
shall be produced for his inspection, and if within the period so
specified or extended that licensee fails to acquire the arms and to
produce the license or arms or both, as the case may be, the license
shall cease to be in force.

(1) This license is granted subject to all the provisions of the Act and of
these rules.

(2) The license shall not go armed with any arms covered by this license
otherwise than in good faith for the destruction or driving away of wild
animals which do injury to the crops or cattle situated in the area
specified in the license.
(3) The licensee shall not use any arms covered by this license, otherwise
than in the place or area in which the license in valid.

(4) The licensee shall not lend any arms or ammunition covered by this
license to any person, other than a member of his family, or servant who
may be employed by him to protect crops or cattle situated on the area
specified in the license and who is mentioned in column 2 of the license.

(5) The licensee shall forthwith give information at the nearest police station
and office of the Deputy Commissioner of the loss or theft of any arms
covered by the license.

(6) The licensee shall not keep Government arms or ammunition.

Explanation.---For the purpose of this condition-

(a) “Government arms” means a arms or other weapon which is the

property of the Government; and

(b) “Government ammunition” means ammunition manufactured in

any Government factory, or prepared for and supplied to

7. Condition 6 may be cancelled by the authority granting the license if

empowered to do so by Government and an endorsement added showing
Government arms or ammunition which the licensee is entitled to

8. The licensee shall not purchase rifle, revolver or pistol or ammunition of

any kind, in excess of the maximum which may from time to time, be
fixed by Government.

9. The license shall be void if the licensee commits a breach of any of the
above conditions or if the licensee dies, or if any weapon covered
(a) is sold; or
(b) is attached in execution of decree.

10. The authority granting or renewing the license has the right to enquire at
any time during the currency of the license whether any weapon for
which it has been granted is still in the possession of the licensee, and to
require production of the weapon for the purposes of such inquiry.

Note. 1. Any breach of the conditions of this license is punishable with

imprisonment for a term which may extend to six months or with
fine which may extend to rupees five thousand (5000).

Note. 2. Licenses are warned that in case they sell any arms or ammunition
covered by the licenses possessed by them to any person they are
required to give notice forthwith of the sale together with
particulars as to the name and address of the purchaser to the
Deputy Commissioner of the district or the officer incharge of the
nearest police station. Failure to give notice as required above is
punishable with imprisonment for a term which may extend to
three years or with fine, or with both.

11. (a) The license may be granted or renewed for a period of one year
ending on 31 December;

(b) the license may be renewed within a period of one month of its
expiry (that is by 31 January) hereinafter referred to as the grace
period without the payment of any penalty or late fee;

(c) after the expiry of the grace period before the lapse of three
months of the date of the expiry of the license (that is by 31
March) it may be renewed at the bank on the payment of a late fee
calculated at the rate of rupees five hundred (500) for every
month or part of the month that intervenes between the expiry of
the grace period and the date of renewal of the license;

(d) the license may be renewed after three months but before the
lapse of six months of the date of expiry thereof under the order
of the granting authority on the payment of four times the normal
renewal fee and such intimation shall be sent by the granting
authority to the Bank where the license was registered and the
licensee shall pay the renewal fee at such bank;

(e) if a license is not renewed within the period specified, the license
shall on the expiry of the said period, stand cancelled.
Place of departure, route and place of destination.

Period for which the journey is likely to occupy.

[see rule 18]

License for going armed on a journey in or through any Province or Capital Territory.

Name of retainer’s father

Arms or ammunition that Retainers (if any) covered by the
licensee In entitled to carry license.

Address of retainer
Arms and
that retainer is
to carry.
Name. description and residence of license and agent (if any)

Brief description of each weapon with details, e.g. registered No and other distinguishing marks.

Quantity and description of each kind of ammunition.

Name of retainers.



11. Period for which the license is valid

1. This license is granted subject to all the provisions of the Act and of
these rules.

2. It covers only the person named, and the arms or ammunition described
therein and such retainers, if any, as may be entered in column 4.

3. The licensee of any retainer acting under this license shall not, unless
specially empowered in this behalf by the granting authority, go armed
to a fair, religious procession or other public as assemblage.

4. The licensee shall not go armed with Government arms or ammunition.

Explanation.---For the purposes of this condition:

(a) “Government arms” means a arms or other weapon which is the

Property of Government; and

(b) ”Government ammunition” means ammunition manufactured in

any Government factory, or prepared for and supplied to

5. The licensee shall forthwith give information at the nearest police station
or office of the Deputy Commissioner of the concerned district, the loss
or theft of any arms covered by the license.

Note 1. Any breach of the conditions of this license is punishable with

imprisonment for a term which may extend to twelve months or
with fine which may extend to rupees one thousand (1000) or
with both.

Note 2. Licensees are warned that in case they sell any arms or
ammunition covered by the licenses possessed by them to any
person they are required to give notice forthwith of the sale
together with particulars as to the name and address of the
purchaser to the Deputy Commissioner of the district or the
officer incharge of the nearest police station. Failure to give
notice as required above is punishable with imprisonment for a
term which may extend to two years or with fine which may
extend to rupees five thousand (5000), or with both.

______________ Home and Tribal Affairs Department ______________

[see rule 20(1)]

Particular to be provided for application of license

S.No Particulars Details

1 Name

2 Father Name

3 CNIC No.

4 Address

5 Form Applying for

6 Justification of application

8 Place of business

9 Guaronter if any

10 Police Verification if any

11 Experience in business if any

12 Any other as Govt. may notify

Name of applicant: _______________________
Signature: _______________________
Thumb Impression: _______________________

Guarantor 1 Name: _______________________

CNIC: _______________________
Guarantor Signature: _______________________
Guarantor 1 Name: _______________________
CNIC: _______________________
Guarantor Signature: _______________________

______________ Home and Tribal Affairs Department ______________

(see proviso to rule 20 (1))
Application for grant of arms or ammunition license for non-restricted bore

______________ Home and Tribal Affairs Department ______________

(see proviso to rule 20 (1))
Application for grant of arms or ammunition license for restricted
bore weapon.
[see rule 25(2)]

From: Incharge of the Bank



No. and Dated

Following licenses have been registered in the bank for purposes of renewal.

Name and District of License No. Description of Registration

father’s Business. with date. weapon. No.
name of the of the post
licensee. office.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Signature of Incharge of Bank

Date and Seal_________
[see rule 25(3)]

Monthly Statement of Receipts of Fee/Penalty Charges,

etc., no Account of Renewal of arms licenses.

(1) Granting

Name License Name of Bank Date of Renewed Account Remarks.

and No. the Registration last up to. paid.
parentage of and License No. renewal.
the date of issuing
license. Issue. Authority.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Signature of Incharge of Bank

Date and Seal_________
[see rule 25(5)]


(1) Granting

Name and Registration no. Bank Renewal covered Amount due Remarks.
Parentage of of license with Registratio up to. period. from the owner
the registered name of licensee. n No. of arms.
owner of arms

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Signature of Incharge of Bank

Date and Seal_________

[see rule 40(1)]

S. No Type of License Description Initial Fee Annual Renewal

1. Form-I P.B given to Govt. FREE One time


2. Form-II Transport license NRB Free Free

3. Form-IIR Transport of RB To be fixed by Govt To be fixed by Govt.

4. Form-III Manufacturer NRB Rs.50,000/- Rs. 7,500/-

5. Form IIIR Manufacturer R.B To be fixed by To be fixed by Govt.


6. Form-IV Manufacturer NRB Rs.50,000/- Rs. 7,500/-

7. Form-IVR Manufacturer R.B To be fixed by To be fixed by Govt.


8. Form-V Dealer NRB Rs.25,000/- Rs. 5000/-

9. Form-VR Dealer R.B To be fixed by To be fixed by Govt.


10. Form-VI Dealer NRB Rs.25,000/- Rs. 5000/-

11. Form-VIR Dealer R.B To be fixed by To be fixed by Govt.


12. Form-VII Sulfur transportation Rs. 5,000/- One time

13. Form-VIII Repair NPB Rs.10,000/- Rs. 1000/-

14. Form-VIIIR Repair P.B To be fixed by To be fixed by Govt.


15. Form-IX Safe custody of PB Transport licence Free

16. Form-IX-R Safe custody of PB

17. Form-X Club for target practice To be fixed by To be fixed by Govt.


18. Form-XI Individual Shotgun/Rifle NPB Rs.1500/- Rs. 500/-

19. Form-XI-R Individual Restricted Bore To be fixed by To be fixed by Govt.


20. Form-XII Journey by bona fide traveler Rs. 1000/- Rs. 500/-

21. Form-XIII Destruction of wild Rs. 1000/- One time

22. Form-XIV Crops protection Rs. 1000/- Rs. 500/-

23. Form-XV Journey Rs. 1000/- Rs. 500/-

24. Form-XVI Particulars to be provided Free Free

25. Form-XVII Individual Application for Free Free


26. Form-XVIIR Individual Application for RB Free Free

27. Duplicate Rs. 1500/- One time

Individual Arms

28. Extension of Rs. 2000/- Rs. 500/-

validity of
individual license
to all Pakistan

29. Duplicate of Form Rs. 5000/ each One time

for dealership, form
repair and
manufacture of
NRB (Each Form)

30. Transfer of Rs. 20000/- One time

Business from one
place to other.

31. Transfer of licences Rs. 20000/ One time

in dealership of

32. Transfer of licences Rs. 20000/ One time

in repair of NRB

33. Transfer of licences Rs. 20000/ One time

of Manufacture of

34. Transfer of licences To be fixed by To be fixed by Govt.

in dealership of Govt.

35. Transfer of licences To be fixed by To be fixed by Govt.

in repair of NRB Govt.

36. Transfer of licences To be fixed by To be fixed by Govt.

of Manufacture of Govt.

37. Conversion of Bore To be fixed by To be fixed by Govt.

[see rule 41(2)]
Persons to whom no fee is chargeable for a license in Form-XVI or in
respect of certain arms

Persons. Arms or Ammunition.

(a) Any person, below the rank of Warrant Such arms as were actually
or Commissioned Officer, who has been in a person’s possession at
discharged from Naval, Military or Air the time of his discharge, or
Force and who is in receipt as such of transfer to reserve, together
pension or has been transferred to the with a reasonable quantity of
Army, Naval or Air Force Reserve and ammunition for the same.
who is designated in this behalf by the
Officer Commanding his unit or
department; or
(b) Any ex-officer of Naval, Military or Air Revolvers or pistols which
Force, so long as he is entitled to wear formed part of equipment
the uniform of such force or by any when in employment as such
officer of the Army Reserve after, officer together with a
release from army service; reasonable quantity of
ammunition for the same.
(c) Any officer of a Naval, Military or Air
Force who has been granted honorary
rank on retirement and permitted to wear
the uniform of such corps or force;
(d) Retired police officer who are permittedRevolvers which formed
to wear on ceremonial occasions or part of equipment as a police
when calling on Government officials officer, together with a
the uniform of the rank which they held reasonable quantity of
in the force at the time of retirement; ammunition for the same.
(e) The heirs or successors of persons Such arms as were received
holding sword or other arms received by as gifts, together with, where
them as gifts from Federal Government necessary, a reasonable
or Government; quantity of ammunition for
the same.
(f) Government servants whose possession Such arms or ammunition as
of arms of declared by Government to be are specified in the
in the public interest. notification/ declaration

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