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The Punjab Arms Rules 2017: 1. Chapter I: Preliminary

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I. Short title and commencement
II. Definitions



I. Personal arms license

II. Eligibility criteria for personal arms license
III. Application for personal arms license
IV. Determination of suitability of the applicant
V. Verification of certain persons not required
VI. Purchase and entry of a license
VII. Revalidation/Computerization of manual license
VIII. Duplicate license

I. Institutional arms license

II. Eligibility for institutional license
III. Application for institutional arms license
IV. Determination of suitability



I. Monthly license quota for districts

II. Limit of personal arms license
III. Limit of cartridges allowed for a license.–
IV. Record of the cartridges or bullets
V. Application for change


I. Gratis licenses
II. Limit of gratis licenses


I. Transfer of license
II. Transfer of license in case of death of licensee
III. Transfer of license in cases other than death of licensee
IV. Transfer of gratis license
V. Transfer of institutional license
VI. Retainership permissions
VII. Responsibility and use of arms by an Institution


I. Suspension of license
II. Restoration of license
III. Cancellation of license
IV. Right of representation against orders
V. Keeping and disposing of arms

3. Chapter III
I. Business arms license
II. Eligibility criteria for business arms license for a natural
III. Eligibility for business arms license for a legal person
IV. Application for business arms license
V. Determination of suitability of the applicant


I. Permissible number of licenses for each district

II. Quantity of arms and ammunition authorized to a licensee
III. Enhancement of quota


I. Transfer of license
II. Transfer of license in case of death
III. Transfer of the business arms license in cases other than
IV. Change of business name
V. Change of place of business
VI. Manners for running the Business


I. Suspension of license
II. Restoration of license
III. Cancellation of license
IV. Right of representation against orders


I. Transportation of arms and ammunition

II. Fee for transportation
III. Storage of the arms, ammunition and military stores


I. Maintenance of record
II. Safety Measures
III. Inspection of business establishments and institutions


I. Fee and charges
II. Payment of fee
III. Renewal of Personal/Institutional arms license
IV. Renewal of business arms licenses
V. Charging late fee
VI. Penalty waiver

I. Prohibited and Non-Prohibited Arms
II. Form of arms license
III. Record of licensees
IV. Change in procedure
V. Arms policy and instructions
VI. Repeal

1. T



No. SO(Judl-I) 1-1/2015. In exercise of the powers conferred
under section 11 of the Punjab Arms Ordinance, 1965 (XX of 1965),
Governor of the Punjab is pleased to make the following rules:
1. Short title and commencement.–(1) These rules may be
cited as the Punjab Arms Rules 2017.
(2) They shall come into force at once.
2. Definitions.–(1) In these rules:
(a) “applicant” means the applicant for a license;
(b) “CNIC” means computerized national identity card;
(c) “DC” means Deputy Commissioner, or his successor
in office, by whatever name called;
(d) “form” means an application form provided in
Schedule-I, appended to the rules;
(e) “Government” means Government of the Punjab;
(f) “Legal Heir” means the person who is entitled to
succeed to the possession of arms or arms
dealership license, after the death of original
owner/licensee i.e. spouse of the licensee, parents,
children only.
(g) “NADRA” means the National Database Registration
Authority established under the National Database
and Registration Authority Ordinance, 2000 (VIII of
(h) “NRC” means NADRA Registration Centre designated
or established for the purpose of the rules;
(i) “Institution” means any organization, public or
private, established under the law e.g. Educational,
Business or Worship places, Hospitals or Security
Companies etc
(j) “Ordinance” means the Punjab Arms Ordinance,
1965 (XX of 1965);
(k) “Retainer” means the person, authorized by the
Government of Punjab to look after and carry the
(l) “rules” means the Punjab Arms Rules 2017
(m) “Sale/Purchase agent” mean the person authorized
by the Government of Punjab for sale/purchase of
arms on behalf of the original licensee.; and
(n) “service of Pakistan” means the service of Pakistan
as defined in Article 260 of the Constitution of the
Islamic Republic of Pakistan.
(2) An expression used in the rules but not defined shall have
the same meaning as is assigned to it in the Ordinance.

3. Personal arms license.-(1) A personal arms license may be
issued to a natural person for the purpose of protection or sports
subject to the fulfillment of eligibility criteria.
(2) No arms license will be required for acquisition of a non-
operational, non-functional and obsolete weapon, for decorative
purposes, subject to such verification by authorized arms dealer
connected with repair of weapons and by the Punjab Fire Arms
Bureau on the recommendation of the Government.
4. Eligibility criteria for personal arms license.– (1) An
applicant shall be considered eligible for a personal arms license, if he:
(a) is a citizen of Pakistan;
(b) possesses valid CNIC;
(c) is domiciled in Punjab;
(d) has attained the age of 25 years;
(e) is not considered unsuitable by the local police in
view of his general conduct or previous record;
(f) is not fugitive from law;
(g) has not been convicted by any court of law except
for minor offences or traffic violations;
(h) has not been a member of a proscribed organization
or suspected to be involved in any anti-state
activity; and
(i) is not physically, mentally or psychologically infirm
to an extent where his carrying of arms shall be
inadvisable for his own safety or life; or for the
safety or life of others.
(2) A license issued in favour of a citizen of Pakistan, not
domiciled in Punjab, prior to enforcement of the rules, shall remain
valid subject to fulfillment of all terms and conditions specified by the
Government by notification and henceforth shall be governed by the
(3) A license shall, if issued to an otherwise eligible person,
not be construed as a right and may be denied on any reasonable
5. Application for personal arms license.- (1) An application for
obtaining a personal arms license shall be submitted in writing to the
Government or to the DC of the domiciled district, on Form-I.
(2) The application under sub-rule (1) shall be accompanied
by the following documents:

Sr. Document Form

(a) CNIC; in photocopy.
(b) domicile certificate; in photocopy.
(c) medical fitness in original.
certificate of the
applicant issued by a
registered medical
practitioner; and
(d) any other document in photocopy/in
that the Government original.
may specify.
6. Determination of suitability of the applicant.- (1) The
Government or the DC, as the case may be, approve the personal
arms license and forward the same to the NRC for further processing
(a) ascertaining the eligibility of the applicant; and
(b) obtaining the report as to the applicant’s credentials,
general conduct, and criminal record, present as well
as past, from the local police and, if required, from
any other appropriate agency.
(2) The applicant shall, upon getting approval, under sub-rule
(1) of this rule, appear in person in NRC for further processing.
7. Verification of certain persons not required.–No
verification, as mentioned under rule 6 of the rules, may be made in
respect of:
(a) sitting members of Parliament or Provincial
Assembly of the Punjab;
(b) persons who are in the service of Pakistan in BS-17
and above, or have retired from such service; and
(c) serving commissioned and junior commissioned
officers of the armed forces of Pakistan.
8. Purchase and entry of a license. – (1) An applicant, within
ninety days of the approval of personal arms license from the
Government or the DC, as the case may be, shall:

(a) purchase the arms of the category to which the
personal arms license pertains, from a registered
dealer or any other source prescribed by the
(b) apply to NRC for entry of the arms so purchased in
the personal arms license, failing which, the
approval of the DC or the Government shall be
deemed to be withdrawn; and
(c) Submit two fired test bullets by the arms to Punjab
Forensic Science Agency as per procedure notified
by the Government from time to time.
(2) The Government or the DC, as the case may be, in
extraordinary circumstances may extend the arms purchase and entry
period, mentioned in sub-rule (1) of this rule, through application
submitted by the applicant, after recording reasons in writing.
9. Revalidation/Computerization of manual license.- (1)A
licensee may, after payment of requisite fee and within the specified
time limit, apply to NRC for revalidation/computerization of personal
arms license.
(2) A license issued by the government of any other province may
be revalidated/ computerized in Punjab subject to fulfillment of all
terms and conditions specified by the Government by notification in
the official Gazette.
10. Duplicate license.–(1) The DC may, if a personal arms license
issued under the rules is lost, accidently destroyed or damaged, on
submission of an application on Form-II and subject to payment of
prescribed fee, grant approval for issuance of a duplicate license:
(2) An application, under sub-rule (1) of this rule, shall be
accompanied by:
(a) the police report if a personal arms license is lost; or
(b) the damaged or destroyed computerized personal
arms license card if a personal arms license is
11. Institutional arms license.-The institutional arms license may
be issued to an institution as defined by the government from time to
time, subject to the fulfillment of eligibility criteria.
12. Eligibility for institutional license.–(1) The Government shall
not issue institutional arms license to an institution unless it fulfills the
following conditions:
(a) the institution or the security company is lawfully

(b) the institution is either registered in, or carries out
substantial operations in Punjab;
(c) a license not previously cancelled except in case of
cancellation made on the behalf of the institution;
(d) no person on a decisive position/ authority in the
institution has been convicted by any court of law;
(e) no person on a decisive position/ authority in the
institute maintains any relation with a proscribed
organization and is suspected to be involved in any
anti-state activity.
(2) An institutional arms license issued in favor of an
institution not registered in, or carrying out substantial operations in
Punjab, prior to the rules shall remain valid, subject to fulfillment of all
terms and conditions specified by the Government by notification and
shall, henceforth, be governed by the rules.
(3) The issuance of institutional arms license to an otherwise
eligible institution or the security company shall not be construed as a
right, and as such may be denied on any reasonable ground.
13. Application for institutional arms license.–(1) An application
for obtaining an institutional arms license shall be submitted in writing
to the Government or the DC, as the case may be, on Form-III.
(2) The application, under sub-rule (1) of this rule, shall be
accompanied by the following documents:
Sr. Document Form
(a) CNIC of the applicant; In photocopy
(b) Letter of authorization duly issued in original
by head of the institution, in case
the application is made through an
authorized agent, along with the
CNIC of the agent so authorized;
(c) License, registration certificate, or in photocopy
any other such document, as proof
of registration with appropriate
authority, where such license,
certificate, or document is required
for the establishment or operation
of the institution under any law or
rules for the time being in force;
(d) Details of owners, partners, -
directors, office bearers and
employees of the institution, as
may be required by the
Government or DC;

(e) Details of otherwise eligible -
persons, under rule, who are likely
to carry arms under the authority of
licenses; and
(f) Any other document that the -
Government may specify.

14. Determination of suitability.- (1) The Government or the DC,

as the case may be, approve the license and forward the same to the
NRC for further processing after:
(a) ascertaining the eligibility of the applicant and of
those who are likely to carry arms under the
authority of license; and
(b) obtaining the reports to credentials, general
conduct, and criminal record, present as well as
past, from the local police and, if required, from any
other appropriate agency of the applicant and those
who are likely to carry arms under the authority of
the license.
(2) The applicant, upon getting approval under sub-rule (1) of
this rule, and those who are likely to carry arms under the authority of
license shall appear in person in NRC for providing of necessary
information to NRC.
15. Monthly license quota for districts.– (1) The Government
may, by notification specify maximum number of personal arms
licenses which a DC may approve in a calendar month.
(2) The personal arms licenses sanctioned by the Government
shall not be counted for the purposes of the quota of a DC concerned.
(3) Notwithstanding anything contained in the rules, no limit
shall apply to the institutional arms license issued by the DC provided
that the same are issued subject to fulfillment of all necessary
conditions, and after ascertaining the genuineness of need.
16. Limit of personal arms license.–(1) A person, subject to sub-
rule (2), shall not be entitled to obtain or retain more than five
personal arms licenses at a given time.
Provided that Government may, in case of hunters, shooters or
sportsmen, increase the number of licenses on the written request of
applicant subject to provision of substantial proof and fulfillment of
other conditions.
(2) The number of licenses issued to a person prior to coming into
force of the rules shall not be affected by the limit specified in sub-rule
17. Limit of cartridges allowed for a license.– (1) The cartridges

or bullets shall not be carried by the licensee in excess of the number
endorsed on the license.
(2) A new license will be issued with the minimum limit of 50
bullets at a time provided that the maximum limit of cartridges or
bullets endorsed on a license shall, subject to sub-rule (3) of this rule,
shall not exceed five hundred at a time with the approval of the
government, subject to prescribed fee (Schedule-I).
(3) The Government may, if required for hunting, shooting or
other sports activities increase the maximum limit of 500 cartridges or
bullets, as mentioned in the sub-rule (2), on the written request of
applicant subject to provision of substantial proof and fulfillment of
other conditions.
18. Record of the cartridges or bullets: - (1) The record of
purchase of the cartridges or bullets shall be maintained as specified
by the Government by notification from time to time.
19. Application for change.– (1)A licensee, on the basis of cogent
reasons, may apply for change of bore/category of arms, increase in
number of cartridges or bullets, or extension of validity of a license to
whole of Pakistan, in writing directly to the Government or through
the DC of concerned district.
(2) The DC shall asses the application submitted under sub-
rule (1), interview the applicant, or cause him/ her to be interviewed,
in person, for genuineness of need, and where satisfied, may forward
the application to the Government with clear recommendations.
(3) The Government may, if deems necessary, seek report
from any other agency or agencies as to the credentials, general
conduct, and criminal record of the applicant mentioned under sub-
rule (1) and genuineness of his/ her demand.
(4) The Government may, upon satisfaction, issue sanction
letter to the concerned DC and Incharge NRC to undertake the
required action and make necessary changes in the record, subject to
prescribed fee (Schedule-I).
20. Gratis licenses.– (1) The Government fee shall not be charged
in respect of personal arms license issued to a person in the service of
Pakistan in BS-17 or above, or a member of the armed forces of
(2) The yearly renewal fee shall not be charged provided that
the renewal is carried out within the stipulated time for renewal of
personal arms license.
(3) Nothing is this rule shall apply to the processing fee
charged by the NADRA, and any fine or penalty, if and when
21. Limit of gratis licenses.– (1) Subject to the exceptions
provided for in sub-rule (2), no more than two gratis arms licenses

may be issued to a person in the service of Pakistan in BS-17 or above
or a member of the Armed Forces of Pakistan.
(2) The number of licenses issued to a person prior to coming
into force of the rules shall not be affected by the limit specified in
sub-rule (1).
(3) The claim of personnel of Armed Forces to gratis license
shall be regulated by the Army Regulations (Instructions), 2000 as
Sr. No. Personnel Pistol/ Rifle Shot Remarks
category Revolver gun
(a) General - - - For all arms
Officers gifted on
(b) Commissioned 2 - - Pistol or
Officer (only revolver.
(c) Junior 1 1 - 1 pistol or
Commissioned revolver, or 1
Officer rifle (total 1)
(d) Retired Junior 1 1 - 1 pistol or
Commissioned revolver, or 1
Officer rifle (total 1)
(e) All other ranks 1 - 1 1 pistol or
revolver, or 1
shotgun (total
(4) The recipients of military awards shall also be authorized
for gratis arms license as per the following details:
Sr. Military award Entitlement
(a) Nishan-e-Haider, Nishan- (i) one pistol or
e-Imtiaz (M), Hilal-e- revolver;
Jurrat, Hilal-e-Imtiaz (M), (ii) one rifle;
Sitara-e-Jurrat, Sitara-e- (iii) one .22 bore rifle; and
Imtiaz (M), and Sitara-e- (iv) two shotguns
(b) Tamgha-e-Imtiaz (M) (i) one pistol or revolver;
(ii) one shotgun; and
(iii) one .22 bore rifle.
(c) Tamgha-e-Jurrat and (i) one pistol or revolver;
Tamgha-e-Bisalat and
(ii) one shotgun.
(d) Imtiazi Sanad one shotgun


22. Transfer of license.– Subject to rules 23 and 24 of the rules, a
personal arms license shall be non-transferable.
23. Transfer of license in case of death of licensee.- (1) The
Government or the DC, as the case may be, in case of death of a
licensee, transfer the personal arms license in the following manner:
(a) a license may be transferred to an otherwise eligible
legal heir of a deceased licensee subject to
acquiescence of other legal heirs;
(b) the application for transfer personal arms license,
subject to fulfillment of the conditions mentioned in
clause (a), shall be submitted in writing to the
Government or the DC, as the case may be, on
Form-I, alongwith following documents:
(i) copy of the personal arms license;
(ii) death certificate of the deceased issued by
(iii) succession/declaration certificate issued by a
court or revenue authority;
(iv) no objection certificate or an affidavit of the
legal heirs, on a stamp paper of one hundred
rupees or above, made before or attested by a
judicial or a revenue officer, empowering the
applicant in this regard;
(v) Computerized National Identity Card of the
proposed transferee;
(vi) domicile certificate of the proposed transferee;
(vii) fitness certificate issued by a registered
medical practitioner, in original, of the
proposed transferee;
(viii) any other document that the Government may
specify from time to time.
(2) The application for transfer shall not be considered if the
same is made after a lapse of one year from the death of original
(3) The Government may condone the delay, maximum to 5
years, if the applicant is able to establish that the delay was caused
due to reasons beyond control.
24. Transfer of license in cases other than death of licensee.-
(1) The Government or the DC, as the case may be, in a case where a
licensee becomes incapacitated to utilize personal arms license on
account of ill health or old age, or some other compelling
circumstances, to be noted in writing, transfer personal arms license
to an otherwise eligible legal heir subject to personal appearance of
the original licensee.

(2) The Government or the DC, as the case may be, may dispense
with the condition of personal appearance where transfer is being
sought on account of a medical condition, subject to the provision of
certificate issued by a registered medical practitioner, to this effect.
(3) The application for transfer of personal arms license shall be
submitted in writing to the Government or the DC, as the case may
be, on Form-I, along with the following documents:
• copy of the license;
• CNIC of the proposed transferee;
• domicile certificate of the proposed transferee;
• fitness certificate issued by a registered medical practitioner, in
original, of the proposed transferee; and
• Any other document that the Government may specify from
time to time.
(4) The Government or the DC, as the case may be, may
approve the transfer and forward the case to the NRC for further
processing after:
(a) ascertaining the eligibility of the proposed
transferee; and
(b) obtaining the report as to his credentials, general
conduct, and criminal record, present as well as
past, from the local police and, if required, from any
other appropriate agency.
25. Transfer of gratis license.- (1) The transfer fee shall be
charged as prescribed in the Schedule-I, if a legal heir of the gratis
license holder is not eligible for a gratis license as per rule 20, and the
status of gratis license shall be changed immediately to a regular
license, on such transfer.
(2) The status of regular license may, if a legal heir is
otherwise eligible for a gratis license, be changed to gratis on the
request of licensee, and subject to the rules.
26. Transfer of institutional license.-(1) An institutional arms
license shall be non-transferable and valid only for the institution for
which it is issued.
(2) An institutional arms license, issued to an institution, shall
remain valid till the life of such institution for which it has been issued.
(3) An institutional arms license shall have to be returned, in
prescribed manner, if the institution ceases to exist or function.
27. Retainership permissions.–(1) Every application for
retainership of computerized arms licenses shall be submitted in
writing to the Government or the DC, as the case may be, on Form-I.
(2) No more than one retainership permission shall be allowed
for one license.
(3) The proposed retainer shall otherwise be eligible as per

rule(4) of the rules.
(4) Where an application is directly received by the
Government, it may, subject to conditions mentioned in sub-rules (2)
and (3) above, issue sanction order to the DC to undertake the
required action and make necessary changes in the record.
(5) The licensee shall appear along with the proposed
retainership permission and proposed retainer, before the DC/ NRC for
further processing subject to prescribed fee, as the case may be
(6) The licensee may, at any time, apply on Form-I to the
Government or the DC, as the case may be, for the termination of the
(7) The Application under sub-rule (5) of this rule once
received to DC/ NRC, he shall cause to omit the name of the retainer
from the license as prescribed by the government.
(8) No fee, other than the NADRA processing fee, shall be
charged where a holder of a gratis license shall seek to have a retainer
who himself is entitled to get a gratis license.
28. Responsibility and use of arms by an Institution.-(1) Arms
acquired by an institution shall be handed over to the security guards,
who shall be:
(a) duly trained in security related functions by the
district police or a training institute notified by the
(b) security cleared by the Special Branch; and
(c) registered with local police station.
(2) Each security guard, hired by an institution mentioned under
sub-rule (1) of this rule, shall otherwise be eligible as per rule(4) of
the Rules.
(3) The use of arms, mentioned under sub-rule (1) and (2), shall be
limited only to the purposes or premises for which the licenses are
(4) A proper system of issuance and receipt of arms shall be
adopted whereby the following shall be recorded:
(a) name of the guard
(b) CNIC number
(c) arms number
(d) time, duration and place of duty.
(5) The register used for the purpose shall be open to inspection by
law enforcement agencies.
(6) An attested copy of the institutional arms license as well as the
authority letter to possess the arms shall be available with every arms
bearing security guard.

(7) The institution or the security company shall issue identity
card/authority letter to each security guard, which shall be
prominently displayed by him at all times during the duty hours.
29. Suspension of license.– (1) The DC may, on his own
information or on receipt of a complaint, suspend a personal or
institutional arms license in one or more of the following
(a) the licensee appears to have become ineligible for
holding the license;
(b) the licensee has acquired the license by concealing
relevant information, or on the basis of forged or
fraudulent documents;
(c) the licensee fails to renew his license within the
stipulated time;
(d) the licensee has given his arms to a person who is
neither a retainer nor an authorized person to carry
the arms under the authority of license; and
(e) the licensee has contravened or violated any
provision(s) of the Ordinance or the rules, term(s) of
the license, or instruction(s) of the Government,
issued from time to time.
(2) The license shall not be suspended under sub-rule (1) of
this rule without first giving the licensee a reasonable opportunity of
being heard.
(3) The DC concerned may dispense with the condition of
giving the licensee a reasonable opportunity of being heard under
extraordinary circumstances, to be recorded in writing, or where, in
the opinion of the DC, any delay would mean continuation of an illegal
(4) The act of suspension shall be communicated to NADRA,
law enforcement agencies as well as the licensee forthwith for record
purposes and necessary action, if required.
(5) The arms returned or confiscated upon suspension as
mentioned in sub-rule (1) shall be deposited in the relevant DC office
strong room in the prescribed manner.
30. Restoration of license.- (1) The DC may restore a suspended
license if the licensee has:
(a) proved that the suspension has been made on the
basis of misinformation; or
(b) removed the objection which led to the suspension,
to the satisfaction of the DC.

(2) The restoration of license under this rule shall not be
construed as a right and as such may be denied on any reasonable
31. Cancellation of license.– (1) The DC concerned may, on its
own information or on receipt of a complaint, cancel a license in one
or more of the following circumstances:
(a) if the licensee fails, on given an opportunity of
hearing under rule 30, to remove the objection of, or
satisfy, the DC;
(b) on repetition of an act which constitutes ground for
suspension of a license;
(c) a licensee fails to renew his license for three
consecutive years;
(d) arms entered upon the license has been used for
commission of an offence; or
(e) the licensee has contravened or violated any
provision(s) of the Ordinance or the rules, term(s) of
the license, or instruction(s) of the Government,
issued from time to time.
(2) A license shall not be cancelled, under sub-rule (1),
without first giving the licensee a reasonable opportunity of being
(3) The DC concerned may dispense with the condition of
giving the licensee a reasonable opportunity of being heard, as
mentioned in sub-rule (2), under extraordinary circumstances, or
where, in the opinion of the DC, any delay shall mean continuation of
an illegal activity.
(4) The fact of cancellation shall be communicated to NADRA
as well as local police forthwith for record purposes and confiscation of
the arms, if required.
(5) The arms returned or confiscated after cancellation as
mentioned in sub-rule (1) shall be deposited in the strongroom in the
prescribed manner.
(6) A licensee or the legal heir of a deceased licensee may
apply to the DC concerned, in writing, for cancellation of his license, or
the license of his deceased ancestor or descendent, as the case may
(7) The DC shall, after ascertaining the genuineness of the
application filed under sub-rule (6) and after giving opportunity of
being heard to legal heir of deceased licensee if required, cancel the
(8) The arms entered upon license, for an application for
cancellation under sub-rule (6) has been received, shall be deposited
into the strongroom or with any registered dealer, and receipt to this
effect, shall be attached with the application so submitted.

32. Right of representation against orders.–Any person,
aggrieved by an order passed under the rules may make a
representation to the Government, within 30 days of such order,
whose decision on such representation shall be final.
33. Keeping and disposing of arms.-(1) A DC shall establish and
maintain a strong room in the district for the purpose of safe custody
of illegal arms confiscated by the law enforcement agencies, or those
retrieved or returned after cancellation of licenses.
(2) A stock register for strong room mentioned in sub-rule (1),
specifying details of all arms, including make, model, and identification
number as well as the date and mode of its receiving, along with the
photographs, shall be maintained at all times.
(3) An open and public auction shall be conducted of the arms, as
mentioned in sub-rule (1), at least once a year, and a register of all
transactions carried out in such auctions shall be maintained, in a
manner prescribed by the Government by notification in official
(4) The NADRA shall develop and deploy software in each DC Office
for recording the details as mentioned in sub-rules (2) and (3) of this
(5) In the absence of strongrooms in the districts, the arms
returned/ confiscated may be deposited in the concerned police
station or the district “Malkhana”, temporarily.

34. Business arms license.- (1) The business arms license shall
be issued to a natural or a legal person, subject to the fulfillment of
eligibility criteria.
(2) The business arms license shall be issued in, and clearly
mentions, the categories of manufacturing, repair, sale, or storage of
arms, ammunitions, or military stores.
35. Eligibility criteria for business arms license for a natural
person.– (1) An applicant shall be considered eligible for a business
arms license if he/ she:
(a) is a citizen of Pakistan;
(b) possesses valid CNIC;
(c) is domiciled in Punjab;
(d) has attained the age of 30 years;
(e) does not already possess a business license;
(f) had a business license which was cancelled on his
own request;
(g) has reasonable financial and other means, including
space, to carry out the proposed business;
(h) is not considered unsuitable by the local police in
view of his general conduct or previous record;
(j) has not been convicted by any Court of law
(k) has not been a member of a proscribed organization
or suspected to be involved in any anti-state
activity; and
(i) does not suffer from any physical or mental defect
which might impair his capacity to carry out the
proposed business.
(2) A license issued in favour of a citizen of Pakistan, not
domiciled in Punjab, prior to enforcement of the rules shall remain
valid, subject to fulfillment of all terms and conditions specified by the
Government by notification and shall, henceforth, be governed by the
(3) The issuance of license to an otherwise eligible person
shall not be construed as a right, and as such may be denied on any
reasonable ground.
36. Eligibility for business arms license for a legal person.–
(1) The Government shall not issue a business license to a firm or a
company unless the firm or the company fulfils the following
(a) the firm or the company is lawfully registered;
(b) the firm or the company is registered in Punjab;
(c) the firm or the company or any of its owners,
partners, directors, office bearers and employees
does not already possess a business license of the
same category;
(d) a license not previously cancelled except in case of
cancellation made on the behalf of the firm or the
(e) no owner or partner has been convicted by any
Court of law;
(f) all individuals of the company not maintains any
relation with a proscribed organization and are
suspected to be involved in any anti-state activity;
(g) the firm or company has reasonable financial and
other means or resources, including space, to carry
out the proposed business.
(2) A license issued in favour of a firm or a company not
registered in, or carrying out substantial, if not major, portion of its
operations in Punjab, prior to enforcement of the rules shall remain
valid, subject to fulfillment of all terms and conditions specified by the
Government by notification and shall, henceforth, be governed by the

(3) The issuance of license to an otherwise eligible firm or
company shall not be construed as a right, and as such may be denied
on any reasonable ground.
37. Application for business arms license.–(1) An application for
obtaining a business arms license shall be submitted in writing to the
Government or the DC, as the case may be, on form-IV.
(2) The application shall be accompanied by legible copies,
certified to be true by an officer of the Government in BS-17 or above,
of the following documents:
(a) CNIC of the person making the application;
(b) domicile certificate, in case the applicant is a natural
(c) letter of authorization issued by an appropriate
authority in case application is made through an
authorized agent, along with the CNIC of the agent
so authorized.
(d) the license, registration certificate, or other such
document, as proof of registration with appropriate
authority, where such license, certificate, or
document is required for the establishment or
operation of firm or the company under any law or
rules for the time being in force;
(e) details of owners, partners, directors, office bearers
and employees of the firm or company, as may be
asked by the Government or the DC concerned;
(f) details of otherwise eligible persons, under rule 35,
who are likely to carry out the business as salesmen,
manufacturers, repairmen, or other employees, at
the business establishment;
(g) statement of account to indicate financial standing
for the proposed business;
(h) proof of availability of suitable space for carrying out
(i) ownership or lease documents, as the case may be,
in respect of the property the applicant intends to
use as storehouse for the business; and
(j) any other document that Government may specify
from time to time.
38. Determination of suitability of the applicant.–(1) The
Government shall, for the purpose of determining the suitability of the
applicant, call and assess the reports from the following departments:
(a) Additional Inspector General (Special Branch),
Additional Inspector General (Counter Terrorism
Department) and head of District Police with respect

to applicant’s credentials, general conduct, and
criminal record, present as well as past;
(b) DC with respect to suitability of the applicant in
general, his financial standing, expected sales
volume, and suitability of proposed place of
business; and
(c) Civil Defence Officer with respect to the safety
aspects of the proposed place of business.
(2) The reports from the offices as mentioned in sub-rule (1)
shall be submitted in such format as may be specified, by the
(3) The Government may, after ascertaining the eligibility of
the applicant and considering the reports as stated in sub-rule (1),
approve the license and forward the same to the DC and NRC for
further processing as notified from time to time.
(4) The applicant or the authorized agent and the proposed
salesmen, manufacturers, repairmen or employees shall, upon getting
approval under sub-rule (3), appear in person in NRC for further
39. Duplicate license.–(1) The Government may, if a Business
arms license issued under the rules is lost, accidently destroyed or
damaged, on submission of an application subject to payment of
prescribed fee (Schedule-I), grant approval for issuance of a duplicate
(2) An application, under sub-rule (1) of this rule, shall be
accompanied by:
(a) the police report if Business arms license is lost;
(b) the recommendation of the DC concerned.
(c) an affidavit; or
(d) the damaged or destroyed computerized arms
license card if a business arms license is damaged.

40. Permissible number of licenses for each district.–(1)
Subject to other conditions, a business arms license for a particular
district may be issued only if the number of such licenses in that
district, including the new license, does not exceed the permissible
number of licenses fixed by the Government.
(2) The permissible number of licenses under Rule 40 for a
particular district shall be notified from time to time.
41. Quantity of arms and ammunition authorized to a
licensee.–A licensee may sell or keep for sale such number of arms,
ammunition or other military stores as may be authorized under the
42. Enhancement of quota.– (1) A licensee may, for the
enhancement of quota of arms and ammunition, apply to the
Government through the DC concerned.
(2) The Government may enhance the quota of the license
subject to prescribed fee (Schedule-I), after ascertaining factors like:
(a) the genuineness of the demand;
(b) the suitability of the licensee; and
(c) the recommendation of the concerned DC.

43. Transfer of license.– (1) A business arms license shall be non-
(2) The Government may, in case of death of a licensee, or his
being incapacitated to carry out business on account of ill-health or
old age, or some other compelling circumstances, transfer his
business arms license in the manner prescribed in rules 44 and 45 of
the rules.
44. Transfer of license in case of death.–
(1) A business arms license may be transferred to a
legal heir of a deceased licensee, as may be authorized by
all legal heirs in the form of an affidavit attested by a
judicial or revenue authority, subject to fulfillment of the
eligibility criteria as mentioned in section (35) of the rules
and subject to prescribed fee (Schedule-I).
(2) Application for transfer under sub-rule (1) shall be
submitted in writing to the Government within one year of
the death of the original licensee, on Form-V, along with
the following documents:
(i) copy of the business arms license;
(ii) death certificate of the deceased licensee
issued by NADRA;
(iii) succession certificate issued by a court;
(iv) an affidavit of the legal heirs, on a stamp
paper of one hundred rupees or above, made
before or attested by a judicial or a revenue
officer, empowering the applicant in this
(v) CNIC of the proposed transferee;
(vi) domicile certificate of the proposed transferee;
(vii) fitness certificate issued by a registered
medical practitioner, in original, of the
proposed transferee; and
(viii) any other document that the Government may
specify from time to time.
(3) An application for transfer shall not be considered if the
same is made after a lapse of 365 days from the date of death of
original licensee.
(4) If an application is not made under sub-rule (3) of this
rule, the license shall be deemed to have become suspended.
(5) The business running under the license suspended under
the sub-rule (4) shall be illegal.
45. Transfer of the business arms license in cases other than
death.- (1) A business arms license may, in cases other than death of
a deceased licensee, be transferred to a legal heir, subject to the
fulfillment of the eligibility criteria as mentioned in section (35) of the
rules, and personal appearance of the original licensee, subject to
prescribed fee (Schedule-I).
(2) An application for transfer of the business arms license
under sub-rule (1) shall be submitted in writing to the Government on
Form-V, along with the following documents:
(i) Copy of the business arms license;
(ii) all documents mentioned in sub-rule (2) of rule 43 in
respect of the proposed transferee; and
(iii) any other document that the Government may
specify from time to time.
(3) The Government may, after ascertaining the eligibility of
the proposed transferee and obtaining the report as to his credentials,
general conduct, and criminal record, present as well as past, from the
local police and, if required, from any other appropriate agency, may
approve the transfer and forward the case to the DC/ NRC for further
(4) The original licensee, where living, shall remain
responsible for compliance of the provisions of the Ordinance and the
rules, terms of the license, and instructions issued by the Government
from time to time, and shall be held responsible for any violation
thereof, till the completion of transfer process in the prescribed
(5) The transfer of license under this rule shall not be
construed as a right and as such may be denied on any reasonable
46. Change of business name.–The name of business shall not be
changed unless such change is necessitated by transfer of business
arms license under rule 47, subject to the approval of the
47. Change of place of business.–(1) A licensee shall carry out
business from such place only as is mentioned in the business arms

(2) The Government may, subject to the prescribed fee
(Schedule-I), and after ascertaining the suitability of the proposed
place, permit the change of place of business mentioned in the
business arms license in the following circumstances:
(a) if change is:
(i) unavoidable due to conditions considered
beyond the control of the licensee;
(ii) required on account of transfer of the license;
(iii) necessitated due to loss of right of the licensee
to occupy the place of business due to expiry
or termination of lease agreement or other
similar reasons;
(b) if place of business is no more conducive or suitable
to conduct business; or
(c) if Government requires such change to take place.
(3) The new place of business allowed under this rule shall not
be located beyond the limits of the district in which the original place
of business is located.
(4) The Government shall seek reports from the DC, local
police, Civil Defence Department, and any other appropriate agency or
department, if required, as to the suitability of the proposed place,
before according the permission under sub-rule (2).
(5) Nothing in this rule shall affect the permission of change of
place of business given by the Government prior to coming into force
of the rules.
48. Manners for running the Business.- (1) A licensee shall carry
out business personally or through authorized agent(s) mentioned in
the license.
(2) A licensee shall not enter into a partnership for the
purpose of carrying out the business after the issuance of the business
arms license.

(3) The partnerships only those may be acknowledged by the

Government which shall have:
(a) come into being before the commencement of
Punjab Arms Rules 2014;
(b) been constituted or registered under the relevant
law regulating such partnerships; and
(c) been duly entered in the license and other record
maintained under the Government.
(4) All partners recorded in the license shall be responsible,
individually as well as collectively, for compliance of the provisions of
the Ordinance and the rules, terms of the license, and instructions

issued by the Government from time to time, and shall be held
responsible for any violation thereof.
49. Suspension of license.– (1) The Government or the DC, as the
case may be, may on its own information or on receipt of a complaint,
suspend a license in one or more of the following circumstances:
(a) the licensee appears to have become ineligible for
holding the license;
(b) the licensee has acquired the license by concealing
relevant information, or on the basis of forged or
fraudulent documents;
(c) the licensee fails to renew his license within the
stipulated time;
(d) the licensee is found to be conducting the business
from a place, or under a name, other than the one
mentioned in the license;
(e) the licensee fails to carry out business for six
consecutive months during a calendar year except
where such failure, in the view of the Government,
resulted from reasons beyond the control of the
(f) the licensee fails to maintain, or produce for
inspection, stock register or record of transaction of
arms, ammunition and military stores in the
prescribed manner; and
(g) the licensee has contravened or violated any
provision(s) of the Ordinance or the rules, term(s) of
the license, or instruction(s) of the Government,
issued from time to time.
(2) The license shall not be suspended without first giving the
licensee a reasonable opportunity of being heard.
(3) The Government may dispense with the condition of giving
the licensee a reasonable opportunity of being heard under
extraordinary circumstances, or where, in the opinion of the
Government, any delay shall mean continuation of an illegal activity.
(4) The act of suspension shall be communicated to the DC,
NADRA, law enforcement agencies as well as licensee forthwith for
record purposes and necessary action, if required.
50. Restoration of license.-(1) The Government or the DC, as the
case may be, may restore a suspended license if the licensee has:
(a) proved that the suspension has been made on the
basis of misinformation; or
(b) removed the objection which led to the suspension,
to the satisfaction of the Government.
(2) The restoration of license under this rule shall not be
construed as a right and as such may be denied on any reasonable
51. Cancellation of license.– (1) The Government may, on its own
information or on receipt of a complaint, cancel a license in one or
more of the following circumstances:
(a) if the licensee fails, on given an opportunity of
hearing under rule 49, to remove the concern of, or
satisfy, the Government;
(b) on repetition of an act which constitutes ground for
suspension of a license;
(c) the licensee fails to renew his license for two
consecutive years;
(d) the licensee has permitted an unauthorized person
to run business on his own or on behalf of the
(e) the licensee is found to be involved in illegal sale,
supply, transport or storage of arms, ammunition or
military stores; or
(f) the licensee has contravened or violated any
provision(s) of the Ordinance or the rules, term(s) of
the license, or instruction(s) of the Government,
issued from time to time.
(2) The license shall not be cancelled without first giving the
licensee a reasonable opportunity of being heard.
(3) The Government may dispense with the condition of giving
the licensee a reasonable opportunity of being heard under
extraordinary circumstances, or where, in the opinion of the
Government, any delay shall mean continuation of an illegal activity.
(4) The act of cancellation shall be communicated to DC,
NADRA as well as the licensee forthwith for record purposes and
sealing of the business, if required.
52. Right of representation against orders.–Any person,
aggrieved by an order passed under the rules may file an appeal to
the Secretary to Government, Home Department or the Chief
Secretary, Punjab, as the case may be, within 30 days of such order,
whose decision on such representation shall be final.
53. Transportation of arms and ammunition.- Only a licensee
holding a business arms license under the rules is eligible for
transportation of arms and ammunition, to the extent and in the
manner permitted by such license, subject to the prescribed fee as
mentioned in Scehdule-I and other terms and conditions as prescribed
by the government.

54. Fee for transportation.-The Government may issue a
transportation license or a no objection certificate for transportation of
arms and ammunition subject to prescribed fee (Schedule-I).
55. Storage of the arms, ammunition and military stores.- (1)
The licensee shall keep or store his arms, ammunition or military
stores at a property approved by the Government, for the purpose.
(2) Any arms, ammunition or military stores recovered from
any property other than the one approved, irrespective of their status,
shall be deemed illegal.
56. Maintenance of record.-.-(1) The holder of a business arms
license shall maintain stock register as well as record of transaction of
arms, ammunition and military stores in the manner provided for
under the Ordinance, the rules, terms of the license, or instructions of
the Government, issued from time to time, which may include
deploying a software and/or joining a management information
system, on its own cost.
(2) The register of transaction of arms, ammunition and military
stores, as mentioned in sub-rule (1), shall be maintained in such a
manner that all essential details in respect of a purchaser, including
his name, parentage, CNIC number, address, license number, date of
purchase etc. are duly recorded.
(3) The arms or ammunition shall not be sold to anyone unless the
intended purchaser produces original CNIC and license.
(4) The registers so maintained shall be open to inspection by the
law enforcement agencies, subject to prior permission of the
Government or the DC concerned, as the case may be.
(5) The condition of prior permission, as required under sub-rule
(4), may be dispensed with under extra-ordinary circumstances to be
recorded in writing.
(6) Where prior permission has not been taken, as required under
sub-rule (4),a report shall be submitted to the Government or the DC,
as the case may be, by the law enforcement agency, within 24 hours
of the inspection, detailing the circumstances which led to the
inspection without permission, as well as the findings of such

57. Safety Measures.- (1) In every manufacturing facility and

business establishment minimum safety measure shall be taken which
are necessary to minimize danger to persons being in or in the vicinity
of such premises as notified by the Government.

58. Inspection of business establishments and institutions.-

(1) Every DC shall cause inspection of the sale, manufacturing, repair
and storage units within his jurisdiction.

(2) The DC shall notify a committee for the purposes of inspection
under sub-rule (1) which may comprise representatives of the office of
the DC, the DPO and Civil Defence Department.
(3) The committee constituted under sub-rule (2) shall have the
right to:
• enter and inspect any premises in which arms or ammunition
are sold, manufactured, repaired, converted, or stored;
• examine the stock register as well as the record of all
• verify that the business is being conducted, or manufacturing
or repair is being done, through authorized persons only; and
• ensure that the instructions issued from time to time, related
to safety precautions and other matters, are followed in letter
and spirit.
(4) The member of the committee, mentioned in sub-rule (3) of this
rule, shall not be below BPS-16:
(5) The DC concerned may, under extraordinary circumstances,
dispense with the condition of constituting a committee, and instead
cause the inspection through an officer specially authorized in this
(6) The inspection shall be carried out at least once in every year
and detailed report of inspection, with clear recommendations, shall
be submitted to the DC concerned within one week of the date of
(7) The DC shall submit an annual performance report to the
Government in respect of each sale, manufacturing, repair and
storage unit within his jurisdiction, within three months after the end
of every calendar year.
59. Fee and charges.– The Government may, by notification in the
official Gazette, fix and revise the fee and other charges for, or in
relation to, arms licenses.
60. Payment of fee.–The fee or other charges for, or in relation to,
arms licenses shall be payable in the form and manner, and within the
timeline, specified by the Government.
61. Renewal of Personal/Institutional arms license.– (1) A
arms license issued under the rules shall, unless otherwise cancelled
or renewed, remain valid till 31st December of the year as the case
may be.
(2) An arms license issued or renewed prior to the
enforcement of the rules shall remain valid for the duration for which
it was issued or renewed.

(3) An arms license shall be renewed for a period of minimum
one year and maximum five years at the discretion of the licensee
subject to the prescribed fee as mentioned in Schedule-I.
(4) An arms license may be renewed up to a maximum of ten
years in case the licensee has attained the age of sixty or above.
(5) An arms license may be renewed within three calendar
months of the date of expiry, hereinafter referred to as the grace
period, without the payment of any penalty or late fee.
(6) After the expiry of the grace period, and before the lapse
of one year from date of expiry of the license, it may be renewed
subject to the payment of a penalty equivalent to the renewal fee for
one calendar year, in addition to payment of the due renewal fee for
each year.
(7) An arms license if not renewed within the period specified
above, shall be deemed to have been suspended.
(8) An arms license, if suspended under sub-rule (7), may be
restored again, on the discretion of the Government, subject to the
payment of a penalty equivalent to renewal fee for each year.
(9) An arms license, if remains suspended or is not renewed,
for three consecutive years in case of personal or institutional arms
license, and two years in case of business arms license, it shall be:
(a) deemed to have been cancelled;
(b) entered in database by NADRA as such; and
(c) communicated to the relevant authorities for
confiscation of the arms, unless the Government, on
an application by the licensee stating reasons of the
delay, and subject to the payment of penalty as
mentioned in sub-rule (8), decides otherwise.
62. Renewal of business arms licenses.- (1) A business arms
license issued under the rules shall, unless otherwise cancelled or
renewed, remain valid till 31st December of the year as the case may
(2) A business arms license issued or renewed prior to the
enforcement of the rules shall remain valid for the duration for which
it was issued or renewed.
(3) A business arms license shall be renewed for a period of
minimum one year and maximum five years at the discretion of the
licensee subject to the prescribed fee as mentioned in Schedule-I.
(4) If main form of business license (with fee) is renewed, other
associated forms shall be deemed to be renewed for the same
duration for which main form is renewed, and no separate fee shall be
required to be submitted for the purpose.
(5) A business arms license may be renewed within three
calendar months of the date of expiry, hereinafter referred to as the
grace period, without the payment of any penalty or late fee.

(6) After the expiry of the grace period, and before the lapse
of 365 days from date of expiry of the license, it may be renewed
subject to the payment of a penalty equivalent to the renewal fee for
one calendar year, in addition to payment of the due renewal fee for
each year.
(7) If license is not renewed within one year of date of expiry,
thereafter license may be renewed on the payment of late fee equal to
the twice of the renewal fee for each calendar year, in addition to
payment of the due renewal fee.
(8) A business arms license if is not renewed within the period
specified above, it shall be deemed to have been suspended.
(9) A business arms license, if suspended under sub-rule (8),
may be restored again, on the discretion of the Government, subject
to the payment of a penalty as per Rule (7).
(10) A business arms license, if remains suspended or is not
renewed for more than three years, it shall be:
(a) deemed to have been cancelled;
(b) entered in database by NADRA as such; and
(c) communicated to the relevant authorities for
confiscation of the arms, unless the Government, on
an application by the licensee stating reasons of the
delay, and subject to the payment of penalty as
mentioned in sub-rule (9), decides otherwise.
63. Charging late fee.- The Government shall, if a time limit is
expressly announced by the Government for fulfillment of an
instruction, and the licensee fails to take the required action within the
specified time, maintain the right to charge late fee, as penalty, on
rates specified by the Government in the official Gazette, in respect of
the instruction so given.
64. Penalty waiver.-The Government shall retain the power of
condoning the delay, and waive off penalty, completely or partially, on
an application submitted by a licensee in case where the license has
not been renewed for any length of time for a cogent reason to be
recorded in writing.

65. Prohibited and Non-Prohibited Arms.– The Government may

by notification in official Gazette categorized and declared arms as
prohibited and non-prohibited.
66. Form of arms license.– The NADRA shall issue every license in
the form of an automated smart card, or any other format, as deemed
appropriate by the Government.
67. Record of licensees.– (1) The NADRA shall maintain a central
database of all the licenses issued by Government, in different

categories, in updated form, in accordance with the instructions of the
(2) The NADRA may give access to the law enforcement
agencies to the data, mentioned in sub-rule (1), with the prior
approval of the Government.
68. Change in procedure.- The Government may, at any time,
without prior intimation, change the procedure, mode, or the agency
for the issuance of the licenses by notification in the official gazette.
69. Arms policy and instructions.– The Government, may, from
time to time, by notification in official Gazette, issue instructions for
carrying out the purposes of the rules.
70. Repeal.– The Punjab Arms Rules 2014 are hereby repealed.



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