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Outline - Sacred Paschal Triduum 2021

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April 03, 2021 / 7:00 p.m.

PA System/Lights out Social Comm/MAS
Preparation of Candle/stylus/Holy Water/flashlight MAS
Orientation: Prepare candles Commentator 1
Firewood Liturgical Arts
Holy water containers MBG/MAS
12 candles on walls Lit Arts / MAS
Altar is semi-dressed up MBG
Clean empty Tabernacle EMHC
Altar servers/LCM/EMHC/choir at church front door
2. SERVICE of the LIGHT:
Introduction/Pipe-in music Commentator/SocCom
Blessing of Fire/Easter Candle Prep Priest
Thurifer gets burning coal from firewood for thurible MAS
1st Candle Raising: “Tayo nang magbigay dangal/Salamat po Poong Banal” Cantor
(Outside the main door)
(Outside Lights & Pipe-in ON, people enter PYM/Education Min
Priest lights his candle, apostles and ministers enter led by Easter Candle. Choir proceeds to their place
2nd Candle Raising: (below the altar) Cantor
(Altar Servers light peoples’ candles) MAS
3rd Raising of the Candle: (at the Paschal candle stand) Cantor
EXSULTET (Priest incenses the Easter Candle) Cantor/Choir
3. LITURGY OF THE WORD: (candles are put off, all sit, fans on)
Introduction/screens Commentator/SocCom
OT Readings/Responsorial Psalm/Prayer Priest/LCM/Choir
Glory to God (All stand) Choir
Open church lights/Risen Christ enters JR/Liturgical Arts/MAS
Church bells ring/fireworks MAS/Bro Arthur
Altar linens, candles, and flowers are set up MBG
Epistle LC
Responsorial Alleluia Cantor/Choir
Cantor: “Dear Father, I bring you a message of great joy, the message of…”
Priest: “Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia…”
Everyone sings the Alleluia
GOSPEL (w/ incense but no candles)/Homily Priest
Blessing of Water (Dipping of Candle in containers) Priest
Renewal of Baptismal Promises (light candles/stand) EMHC/ MAS
Sprinkling of Holy Water/All make Sign of the Cross once blessed Clergy/EMHC
Presentation of the Gifts Collectors
Tabernacle is stored with consecrated hosts EMHC
Announcements Commentator
6. SALUBONG Music Min/Emcee
7. FIREWORKS Marshals/Ch. Art
GOOD FRIDAY (Red): Celebration of the Lord’s Passion, Liturgy of the Word,
Veneration of the Cross, and Communion Service
April 02, 2021 / 3:00 p.m.

01. Introduction w/ Procession of Priests/Servers Commentator

(People kneel)
02. Prostration of Priests
Blanket laid MBG, MAS
03. Opening Prayer (All stand)/Priest assisted with microphone Priest/MAS
04. Liturgy of the Word LCM
(Note/check if: Meditative music played during the Gospel) Social Comm
Gospel (NO greeting/candles/incensation)
Message on Good Friday (homily) Priest
05. Universal Prayers (All stand) Priest/LC/Choir
(EMHC to pick up Cross on the 8th intercession)
Entry of veiled Crucifix with 4 candle bearers EMHC/MAS
Unveiling Rites: “Sa kahoy ng Krus na Banal…/Purihin at ipagdangal…” Cantor/Choir
(After every response, all kneel briefly) Commentator
Kissing of the Cross (Put myrrh/perfume first) EMHC
1 Collection when priests kisses the Cross and prepares for Communion Collectors
Prepare Altar for Communion Service MBG/MAS
Main Cross with candles to be placed in front of the altar table EMHC
07. The Lord’s Prayer Choir
Blessed Sacrament is taken from Altar of Repose and Baptistery EMHC
(EMHC gets Blessed Sacrament from the place of reposition to the altar with
2 candle bearers, V2 #21 p.408.
After taking the Blessed Sacrament, Altar of Repose Tabernacle door is left open. All candles-off) MBG
Priest genuflects and prays
09. After Communion, remaining hosts are sent to the baptistery EMHC
(Altar of Repose not to be used anymore)
Altar cloth is removed MBG/MAS
10. Post Communion Prayer
11. Announcements (Sancta Tierra collection) Collector
12. Prayer over the People (No blessing/Ministers leave in silence)

Note: There is an 11th General Intercession for the Pandemic. Divine Mercy Novena (after the Veneration of
the Cross Liturgy); frame is veiled after the novena Santo Entierro and Mater Dolorosa are placed in front of
the altar
HOLY THURSDAY (White): Mass of the Lord’s Supper
April 01, 2021 / 5:00 p.m.
(Health Ministry, Marshals and Greeters lead people inside the church and patio for smooth welcome)
01. Tabernacle is empty. All holy water fonts likewise are emptied. EMHC, MAS
02. Ensure that sufficient hosts will be offered/consecrated EMHC
03. Ceriales (Crossbearer, candle bearers, incense/boat) position at 4:50 MAS
Introduction and processional (ensure seats for the concelebrants) Commentator/MBG
04. Glory to God (Ringing of all bells) MAS
05. Liturgy of the Word LCM / Choir / SocCom-visuals
06. Gospel and Washing of the Feet
a. 3 Apostles Teng
b. Gremials and Wash Basins MBG
07. General Intercessions LCM
08. Introduction/Procession of the Sacred Oils LCM, MJR, SocCom-response
09. Liturgy of the Eucharist (Bells no longer used but the matraca)
10. After Communion: Prepare the vessel containing Blessed Sacrament MJR/EMHC
Other vessels will be sent to the baptistery EMHC
11. Prayer after communion MJR
12. Announcements Commentator
K of C prepares the canopy / Ceriales K of C / John Lord/ Teng
13. Transfer of Blessed Sacrament
Incensation MAS
Humeral Veil MBG/MAS/MJR
Formation of Procession John Lord/ Teng
Ceriales w/ clappers MAS
Stripping of Altar MBG
Pange Lingua Choir
Altar of Repose MBG/Liturgical Arts
Reposing of the Blessed Sacrament/Incensing/Tantum Ergo MJR/MAS/Choir
All ministers leave, lights are turned off, pipe-in music enters Social Communication
14. Eucharistic Vigil at the Altar of Repose M/SM/O
15. Closing Prayers Laurenz
16. End of Vigil at 12midnight Marshals/Security

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