Ordo Missae
Ordo Missae
Ordo Missae
Many of those who attend Mass in the Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite for the first time will be perplexed
by the great number of different chants, prayers and ceremonies that happen with hardly any break, some even at
the same time.
This complexity has historical reasons – in contrast to the modern liturgy (Ordinary Form) the Extraordinary
Form grew over several centuries. Some of its prayers are already quoted by the early Church Fathers, and the core
structure of the Mass was fully developed by the time of Pope St Gregory the Great (590-604). Since he sent the
first missionaries to the Anglo-Saxons, the Roman liturgy was quickly introduced into England. The Mass in
St Gregory's time consisted primarily of short, normally sung, prayers and readings alternating with elaborate
chants (probably more elaborate than the early medieval plainchant used today). Throughout the Middle Ages
numerous prayers were added to the Mass, especially at the beginning, the Offertory and before and after
Communion. Many of them were, unlike the older texts, personal prayers of the Celebrant. For this reason, and in
order not to overgrow the original structure of the Mass, most of them are said with low voice whilst the Schola is
singing. These prayers often emphasize the nature of the Eucharistic sacrifice and man’s need for redemption.
Whereas Mass in the Ordinary Form was conceived as a very simple parish week-day Mass with possible
additions for greater solemnity, every Mass in the Extraordinary Form is a more or less simplified version of the
solemn papal Mass as celebrated in the early Middle Ages, and many of its ceremonies can only be explained by
looking back at the early history of the Church.
The most solemn form of Mass that will be celebrated from time to time in most parishes is the so-called High
Mass. Here the Celebrant is supported by a Deacon (who sings the GOSPEL and assists at the Offertory), a
Subdeacon (who sings the EPISTLE) and several servers. As in the time of Gregory the Great, most of the ancient
core texts of the Mass are sung by the clergy, he Schola and the congregation. Only the Canon, the central part of
the Mass, is today said in a low voice out of respect for its sacred nature. Since all less elaborate forms of Mass are
derivatives of the High Mass, this form is here described as the default option.
Because most parishes do not have enough clergy for regular celebrations of a High Mass, on most Sundays there
will be Sung Mass. It is essentially a High Mass without Deacon and Subdeacon. Some of their tasks will be
taken over by the Celebrant, some by servers, and others are omitted.
In the early Middle Ages it became common that priest-monks not only attended the Conventual (High) Mass but
also celebrated Mass privately beforehand. Later, the form of Mass they developed (Low Mass) became the
standard for Masses without music. The ceremonial for these Masses is much simplified: since there is no choir the
celebrant reads all the texts of the chants, and since there is not necessarily a congregation all responses are given by
the server. (Later, this form in turn had some influence on the High and Sung Mass, so that today the Celebrant
reads everything sung by Schola).
Like Mass in the Ordinary Form, also Mass in the Extraordinary Form consists of elements that are always or
nearly always the same (the ORDINARY), and elements that change every day (the PROPERS). This booklet only
contains the ORDINARY, a selection of PROPERS is available as separate sheets on
How should the faithful participate in Masses in the Extraordinary Form? As in all forms of liturgy the most
important aspect of the true participation (‘actuosa participatio’) called for by the Second Vatican Council is to
prayerfully enter into the great mysteries of the liturgy through which God reveals Himself to His faithful. This
participation culminates in the reception of Our Lord in Holy Communion.
In High Mass and Sung Mass, the congregation gives the responses to the prayers sung by the Celebrant and may
sing the chants of the Ordinary, like the KYRIE and GLORIA, which are printed in bold in this booklet. The
chants of the Proper, such as the INTROIT, are usually sung by the schola; and are intended to support prayer and
meditation upon the special themes of each liturgical celebration. The numerous prayers said in low voice by the
celebrant are also printed in this booklet – many of them are very beautiful and helpful texts, but no-one should
feel obliged to follow all of them. At these Masses the congregation normally kneel, stand and sit together with the
Low Mass can be more confusing since it hardly differentiates between the ancient core prayers of the Mass, the
chants and the prayers said in a low voice by the Celebrant. Here too it may be best to begin by following the
sections printed in bold in this booklet. Since Low Mass is essentially a Mass without congregation, the servers give
all the responses. The faithful are invited to participate in the way that is most profitable to them, which can range
from following the texts in a Missal to saying their own prayers. They may join in with the servers’ answers in a
low voice but should be careful not to disturb others who wish to pray in silence. There are no rules for posture, but
it is appropriate to stand for the GOSPEL and to kneel for the CONSECRATION.
In the description of the Order of Mass, the following signs are used:
Bold print denotes passages that are sung or said aloud, thus most of the central parts of Mass.
= denotes a text that is sung or said (in most cases by the Celebrant) and awaits a response from the congregation.
S. [for Sacerdos] denotes, on the other hand, a text said by the Celebrant in low voice to the servers, and
M. [for Minister] the reply given by the server.
ü denotes a sign of cross.
In Eastertide:
V VvDRv Örszbrdv ëdfëdv dmv v[vbdv vDRb ygv tfvb hz6vb vbFTv v b DRv bdhzhzÙufv b rdzfgf,vb {v DRv bdhzHUvb fvbô
VIII Ez. 47:1, 9: I saw water
gushing from the right side
of the temple, alleluia. And
Idi aquam * egre- di- én-tem de tem-plo, a lá- te-
Vvrdb b fΦfb vbesvMN b{vb dv d4dvbvbDRzÎ6gv brd,mvbvb]b vbDRv b dÂT6v bhv. vhvbv v bhv v tfv vb GYvb g,v [bvb vö
all who received this water
were healed and they shall
say : alleluia, alleluia. Ps.
re dex- tro, alle- lú- ia : et omnes, ad quos pervénit 117:1: Give praise to the
Vvhzhzygv bFÙUvb bíygbvb HUz^%zb6z%$#zbrdz,mvb {vbdhzhzHUvb hv hÅvkjv 6z%$v bf,v b[b vrd vbvbfΦfvb esMNv b{bvbDRv fvb v ô
a- qua i-sta, sal- vi fac- ti sunt, et di- cent : al-le-
Lord, for he is good : for his
mercy endureth for ever.
= Glory.
Vvfztfv bvf,vb[b 4z#@vb bDRzØy.fÃYvb bëdfëdb b dMbv}cvvdv brdv D6v hv hchv hv hcv ygv Hjv jcv Hjv vh.b c]cØyfv F6v hchchv hv hvb ö
lú- ia, al- le- lú- ia. Ps. Confi-témi-ni Dómino, quó-ni- am bonus, * quóni- am in sæculum
Vvhv hv hv hzygv fD v ygcfcdcm }cdv rdv D6chv hchchv hv h.b vb[bvhcvhv ygv Hjv jcHjcvh.b c]cØyfv F6chvb v ö
mi-se-ricór- di- a e- jus. Glóri- a Patri et Fí-li- o, et Spi-rí-tu- i Sancto. * Sic- ut e-
Vvhchchchv hv h.b vb[bvygcHjcv jcHjcvh.b c]cØyfcF6cvhv hv hchv hzygv Dfv ygcfcdbm c}ccccbb c
rat in princípi- o, et nunc, et semper, et in sæcu-la sæcu- lórum. Amen.
Outside Eastertide:
A CvbAWc4z#@v DRv v b g,v [v b vbhÅIv b ijv b ygvb [vb hv b tfv b DRc5z$ z@v b dv vb asavb anc]b bAWb ô
VII Ps. 50:9-10: Thou shalt
sprinkle me with hyssop, O
Lord, and I shall be
-spér- ges me, * Dó-mi- ne, hyssó- po, et mundá- bor la- cleansed : thou shalt wash
Cvb4b#@v bDRcvbg,bv {v bgÄv7z^%v rdv sv vbfv b DRv v b 5z$ z@v dv b asav anc}cvbaÊrdv Fgv bgv bgõ
vá- bis me, et su-per ni-vem de- al-bá- bor. Ps. Mi- se-ré-re
me, and I shall be made
whiter than snow. Ps. ibid.
1. Have mercy on me, O
CvbGjv bhcvygv bGh,.c]v btÍdv Fgcb gccgcbgcv b gv bgv gv bgÄjv gv b fcvb fbfbfvbwamnv}bñ
God, according to thy great
mercy. = Glory.
CvvbaÊrdv Fgv bgcgv gv bgcbgv bgv gvb [bvbgcvgvb Gjvbhv bhv b ygcbGh.b, v ]vb vtÍdv bFgv bgv bgv gcv gv bgv bgv gvbgcb Gjcvbhv b b ö
Gló- ri- a Patri, et Fí- li- o, et Spi-rí-tu- i Sancto. * Sic- ut e-rat in princí-pi- o, et nunc, et
A CvbAWv b drcFgcvb g,v b [chbHjv b hv b gcb hv b tfvb Dfv tfcbscb ancanc]v bAsv rdv bFgcb g,b v[b vGhcbfv brsvcb fv b Dfctfvb vbò
-spérges me, * Dó-mi-ne, hyssó-po, et mundá-bor : lavá- bis me, et super ni-vem de-
Cvbsv b ancbanc}ccccccccccccbbcccccccccccccccccccccvv
A Bvfcrdv Sdcvb dmb vb [b v vdv b gv b hG vb \vHjv b hv b tfv b Ghcvb tfv b Dfcesnmb v ]v bAsv rdv b Fgcvb g,b v[b gv\vHjchcb gv tfvcvGhb õ
-spérges me, * Dómi-ne, hyssópo, et mundá-bor : lavá- bis me, et su-per nivem de-
Bvbtfv vbdmcbdmc}cvbhv bGhv bhv bhcb gv hcjch.b v ]vb hv b hcb hcchcbhcv b hv bhvb hv bgv b hvbvuhcb tfv dmc}cbb bö
albá-bor. Ps. Mi-se-ré-re me- i De- us, * se-cúndum magnam mi-se-ri-córdi- am tu- am.
Bvvbhv bGhv bhchv hv bhcbhv bhv hvb [b vhcvb hv bhv bgv b hcjcvbh.b v ]v hv bGhv hv bhv hcvb hv b hv bhv h.b vb[bvhcb gcvb hvb÷
Gló-ri- a Patri, et Fí- li- o, et Spi- rí- tu- i Sancto. * Si-cut e-rat in princí-pi- o, et nunc, et
Sprinkling of Holy Water 7
Bvjcvbh.b v ]v bhv b hcbhv b hv hb b bhv bgv bhv b uhcb tfv bdcm }cccccccccccccccccbb vbcv
semper, et in sæ-cu-la sæ-cu-ló-rum. Amen.
S. ü Adjutorium nostrum in nomine Domini. S. ü Our help is in the name of the Lord.
M. Qui fecit cælum et terram. M. Who hath made heaven and earth.
S. Confiteor Deo omnipotenti, beatæ Mariæ S. I confess to almighty God, to blessed Mary ever
semper Virgini, beato Michaeli Archangelo, Virgin, to blessed Michael the Archangel, to
beato Joanni Baptistæ, sanctis Apostolis blessed John the Baptist, to the holy Apostles
Petro et Paulo, omnibus Sanctis, et vobis, Peter and Paul, to all the saints, and to you,
fratres : quia peccavi nimis cogitatione, ver- brethren, that I have sinned exceedingly in
bo, et opere : mea culpa, mea culpa, mea thought, word and deed : through my fault,
maxima culpa. Ideo precor beatam Mariam through my fault, through my most grievous fault.
semper Virginem, beatum Michaelem Arch- Therefore I beseech the blessed Mary, ever
angelum, beatum Joannem Baptistam, sanc- Virgin, the blessed Michael the Archangel, the
tos Apostolos Petrum et Paulum, omnes blessed John the Baptist, the holy Apostles Peter
Sanctos, et vos, fratres : orare pro me ad and Paul, all the saints, and you, brethren, to
Dominum Deum nostrum. pray for me to the Lord our God.
M. Misereatur tui omnipotens Deus, et, M. May the almighty God have mercy upon thee,
dimissis peccatis tuis, perducat te ad vitam forgive thee thy sins, and bring thee to life ever-
æternam. lasting.
S. Amen. S. Amen.
M. Confiteor Deo omnipotenti, beatæ Mariæ M. I confess to almighty God, to blessed Mary ever
semper Virgini, beato Michaeli Archangelo, Virgin, to blessed Michael the Archangel, to
beato Joanni Baptistæ, sanctis Apostolis blessed John the Baptist, to the holy Apostles
Petro et Paulo, omnibus Sanctis, et tibi Pa- Peter and Paul, to all the saints, and to thee,
ter : quia peccavi nimis cogitatione, verbo, father, that I have sinned exceedingly in thought,
et opere : mea culpa, mea culpa, mea word and deed : through my fault, through my
maxima culpa. Ideo precor beatam Mariam fault, through my most grievous fault. Therefore I
semper Virginem, beatum Michaelem beseech the blessed Mary, ever Virgin, the blessed
Archangelum, beatum Joannem Baptistam, Michael the Archangel, the blessed John the
sanctos Apostolos Petrum et Paulum, Baptist, the holy Apostles Peter and Paul, all the
omnes Sanctos, et te, Pater, orare pro me ad saints, and thee, father, to pray for me to the
Dominum Deum nostrum. Lord our God.
S. Misereatur vestri omnipotens Deus, et, S. May the almighty God have mercy upon you,
dimissis peccatis vestris, perducat vos ad forgive you your sins, and bring you to life ever-
vitam æternam. lasting.
M. Amen. M. Amen.
S. Indulgentiam, ü absolutionem, et remis- S. May the almighty and merciful Lord grant us
sionem peccatorum nostrorum tribuat nobis pardon ü, absolution, and remission of our sins.
omnipotens et misericors Dominus.
M. Amen. M. Amen.
Then, Celebrant and the servers say the following versicles, bowing slightly, and at the prayer Aufer the Celebrant ascends to
the altar.
S. Deus, tu conversus vivificabis nos. S. Thou wilt turn again, O God, and quicken us.
M. Et plebs tua lætabitur in te. M. And thy people shall rejoice in thee.
S. Ostende nobis, Domine, misericordiam S. Show us, O Lord, thy mercy.
M. Et salutare tuum da nobis. M. And grant us thy salvation.
10 Mass of the Catechumens
Afterwards, the Celebrant and the servers say the KYRIE. which the Schola has already begun immediately after completing
the Introit. Unless it is sung in polyphony, Schola and Congregation are alternating – but the conclusion of the ninth Kyrie is
sung by all (for the music cf. pp. 28-40).
= Kýrie eléison = Lord, have mercy
+ Kýrie eléison + Lord, have mercy
= Kýrie eléison = Lord, have mercy
+ Chríste eléison + Christ, have mercy
= Chríste eléison = Christ, have mercy
+ Chríste eléison + Christ, have mercy
= Kýrie eléison = Lord, have mercy
+ Kýrie eléison + Lord, have mercy
=/+ Kýrie eléison =/+ Lord, have mercy
On Sundays (but not during Advent and from Septuagesima to Palm Sunday) and Feasts, the Celebrant now intones the
GLORIA, which is continued by the Schola and the congregation (for the music cf. pp. 28-40). The Celebrant says it in low voice,
or aloud, if there is no choir. If there is a long polyphonic setting, the congregation can sit down when the Celebrant is seated.
Mass of the Catechumens 11
The EPISTLE or LESSON is taken from the Propers.
It is sung by the Subdeacon or a server standing at the right-hand side, facing the altar (thus indicating that the words of the
prophets are focussed on Christ). In a Low Mass, it is read by the Celebrant. Only then the server answers with Deo Gratias
– Thanks be to God. If the reader is a Subdeacon, he goes afterwards up to the altar to receive the Celebrant’s blessing.
In High Mass incense is put in and blessed as at the beginning, then the Deacon brings the Gospel Book to the altar and
kneels down to say the prayer Munda cor meum. If there is no Deacon, the Celebrant says it bowing profoundly in the
centre of the altar.
Munda cor meum, ac labia mea, omnipotens D. (or S.) Cleanse my heart and my lips, O almighty
Deus, qui labia Isaiæ Prophetæ calculo mundas- God, who didst cleanse the lips of the prophet Isaias
ti ignito : ita me tua grata miseratione dignare with a burning coal : and vouchsafe, through thy
mundare, ut sanctum Evangelium tuum digne gracious mercy, so to purify me that I may worthily
valeam nuntiare. Per Christum Dominum proclaim thy holy Gospel. Through Christ our Lord.
nostrum. Amen. Amen.
In High Mass, the Deacon then takes the book, and asks for the Celebrant’s blessing.
D Jube, domne, benedicere. D. Pray, Sir, a blessing.
S. Dominus sit in corde tuo et in labiis tuis, ut S. The Lord be in thy heart and on thy lips, that
digne et competenter annunties Evangelium thou mayest worthily, and in a becoming manner,
suum. In nomine ü Patris et Filii et Spiritus announce his holy Gospel. In the name of the ü
Sancti. Amen. Father, and the Son, and the Holy Ghost.
If there is no Deacon, the Celebrant instead says, still bowed in front of the altar.
Jube, Domine, benedicere. Pray, Lord, a blessing.
Dominus sit in corde meo et in labiis meis, ut The Lord be in my heart and on my lips, that I may
digne et competenter annuntiem Evangelium worthily, and in a becoming manner, announce his
suum. Amen. holy Gospel. Amen.
The GOSPEL (text in the Propers) is always read towards the North side, the region of darkness that needs enlightenment
from God’s word. In High Mass, there is a procession towards the North side of the sanctuary, otherwise, the book is brought
over to the left side of the altar, and the Celebrant turns slightly to the North. All stand at the beginning of the GOSPEL.
= Dominus vobiscum. = The Lord be with you.
+ Et cum spíritu tuo. + And with thy spirit.
= Sequentia sancti Evangelii secundum = The continuation from the holy Gospel according
N. to N.
+ Glória tibi, Dómine. + Glory be to thee, O Lord.
The word Sequentia (continuation) goes back to the time when the entire Gospels were read in order of the text during the
year. Should the beginning of one of the Gospels occur, it is announced as Initium – Beginning instead.
In Low Mass only, the server answers Laus tibi Christe – Glory to thee, O Christ, after the reading.
Then, the Celebrant kisses the beginning of the Gospel text (in High Mass, the book is brought up to the altar by the
Subdeacon), saying with low voice.
Per evangelica dicta deleantur nostra delicta. By the words of the Gospel may our sins be blotted
A sermon may now follow. As it is, strictly speaking, not part of the Mass, the Celebrant takes off the maniple (and also the
chasuble, if he desires to do so) and covers his head.
Suscipe, sancte Pater, omnipotens æterne Deus, Accept, O holy Father, almighty and eternal God,
hanc immaculatam hostiam, quam ego indignus this immaculate victim, which I, thy unworthy ser-
famulus tuus offero tibi Deo meo vivo et vero, vant, offer to thee, my living and true God, for my
pro innumerabilibus peccatis, et offensionibus, innumerable sins, offences, and negligences, and for
et negligentiis meis, et pro omnibus circum- all here present, as also for all faithful Christians,
stantibus, sed et pro omnibus fidelibus both living and dead; that it may be profitable for
Christianis vivis atque defunctis : ut mihi, et illis salvation both to me and to them unto life eternal.
proficiat ad salutem in vitam æternam. Amen. Amen.
Then he makes the sign of the cross with the paten and puts the host alone on the Corporal, an habit going back to the time
when there was only one large bread consecrated. The paten is put aside, in High Mass, the paten is later given to the Subdeacon.
Then the Deacon pours wine into the chalice, the water is blessed by the Celebrant and poured in by the Subdeacon (in Low
or Sung Mass, the Celebrant leaves the centre of the altar, takes the place of the Deacon at the right-hand corner, and pours in
the wine and water himself).
Deus, ü qui humanæ substantiæ dignitatem O God ü, who, in creating human nature, didst
mirabiliter condidisti, et mirabilius reformasti : wonderfully dignify it, and hast still more wonderfully
da nobis per hujus aquæ et vini mysterium, ejus restored it, grant that, by the Mystery of this water
divinitatis esse consortes, qui humanitatis nost- and wine, we may become partakers of His divinity,
ræ fieri dignatus est particeps, Jesus Christus who vouchsafed to become partaker of our humanity,
Filius tuus Dominus noster : Qui tecum vivit et even Jesus Christ our Lord, thy Son, who with thee
regnat in unitate Spiritus Sancti Deus : per om- liveth and reigneth in the unity of the Holy Ghost,
nia sæcula sæculorum. Amen. God : world without end. Amen.
In the centre of the altar the Celebrant (supported by the Deacon) offers the wine, making the sign of the cross with the chalice
at the end. Afterwards, the Subdeacon (if present) receives the paten, covers it with the humeral veil, and goes down to the lowest
altar-step where he will remain for most time until the Pater noster.
Offerimus tibi, Domine, calicem salutaris, tuam We offer unto thee, O Lord, the chalice of salvation,
deprecantes clementiam : ut in conspectu divi- beseeching thy clemency, that in the sight of thy divine
næ majestatis tuæ, pro nostra et totius mundi majesty it may ascend with the odour of sweetness for
salute cum odore suavitatis ascendat. Amen. our salvation, and for that of the whole world.
Bowing down the Celebrant then says:
In spiritu humilitatis, et in animo contrito In the spirit of humility and with a contrite heart, let
suscipiamur a te, Domine : et sic fiat sacrifi- us be received by thee, O Lord; and grant that the
cium nostrum in conspectu tuo hodie, ut sacrifice we offer in thy sight this day may be pleasing
placeat tibi, Domine Deus. to thee, O Lord God.
He blesses host and chalice, saying:
Veni Sanctificator omnipotens, æterne Deus : Come, O sanctifier, almighty, eternal God, and
et beneüdic hoc sacrificium tuo sancto nomini blessü this sacrifice prepared to thy holy name.
If incense is used, it is blessed now, with the following prayer:
Per intercessionem beati Michaelis Archangeli, May the Lord, by the intercession of blessed Michael
stantis a dextris altaris incensi, et omnium elec- the Archangel, standing at the right hand of the
torum suorum, incensum istud dignetur Altar of Incense, and of all his elect, vouchsafe to
Dominus beneüdicere, et in odorem suavitatis bless this incense, and receive it as an odour of
accipere. Per Christum Dominum nostrum. sweetness. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Offertory 15
The Celebrant takes the thurible and incenses the offerings, tracing thrice a cross and thrice a circle, and saying:
Incensum istud : a te benedictum : ascendat ad May this incense, which thou hast blessed, O Lord,
te, Domine. ascend to thee.
Et descendat : super nos : misericordia tua. And may thy mercy descend on us.
Then he incenses the cross, saying nothing, and the altar, reciting parts of Ps. 140:
Dirigatur, domine, oratio mea sicut incensum Let my prayer, O Lord, ascend like incense in thy
in conspectu tuo : elevatio manuum mearum sight : and the lifting up of my hands be as an
sacrificium vespertinum. evening sacrifice.
Pone, Domine, custodiam ori meo : et ostium Set a watch, O Lord, before my mouth : and a door
circumstantiæ labiis meis. round about my lips,
Ut non declinet cor meum in verbo malitiæ : ad That my heart may not incline to evil words : to
excusandas excusationes in peccatis. make excuses to sin.
When returning the censer to the Deacon, he says:
Accendat in nobis Dominus ignem sui amoris, May the Lord enkindle in us the fire of his love, and
et flammam æternæ caritatis. Amen. the flame of everlasting charity. Amen.
Afterwards the Celebrant, the clergy, the servers and the congregation are incensed.
The Celebrant washes his hands at the right-hand side of the altar, whilst reciting verses of Ps. 25:
Lavabo inter innocentes manus meas : et I will wash my hands among the innocent : and will
circumdabo altare tuum, Domine. encompass thy altar, O Lord.
Ut audiam vocem laudis : et enarrem universa That I may hear the voice of praise, and tell of all thy
mirabilia tua. marvellous works.
Domine, dilexi decorem domus tuæ : et locum I have loved, O Lord, the beauty of thy house : and
habitationis gloriæ tuæ. the place where thy glory dwelleth.
Ne perdas cum impiis, Deus, animam meam : Take not away my souls, O God, with the wicked :
et cum viris sanguinum vitam meam. nor my life with bloody men.
In quorum manibus iniquitates sunt : dextera In whose hands are iniquities : their right hand is
eorum repleta est muneribus. filled with gifts.
Ego autem in innocentia mea ingressus sum : As for me, I have walked in my innocence : redeem
redime me, et miserere mei. me, and have mercy upon me.
Pes meus stetit in directo : in ecclesiis My foot hath stood in the right path : in the churches
benedicam te, Domine. I will bless thee, O Lord.
The following conclusion is omitted between Passion
Sunday and Maundy Thursday.
°Gloria Patri, et Filio : et Spiritui sancto. °Glory be to the Father, and to the Son : and to the
Holy Ghost.
Sicut erat in principio, et nunc et semper : et in As it was in the beginning, is now : and ever shall
sæcula sæculorum. Amen. be, world without end. Amen.
Then he returns to the centre of the altar and, bowing, says:
Suscipe sancta Trinitas, hanc oblationem, quam Receive, O holy Trinity, this oblation which we make
tibi offerimus ob memoriam passionis, resur- to thee, in memory of the passion, resurrection and
rectionis, et ascensionis Jesu Christi Domini ascension of our Lord Jesus Christ, and in honour of
nostri : et in honorem beatæ Mariæ semper the Blessed Mary, ever Virgin, of blessed John the
Virginis, et beati Joannis Baptistæ, et sanctorum Baptist, the holy Apostles Peter and Paul, and of
Apostolorum Petri et Pauli, et istorum, et these (the saints whose relics are buried in the altar)
omnium Sanctorum : ut illis proficiat ad and of all the saints, that it may be available unto
honorem, nobis autem ad salutem : et illi pro their honour and our salvation, and may they
16 Offertory
nobis intercedere dignentur in cælis, quorum vouchsafe to intercede for us in heaven, whose memory
memoriam agimus in terris. Per eundem we celebrate on earth. Through the same Christ our
Christum Dominum nostrum. Amen. Lord. Amen.
He kisses the altar and says in a low voice to the clergy and servers (the first two words are said slightly louder):
Orate fratres, ut meum ac vestrum sacrificium Pray, brethren, that my Sacrifice and yours may be
acceptabile fiat apud Deum Patrem omni- acceptable to God the Father almighty.
The Deacon or the servers reply in low voice:
Suscipiat Dominus sacrificium de manibus tuis, May the Lord receive the Sacrifice from thy hands, to
ad laudem et gloriam nominis sui, ad utilitatem the praise and glory of his name, to our benefit, and
quoque nostram, totiusque Ecclesiæ suæ to that of all his holy Church.
The Celebrant says with low voice Amen and then recites, also silently, the SECRET from the Propers. If there are several
COLLECTS (cf. p. 11), there are also several SECRETS.
The Celebrant concludes the last SECRET singing or speaking aloud, and immediately begins the Preface:
Vvvbvb dv b fvbgv vb DRv tfv b f,v v}v vbdv vfv v vb gbvbdvbfv btfv f,c}vvfÃYvb gbv b bvb Fgv b rdv,m }bõ
= The Lord be with you.
+ And with thy spirit.
= Lift up your hearts.
= Dominus vobis-cum. + Et cum spí-ri-tu tu- o. = Sursum corda + We have lifted them up
Vvbv bgv bfÃYvb g,b b bgv v b bFTv b fvbrd,mv v}cbb b gv brdvb DRv bgv b fÃYvbg<v [vb gv b fbvb brdv v v v vb ó
+ Habémus ad Dóminum. = °Gra-ti- as a-gamus Domi- no
unto the Lord.
= °Let us give thanks to
the Lord our God.
VvvbDfv bgb v FTcbf,c}vvb fÃYv g,cb gv bFTv b fcb rdmc, }cccccccvv v v vb bcv
De- o nostro. + Dignum et justum est.
+ It is meet and just.
The Prefaces change with seasons and feast days, and most of them are found with the Propers. Here, only the two most
common Prefaces are given:
sentimus. Ut in confessione veræ the true and everlasting Godhead, we shall adore
sempiternæque Deitatis, et in personis distinction in persons, oneness in being, and equality
proprietas, et in essentia unitas, et in in majesty; which Angels and Archangels, the
majestate adoretur æqualitas. Quam lau- Cherubim too and the Seraphim do praise; day by
dant Angeli, atque Archangeli, Cherubim day they cease not to cry out, saying, as with one
quoque ac Seraphim : qui non cessant voice:
clamare quotidie, una voce dicentes :
This Preface is used on weekdays during the year, and on Feasts that do not have another Preface.
Vere dignum et justum est, æquum et It is truly meet and just, right and salutary, that we
salutare, nos tibi semper, et ubique gratias should always, and in all places, give thanks to thee,
agere : Domine sancte, Pater omnipotens, O holy Lord, Father almighty, eternal God; through
æterne Deus : per Christum Dominum Christ our Lord : through whom the Angels praise
nostrum. Per quem majestatem tuam lau- thy majesty, the Dominions adore, the Powers trem-
dant Angeli, adorant Dominationes, tre- ble. The Heavens, and the Virtues of the heavens,
munt Potestates. Cæli, cælorumque Virtu- and the blessed Seraphim, do celebrate with united
tes, ac beata Seraphim, socia exsultatione joy. In union with whom, we beseech thee, that thou
concelebrant. Cum quibus et nostras voces, wouldst command our voices also to be admitted, with
ut admitti jubeas, deprecamur, supplici suppliant confession, saying:
confessione dicentes :
After the Preface, the Schola sings the SANCTUS, which is also recited in low voice by the Celebrant (or aloud, if there is no
choir). For the melodies, cf. pp. 28-40. At its first words, the bell is rung thrice.
°Sanctus, Sanctus, Sanctus, Dominus Deus °Holy, holy, holy, Lord God Sabaoth. Heaven and
Sabaoth. Pleni sunt cæli et terra gloria tua. earth are full of thy glory. Hosanna in the highest.
Hosanna in excelsis.
If there is a long polyphonic SANCTUS, its second half, the BENEDICTUS, is sung after the Elevation.
ü Benedictus qui venit in nomine Domini. ü Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord.
Hosanna in excelsis. Hosanna in the highest.
The Canon is the most ancient part of the Mass. It was not written as an unity but consists of several distinct short prayers
grouped around the Consecration. As a sign of respect for the sacred text, it is all said in low voice. It is very rich in gestures;
virtually every time the offerings are mentioned, the Celebrant makes the sign of the cross over them.
The Celebrant says the first words of this prayer bowing low in the centre of the altar.
Te, igitur, clementissime Pater, per Jesum We therefore, humbly pray and beseech thee, most
Christum, Filium tuum, Dominum nostrum, merciful Father through Jesus Christ, thy Son, our
supplices rogamus ac petimus (The Celebrant kisses Lord, that thou wouldst vouchsafe to accept and bless
the altar), uti accepta habeas et benedicas hæc ü these ü gifts, these ü presents, these ü holy unspot-
dona, hæc ü munera, hæc ü sancta sacrificia ted sacrifices, which in the first place we offer thee for
illibata, in primis, quod tibi offerimus pro thy holy Catholic Church; to which vouchsafe to grant
Ecclesia tua sancta catholica : quam pacificare, peace, as also to protect, unite and govern her
custodire, adunare et regere digneris toto orbe throughout the world, together with thy servant N.,
terrarum : una cum famulo tuo Papa nostro N. our Pope, and N., our Bishop, and as also all ortho-
et Antistite nostro N. et omnibus orthodoxis dox believers and professors of the Catholic and
atque catholicæ et apostolicæ fidei cultoribus. Apostolic Faith.
18 Canon
Memento, Domine, famulorum famularum- Be mindful, O Lord, of thy servants and hand-
que tuarum N. et N. maids, N. and N.,
(The Celebrant pauses here to remember in silence those
living, for whom he was asked for pray)
et omnium circumstantium, quorum tibi fides and of all here present, whose faith and devotion are
cognita est et nota devotio, pro quibus tibi known unto thee, for whom we offer, or who offer up
offerimus : vel qui tibi offerunt hoc sacrificium to thee, this sacrifice of praise for themselves, their
laudis, pro se suisque omnibus : pro redemp- families and friends, for the redemption of their souls,
tione animarum suarum, pro spe salutis et for the hope of their safety and salvation, and who
incolumitatis suæ : tibique reddunt vota sua pay their vows to thee, the eternal, living and true
æterno Deo, vivo et vero. God.
On some high Feasts the introduction to the following
prayer is changed, as indicated in the Propers.
Communicantes, et memoriam venerantes, in Communicating with, and honouring in the first
primis gloriosæ semper Virginis Mariæ, geni- place the memory of the glorious ever Virgin Mary,
tricis Dei et Domini nostri Jesu Christi : sed et Mother of our Lord and God Jesus Christ; as also of
beati Joseph, ejusdem Virginis Sponsi, et the blessed Joseph, her spouse, and the blessed
beatorum Apostolorum ac Martyrum tuorum, Apostles and Martyrs Peter and Paul, Andrew,
Petri et Pauli, Andreæ, Jacobi, Joannis, Thomæ, James, John, Thomas, James, Philip, Bartholomew,
Jacobi, Philippi, Bartholomæi, Matthæi, Simo- Matthew, Simon, and Thaddeus : Linus, Cletus,
nis et Thaddæi : Lini, Cleti, Clementis, Xysti, Clement, Sixtus, Cornelius, Cyprian, Lawrence,
Cornelii, Cypriani, Laurentii, Chrysogoni, Joan- Chrysogonus, John and Paul, Cosmas and Damian,
nis et Pauli, Cosmæ et Damiani et omnium and of all thy saints, through whose merits and
Sanctorum tuorum; quorum meritis precibus- prayers, grant that we may in all things be defended
que concedas, ut in omnibus protectionis tuæ by the help of thy protection. Through the same
muniamur auxilio. Per eundem Christum Christ our Lord. Amen.
Dominum nostrum. Amen.
Here the bell is rung again, the Celebrant stretches out his hands over the offerings.
Hanc igitur oblationem servitutis nostræ, sed We therefore, beseech thee, O Lord, to be appeased
et cunctæ familiæ tuæ, quæsumus, Domine, ut and accept this oblation of our service, as also of thy
placatus accipias : diesque nostros in tua pace whole family; dispose our days in thy peace, command
disponas, atque ab æterna damnatione nos eripi us to be delivered from eternal damnation, and to be
et in electorum tuorum jubeas grege numerari. numbered in the flock of thy elect. Through Christ
Per Christum Dominum nostrum. Amen. our Lord. Amen.
Quam oblationem tu, Deus, in omnibus, quæ- Which oblation do thou, O God, vouchsafe in all
sumus, benedicütam, adscripütam, raütam, respects, to make blesüsed, apüproved, ratiüfied,
rationabilem, acceptabilemque facere digneris : reasonable and acceptable; that it may become for us
ut nobis Corüpus et Sanüguis fiat dilectissimi the Boüdy and Bloodü of thy most beloved Son
Filii tui, Domini nostri Jesu Christi. Jesus Christ our Lord.
Qui, pridie quam pateretur, accepit (he takes the Who, the day before he suffered, took bread into his
host) panem in sanctas ac venerabiles manus holy and venerable hands, and with his eyes lifted up
suas, et (he looks to the cross) elevatis oculis in towards heaven, unto thee, God, his almighty Father,
cælum ad te Deum Patrem suum omnipoten- giving thanks to thee, did ü bless, break and give to
tem, tibi gratias agens beneüdixit, fregit, dedit- his disciples, saying: Take and eat ye all of this :
que discipulis suis, dicens : Accipite et
manducate ex hoc omnes :
Having pronounced the words of Institution bowing deeply over the altar, the Celebrant genuflects and adores the Body of
Christ. Rising, he elevates the Sacred Host for the veneration of the faithful. The Deacon or a server is holding his chasuble,
again a relic from the time when vestments were very heavy. Afterwards, the Celebrant lays the Host on the Corporal and
genuflects again. The bell is rung thrice. From now on until the Purification, the Celebrant uses his thumbs and index fingers
only to touch the Sacred Host, otherwise they are held together, lest a Particle sticking to the fingertips may fall to the ground. He
continues with the Consecration of the wine.
Simili modo, postquam cœnatum est, In like manner, after he had supped, taking also
accipiens (he takes the chalice) et hunc præclarum this excellent chalice into his holy and venerable
calicem in sanctas ac venerabiles manus suas, hands, and giving thee thanks, he blessüed, and gave
item tibi gratias agens beneüdixit, deditque to his disciples, saying: Take, and drink ye all of
discipulis suis, dicens : Accipite et bibite ex eo this:
omnes :
repleamur. Per eundem Christum Dominum the same Christ our Lord. Amen.
nostrum. Amen.
Memento etiam, Domine, famulorum famula- Be mindful, O Lord, of thy servants and handmaids
rumque tuarum N. et N., qui nos præcesserunt N. and N., who are gone before us with the sign of
cum signo fidei, et dormiunt in somno pacis. faith, and slumber in the sleep of peace.
(The Celebrant pauses here a moment to remember in silence
those departed, for whom he was asked for pray)
Ipsis, Domine, et omnibus in Christo quies- To these, O Lord, and to all that rest in Christ,
centibus, locum refrigerii, lucis et pacis, ut grant, we beseech thee, a place of refreshing coolness,
indulgeas, deprecamur. Per eundem Christum light and peace. Through the same Christ our Lord.
Dominum nostrum. Amen. Amen.
(The Celebrant says the first words a bit louder, and strikes
his breast.) Nobis quoque peccatoribus famulis And to us sinners, thy servants, hoping in the mul-
tuis, de multitudine miserationum tuarum titude of thy mercies, vouchsafe to grant some part
sperantibus, partem aliquam et societatem and fellowship with thy holy Apostles and Martyrs;
donare digneris cum tuis sanctis Apostolis et with John, Stephen, Matthias, Barnabas, Ignatius,
Martyribus : cum Joanne, Stephano, Matthia, Alexander, Marcellinus, Peter, Felicity, Perpetua,
Barnaba, Ignatio, Alexandro, Marcellino, Petro, Agatha, Lucy, Agnes, Cecily, Anastasia, and with
Felicitate, Perpetua, Agatha, Lucia, Agnete, Cæ- all thy saints, into whose company we beseech thee to
cilia, Anastasia et omnibus Sanctis tuis : intra admit us, not weighing our merits, but pardoning our
quorum nos consortium, non æstimator meriti, offences. Through Christ our Lord.
sed veniæ, quæsumus, largitor admitte. Per
Christum Dominum nostrum.
Per quem hæc omnia, Domine, semper bona By whom, O Lord, thou dost always create, sanc-
creas, sanctiüficas, viviüficas, beneüdicis, et tiüfy, quicküen, blessü, and give us all these good
præstas nobis. things.
During the next prayer, the Celebrant traces three crosses with the Sacred Host above the Chalice, then two between the
Chalice and himself. At the last words, he briefly elevates Chalice and Host.
Per ipüsum, et cum ipüso, et in ipüso, est tibi Through himü, and with himü, and in himü, is to
Deo Patri ü omnipotenti, in unitate ü Spiritus thee, God the Father ü almighty, in the unity of the
Sancti, omnis honor et gloria Holy ü Ghost, all honour and glory.
The last words of the Canon are then sung or said aloud.
= Per ómnia sæcula sæculórum. = World without end.
+ Amen. + Amen.
Then the Celebrant sings the Our Father, the congregation joins in for its last section.
= °Oremus. Præceptis salutaribus moniti, = °Let us pray. Instructed by thy saving precepts,
et divina institutione formati, audemus and following thy divine institution, we presume
dicere : to say:
Pater noster, qui es in cælis. +Our Father, who art in heaven. Hallowed be
Sanctificetur nomen tuum. Adveniat thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done
regnum tuum. Fiat voluntas tua, sicut in on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our
cælo et in terra. Panem nostrum daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we
quotidianum da nobis hodie. Et dimitte forgive them that trespass against us. And lead
nobis debita nostra, sicut et nos us not into temptation.
Communion 21
E Vvav b dv b fv bfv vbgv fv fcbfv bdv fv rdv bdmc}cvbdcbfv b fv bfb b fvb vgcb rdv bdcm }cccccccbb v b c
T ne nos inducas in tenta-ti- o-nem. + Sed lí-be-ra nos a ma- lo.
The following prayer is said again in low voice. During it the Celebrant takes the paten (in High Mass brought by the Sub-
deacon), and places the Sacred Host on it for a short moment. Whilst saying the concluding formula, he takes It up again, and
breaks It into three parts. Once again, the conclusion is sung or said aloud.
Amen. Libera nos, quæsumus Domine, ab Amen. Deliver us, we beseech thee, O Lord, from all
omnibus malis, præteritis, præsentibus, et futu- evils, past, present, and to come; and by the interces-
ris : et intercedente beata, et gloriosa semper sion of the blessed and glorious Mary, ever Virgin,
Virgine Dei Genitrice Maria, cum beatis Mother of God, together with the holy Apostles,
Apostolis tuis Petro et Paulo, atque Andrea, et Peter and Paul, and Andrew and of all the saints,
omnibus Sanctis, (He crosses himself with the paten and mercifully grant peace in our days, that through the
kisses it and places the Sacred Host on it.) da propitius assistance of thy mercy we may be always free from
pacem in diebus nostris : ut ope misericordiæ sin, and secure from all disturbance.
tuæ adjuti, et a peccato simus semper liberi, et
ab omni perturbatione securi.
(He breaks the Host for the first time.) Per eundem Through the same Jesus Christ, thy Son, our Lord.
Dominum nostrum Jesum Christum Filium Who with thee in the unity of the Holy Ghost liveth
tuum (He breaks the Host for the second time.) Qui and reigneth God.
tecum vivit et regnat in unitate Spiritus Sancti
= Per ómnia sæcula sæculórum. = World without end.
+ Amen. + Amen.
(He makes three crosses with the smallest Particle of the
Host over the Chalice.).
= Pax ü Domini sit ü semper vobisücum. = May the peace ü of the Lord be ü always with
ü you.
+ Et cum spíritu tuo. + And with thy spirit.
(The Celebrant puts the Particle into the Chalice, saying
with low voice:.)
Hæc commixtio et consecratio Corporis et May this mixture and consecration of the Body and
Sanguinis Domini nostri Jesu Christi, fiat Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ be to us that receive it
accipientibus nobis in vitam æternam. Amen. effectual to eternal life. Amen.
Here the Schola intones the AGNUS DEI (For the music cf. pp. 28-40). All strike their breasts at the Miserere and the
Dona. The Celebrant says this prayer with low voice, unless there is no choir.
= Agnus Dei = Lamb of God
+ Qui tollis peccáta mundi, miserére + Who takest away the sins of the world, have
nobis. mercy on us.
22 Communion
nomen Domini invocabo. tion, and call upon the name of the Lord.
Laudans invocabo Dominum, et ab inimicis Praising, I will call upon the Lord, and I shall be
meis salvus ero. saved from my enemies.
Sanguis Domini nostri Jesu Christi custodiat The Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ preserve my soul
animam meam in vitam æternam. Amen. unto life everlasting. Amen.
In the meantime the servers may say the CONFITEOR aloud; in this case the Celebrant turns half towards them (in order not
to turn his back to the Blessed Sacrament) and replies, as at the beginning of Mass.
M. Confiteor Deo omnipotenti, beatæ Mariæ M. I confess to almighty God, to blessed Mary ever
semper Virgini, beato Michaeli Archangelo, Virgin, to blessed Michael the Archangel, to
beato Joanni Baptistæ, sanctis Apostolis blessed John the Baptist, to the holy Apostles
Petro et Paulo, omnibus Sanctis, et tibi Peter and Paul, to all the Saints, and to thee,
Pater : quia peccavi nimis cogitatione, father, that I have sinned exceedingly in thought,
verbo, et opere : mea culpa, mea culpa, mea word and deed: through my fault, through my
maxima culpa. Ideo precor beatam Mariam fault, through my most grievous fault. Therefore I
semper Virginem, beatum Michaelem beseech the blessed Mary, ever Virgin, the blessed
Archangelum, beatum Joannem Baptistam, Michael the Archangel, the blessed John the
sanctos Apostolos Petrum et Paulum, om- Baptist, the holy Apostles Peter and Paul, all the
nes Sanctos, et te, Pater, orare pro me ad saints, and thee, father, to pray for me to the
Dominum Deum nostrum. Lord our God.
S. Misereatur vestri omnipotens Deus, et, S. May the almighty God have mercy upon you,
dimissis peccatis vestris, perducat vos ad forgive you your sins, and bring you to life ever-
vitam æternam. lasting.
M. Amen. M. Amen.
S. Indulgentiam, ü absolutionem, et remissio- S. May the almighty and merciful Lord grant ye
nem peccatorum vestrorum tribuat vobis pardon, ü absolution, and remission of your sins.
omnipotens et misericors Dominus.
M. Amen. M. Amen.
Then the Celebrant takes the Ciborium, showing one Host to the faithful, and says:
Ecce Agnus Dei, ecce qui tollit peccata Behold, the Lamb of God, behold him who taketh
mundi. away the sins of the world.
Those who wish to receive Communion say now together with the Celebrant three times:
Dómine, non sum dignus ut intres sub Lord, I am not worthy that thou shouldst enter under
tectum meum : sed tantum dic verbo, et my roof; say but the word, and my soul shall be
sanábitur ánima mea. healed.
Customarily, Communion is given on the tongue. The Communicant should come forward and kneel down at the step (if
physically able). The Celebrant will bless him or her with an Host, saying the words written beneath. The Communicant should
stick out the tongue and give no response.
Corpus ü Domini nostri Jesu Christi custodiat The Body ü of our Lord Jesus Christ preserve thy
animam tuam in vitam æternam. Amen. soul unto life everlasting. Amen.
Towards the end of the distribution of Holy Communion, the Schola sing the COMMUNION (from the Propers), an
Antiphon, often taken from the words of Christ. Following ancient practice, verses from the Psalms may be added.
When all have received Holy Communion, the Celebrant returns to the altar to take the Ablution (unconsecrated wine,
formerly given to all communicants) and to purify the sacred vessels and his fingers. Meanwhile, he says the following prayers with
low voice.
24 Communion
Quod ore sumpsimus, Domine, pura mente Grant, Lord, that what we have taken with our
capiamus : et de munere temporali fiat nobis mouth we may receive with a pure mind; and of a
remedium sempiternum. temporal gift may it become to us an eternal remedy.
Corpus tuum, Domine, quod sumpsi, et San- May thy Body, O Lord, which I have received, and
guis, quem potavi, adhæreat visceribus meis : et thy Blood which I have drunk, cleave to my bowels;
præsta; ut in me non remaneat scelerum macu- and grant that no stain of sin may remain in me,
la, quem pura et sancta refecerunt sacramenta : who have been refreshed with pure and holy sacra-
Qui vivis et regnas in sæcula sæculorum. Amen. ments, Who livest and reignest world without end.
Having purified and covered the chalice, the Celebrant returns to the right side of the altar, to read the COMMUNION
(aloud, if it has not been sung already). Then he greets the faithful as before the COLLECTS before praying the POST-
COMMUNION prayer (from the Propers – there are several, if there have been several COLLECTS). On weekdays in Lent,
another prayer, the PRAYER OVER THE PEOPLE, follows, at its beginning the Celebrant invites the faithful to bow their heads
before God.
= Dominus vobiscum. = The Lord be with you.
+ Et cum spíritu tuo. + And with thy spirit.
= °Oremus. = °Let us pray.
The Celebrant turns back to the altar and, bowing, prays that his ministering was pleasing to God, and then he says aloud
the Blessing, turning to the faithful.
Placeat tibi, sancta Trinitas, obsequium servitu- May the performance of my homage be pleasing to
tis meæ : et præsta : ut sacrificium, quod oculis thee, O Holy Trinity; and grant that the sacrifice
tuæ majestatis indignus obtuli, tibi sit accepta- which I, though unworthy, have offered up in the
bile, mihique, et omnibus, pro quibus illud sight of thy majesty, may be acceptable to thee, and
obtuli, sit, te miserante, propitiabile. Per through thy mercy be a propitiation for me, and all
Christum Dominum nostrum. Amen. those for whom I have offered it. Through Christ our
Lord. Amen.
= Benedicat vos omnipotens Deus, Pater = May almighty God bless you, the Father, Son ü
et Filius ü et Spiritus Sanctus. and Holy Ghost.
+ Amen. + Amen.
Concluding Prayers 25
The Celebrant now goes to the left side of the altar, to read the LAST GOSPEL (normally the beginning of John’s Gospel).
As in the Creed, all genuflect when the Incarnation of Christ is mentioned.
= Dominus vobiscum. = The Lord be with you.
+ Et cum spíritu tuo. + And with thy spirit.
= Initium sancti Evangelii secundum = The beginning of the holy Gospel according to
Joannem. St John.
+ Glória tibi, Dómine. + Glory be to thee, O Lord.
In principio erat Verbum, et Verbum erat In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was
apud Deum, et Deus erat Verbum. Hoc with God, and the Word was God. The same was in
erat in principio apud Deum. Omnia per the beginning with God. All things were made by
ipsum facta sunt : et sine ipso factum est Him, and without Him was made nothing that was
nihil quod factum est : in ipso vita erat, et made. In Him was life, and the life was the Light of
vita erat lux hominum : et lux in tenebris men; and the Light shineth in darkness, and the
lucet, et tenebræ eam non comprehende- darkness did not comprehend it.
Fuit homo missus a Deo, cui nomen erat There was a man sent from God, whose name was
Joannes. Hic venit in testimonium, ut John. This man came for a witness, to give testimony
testimonium perhiberet de lumine, ut of the Light, that all men might believe through him.
omnes crederent per illum. Non erat ille He was not the Light, but was to give testimony of
lux, sed ut testimonium perhiberet de the Light. That was the true Light, which enlight-
lumine. Erat lux vera quæ illuminat omnem eneth every man that cometh into this world.
hominem venientem in hunc mundum.
In mundo erat, et mundus per ipsum factus He was in the world, and the world was made by
est, et mundus eum non cognovit. In Him, and the world knew Him not. He came unto
propria venit, et sui eum non receperunt. His own, and His own received Him not. But as
Quotquot autem receperunt eum, dedit eis many as received Him, He gave them power to be
potestatem filios Dei fieri : his, qui credunt made the sons of God, to them that believe in His
in nomine ejus : qui non ex sanguinibus, Name, who are born not of blood, nor of the will of
neque ex voluntate carnis, neque ex the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God.
voluntate viri, sed ex Deo nati sunt.
EST, et habitavit in nobis : et vidimus glori- dwelt among us. And we saw His glory, the glory as
am ejus, gloriam quasi Unigeniti a Patre, it were of the Only begotten of the Father, full of
plenum gratiæ et veritatis. grace and truth.
+ Deo grátias. + Thanks be to God.
After Mass, some of the following prayers can be sung or said.
DBvfcav b sv \vbSØY7v b hcvh.b vb[b vhv b¦v b gcv b DRcb gcvrdv sv ¢v smb v b]v b sv fv b dcscbdv bfcb GYv b tf,mb vb [b v b Fgvb b ô
Omi-ne, sal-vum fac re- gem nostrum N. : et ex-áudi nos in di- e, qua
sal-vam fac re-gí-nam nostram N. :
= °Oremus. Quæsumus, omnipotens Deus : = °Let us pray. We beseech thee, almighty God,
ut famulus tuus N. rex noster (vel: famula tua that thy servant N. our King (or: thy handmaid
N. regina nostra), qui (quæ) tua miseratione N. our Queen), who by thy mercy hath
suscepit regni gubernacula, virtutum etiam undertaken the government of this realm, may
omnium percipiat incrementa, quibus advance in all virtues; that being meetly adorned
decenter ornatus (ornata), et vitiorum therewith, he (she) may be able to avoid the
monstra devitare, (hostes superare,) et ad te, enormity of sin (vanquish his / her enemies) and
qui via, veritas, et vita es, gratiosus (gratiosa) to come well-pleasing to thee, who art the way, the
valeat pervenire. Per Dominum. truth and the life. Through our Lord.
+ Amen. + Amen.
The editors ask all users to pray, through the intercession of St John Fisher, for the good estate of Chancellor,
Masters and Scholars of the University of Cambridge, the clergy and faithful of its Catholic Chaplaincy at Fisher
House, and Masters, Fellows, Scholars and all members of the ancient and religious foundations of Peterhouse,
Corpus Christi College, Emmanuel College, Churchill College and Fitzwilliam College in this University, and
likewise for the eternal rest of the founders and benefactors of these institutions.
Ordinary I
(Lux et origo)
This Kyrie can be sung with Texts – in this case before every Kyrie, and approximately on the same tune, an invocation is
Lux et origo lucis, summe Deus, eleison. Thou light and the very source of light, God, have
In cujus nutu constant cuncta, semper eleison. At whose will everything has its being, always have
Qui solus potes miserere nobis, eleison. Who alone can have mercy on us, have mercy.
Redemptor hominum et salus eorum benigne, Thou redeemer of men and their kind redemption,
nobis eleison. have mercy.
Per crucem redempti a morte perenni te Redeemed through the cross from everlasting death,
exoramus eleison. we pray thee, have mercy.
Qui es verbum Patris, sator pietatis, lux Who art the Word of the Father, the sower of piety,
veritatis, eleison. the light of truth, have mercy.
Paraclite, Spiritus Sancte Deus, nobis eleison. Thou Comforter, God the Holy Ghost, on us have
Medicina nostra et misericordia, eleison. For us medicine and mercy, have mercy.
Trinitas et unitas sancta nostri semper eleison. Thou holy Trinity and unity, upon us always have
K VvDR6v bfv b FYz6z% z# zv b 4z#@vb dvb dvb anv v b }v v b hjhv GÍ yv. fygzËD4,v [b FT6z%$#v av svb dmv v }vbv DTmÄv7vb hvb jkjzuÏg,v [vb 7z^%$#vbvb ô
Ý- ri- e * e- lé- i-son. ter Chri- ste e- lé- i-son. ter Ký- ri- e e-
Vv g v b r d v b d v b b d v b v
Ló-ri- a in excélsis De- o.
F Tv vf
t v f à v h g v b v r d v b d m v b } b v b d v b g &
H v 7 z ^ % v b v F T v b g v v b t f v h v b
Et in ter- ra pax homí-nibus bo-næ vo-luntá- tis.
f v d m v b [ v b h v b v b r d v b f v b v b F T v b f z f v d m v b v } v v
D R v b b õ
Vvbgv vfv vbRD m,vb }vbvhv GYv bjv b7z^%bv FTv vg,bvb}v bdv bfvb FTv vfv vbdmv }vbvgvb dv gvb uhvb uhv bGUz7z^ z$ bfvb }bvbvdvb FTvb gvb gv bfv b FTv b ô
dámus te. Bene-dí-ci- mus te. Ado-rámus te. Glo-ri-fi-cámus te. Grá-ti- as á-gimus
Ordinary I 29
Vvfzfvb dmvb b[b vdv b F^v v bhv vbGYv v vbuhvb JIv buhv v vb g,v bg,v bv}bv vFÚIz9v bkv bjv vbkv buhv>< b[vbjv vbuhv g,v gv, b[v gÄUv 7z^%v bfzfvbvdv b ÷
ti- bi propter magnam gló-ri- am tu- am. Dó-mi-ne De- us, Rex cæ-léstis, De- us Pa- ter
Vvjv vb ygv FTv g,v b}vbvb dvbvFTv bgv bhv b rdvbfvbvFTv bfv fvb dmvb [bvuhvb uhv v bg,v g,v }v 8z&^v bjvbvuhv bg,vb g,vb [vbgÄUv b 7z^%v vfzfv dbm [b ÷
omní-po-tens. Dómi-ne Fi- li u-ni-géni-te Je-su Christe. Dó- mi-ne De-us, Agnus De- i,
Vbv7z^%vbvrdv bFTv vb g,v g,v b}v b dvbvFTvbvgv vbtfv hv brdv b fzfvb dmvb[v dvb FTvbvgvbvrdv fzfvb dmv b}v vdv FYv hv vGYv vjvb uhv b gv, vg,vb[b ó
Fi- li- us Patris. Qui tol-lis peccá-ta mundi, mi-se-ré-re no- bis. Qui tollis peccá-ta mundi,
Vvdv bFYv h.v vgv vhvbvjvb uhvb jv jkjv vbg,v vbg,v v}v bvfÎijvb KOv b kv bkv v 8z&^vb jvb uhv v v g,v bg,v b[v gvb HUvb jv bygv bfzfvb dmv }vb ó
súscipe depre-ca-ti- ónem nostram. Qui se-des ad déx-te-ram Patris, mi-se-ré-re no- bis.
Vvbvdv FTvb gv v tfvb hvb fv vbD$v v bf,v }v GYv bjvbvJIv v b7z^%vb bFTv bg,v b}vbvdv bFTv bgv btfv vhv fv bdmvb[vbuhvb uhv v b g,vb bg,v b}vbvFÚIvb ø
Quóni- am tu so-lus sanctus. Tu so-lus Dó- minus. Tu so-lus Altíssimus, Je- su Chri-ste. Cum
Vvbkv v uhv vbjvbvygv gv, b [vbdv vbvFYv bhv hv vbgUÄ v b7z^%v bfzfvb bdvm b }vbvjzuhÅv8z&^zb7z^%v vFTvM< }v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v b v vbv
Sancto Spí- ri- tu in gló-ri- a De- i Pa- tris. A- men.
S Vvgv v vFTz$#mv [vb dÂTv vbTF z$#mv [bvdv v gv v b jv vHUvb j.vb b v jv bîuhv vJIb vb 7z^%v bg,v v]v vb FÚIz9vb kv kv v vjzuhvb jv jkjv bg,vbvg,vb[b õ
Anctus, * Sanctus, Sanctus Dóminus De- us Sá-ba- oth. Ple- ni sunt cæ- li et terra
VvbgÄv7z^%v bfv TF v brdv dmv b]v bdv DØ&v vbjzuhvb jv bjkjvb g,v g,v b]v bFÚIv ijvb KOv bkv v vkv bîuhvb j.v b[bvjv v jzuhvbjv jkjvbvygv TF v g,vb]b õ
gló- ri- a tu- a. Hosánna in ex-célsis. Bene- díctus qui ve- nit in nó-mi-ne Dómi-ni.
A Vvgv vb FTz$#v b dvb UGé v v[v jv bJIv jv vbjv b uhvbvJIv vb 7z^%v g,v {vbdvb FYvbvg6fzFÌ t<vJIz&^v bjv v7z^%vb g,vb }vbvgv vb FTz$#v b dvbéGUv [v jvb ÷
-gnus De- i, * qui tollis peccá- ta mun-di : mise-ré- re no- bis. Agnus De-i, qui
VbbvJIv jv vbjv b uhvbvJIv vb7z^%v g,v {vbdvbFYvbvg6fzFÌ t<vJIz&^v bjv v7z^%vb g,vb}vbvgv vb FTz$#v b dvbéGUv [v jvbJIv jv vbjv b uhvbvIJ v vb7z^%v g,v {b ó
tollis peccá- ta mun-di : mise-ré- re no- bis. Agnus De-i, qui tollis peccá- ta mun-di :
Ordinary V
(Kyrie magnæ Deus potentiæ)
This Kyrie can be sung with Texts – in this case before every line, and approximately on the same tune, an invocation is
Kyrie, magnæ Deus potentiæ, liberator hominis Lord of great power, liberator of man who had
transgressoris mandati, eleison. transgressed the commandment, have mercy.
Kyrie mirifice, qui natum de virgine misisti Lord, thou wonder-worker, who hast sent the
redimere nos, pie eleison. Virgin’s Son to redeem us, graciously have mercy.
Kyrie magnifice, qui carnem pro ovibus perditis Lord, thou doer of great things, who hast taken up
assumpsisti humanam, eleison. human flesh for the lost sheep, have mercy.
Christe, summi Patris genite, nostra salus et Christ, Son of the highest Father, our redemption
vita, eleison. and live, have mercy.
Christe, Fili matris unice, veritas, pax et via, Christ, only Son of the mother, truth, peace and way,
eleison. have mercy.
Christe, spes misericordiæ, lux apparens in luce, Christ, hope for mercy, light appearing in the light,
eleison. have mercy.
Kyrie, cujus natus Emanuel hoc exarat, quod Lord, whose son Emmanuel builds what Adam, the
Adam primus homo corruit, eleison. first man, had ruined, have mercy.
Kyrie sanctissime, quem visa stella magi Lord, thou most holy, whom the Magi venerated
adorant muneribus oblatis, eleison. through the bringing of gifts when they saw the
star, have mercy.
Kyrie, in Jordane qui baptizato rege apparens in Lord, who didst appear in the shape of a dove when
specie columbæ, eleison. the King was baptized in the Jordan, have mercy.
K Bvgv bgv b Hj8z&^%b,z hjÏÍdvb4z#@!”nb vb [b vgHj8z&^%b,vzhb6z%$#bv b fv b gv bg,c}ccbb gJkbÑllv g,vb8z&^%bz5z$#@bn vb [b bSdFg6b6z%$#bv fv b gv bg,ccvb b õ
GBvgv 4z#@bv scbsv bdgF v tfv vhcvbg,cg,c}cgv bjcK(v blcjcv9z*&^%bv Hjv bygv g,b vb [b vkv b ygv hv bËD5v b ygv g.c}vvø
Ló-ri- a in excélsis De- o. Et in terra pax ho- mí-ni-bus bonæ vo-lun- tá- tis.
Bvbkcbgv b ygv bDfz#@nc}csv dFgv gv fv b hbhv b g,c}vvb gv bjv bKlv vlv vÏjj.v b }clv blv b ijv ygv b hjhv bg,c}c8z^%bv v bö
Laudámus te. Bene- dí-cimus te. Ado-rámus te. Glo-ri- fi- cá-mus te. Grá-
Bvbygv bDfz#@nb vb[bvSdFgv gv bfv b hc. g,b vb[bvgv b jKlcblv vbÏjj.cv9z*&^%bv hv hjhv bg,cg,c}c8z^%bv ygv Dfz#@nbcsv dFg,b vb[bvbgv v fv ö
ti- as á- gimus ti- bi propter magnam gló- ri- am tu- am. Dó-mi- ne De- us, Rex cæ-
Ordinary V 31
Bvbhbhv g,b v {v gv jKlclv Ïjj.c9z*&^%bv Hjv ygv g,c}c8z^%v ygv Dfz#@bn vb[b vsv dFgcgv gv gv gv g,b vb[bvtfv hccg,v b g,c}bbõ
lé-stis, De- us Pa-ter om- nípo- tens. Dó-mi- ne Fi- li u-ni-géni-te Je-su Christe.
Bvbgv bjv Klcblv Ïjj.b vb[bv9z*&^%bv hjhv bgv, bg,vb [bvbkv bygv ygcDfz#@v smc}cbbsv bdFgv gcbgv b gv bfcb ygcvbg,b vb[bvgvbkJ boÑjvb9z*&^b ö
Dómine De-us, A- gnus De- i, Fi- li- us Pa- tris. Qui tol-lis peccá-ta mundi, mi-se- ré-
Bvhjhv bg,v b g,c}c8z^%bvb ygv Dfz#@nb vb[bvsv b dFgv fcbygcvbg,b vb[bvbgv bjv bKlv b lcÏjjv lv 8z&^%bvbhv hjhcbg,cbg,c}c8z^%bvb bvö
re no-bis. Qui tol-lis peccá- ta mundi, súsci-pe depre- ca-ti- ónem nostram. Qui
Bvygvb Dfz#@nb vb[bvbsvcdFgv gv bfcv h.cg,b vb[bvgv bJkboÑjv 9z*&^%bv hjhcg,cg,c}c8z^%v ygv Dfz#@ncsv bdFgv fcb hbhcg,c}vb bò
se-des ad déxte-ram Pa-tris, mi-se- ré- re no-bis. Quó- ni- am tu so- lus sanctus.
Bvsv bdFgv bfcvb hv b Fgv b g,c}cgv bjKlv bÏjj.c9z*&^%bv Hjv bygv bg,b vb[bv8z^%bv ygcv Dfz#@bvb smc}cscv bdFgcfcvbhv Fgcb bõ
Tu so- lus Dómi-nus. Tu so- lus Al- tíssi-mus, Je- su Chri- ste. Cum Sancto Spí-ri-
S BvS6zygztÍsztfv vb dmc[v b SdÂvggvg,b v {v b hzygztÍszygv vb dmb vb [b vfv b svb dcvb gv bhcb 8z^%bvbfzrdv bdmvc]b v b sv b dcgcvb hv b hv G^b bô
An- ctus, * Sanctus, San- ctus Dóminus De- us Sá- ba- oth. Ple-ni sunt cæ-li et
Bvrdv dmb vb[bvFgv bdFgv btfbv eszfzrdv dmc]cgÄj8z^%bzhv gzgv smcb dv bFgv vtfz6z%b #bv bdmc]bv sv dv bfv bgcv hv bygv b dFg,b vb[bvhbv vbö
ter-ra gló-ri- a tu- a. Ho- sánna in excél- sis. Bene-díctus qui ve- nit in
Bvbygv brdvb dcbFgv b dFgv g,cb]cgÄj8z^%bzhv bgzgv smcbdv bFgv vtfz6z%b #cbdmc}ccccccccccccccbbc
nó-mi-ne Dómi- ni. Ho- sánna in excél- sis.
A BvbAsnÁfz4z#@!bzsv scvb dgF v b rdmb, vb [b vb gv Gh8z^%bzhv fzrdvb gztfv b Dfz#@v wav b SdFgvS#v b dmb v {v bgv Ghv bHkz^%bzygv ërdv b Dfz#@bzghgv rdmc, }bb ñ
- gnus De- i, * qui tol- lis pec- cá- ta mun- di : mi-se-ré- re no- bis. bis
BvAsnÁfz4z#@!bzsv scvb dgF v brd,mb vb[bvb gv Gh8z^%bzhv fzrdv bgztfv bfD z#@v wav b SdFgvS#v b dmb v {v gv bGhv bkH z^%bzygv ërdv b Dfz#@bzghgv rdc,m }cbcc
A- gnus De- i, * qui tol- lis pec- cá- ta mun- di : dona no- bis pa- cem.
Ordinary VIII
(De angelis)
Vv b s v | b f G Y v
Y-ri- e
b h . v b 7 z ^ % z h . v b 9 z & ^ % z h j h < v
* e-
b [ b | b 6 z $ # @ z t f v b d v b d v b
lé- i-son. ter Christe
s m v v v } b v v f v b 4 z # @ ! z s m v | z S R z G Y . v 7 z ^ % z h .
v b [ b | b 6 z $ # @ z b t f v
lé- i-son. ter
b d v b d v b svm v v } v v b b ù
Vvblv kvb 9z*&zklÑhv. z|boÑhz7>vFT6.v b[b|b6z$#@ztfvb dv dv smvb}v v vblvb vkvb 9z*&zklhÑ .vzv[vokvb9z*&zklhÑ .vz|zoÑhz7>vFT6.vzb[b b|b6z$#@ztfbv bdv dv smv }vb vb
Ký-ri- e e- lé- i-son. bis Ký- ri- e e- lé- i-son.
GVvvbhv b hvb fvb dv b sv b dv fv v dMv bsmvb }bv hv hv vbfv dv b sv v bdvb vfvb dv smv vb {b vb sv bdv vbfvb hv b j>v b h.vbvb }v b lv b 8z&^b ÷
Vvj>v vbh.vb }vbvlv kvbvjv hv b JIv b uhv>< b }vbvhv bhvb4z#@vbvbDRv vsmvb}v vbsv bdvb fv bhv vjv vbh.v b }vb vhvb jvb kv lv bkv bJIv vj>v b h.v {b ö
mus te. Bene-dí-cimus te. Adorá- mus te. Glo-ri-fi-cámus te. Grá-ti- as á-gimus ti- bi
Vvhv vhv v bfv vbdv v vb sv bdvb fv v bdMvb smv v}vb b hv bhv fv vdv bsmv v b dv v fvbvdMv smvbvb{v svb vDRv vb hv b uhvbvJIv vb bokvb uhv vb ö
propter magnam gló-ri- am tu- am. Dómine De- us, Rex cæ-léstis, De- us Pa- ter omní- po-
Vvh.v bv}vbv hv bhvbfv b dvb svbvdvbvfvb hvb jv hv. b [b vJIv b okv v b j>v h.vb }v lv b kv jv vkv uhv bjv vbkv v vbj>v h.vb b{bvbhv hv b4z#@vb ó
tens. Dómine Fi- li u-ni-géni-te Je-su Christe. Dómine De-us, Agnus De- i, Fi-li- us
Vvbdfdvb smv b}v vsv dv fv vbhv b jv bhv vb JIzokvbvbuh><v b{bvbhv hv v4z#@vb bDRv bdMv vsmv b}v vlvbvkv bjv vbhv b jv kv v j>v vbh.v b {b vhv b ö
Pa- tris. Qui tollis peccá-ta mun- di, mi-se- ré- re no-bis. Qui tol-lis peccá-ta mundi, sús-
Vvhv f,v b dv bsvb bdvb fv hv buhv v JIzokvb uh<v> v}v b hv hv bfv bdv vb sv bdvb bfv v vbdMv bsvm b {vb sv dvb fv hv b j>v bh.v vb}vbvb lv vb bø
cipe depre-ca-ti- ónem nos-tram. Qui se-des ad déxte-ram Patris, mi-se-ré-re nobis. Quó-
Vbbvkvb jv v bhv bjvb kv vb j>v v h.v }vbvblv b kv uhv vb JIv buhv hv. b}v vhv vhv fv vbesv b DRv hv vuhv>< b[b vJIv okv v vj>v h.vb }vbvhbvb ö
ni- am tu so-lus sanctus. Tu so-lus Dómi-nus. Tu so-lus Al- tíssimus, Je-su Christe. Cum
Vvhv v 4z#@v vb DRv dvb smv b{bvbsv v bdvb fvb bhv vbjv b hvb vbJIzokv buh><v }vb|z6z$#@v5z$#v b esNvM }v v v vbv v v v v v v v v v v v v vb vb
Sancto Spí-ri-tu in gló-ri- a De- i Pa- tris. A- men.
S BvFTz yÎfzgztfv vb f,v v[v b rdv v b waMNv b[b vbfGYz iÐhz6z%$v b tf<Mv {b z\zFYz kÐ Ivbvuhvb hv. v b kb \zbuhv b tfzghÎfz4z@!b z fGYziÐhz6z%$v b tfvb f,v v ]v b fvb ö
An- ctus, * Sanctus, San- ctus Dó- mi-nus De- us Sá- ba- oth. Ple-
Ordinary VIII 33
BvHIv b k/v v b ÎHiv k/v b K(vb \z9z*&zkv buhv>< b [bvbkb \b uhvb YG v b 6z%$vb f,v ]v bfvb rdv v béwabv fv bGYv vbhziÐhz6z%$v btf<Mv ]v fv HIv b 8z^%zkv vk/v vb ø
ni sunt cæ- li et ter- ra gló- ri- a tu- a. Ho-sánna in excél- sis. Bene-dí- ctus
BvKOv\b9z*&zkvb buh><vb [b hv vb hv bfvb hv vb kzKOv bkv k/vbv]v kb \bzOK z9z* z^ jvb tfv<M b GYv b rdvbvéwavbfGYziÐhz6z%$vbvbtf<Mb v}bv v v v v v v v v v v b
qui ve- nit in nómi-ne Dó-mi-ni. Ho-sán- na in excél- sis.
A BvFTztfv b GYv v vìfgìfvb f,v v[v b fv rsv bvb wav b sv b avbvSRv b b ìfgfì vb f,vb {b fb vGYvb hbv\zUG z^%zhv ìfgìfv bf,vb }vb fv v HIv v b 8z^%zkv kv/ b [b ø
- gnus De- i, * qui tol- lis peccá-ta mun-di : mi-se-ré-re no- bis. Agnus De- i, *
Bvkvb ÎhYv bfv vbgv vfvb GYv vb ìfgìfv bf,v b{bvbfv bGYv bhv\zUG z^%zhv ìfgìfvbvf,vb }v FTztfvb bGYv v bfgfv bf,v bv[bvbfv rsv vbwav bsv vavb RS v vb fì gìfvb ô
qui tol- lis peccá-ta mun-di : mi-se-ré-re no- bis. A-gnus De- i, * qui tol-lis peccá-ta mun-
Ordinary IX
(Cum jubilo)
This Kyrie can be sung with Texts* – in this case before every line, and approximately on the same tune, an invocation is
Cum jubilo jubilemus Filio Mariæ. With jubilation let as rejoice to the Son of Mary.
In hac die laudes demus Filio Mariæ. On this day let us give praises to the Son of Mary.
Cum gaudio concinamus canticum Mariae. With joy let us sing together a song to Mary.
Christe, Deus homo, natus sine semine. Christ, God and Man, born without seed of man,
have mercy.
Christe, nos defende precibus Mariæ Christ, defend us through the prayers of Mary, have
Christe, natus ex Maria semper virgine. Christ, born of Mary ever Virgin, have mercy.
Kyrie, preces audi, nos exaudi, Pater optime. O best Lord, hear the prayers, mercifully hear us,
have mercy.
Kyrie, nos tuere interventu Mariae. Lord, protect us through the help of Mary, have
Kyrie, peccantes salva semper et rege; Nos Lord, always protect and govern the sinners, guard us
custodi, nos guberna, pie protege, Domine, and rule us, kindly protect us, O Lord, tri-une
Deus trine, pro Mariæ meritis, eleison. God, for the merits of Mary, have mercy.
* With kind permission of the author the texts for this Kyrie were taken from:
Tropen zum Kyrie im Graduale Romanum, ed. Anton Stingl jun., St Otilien 2010, pp. 41-43.
34 Ordinary IX
K BvSRGYvb tfvb esNvM 4z@!zbsvbvAWvb FTv fvb esMNv b}b v` Z`vb AWvbvb smv4z”@!zbsvbvAWvb FTvb fvb esMNv b}vb SRGYvb tfvb esMNv4z@!zbsv bAWv FTvb fb vesMNv b }v hb bvb ö
Ý- ri- e * e-lé- i-son. Ký-ri- e elé- i-son. Ký- ri- e e-lé- i-son. Chri-
Bbb\bz bygz7z^%zbgv bfb \bGUvb gvb h.v vb}v b 6z%$zbtfvb esMNv4z@!zbsbv AWvb FTvb fvb esMNv b }vb bhb\zygz7z^%zbgv b fb \bGUvb gvb h.v b }vbvhvbKOvb 9/vk9h.v\zGY7z^%zgb ô
ste e- lé- i-son. Chri- ste e-lé- i-son. Christe e-lé- i-son. Ký-ri- e
Bvfb\bGUvb bgvb hv. }b vb6z%$v btfvb besMNv4z@!zbsvbvbWA v FTvb fvbesvMN v}vb b hvb bOK vb 9/vbk9h.vz\zGY7z^%$zbGYzhb b[b HI9/vbk9h.vb\zGY7z^%$zbGYzhb [b6z%$zb5z$#@Nvb4z@!zbsbñb
e-lé- ison. Ký- ri- e e-lé- ison. Ký-ri- e * **
BvbAWvbvFTvb fvbesMNv }v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v vb b
e-lé- ison.
This Gloria can be sung with Tropes in its second half:
Gloria in excelsis °Deo. Et in terra pax Glory be to °God on high. And on earth peace to
homínibus bonæ voluntátis. Laudamus te, men of good will. We praise thee; we bless thee; °we
benedicimus te, °adoramus te, glorificamus te, adore thee; we glorify thee, We give thee thanks for
gratias agimus tibi propter magnam gloriam thy great glory, O Lord God, heavenly King, God the
tuam. Domine Deus, Rex cælestis, Deus Pater Father almighty. O Lord °Jesus Christ, the only-
omnipotens. Domine Fili unigenite, °Jesu begotten Son :
Christe :
Spiritus et alme orphanorum Paraclite And thou Spirit, sweet Comforter of the orphans.
Dómine Deus, Agnus Dei, Fílius Patris, O Lord God, Lamb of God, Son of the Father,
Primogenitus Mariæ virginis matris, First-born son of the Virgin and Mother Mary,
Qui tollis peccata mundi, miserere nobis. Qui Who takest away the sins of the world, have mercy
tollis peccáta mundi, °suscipe deprecationem on us : thou who takest away the sins of the world,
nostram. °receive our prayers.
Ad Mariæ gloriam. To Mary’s glory.
Qui sedes ad déxteram Patris, miserére nobis. Thou who sittest at the right hand of the Father,
Quóniam tu solus Sanctus, have mercy on us. For thou only art holy,
Mariam sanctificans, Sanctifying Mary,
Tu solus Dóminus, Thou only art the Lord,
Mariam gubernans, Directing Mary,
Tu solus Altíssimus, Thou only art most high,
Mariam coronans Crowning Mary,
°Jesu Christe, cum Sancto Spiritu, ü in gloria O °Jesus Christ, together with the Holy Ghost, ü in
Dei Patris. Amen. the glory of God the Father. Amen.
Ordinary IX 35
GVvdfdb vSEv dvb b dv b FTv vyg v rdv b aSEvb dmvb }bvbvjv kvbv bgHUv bj.v b dv vb FTv b bygv rdvbdmv [vhvb fvbvb dvb b fv v aSEvb dmvb }b vbvb jvb bö
Ló- ri- a in excélsis De- o. Et in ter-ra pax homí- ni-bus bonæ vo-lun-tá- tis. Lau-
Vv6z%$vbh.v vj.vb}vbvbjv b7z^%z hv b fv bdv bh.v b j.vb }bvb bjvb 7z^%zbhvb 4z#@v b fv b dmvb }vb vjvb kv jvb 6z%$vb bh.v b j.v b}vb dvb fvbgv hv b fv bdb b ö
dámus te. Bene- dí-cimus te. Ado- rá- mus te. Glo-ri-fi-cá-mus te. Grá-ti- as á-gimus
Vbvh.vb j.v b [b vbjv vKOv vb~v;~v vbijv v bijvb bygvbFTv vb5z$#v b dmv b }vbvb jv b hv 5z$#v bhv. bj.v b [bv~ JÛP~v v 9z*&^v OK v bj.v b[vb DRv bygv b rdvb b ö
ti-bi propter magnam gló- ri- am tu- am. Dómine De- us, Rex cæ- léstis, De- us Pa-
VvHUv bijv vbGYv rdvb bSEvNM b}v bvfv b dv bsvm bdv bfv bhv jv ijv b hvb j.v [vbhvb lv v vb8z&^v j.vb }vbvbdÎhgvb hv bjv vbkv b j.vb [vbygv v brdb b ö
ter omní-po- tens. Dómi-ne Fi- li uni-gé- ni- te Jesu Chri- ste. Dó- mi-ne De- us, Agnus
Vvh.v j.vb [vkv bjvb ygv b rdv bUH <>v b}vbvblbvKOv b jv vbjv vhv b jv v KOv vbj.v b[bvkv bjv bygv rdvb HUv j.v v}v ~v;~v ~l0~v ~ij~b v;~v ~b;~v bokb b ù
De- i, Fi- li- us Pa-tris. Qui tol-lis peccá- ta mundi, mi-se-ré- re nobis. Qui tol-lis peccá-ta
Vbvb ~l0~v b ij?>v [vb 7z^%zbhv bfvbvdvm bjv vjb bvhv jv b~kLP~vb v9z*&v bHUv vbj.v v}v vb jv dv bj.v b hv v blv bkvbjv v b hv b j.vbvb[vbjvb KOvb~vp~lb vb ø
mundi, sú- sci-pe depre-ca-ti- ó- nem nostram. Qui se-des ad déxteram Patris, mi-se-ré-
Vvbijv HUv vj.v b }vbvb jv bhv bg6vb vrdv bhvb jv vbk9v vbj.v b}vb~;~v blvb kÐ Iv vhv bjv j.v b}vb~v;~v ~b B~v ;~vbv JIvb~vLP~v lv bij/.v b[bvhv lvb ø
re no-bis. Quó-ni- am tu so-lus sanctus. Tu so-lus Dóminus. Tu so-lus Altíssimus, Jesu
Vvvb8z&^vbvj.v }v bJIv v vbygv v brdv vb hv jv j.v b[bv~JÛ)v~ v~ v;~v l~ v~ ;~v vbjv lb vb 8z&^zbJIv bj.vbv}vb vbÏ7Yz%$#zMvzSRz6z%$v b rd,mv }v v v v vbv vb
Chri- ste. Cum Sancto Spí-ri-tu in gló-ri- a De- i Pa- tris. A- men.
Vv h z y Î
f z r Ì s z d f d v b s m v v [v b f z
ctus, * San-ctus, San-
r d v v s m v [ v S R b h z h z 9 z * & z k v b u h > < v [ v
ctus Dóminus De- us Sá-
b l v b k v J I v v b 9 z * & v b h . v | b r Ì s z 5 z $ # z b f v b e s v b s
ba- oth. Ple-ni sunt cæ-
m v v b ] b v f v b r d v s v v v d v b ô
Vvfv bhv vjkjzuhv vbh.v b[v lv b ijvbyÎfb |bz5z$#v besMNv {vbfv b hjhv bhbhv bfv bsv vbdfdv besMNv vb ]b v9z*&zkv hv b JIv bk/v v vJIv 9z*&v b hv. b [bvblvbø
li et ter- ra gló-ri- a tu- a. Ho-sán-na in excél- sis. Be- ne-díctus qui ve- nit in
Vv8z&^zJIv uhv bh.v b|brÌsz5z$#zfvbvesvb smv ]vb|bSEzbrÌsvDR5z$#z4v, bSRv b bhbUH vb h.v b[bvlv b8z&^vb v4z#@NvfyfÎ zsdsv bsmv }v v v v v v v v v v v v vbvbvb
nó- mi- ne Dó- mi- ni. Ho- sánna in ex- cél- sis.
36 Ordinary IX
A Vvsv vb FYv v brdzhzhv uh><v v[v b hJIv 9z*&^zbjv h.v [vblv b JIv blv vb 8z&^zjvb b h.vb {bv|b fYG vb 6z%$vb esv bDRv vêsdsê v smvb }vb vsv vb FYv b vb vô
-gnus De- i, * qui tol- lis peccá-ta mun- di : mi- se- ré- re no- bis. Agnus
Vvrdzhzhv uh><vb [bvfb |b5z$#v svm vbhv b fb |bgv vbUH v vh.v {bvb|vfGYv b6z%$vb besvb DRvbvêsdêsv bsmv }v vsv v FYv v brdzhzhv uh><vb [bvhJIb vb9z*&^zbjb bö
De- i, qui tol- lis peccá- ta mundi : mi- se- ré- re no- bis. Agnus De- i qui tol-
Vvbh.v b[bvblv b JIv blv v 8z&^zjv bhv. b {b |b fGYv 6z%$v vesv b RD v vbvêsdêsv bsmvb }v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v vb v v v v v v v v v b b vb
lis peccá-ta mun- di : do- na no- bis pa- cem.
Ordinary XI
(Orbis factor)
This Kyrie can be sung with Texts – in this case before every line, and approximately on the same tune, an invocation is
Orbis factor, Rex æterne, eleison. Creator of the world, eternal King, have mercy.
Pietatis fons immense, eleison. Immeasurable source of kindness, have mercy.
Noxas omnes nostras pelle, eleison. Cast out all our woes, have mercy.
Christe, qui lux es mundi, dator vitæ, eleison. Christ, who art the light of the world, the giver of life,
have mercy.
Arte læsos dæmonis intuere, eleison. Behold us, who are wounded by the craft of the devil,
have mercy.
Confirmans te credentes, conservansque, Strenghen us believing in thee and preserve us, have
eleison. mercy.
Patrem tuum teque flamen utrorumque, Thy Father, thou and the Spirit [proceeding] from
eleison. both, have mercy,
Deum scimus, unum atque trinum esse, eleison. We know that God is one and three, have mercy.
Clemens nobis assis, bone Jesu, ut vivamus in Clement and good Jesus, support us, that we may live
te, eleison. in thee, have mercy.
K Bb\b HUvb vygvb b ysÎÌ .mv b [bv\b fGY7z^%zb4z#@vb avb sv bsvm v b }v v vb ygv b 9v/ KOz* ^%zbh.vb [b \bfGY7z^%zb4z#@vb bavb svb smv b v}v b\vbHUvb ygvb ysÎÌ .mvb v[vb ô
Y-ri- e * e- lé- i-son. ter Chri- ste e- lé- i-son. ter Ký- ri- e
GXbvFÙUv b ygvb HUvb ygv fv vgv hv v b g<v f,v}vbvdv fv vb gv b ygbvb fv v b FÙUv bjv b ygb v HUv vb ygv bfv vgv b hv b g<v b f,v }v rdv v bgvb ö
Ló-ri- a in excélsis De-o. Et in terra pax homí-ni- bus bo-næ vo-luntá- tis. Laudá-
Ordinary XI 37
Xvbygv bf,vb}vb fv FTv btfv dv bfv vdmvb}vb dv bfv b gv bygv bf,v }v vfvb gvb hvbjv hv bvGYz%$zgztfMvb }b bdv fv gv bhv bgv bfv b gvb bf,vb [bó
mus te. Bene-dí- cimus te. Ado-rámus te. Glori-ficámus te. Grá-ti- as á-gimus ti-bi
Xvdv vbD$v v b fv vbfv v vbrdvbgv b ygv vbfv, bf,v b }vb vb FÙUv bygv bHUv vbygvb f,vbv[bvb gv v hvb gv< f,v b[bvbdv bFTv vb gv b gv bFYv vb ygv DRv b ô
propter magnam gló-ri- am tu- am. Dómi- ne De- us, Rex cæléstis, De- us Pa-ter omní-po-
Xvf,v b}vbv FÙUv b ygvHUv b ygvbf,v[bgvb hv bgvb fb vdMv[vbrdv bghgv vbf,v bf,vb}v UFÙ v bygvbHUv vygvb f,vb[b gv vb hv v bg,v f,vb[vbrdvbgv bygv vf,b b ô
tens. Dómi-ne Fi- li uni-géni-te Je-su Christe. Dómi-ne De- us, Agnus De- i, Fi- li- us Pa-
Xvf,v }v b gv DRv bfv vbrdv gv hv v tfzfvbvbdMv [vbfvb rdb vgv bygv f,v f,v }v b gvbRD vb fv vrdv gv bhv vb tfzfvb dMv[b bgv b DRv bfv b fv b bô
tris. Qui tol-lis peccá-ta mun- di, mi-se- ré-re nobis. Qui tollis peccá-ta mun-di, súsci-pe de-
Xvfv fv dvb gv bygv vbfv, b bf,v vb}bvbv UFÙ v bygv HUv vhv vb 6z%$v bgvbvhv v vg<v bf,v b[bvb fv rdvb gv bygvbvbf,v f,v }v v UFÙ v b bygvb HUv v bö
pre-ca-ti- ónem nostram. Qui se-des ad déx- te-ram Patris, mi-se- ré-re nobis. Quó-ni- am
Xv6z%$v bgv bhv vb g<v v bf,v }vbvrdvb gvbvhv v b gv bfv dMv}v bfv b rdv bgvbvbhv gv fvbvdMv [vbrdvb ghgv vbf,v f,vb}b b gv b v bDRbv b vFTvbvbó
tu so-lus sanctus. Tu so-lus Dóminus. Tu so- lus Altíssimus, Je-su Christe. Cum Sancto
Xvdv bfvb dmb v[b bgv v bjvb jv JIv b 7z^%vb zbg<v b GUz7z^ z$#zÂvGYv tf<Mv }vb DTzyÎfv v DRm,v}b v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v vbv
Spí- ri-tu in gló-ri- a De- i Pa- tris. A- men.
S XvrÌabD$v bf,vbv [v bFÌ 5ztfv vf,v [v bFTHUv vbjkjv b ygv bFTv g,v [vb tfv b fGYv b tfvbDRv b f,v v]v b ijv b 6z%$v FÙUv v bjkjv b ygvb D$v b fgfzfb ó
Anctus, * San-ctus, Sanctus Dómi-nus De- us Sá-ba- oth. Ple- ni sunt cæ- li et ter-
Xvdmv [v gHUv buhv ghgvb fv, f,v v]v b FÚIv bJ*v vb8z&^%$Mv vdv ÍG6zyÎfv D$v f,v ]v bdv DRv bFTv bf,v v vgHUv uhv bgv, [vbFÚIzijv½vbklkv jv jkjb ö
ra gló- ri- a tu- a. Ho-sánna in ex- célsis. Bene-díctus qui ve- nit in nó-mi-ne
Xvygv FTv gHUz%$zÍ5f,v ]v vbIFÚ v bJ*v vb8z&^%$vM b vdv bGÍ 6zyÎfv D$v f,v }v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v vb v
Dómi-ni. Ho-sánna in ex- célsis.
Bv S E z r Ì s v b w a v v b A W v s m v [ v v b d v G Y v 5 z $ # v dTF v
- gnus De- i, * qui tollis peccá- ta mundi, mi-se-ré- re no-bis.
5 z $ # v b w a v v #
S v v d m v { v b d v G Y v b ì t Í s v 4 z # @ v A W v b s m v } v b S E v v G Y v b \ b H
Agnus De- i, * qui
U v b h . v v [ v b G Y z % $ v b ó
BvbËddv dmv vbfv b gv sv v 4z#@v banv b{vb dv GYv btfv esv AWv smv }v SEv v 5z$#v b gv b h.v v[v ygvb kvb lv v8z&^v b g6fv bdv vb S#v vb3z@!nv{ó
tol- lis peccá-ta mun-di, mi-se-ré- re nobis. Agnus De- i, * qui tollis pec- cá- ta mundi,
Ordinary XII
(Pater cuncta)
Pater, cuncta qui gubernas, eleison. O Father, who ruleth everything, have mercy.
Sede sedens in superna, eleison. Who sitteth on the supreme seat, have mercy.
Plebem pio vultu cernas, eleison. Behold thy people with a kind countenance, have
O Christe, splendor patris, eleison. O Christ, thou splendour of the Father, have mercy.
Intactæ Fili matris, eleison. Son of the spotless Mother, have mercy.
Ne claustris demur atris, eleison. That we may not be given to the dark halls [of Hell],
have mercy.
Utriusque sacrum flamen, eleison. Thou holy Spirit [coming] from both, have mercy.
Miserorum sis solamen, eleison. Be comfort to the suffering, have mercy.
Trinum Deum atque unum confitemur : Ut in We confess the God, thrice and one, that we may be
ipso gloriemur, eleison. glorified in him, have mercy.
Bv g v b h v u
Y-ri- e
Ï g 9 z * & ^ %v, [ v b y g v b h j h v b h v
* e- lé- i-son. ter Christe
g , v v } v v v b g v b t Í d z 5 z $ # @N v b f v d v f v b gv, v
e-lé- i-son. ter Ký-ri- e
} v v g v b h v ugÏ 9 z * & ^ %v, [ v b y g v b
e- lé- i-
h j h v b h v v b b õ
Bvg,v v}v vbgv bhv buÏg9z*&^%zbtÍdz5z$#@Nv vbfv dv fv bg,v }v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v b
son. bis Ký-ri- e e-lé- i-son.
GBvSØYv hv 5z$#v sv b dv b fvb bgv v 6z%$#v dmv }v sv dv vb fv gv b hv v hv bgv fvbg,v [vb hv b gv b DRv bgv vdmv dmv }v sv vrdv b sb ó
Bvdmv }vbvsv DRv bgv bgv brdvb dvm }v bgv bfv b gv b rdv dmv }v hv gvb fv gv vrdv bdmv }v bdv gv hv hv bgv b hv vJIv h.v [vbhv vhv bö
te. Bene-dí-cimus te. Ado-rámus te. Glo-ri-fi-cámus te. Grá-ti- as á-gimus ti-bi própter
Bbbvhv vbgv v vbfv b gvb vYG v vb vg,v dmv v}v bfv bdv bsv vbdv bfv, v vgv v fv bgv g,v [vb hv hv vbgv bfv bhv v gv b rdv dmv }v vfv vdb ò
magnam gló-ri- am tu- am. Dómi-ne De- us, Rex cæ-léstis, De-us Pa-ter omní-po- tens. Dómi-
Bvsv vdv f,v bgvb fv gv gv f,v [vbhv gv v v rdv dmv }v bhv bgv hv vbIJ v h.v [vbgv v sv v bDRv g,v [vbgv brdv sv vb dmv dmv v}v vgvb ô
ne Fi- li uni-géni-te, Je-su Chri-ste. Dómine De-us, Agnus De- i, Fí- li- us Patris. Qui
Bvbfv gv vhv vgv fv vbgv vbhv. [v gv bfv b GYv btfv dmv b dmv v}v b av bsv dv vfv b gv fv v gv vg,v b [vbhv bgv bfv bgv vfv gv bhv b vô
tollis peccá-ta mundi, mi- se-ré-re no-bis. Qui tollis peccá-ta mundi, súsci-pe depreca- ti-
Bvb fv vgv v vdvm vb dmv v}v bhv gv bhv hv vbhv vgv b hv vbvbJIv h.v v[v gv b rÌsv bdv FTv vdmv vdmv v}v vbavbAWv b sv v bsv brdv sv v b ó
ó-nem nostram. Qui sedes ad déxte-ram Patris, mi-se- ré-re no-bis. Quóni- am tu so- lus
Ordinary XII 39
Bvdv v bf,vb }vb gv bgv fv v vgv bgv vg,v }v bhv b gv fv vhv gv rdv dmv [vbhv bGYv v vbJIv h.v }v bgv v vgv v sv v bdFTv brdv dmvb[bó
sanctus. Tu so-lus Dómi-nus. Tu so-lus Altíssimus, Je-su Christe. Cum Sancto Spí- ri- tu,
S XvFYz%$#zfv vf,v b [b v½b FYkzKOv b k/v b [vb iÐhzîuÏf6z%$#zfv b f,v b {v av bDRv fv v b ygv bfv v dv b DRv bf,v vb ]bv b fv b HIv bk/v v vbkv b jv b gvb bö
An- ctus, * San-ctus, San- ctus Dóminus De- us Sá-ba- oth. Ple-ni sunt cæ- li et
Xvygv bf,v [v bdv tfv b ghgv f,v f,v b]vb vav bD$v vbf,v b kv b uhv îuÏf6z%$#zfv f,v b]v bfv HIv bkv bjv v vgv bygv bf,v [vbdv v tfv bgv ygb ô
ter-ra gló-ri- a tu- a. Ho-sánna in excél- sis. Bene-díctus qui ve- nit in nó-mine
Xvfv DRv bf,v v]v bav bD$v v f,vb kv buhv bîuÏf6z%$#zfv b fv, v}v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v b vb
Dómi-ni. Ho-sánna in excél- sis.
A Xv
A E v b F Y v v b G Y z % $ v b f , v v [ v b v g v j
Ï j v b y g v bIF Ú
-gnus De- i, * qui tol- lis peccá- ta mundi, mi- se- ré- re no-bis.
v b k z i j v b y g v b %
F v v b g , v { v g v vGÍ 6 v b y g v b R
D v b f , v b f , v } v b a v v b d v
Agnus De- i, *
v b r d v f , v b b ô
Xvfv bFTvb fv vbrdvb DTv gv vb fzfv dmv {v fv rdv FTv bgv b f,v vf,v b }v vEA v vbFYv vb bGYz%$v bf,v v[vb b gvb Ïjjv bygv bFÚIv b kzijvb ygv b F%vb bõ
qui tollis peccá-ta mundi, mi-se- ré-re no-bis. Agnus De- i, * qui tol- lis peccá- ta mun-
Ordinary XVII
for the Sundays of Advent and Lent
K Bvfv bÍggv bh.v \z8z&^%z 6z$#v b ghgv b gv b f,v v }vbvbv\vbkvb8/vzUH 8/v \b8z&^%z6z$#v bghgv gv bf,v vb }vb v bfv HIvb \b kzk9k/vb \b 8z&^%z6z$#vb õ
Bvbghgv gv b f,v v}v bvfv HIvb \bvkzk9k/vbv[bvfHIvb \bkzk9k/vb \b 8z&^%z6z$#v bghgv gv bf,v b}v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v vb
lé- i- son. bis Ký-ri- e * ** e- lé- i-son.
40 Ordinary XVII
Vv h z y Î f zv
r v b s m v b [ v v S R h z H U v b h . v [
An- ctus, * Sanctus, San- ctus Dóminus De- us Sá-
v b h z y Î f z v
r v b s m v b [ v b f v b b s v f v v h z H U v b h . v v h Å v K O z & ^ b v b u h v b hv. b v ] v v h v b | b
ba- oth. Ple-ni sunt cæ- li et
g v b b | b f G Y v b b | b 6 z % z # v b f v b D R b ò
Vbvësdësvbsmv [v sv rdvb YØD v b ïhjïhvb h.vbvb]bv bhÅvOK z&^b vbuhv b|b FT6z 6z% z#vbvb fv bDRv vësdsë v bsmv v]bv bsv rdvbvDØYv bhv v vbhv bHUv bh.v [vbsv v rdv bØD ö
ter-ra gló-ri- a tu- a. Ho- sánna in excél- sis. Bene- díctus qui ve-nit in nómi-
Vvbhvb v HUv vhv bhv. v]b bhÅvOK z&^bv bu vh b |b FT6z 6z% #v bfv b DRv vbsë dësv vsmv }v v v v v v v v v v b v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v vb
ne Dómi-ni. Ho- sánna in excél- sis.
Vv h z h v b f v v b ë s d ë s v b s m v b [ v b S R v h z H U v b h . v v b J O v b o k v b u h v v j v v b hv. { b v b h v b f v b s v v b D R v b v b ë s dsë v b s m v } v b v b =
— v v s v v b ë s d ë s vb s m v b [ b ò
-gnus De- i, * qui tol- lis peccá- ta mundi : mi-se-ré- re no- bis. Agnus De- i, *
VvSRvbvhzHUv bh.v vbJOv bokv b uhv vjv vh.v b{vbvbhv fv bsv bRD v bësdësvbvbsmvb vb}vbvbhzhv bfv v b së dësv b smvbv[v b SRv hzHUv bh.v vbJOv b okv buhv vb ÷
qui tol- lis peccá- ta mundi : mi-se-ré-re no- bis. Agnus De- i, * qui tol- lis peccá- ta
Kyrie ad libitum I
(Clemens Rector)
This most elaborate Kyrie of the Roman Rite can be sung with the following Texts*:
Clemens rector, æterne Pater immense, eleison. Clement ruler, eternal and boundless Father, have
Nostras necne voces exaudi benedicte Domine. Hear also our voices, o blessed Lord.
Æther stellifer noster, nostri benignus eleison. Our starry heaven, have kind mercy upon us.
Plebem tuam, Sabaoth hagie, semper rege, O Christ, holy Sabaoth, always govern thy people.
Trine et une, sedulas nostras preces, rex, Thou three and one, receive our eager prayers.
Fidem auge his qui credunt in te, tu succurre, Increase the faith of those believing in thee, come to
eleison. help, have mercy.
* With kind permission of the author the texts for this Kyrie were taken from:
Tropen zum Kyrie im Graduale Romanum, ed. Anton Stingl jun., St Otilien 2010, pp. 65-68.
Kyrie ad libitum I 41
Respice nobis, o inclite, fer opem de excelsis, et Behold us, a great one, help us from above, O
nostras, Redemptor orbis terræ, voces jugi Redeemer of the world, and join our voices to the
angelorum carmini adjunge, eleison. everlasting song of the Angels, have mercy.
Cunctipotens, sophiæ tuæ lumen nobis infunde. Thou almighty, pour into us the light of thy wisdom.
Tripertite et une kyrie; qui manes in æternum Thou God, three in one, [and] thou who remainest
cum Patre, te ore, te corde atque mente forever with the Father, to whom we now sing
psallimus nunc tibi, O beate Jesu bone, te with our mouth, and heart and mind – let us
precamur omnes assidue, eleison. persist to ask thee, O blessed and good Jesus, have
Credo I
C Bvgv b dv b fv bsv dv v vb gv bh.v }v\b HUv b hv vb hv v gv b fv gv bg,v v{vb DRv bgv b gv v b gv fv b hv b g,v b g,v [vdv fv gv gv hv bõ
Re-do in unum De- um, Patrem omni-poténtem, factó-rem cæ-li et terræ, vi-si-bí- li- um
Bvgv vb fbvbesMNvb [b\b HUv b hv bgvb bfv bhv btfv bg,v }v bdv fv bgv bgv v vbgv b fv dfdzdv[vb sv b dv v v b b gb b h.v {vb\bHUv bhvbhv vb b bhvbhbõ
ómni- um et invi- si-bí- li- um. Et in unum Dóminum, Je-sum Christum, Fí- li- um De-i
Bvbgv fv bhv btfv bg,v }vbdv fv vb gv bdv bgv h.vb [b \bHUv b hvb hv v b gv fv bhv btfvbg,v }v gv fv v b hv vbg,v bg,v [vbgv bfv vb hvb gb bô
uni- gé-ni- tum, et ex Patre na-tum ante ómni- a sæcu- la. De- um de De- o, lumen de lú-
Bvfvbdfdzdv[b bsv dv v vgv bh.v v b hv vbgv bfv b g,v bg,v }vb dv bfv g,v v vbhv v gv b dmv b[v fv vsv v bdv b fv bgv dv v bgv h.v {v\bHUb ö
mine, De- um ve-rum de De- o ve-ro, gé-ni-tum, non factum, consubstanti- á-lem Patri : per
Bvhv vb hv v gv fv hv tfv g,v b}vb vbdv vbfv vbgv vb bhv vgv b bfv bdmv [bvsv v bdv b fv vb gv vbdv v b fv gv bg,v [v gv bgv vb fv vhb võ
quem ómni- a facta sunt. Qui propter nos hómi-nes et propter nostram sa-lú-tem descéndit de
Bvg,v bg,v }v bsv vdv vb fv b b gv bfv vdmv v v dv vbfv bsv bdv vbgv v vbh.v {\bHUv v vbhv bgvb fv bhv vb tfvg,v {b\bHUv vbhv vbfv vbhvb b õ
Bvtfv g,v v}v vbdv bfv gv bdv bfv bdv bsv v v dv bgv b h.v {vb\bHUv v bhv b hv bgv b fvbgv g,v {b \bHUv b hv bgv vfv bhvbtfv g,v }vb bsvbó
TUS EST. Cru-ci-fí-xus é- ti- am pro no-bis sub Pónti- o Pi-lá-to, passus et sepúltus est. Et
Bvbdv b fv b gv bdv bfv svbdv bgv h.v {bv\bUH v b hv vgv v v vb fv bgv bg,v }vbdv fv b gv vfv dv vbgv b hv. {b \bHUvbhv bhv vb hv bgv bfv b bõ
re-surré-xit térti- a di- e, se-cúndum Scriptú-ras, et ascéndit in cæ-lum, sedet ad déxte-ram
Bvgv g,v }vb DRv bgvbgv b gv v vgv vgv gv bgv v bhv v vb gv b fvbdfdzdv[b sv b dv bgv h.v b\bHUvb hv bfv v bhv btfv g,v {v bdv bfv vbgv bgõ
Patris. Et í-te-rum ventú-rus est cum gló-ri- a, ju-di-cá-re vivos et mórtu- os, cu-jus regni
42 Credo I
Bvgv bfv hv bg,v gv, }v bdv b fv v vgv bgv gv v vgv v h.v v v bgv b bfvbesMNv [v\bHUv b hv gv fv gv bg,v vb{vbvbvdv fv vbgv gv b gv gbvõ
non e-rit fi-nis. Et in Spí- ri-tum Sanctum, Dóminum et vi-vi-fi-cántem : qui ex Patre Fí-li-
Bvgv vbfv v bhv bg,v bg,v }v dv bfv v vgv bgvb hv vgv fv bdmv [v fv bdvbvsv b dvb gv h.v b[bv\bHUv vhv v bhv bgv fv gv g,v b{v vbdv bfvõ
oque pro-cé-dit. Qui cum Patre et Fí- li- o simul ad-o-rá-tur et conglo-ri-fi-cá-tur : qui lo-
Bvgv bgv bgv v bfv v b hv vbg,v b g,v }vb vDRv bgv gv, v b gv vb fv, v vb hv b gv b fv esMNv [b \zHUv hv hv hv hv bgv v fv vb hv b tfb g,vb}b bó
cú-tus est per prophé- tas. Et unam sanctam, cathó- li-cam, et apostó-li-cam Ecclé-si- am.
BvDRv bgv gv gv b gv bfv v b hv b gv vb dvm [vfv vdv b sv dv gv b hv v vfv bhv gv, vg,v b}vbvbdv b fv v bgv bdmv bfv bdv bsv dv gv b bhvbvô
Confí-te- or unum baptísma in remissi- ó-nem pecca-tó-rum. Et exspécto re-surrecti- ó-nem
Bvfv hv b g,v bgv, }v DRv vbgv gv v vgv b tfv dv\bYSØ z7v hv hv. }v b6z%$zGYz%$#v vES NMv }v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v b
mortu- ó-rum, et vi-tam ventú- ri sæ- cu-li. A- men.
Credo III
C Vvhv fv sb |b gv b fv v vb 4z#@v bsmv b}v|b FTv b fv vb hv v fv svbvb dv bsmv v{vb sv b fvb |bgv v bhvb hv hv vjv vh.vb {b vbhvb hv bjvbv b ÷
Redo in unum De- um, Patrem omni-po-téntem, factó-rem cæ-li et terræ, vi-si-bí-
Vvjv blv vbÐ8jv b jbv h.v b{bvbhv bfv b sb |bgv 4Ì dv b dv bsmv b}vb vhvb hv fv fv v v bsv bsvb dvm v bfvb|bgv v v v bdv smv b[v vfvbfbvbv vbô
li- um ó-mni- um, et invi-si-bí- li- um. Et in unum Dóminum Je-sum Christum, Fí-li-
Vvbfv v b|bgv dv bhvb hvb jvb bjv bh.v }v b fv bdv b|bgv bgv b4Ì dv smv [vb fv bfvbvhv v bjvbhv b Ì4dv bdvb smv }v b hv hv v vbhv vbfv vbò
um De- i uni-gé-ni-tum. Et ex Patre na- tum ante ómni- a sæ- cu-la. De- um de De-
Vvbsmvb [bvsv vdv v dv b fv bdv smv b[bvhv bhv v vjv b h.v v vlv vkv hv b jv bh.v b}vbvbfv fv bdvm v b |b gv vb Ì4dv bsmv [v vfv vbfv v vb ö
o, lumen de lúmine, De- um ve-rum de De-o ve-ro. Géni-tum, non fac- tum, consub-
Vvhv bhv jv hv vb |bgv hv. {v jv v vblv v kv v bhv bhv jv|bgv b h.v v}v v bhv v hv vfv vbfv v hv vjv bh.v b[vbsv v b sv vsv v bvb ò
stanti- á-lem Patri : per quem ómni- a facta sunt. Qui propter nos hómi-nes, et propter
Vvsv vbdv v b fv|b gv bhv. b[v bjv vkv vlv viÐhv b jv bh.vb }vbvbhv bfv vbfv v b sv dv b smv v bvbfv vb fv bdvbvbfbv b HUv v bvbh.vbvb[vb jv vb ù
nostram sa- lú-tem descéndit de cæ-lis. ET INCARNATUS EST DE SPI-RI-TU SANCTO EX
Vvlv b kvb hv b jvbvb jv bh.v {vsv bv bfv vbfb b|bgv bvb gv b h.v b}v v fv|bDTvb 4Ì dv b sv bsv dv fv v |b gv vUH v h.v [vb hv v bhv b hv jv vbõ
MA-RI-A VIRGINE : ET HOMO FACTUS EST. Cru-ci- fí- xus é-ti- am pro nobis : sub Pónti- o
Credo III 43
Vb|bgv bhv f,vb [b hv vfv bsvb |bgv bÌ4dvb dv b bsmv b}vb vhv vbhvbhvb bjvb bhv bhvb fv|bgv bhv h.v b[bvsv dv vfv v bv|vgv b dmv bsmvb }b vbsv b bô
Pi-lá-to passus, et sepúl- tus est. Et resurré-xit térti- a di- e, secúndum Scriptú-ras. Et
Vvbfv b bUH v vkv lv vÐ8jv bh.v b{v hv hv hv v fv bfv|b gv v b 4Ì dvb bsmvb }v b hv bhv hv bfv v vbfv b sv bsv bdv v bdv v b fv b dvb smv[b ö
ascéndit in cæ- lum: sedet ad déxte-ram Pa- tris. Et í-te-rum ventú-rus est cum gló-ri- a,
Vvhvb hv jv bh.v b lv kv bhv v jv bjv h.v b{v bhv hv vbfvbvbsv|bgv b fv bfv bdvm bsmv }vb lv lv v vbjvb jvblv v b bhbv v hv. v vb bjv b jvb ö
ju-di-cá-re vivos et mórtu-os : cujus regni non e-rit fi-nis. Et in Spí-ri-tum Sanctum, Dómi-
Vbbvh.v b[bvbsv b fvbvhv hvb jv bh.v v {v vhb b|bgv vb hv bfv|bgv bdv fv vbgv v rÌsv bdv bsmv b}v vsv b fv v vbhv bhv fvb |bgv bfv h.vb [b jbvö
num, et vi-vi-fi-cántem : qui ex Patre Fi- li- óque pro-cé-dit. Qui cum Patre et Fí- li- o si-
Vvbhv blv b kv bjv b h.v b[bvbsbv b fv v bfv bhv hv jv bh.v v{v bhv hv b fv bfv bsv vb |b gv v vrÌsv vdv bsvm }v bhv bhv h.v v bfv v f,vb b ò
mul ad-o-rá-tur, et conglo-ri- fi-cá-tur: qui lo-cú-tus est per Prophé-tas. Et unam sanctam
Vvsv vdv bdv bsmv [vbhv hv hv bhv hv bjv b|b gv vb hv bhv bf,v v}v bhv b jv kv blv b jv lv v vbihÐ v jv b h.vb [bfv v dv bfv hb |bgv vb b ô
cathó- li-cam et apostó-li-cam Ecclé-si- am. Confí-te- or unum baptísma in remissi- ó-
Vvfv v b dv bfvbdmv b smv }v b hv bhv vb bfv bsmv vbhvbhv bhv bhvb jv hv vb |b gv vfv bgv b f,v b}vbvblv vbijv bhv v b fv b jv bhvbvbfv vbvb õ
nem peccató-rum. Et exspécto resurrecti- ónem mortu- ó-rum. Et vi- tam ventú-ri sæ-
Credo VI
C Bvtfv dv FTv b tfv esv v\b YSØ z7v h.v v }v v v b gv b dv fv bsv dv v vb gv bh.v }v \b HUv b hv vb hv v hv hvb vbGYz%$v DRz#@Nv {v DRv vb õ
Re-do in u-num De- um, * or Cre-do in unum De- um * Patrem omnipo-tén-tem, fac-
Bvtfv DRv v vtfvb êesv bSØYv vGYz%$v DRz#@Nv [bvsv DRv bgv bfv bRD v vbgv vb vbfv RçD v [bvbØYS v hv bhv hv GYv btfv DRz#@Nvbv}vbvsvbvDRv btfvbvDRv v vbgbvô
tó- rem cæ- li et ter-ræ, vi-si-bí- li- um ó-mni- um, et invi-si-bí- li- um. Et in u-num Dó-
Bbbfv çDRv b vbsv RD v v vbvb tfvbêesv [vb YSØ v hv hv v vb hv hvb hvbhv bGYv btfv DRz#@Nv }v sv DRv v btfv DRv vtfv êesvb[bvSØYv bhv hv v hv hv bõ
minum Jesum Christum, Fí- li- um De- i uni-gé-ni- tum. Et ex Pa-tre na- tum ante ómni- a
44 Credo VI
BvGYv tfvbDRz#@Nvb }bvb 4z#@v dv v vbfv vtfvb DRv b tfv dv vbfv gv bfv çDRvb[vbsvb DRv v b tfvbêesv v bSØYv vbhv hvb bGYz%$v DRz#@Nvb }vbvbfv sv dv vbô
sæcu-la. De- um de De- o, lumen de lúmine, De-um ve-rum de De-o ve- ro. Géni-tum,
Bvfv vb tfvb dvm v vbfv vbsv vbdv bfv tfv DRv v b tfvb êesv[vSØYv v bhv vb hv v b hvbhv GYv b tfvbvDRz#@Nv }v b4z#@v dv vfv vbgv vb gv b fvbvó
non factum, consubstanti- á- lem Pa-tri : per quem ómni- a facta sunt. Qui propter nos hómi-
Bvdmvb [bsv vbdv vfv v tfv b bdv v bfv tfbvêesvb[bvb ØYS v vhv vhv vhv bGYz%$v DRz#@Nv b}vbv4z#@v dv v fv v gv fv vbdv v v fv vb gvb fv DRvb õ
nes et propter nostram sa-lú-tem descéndit de cæ- lis. ET INCARNATUS EST DE SPIRITU
Bvtfv v b êesv[bvSØYvb vbv bhv hv bhv vGYv vbtfv DRz#@Nv {vbSØîYv v bîhv vîhv vGîYv v îtfv DîRz#î @Nv }v bsvb vDRvbtfvbDRv gv fv dv v vb fv vtfv dvm [b b ô
SANCTO EX MARI- A VIRGINE : ET HOMO FACTUS EST. Cru-ci-fí-xus é-ti- am pro no-bis :
Bvfv v bgv b fv dv bfv tfv eê sv[vbSØYv vhv vhv vhv bGYv btfvbvDRz#@Nvb }vbv4z#@v bdvbfv tfvb êesvb SØYv hvb hv hv hv> b b[vbhv hv vbhv v v vhv bõ
sub Pónti- o Pi-lá- to passus, et sepúltus est. Et resurré-xit térti- a di- e, secúndum Scrip-
BvGYz%$v DRz#@Nbv}vbsvbvDRv b tfv bdv fv vtfv bêesvb v[vbYSØ v hv bhv v hv b hv bhv v b GYz%$v bDRz#@Nvb}v DRv bgv fv dv v bfv vgv bfv b dv v bfvb bõ
tú- ras. Et ascéndit in cæ- lum : sedet ad déxte-ram Pa- tris. Et í-terum ventú-rus est cum
Bvgv fv çDRvb[vsv vDRv btfv DçRv bSØYv hv bhv v GYv btfvbvbDRz#@Nv {b sv b DRv vbtfv êesv bØYS v b hv hv bGYz%$vbvbDRz#@Nvb }v bsv DRv v vgvb fv bDRv v b bõ
gló-ri- a, ju-di-cá- re vivos et mórtu- os : cu- jus regni non e-rit fi- nis. Et in Spí-ri- tum
Bvtfv v b DRvbv v vb gv fv DçRv [vbSØYv vhv hv hvb vGYz%$v RD z#@Nv v{vb sv DRv vbtfv bDçRv bsv DRv tfv bRDç v vb YSØ v bGYz%$v DRz#@Nv }vb sv bDRv v vtfv bdb ô
Sanctum, Dóminum, et vi-vi-fi-cán-tem : qui ex Pa-tre Fi- li- óque pro-cé- dit. Qui cum Pa-tre
Bbbfv vgv fv dmv fv bsv dv fv tfvb êesvb[vbSØYv vbhv v hv hv hv bGYz%$v bDRz#@Nv {vbsv bDRv gv bfv bçDRv v bYSØ v v vhv vbGYz%$vbvDRz#@Nvb}vb DRv btfbó
et Fí-li- o simul ado-rá-tur, et conglo-ri-fi-cá- tur : qui locú-tus est per Prophé- tas. Et u-
BbvDRv v b tfv vdv v b fv bgv bfv b êesvb[vSØYv hv hv bhv hv hv v bhv v GYv tfbvDRz#@Nv b}vbvDRv bgv bfv bDRv btfv dv v vbfv btfv bdmv b bfvbvbò
nam sanctam cathó-li-cam et apostó-li-cam Ecclé-si- am. Confí- te- or u-num baptísma in
Bvsv dv fv btfv beê sv b vSØYv bhv GYz%$v DRz#@Nvb}v sv bDRv v btfvb dmv b bfv bsv b dv fvb tfbvb êesv v vSØYv vhv GYz%$v DRz#@Nv }v DRv vb tfvbdv vb bô
remissi- ó-nem pecca-tó- rum. Et exspécto re-surrecti- ó-nem mortu- ó- rum. Et vi- tam
Marian Antiphons
Alma Redemptoris mater
From Advent Sunday to Candlemas
A Bbb abDRbGYvg,v v b gv gv v vbhvb bjv b b kvb g,v v{vb vdv vdv b dv fvb dvb bsvb dv b fv vb hv bg,vb v[b b hvb b bø
V Kind Mother of the
Redeemer, who art
always the open gate
L-ma * Redemptó-ris Ma-ter, quæ pérvi- a cæ-li porta manes, et
of heaven, and the
Bvbkv jv vb hv bgv, b{b vbdv vfv bdv bsvb dv b g,v b[bdv b fv bgv vb hvb kv bjv v lv bkvb k/v ]bvb bkv b b jv b b b v
stella ma-ris, succúrre ca-dénti, súrge-re qui cu-rat, pópu-lo : tu quæ
star of the sea.
Hasten to help the
falling people that
tries to stand up; thou
Bvkv kvb lvb g,vb[bvbkv bjvb hv vbgvb fv bdvm b [b dv bdv bv bhv v bgv v vb fv dvbSEv b brdv,m b]bvbkv bjv v hb b õ
genu- ísti, na-tú-ra mi-ránte, tu- um sanctum Geni-tó- rem, virgo pri-
who hast brought
forth, to the astonish-
ment of nature, thy
Bvg,v bhv vbgv b dv bfvb gv, b{v hv bhv bkvb hvb gv b fvb dmvb [b fv b dv vb gv gv bhv bg,vb {b kv b jv kv b ygb b v ö
own holy creator.
Virgin before and
after, who receivedst
us ac posté-ri-us, Gabri- é-lis ab o-re sumens illud Ave, pecca-tó-rum this ‘Ave’ from the
Bbvsv bfv vbgv bf,v [vhv v vbgv b\b jbv vb hvbvgv vbsv vbgv f,v b]bvb fv bgv bhv bhv vbgvb hv jvb h.v [vb kvb ÷
O root; hail O gate,
through which the
light was born to the
salve porta, ex qua mundo lux est orta : gaude virgo glo-ri- ó-sa su- world. Rejoice, Virgin
Bbb\bjv vhv v gv v vfvb sv gv f,v b ]v jv bhvbvbgv vjv b hv b gv fYÃ vb bh.vb {b kv v bjv vjKOv bhv. v v bhv b õ
per omnes spe-ci- ósa : va-le, O valde decó- ra, et pro no- bis Chris-
glorious and fair
above all. Hail, O
greatly adorned one,
Regina cæli
From Easter Sunday to the Friday after Pentecost
Bv f v b g v b f v b g v h . v b
Egí-na cæ-li * læ-tá-re,
v b \ b j v b h v b g , v b [ b \ b j v b h v b g v b f , v v b { v b v b f v b k
alle-lú-ia : Qui- a quem me-ru- í-sti por-
b k v b v b k v v v b l v b b k v b \ b j v b h v b b f v b b õ Queen of heaven
rejoice, alleluia! The
Son whom thou wast
worthy to bear,
Bvbgvb h.v [b \bjvbvbhvbvbgvb fv, b ]bvb kv b kvb blv bkb/v b kvb b fvb vgv bf,vb [vb gvb hv\bjvb k/vb {b vkvbvbfv bvbgbv\bjb nö
tá-re, al-le- lú-ia : Re-surré-xit, sic-ut di-xit, al-le-lú-ia : O-ra pro no-
alleluia, hath risen
again, as he said,
alleluia! Pray for us
to God, alleluia!
Salve, Regina
From Trinity Sunday to the Friday before Advent
S Bvav b dv b bgv hvb g,v b [bv bhv b kv v bjv b hvb gvb hv bgv b g,v {vkv g,v b hv b fzfvbvbsmvb [bvdv v bfvb v b b õ
V Hail, Holy Queen,
mother of mercy.
Hail, our life, our
Alve, Regí-na, * ma-ter mi-se-ri-córdi- æ, vi-ta dulcé- do et spes sweetness and our
Bvgv vbdv b esvb anvb}vbvgv vb hv vjv vkv b g,v [vb hv b jv bkv bjv hvb bgv b hv bg,v }v bkv vbgv bhv vfbv b ò
nostra, sal-ve. Ad te clamámus, éxsu-les fí-li- i Evæ. Ad te suspi-
hope. To you do we
cry, poor banished
children of Eve; to
you do we send up
Bvsv b dmv [v dv vgv vhv bkv vbhv vg,v {bvhv vbgv vfv bdv bsv bdv v vbsv anvb }vb gv bhv bjv b k/v v[b vb võ
rámus, geméntes et flentes, in hac lacrimá-rum valle. E-ia ergo,
our sighs, mourning
and weeping in this
vale of tears. Turn
then, most gracious
Bvgv vbhv b kv bjv vhv vbgv, {vb bkv gv bhv fv v sv dvb bfvbvbgv vbfv b hv vgv bg,v [bfv v bdv vb sv v v b ó
Advo-cá-ta nostra, illos tu-os mi-se-ri-córdes ó-cu-los ad nos con-
Advocate, your eyes
of mercy towards us.
And after this our
Bvesv banv }v gv bvHUv bk/v v[v jv gv hv bgv v vbgv vhv v b kv vbjv b hv gv, b{vbav bg,v vbhv v b kv v vbv÷
exile, show unto us
the blessed fruit of
your womb, Jesus.
vér- te. Et Jesum, benedíctum fructum ventris tu- i, nobis post hoc O clement, O loving,
Bvbjv bhv gv dv vb fv vesv anvb}v bdÂTv b dzdvb anv }v bgÄUzbijvb ygvbvg,v}v kzkzg6fzrÌsvbvb DRv bg,vb[vb bav bfb b ó
O sweet Virgin