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Virginia's Horse Pastures - Forage Establishment - VirginiaAg 418-103 (2009)

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publication 418-103

Virginia’s Horse Pastures: Forage Establishment

C.D. Teutsch, Assistant Professor and Extension Specialist, Southern Piedmont Agricultural Research and Extension Center
J.H. Fike, Extension Center and Assistant Professor, Crop and Soil Environmental Science Departement, Virginia Tech

Well-managed pastures can provide a relatively inex- Adjust soil fertility prior to seeding. Test the soil in
pensive and high-quality feed source for horses in Vir- pastures and apply the recommended amounts of lime
ginia. In contrast, poorly managed pastures are less and fertilizer prior to seeding. Soil acidity is a major fac-
adequate nutritionally and can reduce environmental tor limiting forage production in Virginia. Cool-season
quality. Proper pasture management starts with forage grass pastures should be maintained at a pH of 6.0 to 6.2,
establishment. The establishment phase of forage pro- while grass-legume mixtures should have a pH value of
duction is critical since all other management practices 6.2 to 6.4. Acidic conditions reduce nutrient availabil-
depend on a healthy sod. Forage establishment begins ity, root growth, and nitrogen fixation of legumes. Lime
long before the actual seeding. Successful forage estab- not only corrects soil acidity, but also supplies calcium
lishment requires a great deal of planning and attention and magnesium while reducing the availability of toxic
to detail. nutrients such as aluminum and manganese. Lime should
be applied six to 12 months prior to seeding to allow
Control weeds. Perennial weeds must be controlled adequate time for it to react with the soil. In conven-
prior to seeding. This is especially important if a mixture tional seedings where more than two tons of lime per
of grasses and legumes will be established. There are acre are required, one-half should be applied and disked
no herbicides available for controlling grassy or broa- in before plowing and the remainder should be applied
dleaf weeds in grass-legume mixtures. In most cases, after plowing and disked in. In no-tillage seedings where
more than two tons of lime per acre are required, one-half
pasture herbicides are designed to kill either broadleaf
of the lime should be applied before seeding and one-
weeds (legumes included) in grasses or grassy weeds in
half the following season. For more information on soil
legumes. The use of herbicides and cropping sequences
testing contact you local Virginia Cooperative Extension
that include winter-annual (small grains) and/or sum-
office to speak with an agricultural agent.
mer-annual (pearl millet, foxtail millet) smother crops
prior to seeding can prevent the accumulation of weed Choose an adapted forage species. Forage species
seed. Broadleaf weeds can be controlled in pure grass must be adapted to the soil conditions present in the pas-
stands using selective herbicides (herbicides that affect ture and the region where it will be grown. If the forage
only broadleaf plants). Reseeding restrictions need to is not regionally adapted, the chances of successfully
be taken into account when applying these herbicides. establishing and maintaining a healthy sod are low. It
In situations where both undesirable perennial grass is also important to select a forage species that will tol-
and broadleaf weeds are present, or when a total burn- erate close and frequent grazing. Use certified seed or
down is desired a nonselective (affects both grasses a proprietary variety which is adapted to your climatic
and broadleaf plants), translocatable herbicide such region. This will ensure you are getting high quality,
as glyphosate should be applied prior to seeding. For weed-free seed. For more information on forage spe-
more information on herbicides for pastures see Pest cies see Virginia’s Horse Pastures: Forage Species for
Management Guide: Field Crops, Virginia Cooperative Horse Pastures, Virginia Cooperative Extension publi-
Extension publication 456-016. cation 418-102. For information on varieties of adapted
species contact your local Extension office.
Produced by Communications and Marketing, College of Agriculture and Life Sciences,
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, 2009
Virginia Cooperative Extension programs and employment are open to all, regardless of race, color, national origin, sex, religion,
age, disability, political beliefs, sexual orientation, or marital or family status. An equal opportunity/affirmative action employer.
Issued in furtherance of Cooperative Extension work, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Virginia State University,
and the U.S. Department of Agriculture cooperating. Rick D. Rudd, Interim Director, Virginia Cooperative Extension, Virginia
Tech, Blacksburg; Alma C. Hobbs, Administrator, 1890 Extension Program, Virginia State, Petersburg.
Inoculate legume seed. Legumes form a symbiotic rela- is that the seedbed is too soft and should be refirmed if
tionship with Rhizobium bacteria in which nitrogen from you walk across it and sink past the sole of your shoe.
the air is fixed into a plant-available form. There is no need
for nitrogen fertilizer when legumes make up more than No-till seedbeds must also be prepared by suppressing
25 percent of the stand on a dry matter basis. A visual the existing sod and reducing surface residue prior to
rating of clover percentage is a good estimate of clover seeding. You can accomplish this with hard grazing in
on a dry matter basis for taller growing species such as late fall and early spring. Vegetation can also be sup-
ladino or red clover, but often overestimates common pressed by using a low rate of nonselective herbicide.
(dutch) white clover. Therefore, pastures where the pre- For more information regarding herbicides for sod sup-
dominant clover is common (dutch) white clover may pression see the Pest Management Guide: Field Crops,
require nitrogen fertilization even when a visual rating Virginia Cooperative Extension Publication 456-016.
indicates more than 25 percent clover. Legume seed
should always be inoculated with the proper strain of Ensure good soil to seed contact. Seeding methods
nitrogen fixing bacteria before seeding. In many cases include drilling, broadcasting and dragging or culti-
legume seed comes preinoculated. If the seed is not pre- packing, band-seeding, and cultipack-seeding. The type
inoculated, mix prepackaged inoculum with the seed of seeding method you choose will depend on the equip-
just prior to seeding. ment you have and whether you are preparing a con-
ventional seedbed or doing no-till seeding. Regardless
Prepare the seedbed. For conventional seedings, pre- of the seeding method, the goal is to achieve good soil-
pare a fine and firm seedbed by plowing or heavy disk- seed contact. Good soil-seed contact ensures that the
ing followed by other tillage tools to shape and smooth seed will germinate and emerge in a timely manner.
the soil. Avoid overworking the soil. A firm seedbed
serves two purposes. First, it allows capillary action to Seed on the correct date. Cool-season grasses are nor-
draw water to the soil surface. This will provide needed mally established in either early spring or late summer.
moisture for seeds to germinate and help to sustain small Spring seedings generally have plenty of moisture, but
seedlings during dry periods. Second, a firm seedbed increased weed problems. A general rule is that early-
allows for accurate seed placement. In many cases a spring plantings should be made four weeks before the
soft seedbed allows seed to be placed too deeply, result- last average killing frost in the spring. Late-summer
ing in poor emergence and weak stands. A general rule seedings are at more risk of failure due to a lack of

Table 1. Seeding rates and dates for horse pastures in Virginia.

Forage Species Seeding Rate lb/A Time of Year to Plant

Orchardgrass 10-15 early spring and late summer

Tall Fescue 15-25 early spring and late summer
Timothy 6-8 early spring and late summer
Orchardgrass + Red Clover 8-10 + 6-8 early spring and late summer
Tall Fescue + Red Clover 10-15 + 6-8 early spring and late summer
Timothy + Red Clover 4-6 + 6-8 early spring and late summer
Orchardgrass + Ladino Clover 8-10 + 1-2 early spring and late summer
Tall Fescue + Ladino Clover 8-10 + 1-2 early spring and late summer
Annual Ryegrass 20-35 early spring and late summer
Small Grains 90-120 early spring and late summer
Pearl Millet 20-30 late spring-early summer
Bermudagrass with clay coating 8-12 late spring-early summer
Bermudagrass without clay coating 4-6 late spring-early summer
Crabgrass 3-6 late spring-early summer

moisture, but generally have fewer weed problems. It be obtained on poorly prepared seedbeds. Seedbeds
is critical to allow seedlings time to reach adequate size that are too soft will result in the seed being placed too
before winter, therefore late-summer plantings should deep.
be made at least four to six weeks before the first aver-
age killing frost in the fall. Plantings of warm-season Control weeds during establishment. Newly emerged
grasses should be made in late spring or early summer forage seedlings are extremely susceptible to weed
after the soil has reached a temperature of 65ºF. This competition. Weeds compete for water, nutrients, and
usually occurs when night time temperatures remain in light. In pure grass stands, broadleaf weeds can be con-
the 60s. trolled with herbicides once grass seedlings have at least
four leaves. No herbicides are available for mixtures of
Seed at the proper rate. It is not uncommon for less grasses and legumes. You can use frequent clipping to
than one-third of the sown seed to produce viable seed- control weeds during establishment. Clip weeds down
lings and only half of those to survive the first season. to a height of just above the desired forage seedlings.
Therefore, seed must be applied at higher rates to obtain For clipping to be successful, it must be implemented
the desired stand densities. It is important to remember in a timely manner and on a regular schedule until seed-
that raising seeding rates above reasonable levels will lings become established.
not compensate for a rough seedbed or poor seeding
methods. Having approximately 20 plants per square Do not graze new stands too early or frequently.
foot at the end of the seeding year will result in a stand Newly established forage stands do not develop into a
density of six plants per square foot the year after estab- fully mature sod until the second growing season after
lishment. Seeding rates for commonly used forages are establishment. New stands should be grazed only after
shown in Table 1. plants are well anchored. Light and infrequent grazing
can encourage the development of a healthy sod, but
Seed at the proper depth. Small-seeded forages have avoid overgrazing. Feeding hay in a sacrifice/exercise
very little energy stored in the seed. Therefore, seed area and limiting animal access to new stands is a good
that is placed too deep will germinate, but not have way to avoid overgrazing during the establishment
enough energy to make it to the soil surface. On the period.
other hand, seed that is placed too shallow may not
have adequate moisture to germinate. In general, best Fertilize newly established stands. Plants require
results are obtained with a seeding depth of one-quarter nutrients to grow and persist. Apply lime, phosphorus,
to one-half inch. As a general rule, never place small- and potassium as needed according to the soil test. Pure
seeded forages deeper than one-half inch. It is impor- grass stands will also require nitrogen fertilization.
tant to remember that proper seed placement cannot Nitrogen, along with proper defoliation management,

Forage Establishment at a Glance

• Control weeds prior to establishment. • Seed at the appropriate time of year.

• Soil test and adjust fertility six to 12 months prior • Never place seed deeper than one-half inch.
to establishment.
• Control weeds during establishment.
• Choose a forage species that is adapted to the
region, soil conditions in the pasture, and grazing. • Do not graze stands too early, closely, or frequently
during the establishment period.
• Always inoculate legume seed before planting.
• Sods require 18 to 24 months to become fully
• Prepare a fine and firm seedbed for conventional established.
• Fertilize new stands to encourage the development
• Suppress the sod and reduce surface residue prior of a healthy sod.
to no-till seeding.

stimulates tillering and helps new stands to form dense
sod. Nitrogen is best applied in small, frequent applica-
tions when plants are actively growing.

This publication has been reviewed by:

John Andrae, Extension forage specialist, University of
Georgia, Athens, Ga.
Glenn Johnson, forage agronomist, Natural Resources and
Conservation Service, Blacksburg, Va.
Robert Harper, Extension agent, Agriculture and Natural
Resources, Animal Science, Virginia Cooperative
Extension, Goochland and Powhatan, Va.
Kate Norris, district manager, conservation specialist,
Prince William Soil and Water Conservation District,
Nokesville, Va.

Ray Smith, Extension forage specialist, Department of

Crop and Soil Environmental Sciences, Virginia Tech,
Blacksburg, Va.

Carrie Swanson, Extension agent, Agriculture and Natural

Resources, Animal Science, Virginia Cooperative
Extension, Charlottesville/Albemarle County, Va.

Carol Wilkinson, director, Southern Piedmont Agricultural

Research and Extension Center, Blackstone, Va.

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