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Republic of the Philippines Department of

Education Region I

Self-Learning Module in

Quarter I: Week 1
MELC: Determine the effect of textual aids like advance organizers,
titles, non-linear illustrations, etc. on the understanding of a text

Self-Learning Module in English 10
Quarter 1 - Week 1: Using Aids to Understand Texts

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Published by the Department of Education – Division of Pangasinan I

Development Team of the Module

Author/Layout Artist ROY ALLEN C. PEREZ



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Module I | Week 1
Using Aids to Understand Texts

Before we proceed to our lesson, let us see how well you know the
things that we are going to discuss in this module. Encircle the
letter of your answer to the following questions. Good luck!

1. Which of the following are elements existing independently of a main text and are
intended to enhance reader's experiences?
A. feature presentations C. Superflous features
B. literary features d. Text features
2. Which of the following is TRUE about textual aids?
A. They are educational instruments used in linear texts.
B. They are educational instruments that replace a text.
C. They are instruments that distract learner's attention on important points.
D. They are reinforcements and supplements to reader’s understanding.
3. It is textual aid that has points that are connected by lines to show relationships between
two or more items.
A. Bar Graph B. Concept Map
C. Line Graph D. Venn Diagram
4. Secondary titles that give the idea of a portion of a text.
A. Font Styles B. Typography
C. Subtitles D. Titles
5. Which of the following items is a graphical representation of a process?
A. Concept Map B. Flow Chart
C. Table D. Timeline
6. What type of textual aid gives the gist of the story?
A. title B. image
C. flow chart D. symbol
7. Which type of textual aids shows the central thought or idea with its matching
characteristics and can be used to show hierarchical relationships.
A. Cause and Effect Diagram B. Concept Map
C. Graphic Organizer D. Venn diagram
8. Which of the following best completes the statement? “Line graphs are .
A. starting with the earliest and following the order in which they occurred.
B. diagram of data in which specific values are plotted as dots
C. graphs in which a circle is divided into sectors that each represent a
portion of the whole.
D. a diagram in which the numerical values of variables are represented by
the height or length of rectangles of equal width.
9. Which of the following is made up of parallel bars either vertical or horizontal and are
used to make comparisons?
A. Bar Graph B. Concept Map
C. Line Graph D. Graph
10. It is a textual aid that pertains to the way words are written in texts.
A. Pictures B. Typography
C. Titles D. Subtitles

How was the test? It’s great if you did well in this activity. If you got a not-so-good score,
don't be upset. You still have a lot of time to study and practice this lesson. For now, proceed
to the lesson proper to learn more about our topic.

Reviewer A Reviewer B

Motive Questions:
1. Aside from plain words, what other items in a text help you understand its content better and

2. How do these text features help you in understanding a reading selection.

Textual aids or text features are visual elements on a page such as titles, bold or italic
prints, charts, diagrams, maps and tables, written texts, prints and some other way of writing
for an important word to stand out from the other. These make the readers memorize,
remember, and learn important words more quickly and easily.
These are helpful in previewing the text as they focus the reader's attention on some
important parts. Also, text features give the reader additional information to support what is
stated in the text.

Forms/Examples of Textual Aids:

1. Title
A selection’s title gives a gist or summary of a story. Using words, phrases or short sentences,
it tells what the material is all about. Upon glancing at a title, the reader gets a bird’s eye view
and a hint of what the text is all about.
2. Subtitles
Subtitles are also examples of textual aids. These are secondary titles inserted between
paragraphs indicating the main ideas in each part of a reading material. These are useful in
scanning a text as readers have a guide on where to locate a specific information in the text.
3. Pictures and Illustrations
Though concepts and ideas are often presented in words, it will be a lot easier to understand
them with pictures and illustrations at hand. These aid in visualizing and projecting the ideas
written in words.
4. Font Styles and Typography
Important words are sometimes written in bold to catch the attention of the reader. Italicized
words are used to suggest meanings, synonyms, footnotes and many others depending on the
style of the writer which he believes would make the words more visible and easy to remember.
5. Graphic Organizers
These are visual displays that show relationships of concepts or ideas. A graphic organizer
guides the readers' thinking as it builds a visual map of information from the text. There are
various types of graphic organizers:
1. Flow Chart – it is graphical representation of a flow or process. Each step in a
process is represented by a symbol or shape and short description of the step. This
type of graphic organizer is common in experiment materials, procedural write ups
and story summaries

2. Venn Diagram
It is used to identify the similarities and differences of two or more concepts. It is
represented by two overlapping circles where common factors are written in the
overlapping area and differences are written in separate areas.

3.Concept Maps

Sample Venn Diagrams

These show the central thought and all other related ideas or characteristics. This
kind of maps can also be used to show or rank the ideas as the most significant concepts
are placed at the top.

Sample Concept Maps

4. Pie Graph
Pie graph is a circular chart which is divided into slices or portions to illustrate
proportions and distribution of a population. These are common in interpreting results of

5.Line and Bar Graphs
These are common types of graphic organizers which display the information as
a series of Sample
connected by line or bar segments to show or compare trends.

6. Time Line
It is graphic representation of the passage of the time. It is commonly use di
historical texts to indicate the occurrence of various events

1. They are elements existing independently from a main text and are intended to ease readers’
understanding of the text.
A. feature presentations B. literary features
C. feature articles D. text features
2. It is a word, phrase or sentence that gives the summary of a write up.
A. flow chart B. image C. symbol D. title
3. When some words in a text are typed in bold letters, what does it mean?
A. The words are less significant
B. They are words that state synonyms
C. The words are given emphasis.
D. They are typographical errors.
4. An article entitled, “The Features of Asian Culture” will be better understood by using
which textual aid?
A. Cause and Effect Diagram B. Concept Map
C. Graphic Organizer D. Venn Diagram
5. Which of the following textual aids will better illustrate the number of COVID-19 cases in
the months of April-August?
A. Concept Map B. Line Graph C. Pictures D. Venn Diagram
6. A lecture about the similarities and differences between China and Philippines’ cultures will
be better understood through which textual feature?
A. Concept Map B. Bar Graph C. Venn Diagram D. Pie Graph
7. Which textual aid will help you better understand the steps in creating a Power Point
A. Timeline B. Flow Chart C. Line Graph D. Concept Map
8. In revisiting Aguinaldo’s quest in declaring Bayambang as the fifth capital of the
revolutionary government, which textual aid may help you?
A. Timeline B. Pictures C. Line Graph D. Venn Diagram
9. Which of the following is not an effect of textual aids.
A. Key ideas become more visible.
B. The content of the material gets clearer.
C. Information becomes easier to remember.
D. The concepts and information are revised.
10. Which is NOT true about textual aids?
a. Textual aids help you better understand your lessons in various subjects.
b. Textual aids can be great academic tools
c. Textual aids develop lazy readers as they prefer to just glance.
d. Textual aids are useful in preparing for various academic activities.

A. Each square represents a word or a well-known saying. Identify what is graphically
presented in each square.

1. 2.

3. 4.

5. 6.

Processing Questions:
1. How did you get the words or phrases meant by the wordles? Were
the answers obvious?

2. To which textual aids are these similar? Why do you say so?

B. Read the excerpt that follows. Answer the questions afterwards.

Processing Questions:
1.How is bullying defined in the excerpt?

2.Upon looking at the title and all the words in bold face, what do you think is the
text all about?

3. What are the forms of bullying according to the text? Illustrate your answers using
the appropriate graphic organizer? Place your answer in the box bellow.

Read the following articles. Respond to the exercises at the end.

Nick Vujicic has no arms and legs – but there's nothing he can't do
Nick Vujicic was born without legs and arms, but that's not stopping him from doing so
many awesome things. From "a life without limbs," he's truly living "a life without limits."
Nick was born in 1982 in Melbourne, Australia, and moved to southern California,
United States, in 2007. He founded Life Without Limbs, a non-profit ministry, in 2005, as well
as Attitude is Altitude, a community of motivational speakers, in 2007.
Active Lifestyle
Nick's condition is called phocomelia; thus, he lacks limbs. He has a small underdeveloped left
foot though, and this allows him to type, write, and more. However, he doesn't end with these
tasks. One more thing: he says that he can open a can of Coke with just his teeth.
Family Life
Nick met his wife, Kanae Miyahara Vujicic, in Texas, 2008. It was at a small private party, and
it was a moment that they described as "electric" and "magical." They now have 2 kids: Kiyoshi
(born in 2013) and Dejan (born in 2015).
Going through Depression
Growing up, Nick played toys and
sports with family and friends, but
nonetheless, he was different. When he
was a student, he was bullied. He was in
a dark place.
"I went through a depression and even
suicide thoughts from ages 8-12," he

"The thoughts during that time were: I didn’t want to be ridiculed, and or feel like an
outcast or be a liability/burden to someone," Nick shared on the Life Without Limbs website.
"Also, the simple pleasures of normal life seemed difficult, I didn’t see myself having a bright
future at that time."
But he knew he had loving parents and a couple of supportive friends. "My parents often
reminded me that I was a creation of God, wonderfully and fearfully made," he said, quoting
Psalm 139.
Facing a Cruel World
How did he respond to the teasing? He would "just smile back at people, start talking and
playing as much as I can with them so they would know I’m just like them."
"It started to make a difference," he said.
"It humbled me deeply to see such poverty first hand. It also ignited a fire within me to be
an example and also to inspire others to do their part to make a difference."
Why Talk in Front of Other People
This is his answer: "Every time I get up in front of an audience, I know at least one person
will be changed forever. That's why."
He was even asked why he allows people to hug him, and he recounted how one crying
girl had approached him: "She came forward in front of everyone and gave me a hug, and
thanked me because she said that no one has ever told her that she was loved or beautiful the
way she was."
Nick said that there's a particular message he would want to convey to people: "In such a
world and generation where so much information, entertainment and stealth vicious pressure in
being someone you're not, or having something you don't have yet, the message is to preach the
truth. To know our true worth, and knowing that we are all loved, and we are here for a greater

Processing Questions:
1.Describe Nick Vujicic. What is very unique about him?

2.What are the things that he is able to do despite his condition?

3.How does Nick respond to teasing?

4.By filling out the table below, identify all the textual aids used in the text. and de-
termine whether they are helpful in understanding the text or not. Also, state the
effects of each text feature on understanding the text.

Are they helpful?
Textual Aids Found in
(YES/NO) Effect on Understanding the Text
the Text

C. The following is an infographic from a school publication. From this, write a short article
about COVID-19 on the space provided. Use additional sheets if necessary.

----------------------------End of Module --------------------------------

Well done! Congratulations for finishing the module. Remember to keep in mind all your
learnings from this lesson and apply them in your life. Keep up the enthusiasm and do better
in the next modules to come.


 Celebrating Diversity through World Literature English 10 LM

 Wimmer, J., n.d. “What Is A Text Feature? - Definition & Examples”. Accessed
September 26, 2020. feature-

, 2016.“Nick Vujicic has no arms and legs – but there's nothing he can't
do”. Accessed June 20, 2020. nick-vujicic-facts-
 The Leader –Online, 2020. “COVID –19” Accessed September 20, 2020 https://
 Canva for Education Free Graphic Design


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