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Quarter 2 – Module 2:

Literature of the Ancient Rome:

Petrarch’s Canzoniere
English – Grade 10
Alternative Delivery Mode
Quarter 1 – Module 1
First Edition, 2019

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Published by the Department of Education

Secretary: Leonor Magtolis Briones
Undersecretary: Diosdado M. San Antonio

Development Team of the Module

Authors: Jefferson M. Reyes
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Quarter 2 – Module 2:

Literature of the Ancient Rome:

Petrarch’s Canzoniere
Introductory Message
For the facilitator:

This module serves as a learning aid that you could use with the learner,
who for some unavoidable circumstances, is not able to interact in the regular
classroom learning activities.

Your task is to ensure that the learner goes through the entire process of
this module. The presentation of each lesson is written in a conversational manner
which allows the learner to interact with the material by him/herself.

Please remind the learners to use separate sheets of paper for their answers
in all activities and avoid unnecessary marks on any pages of the material. The
learner should check his/her answers accurately and honestly using the Key to
Correction found at the back page.

For the learner:

Welcome to Quarter 2 Module 2!

This module is designed to help you facilitate your learning in English

independently. It aims to develop your oral and written language skills through the
lessons and activities provided in this material. Before you start using this module,
it is necessary for you to familiarize yourself first with the different parts of this
learning material.

The different parts of this module are presented using the following
headings. Familiarize yourself with these headings so that you would know what to
do in each part.

What I Need to Know

This part presents the objectives. It also states the specific competencies
that should be developed after going through the entire module.

What I Know
This part includes the pre-assessment. It enables you and the facilitator
figure out the amount of knowledge that you already have regarding the
lessons in this module.

What’s In
This part includes lessons and activities from the previous module that serve
as review and prerequisite to the skills to be developed in this module.

What’s New
This part contains lesson and activities that aim to develop your vocabulary
building skills that is the first target competency.

What It Is
This part contains lessons and activities that aim to develop your reading
and comprehension skills of literary pieces that is the second target

What’s More
This part contains lessons and activities that aim to develop your grammar
and language skills that is the third target competency.

What I Have Learned

This part is the generalization. It allows you to process what you learned in
this material specifically on the Grammar lesson.

What I Can Do
This part contains activities where you can apply your learnings into
practical and real-life situations.

This part is similar to the pre-test. It determines how much you learn from
the lessons and whether you are able to develop the target competencies of
this module.

Additional Activities
This part provides you additional activities that allow you to explore other
exercises related to the lessons presented in this module.

Answer Key
This part contains the answers or possible answers to all the activities in
this module. This provides you opportunity to correct your own work at your
own pace. If you are able to answer all items correctly, you may proceed
immediately to the next learning activities. However, if you missed most of
the items in an activity, you may need to review the concept notes with the
help of the facilitator.
What I Need to Know

This module was designed and written with you in mind. It is here to help you
express ideas logically and critically in oral and written forms and demonstrate
interest in reading to meet your various needs. The scope of this module permits it
to be used in many different learning situations. The language used recognizes the
diverse vocabulary level of students. The lessons are arranged to follow the
standard sequence of the course. But the order in which you read them can be
changed to correspond with the textbook you are now using. The module is divided
into three parts:
 Part 1 – Vocabulary: Technical and operational definitions
 Part 2 – Literature: Sound Devices in Petrarch’s Canzoniere
 Part 3 – Grammar: Words and expressions that affirm or negate

After going through this module, you are expected to:

1. Give technical and operational definition
2. Explain how the elements specific to a genre contribute to the theme of a
particular literary selection
3. Explain the literary devices used
4. Use words and expressions that affirm or negate
What I Know (Pretest)

General Directions: Read carefully each item and follow the directions as
indicated. Choose the letter of the best answer. Write the chosen letter on a
separate sheet of paper.

1. The English called him as the “Greatest Italian poet” of the 14 th

a. John Gower c. Francesco Petrarch
b. Guillaume de Machaut d. Dante Alghieri
2. Below are affirmative expressions, except one.
a. Definitely c. That is indeed great
b. Pardon me, but… d. Certainly
3. Identify the affirmative expression below.
a. Exactly c. Pardon me, but…
b. You have a good point, but… d. I think it is better if…
4. It is a collection of poems by Petrarch.
a. Canzoniere c. Inferno
b. Song of Roland d. Sonnet XVIII
5. The ladylove of Petrarch to whom the poem is dedicated to.
a. Venus c. Jove
b. Laura d. Danaea
6. The recurring of words, phrases, lines and stanzas in a poem.
a. Repetition c. Rhyme Scheme
b. Rhyme d. Onomatopoeia
7. The sequence in which the rhyme occurs.
a. Repetition c. Rhyme Scheme
b. Rhyme d. Onomatopoeia
8. The use of words which imitate sound.
a. Repetition c. Rhyme Scheme
b. Rhyme d. Onomatopoeia
9. The repetition of initial consonant sounds.
a. Alliteration d. Onomatopoeia
b. Assonance d. Rhyme
10. The repetition of vowel sounds.
a. Alliteration c. Onomatopoeia
b. Assonance d. Rhyme
For numbers 11-15, identify the type of sound device used for each item.

11. “A single swan, swinging, sleek as a sequin.”

a. Alliteration c. Onomatopoeia
b. Assonance d. Rhyme

12. “The bat was blunt and flat”

a. Alliteration c. Onomatopoeia
b. Assonance d. Rhyme

13. “And so, all the night-tide, I lie down by the side.”
a. Alliteration c. Onomatopoeia
b. Assonance d. Rhyme

14. “For the wind to toy and tangle and molest;

Her eyes were brighter than the radiant west”
a. Alliteration c. Onomatopoeia
b. Assonance d. Rhyme

15. “Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers.”

a. Alliteration c. Onomatopoeia
b. Assonance d. Rhyme

15 Items for Key Stage 3

(Grades 7-10)
Literature of the Ancient Rome:
1 Petrarch’s Canzoniere

What’s In (Review)

By nature, we are social creatures and it is sensible that relationships are central to our
happiness – the survival and evolution of the humanity depend upon it! To be connected
to people – to like and be loved, and to worry and be cared for is a fundamental human

Task 1. Love is in the Air

Instructions: Below are photos from different Philippine Telenovelas. Match

the description of the characters to its appropriate photo. Use a separate
sheet of paper for your answers.

A. The story is about the lovers Yna

Macaspac and Angelo Buenavista.
Without their knowledge, their
romance started 20 years earlier
between Amor de Jesús and
Eduardo Buenavista. Unfortunately,
Amor and Eduardo's love were
destroyed thanks to greed, ambition,
and lies. Amor returned home as
Amor Powers to put her vengeance
on the Buenavista family which can
hurt Yna, her biological daughter.
Unfortunately, Madam Claudia,
Angelo's mother, will do anything to
destroy Yna and Angelo's
relationship and make Yna's life a

B. A telenovela series that tackles

intricate filial relationships among
the elite and also the poor and
how the social economic classes
respond to one another, yearning
for love and justice. The story is
about the four main characters
(Eli, Jackie, Celine, and JB) who
each are searching happiness. Eli
believes that love can surpass
every challenge that will come his
way. An accident and a brutal
discovery lead him in taking back
what was originally his.


C. Leah Olivar was 12 years old

when her mother Rona went to
America to work for their family's
better future. Life eventually
becomes better for Leah's family.
However, a tragedy changes their
lives forever. Rona's death
creates a desire for Leah to go to
America and fulfill her mother's
"American dream".
What’s New (Vocabulary Development)

Vocabulary Development

Task 2

A. Instruction: From the given choices, write the letter of the correct
answer which is closest in meaning to the italicized word. Use a
separate sheet of paper for your answers.

1. I was at last tangled in the web of lies that he had told to everyone.
a. detach c. disengage
b. clear d. aware

2. I had love’s tinder heaped within my breast.

a. restrain c. subdue
b. excitement d. tamed

3. The suave gentleman was a great favorite of the elegant ladies who
attended parties at the embassy.
a. sophisticated c. uneasy
b. awkward d. rustic

4. The miser liked to sit and play with his money.

a. prodigal c. thief
b. spender d. squanderer

5. The lady soon grew weary of waiting for the man of her dream.
a. fascinated c. amused
b. tired d. thrilled

6. This latest setback has brought her to the depths of despair.

a. blissfulness c. gladness
b. optimism d. hopelessness

7. We spent a relaxing sojourn in her friend’s summer home.

a. visit c. reside
b. abide d. dwell
8. We all have wandered from the path of righteousness at least once in
our lives.
a. regret c. break from
b. stayed d. forgive

9. She was furious with them for telling an exaggerated story.

a. calm c. angry
b. satisfied d. tolerant

10. She seemed divine to those dreary folks.

a. sad c. joyous
b. merrily d. comforting

Operational Definition - It is used to define something in terms of process

needed to determine its existence, duration and quantity.
Example: Weight is the numbers that appear when an object is placed on a
weighing scale.

Technical Definition - is defining terminologies of a particular subject or special

Example: Weight of an object is usually taken to be the force on the object due to
gravity. (in science and engineering)

B. Instructions: The following terms are used in the poem, “Canzoniere”

by Petrarch. To better understand the poem, in a separate sheet of
paper, define these terms operationally and technically.

Term Operational Definition Technical Definition

1. tinder
2. bow
3. Venus
What is It (Literature)

Thoughts to Ponder
 Before you start reading, think about this: How would you describe
someone you are passionately in love with?
 Here are the poems from Petrarch’s “Canzoniere”. Read and enjoy the
rhyme and rhythm as you discover the message of each poem.

Translated by Morris Bishop

She used to let her golden hair fly free

For the wind to toy and tangle and molest;
Her eyes were brighter than the radiant west.
(Seldom they shine so now.) I used to see
Pity look out of those deep eyes on me.
(“It was false pity,” you would now protest)
I had love’s tinder heaped within my breast;
What wonder that the flame burned furiously?
She did not walk in any mortal way,
But with angelic progress; when she spoke,
Unearthly voices sang in unison.
She seemed divine among the dreary folk
O earth. You say she is not so today?
Well, though the bow’s unbent, the wound bleeds on

The White Doe

Translated by: Anna Maria Armi

A pure white doe in an emerald glade

Appeared to me, with two antlers of gold
Between two streams, under a laurel's shade,
At sunrise, in the season's bitter cold.

Her sight was so suavely merciless

That I left work to follow her at leisure,
like the miser who looking for his treasure
Sweetens with that delight his bitterness.

Around her lovely neck "Do not touch me,"

Was written with topaz and diamond stone,
"My Caesar's will has been to make me free."

Already toward noon had climbed the sun,

my weary eyes were not sated to see,
When I fell in the stream and she was gone.

Translate by Morris Bishop

Zephyr returns, and scatters everywhere

New flowers and grass, and company does bring,
Procne and Philomel, in sweet despair,
And all the tender colors of the Spring.

Never were fields so glad, nor skies so fair,

And Jove exults in Venus prospering.
Love is in all the water, earth and air,
And love possesses every living thing.

But to me only heavy sighs return

For her who carried in her little hand
My heart’s key to her heavenly sojourn,

The birds sing loud above the flowering land;

Ladies are gracious now – where deserts burn
The beasts still prowl on the ungreening sand.

Task 3 Getting the Message

A. Instructions: In a separate sheet of paper, answer the questions
about the three poems.

1. In the poem “Laura”, what lines best describe Laura?
2. What are the common details the speaker remembers about Laura?
3. What does the speaker mean about the line, “She did not walk in any
mortal way”?

The White Doe

4. What is a doe?
5. How is the “doe” described in the poem?
6. To whom is the “white doe” referred in the poem?
7. What emotion did you feel after reading the last stanza?

8. Cite some lines in the poem that makes the speaker describe
differently the springtime scene.
9. Who is referred to in the three poems?
10 What does the ending of the poem reveal about the speaker? To the one he is
referring to?

Poetry is a special form of writing that allow us to express ideas,

emotions, or experiences directly through words in verse. It is probably
the most artistic of all genres of writing because of the combination of:
a. Rhythm
b. Sound devices

Some poets use sound devices as a strategy to create an

emotional response to the listener and/or reader.  Sound
devices are unique tools the poet can use to create certain
effects in the poem to convey and reinforce meaning through
Here are common sound devices used in Poetry

Sound Devices in Poetry

1. Alliteration - The repetition of initial consonant sounds.
Ex. From somewhere far beyond, the flag of fate's caprice unfurled
2. Assonance - The repetition of vowel sounds.
Ex. date and fade (eɪ sound)
3. Onomatopoeia - The use of words which imitate sound.
Ex. shhh! – whispering sound;
buzzzz – buzzing sound of bees
4. Rhyme - The similarity of ending sounds existing between two words.
Ex. For the wind to toy and tangle and molest;
Her eyes were brighter than the radiant west
5. Rhyme Scheme - The sequence in which the rhyme occurs. The first
sound is represented as the letter “a” the second “b”, etc.
Ex. She used to let her golden hair fly free a
For the wind to toy and tangle and molest; b
Her eyes were brighter than the radiant west. b
(Seldom they shine so now.) I used to see a
6. Repetition - The recurring of words, phrases, lines and stanzas.
Ex. The boy was a good footballer, because his father was a
footballer, and his grandfather was a footballer.

B. Instructions: Reread the poem “Laura” translated by Morris Bishop

and enjoy the sound devices used in the poem. In a separate sheet of
paper answer the following questions below.

1. How many lines are there in the poem?

2. Identify examples of sound devices used in the poem.
3. How do sound devices contribute to the overall beauty of the
4. Would the poem attract listeners if the sound devices were not
used? Why?
What’s More (Grammar)

One of the most important way to communicate yourself to your

loved ones is through the use of affirmations and negations. You should
not sit and be silently mad at people because they have crossed
boundaries you never expressed.
Your boundaries, needs and desires are a reflection of who you are
and your character. Therefore, you should find effective means to
communicate who you are to people who matter. In light with this, the
importance of using affirmations and negations can help you save the

Here are Frequently used Adverbs of Affirmation and Negations:

Adverb of Affirmation: It is an adverb which is used in the sentence to

affirm it was true. Generally, these adverbs are used to answer the
questions raised by others.
They are: absolutely, affirmatively, all right, alright, assertedly,
certainly, clearly, definitely, doubtlessly, exactly, obviously, positively,
really, surely, truly, undoubtedly.

Adverb of Negation: It is an adverb which is used in the sentence to

deny it as true. Generally, these adverbs are used to answer the
questions raised by others like almost, contradictory, invalidly, never, no,
not, rarely
A person is entitled to his own opinion. In his interaction with
others, one affirms or negates to ideas expressed for a certain motion or
Affirming expressions:
That’s right! No doubt about it. Certainly.
That’s great. Yes, you’re correct. Definitely.

Negating Expressions:
I respect you for that, but…
I have nothing against your point, however…
I know what you are trying to imply, but…
Pardon me, but…

Task 4 Express Yourself

Instructions: Express your affirmation or negation on the following current
issues stated below. Use a separate sheet of paper for your answers.

1. Nearly 86,000 overseas Filipino workers have been granted the one-
time ₱10,000 financial assistance with the Abot Kamay Ang Pagtulong
(AKAP) program amid the coronavirus crisis, the Department of Labor
and Employment said Sunday.

2. A 69-year-old senior citizen suffered a heart attack in Cataingan,

Masbate after he went to the town hall but failed to get his family's
share under the government's social amelioration program.
3. Law enforcers manned checkpoints along the streets of Tondo, District
1. The area was put under a 48-hour lockdown since 5am this
Sunday, May 3 2020.

Your standpoints will be graded based on this rubric. Consequently, use this
rubric as a guide when explaining your stand and check it again before

Exemplary Above Average Adequate Inadequate

Criteria (far exceeds (exceed (Meets (Below
standard) standard) Standard) Standard)
5 pts 3 pts
4 pts 1 pt
Writing shows Writing is Writing is Writing lacks
high degree of coherent and coherent and logical
attention to logic logically logically organization It
and reasoning of organized with organized. shows some
Organization points. Unity transitions used Some points coherence but
clearly leads the between ideas to remain ideas lack unity.
reader to the create coherence misplaced and
conclusion and stray from the
stirs thought topic.
regarding the
Content indicate Content indicates Content Shows some
synthesis of original thinking indicates thinking and
ideas, in-depth and develops thinking and reasoning but
Level of analysis and ideas with reasoning most ideas are
Content evidences sufficient and applied with unoriginal
original through firm evidence. original
the support for thought on a
the topic few ideas.
Main points are Main points are Main points Main points lack
well developed well developed are present detailed
with high quality with quality with limited development.
Development and quantity supporting detail and
support. Reveals details and development.
high degree of quantity.
critical thinking.
What I Have Learned

Instructions: Pretend you are Petrarch with undying love for Laura. In a
separate sheet of paper, write a poem to her. Don’t forget to use sound
devices in your poem.
Your poem will be graded based on this rubric. Consequently, use this rubric as a
guide when writing your poem and check it again before you submit your poem.

What I Can Do (Application)

Instructions: Petrarch describe Laura in a most vivid way using different

sound devices to spark interest to the readers. In a separate sheet of paper,
draw an image of your loved one. Don’t forget to describe him/her on the
space provided below. You can use sound devices to make your description
clear and vivid.

My Loved One

Your activity will be graded based on this rubric. Consequently, use this rubric as a
guide when doing your activity and check it again before submitting.

Criteria 5 4 3 2 1

The Well drawn Clearly Not creative Boring

Creativity and illustration is with an drawn with but neat and and/or
originality well drawn, interesting an expected organized sloppy
unique and point-of-view point-of-view
shows a
point of view

Simple and Simple but A little too Complex Impossible

very easy to not easy to complex and and difficult to tell what
Simplicity understand tell what not easy to to tell what image is
what image image is tell what image is being
is being being image is being illustrated
illustrated illustrated being illustrated

Visual Strong Good Poor Poor

elements composition composition composition composition
Quality of work well and minor and some and several and almost
composition and are elements elements elements nothing is
and design consistent are not are not are not consistent
with the consistent consistent consistent with the
descriptions with the with the with the descriptions
descriptions descriptions descriptions

General Directions: Read carefully each item and follow the directions as
indicated. Choose the letter of the best answer. Write the chosen letter on a
separate sheet of paper.

1. The English called him as the “Greatest Italian poet” of the 14 th

a. John Gower c. Francesco Petrarch
b. Guillaume de Machaut d. Dante Alghieri
2. Below are affirmative expressions, except one.
a. Definitely c. That is indeed great
b. Pardon me, but… d. Certainly
3. Identify the affirmative expression below.
a. Exactly c. Pardon me, but…
b. You have a good point, but… d. I think it is better if…
4. It is a collection of poems by Petrarch.
a. Canzoniere c. Inferno
b. Song of Roland d. Sonnet XVIII
5. The ladylove of Petrarch to whom the poem is dedicated to.
a. Venus c. Jove
b. Laura d. Danaea
6. The recurring of words, phrases, lines and stanzas in a poem.
a. Repetition c. Rhyme Scheme
b. Rhyme d. Onomatopoeia
7. The sequence in which the rhyme occurs.
a. Repetition c. Rhyme Scheme
b. Rhyme d. Onomatopoeia
8. The use of words which imitate sound.
a. Repetition c. Rhyme Scheme
b. Rhyme d. Onomatopoeia
9. The repetition of initial consonant sounds.
a. Alliteration d. Onomatopoeia
b. Assonance d. Rhyme
10. The repetition of vowel sounds.
a. Alliteration c. Onomatopoeia
b. Assonance d. Rhyme
For numbers 11-15, identify the type of sound device used for each item.

11. “A single swan, swinging, sleek as a sequin.”

a. Alliteration c. Onomatopoeia
b. Assonance d. Rhyme

12. “The bat was blunt and flat”

a. Alliteration c. Onomatopoeia
b. Assonance d. Rhyme

13. “And so, all the night-tide, I lie down by the side.”
a. Alliteration c. Onomatopoeia
b. Assonance d. Rhyme

14. “For the wind to toy and tangle and molest;

Her eyes were brighter than the radiant west”
a. Alliteration c. Onomatopoeia
b. Assonance d. Rhyme

15. “Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers.”

a. Alliteration c. Onomatopoeia
b. Assonance d. Rhyme

15 Items for Key Stage 3

(Grades 7-10)

The importance of understanding and knowing how to affirm and to negate is to

be aware on how it will be used properly and to have a knowledge that a person is
already affirming or negating to a given idea. Hence, it helps people especially
students to use expressions in which it connects to the affirmation or negation
Additional Activities

Instructions: In a separate sheet of paper, write down your stand whether

affirming or negating each statement below.

1. If the child is in permanent foster care because the parent has lost
rights, can that parent nevertheless protest against the parents who
would adopt that child on the basis of religion or some other ethnic

2. How should the community relate to the problem of euthanasia or

“mercy killing”? Should there be any legal constraints at all? What
about those who can't even decide? Should euthanasia be allowed in
any circumstances? What about those who have failed to leave an
advanced directive: If they are left in a vegetative state after an
accident, stroke, etc., when is it okay to "pull the plug"?

3. Should abortion be allowed? Is this a religious or a legal issue?

Should the community regulate contraception or is this for the
individual to decide?

4. Should death penalty be imposed especially in a religious country

such as Philippines?

5. Is it ethical for a collective to take steps to control population growth?

Is it ethical to push contraception even to people who don't believe in
it religiously? Do some religious groups, not just the Roman Catholics,
who refuse to consider any artificial contraception approaches, need
to be pressured to re-consider their policies?

Your standpoints will be graded based on this rubric. Consequently, use this rubric
as a guide when explaining your stand and check it again before submitting.

Exemplary Above Average Adequate Inadequate

Criteria (far exceeds (exceed (Meets (Below
standard) standard) Standard) Standard)
5 pts 3 pts
4 pts 1 pt
Writing shows Writing is Writing is Writing lacks
high degree of coherent and coherent and logical
attention to logic logically logically organization It
and reasoning of organized with organized. shows some
Organization points. Unity transitions used Some points coherence but
clearly leads the between ideas to remain ideas lack unity.
reader to the create coherence misplaced and
conclusion and stray from the
stirs thought topic.
regarding the
Content indicate Content indicates Content Shows some
synthesis of original thinking indicates thinking and
ideas, in-depth and develops thinking and reasoning but
Level of analysis and ideas with reasoning most ideas are
Content evidences sufficient and applied with unoriginal
original through firm evidence. original
the support for thought on a
the topic few ideas.
Main points are Main points are Main points Main points lack
well developed well developed are present detailed
with high quality with quality with limited development.
Development and quantity supporting detail and
support. Reveals details and development.
high degree of quantity.
critical thinking.
Answer Key

What is It
What I Know What’s In What’s New
Task 3.A
1. C Task 1.A Task 2.A
1. Laura was described as:
2. B
a. She used to let her golden 1. hair
B fly free 1. D
3. A
4. A b. Her eyes were brighter 2.
than Cthe radiant west 2. B
5. B c. She did not walk in any 3. A
mortal way 3. A
6. A d. But with angelic progress; when she spoke 4. C
7. C Unearthly voices sang in unison 5. B
8. D The speaker only remembers her hair, eyes, the way she 6. D
walks and her voice.
3. AThe line “She did not walk in any mortal way” means that Laura 7. Awas dead and the
10. Bpoem was actually intended to describe her ladylove, Laura.8. C
4. AA doe is an adult female of various mammals such as deer, rabbit 9. C or kangaroo.
5. CThe author is speaking of an encounter with a doe, which takes 10. Aplace in a glade,
13. Ban opening in the forest. The doe was described having two antlers of gold.
6. DThe speaker was referring to her ladylove, Laura.
15. A
7. Sa, because the last stanza implies that when the fell in love, the lady was gone.
The line “Already toward noon had climbed the sun” picturing a passing/death of
8. Lines in the poem:
a. Never were fields so glad, nor skies so fair
b. But to me only heavy sighs return
c. Ladies are gracious now – Where deserts burn
What’s Newd. The beasts still prowl on the ungreening sand.
Task 2.B Laura was referred to in the three poems. The ladylove of Petrarch.
10. With the return of the spring the memories of Petrarch’s beloved Laura awaken
1. Tinder
him but the ending seems so different unlike the springtime wherein you can see
the flowersabloom
social media app forofmeeting
and greening new people.
sand, teeming of life, now is left nothing but
Technical: something
only memories that
of her serves tolove
deceased incite or inflame.
– Laura.

2. Bow
Operational: a weapon that is used to propel an arrow and that is made of a strip of
flexible material.
Technical: to incline especially in respect or submission.

3. Venus
Operational: the planet second in order from the sun.
Technical: the Roman goddess of love and beauty; pertaining to something
Task 3.B

1. The poem “Laura” consist of 14 lines.

2. The following are sample lines with sound devices taken form the poem “Laura”
a. Assonance
She used to let her golden hair fly free
(Seldom they shine so now.) I used to see

Pity look out of those deep eyes on me.

What wonder that the flame burned furiously?

She did not walk in any mortal way

O earth. You say she is not so today?

b. Rhyme
For the wind to toy and tangle and molest;
Her eyes were brighter than the radiant west.

(“It was false pity,” you would now protest)

I had love’s tinder heaped within my breast;

But with angelic progress; when she spoke,

She seemed divine among the dreary folk

Unearthly voices sang in unison.

Well, though the bow’s unbent, the wound bleeds on

c. Rhyme Scheme
She used to let her golden hair fly free a
For the wind to toy and tangle and molest; b
Her eyes were brighter than the radiant west. b
(Seldom they shine so now.) I used to see a

Pity look out of those deep eyes on me. c

(“It was false pity,” you would now protest) d
I had love’s tinder heaped within my breast; d
What wonder that the flame burned furiously? c

3. Sound devices can reinforce or otherwise clarify the image being portrayed in a
specific poem. These are resources used by poets to convey and reinforce the
1. C
2. B
3. A
4. A
5. B
6. A
7. C
8. D
9. A
10. B
11. A
12. C
13. B
14. D
15. A

(n.d.). Retrieved from

(n.d.). Retrieved from
(n.d.). Retrieved from
(n.d.). Retrieved from
(n.d.). Retrieved from

LiteraryDevices Editors. (2013). Metaphor. Retrieved November 4, 2014, from

Isbister, J. (2001). Capitalism & Justice: Envisioning social and economic fairness.
Bloomfield, CT: Kumarian.

Adam Blatner, M. (2006, January). Retrieved from

Currie Cator, CNN Philippines. (2020, May 03). Retrieved


Department of Education. (2015). Celebrating Diversity through World Literature. In L. R.

Almonte, L. L. Flandez, A. L. Hermosa, N. Lagustan, L. A. Mangaluz, E. R. Miranda, . . . K.
B. Villanueva, Celebrating Diversity through World Literature (pp. 171-173). Pasig City,
Pasig, Philippines: REX Book Store, Inc.
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