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Exalted 3Rd Edition Charm Cascades Legend: Created by Madletter Daelkyr@Gmx - de

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Exalted 3rd Edition Charm Cascades

Legend Food-Gathering Exercise Hardship-Surviving Medicant Spirit Friendship With Animals Approach
Core, p. 409 Core, p. 409 Core, p. 409
Gather food with no tools required. Even on a failure Become able to survive even the most hostile environment. Allows the Solar to deal with nearly any wild animal.
there is enough food to feed one person. Negates all environmental penalties to Survival rolls and Does not work on sentient animals, familiars or trained
Charm Name Please refer the book for this complex Charm. eliminates the deleterious effects of expose to extreme attack animals or those mad with pain, hunger, or
Book Name / Page Reference climates. Lowers forage and find shelter difficulty. disease befalling them.
Short Descriptor.
This does not contain full rules-text, but intends to confer
an at-a-glance info about this Charms capabilities.
Please refer to the book for full details.

Permanent Essence requirements in dots Tackless Region Navigation Element-Resisting Prana Spirit-Tied Pet
Core, p. 409 Core, p. 412 Core, p. 410

Permanent Ability requirements in dots The Solar can find her way safely through even the worst When the prerequisite is active, the Solar can withstand the Elevate your familiar to something more powerful, granting
terrain. Several allies can travel at good speed through heat and toxic fumes of an active volcano, walk underwater it a variety of powers from which the Solar may choose.
harsh terrain. Automatically succeed with no ill effects and even withstand the hostile climates of
Created by MadLetter
the Elemental Poles themselves. Refer the book.

Unshakeable Bloodhound Technique Beast-Mastering Behavior Bestial Traits Technique Familiar-Honing Instruction
Core, p. 410 Core, p. 410 Core, p. 411 Core, p. 411
Track someone with little or no signs at all. Supplements Train an animal, familiar or otherwise, to follow commands. Invest the Solar‘s Spirit-Tied Pet with increased power Try to give your familiar an order it will try to complete.
a tracking roll, rerolling 5s and 6s until they fail to appear, Can also train latent abilities. and capabilities. Can become reflexive at higher Essence.
and treat 1s rolled by the opponent as 10s on the Solar‘s Please refer to the book for this complex Charm.
roll. Can contest perfect track-covering effects.

Traceless Passage Deadly Onslaught Coordination Ghost Panther Slinking Hide-Hardening Practice Life of the Aurochs Ambush Predator Style Spirit-Hunting Hound
Core, p. 412 Core, p. 411 Core, p. 413 Core, p. 411 Core, p. 411 Core, p. 412 Core, p. 412
Affects the Solar and several followers, covering their The Solar calls her familiar to strike when she does, When controlling the familiar with Sense-Riding Discipline Grant your familiar permanently increased soak and a Increases your familiar‘s health levels permanently. Also This Charm enhances the Solar‘s familiar Join Battle roll, allow- With this Charm, the Solar‘s familiar can attempt - for one
tracks. Gains automatic successes and double 9s. Mundane making it attack either immediately before or after (from Spirit-Tied Pet) she can indict the senses of her little bit of hardness. The familiar may be enhanced increases it‘s size. Can be stacked several times for ing it to use the Solar‘s dice pool and granting it additional round - to detect immaterial beings. If such a creature
attempts at tracking automatically fail. her own strike. enemies. Expressly permits the use of Stealth Charms a few times with this Charm, depending on Essence. the same familiar, depending on Essence. non-Charm successes. When using the prerequisite to is detected, the familiar continues to do so for the rest
to aid your familiar in staying hidden. order the familiar in battle, this creates cascading rerolls of the scene.

Eye-Deceiving Camoflage Red-Toothed Execution Order Saga Beast Virtue Force-Building Predator Style Phantom-Rending Fangs
Core, p. 412 Core, p. 413 Core, p. 413 Core, p. 414 Core, p. 414
The Solar camouflages herself or an object that is a Order your familiar to strike for the kill. Supplements the The Solar infuses his familiar with his anima, giving it Permanently enhances a familiar rolled into battle with Supplement a familiar‘s attack against an immaterial foe.
couple yards wide so perfectly that it cannot be detected familiar‘s decisive attack, adding extra successes to the various bonuses and an increase in size. Additionally Ambush Predator Style. For the rest of the combat scene, the When successful, the familiar grapples and establishes
by mundane means while immobile. Preparing this raw damage. Resets to base Initiative, even when under mutations are granted to enhance it‘s capabilities. The familiar generates on Initiative per turn. Ceases function if clinch control, making the immaterial being vulnerable to
camouflage takes one hour. Deadly Predator Method‘s effect. Once per scene, resettable. familiar is immune to fear-inducing effects in this form. under effect of Deadly Predator Method. physical harm. Please refer the book for this complex Charm.

Crimson Talon Vigor

Core, p. 414
For each successful withering attack the Solar lands against
an opponent, the familiar gains bonus Initiative equal to
half the Initiative drained. This bonus is limited by the
Solar‘s Essence rating.

Deadly Predator Method

Core, p. 414
Transform your familiar into a primordial beast of war
and the wilds. It gains a wide range of bonuses, but looses
one Initiative per round. If the familiar is crashed, this
Charms effects end. Can be used once per battle, resettable.

A personal „Thank You“ and dedication to all the people who helped make Exalted 3 a reality: John, Holden, Rich and all the others, from the developers to the playtesters. Props to you all.

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