(In Lakhs) : © The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India
(In Lakhs) : © The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India
(In Lakhs) : © The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India
Note: Fixed deposit, Shares and Debentures will not be considered as cash and cash equivalents.
2. (a) Balance Sheet of Shree Ltd.
as at 31st March, 2020
Working Notes:
1. Calculation of Weighted average cost of equity shares
600 shares purchased at ` 12,000
900 shares purchased at ` 22,500
1,000 shares purchased at ` 23,000
2,500 shares at nil cost
600 right shares purchased at ` 12,000
Total cost of 5,600 shares is ` 66,500 [` 69,500 less ` 3,000 (pre-acquisition dividend
received on 1,000 shares purchased on 20.5.19].
Hence, weighted average cost per share will be considered as ` 11.875 per share
2. It has been considered that no dividend was received on bonus shares as th e dividend
pertains to the year ended 31 st March, 2019.
3. Calculation of right shares subscribed by Vijay
Right Shares (considering that right shares have been granted on Bonus shares also) =
5,000/5 x 1= 1,000 shares
Shares subscribed = 1,000 x 60%= 600 shares
Value of right shares subscribed = 600 shares @ ` 20 per share = ` 12,000
Calculation of sale of right renouncement
No. of right shares sold = 1,000 x 40% = 400 shares
Sale value of right = 400 shares x ` 3 per share = ` 1,200
Working Note:
Calculation of Adjusted Purchases
Purchases 1,70,000
Less: Drawings (12,000)
Free samples (1,500)
Adjusted purchases 1,56,500
4. (a) Departmental Trading Account for the year ended on 31 st March, 2020
Particulars A B Particulars A B
` ` ` `
To Opening Stock 3,00,000 2,40,000 By Sales 60,00,000 90,00,000
To Purchases 39,00,000 54,60,000 By Closing Stock 6,00,000 12,00,000
To Gross Profit 24,00,000 45,00,000
66,00,000 1,02,00,000 66,00,000 1,02,00,000
General profit and loss account of Beta for the year ended on 31 st March, 2020
Particulars Amount Particulars Amount
` `
To General expenses 7,50,000 By Stock reserve (opening stock)
To Stock reserve (Closing Dept. A 30,000
Dept. A 60,000 Dept. B 36,000
Dept. B 72,000 By Gross Profit
To Net Profit 60,84,000 Dept. A 24,00,000
____ Dept. B 45,00,000
69,66,000 69,66,000
Working Notes:
Dept. A Dept. B
Percentage of Profit 24,00,000/60,00,000 x 100 = 45,00,000/90,00,000 x 100 =
40% 50%
Opening Stock reserve 60,000 x 50% = 30,000 90,000 X 40% = 36,000
Closing Stock reserve 1,20,000 x 50%=60,000 1,80,000 x 40% = 72,000
(b) Trading and Profit and Loss Account
for the year ended 31st March, 2020
` `
To Opening stock 2,80,000 By Sales
To Purchases 7,70,000 Cash 2,40,000
To Gross Profit @ 25% 3,10,000 Credit 10,00,000 12,40,000
Working Notes:
1. Sundry Debtors Account
` `
To Balance b/d 1,00,000 By Bank A/c 7,50,000
To Credit sales (Bal. fig) 10,00,000 By Balance c/d 3,50,000
11,00,000 11,00,000
There is no interest element in the down payment as it is paid on the date of the transaction.
Instalments paid after certain period includes interest portion also. Therefore, to ascertain cash
price, interest will be calculated from last instalment to first instalme nt as follows:
Calculation of Interest and Cash Price
No. of instalments Amount due at the Interest Cumulative
time of instalment Cash price
[1] [2] [3] (2-3) = [4]