Test Series: March 2022 Mock Test Paper 1 Intermediate: Group - Ii Paper - 5: Advanced Accounting
Test Series: March 2022 Mock Test Paper 1 Intermediate: Group - Ii Paper - 5: Advanced Accounting
Test Series: March 2022 Mock Test Paper 1 Intermediate: Group - Ii Paper - 5: Advanced Accounting
(12 +4 + 4 = 20 Marks)
5. (a) H Ltd. and its subsidiary S Ltd. give the following information as on 31 st March, 2021:
H Ltd. (`) S Ltd. (`)
Share Capital
Equity Share Capital (fully paid up shares of ` 10 each) 12,00,000 2,00,000
Reserves and Surplus
General Reserve 4,35,000 1,55,000
Cr. Balance in Profit and Loss Account 2,80,000 65,000
H Ltd. acquired the 80% shares of S Ltd. on 1 st April, 2020. On the date of acquisition, General
Reserve and Profit Loss Account of S Ltd. stood at ` 50,000 and ` 30,000 respectively.
Machinery (book value ` 2,00,000) and Furniture (book value ` 40,000) of S Ltd. were revalued at
` 3,00,000 and ` 30,000 respectively on 1 st April,2020 for the purpose of fixing the price of its
shares (rates of depreciation on W.D.V basis: Machinery 10% and Furniture 15%). Trade Payables
of H Ltd. include ` 35,000 due to S Ltd. for goods supplied since the acquisition of the shares.
These goods are charged at 10% above cost. The inventories of H Ltd. includes goods costing
` 55,000 (cost to H Ltd.) purchased from S Ltd.
You are required to prepare the Consolidated Balance Sheet of H Ltd. with its subsidiary as at
31st March, 2021.
(b) Preeti Limited gives the following information as on 31 st March 2021, was as follows:
Authorized and subscribed capital:
20,000 Equity shares of ` 100 each fully paid 20,00,000
Unsecured loans:
15% Debentures 6,00,000
Interest payable thereon 90,000
Current Liabilities:
Trade payables 1,04,000
Provision for income tax 72,000
Property, plant and equipment:
Machineries 7,00,000
Current Assets:
Inventory 5,06,000
Trade receivables 4,60,000
Bank 40,000
Profit & loss A/c (Dr.) 11,60,000