© The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India
© The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India
© The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India
Sales up to 2.6.2019 includes Rs.6,00,000 (invoice price) being the goods not dispatched to the
customers. Purchases up to 2.6.2019 includes a machinery acquired for Rs.1,20,000. However, it
does not include goods worth Rs. 2,40,000 received from suppliers, as invoice not received up to
the date of fire. These goods have remained in the godown at the time of fire. The insurance
policy is for Rs. 9,60,000 and it is subject to average clause.
You are required to ascertain the amount of claim for loss of stock applying average clause.
(10 + 10 = 20 Marks)
5. (a) Prepare Cash Flow Statement of Tom & Jerry Ltd. for the year ended 31 stMarch, 2020, in
accordance with AS-3 (Revised) from the following Summary Cash Account:
Summary Cash Account
Rs. in '000 Rs. in'000
Balance as on 01.04.2019 210
Receipts from Customers 16,596
Sale of Investments (Cost Rs. 90,000) 102
Issue of Shares 1,800
Sale of Fixed Assets 768
Payment to Suppliers 12,204
(b) The capital structure of a AP Ltd. consists of 20,000 Equity Shares of Rs.10 each fully paid up
and 1,000 8% Redeemable Preference Shares of Rs.100 each fully paid up (issued on 1.4.20X1).
Undistributed reserve and surplus stood as: General Reserve Rs. 80,000; Profit and Loss
Account Rs. 20,000; Investment Allowance Reserve is Rs. 10,000 out of which Rs. 5,000 is not
ascertained as free reserve; Cash at bank amounted to Rs. 98,000. Preference shares are to be
redeemed at a Premium of 10% and for the purpose of redemption, the directors are empowered
to make fresh issue of Equity Shares at par after utilising the undistributed reserve and surplus,
subject to the conditions that a sum of Rs. 20,000 shall be retained in general reserve and which
should not be utilised.
Pass Journal Entries to give effect to the above arrangements and also show how the relevant
items will appear in the Balance Sheet of the company after the redemption carried out.
(8+12 = 20 Marks)
6. (a) Rau Ltd. purchased a plant for US$ 1,00,000 on 01st February 2020, payable after three months.
Company entered into a forward contract for three months @ Rs. 49.15 per dollar. Exchange rate
per dollar on 01st Feb. was Rs. 48.85. How will you recognize the profit or loss on forward
contract in the books of Rau Ltd.?
Omega Ltd., has a normal wastage of 4% in the production process. During the year 2019-20, the
Company used 12,000 MT of raw material costing Rs. 150 per MT. At the end of the year 630 MT
of wastage was ascertained in stock. The accountant wants to know how this wastage is to be
treated in the books.
You are required to compute the amount of normal and abnormal loss and treatment thereof in
line with AS 2 “Valuation of inventories”.
(b) M/s. Kodam Enterprises purchased a generator on hire purchase from M/s. Sanctum Ltd. on
1stApril, 2019. The hire purchase price was Rs.48,000. Down payment was Rs.12,000 and the
balance is payable in 3 annual instalments of Rs.12,000 each payable at the end of each
financial year. Interest is payable @ 8% p.a. and is included in the annual payment of Rs.12,000.
Depreciation at 10% p.a. is to be written off using the straight line method.
You are required to calculate the cash price of the generator and the interest paid on each