The Reactive Power, Does It Important For Us
The Reactive Power, Does It Important For Us
The Reactive Power, Does It Important For Us
For AC systems voltage and current pulsate at the system frequency. Although AC
voltage and current pulsate at same frequency, they peak at different time power is the
algebraic product of voltage and current. Real power is the average of power over
cycle and measured by volt-amperes or watt. The portion of power with zero average
value called reactive power measured in volt-amperes reactive or vars.
The total power is called the apparent power (symbolized by the capital letter S) and
measured by volt-amperes or VA. To describe the reactive power , imagine a person
on trampoline , The person real power goes into moving horizontally across
trampoline as it bounces , the effort the person expend to keep standing(represent
reactive power Q ) during bouncing result no net forward motion(represent real power
P) , but it's necessary to walk on trampoline . The motion from trampoline always
perpendicular to the direction the person is walking. So that the direction between P
and Q 90 degree Out of phase.
This growing interest in measuring reactive energy leads to the question: What
method should an energy meter designer implement to accurately measure the
reactive energy?
Although today’s electronic digital signal processing (DSP) enables reactive energy
measurements to be closer to the theoretical value, there is no consensus in the field of
energy metering on the methods of measurement. This article aims to explain and
compare the three main methods in use, namely the Power Triangle, the Time Delay
and Low-pass Filter.
A. System requirements
Electromechanical meters have set a precedent in reactive energy billing. Although
they are bandwidth limited and cannot take into account harmonics of the line
frequency, they are supported by the international standard for alternating current
static var-hour meters for reactive energy (IEC-1268). The standard defines reactive
energy measurements at the fundamental line frequency, which implies that it is not
mandatory to include harmonics. It also specifies additional testing conditions to
check the robustness of the measurements against the third harmonic, the dc offset in
the current input, and the line frequency variation. The various reactive power
measurement methods presented in this paper are evaluated against these critical tests
of the IEC-1268 (Table 1).
where Vn and In are respectively the voltage and current rms values of the nth
harmonics of the line frequency, and jn is the phase difference between the voltage
and the current nth harmonics. A convention is also adopted stating that the reactive
energy should be positive when the current is leading the voltage (inductive load).
According to the Fourier theorem any periodic waveform can be written as a sum of
sin and cosine waves. As energy meters deal with periodic signals at the line
frequency both current and voltage inputs of a single phase meter can be described by:
C. Active power
The average active power is defined as:
The implementation of the active power measurement is relatively easy and is done
accurately in most energy meters in the field.
D. Apparent power
The apparent power is the maximum real power that can be delivered to a load. As
Vrms and Irms are the effective voltage and current delivered to the load,
then be processed by estimating the active and apparent energies and applying:
Although this method gives excellent results with pure sinusoidal waveforms,
noticeable errors appear in presence of harmonics (Table 1).
where T is the period of the fundamental. In an electronic DSP system, this method
can be implemented by delaying the samples of one input by the number of samples
representing a quarter-cycle of the fundamental frequency (Fline) (Figure 2)
This method presents drawbacks if the line frequency changes and the number of
samples no longer represents a quarter-cycle of the fundamental frequency.
Significant errors are then introduced to the results (Table 1).
If you were to compare the amount of electricity flowing into your home (i.e. apparent
power) with that which performs productive work (i.e. real power) you would see that
there is a difference. Known as reactive power, this additional energy is needed to
energize motor windings and similar type loads in your home. Reactive power is
returned to the electric grid as the windings de-energize, but is quickly needed again
since motor windings must be re-energized 120 times per second. Reactive power
does no real work, (e.g. turning a fan blade) but provides the magnetizing energy
so that real work can be done.
When reactive power supply lower voltage, as voltage drops current must increase to
maintain power supplied, causing system to consume more reactive power and the
voltage drops further . If the current increase too much, transmission lines go off line,
overloading other lines and potentially causing cascading failures. If the voltage drops
too low, some generators will disconnect automatically to protect themselves. Voltage
collapse occurs when an increase in load or less generation or transmission facilities
causes dropping voltage, which causes a further reduction in reactive power from
capacitor and line charging, and still there further voltage reductions. If voltage
reduction continues, these will cause additional elements to trip, leading further
reduction in voltage and loss of the load. The result in these entire progressive and
uncontrollable declines in voltage is that the system unable to provide the reactive
power required supplying the reactive power demands.
Reactive power needs are determined in the planning process, which is a part of
engineering, part economics and part judgment. The engineering analysis requires
running large, complex mathematical computer models of the electric system. The
economical part required putting costs into models to determine how to achieve an
efficient, reliable system. The judgment arises due to the large number of modeling
choices, expert assumption and approximations that often are necessary.
Insufficient reactive power leading to voltage collapse has been a causal factor in
major blackouts in the worldwide. Voltage collapse occurred in United States in the
blackout of July 2, 1996, and August10, 1996 on the West Coast. Voltage collapse
also factored in blackouts of December 19, 1978, in France; July 23, 1987, in Tokyo;
March 13, 1989, in Québec; August 28, 2003, in London; September 28, 2003, in
Sweden and Denmark; and September 28, 2003, in Italy.
While August 14, 2003, blackout in the United States and Canada was not due to a
voltage collapse as that term has traditionally used by power system engineers, the
task force final report said that" Insufficient reactive power was an issue in the
blackout" and the report also "overestimation of dynamics reactive output of system
generation " as common factor among major outages in the United States. Due to
difficulties modeling dynamic generators output, the amount of dynamic reactive
output from generators has been less than expected, worsening voltage problems and
resultant power outages
We can determine how much reactive power your electrical devices use by measuring
their power factor, the ratio between real power and true power. A power factor of 1
(i.e. 100%) ideally means that all electrical power is applied towards real work.
Homes typically have overall power factors in the range of 70% to 85%, depending
upon which appliances may be running. Newer homes with the latest in energy
efficient appliances can have an overall power factor in the nineties.
The typical residential power meter only reads real power, i.e. what you would have
with a power factor of 100%. While most electric companies do not charge residences
directly for reactive power, it’s a common misconception to say that reactive power
correction has no economic benefit. To begin with, electric companies correct for
power factor around industrial complexes, or they will request the offending customer
to do so at his expense, or they will charge more for reactive power. Clearly electric
companies benefit from power factor correction, since transmission lines carrying the
additional (reactive) current to heavily industrialized areas costs them money. Many
people overlook the benefits that power factor correction can offer the typical home in
comparison to the savings and other benefits that businesses with large inductive
loads can expect.
Most importantly, you pay for reactive power in the form of energy losses created by
the reactive current flowing in your home. These losses are in the form of heat and
cannot be returned to the grid. Hence you pay. The fewer kilowatts expended in the
home, whether from heat dissipation or not, the lower the electric bill. Since power
factor correction reduces the energy losses, you save.
As stated earlier, electric companies correct for power factor around industrial
complexes, or they will request the offending customer to do so, or they will charge
for reactive power. They’re not worried about residential service because the impact
on their distribution grid is not as severe as in heavily industrialized areas. However,
it is true that power factor correction assists the electric company by reducing demand
for electricity, thereby allowing them to satisfy service needs elsewhere. But who
cares? Power factor correction lowers your electric bill by reducing the number of
kilowatts expended, and without it your electric bill will be higher, guaranteed.
We’ve encountered this with other electric companies and have been successful in
getting each of them to issue a retraction. Electric companies do vary greatly and
many show no interest in deviating from their standard marketing strategy by
acknowledging proven energy saving products. Keep in mind that promoting REAL
energy savings to all their customers would devastate their bottom line.
Power factor correction will not raise your electric bill or do harm to your electrical
devices. The technology has been successfully applied throughout industry for years.
When sized properly, power factor correction will enhance the electrical efficiency
and longevity of inductive loads. Power factor correction can have adverse side
effects (e.g. harmonics) on sensitive industrialized equipment if not handled by
knowledgeable, experienced professionals. Power factor correction on residential
dwellings is limited to the capacity of the electrical panel (200 amp max) and does not
over compensate household inductive loads. By increasing the efficiency of electrical
systems, energy demand and its environmental impact is lessened
Efficient completion is a way to achieve efficiency and reduce costs to consumers.
Efficient competition is difficult to achieve. Due to innovation and technological
progress, the optimal industry structure and mode of regulation may not need to
change. As regulated markets move from franchised monopolies toward completion,
Regulation needs to move from direct price regulation to market rules. Competitive
markets required competitive market design.
Put difficulties, efficient market design does not just happen spontaneously. It is the
result of a process that includes full discussion, learning and informed judgment by all
affective and responsible parties.