The Theory of Everything
The Theory of Everything
The Theory of Everything
**First Newton came up with his idea of gravity, universal law of
attraction. A Three-Dimensional Universe in which the space is
platform where all the actions happen. Where time is absolute. Time
flows at the same speed everywhere. This physics is called
Newtonian physics.
But his theory does not say about the reason of gravity, why gravity
exists? Or how gravity works? At near the speed of light Newtonian
physics not works. He got just an equation that describes the force of
the gravity. It just worked with moon earth system. And sun earth
In short special theory of relativity says that for every observer the
speed of light is constant. If he is moving or not. Every action in the
universe is done inside the light cone.
That means there is speed limit in universe, that is speed of light.
And where time is not absolute, it varies on where are you standing.
The time flows slower in moving reference frame than reference
frame at the rest. On the speed of light time flows at 0. Anything in
the universe can’t move on the speed of light or on the speed of
light. If you anyhow move more than the speed of light you’ll be able
to go in past. This equation shows how time flows at different speed:
The general theory of relativity talks about the reason of gravity.
General relativity says that space is not just platform but it is the
most important character.
Space and time is not absolute but it can distort or curve. Together it
is called Space-Time.
In short any object on the space-time Makes a curve in space-time.
It is not just curve in the space but is the curve in the time, too. That
means time flaws slower near heavy objects. Object tells the space-
time how to curve and space-time tells the object how move. On
space-time fabric object moves on shortest path.
So according to theory of relativity there are 3 dimensions of space
and the 4th dimension of Time. So the universe is 4 dimensional.
This is relativity physics.
**There are 4 fundamental force of the nature.
1.Strong nuclear force
2.Electromagnetic force
3.Weak nuclear force
In particle physics there are “Force carrier particle” called bosons
which are responsible for that.
1.Gluons are force carrier particle for Strong nuclear force.
2.Photons are force carrier particle for electromagnetism.
3.W/Z boson are responsible for weak nuclear force.
4.But there is no particle found for the gravity!
In fact, gravity does not exist on quantum level. That means gravity is
not fundamental force but is an emergent force.
In quantum physics particle is excitation of field.
Field for gravity, field for electromagnetism, field for every force.
But we need a ONE THEORY that describes all the force in ONE
Means, all the force of the nature can be described as ONE FORCE.
That theory is called The Theory of Everything.
**First German physicist Theodor Kaluza came with idea, that there
can be more than one dimension.
Kaluza gave an idea that why can’t I play a same game with
electromagnetism and other force that Einstein’s theory of general
relativity says about space time fabric?
Like electromagnetism is warps and curves in “other dimension”!
He got an Equation which describes electromagnetism that works in
forth dimensions.
In 1926 Oskar Klein gave an idea that there can be two types of
dimensions, one that we feel and we live, traditional 3 dimensions.
And second types that is very small curled up dimensions.
So how does this very small cured up dimensions of space looks like?
If there are more dimensions in space why don’t we see? Why don’t
we feel? Does it apply in real world around us? Does it work in world
around us? But he couldn’t get the mass of electron, By the
equations he derived.
*But now in our era physicists like Brian Greene and others are
working on unification of theories that theory is “Super String
In quantum physics the particle is described as dot in the field
(maybe it is the electromagnetic field or higgs field). The 0
dimensional dot. That is excitation of that field.
But in string theory the particle is 2 dimensional. It is like 2
dimensional filaments, that has some length, but not width.
String theory tells about the most basic, the fundamental, tiniest,
uncuttable constituents that makes everything world around us. The
fundamental basic particle like quarks, electrons are strings.
Strings are vibrating filament of energy. The different vibrating
patterns of the string makes the different particles.