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Grade 1 2 Lesson Plan Kate Lawless

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The key takeaways are introducing Blackfoot values, with a focus on kindness/compassion, and providing ways for students to practice kindness both in and out of the classroom.

The Blackfoot word for kindness/compassion is Kimmapiiypitsinni.

Some ways students can show kindness according to the lesson include filling others' buckets, being good listeners, not bullying, and wearing masks to protect others.


Blackfoot Value: Kindness/Compassion

Grade: 1   Lesson Title : Blackfoot value of kindness/compassion   Duration : 45 mins

Overview of lesson

This lesson will be used to introduce the first Blackfoot value of kindness/compassion. Prior to teaching this lesson, it is
important to introduce Blackfoot people and why it is important that we are learning about Blackfoot values, Indigenous
history and Indigenous culture.
The past few weeks we have been talking about ways in which we can be kind to each other in our classroom and in our
school. Due to Covid-19 adding more restrictions to our classroom, we have to show kindness in other ways than we are
used to. We are no longer allowed to share things in the classroom, but we can show kindness in different ways, such as
wearing a mask to protect those around us, speaking in a nice voice, not bullying, being a good listener etc.
We have also been exploring the way in which we are all superheroes by wearing masks, social distancing and staying in
our desk. This keeps our friends safe, which is one way we can show that we are superheroes.
This lesson will serve as a way to incorporate FNMI content generally into the classroom, as well as another example of
a community for students, as we are currently learning about communities and the different heroes in our community.

Learning Objectives Teaching Strategies

“I can”…
 Brainstorming 
Language Arts  Think, pair, share
 Listen to a story
1.1.1 share personal experiences that are clearly related to oral, print and other media texts  Listen to peers
1.1.2 talk with others about something recently learned  Draw and write
1.1.3 make observations about activities, experiences with oral, print and other media texts  Share with class
2.2.1 participate in shared listening, reading and viewing experiences, using oral, print and
other media texts from a variety of cultural traditions and genres, such as poems, storytelling
by elders, pattern books, audiotapes, stories and cartoons
4.3.4 ask questions to clarify information
4.3.5 be attentive and show interest during listening or viewing activities
5.1.2 talk about other times, places and people after exploring oral, print and other media texts
from various communities

Social 1
1.2.1 appreciate how stories and events of the past connect their families an communities to the
1.S.8 demonstrate skills of oral, written and visual literacy

Social 2
2.1.1 appreciate the physical and human geography of the communities studied
2.2.1 appreciate how stories of the past connect individuals and communities to the present
2.S.8 demonstrate skills of oral, written and visual literacy
Learning Resources / Material & Equipment
 Smartboard and whiteboard
 Visual journal
 Pencil
 Pencil crayons
 Blackfoot intro video
 Brain break

Assessment (formative/summative)
 Observing students through class discussion and their visual journal work will serve as a formative assessment
 This lesson is the first of many that will be talking about the Blackfoot people and Blackfoot values so this lesson
will serve as a way for me to recognize the students’ knowledge about Blackfoot people and help me determine
where I need to teach more or go deeper into the content for the students

Lesson Procedures

Introduction (15 min.): 

 Tell students today we will be learning about kindness and the Blackfoot people
 Begin by asking students what they know about Blackfoot people and Indigenous people.
 Show a map of Canada with the different treaties labeled—Students who cannot see the Smartboard can put their
masks on and sit up front at the Smartboard
o We are in Treaty 7 territory
o Treaty 7 includes the Siksika (Blackfoot), Kainai (Blood), Piikani (Peigan), Stoney-Nakoda and Tsuut’ina
 Ask students if they have heard of these tribes before 
o At the beginning of our assembly on Friday we heard Mr.Tinburi do the land acknowledgement
 This means he told us that the land we are on is Calgary, but it is also Blackfoot Treaty 7 land
 It is important that we remember that we are on Treaty 7 land, which is why we are going to be learning about
Blackfoot values 
 Over the next few months we are going to be learning more about the Blackfoot people, as well as the different
values they have
o Values means something that people think are very important
o Kindness is a value for all of us because we all want people to be kind to us, that is important
 We will be watching a video about the Blackfoot people. This is a very short video that introduces Blackfoot
people. Pay attention to where they are and what they are saying in the video
o Play video for students
o In the video we were shown Head Smashed in Buffalo Jump and Writing on Stone
 Put your hand up if you have ever been there
 Remind students that although I am the teacher, I am also still learning along with them. If I say something that is
incorrect, please correct me so I can learn too
 Write the words ‘kindness’ and ‘compassion’ on the board
o Have students brainstorm what they think the words mean 
o Leave the words and ideas on the board then read the selected book
o Compassion is a harder word we may not have heard of before
o Compassion means we care about others around us and want to help them if they are hurt or sad
o We can show compassion when we are kind
 Have students keep in mind what they learned from the short Blackfoot video and have them think about kindness
as we read our next book

Body (25min.): main activities with differentiation

 Read When we are Kind by Monique Gray Smith
 After reading ask students what they learned from the book
 Students may be familiar with the term ‘bucket filling’—This can be used as a way to connect students’ prior
knowledge to the book and what they have learned so far as well. Have a discussion about how they can be kind
and compassionate, and how that fills their buckets.
o What does filling our buckets mean? How can we fill each other’s buckets?
 One way is to be kind and show compassion to our friends
 As a teacher, I can fill students’ buckets by being kind to them and caring about them
 Go over the things the kids brainstormed about what being kind means
o Are these things that would fill our friends’ buckets? Why or why not?
o Are these kind things also things that superheroes would do to create a kind community?
o This year becase of covid things are a bit different and we can’t show kindness by sharing. What are some
other ways we can be kind to our friends?

 Write Kimmapiiypitsinni on the board

o This mean kindness/compassion in Blackfoot. We will be writing this on the board beside the word
kindness/compassion to remind us we are learning about kindness and it is one of our Blackfoot values for
the month. 
 Today we are going to take our visual journals out and gluing the word Kimmapiiypitsinni into our journals.
Beside or under it we are going to write kindness and compassion
 In our visual journals we are going to write and draw things that we can do to fill other people’s buckets and be
kind and compassionate
 On the board draw the sheet of paper and show students where they will be gluing their Blackfoot word and
writing kindness and compassion
o Grade 1’s will only write kindness
o Grade 2’s will write kindness and compassion
 Give students time to work in their visual journals to draw and write things that are kind

 Remind students that we will be focusing on this Blackfoot value of kindness for the next few weeks so anytime
we do something to fill our friends’ buckets we should share it with me!
o Each time we do something kind for someone we will be writing it down in a special star and putting it
into our class bucket!!
o At the end of each week (?) we will read all the kind things we have done for each other and celebrate
how kind our class is!

 If students are starting to get restless from sitting for so long do a brain break
o This brain break teaches us how to do traditional Indigenous dances
o We are going to follow the video and do the dance moves alongside the dancer
Closure/ Reflection (5 min.) 
 Before recess give students the opportunity to share what they have been writing and drawing in their visual
 If students have not finished, we will have time to do more work on this later or another day
 Remind students that at recess we have to take turns and be kind to one another to ensure we are filling our

 At the end of each day explicitly remind students about the Blackfoot value we are focusing on and ask students
to share one way they were kind and compassionate today with the class.

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