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Analysis of Guna in Word Triguna

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Analysis of word Guna in word Triguna

Srinivasa swamiji.

Shastra deepika 06

This is an article of Analysis of word Guna, and this is meant for students of Advaita. Here the word is analysed from Samkhya and
Advaita standpoint of view.
Long back when I was teaching Bhagavad Geeta sloka 3.27,28 and 29, there to explain and remove misconceptions of word Guna a
special session was taken and later that became an inspiration for this article.
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Analysis of word Guna in Triguna

Analysis of word Guna in Triguna

= Triguna = Guna

The word Trigunai ( ) is well known in Darshana shastra’sii especially in Sankhya, Yoga and Vedanta
schools and generally used as synonym for Prakriti iii the upadanakaranamiv of this Jagatv.

Like any other word even word Gunavi has many meanings, but we consider those meanings which are
useful for our discussion.

1. Guna means Ropevii.

2. Guna means Qualitiesviii like color, taste etc. which resides in Substance (Dravyaix), which is
famous in Nyaya-Vaishesika shastra.
3. Guna1 means Apradanamx , anything that is meant for Pradhanamxi (= Primary) is called
Guna(=Secondary), this is common in Mimamsa shastra where Angas are called Gunas and
Angis are called Pradhanam.
Example – Substance curd (Dadhixii) is used to perform Agnihotra homaxiii, so here curd is Guna
as it is meant for Agnihotra homa which is Pradhanam.

Analysis as per Sankhya

In Sankhya Prakriti is Material cause for entire creation. So this Prakriti is also called as Moola Prakritixiv .
Also this is not a product of any other cause i.e. causelessxv hence beginninglessxvi.

The word Triguna is Samasaxvii word and means 2

, which means
that which is having three Gunas. Here Gunas (viz. Sattva, Rajas and Tamas) means Dravyam, for
following reasons3.
a) The Sattva contains qualities like lightness, happiness etc.
b) The Rajas contains qualities like Restlessness, sorrow etc.
c) The Tamas contains qualities like Dullness, delusion etc.

Artha sangraha of Laughakshi bhaskara commentary by pattabirama shastri pub – chaukambha orientalia . see page 39.
Though word Prakriti is feminine word ( ), here in samasa we have used neuter gender for trigunam instead of
feminine due to simplicity and also keeping Prakriti’s equivalent word Pradhanam ( ) a neuter gender word
( ) in mind.
Ref ; , , - - |
- - - - - ||see commentary of Vijnana bhikshu of sutra 61,First
Adhyaya, of Sankhya Darshanam by Kapila muni.

Analysis of word Guna in Triguna
Anything which contains qualities are Dravyas. Since these three things Sattva, Rajas and Tamas contains
qualities they have to be Dravyas.

2) Since Trigunatmika Prakriti is Upadana karanam of this Jagat, so all three Gunas has to be Dravyas,
because always Material cause (Upadana karanam) has to be Dravya.

3) The three triad (viz. Sattva, Rajas and Tamas) of Prakriti is meant for Bhoga xviiiand Apavargaxix of
Purushaxx. So here Prakriti is meant for Purusha hence Prakriti is Guna (= Ancillary) of Purusha the
Primary. So all three Sattva, Rajas and Tamas are called Gunas though they are Dravyas.

4) As a rope binds a cattle so also the three traids (viz. Sattva, Rajas and Tamas) of Prakriti binds
Purusha and causes samasaraxxi. So all three Sattva, Rajas and Tamas are called Gunas (=rope)
figuratively though they are Dravyas.

Now from above discussion it is clear that Guna in Triguna means Dravya not Quality like color,
taste etc. of Nyaya-Vaishesika shastra.

Consider samasa word of , Trigunam , the Prakriti , here in

samasa, sixth case indicates relation of Avayavi Avayavabhava sambandaxxiii i.e relationship of a

part and whole like relationship between trees and a forest, here trees are parts( Avayava) and
forest is composite whole(Avayavi ) in the same way Prakriti is composite whole made up of three
Gunas Sattva, Rajas and Tamas.

Hence Prakriti as Triguna means – Aggregate of three Dravyas viz. Sattva, Rajas and Tamas.
So Triguna’s equivalent word will be Secondary-Triad or Ancillary-triad or Three Secondaries etc.

Since entire creation, our bodyxxiv, internal organsxxv, sense organsxxvi, organs of actionsxxvii are all
products of Triguna Prakriti, so all these things are also called as Gunas.

The qualities happiness – misery – delusion (sukha-dukha-mohaxxviii) are of substances Sattva-Rajas -

Tamas respectively.

Again consider samasa word , Trigunam.

Here in many works of Sankhya for word they give meaning as sukha-dukha-moha instead as
Sattva Rajas Tamas. Even if they give as mentioned above, we have to take it as Sattva Rajas Tamas
only, because of rule Dharma-Dharmyabheda4 .

is a rule which says attributes and substratum can be used interchangeably. So we can
write one thing in sense of other thing.

Analysis of word Guna in Triguna
 , is nothing but

 , is also same as

Analysis as per Advaita Vedanta –

In Advaita, Prakriti the Maya is Shakti (power) of Brahman as burning power of fire.

Creation of this Jagat begins with manifestation of this Triguna Maya. Trigunas are viz. Sattva Rajas
Tamas Gunas.

Even here also Guna means not qualities like color, taste etc., but that which is ever dependent
( )5 on kshetrajna(Pure Consciousness).6

The Prakriti aggregate of three Gunas is basis of all substances of entire creation. So all effects of Prakriti
will be of nature of Trigunas, so all effects of entire creation like body, jnanendriyas, karmendriyas and
object of sense like rupaxxix, rasaxxx, gandhaxxxi etc.(color, taste odour etc,) are also called as Gunas.

From above discussion it may as though appear that Maya the power of Brahman as a Substance
(Dravyam), but in Advaita, Maya the Shakti is not a Dravyamxxxii, but Anirvachaniya Mithya padartha. This
Maya Shakti undergoes transformation from unmanifest to manifest state and becomes this entire
creation of Matter, qualities etc. because for Maya everything is possible and beyond scope of our
human understanding. This is altogether a different discussion.

In Advaita context

, is nothing but
(= ) ( )

Hence Prakriti as Triguna means – Aggregate of three padarthas7.viz. Sattva, Rajas and Tamas.
So Triguna’s equivalent word will be Ever-dependent-Triad or Three Ever dependents.

= That which is ever dependent. In Advaita Vedanta Brahman alone is ultimate reality (satyam). Maya and its effects are all ever
dependent on Brahman and are called Mithya(illusory).

see Shankara bhasyam Bhagavad Gita sloka 14.5

here padarthas means Anirvachaniya padarthas (=mithya padarthas).

Analysis of word Guna in Triguna
Now let us see Bhagavad Geeta Shankara bhasya of Slokas 3.27, 28 and 29 with respect to Word Guna.

I. । ॥ २७ ॥ 3.27

Here Bhasyakara

= =

Prakriti’s Guna means here all Prakriti’s vikaras (= effect). Here based on context bhasyakara explained
Gunas as karyakarnarupa here karya means body and karana means all instruments of knowledge and
actions i.e jnanendriyas and karanendriyas. All these things are products of Triguna Prakriti, hence these
are called as Gunas.

II. । ॥ २८ ॥ 3.28

। ? ।

= = Differentiating Atma from Gunas i.e. from Body mind and

sense organs.

= = All sense organs

= all objects of senses like rupa, rasa etc.

III. … sloka 3.29

Prakriti’s Guna = means body mind sense organs complex.

We see here Guna in sense of all products of Triguna Maya.

Let us all become Gunatita by understanding Guna.

Analysis of word Guna in Triguna
End notes


= The Material cause of this jagat.


= The Material cause of this jagat.
= Entire creation.
= Rope.
= = Rope.
= qualities which resides in matter.
= Dravyam Substance also called as matter, that which contains qualities is Dravyam.
= =
Secondary / subservient /subordinate/ ancillary/ which are meant for primary.
= = Main / Primary / Principle.
= Dadhi = curd. This is meant for Agnihotra homa, so Guna.
= Agnihotra homa. This is a Pradhana homa
Moola Prakriti
= Compound word.
= = experience of pleasure and pain
= = = Total destruction of sorrow.
– Jiva = The bound soul.
= Bondage.
= Sixth case in the sense of - -
- - = relationship between Avayava-component part and Avayavi composite whole
= body
= Mind
= Sense organs.
= Organs of Action.
= happiness – misery - delusion are qualities of Dravyas Sattva Rajas Tamas respectively.
= Rupa colour
= Rasa Taste
= Gandha odour
= Non substance.

By Srinivasa Swamiji.
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