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A 21st Century Grimoire

Nathaniel J. Harris

“This has to be the definitive book on the occult. It is beautifully

written and also highly accessible. The artwork is amazing too.”
– Pat Mills, originator of 2000AD

“One of the best magick books I've read in years. I would say on a
par with some of Aleister Crowley's works. And I do not say that
– Michael (Mick) Norris, illustrator of Liber Null &

– Ray Sherwin, author of The Book of Results, Vitriol, and
originator of Chaos magic

“Nathaniel is a modern master.”

– (Sifu) Julian Wilde, author of The Grimoire of Chaos
Magic, Buddhist sorcerer.

“The big dog's bollocks.”

- Baba Dirt, Makaya sorcerer, New York / Haiti

“An education.”
– Valerie Sinason, Tavistock Institute

THE NEURONOMICƟN: A 21st Century Grimoire

by Nathaniel J. Harris

Originally published in hardback by ICƟN TRAINING PAPERS,

2018. ISBN-9780244938673

This free pdf edition published by ICƟN TRAINING PAPERS,


This edition of The Neuronomicon is 'all rites reversed'. Please

reproduce this text in its entirety, seed it in any online occult
groups and discussion forums you are involved with, or anywhere
else it may be made available for free download. Please share
freely with your friends.

If you have benefited from this work please do support its author,
and the founder of ICƟN, by purchasing the hardback.

Anyone seeking to make unauthorised profit from this work will

trigger embedded malign thought-forms and be legitimate
practice target for ICƟN agents training in black magick.

Nathaniel J. Harris asserts his right to be recognised as the

originator of this work.

The Neuronomicon first went on sale in January 2018 at the price of £150,
as a self published hard-back. At the time of writing, The Neuronomicon
has continued to sell steadily for just over one year, and has become the
official training manual of the 'anti-order' commonly known as ICƟN
(International Conspiracy of Theta Neuromancers), with autonomous
agents in the UK, Europe, USA, Asia, and Africa. So why am I now
making this text available for free?
Recent years have seen the rise to influence of individuals who are guilty
of funding their orders through the creation and distributing of category A
child abuse images, and controlling their members through threats and
blackmail. In 2011, in the UK, we saw the bust of the 'cul-de-sac cult',
allegedly run by Colin Batley, which employed techniques of mind control
('brainwashing') to exploit both adults and children. This group drew its
members from several organisations including the Ordo Templi Orientis,
the Illuminates of Thanateros, and the Pagan Federation. Only its alleged
leaders were prosecuted, while the rest of those involved remain free, and
have invested their ill gotten gains to rise in influence even further.
Disgustingly, nobody with authority in occultism – from the higher grades
of orders and covens to the bookshops and publishing industry - has sought
to identify and expose them. Instead they have engaged in a campaign to
cover up their continued existence and operations, while targeting and
attempting to silence whistle-blowers. At best they have done nothing –
allowing the corruption to prosper unchecked.
The media, and others with influence, have attempted to persuade the
public that the cul-de-sac cult was an isolated incident. In reality it is
merely the tip of the iceberg. Similar groups have been shown to operate in
the USA and in Europe. Many of us have seen disclosures appearing online
concerning what has been termed Ritual Abuse, and how this is being
covered up at the highest level. Both the UK and USA governments have
denied their existence, in much the same way as President Roosevelt
denied the existence of the Mafia, who later turned out to have been co-
opted by the CIA. This is no 'conspiracy theory' to be dismissed alongside
Flat Earthers and Reptilian Royalty. Having gained immense sway over
occulture, infiltrating everything from (certain lodges of) Freemasonry
through to Thelema, Satanism, Setanism, Druidry, Wicca, Traditional
Witchcraft, Chaos magick, Discordianism, certain paths of Voudon, and
even the Psychedelics movement, it has become almost impossible for
anyone exploring magical spirituality to avoid being compromised,
knowingly or not, by the most abusive criminals imaginable. This is why
ICƟN was formed – to act as the desperately needed antithesis of this
It is not immutable fate that has caused this state of corruption, but the
abuse of human freedom. Work towards improving conditions bodes well,
because it accords with the possibilities of our time. We must not recoil
from work and danger but must take energetic action. However, success
depends upon proper deliberation and caution. We must first know the
causes of corruption before we can do away with them; hence I am making
this work available for free, so that ICƟN may prosper and a new way can
be safely entered upon. Decisiveness and energy must take the place of
inertia, indifference, and decay, that the ending may be followed by a new

Since The Neuronomicon's publication I have uploaded a series of related

lectures to YouTube. Please do subscribe to my channel and make use of
this additional information;

I also keep a blog, where I share essays, new research, and other
publications. Please subscribe to this also;

Find me on FaceBook here;

It is usual for my students to order a hard-back copy of The Neuronomicon

directly from me. If you are interested in becoming my student and
learning from me directly please do write to me for an application. My
email address in

All power to you,

Nathaniel J. Harris
Animi Imperio, ICƟN, 360° (Founder)
January 2019

Introduction 1


Neuromancy 11
Sympathetic Magic 12
Energy 14
Spiritism 15
Psychism 17
Neuromancy 19

The 10 Ineffable Circuits 23

1. Malkuth: Biosurvival Circuit 27
2. Yesod: Emotional /
Territorial Circuit 27
3. Hod: Symbolic / Semantic
Circuit 27
4. Netzach: Domestic /
Sociosexual Circuit 28
5. Tiphareth: Neurosomantic
Circuit 28
6. Geburah: Neuromantic
Circuit 28
7. Hesed: Neurogenetic -
Morphegenetic Circuit 28
0. Daath: Atavistic –
Praeterhuman Circuits 29
Above the Abyss: Transcendent
Circuits 29
The Lightning Strike 30
The Serpent of Knowledge 30
The Pillar of Equilibrium 31
The Twin Pillars 31
The Triple Pillars 31
Jacob's Ladder 31

Altered States 33
< Δ Infra Low (- 0.5Hz) –
Slow Cortical Potentials 34
Δ Delta (0.5 to 3 Hz) 35
Θ Theta (3 to 8 Hz) 36
A Alpha (8 to 12 Hz) 36
B Beta (12 to 38 Hz) 37
Г Gamma (38 to 42 Hz) 38
Г > Hyper-Gamma
(42 Hz+) 38
Altered States & Neuromancy 39

Genius Loci 42
Crop Circles 43

Neurotheology 45
The Red Ray 47
The Orange Ray 48
The Yellow Ray 48
The Green Ray 49
The Blue Ray 49
The Indigo Ray 50
The Violet Ray 50
The Shadows of the Archetypes 50
Transcendent Archetypes 52
7 Rays of Self 53

Charaktēres 59
The Alphabet of Desire 64

Vocēs Magickæ 65
Incantation 68
The Magical Pass 72

Magical Art 74

Divination 79
Divination & Neuromancy 84

Enchantment 85
Declaration of Will 85
Probability 87
Timing 89
Imagination 90
Detachment 91
Trance 91
Enchantment & Neuromancy 92

Raising Power 93

Possession 95
Possession & Neuromancy 104

Sex Magick 105

Entheogens 110
Entheogens & Neuromancy 118

Psychic Technology 119


The Magician's Pyramid 127

To Know 130
To Will 133
To Dare 136
To Keep Silence 136

The Altar 140

Modus Operandi 142

Meditation 144
Neither / Neither 146
Posture 147
Progressive Muscle Relaxation 148
Stillness 149
Breath Control 151
Mental Silence 151
Focused Awareness 153
The Gaze 153
Visualisation 154
Gesture 154
Listening 155
Vocēs Magickæ 155
Vibration 157
Glossolalia 157
Detachment 158
Laughter Mudra 159
At-One-Ment 160
Meditation & Neuromancy 161

Subtle Anatomy 163

Mūlādhāra Chakra: Root
Circuit 165
Svādhiṣṭhāna Chakra: Sacral
Circuit 166
Maṇipūra Chakra: Solar
Plexus Circuit 166
Anāhata Chakra: Heart
Circuit 167
Viśuddha Chakra: Throat
Circuit 168
Ājñā Chakra: Third Eye
Circuit 168
Sahasrāra Chakra: Crown
Circuit 169
Shadow Chakras: Atavistic
Circuits 170
Secret Chakras: Transcendent
Circuits 170

The Circle 172

The Large Hadron Collider 175
The Neuromancer's Circle 177

Skrying 182
The Skrying Glass 183
Onieromancy 184
Astral Travel 189
Orgasmancy 190
Automatism 192

Numerology 198

Grammateia 203
The Arabic Alphabet 205
The Greek Alphabet 205
The Hebrew Alphabet 206
The Latin Alphabet 210
Example 211

Sortilage 214
Dice 215
Cut-Ups 216
Runes 218
Tarot 220
Binary Codes 222
Ifa 223
Geomancy 223
I-Ching 227

The Enochian Calls 231

Call of the 30 Aethers 233
The 1st Enochian Call 241
The 2nd Enochian Call 243
The 3rd Enochian Call 244
The 4th Enochian Call 245
The 5th Enochian Call 246
The 6th Enochian Call 247
The 7th Enochian Call 248
The 8th Enochian Call 249
The 9th Enochian Call 250
The 10th Enochian Call 252
The 11th Enochian Call 253
The 12th Enochian Call 254
The 13th Enochian Call 254
The 14th Enochian Call 255
The 15th Enochian Call 256
The 16th Enochian Call 257
The 17th Enochian Call 257
The 18th Enochian Call 258

Thought Forms 260

Modus Operandi 261

Egregore 263
Modus Operandi 265

Mass of the Red Ray 267

Modus Operandi 268

Mass of the Orange Ray 274

Modus Operandi 275

Mass of the Yellow Ray 243

Preparation 282
Seven Rays of Self 283
Seven Shadows of Self 284
Demons of HaBit 284
Other People 285
Aspirations / Future Selves 287
Past Lives 287
Extending the Parameters 288
Modus Operandi 289

Mass of the Green Ray 293

Modus Operandi 296

Mass of the Blue Ray 300

Modus Operandi 302

Mass of the Indigo Ray 306

Modus Operandi 306

Mass of the Violet Ray 310

Modus Operandi 313

Mass of the Black Ray 317

Mass of the White Ray 321


The Neuromancer's I-Ching 331

Modus Operandi 332
I-Ching & Enchantment 335
The Trigrams 335
1. The Greater Mind 340
2. The Matrix 344
ASCIImancy 349

The Neuromancer's Runes 352

NeuroGoetia 367
The Harrowing of Hell 370
The Blood Sacrifice 371

NeuroThaumaturgy 373
Nathanael 376

Infernal Witchcraft 379

Tantra: Hindu 383

Adinathas 385
Paśupata 386
Kapilikas 386
Aghoris 386
Tantric Philosophy 387
Sama 388
Sahaja 388
Maya 389
Sveccachara 389
Kleshas 390

Tantra: Buddhist 391

Voudon 394
The Lwa – Laws of Voudon 398
Legba 400
Carrefor 401
Marrassa 401
Ayizan – the First Mambo 403
Gwan Bwa / Loko -
the First Houngan 403
Simbi, the 3 Magi 404
Ogoun 405
Danballah & Ayida Wedo 405
Chango 405
Ezili 406
La Siren / Mama Waters 407
Ghede 408
Zombi 408
Autozobop 409
The Voudon Family Tree 409

Macumba 411

Black Mass Media 415

Mind Control: The Black Art 418

Tell-Lie-Vision 420
Mind Control Technology 426

MK Ultra 431
Project Monarch 433
A Alpha 438
B Beta 438
Δ Delta 439
Θ Theta 439

Project Stargate 440

Project Jedi 443

Ritual Abuse & Mind Control 447

Satanic Ritual Abuse 453
Satanists are Human Too 455
False Memory Syndrome 457

Liber Stultorum 464

The Circle of Laughter 469
The Mathesis of Laughter 469

⸫ ICΘN ⸫ An Invitation 471

Portions of this work may be triggering to survivors
of ritual abuse and mind control.

The author nor publisher accept any responsibility

for loss of sanity allegedly resulting from reading or
working with this book.

The Neuronomicon represents the first genuine

advance in the technology of magick in 100 years,
and is possibly the most powerful grimoire currently
available in the West without clearance from the
government. The essence of its model originates with
mind-scientists working in secretive military
programs concerned with the development of psychic
abilities such as remote viewing and influence. I am
indebted to all those involved in leaking this
information, and to those who joined me in
experimenting with the theory and merging it with
traditional magick.
I have drawn from several decades of experience,
during which I have learned directly from initiates of
many paths; from my origins in the hereditary
witchcraft of Essex1 through to the ceremonial magick
of the Western Tradition, Tantra (Buddhist and
Hindu), Haitian Voudon, the metiságe of Voudon /
Makaya / Orissa / Obeah practised at street level in
cities such as Bristol, London, New Orleans, and New
York, as well as many other sources of knowledge
encountered along the way. I have also experimented
1 See my work Witcha: A Book of Cunning (Mandrake of
Oxford, 2005, out of print on author's insistence), my
appearance in the National Geographic documentary, Taboo:
Witchcraft (2004), and The Devil's Door; Initiation Into
Infernal Witchcraft (Peacock Angel Publishing, 2013). See
also the chapter Infernal Witchcraft in Book Three of this
current work.

extensively with an advanced version of the Audio-
Visual Synthesiser 'mind machines' originally
developed in the CIA funded psychic experiments of
Project Stargate. Finally, for reasons discussed
elsewhere, I have communicated with a number of
therapists and survivors dealing with the fallout of
MK Ultra style mind control programmes. All of these
streams have informed the current of The
While many chapters cover material familiar to any
magician, such as the casting of the circle or the
disciplines of meditation, their relation to the
emerging paradigm brings startling implications. This
is the reason I have approached the subject through
what are likely to be familiar symbol systems, rather
than the obscurer mysteries. The deeper one's
knowledge of these areas, the deeper the implications,
given adequate meditation. Just as one may be
familiar with every individual number employed in
mathematics, this does not imply mastery of the
discipline, and even with mastery there are always
more discoveries to be made.
The techniques and concepts discussed herein are
discussed using the terminology of psychology,
neurology, neurolinguistic programming, quantum
physics, and information science. As modern
practitioners we are less and less allowed the luxury
of belief untroubled by intellectual analysis. One may
not seek the mysteries without intuition, yet similarly
one may not seek them without logic, empiricism, and
rationality; to do so invites delusion and obsession.
The practice of magick requires, as Crowley

recognised, “the method of science and the aim of
There are many who believe magick and science to
be the antithesis of each other; such is a
misunderstanding based on an incomplete knowledge
of either. In centuries past the two were
indistinguishable – it is well known, for example, that
the origins of chemistry lie in alchemy. In our modern
day the most advanced sciences are once again
becoming increasingly indistinguishable from magick.
We have discovered that our holographic reality is
dependent on the one thing science has yet to explain
and understand; consciousness. Our most advanced
scientists have postulated the theory that
consciousness consists of information, which itself
exists beyond the confines of the space-time
For the longest time magick has been assumed to be
either 'acausal', or else caused by such things as
'spirits', the existence of which cannot be proven –
hence the apparent dichotomy with science. In fact
there is a cause, as can now be measured and
recorded, just as it can be shown that this cause
remains the same regardless of what beliefs or
paradigms the magician may choose to invest in. That
cause is consciousness – something which may now
be measured, and effected through technology.
Magick is a bit like computer programming; it does
not matter if one believes the computer works because
of gods, spirits, aliens, or any other reason – it still
works when you turn it on; hence lesser sorcerers
have assumed that belief itself is arbitrary – or even

that belief 'shapes reality'. It is only if one intends to
control others by means of a cult that such beliefs
have any advantage. In contrast, if one intends to fix,
improve upon, or hack the programming such
errornous belief becomes a clear disadvantage. This
grimoire is intended for all those who wish to know
how the programming codes of magick 'really work'.
I have classed these operations as neuromancy, a term
borrowed from the science-fiction of William Gibson.
Nevertheless, the conceptual tools may be applied by
any magician, regardless of the tradition or 'current'
they align with, if any. There are reasons I have
consciously borrowed from popular culture; my aim is
to employ language the reader is likely to be familiar
with, but does not alienate with presumptions of
belief. As far as possible I have presented the
techniques of sorcery stripped of cultural
significators. What I have not done is developed a
new system of magick, or syncretised an eclectic
belief system. Instead I have explored the
commonalities between the various traditions to show
that, whilst the language and symbols may vary, their
approach is essentially the same; correlating also with
modern advances in the mind sciences. Since these
are not different 'belief systems' in the first place
(except in the sense of language) there is no need for
I also speak of the Invisibles; a term some might
recognise from Grant Morrison's graphic novel, which
he in turn borrowed from Voudon. This is not to imply
any one cultural bias over another. In referring to the
Mystery of the Red Ray, for example, I mean that

force that manifests as Ganesh, Mercury, Hermes,
Nabu, Thoth, Exu, Simbi-Makaya, or Odin, among
other masques, who is cross culturally found at the
crossroads, is master of magick, and who teaches
through trickery. The irony is that les Invisibles - the
lwa or 'laws' of Voudon - have no problem wearing
masques and names from popular culture. These are
the elusive powers and aspects of the collective
unconscious otherwise referred to as the archetypes; a
term Jung adopted after the Archons of the Gnostics,
in whose esoteric philosophy he found great
inspiration. Others have performed sorcery evoking
the 'shadows' of the archetypes as the Elder Gods of
the Cthulhu mythos, served Ghede / Saturn beneath
the masque of Darth (Daath) Vader, or have invoked
the divine trickster as Bugs Bunny (Br'er Rabbit being
none other than the African mystery called Anansi).
The source of all these mysteries I call the Greater
Mind, implying what might otherwise be called Siva,
Bhodi-Mind, Obatala, Oludamare, All Father, or
'God'; although the implications are less that of a
personal deity than of an impersonal consciousness
behind all manifestation. As Albert Einstein put it,
“Everyone who is seriously involved in the pursuit of
science becomes convinced that a Spirit is involved in
the laws of the Universe - a Spirit vastly superior to
that of man”.
That 'magical energy' called chi by the Chinese, prana
by the Hindu of India, ashé in Voudon, önd within the
Northern Tradition, pneuma by the ancient Greeks, by
the Alchemists as Azoth, called also vril in modern
Theosophy, known to Wilhelm Reich as orgone and to

Von Reichenbach as odyle, I refer to simply as the
Force; although our results may not be as dramatic as
the Jedi, the meaning is essentially the same.
In this same manner I refer to to what the Hindu call
Maya, the Buddhists call Samsara, and the heathens
called the Web of Wyrd, as the Matrix; implying an
illusory universe dependent, like the programming of
a computer, upon a binary code (i.e. duality), and
itself the product of consciousness. As Maxwell
Planck put it, “All matter originates and exists only by
virtue of a force. We must assume behind this force is
the existence of a conscious and intelligent mind. This
mind is the matrix of all matter.”
As a Hindu monk once said to me, all religions and
spiritual systems are ultimately maps with which to
navigate Maya (Matrix), without which the seeker
may easily get lost in endless possibility, or suffer any
of the countless pitfalls that threaten the unwary. Yet
there will always be those who insist on striking out
on their own, learning from their successes and errors
along the way. Such a journey is bound to be filled
with hidden wonders, but also many painful lessons;
yet it is only ever by straying from the beaten track
that you will find the path direct.


Book Three: Context provides some background to the

practice of magick generally, giving comparisons
between the techniques and beliefs of various
traditions, and discussing the origins of the genuine
left hand path cross culturally in 'spiritual / political

dissent'. I have also included some chapters
concerning government mind control and its
involvement with magick. These are not some
conspiracy theory, but something I have direct
experience of; the reader is referred to my work Beast
Wing 666: Ritual Abuse in the UK. While this ongoing
personal situation is beyond the scope of The
Neuronomicon, it has to be said that this knowledge
did not come easily, or without considerable personal
cost. That I am still here, carrying on the 'good fight',
is something my enemies could never have expected.
That I am gradually, against all the odds, actually
'winning' (there are no winners is a situation like this)
is testament not only to my magick, but to the
integrity of my truth.
Nevertheless, there will inevitably be many unable to
accept the information in this book, and who will
respond with 'knee jerk' conditioned reflex – just as
they have been programmed to. There will be much
they have previously accepted as truth they will have
to question. The misinformation contradicted by this
work will have been received first, enforced through
repetition, and widely accepted. Not only will this
book threaten their sense of self, but also their sense
of confirmation by society. When any falsehood
becomes widely accepted in such a fashion it becomes
almost impossible for an individual to perceive
otherwise. Whenever our beliefs are contradicted at
such a level we experience cognitive dissonance; this
elicits a neurological response identical to that
provoked by actual, physical threat. We see this most
often when someone becomes irrationally obstinate

during an argument. At such times our brains are not
functioning at their optimum.
There will also be those who do accept this
information, along with its implications for society,
whose entire world view will be turned upon its head.
Most will not be grateful. Only a few will resonate
with this work, putting theory into practice and testing
it against reality. They are likely to have a natural
inclination towards meditation and to already practice
some form of magick or psychic discipline. Perhaps
they will also have experiences revealing the dark
underbelly of our 'occulture', and rather than bury
their heads in denial are engaged in finding solutions.
It is to these few that The Neuronomicon is ultimately
intended. I am glad it found you.


“Everyone who is seriously involved in the pursuit
of science becomes convinced that a Spirit is
involved in the laws of the Universe - a Spirit vastly
superior to that of man.”
- Albert Einstein

“Mind and matter are not separate substances.

Rather, they are different aspects of your whole and
unbroken movement.”
- David Bohm

“All matter originates and exists only by virtue of a

force. We must assume behind this force is the
existence of a conscious and intelligent mind. This
mind is the matrix of all matter.”
- Maxwell Planck

“All is mind: the universe is mental.”

- The Kybalion, Three Initiates

“Absolutely mental: donʹt blame me.”

– The Neuralion, Animi Imperio, ICΘN, 360°


“Out of the past comes this new thing.”
- Austin Osman Spare

The beliefs and symbol systems traditionally

employed in magick are not in any way arbitrary.
Rather, the following models represent the evolution
of a conceptual technology, from the dawn of time
until the modern day. Just as our sciences,
representing a progressive accumulation of
knowledge, have steadily become more esoteric with
time, so have the technologies of magick become
steadily more scientific.
The essential paradigms of magick are as follows;


Sympathetic Magick
This is the principle that people or events may be
remotely effected through objects having sympathy
with them. The paradigm may be further sub-
categorised as imitative magick and the law of contact
and contagion.
The first is the principle of 'like attracting like'.
Material objects are employed which bear some
resemblance to the intent of the magick, such as
plants, stones, or animal parts whose names or
appearance bear association with the intent. For
example, in traditional witchcraft Mandrake roots
have power due to their resemblance to the human
form. This is the principle presumably applied in
prehistoric cave paintings of successful hunts, or
where an effigy is made resembling the victim which

is then tortured with pins and burned with candles.
Modern sorcerers may also use photographs and
sound recordings to similar effect.
The common understanding that sympathetic magick
of this kind works through the naive superstition of
the victim, who supposedly dies through fear, falls
down at this point; it still works, indeed works even
more efficiently, if done in secret. Similarly, how
could a cave painting of a successful hunt have been
effective magick if the animals were not
The law of similarity also includes such things as
omens, and divination by sortilage; gaining insights
through the fall of a handful of bones, or Tarot cards,
or to be (p)reminded of certain principles through the
flight of birds, shapes in the clouds, or tea-leaves at
the bottom of a cup.
The second is the law of contact and contagion; the
principle of the 'magical link', such as the use of a
target's hair, nail-clippings, or footprints. It is the idea
that an object that once belonged to someone may be
used as a channel to reach them through magick;
anything that might conceivably provide a DNA
sample may effect the target's DNA in 'magical
sympathy'. It is common wisdom that such links are
all the more effective if given voluntarily. This
principle also works in reverse, for example when a
witch binds a man to her by feeding him a meal
secretly containing her own menstrual blood. Another
case is when a thief is cursed using the object they
have stolen as the link.
The principle is observed also by physicists in the

phenomena of quantum entanglement and the theory
of morphic resonance.


The reader will already be comfortable with the
concept of energy. We all know that when we do not
eat our energy is low. We know that many of our
household items rely on electrical energy, even if
nobody is really sure what electrical energy actually
is. We know that energy may be chemical, kinetic, or
potential, and that it changes between these states but
never vanishes.
As with sympathetic magick the origins of the energy
paradigm are prehistoric; there are many cave
paintings depicting the flow of energy. The energies
that circulate through the body will be familiar to
anyone who has ever taken up a martial art, or an
interest in oriental healing methods. Mystics agree
that this same energy flows through our landscape.
Common 'occultural language' includes many terms
for energy in the esoteric sense; most of us know what
'vibes' are, or what an 'aura' is, even if we are adamant
that we have never seen or experienced them.
The physiological energy centres within the body are
recognised by most occult schools, being known most
commonly in the modern day through the Tantric
yoga system of 'chakras', which awaken the
Kundalini. In the traditional witchcraft of England
this same power was raised with the Saracen's Kiss,
called also the Osculum Infame. Parallels to this

chakra system may also be found in Buddhism, the
Middle Pillar of Kabala, and the 'Gnostic Vowels' of
the German Ordo Franternitas Saturni. This magical
energy, which flows through the body and along the
spine, is also in the blood and breath.
The magician typically empowers their spells by
charging them with this Force. This may be released
from, or channelled through, the body by many
methods, such as the use of the blasting rod, or the
manos cernutos. The most immediate and easy
method is to rub the hands together vigorously to
produce heat, then stretch the palms over the spell to
be empowered.
Modern science has expanded its theories of energy
to include information. The relation between
information and energy is illustrated by the fact that
computers need cooling systems, and that the deletion
of information from the hard drive produces heat.
Energy as information is also central to the study of
black holes, being the only known conditions where
the otherwise consistent laws of physics break down
and energy / information simply cease to exist, and
through which scientists have come to the realisation
that our universe may be holographic.


The belief in spirits has also persisted since
prehistory. The earliest forms of spiritism were likely
to have been animist, recognising all nature as
conscious. This eventually gave rise to paganism,

embodying humanity's principal concerns as the gods.
It then declined into monotheism, recognising only
one God while declaring everyone else's to be demons
or – in the case of Catholicism - absorbing them as
saints. It declined further into atheism, upon which
the most advanced modern sciences appear to be
In the days of paganism, these personified laws were
called gods. During the reign of monotheism, these
same principles became the angels, saints, prophets,
and demons. In this day we are often embarrassed to
talk about such things as spirits and gods, since these
‘primitive’ beliefs have supposedly been proved
superstition. Instead, we speak about the functions of
the mind to produce material (such as art, or dreams)
as manifestations of the archetypes.
We might further designate the manifestations of
these psychegens to result directly from certain
functions of the brain; that is to say, they have a basis
in neurology and pre-exist any one of us as
individuals. It is ironic, then, that the psychologist
Carl Jung, who originated the concept of the
archetype, observed in his privately circulated work
Seven Sermons to the Dead, “.. All things considered,
all theses metapsychic phenomena would be
explained better by the hypothesis of spirits than by
any qualities and peculiarities of the unconscious.. in
the long run the spirit hypothesis yields better results
in practice than any other.”
Nevertheless, the existence of 'spirits' in post-
Enlightenment culture is simply denied, while those
who claim to interact with them are perceived as the

victims of delusion and mental disorder. There is,
therefore, an extreme sensitivity towards this kind of
experience, most often leading to repression and
marginalisation. However, this is also what has made
these same experiences attractive and fascinating to
those who have developed a sense of cultural criticism
and resistance to dominant values.


Another aspect of our scientific age is the quest to
understand ourselves and the nature of consciousness.
To this end we have developed the disciplines of
psychology, psychiatry, and neurology. These may
also provide the modern practitioner with a language
by which to understand and perform magick.
Many psychological phenomena, such as those of
hysteria or schizophrenia, were originally attributed to
the workings of spirits and witches. This meant, of
course, that witches and spirits would also be called
upon to bring an end to such disturbances. It may well
be that the apparent victims were mentally ill, and that
this had nothing to do with any kind of secret
influence. However, I have many times been called to
the aid of the mentally ill using magick. The methods
I have used have brought at least temporary relief, and
have never been ineffective. This is more than may be
said for many forms of modern psychiatry, relying as
they do on a theory of brain chemistry, for which
there is no evidence whatsoever.
The mechanisms of magick may be described by the

activity of the subconscious mind. Its symbol systems
are effective because they appeal to these deeper
realms of consciousness, bypassing awareness and
ego identification in much the same way as hypnosis
or subliminal mind control. This may take the form of
a glyph, gesture, barbaric invocation, and a great
diversity of other forms, or any combination of them.
The symbol is concentrated upon during trance, or
while the mind is otherwise open to suggestion;
during quiescent meditation, sexual release,
exhaustion, intoxication, or when inspiration takes
possession in any of the arts. This creates a kind of
synthetic neurosis, which works through
consciousness to create change in the self, or in the
external world, through generating what Jung referred
to as synchronicity.
It is easy for us to understand that objective events in
the outside world may have an effect on our
subjective inner consciousness. What is much harder
to understand is how subjective inner events may
have an effect on our objective outer world. As some
of our most advanced scientists are just beginning to
comprehend, “Mind and matter are not separate
substances. Rather, they are different aspects of your
whole and unbroken movement” (David Bohm). This
is no revelation to magicians, of course; as it says in
The Kybalion, “All is mind: the universe is mental.”
The paradigm we call here psychism has given rise to
a number of government funded experiments such as
Project Stargate and Project Jedi. It includes all those
abilities regarded as psychic, such as remote viewing
and influence, telepathy, psychokenesis, or even

simply that some people have hunches that more often
than not prove to be true.


That part of our brains that processes everything we
think of as 'I', our sense of individuated
consciousness, lies in the frontal cortex. The rest of
the brain, whose structure is shared with most
similarly conscious animals, is in constant
communication with the electromagnetic field of the
planet. Together with the discovery of mirror neurons
this has profound implications for our concepts of
self, identity, and the will. The 'I' is a product of its
environment, and effectively a very small node of
information processing within a wider field of
consciousness we might call the Greater Mind.
In the microcosm, mind consists of its contents,
which expresses itself as information. Similarly with
the Greater Mind, which in turn gives generation to
the Matrix; the illusion of space-time and our
experience of reality. Yet information itself, while it
may seat itself to a medium such as a storage device
or human brain, does not consist of mass or energy;
therefore consciousness is not bound by the space-
time continuum. As mystics have been saying all
along, the ego is an illusion; yet this is not an abstract
metaphysical opinion based on personal prejudice – it
is hard science supported by mounting empirical
Mind scientists such as Dr. Michael Persinger and

Stanley Koren have employed these discoveries in
experiments with the CIA's top remote viewers, such
as the infamous Ingo Swann. Their research has
presented empirical evidence that psychic abilities are
most readily accessed during the dominance of Theta
brain-frequency - at around 7Hz; the same resonance
as the planet. They have even developed technology
capable of boosting such abilities, or negating them.
Furthermore, the observations of quantum physicists
suggest that 'the observer' plays a role in bringing the
'matrix of matter' into existence. In this sense the
search for God is over; we have found it in the least
likely place it could ever have hidden – ourselves. Yet
this is not the solipsistic self deification of the so
called Left Hand Path, as it has been widely
misrepresented in occulture. Rather, it is the
recognition that we are all God, collectively, and have
been all along; for we are each a part of the Greater
Mind. To the hardcore atheist, there is nothing to
believe in but the 'self', and 'God' is the delusion, yet
the combined scientific evidence of neurology and
quantum physics suggests the very opposite to be true.
Is it not also a meaningful coincidence that a
universal magical symbol for consciousness may be
found in the butterfly - and that this symbol should
then become associated with both mind control and
Chaos theory? It is no great revelation to magicians
that a butterfly, or perhaps a mind, could send out
ripples that eventually – through simple 'cause and
effect' – result in a hurricane on the other side of the
planet. The smallest of actions can have the furthest
reaching consequences; we are none of us ever

insignificant and powerless, if only we would know it.
All magick is based upon a singular understanding
that may be expressed in countless ways - as it says in
The Zohar, “the Infinite extends without end”. This
understanding is expressed in Hinduism as Maya, in
Buddhism as Samsara, by the heathens as the Web of
Wyrd, by modern science as the holographic universe,
and in this current work as the Matrix. The principle
asserts that there is no truth anywhere that is not
balanced by an equal yet utterly contradictory truth.
Only perspective and circumstance determine what
seems to be true at any given time. We cannot
perceive two contradictory truths, or process
contradictory information, without becoming
entangled with apparent paradox and cognitive
The Matrix of consciousness arranges all things into
dualities; a binary code where the is becomes defined
as either / or; something is (as rationality dictates)
either true or false, while all physical matter is (as the
alchemists observed) either heavy or light, soft or
hard, wet or dry, hot or cold, or (as quantum physicist
have observed) a particle or a wave, and so on.
The essence of all magick is the act of
communication, the exchange of information, whether
from neuron to neuron, subconscious and conscious,
servitor and the mysteries, star to star, or from me to
you. Just as words and symbols define the content of
mind, the charaktēres and vocēs magickæ of magick
provide the programming codes of the Matrix. While
divination includes all methods of extracting non-
localised information from the data-pool of the

Greater Mind, enchantment includes all those
methods of hacking the Matrix.
Make no mistake – magick is a dangerous enterprise
and should never be entered into lightly..


“Ten is the number of the Ineffable Sephiroth
[Circuits], ten and not eight. Understand this
wisdom, and be wise by the perception.”
- Sepher Yetzirah; The Book of Formation

“Tim Leary's theory went lary; he only got as far as

- Animi Imperio, The Book of Information

The modern Kabala was formed sometime around the

13th century, yet its archetypal origins as the axis
mundi or 'world tree' are prehistoric and universal.
The same essential charaktëre occurs in the magick of
ancient Babylon, Egypt, the African Diaspora, Asia,
among the Celts and Northern Europeans, and in all
shamanic cultures. It is not strictly correct to attribute
the system to Hebrew origin; various Jewish sects,
such as the Caraites, reject the doctrine as pagan even
today. However, magical tradition has expressed great
sympathy with it.
Practical Kabala teaches that all humans are endowed
with mystical insights and magical (i.e psychic)
powers, which they may develop during their
lifetimes. Traditionally, the discipline encompasses
astrology, the creation of amulets and talismatia, and
many other aspects of 'the Arte'. It is also, and has
always been intended to be, a precise model of human
consciousness in relation to Cosmos.
The Kabalists conceived of Ain, a time when there
was only unfathomable Chaos; a period of Repose
and the abscence of manifestation, when the Negative
reigned supreme. From this proceeded Ain Soph, the

First Emanation, unbound and limitless. Condensing
further there appeared next Ain Soph Aur, meaning
Limitless Light; the energy from which all matter (the
Matrix) is ultimately formed.
This model is in keeping with modern physics, and
our current understanding of how the universe
evolved. All things, animate or inanimate, consist of
light. The material plane exists within the 49th octave
of vibration of the electromagnetic light spectrum.
Below this range are barely visible radiant heat, then
invisible infrared, television and radiowaves, sound
and brainwaves; above it is barely visible ultraviolet,
then the invisible frequencies of chemicals and
perfumes, followed by x-rays, gamma rays, radium
rays and unknown cosmic rays. The idea that any of
us are seperate from the light is an illusion. Light has
no beginning and no end; it is eternal.
Furthermore, the research of quantum physicist Ilya
Prigogene suggests that ordered structures
spontaneously arise from Chaos, with stability
maintained until some conflict within, or upon, the
structure occurs. Structure then spontaneously
reoccurs, modified according to the nature of the
conflict encountered. Out of Chaos (Repose) comes
Order (Manifestation), Out of Order.. sorry for the
The central charaktēre of Kabala is the Otz Chaim
(Tree of Life) consisting of ten Sephiroth, or 'Circuits',
arranged in a balanced geometric formation wherein
all opposites are resolved. Each contains the entire
tree, the way an acorn contains an oak, or any detail
of a fractal contains the entire pattern. Each is

associated with an archetype or 'intelligence', the
lower seven being most commonly associated with
the major planetary forces of astrology. The three
remaining, at the apex of the diagram, are considered
transcendent and 'above the Abyss'; aspects of the
Greater Mind itself.
According to Kabalist philosophy human
consciousness originates within the Limitless Light
(the Greater Mind), refracting through the 10 ineffable
circuits, picking up the characteristics and attributes
('colours') of personality, finally manifesting in the
material world (the Matrix). Having been spawned, it
exists at first in the realm of Atziluth, a state of non-
awareness, corresponding to elemental fire. As it
descends towards matter it draws manifestation
around itself to create the aetheric body or
'programming code', which is called the realm of
Briah, elemental air. This gradually develops into
Yetzirah, elemental water, bringing a mental and
emotional awareness, and finally into Assiah,
elemental earth, the physical body. The purpose of
consciousness is to evolve; to mature spiritually. This
process leads us back through the circuits in various
stages of development until once again attaining At-
One-Ment with the Greater Mind.
The planetary arrangement of The Neuronomicon
varies from that commonly given in books of magick,
most of which repeat Crowley's Liber 777. There are
various scales of attribution, each with their own
rationale; all are correct within context. The rationale
behind the order given here is based upon the
development and evolution of the human brain, and

may be considered The Neuromancer's Scale.

1. Malkuth: Biosurvival Circuit

First developed in the earliest evolution of the
invertebrate brain. Imprinted during infancy.
Concerned with suckling, cuddling, and the binary
either / or program (approach and accept / flight and
refusal) locking consciousness into the Matrix of
space and time. Dysfunctions at this level of
imprinting effect the development of the entire
personality, often manifesting as addictions; from
drugs through to gambling, sexual addiction, or binge
eating. Situated in the 'dwarf brain'. Stimulated in
adults by opiates.

2. Yesod: Emotional / Territorial Circuit

First developed in early vertebrates. Imprinted during
the 'toddling' stage. Concerned with aggression /
submission / cooperation. Stimulated in adults by

3. Hod: Symbolic / Semantic Circuit

First developed as hominids began to differentiate
from other primates. Imprinted during childhood by
symbol systems and interaction with other humans
and their artifacts. Concerned with calculation,
prediction, intention, and problem solving. Stimulated
in adults by caffeine, amphetamine, and cocaine.

4. Netzach: Domestic / Sociosexual Circuit
First developed in Stone Age tribal society. Imprinted
during puberty. Concerned with hedonism,
reproduction, parenting, social networks, morality etc.
Stimulated in adults by marijuana, and during
orgasmic coupling.

5. Tiphareth: Neurosomantic Circuit

Probably developed around 2000 BC or earlier, with
the first civilisations. It is at this point that surviving
literature first makes reference to a sense of 'I', so that
one 'feels' love rather that is 'visited by' it, and the rear
right hemisphere of the brain became less active.
Concerned with introspection and neurosomantic
feedback. Situated in the frontal cortex. Stimulated by
marijuana, MDMA, and meditation.

6. Geburah: Neuromantic Circuit

Probably first developed around 500 BC. Concerned
with deconditioning, self reprogramming, cybernetic
consciousness, psychic (magical) abilities, hacking
the Matrix. Stimulated by entheogens, and through
advanced meditation.

7. Hesed: Neurogenetic - Morphegenetic Circuit

Probably developed in the early first millenium.
Concerned with the collective unconscious, memories
of previous incarnations, and communion with the

Higher Self or 'Holy Guardian Angel'. Stimulated by
entheogens combined with advanced meditation, and
possibly at the moment of death.


0. Daath: Atavistic – Praeterhuman Circuits

The circuit that is not a circuit, or 'short circuit',
leading to the reverse side of the circuit board. In
traditional magick it is the dark counterpart of
Tiphareth and the shadow of Kether against the
Infinite Light; commonly associated with the
entrance to the Tunnels of Set / Typhon, the Black
Sun, and the Anti-Christ.
As the Greater Mind consists of light, giving rise to
the Matrix of all phenomena, its opposite consists of
darkness and antimatter. This 'Anti-Cosmos' also has
its ten emanations, each further distanced from the
higher circuits, and progressively more dangerous.
First are Tohu, the Formless Ones, and Bohu, the
Void, then comes ChShK, the primordial Chaos, and
the Seven Hells. These are those demonic forces
referred to in Kabalist doctrine as the Qulipoth, by the
Tantrics as the lower chakras, in Goetic tradition as
the Infernal hierarchy, and in this work as the shadows
of the seven archetypes.


Above the Abyss: Transcendent Circuits

Extraterrestrial psychoatomic quantum non-local
circuits concerned with consciousness beyond the

confines of the space / time continuum. Stimulated by
heroic doses of entheogens combined with extremely
advanced meditation. Experience of these circuits
may not be translated into linear, rational language.
They may be approximated as; 8. Binah (the Matrix).
9. Hokhmah (the Greater Mind). 10. Kether (the
Crown; The First Emanation; the paradoxical
nonevent outside space / time).


A comprehension of the following symbols will also

be of benefit;

The Lightning Strike

Upon the charaktëre of the Kabala the Lightning
Strike traces a path from the tenth to first circuits in
sequence, representing the dynamic force of At-One-
Ment. In traditional doctrine it is identified with the
illuminating moment in Creation when God (the
Greater Mind) declared 'Let there be Light'.
We may also correspond the Lighting Flash with
heightened cerebral activity, particularly the Gamma
frequencies; a subject we shall explore in more depth,
and as representative of the relationship between the
illusion of 'I', its source in the Greater Mind, and the
spontaneous but fleeting experience of At-One-Ment.

The Serpent of Knowledge

The serpent, in shedding its skin, is an archetypal

symbol of reincarnation, self renewal, and the
processes of initiation. Identified in tradition as the
serpent in the garden of Eden, the Serpent of
Knowledge travels from Malkuth to Kether, touching
each of the 22 'paths' (connections between the
circuits) in sequenc, corresponding also with the path
of the Kundalini serpent through the seven chakras,
and the powers of the Voudon serpent mysteries. We
may also correspond the Serpent of Knowledge to the
cerebral-spinal system, and as representative of the
evolution of consciousness on the path of return to the
Greater Mind.

The Pillar of Equilibrium

This is the middle pillar of the Kabala in a line
directly between Malkuth and Kether, representing the
archetypal axis mundi around which all existence
revolves, connecting our world to those above and
below; such as the stäng of witchcraft, the world tree
Yggdrasil, the poto mitan at the centre of Voudon
ceremony, the omphalos of Siva, the Asherah of
ancient Babylon, or the altar in any religion or
magical tradition. We may correspond the middle
pillar to the corpus collusum running along the centre
of the brain, between the 'dwarf brain' and amygdala
to the frontal cortex, and its function of regulating
right to left brain activity.

The Twin Pillars

The twin pillars correspond with the left and right

hemispheres of the brain. That running on the right
hand side of the Kabala between Hod and Binah is
called the Pillar of Severity. That on the left, between
Netzach and Hokmah, is the Pillar of Mercy. These
represent the mutual interdependence of all dual
manifestation; the binary code of the Matrix. The Self
passes between these pillars, their paths leading to the
Eternal Sanctuary we have called At-One-Ment.

The Triple Pillars

All three pillars together represent the 'sacred trinity';
the negation of the binary code and the transcendence
of duality, complete integrated consciousness, and the
perception of immediate reality; At-One-Ment.

Jacob's Ladder
The diagram of the Kabala extends above and below
into infinity; Kether being the first circuit of a second
'tree' extending like roots, with its highest circuit
corresponding to Malkuth, extending downwards into
the shadow circuits; the same realms of darkness
discussed above with regards to Daath, corresponding
to the chthonic archetypes.
A third 'tree' above, corresponding to the transcendent
archetypes; those powers known cross culturally as
'the Ael' (Babylonian / Hebrew meaning 'Beings of
Light'), Aelves (Germanic, meaning 'being of light),
Angels, Aliens, etc.

“Magick is the art of causing changes in
consciousness according to will.”
– Dion Fortune, Psychic Self Defence

Consciousness is a vibration, with more evolved

minds having a higher frequency; ask any shaman,
mystic or neurologist. Magical philosophy has been
aware of this for Aeons, while modern science has
proven it. We may now observe these frequencies as
they occur in different areas of the brain, as well as
how they change according to environment and our
The human brain consists of billions of neurons
which communicate through electrical signals. The
combination of these neurons firing at once produces
a considerable charge within the brain which may be
measured using sensitive equipment such as an
electroencephalogram, which reads electrical activity
across the scalp. The combinations of electrical
activity within the brain are referred to as brainwaves
due to their cyclic ‘wave like’ pattern. Our brains
regulate by emitting tiny electrochemical impulses at
various frequencies measured in cycles per second
(Hz). Each has unique characteristics associated with
different states of consciousness.
Magick may be considered as an ancient technology
of self directed mind control. The spiritual
significance of these practices are entirely subjective.

It is not necessary to adopt alien philosophies or
religions in order to benefit from them; they may also
be considered in terms of the mind sciences. This is
not to reduce magical phenomena to mere
psychological trickery but to expand our
understanding and definition of consciousness.
Magick awakens latent psychic faculties of the human
mind; different rituals lower or raise brain activity,
triggering different states. The casting of the circle,
for example, is a physically acted form of the Eastern
mandala intended to close down intrusive thoughts,
emotions and ‘personal demons’ in preparation for
focused mental activity. The various conjurations,
from the evocation of spirits to astral travel, or the
casting of spells or augury, are techniques that direct
the entirely human psychic abilities of the
subconscious and supraconscious mind.
The disciplines of magick are analogous to physical
training for the brain; its natural neuroplasticity
meaning it can be trained to develop new skills and
abilities. Again, it is not necessary to descend into
obscurantist occult philosophies in order to benefit
from these abilities; they may also be considered in
terms of the mind sciences, even if most of the
correlating research is only to be found in leaked
military psy-ops reports.

< Δ Infra Low (- 0.5Hz) – Slow Cortical Potentials

The basic cortical rhythms underlying all brain
activity, playing a major role in brain timing and
network function. Infra Low frequencies are

extremely hard to detect and few scientific studies are
available concerning them. A brain profile showing
dominant Infra-Low frequencies would suggest deep
coma, or brain death.

Δ Delta (0.5 to 3 Hz)

Dominant during quiescent meditation and deep stage
3 Non-REM sleep, also known as Slow Wave Sleep,
and all stage 4 spectral activity. They are present in all
mammals, with females generally having stronger
frequencies and men showing a greater reduction with
age. Delta waves suspend external awareness and
seem to be an essential ‘shut down’ allowing for
healing and regeneration. They are often dominant in
people who have had traumatic experiences or worked
in therapeutic environments, and have been observed
in 40-50% of acute schizophrenics. Disruptions in
Delta activity have also been observed during
intoxication and delirium.
In magical / religious pantheons these lowest
frequencies of consciousness are often personified as
beings of darkness; demons, dwarves, or giants
(Nephilim / Old Ones / Titans / Etin), or as atavistic /
divine tricksters, such as Ganesh or Exu. Delta
frequencies correspond to the 1st and lowest world of
Atziluth in Kabbalist philosophy.
In the Advaita Vedanta school of Hindu philosophy
and practice the ‘deep dreamless sleep’ associated
with Delta brainwaves is considered among the most
advanced states of Yogic consciousness. If one can
remain aware during dreamless sleep a mystical state

is achieved known as jagrat sushupti; awareness of
the no-mind.

Θ Theta (3 to 8 Hz)
Dominant during REM dreaming sleep, magical
trance, and the entheogenic experience. Theta waves
suspend physical awareness and are essential in
learning and memory. Theta waves are associated
with dreams, nightmares, ‘personal demons’ and
psychological blockages. They have also been
associated with intuition, vivid imagery, subconscious
information, and psychic abilities such as telepathy
and remote viewing; the optimum frequencies for
which appear around 7.83 Hz; matching the
electromagnetic pulse of the planet Earth (Schumann
It is an odd coincidence that the brain state
connecting us to the world of archetypes should be at
around 7 Hz; for seven has always been considered by
adepts as the hidden key to the mysteries.
Theta frequencies correspond to the 2nd world of
Beriah in Kabalist philosophy.

A Alpha (8 to 12 Hz)
Dominant during some forms of meditation and
during quietly flowing thoughts. Alpha is the resting
frequency of the brain and is associated with the sense
of being ‘present in the now’. They are essential to
mind / body integration, coordination, and learning.
Providing the bridge between Theta and Beta, Alpha

waves are essential to those activities allowing access
to information from the subconscious, such as
recalling dreams or ‘trips’, or the implanting of
subconscious information, as with hypnotic
suggestion or sigil magick.
The corresponding gods / goddesses / spirits often
take part animal / human anthropomorphic form. They
may be said to personify the ‘bridge’ between Theta
and Beta consciousness. Alpha frequencies
correspond to the 3rd world of Yetzirah in Kabalist

B Beta (12 to 38 Hz)

Dominant during normal waking consciousness when
the mind is focused on cognitive awareness and
directed outside the self. Beta waves dominate when
we are alert, attentive, and engaged. They may be
further subdivided into three bands;
Beta 1 / Low Beta (12 to 15 Hz) is ‘fast idle’,
generated when musing on a problem or solution.
Beta 2 / Beta (15 to 22 Hz) is high engagement or
active problem solving.
Beta 3 / High Beta (22 to 38 Hz) is complex thought,
integrating new experiences, high anxiety,
hypervigilance or extreme excitement. Continual high
frequency processing is not energy efficient and may
cause cognitive malfunction.
Many people spend almost their entire waking lives
in Beta dominant consciousness and are
uncomfortable whenever they experience moments of
personal insight or loss of self. Beta frequencies

correspond to the 4th world of Asiyah in Kabalist

Г Gamma (38 to 42 Hz)

Gamma frequencies were initially dismissed as neural
background noise until 2004 when researchers
discovered they were activated in Tibetan monks
during meditation on the higher virtues of altruism
and universal love. They have also been found to be
more present in extremely intelligent people,
suggesting a scientifically provable link between
intelligence, altruism, and spiritual evolution.
Not easily detected due to their extremely low
amplitude, they are associated with peak performance,
expanded consciousness, spiritual emergence, and, in
extreme cases, the experience of deity and / or
extraterrestrials. They are above the frequency of
neural firing and their origins remain a mystery,
although it seems likely they originate from the area
of brain corresponding to the crown chakra. It is
speculated that they modulate perception and
consciousness, simultaneously processing activity
from different areas of the brain.
The corresponding archetypes of Gamma
consciousness are often personified as beings of Light
(El / Ael / Aelf / Angels / Aliens). Gamma brain
frequencies correspond to the transcendent Adam
Kadmon in Kabbalist philosophy.

Г > Hyper-Gamma (42 Hz+)
Even less is known about these highest frequencies of
human consciousness. Hyper-Gamma frequencies are
thought to have significance to the synthesis and
translation of immediate sensory information in
relation to information stored in the neural system.
They are thought by some researchers to relate to our
mind’s ability to overcome cognitive dissonance and
resistance to change.


Altered States & Neuromancy; It is important to

understand that brainwaves are all simultaneously
present and function together like the frequencies of
music. Consciousness is the developing harmony of
these interacting frequencies. If the brain was a band,
Delta would be the drummer providing the essential
underlying rhythm that keeps everything in time,
Theta would be the pulsing bass, Alpha would be the
guitarist, and Beta would be the vocalist, while Sub-
Delta would be the roadies and Gamma the manager.
To apply a more traditionally ‘magical’ metaphor, the
five brain states work together like the five cardinal
powers (earth, air, fire, water and spirit / aether) to
complete the human soul. Just as there are spirits
associated with each element, so too are there states of
consciousness these spirits may be said to personify,
representing different aspects of our own selves; from
etin to elves, or from demons to angels, depending on
the pantheon. These different aspects are dominant at
different times depending on the frequencies of the

brain, each pertaining to a different dimension of
human experience.
During normal waking state Beta waves tend to be
dominant, often in combination with strong Delta
signals during automatic tasks that require little
concentration. Most people are Beta dominant during
almost their whole waking lives; we live in a Beta
dominant culture, and only consider something ‘real’
if it can be observed and measured during Beta
dominant consciousness.
During quiescent meditation both Alpha and Theta
dominate; magical training consists primarily of
mastering the ability to access these states. Deeper
trance leads into Delta, when the mind is silent. These
frequencies provide among the most essential keys to
enchantment, divination, evocation, and accessing the
Greater Mind. Meditation upon, or invocation of,
higher consciousness activates Gamma frequencies
and the condition of At-One-Ment.
During group magical ritual Beta is also present;
Delta during mental quiescence, Theta providing
insight and creative imagination, Alpha bridging the
gap between subconscious and conscious, with Beta
providing the conscious processing of thought and
Goetic ritual – the summoning of lower frequency
‘spirits’ and their binding a higher purpose, is
achieved through a medium accessing Theta and
Delta frequencies, while their binding and
commanding is achieved during Gamma dominant
consciousness. This is why the grimoires instruct that
the summoner must be ‘pure of heart’ and spend many

days preparing with prayer (i.e. meditation on the
higher virtues). Without this preparation the magician
risks being overcome by the entities (states of
consciousness) they seek to control – becoming
instead enslaved by their own ‘inner demons’ and
egoistic obsessions.
Our brainwave profile and our experience of the
world are inseparable; to change one is to trigger
changes in the other. It is often easy to understand that
the external objective world may trigger changes in
the internal subjective working of the brain, as are
observed and recorded by the mind sciences. It is
much harder to comprehend how a change in our
internal workings may trigger changes in the external
world; magick.

“.. Each grain of Sand,
Every Stone on the Land,
Each rock and each hill,
Each fountain and rill,
Mountain, hill, earth and sea,
Cloud, Meteor, and Star
Are Men Seen Afar.”
- William Blake

Those places most known for inspiring mystics,

where there are reported sightings of UFOs, are
known in folk lore for encounters with fairy, or were
held sacred by our ancestors – such as Stone Henge in
the UK, or the sacred ground of the original
inhabitants of America – have been shown to align in
a network of 'Ley lines' across the surface of the
planet. These too are of significance; the attainment to
Theta and the Schumann resonance might be
considered the very ultimate in Earth magick.
Geophysicists have shown a correlation between a
startling number of sacred sites globally to the
tectonic plates across the surface of our planet. That
friction occurs across these plates is apparent to us
through the phenomenon of earthquakes. What is less
apparent is that it can also create a low level electrical
field, capable of altering the frequencies of human
consciousness in a similar manner to Dr. Persinger's
psychic boosting God helmet, the microwave psy-ops

weaponry currently being developed by our military,
or HAARP. A field generating strong Theta would
reasonably cause visions, whereas Gamma would
produce experiences of bright lights and a sense of all
encompassing awe. It should therefore be no great
surprise that orders of the establishment work hard to
maintain control of such sites, or else have attempted
to destroy them.
Paul Deveraux, editor of The Ley Hunter earth
mysteries journal, proposed a similar hypothesis in
the 1980s; the appearance of glowing lights he
attributed to plasma, further reasoning that this
plasma could itself effect brain activity if encountered
at close quarters. While the electromagnetic emissions
of the tectonic plates themselves has been proven,
Deveraux's earth lights hypothesis is a lot harder to
verify as it would involve having the right equipment
available at the precise moment of the 'earth lights'
phenomena; however, there is no reason to assume he
is wrong, especially in 'light' of what has been proven
since he first expressed his theory.
It logically follows that if there are nodes in the
planet's electrical field that produce Theta and
Gamma experience in humans there must also be
'black sites' that produce Alpha, Delta and lower.
Perhaps this could offer a rational correlation with
hauntings and other phenomena.


Crop Circles
With regard to the phenomenon of crop circles, I have

spoken face to face with members of both Team Satan
and Team 666; competing 'sides' in military operations
testing the limits of stealth and group coordination. I
have been shown photographs, taken from helicopter,
of a vast number of crop circles created by these two
teams alone. The persons I spoke to were also 'stoners'
well versed in the symbolic codes of magick;
including what has been fashionably called 'sigils'.
The crop circles were magical charaktēres created
with an intent; not only have the establishment gained
control of our sacred sites, military psy-ops are
performing sigil magick in our food.. The situation is
as intolerable as it is absurd.

“We are as the refracted Light of a schizophrenic
- Baba Dirt (New York street sorcerer)

When we speak of the archetypes we are not referring

to something that requires human faith or ‘invested
belief’ to exist. Although their personification is
achieved through human imagination, the sea is still
the sea and the moon the moon, each with their own
natural laws, whether we personify them or not. Those
laws may be temporarily bent, but they will always
return to their nature. We might leave footprints in the
sand, even build fantastic castles, but the tide will
always wash them away. There is nobody who can
command the tide, however many sacrifices they give.
However, one may come to learn the nature of these
laws, that one may live in harmony with them.
Nevertheless, it also remains true that all pantheons
reflect, and are reflections of, human psychology.
Such is not denied in magical philosophy; to say the
archetypes reside within the collective unconscious of
all humankind is just the same as the Voudusant
saying the lwa reside in the Waters Beneath the Earth,
or for Kabalist philosophers to speak of the Female
Mind. Since all pantheons concern human nature we
can also expect them to correspond cross culturally.
All have seven major archetypes, and in all traditions
these have been attributed to days of the week; in


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