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Alcatel Pabx Command List: Allaboutnetwork

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The document provides a list of commands that can be used on an Alcatel PBX system, organized by category and function.

Some of the main commands listed include cpu_ready, listtool, mnt4615, rst4615, scpu, simdeport, simtrace, tcyc, domstat, intipstat, ippsim, and more.

Pages 2-3 discuss commands related to trunk groups, trunks, dialog contexts, CSTA, statistics, pilots and more.


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Alcatel PaBX Command list

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Here is the list of specific commands usable by all users:

– cpu_ready : <description to be filled>
– listtool : list of specific commands
– mnt4615 : A4615 maintenance tool
– rst4615 : reset A4615 VMU
– scpu : send message to CPU
– simdeport : Equipment replacement or visualisation
– simtrace : Redirection of messages from the cpu to a coupler
– tcyc : all cyclical test activation
– domstat : Display Domain Info
– intipstat : Int Ip Information
– ippsim : PCMM2 Simulation Mode

Here is the list of specific commands usable by mtcl:

– abcchain : check notification and facilities chainage
– acdhtml : Make html file for acd
– acdsup : Display acd configuration
– acrlist : Send a message to the associated node and wait for the answer
– actdbg : active traces for debug
– agacd : Display agent parameters
– agfsb : Display agent parameters for forseeable wait
– alarmrel : alarm relay:change state, incidents, info
– antdiv : correct antenna diversity field in DB and remanents
– asn1chain : check asn1 chainage
– attag : List of attached agent in a processing group
– autor2 : internal datas of R2
– aux4600 : Q23 detector state of a 4600 rack
– aux5400 : Q23 detector state of a 5400 rack
– bascul : switch over on the twin CPU
– bbc2stat : Statistics on BBC2 boards
– bckdebug : Call Server : Back up signaling link information
– boardinfo : Display board info
– call_ident : data of busy trunk and it’s peer
– callbstat : internal datas of call back service
– calledfilt : List of called filtering parameter
– callprof : call profile
– ccdcom : Display ccd application number
– ccdn : CCDn Routage
– cckpis_reader : Read CC KPIs files
– ccstat : call completion internal datas
– cdtstat : <description to be filled>
– cfnstat : Display meet me conference structure
– cmdcpl : toolbox for IP boards
– cnx : <description to be filled>
– cnx_eqt : for agreement:forces connexion
– code_debug : active code of debug
– compvisu : compression tool
– config : all coupler’s status
– config_gsm : GSM notification configuration
– configold : coupler’s status before last save of ops files
– country_code : Country codes
– cpl_online : online debug of standard couplers
– cplalrm : alarms of one board
– cplstat : one coupler’s datas
– cplton : couplers broadcasting tonas
– cryptview : Network encryption status
– csiprestart : Restart a SIP extension
– csipsets : List of configured SIP extensions
– csipview : List of SIP extensions in communication
– csta : Display interactiv queueing table
– csta_data : CSTA data
– cstabuf : CSTA buffer
– cstacheck : CSTA Check List
– cstainfo : CSTA remanents
– cstatrans : CSTA transitions search
– cstatrk : Display csta monitoring of trunk group
– ctxacd : Display dialog context data
– ctxretry : Display dialog contexts in wait for ack list
– ctxsendmsg : Send message between contexts
– ctxstate : Change the dialog context state
– datastat : <description to be filled>
– debug_cpl : active debug in UA coupler
– dectarea : Dect localization area display
– dectclean : dect-roaming data clean
– dectdbg : Debug of Dect handset
– decteasy : Easy Dect installation tool
– dectinfo : Display of Dect global information
– dectinstoff : Dect installation : end
– dectinston : Dect installation : begin
– dectipuio : translate ABPQMCDU to IPUI_O
– dectisoloff : Dect coupler isolation : end
– dectisolon : Dect coupler isolation : begin
– dectlocreq : dect suggest locate_req
– dectmaster : Set Dect Frame Sync master coupler
– dectnwkdbg : Debug of Dect network
– dectrestart : Restart dect application
– dectrm : Remove handset IPUI
– dectsets : List of Dect handsets configured
– dectview : Dect status
– demi_com : demi_com datas
– demi_com_fr : description of a frame relay half-com
– demi_com_sup : description of a support channel frame relay
– didtest : test datas of did table
– distrirule : Display parameters of a distribution rule
– distristat : <description to be filled>
– domstat : Display Domain Info
– downstat : download and couplers
– dspstat : DSP status on coupler
– dump_bbc2 : all about BBC2 board
– edcustom : Priority, TIR and conference
– emerlist : Emergency list data
– entitystat : <description to be filled>
– eqstat : equipment datas
– ermahisto : eRMA historic visualisation
– excvisu : displays systems exceptions (backtraces)
– getnode : node number for prompt
– gfu : GFU
– grpopestat : <description to be filled>
– help : informations on tools
– helpacd : Update acdv2 data station
– hybvisu : display hybrid accesses information
– iaa : Display Integrated Auto Attendant information
– ibsstat : list of all ibs in service
– inccpt : <description to be filled>
– increset : reset of incidents
– info_he : <description to be filled>
– infocs : synchronisation datas
– ini_tab_us : reinitialize it US/USCVG
– inserv : in-service coupler
– int155stat : INT155 connexions
– intint : INT couplers
– intipstat : Int Ip Information
– ioipdisplay : IOIP board remote crystal signalisation automaton
– ipldebug : Ip Link Trace activation
– iplink_restart : Ip Link stop Before Shutdown
– ippsim : PCMM2 Simulation Mode
– ippstat : Ip Phone visualisation
– lanpbxbuild : lanpbx.cfg tool for Ip tftp configuration
– lanpbxmipt : lanpbx-mipt.cfg tool for Mipt tftp configuration
– limitstat : maximum values of system
– liostat : statistics on LIO boards
– list : set of pretty listing tools for sets
– list_catjr : list of all trunk categories with their type
– list_faisc : list of all trunkgroups with their type and prefix number
– listag : Display dynamic state of affected agent
– listdnd : do not disturb sets
– listen : timeslot connexion
– listerm : list of terminals
– listfwd : forwarded terminals
– listibs : list of ibs
– listincall : Gives established communication
– listloc : list of locked sets
– listout : isolated resources
– listrpn : list of all rpn
– lkvisu : list of all links node by node
– locefdis : <description to be filled>
– logag : List of affected agent in a processing group
– lookars : rout list configuration
– lookgram : <description to be filled>
– looknpd : Numbering Plan Descriptor configuration
– looknumin : Numbering plan descriptor on arrival
– lookvpn : VPN overflow config.: display and control
– loop : forces connexion PCM on jonct
– ltcyc : cyclic tests datas
– miptsets : mipt phone set informations
– miptview : mipt phone set in communication
– mnt_alr : alarm counter on jonctor
– mntahlip : ahltcp maintenance tool
– mod_vg_start : <description to be filled>
– modconf : Modular conference circuit configuration
– msglevel : Display information elements of dialog context messages
– neqt_log : datas of virtual phone sets
– nomadic : nomadic sets maintenance tool
– nsipsets : List of configured NOE-SIP extensions
– nsipview : List of NOE-SIP extensions in communication
– ocupjonc : <description to be filled>
– opstat : operators status
– opsup : real-time attendant supervisor
– outserv : out-of-service coupler
– param_dyn : Dump of a coupler dynamic parameters
– parm5400 : time-out values of a 5400 rack
– patchus : modify US software
– pbxstat : datas of pbx groups
– pcotstat : <description to be filled>
– pcsview : Passive Com Server information
– pgacd : Display processing group data
– pgctx : Display dialog context of a remote pg
– pgwq : Display call selection params of distribution dir
– pgwqlist : Display queue list of a processing group
– pilacd : Display pilot data
– pildstctx : Display pilot destination contexts
– pilotrule : Display parameters of a pilot rule
– pilstat : Display pilot stat data
– pingctx : Send a message to the associated ctx and wait for the answer
– piwq : Display parameters of a routing direction
– piwqlist : Display queue list of a pilot
– piwqpg : Display queue and processing group list of pilot
– poorars : Display poor signalling route ARS data
– postlog : with logical number:phone sets datas
– public_tsl : public translator
– qatool : Provide information to QA automatic testing tool
– qslac_z2 : Dump of a Z2 coupler qslac data
– r2_5400 : R2 detector state of a 5400 rack
– rack_table : informations associated to one crystal
– razam : Reset the waiting queue
– razlimit : Reset busy IT counter
– razpil : razpil
– raztrkacd : Reset trunk group ACD call counter
– razwq : razwq
– readbbox : context before backtrace (black box)
– readfile : Display or update agent order number data file
– readhead : current version of one file
– readkey : read informations in keys of digital sets
– reinit : reset of terminal
– rem_gfu : Remanents GFU
– remoteghosts : List of configured ghosts Z for remote extension
– remoteinfo : Display of remote extension global informations
– remoterestart : Restart remote extension network layer
– remotesets : List of configured remote extensions
– remoteview : List of remote extensions in communication
– represent : representation of connexion
– rsiwtdtime : RSI forseeable waiting time announcement table
– rst_servroute : Reset the service route address
– rstabcfcounter : Resets the value of nb_abc_sip_cnx for the trunk
– rstcpl : reset of coupler
– rstdspcpl : DSP or embedded function reset
– rsthyb : reset of hybrid links
– rstio1 : reset of IO1
– rtpstat : statistics RTP on IP boards
– rule : Display dynamic state of rules (pilot and distribution)
– rzmfr : <description to be filled>
– rzqueue : <description to be filled>
– scpl : send message to coupler
– sendall : <description to be filled>
– setCCE : Set on|off CCE Client
– setCCW : Set on|off CCW Client
– setdate : update date on numeric terminals
– sigtrace : Signalling trace
– simulacc : artere locale simulation
– sip : List the tools available for SIP
– sipacces : SIP Trunk Group Acces
– sipauth : SIP authentification
– sipdict : SIP dictionnary
– sipdump : Sipmotor resources dump tool
– sipextgw : SIP External gateways dump
– sipextusers : List of configured SIP devices with Ext Gateway
– sipgateway : SIP Gate way
– sipmotor_stop : Sipmotor stop Before Shutdown
– sippool : SIP External gateways pool
– smartms : active traces in mailsys
– sosm_cpl : SOSM cpl
– ss7stat : Gives signalling connexions with SS7 Network
– statenode : Display state of each node in the network
– stopdbg : stop traces for debug
– stringref : Display string references on Tiny
– substires : <description to be filled>
– suitlog : affichage des donnees hotel
– supgpbx : GPBX supervisor
– suuchain : internal datas for SUU
– synchro : force synchronization
– t2chain : check mess_t2 chainage
– ta_prifa : dialling prefixes for trunks
– tab__aux : cadences of tonalities
– tab_aux_us : detectors back US
– tab_fr_crct : <description to be filled>
– tab_it_spyd : BRA/PRA/UA couplers
– tab_ua : terminals on UA couplers
– tab_ua_typ : datas of UA terminals
– tabag : List of agent
– tabcallprof : call profile table
– tabctx : Display dialog contexts list
– tabeqt : with coupler index:coupler equipment number
– tabnodectx : Display dialog contexts list associated to node
– tabopcstat : <description to be filled>
– tabpg : List of processing groups
– tabpil : List of pilots
– tabpilstat : List of pilot stat
– tabranfilt : List of caller filtering parameter
– tabrasfo : callback table for trunks
– tabskill : skill
– tabskilldom : skill domain
– tabtemp : table of delays
– tabwq : List of queues
– tabwtd : Display Waiting Time Dependant table
– taux : cyclical test on detectors
– tb_acces_t0 : T0 access datas
– tbr : Changing DECT behaviour to desired TBR
– tcalledfilt : List of called filtering number
– tcpl : cyclical test on coupler
– term_online : online debug of NOE TDM devices
– terminfo : links on demi-com
– termstat : terminal status
– tftp_check : IP phones binary update activity check tool
– tracerus : trace events on US
– traddata : internal datas of data phone sets
– tradeq : with equipment number:terminals
– tradna : with directory number:terminals
– tradph : with physical address:terminals
– traffic : dump counters of coupler msg
– transcod : transcod special chars of string files
– transisvpn : <description to be filled>
– trkbusy : display TG busy barometer
– trklimit : Display trunk group table limitation
– trkstat : trunk status
– trkvisu : trunk group
– trschain : Dump of transit facility/notification area
– ts4600 : time-slot state of a 4600 rack
– ts5400 : time-slot state of a 5400 rack
– tsint : it status between two int
– tsio1 : it status on IO1 card
– tsus : it status US-USCG, IR-IRC
– twin : duplication of main CPU
– ua_version : UA version of one terminal
– usedentity : Display elements which used and entity
– usstat : datas of US shelves
– utadown : downloaded code on uta boxes
– varcpl_rout : coupler datas with physical position
– vgclass : display of VG class for message
– vgdigit : VG CCDn Digit Announcement
– vgemis : broadcasted voice-guides
– vgfile : Display Downloadable Vocal Guides file names
– vgmespos : VG Message Position
– vgmulti : voice guide and multi-language
– vgmultilang : Display multilanguage voice guide
– vgstart : start voice guides
– vgstat : vocal guides status on coupler
– vgton : tonalities and voice-guides
– vgtonrepl : tonas replacing voice guides
– virwq : Display virtual queue
– visu_ardyn : display dynamic link accesses information
– visu_catjr : trunk categories
– vmail : sympac access
– voipstat : statistics on LIOe boards
– vp_pos_table : <description to be filled>
– wherevg : location of a voice guide or a voice message
– wired_or : ports access before bascul
– wq : <description to be filled>
– wqacd : Display queue data
– wqfsb : forseeable wait
– wqpg : Display resource selection params of distribution dir
– wqpglist : Display processing group list of a queue
– wqpilist : Display pilot list of a queue
– x25visu : datas of x25, cluster, acces point
– zacd : Display specific acd dynamic data for trunk
– zccdn : Display specific acd dynamic data for trunk
– zdata : datas of data terminals
– zdjonct : jonctor datas
– zdmict0 : with equipment nb:terminal type T0
– zdmict2 : with equipment nb:terminal type T2
– zdpost : with equipment nb:other terminals
– zguide : <description to be filled>
– zoai : datas of oai terminals
– zuastat : list all non-HE subdevices

– By directory number >tradna
– By physical address >tradph % tradpn %
– By equipment number >tradeq % tradnp %
– By index >tabeqt
– Reset of a coupler >rstcpl
– Reset of a terminal >reinit
– Reset of DSP or embedded cpl (CPU6) >rstdspcpl
– Out-of-service coupler >outserv
– In-service coupler >inserv
– Cyclical tests >tcyc, tcpl, taux, ltcyc
– Downloading state >downstat
– FBC and HE software download >hedownload
– Read coupler binaries version >readhead % read_head %
– Set numeric phone sets date >setdate % term_date %
– state of cristal clock >clockstat

– All coupler’s status >config
– one coupler’s status and data >cplstat % varcpl %
– Equipment data >eqstat % tabneph %
– Terminal status >termstat % term_data %
– Trunk status >trkstat % trunk_state %
– INT-INT connexion >intent % int_sort %
– TS status US-USCVG or IR-IRC >tsus % itusstat %
– TS status between 2 INT >tsint % itintstat %
– TS status on IO1 card >tsio1 % itio1stat %
– TS status between 5400-5400C >ts5400 % ts_5400 %
– TS status between 4600-GNISC >ts4600 % ts_2600 %
– US shelve status >usstat % ges_us %
– 5400 shelve visualization >aux5400 % aux_5400 %
– 5400 shelve visualization >aux4600 % aux_2600 %
– DSP status on a coupler >dspstat % varcpl_dsp %
– Coupler traffic counter >traffic
– Vocal guides status on coupler >vgstat % varcpl_vg %
– Voice mail accesses status >vmail % sympac %
– Operators status >opstat % trafficop %
– Operators real-time supervisor >opsup
– Display of terminals >listerm % list_terms %
– List of the isolated resources >listout % list_outserv %
– List of forwarded terminals >listfwd % list_fwd %
– List of terminals in DND state >listdnd
– Synchronization Data >infocs
– Timer table display >tabtemp
– Data terminal information >zdata
– Telephonic traces >mtracer, tuner, trc
– Keys of digital sets >readkey

– Topology and network visualization >suproutage
– Network administration >netadmin
– IP/X25 tunnel state >tunstat
– IP/X25 tunnel parameters >tunconfig list
– Test ping >ping
– Remote login >rlogin
– X25 diagnostic >x25diag % poucet decod %
– VPN overflow configuration >lookvpn
– Route list configuration >lookars
– Display VPN calls >vpnstat
– Reset of hybrid links >rsthyb
– Numerotation en arrive >looknumin

– Incidents message visualization >incvisu % recup %
– Incidents Reset >increset % razfile %
– Incidents temporary output choice >incout % sortie %
– Incidents counters visualization >inccpt % nbfault %
– Stop incidents screen display >incstop % stopinc %
– Restart incidents screen display >incstart % startinc %
– Incidents documentation >incinfo % info_incid %
– Couplers alarms visualization >cplalrm % visu_alrm %
– Alarm relay management >alarmrel % relala, relalaoff %
– Backtraces visualization >excvisu % recupexc %
– Network incidents visualization >netvisu % incires %

– role of the CPU’s >role or role -b
– switch over on the twin CPU >bascul
– duplication of twin CPU >twin % secours %
– copy database to twin CPU >mastercopy % dupcopy %
– copy database from master CPU >mastercopy

– Dect global informations >dectinfo
– Dect installation >dectinston % dect_debinst %
– Remove a handset IPUI >dectrm % dect_desinst %
– Dect localization area display >dectarea % dect_area %
– Dect coupler isolation >dectisolon, dectisoloff % dect_debisol, dect_finisol %
– List of Dect handsets configured >dectsets % dect_sets %
– Dect status >dectview % dect_view %
– Handset observation >dectobs % decthsobs %
– Restart Dect application >dectrestart
– Display string references on Tiny >stringref
– Put out of service a DECT Base station outserv ‘bs’ cr cpl bs_nbr
– Put out of service a DECT ADPCM Block >outserv ‘dsp’ cr cpl dsp_nbr
– Put out of service a DECT coupler >outserv cr cpl
– Put out of service a DECT Handset >outserv <directory>
– Put in service one of the previous equipment change ‘outserv’ to ‘inserv’

– Coherency data base test >dbdump
– Data base recover >dbrecover
– Initrem blank check >checkdb
– Did translator test >didtest % did_test %
– Multi line tool >multitool
– Subscriber edition >edsbr
– Abbreviated number edition >edabv
– Numbering plan edition >ednump
– Mao acces management >mao
– Last mao modification >maohist % edihist %
– Data base management >mgr
– Site identification >siteid
– OPS files presence >test_ops
– cql server traces >srvtrace
– Centralized voice mail init >initmevo
– Edition of initmevo results >initmevo_res
– Broadcast management >progdiff % prog_diff %
– Network consistency check >audit

– Ticket stored visualization >accview % afscope %
– Accounting management >account
– Erase accounting tickets >accreset
– Financial report printing >accreport % printmgr %
– Vocal guide substitution tone >mdvgtona
– Vocal guide multi langage display >vgmulti % msg_vg_multi %
– Vocal guide start begin display >vgstart % msg_vg_start %
– Active vocal guide display >vgemis % neqt_vg_emis %
– Vocal guides status on coupler >vgstat
– Vocal guides and tones display >vgton % tona_vg %
– Tones generator coupler >cplton % num_cpl_tona %


– Unix processes visualization >ps
– Chorus actors visualization >al -l
– Change password >passwd
– CPU idle time (CPU traffic) >idle
– Network administration >netadmin
– Restart immediately the system >shutdown -i
– Stop immediately the system >shutdown -ih
– System start trace management >traceboot
– Memory occupation >vmstat
– Hard disk occupation >df
– Repertory occupation >du
– Test ping >ping
– Remote login >rlogin
– Software server management >bootserv
– CPU Hardware characteristics >uhwconf

– Crontab display >cfgCron
– Site identification >siteid
– Compatibilities problem detection >allcompat
– Informations about twin CPU version >twincompat
– Informations about Chorus and BIOS version >syscompat

– Hotel tools >hotdebug
– Traffic observation >obsappli

– Datas of entities >entitystat % tb_entite %
– Table of operators >tabopcstat % tabopc %
– Groups of operators >grpopestat % tb_gpe_ope %
– Prorities associated to calls >pcotstat % tb_prio_pcot %
– Call distribution tables >cdtstat % tb_cdt %
– Operator Distribution lists >distristat % tb_file %

– List of pilots >tabpil
– Display pilot data >pilacd
– Display queue list >piwqlist
– Display queue and processing group list >piwqpg
– Display parameters of a routing direction >piwq
– Display destination contexts data >pildstctx
– Reset the acdv2 ressource waiting queue >razpil
– Display pilots of Emergency Closure lists >emerlist

– List of queue >tabwq
– Display queue data >wqacd
– Display processing group list >wqpglist
– Display pilot list >wqpilist
– Display resource selection params of distribution dir >wqpg
– Reset the waiting queue >razwq

– List of processing groups >tabpg
– Display processing group data >pgacd
– Display queue list >pgwqlist
– Display call selection params of distribution dir >pgwq
– List of affected agent >logag
– List of attached agent >attag
– Display dynamic state of affected agent >istag
– Display or update agent order number data file >readfile
– Display dialog context data >pgctx
– List of agent >tabag
– Display agent parameters >agacd

– Display parameters of a pilot rule >pilotrule
– Display parameters of a distribution rule >distrirule
– Display dynamic state of rules (pilot and distribution) >rule

– Display acd configuration >acdsup
– Reset the waiting queue average wait >razam
– Display Waiting Time Dependant table >tabwtd

– Display specific acd dynamic data for trunk >zacd
– Display csta monitoring of trunk group >cstatrk
– Display the trunk group limitation table >trklimit
– Reset the busy IT counter >razlimit
– Reset the trunk group ACD call counter >raztrkacd

– Display dialog context data >ctxacd
– Display dialog contexts list >tabctx
– Display dialog contexts list for a node >tabnodectx
– Display dialog contexts waiting an acknownlegment >ctxretry
– Change dialog context state >ctxstate
– Send message between contexts >ctxsendmsg

– Display interactive queueing table >csta

– Display the list of pilot statistic >tabpilstat
– Display pilot statistic data >pilstat

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This entry was posted in 6. Telephony on October 25, 2016 by ACR 2014.

About ACR 2014

Network Enthusiast
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 5. Systems (8)
o Server (4)
o Storage (3)
 6. Telephony (5)
 7. Wireless (4)
 8. Juniper Networks (3)
 9. Software Defined Network (13)
o Orchestration (1)
o Python Programming (9)
 Network (1)
 References (1)
 Road to CCIE (10)
o CCIE SP Study (6)
 2. OSPF (3)
 3. ISIS (2)
 Ethernet Virtual Circuit (EVC) (1)
o Switching (1)
 Telecoms (3)

 Iperf with Python
 OSPF to BGP Redistribution
 BGP Weight Path Attribute in Network Failover Scenarios
 Configuration of Routed Pseudowire (Mpls over routed pseudowire) in  XR
 Static route, IPSLA & Tracking
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