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Alcatel 4400 Quick Reference Commands

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Some of the key takeaways from the document are commands for hardware, resource, and network maintenance on the Alcatel 4400 phone system.

Some common commands for hardware maintenance on the Alcatel 4400 include resetting couplers, terminals, DSPs, and managing coupler states like in-service and out-of-service.

Some common commands for resource maintenance on the Alcatel 4400 include checking coupler, equipment, terminal, and trunk statuses as well as lists of isolated resources and forwarded terminals.



Alcatel 4400 Quick Reference Commands

Linux Stuff, Networking June 17, 2008 Comments: 138
19 Votes

Here’s some reference commands for an Alcatel-Lucent OmniPCX, I just want to share with
you, and also because i’m always forgot something that i’ve learned.  :hammer:


- By directory number >tradna

- By physical address >tradph % tradpn %

- By equipment number >tradeq % tradnp %

- By index >tabeqt


- Reset of a coupler >rstcpl

- Reset of a terminal >reinit

- Reset of DSP or embedded cpl (CPU6) >rstdspcpl

- Out-of-service coupler >outserv

- In-service coupler >inserv

- Cyclical tests >tcyc, tcpl, taux, ltcyc

- Downloading state >downstat

- FBC and HE software download >hedownload

- Read coupler binaries version >readhead % read_head %

- Set numeric phone sets date >setdate % term_date %

- state of cristal clock >clockstat

- All coupler’s status >config

- one coupler’s status and data >cplstat % varcpl %

- Equipment data >eqstat % tabneph %

- Terminal status >termstat % term_data %

- Trunk status >trkstat % trunk_state %

- INT-INT connexion >intent % int_sort %

- TS status US-USCVG or IR-IRC >tsus % itusstat %

- TS status between 2 INT >tsint % itintstat %

- TS status on IO1 card >tsio1 % itio1stat %

- TS status between 5400-5400C >ts5400 % ts_5400 %

- TS status between 4600-GNISC >ts4600 % ts_2600 %

- US shelve status >usstat % ges_us %

- 5400 shelve visualization >aux5400 % aux_5400 %

- 5400 shelve visualization >aux4600 % aux_2600 %

- DSP status on a coupler >dspstat % varcpl_dsp %

- Coupler traffic counter >traffic

- Vocal guides status on coupler >vgstat % varcpl_vg %

- Voice mail accesses status >vmail % sympac %

- Operators status >opstat % trafficop %

- Operators real-time supervisor >opsup

- Display of terminals >listerm % list_terms %

- List of the isolated resources >listout % list_outserv %

- List of forwarded terminals >listfwd % list_fwd %

- List of terminals in DND state >listdnd

- Synchronization Data >infocs

- Timer table display >tabtemp

- Data terminal information >zdata

- Telephonic traces >mtracer, tuner, trc

- Keys of digital sets >readkey


- Topology and network visualization >suproutage

- Network administration >netadmin

- IP/X25 tunnel state >tunstat

- IP/X25 tunnel parameters >tunconfig list

- Test ping >ping

- Remote login >rlogin

- X25 diagnostic >x25diag % poucet decod %

- VPN overflow configuration >lookvpn

- Route list configuration >lookars

- Display VPN calls >vpnstat

- Reset of hybrid links >rsthyb

- Numerotation en arrive >looknumin


- Incidents message visualization >incvisu % recup %

- Incidents Reset >increset % razfile %

- Incidents temporary output choice >incout % sortie %

- Incidents counters visualization >inccpt % nbfault %

- Stop incidents screen display >incstop % stopinc %

- Restart incidents screen display >incstart % startinc %

- Incidents documentation >incinfo % info_incid %

- Couplers alarms visualization >cplalrm % visu_alrm %

- Alarm relay management >alarmrel % relala, relalaoff %

- Backtraces visualization >excvisu % recupexc %

- Network incidents visualization >netvisu % incires %


- role of the CPU’s >role or role -b

- switch over on the twin CPU >bascul

- duplication of twin CPU >twin % secours %

- copy database to twin CPU >mastercopy % dupcopy %

- copy database from master CPU >mastercopy


- Dect global informations >dectinfo

- Dect installation >dectinston % dect_debinst %

- Remove a handset IPUI >dectrm % dect_desinst %

- Dect localization area display >dectarea % dect_area %

- Dect coupler isolation >dectisolon, dectisoloff % dect_debisol, dect_finisol %

- List of Dect handsets configured >dectsets % dect_sets %

- Dect status >dectview % dect_view %

- Handset observation >dectobs % decthsobs %

- Restart Dect application >dectrestart

- Display string references on Tiny >stringref

- Put out of service a DECT Base station outserv ‘bs’ cr cpl bs_nbr

- Put out of service a DECT ADPCM Block >outserv ‘dsp’ cr cpl dsp_nbr

- Put out of service a DECT coupler >outserv cr cpl

- Put out of service a DECT Handset >outserv <directory>

- Put in service one of the previous equipment change ‘outserv’ to ‘inserv’


- Coherency data base test >dbdump

- Data base recover >dbrecover

- Initrem blank check >checkdb

- Did translator test >didtest % did_test %

- Multi line tool >multitool

- Subscriber edition >edsbr

- Abbreviated number edition >edabv

- Numbering plan edition >ednump

- Mao acces management >mao

- Last mao modification >maohist % edihist %

- Data base management >mgr

- Site identification >siteid

- OPS files presence >test_ops

- cql server traces >srvtrace

- Centralized voice mail init >initmevo

- Edition of initmevo results >initmevo_res

- Broadcast management >progdiff % prog_diff %

- Network consistency check >audit


- Ticket stored visualization >accview % afscope %

- Accounting management >account

- Erase accounting tickets >accreset

- Financial report printing >accreport % printmgr %


- Vocal guide substitution tone >mdvgtona

- Vocal guide multi langage display >vgmulti % msg_vg_multi %

- Vocal guide start begin display >vgstart % msg_vg_start %

- Active vocal guide display >vgemis % neqt_vg_emis %

- Vocal guides status on coupler >vgstat

- Vocal guides and tones display >vgton % tona_vg %

- Tones generator coupler >cplton % num_cpl_tona %


- Unix processes visualization >ps

- Chorus actors visualization >al -l

- Change password >passwd

- CPU idle time (CPU traffic) >idle

- Network administration >netadmin

- Restart immediately the system >shutdown -i

- Stop immediately the system >shutdown -ih

- System start trace management >traceboot

- Memory occupation >vmstat

- Hard disk occupation >df

- Repertory occupation >du

- Test ping >ping

- Remote login >rlogin

- Software server management >bootserv

- CPU Hardware characteristics >uhwconf


- Crontab display >cfgCron

- Site identification >siteid

- Compatibilities problem detection >allcompat

- Informations about twin CPU version >twincompat

- Informations about Chorus and BIOS version >syscompat


- Hotel tools >hotdebug

- Traffic observation >obsappli


- Datas of entities >entitystat % tb_entite %

- Table of operators >tabopcstat % tabopc %

- Groups of operators >grpopestat % tb_gpe_ope %

- Prorities associated to calls >pcotstat % tb_prio_pcot %

- Call distribution tables >cdtstat % tb_cdt %

- Operator Distribution lists >distristat % tb_file %


- List of pilots >tabpil

- Display pilot data >pilacd

- Display queue list >piwqlist

- Display queue and processing group list >piwqpg

- Display parameters of a routing direction >piwq

- Display destination contexts data >pildstctx

- Reset the acdv2 ressource waiting queue >razpil

- Display pilots of Emergency Closure lists >emerlist


- List of queue >tabwq

- Display queue data >wqacd

- Display processing group list >wqpglist

- Display pilot list >wqpilist

- Display resource selection params of distribution dir >wqpg

- Reset the waiting queue >razwq


- List of processing groups >tabpg

- Display processing group data >pgacd

- Display queue list >pgwqlist

- Display call selection params of distribution dir >pgwq

- List of affected agent >logag

- List of attached agent >attag

- Display dynamic state of affected agent >istag

- Display or update agent order number data file >readfile

- Display dialog context data >pgctx


- List of agent >tabag

- Display agent parameters >agacd


- Display parameters of a pilot rule >pilotrule

- Display parameters of a distribution rule >distrirule

- Display dynamic state of rules (pilot and distribution) >rule


- Display acd configuration >acdsup

- Reset the waiting queue average wait >razam

- Display Waiting Time Dependant table >tabwtd


- Display specific acd dynamic data for trunk >zacd

- Display csta monitoring of trunk group >cstatrk

- Display the trunk group limitation table >trklimit

- Reset the busy IT counter >razlimit

- Reset the trunk group ACD call counter >raztrkacd


- Display dialog context data >ctxacd

- Display dialog contexts list >tabctx

- Display dialog contexts list for a node >tabnodectx

- Display dialog contexts waiting an acknownlegment >ctxretry

- Change dialog context state >ctxstate

- Send message between contexts >ctxsendmsg


– Display interactive queueing table >csta


- Display the list of pilot statistic >tabpilstat

- Display pilot statistic data >pilstat

I hope that may useful. Especially for me! :p

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138 thoughts on “Alcatel 4400 Quick

Reference Commands”


gedex June 17, 2008 at 6:33 PM Reply

ahemm.. mbul ajarin gw hacking PABX ntar ye ;)

lulus udah, gawe udah.. kapan kawin mbul?

gembuls June 17, 2008 at 7:34 PM Reply

Ok cuy.. he,hacking or cracking?

Kawin?? hmmm….


0nay July 8, 2008 at 1:52 PM Reply

Weedew, yang dah jadi Voip Engineer. Lo blm makan2 tuh Bull. Kapan dong, gw
tungguin yah. Voip yang gw tau buat nge PadLock ext.nya cewe2 cakep. Trus ntar dia
tlp gw deh minta dibukain PadLocknya. Hehee..


gembuls July 9, 2008 at 9:28 AM Reply

@Pak Onay
huahahaa.. Ampun pak onay, saya masih beginner!


kumiz July 11, 2008 at 6:10 AM Reply

bul maksudnya apaan tyuh ajarin dong!!


gembuls July 17, 2008 at 9:02 PM Reply

nyang mane mis??? ke kosan aja.

dzuwi July 21, 2008 at 8:09 PM Reply

wedew… apa ini bapak guru :p

Oiya… manual yg lu kasi ga ngerti gw, materinya berat be’eng, tar klu lu dah expert
ajarin gw yah, gw melenceng dulu dari perguruan IP PBX, sekarang gi ada side job
ngawinin data mining ama IDS dulu, bapak guru kapan niy nyusul?? hehehe… :p
Peace…. ^_^v


gembuls July 21, 2008 at 8:47 PM Reply

Wahh gw juga lagi ngawinin alcatel sama cisco nih (*Ngeles dikit).
Kalo keberatan ya jgn diangkut sekaligus mbak, mabok ntar. Ajarin dd dong Data
mining nya… yah yah yah?


momogie July 29, 2008 at 4:18 PM Reply

Bul mantap neh dah gaewe? BtW basih kost di kapuk? (gw mo numpang mandi klo lg
nginep di benkel) “Hueheheheh…..


toxicbrother August 1, 2008 at 3:38 PM Reply

Mau nanya. Coupler state pbx gue ngehang di Z24_2 INIT 1 nih, padahal yang
dicolok itu Z24. Gimana ya?
Tolong. Trims!


gembuls August 2, 2008 at 2:40 PM Reply

heeh udah gi, lu kapan? numpang mandi dikenakan biaya administrasi:
1 jam pertama Rp.2000, 1 jam berikutnya Rp.1025, PPN 10% :P

1. Pastikan board z24_2 sudah di create terlebih dahulu. Shelf>Board>Consult
2. Coba lepas board z24_2 (jangan ditancap) dulu, sampai Board CPU6/CPU7, INTIP
(jika ada), juga CPU redundant (kalo ada) statusnya Ready alias In Service. Jika
sudah ‘In Service’, baru tancapkan itu board z24_2 dan tunggu hingga kondisi In

Kalo sudah in service, coba cek status trunk (trkstat) untuk koneksi analog/digital yg
sudah terkoneksi. Pastikan untuk tiap extention statusnya F (Free) atau B (Busy), jika
ada yg hs (nah ini baru hang namanya) :P reset board dengan rscpl. CMIIW


0nay August 6, 2008 at 4:35 PM Reply

Klo hs kepanjangannya apa bul?


gembuls August 6, 2008 at 8:42 PM Reply

@pak onay
hs itu (kalo di pabx) artinya out of service, kalo kepanjangannya apa gue jg gak tau
persis nay. Tapi kalo inget mata kuliah sistem digital yg materinya multiplexer (kalo
gak salah ya), hs itu kondisi signal clock saat berada di zero level (mudah2an
bener…). CMIIW lagi ah..


Supermance September 23, 2008 at 3:54 AM Reply

rif, puasa ? … yakin lo ?


superboy April 3, 2009 at 5:24 PM Reply

hs = hang so (kl dah hang, terus ngapain).

waduh bener2x dimanfaatkan belajar pbx nya :P


gembuls April 4, 2009 at 4:45 PM Reply

Yohaiii…ilmu jgn disimpen,gak guna nantinya.
btw, ini masternya alcatel nih :p (thx for coming)

kalo udah hang,terus di restart (pedoman alcatel)



ahmad December 15, 2009 at 2:41 PM Reply

ada yg tahu cara break bios di cpu6 ? karena ketika load tdk ada bios proses….

gembuls December 16, 2009 at 11:23 AM Reply

Mas ahmad,

Saat CPU6 ataupun Call Server load pertama kali (detect hardware), tunggu
hingga muncul pesan di display:

hit Ctrl + B for BIOS monitor!

Tekan Ctrl + B, lalu kemudian tekan Ctrl + I, Lalu masukkan password

(default: kosong)

Enter the sequence "Ctrl + i".

Password ? :
Enter the BIOS password.

Semoga membantu.

anggryOracLe November 22, 2010 at 10:56 AM Reply

Misi mas,,,

mau nanya…
biasanya kan kalo IP phone urutannya IP PBX -> Switch -> IP Phone
nah itu kan yg lewat paket eth…

kalo misalkan end nya Analog Phone dengan topologi yang sama kira2 apa ya yg

mohon bantuannya soalnya lagi ngawinin ALcatel dengan Produk perangkat aktif :D


gembuls November 22, 2010 at 4:18 PM Reply

mas anggri,

Analog phone tidak bisa dikoneksikan dengan switch, analog phone dikoneksikan
dengan media MDF/LSA yang di jumper ke IP PBX. PBX Alcatel nya tipe apa yah
mas? kalau tipe crystal keluaran dari board eZ32 (analog phone extension), eUA32
(digital phone extension), NDDI (PSTN Telkom), atau NPRAE (ISDN)
diterminasikan ke MDF lalu di jumper ke terminasi extension yang berasal dari area
(handset). Sama halnya dengan Alcatel tipe Media Gateway (MG) yang dikoneksikan
dengan output dari board pada port2 SLI (analog extension), UAI (digital extension),
APA (PSTN), dll.


rexy February 14, 2011 at 10:39 AM Reply

1.Mas tuk trunk group d pabx itu, digunakan dlm kondisi apa aja seh?
2. Terus maksud “follow me” PABX itu gimana? krn ada yg definisikan beda2
3. Cara buat “number+pause+extension”, gmana tuh? bisa kasih pembelajarannya.
4.mohon share ya mas..

gembuls February 15, 2011 at 8:52 PM Reply

Mas Rexy,

Sebelumnya, PABX yang digunakan merk apa yah? saya coba jawab yah
1. Trunk digunakan (logikanya) untuk pencabangan dari satu menjadi banyak atau
sebaliknya banyak dijadikan satu, maksudnya satu output untuk beberapa input atau
satu input untuk beberapa output. kalau digunakan untuk PABX, misalnya: satu line
PSTN digunakan secara bersama-sama untuk beberapa line extension, begitu
sebaliknya satu line extension untuk outgoing call nya menggunakan banyak nomor
PSTN yang berbeda secara bergantian, yang di define dalam satu trunk.
2. “Follow Me” sama halnya dengan forward line, artinya jika ada incoming call ke
suatu extension yang di set fitur “Follow Me” tersebut, maka PABX akan mem-
forward (mengalihkan) ke nomor tujuan yang di set (misal: nomor Handphone).
3. Saya kurang paham dengan pertanyaan yang di maksud, maksudnya untuk buat
speed dial ke nomor extension atau bagaimana yah? kalau maksudnya seperti itu,
pertama harus diaktifkan dulu fitur DTMF nya di sisi PABX, untuk ‘pause’ ini sendiri
prefix nya berbeda-beda pada sisi si penelfon, kalau dari handphone ada yang
menggunakan ‘*’ (bintang), ‘,’ (koma), untuk beberapa tipe ada yang menggunakan
huruf ‘P’. jadi kita bisa menyimpan speed dial dengan format number+’pause’
4. Kalau kurang jelas dengan jawaban saya, tanya lagi yah…berarti saya yang salah
tangkap maksud pertanyaan nya,hehehe….


zudha February 21, 2012 at 12:11 PM Reply

mau tanya dong, kalau misalnya buat user yg banyak sekaligus atau menghapus user
banyak sekaligus gimana ya? apa ada command linenya? saya rencana mau
menghapus user dan membuat forward massal.

terima kasih atas jawabannya

gembuls February 21, 2012 at 2:38 PM Reply

Pake release berapa mas? kalau pake release dibawah R9.1 coba dengan web
interface 4760.
1. aktifkan web interface 4760
mgr —> system –> system parameters –> Use of 4760 –> True (abis ini restart
pabx dulu)
2. lalu akses di browser dengan menggunakan alamat IP dari OmniPCX, pilih

3. buka menu user

disini anda bisa menghapus, edit, atau menambahkan user dalam range

Fitur ini sama dengan yang digunakan di Alcatel-Lucent OmniVista 4760.


Jorge May 3, 2012 at 3:43 AM Reply

someone would have some manual command line since I have installed the onmivista
thank you very much

gembuls May 4, 2012 at 3:34 PM Reply

Hi Jorge,
as far as I know, there is no CLI on OmniVista.


faw29 June 13, 2012 at 3:27 PM Reply

gan ane mnta bantuannya, ane kmren setting ip PABX Alcatel-lucent tapi ane lupa
ipnya, tau g cara bkin pabxnya biar balik ke setting defaultnya? kl0 tau tolong bales

gembuls June 13, 2012 at 10:39 PM Reply

bisa dilihat dimari gan –> How to reset OXE default password

faw29 June 14, 2012 at 7:17 PM

tapi ini kan untuk rubah password jd default, kl0 rubah ipnya jd default

gembuls June 14, 2012 at 9:20 PM

oh iya, sorry salah baca. untuk rubah IP Address, bisa ganti dengan
atau bisa juga menggunakan linux command: ifconfig
dengan login menggunakan serial console

faw29 June 16, 2012 at 11:51 AM

jadi harus lewat linux y gan? kl0 lwt wndows? trus kabel consolenya
dipasang dibagian mana di pabxnya kan banyak tu portnya


gembuls June 16, 2012 at 7:27 PM Reply

bisa juga lewat windows gan, pake hyperterminal/putty/securecrt/lainnya. PABX nya

tipe apa gan?
untuk tipe OXE, colok di port console CS.
untuk tipe crystal, lewat RMA/BRMA

faw29 June 16, 2012 at 8:44 PM Reply

omniPCX office medium gan, seri pastinya ane kurang paham, cz ni pnya
kantor, ane dapet kiriman tulisan dib kardusnya cm omniPCX office medium

faw29 June 16, 2012 at 8:52 PM

dri webnya versi OmniPCX Enterprise Communication Server gan,

tolong bantuannya

gembuls June 17, 2012 at 12:23 AM

Pakai serial console DB9 to RJ45 bawaan alcatel atau bisa

menggunakan console cisco (warna biru muda) tinggal di balik aja
susunan pin nya, nyolok di port console CS (posisi pojok kanan
Konfigurasi serial:
– Speed (baud): 9600
– Data bits: 8
– Stop bits: 1
– Parity: None
– Flow control: None

faw29 June 19, 2012 at 12:22 PM

gan photonya kyak yang di link ini

gembuls June 23, 2012 at 1:29 AM

Sepertinya ini tipe OXO gan, Alcatel-Lucent OmniPCX Office.

untuk merubah konfigurasi IP Addressnya, Bisa menggunakan aplikasi
OMC atau PM5 connect lewat port LAN. default IP PBX: (sesuaikan IP Address agan dengan subnet
Cek di tab Hardware & Limits –> IP Address, untuk mengganti IP

faw29 June 23, 2012 at 2:35 PM

masalahnya ane setting ip PABX Alcatel-lucent tapi ane lupa ipnya,

tau g cara bkin pabxnya biar balik ke setting defaultnya

gembuls June 26, 2012 at 10:25 AM

gimana gan updatenya? berhasil kah?

faw29 June 26, 2012 at 9:07 PM

saat login, password dketik g kluar karakter apa2


Sergei June 18, 2012 at 5:01 PM Reply

Hi, Gembuls

We have connection to Alcatel OmniPCX enterprise BXP remote by termimal only,

but not visually.
We need to get information about crystals.
Command “config all” returns information about Crystal numbers but don’t return
type of cristals.
How we can get information about crystal types (small/mid/large; M1/M3/VH)?

gembuls June 22, 2012 at 12:21 AM Reply

Hi Sergei,
you can use this command:
# siteid
look at the cpu type, cpu6 or cpu7 is for alcatel omnipcx 4400 (crystal) and
cpu8 or later is for alcatel omnipcx enterprise (media gateway)


Sergei June 25, 2012 at 7:15 PM Reply

Gembuls, thank you. It helped us so much.

And it would be so nice, if you could possibly tell us how by means of terminal
commands to get the types of blocks that a PBX contains within its configuration?

gembuls June 25, 2012 at 9:21 PM Reply

Hi Sergei,
I think it’s not possible (I don’t know exactly), because PBX it doesn’t same
with switches/router device. but if you’re using an Alcatel OmniPCX you can
export your configuration to text file, using 4760 web interface.


Alex June 26, 2012 at 7:02 AM Reply

Pak.. Mau tanya dong.. cara setting timer di alcatel pabx.. supaya extension 1 dapat
telp keluar 10 menit extension 2 dapat telp keluar 15 menit dimana yah kalau lewat
Terima kasih

gembuls June 26, 2012 at 10:22 AM Reply

Pak Alex,
timer di alcatel pbx berlaku untuk keseluruhan system. dan bisa di apply pada
extension tertentu.

1. Set Timer:
System -> Go down hierarchy -> Timer -> 260 -> 100 (by default)
rubah sesuai yang dibutuhkan satuan waktu milliseconds

2. Aktivasi fitur Temporize Call Release pada Phone Fasilities Categories:

Categories –> Phone Facilities Categories –> Consult/Modify –> Edit
Category 1 (misalnya)
Rubah parameter Temporize Call Release menjadi 1
Temporized Call Release : 1

Phone Fasilities Categories 1 tersebut yang nantinya di apply ke user

3. Aktifkan fitur Temporize Call Release di Trunk:

Trunk –> Consult/modify –> Edit Trunk
Rubah parameter “Special Services” dari nothing (by default) menjadi
Temporize Call Release

4. Apply di user extension:

Users -> Consult/Modify -> Pilih User
# rubah parameter Tel. Fasility Category Id sesuai phone fasilities categories
id yang dibuat diatas tadi
Tel.Facility Category Id : 1



Jorge June 27, 2012 at 4:08 AM Reply

. Hello some manual telnet to the enterprice


gembuls June 27, 2012 at 5:43 PM Reply

Hi Jorge,
# telnet
just telnet the IP Address from your PC to the remote device, simple like that.
can you explain more detail about the question?

Jorge June 28, 2012 at 12:30 AM

how to set up a hotline


gembuls July 14, 2012 at 2:22 PM Reply

to set a hotline, you can configure hunting group which have a member from
user extensions.

Jorge July 23, 2012 at 9:42 PM

:Hello, my question regarding the hotline would be that by lifting the

device to communicate directly espesifico an inmate, as you can

thank you very much


Sergei June 27, 2012 at 3:54 PM Reply

Hi, Gembuls,

your help is highly appreciated. Frankly speaking, we mostly or even have to use the
telnet interface, but not the web one.

In this respect, do you probably know anything about the request “rack_table cr 0″
that can be sent to Alcatel PBX through telnet terminal?
The point here is that by this method we can get some PBX config information.
Among the parameters we get, there are the following:
Crystal rack_type : s14_slots
Crystal rack_fict : TRUE

for the “rack_table cr 2″ request:

Crystal rack_type : MediaGateway_large

Crystal rack_fict : FALSE

for the “rack_table cr 3″ request :

Crystal rack_type : MediaGateway_large

Crystal rack_fict : FALSE

for the “rack_table cr 19″ request:

Crystal rack_type : hybrid_rack

Crystal rack_fict : TRUE

So, the question here is “Can we possibly figure out what exactly the type of the rack
is on the basis of the “Crystal rack_type” parameter?” For example,

“MediaGateway_large” means a common hardware, large rack.

What other types can we meet in the value of this parameter?

In terms of “s14_slots” we cannot be sure what exactly the rack type it is. Might you
know what the rack type it is? Common or crystal hardware?

Config all returns:

Crystal 0 :

| Cr | cpl| cpl type | hw type | cpl state | coupler ID |
| 0 | 6 | CPU_CS|———- | IN SERVICE | NO PCMS CODE |
| 0 | 10 | CPU_CS|———- | REG NOT INIT | NO PCMS CODE |

> Reference rack not set

Crystal 2 :

| Cr | cpl| cpl type | hw type | cpl state | coupler ID |
| 2 | 0 | GD|———- | IN SERVICE | BAD PCMS CODE |
| 2 | 2 | SLI 16(Z)|———- | IN SERVICE | NO PCMS CODE |
| 2 | 3 | UAI 8|———- | IN SERVICE | NO PCMS CODE |
| 2 | 4 | PRA T2|———- | IN SERVICE | BAD PCMS CODE |
| 2 | 5 | SLI 16(Z)|———- |ONLY OPS FILE | BAD PCMS CODE |
| 2 | 8 | CS|———- | CALL SERVER | BAD PCMS CODE |

— Inter Crystal Topology —

| CR | CPL Type Role Free/Tot Role Type CPL | CR |
|002 | 00 -GD (INT_HS ) -X- -X- ( INT_HS) MEX – 00 |003 |
|002 | 00 -GD (MAIN ) — 8/8 — ( INT_A) INTIP3A – 01 |019 |

Crystal 3 :

| Cr | cpl| cpl type | hw type | cpl state | coupler ID |
| 3 | 0 | MEX|———- | REG NOT INIT | NO PCMS CODE |
| 3 | 1 | GA|———- |ONLY OPS FILE | BAD PCMS CODE |
| 3 | 3 | GA|———- |ONLY OPS FILE | BAD PCMS CODE |

— Inter Crystal Topology —

| CR | CPL Type Role Free/Tot Role Type CPL | CR |
|003 | 00 – MEX (INT_HS ) -X- -X- ( INT_HS) MGD – 00 |002 |

Crystal 19 :

| Cr | cpl| cpl type | hw type | cpl state | coupler ID |
| 19 | 2 | INTIP3A| | OUT OF SERV | NO PCMS CODE |

— Inter Crystal Topology —

| CR | CPL Type Role Free/Tot Role Type CPL | CR |
|019 | 01 -INTIP3A (INT_A ) === 8/8 === ( MAIN) GD – 00 |002 |

gembuls June 27, 2012 at 4:38 PM Reply

Hi Sergei,
Yeah I’m prefer to use telnet or via console rather than using web interface to
configure. Based on the ‘config all’ outputs, that’s a common hardware or
Media Gateway Large Type.
Because in Media Gateway Large there is CS (Call Server) board and also GD
(Gateway Driver) board, both of them used for call processing, that is an easy
way to recognize from the hardware types (look at Crystal 2).
On Media Gateway Large (3U) there is 9 available boards, Media Gateway
Medium (2U) there is 6 available boards, and for Media Gateway Small (1U)
there is 3 available boards per-unit/shelf. there is Call Server (CS) and
Gateway Driver (GD) boards on each. If you have an extended shelf (look at
the Crystal 3), it’s using MEX board connected to the GD’s Module port to
communicate the other boards (on crystal 3) to the CS board.

For the Crystal type hardware (ACT), there is no CS or GD boards it’s

different architecture and also different type of boards. Crystal’s type
hardware using CPU6 or CPU7 for instance, there is 14 or 28 boards on one
rack shelf. this is sample of ACT-28 rack on Crystal Type Hardware:

Cristal 0 :
| Cr | cpl| cpl type | hw type | cpl state | coupler ID |
| 0 | 0 | UA32 |———- | IN SERVICE | 3BA53050ABBC01 |
| 0 | 1 | UA32 |———- | IN SERVICE | 3BA53050ABBC01 |
| 0 | 2 | UA32 |———- | IN SERVICE | 3BA53050ABBC01 |
| 0 | 3 | UA32 |———- | IN SERVICE | 3BA53050ABBC01 |
| 0 | 4 | UA32 |———- | IN SERVICE | 3BA53050ABBC01 |
| 0 | 5 | GPA |———- | IN SERVICE | 3BA53097AAAA02 |
| 0 | 6 | CPU6 |———- | IN SERVICE | NO PCMS CODE |
| 0 | 7 | PRA2 |———- | IN SERVICE | 3BA23076AABD01 |
| 0 | 8 | UA32 |———- | IN SERVICE | 3BA53050ABBC01 |
| 0 | 9 | NPRAE |———- | IN SERVICE | 3BA23254AAAD03 |
| 0 | 10 | NDDI2 |———- | IN SERVICE | 3BA23171AAAD04 |
| 0 | 11 | NDDI2 |———- | IN SERVICE | 3BA23171AAAD04 |
| 0 | 12 | eUA32 |———- | IN SERVICE | 3BA23266AAAA02 |
| 0 | 13 | UA32 |———- | IN SERVICE | 3BA53050ABBC01 |
| 0 | 14 | Z24 |———- | IN SERVICE | 3BA53065AFBA02 |
| 0 | 15 | INTOF2A |———- | IN SERVICE | 3BA23260AAAB04 |
| 0 | 16 | BRA2 |———- | IN SERVICE | 3BA23073ABAC03 |
| 0 | 17 | NPRAE |———- | IN SERVICE | 3BA23254AAAD03 |
| 0 | 18 | NDDI |———- | IN SERVICE | 3BA53095AWBC02 |
| 0 | 19 | NDDI |———- | IN SERVICE | 3BA53095AWBC02 |
| 0 | 20 | CPU6 |———- | IN SERVICE | BAD PCMS CODE |
| 0 | 21 | Z24 |———- | IN SERVICE | 3BA53065AFBA02 |
| 0 | 22 | eZ32 |———- | IN SERVICE | 3BA23265ABCB04 |
| 0 | 23 | eZ32 |———- | IN SERVICE | 3BA23265ABBB01 |
| 0 | 24 | NPRAE |———- | IN SERVICE | 3BA23254AAAD04 |
| 0 | 25 | eZ32 |———- | IN SERVICE | BAD PCMS CODE |
| 0 | 26 | Z24_2 |———- | IN SERVICE | 3BA53065NAAG02 |
| 0 | 27 | INTIPA | INT-IP | IN SERVICE | 3BA23193ACAF06 |


Sergei June 27, 2012 at 7:38 PM Reply

So, one more little question. What does it mean: “s14_slots” in “Crystal rack_type”
for crystal 0?

gembuls July 14, 2012 at 2:19 PM Reply

it doesn’t necessary while you recongnize via rack_table command but based
on your output from ‘config all’ commands, that you are using media gateway
type. You can identifying by physical board appearance and what type of
board which is created on configuration, simple like that.


imam July 23, 2012 at 1:41 PM Reply

om gembul, kalau pengen menambahkan extension baru gimana cara di pabx nya

gembuls July 24, 2012 at 9:44 PM Reply

create user extension:

– dari prompt, ketik mgr
– masuk ke menu users –> create


Rodrigo July 27, 2012 at 10:04 PM Reply

On my OmniPCX 4000 I can call to numbers starting with 2,5,7, but here in my
country some new cellphones starts with the number 3, and my pbx is restricted to not
dial numbers starting with 3, where can I change this so I can be able to dial numbers
starting with the number 3?…. thank you

gembuls July 29, 2012 at 8:24 PM Reply

Hi Rodrigo,
You can setup dial numbers at ‘Discriminator Rule’ menu, from Translator –>
Numbering Plan –> Discriminator Rule
this configuration relates to the Access Categories/Public Network Categories,
Automatic Route Selection (ARS), User Extensions Configuration, and

Rodrigo August 1, 2012 at 11:12 PM

That works fine, Thank you Gembuls !!!


oxeman4400 August 7, 2012 at 1:11 AM Reply

this is alcatel forum?I am alcatel 4400 expert , contact me if you have question or
looking for technical friend , me too

gembuls August 7, 2012 at 10:31 AM Reply

no dude, this is not alcatel forum. i’m using this blogs just for knowledge

so expert, would you like to help us by answering any questions regarding

alcatel 4400?

shankar March 25, 2013 at 8:00 PM Reply

Hi, how to check how many analog , digital extensions used in the system and
how many are free? and what is the total capacity of the sytem


oxeman4400 August 7, 2012 at 10:31 PM Reply

absolutely , if I can ….I will answer your questions.


Brian September 6, 2012 at 3:41 AM Reply


I am trying to figure out what Shelf and Board number my PCM board is located at in
the system. Is that information available trough the CLI? Any help is appreciated.

gembuls September 12, 2012 at 2:33 AM Reply

Hi Brian,
as oxeman4400 wrote below, you can use ‘config’ command:
for example:
# config 0 (for shelf 0)
# config 1 (for shelf 1)
and so on..


oxeman4400 September 7, 2012 at 6:46 PM Reply

use config command

config X ( your shelf address) and locate PCM board


hari September 25, 2012 at 9:55 AM Reply

Mau tanya nich mas klo merubah no ektension bagaimana ?

gembuls September 25, 2012 at 3:46 PM Reply

Mas Hari,

PABX nya Alcatel-Lucent? Tipenya?

Berikut contoh untuk merubah extension pada PABX Alcatel-Lucent


cara mudahnya:
– lewat handset, by default dengan prefix: #*0 (feature –> set in/out services)
untuk merelease/disable extension.
– angkat handset, tekan extension yang diinginkan jumlah digit sesuai
numbering, setelah itu masukkan secret code: 0000 (by default)

atau opsi lain lewat menu konfigurasi:

– login ke pabx dengan telnet atau serial console
– masuk menu dengan command: mgr
– pilih menu users –> consult/modify extension yang ingin dirubah
– copy konfigurasi shelf address, board address, dan equipment address pada
user tersebut ke dalam notepad atau kalau dihafal silahkan saja. lalu rubah ke
nilai ‘255’ untuk merelease port
– buat user extension baru atau pilih extension yang baru, masukkan parameter
(shelf address, board address, equipment address) yang ada pada extension
sebelumnya di extension baru tersebut.
– ctrl+v untuk menyimpan

semoga bisa membantu

hari September 28, 2012 at 3:50 PM

Makasih mas atas infonya pertanyaan lagi mis no ext 103 rusak( digital
) lalu no ext 222 ( analog) mau saya rubah menjadi 103 bisa tidak
mas ?

gembuls September 28, 2012 at 7:45 PM

Bisa mas, tinggal di swap port nya aja. karena port analog dengan
digital berbeda dan card nya pun juga beda.

Cara gampangnya:
1. Release port pada extension 103 dan 222 dengan prefix #*0 (by
default). Setelah di release begitu angkat handset voice guide akan
meminta anda memasukkan nomor extension.
2. Aktivasi extension di handset ext. 222 tadi lalu masukkan extension
baru 103


oxeman4400 September 26, 2012 at 1:35 AM Reply

in English please :-)

hari September 28, 2012 at 3:56 PM Reply

i have problem no ext 103 (digital) broken so i want change no ext 222
become no ext 103 , please help me

gembuls September 28, 2012 at 4:21 PM

You can change phone set type from digital to analog or otherwise
analog to digital via mgr menu:
1. Telnet/console to PBX, using CLI command: mgr
2. Users –> Consult/modify User Extension –> Change ‘Set Type’
option to correct phone
3. Change Shelf address, Board Address, and Equipment Address
parameters depends on your phone plugged into (manual). or another
way you can change port parameters (shelf, board, and equipment
address) on extension 222 into ‘255’ with prefix set in/out service
(#*0), then you activate your extension on the phone set with new
extension 103.

– if you can not change or swap your extension from digital to analog,
change phone set type to 4035T first, set all equipment address (shelf,
board, equipment) to ‘255’ to release then you can change it to

– another way but not recommended: delete user extension 103 and
222 and then recreate it with new Set Type :D


Alex February 3, 2013 at 6:45 PM Reply

Hi Gembul,

Need to know howto trace/setting routing auto attendant from trunk. Use OXO 4400
gr command.


gembuls February 8, 2013 at 11:53 PM Reply

I’m sorry alex, I don’t have any experience in OXO (OmniPCX Office)

But, to settings auto-attendant in OXE (OmniPCX 4400):

from mgr menu -> Applications > Automated Attendant > Consult/Modify
then you must define:
– Automated Attendant Leaf
– Automated Attendant Tree
– Automated Attendant Access
– Caller Rights Category

shankar March 14, 2013 at 9:15 PM Reply

Create Virtual extension first and Import the wave file in AA menu , Please
give landing group same as virtual extension.


sandy February 8, 2013 at 10:12 PM Reply

bos mau tanya cara setting pabx omni alcatel gimna ya?

gembuls February 8, 2013 at 11:55 PM Reply

Bagian mana yang mau disetting bos? apakah bisa lebih spesific?


shankar March 14, 2013 at 3:01 PM Reply

Hi How To check the Licenses in 4400 OXE System, any particular cmd?

gembuls March 14, 2013 at 4:56 PM Reply

spadmin –> choose no.2

shankar March 14, 2013 at 7:11 PM

How many hardware ports are available? and how many of them are in
use and total licenses used in system . If i select choice 2 , i ‘m nt able
to find out his

gembuls March 15, 2013 at 12:03 AM

Hi shankar,
in OXE, license is binding on software not on hardware.
using command: config 1 2 (1 is shelf number, and 2 is board number)


shankar March 14, 2013 at 7:09 PM Reply

How the integration of Voicemail 4645/4635 in 4400 and Common hardware and also
how to config to users.

gembuls March 15, 2013 at 12:06 AM Reply

I think it can takes two pages to reply your question here… :D

please check your inbox for Voicemail manual guide

shankar March 15, 2013 at 7:58 PM

which mail u have sent?

shankar March 15, 2013 at 7:59 PM

I need ur email ID

gembuls March 16, 2013 at 12:16 AM

I have sent to:

this is my email address:


shankar March 15, 2013 at 9:56 PM Reply

I need one more clarification.

how the hardware look like for this below config

I hope this is common hardware system. But what is crystal 0 , 1,2,3,4, etc. what is No
PCMS code and Bad PCMS code and also what is that inter crystal topology?

Please expain me this configuration in details, then easy to comapre with other site

Crystal 0 :

| Cr | cpl| cpl type | hw type | cpl state | coupler ID |
| 0 | 6 | CPU_CS2|———- | IN SERVICE | NO PCMS CODE |
| 0 | 10 | CPU_CS2|———- | IN SERVICE | NO PCMS CODE |

> Reference rack not set

Crystal 1 :
| Cr | cpl| cpl type | hw type | cpl state | coupler ID |

Crystal 2 :

| Cr | cpl| cpl type | hw type | cpl state | coupler ID |
| 2 | 0 | GD3|———- | IN SERVICE | BAD PCMS CODE |
| 2 | 2 | UAI 16|———- | IN SERVICE | BAD PCMS CODE |
| 2 | 3 | UAI 16|———- | IN SERVICE | BAD PCMS CODE |
| 2 | 4 | UAI 16|———- | IN SERVICE | BAD PCMS CODE |
| 2 | 6 | DPNSS|———- | IN SERVICE | BAD PCMS CODE |
| 2 | 7 | PRA T2|———- | IN SERVICE | BAD PCMS CODE |
| 2 | 8 | CS2|———- | CALL SERVER | BAD PCMS CODE |

— Inter Crystal Topology —

| CR | CPL Type Role Free/Tot Role Type CPL | CR |
|002 | 00 -GD3 (INT_A ) === 77/78 === ( MAIN) pwMEX – 00 |004 |
|002 | 00 -GD3 (INT_A ) === 78/78 === ( MAIN) pwMEX – 00 |005 |
|002 | 00 -GD3 (MAIN ) — 26/26 — ( INT_A) INTIP3A – 01 |019 |

Crystal 3 :

| Cr | cpl| cpl type | hw type | cpl state | coupler ID |
| 3 | 0 | GD3|———- | IN SERVICE | BAD PCMS CODE |
| 3 | 2 | UAI 16|———- | IN SERVICE | BAD PCMS CODE |
| 3 | 3 | UAI 16|———- | IN SERVICE | BAD PCMS CODE |
| 3 | 4 | UAI 16|———- | IN SERVICE | BAD PCMS CODE |
| 3 | 6 | PRA T2|———- | IN SERVICE | BAD PCMS CODE |
| 3 | 7 | PRA T2|———- | IN SERVICE | NO PCMS CODE |

— Inter Crystal Topology —

| CR | CPL Type Role Free/Tot Role Type CPL | CR |
|003 | 00 -GD3 (INT_A ) === 78/78 === ( MAIN) pwMEX – 00 |006 |
|003 | 00 -GD3 (MAIN ) — 26/26 — ( INT_A) INTIP3A – 01 |019 |

Crystal 4 :

| Cr | cpl| cpl type | hw type | cpl state | coupler ID |
| 4 | 0 | pwMEX|———- | IN SERVICE | NO PCMS CODE |
| 4 | 1 | UAI 16|———- | IN SERVICE | BAD PCMS CODE |
| 4 | 2 | APPLI|———- | LANX 16_1 | BAD PCMS CODE |
| 4 | 3 | UAI 16|———- | IN SERVICE | BAD PCMS CODE |
| 4 | 4 | UAI 16|———- | IN SERVICE | BAD PCMS CODE |
| 4 | 8 | SLI2 8 (Z)|———- | IN SERVICE | BAD PCMS CODE |

— Inter Crystal Topology —

| CR | CPL Type Role Free/Tot Role Type CPL | CR |
|004 | 00 -pwMEX (MAIN ) — 77/78 — ( INT_A) MGD3 – 00 |002 |

Crystal 5 :

| Cr | cpl| cpl type | hw type | cpl state | coupler ID |
| 5 | 0 | pwMEX|———- | IN SERVICE | NO PCMS CODE |
| 5 | 1 | UAI 16|———- | IN SERVICE | BAD PCMS CODE |
| 5 | 2 | UAI 16|———- | IN SERVICE | BAD PCMS CODE |
| 5 | 4 | UAI 16|———- | IN SERVICE | BAD PCMS CODE |
| 5 | 5 | SLI2 16(Z)|———- | IN SERVICE | BAD PCMS CODE |
| 5 | 8 | SLI2 16(Z)|———- | IN SERVICE | BAD PCMS CODE |

— Inter Crystal Topology —

| CR | CPL Type Role Free/Tot Role Type CPL | CR |
|005 | 00 -pwMEX (MAIN ) — 78/78 — ( INT_A) MGD3 – 00 |002 |

Crystal 6 :
| Cr | cpl| cpl type | hw type | cpl state | coupler ID |
| 6 | 0 | pwMEX|———- | IN SERVICE | NO PCMS CODE |
| 6 | 1 | UAI 16|———- | IN SERVICE | BAD PCMS CODE |
| 6 | 2 | UAI 16|———- | IN SERVICE | BAD PCMS CODE |
| 6 | 3 | UAI 16|———- | IN SERVICE | BAD PCMS CODE |
| 6 | 4 | UAI 16|———- | IN SERVICE | BAD PCMS CODE |

— Inter Crystal Topology —

| CR | CPL Type Role Free/Tot Role Type CPL | CR |
|006 | 00 -pwMEX (MAIN ) — 78/78 — ( INT_A) MGD3 – 00 |003 |

Crystal 18 :

| Cr | cpl| cpl type | hw type | cpl state | coupler ID |
| 18 | 0 | GD|———- | IN SERVICE | BAD PCMS CODE |
| 18 | 1 | 4645|———- | IN SERVICE | NO PCMS CODE |

— Inter Crystal Topology —

| CR | CPL Type Role Free/Tot Role Type CPL | CR |
|018 | 00 -GD (MAIN ) — 24/24 — ( INT_A) INTIP3A – 01 |019 |

Crystal 19 :

| Cr | cpl| cpl type | hw type | cpl state | coupler ID |
| 19 | 2 | INTIP3A| | OUT OF SERV | NO PCMS CODE |

— Inter Crystal Topology —

| CR | CPL Type Role Free/Tot Role Type CPL | CR |
|019 | 01 -INTIP3A (INT_A ) === 26/26 === ( MAIN) GD3 – 00 |002 |
|019 | 01 -INTIP3A (INT_A ) === 26/26 === ( MAIN) GD3 – 00 |003 |
|019 | 01 -INTIP3A (INT_A ) === 24/24 === ( MAIN) GD – 00 |018 |


shankar March 19, 2013 at 3:12 PM Reply

Hi gembuls , Is there any update about my query. Please can you expalin me asap.


shankar March 21, 2013 at 7:31 PM Reply

Hi gembuls , Is there any update about my query.

gembuls March 26, 2013 at 5:19 AM Reply

hi shankar,
bad pcms code means that you are not using the correct license or maybe
you’re using open license. crystal number is a shelf number in this case you
are using 6 shelfs, shelf 0, 2,3,4,5, and 6
what is your query dude? I’m sorry for late of reply, I’m just a blogger not an
alcatel supports. you can contact an alcatel support center via alcatel business


shankar March 25, 2013 at 7:00 PM Reply

Hi Gembuls, how to check how many analog , digital extensions used in the system
and how many are free? and what is the total capacity of the sytem

gembuls March 26, 2013 at 5:22 AM Reply

hi shankar,
you can check it with command: spadmin
choose no.2 and here you can see what features you were use with license
I.e: Analog Phones 65/1000 (65 means your analog phones were used, 1000
means your license capabilities.


shankar March 26, 2013 at 2:49 PM Reply

Hi, Thanks, I already tried that command, but it is not showing analog, digital and IP
parameter. and sorry i’m disturbing you, i’m a new learner for OXE and


Shankar April 17, 2013 at 1:10 AM Reply


This is regarding the SNMP configuration fro Alcatel 4400 System for R
8.01 and also I refered R 8. Document.

Here confusion is that they are given 5 IP address to MAP.

But there is only one IP address location is provided in SNMP

Supervisor menu–using MGR command.

and also is their any reboot is required for these settings.

Please help me regarding on this


shankar April 23, 2013 at 2:04 AM Reply

Hi, Can u guide me on this

gembuls April 23, 2013 at 8:09 PM Reply

hi shankar,

In Release 8.0, you can set SNMP config from:

mgr menu –> SNMP configuration
mgr menu –> Application –> Incident Manager


Shankar May 4, 2013 at 1:03 AM Reply

Hi Gembuls, Thanks for the information, one more clarification is required, if you
delete any config in DDI Default config menu, how to check again, what was the their
in previous config
Can u please suggest me for this.

gembuls August 17, 2013 at 4:12 PM Reply

there is no way to restore previous configuration, except you restore it from

backup mao database


The Cable Guy (@SyafrudinYudha) July 30, 2013 at 3:32 PM Reply

Hi Gembuls,
Saya ingin memasang VOIP system baru, tapi PBX lama (Lucent) tetap digunakan
sebagai backup kalo terjadi failure di VOIP. Apakah hal ini bisa dilakukan? Dan
bagaimana caranya?
Terima kasih atas bantuannya

gembuls August 17, 2013 at 4:13 PM Reply

bisa pak, Interconnect antar pabx dengan analog line bisa menggunakan
Tieline, cara lainnya dengan menggunakan SIP Trunk:


shankar August 6, 2013 at 1:06 AM Reply

Hi gembuls,

what is the command used to disable/Enable the trunk group

gembuls August 17, 2013 at 4:16 PM Reply

to enable trunk, you can create trunk configuration and then apply it using
ARS. for detail reads the manual configuration of alcatel-lucent omnipcx


ambagb August 31, 2013 at 12:57 AM Reply

Hi gembus,

How to view the backup file of OXE/4400 system ( Mao file ) in offline. Just want to
check the what are all the things is configured on it. ( in OXO , backup we can load
and view in OMC software)

gembuls August 31, 2013 at 11:00 AM Reply

as far as I know you can’t see the configuration using Mao file. to see oxe
configuration offline you can use maintenance tools called “infocollect”


Yusak August 31, 2013 at 7:00 AM Reply

Mas Gembul, bagaimana carnya untuk mengeset operational states pada board di
alcatel 4400 (OXE)?

gembuls August 31, 2013 at 10:55 AM Reply

di ‘create’ dulu mas board nya setelah shelf nya ter-create. Menu MGR >
Shelf > Board > Create > Pilih board sesuai dengan tipe board yang dipasang.


Nugraha January 23, 2014 at 2:55 PM Reply

Pak mau tanya, hari ini saya tidak bisa telnet ke pabx alcatel 4400 saya, ping ke IP
nya pun tidak bisa. Sebelumnya lancar. Apa yang salah yah? Terima kasih.

gembuls January 23, 2014 at 3:07 PM Reply

coba cek koneksi physical dari pabx ke network nya dulu pak, kalo gak ada
masalah coba cek konfigurasi ip di pabx.


Nugraha January 23, 2014 at 3:18 PM Reply

pak koneksi fisik dari pabx ke switch network tidak ada masalah, sdh coba ganti kabel
juga, sdh coba ganti port masih belum bisa. Cara cek konfigurasi IP di pabx
bagaimana yah Pak? Terima kasih.


Nugraha January 24, 2014 at 8:49 AM Reply

Selamat Pagi Pak, pagi ini saya coba restart PABX nya dan telnet sudah bisa. Terima


sdd January 27, 2014 at 12:53 AM Reply

hi gembuls i am new about this pabx oxe …why when i try to modify the directory
name of a user is not changing even i save the changes through f1 to save when i
verify it still the old name is there? i apreciate your help. thanks


Nugraha March 13, 2014 at 1:34 PM Reply

Pak, hari ini saya telnet ke PABX, waktu ketik MGR keluar error :
error : error 13 : parse error
error : error 13 : parse error
panic : internal error, file “/twdhs3/prodc1/ws/si_c17/,ao/code/resdico.c”, line 71

mohon petunjuk cara mengatasinya. Terima kasih.


Srinivas April 3, 2014 at 4:49 PM Reply

Is there any way to record a call or conversation?

gembuls April 3, 2014 at 6:15 PM Reply

yes, of course. you can record a conversation via voice mail (omnipcx), or use
third-party appliance, for example: omnipcx record suite :)

this for your reference:



sarah dahshan April 21, 2014 at 3:54 PM Reply

hi guys…
I want if it is possible to know how make a release on the hard disk of the cpu6 of
best regards.

gembuls April 28, 2014 at 12:59 AM Reply

yes it’s posibble, release cpu6 board from it shelf then loose the screw on hard


sarah dahshan April 27, 2014 at 5:39 PM Reply

hi guys…
i want to know how to download database on empty hard disk of cpu6 of omnipcx
4400 pabx .
best regards.

gembuls April 28, 2014 at 12:54 AM Reply

which databases you want to download if the hard disk was empty?
if you want to download the databases:
1. backup your databases first (if you need the latest databases)
2. connect to pbx with FTP connection
3. download backup file from directory: DHS3Dyn\BACKUP\IMMED
– retrive the file which you want to backup from IMMED directory based on
name of file


sarah dahshan April 29, 2014 at 5:53 PM Reply

hi guys….
I want to know how to download a software release of my database which was backed
up on the hard disk of cpu6 to make this database active.
thank you

gembuls April 29, 2014 at 6:30 PM Reply

hi sarah, you can do the backup-restore procedure via swinst, choose no.2
(expert mode) then choose no.4 (Backup & Restore Operations). after you
backup the databases you can download that file using FTP


sarah dahshan April 30, 2014 at 6:18 PM Reply

hi guys..
how can i know the system version(release) and if i have any problem in this issue
how can i behave.
thank you.


leiroel June 16, 2014 at 10:03 AM Reply

Mas Gembuls, cara mengembalikan extension yang terforward gimana ya…??


Arif Romansyah June 16, 2014 at 10:11 AM Reply

masuk ke menu: mgr – Users – Go Down Hierarchy – Dynamic State User –

Forward (Pilih opsi No Forward)
atau menggunakan prefix “Forward cancellation”, by default: #64


hardi September 9, 2014 at 5:20 PM Reply

mantab gan ilmu sharenya semaga jadi orang yg bijaksana .alloh berkati agan amin

ibadah kerja harus lillahita’ala

Arif Romansyah September 17, 2014 at 11:58 AM Reply

Terima kasih…semoga usaha dagangnya menuai berkah juga.


hardi September 9, 2014 at 5:21 PM Reply

saya hanya pedagang pabx kecil2;lan gan. ni web kami gan


Arif Romansyah September 17, 2014 at 11:59 AM Reply

mohon maaf kalau mau jualan bukan disini tempatnya, silahkan buka lapak di
tempat lain ya…

dkmz September 17, 2014 at 10:47 AM Reply

Gembuls/Arif Romansyah

How to activate license in ALU SIP Phone? ada command nya?

Terima kAsih

Arif Romansyah September 17, 2014 at 11:51 AM Reply

license di ALU itu cuma satu pak, ya file OPS itu. untuk menambah license
SIP Phone ataupun IP Phone coba contact vendor/business partner ALU,
karena itu di generate sesuai kebutuhan (ada harga pastinya) dan mengikat ke
untuk cek license dan cek fitur apa saja yang available, bisa gunakan
command: spadmin


Messanh October 13, 2014 at 6:25 PM Reply

Hi, I have some problems with the time setting on OXE. The systhem take into
account the modification of the date but the extensions not. Can you help me?

Arif Romansyah October 14, 2014 at 4:57 PM Reply

would you like to describe the details? do you have changed time & date via

Alex October 15, 2014 at 3:02 PM Reply

Hi all there, i try to figure out why i cannot apply changes when i manage my
database with mgr. Someone could help me on this matter?

Arif Romansyah October 15, 2014 at 3:38 PM Reply

did you login with mtcl user? apply/save config with ctrl + v


Alex October 15, 2014 at 9:11 PM Reply

I did. For example when I’m on the consult/mofify: Dynamic State User. I put the
directory number in the where box, I hit ENTER key but nothing happens. Weird

Arif Romansyah October 17, 2014 at 9:43 AM Reply

not using enter to confirm but use hold Ctrl button on your keyboard + v


alex October 16, 2014 at 7:02 PM Reply

Yes I did

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How to restore default password on Alcatel-

Lucent OmniPCX
Linux Stuff, Script, Telecommunication June 13, 2012 Comments: 9
2 Votes

As your request my friends, I want to share about restoring the ‘root’ and ‘mtcl’ password to
default on Alcatel-Lucent OmniPCX if you have lost it.

A. For Alcatel-Lucent OmniPCX Enterprise (Media Gateway type):

1. From terminal console, Reboot OmniPCX into single user mode using Grub. at the boot
prompt, hold on boot process and then press ‘e’ (without quote) to edit the kernel line from
default boot configuration.

2. Select cursor to the kernel, by default system will load the kernel from /boot/vmlinux
directory and root directory location was on /dev/hda5. and then press ‘e’ once again to edit
the parameters.

3. at the end of the line, add ‘S’ and then enter

4. Boot using modify parameter above by press ‘b’

5. In this step you will boot into single user mode and you can change the password of root
and mtcl. at the prompt enter this command:
# passwd (this will change the 'root' password)
# passwd mtcl (this will change the 'mtcl' password)
after you set up the root and mtcl password, reboot your system with command:
# shutdown -r 0

B. For Alcatel-Lucent OmniPCX 4400 (Crystal Type):

1. Same step with OXE, interrupt boot loader by hold any key on this section:

*** BIOS Version 3BA_24095_AAAB_07 ***

*** Generated on fillld0f00258 on Nov/09/2006 at 15:15 ***
*** CPU6 Step 2 version 3BA 23197 : 0.1 ***
*** ELAN SC520 @ 100MHz ***
> System Times
CLK Time : Wed Jan 30 02:51:09 2008
Analyzing the input file
----- Auto Boot in 1 s -----

2. Edit boot loader configuration, please press ‘c’ to edit boot parameter with command line
in this section:

GRUB version 0.5.96 (640K lower / 130048K upper memory)

Press enter to boot the default OS [0], 'c' for a command-line,
or give an another entry number
[0]: Boot GNU/Linux [default]
[1]: Install GRUB into the hard disk

3. Enter this command on your terminal prompt:

grub>root (hd0,4)
grub>kernel /boot/vmlinuz root=/dev/hda5 console=ttyS0,9600 panic=5 single

4. System will booting to single user mode, change the root and mtcl password using this

# passwd (this will change the 'root' password)

# passwd mtcl (this will change the 'mtcl' password)

after you set up the root and mtcl password, reboot your system with command:
# shutdown -r 0


remark: you must change the root and mtcl default password to securing your system

source: Technical documentation, Author: Robin

download this guide

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9 thoughts on “How to restore default password on

Alcatel-Lucent OmniPCX”


oxeman4400 August 10, 2012 at 1:57 PM Reply

actually I tried your mentioned structure on CS common hardware R9130148 but after
single boot I get ” inter your root maintenance password or cntrol+d ” after giving
root password I log in in root account and I change my mtcl account but after normal
boot I could not log in with new password ….
any idea ??please share your experience.
also admin do you have any idea about RADIUS SERVER on oxe?

thanks again

gembuls August 10, 2012 at 2:56 PM Reply

hi expert,
so, you didn’t have any experience about this right? how come you called
yourself as an expert? (i’m sorry just kidding….. :D) refer to your question:
1. Can you explain to me by email about what you have done while resetting
your password and what a release used with a screenshot?
2. Hmm…Radius server on OXE? it’s interesting, but….what for? can you tell
me the main concept?

oxeman4400 August 11, 2012 at 1:46 AM

hi thank you .
I am expert and I am not GOD (about your sentence :-) i’m sorry just
I will send screenshot ASAP and also will describe my issue about
RADIUS server in email.
for comfort and for god sake forget about “expert ” , I am technical

gembuls August 11, 2012 at 2:15 AM

haha…my point of view about expert was something like ‘God’ of

somewhat, because i’m totally noobs here, alright forget it. send me
email to:
thank you for sharing :)

Monder August 23, 2012 at 7:59 AM

how are you every body ?

How can i restort or chang default password on Alcatel-Lucent


Kenneth Ciantar January 16, 2014 at 10:10 PM Reply

What about Office not enterprise?

Is it possible to restore the root password?

Jacob Peled February 13, 2014 at 7:10 PM Reply

Seems that it a solution for old systems. you are not getting the prompt through which
you can enter the command “passwd” . You are getting a message:

“Give root password for maintenance ”

or type Control-D for normal startup:”

Now if you know the root password in order to get into the …# prompt. You can do it
in the normal way anyway. I mean let the system boot, and get into it by the root user,
and change the “mtcl” user’s password.

Bottom line if you change the Root password, and don’t know what it is – You are in
deep deep trouble.

gembuls February 13, 2014 at 8:00 PM Reply

Yes jacob this is for old release, Thanks for this.


Jose December 31, 2014 at 5:48 AM Reply

That was very helpful, thanks very much, but my only problem now is that when the
system reboots is reboot in grub mode every time.
It doesn’t go on to boot in Linux mode. Please help me.

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