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Answer - Hidden Ep Quiz 14

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1) Integrated into risk-sensitive land use planning process," which component of Risk
Assessment" examines and audits an institutions capabilities and resources to deal with
natural hazards?
A. Hazard identification and evaluation (e.g. analysis of frequency, severity/magnitude,
return period or probability of a hazard of given severity)  
B. Vulnerability analysis (e.g. probable loss of life, injury, building damage, economic
  C. Potential damage assessment (e.g. monetary estimation of probable loses)

  D. Contingency measures, emergency response. quick reaction mechanisms

  Discuss this Question

2) Under RA 7586 NIPAS Act of 1991, which type of protected area aims to assure the natural
conditions necessary to protect species, groups of species, biotic communities or physical
features of the environment where these may require specific human manipulation for their

  A. Haven and Refuge of Endangered Biota

  B. Protected Landscape and Seascape  

  C. Genepool and Germplasm Reserve

  D. Wildlife Sanctuary
  Discuss this Question

3) The do nothing scenario or absence of a spatial strategy allows a settlement to grow on its
own like a dendrite or living organism without man-made controls, and is called

  A. Leapfrogging

  B. Organic development

  C. Crawling development  

  D. Checkerboard spreadsheet

  E. Anything goes

  Discuss this Question

4) This is a method of trip assignment which takes into account congestion on the
transportation system and centers on determining traffic flow pattern for a known set of
inter-zonal movements so that the relationship between journey time and flow on every link
in the network should be in accordance with that specified for the link.

  A. All-or-nothing AON assignment

  B. Capacity restraint

  C. Diversion curves

  D. Shortest route method  

  Discuss this Question

5) Which solution to reduce disaster vulnerability needs the longest-term and most
comprehensive perspective?

  A. Environmental safeguards and natural protection

  B. Regulation of private and public infrastructure to ensure social protection

  C. Safer location for settlements  

  D. Safer building construction

  Discuss this Question

6) Under RA 7586, poor communities occupying sections of forestland continuously for at least
5 years prior to legal proclamations, who are dependent on the forest for subsistence, are
considered "tenured migrant communities" and are engaged by government to undertake
reforestation and upland management under this specific program.

  A. Agro-Forestry  

  B. Sloping Agricultural Land Technology

  C. Integrated Social Forestry

  D. Industrial Forestry
  Discuss this Question

7) Based on FAO framework, which component of Watershed Management needs to engage

timber companies, upland concessions, and sawmills to the highest extent possible?
  A. Irrigation, water harvesting, control of land and water pollution

  B. Gully control, rehabilitation of landslips and landslides, control of road erosion

  C. Pastureland protection and improvement

  D. Forest protection and improvement, streambank protection, and sustainable mining

8) Under RA 9174 Wildlife Resources Conservation & Protection Act, killing of endangered
wildlife is unlawful except in 5 cases. Which of the following might warrant an act of killing
by Palawan tribal leaders after they've gathered proof that they had lost three children to
river crocodiles which had escaped from a science-oriented crocodile farm?
A. "when killing is done as part of the religious rituals of established indigenous cultural
  B. "when the wildlife is afflicted with an incurable communicable disease"

  C. "when it is deemed necessary to put an end to the misery suffered by the wildlife"

  D. ''when it is done to prevent imminent danger to the life or limb of a human being" 
E. ''when the wildlife is killed or destroyed after it has been used in authorized research or
  Discuss this Question

9) According to scientific studies, the human body begins to be least productive at ambient
temperature of 37°C and above,while human productivity and mental capacity, in general,
are known to be optimal at ___ ambient temperature.

  A. 16°C

  B. 21°C  

  C. 26°C

  D. 32°C

  Discuss this Question

10) According to MPWH Highway Planning Manual 1982, each 3.5 meter one-directional lane in
an expressway has  an estimated capacity of Passenger Car Units (PCU) per hour or roughly
one vehicle every 2 seconds.
  A. 1,000
  B. 1,750
  C. 2,000
  D. 2,400

11) Designed by Peter Calthorpe (1993), this is a compact, mixed-use urban area around a
transport node, intermodal or rail station with commercial shops, offices, and homes within
a pedestrian-oriented radius of 800 meters maximum. at density< 15-40 dwelling units per
acre, all intended to maximize citizen access to public transport and encourage mass

  A. lntermodal Exchange Design

  B. Park & Ride

  C. Transit-Oriented Development

  D. Bus Rapid Transit

12) What is the best use of a 'Gantt' chart?
  A. Allocates time among various tasks
  B. Shows how different tasks are related
  C. Illustrates how one task must be completed before beginning another
  D. Utilizes a table with alternatives in rows and impact factors in columns

13) All of the following Land Use measures address Climate Change. Which one directly
pertains to the carbon sequestration function performed by trees and plants?

  A. Design settlements and communities in. a manner that reduces ·use of vehicles
B. Enforce energy-efficiency laws to cover buildings, homes, and industrial design of
appliances and appurtenances identify  
  C. Conducive locations and facilitate projects that generate renewable natural energy

  D. Maintain buffer zones and protect undisturbed lands with thick vegetative cover 

  Discuss this Question

14) "Land Evaluation" and "Landscape Analysis" are

  A. The same and actually overlap

  B. Both obsolete and no longer used

  C. Used by different sets of specialists for the same land use process

  D. Essentially at odds because one is scientific while the other is not  

  Discuss this Question

15) These areas are so called because they pose serious dangers to human settlements due to
their high susceptibility to, among others, landslides, subsidence, sinkholes, erosion once
their topsoil is exposed.

  A. 'geohazards'

  B. 'brownfields'

  C. 'environmentally critical'

  D. 'naturally forbidden'
16) This refers to rights. of landowners along a water body to use the water for their economic
needs provided they return to the same body the water in similar quality.

  A. Riparian Rights

  B. Hydrologic Rights  

  C. Rights of First Use

  D. Riverine Rights
  Discuss this Question

17) Planning for flood control such as construction of major dams, levees, and embankments
occurs at What level?

  A. Zoning District

  B. Town

  C. Regional or Sub-regional

  D. National
18) RA 9175 Chainsaw Act of 2002, one of the following does not possess a chainsaw in a legal
A. Has a subsisting timber license. agreement, production sharing agreement, or a private
land timber permit
  B. Is duly elected official of upland barangay

  C. Is an Orchard and fruit tree farmer  

D. Is a licensed wood processor who cuts only timber that has been legally sold E) is an
industrial tree farmer
  Discuss this Question

19)  Sea-level rise, coastal surges, coral reef damage, biodiversity decline, altered landscapes,
increased frequency and severity) of storms, floods, fires, and droughts; heat-related
diseases, increased acidity, salinization of fresh water, failed harvests and economic losses,
are among the known disasters that arise from -
A. Tectonic and geologic movements partly caused by the push and pull of interplanetary
or astrophysic forces
B. Natural variability of atmospheric, hydrospheric, and biogeochemical cycles which all
have wayward patterns
C. Long-term disturbance of atmospheric and meteorological conditions caused by
anthropogenic sources
D. Natural heating of the Earth as it is pulled closer to the Sun at .the rate of 3 inches per
completed orbit  
  Discuss this Question
20) Which essential elements of LogFrame or "Z.O.P.P" are used for plan monitoring and

  A. Targets and quotas

  B. Indicators and means of verification

  C. Milestones and signposts

  D. Gauges and benchmarks  

  Discuss this Question

21) Due to local ingress and egress movements, the following are 'chokepoints' along a
transport artery, except one.

  A. Market

  B. Cockpit or stadium
  C. Mall complex

  D. Unloading zone

  E. Major religious shrine  

  Discuss this Question

22) DENR-FMB 2003, of total Philippine forestland of 15.85 million hectares, 1.5 million
hectares are denuded and 5. 7 million hectares are badly denuded. Under the 12-point agenda
of Forest Management Bureau,which of the latter should have the highest priority in
restoration and reforestation by engaging private sector investors.

  A. Cultivated Areas and Upland Settlements  

  B. Shrub lands and marginal grasslands

  C. Wooded Grasslands

  D. Swamps and Marshes

  Discuss this Question

23) All of the following Land Use measures address transport bottlenecks and congestion, but
which one increases pedestrian traffic and requires intensified police/security presence?
A. Establish Floor-Area Ratio and population density ceilings for buildings in the Central
Business District
  B. Relocate intercity bus tennin&ls and freight tenninals from the center of town
C. Enforce walking and biking in specific downtown sections that have vibrant bazaars,
tiangges, and streetside sales
  D. Prohibit on-street or parallel roadside parking along busy arterial roads  

  Discuss this Question

24) Which of the following steps in the establishment of NIPAS area addresses overlapping
LGU jurisdictions?

  A. Compilation of technical maps & description of protected areas

  B. Census and registration of protected area occupants

  C. Public notification of coverage of protected areas A  

  D. Boundary demarcation and monumenting

  Discuss this Question

25) Which goal of Smart Growth USA" addresses social participation?

A. Direct growth toward existing population centers, thru public spending on infrastructure
and utilities
B. Foster distinctive, attractive communities with a strong sense of place by creating
walkable neighborhoods and providinga variety of transportation choices
C. Make development decisions predictable, fair, and cost effective, and encourage
stakeholder collaboration in development decisions
  D. Create a range of housing choices and opportunities by allowing mixture of land uses  
E. Preserve and protect open space, farmland, natural beauty, and environmentally
sensitive areas
  Discuss this Question
26) Wilson (1992) estimated that 90% habitat loss of an area results in 50% reduction of number
of species. Under RA 9174 Wildlife Resources Conservation 8 Protection Act, a species or
sub-species that faces high risk of extinction in the immediate future is called

  A. Acutely Threatened Species  

  B. Critically Endangered Species

  C. Species Vulnerable to Extinction

  D. Rapidly Disappearing Species

  Discuss this Question

27) A Protected Area Management Plan guides a declared natural biotic area under RA 7586.
Under which sections of 5 ecological zoning might Indigenous Peoples, tenured migrants
and/or other residents be allowed to Coliect and utilize natural resources using traditional
melt1ods that are not in conflict with biodiversity conservation

  A. Strict protection zone & habitat management zone  

  B. Sustainable Use Zone & Multiple Use Zone

  C. Cultural zone & restoration zone

  D. Special Use Zone and Buffer Zone

  Discuss this Question

28) One of the following strategies to solve traffic congestion belongs more properly to
specialist engineers rather than to generalist planners?

  A. Travel Demand Management

  B. Transport System Managemen  

  C. Transport Infrastructure Improvement

  D. Land Use Controls

  Discuss this Question

29) The following core elements of Transport Policy can be examined more closely to address
Climate Change, except one.

  A. Motor fuels and energy sources

  B. Role of mass transit versus private cars

  C. Industrial design and ergonomics of automobile's accessory features

  D. Relationship between land use and roads in creating chokepoints

30) A physical location where industry and/or commercial development is deliberately directed;
done either to reduce I growth pressures elsewhere in the city or to redistribute growth
within a city.

  A. Growth Node

  B. Growth Hub

  C. Growth Nub

  D. Growth Mole  

  E. Growth Lump
  Discuss this Question

31) "Urban design uses the climate, natural landscape as well as built assets to create distinctive
places that contribute to locaI identity, structure and meaning. Urban design strengthens the
city's character by reflecting its cultural layers and by enable residents and visitors alike to
read the city' by way of its history, customs, icons, and visual elements."

  A. "Cosmopolitanism"

  B. "Semiotics"  

  C. "Sense of Place"

  D. "Symbology"

  Discuss this Question

32) Based on planning framework of Prof. Ernesto Serote, which of the following best describes
infrastructure land use?

  A. Construction for movement & flow of goods/people  

  B. Connective, circulatory, and communicative space

  C. Network of man-made structures & edifices for people's comfort

  D. Amalgam of steel, rock, concrete and glass to shape civilization

  Discuss this Question

33) In all but one of the following measures, Land Use Planning mitigates natural hazards and
reduces disaster risk.
A. Expand open space in flood-holding areas, evacuation routes, lifelines, and areas of
unstable soil
B. Compel all real estate brokers and dealers to provide hazard disclosure to property
buyers in geohazard zones
C. Require 10-meter-deep foundations for bulky structures in places prone to recurrent
D. Redirect public funds for capital investment projects from tsunami-prone areas to
locations of higher elevation
34) The hierarchic logic in LogFrame or "Z.O.P.P." starts with broad goals which are
subsequently broken down into purposes, objectives, outputs, and activities.

  A. Horizontal

  B. Vertical

  C. Lateral  

  D. Diagonal
  Discuss this Question

35) To better conserve energy in a community, planners may recommend each of the following

  A. Promote use of mass transit

  B. Design mixed uses for projects

  C. Encourage landscaping / ornamentation over planting of hardwood tree species 

  D. Use of solar energy for passive lighting, passive heating, power for ventilation  

  Discuss this Question

36) All but one of the following are valid grounds to seek special case treatment or relaxation of
zoning provision in relation to a development project.
A. The unusual shape of the site precludes designing a structure that would meet yard
B. The existing structure has been declared historically significant by the city and must be
saved at any cost  
C. Proposed deviation constitutes only a minor encroachment and will not alter the character
of the neighborhood.
D. Both area of the site and proposed development are consistent with that of other lots in
the immediate vicinity.
  Discuss this Question
37) As a result of the Ondoy-Peping disaster in September-October 2009, what type of
planning can possibly interlink  the "Marikina Watershed," the "Marikina Floodplain," and
"Laguna de Bay" with their separate governing authorities, to Jointly undertake proactive
mitigation and prevention measures?

  A. Ecosystem-Based Planning

  B. Integrated Area Development

  C. Reconstruction Planning by Special National Public Reconstruction Commission

  D. Regional Planning by DENR's River Basin Control Office

  with relevance to E.O. 510
38) In all but one of the following measures, Land Use Planning shapes the pace and direction of
city/town growth.
A. Expand physically municipal jail and stockade to address increased incidence in
  B. Propose roll-on roll-off port to hasten trade with coastal neighbors
C. Identify which sections of territory are appropriate for low-rise, medium-rise, and high-
rise structures.
D. Define specific types of commerce that can be allowed in predominantly residential

39) Which map is least relevant in preparing a Forest Management Plan that covers multiple
LGUs at scale of 1 :5,000? 

  A. Map of tribal or ancestral land

  B. Elevation map  

  C. Density map

  D. NIPAS map

  Discuss this Question

40) In transport planning, the manual counting and classifying, by type of vehicle and direction
of travel, of all conveyances passing each station during specified periods, supplemented by
automatic traffic recorder counts extending over longer periods is called

  A. Travel cost method  

  B. Roadside survey

  C. Windshield survey

  D. Network inventory
  Discuss this Question

41) This document contains an LGUs proposed schedule of infrastructure projects listed in
order of construction priority usually for a timeframe of 6 years together with cost
estimates, anticipated means of financing, and commitment of public funds for the
purchase, construction, or replacement of physical assets of the community.

  A. DOTC Plan
  B. Annual Investment Plan

  C. Civil Works Program  

  D. Capital Investment Program

  Discuss this Question

42) City design of Paul Downton where the balance of nature is central concern, operated by
closed-loop systems that recycle energy, materials and resources, while minimizing waste
through enviro-preneurship. Its economy is based on knowledge and innovation such as
hydrogen-powered mass transport, sky-gardens, parks on building rooftops,building-
integrated solar systems using photovoltaic skins, and aeroponic and hydroponic urban
farming on terraces, walls, facades, and·atria.

  A. Evergreen city

  B. Sustainopolis  

  C. Ecopolis

  D. Greenopolis

  E. Verde ville
  Discuss this Question

43) This is a Section of forestland with an area of at least 100-meter radius around rivers and
springs which serve to capture freshwater sources being tapped for domestic water supply
and irrigation.

  A. Hydrologic Capture Zone  

  B. Eco-Park

  C. Water Catchment Reserve

  D. Escarpment

  Discuss this Question

44) Performance zoning according to noise levels (e.g. 55 decibels for Land Category B, US
Federal Highway Administration) would benefit churches, schools, libraries, and residences
while performance zoning according to air·quality standards (i.e emissions) would most
affect which fixed locations?
  A. Vulcanizing and auto repair shops  

  B. large manufacturing establishments

  C. Seaports and wharves

  D. Rotunda and street intersections

  Discuss this Question

45) According RA 10121 of 2010, this is a management process that analyzes specific potential
events of emerging situations that might-threaten Society or the environment by
establishing arrangements in advance to enable timely, effective, and appropriate responses
to such events and situations.

  A. Risk Averse Planning  

  B. Crisis Management

  C. Contingency Planning

  D. Search, Rescue, Retrieval & Relief

  Discuss this Question

46) Which of the following does not enhance 'connectivity' to create sociable, livable, walkable,
health-oriented communities?
A. Cul-de-sacs, cuvilinear streets, steel g&tes on roadblock comers; family pets wander &
provide biodiversity excitement
B. School, church, community assembly center, plaza, and sports facilities are located
relatively close to each other.
C. 300-m average distance of homes to variety of transport choices like buses, FX vans, and
shuttles to railway stations
D. Bicycle lanes are delineated; strolling and biking promoted, 'no-car policy' declared on
selected streets during holidays.  
  Discuss this Question

47) According to National Water Resources Board 2009, total dependable freshwater supply in
the Philippines at 80% safe yield is approximately 145990 MCM (million cubic meters) per
year. What would be per capita water availability per year when the total population
reaches 100 million?

  A. 14.59 m3 per capita  

  B. 145.9 m3 per capita

  C. 1,459.9 m3 per capita

  D. 14,599 m3 per capita

  Discuss this Question

48) This observed phenomenon refers to increase in global average annual mean temperature of
the Earth's near- surface air and oceans, of about ±0.92°C in the last 100 years, due to altered
composition of the atmosphere, B which has been attributed to sharp increase in greenhouse
gas (GHG) emissions contributed by humans. 

  A. Air Pollution  

  B. Ozone Depletion

  C. Greenhouse Effect

  D. Global Warming
  Discuss this Question

49) 'Infrastructure Planning' covers both replacement infrastructure "and new infrastructure for
emerging areas." The following are important considerations in infrastructure planning, but
which is first and foremost of all considerations?

  A. Capacity of infrastructure  

  B. Public safety and structural integrity

  C. Level of service (LOS) and quality of service

  D. Age of infrastructure

  Discuss this Question

50) In all but one of the following measures, Land Use Planning addresses global warming and
climate change.
  A. Provide for locations of windmill farms as possible joint ventures with private sector
B. Reward real estate projects that keep more than 40% of their total area as wooded open
C. Encourage intercropping of fruit trees and bio-fuel plants in lands designated for agro-
  D. Transfer manufacturing firms to remote locations at least 10 kms away where their fumes
can not reach homes

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