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Abandoned Lands - land devoted to any crop at least one year prior to the notice of

expropriation, but which was not utilized by the owner for his
benefit for the past five years prior to such notice of expropriation

Abot-Bahay Fund - a fund created by virtue of RA 6846 devoted to amortization

support, developmental financing, cash flow guaranty, and interest
subsidy for socialized housing. (C-18)

Abot-Kaya Pabahay Fund - the fund established under RA 6846 as amended by RA 7836,
which shall be used exclusively for enhancing the affordability of
low-cost housing by low-income families; providing
developmental financing for low-cost housing projects; and
eliminating risks for the funding agencies involved in housing,
namely: the Social Security System (SSS), the Government
Service Insurance System (GSIS) and the Home Development
Mutual Fund (HDMF), or their accredited financial institutions. (C-

The fund shall be devoted to providing amortization support,

expediting the development of land into suitable sites for housing
by providing development financing to developers of low-cost
housing projects, and establishing a strong guarantee system to
ensure viable cash flow for the funding agencies involved in
housing (RA 6846).

The Fund shall also allocate funds for liquidity support and interest
subsidy to the secondary market operation of the National Home
Mortgage Finance Corporation (NHMFC) to serve as an
alternative mechanism for sourcing housing funds, tapping in the
process private and public long-term funds.

Absolute Poverty - the condition of the household below the food threshold level.

Accessoria or Row House - a house of not more than two storeys, composed of a row of
dwelling units entirely separated from one another by a party wall
or walls and with an independent entrance for each dwelling unit.

Usually a one or two-floor structure divided into three or more

dwelling units, each dwelling unit having its own separate
entrance from the outside. Another name for accessoria is
rowhouse. (C-1)

Accessory Building - a building subordinate to the main building on the same lot and
used for purposes customarily incidental to those of the main
building such as servants’ quarters, garage, pump house, laundry,
etc. (B-21)

Active Mining Area - actual areas under exploration, development, exploitation or
commercial production as determined by the Secretary after the
necessary field investigation or verification including contiguous
and geologically related areas belonging to the same claim
owner/or under contract with an operator, but in no case to exceed
the maximum area allowed by law. (D-4)

Active Recreation - activities that include hiking, tennis, basketball, swimming,

fencing, golf, horseback riding, jogging, sailing, etc. (C-23)

Actual Use - the purpose for which the property is principally or predominantly
utilized by the person in possession thereof. (A-3)

Addition - any new construction which increases the height or area of an

existing building/structure. (B-21)

Advertising Sign - a sign that directs attention to a business, profession,

commodity, service or entertainment conducted, sold, or offered at
a place other than where the business, profession, etc., is located.
An off-premise sign. (B-21)

Aesthetic Potential
Tourist Spots - areas declared and reserved by the Department of Tourism or
other appropriate authorities for tourism development. (E-16)

Affordability - the paying capacity of housing beneficiaries to purchase or

lease a serviced lot, house and lot package or housing unit under
any of the programs outlined in RA 7835, taking into consideration
the financial resources/expenditures of beneficiaries on minimum
basic needs in relation to cost of housing development and
viability of financing schemes. (C-7)

- the potential amount of income that could be made available for

housing investment after excluding basic necessities such as
food, clothing, education, medical expenses, transportation,
income tax and recurrent costs of housing (electricity, water,
garbage disposal). (C-14)

Affordability Analysis - an assessment of the financial resources of the various income

groups, determining their affordability or how much of their income
could be made available for housing after excluding necessary
basic expenses such as food, clothing, education, medical
expenses, transportation, income tax and recurrent cost of
housing. (C-23)

Affordable Cost - the most reasonable price of land and shelter based on the
needs and financial capability of program beneficiaries and
appropriate financing schemes. (B-17)

The most reasonable price of land and shelter based on the needs
and financial capability of the Program beneficiaries under RA
7279 and appropriate financing schemes. (C-5)

Affordable Housing Loan - to determine affordable housing loan, multiply the monthly
capital costs for housing by the annuity factor. (C-14)

Afforestation - artificial establishment of forestland which did not carry forest

within the past 50 years. (B-8)

Age Dependency Ratio - the extent to which those who are too young or too old to earn a
living depend for support on those who work. People who are
below 15 years of age are considered too young, and those 65
years and above are too old to work. (C-3)

Age dependency ratio is computed using the following formula:

a. Total dependency ratio = Population below 15 years +

Population 65 years and above
----------------------------------x 100
Population 15-64 years

b. Young dependency ratio = Population below 15 years

-------------------------------- x 100
Population 15-64 years

c. Old dependency ratio = Population 65 years and above

--------------------------------- x 100
Population 15-64 years


Population 15-64 years are the working population; and

Population below 15 years and above 64 years are the dependent

Agrarian Reform - redistribution of lands, regardless of crops or fruits produced, to

farmers and regular farmworkers who are landless, irrespective of
tenurial arrangement, to include the totality of factors and support
services designed to lift the economic status of the beneficiaries
and all other arrangements alternative to the physical
redistribution of lands, such as production or profit-sharing, labor
administration, and the distribution of shares of stock which will
allow beneficiaries to receive a just share of the fruits of the lands
they work. (D-9)

Agrarian Reform
Communities (ARCs) - a geographical area composed of a barangay at the minimum,
or a cluster of barangays where there is a critical mass of farmers
and farmworkers awaiting the full implementation of agrarian
reform. (D-7)
Agrarian Reform
Community - a barangay or a cluster of contiguous barangays where there is a
critical mass of farmers or farm workers and which features the
main thrust of agrarian development, land tenure improvement
and effective delivery of support services. (D-12)

- a barangay or a cluster of barangays primarily composed and

managed by Agrarian Reform Beneficiaries who shall be willing to
be organized and undertake the integrated development of an
area and/or their organizations/cooperative. (D-6)

Agricultural Activity - the cultivation of the soil; planting of crops; growing of fruit trees;
raising of livestock, poultry, fish or aquaculture products, including
the harvesting and immediate processing of such products, and
other farm activities and practices performed in conjunction with
such farming operations (B-7)

Agricultural Building - a building designed and constructed to house farm implements,

hay, grain, poultry, livestock or other horticultural products. This
structure shall not be a place of human habitation or a place of
employment where agricultural products are processed, treated or
packaged; nor shall it be used by the public. (B-21)

Agricultural Credit - all loans and/or advances granted to borrowers to finance

activities relating to agriculture and the processing, marketing,
storage, and distribution of products resulting from these
activities. (D-15)

Agricultural Institutions - institutions engaged in direct production or other activities

promotive or supportive of agricultural development and
production including research and academic institutions devoted
exclusively to promoting or enhancing agricultural production. (B-

Agricultural Land - land devoted principally to the planting of trees, raising of crops,
livestock and poultry, dairying, salt making, inland fishing and
similar aquacultural activities, and other agricultural activities. (A-

- land devoted to or suitable for agricultural activity and not

classified as mineral, forest, residential, commercial, or industrial.
(Charter on Agricultural Lands, Department of Agriculture). (B-7)

- lands utilized for agricultural production (E-18)

- lands devoted to or suitable for the cultivation of the soil, planting

of crops, growing of trees, raising of livestock, poultry, fish or
aquaculture production, including the harvesting of such farm
products, and other farm activities and practices performed
in conjunction with such farming operations by persons, whether
natural or juridical, and not classified by law as mineral land, forest
land, residential land, commercial land, or industrial land. (D-12)

Agricultural Land Use

Conversion - the process of changing the use of agricultural land to non-
agricultural uses. (D-12)

Agricultural Land Use

Plan - (a document) which provides the specifics in terms of which
crops or combination of crops to grow in a given agricultural area
taking into account economic, social and biophysical factors (soils,
climate, topography, etc.); … the basis for drawing up the spatial
plan, i.e., where to locate agricultural infrastructures and support
services in order to improve production and spur economic
growth. (E-19)

Agricultural Product - the yield of the soil, such as corn, rice, wheat, rye, hay,
coconuts, sugarcane, tobacco, root crops, vegetables, fruits,
flowers, and their by-products; ordinary salt; all kinds of fish;
poultry; and livestock and animal products, whether in their
original form or not. (A-3)

Agricultural Sector – the sector engaged in the cultivation of the soil, planting of
crops, growing of fruit trees, raising of livestock, poultry, or fish,
including the harvesting and marketing of such farm products, and
other farm activities and practices. (D-12)

Agricultural Zone - an area within a city or municipality intended for

cultivation/fishing and pastoral activities, e.g., fishing, farming,
cultivation of crops, goat/cattle raising, etc. (G-7)

In Agricultural zones, the following uses shall be permitted:

a. Cultivation, raising and growing of staple crops such as rice,

corn, camote, cassava and the like;

b. Growing of diversified plants and trees, such as fruit and

flower-bearing trees, coffee, tobacco, etc.

c. Silviculture, mushroom culture, fishing and fish culture, snake

culture, crocodile farm, monkey raising and the like;

d. Customary support facilities such as palay dryers and rice

threshers and storage barns and warehouses;

e. Ancillary dwelling units/farmhouses for tillers and laborers;

f. Agricultural research and experimentation facilities such as

breeding stations, fish farms, nurseries, demonstration farms,

g. Pastoral activities such as goat raising and cattle fattening;

h. Home occupation for the practice of one’s profession or

engaging in home business such as dressmaking, tailoring,
baking, running a sari-sari store and the like, provided that:

 Number of persons engaged in such business/industry

shall not exceed five (5), inclusive of the owner;
 There shall be no change in the outside appearance of the
building premises;
 No home occupation shall be conducted in any customary
accessory uses cited above;
 No traffic shall be generated by such home occupation in
greater volume than would normally be expected in a
residential neighborhood and any need for parking
generated by the conduct of such home occupation shall
be met of the street in a place other than the required front
yard; and
 No equipment or process shall be used in such occupation
which creates noise, vibration, glare, fumes, odors and
electrical interference detectable to the normal senses and
visual or audible interference in any radio or television
receiver or causes fluctuations in line voltage of the

i. Home industry classified as cottage industry, e.g., mat

weaving, pottery making, food preservation, etc., provided

 Such home industry shall not occupy more than thirty

percent (30%) of floor area of the dwelling unit. There shall
be no change or alteration in the outside appearance of
the dwelling unit and shall not be a hazard or nuisance.
 Alloted capitalization shall not exceed the capitalization as
set by the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI).
 Such shall consider same provisions as enumerated in
letters c, d, and e of Home Occupation, above.

j. Backyard raising of livestock and fowl, provided that:

 For livestock – a maximum of ten (10) heads

 For fowl – a maximum of five hundred (500) birds

Agriculture - a sub-sector of the Economic Sector which covers assessment

of the past and present performance of agriculture which is
necessary to determine past and potential productivity and to
identify production problems necessary to determine local crop
production sufficiency/ insufficiency in relation to the demand of
the present and projected population. Allocation of agricultural
areas for food security is likewise discussed (F-4)

Agriculture and Fisheries
Infrastructure Support
Services –technical and engineering support necessary in carrying out the
smooth and expeditious implementation of agricultural
infrastructure projects. (D-12)

Agriculture and Fisheries

Modernization – the process of transforming the agriculture and fisheries
sectors into one that is dynamic, technologically advanced and
competitive yet centered on human development, guided by the
sound practices of sustainability and the principles of social
justice. (D-12)

The Agriculture and Fisheries Modernization Plan shall focus on

five (5) major concerns, namely:

a. Food security
b. Poverty alleviation and social equity
c. Income enhancement and profitability, especially for farmers
and fisherfolk
d. Global competitiveness
e. Sustainability

Agriculture Sub-sector - a sub-sector of the Economic Sector which covers assessment

of the past and present performance of agriculture which is
necessary to determine past and potential productivity and to
identify production problems necessary to determine local crop
production sufficiency/insufficiency in relation to the demand of the
present and projected population. It also includes a discussion on
the allocation of agricultural areas for food security. (A-6)

Agriculture, Fisheries and

Agrarian Reform Credit and
Financing System – a credit and financing system designed for the use and benefit
of farmers, fisherfolk, those engaged in food and non-food
production, processing and trading, cooperatives,
farmers’/fisherfolk’s organization, and small and medium
enterprises engaged in agriculture and fisheries, referred to as
“beneficiaries.” (D-12)

Agroforestry - a land use management system which combines the production

of agricultural crops, forest trees and/or livestock simultaneously
or sequentially on the same unit of land for the purpose of
creating employment opportunities for upland farm labor,
producing raw materials for agriculture or forest-based industries,
providing food and other products for home consumption and
improving ecological conditions in the watersheds. (E-21)

Agro-Industrial Croplands - lands presently planted to industrial crops that support the
economic viability to existing agricultural infrastructure and agro-
based enterprises (BSWM). (B-7)
Agro-Industrial Development
Area (AIDA) - areas/villages which have been identified as strategic centers for
agro-industrial development. Projects which seek to adopt the
AIDA must have the following key components: capability-building,
livelihood development, and rural infrastructure support. (D-7)

Agro-Industrial Estates - areas where agricultural and industrial development are made to
complement each other, or areas designated for the simultaneous
or complementary development of agriculture and industry. (B-1)

Agro-Industrial Zone - an area within a city or municipality intended primarily for

integrated farm operations and related product processing
activities such as plantation for bananas, pineapple, sugar, etc.

In Agro-Industrial Zones, the following uses shall be permitted:

a. All uses allowed in agricultural zones

b. Rice/corn mills (single pass)

c. Drying, cleaning, curing and preserving of meat and its by-

products and derivatives

d. Drying, smoking and airing of tobacco; curing and re-drying of

tobacco leaves

e. Flour//cassava flour mill

f. Manufacture of coffee, unprepared animal feeds, other grain

milling not elsewhere classified

g. Production of prepared feeds for animals

h. Cigar and cigarette factory

i. Weaving hemp textile

j. Jute spinning and weaving

k. Manufacture of charcoal

l. Butter/cheese/milk processing plants (manufacturing filled,

reconstituted or recombined milk, condensed and evaporated);
natural fluid milk processing (pasteurizing, homogenizing,
vitaminizing, bottling of natural animal milk and cream-related
products) and other dairy products not elsewhere classified;

m. Canning and preserving of vegetables and vegetable juices;
vegetable sauces and miscellaneous canning and preserving
of fruits and vegetables not elsewhere classified;

n. Fish canning; patis and bagoong factories; processing,

preserving and canning of fish and other seafoods not
elsewhere classified

o. Manufacture of desiccated coconut, starch and its products,

and wines from juices of local fruits

p. Vegetable oil mills, including coconut oil

q. Sugarcane milling (centrifugal and refines) and sugar refining;

muscovado sugar mill

r. Cotton textile mill

s. Manufacture/processing of other plantation crops, e.g.,

pineapple, bananas, etc.

t. Other commercial handicrafts and industrial activities utilizing

plant or animal parts and/or products as raw materials not
elsewhere classified; and

u. Other accessory uses incidental to agro-industrial activities.

Activities - the processing of raw materials and fishery products into semi-
processed or finished products which include materials for the
manufacture of food and/or non-food products, pharmaceuticals
and other industrial products. (D-12)

Air Pollutant – any harmful or undesirable matter emitted in the atmosphere,

including smoke, soot, solid particles of any kind, undesirable
gases, fumes and obnoxious odors. (E-13)

Air Quality Map - a map showing highly polluted to no or minimal polluted areas.

Alienable and Disposable

(A & D) Lands - those lands of the public domain which have been limited,
classified and declared as such and available for disposition
under Commonwealth act. No. 141, as amended, otherwise
known as the Public Land Act. (E-21)

- lands of the public domain which have been the subject of the
present system of classification and declared as not needed for
forest purposes. (E-7)

No land of the public domain 18% in slope or over shall be
classified as alienable and disposable.

Alienable Lands of the

Public Domain/Alienable
Public Lands - any of those lands which are not yet covered by any claim of
ownership, or have been allocated or acquired. (C-7, C-13)

- limited to agricultural lands. Private corporations or associations

may not hold such alienable lands of the public domain except by
lease, for a period not exceeding twenty-five (25) years,
renewable for not more than twenty-five (25) years, and not to
exceed one thousand (1,000) hectares in area. Citizens of the
Philippines may lease not more than five hundred (500) hectares,
or acquire not more than twelve (12) hectares thereof by
purchase, homestead or grant. (A-1)

Alienable Public Lands - any of those which are not yet covered by any claim of
ownership or have been allocated or acquired. (C-7)

Alley - any public space or thoroughfare which has been dedicated or

deeded to the public or public use as a passageway with a width
of not more than three (3) meters. (B-21)

- a public way intended to serve both pedestrian and emergency

vehicles, and also access to lots, both ends always connecting to
streets. (B-17)

Alleys - narrow minor streets which are used primarily for vehicular
service and access to the rear or the side of abutting
properties usually without a sidewalk. (DPWH) (B-13)

Allowable Cut - the volume of materials, whether of wood or other forest

products, that is authorized to be cut regularly from a forest. (B-8)

Alter or Alteration - any change, addition, or modification in construction or

occupancy. (See Alteration) (B-21)

- construction in a building/structure involving changes in the

materials used, partitioning, location/size of openings, structural
parts, existing utilities and equipment but does not increase the
overall area thereof. (B-21)

Ambient Air Quality – the average atmospheric purity as distinguished from discharge
measurements taken at the source of pollution. It is the general
amount of pollution present in a broad area. (E-12)

Amusement – a pleasurable diversion and entertainment. It is synonymous to

relaxation, avocation, pastime or fun. (A-3)

Amusement Places – theaters, cinemas, concert halls, circuses and other places of
amusement where one seeks admission to entertain oneself by
seeing or viewing the show or performances. (A-3)

Analytical Map - a map that illustrates the derived results on an analysis and
synthesis of two or more variable factors according to desired
output, e.g., analysis of soil and slope characteristics of an area
delineates land subject to erosion. (B-4)

Ancestral Domain – all areas generally belonging to Indigenous Cultural

Communities (ICCs)/Indigenous Peoples (IPs), subject to
property rights within ancestral domains already existing and/or
vested upon the effectivity of RA 8371 or “The Indigenous
Peoples’ Rights Act of 1987”, comprising lands, inland waters,
coastal areas, and natural resources therein, held under a
claim of ownership, occupied or possessed by Indigenous Cultural
Communities/Indigenous Peoples by themselves or through their
ancestors, communally or individually since time immemorial,
continuously to the present, except when interrupted by war,
force majeure or displacement by force, deceit, stealth, or as a
consequence of government projects or any voluntary dealings
entered into by the government and private
individuals/corporations, and which are necessary to ensure their
economic, social and cultural welfare. It shall include ancestral
lands, forests, pasture, residential, agricultural, and other lands
individually owned whether alienable and disposable or otherwise;
hunting grounds; burial grounds; worship areas; bodies of water;
mineral and other natural resources; and land which may no
longer be exclusively occupied by ICCs/IPs, but from which they
traditionally had access to, for their subsistence and traditional
activities, particularly the home ranges of ICC/IPs who are still
nomadic and/or shifting cultivators. (E-14)

Ancestral Lands – land, subject to property rights within the ancestral domains
already existing and/or vested upon effectivity of RA 8371 of “The
Indigenous Peoples’ Rights Act of 1987”, occupied, possessed
and utilized by individuals, families and clans who are members
of the Indigenous Cultural Communities/Indigenous Peoples
since time immemorial, by themselves or through their
predecessors-in-interest, under claims of individual or traditional
group ownership, continuously to the present except when
interrupted by war, force majeure or displacement by force, deceit,
stealth, or as a consequence of government and private
individuals, corporations, including but not limited to, residential
lots, rice terraces or paddies, private forests, swidden farms and
tree lots. (E-14)

Ancillary Building/
Structure – a secondary building/structure located within the same premises
the use of which is incidental to that of the main
building/structure. (B-21)
Ancillary Industries – firms or companies related to the supply, construction and
maintenance of fishing vessels, gears, nets, and other fishing
paraphernalia; fishery machine shops; and other facilities such as
hatcheries, nurseries, feed plants, cold storage and refrigeration,
processing plants and other pre-harvest and post-harvest
facilities. (D-13)

Annual Budget – a financial plan embodying the estimates of income and

expenditures for one (1) fiscal year. (A-3)

Anthropological Area - any place where studies of specific cultural groups are
being/should be undertaken in the field of anthropology.
Anthropology in this case is descriptive, interpretative and
comparative study of all aspects of various cultural linguistic
groups including the collection and analysis of their particular
material culture. (B-18)

Antiques – cultural properties which are one hundred years or more in age
or even less, but their production having ceased, they have
therefore become or are becoming rare. (B-15)

Apartment – a room or suite of two or more rooms, designed and intended

for, or occupied by one family for living, sleeping, and cooking
purposes. (B-21)

- a structure usually of several stories, made up of three or more

independent entrances from internal halls or courts. It differs
from an accessoria in that an apartment has one common
entrance from the outside. (C-1)

Apartment House – any building or portion thereof, which is designed, built, rented,
leased, let or hired out to be occupied, or which is occupied as the
home or residence of three or more families living independently
of each other and doing their own cooking in the building, and
shall include flats and apartments. (B-21)

Appraisal – the act or process of determining the value of property as of a

specific date for a specific purpose. (A-3)

Approach/Departure Zone
of an Airport – that area with an inner edge located 60 meters from the end
of the runway, perpendicular and symmetrical about the
prolongation of the runway centerline, both sides of which have
a divergence of 12.5% towards the outside, and with the inner
edge as the short base of the isosceles trapezoid thus formed. (B-

Appropriation – an authorization made by ordinance directing the payment of

goods and services from local government funds under specified
conditions or for specific purposes. (A-3)
Aquaculture – fishery operations involving all forms of raising and culturing fish
and other fishery species in fresh, brackish and marine water
areas. (D-13)

Aquaculture Areas - areas utilized for coastal and inland fisheries. They cover areas
used for fishponds, fish pens, floating cages and related fisheries
projects. These include also the marine municipal waters up to
fifteen (15) kilometers from the shoreline where maricultural
activities and municipal fishery rights are extended to individuals
and cooperatives as provided for under RA 8550 and Section 149
of RA 7160. (E-18)

Aquaculture Production - those situated in brackishwater and freshwater pond systems;

fishpens and cages; mariculture or seafarming in coastal water
areas and integrated fish farming activities in inland waters. (B-6)

Aquatic Pollution – the introduction by human or machine, directly or indirectly, of

substances or energy to the aquatic environment which result or is
likely to result in such deleterious effects as to harm living and
non-living aquatic resources, pose potential and/or real hazard to
human health, hindrance to aquatic activities such as fishing and
navigation, including dumping/disposal of waste and other marine
litters, discharge of petroleum or carbonaceous
materials/substances, and other radioactive, noxious or harmful
liquid, gaseous or solid substances, from any water, land or air
transport or other human-made structure. Deforestation, unsound
agricultural practices such as the use of banned chemicals,
intensive use of artificial fish feed, and wetland conversion,
which cause similar hazards and deleterious effects shall also
constitute aquatic pollution. (D-13)

Aquatic Resources – fish, all other aquatic flora and fauna and other living resources
of the aquatic environment, including but not limited to, salt and
corals. (D-13)

Aquifer – rock or soil formation that is water-bearing with recoverable

quantities of vadose water. See Vadose Water. (B-14)

Arcade – any portion of a building above the first floor projecting over the
sidewalk beyond the first-storey wall used as protection for
pedestrians against rain or sun. (B-21)

Archeological Site - any place which may be underground or on the surface,

underwater or at sea level which contains fossils, artifacts and
other cultural, geological, botanical, zoological materials which
depict and document evidences of paleontological and pre-historic
events. (B-18)

Area Coverage - indicates the area, location, boundaries of the planning area
expressed through political boundaries or natural boundaries. For
purposes of systematic recording and referral, however, the
coordinates as reference points in the map are used. (B-4)

Area Ecological Profile a comprehensive database describing the geographical,

biological, and socioeconomic environment and their
interrelationship in a geographical planning unit. (B-4)

Areas for Priority

Development - areas declared as such under existing statutes and pertinent
executive issuances. (C-5, C-23)

Areas Impacted by Public

Facilities – areas where the introduction of public facilities may tend to
induce development and urbanization of more than local
significance or impact. (E-12)

Areas of Critical
Environmental Concern – areas where uncontrolled development could result in
irreparable damage to important historic, cultural or aesthetic
values or natural systems or processes of national significance.

Arterial Streets and

Highways – those which are used primarily for fast or heavy traffic. These
are the only streets permitted to intersect with expressways.
Right-of-way is 25 – 40 meters. (DPWH) (B-13)

Artesian Well – well which taps a confined or artesian aquifer in which static
water level is above water table. (B-14)

Artifacts – articles which are products of human skills or workmanship,

especially in the simple product of primitive arts or industry
representing an era or period. (RA 4846) (B-15)

Artificial Reef - a structure created by people and installed in a certain part of the
sea for fisheries productivity and/or habitat enhancement. It
mimics natural reefs. (B-7)

– any structure of natural or man-made materials placed on a

body of water to serve as shelter and habitat, source of food or
breeding areas for fishery species and shoreline protection. (D-13)

Artisanal Fisherfolk – municipal, small scale subsistence fishermen who use fishing
gear which do not require boats or which only require boats below
three (3) tons. (C-24)

Assembly Building or
Hall – a building or a portion of a building used for the gathering of fifty
(50) or more persons for such purposes as deliberation,
workshop, entertainment, amusement, or awaiting transportation

or of a hundred or more persons in drinking and dining
establishments. (B-21)

Assessed Value – the fair market value of the real property multiplied by the
assessment level. It is synonymous to taxable value. (A-3)

Assessment – the act or process of determining the value of a property, or

proportion thereof subject to tax, including the discovery, listing,
classification and appraisal of properties. (A-3)

Assessment Level – the percentage applied to the fair market value to determine the
taxable value of the property. (A-3)

Athletic Field - the allocation of external space for the athletic field should allow
adequate provision for the laying out of the following basic
components, among others: (C-23)

a. A standard oval tract with a distance of 400 meters;

b. A standard baseball diamond with sides measuring 27.4
meters (90 feet long);
c. A softball diamond with sides measuring 18.2 meters (60 feet
d. A soccer football field measuring 90-120 meters (100-110
yards) long and 45-90 meters (50-100 yards) wide;
e. A basketball court which should be flat, hard not grass surface
measuring 26 X 14 meters (85 X 46 feet);
f. A volleyball court measuring 18 meters long and 9 meters
wide (60 X 30 feet);
g. A lawn tennis court measuring 23.77 meters long and 8.23
meters wide (73 x 27 feet), which is the standard for singles.
For doubles, a wider court is used, 10.97 meters (36 feet)
wide; and
h. A perimeter space should also be provided for the construction
of a grandstand or grandstands and bleachers.

Atomic Energy Facility – any equipment or device which the Philippine Atomic Energy
Commission may determine from time to time, by regulation, to be
capable of producing or utilizing atomic energy material in such
quantity or in such manner as to be of significance to the national
interest or to the health and safety of the public. (B-10)

Atomic Energy Material - “source material”, “special fissionable material” and any other
radioactive material. (B-10)

Attic Storey – any storey situated wholly or partly in a roof, so designed,

arranged, or built as to be used for business, storage, or
habitation. (B-21)

Autonomous Regions – provinces, cities and municipalities, and geographical areas

sharing common and distinctive historical and cultural heritage,
economic and social structures, and other relevant characteristics
within the framework of the 1987 Constitution and the national
sovereignty as well as territorial integrity of the Republic of the
Philippines. (A-1)

Avenue – same as street or highway frequently used to designated streets

of a certain direction. (DPWH) (B-13)

Awning – a movable shelter supported entirely from an exterior wall of a

building and of a type which can be retracted, folded, or collapsed
against the face of a supporting building. (B-21)

Backward Integration - the process by which the development or increased production
of a product or products in a certain stage in the industry results
into the development or increased production of products in
preceding stages. (D-5)

Balanced Housing
Development - a provision in RA 7279 which requires developers of proposed
subdivision projects to develop an area for socialized housing
equivalent to at least twenty percent (20%) of the total
subdivision area or total subdivision project cost, at the option of
the developer, within the same city or municipality, whenever
feasible, and in accordance with the standards set by the Housing
and Land Use Regulatory Board and other existing laws. (C-5)

For main subdivision projects which are limited to the sale of lots
only, land equivalent to 20% of the total area of the main
subdivision project shall be developed for socialized housing, or a
socialized housing project equivalent to 20% of the main
subdivision total project cost. (C-6)

For main subdivision projects which consist of the sale of house

and lot packages, land equivalent to 20% of the main subdivision
project shall be developed and housing units equivalent to 20% of
the aggregate floor area of all housing units of the main
subdivision shall be constructed; or a socialized housing project
equivalent to 20% of the main subdivision total project cost.

For residential condominium project, equivalent to 20% of the total

condominium project cost.

Balcony - a portion of the seating space of an assembly room, the lowest

part of which is raised 1.20 meters or more above the level of the
main floor. (B-21)

Banks and Financing - a type of business which includes banks, savings and credit
institutions, pawnshops, investment and holding companies,
security dealers and commodity exchanges. (D-7)

Banks and Other

Institutions - non-bank financial intermediaries, lending investors, finance and
investment companies, pawnshops, money shops, insurance
companies, stock markets, stock brokers and dealers in securities
and foreign exchange, as defined under applicable laws, rules and
regulations, thereunder. (A-3)

Barangay - the smallest political unit in the country. (C-2)

The basic political unit which serves as the primary planning and
implementing unit of government policies, plans, programs,
projects, and activities in the community, and as a forum wherein
the collective views of the people may be expressed, crystallized
and considered and where disputes may be amicably settled. (A-

a. A barangay shall not be created unless the following requisites

are present:

 Population - which shall not be less than two thousand

(2,000) inhabitants, except in municipalities and cities
within Metropolitan Manila Area and other metropolitan
political subdivisions as may be created by law, or in
highly-urbanized cities where such territory shall have a
population of at least five thousand (5,000) inhabitants, as
certified by the National Statistics Office. The creation of a
barangay shall not reduce the population of the original
barangay or barangays to less than the prescribed

 Land Area - which must be contiguous, unless comprised

by two (2) or more islands.

b. New barangays in the municipalities within Metropolitan Manila

Area shall be created only by Act of Congress, subject to the
limitations and requirements prescribed in RA 7160.

Barangay Development
Council – see Local Development Council

Barangay Funds - all incomes of the barangay from whatever sources which shall
accrue to its general fund. At the option of the Barangay
concerned, they shall be kept as trust funds in the custody of the
city or municipal treasurer or be deposited in a bank, preferably
government-owned, situated in or nearest to its area of
jurisdiction. Ten percent (10%) of the general fund of the
Barangay shall be set aside for the Sangguniang Kabataan. (H-3)

Barangay Health Station - the initial unit which dispenses basic health care, i.e., maternal
and child care, immunization, treatment of simple medical
conditions, nutrition, family planning, sanitary health care,
emergency treatment and health education. (C-23)

Barangay Health Worker - a person who has undergone training programs under any
accredited government and non-government organization and
who voluntarily renders primary health care services in the
community after having been accredited to function as such by the
local health board in accordance with the guidelines promulgated
by the Department of Health (DOH). (C-21)

Barangay Registration
Committee - committee composed of the Barangay Chairman as head, the
LGU Day care Worker in the Barangay, a representative coming
from a non-governmental organization and two representatives
coming from the urban poor organizations based in the barangay
and preferably accredited by the Presidential Commission for the
Urban Poor, tasked with the registration of eligible socialized
housing beneficiaries. (C-15)

- committee tasked with the registration of eligible socialized

housing beneficiaries; it is composed of the Barangay Chairman
as head, the LGU Day Care worker in the barangay, a
representative coming from a non-government organization and
two representatives coming from the urban poor organizations
based in the Barangay and preferably accredited by the
Presidential Commission for the Urban Poor. (C-15)

Barangay Roads - roads within a Barangay which are not classified as municipal or
provincial roads. (B-13)

Barong-barong - see Building, Improvised

Barrage - structure provided with a series of gates erected across a river to

regulate water surface level and flow upstream; distinguished from
a weir in that it is gated over its entire width and may not have a
raised sill. Term is not commonly used in the Philippines. (B-14)

Base Map - a map that serves as the working map and provides the standard
configuration of the planning unit for the preparation of the
thematic maps. The base map shows such features as political
boundaries, main rive system, main road system and other
important topographic features. (E-21)

- a working sheet for the preparation of various maps. It may also

be used for analysis of the characteristics and development within
the area of study. (B-4)

Basement - a portion of a building between floor and ceiling which is partly

below and partly above grade but so located that the vertical
distance from grade to the floor is less than the vertical distance
from grade to ceiling. (B-21)

Basic Needs Approach

to Development - the identification, production and marketing of wage goods and
services for consumption of rural communities. (D-12)

Basic Sectors - the disadvantaged sectors of Philippine society, namely: farmer-

peasant, artisanal fisherfolk, workers in the formal sector and
migrant workers, workers in the informal sector, indigenous
peoples and cultural communities, women, differently-abled

persons, senior citizens, victims of calamities and disasters, youth
and students, children, and urban poor. (C-24)

Basic Services and

Facilities a. For a Barangay: - (A-3)

 Agricultural support services which include planting

materials, distribution system and operation of farm
produce, collection and buying stations;

 Health and social welfare services which include

maintenance of barangay health center and day-care

 Services and facilities related to general hygiene and

sanitation, beautification and solid waste collection;

 Maintenance of barangay roads and bridges and water

supply systems;

 Infrastructure facilities such as multi-purpose hall, multi-

purpose pavement, plaza, sports center and other similar

 Information and reading center; and

 Satellite or public market, where viable

b. For a Municipality:

 Extension and on-site research services and facilities

related to agriculture and fishery activities which include
dispersal of livestock and poultry, fingerlings, and other
seeding materials for aquaculture; palay, corn and
vegetable seed farms; medicinal plant gardens; fruit trees,
coconut and other kinds of seedling nurseries;
demonstration farms; quality control of copra and
improvement and development of local distribution
channels, preferably through cooperatives; inter-barangay
irrigation systems; water and soil resource utilization and
conservation projects; and enforcement of fishery laws in
municipal waters including the conservation of mangroves;

 Pursuant to national policies and subject to supervision

and control of the Department of Environment and Natural
Resources (DENR), implementation of community-based
forestry projects which include integrated social forestry
programs and similar projects; management and control of
communal forests with an area not exceeding fifty (50)

square kilometers; establishment of tree parks, greenbelts,
and similar forest development projects;

 Social welfare services which include programs and

projects on child and youth welfare, family and community
welfare, women’s welfare, welfare of the elderly and
disabled persons; community-based rehabilitation
programs for vagrants, beggars, street children,
scavengers, juvenile delinquents, and victims of drug
abuse; livelihood and other pro-poor projects; nutrition
services; and family planning services;

 Information services which include investments and job

placement information systems, tax and marketing
information systems, and maintenance of a public library;

 Solid waste disposal system or environmental

management system and services or facilities related to
general hygiene and sanitation;

 Municipal buildings, cultural centers, public parks including

freedom parks, playgrounds and sports facilities and
equipment, and other similar facilities;

 Infrastructure facilities intended primarily to service the

needs of the residents of the municipality and which are
funded out of municipal funds including, but not limited to,
municipal roads and bridges; school buildings and other
facilities for public elementary and secondary schools;
clinics, health centers and other health facilities necessary
to carry out health services; communal irrigation, small
water impounding projects and other similar projects; fish
ports, artesian wells, spring development, rainwater
collectors and water supply systems; seawalls, dikes,
drainage and sewerage, and flood control; traffic signals
and road signs; and similar facilities;

 Public markets, slaughterhouses and other municipal


 Public cemetery;

 Tourism facilities and other tourist attractions, including the

acquisition of equipment, regulation and supervision of
business concessions, and security services for such
facilities; and

 Sites for police and fire stations and sub-stations and the
municipal jail

c. For a Province:

 Agricultural extension and on-site research services and

facilities which include the prevention and control of plant
and animal pests and diseases; dairy farms, livestock
markets, animal breeding stations, and artificial
insemination centers; and assistance in the organization of
farmers’ and fishermen’s cooperatives and other collective
organizations, as well as the transfer of appropriate

 Industrial research and development services, as well as

the transfer of appropriate technology;

 Pursuant to national policies and subject to supervision,

control and review of the DENR, enforcement, of forestry
laws limited to community-based forestry projects, pollution
control law, small-scale mining law, and other laws on the
protection of the environment; and mini-hydroelectric
projects for local purposes;

 Subject to the provisions of Title Five, Book I of RA 7160,

health services which include hospitals and other tertiary
health services;

 Social welfare services which include programs and

projects on rebel returnees and evacuees; relief operations
and population development services;

 Provincial buildings, provincial jails, freedom parks, and

other public assembly areas, and other similar facilities;

 Infrastructure facilities intended to service the needs of the

residents of the province and which are funded out of
provincial funds including, but not limited to, provincial
roads and bridges; inter-municipal waterworks, drainage
and sewerage, flood control, and irrigation systems;
reclamation projects; and similar facilities;

 Programs and projects for low-cost housing and other

mass dwellings, except those funded by the Social
Security System (SSS), Government Service Insurance
System (GSIS) and the Home Development Mutual Fund
(HDMF): Provided: That national funds for these programs
and projects shall be equitably allocated among the
regions in proportion to the ratio of the homeless to the

 Investment support services, including access to credit


 Upgrading and modernization of tax information and
collection services through the use of computer hardware
and software and other means;

 Inter-municipal telecommunication services, subject to

national policy guidelines; and

 Tourism development and promotions programs

d. For a City:

 All the services and facilities of the municipality and

province, and in addition thereto, the following:

 Adequate communication and transportation facilities;

 Support for education, police and fire services and

facilities; and

 Notwithstanding the above provisions, public works and

infrastructure projects and other facilities, programs and
services funded by the National Government under the
annual General Appropriations Act, other special laws,
pertinent executive orders, and those wholly or partially
funded from foreign sources, are not covered under
Section 13, Chapter 2, Book I, Title I of RA 7160, except in
those cases where the local government unit concerned is
duly designated as the implementing agency for such
projects, facilities, programs and services.

Bathymetry - the measurement of depths of water in oceans, seas and lakes

and the information derived from such measurements. (E-20)

Beaches - unvegetated part of the shoreline formed by loose materials,

usually sand, that extends from the lower berm edge to high water
mark. (B-7, E-20)

Bedrock Quality Type - the stability and permeability of the underlying rock structure. (B-

Being Occupied for Free

with Consent of Owner - tenure status of the housing unit where the household occupies
the housing unit with owner's permission and without paying rent
in cash or in kind to the owner, tenant/lessee or subtenant/sub-
lessee. (C-23)

Being Occupied for Free
without Consent of Owner - tenure status of the housing unit where the household occupies
the housing unit without the consent or knowledge of the owner.

Beneficiary - any individual/entity who is eligible for housing assistance under

the National Shelter Program. (C-7)

Berm - in canal construction, a shelf or pathway constructed on the

slope of the canal bank. (B-14, E-20)

- a narrow shelf, edge or path, typically at the bottom or top of a

slope or along a bank. (E-20)

Bio-Conversion to Fuels - the various processes, natural or synthetic, by which a solid,

liquid or gaseous fuel is produced by utilizing bio-mass feedstock,
e.g. anaerobic fermentation of animal manure to yield bio-gas;
combustion of firewood to yield heat, steam or power;
fermentation of agricultural crops or by-products to yield substitute
fuels such as alcohol. (B-12)

Bio-Gas - a fuel gas consisting of 50-70% methane and the rest non-
combustible gases produced by the anaerobic fermentation of
organic wastes. (B-12)

Bio-Geographical Equity
and Community-based
Resource Management - entrusting to the people residing near or within a particular
ecosystem the primary right to develop and manage the resources
of that ecosystem. (E-24)

Bio-Mass - organic matter, whether living or not. This would include, among
others, trees, algae, animal and agricultural wastes and decaying
plants in swamps. (B-12)

Bi-polar Strategy - a type of spatial development where an alternative urban area is

developed aside from the present urban center. (E-18)

Blighted Area - see Slum

Blighted Areas - areas where the structures are dilapidated, obsolete and
unsanitary, tending to depreciate the value of the land and prevent
normal development and use of the area. (C-5)

Blighted Lands - areas where structures are dilapidated, obsolete and unsanitary,
tending to depreciate the value of the land and prevent normal
development and use of the area. (C-23)

Block - a parcel of land bounded on the sides by streets or alleys or

pathways or other natural or man-made features, and occupied by
or intended for buildings. (B-17)
Boarding House - a house with five (5) or more sleeping rooms where boarders are
provided with lodging, and meals for a fixed sum paid by the
month, or week, in accordance with previous arrangement. (B-21)

Bore - any well, hole, pipe, or excavation of any kind which is bored,
drilled, sunk or made in the ground for the purpose of
investigating, prospecting, obtaining, or producing geothermal
energy, natural gas and methane gas, or which taps or is likely to
tap geothermal energy, natural gas and methane gas; and
includes any hole in the ground which taps geothermal energy,
natural gas and methane gas. (B-9)

Boulevard - a broad street of major importance, usually planted with trees or

receiving other park treatment. (DPWH) (B-13)

Box and Can Privy - a privy where fecal matter is deposited in a can bucket which is
removed for emptying and cleaning. (C-22)

Brackish Fishponds
(Earth Ponds) - man-made enclosures of varying sizes, dependent on tidal
fluctuations of water management, located in estuaries (deltas,
mudflats and mangrove swamps) and intended for the culture of
fishes/aquatic species. (E-20)

Brackish Water - a mixture of seawater and freshwater; the salinity varies with the
tidal movements, e.g., mouths of rivers and swamps where salt
water enters. (B-7)

- water containing salt in moderate degree, as in saline soil. (B-


Brackishwater Swamps - land areas where most of the time the brackishwater level is
at/above the land surface. (E-20)

Broker - any person who, for commission or other compensation,

undertakes to sell or negotiate the sale of a real estate belonging
to another. (B-20)

Brushlands - any tract of land of the production forest land covered dominantly
with shrubby vegetation. (E-21)

- degraded areas dominated by a discontinuous cover of shrubby

vegetation. (FMB, DENR) (B-7)

Budget Accountability - the last stage in the local government budgeting process which
involves the recording and reporting of incomes and expenditures
and the evaluation of attainment of the goals and
objectives/targets, functions, projects, and activities vis-à-vis the
execution of the approved budget. (H-3)

Budget Authorization - the second phase in the local government budgeting process
where the Local Chief Executive submits the executive budget to
the Local Sanggunian for authorization. The Local Sanggunian is
expected to, among others, examine the budget with regard to its
conformity with local development plan and the local government
policy. (H-3)

Budget Document - the instrument used by the local chief executive to present a
comprehensive financial plan to the sanggunian concerned. (A-3)

Budget Execution - the fourth phase in the local government budgeting process
which involves the implementation of the budget for the
performance of functions/projects/activities to accomplish the local
government goals and objectives. It is at this stage that estimated
incomes are actually received and funds are disbursed or
obligated for the purposes specified in the appropriate ordinance.

Budget Preparation - the first phase in the local government budgeting process which
involves both income and expenditure estimation. It also involves
the formulation of the financial plans of the local government as
the mechanism through which the local development plan may be
operationalized. (H-3)

Budget Review - the third phase in the local government budgeting process which
involves the review of the executive budget as to its compliance
with budgetary requirements, general limitations and other
provisions of the law. (H-3)

Buffer Area - yards, parks or open spaces intended to separate incompatible

elements or uses to control pollution/nuisance and for identifying
and defining development areas or zones where no permanent
structures are allowed. (G-7)

A buffer of three (3) meters shall be provided along entire

boundary length between two or more conflicting zones allocating
1.5 meters from each side of the district boundary. Such buffer
strip should be open and not encroached upon by any building or
structure and should be a part of the yard or open space.

Buffer Zones - identified areas outside the boundaries of and immediately

adjacent to designated protected areas pursuant to Section 8 of
RA 7586 that need special development control in order to avoid
or minimize harm to the protected area. (E-13)

Buildable Area - the remaining space in a lot after deducting the required
minimum open spaces. (B-21)

Build-and-Transfer - a contractual agreement whereby the project proponent

undertakes the financing and construction of a given infrastructure
or development facility and after its completion turns it over to the
government agency or local government unit concerned, which
shall pay the proponent on an agreed schedule its total
investments expended on the project, plus a reasonable rate of
return thereon. This arrangement may be employed in the
construction of any infrastructure or development project,
including critical facilities which, for security or strategic reasons,
must be operated directly by the Government. (H-1)

Builder/Developer - the person or entity who develops raw land for housing. (C-8)

Building - any independent free-standing structure comprising one or more

rooms or other spaces, covered by a roof and enclosed within
external walls or dividing walls with adjacent building which
usually extend from the foundation to the roof. It usually contains
one or more rooms internally connected with one another. A
building therefore, is any structure intended for dwelling, storage,
factory, shelter or for some other useful purposes. (C-1)

Any structure built, designed or intended for the enclosure, shelter

or protection of any person, animal or property comprising of one
or more rooms and/or other spaces, covered by a roof and usually
enclosed within external walls or with common dividing walls with
adjacent buildings, which usually extend from the foundation to
the roof. (C-2)

Any structure for the support, shelter, or enclosure of persons,

animals, chattels, or property of any kind. (B-21)

Building Height - the vertical distance from the established grade elevation to the
highest point of the coping of a flat roof, to the average height of
the highest gable or a pitch or hip roof, or to the top of the parapet
if the roof is provided with a parapet. In case of sloping ground,
the average ground level of the buildable area shall be considered
the established elevation. (B-21)

The maximum height and number of storeys of every building

shall be dependent upon the character of occupancy and the type
of construction as determined by the Secretary of Public Works
and Highways, considering population density, building bulk,
widths of streets and car parking requirements. The height shall
be measured from the highest adjoining sidewalk or ground
surface: Provided, that the height measured from the lowest
adjoining surface shall not exceed such maximum height by more
than 3.00 meters: Except, that towers, spires and steeples,
erected as part of a building and not used for habitation or storage
are limited to height only by structural design if completely of
incombustible materials, or may extend not to exceed 6.00 meters
above the height limits for each occupancy group if of combustible

Building Length - its general linear dimensions usually measured in the direction of
the bearing wall for girders. (B-21)

Building Line - the line formed by the intersection of the outer surface of the
enclosing wall of the building and the surface of the ground. (B-21)

Building Permit - a written authorization granted by the Building Official to an

applicant allowing him to proceed with the construction of a
specific project after plans, specifications and other pertinent
documents have been found to be in conformity with the National
Building Code and its Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR).
It includes any or all of the Permits enumerated under Section 1 of
the IRR. (B-21)

Building Width - its shortest linear distance usually measured in the direction of
the floor, beams or joists. (B-21)

Building, Agricultural - any structure used for agricultural purposes such as barn,
warehouse, ricemill, etc. (C-1)
Building, Ancillary - a secondary building/structure located within the same premises
the use of which is incidental to that of the main building/structure.

Building, Commercial - a building used for transacting business or rendering

professional services, such as a storage or an office building. (C-

Building, Dangerous - any building or structure that has any or all of the conditions or
defects described hereunder, and those whose conditions or
defects exist to the extent that life, health, property or safety of the
public or its occupants are endangered: (B-21)

a. Structural hazards
b. Fire hazards
c. Hazardous electrical wirings
d. Hazardous mechanical installation
e. Inadequate sanitation and health facilities
f. Improper occupancy and architectural eyesore
g. Improper location
h. Illegal construction

Building, Improvised
(Barong-barong) - a makeshift or roughly constructed house usually built with
salvaged materials. (C-1)

Building, Industrial - a building used for processing, assembling, fabricating, finishing,

manufacturing or packaging operations, such as a factory or a
plant. (C-1)

Building, Single House - a complete structure intended for one household. It includes the
so-called "nipa hut" or a small house that is built as a more or less
permanent dwelling unit. (C-1)

Build-Lease-Transfer - a contractual arrangement whereby a project proponent is

authorized to finance and construct an infrastructure or
development facility and upon its completion turns it over to the
government agency or local government unit concerned on a
lease agreement for a fixed period after which ownership of the
facility is automatically transferred to the government agency or
local government unit concerned. (H-1)

Build-Operate-Transfer - a contractual arrangement whereby the project proponent

undertakes the construction, including financing, of a given
infrastructure facility, and the operation and maintenance thereof.
The project proponent operates the facility over a fixed term
during which it is allowed to charge facility users appropriate tolls,
fees, rentals and charges not exceeding those proposed in its bid
or as negotiated and incorporated in the contract to enable the
project proponent to recover its investment, and operating and
maintenance expenses in the project. The proponent transfers the
facility to the government agency or local government unit
concerned at the end of the fixed term which shall not exceed 50
years: Provided: that in case of an infrastructure or development
facility whose operation requires a public utility franchise, the
proponent must be Filipino or, if a corporation, must be duly
registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission and
owned up to at least 60% by Filipinos. (H-1)

The build-operate-transfer shall include a supply-and-operate

situation which is a contractual arrangement whereby the supplier
of equipment and machinery for a given infrastructure facility, if
the interest of the Government so requires, operates the facility
providing in the process technology transfer and training to Filipino

Build-Own-Operate - a contractual agreement whereby a project proponent is

authorized to finance, construct, own, operate and maintain an
infrastructure or development facility from which the proponent is
allowed to recover its total investment, operating and maintenance
costs plus a reasonable return thereon by collecting tolls, fees,
rentals or other charges from facility users: Provided: that all such
projects, upon recommendation of the National Economic and
Development Authority (NEDA), shall be approved by the
President of the Philippines. Under this project, the proponent
which owns the assets of the facility may assign its operation and
maintenance to a facility operator. (H-1)

Build-Transfer-Operate - a contractual arrangement whereby the public sector contracts
out the building of an infrastructure facility to a private entity such
that the contractor builds the facility on a turn-key basis, assuming
cost overrun, delay and specified performance risks. (H-1)

Once the facility is commissioned satisfactorily, title is transferred

to the implementing agency. The private entity, however, operates
the facility on behalf of the implementing agency under an

Built-Up Area - a contiguous grouping of ten (10) or more structures. (C-3, F-3,

Built-Up Area, High

Density - an urban or built-up area is considered high-density if there are
more than two hundred fifty (250) persons per hectare of urban or
built-up area. (C-3)

Built-Up Area, Low

Density - an urban or built-up area is considered a low- density area if it
has a density of less than one hundred fifty (150) persons per
hectare of urban or built-up area.

Built-Up Area, Medium

Density - an urban or built-up area is considered medium-density if it has a
density of one hundred fifty one (151) to two hundred fifty (250)
persons per hectare of urban or built-up area. (C-3)

Built-Up Areas - urban and urbanizable lands which are presently used for
industrial, commercial, infrastructure, power, and transportation
purposes or for community system and housing services and
facilities which are primarily user-oriented, including playgrounds,
neighborhood parks, cemeteries and sports grounds. All other
areas not included herein are the so-called non-built up areas. (B-

Built-Up Density - the concentration of population in identified built-up areas

measured in terms of the number of persons per square kilometer.
It is generally a more realistic gauge of how dense certain built-up
areas in the locality have become. (C-3)

Built-up density = Total population in built-up area

Total built-up area in square kilometers


 Total population in built-up area is obtained through

consultation with barangay captain.

Bureau of Soils and
Water Management
(BSWM) Method - a method of biophysical assessment (land evaluation/land
suitability) which uses Land Mapping Units (LMUs) as its
agroecological zones. Its Land Resource Evaluation Project
(LREP) reports contain a potential land use map and
accompanying statistics which may be adopted by the regional or
provincial planners in the preparation of their Sustainable
Agricultural Land Use Plans. (E-19)

Burning - a usual manner of household garbage disposal where garbage is

dumped in an open space or pit and burned. (C-23)

Burying - a method of household waste disposal where garbage is thrown

in a pit and covered with soil. (C-23)

Business - trade or commercial activity regularly engaged in as a means of

livelihood or with a view to profit. (A-3)

Business Services - cover legal, accounting, auditing, bookkeeping, engineering and

technical, electrical, industrial research laboratory; surveying,
other engineering and technical and other services like
advertising, photostating, white and blue printing, newsreporting
management, statistical, promotion and office tasks, e.g., typing,
mimeographing, mailing, etc. (D-7)

Buy and Purchase - any contract to buy, purchase, or otherwise acquire for a
valuable consideration a subdivision lot, including the building and
other improvements, if any, in a subdivision project or a
condominium unit in a condominium project. (B-20)

Cadastral Map - a public record of land ownership. It serves as a key in the
determination of landowners, land titles and location of the specific
property. It is a carefully plotted record of land subdivision based
on primary surveys of the Land Management Bureau (LMB). The
land boundaries are plotted in relation to known coordinates
clearly marked by the LMB. (B-4)

Canal – channel or waterway artificially constructed or maintained for

conveying water or for connecting two or more bodies of water.

Canopy or Marquee – a permanent roofed structure above a door attached to and

supported by the building and projecting over a wall or sidewalk.
This includes any object or decoration attached thereto. (B-21)

Capability-building the process of enhancing the viability and sustainability of

microfinance institutions through activities that include training in
microfinance technologies, upgrading of accounting and auditing
systems, technical assistance for the installation or improvement
of management information systems, monitoring of loans and
other related activities. The term capability building shall in no
way refer to the provision of equity investments, seed funding,
partnership’s seed funds, equity participation, start-up funds or
any such activity that connotes infusion of capital or funds from
the government or from the people’s development trust fund to
microfinance institutions as defined in RA 8425. Capability-
building precludes the grant of any loan or equity funds to the
microfinance institution. (C-24)

Capacity – 1. When applied to a reservoir or tank, quantity of water stored

between bed level and the level of the sill of the waste weir; also
called effective capacity. 2. When applied to an outlet, discharge
by the outlet when the parent channel is running at designed full
supply discharge. 3. When applied to a canal or other conduit,
the full designed discharge of the conduit. 4. When applied to an
irrigation system, the maximum number of hectares that can be
adequately served or serviced. (B-14)

Capital Investment – the capital which a person employs in any undertaking, or which
he contributes to the capital of a partnership, corporation, or any
other juridical entity or association in a particular taxing
jurisdiction. (A-3)

Capital Outlays – appropriations for the purchase of goods and services, the
benefits of which extend beyond the fiscal year and which add to
the assets of the local government unit concerned, including
investments in public utilities such as public markets and
slaughterhouses. (A-3)

CARPable Areas/Lands - all alienable and disposable lands of the public domain devoted
to or suitable for agriculture, taking into account ecological,
developmental and equity considerations. (D-7)

Carrying Capacity - ability of a resource to absorb stress or perturbation without

unacceptable environmental degradation. (E-20)

Carrying Costs - operations and maintenance expenses incurred by the National

Housing Authority, including financing charges. (C-13)

Catchment Area – see Drainage Area.

Central and Nodal - a type of spatial development which assumes a hierarchical form
wherein there is a central dominant area, which is supported by
pockets of development nodes in nearby or neighboring areas.
Usually, the major center is the provider of specialized facilities
and services to the nodes. The nodes serve as the market of the
center while at the same time providing also the necessary
services to their influence areas. The central area is connected to
the nodes by an efficient transport system. (E-18)

Central Business District

(also called Commercial
Zone) - See Commercial Zone.

Certificate of Ancestral
Domain Title (CADT) – a title formally recognizing the rights of possession and
ownership of Indigenous Cultural Communities/Indigenous
Peoples over their ancestral domains identified and delineated in
accordance with RA 8371 or “The Indigenous Peoples’ Rights Act
of 1987”. (E-14)

Certificate of Ancestral
Land Title (CALT) – a title formally recognizing the rights of the Indigenous Cultural
Communities/Indigenous Peoples over their ancestral lands. (E-

Certificate of Non-
Conformance - a certificate issued to owners of all uses existing prior to the
approval of the Zoning Ordinance which do not conform in a zone
as per provision of the said Ordinance. (G-7)

Charges – pecuniary liability, as rents or fees against persons or property.


Checklist of Criteria - the commonly used evaluation approach adopted by

professional land use planners where the alternative proposals
are ranked in an ordinal basis using a set of criteria. The
preferred alternative is that plan which best satisfies the given set
of criteria. (E-18)

Chemical Privy – a privy where fecal matter is deposited into a tank containing
caustic chemical solution to prevent septic action while the organic
matter is decomposed. (C-22)

Child and Youth - persons in the study area belonging to the age group 0-14. (C-3)

Citizenship - the legal nationality of a person. A citizen is a legal national of

the country at the time of the census, while an alien is a non-
national of the country. (C-2)

City – an area consisting of more urbanized and developed barangays

which serves as a general-purpose government for the
coordination and delivery of basic, regular, and direct services and
effective governance of the inhabitants within its territorial
jurisdiction. (A-3)

A city shall not be created unless the following requisites on

income and population or land area are present:

 Income – an average annual income of not less than Twenty

Million Pesos (P20,000,000.00), for the immediately preceding
two (2) consecutive years based on 1991 constant prices, as
certified by the Department of Finance. The average annual
income shall include the income accruing to the general fund,
exclusive of special funds, special accounts, transfers and
nonrecurring income; and

 Population or Land Area – Population which shall not be less

than one hundred fifty thousand (150,000) inhabitants, as
certified by the National Statistics Office; or land area which
must be contiguous with an area of at least one hundred (100)
square kilometers, as certified by the Land Management
Bureau. The territory need not be contiguous if it comprises
two (2) or more islands or is separated by a chartered city or
cities which do not contribute to the income of the province.
The land area requirement shall not apply where the proposed
city is composed of one (1) or more islands.

A city may either be component or highly urbanized.

City Development Council – see Local Development Council

City Health Center - renders the same services as the Main Health Center but under
the administrative and technical supervision of the City Health
Office. (C-23)

City Roads – those sections of provincial roads which are within the territorial
jurisdiction of a city or all roads within a city which are not national
roads. (B-13)

City, Highly Urbanized – cities with a minimum population of two hundred thousand
(200,000) inhabitants, as certified by the National Statistics Office,
and with the latest annual income of at least fifty Million Pesos (P
50,000,000.00) based on 1991 constant prices, as certified by the
city treasurer. (A-3)

It shall be the duty of the President to declare a city as highly

urbanized within thirty (30) days after it shall have met the
minimum requirements prescribed in RA 7160, upon application
therefore and ratification in a plebiscite by the qualified voters

The conversion of a component city into a highly-urbanized city

shall make it independent of the province where it is
geographically located.

City, Independent
Component – component cities whose charters prohibit their voters from voting
for provincial elective officials. Independent component cities shall
be independent of the province. (A-3)

City/Municipal Parks – parks developed to serve the population of a town or a

municipality. Its location is recommended to be at the
municipality's outskirts for both passive and active recreation. Its
facilities include picnic areas, gardens, areas for active games and
possibly other amenities such as boating facilities, swimming
facilities, etc. (C-23)

Civil Reservations - forest land which have been proclaimed by the President for a
specific purpose such as town site or a resettlement area. (E-21)

Claim for Operating

Costs - a claim whose purpose is to support the operations of the
Environmental Guarantee Fund Committee. Claims for operating
costs shall likewise include expenses for preventive activities,
environmental education, scientific or research studies, training,
social equity programs and other activities duly provided for in the
Memorandum of Agreement or as approved by the Committee. (E-

Classification of Fresh
Surface Water (Rivers,
Lakes and Reservoirs) Class AA – Public Water Supply Class I – this class is intended
primarily for waters having watersheds which are uninhabited and
otherwise protected and which require only approved disinfection
in order to meet the National Standards for drinking water (NSDW)
of the Philippines. (DENR DAO 34 – Revised Water Usage and
Classification/Water Quality Criteria amending Section No. 68 and
69, Chapter III of the 1978 NPCC Rules and Regulations) (B-13)

Class A – Public Water Supply Class II – for sources of water
supply that will require complete treatment (coagulation,
sedimentation, filtration and disinfection) in order to meet the
NSDW. (DENR DAO 34 – Revised Water Usage and
Classification/Water Quality Criteria amending Section No. 68 and
69, Chapter III of the 1978 NPCC Rules and Regulations).

Class B – Recreational Water Class – for primary contact

recreation such as bathing, swimming, ski diving, etc. particularly
those designated for tourism purposes. (DENR DAO 34 –
Revised Water Usage and Classification/Water Quality Criteria
amending Section No. 68 and 69, Chapter III of the 1978 NPCC
Rules and Regulations).

Class C – Fishery Water for the propagation and growth of fish

and other aquatic resources; Recreational Water Class II for
boating, etc; and Industrial Water Supply Class I – for
manufacturing processes after treatment. (DENR DAO 34 –
Revised Water Usage and Classification/Water Quality Criteria
amending Section No. 68 and 69, Chapter III of the 1978 NPCC
Rules and Regulations).

Class D – for agriculture, irrigation, livestock watering, etc.;

Industrial Water Supply Class II for cooling, etc; and other inland
waters, by their quality belongs to this classification. (DENR DAO
34 – Revised Water Usage and Classification/Water Quality
Criteria amending Section No. 68 and 69, Chapter III of the 1978
NPCC Rules and Regulations).

Clean-Up Operations – activities conducted in removing the pollutants discharged or

spilled in water to restore it to pre-spill condition. (E-12)

Clientele System - a system of categorizing the recipients of the service of the

DSWD. DSWD clientele is categorized as follows: (C-23)

 Families in especially difficult circumstances;

 Communities in especially difficult circumstances;
 Women in especially difficult circumstances;
 Children and youth in especially difficult circumstances;
 Senior Citizens;
 Persons with disabilities; and
 Victims of natural and manmade disaster

Climate – average weather conditions in any region or locality. (B-14)

Climate Map - a map that gives the prevailing type of rainfall in a given area.
The prevailing wind direction is also indicated in the map. (B-4)

Closed Pit - a type of toilet without a water-sealed bowl and the depository is
constructed usually of large circular tubes made of concrete or
clay. (C-23)

Closed Season – the period during which fishing is prohibited in a specified area
or areas in Philippine waters, or the period during which the
catching or gathering of specified species of fish or fishery/aquatic
products or the use of specified fishing gears to catch or gather
fish or fishery/aquatic products is prohibited. (D-14)

Cluster Development
Approach - a strategy for tourism development where three tourism
development clusters in the major island groupings in the country
are created. Each cluster should be served by one or two major
international gateways linked to a variety of satellite destinations,
each with its own unique positioning theme. (D-7)

Cluster Housing - a single-family attached dwelling containing three or more

separate living units grouped closely together to form relatively
compact structures. (B-17)

Coastal Area/Zone – a band of dry land and adjacent ocean space (water and
submerged land) in which terrestrial processes and uses directly
affect oceanic processes and uses, and vice versa; its geographic
extent may include areas within a landmark limit of one (1)
kilometer from the shoreline at high tide to include mangrove
swamps, brackish water ponds, nipa swamps, estuarine rivers,
sandy beaches and other areas within a seaward limit of 200
meters isobath to include coral reefs, algal flats, seagrass beds
and other soft-bottom areas. (D-13)

The strip of land and its adjacent space (i.e., the water and
submerged land) in which the terrestrial ecosystem use directly
affects the river and marine ecosystem, and vice versa. It is
delimited in the following manner: (E-20)

The outermost limit is the 200 meter (100 fathoms) isobath, except
at embayments where a 200 meter isobath at the mouth of the
bay, gulf or cove is extended across. In case the 200 meter
isobath is less than three (3) kilometers from the shoreline, the
three kilometer distance shall be adopted. The internal waters are
likewise considered as a part of the coastal zone.

The innermost boundary is one kilometer from the shoreline,

except at places where recognizable indicators for maritime
influences exists, like mangroves, beaches, sand deposits,
marginal bays, salt beds and deltaic deposits, in which case, the
one kilometer distance shall be measured from the edges of such

All areas affected by the sea (dryside) and all coastal water areas
influenced by the land (wetside) shall be included in the coastal

The Coastal Zone encompasses all coastal, plains and the

watersheds of all streams and rivers that drain into the sea and
which may extend hundreds of kilometers inland into the

A band of dry land and adjacent ocean space (water and

submerged land) in which terrestrial processes and uses directly
affect oceanic processes and uses, and vice versa. Its
geographic extent may include areas within a landmark limit of
one (1) kilometer from the shoreline at high tide to include
mangrove swamps, brackish water ponds, nipa swamps,
estuarine rivers, sandy beaches and other areas within a seaward
limit of 200 meters isobath to include coral reefs, algal flats,
seagrass beds and other soft-bottom areas.

Coastal Atlas – sets of maps which serve as useful reference material in

preparing a coastal land use plan. It consists of the following sets
of easily reproducible maps prepared on a common scale: (E-20)

 The first set of maps shall delineate biological, geographic and

other physical features. This map is an overlay of the coastal
ecosystem map and topographic map of the area.

 The second set shall include the natural hazards map

indicating the levels of risks to new developments arising from
storm surges, earthquakes, landslides, erosion, floods, etc.

 Overlay maps of shellfish beds, wetlands and endangered

species habitat; other overlay maps showing other
environmental aspects and/or development constraints as
required (e.g., critical habitats, endangered species, etc.)

Coastal Land Use

Planning - a tool to improve the use of coastal resources. It refers to the
process of comprehensively studying resources, economic
activities and societal needs, including problems and opportunities
in specific coastal planning areas, or coastal zones, and proposing
actions for their future development. It also involves the rational
allocation of dryland and wetland components of the coastal area
for various uses. (E-20)

Coastal Land use Planning is the basic activity which seeks to

rationalize and enhance the development of the coastal zone
or communities. It also identifies, examines and provides
solutions to major issues and conflicts in coastal resource
allocation and utilization.

Coastal Water – an open body of water along the country’s coastline starting
from the shoreline (MLLW) and extending outward up to the 200-
meter isobath or three-kilometer distance, whichever is farther. (E-

Coastal Zone - strip of land adjacent to lake or ocean space (water and
submerged land) in which the land ecology and land use directly
affect the lake and ocean space ecology. (B-7)

Coastline - lines that form the boundary between the land and water,
especially of sea or ocean. (E-20)

Cohort-Survival Method
of Population Projection - see Mathematical Method of Population Projection.

Coliseum - a multi-purpose court surrounded by a big spectator's gallery all

roofed over. The court may be used for basketball, indoor tennis,
boxing and similar indoor sports, as well as non-sporting activities.

Arrangement – a financial arrangement wherein a loan is contracted by the
debtor without the conventional loan security of a real estate or
chattel mortgage in favor of the creditor. In lieu of these
conventional securities, alternative arrangements to secure the
loans and ensure repayment are offered and accepted. (C-24)

Collector Streets – those which carry traffic from minor streets to the major system
of arterial streets and highways, including the principal entrance
streets for circulation within a development. Right-of-way is 16-20
meters. (DPWH) (B-13)

Commerce Sub-sector - a sub-sector of the Economic Sector which refers to the types of
commercial development, e.g., central business district or CBD,
commercial strip and neighborhood center. It also includes types
of business and trade (example, wholesale and retail trade,
banking and finance, insurance, real estate, are likewise included
and related to area requirements). (A-6, F-4)

Commercial Building – a building built for transacting business or for rendering

professional services such as store, office, warehouses, etc. (C-2,

Commercial Farms – private agricultural lands devoted to commercial livestock,

poultry and swine raising, and aquaculture including saltbeds,
fishponds and prawn ponds, fruit farms, orchards, vegetable and
cut-flower farms, and cacao, coffee and rubber plantations. (D-9)

Commercial Fishing – fishing for commercial purposes in waters more than seven (7)
fathoms deep with the use of fishing boats more than three (3)
gross tons. (D-14)
The taking of fishery species by passive gears for trade, business
or profit beyond subsistence or sports fishing. (D-13)

Commercial Fishing,
Large Scale – fishing utilizing active gears and vessels of more than one
hundred fifty (150) gross tons (GT). (D-13)

Commercial Fishing,
Medium Scale – fishing utilizing active gears and vessels of 20.1 GT up to one
hundred fifty (150) GT. (D-13)

Commercial Fishing,
Small Scale – fishing with passive or active gear utilizing fishing vessels of 3.1
GT up to twenty (20) GT. (D-13)

Commercial Forest
Plantation – any land planted to timber producing species, including rubber,
and/or non-timber species such as rattan and bamboo, primarily to
supply the raw materials requirements of existing or proposed
public or private forest-based industries, energy-generating plants
and related industries.

Commercial Land – land devoted principally for the object of profit and is not
classified as agricultural, industrial, mineral, timber or residential
land. (A-3)

Commercial Scale – a scheme of providing a minimum harvest per hectare per year
of milkfish or other species, including those raised in pens, cages,
and tanks to be determined by the Department of Agriculture in
consultation with the concerned sectors. (D-13)

Commercial Strip - an extension of the Central Business District (CBD) which also
houses wholesale and retail stores, professional offices, services
shops, entertainment/recreational facilities and other types of
commercial establishment. (D-7)

Commercial Zone (also

called Central Business
District) - areas designated principally for trade, services and business
purposes. (G-7)

The following types of establishments are allowed within the zone:

 Offices like office building and office condominium

 General retail stores and shops like department store,
bookstore and office supply shop, home appliance store, car
shop, photo and flower shops
 Food markets and shops like bakery and bake shop, wine
store, grocery and supermarket

 Personal service shops like beauty parlor, barber shop, sauna
bath and massage clinic and dressmaking and tailoring shops
 Recreational center/establishment like movie houses, theaters,
play court, e.g., tennis court, bowling lane and billiard hall,
swimming pool, day and night club, stadium, coliseum and
gymnasium, and other sports and recreational establishments
 Restaurants and other eateries
 Short-term special education like dancing schools, school for
self-defense, driving schools, speech clinics
 Storerooms but only as may be necessary for the efficient
conduct of the business
 Commercial condominium (with residential units in upper
 Commercial housing like hotel, apartment, apartel, boarding
house, dormitory, pension house, club house and motel
 Embassy/consulate
 Library/museum
 Filling/service station
 Clinic
 Vocational/technical school
 Convention center and related facilities
 Messengerial, security and janitorial services
 Bank and other financial institutions
 Radio and television stations
 Building garage and parking lot
 Bakery and baking bread, cake, pastries, pies and other
similar perishable products, chicharon factory,
biscuit/doughnut and hopia factory and other bakery products
not elsewhere classified
 Repacking of food products, e.g., fruits, vegetables, sugar and
other related products
 Plant nursery
 Funeral parlors, mortuaries and crematory services and
memorial chapels
 Lechon or whole pig roasting
 Custom tailoring/dressmaking shops
 Commercial and job printing, printing and publishing of books
and pamphlets, cards and stationery
 Typing and photo engraving services
 Repair of optical instruments, equipment, cameras, clocks and
 Manufacture of insignias, badges and similar emblems except
 Transportation terminals/garage with and without repair,
welding shops, machine shop service operation
(repairing/rebuilding or custom job orders), repair of
 Medium-scale junk shop

 Repair shops like house appliances repair shops, motor
vehicle and accessory repair shops and home furnishing
 Machinery display shop/center
 Gravel and sand, lumber/hardware
 Manufacture of ice blocks, cubes, tubes, crush, except dry ice
 Manufacture of box beds and mattresses, wood and rattan
furniture, including upholstery
 Other commercial activities not elsewhere classified

Commercial Zone,
High Density (C-3) – an area within a city or municipality intended for regional
shopping centers such as large malls and other commercial
activities which are regional in scope or where market activities
generate traffic and require utilities and services that extend
beyond local boundaries and requires Metropolitan Level
Development Planning and Implementation. High rise hotels,
sports stadium or sports complexes are also allowable in this
zone. (G-7)
Commercial Zone,
Low Density (C-1) – an area within a city or municipality principally for trade, services
and business activities ordinarily referred to as the Central
Business District. Enumerated below are the allowable uses within
the zone: (G-7)

 offices like office building and office condominium

 general retail stores and shops like department store/shopping
center, bookstore and office supply shop, car/photo/flower
 home appliance stores
 personal services shops like beauty parlor, barber shop, sauna
bath and massage clinic, dressmaking and tailoring shops
 recreational center/establishments like moviehouses/theater,
playcourt, e.g., tennis, bowling, billiard; swimming pool; day
and night club; stadium/coliseum/gymnasium; and other sports
and recreational establishments
 restaurants and other eateries
 short-term special education like dancing schools, schools for
self-defense, driving schools and speech clinics
 commercial housing like hotel, apartment, apartel, boarding
house, dormitory, pension house, club house, motel
 commercial condominium (with residential units in upper
 embassy/consulate
 library/museum
 filling/service station
 clinic
 vocational/technical school
 convention center and related facilities

 messengerial/security/janitorial services
 bank and other financial institutions
 radio and television
 building garage, transportation terminal/garage
 commercial job printing and typing/photo/engraving services
 repair of optical instruments, equipment, cameras, clocks and
 manufacture of insignias, badges and similar emblems except
 plant nurseries
 scientific, cultural and academic centers and research facilities
except nuclear, radioactive, chemical and biological warfare

Commercial Zone,
Medium Density (C-2) – an area within a city or municipality with quasi-trade business
activities and service industries performing
complementary/supplementary functions to principally commercial
zone (Central Business District). The following uses are allowed
within the zone: (G-7)

 All uses in C-1 may be allowed in C-2

 Repair shops like house appliances, motor vehicles and
accessory, home furnishing shops
 Parking lot, garage facilities, transportation terminal/garage
with repair, welding shops, machine shops service operations
(repairing/rebuilding or custom job orders), repair of
 Publishing
 Medium-scale junk shops
 Machinery display shop/center
 Gravel and sand/lumber and hardware
 Manufacture of ice, ice blocks, cubes, tubes, crushed, except
dry ice
 Manufacture of signs and advertising displays (except printed)
 Chicharon/biscuit, cookies, crackers and other similar dried
bakery products; doughnut/hopia factory and other bakery
products not elsewhere classified, lechon or whole pig roasting
 Other commercial activities not elsewhere classified
 Repackaging of food products, e.g., fruits, vegetables, sugar
and other related products
 Funeral parlors, mortuaries, memorial chapels and

Communal Claims – claims on land, resources and rights thereon belonging to the
whole community within a defined territory. (E-14)

Communal Irrigation System
(CIS) – an irrigation system that is managed by a bona fide Irrigators
Association. (D-12)

Communal System – irrigation system cooperatively constructed, operated and

maintained by a group of farmers and landowners usually
organized into an irrigators’ association. (B-14)

Communication – a subsector of the Infrastructure and Utilities Sector. (F-4)

Communication Facility
Ratio – the ratio of each communication facility to population, using the
following formula: (B-13)

Communication Facility
Ratio = Numberof Communication Facility
Total Population

Postal Facilities:

Total Population = 60,000

Number of Post Office = 1
Number of Letter Carriers = 5

Post Office – Population Ratio = __1___


Letter Carrier-Population Ratio = __5__


= ___1___

This means that the postal office is at present serving 60,000

population while one letter-carrier is serving 12,000 population.

Community Facilities - facilities or structures intended to serve common needs and for
the benefit of the community, such as: neighborhood/multi-
purpose center, health center, drugstore, school, livelihood center,
etc. (B-17)

Community Intellectual
Rights – the rights of Indigenous Cultural Communities/Indigenous
Peoples to own, control, develop and protect: a) the past, present
and future manifestations of their cultures, such as but not limited
to, archaeological and historical sites, artifacts, designs,
ceremonies, technologies, visual and performing arts and
literatures, as well as religious and spiritual properties; b) science
and technology, including but not limited to, human and other
genetic resources, seeds, medicines, health practices, vital
medicinal plants, animals and minerals, indigenous knowledge
systems and practices, resource management systems,
agricultural technologies of fauna and flora, oral traditions,
designs, scientific discoveries; and c) language, script, histories,
oral traditions and teaching and learning systems. (E-3)

Community Mapping - a process that aims to document, in a spatial but non-restrictive

manner, the community's interpretation of the landscape, its
elements, and the activities within it; their socio-cultural relations
with their environment; and their perceptions on how best to
implement forest resource management. It is an activity owned
and sustained by the community resulting in their empowerment.

Community Mortgage
Program (CMP) - a mortgage financing program of the National Mortgage Finance
Corporation (NHMFC) which assists legally organized
associations of underprivileged and homeless citizens to purchase
and develop a tract of land under the concept of communal
ownership. The primary objective of the program is to assist
residents of blighted or depressed areas to own the lots they
occupy, or where they choose to relocate, and eventually improve
the neighborhood and homes to the extent of their affordability.

The mortgage-financing program of the National Home Mortgage

Finance Corporation (NHMFC) which assists legally organized
associations of underprivileged and homeless citizens to purchase
and develop a tract of land under the concept of community
ownership. Financing at very low interest rate is granted to
beneficiaries to purchase the land as a whole and to
improve the sites. (C-7)

An innovative concept of low-income home financing program of

the National Home Mortgage Finance Corporation whereby an
undivided tract of land may be acquired by several beneficiaries
through community ownership. (C-13)

A financing scheme which enables slum dwellers and residents in

blighted areas, or areas for priority development to own the lot
they occupy where owners are willing to sell, re-block their
structures and introduce facilities or utilities like water,
electricity, drainage and sewerage through a community
mortgage. (C-23)

Community-Based Forest
Management - a strategy for achieving a people-centered development where
the locus of decision-making with regard to the sustainable use of
resources in an area lies with the communities of that area. Under
Executive order 263, community-based forest management is
adopted as the national strategy. (E-21)

Compatible Use – uses or land activities capable of existing together harmoniously,
e.g., residential use and parks and playground. (G-7)

Compensatory Claim - a claim is considered compensatory if it is intended to pay for

pecuniary loss or damage suffered by a prty, person or entity as a
consequence of the project. (E-16)

Competitive Advantage – the competitive edge in terms of product quality and/or price. It
likewise refers to the ability to produce a product with the greatest
relative efficiency in the use of resources. (D-12)

Complete House - a habitable dwelling unit which meet the minimum requirements
for a shell house with the following additional components being
included as part thereof: a) all windows and doors; and b) partition
walls for separating functional areas. (B-17)

Completed Housing - the construction of complete house and lot packages. (C-7)

Complex Subdivision
Plan – a subdivision plan of a registered land wherein a street,
passageway or open space is delineated on the plan. (B-20)

Compliance Monitoring - monitoring of compliance with the proponent’s Environmental

Compliance Certificate issued pursuant to an Initial Environmental
Examination (IEE), and applicable laws, rules and regulations to
ensure the judicious implementation of sound environmental
management within a company/corporation and its areas of
operation. (E-16)

Component Cities/
Municipalities – cities which do not meet the requirements for highly urbanized
cities shall be considered component cities of the province in
which they are created. If a component city is located within the
boundaries of two or more provinces, such city shall be
considered component of the province it used to be a municipality.

Composting - a usual manner of household garbage disposal where garbage is

composted, that is, allowed to decay under controlled conditions
and the composted materials are collected later for use as soil
conditioner or fertilizer. (C-23)

Comprehensive and
Integrated Land Use and
Development Plan -- an official national physical plan allocating the country's land
area to various uses. It identifies the location, character and
extent of the country's land resources to be used for different
purposes and includes the process and the criteria employed in
the determination of land use. (B-1)

Comprehensive Land
Use Plan – a document embodying specific proposals for guiding and
regulating growth and/or development. The main components of
the Comprehensive Land Use Plan in this usage are the sectoral
studies, i.e., Demography, Socio-Economic, Infrastructure and
Utilities, Local Administration and Land Use. (G-7)

- an official public document adopted by a local government as a

policy guide to decisions about the physical development of a
community. It indicates a general way on how the leaders of the
community envision the community to develop in the coming
years. (A-6, F-4)

The official public document adopted by a local government as a

policy guide to decisions about the physical development of a
community. It indicates a general way on how the leaders of the
community envisions the community to develop in the coming
years. (A-5)

Comprehensive Land Use

Planning Process - the systematic approach/process for identifying, classifying and
locating urban land achieved by analyzing the socio-economic
needs of the population in consideration of the physical and
natural attributes of a city/municipality. (F-4)

The comprehensive land use planning process utilizes the

traditional planning methodology to include:

 data gathering
 problem identification and situational analysis
 goals/objectives formulation
 generation of alternative spatial strategies
 evaluation and selection of preferred strategy
 formulation of the plan
 adoption, review and approval
 implementation and monitoring

Comprehensive National
Energy Program – a program of research, development or utilization of non-
conventional energy resources duly approved by the Energy
Development Board. (B-12)

Multi-sectoral Develop-
ment Planning - a medium- to short-term action plan to implement projects
identified in the Sustainable Land Use Plan (SLUP) and other
programs and projects designed to realize the objectives of the
SLUP. As a comprehensive plan, it covers such sectors as social,
economic, physical, environmental and institutional. (E-18)

Concentrated Urban
Form - the spatial strategy which entails a concentration of future growth
in the existing urban area. Areas for expansion are generated
through the strategy of in-filling of vacant lands and utilization of
idle lands. (E-18)

Concentration Phase - the stage of plan implementation (the 1st fifteen years) which
involves the concentration of public and private investments in the
existing urban area through the approaches of in-filling, urban
renewal, utilization of idle lands, reclamation and land conversion
to accommodate the spatial requirements of urban expansion. (E-

Concentric Development - a type of spatial development characterized by an expansion of

development that continuously grows out of the business district.
This exemplifies the concentration strategy. The center of
activities or central business district serves as the nucleus from
which growth takes place in a radial fashion. (E-18)

Concrete Vault Privy – a pit privy with the pit lined with concrete in such manner as to
make it water tight. (C-22)

Conditionally Restricted
Agricultural Lands - lands considered less suitable for agricultural use and more
suited for agro-forestry. For agriculture use, these lands will
require a moderate to high level of farm management for
sustainability of production. Conversion of non-agricultural use
(built-up) requires intensive analysis on environmental impact
particularly on the suitability of the upland and the effects on the
lands situated below. These include grasslands/shrublands within
30% slope with slight to moderate soil limitation, existing and
developed pasture lands and fishponds/saltbeds. (D-7)

Condominium - usually a high-rise building where the dwelling units are owned
individually but the land and other areas and facilities are
commonly owned. (C-1)

Condominium Project - the entire parcel of real property divided or to be divided primarily
for residential purposes into condominium units including all
structures thereon. (C-23)

Condominium Unit – a part of the condominium project intended for any type of
independent use of ownership, including one or more rooms or
spaces located in one or more floors (or part of parts of floors) in a
building or buildings and such accessories as may be appended
thereto. (B-20)

Confirmation of Completion
and Appraisal (COCA) - the verification of the completion of the housing unit(s) and the
required land development issued by the Home Insurance
Guaranty Corporation (HIGC). The COCA likewise validates and
updates the appraisal value of the lot and the housing unit(s). (C-

Conflict Areas - specific geographical areas where the current land use is in
conflict with the designated or desired land use. (E-21)

Conflict Resolution - the process of resolving issues. In the Forest Land Use
Planning (FLUP) guidelines, they pertain in particular to resolving
conflicting land uses or selecting the best uses of specific areas
through a process of consultations and negotiations among the
different stakeholders. (E-21)

Conflicting Uses – uses or land activities with contrasting characteristics sited

adjacent to each other, e.g., residential units adjacent to industrial
plants. (G-7)

Conforming Use – a use which is in accordance with the zone classification as

provided for in the ordinance. (G-7)

Conservation – the complete preservation or limited harvesting of coral

resources in such a way as not to adversely affect the sustained
productivity of marine ecosystems. (E-14)

Conservation of
Biodiversity – a strategy to implement the Philippine Sustainable Strategy for
Development (PSSD) which calls for the establishment of
protected areas for the conservation of wildlife and unique
ecosystems, with the end in view of conserving genetic resources
for scientific, educational, cultural and historical values. The
establishment of protected areas should be preceded by a
reassessment of the status of parks and equivalent reserves. This
will serve as a basis for developing rehabilitative strategies for
degraded parks and at the same time identify new areas where
conservation of genetic resources and preservation of biological
diversity can be pursued. (F-5)

Construction – all on-site work done from site preparation, excavation,

foundation, assembly of all the components and installation of
utilities and equipment of buildings/structures.

Construction, Type – the classification based on the fire resistivity ratings of materials
and methods of construction of buildings/structures or portions
thereof. (B-21)

 Type I – buildings of wood construction. The structural

elements may be any of the materials permitted by the
National Building Code.

 Type II – buildings of wood construction with protective fire-

resistant materials and one-hour fire-resistive throughout:

Except, that permanent non-bearing partitions may use fire-
retardant treated wood within the framing assembly.

 Type III – buildings of masonry and wood construction.

Structural elements may be any of the materials permitted by
the National Building Code: Provided, that the building shall be
one-hour fire- resistive throughout. Exterior walls shall be of
incombustible fire-resistive construction.

 Type IV – buildings of steel, iron, concrete, or masonry

construction. Walls, ceilings and permanent non-bearing
partitions of one-hour fire-resistive construction: Except, that
permanent non-bearing partitions of one-hour fire-resistive
construction may use fire-retardant treated wood within the
framing assembly.

 Type V – buildings which are fire-resistive. The structural

elements shall be of steel, iron, concrete, or masonry
construction. Walls, ceilings and permanent partitions shall be
of incombustible fire-resistive construction.

Constructive Approach
(see Matching and
Iteration) – a planning approach in the Local Development Investment
Programming process where only projects that can be funded
from regular sources will be implemented. (G-5)

Consultation - the constitutionally mandated process whereby the public, on

their own or through people's organizations, is provided an
opportunity to be heard and to participate in the decision-making
process on matters involving the protection and promotion of its
legitimate collective interests, which shall include appropriate
documentation and feedback mechanisms. (C-5)

Continental Shelf - as defined in the Convention of Law of the Sea (Art. 76), it is the
seabed and subsoil of the submarine areas which extend beyond
its territorial sea throughout the natural prolongation of its land
territory to the outer edge of the continental margin. The
Philippines claims a continental shelf into a distance of 200 meters
isobath or to where the depth of the adjacent waters admit
exploitation of the natural resources of the seabed and subsoil of
the submarine area. (E-20)

Continuing Appropriation – an appropriation available to support obligations for a specified

purpose or project, such as those for the construction of physical
structures or for the acquisition of real property or equipment,
even when these obligations are incurred beyond the budget year.

Contour – line which passes through all points having the same elevation.
Also called contour line. (B-14)
Contour Interval - the distances between contour lines which have fixed vertical
distance. (B-4)

- difference in elevation between adjacent contours. (B-14)

Contours - imaginary lines on the ground surface at a constant elevation

above mean sea level. (B-4)

Contract-Add-and-Operate - a contractual arrangement whereby the project proponent adds

to an existing infrastructure facility which it is renting from the
government. It operates the expanded project over an agreed
franchise period. There may, or may not be, a transfer agreement
in regard to the facility. (H-1)

Contractor - any entity accredited under Philippine laws which may or may
not be the project proponent and which shall undertake the actual
construction and/or supply of equipment for the project. (H-1)

– persons, natural or juridical, not subject to professional tax

under Section 139 of RA 7160, whose activity consists essentially
of the sale of all kinds of services for a fee, regardless of whether
or not the performance of the service calls for the exercise or use
of the physical or mental facilities of such contractor or his
employees. (A-3)

Control Area – an area of land where subterranean or ground water and

surface water are so interrelated that withdrawal and use in one
similarly affects the other. The boundary of a control area may be
altered from time to time as circumstances warrant. (E-10)

Control of Population
Growth and Human
Resource Development - a strategy to implement the Philippine Strategy for Sustainable
Development (PSSD) where the program to control rapid
population is not limited to controlling numbers but also includes
the implementation of health, education and rural development
projects as part of a comprehensive socioeconomic program at
the regional and community levels. The population control drives
must be based on methods that are consistent with the cultural
and religious norms of the population. (F-5)

Managing population distribution and mobility should also be

considered to limit rapid and often uncontrolled population growth
in urban areas. (F-5)

Conversion – the act of changing the current use of a piece of agricultural land
into some other non-agricultural use. (D-7)

- a change in the use or occupancy of a building/structure or any
portion/s thereof which has different requirements. (B-21)

Changing of agricultural lands into urban lands for residential,

commercial or industrial purposes and uses, or the planting
on lands primarily devoted to rice and/or corn to other agricultural
crops. (B-1, B-2)

Conversion within the Strip may be allowed after taking into

consideration the following factors:

 agricultural productivity of the area;

 need of the national economy for the particular agricultural
output to be affected;
 availability of basic services such as water, electricity and
 proximity of the area to identified growth centers or priority
 possible effects of the conversion on the ecological stability of
the area; and
 ability of the proponent to complete the intended development.

Co-Obligor - the debtor or co-maker for a housing loan. (C-18)

Cooperative – a duly registered association of at least fifteen (15) persons,

majority of which are poor, having a common bond of interest,
who voluntarily join together to achieve a lawful common social
and economic end. It is organized by the members who equitably
contribute the required share capital and accept a fair share of the
risks and benefits of their undertaking in accordance with the
universally accepted corporate principles and practices. (C-24)

- An organization composed primarily of small agricultural

producers, farmers, farmworkers, or other agrarian reform
beneficiaries who voluntarily organize themselves for the purpose
of pooling land, human, technological, financial or other economic
resources, and operate on the principle of one number, one vote.

- A type of business unit through which individual members

cooperate in providing specific types of services of mutual benefit
to the membership. Cooperatives operate under certain basic
principles and may be classified as consumers, producers,
marketing, credit, or service cooperatives. (A-1)

- Duly registered associations of persons with a common bond of

interest who have voluntarily joined together to achieve a lawful
common social and economic end, making equitable contributions
to the capital required and accepting a fair share of the risks and

benefits of the undertaking in accordance with universally
accepted cooperative principles. (D-12)

Coral – the hard calcareous substance made up of the skeleton of

marine coelenterate polyps which include reefs, shelves and atolls
or any of the marine coelenterate animals living in colonies where
their skeletons form a stormy mass. (D-13)

Small anemone-like organisms belonging to Phylum Coelenterata

which secrete their own skeletons of various forms that may be
hard, soft, stony or horny.

Coral Reefs – a natural aggregation of coral skeleton, with or without living

coral polyps, occurring in intertidal and subtidal marine waters. (D-

- marine shelves or platforms formed by the consolidation of the

skeleton of hermatypic corals through cementation by coralline
algae and lithification processes. (B-7)

- reefs made chiefly of fragments of corals, coral sands, algae and

other organic deposits, and the solid limestone resulting from
their consolidation. Technically they are marine shelves or
platforms formed by the consolidation of the skeleton of
hermatypic corals through cementation by coralline algae and
lithification processes. Continuous accumulation of calcareous
materials by those organisms, as well as by other reef species,
especially mollusks, echinoderms and foraminifera, maintains the
reef surface at or near sea level. (E-20)

Corporation – partnerships, no matter how created or organized, joint-stock

companies, joint accounts (cuentas en participacion), associations
or insurance companies but does not include general professional
partnerships and a joint venture or consortium formed for the
purpose of undertaking construction projects or engaging in
petroleum, coal, geothermal and other energy operations pursuant
to an operating or consortium agreement under a service contract
with the government. (A-3)

Corridor – a long interior passageway providing access to several rooms; a

public means of access from several rooms or spaces to an exit.

Corrosive Liquid – any liquid which causes fire when in contact with organic matter
or with certain chemicals. (B-22)

Cost Recoverable
Programs - the development of sites with housing component and the
provisions of serviced homelots through joint-venture schemes
with the private sector or local government units. Program

beneficiaries shall fully repay on installment basis the financial
assistance granted for the purchase of the housing units. (C-7)

Cost-Benefit Analysis
(CBA) - a plan evaluation method which requires the translation of costs
and benefits of spatial strategies into monetary terms. (E-18)

Strategy - a major urban development strategy which requires the
strengthening of major cities like Metro Cebu and Metro Davao to
act as countermagnets to the dominance of the Metro Manila
Region. (F-3)

Countryside and Barangay

Business Enterprise – any business entity, association or cooperative registered under
the provisions of RA 6810, otherwise known as “Magna Carta for
Countryside and Barangay Enterprises (Kalakalan 20)”. (A-3)

Any business entity, association or cooperative registered under

the provisions of RA 6810 whose: a) number of employees does
not exceed twenty (20) at any time for the purpose of undertaking
a productive business enterprise recommended by the
Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) provincial office that will
help develop the economy in its area; b) assets, at the time of
registration as CBBE, do no exceed Five Hundred Thousand
Pesos (P500,000) before financing, and c) Principal office and
location of business operations are located in the countryside as
define in the implementing rules and regulations issued by the
Secretary of Trade and Industry. (D-1)

Court – an occupied space between building lines and lot lines other
than a yard; free, open, and unobstructed by appendages from the
ground upward. (B-21)

Creek – a small stream which serves as natural outlet for drainage of

basins of nominal size; inlet of sea coast; short arm of stream. (B-

Critical Watershed - one primarily supporting or expected to support existing,

proposed or on-going hydroelectric plants, irrigation systems, local
waterworks systems and the like, which need immediate
rehabilitation on account of fast denudation leading to accelerated
siltation and destructive floods. (B-1)

A drainage area of a river system supporting existing and

proposed hydro-electric power and irrigation works needing
immediate rehabilitation as it is being subjected to a fast
denudation causing accelerated erosion and destructive floods. It
is closed from logging until it is fully rehabilitated. (E-7)

Crop Development and
Soil Conservation Guide
Map - a map that contains spatial and statistical information on the
present farming systems and those farming systems which are
most suitable to a given area in terms of biophysical factors and
cropping calendars. (E-19)

This map covers major cropping systems, namely: rice-based,

corn-based, cutflower-based, fruit tree-based, sugar cane-based,
pasture/livestock, industrial crop-based, vegetable/root crop-
based and coconut-based farming systems.

Crop Yield Prediction – a method for determining the potential yield of a given crop by
getting the highest possible yield of that crop under the most ideal
conditions. These data can be obtained from the results of field
experiments conducted by the Bureau of Agricultural Research
throughout all the regions. The environmental conditions (i.e., soil
and climate) from which the yield results were obtained should be
matched with the biophysical characteristics of the land under
study to be able to determine the applicability of the yield values to
the study area. (E-19)

Croplands - areas primarily used for production of adapted, cultivated, close

growing fruit or nut crops for harvest, alone or in association with
sod crops. (B-7)

Crude Birth Rate - the ratio between the number of livebirths and number of
individuals in a specified population and period of time, often
expressed as number of livebirths per one thousand population in
a given year. (C-23)

Crude Death Rate - the number of deaths per one thousand (1,000) mid-year
population of a given area. (C-23)

Cultivated Agricultural
Lands - lands devoted to crops. Among the common crops raised in the
coastal zone are staple crops (rice and corn); plantation crops
(coconut and sugar cane); root crops (cassava, kamote), legumes,
and vegetables. (E-20)

Cultural Integrity – the holistic and integrated adherence of particular Indigenous

Cultural Communities/Indigenous Peoples community to their
customs, religious beliefs, traditions, indigenous knowledge
systems and practices and their right to assert their character and
identity as a people. It shall include the following:

 Protection of indigenous culture, traditions and institutions;

 Rights to establish and control educational and learning
 Recognition of cultural diversity;

 Right to name, identity and history;
 Community intellectual properties rights;
 Protection of religious, cultural sites and ceremonies;
 Right to indigenous spiritual beliefs and traditions;
 Protection of indigenous sacred places;
 Right to protection of indigenous knowledge systems and
practices; and
 Right to science and technology

Cultural Properties - old buildings, monuments, shrines, documents and objects which
may be classified as antiques, relics, or artifacts, landmarks,
anthropological and historical sites, and specimens of natural
history which are of cultural, historical, anthropological or scientific
value and significance to the nation; such as physical,
anthropological, archeological and ethnographical materials,
meteorites and tektites; historical objects and manuscripts;
household and agricultural implements; decorative articles or
personal adornment; works of art such as paintings, sculptures,
carvings, jewelry, music, architecture, sketches, drawings, or
illustrations in part or in whole; works of industrial and commercial
art such as furniture, pottery, ceramics, wrought iron, gold, bronze,
silver, wood or other heraldic items, metals, coins, medals,
badges, insignias, coat of arms, crests, flags, arms and armor;
vehicles or ships or boats in part or in whole. (B-15, B-18)

Cultural Treasures – cultural properties which are segregated and designated as

cultural treasures in accordance with the procedure provided for in
Section 7 of RA 4846. (B-15)

All restorations, reconstructions and preservation of government

historical buildings, shrines, landmarks, monuments and sites,
which have been designated as cultural treasures, shall be
undertaken with the advice and supervision of the National
Museum. The Director of the National Museum is likewise
authorized to establish a working arrangement with Ecclesiastical
authorities who administer church properties, and with owners of
privately owned historical buildings, shrines, landmarks,
monuments, and sites with the view of preserving the original
design and artistic values of the same. The renaming of historical
buildings, shrines, landmarks, monuments, sites and streets of
cultural and historical significance, being also a matter of cultural
preservation shall be undertaken only with the advice of the
National Museum, and the concurrence of the Director of the
National Library.

Cultural, Moral and

Spiritual Sensitivity – a principle of sustainable development which means that the
inherent strengths of local and indigenous knowledge, practices
and beliefs should be cared for, while respecting the diversity of

culture, moral standards and spiritual nature of Filipino society. (E-

Culture Sensitive – the quality of being compatible and appropriate to the culture,
beliefs, customs and traditions, indigenous systems and practices
of Indigenous Cultural Communities/Indigenous Peoples. (E-14)

Curb – a break in the sidewalk or traffic island provided with an inclined

surface to facilitate mobility of wheeled chairs, carriages and other
similar conveyance. (B-23)

Current Operating
Expenditures – appropriations for the purchase of goods and services for the
conduct of normal local government operations within the fiscal
year, including goods and services that will be used or consumed
during the budget year. (A-3)

Curtain Board – a vertical panel of non-combustible or fire resistive materials

attached to and extending below the bottom chord of the roof
trusses, to divide the underside of the roof into separate
compartments so that heat and smoke will be directed upwards to
a roof vent. (B-22)

Customary Laws – a body of written or unwritten rules, usages, customs and

practices traditionally observed, accepted and recognized by
respective Indigneous Cultural Communities/Indigenous Peoples.

Customs and Practices – norms of conduct and patterns of relationships or usages of a

community over time accepted and recognized as binding on all
members. (E-14)

Customs Territory – the national territory of the Philippines outside of the proclaimed
boundaries of the ecozones except those areas specifically
declared by other laws and/or presidential proclamations to have
the status of special economic zones and/or free ports. (B-16)

Cutoff – wall, collar, or any other structure to reduce percolation of water

under surfaces of a structure or through porous strata; direct
natural or artificial channel connecting two points on a stream,
shortening original length of channel and increasing its slope. (B-

Cutting Cycle – the number of years between major harvests in the same
working unit and/or region, within a rotation. (E-7)

Dam – barrier constructed to hold water back and raise its level. (B-14)

Dam Site – site where a dam is located or to be located together with its
immediate surroundings.

Data Capture – the first stage in the data input process which includes all
operations that convert data to a computer readable form.

Data Cleaning and

Editing – the second stage in the data input process which includes
operations for clearing up the digitized mess and updating the
spatial entities of the Geographic Information System (GIS)
database. (B-4)

Data Input – a component of the Geographic Information System (GIS) which

refers to the operation of encoding the data and writing them to
the database. It consists of a mixture of manual and automatic
digitizing operations together with associated data cleaning and
editing activities. (B-4)

Database – a collection of information about things and their relationships to

one another. (B-4)

Dealer – one whose business is to buy and sell merchandise, goods and
chattels as a merchant. He stands immediately between the
producer or manufacturer and the consumer and depends for his
profit not upon the labor he bestows upon his commodities but
upon the skill and foresight with which he watches the market. (A-

Debris – materials including floating trash, suspended sediment, or bed

load moved by a flowing stream. (B-14)

Decentralization Phase – the second 15 years of plan implementation which involves

redirecting investments to other potential areas for settlement and
urban expansion.

Deforestation – conversion of forests to other land uses. (B-8)

Degradation – process of changing a soil from one type to a more highly

leached one, particularly. Bringing about replacement of
sodium by hydrogen by leaching a saline or alkaline soil.
(Incorrectly used to denote a decrease in soil fertility); reduction of
specific bed levels due to natural causes; converse of
aggradation. (B-14)

Balancing – a method that seeks to determine where there is sufficient land
in the municipality or city to accommodate the anticipated increase
in the population and the concomitant requirements of associated
socio-economic and cultural activities. (E-18)
Demarcated Areas – boundaries defined by markers and assigned exclusively to
specific individuals or organizations for certain specified and
limited uses such as: (D-13)

a. Aquaculture, sea ranching and sea farming;

b. Fish aggregating devices;
c. Fixed and passive fishing gears; and
d. Fry and fingerlings gathering

Demersal Stock – bottom-dwelling fishes. (B-7)

Demography – a sub-sector of the Social Sector which discusses the factors of

growth and trend, age groups, labor force and income among
others. Population and its characteristics serve as the base data
for other sectors/sub-sectors for estimation of needs/requirements
of the population in an area. (F-4)

The study of human population, including its size, composition,

distribution, density, growth, and other demographic and socio-
economic characteristics. It is concerned with the behavior of
aggregates and not with the behavior of individuals. (C-3)

Demolition – the dismantling by the local government units, or any legally

authorized agency of government or by the affected families of all
structures within the premises subject for clearing. (C-7)

The systematic dismantling or destruction of a building/ structure,

in whole or in part. (B-21)

Department of Social
Welfare and
Development – the agency mandated to care, protect and rehabilitate that
segment of the population which has the least in life in terms of
physical, mental and social well-being. (C-23)

Department Store – a store that sells or carries several lines of merchandise and that
is organized into separate sections for the purpose of promotion,
service, accounting and control. (D-21)

Departure Zone of an
Airport – see Approach Zone of an Airport

Dependency Ratio – the ratio of the population who are below 15 and over 64 years
old to the population belonging to the age bracket 15-64 years old.

Dependent Population – persons in the study area who are below 15 and over 64 years
old. (C-3)

Design Flood – flood figures utilized in controlling design of specific dam or
other structures for flood control. (B-14)

Design Storm – estimate of amount and distribution of rainfall over given

drainage area used in determining design flood. (B-14)

Detention Reservoir – reservoir where floodwater is stored for relatively brief period,
part of it being retained until stream can safely carry ordinary flow
plus released water. (B-14)

Developed Area – an area characterized by the predominant presence of utility

systems or network, especially water supply, roads and power. (B-

Developer – in tourism, the applicant firm which provides the development

plan/land use plan and the basic communal infrastructures to
service the project modules which will be developed/operated by
individual locators. (D-7)

The person who develops or improves the subdivision project or

condominium project for an in behalf of the owner. (B-20)

Development – the alteration of present use of the land other than for
agricultural purposes and the carrying out of building, engineering,
mining or other operations, in, on, over or under land. (B-1)

The work undertaken to explore and prepare an ore body or a

mineral deposit for mining, including the construction of necessary
infrastructure and related facilities. (E-2)

Development Approach
(see Matching and
Iteration) – a planning approach in the Local Development Investment
Programming (LDIP) process where the list of projects is taken as
final. The local government unit will then tap all sources possible
to raise the required funds to implement the project package. (G-

Development Constraints
Map – a map that illustrates the obstacles to the development in the
physical sense like subsidence or flooding risks. (B-4)

Development Guarantee – a financial assistance extended to private lending institutions

accredited to process developmental loans and are assured of
automatic insurance coverage upon enrolment of the loan with the
Home Guaranty Corporation. (C-23)

Development Loan
Program – a program of the Home Development Mutual Fund (PAGIBIG)
which aims to create additional housing inventories by providing
assistance at lower interest rates and easier terms, to
developers/project proponents for the development of housing
projects, construction of housing units, or both. The financing
assistance is available to private developers, landowners, non-
government organizations, local government units and other
related agencies. (C-23)

Development of
Nucleus Estate-
Outgrowers Project – a proposed project in selected Comprehensive Agrarian Reform
Program (CARP) Areas under the Countryside Agro-Industrial
Development Strategy (CAIDS) basically anchored on the
development of the productive capacities of agrarian reform
beneficiaries and the building up of management ystems that are
responsive, flexible and adaptable to the agrarian reform
beneficiaries’ needs and capabilities. It envisions to transform the
small farmer system into a well-developed, technologically-aware
and management-oriented enterprise. (D-7)

Under the nucleus estate-outgrowers concept, the agrarian reform

beneficiaries shall be organized as production units around
existing processing and marketing facilities provided by the
nucleus estate. Their landholdings will be developed into viable
economic sizes and well-managed units. The nucleus entity is
envisaged to provide management, technical and marketing
assistance to the agrarian reform beneficiaries in the nucleus and
outgrowers areas. The project seeks to maintain/rehabilitate
existing production areas based on prevailing crops, and explore
diversification opportunities.

Development of
Resettlement Sites – the development of sites to generate serviced homelots by the
National Housing Authority for families displace from sites
earmarked for government infrastructure projects and the Mt.
Pinatubo eruption or those occupying danger areas such as
waterways, esteros, railroad tracks and the like. (C-23)

Development Plan – the document/documents, including maps, charts and other

materials embodying goals and objectives, policy guidelines,
strategies and proposals for the over-all socio-economic growth
and development of the area. The term covers both national and
regional development plans. (A-3)

A series of decision documents, including maps, specifying the

nature of future physical, social, economic and environmental
development of the Urban Zone as outlined in the Concept Plan,
and consisting among others, of a detailed land use plan,

including area phasing, sectoral programs, land acquisition and
disposition programs and capital improvement programs. (F-2)

Development Rights
(also known as “New Use
Rights”) – the right to use and/or develop land and improvements thereon
including putting them to more intensive use, conversion to a more
profitable use, increasing density and the like. (F-1)

Development Use Permit

System – a comprehensive development use system where no
development of lands, including its use, alteration and
construction thereon shall take place without the corresponding
development of lands within the said areas. (F-1)

Developmental Loan – a type of loan the proceeds of which shall be used for housing
subdivision development or construction of residential house. (C-

Transfer – a contractual agreement whereby favorable conditions external
to a new infrastructure project which is to be built by a private
project proponent are integrated into the arrangement by giving
that entity the right to develop adjoining property, and thus,
enjoy some of the benefits the investment creates, such as
higher property or rent values. (H-1)

Devolution – the act by which the National Government confers power and
authority upon the various local government units to perform
specific functions and responsibilities. (A-2)

The passing on or transfer of responsibilities, powers, authorities,

and commensurate resources from the central government to
local units, as in the areas of providing a package of basic
services to meet the needs of the constituents, establishing their
own organizational structure, and creating their own sources of
revenue in addition to a just share in the national taxes (e.g.
devolution of powers/authorities/resources to local government
units). (D-15)

Direct Government
Guarantee – an agreement whereby the government or any of its agencies or
local government units assumes responsibility for the repayment
of debt directly incurred by the project proponent in implementing
the project in case of a loan default. (H-1)

Disability – any restriction or lack of ability to perform an activity in a manner
or within the range considered normal for a human being. (C-2)

A person is considered physically or mentally disabled if he has

any of the following impairments:

a. Blindness – if one eye or both eyes are reported totally blind

and have no vision.

b. Deafness – if one or both ears are reported to be incapable of

hearing sounds or noises. A person can be completely deaf or
partially deaf. Completely deaf persons do not hear sounds or
noises at all. Partially deaf persons can hear or respond to
loud noises only, but not to soft or low noises. Persons who
are partially deaf hear a little when people speak to them.

c. Deafness and Muteness – if the person is reported to be both

deaf and mute.

d. Mental Illness – if the person suffers from schizophrenia,

manic-depressive illness, psychosis, or severe depression
characterized by strange behavior.

e. Mental Retardation – if the person has disorder/damage of the

brain resulting in mental retardation.

f. Multiple Disability – if the person is reported to have two or

more disabilities.

g. Muteness – if the person is unable to speak or utter words.

h. Orthopedic Handicap – if the person suffers from bone

deformities, or has the following impairments:

 Absence or deformity of one or both feet/legs;

 Fractures
 Severe scoliosis
 Kyphosis
 Third degree burns, etc.
 Speech Impairment – if the person can speak but not
sufficiently clear to be understood. This also includes those
people who can only make meaningless sounds.

Any restriction or lack of ability to perform an activity in the

manner or within the range considered normal for a human being.

Discharge – volume of water which flows through a certain cross section of a
stream, channel or conduit in a unit of time; also called rate of flow
per unit time. (B-14)

Any spilling, leakage, pumping, pouring, emitting, emptying or

dumping but does not include discharge of effluent from industrial
or manufacturing establishments, or mill of any kind. (E-8)

Discharge Area – area of waterway or channel at discharge section line. (B-14)

Discharge Capacity – maximum rate of flow of water which conduit, channel, or other
hydraulic structure is capable of passing safely. (B-14)

Dispersal Area, Safe – an area which will accommodate a number of persons equal to
the total capacity of the standard and building it serves, in such a
manner that no person within the area need to be closer than
15.00 meters from the stand or building. Dispersal areas shall be
based upon an area of not less than 0.28 square meter per
person. (B-21)

Displaced Units
(Relocation Need) – new dwelling units needed to replace those occupied by
households located in danger and uninhabitable areas or those
living on land which is needed by the government for a major
infrastructure project or in areas where there is a court order for
eviction and demolition. (C-14, C-23)

To determine the number of displaced units, simply total the

number of dwelling units in danger zones or other uninhabitable
areas, those affected by planned government infrastructure
projects and those which are subject of a court order for
eviction or demolition. In addition, an estimate of displacement
due to natural disasters can be added to the total.

Diversion Site – site where water is diverted in whole or in part from its natural
channel which in general is artificially constructed for the purpose;
also called diversion point. (B-14)

Domestic Market
Enterprise – an enterprise which produces goods for sale, or renders
services to the domestic market entirely or, if exporting a portion
of its output, fails to consistently export at least sixty percent
(60%) thereof. (D-3)

Domestic Use – the utilization of water for drinking, washing, bathing, cooking or
other household needs, home gardens and watering of lawns or
for domestic animals. (B-11)

Doubled-Up Household – the difference between the total count of households and the
number of existing occupied dwelling units in a particular year.
Doubled-up household exists when one dwelling unit is shared by
two or more households. (C-23)

– exist when one dwelling is shared by two or more households.

(C-14, C-23) Mathematically, doubled-up households is expressed
as follows:


Where: DHHT = Doubled-up Households in time t

DUT = Total dwelling units in time t
HHT = Total number of households in time t

Downstream Industries – industries which process semi-finished products for the

manufacture of finished products, or industries that use the
finished products. (D-5)

Drainage – process of removing ground water or surface water by artificial

or natural means. (B-14)

Drainage Area (also

Called Drainage Basin) – horizontal projection of area from which a lake or stream
receives surface water originating as precipitation. Also called
drainage basin, river basin, catchment area. (B-14)

Drainage Basin – see Drainage Area.

Drainage System,
Gridiron – system of drainage where the parallel lateral lines empty into a
main line. (B-14)

Drainage System,
Herringbone – system used to drain fields that slope towards the center;
shaped like the bones of a herring. (B-14)

Drainage System,
Natural or Random – system of placing the drain in various ways to remove excess
water from wet spots in the field. (B-14)

Drainage, Vertical – method of draining sinkholes and other lands without the gravity
outlet into vertical wells which penetrate into a water-absorbing
stratum some distance below the ground surface. (B-14)

Drainage, Surface – preventing excess water from getting to surface of soil or its
removal from soil surface, accomplished by natural or artificial
means such as levees, open ditches, and terracing. (B-14)

Drop-out Rate – the percentage of pupils who left school during the school year.
Drought – extended period of dry weather, i.e., without effective
precipitation. Also called dry spell. (B-14)

Dumping – any deliberate disposal at sea and into navigable waters of

wastes or other matter from vessels, aircraft, platforms or other
man-made structures at sea, including the disposal of wastes or
other matter directly arising from or related to the exploration,
exploitation and associated off-shore processing of sea bed
mineral resources unless the same is permitted and/or regulated
under PD No. 979. Provided that it does not mean a disposition of
any effluent from any outfall structure to the extent that such
disposition is regulated under the provisions of Republic Act
Numbered Three Thousand Nine Hundred Thirty One, nor does it
mean a routine of discharge of effluent or other matter incidental
to the propulsion of, or derived from the normal operations of
vessels, aircraft, platforms or other man-made structures at sea
and their equipment. (E-8)

Dumping in Individual
Pit (Not Burned) – a usual manner of household garbage disposal where garbage
is simply thrown in pits whether inside the yard or vacant lots and
left to decay. (C-23)

Dunes - an accumulation of sand in ridges or mounds landward of the

beach formed by natural processes and usually parallel to the
shoreline. (E-20)

Duplex - a structure intended for two households, with complete living

facilities for each. It is divided either vertically or horizontally into
two separate dwelling units which are usually identical. (C-1)

Dutch Rural Development

Assistance Program – a program of the Countryside Agro-Industrial Development
Strategy (CAIDS) which provides financial assistance for rural
development projects in general. These are projects, which,
among others, promote the development of cottage industries and
small and medium-scale agro-industrial enterprises which are
labor intensive. Target beneficiaries are the disadvantaged groups
such as rural women, landless workers, cultural minorities, tribal
migrant dwellers and others belonging to the low-income groups.

Dwelling – a building designed or used as residence for one or more

families. (B-17)

Any building or any portion thereof which is not an “apartment

house”, “lodging house”, or a “hotel” as defined in PD 1096, which
contains one or two “dwelling units” or “guest rooms”, used,
intended or designed to be built, used, rented, leased, let or hired

out to be occupied, or which are occupied for living purposes. (B-

The dwelling shall occupy not more than 90% of a corner lot and
80% of an inside lot, and subject to the provisions on Easements
of Light and View of the Civil Code of the Philippines, and shall be
at least two (2) meters from the property line.

Every dwelling shall be constructed and arranged as to provide

adequate light and ventilation as provided under Section 805 to
Section 811 of the National Building Code.

Every dwelling shall be provided with at least one sanitary toilet

and adequate washing and drainage facilities.

Dwelling Unit – one or more habitable rooms which are occupied or which are
intended or designated to be occupied by one family with facilities
for living, sleeping, cooking and eating. (B-21)

Dwelling, Multi-Family
Dwelling – a dwelling on one lot containing separate living units for three or
more families, usually provided with common access, services,
and use of land. (B-17)

Dwelling Unit, Single

Family, Attached – a dwelling containing two or more separate living units each of
which is separated from one another by party or lot lines or
walls and provided with independent access, services and use of
land. Such dwelling includes duplexes, rowhouses or terraces and
cluster housing. (B-17)

Dwelling Unit, Single

Family, Detached – a dwelling for one family which is completely surrounded by
permanent open spaces, with independent access, services and
use of land. (B-17)

Dwelling, Indigenous
Family – a dwelling intended for the use and occupancy by the family of
the owner only. It is constructed of native materials such as
bamboo, nipa, logs or lumber, the total cost of which does not
exceed fifteen thousand pesos. (B-21)

Dwelling Unit, Multi-

Family – a dwelling on one lot containing separate living units for three or
more families, usually provided with common access, services
and use of land. (B-17)

Dwelling, Multiple – a building used as a home or residence of three or more families
living independently from one another, each occupying one or more
rooms as a single housekeeping unit. (B-21)

Dwelling, One Family – a detached building designated for, or occupied exclusively by

one family. (B-21)

Dwelling, Single-Family
Attached – a dwelling containing two or more separate living units each of
which is separated from another by party or lot lines walls and
provided with independent access, services, and use of land.
Such dwellings shall include duplexes, row houses or terraces,
and cluster housing.

Dwelling, Single-Family
Detached – a dwelling for one family which is complete surrounded by
permanent open spaces, with independent access, services, and
use of land.

A building designed or used as residence for one or more families.

Easement – open space imposed on any land use/activities sited along
waterways, road-right-of-way, cemeteries/memorial parks and
utilities. (E-10)

Pursuant to the provisions of the Water Code:

 The banks of rivers and streams and the shores of the seas
and lakes throughout their entire length and within a zone of
three (3) meters in urban areas; twenty (20) meters in
agricultural areas and forty (40) meters in forest areas, along
their margins, are subject to easement of public use in interest
of recreation, navigation, floatage, fishing and salvage.

No person shall be allowed to stay in this zone longer than

what is necessary for space or recreation, navigation, floatage,
fishing or salvage or to build structures of any kind.

 Mandatory five-meter easement on both sides of the Marikina

Fault trace and such other fault traces on the ground identified
by the Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology

Ecologically Fragile
Lands - lands within the critical watersheds/brackish and freshwater
wetlands and pasturelands whose further development will
adversely affect the productivity of lowlands and stability of the
upland ecosystem. (B-7)

Ecological Profile/
Eco-profile - the more comprehensive replacement of the usual
socioeconomic profile which gives equal coverage to the physical,
biological, socioeconomic, cultural and built environments. (E-18)

A merger of the socioeconomic and biophysical profiles of the

study area and treats these subjects on equal footing.

- geographic-based instruments for planners and decision-makers

which present an evaluation of the environmental quality and
carrying capacity of an area. (E-2)

Ecological Soundness – recognizing that the earth is a common heritage that belongs to
all of us, and caring for its capacity to support us and future
generations. (E-12)

Ecological Viability - the sustainability of the productive functions of the coastal zone
within the limits of its carrying capacity. (E-7)

Ecology – the study of how living things are related to their environment:
how they shape living and non-living things around them, and how
everything in their surroundings affects them. It is also known as
the science of the living environment. (E-12)
- the branch of science that deals with the study of the
interrelationships of living things (organism, plants, and animals)
and their environment. (A-1)

Economic and
Socialized Housing - housing units which are within the affordability level of the
average and low-income earners which is thirty percent (30%) of
the gross family income as determined by the National Economic
and Development Authority from time to time. It also refers to
government-initiated sites and services development and
construction of economic and socialized housing projects in
depressed areas. (B-17)

It is a type of housing project provided to moderately low income

families with lower interest rates and longer amortization period.

Economic and
Socialized Housing - a type of housing project provided to moderately low income
families with lower interest rates and longer amortization periods.

Economically Active
Population – (see Labor Force)

Economic Dimension
Asset Reform and Access
To Economic
Opportunities – reforms which ensure the effective and sustainable utilization of
the natural and ecological resource base, thus assuring greater
social acceptability and increased participation of the basic
sectors in environmental and natural resources conservation,
management and development. (C-24)

Economic Family-sized
Farm Units - an area of farm that permits efficient use of labor and capital
resources of the farm family and will produce an income sufficient
to provide a modest standard of living to meet a farm family’s
needs for food, clothing, shelter and education with possible
allowance for payment of yearly installments on the land, and
reasonable reserves to absorb yearly fluctuations in income. (D-8)

Economic Feasibility – practicability of a project with regard to the economic returns

expected from its construction. A project is said to be
economically feasible when its benefit-cost ratio is 1 or more than
1. (B-14)

Economic Life – the estimated period over which it is anticipated that a
machinery or equipment may be profitably utilized. (A-2)

Economic Life, Remaining – the value corresponding to the remaining useful life of the
machinery. (A-2)

Economic Method of
Population Projection - a method which projects future population in terms of future
economic conditions. It depends on a projection of the future
employment opportunities or job-population ratios in the future. (C-

Economic Scale – the minimum quantity or volume of goods required to be

efficient. (D-12)

Economic Yield – maximum rate at which water can be artificially withdrawn from
an aquifer in the foreseeable future without depleting the supply or
altering the chemical character to the extent that withdrawal at that
rate is no longer economically possible. (B-14)

Economies of Scale – the decrease in unit cost as more units are produced due to the
spreading out of fixed costs over a greater number of units
produced. (D-12)

Ecosystem – the ecological community considered together with non-living

factors and its environment as a unit. (E-7)

Ecotourism - an environmentally sound tourism activity in a given ecosystem

yielding socioeconomic benefits and enhancing natural and
cultural diversity conservation. It is travelling with particular
attention to nature's wonders and leaving them as you found
them. (D-7)

It is basically tourism that contributes to conservation of the

world's natural resources and cultural heritage through minimum
environmental stress and sustainable development.

In its purest sense, ecotourism denotes tourism that is

environmentally, culturally and socially aware, that is, responsible
and sustainable.

Ecozone – see Special Economic Zone (B-16)

Ecozone Developer/
Operator – a business entity or concern duly registered with and/or
licensed by the Philippine Economic Zone Authority (PEZA) to
develop, operate, and maintain an ecozone or any or all of the
component industrial estate, export processing zone, free trade
zone or tourist/recreational center and the required infrastructure
facilities and utilities such as light and power system, water supply
and distribution system, sewerage and drainage system, pollution
control devices, communication facilities, paved road network,
administration building and other facilities as may be required by
PEZA. The term includes the PEZA and/or the local government
unit when by themselves or in joint venture with qualified private
entity, shall act as the Developer/Operator of the ecozones. As
such, they shall be entitled to the same incentives under Rule XIV
of the Rules and Regulations Implementing RA 7916, as amended
by RA 8748. (B-16)

Ecozone Export
Enterprise – an individual, association, partnership, corporation or other form
of business organization which has been registered with the
Philippine Economic Zone Authority to engage in manufacturing,
assembling or processing activity falling within the purview of RA
7916, as amended by RA 8748 and resulting in the exportation of
100% of its production, unless a lower percentage of its
production for exportation is prescribed by the Board of Directors
of the Philippine Economic Zone Authority subject to such terms
and conditions as the latter may determine. (B-16)

Ecozone, Timetable
Of Development – the 5-year period required to complete the development of the
whole ecozone, unless a longer period is required by the Board of
Directors of the Philippine Economic Zone Authority (PEZA). The
phasing of development shall be allowed in the following manner:

a. Phase I - 30% of the area

b. Phase II - 30% of the area
c. Phase III - 20% of the area
d. Phase IV - 10% of the area
e. Phase V - 10% of the area

At the end of each phase, the area must be provided with the
basic infrastructure facilities and utilities as required in the
guidelines to be issued by the PEZA ready for immediate use and
occupancy. Areas that are not developed and completed within
the 5-year period unless extended by the Board of Directors of
PEZA shall be reverted to agricultural or other uses in accordance
with existing land use and zoning laws and regulations.

Education - a sub-sector of the Social Sector, which is guided by a national

policy of providing a minimum of elementary education, and
focuses on school age population, teacher-pupil ratio, building and
facilities and related standards. (F-4)

- a sub-sector of the Social Sector which focuses on school age

population, teacher-pupil ratio, building and facilities and related
standards. It is guided by a national policy of providing a
minimum of elementary education. (A-5)

Effluent – stream flowing out of another stream or a lake; liquid which
flows out of a containing space; stream fed by ground water. (B-

Electrofishing – the use of electricity generated by batteries, electric generators

and other source of electric power to kill, stupefy, disable or
render unconscious fishery species, whether or not the same are
subsequently recovered. (D-13)

Elevation – vertical distance of point or level on or affixed to the surface of

the earth, measured from the mean sea level or a given datum.

Embankment – raised surface, such as a dike, built up by filling with earth or

other material. (B-14)

Eminent Domain - the power of the government to acquire any property required for
the establishment and expansion of Bagong Lipunan Sites and
facilities by purchase, negotiation or by expropriation proceedings.

- the right or power of the state or to those the power has been
lawfully delegated to take (or expropriate) private property for
public use upon paying to the owner a just compensation to be
ascertained according to law. (A-1)

Emission - the act of passing into the atmosphere as air contaminant,

pollutant, gas stream and unwanted sound from a known source.

Empowerment – providing authority, responsibility and information to people

directly engaged in agriculture and fishery production, primarily at
the level of the farmers, fisherfolk and those engaged in food and
non-food production and processing, in order to give them wider
choices and enable them to take advantage of the benefits of the
agriculture an fishery industries. (D-12)

- the provision of social, economic and/or political power or

authority to certain individuals or groups. (D-15)

Employed Persons - persons who work for pay in any government or private
enterprises or those who work for profit; or with or without pay on
the farm or business operated by a member of the same
household related by blood, marriage or adoption regardless of
the number of hours devoted for work. Also included are those
who are temporarily absent from jobs or businesses because of
such reasons as temporary illness, vacation, strike and other valid
reasons. (C-3)

Endangered, Rare and/or
Threatened Species – aquatic plants, animals, including some varieties of corals and
sea shells in danger of extinction as provided for in existing fishery
laws, rules and regulations or in the Protected Areas and Wildlife
Bureau of the Department of Environment and Natural Resources
and in the Convention on the International Trade of Endangered
Species of Flora and Fauna (CITES). (D-13)

Energy Plantation - a scheme whereby fast-growing crops or trees such as ipil-ipil

are deliberately and systematically planted in order to
continuously provide fuel to a power generating station located at
the site. (B-12)

Engineering Feasibility – practicability of a project with regard to its construction hazards

and/or difficulties from economic feasibility. Also called technical
feasibility. (B-14)

Environmental Compliance
Certificate - the document issued by the government agency concerned
certifying that the project under consideration will not bring about
an unacceptable environment impact and that the proponent has
complied with the requirements of the environmental impact
statement system. (E-2)

Constrained Areas - those prone to effects of natural hazards, i.e., weather,
hydrologic and geologic hazards. (B-6)

- areas prone to natural hazards, more specifically those

hydrologic and geologic in nature. They include areas frequently
exposed to weather and water-related hazards such as strong
tropical cyclones, storm surges and prolonged drought; areas
prone to earthquake hazards such as ground shaking, ground
rupture, liquefaction and lateral spreading, landslides and tsunami;
areas prone to volcanic hazards such as lava flow, ashflow,
pyroclastic flows, lahar, and edifice failure; and areas prone to soil
erosion, riverbank erosion and coastal wave erosion. (E-18)

Critical Areas – areas which are environmentally sensitive and listed in
Presidential Proclamation 2146 dated December 14, 1981 as
follows: (G-7)

 All areas declared by law as national parks, watershed

reserves, wildlife preserves and sanctuaries;

 Areas set aside as aesthetic potential tourist spots;

 Areas which constitute the habitat for any endangered or

threatened species of indigenous Philippine Wildlife (flora and
 Areas of unique historic, archeological, or scientific interest;

 Areas which are traditionally occupied by cultural communities

or tribes;

 Areas frequently visited and/or hard-hit by natural calamities

(geologic hazards, floods, typhoons, volcanic activity, etc.)

 Areas with critical slopes;

 Areas classified as prime agricultural lands;

 Recharged areas of aquifers;

 Water bodies characterized by one or any combination of the

following conditions:

a. tapped for domestic purposes;

b. within the controlled and/or protected areas declared by

appropriate authorities

c. which support wildlife and fishery activities

 Mangrove areas characterized by one or any combination of

the following conditions:

a. with primary pristine and dense young growth

b. adjoining mouth of major river systems

c. near or adjacent to traditional productive fry or fishing


d. which act as natural buffers against shore erosion, strong

winds and storm floods

e. on which people are dependent for their livelihood

 Coral reefs characterized by one or any combination of the

following conditions:

a. with 50% and above live coralline cover

b. spawning and nursery grounds for fish

c. which act as natural breakwater of coastlines

Environmentally Critical
Projects - projects which have high potential for negative environmental
impacts, as listed in Presidential Proclamation 2146 dated
December 14, 1981 as follows:

 Heavy Industries such as non-ferrous metal industries, iron

and steel mills, petroleum and petro-chemical industries
including oils and gas and smelting plants

 Resource Extractive Industries such as major mining and

quarrying projects, forestry projects (logging, major wood
processing projects, introduction of fauna (exotic animals) in
public/ private forests, forest occupancy, extraction of
mangrove products, and grazing), and fishery projects such as
dikes for/and fishpond development projects.

 Infrastructure Projects, such as major dams, major power

plants (fossil-fueled, nuclear-fueled, hydroelectric or
geothermal), major reclamation projects and major roads and

Environmental Impact
Statement (EIS) - the document which aims to identify, predict, interpret and
communicate information regarding changes in environmental
quality associated with a proposed project and which examines
the range of alternatives for the objectives of the proposal and
their impact on the environment. (E-2)

Management Plan - a component of the comprehensive land use plan which
delineates proposals on the conservation of natural resources,
protection of bio-diversity and enhancement of land, air and water
quality. (A-5)

Environmental Planner - a person engaged in the practice of environmental planning and

duly registered with the Board of Environmental Planning of the
Professional Regulation Commission in the manner provided by
law. (I-1)

Environmental Planning - activities concerned with the management and development of

land, as well as the preservation, conservation and rehabilitation
of the human environment. (I-1)

Environmental Sector - the sector of the plan that identifies and prohibits new
settlements in disaster prone areas and formulates and
implements disaster preparedness plans and mitigation practices.
It also includes prioritization of local capability building on
environmental planning and management, solid waste and
sewerage planning and management, among others. (A-5)

Epidemic - the occurrence in a community or region of cases of an illness
clearly in excess of expectancy. Expectancy varies with the
nature of disease, its mode of transmission and community
characteristics, among other things. This is also relative to the
usual frequency of the diseases in the same area, among the
specific populations, and at the same season of the year. (C-23)

Erection – installation in place of components of a building/structure. (B-21)

Erodible Lands - one of the ecologically fragile areas suitable only for agroforestry
projects at the most. The soil needs permanent soil cover to
enhance infiltration and minimize soil erosion. (BSWM) (B-7)

Erosion - wearing away of the land surface by running water, wind, ice or
geological agents, including such processes as gravitational
creep. (B-8)

Erosion Potential Map - a map that shows the degree of susceptibility to erosion of an
area. (B-4)

Establishments - enterprises and/or services of agricultural, industrial or business

establishments. (C-19)

Eviction - the removal of persons and their belongings from a subject

building/structure or area, or both, in accordance with law. (C-7)

Estuary - a water body where sea water of oceanic origin is diluted by

freshwater from land drainage areas. Areas influenced by this
include deltas, tidal marshes, and river mouth, among others. (E-

Ethnic Reservations – frontier areas, forests and/or agricultural areas specifically

designated as settlement areas for ethnic minorities. The earliest
reservations were established in 1902 by the American civil
government patterned after the American Indian reservations.

Evaluation – one of the four (4) dimensions in the administration of any

development program which involves the review of such
budgetary aspects as the reasonableness of the revenue
estimates and their relationship to the capital improvement
program. It also looks into possible conflicts with several statutory
limitations placed on localities. (H-3)

Both the national and local governments may have to do their own
evaluation of a program for their own purposes. The national
government, for instance, has to devise a control system to get
assurance that in the implementation, minimum standards are
met, legal requirements and policy guidelines are observed and
the technical support is adequate. The local government’s part of
the evaluation task is designed to ascertain the responsiveness of

the program and assess its concrete impact on the people of the

Exception - a device which grants a property owner relief from certain

provisions of a Zoning Ordinance where, because of the specific
use, would result in a particular hardship upon the owner, as
distinguished from a mere inconvenience or a desire to make
more money. (G-7)

An exception may be allowed when the following terms and

conditions exist:

 The exception will not adversely affect the public health, safety
and welfare and is in keeping with the general pattern of
development in the community;

 The proposed project shall support economic based

activities/provide livelihood, vital community services and
facilities while at the same time posing no adverse effect on
the zone/community;

 The exception will not adversely affect the appropriate use of

adjoining property in the same district; and

 The exception will not alter the essential character and general
purpose of the district where the exception sought is located.

Exclusive Economic Zone – an area beyond and adjacent to the territorial sea which shall
not extend beyond 200 nautical miles from the baselines as
defined under existing laws. (D-13)

- the water, sea bottom and sub-surface measured from the

baseline of the Philippine Archipelago up to 200 nautical miles
offshore. (E-20)

Executive Summary a brief discussion of the highlights of all significant findings and
recommendations discussed in the plan. (A-5)

Existing Public Highway

or Road - expressways, superhighways, and other national roadways, and
major local roads, major highways currently utilized for vehicular
and pedestrian traffic. (B-1)

Exit – a continuous and unobstructed means of egress to a public way,

and shall include intervening doors, doorways, corridors, exterior
exit balconies, ramps, stairways, smokeproof enclosures,
horizontal exits, exit passageways, exit courts, and yards. An exit
shall be deemed to be that point which opens directly into a safe
dispersal area or public way. All measurements are to be made to

that point when determining the permissible distance of travel. (B-

Exit, Horizontal - a means of passage from one building into another occupied by
the same tenant through a separation wall having a minimum fire
resistance of one hour. (B-21)

Exit, Passageway - an enclosed means of egress connecting a required exit or exit

court with a public way. (B-21)
Expanded Housing Loan
Program - a regular program under PAG-IBIG which seeks to provide home
ownership to households who are members of the HDMF. The
loan may be used to: (C-23)

a. purchase a residential lot;

b. purchase of a lot and construction of a new house or dwelling


c. purchase of a newly-constructed residential unit, or a unit one

year old, on a first occupancy basis;

d. home improvement;

e. refinancing of an existing loan; and

f. redemption of a foreclosed property.

Expansion Areas - idle and/or underutilized lands mostly grasslands/scrublands that

have high potential for various forms of and well managed
agricultural uses with low to moderate land development costs.
(BSWM) (B-7)

Expected Patient Load

Approach - a method used in determining the hospital bed requirements
using the assumption that patients suffering from acute
communicable diseases would need an average of seven (7) days
hospitalization; while those with chronic degenerative diseases
would need an average of fifteen (15) days hospitalization. The
required bed-days are converted into bed requirement. (C-23)

Expected Result – the services, products, or benefits that will accrue to the public,
estimated in terms of performance measures or physical targets.

Expenditures, Family - the expenses or disbursements made by the family purely for
personal consumption during the calendar year. They exclude all
expenses in relation to farm or business operations, investment
ventures, purchase of real property and other disbursements
which do not involve personal consumption. (C-1)

Expenditures, Housing - consist of actual rent of the dwelling unit and lot or the imputed
rent if the family owns them or occupies them rent-free, and
expenditures for house maintenance and minor repair. House
maintenance and minor repairs include the following: (C-1)

a. replacement of faucets, sinks and tiles

b. repair of clogged drainage
c. replacement of broken windows and floor tiles
d. repainting of house or wall papering
e. replacing damaged ceiling tiles, wall tiles, or wall paneling
f. repair of leaking roof

Housing expenditures exclude alterations or additions to the

house and other major renovations done on the dwelling unit
which may result in a change in the structure of the dwelling unit
such as collapsing walls, division of an existing room, etc.

Exploitation - the actual extraction, gathering and collection in accordance with

acceptable coral development and conservation practices. (E-14)

Exponential Growth
Rate of Population (see Mathematical Method of Population Projection)

Export Enterprise - an enterprise wherein a manufacturer, processor or service

(including tourism) enterprise exports sixty percent (60%) or more
of its output, or wherein a trader purchases products domestically
and exports sixty percent (60%) or more of such purchases. (D-3)

Export Processing
Zone (EPZ) – a specialized industrial estate located physically and/or
administratively outside customs territory, predominantly oriented
to export production. Enterprises located in export processing
zones are allowed to import capital equipment and raw materials
free from duties, taxes and other import restrictions. (B-16)

Expressway - divided arterial highway for through traffic with full or partial
control of access and generally with grade separation at
intersections. (B-1, B-13)

Expropriation - the exercise of the power of eminent domain wherein the

government compulsorily acquires private properties for public use
upon payment of just compensation. (C-13)

Extension Services – the provision of training, information and support services by the
government and non-governmental organizations to the
agriculture and fisheries sectors to improve the technical,
business and social capabilities of farmers and fisherfolk. (D-12)

Facility Operator - a company registered with the Securities and Exchange
Commission, which may or may not be the project proponent, and
which is responsible for all aspects of operation and maintenance
of the infrastructure or development facility, including but not
limited to the collection of tolls, fees, rentals or charges from
facility users: Provided, That in case the facility requires a public
utility franchise, the facility operator shall be Filipino or at least
60% owned by Filipinos.(H-1)

Fair Market Value – the price at which a property may be sold by a seller who is not
compelled to sell and bought by a buyer who is not compelled to
buy. (A-2)

Fair Rental Value - the value not in excess of allowable depreciation plus six percent
(6%) interest per annum on the investment computed at its market
value: Provided, That the fair rental value for work animal or
animals and farm implements used to produce the crop shall not
exceed five percent (5%) of the gross harvest for the work animal
or animals and five percent (5%) for implements. (D-8)

Family - a group of persons usually living together and composed of the

head and other persons related to the head by blood, marriage
and adoption. A single person living alone is considered as a
separate family. (C-1)

Family-sized Fishponds – an area of fishpond that permits the efficient use of labor and
capital resources of a family to produce an income sufficient to
meet a family’s need for food, clothing, shelter, health and
education with reasonable reserves to absorb yearly fluctuation in
income. (D-14)

Farm - any parcel of land having a total area of at least 1,000

squaremeters cultivated to drops such as palay, corn, etc., or any
land regardless of area used for raising of at least 20 heads of
livestock and/or 100 poultry. (D-15)

Farmer-entrepreneur - a farmer who organizes and takes responsibility of the farming

business in order to gain profits. (D-15)

Farmers - men or women whose primary livelihood is cultivation of land or

the production of agricultural crops, either by themselves, or
primarily with the assistance of their immediate farm household,
whether the land is owned by them, or by another person under a
leasehold or share tenancy agreement or arrangement with the
owner thereof. (D-9)

Farm-to-Market Roads – roads linking the fishery production sites, coastal landing points
and other post-harvest facilities to major markets and arterial
roads and highways (D-13)

– roads linking the agriculture and fisheries production sites,
coastal landing points and post-harvest facilities to the market and
arterial roads and highways. (D-12)

The Department of Agriculture shall be concerned with the local

government units and the resident-farmers and fisherfolk in order
to identify priority locations of farm-to-market roads that take into
account the number of farmers and fisherfolk and their families
who shall benefit therefrom and the amount, kind and importance
of agricultural and fishery products produced in the area.

Construction of farm-to-market roads shall be a priority investment

of the local government units which shall provide a counterpart of
not less than ten percent (10%) of the project cost subject to their
internal revenue allotment (IRA) level.

Fault Zones - areas where there is an observable amount of displacement

below the earth's surface. (B-4)

Fauna - animal life in general, especially the indigenous animals of a

certain region, environment or period. (B-8)

Fee – a charge fixed by law or ordinance. (A-2)

Feeding to Animals - a method of household waste disposal where garbage is fed to

animals. (C-23)

Financial Institutions – see Banking and Other Financial Institutions (A-2)

Financial Policy
Development – a stream in the Local Development Investment Programming
process where the level of annual expenditures and the ceilings of
spending for economic, social and general services, based on
approved development plans, are set. ( G-5)

Financing – one of the four (4) dimensions in the administration of any

development program which is a shared responsibility between
the national and local governments. The principal and regular
funding of projects may come from the national government, but
fixed contributions may be exacted from the local units. In certain
areas, the greater funding requirements may be borne by the local
units, but some grants and subsidies may require an equal
sharing between the national and local governments. (H-3)

Fireblock - any wall which separates two abutting living units so as to resist
the spread of fire. Such wall shall be of masonry construction,
e.g., cement hollow blocks, bricks, reinforced concrete, etc. at
least 4" thick, and shall extend throughout the whole length of the
living units and from the lowest portion of the wall adjoining the
living units up to the point just below the roof covering or purlins.

It shall have a minimum resistive time rating of one (1) hour. (B-

Fire Hazard - any condition or act which increases or may increase in the
probability of the occurrence of fire, or which may obstruct, delay,
hinder or interfere with the fire fighting operations and the
safeguarding of life and property. (B-22)

Fire Lane - the portion of a roadway or publicway that should be kept

opened and unobstructed at all times for the expedient operation
of fire fighting units. (B-22)

Fire-resistive Rating – the degree to which a material can withstand fire as determined
by generally recognized and accepted testing methods. (B-21)

Regulations – standards, rules and regulations on the testing of construction
materials for flame-spread characteristics, tests on fire damages,
fire tests of building construction and materials, door assemblies
and tin-clad fire doors and window assemblies, the installation of
fire doors and windows and smoke and fire detectors for fire
protective signaling system, application and use of controlled
interior finish, fire-resistive protection for structural members, fire-
resistive walls and partitions, fire-resistive floor or roof ceilings,
fire-resistive assemblies for protection of openings and fire-
retardant roof coverings. (B-21)

Fire-resistive Time
Period Rating – the length of time a material can withstand being burned which
may be one-hour, two-hours, three-hours, four-hours, etc. (B-21)

Fire Wall - a fireblock which extends vertically from the lowest portion of the
wall which adjoins the 2 living units up to a minimum height of
0.30 meter above the highest portion of the roof attached to it; the
firewall shall also extend horizontally up to a minimum distance of
0.30 meter beyond the outermost edge of the abutting living units.

Fire Resistive Time

Period - the length of time a material can withstand being burned which
may be one hour, two hours, three hours, four hours, or more.
(See Building Code, Fire-resistive Time Rating) (B-17)

Fire Zones – areas within which only certain types of buildings are permitted
to be constructed based on their use or occupancy. (B-21)

First Civil Degree of
Consanguinity or
Affinity - the degree of relationship between/among loan borrowers by
blood or by affiliation as defined in the Civil Code which in the
application is prescribed to be the husband and wife, or parent
and children. (C-18)

First Mortgage - such classes of first liens as are commonly given to secure
advances (including, but not limited to, advances during
construction) on, or the unpaid purchase price of, real estate
together with the credit instrument or instruments, if any secured
thereby, and may be in the form of trust mortgages or mortgage
indentures of deeds of trust securing notes, bonds, or other credit
instruments. (C-4)

First Storey – the storey the floor of which is at or above the level of the
sidewalk or adjoining ground, the remaining storeys being
numbered in regular succession upward. (B-21)

Fish and Fishery/

Aquatic Products – include not only finfish but also mollusks, crustaceans,
echinoderms, marine mammals, and all other species of aquatic
flora and fauna and all other products of aquatic living resources
in any form. (D-13, D-14)

Fish Cage – an enclosure which is either stationary or floating made up of

nets or screens sewn or fastened together and installed in the
water with opening at the surface or covered and held in a place
by wooden/bamboo posts or various types of anchors and floats.

Fish Coral or “baklad” – a stationary weir or trap devised to intercept and capture fish
consisting of rows of bamboo skates, plastic nets and other
materials fenced with split bamboo mattings or wire mattings with
one or more enclosures, usually with easy entrance but difficult
exit, and with or without leaders to direct the fish to the catching
chambers, purse or bags. (D-13)

Fisherfolk – people directly or personally and physically engaged in taking

and/or culturing and processing fishery and/or aquatic resources.

- men and women and their families who derive or make profit by
fishing. (D-15)

Fisherfolk, Municipal – persons who are directly or indirectly engaged in municipal

fishing and other related fishing activities. (D-13)

Fisherfolk Resettlement
Areas – areas of the public domain, specifically near fishing grounds
reserved for the settlement of the municipal fisherfolk. This,
however, shall not be construed as vesting ownership of any
resettlement area to a municipal fisherfolk for whom said areas
may be reserved for or had been actually granted to. (D-13)

Fisheries – all systems or networks of interrelated activities which include

the production, growing, harvesting, processing, marketing,
developing, conserving and managing of all aquatic resources and
fisheries areas. (D-12)

– all activities relating to the act or business of fishing, culturing,

preserving, processing, marketing, developing, conserving and
managing aquatic resources and the fishery areas, including the
privilege to fish or take aquatic resource thereof. (D-13)

Fisheries, Commercial - fishing operations using fishing boats of more than three gross
tons and operating in areas more than seven fathoms deep (PD
704). (B-7)

Fisheries Sector – the sector engaged in the production, growing, harvesting,

processing, marketing, developing, conserving and managing of
aquatic resources and fisheries areas. (D-12)

Fishery – the business of catching, taking, handling, marketing and

preserving fish or other fishery/aquatic products; the fishing
grounds; and the right to fish or take products therefrom. (D-14)

Fishery Industry – fish producers, fish processors, fish traders, both wholesalers
and retailers, and owners of refrigerating and cold storage plants
serving the industry. (D-14)

Fishery Management
Areas – a bay, gulf, lake or any other fishery area which may be
delineated for fishery resource management purposes. (D-13)

Fishery Refuge and

Sanctuaries – a designated area where fishing or other forms of activities
which may damage the ecosystem of the area is prohibited and
human access may be restricted. (D-13)

The Department of Agriculture may establish fish refuge and

sanctuaries to be administered in the manner to be prescribed by
the Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources. At least twenty-
five percent (25%), but not more than forty percent (40%) of bays,
foreshores lands, continental shelf or any fishing ground shall be
set aside for the cultivation of mangroves to strengthen the habitat
and the spawning grounds of fish. Wihtin these areas, no
commercial fishing shall be allowed.

Fishery Reserve – a designated area where activities are regulated and set aside
for educational and research purposes. (D-13)

Fishing – the application of techniques using various gears in catching fish

and other fisheries products. (D-12)

– all aquatic flora and fauna including but not restricted to, fish,
algae, coelenterates, mollusks, crustaceans, echinoderms and
cetaceans. (D-13)

Fishing Grounds – areas in any body of water where fish and other aquatic
resources congregate and become target of capture. (D-12)

- in general, cover the marine resources, inland bodies of water

including lakes, ponds, reservoirs, swamps and other man-made
impoundments, rivers, irrigation canals, and mangrove estuaries
in coves and inlets. Legally, these areas are categorized into
commercial fisheries, municipal or small-scale fisheries and inland
fisheries or aquaculture. (B-6)

Fish Pen – an artificial enclosure constructed within a body of water for

culturing fish and fishery/aquatic resources made up of poles
closely arranged in an enclosure with wooden materials, screen or
nylon netting to prevent escape of fish. (D-13)

- fish enclosure made of closely-woven bamboo screens, nylon

screens or nets, or other materials attached to poles staked to the
water bottom for the purpose of growing and/or culture of fish to
various sizes in both fresh and salt water areas. (D-14)

Fish Pond - a body of water (artificial or natural) where fish and other aquatic
products are cultured, raised or cultivated under controlled
conditions. (B-7)

– a land-based facility enclosed with earthen or stone material to

impound water for growing fish. (D-13)

Fish Refuges and

Sanctuaries – all streams, ponds, and waters with game refuges, bird
sanctuaries, national parks, botanical gardens, communal forests
and communal pastures are declared fish refuges and
sanctuaries. (D-14)

Flood – relatively high flow or stage as measured by either discharge

rate or stage or gauge height. (B-14)

Flood Control – protection of land areas from flooding by one or more of the
following means: levee and walls; channel improvement; detention
or storage of flow of excess floodwaters; watershed management.

Flooding Hazard Map - a map that shows areas where flooding usually occurs. (B-4)

Flood Plain – portion of river valley adjacent to river channel which is covered
with water when river overflows its banks at flood stages; the plain
usually consists of silt deposited by the stream. (B-14)

Flood Risk/Flood Prone

Areas - low lying areas usually adjacent to large or active water bodies
and therefore experience regular or seasonal inundation as a
result of changes in the mean water level of these bodies. (E-18)

Floor Area – the area included within the surrounding exterior walls of a
building or portion thereof, exclusive of vent shafts and courts.
The floor area of a building or portion thereof, not provided with
surrounding exterior walls shall be the usable area under the
horizontal projection of the roof or floor above. (B-21)

Floor Area - the space enclosed by the exterior walls of the housing unit.
(NSO) (C-23)

Floor Area Ratio

(FAR) - the ratio between the gross floor area of a building and the area
of the lot on which it stands, determined by dividing the gross floor
area of the building and the area of the lot. The gross floor area of
any building should not exceed the prescribed floor area ratio
(FAR) multiplied by the total lot area. (G-7)

Flora - plant life in general, especially plants of a certain region,

environment or period. (B-8)

Food and Agriculture

Organization (FAO)
Method of Biophysical
Assessment - involves the overlay of soils and climate data to derive the
agroecological zones which are characterized by a particular
combination of soil types and moisture availability which is
expressed as length of growing period. The agroedaphic and
agroclimatic requirements of inventoried crops are then matched
with the characteristics of these agroecological zones to
determine the level of crop suitability. The crops giving the highest
suitability rating in a given agroecological zone are considered as
the most suitable crops and a crop land use with alternative crop
mixes is recommended for that area being tested. (E-19)

Food Security – the policy objective, plan and strategy of meeting the food
requirements of the present and future generations of Filipinos in
substantial quantity, ensuring the availability and affordability of
food to all, either through local production or importation, or both
based on the country’s existing and potential resource endowment
and related production advantages, and consistent with the overall

national development objectives and policies. However,
sufficiency in rice and corn should be pursued. (D-12)

- any plan, policy or strategy aimed at ensuring adequate supplies

of appropriate food at affordable prices. Food security may be
achieved through self-sufficiency (i.e., ensuring adequate food
supplies for domestic production), through self-reliance (i.e.,
ensuring adequate food supplies through a combination of
domestic production and importation), or through pure importation.

Food, Self-sufficiency - the policy objective of meeting the food requirements through
intensive food production in a sustainable manner, based on the
country’s existing and potential resource endowment and related
production advantages. (D-7)

Footing - that portion of the foundation of a structure which spreads and

transmits loads directly to the soil or the pile. (B-21)

Foreshore Area - a strip of land alternately covered and uncovered by the tidal
movements. Its interior limit is that portion of land reached by the
water during the highest equinocal tide. The outer limit is that
portion of land reached by the water during the lowest ordinary
tide. (E-20)

Foreshore Land – a string of land margining a body of water; the part of a

seashore between the low-water line usually at the seaward
margin of a low tide terrace and the upper limit of wave wash at
high tide usually marked by a beach scarp or berm. (D-13)

Forest - areas of one hectare which are at least 10% stocked with forest
trees (including seedlings and "saplings"), with palm, bamboo or
brush. Narrow strips of land bearing forest must be at least 60
meters wide and one hectare in size to qualify as a forest.
Industrial plantations and tree farms, one hectare or more in size,
are also included. (B-8)

Forest Action Plan – a plan that defines a program of activities pertaining to forest
areas within a specific time frame. The plan identifies issues and
problems, the identified responses and beneficiaries, the
institutions involved, and the approximate temporal schedule
when the activities will be undertaken. (E-21)

Forest Carrying Capacity - the ability of forestland to absorb development or land use
changes. (E-21)

Forest, Commercial - an area dominated by trees of commercial species as

determined by the Bureau of Forest Development. (B-1)

Forest, Communal - a tract of public forest set aside for the exclusive use of the
residents of a municipality from which such residents may cut,
collect and remove forest products for their personal use. (B-1)

- refers to a tract of public forest set aside for the exclusive use of
residents of a municipality from which said residents may cut,
collect and remove forest products for their personal use in
accordance with existing laws and regulations. (B-8)

Forest, Concessions - refers to any tract of land under license agreement, lease or
permit. (B-8)

Forest, Dipterocarp - forest stands dominated by trees of the dipterocarp species,

such as red lauan, tanguile, tiaong, white lauan, almon, bagtikan,
mayapis of the Philippine mahogany group, apitong and the
yakals (PD 1559). (B-8)

Forested A and D - consists of areas classified as Alienable and Disposable (A & D)

but whose existing cover is forest or woodland. (E-18)

Forest Lands - refers to lands of the public domain which have not been
declared as alienable and disposable and include the public
forest, the permanent forest or forest reserves, forest reservations,
timberlands, grazing lands, and game refuge and bird sanctuaries.

- include the public forest, the permanent forest or forest reserves,

and forest reservations. Forest lands shall not be held in
perpetuity. (E-7)

Lands 18% in slope or over which have already been declared as

alienable and disposable shall be reverted to the classification of
forest lands by the Department (of Environment and Natural
Resources) Head, to form part of the forest reserves, unless they
are already covered by existing titles or approved public land
application, or actually occupied openly, continuously, adversely
and publicly for a period of not less than thirty (30) years as of the
effectivity of the forestry Reform Code of the Philippines, where
the occupant is qualified for a free patent under the Public Land
Act: Provided: that said lands, which are not yet part of well-
established communities, shall be kept in vegetative condition
sufficient to prevent erosion and adverse effects on the lowlands
and streams: Provided: further, That when public interest so
requires, steps shall be taken to expropriate, cancel defective
titles, reject public land application, or eject occupants thereof.

- those lands of the public domain which have been classified as

such by the Public Lands Act and all unclassified lands of the
public domain. For the purpose of this manual, forestlands will
also include those areas legally classified as mineral lands and
national parks. (E-21)
- the lands of the public domain which have not been declared as
alienable or disposable, public forests, permanent forests or forest
reserves, forest reservations, timberlands, grazing lands, game
refuge, and bird sanctuaries. (D-10)

– see Forest, Public (B-1)

Forest Land Use - the manner of utilization of forest lands, including their allocation,
development and management. The primary land uses of
forestlands are protection and production. Production forest lands
are sub-classified, according to their use, into the following
categories: timber production, agriculture, agroforestry, mineral
production, grazing, residential, resettlement, and other uses
(industrial, commercial, fish farm, fishponds). (E-21)

Forest Land Use

Planning, Provincial
Level - the focus of forestland use planning at the provincial level is to
define the sub-watersheds that compose the regional watershed
and the primary use of the forestlands within them. Forest land
use planning at the provincial level is supposed to operationalize
the regional framework plan. (E-21)

Forest Land Use

Planning, Regional
Level - the primary purpose of forest land use planning at the regional
level is to have a regional forest land use framework plan which
will indicate in broad terms the primary forest land uses across
provinces within the region. Primary land uses refer to protection
and production uses. (E-21)

Forest, Logged Over - dipterocarp forest which has been previously cut, i.e., is not in a
virgin state. (B-8)

Forest, Mangrove - a forest type occurring on tidal flats along the sea coast and
sometimes extending along streams where the water is brackish
and mainly composed of bakawan, pototan, langaral, api-api, nipa,
pals and the like; mangrove species along this area are obligatory
halophytes or halo resistant species whose optimum salinity
varies from species to another. (B-8)

Forest, Man-made - forest established by man. (B-8)

Forestry Master Plan - a 26-year master plan for the development of the country's
forestry resources. The plan serves as a guide on the over-all
direction of the forestry sector but assumes a constant land area
for rural and urban needs. (F-3)

Forest, Permanent or
Forest Reserve - refers to any portion of the public forest that has been delimited
and proclaimed by the President of the Philippines as such to be
used exclusively for forest purposes, i.e., for the production of
forest products. (B-1)

Permanent forests located within the strip of 1,000 meters may be

devoted to the following uses:

a. logging under sustained yield and/or selective logging


b. gathering of minor forest products;

c. grazing or pasturing;

d. industrial plantations; and

e. cultivation of crops which are allowed on such lands under

special laws or decrees.

Forest Products – timber, pulpwood, firewood, bark, tree top, resin, gum, wood, oil,
honey, beeswax, nipa, rattan, or other forest growth such as
grass, shrub and flowering plant, the associated water, fish, game,
scenic, historical, recreational and geologic resources in forest
lands (E-7)

Forest, Public,
Timberland or Forest
Land - all unclassified public lands, mangrove and nipa swamps,
classified forest areas or timber lands and all forest reserve of
whatever character as determined by the Bureau of Forest
Development. (B-1)

Forest Reserve – see Forest, Permanent (B-1)

Forest Reservations - forest lands which have been reserved by the President of the
Philippines for any specific purpose or purposes. (E-20)

Forest Reservation/
Reserves - forestlands which have been reserved by the President of the
Philippines for forest purposes. (E-7, E-21)

Forest Resource - all natural resources, whether biomass such as plants and
animals or non-bio-mass such as soil and water, as well as the
intangible services and values present in forest lands or other
lands devoted for forest purposes. (E-21)

Forest, Second Growth - forest that originate after the removal of a previous stand as by
cutting, fire or other causes. A loosely used term for young stand.
In the logger's parlance, the smaller trees left after a cutting, or
residual trees available for another logging on the same area. (B-

Forest Squatters – occupants of areas still designated by the Philippine government

as forest areas and reserves. Squatters are either the ethnic
minority groups who indigenously live in these areas or lowland
cultivators who have encroached into the hinterlands because of
increasing man-to-land pressure in the lowlands. The most
common distinguishing mark of such squatters are the slash-and-
burn plots they have carved from the forests and planted to crops.

Forestry Sub-sector - a sub-sector of the Economic Sector which includes an

assessment of past and present status of the forest/upland
ecosystem to determine past and potential productivity and ensure
the maintenance of bio-diversity and ecological integrity. It covers
protective and amenity forests; production forests; commercial
and non-commercial forests; critical watersheds, and other forest
lands for special uses. (A-5)

Forest Zone - an area within a city or municipality intended primarily for forest
purposes. (G-7)

Forward Integration - the process by which the development or increased production

of a product or products in a certain stage in the industry results
into the development or increased production of products in
succeeding stages. (D-5)

Foundation – all the portions of the building or structure below the footing, the
earth upon which the structure rests. (B-21)

Franchise – a right or privilege, affected with public interest which is

conferred upon private persons or corporations, under such terms
and conditions as the government and its political subdivisions
may impose in the interest of public welfare, security and safety.

- any special privilege or right conferred by the state on persons or

corporations. It may mean either the: 1) corporate or primary
franchise – the right granted to a group of individuals to exist and
act as a corporation; 2) secondary or special franchise – the
right granted to an individual, or to a corporation after its
incorporation, to exercise certain powers and privileges, including
those conferred for purposes of public benefit (such as the power
of eminent domain) enjoyed by public utilities (e.g., telephone
companies, ice plants, electric companies, etc.) (A-1)

Free Trade Zone – an isolated policed area adjacent to a port of entry (as a
seaport) and/or airport where imported goods may be unloaded
for immediate transshipment or stored, repacked, sorted, mixed,
or otherwise manipulated without being subject to import duties.
However, movement of these imported goods from the free-trade
area to a non-free-trade area in the country shall be subject to
import duties. (B-16)

Enterprises within the zone are granted preferential tax treatment

and immigration laws are more lenient.

Fresh Agricultural and

Fishery Products – agricultural and fishery products newly taken or captured directly
from its natural state or habitat, or those newly harvested or
gathered from agricultural areas or bodies of water used for
aquaculture. (D-12)

Fresh Water - water without salt, such as generally found in lakes, lagoons,
basins, rivers, canals, channels, dams, reservoirs, paddy fields
and swamps. (B-7)

Freshwater Bodies - water bodies in basins, rivers, lakes, lagoons, channels and
aquifers not influenced by seawater. (E-20)

Freshwater Swamps land areas where the freshwater table is at or above the land
surface during most of the year to promote the formation of hydric
soil and to support growth of hydrophytes such as grasses and
sedges which are also influenced by seawater. (E-20)

Frontage - That part or end of a lot which abuts a street. (B-17)

Full Government
Guarantee – the commitment of the National Government in the strict sense
to service the loans obtained by local government units when such
institutions, as principal borrowers, are unable to pay their debts
under the covering credit arrangement. The same shall cover the
principal, interest and other charges of said borrowings, obtained
by local government units. (H-2)

Fishpond Area – a clean leveled area enclosed by dikes, at least one foot higher
than the highest floodwater level in the locality and strong enough
to resist pressure at the highest flood tide; consists of at least a
nursery pond or a combination of any or all said classes of ponds,
and a functional water control system and producing in a
commercial scale. (D-13)

Fund – a sum of money or other assets convertible to cash, set aside

for the purpose of carrying out specific activities or attaining
certain objectives in accordance with special regulations,
restrictions or limitations and constitutes an independent fiscal and
accounting entity. (A-2)

Funding Agreement - a contract between funder and lending window indicating therein,
among other provisions, the amount available for a period of one
year, to the lending window for Unified Home Lending Program
(UHLP) loan take-out. (C-18)

Future Housing Need - dwelling units required to house the projected increase in
households and to replace acceptable housing units which will be
lost from inventory. (C-23)

Future Power
Requirement - No. of Projected Establishments x Average Consumption Rate
(Domestic, industrial, etc.) (B-13)

Gainful Workers - those who usually worked most of the time during the past
twelve (12) months. (C-3)

Game Refuge or Bird

Sanctuary - forestland designated for the protection of game animals, birds
and fish and closed to hunting and fishing in order that the excess
population may flow and re-stock surrounding areas (PD 1559) (B-
8, E-7)

Garage – a building or portion thereof in which a motor vehicle containing

gasoline, distillate, or other volative, flammable liquid in its tank, is
stored, repaired or kept.

Garage, Commercial – a garage where automobiles, and other motor vehicles are
housed, cared for, equipped, repaired or kept for remuneration,
hire, or sale.

Garage, Open Parking – a structure of one or more tiers in height which is at least 50%
open on two or more sides and is used exclusively for the parking
or storage of passenger motor vehicles having a capacity of not
more than nine persons per vehicle. Open parking garages are
further classified as either ramp-access or mechanical-access.
Ramp-access, open parking garages are those employing a series
of continuously rising floors permitting the movement of vehicles
under their own power from and to the street level. Mechanical
access parking garages are those employing parking machines,
lifts, elevators, or other mechanical services for vehicles moving
from and to street level and in which public occupancy is
prohibitive above the street level.

Garage, Private – a building or a portion of a building in which only motor vehicles

used by the tenants of the building or buildings on the premises
are stored or kept.

Gender Sensitivity – a principle of sustainable development which means that we

should recognize the importance and complementary roles, and
the empowerment of both men and women in development. (E-24)

General Base Map - a map that reflects broad and more generalized information. It is
prepared in a smaller scale and reflects the boundaries of the
whole study area, the major roads, built-up area and the important
natural features such as streams, rivers and lakes. This map is
used for land use planning especially in the preparation of
analytical map, such as population distribution and density maps.

General Commercial
Zone - an area within a city or municipality for trading/services/ business
purposes. (G-7)

General Fund – fund that is the source of all expenditures and obligations within
the local jurisdiction other than education. This fund consists of
monies and resources not otherwise accruing to any other fund
and is available for payment of expenditures, obligations or
purposes not specifically declared by law as chargeable to or
payable from, any other fund. The general fund may cover current
spending for maintenance activities on roads, bridges, etc. The
general fund also covers an economic development type of
expenditure. (H-3)

General Hospital - a hospital that provides services for all kinds of illnesses,
diseases, injuries or deformities. (C-23)

General Institutional
Zone - an area within a city or municipality principally for general types
of institutional establishments, e.g., government offices, schools,
hospitals/clinic, academic/research, convention centers. (G-7)

General Land Use Plan - the planned distribution of land uses of the entire municipality. It
may also include areas for special use. (B-4)

General Map - a map that shows a complex of physical and cultural features.

General Medication
Consultation Rate - the number of general medical consultation in a calendar year
per 1,000 population. (C-23)

General Professional
Partnerships – partnerships formed by persons for the sole purpose of
exercising their common profession, no part of the income of
which is derived from engaging in any trade or business. (A-2)

General Residential
Zone - an area within a city or municipality principally for
dwelling/housing purposes. (G-7)

General Zoning Map - a duly authenticated map delineating the different zones in
which the whole city/municipality is divided. (G-7)

Geologic Hazards - volcanoes, fault lines, landslips, unstable/landslide areas which

pose risks to lives, crops, property and infrastructures. (E-21)

Geometric Correction - the third stage in the data input process that involves
maintaining geometric consistency among all data planes included
in the database. (B-4)

Geometric Growth Rate
of Population – see Mathematical Method of Population Projection (C-3)

Environment - all the physical and natural characteristics of the area resulting
from its specific geographic position on the earth's surface. This
includes the description of relief features such as topography,
elevation, slope, landscapes, soils and geology; the state of the
physical and natural resources in the area such as water quality,
minerals, land and marine use; as well as information on the
dynamic processes that are occurring like erosional features,
weather patterns, rainfall and pollution. (E-18)

Geothermal Energy - energy derived or derivable from and produced within the earth
by natural heat phenomenon; and includes all steam, and water
vapor, and every mixture of all or any of them that has been
heated by natural underground energy, and every kind of matter
derived from a bore and for the time being with or in any such
stead, water, water vapor, or mixture. (B-9)

Global Competitiveness - the ability to compete in terms of price, quality and volume of
agriculture and fishery products relative to those of other
countries. (D-12)

Goal Achievement
Matrix (GAM) - a plan evaluation method which is deemed superior to the cost-
benefit analysis and the planning balance sheet. It is highly
participatory. It allows various sectors of the community to
express their bias through the weighing of the objectives
according to their relative importance to their sectors. The rating
of alternatives according to their perceived contribution to the
achievement of each objective is quite simple: choosing an ordinal
number within a given range. Finally, the aggregate of sectoral
total scores reflecting their biases amounts to a social consensus.

Goals - the general direction and purpose which the town seeks to
achieve. (C-23)

Government Agencies - national, local and regional agencies and instrumentalities

including government-owned and controlled corporations. (E-12)

Government Center – an area within a province, city and municipality established

where offices, agencies, or branches of the National Government,
local government units, or government-owned or –controlled
corporations may, as far as practicable, be located. (A-2)

In designing such a center, the local government unit concerned

shall take into account the existing facilities of national and local
agencies and offices which may serve as the government center
as contemplated under Section 12, Chapter 2 of Republic Act
7160. The National Government, local government unit of
government-owned or –controlled corporation concerned shall
bear the expenses for the construction of the buildings and
facilities in the government center.

Government Hospital - a hospital operated and maintained partially or wholly by the

National, Provincial, Municipal or City Government or other
political subdivision, board or other agency. (C-23)

Government Lands - parcels of lands which titles are held by national government
entities or any of its subdivisions, instrumentalities, or agencies,
including government-owned or controlled corporations and their
subsidiaries and lands placed under the jurisdiction of the above
entities by virtue of proclamations signed by the President.
Government lands also include rights-of-way or road titles. (C-5,

Government Service
Insurance System – the government agency which is the primary provider of funds
for long-term housing mortgages for low and middle-income
government employees. (C-10)

Grade – the lowest point of elevation of the finished surface of the ground
between the exterior wall of a building and a point 1.50 meters
distant from said wall, or the lowest point of elevation of the
finished surface of the ground between the exterior wall of a
building and a property line if it is less than 1.50 meters distant
from said wall. In case walls are parallel to and within 1.50 meters
of a public sidewalk, alley, or other public way, the grade shall be
the elevation of the sidewalk, alley or public way. (B-21)

Gradient of Ramp – the degree of inclination of the sloped surface expressed as a

percentage or ratio. (B-23)

Graduated Amortization
Plan (GAP) - the mode of payment wherein principal payments are deferred
on the first few years of the term of the loan, designed to enhance
the affordability of the borrower through a mechanism of
increasing monthly amortization over the term of the loan. (C-18)

Graphical Scale - a line or bar subdivided into map distance corresponding to the
numerical scale. (B-4)

Grasslands - land with natural grass covers without trees or very few isolated
trees. (B-7, B-8)

Grasslands - forestlands predominantly vegetated with grasses, devoid of

trees or with very few isolated trees. (E-21)

Grazing Lands – that portion of the public domain which has been set aside, in
view of the sustainability of its topography and vegetation, for the
raising of livestock. (E-7)

No forest land 50% in slope or over shall be classified as grazing


- forestlands designated, in view of their terrain and vegetation, for

the raising of livestock. They are likewise known as rangelands.

Grazing Projects - the management of forest range resources for forage productivity
needed to support livestock production. Grazing projects shall be
considered critical if such will exceed the natural grazing
capacities of the areas involved (1 head per hectare). (E-15)

Grid Development - This form is represented by rectangular blocks of spatial

development. The agglomeration of development blocks expands
to occupy a sizeable space. This pattern allows easy access to
establishments because of the intersecting streets and the block
form of agglomeration. This is a variation on the concentration
theme. (E-18)

Gross Density - ratio of the total population of an area to the total land area. It
can be expressed as: (C-3)

Gross density = Total city/municipal population

Total city/municipal land area in sq. kms.

Gross Domestic Product - the value of goods and services with the exclusion of net factor
earnings from abroad. (D-15)

Gross Floor Area (GFA) - the total floor space within the perimeter of the permanent
external building walls, occupied by office areas; residential areas;
corridors; lobbies; mezzanine; vertical penetrations, which shall
mean stairs, fire escapes, elevator shafts, flues, pipe shafts,
vertical ducts, and the like, and their enclosing walls; rest rooms or
toilets; storage rooms and closets; covered balconies and
terraces; interior walls and columns, and other interior features;
but excluding covered areas used for parking and driveways,
including vertical penetrations in parking floor areas where no
residential or office units are present; and uncovered areas for air-
conditioning cooling towers, overhead water tanks, roof decks,
laundry areas and cages, wading or swimming pools, whirlpools or
jacuzzis, gardens, courts or plazas (G-7)

Gross National Product - the market value of all goods and services produced by
Philippine citizens and resources in the country or overseas. (D-

Gross Output - the actual market value of minerals or mineral products from its
mining area as defined in the National Internal Revenue Code. (E-

Gross Urban Density - the concentration of the total urban population over the total area
of identified urban barangays. (C-3)

Gross Value Added of

Agriculture - the total value (excluding value of non-agricultural intermediate
outputs) of goods and services contributed by the agricultural
sector to the gross domestic product. (D-15)

Gross Value-Added – the total value, excluding the value of non-agricultural or fishery
intermediate outputs, of goods and services contributing to the
agricultural and fishery sectors. (D-1)

Ground Floor – the storey at or near the level of the grade, the other storeys,
beginning with second, for the first next above, shall be
designated by the successive floor numbers counting upward. (B-

Ground Rupture - also termed as fracture movement and fissuring, this is the
creation of new or renewed movement of old fractures or cracks
on the ground surface. (B-6)

Ground Shaking - a hazard present during earthquakes characterized by disrupting

up-down and sideways motion. (B-6)

Ground Water – all the water in the zone of saturation below the water table
whatever may be the geologic structure on which it is standing or
through which it is moving. (B-14)

Ground Water Use

Restrictions - a map, which shows extremely severe to none, ground water use
restriction. (B-4)

Group Character Loan – a loan contracted by a member and guaranteed by a group of

persons for its repayment. The creditor can collect from any of the
members of the group which guaranteed the said loan, without
prejudice to the right of reimbursement of the member or
members of the group who had advanced the payment in favor of
the actual debtor. (C-24)

Group Land Acquisition

and Development (GLAD) - a regular program under PAG-IBIG which provides financial
assistance to organized groups of fund members for the
acquisition and development of rawland or partially developed
land which shall serve as the site of their housing units. The total
loan to the employee-group or community association shall be the
aggregate of the amounts extended to the individual member-
beneficiaries. (C-23)
Growth Center Strategy - a major urban development strategy which involves the identification
and/or selection of urban and urbanizing areas which are already
demonstrating economic potentials and capable of attracting and
absorbing population. (F-3)

The strategy aims to redistribute population and employment into

other areas of the country. The growth centers are generally
existing urban settlements with potentials of growth that can
provide economies of scale to industries.

Growth Pole Strategy - an urban development strategy which entails the introduction of
a development magnet, e.g., industry, university or training or
research center, outside urban areas to spur development thereat.
This strategy requires a parallel strengthening of the role of
infrastructure as a key actor in development. (F-3)

Guest Room – any room or rooms used, or intended to be used by a guest for
sleeping purposes. Every 9.30 square meters of superficial floor
area in a dormitory shall be considered to be a guest room. (B-21)

Gully – very narrow waterway with steep sides; the beginning of a

creek. (B-14)

Gymnasium – a structure that serves the athletic needs of most educational

institutions. Primarily used for physical education activities as well
as for public assembly. It may have minimal spectator's gallery or
none at all. (C-23)+

Habitable Room – any room meeting the requirements of the National Building
Code for sleeping, living, cooking or dining purposes, excluding
such enclosed spaces as closets, pantries, bath or toilet room,
service rooms, connecting corridors, laundries, unfinished attics,
storage, space cellars, utility rooms, and similar spaces. (C-1)

Habitable rooms provided with artificial ventilation shall have

ceiling heights not less than 2.40 meters measured from the floor
to the ceiling.

Hall – see Assembly Building

Hall, Common – a corridor or passageway used in common by all the occupants

within the building. (B-21)

Hall, Stair – a hall which includes the stair, stair landings, and those portions
of the common halls through which it is necessary to pass in going
between the entrance floor and the room. (B-21)

Hazardous Industries - these industries are fire and health hazards, i.e., their wastes
have large amounts of combustible and toxic materials. (D-7)

Hazardous Operation/
Process - any act of manufacturing. Fabrication, conversion, etc., that uses
or produces materials which are likely to cause fires or explosions.

Hazardous Substances - elements or compounds which when discharged in any quantity

present imminent or substantial danger to public health and
welfare. (E-12)

Head of Household - the person responsible for the care and organization of the
household is generally considered as the head of the household.
He/she usually provides the chief source of income for the
household. (C-2)

In case of a household consisting of two or more unrelated

persons sharing the same cooking facilities and meals, the head is
usually the eldest male or female in the group regarded as such
by the other members.

Health Sub-sector - a sub-sector of the Social Sector which is geared towards the
delivery of an integrated health services through the Primary
Health Care Program. The services include sanitation/hygiene,
proper nutrition, disease prevention and care for the sick, with
emphasis on assessment and projection of needs/ requirements
and standards for facilities. (F-4)

Hearing Board – a body formed to conduct the hearing of the comprehensive land
use plans and zoning ordinances, composed of the following:

a. Governor/City/Municipal Mayor as Chairman

b. Provincial/City/Municipal Planning and Development
c. Housing and Land Use Regulatory Board Technical
d. Sangguniang Panlalawigan/ Bayan/ Panglunsod
e. Local Sectoral Experts

Heavy Industrial Zone – a subdivision of an area principally for the following types of
industries: (G-4)

a. highly pollutive/non-hazardous
b. highly pollutive/hazardous
c. highly pollutive/extremely hazardous
d. pollutive/extremely hazardous
e. non-pollutive/extremely hazardous

Heliport – an area of land or water or a structural surface which is used, or

intended for use in the landing and take off of helicopters and any
appurtenant areas which are used, or intended for use, for heliport
buildings and other heliport facilities.

Helistop – the same as heliport, except that no refueling, maintenance

repairs, or storage of helicopters is permitted.

High Density Commercial

Zone (C3) - an area within a city or municipality intended for regional
shopping centers such as large malls and other commercial
activities which are regional in scope or where market activities
generate and traffic and require utilities and services that extend
beyond local boundaries and requires metropolitan level
development planning and implementation. High rise hotels,
sports stadium or sports complexes are also allowable in this
zone. (G-7)

High Density Residential

Area - more than 250 persons per hectare of residential area. (C-23)

Highest Educational
Attainment the highest grade or year completed in elementary school, high
school, college or university, by persons 5 years of age and over.

Highly Restrictive
Agricultural Lands - most efficient agricultural lands and are traditional sources of
food and cash crops. These are the most stable cropland and can
be grown to a wide range of crops with minimum to moderate level
of farm management requirement. High investment in
infrastructure are usually are usually located on these lands.
These include the irrigated paddy/terrace ricelands, the rainfed
paddy ricelands, efficient diversified cropland and presently agro-
industrial lands located on the level to nearly alluvial plain and
gently sloping/terrace lands and the highlands presently planted to
or have potential for the production of high value and semi-
temperate crops. (D-7)

Highly Urbanized Cities - cities with a minimum population of 200,000 inhabitants as

certified by the National Statistics Office and with the latest annual
income of at least PhP 50,000,000.00 based on 1996 constant
prices as certified by the City Treasurer (RA 7160). (G-7)

Highway - a general term for a public way used for vehicular travel,
including the entire area within the right-of-way. Recommended
usage: in urban area – highway or street; in rural areas – highway
or road. (B-23)

Historical Site - any place, province, city, town and/or any location and structure
which has played a significant and important role in the history of
our country and nation. Such significance and importance may be
cultural, political, sociological or historical. (B-18)

Holistic Approach to
Forest Land Use
Planning - the integration of all forestry, agricultural, livestock, fishery and
other natural resource-based activities into a single system to
avoid the vicious cycle of deficient forest policies and inefficient
forest administration and forest management. (E-21)

Holistic Science and

Appropriate Technology – a principle of sustainable development which means that when
solutions to specific development problems are studied, the larger
social and ecological connections should also be considered.
This approach, in which holistic rather than reductionist science is
used, helps in the development of appropriate technology. (E-24)

Home Development
Mutual Fund – the government agency which acts as the administrator of
provident fund contributions collected from member employees
and employers, utilizing funds not required for provident benefits
for housing loans for members, and in addition, charged with the
development of saving schemes for home acquisition by private
and government employees. (C-10)

Home Insurance Guaranty
Corporation (formerly the
Home Financing
Corporation) – the government agency which assists private developers to
undertake low and middle income mass housing production and
encourage private institutional funds and commercial lenders to
finance such housing development and long-term mortgages
through a viable system of guarantees, loan insurance and other
incentives. (C-10)

Homeless - people living in parks, along sidewalks and all those without any
form of shelter. (C-14)

If it is assumed that homeless population consists mainly of

families, dividing the number of homeless persons by the average
household size will give the number of homeless households. But
if the homeless population consists of distinct individuals, each of
these individuals are considered a separate household. Thus, the
number of homeless persons is the same as the number of
homeless households and this need may be better met through
improved institutional care.

Homeless - individuals or households living in parks, along sidewalks, and all

those without any form of shelter. (C-23)

Homestead – a portion of land in an unsettled area granted by the government

to a settler for development as a farm.

Homesteads were a major factor in the opening of frontier areas in

Mindoro, Palawan, Mindanao and Northeastern Luzon. The
homestead program in the Philippines formally started in the
promulgation of the Philippine Public Land Law, U.S. congress Act
No. 926. The law was patterned after the U. S. Public Land law in
force at that time. Initially, the homestead size was limited to 16
hectares for individuals and 1,024 hectares for corporations.

Hospitalization Rate - the number of hospitalizations in a calendar year per 1,000

population. (C-23)

Hotel – a building or a part thereof with rooms occupied or intended to

be occupied for hire as temporary aboding place of individuals
with a general kitchen and public dining room service, but no
provision for cooking in any individual suite or room. (B-21)

Hotel, Apartment – an apartment house which may furnish dining room service and
other services for the exclusive use of its tenants. (B-21)

Household - a social unit consisting of a person or a group of persons who

sleep in the same dwelling unit and have common arrangement
for the preparation and consumption of food. (C-14)

- a household usually consists of a group of persons who sleep in
the same dwelling unit and have common arrangements for the
preparation and consumption of food. A person who lives alone is
considered as one separate household. Although in most cases a
household consists of a related family group, some household
members may have no relationship to the central group. Boarders
and domestic helpers for instance, are counted as part of a
particular household if they take their meals with the household
and sleep in the same dwelling unit. (C-1)

- a social unit consisting of a person living alone or a group of

persons who: (C-2)

a. sleep in the same housing unit; and

b. have a common arrangement for the preparation and
consumption of food.

In most cases, a household consists of persons who are related

by kinship ties, like parents and their children. In some instances,
several generations of familial ties are represented in one
household while in others, even more distant relatives are
members of the household.

Household helpers, boarders and non-relatives are considered as

members of the household provided they sleep in the same
housing unit and have common arrangement for the preparation
and consumption of food and do not usually go home to their
family at least once a week.

- a social unit consisting of a person living alone or a group of

persons who sleep in the same dwelling and have common
arrangement for food preparation and consumption. (C-3, C-23)

Household Head1 - the adult member of the household who is responsible for the
care and organization of the household or the one who is
regarded as such by the members of the household. (C-1)

Household, Single
Family - refers to the presence of a single nuclear family in the
household. It consists of a father and a mother with unmarried
children or presence of a parent with children. A single person
household is also considered as a single family in this survey. A
single family also includes unmarried sisters and brothers who are
living together as one household. (C-1)

Household, Extended
Family - refers to a nuclear family as defined above together with
relatives like son in-law, daughter in-law, grandson,

Not included in the FIES definition

granddaughter, father, mother and other relatives. However, the
presence of boarders and domestic helpers does not change the
household type. (C-1)

Housing – more than just the provision of physical facilities for shelter. It
also includes services that allow and facilitate the participation in
and enjoyment of development by both the men and women. It is
a basic need which contributes to the population’s productivity,
welfare, social stability and economic development. (C-16)

Housing and Land Use

Regulatory Board or
HLURB (formerly the
Human Settlements
Regulatory Commission) - the sole regulatory body for housing and land use development.
It is charged with encouraging greater private sector participation
in low-cost housing through liberalization of development
standards, simplification of regulations and decentralization of
approvals for permits and licenses. (C-10)

Housing and Urban

Development Coordinating
Council (HUDCC) – the body created under EO No. 90, charged with the main
function of coordinating the activities of the government housing
agencies to ensure the accomplishment of the National Shelter
Program. It is under the immediate control and supervision of the
President of the Philippines. (C-10, C-18)

The Council is composed of the following:

a. Chairman, is appointed by the President of the Philippines;

b. The Heads of the primary government agencies and the
support agencies for funding for housing;
c. One representative each from the National Economic and
Development Authority, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of
Budget and Management, the Ministry of Public Works and
Highways and the Development Bank of the Philippines; and
d. Two representatives from the private sector to be selected by
the Council.

Housing Backlog - a condition wherein the supply of livable dwelling units is

insufficient as a result of doubled-up households in acceptable
housing units. (C-23)

- the number of dwelling units needed at the beginning of the

planning period due to doubled-up households, displaced units
and homeless households. (C-14, C-23)

Housing Core - a rigid and sturdy skeletal structure that is designed to be

improved and completed into a habitable dwelling unit by the
owner usually through self-help. Structural or architectural designs
may vary in each region owing to physical, climatic and cultural
differences. But for the purpose of standardizing the minimum
provisions for a housing core, the following components shall be
included as part thereof, in addition to the provisions of the
sanitary core: a) structural frameworks and supports; b) roofing;
and c) party walls for duplex (semi-detached), and rowhouse
(attached) types of unit.

Housing Expenditures - consist of the imputed rent or actual rent of the dwelling unit and
lot and expenditures for house maintenance and minor repair.

Housing Finance – the comprehensive funds flow system covering the entire
housing provision cycle from identification of financial
requirements, fund sourcing for various aspects of housing
program, such as lot acquisition, development and construction, to
end-buyers financing. Housing Finance – the comprehensive
funds flow system covering the entire housing provision cycle from
identification of financial requirements, fund sourcing for various
aspects of housing program, such as lot acquisition, development
and construction, to end-buyers financing. (C-8)

Housing Finance Fund – an “on-budget” subsidy fund (as distinguished from a mortgage
loan fund) which is the cornerstone of a new housing assistance
strategy and will complement the housing finance reform program.
It aims to give direct subsidies to households borrowing in the
mortgage market, reduce the leakage to the non-poor, and allow
the operationalization of a multi-window home-mortgage loan
system, community mortgage program (CMP), resettlement/other
mortgage loans; as well as pilot rental schemes and mortgage
insurance. To generate funds for socialized housing subsidies,
flotation schemes will also be explored. (C-17)

Housing Finance System

Reforms – a self-sustaining housing finance system where the primary
mortgage markets will be strengthened and private sector-
managed secondary market institution catalyzed. Roles,
responsibilities and risks will be better allocated between the
public and private sector and, in the private sector, among
developers, primary market lenders and investors. (C-17)

Housing Sub-sector - a subsector of the Social Sector which discusses the preparation
of the local shelter plan. (F-4)

Housing Unit - a structurally separate and independent place of abode

constructed, converted or arranged for habitation by one
household. Structure or parts of structures not intended for
habitation such as commercial, industrial and agricultural
buildings, or natural and man-made shelters such as caves, boats,
abandoned trucks, culverts, etc., but used as living quarters by
households are also considered as housing units. (C-2, C-23)

- a portion of a building (a room or a group of rooms) qualifies as a
separate housing unit if it meets both the following requirements:
1) separateness – a portion of the building must have facilities for
sleeping and preparing/taking meals. The occupants must be
isolated from other persons in the building by means of walls or
permanent partitions; 2) direct access – the occupants must enter
the portion of the building directly from the outside of the building
or through a common hall, i.e., the occupants must enter the
portion of the building without passing through anybody else’s
premises. (C-2)

Human Development
Index - the measure of how well a country has performed, based on
social indicators of people’s ability to lead a long and healthy life,
to acquire knowledge and skills, and to have access to the
resources needed to afford a decent standard of living. This index
looks at a minimum of three outcomes of development: the state
of health (measured by life expectancy at birth), the level of
knowledge and skills (measured by a weighted average of adult
literacy and enrollment rates), and the level of rental income per
capita, adjusted for poverty considerations. (C-24)

Hydroelectric Power - electric power produced by utilizing the kinetic energy of falling
or running water to turn a turbine generator. (B-11)

Hydrogeologic Map - a map which carries data on fault zones, bedrock formation, and
surface and ground water. (B-4)

Idle and Abandoned

Land - any agricultural land not cultivated, tilled or developed to produce
any crop or devoted to any specific economic purpose
continuously for a period of three (3) years immediately prior to
the receipt of notice of acquisition by the government as provided
under the Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Program. (D-11)

Idle Government Lands - non-agricultural lands in urban and urbanizable areas on which
no improvement has been made by the government, including
patrimonial properties; public properties; and properties foreclosed
by the government financing institutions and government-owned
and controlled corporations, as certified by the provincial or city or
municipal assessor, in cases within Metro Manila. (C-12)

Idle Government Lands - refer to non-agricultural lands in urban and urbanizable areas on
which no improvement has been made by the government,
including: patrimonial properties of the state; public properties;
and properties foreclosed by government financing institutions,
government owned and controlled corporations, as certified by the
city, municipal or provincial assessor. (C-23)

Idle Lands - agricultural lands in urban and urbanizable areas on which no
improvements have been made by the owner, as certified by the
city, municipal or provincial assessor. (C-5, C-23))

- lands not devoted to any crop or to any definite economic

purpose for at least one year prior to the notice of expropriation
except for reasons other than force majeure or any other fortuitous
event but used to be devoted directly to any crop and does not
include land devoted permanently or regularly to other essential
and more productive purpose. (D-8)

- non-agricultural lands in urban and urbanizable areas on which

no improvements has been made by the owner, as certified by the
provincial and city assessor or municipal assessor, in cases within
Metro Manila. (C-13)

Impact Area or Zone - areas which are most likely to be directly or indirectly affected by
the proposed project or undertaking. It comprises of the direct or
primary impact area and the secondary impact area. The regional
impact zone is also determined in general. Impact Areas or zones
are determined on the map based on the project and knowledge
of the biophysical and social environment of the project. (E-15)

Impact Area or Zone,

Direct - areas where the project facilities or infrastructures will be located
or traversed such as buildings or structures, irrigation, drainage
and other utility areas, quarry sites, access roads and others to be
set up during the construction and operation phases. The zone or
area could include, among others, the following:

a. areas where there will be displacement of settlements or


b. areas directly vulnerable to potential flooding or inundation that

may be caused by the project;

c. areas along main tributary downstream of the river system that

will be the receiver of waste discharges;

d. areas where there will be disturbance of habitat of endangered


e. catchment area of river systems or watershed; and

f. ancestral domain of indigenous communities that may be

affected by the project.

Impact Area or Zone,
Secondary - the influence area of the project that could be indirectly affected
by the proposed development. This could include areas in the
vicinity of the direct impact zone. Examples of these may include
the following: (E-15)

a. communities or settlements outside the direct impact area

which can also be benefited by the employment opportunities
created by the project;

b. sub-tributaries of the river system which can be indirectly

affected by pollution; and

c. areas where water sources will be indirectly affected by

drawdown in the direct impact area.

Impact Zone, Regional - the general area where the impact of the project would be felt,
such as the entire municipality, province or region. They can be
generally identified and described without necessarily delineating
them on the map. (E-15)

Implementation – one of the four (4) dimensions in the administration of any

development program which consists of translating the plan to
action in accordance with the standards set from the top, the
provision of operating and supporting personnel and stimulation of
citizen participation in the program. Implementing a development
program is a responsibility at the local level. (H-2)

Important Cultural
Properties - cultural properties which have been singled out from among the
innumerable cultural properties as having exceptional historical
and cultural significance to the Philippines, but are not sufficiently
outstanding to merit the classification of "National Cultural
Treasures." (B-18)

All restorations, reconstructions and preservations of government

historical buildings, shrines, landmarks, monuments and sites,
which have been designated as "National Cultural Treasures", and
"important cultural properties" shall only be undertaken with the
written permission of the Director of the National Museum who
shall designate the supervision of the same.

Improvements - all types of buildings and residential units, walls, fences,

structures or constructions of all kinds of a fixed character or
which are adhered to the soil but shall not include trees, plants,
and growing fruits, and other fixtures that are mere
superimpositions on the land, and the value of improvements shall
not be less than fifty percent (50%) of the assessed value of the
property. (C-23)

Improvised House
(Barong-barong) - a makeshift or roughly constructed house usually built with
salvaged materials. (C-23)

Imputed Rent - the estimated amount that the owner of a dwelling unit would
charge if he were to rent his entire dwelling unit monthly
unfurnished and excluding the costs for utilities. The rental value
is based on the prevailing rate in the locality.

Imputed rent of rent-free house and lot and of free housing

provided to employees are included.

Incinerator - a disposal method wherein combustible refuse are burned or


Incombustible Material - when referred to as structural material, means, brick, stone,

terracotta, concrete, iron, steel, sheet metal, or tiles, used singly
or in combination. (B-21)

Incombustible Roofing - a covering of not less than two thickness of roofing felt and a
good coat of tar and gravel or tin, corrugated iron or other
approved fire-resisting material with standing seam on lap joint.

Income - all revenues and receipts collected or received forming the gross
accretions of funds of the local government unit (A-2)

Income Decile - ranking of the weighted total family income of all sample families
in that area from lowest to highest, and then dividing these into ten
groups. The first ten percent of all sample households (those with
the lowest income) is called the first decile; the second ten percent
second decile and so on. (C-1)

Income, Primary - includes salaries and wages, commissions, tips, bonuses, family
and clothing allowance, transportation and representation
allowances, honoraria, and other forms of compensation and net
receipts/profits derived from the operation of family-operated
enterprises/activities and the practice of a profession or trade. (C-

Income, Total Family - includes family income and receipts from other sources received
by all family members during the calendar year as participants in
any economic activity or as recipients of transfers, pensions,
grants, etc. (C-1)

Receipts from other sources include imputed rental value of owner
occupied dwelling units, interest, rentals including landowner's
share of agricultural products, pensions, support and the value of
food and non-food items received as gifts by the family as well as
the imputed value of services rendered free of charge to the

Also included as part of family income are receipts from family

sustenance activities which are not considered as family-operated

Independent Component
Cities - those component cities whose charter prohibits their voting for
provincial elective officials. Independent component cities shall be
independent of the province (RA 7160). (G-7)

Indeterminate Species - plant or animal species which are apparently endangered but
where insufficient data are currently available for a reliable
assessment. (E-15)

Indigenous Cultural
Communities - a group or tribe of indigenous Filipinos who have continuously
lived as communities on communally-bounded and defined land
since time immemorial and have succeeded in preserving,
maintaining and sharing common bonds or languages, customs,
traditions and other distinctive cultural traits, and as may be
defined and delineated by law. (E-2)

- Filipino citizens residing in the Autonomous Region who are: 1)

tribal peoples whose social, cultural, and economic conditions
distinguish them from other sectors of the national community and
whose status is regulated wholly or partially by their own customs
or traditions or by special laws or regulations; 2) Bangsa Moro
people regarded as indigenous on account of their descent from
the populations that inhabited the country or a distinct
geographical area at the time of conquest or colonization and
who, irrespective of their legal status, retain some or all of their
own socioeconomic, cultural and political institutions. (G-1)

- the minority groups as defined by the United Nations Sub-

commission on Preservation and Protection of Minorities, those
non-dominant groups in a population which possesses and wish to
preserve stable ethnic, religious or linguistic traditions or
characteristics markedly different from those of the rest of the
population. As strictly applied to the Philippines, it refers to those
who are somewhat outside the orbit of the Hispanic Christian
culture which has characterized the majority of the inhabitants of
the Philippines. (A-1)

Inducing Growth in the
Rural Areas – a strategy to implement the Philippine Sustainable Strategy for
Development (PSSD) where the economic, social and political
potentials of the countryside are harnessed to alleviate poverty
and uplift the conditions of the rural poor. A rural development
strategy which is characterized by the following elements must
therefore be effected: (F-5)

a. empowerment of the rural poor through greater participation in

policy-making processes and project implementation;

b. accelerated implementation of land reform to achieve equity in

the distribution of wealth and boost producer incentives;

c. grant of equitable access for the rural poor to natural resource

use and benefits;

d. removal of economic policy and public investment biases

against the rural sector;

e. provision of infrastructure and support services to increase

rural productivity and expand markets;

f. establishment and reinforcement of “growth centers” to serve

as base for industrial and commercial activities that can
provide alternative livelihood and increased economic
opportunities for the rural poor; and

g. strengthening of social services such as education, health and


Industrial Building - a building used for processing, assembling, fabricating,

manufacturing or packaging operations such as factory or a plant.

Industrial Dispersal – the encouragement given to manufacturing enterprises to

establish their plants in rural areas. Such firms normally use
agricultural raw materials either in their primary or intermediate
state. (D-12)

Industrial Estate - a tract of land subdivided and developed according to a

comprehensive plan under a unified continuous management and
with provisions for basic infrastructure and utilities, with or without
pre-built standard factory buildings and community facilities for the
use of community of industries. (B-16)

Industrial Land - land devoted principally to industrial activity as capital investment

and is not classified as agricultural, commercial, timber, mineral or
residential land. (B-16)

Industrial Plantation Lease - a lease for the occupancy and use of a portion of the public
forest for the purpose of growing commercial timber on denuded
or deteriorated forest lands, executed by and between the
Secretary of the Department Agriculture on behalf of the Republic
of the Philippines and the grantee, as recommended by the
Director of the Forest Management Bureau. (D-16)

Industrial Tree Plantation – any tract of forest land purposely and extensively planted to
timber crops primarily to supply the raw materials requirements of
existing and proposed processing plants and related industries.

Industrial Waste - any liquid, gseous or solid matter, or other waste substance or a
combination thereof resulting from any process of industry,
manufacturing, trade or business or from the development,
processing or recovery of any natural resources which may cause
or tend to cause pollution, or contribute to the pollution of water,
air and land resources of the Philippines. (E-15)

Industrial Zone, Light (I-1) - a subdivision of an area principally for the following type of
industries: non-pollutive/ non-hazardous; and non-pollutive/
hazardous. Enumerated below are the allowable uses in I-1
zones: (G-7)

a. Non-pollutive/non-hazardous industries:

 Drying fish
 Biscuit factory – manufacture of biscuits, cookies, crackers
and other similar dried bakery products, doughnut and
hopia factory and other bakery products not elsewhere
 Manufacture of macaroni, spaghetti and vermicelli and
other noodles
 Life belts factory
 Manufacture of luggage, handbags, wallets and small
leather goods, and shoes, slippers, and footwear parts
except rubber, plastic and wood
 Manufacture of miscellaneous products of leather and
leather substitute not elsewhere classified
 Printing, publishing and allied industries and those not
elsewhere classified
 Manufacture or assembly of typewriters, cash registers,
weighing, duplicating and accounting machines, electronic
data processing machinery and accessories,
miscellaneous office machines and those not elsewhere
 Renovation and repair of office machinery
 Manufacture of rowboats, bancas, sailboats, animal-drawn
vehicles, children vehicles and baby carriages

 Manufacture of laboratory and scientific instruments,
barometers, chemical balance, etc., measuring and
controlling equipment, plumb bomb, rain gauge, taximeter,
thermometer, etc.
 Manufacture or assembly of surgical, medical, dental
equipment and medical furniture, medical/surgical
supplies: adhesive tapes, antiseptic dressing, sanitary
napkins, surgical gauge
 Quick freezing and cold packaging for fish and other
seafoods, fruits and vegetables
 Popcorn/rice factory
 Manufacture of photographic equipment and accessories,
optical instruments, eyeglasses and spectacles, and
optical lenses
 Manufacture of watches and clocks
 Manufacture of pianos, musical instruments, wind and
percussion instruments, electronic organs
 Manufacture of sporting gloves and mitts, sporting balls
(not of rubber and plastic), gym and playground
equipment, sporting tables (billiards, ping pong, pool), and
other sporting and athletic goods not elsewhere classified
 Manufacture of toys and dolls, except rubber and mold
 Manufacture of pens, pencils and other office and artist
materials; umbrellas and canes; buttons, except plastic;
brooms, brushes and fans; needles, pins, fasteners and
 Manufacture of insignia, badges and similar emblems
(except metal); signs and advertising displays (except
 Small-scale manufacture of ice cream

b. Non-pollutive/hazardous industries

 Manufacture of house furnishings, fiber butting, padding

and upholstery filling except coir; miscellaneous furniture
and fixture except primarily of metals and those not
elsewhere classified
 Textile bag/ jute bag factories; canvass bags and other
canvass products factory
 Manufacture of miscellaneous textile goods, embroideries
and weaving apparel
 Men’s/boy’s/ women’s and girls’ garments factory;
manufacture of hats, gloves, handkerchief, neckwear and
related clothing accessories; raincoats and waterproof
outer garments except jackets, miscellaneous wearing
apparel except footwear and those not elsewhere
 Manufacture of miscellaneous fabricated mill work and
those not elsewhere classified
 Manufacture of wooden and cane containers, bamboo,
rattan and other cane baskets and wares; miscellaneous
wooden products and those not elsewhere classified;
wooden shoes, shoe lace and other similar products
 Sawali, nipa and split cane factory
 Manufacture of cork products
 Manufacture of paper stationery, envelopes and related
 Manufacture of dry ice
 Repacking of industrial products, e.g., paints, varnishes
and other related products

Industrial Zone,
Medium (I-2) – an area within a city or municipality principally for pollutive/non-
hazardous and pollutive/hazardous industries. (G-7)

Enumerated below are the allowable uses in I-2:

a. Pollutive/non-hazardous industries

 Manufacture and canning of ham, bacon and native

 Poultry processing and canning
 Large-scale manufacture of ice cream
 Corn/rice mill
 Chocolate, cocoa, chewing gum, peanuts and other nuts,
and candy factories
 Manufacture of flavoring extracts, chocolate and
confectionery products, food products not elsewhere
classified (e.g., vinegar, vetsin)
 Manufacture of fish meal
 Oyster grading
 Manufacture of medicinal and pharmaceutical
preparations, abrasive products

Industrialization - the process by which the economy is transformed from one that
is predominantly agricultural to one that is dominantly industrial
and service oriented. The process requires a dynamic inter-
relationship among agriculture, industry and services. In the early
stages of development, agriculture provides the impetus and push
for industry and services through the market that it creates, the
labor that it absorbs, and the income that it generates, which is
channeled to the industry and services. As development
continues, with agriculture still an important sector, industry and
services begin to generate income and markets, and
concomitantly increase their share to total income. (D-15)

Industry - a subsector of the Economic Sector that refers to industries
which are classified according to capitalization, pollution/hazard
potential and employment size. However, in area allocation, the
pollution/hazard potential is considered. (F-4)

- refers to the nature or character of the business or enterprise or

the place wherein the person works, in relation to the usual
occupation reported. (C-2)

Infant Mortality Ratio - the number of deaths to infants under one (1) year per one
thousand (1,000) livebirths in a given year, or it is the risk of a
child dying before reaching his first birthday or during infancy. (C-

It is computed as the ratio of the number of infant deaths to the

total number of livebirths in a year, multiplied by one thousand
(1,000) for any given area.

Inflation - a condition of steadily rising prices resulting in the diminishing

purchasing power of a given nominal sum of money. (D-15)

Infrastructure - a functional category of broad land uses which comprises all

major infrastructures and public utilities. It includes roads and
highways, ports and harbors, communication infrastructures,
power plants, and related infrastructures. (E-18)

Infrastructure Fund – local government fund established under Presidential Decree

No. 477 which is exclusively for the following:

a. Repair, maintenance, improvement and construction of roads,

bridges, and highways. However, in applying this fund to such
uses, adequate provision shall be made for the maintenance
of existing, unabandoned roads and bridges before new
construction is undertaken.

b. The provision and maintenance of wharves, piers and docks,

in accordance with plans and specifications furnished by the
proper national office, and for removing obstructions to

c. For subsidizing of for acquiring. Operating, and maintaining

means of water transportation within the province or city, or
between the province or city and neighboring provinces and
cities or islands or to dredge rivers and provide facilities for
communication and transportation by river, as well as for
establishing operating telephone systems.

d. The construction, improvement, maintenance and repair of

plazas, parks, monuments and playgrounds; street lighting,
artesian wells, irrigation systems, flood control systems,

sewerage and drainage systems, and other permanent

e. The acquisition of lands and buildings for public use.

Infrastructure Map - a chart of the location, distribution, volume and type of

infrastructure, utilities within the planning area. Most common
infrastructure maps are the following: 1) Transportation Map –
indicates data on circulation system within the planning area.
These include bridges, roads, airports and navigable railways,
ports, harbors, water bodies); 2) Utilities/Facilities Map –
indicates the different facilities/utilities within the planning areas,
i.e., power supply, waterworks, telecommunications,
drainage/sewerage, schools/public libraries, hospitals, etc; 3)
Irrigation Map – reflects the area coverage, type and location of
the existing irrigation systems; 4) Special Projects Map – reflects
the different infrastructure projects planned to be undertaken
within the study areas such as dams, flood control projects, etc.

Infrastructure Plan - a component of the Plan which focuses on the transportation

network, and the public utility systems such as water supply,
power, communication and other infrastructure facilities such as
flood control, irrigation system, etc. that are required to realize the
socioeconomic development goals of the city/municipality. (F-4)

Initial Environmental
Examination - the document required of proponents describing the
environmental impact of, and mitigation and enhancement
measures for, projects or undertakings located in an
Environmentally Critical Area. The IEE shall replace the Project
Description required under DAO 21, series of 1992. (E-15)

Subject to the EIS Procedural Manual, an IEE shall at least

contain the following basic items:

 A brief of the environmental setting and receiving environment,

including the primary and secondary impact areas;
 A brief description of the project or undertaking and its process
of operation;
 A brief description of the environmental impact of the project or
undertaking, including its socioeconomic impact;
 A matrix of mitigation and enhancement measures;
 A documentation of the consultative process undertaken,
when appropriate;
 A brief discussion of indigenous peoples' concerns and
possible socioeconomic, political and cultural impacts of the
proposed projects or undertaking on such people for projects
or undertakings located in ancestral lands or domains, as

defined under DAO No. 2, series of 1993, or subsequently by
law, of indigenous communities;
 A brief discussion of gender issues for projects or
undertakings with significant impact on women;
 A brief discussion on the relationship among population,
development and the environment for projects or undertakings
with significant impact on population; and
 Accountability Statements of the preparer and the proponent.

Inland Fishery – the freshwater fishery and brackishwater fishponds. (D-13)

Inland Water - an interior body of water or watercourse suck as lakes,

reservoirs, rivers, streams, creeks, etc. that has beneficial usage
other than public water supply or primary contact recreation. Tidal
affected rivers or streams are considered inland waters for
purposes of effluent regulations. (E-17)

In-migration Rate - a stream of people moving into an area in a given year per 100
or 1,000 mid-year population. (C-3)

Innovative Design - introduction and/or application of new/creative designs and

techniques in development projects, e.g., Planned Unit
Development (PUD), new Town, etc. (G-7)

Institutional Living
Quarters - intended mainly as living quarters of institutional population: a)
permanent structures which provide lodging and/or meals for a fee
such as hotel, boarding house, dormitory; b) buildings intended for
persons confined to receive medical, charitable or other
care/treatment such as hospitals and orphanages, for persons
detained such as jails and penal colonies, and other buildings like
convents, school dormitories, etc.; c) camps which are defines
sets of premises intended for the temporary accommodation of
persons with common activities or interests like military camps,
and other camps established as housing areas for workers in
mining, agriculture, public works or other enterprises. (C-2)

Institutional Viability - a principle of sustainable development which means that

institutional structures should promote joint responsibility, unity
and partnership among all, because sustainable development is
everyone’s concern. (E-24)

Insurance - a type of business which includes insurance carriers, agents,

brokers and services of all kinds, life and non-life such as fire,
marine, accident, educational and health title, financial obligation,
casualty, fidelity and surety, insurance agents and brokers,
organization serving insurance carriers, consultants for policy
holders, adjusting agencies, independently organized pension
(supraannuation) funds; belong to this classification. (D-7)

Integrated Pest
Management - a pest management system which utilizes all suitable methods
and techniques in as compatible a manner as possible to maintain
the pest population at a level below that causing economically
unacceptable damage or loss without endangering the
environment. (D-10)

Integrated Social
Forestry - a program which involves the provision of land tenure through
the issuance of stewardship certificates, community organizing,
technical assistance to improve productivity and enhance long-
term sustainability of the area, training of participants, provision of
infrastructure support and credit assistance and information drive.
It essentially embodies the required elements under the
Countryside Agro-Industrial Development Strategy (CAIDS)
except for the agro-processing component. In this regard, the
Integrated Social forestry can be developed as agro-industrial
areas by providing the said component. (D-7)

Integration of
Consideration in
Decision-Making – a strategy to implement the Philippine Sustainable Strategy for
Development (PSSD) where economic and environmental
concerns are addressed simultaneously in the planning/decision-
making process. This is a deliberate shift from the conventional
practice characterized as predominantly single sector planning
process. (F-5)

This means that the process of development should be viewed

from the outset as a multipurpose undertaking that includes an
explicit and defined concern for the quality of environment.

Interest Subsidy - the component of the Abot-Kaya Pabahay Fund that

subsidizes/answers for the differential in market interest rates and
the mortgage yields inclusive of all incidental costs, service
charges, fees and taxes in the issuance/sale by the NHMFC of its
bonds, securities, notes, debentures and other conveyances and
financial instruments. (C-7)

Internal Migration - internal movement of population between different areas within a

country. (C-3)

Interpolation Technique - a method of reclassifying the National Statistics Office (NSO)

population groupings into the desired school-going age population
group where it is assumed that each of the individual age in the
age bracket contributes equally to the total population of that
specific age bracket. (C-23)

Investment Programming – one of the three major elements of the planning-programming-
budgeting and implementation cycle. The output of the
investment programming process consists of the following: (G-5)

a. a prioritized list of costing of capital investment projects that

could be funded over a given time;

b. the year for the proposed project to start and completed, and
the amount or cost to be spent each year; and

c. the analysis and projection of local funds likely to become

available for capital expenditures over the period.

Irrigable Lands – lands which display marked characteristics justifying the

operations of an irrigation system. (D-12)

Irrigated Lands – lands serviced by natural irrigation or irrigation facilities. These

include lands where water is not readily available as existing
irrigation facilities need rehabilitation or upgrading or where
irrigation water is not available year-round. (D-12)

– agricultural lands which are supported by irrigation services. (D-


Irrigation System – a system of irrigation facilities covering contiguous areas. (D-


Isobath - an imaginary line or line on a map or chart that connects all

points having the same depth below a water surface, as of an
ocean, sea or lake. (E-20)

Joint Venture - a commitment or agreement by two (2) or more persons to carry
out a specific or single business enterprise for their mutual benefit,
for which purpose they combine their funds, land resources,
facilities and services. (C-5)

- the commitment, for more than a limited duration, of funds, land

resources, facilities and services by two or more legally separate
interests, to an enterprise for their mutual benefit. (F-1)

Kaingin - a portion of the forest land, whether occupied or not, which is

subjected to shifting and/or permanent slash-and-burn cultivation
and with little or no provision to prevent soil erosion. (B-8, (E-7)

Labor Force or
Economically Active

Lake – an inland body of water, an expanded part of a river, a reservoir

formed by a dam, or a lake basin intermittently or formerly covered
by water. (D-13)

Land Assembly or
Consolidation - the acquisition of lots of varying ownership through purchase or
expropriation for the purpose of planned and rational development
and socialized housing programs without individual property
boundary restrictions. (C-5, C-13)

- the acquisition of lots of varying ownership through, among

others, expropriation or negotiated purchases, for the purpose of
planning and development unrestricted by individual property
boundaries. (F-1)

Land Banking - the acquisition of land at values based on existing use in

advance of actual need to promote planned development and
socialized housing programs. (C-5, C-13)

- the acquisition of land in advance of actual need for the purpose

of acquiring lands at existing use value and disposing of them in a
manner which would influence land price formation and promote
planned development. (F-1)

- the acquisition of land at values based on existing use in

advance of actual need to promote land development and
socialized housing programs. (C-7)

Land Capability
Classification Map - a map that indicates the suitability of areas for cultivation
according to soil conservation management requirements. (B-4)

Land Classification - the assessment of unclassified lands under the public domain
which includes surveying, classifying, studying and mapping areas
into agricultural, forest or timber, mineral and national parks. (B-5)
Land Classification Map - a map that shows the various land classifications as determined
by the Forest Management Bureau. (B-4)

Land Consolidation - see Land Assembly

Land Consolidation – see Land Assembly

Land Development
Accounting - a land development accounting system for Urban Zones and
designated Bagong Lipunan Sites, which shall constitute a record
of market transactions and revenues related to government land
acquisition, development and management activities. (F-1)

Land Exchange - the process of bartering land for another piece of land and/or
shares of stocks of equal value in a government or quasi-
government corporation. (F-1)

Land Management - the right of the State to classify, guide and regulate the
acquisition, use and disposition of land in the interest of public
welfare. (F-2)

Land Management
Unit Map - a land resource inventory map. It describes the shape of the
land in terms of relief, not slope. (B-4)

Land Reclassification - the subsequent classification, allocation and disposition of lands

of the public domain, classified as alienable and disposable into
specific uses. (B-5)

Land Reform - sites, activities or developments which have for their objective
the equitable division or distribution of landed property, or for
subdividing large properties and increasing the number of
landholders. (B-1)

Land Resource
Management - the formulation of policies and programs relating to the general
use of land, the preparation of land use plans reflecting these
policies and programs, the coordination of efforts relating to land
resources among government agencies and between various
levels of government, and the administration of programs and
implementation of mechanisms in support of these policies. (A-3)

Land Security - a thrust of forestland use planning which implies a guarantee for
those who invest/sacrifice today, that they will get the benefits of
that investment tomorrow. (E-21)

Land Sub-classification - the act of determining and assigning the uses of classified public
lands. (B-5)

Land Suitability Map - is a classification of land categories (usually 5 classes) based on
the degree to which the characteristics of the land can satisfy the
environmental requirements of specific crops, without
deterioration. (B-4)

Land Swapping - the process of land acquisition by exchanging land for another
piece of land of equal value, or for shares of stocks in a
government or quasi-government corporation whose book value is
of equal value to the land being exchanged, for the purpose of
planned and rational development and provision for socialized
housing where land values are determined based on land
classification, market value and assessed value taken from
existing tax declarations: provided that more valuable lands
owned by private persons may be exchanged with less valuable
lands to carry out the objectives of RA 7279. (C-5)

Land Tenancy in Urban

Land Reform Areas - legitimate tenants shall not be dispossessed of the land and shall
be allowed the right of first refusal to purchase the same within a
reasonable time and a reasonable price, under terms and
conditions to be determined by the Urban Zone Expropriation and
Land Management Committee created by Section 8 of PD 1517.

Land Use – the manner of utilizing the land, including its allocation,
development and management. (D-12)

Land Use Conversion - the act of putting a piece or parcel of land into a type of use other
than that for which it is currently being utilized. (B-5)

Land Use Map - a map that supplies information on the spatial dimension of the
different land uses in a given area. It may also reflect planned
distribution or allocation of land uses. (B-4)

- map which supplies information of the spatial dimension of the

different land uses in a given area. It may also reflect planned
distribution or allocation of land uses (B-4)

Land Use Map,

General - reflects the distribution of land uses covering the entire city or
municipality. (B-4)

Land Use Map, Urban - reflects the detailed distribution of land uses within the identified
urban zone. (B-4)

Land Use Opportunity
Map - a map that shows the agricultural lands under active use, the
potential expansion areas for agriculture, the rehabilitation areas
which are typified by degraded and eroded watersheds, the
preservation areas which are mostly canopy forest areas and
other forest lands that should permanently be retained under
forest use, and the built-up areas. (E-19)

Land Use Plan - a component of the comprehensive land use plan which
describes how land shall be put to use in the next five years. (A-5)

- the rational approach of allocating available land resources as

equitably as possible among competing use groups and for
different functions consistent with the development plan of the
area and the Program under RA 7279. (C-5)

- a document embodying a set of policies accompanied by maps

and similar illustrations, which represent the community-desired
pattern of population distribution and a proposal for the future
allocation of land to the various land-using activities, in
accordance with the social and economic objectives of the people.
It identifies the location, character and extent of the area’s land
resources to be used for different purposes and includes the
process and the criteria employed in the determination of the land
use. (D-12)

Land Use Plan,

General - reflects the planned distribution of land uses of the entire
municipality or city. (B-4)

Land Use Plan, Urban - indicates the planned distribution of urban land uses.
Differentiation of land uses based on intensity of uses for
residential, commercial, and industrial areas may also be
indicated. (B-4)

Land Use Planning – the act of defining the allocation, utilization, development and
management of all lands within a given territory or jurisdiction
according to the inherent qualities of the land itself and supportive
of sustainable, economic, demographic, socio-cultural and
environmental objectives as an aid to decision-making and
legislation. (D-12)

- a political act of crafting public policy whereby the state regulates

the "acquisition, ownership, use and disposition of property" to
promote the common good or general welfare (Art. XIII, Sec. 1,
Philippine Constitution of 1987). (E-18)

- the rational and judicious development, utilization of and
resources in a sustainable manner (B-3)

Land Use Sector - discusses the significance of the land use plan which serves as
an integrating element of all the sectors and subsectors, since it
gives the spatial dimension to said sectors and basis for
development to guide future investments. (F-4)

Land Values Map - a map that indicates relative prices and value of land in a given
municipality. The map shows the boundaries of all real properties
and area of each for appropriate valuation. (B-4)

Lands of the Public

Domain – lands which fall under any of the following: agricultural, forest or
timber, mineral lands, and national parks. (A-1)

League of Cities – an organization of cities, created for the primary purpose of

ventilating, articulating and crystallizing issues affecting city
government administration and securing, through proper and legal
means, solutions thereto. (A-2)

The league may form chapters at the provincial level for the
component cities of a province. Highly-urbanized cities may also
form a chapter of the League. The National League shall be
composed of the presidents of the league of highly-urbanized
cities and the presidents of the provincial chapters of the league of
component cities.

League of Municipalities – an organization of all municipalities created for the primary

purpose of ventilating, articulating and crystallizing issues
affecting municipal government administration and securing,
through proper and legal means, solutions thereto. (A-2)

The league shall form provincial chapters composed of the league

presidents for all component municipalities of the province.

League of Provinces – an association of all provinces, created for the primary purpose
of ventilating, articulating and crystallizing issues affecting
provincial and metropolitan political subdivision government
administration and securing, through proper and legal means,
solutions thereto. For this purpose, the Metropolitan Manila Area
and any metropolitan political subdivision shall be considered as
separate provincial units of the league. (A-2)

Lease - a privilege granted by the State to a person to occupy or

possess, in consideration of a specified rental, any forest land of
the public domain in order to undertake any authorized activity
therein. (E-7)

Legitimate Tenants - persons who have resided on the land for ten (10) years or more,
who have built their homes on the land, and residents who have
legally occupied the lands by contract continuously for the last ten
years. (F-1)

Legitimization a process which involves public hearing and adoption by the

Sangguniang Bayan which the plan must go through before it can
be implemented. (E-18)

Lending Window - duly accredited financial institutions which grants loans to

individual homebuyers in accordance with the Unified Home
Lending Program (UHLP)guidelines. (C-18)

Less Developed Areas - those geographic areas included in the list prepared by the
Board of Investments after consultation with the National
Economic and Development Authority and other appropriate
government agencies, taking into consideration the following
criteria: low per capita domestic product; lowl evel of
investments; high rate of unemployment and/ or
underemployment; and level of infrastructure development
including its accessibility to developed urban centers. (D-5)

Lessee - the person renting a residential unit. (C-9)

Lessee - the person renting a residential unit. (C-9)

Lessor/Owner - the owner or administrators or agents of the owner of the

residential unit. (C-9)

Liga ng mga Barangay – an organization of all barangays, created for the primary
purpose of determining representation of the liga in the
sanggunians and for ventilating, articulating and crystallizing
issues affecting barangay government administration and
securing, through proper and legal means, solutions thereto. (A-2)

The liga shall have chapters at the municipal, city, provincial and
metropolitan political subdivision levels.

The municipal and city chapters of the liga shall be composed of

the barangay representatives of the municipal and city barangays,
respectively. The duly elected presidents of component municipal
and city chapters shall constitute the provincial chapter or the
metropolitan political subdivision chapter. The duly elected
presidents of highly urbanized cities, provincial chapters, the
Metropolitan Manila chapter and metropolitan political subdivision
chapters shall constitute the National Liga ng mga Barangay.

Light Industrial Zone

(I-1) - a subdivision of an area principally for the following types of
industries: non-pollutive/ non-hazardous, and non-pollutive/
hazardous. (G-7)
Limited Access – a fishery policy by which a system of equitable resource use and
allocation is established by law through fishery rights granting and
licensing procedure as provided by RA 8550. (D-13)

Limited Access Highway - a traffic way in respect to which owners or occupants of abutting
property or land and other person have no legal right to access to
or from the same, except at such point only in such a manner that
may be determined by the public authority having jurisdiction over
such traffic way. (B-13)

Limited Access Highway – a traffic way in respect to which owners or occupants of

abutting property or land and other persons have no legal right of
access to or from the same, except at such point only and in such
a manner that may be determined by the public authority having
jurisdiction over such traffic way. (B-13)

Lineal Growth Rate of

Population (see Mathematical Method of Population Projection)

Linkage - the strategy of pooling resources and working together to

achieve a common goal; the complementary states of an
economic process. (D-15)

Liquidity Support - the component of the Abot-Kaya Pabahay Fund which is intended
to support mortgage trading operations of NHMFC, other than
interest subsidy, including but not limited to pre-termination,
liquidity enhancement of the mortgage pool securitizations and
other assets, as well as for the temporary liquidity requirements
during the period of redemption of bonds and other issuances, and
re-issuance backed by the same pool of mortgages, securitization
and other assets. (C-7)

Literacy - the ability to read and write a simple message. A person is

literate when he/she can both read and write a simple message in
any language or dialect. (C-2, C-3)

Literacy Rate - the percentage of the population who have completed at least a
year in elementary education to the population seven years old
and over. (C-3)

- the ability to read and write a simple message. A person is

literate when he can both read and write a simple message in any
language or dialect. A person is considered as illiterate if he can
only read and write numbers or his own name or if a person can
read but not write. (C-23)

Livelihood Enhancement
for Agricultural
(LEAD) - a program under the Countryside Agro-Industrial Development
Strategy (CAIDS) which provides assistance to farming and
fishing communities in the development and implementation of
rural-based projects/industries. The program involves the
participation of farmers'/fishermen's organizations, non-
government organizations and agri-business entrepreneurs in
partnerships with farmers' organization/cooperatives. (D-7)

The mechanism for program implementation defines the areas for

collaboration between the government and the private sector.

Living Unit - a dwelling, or portion thereof, providing complete living facilities

for one family, including provisions for living, sleeping, cooking,
eating, bathing and toilet facilities and laundry facilities, the same
as a single family-dwelling. (B-17)

Loan and Mortgage

Agreement - a contract between the lending window and the borrower
covering the grant of loan, indicating therein the terms of the loan
and the responsibilities of the contracting parties. (C-18)

Loan Carrying Capacity - this may be assumed to be equivalent to any of the following: (C-

a. present percentage of income spent for housing

b. potential percentage of income available for housing
c. national affordability level
d. maximum loanable amount under the Unified Home Lending
Program Affordable Housing Loan

Loan Origination
Agreement - a contract between the lending window and the loan originator
specifying the terms and conditions governing their working
relationship. (C-18)

Loan Originator an institution/ entity engaged in the business of processing,

packaging and documentation of housing loan applications/
mortgages of borrowers indorsing the same to the lending window
for approval/take-out. (C-18)

Local Technical
Committee – a committee created in every province, city and municipality to
provide technical assistance to the local pre-qualification, bids and
awards committee. It shall be composed of a chairman, the
provincial, city or municipal engineer, the local planning and
development coordinator, and such other officials designated by
the local pre-qualification, bids and awards committee. (A-2)

Local Development
Council – a body established in each local government unit to assist the
corresponding sanggunian in setting the direction of economic and
social development, and in coordinating development efforts
within its territorial jurisdiction. Specifically, the provincial,
municipal and city development councils shall perform the
following functions: (A-2)

a. Formulate long-term, medium-term and annual socioeconomic

development plans and policies;

b. Formulate the medium-term and annual public investment


c. Appraise and prioritize socioeconomic development programs

and projects;

d. Formulate local investment incentives to promote the inflow

and direction of private investment capital;

e. Coordinate, monitor, and evaluate the implementation of

development programs and projects; and

f. Perform such other functions as may be provided by law or

competent authority.

The provincial development council shall be headed by the

governor and shall be composed of the following members:

a. All mayors of component cities and municipalities;

b. The chairman of the committee on appropriations of the

sangguniang panlalawigan;

c. The congressman or his representative; and

d. Representatives of non-governmental organizations operating

in the province, who shall constitute not less than one-fourth
(1/4) of the members of the fully organized council.

The city or municipal development council shall be headed by the
mayor and shall be composed of the following members:

a. All punong barangays in the city or municipality;

b. The chairman of the committee on appropriations of the

sangguniang panlungsod or sangguniang bayan concerned;

c. The congressman or his representative; and

d. Representatives of non-governmental organizations operating

in the city or municipality, as the case may be, who shall
constitute not less than one-fourth (1/4) of the members of the
fully organized council.

The barangay development council shall exercise the following


a. Mobilize people’s participation in local development efforts;

b. Prepare barangay development plans based on local


c. Monitor and evaluate the implementation of national or local

programs and projects; and

d. Perform such other functions as may be provided by law or

competent authority.

The barangay development council shall be headed by the

punong barangay and shall be composed of the following

a. Members of the sangguniang barangay;

b. Representatives of non-governmental organizations operating

in the barangay, who shall constitute not less than one-fourth
(1/4) of the members of the fully organized councils; and

c. A representative of the congressman.

Local Development
Council, Executive
Committee – a committee to represent the local development council and act
in its behalf when it is not in session. It shall exercise the
following powers and functions: (A-2)

a. Ensure that the decision of the council are faithfully carried out
and implemented;

b. Act on matters requiring immediate action or action by the

c. Formulate policies, plans and programs based on the general

principles laid down by the council; and

d. Act on other matters that may be authorized by the council.

The executive committee of the provincial development council

shall be composed of the governor as chairman, the
representatives of the component city and municipal mayors to be
chosen from among themselves, the chairman of the committee
on appropriations of the sangguniang panlalawigan, the president
of the provincial league of barangays, and a representative of non-
governmental organizations that are representative in the council,
as members.

The executive committee of the city or municipal development

council shall be composed of the mayor as chairman, the
chairman of the committee on appropriations of the sangguniang
panlalawigan, the president of the city or municipal league of
barangays, and a representative of non-governmental
organizations that are represented in the council, as members.

The executive committee of the barangay development council

shall be composed of the punong barangay as chairman, a
representative of the sangguniang barangay to be chosen from
among its members, and a representative of non-governmental
organizations that are represented in the council, as members.

Local Development
Council, Secretariat – a body constituted for each local development council which
shall be responsible for providing technical support,
documentation of proceedings, preparation of reports and such
other assistance as may be required in the discharge of its
functions. The local development council may avail of the
services of any non-governmental organization or educational or
research institution for this purpose. (A-2)

The secretariats of the provincial, city and municipal development

councils shall be headed by their respective planning and
development coordinators. The secretariat of the barangay
development council shall be headed by the barangay secretary
who shall be assisted by the city or municipal planning and
development coordinator concerned.

Local Development
Investment Program - a prioritized list of programs and projects requisite in the
achievement of the local government unit's development
objectives. (A-5)

Local Development
Investment Program
(LDIP) - a document that translates the Comprehensive Development
plan into programs and projects and selects those that will be
picked up by the municipal government for funding in the annual
general fund budget or through special fund generation schemes.

– a document that contains the identified programs and projects

that will have a long-term impact on the physical character of the
city or municipality (G-5)

Local Fund – a General Fund which shall be used to account for such monies
and resources as may be received by and disbursed from the
local treasury. The General Fund shall consist of monies and
resources of the local government which are available for the
payment of expenditures, obligations or purposes not specifically
declared by law as accruing and chargeable to, or payable from,
any other fund. (A-2)

Local Government
Bonds – bond floatations by local government units bearing the full
guarantee of the National Government, the payment of which the
full faith and credit of the borrowing local government units are
pledged. (H-2)

Local Government
Pabahay Program - a municipal finance program which aims to provide the local
government units with the necessary financial support and
assistance at affordable terms to fast-tract the development and
implementation of housing projects in their respective localities. A
maximum amount of Twenty Million Pesos (P 20M) per project
phase per site shall be available to the LGU at any one time. The
proceeds of the loan shall be used for any one or a combination of
the following purposes: (C-23)

a. acquisition and development of rawland or partially developed

land to serve as project site;
b. land development of a project site; and
c. construction of housing units on a fully developed project site.

The loan shall be paid over a maximum period of twenty-four

months from date of initial loan release.

Local Government Unit - the territorial and political subdivisions of the state which include
the cities and municipalities. (C-23)

– provinces, cities, municipalities and other political subdivisions

as may be created by law. (H-2)

Local Health Board – a body established in every province, city and municipality which
shall perform the following functions: (A-2)

a. To propose to the sanggunian concerned, in accordance with

standards and criteria set by the Department of Health (DOH),
annual budgetary allocations for the operation and
maintenance of health facilities and services within the
municipality, city or province, as the case may be;

b. To serve as an advisory committee to the sanngunian

concerned on health matters, such as, but not limited to, the
necessity for, and application of, local appropriations for public
health purposes; and

c. Consistent with the technical and administrative standards of

the DOH, create committees which shall advise local health
agencies on matters such as, but not limited to, personnel
selection and promotion, bids and awards, grievance and
complaints, personnel discipline, budget review, operations
review and similar functions.

The Provincial Health Board shall be headed by the Governor

as Chairman, the Provincial Health Officer as Vice Chairman,
and the Chairman of the Committee on Health of the
Sangguniang Panlalawigan, a representative from the private
sector or non-governmental organizations involved in health
services, and a representative of the DOH in the province as

The City/Municipal Health Board shall be headed by the

city/municipal mayor as Chairman, City/Municipal Health
Officer as Vice Chairman, Chairman of the Committee on
Health of the Sangguniang Panglunsod/Bayan, a
representative from the private sector or non-governmental
organization involved in health services, and a representative
of the DOH in the city/municipality, as members.

Local Housing - cost recoverable socialized housing projects to be implemented

by the NHA in selected urban and urbanizable areas in all
congressional districts, to ensure the equitable distribution of
housing benefits throughout the country. (C-7)

Local Initiative – the legal process by which the registered voters of a local
government unit may directly propose, enact, or amend any
ordinance. (A-2)
Local Levies – one of the two main sources of local revenues generated
through the imposition of the real property tax under Presidential
Decree No. 464 or the Real Property Tax Code, and other
impositions under Presidential Decree No. 231 or the Local Tax
Code. (H-3)

Local Planning Bodies - the existing offices or agencies or those which may be created in
the future which are lawfully entrusted with physical planning
functions in the local governments. (A-2)

Local Pre-qualification,
Bids and Awards
Committee (Local PBAC) – a body created in every province, city and municipality which
shall be primarily responsible for the conduct of pre-qualification of
contractors, bidding, evaluation of bids and the recommendation
of awards concerning local infrastructure projects. The governor
or the city or municipal mayor shall act as the chairman. (A-2)

Local Referendum – the legal process whereby the registered voters of the local
government units may approve, amend or reject any ordinance
enacted by the sanggunian. The local referendum shall be held
under the control and direction of the Commission on Elections
(Comelec) within sixty (60) days in case of provinces and cities
and forty-five (45) days in the case of municipalities and thirty (30)
days in the case of barangays. (A-2)

Local School Board – a body established in every province, city or municipality to

perform the following functions: (A-2)

a. Determine, in accordance with the criteria set by the

Department of Education, Culture and Sports (DECS), the
annual supplementary budgetary needs for the operation and
maintenance of public schools within the province, city or
municipality, as the case may be, and the supplementary local
cost of meeting such needs, which shall be reflected in the
form of an annual school board budget corresponding to its
share of the proceeds of the special levy on real property
constituting the Special Education Fund and such other
sources of revenues as RA 7160 and other laws or ordinances
may provide;

b. Serve as an advisory committee to the sanggunian concerned

on educational matters such as, but not limited to, the
necessity for and the uses of local appropriations for
educational purposes; and

c. Recommend changes in the names of public schools within

the territorial jurisdiction of the local government unit for
enactment by the sanggunian concerned.

The DECS shall consult the local school board on the appointment
of division superintendents, district supervisors, school principals
and other school officials.

The Local School Board is composed of the following:

a. The Provincial School Board

 Provincial Governor and the Division superintendent of

Schools as co-Chairmen;
 Chairman of the Education Committee of the Sangguniang
 Provincial Treasurer;
 Representative of the Pederasyon ng nga Sangguniang
 Duly elected President of the Provincial Federation of Parents-
Teachers associations;
 Duly elected representative of the Teachers Organizations in
the province; and the
 Duly elected representative of the Non-academic Personnel of
Public Schools in the province as members

b. The City/Municipal School Board

 City/Municipal Mayor and the City Superintendent/district

Supervisor of Schools as Co-Chairmen;
 Chairman of the Education Committee of the Sangguniang
 City/Municipal Treasurer;
 Representative of the Pederasyon ng mga Sangguniang
Kabataan in the Sangguniang Panglungsod/Bayan;
 Duly elected President of the City/Municipal Federation of
Parents-Teachers Associations;
 Duly elected President of the Teachers Organizations in the
city/municipality; and the
 Duly elected representative of the Non-academic Personnel of
public schools in the city/municipality, as members

In the event that a province or city has two or more school

superintendents, and in the event that a municipality has two or
more district supervisors, the co-chairman of the local school
board shall be determined as follows:

a. The DECS shall designate the co-chairman for the provincial

and city school boards; and
b. The Division Superintendent of schools shall designate the
district supervisor who shall serve as co-chairman of the
municipal school board.

Locational Clearance - a certification that the proposed development or improvement is
suitable in the location specified in the application pursuant to the
general land use standards and guidelines of the Human
Settlements Commission. (B-1)

Locational Clearance - a clearance issued to a project that is allowed under the

provisions of the Zoning ordinance as well as other standards,
rules and regulations on land use. (G-7)

Locator - the enterprise who situates itself in the tourism estate through
leasehold rights and/or full ownership and who develops/operates
the project module. (D-7)

Lodging House – any building or portion thereof, containing not more than five (5)
guest rooms which are used by not more than five guests where
rent is paid in money, goods, labor or otherwise. (B-21)

Log - felled trees bucked into convenient length of at least 1.5 meters,
with at least 30 cm. in diameter. (B-8)

Logging Projects - the cutting and harvesting of timber on a commercial scale. (E-

Lot – a parcel of land on which a principal building and its accessories

are placed or may be placed together with the required open
spaces. A lot may or may not be the land designated as lot on
recorded plot. (B-21)

Lot Line – the line demarcation between either public or private property.

Lot Line Wall - a wall used only by the party upon whose lot the wall is located,
erected at a line separating two parcels of land, each of which is a
separate real estate entity.

Lot Line Wall - a wall used only by the party upon whose lot the wall is located,
erected at a line separating two parcels of land, each of which is a
separate real estate entity.

Lot, Corner – a lot situated at the junction of two or more streets forming an
angle of not more than one hundred thirty-five degrees (1350). (B-

Lot, Depth of – the average horizontal distance between the front and the rear
lot lines. (B-21)

Lot, Front – the front boundary line of a lot bordering on the street and in the
case of a corner lot, it may be either frontage. (B-21)

Lot, Inside – a lot fronting on but one street or public alley and the remaining
sides bounded by lot lines. (B-21)
Lot, Open – a lot bounded on all sides by street lines. (B-21)

Lot, Width of - the average horizontal distance between the side lot lines. (B-

Lot/Plot a portion of a subdivision or any parcel of land intended as a unit

for transfer of ownership or for building development. (B-17)

Lot/Plot - a portion of a subdivision or any parcel of land intended as a unit

for transfer of ownership or for building development.

Low Density Residential

Area - less than 150 persons per hectare of residential area. (C-23)

Low Productivity - means that, on a per hectare basis, the normal gross harvest
cannot offset the production cost for the past five years. (B-4)

Commercial Zone
(C1) -- an area within a city or municipality principally for trade, services
and business activities ordinarily referred to as the Central
Business District. (G-7)

Low-Density Residential
Zone (R1) - an area within a city or municipality principally for
dwelling/housing purposes with a density of 20 dwelling units and
below per hectare. (G-7)

Lowest Complying and

Responsible Bid - the proposal of one who offers the lowest price, meets all the
technical specifications and requirements of the supplies desired
and, as a dealer in the line of supplies involved, maintains a
regular establishment, and has complied consistently with
previous commitments. (A-2)

Main Canal – the channel where diverted water from a source flows to the
intended area to be irrigated. (D-12)

Main Health Center - one which engages in a broad range of activities covering mostly
referrals from the barangay health stations and the preventive,
promotive and curative aspects of health care. The MHCs are
under the administrative and technical supervision of the
Provincial Health Office. (C-23)

Main Road - that principal haul road between the nearest national or
provincial road and/or the log pond or the manufacturing plant of
the licensee and the most distant points or points of the license
area or a point of connection with the main road of adjacent
licensee as may be prescribed by the Director. (D-16)

Main Subdivision Project – refers to the proposed residential subdivision or residential

condominium project which shall be the basis for computing the
20% requirement for socialized housing. (C-6)

Major Central Business

District - a shopping and service area containing the largest department
and variety stores and specialty shops as well as business and
professional offices, hotels, theaters and other entertainment
facilities. This is generally found in first class cities and towns,
planned and developed in a sizeable parcel of land. The CBD
provides on-site parking in relation to shops and offices and open
spaces with extensive greenery. Big scale shopping areas such
as MEGAMALL or BIG SHOPPING MALLS fall within this
category. (D-7)

Major Dams - all impoundment structures and appurtenances with storage

volumes equal to or exceeding 20 million cubic meters. (E-15)

Major Mining and

Quarrying Projects - projects involving the extraction and processing of metals,
metalliferous ores, fuel, precious stones, clays, fertilizers and
other earth-based materials on a commercial scale and are
characterized by any or a combination of the following: (E-15)

a. ore-processing by cyanidization, flotation, mechanized

grinding, crushing, magnetic separation and/or mechanized
gravity concentration;
b. mineral processing involving the establishment of a
manufacturing plant (e.g., cement plant);
c. utilization of the open-pit method with mechanical operations,
blasting, or both;
d. underground mining using blasting, mechanized extraction or
e. marine off-shore mining; or
f. extraction of oil and gas.

Major Power Plants - power generating plants, transmission and distribution systems
(substations) utilizing, or run by, fossil fuels, geothermal
resources, natural river discharge, pondage or pump storage. (E-

This classification shall include all geothermal plants, waste-to-

energy facilities, thermal power plants with rated capacities equal
to or exceeding 10 megawatts or hydroelectric power plants or
any non-conventional power projects with rated capacities also
includes power barge/s with total rated capacity in excess of 32

Power barge/s with a total rated capacity less than or equal to 32

megawatts shall submit the appropriate Initial Environmental
Examination (IEE) Report/s to the concerned Regional Office of
the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR.)

Major Reclamation
Projects - projects which involve the filling or draining of areas (foreshore,
marshes, swamps, lakes, rivers, etc.) equal to or exceeding
twenty-five (25) hectares. (E-15)

Major Roads and

Bridges - all national roads, railroads/railways, expressways, tunnels and
bridges. (E-15)

Major Wood Processing

Projects - the processing of logs and other forest raw materials into
finished or semi-finished products. This classification shall
include, among others: (E-15)

a. sawmills

b. wood manufacturing/processing plants producing veneer,

plywood, wall board, blackboard, crates, etc.

c. pulp and paper mills

Malnutrition - a pathological state, general or specific, resulting from the

relative or absolute deficiency or excess in the diet of one or more
essential nutrients. (D-15)

Management Manual - the basic long-term framework plan in protected area

management. It contains the following: (E-21)

a. conservation significance and issues in the Biogeographic

Zone (BGZ);
b. salient socioeconomic features of the BGZ;
c. conservation significance and issues in protected area;
d. management plan;
e. bio-inventory and research program;
f. special studies;
g. monitoring and evaluation;
h. management information system and geographic information
i. administration staffing and annual work and financial plan; and
j. annexes (i.e., maps, species list, references)

Management Plan - the written guideline for the proper and systematic conservation,
utilization, management and development of timber and other
forest resources of a specific forest area (D-16)

Mangrove - a type of forest occurring on tidal flats along the seacoasts,

extending along stream where the water is brackish. (Sec 3[o], PD
705). (B-7, E-7)

Mangrove Areas - tidal areas covered by salt-tolerant, intertidal tree species. This
classification shall refer to areas declared as mangrove swamp
forest reserves by Proclamation No 2152 and mangrove forests
declared as wilderness areas by Proclamation No. 2151. (E-15)

Mangroves – a community of intertidal plants including all species of trees,

shrubs, vines and herbs found on coasts, swamps, or border of
swamps. It shall be unlawful for any person to convert mangroves
into fishponds or for any other purposes. (D-13)

Mangroves or Mangrove
Forests - the communities of trees and associated shrubs that are
restricted to tidal flats in coastal waters, extending inland along
rivers where the water is tidal, saline or brackish. (E-20)

Map - a reduced and simplified model of reality containing geographical

information (B-4)

Map Overlay Technique - a method used for analyzing mapped data whereby two or more
thematic maps are put on top of another to be able to delineate
areas that meet a given set of criteria or conditions. (E-21)

Marginal Access Streets – minor streets which are parallel to and adjacent to arterial
streets and highways; and which provide access to abutting
properties and protection from through traffic. Right-of-way width
is 12 meters. (DPWH) (B-13)

Marginal Farmer or
Fisherman – an individual engaged in subsistence farming or fishing which
shall be limited to the sale, barter or exchange of agricultural or
marine products produced by himself and his immediate family.

Marginal Lands - lands which are not effective for crop production due to
constraints such as topography of the area or poor yields. (C-5, C-
Marine Park – any public offshore area delimited as habitat of rare and unique
species of marine and fauna. (B-8, E-7)

Marine Waters - these cover beds, banks, shell fields, zones, areas and regions
of Philippine waters totaling some 1,666,300 square kilometers.
For town planning purposes, marine waters refer to municipal
waters. (B-5, E-7)

a. Single - a person who has never been married

b. Married - a person married in a religious or civil ceremony,

either living together with spouse at the time of the visit, or
temporarily living apart because the spouse is employed
elsewhere or is in the Armed Forces, etc.

c. Separated/Divorced - a person who is permanently separated

from his spouse, legally or through mutual consent. Also for a
person whose marriage with another has been annulled or
dissolved and can therefore remarry.

d. Widowed - a married person whose spouse died and who has

not remarried up to the time of the visit.

e. Others - a person living consensually together (by mere

consent) as husband and wife without the benefit of a legal

f. Unknown - a person whose marital status is not known to the

respondent, or whose marital status is being concealed by the

Marital Status - the civil status of persons 10 years and over. A person in this
age group is classified as single, married, widowed,
separated/divorced, others or marital status unknown, based on
the following definitions: (C-2, C-3)

Market Infrastructure – facilities including, but not limited to, market buildings,
slaughterhouses, holding pens, warehouses, market information
centers, connecting roads, transport and communication and cold
storage used by the farmers and fisherfolk in marketing their
produce. (D-12)

– facilities such as market buildings, slaughterhouses, holding

pens and cold storage used by the farmers in marketing their
produce. (D-10)

Market-Oriented Interest
Rates - to funders, the rate at which the traditional funders - SSS, GSIS,
and HDMF - are willing to lend to the lending window using as
reference/benchmark rate the treasury bills, treasury notes or
other applicable financial issues. (C-18)

Marquee – see Canopy

Marshland - all natural wet areas characterized by a cover of grass, weeds or

ferns and the absence of trees. (B-8)

Masterlist - the consolidated provincial/municipal/city list of registered eligible

beneficiaries for the socialized housing program, arranged
alphabetically and by area of residence. The list shall include
other critical information such as name of spouse, income, type of
tenure, family size, length of residence in the barangay and/or any
other criteria considered relevant by the local government unit
concerned. (C-15)

Maternal Deaths - those caused by complications of pregnancy and childbirth. (C-


Maternal Mortality Rate the number of women who die as a result of child bearing in a
given year per one thousand (1,000) births in that year. (C-23)

Mathematical Method of
Population Projection - a method of estimating future population using mathematical
formulae such as the geometric rate, exponential growth rate and
in some cases the participation rate or the ratio and proportion
method. (C-3)

a. Geometric Rate - formula for estimating projected population

that assumes that population grows in a manner analogous to
the growth of money deposited in a bank; that is, the annual
interest (or net additions) on a principal (or base population) is
capable of yielding additional interest in the following year.
Mathematically, this is expressed as:

Pn = Po (1 + r)t

Where: P0 = the base population of an area

Pn = the population of the area t years
t = the length of time interval in
calendar years, and fraction thereof,
between Po and Pn
r = the rate of growth of the population
per unit time, assumed to be constant over the time

To compute for r (rate of growth), rewrite the above formula using
the logarithm as follows:


R= antilog P0 -1

b. Exponential Growth Rate - a formula that assumes that

population grows in a manner analogous to the growth of
money deposited in the bank; that is, the annual interest (or
net additions) on a principal (or base population) is capable of
yielding additional interest continuously rather than annually.
The exponential formula for the growth rate is expressed as

Pn = P0ert


P0 = the base population of an area

Pn = the population of the same area + years later
T = time interval in calendar years and a fraction
thereof between P0 and Pn
r = exponential rate of growth

To compute r, rewrite the formula, using logarithm as follows:

In -----------
r = P0

c. Linear Interpolation or Linear Growth Approach

Pt = P0 + rt


Pt = population level being estimated at time t

Po = base population
t = time interval in calendar years

Since r is unknown, rewrite the formula as follows:

Pt - Po
r = -----------

d. Component or Cohort-survival Method of Population Projection

- a method that projects the future population by various
demographic components such as age and sex using
information on births, deaths and migration.

The cohort survival method takes into account the difference in

vital rates by using age and sex-specific rates. A cohort in this
context is merely an age group. This method produces
information on the future age and sex distribution of

For municipalities/cities experiencing negative growth rate or

decreasing trend in population, cohort survival is applicable.

This method requires information on:

 The base population age and sex composition, and sex

ratio at birth;
 The level and age patterns of fertility and its future trends;
 The level and age patterns of mortality and its future
trends; and
 Level and trend of migration by age and sex.

The procedure is as follows:

 Obtain information on the age and sex structure of the

base year population
 Obtain/calculate the survival and birth rates for each
 Apply the survival and birth rates to the base year
population structure.
 Divide births into males and females by applying a sex
ratio to the total number of births.

Maturity Date - the date on which the mortgage indebtedness would be
extinguished if paid in accordance with the periodic payments
provided for in the mortgage. (C-4)

Maximum Sustainable
Yield – the largest average quantity of fish that can be harvested from a
fish stock/resource within a period of time (e.g., one year) on a
sustainable basis under existing environmental conditions. (D-13)

Medical Center - offers special care beyond the capabilities of a regional hospital.
This center provides opportunities for training, teaching and
research in the medical field. (C-23)

Medium Industrial Zone

(I2) - an area within a city or municipality principally for the following
type of industries: pollutive/ non-hazardous and pollutive/
hazardous. (G-7)

Commercial Zone (C2) - an area within a city or municipality with quasi-trade business
activities and services industries performing complementary/
supplementary functions to principally commercial zones (CBD).

Medium-Density Residential
Zone (R2) - an area within a city or municipality principally for
dwelling/housing purposes with a density of 21 to 65 dwelling units
per hectare. (G-7)

Medium-Rise Private
Housing - cost recoverable residential buildings, in high density urban
areas not less than 3 storeys or the maximum limits for walk-up
medium-rise housing buildings in accordance with the National
Building Code, BP 220 and other pertinent laws, by the private
sector in collaboration with the NHA for disposition through direct
sale or lease. (C-7)

Medium-Rise Public
Housing - residential buildings in high-density urban areas not less than 3
storeys or the maximum limits for walk-up medium-rise buildings in
accordance with the National Building Code, BP 220 and other
pertinent laws, to be leased to low-income families and other
beneficiaries under RA 7279. (C-7)

Medium-Term Philippine
Development Plan - usually a five or six-year plan which provides the broad goals,
strategies, policies, programs and projects for national economic
development. It sets the macro-economic framework and the
corresponding central government policies designed to achieve
broad national development objectives. (F-3)

Metropolitan Manila - a public corporation vested with powers and attributes of a
corporation including the power to make contracts, sue and be
sued, acquire, purchase, expropriate, hold, transfer and dispose of
property and such other powers as may be necessary to carry out
its purposes. It shall be administered by a Commission which
shall have jurisdiction over the cities of Manila, Pasay, Caloocan,
Makati, Mandaluyong, Pasig, Marikina, Munitinlupa and the
municipalities of San Juan, Malabon, Navotas, Pateros, Taguig
and Valenzuela in Bulacan – all of which shall henceforth be
known as Metropolitan Manila. (G-5)

Micro-enterprise – any economic enterprise with a capital of One Hundred Fifty

Thousand Pesos (PhP 150,000.00) and below. This amount is
subject to periodic determination of the Department of Trade and
Industry to reflect economic changes. (C-24)

Microfinance – a credit and savings mobilization program exclusively for the

poor to improve the asset base of households and expand the
access to savings of the poor. It involves the use of viable
alternative credit schemes and savings programs including the
extension of small loans, simplified loan application procedures,
group character loans, collateral-free arrangements, alternative
loan repayments, minimum requirements for savings, and small
denominated savers’ instruments. (C-24)

The thrusts of the microfinance program are the following:

a. Development of a policy environment, especially in the area of

savings generation, supportive of basic sector initiatives
dedicated to serving the needs of the poor in terms of
microfinance services;
b. Rationalization of existing government programs for credit and
c. Utilization of existing government financial entities for the
provision of microfinance products and services for the poor;
d. Promotion of mechanisms necessary for the implementation of
microfinance including indigenous microfinance practices.

Middle-Level Manpower - persons who have acquired practical skills and knowledge
through formal or non-formal education and training equivalent to
at least a secondary education but preferably a post secondary
education with a corresponding degree or diploma; or skilled
workers who have become highly competent in their trade or craft
as attested by industry. (C-20)

Migration - movement of population; more exactly, the movement of people

across a specified boundary for the purpose of residence. It is a
component of population change, along with fertility and mortality.

Mine Wastes and Tailings - soil and rock materials from surface or underground mining and
milling operations with no economic value to the generator of the
same. (E-2)

Mineral Lands – lands in which minerals, metallic or non-metallic, exist in

sufficient quantity or grade to justify the necessary expenditures to
extract and utilize such materials. (A-2)

- lands where minerals exist in sufficient quantity and grade to

justify the necessary investments in extracting and utilizing such
minerals. (B-7)

– lands of the public domain which have been classified as such

by the Secretary of Natural Resources in accordance with
prescribed and approved criteria, guidelines and procedures. (E-7)

- areas which are presently exploited for mineral production

(including land rendered unproductive by deposits of extraction
waste materials) and those which are positive for ore reserves in
sufficient quantities and grades to justify their extraction. These
include proclaimed mineral reservation. (E-21)

Mineral Resource - any concentration of minerals/rocks with potential economic

value. (E-2)

Minerals - all naturally occurring inorganic substance in solids, gas, liquid or

any intermediate state excluding energy materials such as coal,
petroleum, natural gas, radioactive materials, and geothermal
energy. (E-2)

Mini-Hydroelectric Power
Plant - an electric power generating plant which utilizes the kinetic
energy of falling or running water (run-of-river hydro plants) to turn
a turbine generator producing electricity; and has an installed
capacity of not less than 101 kilowatts nor more than 10,000
kilowatts. (B-11)

Minimum Basic Needs – the needs of a Filipino family pertaining to survival (food and
nutrition; health; water and sanitation; clothing), security (shelter,
peace and order; public safety; income and livelihood) and
enabling (basic education and literacy; participation in community
development; family and psycho-social care). (C-24)

Mining Areas - areas where exploitation, development and/or extraction of ore

are in progress. (B-7)

- a portion of the contract area identified by the contractor for

purposes of development, mining, utilization, and sites for support
facilities or in the immediate vicinity of the mining operations. (E-2)

Mining Plan - a two-year program of activities and methodologies employed in
the extraction and production of minerals or ore-bearing materials,
including the financial plan and other resources in support thereof.

Minor Central Business

District - the shopping and service area found in less developed or lower
class cities and municipalities with the MARKET as its main
feature, complemented by shops and offices as well as
recreational and transportation facilities. Noticeable in its
character is the quasi-residential-commercial or mixed-use
development in strip fashion at times amorphous. It is generally
located in the poblacion which serves as the town center. (D-7)

Mitigating Device - a means to grant relief in complying with certain provisions of the
zoning ordinance. (G-7)

Mixing Zone - the place where the effluent discharge from a point sources
mixes with a receiving body of water. The area or extent of the
zone shall be determined by the discharger and approved by the
Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) on a
case-to-case basis. (E-17)

Moderately Restricted
Agricultural Lands - moderately efficient agricultural lands within 8-18% slope
presently planted to agricultural crops but need higher farm
management and input levels.Various land characteristics and
qualities limit its use to a narrower range of crops and are more
suited for agro-industrial crops. Conversion to non-agricultural use
will depend on comparative social benefit-cost analysis vis-à-vis
grasslands and shrublands with 10% slope with none to slight soil
limitation and have potential for agricultural uses. (D-7)

Mortality Indicators - include the crude death rate and the proportional mortality ratio
of age fifty (50) years and over, current infant mortality, young
child mortality (1-4 years) and maternal mortality. (C-18)

Mortgage Redemption
Insurance (MRI) - insurance which covers risk in case of death of the borrower. (C-

Mortgagor - the original borrower under a mortgage and its successors and
assigns. (C-4)

Mother Tongue - the language/dialect spoken by a person at his earliest

childhood or the language/dialect that person first learned to
speak. Data on mother tongue are used primarily in the analysis
of the ethnic origin of a person long after assimilation to the
customs of the majority of the population has taken place. (C-2)

- the first language or dialect spoken by a person in his earliest
childhood or the language/dialect that person learned to speak.
Data on mother tongue are used in the analysis of ethnic origin of
a person. (C-3)

Multi-Partite Monitoring
Team - a multi-sectoral committee, composed of representatives from
the proponent, DENR, LGUs, and stakeholders that may be
identified (such as affected community groups or peoples'
organizations, the women sector, Indigenous Peoples, academe,
relevant government agencies, specifically the Environmental Unit
of the concerned agency and other sectors) in the negotiations
leading to the execution of the Memorandum of Agreement. It is
tasked to make decisions regarding monitoring issues, plans and
strategies. (E-15)

Multiple Use – the harmonized utilization of the numerous beneficial uses of the
land, soil, water. Wildlife, recreation value, grass and timber of
forest lands. (E-7)

Multi-polar Strategy - a major urban development strategy adopted in Mindanao,

where growth centers were identified based on economic
interlinkages and their relationship with the East Asian Growth
Area (EAGA). National government shall channel resources and
investments to the identified centers during the plan period
particularly in the development of infrastructure and facilities. On-
site development will be private sector-led. (F-3)

Multi-unit Residential
(3 units or more) – a place intended for residential use only, usually consisting of
three or more housing units. (C-23)

- intended for residential use only, usually consisting of three (3)

or more housing units. This type of houses may consist of one or
more storeys in a row of three or more housing units, separated
from each other by walls extending from ground to the roof or a
building having floors to accommodate three or more housing

Examples: Apartment Building – a structure usually of several

storeys, with three or more independent entrances from internal
halls or courts; Accessoria – one floor or two0floor structure
divided into three or more housing units, each housing unit having
its own separate entrance from the outside. Another name for
accessoria is rowhouse. Residential condominium – a high-rise
building where the housing units are owned individually but the
land, other spaces and facilities are owned in common. (C-2)

Multi-Window Lending
System - a modified system under the Unified Home Lending Program
(UHLP) whereby housing loans may be extended through other
conduits like banks and financial institutions instead of the former
UHLP system utilizing just a single lending window. (C-18)

Municipal Development
Council - see Local Development Council

Municipal Fishing – fishing within municipal waters using fishing vessels of three (3)
gross tons or less, or fishing not requiring the use of fishing
vessels. (D-13)

All fishery related activities in municipal waters shall be utilized by

municipal fisherfolk and their cooperatives/ organizations who are
listed as such in the registry of municipal fisherfolk. (D-14, E-20,

The municipal or city government, however, may through its local

chief executive and acting pursuant to an appropriate ordinance,
authorize or permit small and medium commercial fishing vessels
to operate within the ten point one (10.1) to fifteen (15) kilometer
area from the shoreline in municipal waters, provided, that all the
following are met:

a. no commercial fishing in municipal waters with depth less than

seven (7) fathoms as certified by the appropriate agency;

b. fishing activities utilizing methods and gears that are

determined to be consistent with national policies set by the
Department of Agriculture;

c. prior consultation, through public hearing, with the

Municipal/City Fisheries and Aquatic Resources Management
Council (M/CFARMC) has been conducted; and

d. the applicant vessel as well as the shipowner, employer,

captain and crew have been certified by the appropriate
agency as not having violated RA 8550, environmental laws
and related laws.

Municipal Hospital - a hospital which has a service zone with a radius of

approximately 30 kilometers, located in settlements not provided
with hospital services, thus serving as local gravitational points
and socioeconomic centers. In special cases, it may be located in
remote areas and provided with adequate transport facilities. (C-

Municipal or Artisanal
Municipal Waters – not only streams, lakes and tidal waters within the municipality,
not being the subject of private ownership and comprised within
the national parks, public forest, timber lands, forest reserves or
fishery reserves, but also marine waters included between two
lines drawn perpendicularly to the general coastline from points
where the boundary lines of the municipality or city touch the sea
at low tide and a third line parallel with the general coastline and
fifteen (15) kilometers from it. Where two 92) municipalities are so
situated on the opposite shores that there is less than fifteen (15)
kilometers of marine waters between them, the third line shall be
equally distant from opposite shores of the respective
municipalities. (A-2)

Municipal Pabahay Bonds - a municipal finance program which enables local government
units to float municipal bonds as a means of generating funds for
housing or housing related programs/projects. The HIGC
guaranty fund for the Pabahay Municipal Bonds is a facility aimed
at insuring the face value of the bonds and the interest to the
extent of 8.5%. It is an instrument of indebtedness of the LGU
and conveyed to a Trustee. The proceeds of the issues will be
used for the development and/or disposition of the property. (C-

Municipal Population
Estimates Using NSO
Population Enumerated
in the Last Two (2)
Recent Censuses - the population enumerated in the last two censuses can be used
to compute for the rate of growth of the city/municipality. This rate
of growth is used in computing the yearly municipal/city population
projection. The assumption is made that the rate of growth is
constant up to the end of the planning period. (C-3)

Municipal Population
Estimates Using the
NSCB Projected Provincial
Population Projections – This is a methodology for estimating population projection at the
provincial level at 5-year intervals, but it can also be used in
projecting municipal/city population. This can be done through
participation rate, using the following steps: (C-3)

 Compute the percent share of the city/municipality to that of

the province using the projected provincial population data
obtained from NSCB

 Compute the rate of growth of the city/municipality population

using the geometric formula.

 Substitute the value of r in the formula to compute for the

annual city/municipal projected population.
Municipal Registration
Committee - - the over-all coordinating body and the Secretariat for the entire
registration process of eligible socialized housing beneficiaries. It
shall be composed of the head of the planning office or any other
appropriate local office as its chairman and the following as
members: (C-15)

Municipal Roads - roads within a municipality which are not classified as provincial
or national roads (B-23)

Municipal Waters – include not only streams, lakes, inland bodies of water and tidal
waters within the municipality which are not included within the
protected areas as defined under RA 7586 (The NIPAS Law),
public forest, timber lands, forest reserves or fishery reserves, but
also marine waters included between two (2) lines drawn
perpendicular to the general coastline from points where the
boundary lines of the municipality touch the sea at low tide and a
third parallel line with the general coastline including offshore
islands and fifteen (15) kilometers from such coastline. Where
two (2) municipalities are so situated on opposite shores that there
is less than thirty (30) kilometers of marine waters between them,
the third line shall be equally distant from opposite shores of the
respective municipalities. (D-14, E-20)

Municipality – a group of barangays which serves as general purpose

government for the coordination and delivery of basic, regular and
direct services and effective governance of the inhabitants within
its territorial jurisdiction. (A-2)

A municipality may be created, divided, merged, abolished, or its

boundary substantially altered only by an Act of Congress, and
subject to the approval by the majority of the votes cast in a
plebiscite to be conducted by the Commission on Elections in the
local government unit or units directly affected.

A municipality shall not be created unless the following requisites

are present:

a. Income – an average annual income of not less than two

Million Five Hundred Thousand Pesos (P2,500,000.00), for the
immediately preceding two (2) consecutive years based on
1991 constant prices, as certified by the provincial treasurer.
The average annual income shall include the income accruing
to the general fund, exclusive of special funds, special
accounts, transfers, and nonrecurring income;

b. Population – which shall not be less than twenty-five thousand

(25,000) inhabitants, as certified by the National Statistics
Office; and

c. Land Area – which must be contiguous with an area of at least
fifty (50) square kilometers, as certified by the Land
Management Bureau. The territory need not be contiguous if it
comprises two (2) or more islands. The average annual
income shall include the income accruing to the general fund,
exclusive of special funds, special accounts, transfers, and
nonrecurring income;

d. Population – which shall not be less than twenty-five thousand

(25,000) inhabitants, as certified by the National Statistics
Office; and

e. Land Area – which must be contiguous with an area of at least

fifty (50) square kilometers, as certified by the Land
Management Bureau. The territory need not be contiguous if it
comprises two (2) or more islands. The requirement on land
area shall not aply where the proposed municipality is
composed of one (1) or more islands.

Municipality/City Federation
of Senior Citizens - an organization of Senior Citizens in the locality which is
affiliated with the Federation of Senior Citizens Association of the
Philippines duly recognized by the DSWD. (C-23)

Museum - an institutional establishment where a collection of valuable

objects and artifacts on history and culture, arts and sciences are
put on exhibition for the general public. (B-16)

National Aid Roads – provincial and city roads of sufficient importance which may be
incorporated eventually into the national systems of highways and
are so declared as such by the Secretary of Public Works and
Highways upon the recommendation of its Regional Directors.
(DPWH) (B-8)

National Capital Region - the Metropolitan Manila Region, declared and established as the
National Capital Region of the Republic of the Philippines in view
of its critical importance in human settlements development (A-4)

National Commission on
Indigenous Peoples
(NCIP) - the office created under the “Indigenous Peoples Rights Act of
1987” under the Office of the President, and which shall be the
primary government agency responsible for the formulation and
implementation of policies, plans and programs to recognize,
protect and promote the rights of Indigenous Cultural
Communities/Indigenous Peoples. (E-14)

National Cultural
Treasures - a unique object found locally, possessing outstanding historical,
cultural, artistic and/or scientific value which is highly significant
and important to this country and nation. (B-14)
All restorations, reconstructions and preservations of government
historical buildings, shrines, landmarks, monuments and sites,
which have been designated as "National Cultural Treasures", and
"important cultural properties" shall only be undertaken with the
written permission of the Director of the National Museum who
shall designate the supervision of the same.

Natural History
Specimens - live or preserved specimens of plants and animals, fossils, rocks,
and minerals. Only types, presently irreplaceable specimens, and
those in danger of extinction shall be embraced in RA 4846. (B-

National Home Mortgage

Finance Corporation - the major home mortgage institution. Its initial main function is to
operate a viable home mortgage market, utilizing long-term funds
principally provided by the Social Security System (SSS), the
Government Service Insurance System (GSIS) and the Home
Development Mutual Fund (HDMF), to purchase mortgages
originated by both private and public institutions that are within
government-approved guidelines. It is also charged with the
development of a system that will attract private institutional funds
into long-term housing mortgages. (C-10)

National Housing
Authority - the sole government agency engaged in direct shelter
production. Its focus is in providing housing assistance to the
lowest 30% of urban income-earners through slum upgrading,
squatter relocation, development of sites and services and
construction of core-housing units. In addition, it undertakes
programs for the improvement of blighted urban areas and
provides technical assistance for private developers undertaking
low-cost housing projects. The development of its existing
properties for housing projects for income-earners above the
lowest 30% may be continued provided that funds generated
thereon are utilized for the attainment of its primary mandate. (C-

National Information
Network (NIN) – an information network which links all offices and levels of the
Department of Agriculture with various research institutions and
local end-users, providing easy access to information and
marketing services related to agriculture and fisheries. (D-12)

National Integrated Areas

System - encompasses outstandingly remarkable areas and biologically
important public lands that are habitat of rare and endangered
species of plants and animals. These also include biographic
zones and related ecosystems, whether terrestrial, wetland or
marine. (B-6)
National Liga ng mga
Barangay - see Liga ng mga Barangay

National Park - forest land reservation essentially of primitive or wilderness

character which has been withdrawn from resettlement or
occupancy and set aside as such exclusively to preserve the
scenery, the natural and historic objects and the wild animals or
plants therein, and to provide enjoyment of these features in such
a manner as will leave them unimpaired for future generations.
(B-8, E-7)

- forest reservation essentially of natural wilderness character

which has been withdrawn from settlement, occupancy or any
form of exploitation except in conformity with approved
management plan and set aside as such exclusively to conserve
the area or preserve the scenery, the natural and historic objects,
wild animals and plants therein and to provide enjoyment of these
features in such area. (NIPAS Act) (E-15)

National Physical
Framework Plan - defines a national land use policy agenda which resulted from
the integration of various sectoral policies within a spatial
framework. This policy agenda seeks to prevent or at least
reconcile conflicts among competing uses of land and other
physical resources based on economic, environmental and other
considerations. (B-6)

The NPFP shall support the overall development thrusts of the

country namely, towards sustainable development, increased
employment, social equity and poverty alleviation.

- a broad delineation of land uses which designates four (4) major

land use components. These are protection land use, production
land use, settlements development and infrastructure
development. (F-3)

National Roads, Primary – a class of national road which form parts of the main trunk line
system, continuous in extent, which are now declared national
roads except those not forming parts of the continuous system.
(DPWH) (B-13)

National Roads,
Secondary – all access roads, national, provincial and city roads and streets
forming the secondary trunkline system not classified as “primary
roads”, but shall exclude “feeder roads.” (DPWH) (B-13)

National Sovereignty - a principle of sustainable development which refers to self-
determination at the national level where social and ecological
concerns are considered in national governance. National
sovereignty includes human, environmental and food security. (E-

National Statistical
Coordination Board - a government agency created to oversee all statistical activities
in the Philippine Statistical Systems. It is composed of the Director
General of the National Economic and Development Authority as
Chairman, the Undersecretary of the Department of Budget and
Management as vice-chairman, a representative from the
remaining departments with the rank of undersecretary, Deputy
Governor of the Central Bank, Administrator of the National
Statistics Office, Executive Director of the Statistical Research and
Training Center, Secretary General of the NSCB, and a
representative from the private sector, as members. (C-2)

National Statistics Office - the major statistical agency responsible for generating general
purpose statistics and undertaking such censuses and surveys as
may be designated by the National Statistical Coordination Board.

National Territory – comprises the Philippine archipelago, with all the islands and
waters embraced therein, and other territories over which the
Philippines has sovereignty or jurisdiction, consisting of its
terrestrial, fluvial, and aerial domains, including its territorial sea,
the seabed, the subsoil, the insular shelves, and other submarine
areas. The waters around, between, and connecting the islands of
the archipelago, regardless of their breadth and dimensions, form
part of the internal waters of the Philippines. (A-1)

National Urban
Development and
Housing Framework - the comprehensive plan for urban and urbanizable areas aimed
at achieving the objectives of the Program under RA 7279. (C-5)

Navigable Waters - the waters of the Philippines, including the territorial sea and
inland waters which are presently, be in the future susceptible for
use by watercraft. (E-8)

Negotiated Contracts - contracts entered into by Government for convenience even if

broader tendering would have been possible. This type of
contract may be resorted to only in cases prescribed under Rule
10 of the IRR of 7718.

Negotiated Purchase - transmission of property from one person to another by

agreement among the parties. (C-13)

Neighborhood Center - the local source of staple and convenience goods and services
for the village/neighborhood and is built around a
SUPERMARKET to serve as the principal retail service center
complemented by several CONVENIENCE STORES. It may
serve a population of between 7,500 and 20,000 in the immediate
neighborhood. (D-7)

Neighborhood Ownership - a scheme whereby a group of homeowners occupying a

contiguous parcel of land, and constituting a neighborhood unit,
owns land in common. (F-2)
Neighborhood Park or
Playground – a park designed to serve children under 14 years of age, and
may have additional interesting features to attract teeners and
adults. Its location is in some neighborhood park-school. (C-23)

Playground - a place designated to serve children under 14 years of age, and
may have additional interesting features to attract teeners and
adults. Its location is in some neighborhood park-school (C-23)

Network of Protected
Areas for Agricultural
and Agro-Industrial
Development (NPAAD) - agricultural areas identified by the Department of Agriculture
through the Bureau of Soils and Water Management in
coordination with the National Mapping and Resource Information
Authority in order to ensure the efficient utilization of land for
agriculture and agro-industrial development and promote
sustainable growth. The NPAAD covers all irrigated areas, all
irrigable lands already covered by irrigation projects with firm
funding commitments; all alluvial plain land highly suitable for
agriculture whether irrigated or not; agro-industrial croplands or
lands presently planted to industrial crops that support the viability
of existing agricultural infrastructure and agro-based enterprises,
highlands, or areas located at an elevation of five hundred (500)
meters or above and have the potential for growing semi-
temperate and high-value crops; all agricultural lands that are
ecologically fragile, the conversion of which will result in serious
environmental degradation, and mangrove areas and fish
sanctuaries. (D-12)

New Settlement – any new, large-scale development, consisting of one or several

subdivision projects planned to provide housing, work places and
related facilities within a more or less self-contained environment.

New Town - a town deliberately planned and built which provides, in addition
to houses, employment, shopping, education, recreation, culture
and other services normally associated with a city or town. (G-7)

New Use Rights – see Development Rights

Non-conforming Building – a building which does not conform with the regulations of the
district where it is situated as to height, yard requirement, lot area,
and percentage of occupancy.

Non-conforming Use – the use of the building or land or any portion of such building or
land which does not conform with the use and regulation of the
zone where it is situated.

- existing non-conforming uses/establishments in an area allowed

to operate inspire of the non-conformity to the provisions of the
ordinance subject to the conditions stipulated in the Ordinance.

Non-conventional Energy
Resources - those energy resources in which the conversion or utilization
technology for large-scale (megawatt level) applications are not as
well-developed and/or widely used as those for fossil fuels,
hydrogeothermal and conventional nuclear. In general, these
resources would include the direct and indirect forms of solar,
tidal, nuclear converter and breeder reactors and fusion (B-12)

Non-development - failure on the part of the owner or developer to develop the

project in accordance with the approved project plans and within
the time therein specified. (B-17)

(NGOs) – duly registered non-stock, nonprofit organizations focusing on
the uplift of the basic or disadvantaged sectors of society by
providing advocacy, training, community organizing, research,
access to resources, and other similar activities. (C-24)

– an agency, institution, a foundation or a group of persons whose

purpose is to assist people’s organizations/associations in various
ways including, but not limited to, organizing, education, training,
research and/or resource accessing. (D-13)

- private non-profit organizations engaged in social development

work related to the urban poor issues and concerns. (C-15)

Non-hazardous Industries - industries which discharge negligible amounts of combustible or

toxic wastes. (D-7)

Non-irrigated Lands – agricultural lands which lack irrigation systems and are usually
rainfed. (D-10)

Non-pollutive Industries - industries which emit little or negligible amounts of air, water and
solid pollutants. (D-7)

Normative Approach - an approach used in determining the hospital bed requirements,
whereby a bed population ratio of one is to two thousand (1:2,000)
is used to determine the bed requirement. This serves as a check
to the Expected Patient Load Approach. (C-23)

Not Economically Active

Population - includes housekeepers, students and all other persons without
any gainful activity, such as pensioners and other retirees, the
disabled, or physically handicapped, volunteers, prisoners, etc.

Nuclear Fuel - any material which is capable of producing energy by a self-

sustaining chain process of nuclear fusion. (B-10)

Nuclear Reactor - any structure containing nuclear fuel in such an arrangement that
a self-sustaining process of nuclear fission can occur therein
without an additional source of neutron. (B-10)

Nucleus Sites are core development areas delineated in the tourism master
plan. These are basically the five (5) priority areas identified in
the Plan. (D-7)

Numerical Scale - the relationship on the map distance with that of actual ground
distance expressed in ratio form. For example, the map has a
scale of 1:2,000. It means that for every unit of map distance,
there are 2,000 units of actual ground distance. (B-4)

Objectives - the break down of goals into attainable purposes or ends. They are
the expression of goals into more achievable and measurable terms.

- the more specific intentions and tangible details of goals. They are
expressed in more definitive and attainable terms (C-18)

Occupancy - the purpose for which a building is used or intended to be used.

The term shall also include the building or room housing such use.
Change of occupancy is not intended to include change of tenants
or proprietors. (B-17, B-21))

Buildings proposed for construction shall be identified according to

their use or the character of its occupancy and shall be classified
as follows:

a. Group A – residential dwellings

b. Group B – residentials, hotels and apartments (multiple

dwelling units including boarding or lodging houses, hotels,
apartment buildings, row houses, convents, monasteries and
other similar buildings each of which accommodates more
than ten (10) persons).

c. Group C – education and recreation (buildings used for school
or day-care purposes, involving assemblage for instruction,
education, or recreation, and not classified in Group I or in
division 1 & 2 or Group H Occupancies).

d. Group D – occupancies that include the following:

 Division 1 – mental hospitals, mental sanitaria, jails,

prisons, reformatories, and buildings where personal
liberties of inmates are similarly restrained.

 Division 2 – nurseries for full-time care of children under

kindergarten age, hospitals, sanitaria, nursing homes with
non-ambulatory patients, and similar buildings, each
accommodating more than five (5) persons.

 Division 3 – nursing homes for ambulatory patients, homes

for children of kindergarten age or over, each
accommodating more than five (5) persons: provided, that
Group D occupancies shall not include buildings used only
for private or family group dwelling purposes.

e. Group E – occupancies that include the following:

 Division 1 – gasoline filling and service stations, storage

garage and boat storage structures where no work is done
except exchange of parts and maintenance requiring no
open flame, welding or the use of highly inflammable

 Division 2 – wholesale and retail stores, office buildings,

drinking and dining establishments having an occupational
load of less than one hundred persons, printing plants,
police and fire stations, factories and workshops using not
highly inflammable or combustible materials and paint
stores without bulk handlings.

 Division 3 – aircraft hangars and open parking garages

where no repair work is done, except exchange of parts
and maintenance requiring no open flame, welding or the
use of highly falmmable liquids.

f. Group F – industrial (ice plants, power plants, pumping

stations, cold storage, creameries, factories and workshops
using incombustible and non-explosive materials, and storage
and sales rooms for incombustible and non-explosive

g. Group G – occupancies that include the following:

 Division 1 – storing and handling of hazardous and highly
flammable materials

 Division 2 – storing and handling of flammable materials,

dry cleaning plants using flammable liquids, paint stores
with bulk handling, paint shops and spray painting rooms.

 Division 3 – wood working establishments, planning mills

and box factories, shops, factories where loose
combustible fibers or dusts are manufactured, processed
or generated; warehouses where highly combustible
material is stored.

 Division 4 – repair garages

 Division 5 – aircraft repair hangars

h. Group H – assembly other than Group I and the following


 Division 1 – any assembly building with a stage and an

occupant load of 1,000 or more in the building.

 Division 2 – any assembly building without stage and

having an occupant load of less than 300 or more in the

 Division 3 – any assembly building without a stage and

having an occupant load of less than 300 in the building.

 Division 4 – stadia, reviewing stands, amusement park

structures not included within Group I or in Division 1,2,
and 3 of this group.

i. Group I – any assembly building with a stage and occupant

load of 1,000 or more in the building.

j. Group J – accessory or occupancies that include the following:

 Division 1 – private garage, carports, sheds and

agricultural buildings

 Division 2 – fences over 1.80 meters high, tanks and


Occupant - any person actually occupying and using a building or portions

thereof by virtue of a lease contract with the owner or
administrator or by permission or sufferances of the latter. (B-22)

Offshore - the water, sea bottom, and subsurface from the shore or
coastlines reckoned from the mean low tide level to up the two
hundred nautical miles (200 n.m.) exclusive economic zone
including the archipelagic sea and contiguous zone. (E-2)

Old Dependency Ratio – see Age Dependency Ratio

Old Growth - forest predominantly stocked with mature trees with less than
25% of the mature stand volume removed by cutting. (B-8)

Old Growth Forest - natural forest which has not been subjected to timber harvesting
or extraction. Also known as virgin forest. (E-21)

Older Population - persons in the study area who are 65 years old and over. (C-3)

On- Farm Irrigation

Facilities – composite facilities that permit entry of water to paddy areas and
consist of farm ditches and turnouts. (D-12)

Onshore - the landward side from the mean tide elevation including
submerged lands in lakes, rivers and creeks. (E-2)

On-site Development - the process of upgrading and rehabilitation of blighted and slum
urban areas with a view of minimizing displacement of dwellers in
said areas, and with provisions of basic services as provided for in
RA 7279. (C-5)

Open Access Areas - forestlands devoid of tree cover. Included under this category
are grasslands, brushlands, denuded forests, and croplands and
grazing lands that have been abandoned. (E-21)

Open Housing – housing packages with cost above the medium-cost packages
set in Section 15 of RA 8763 but in no case costing more than
Five Million Pesos (P5,000,000.00) (C-8)

Open Market Housing - housing constructed and financed by the private sector as a
business venture and sold at prevailing market prices and interest.

Open Pit - a type of toilet without a water-sealed bowl and the depository is
constructed usually of large circular tubes made of concrete or
clay, but without covering. (C-23)

Open Space - areas allocated for the following purposes: circulation,

community facilities, parks/playgrounds, easements and courts.

- can be best defined according to its functions, i.e., as areas for

recreation; preservation/conservation, ecology and as tools to
enhance and control urban growth; an area reserved exclusively

for parks, playgrounds, recreational uses and other similar
facilities and amenities. (C-23)

Organic Act for

Autonomous Regions – defines the basic structure of government for the autonomous
region consisting of the executive and legislative assembly, both
of which shall be elective and representative of the constituent
political units. It shall likewise provide for special courts with
personal, family, and property law jurisdiction consistent with the
provisions of the 1987 Constitution of the Republic of the
Philippines and national laws. (A-1)

Overseas Workers - Filipino workers who are presently out of the country, or who are
presently at home on vacation and are expected to be away for
not more than five years from the date of departure.

Owned/Being Amortized - tenure status of the housing unit where the household is the
owner and has the legal possession of the housing unit, or the
household claims to own it. (C-23)

Owner – any person, company, or corporation owning the property or

properties under consideration or the receiver or trustee thereof.

Owner-Manager - the owner of a parcel of land devoted to agricultural production,

who provides the capital and management in the farm enterprise.

Park/Playground - that portion of the subdivision which is generally not built on and
intended for passive or active recreation. (B-11)

Parks and Playgrounds - a type of centerpiece open space which may range from
neighborhood to city/municipal park which cater to the recreational
needs of the residents of the community. That portion of the
subdivision which is generally not built on and intended for
passive or active recreation. (C-18)

Parks and Recreation

Zone - an area designated for diversion/amusements and for the
maintenance of ecological balance of the community. (G-4)

Participatory Democracy - a principle of sustainable development which means that

participation of all sectors of society in decision-making processes
should be valued and supported. (E-12)

Party Wall - a wall used jointly by two parties under easement agreement,
erected upon a line separating two parcels of land, each of which
is a separate real estate. (B-11)

Passive Recreation - activities like nature study, strolling/walking for pleasure,

picnicking, playing chess, cards, etc.; seeing movies and other
spectacular shows. (C-18)

Pasture Land,
Communal - Tract of public forest set aside by the DENR upon the
recommendation of the Director of the Bureau of Forest
Development for the exclusive use of residents in the municipality
for grazing purposes (MNR, AO 1979). (B-5)

Pasture Lands - all lands producing natural forage for animal consumption and
those which are vegetated naturally or artificially to produce forage
cover. They are generally considered as those which are not
cultivated and include natural grasslands, savannas, wetlands,
dominated by grass and grasslike plants suitable for grazing,
certain shrubs and related plant communities. (E-7)

Pasture/Grazing Land - portion of the public domain which have been set aside in view of
the sustainability of its topography and vegetation for livestock
raising. (B-5)

Pathwalk/Footpath - a public way intended for pedestrian and which cuts across a
block to provide access to adjacent streets or property with
maximum length of 100 meters if connecting to roads and 50
meters if terminating in a dead end. (B-11)

Patio – see Yard

Peace, Order and National
Unity - a principle of sustainable development which means that the
right of everyone to peaceful and secure existence is respected.

Peizometric Level - the elevation to which an artesian aquifer (water bearing rock
structure) will rise in a well. This will show areas where water will
rise naturally to the ground and areas where natural wells are not
possible. (B-3)

People's Industrial Estates

(PIEs) - the implementing mechanisms for the operationalization of the
Countryside Agro-Industrial Development Strategy (CAIDS). The
PIEs concept envisions a core or anchor processing activity
centered around the raw materials readily avalible in the area.
Small manufacturing activities related to the basic needs and
export potentials of the area can be clustered around the anchor
activity. The development of PIEs takes into consideration the
following: (D-7)

 Establishment and viable operation of appropriate processing

plants and proper service facilities by organized private sector

 Linkages of force to processing areas and target centers;

 Provision of basic infrastructure support/facilities;

 Provision of basic infrastructure support/facilities; and

 Enhancement of agricultural production so as to ensure

sufficient agricultural raw materials supply.

People’s Organization
(PO) – a self-help group belonging to the basic sectors and/or
disadvantaged groups composed of members having a common
bond of interest who voluntarily join together to achieve a lawful
common social or economic end. (C-19)

– a bona fide association of citizens with demonstrated capacity to

promote the public interest and with identifiable leadership,
membership and structure. Its members belong to a sector/s who
voluntarily band themselves together to work for and by
themselves for their own uplift, development and greater good.(D-

Percentage of Households
(HH) Served (B-8) = Number of HH Served
----------------------------------- x 100
Total Number of HH

Percentage of Households
(HH) Unserved (B-8) = Number of HH Served
---------------------------------- x 100
Total No. of HH Unserved

Permanent Forest or
Forest Reserves – lands of the public domain which has been the subject of the
present system of classification and determined to be needed
for forest purposes. (E-2)

- forest or timberland so delineated, classified and proclaimed for

forest uses, the boundaries of which cannot be modified nor
altered except to conform with subsequent precise surveys but not
to exclude any portion thereof, and upon the approval of the
President. (D-16)

Permeability – the case in which a fluid may pass through a porous medium
expressed quantitatively as the coefficient of the permeability.
The permeability of the soil formation determines the availability
and volume of ground water. (B-3)

Person – every natural or juridical being, susceptible of rights and

obligations or of being the subject of legal relations. (A-2)

Personal Services – appropriations for the payment of salaries, wages and other
compensation of permanent, temporary, contractual and casual
employees of the local government units. (A-2)

- comprised of services generally involving the care of a person or

his apparel; reckoned among such services are restaurants,
cafes, taverns, refreshment parlors, night clubs and drinking clubs
and other drinking and eating places; rooming place, such as
dormitories, boarding houses, hotels and motels; laundry and
laundry services; barber shops and beauty parlors; portrait and
commercial photograph studios; exterminating, disinfecting and
fumigating services; funeral undertaking services; sweepstakes
agencies; building and janitorial services and massage clinics. (D-

Pestilence - an epidemic causing high mortality. Mortality will be deemed high

depending on the prevailing expectancy in the affected community
vis-à-vis the community at large, nature of illness, and other
epidemiological factors. (C-18)

Philippine Agenda 21 - the country's blueprint for sustainable development. It contains
the general agenda for action that will have to be undertaken
within the next 30 years by all sectors of the society, each one
playing a role. (E-5)

– describes a path of images for individuals, families, households

and communities; for each ecosystem and across ecosystems in
consideration of the interaction of the various lifescapes and
landscapes found therein. (E-11)

It envisions a better quality of life for all through the development

of a just, moral, creative, spiritual, economically vibrant, caring,
diverse yet cohesive society characterized by appropriate
productivity, participatory and democratic processes and living in
harmony within the limits of the carrying capacity of nature and the
integrity of creation.

It provides a comprehensive set of economic, political, cultural,

scientific and technological, ecological, social and institutional
parameters that flow out of the principles of sustainable
development. Development is sustainable if it is fully guided by
these parameters.

Philippine Agenda 21,

Action Agenda – a major section of Philippine agenda 21 which proposes action
programs that can be done immediately and in the long-term. (E-

Philippine Agenda 21,

Mechanisms – a major section of Philippine Agenda 21 which discusses ways
in which the Principles of Unity and the Action Programs can be
supported and made into reality. (E-12)

Philippine Agenda,
Principles of Unity – a major section of Philippine Agenda 21 which contains the
basic ideas on sustainable development agreed on by the many
people and sectors involved. This section contains agreements on
four aspects of sustainable development, namely: (E-12)

 What our present situation is;

 The definition of sustainable development
 The ideas that describe sustainable development
 The ways through which sustainable development should be

Philippine Environmental
Policy – it is hereby declared a continuing policy of the State to: (E-3)

a. create, develop, maintain and improve conditions under which

man and nature can thrive in productive and enjoyable
harmony with each other;

b. fulfill the social, economic and other requirements of present

and future generations of Filipinos; and

c. ensure the attainment of an environmental quality that is

conducive to a life of dignity and well-being.

Philippine Strategy for

Sustainable Development
(PSSD) – meeting the needs of the citizens today without limiting the
options for future generations to fulfill their needs. It is
development without destruction; it is the achievement of material
progress without compromising the life support functions of natural
systems; it is the pursuit of higher levels of quality of life while
preserving or even enhancing environmental quality. (F-5)

Philippine Strategy for

Sustainable Development,
Goal - to achieve and maintain economic growth without depleting the
stock of natural resources and degrading environmental quality.

Philippine Strategy for

Sustainable Development,
Objectives - the following objectives have been identified toward the
attainment of the PSSD goal: (F-5)

a. To ensure the sustainable utilization of the country’s natural

resources such as forests, croplands, minerals and marine
and freshwater ecosystems;

b. To achieve and maintain an acceptable quality of common

resources such as air and water;

c. To maintain the country’s species and genetic diversity;

d. To ensure the integrity of essential ecological processes and

life-support systems;

e. To achieve a level of population growth that could be optimally

supported by and would not cause undue stress on the
country’s resources; and

f. To develop a clear public perception of the interdependent
links between environmental health, economic productivity and
political stability and in the process, create a strong
constituency for environmental production.

Philippine Strategy for

Sustainable Development,
Principles – operationally, sustainable development can be further explained
through the following principles, which form the guiding framework
for actions under the PSSD: (F-5)

a. a systems-oriented and integrated approach in the analysis

and solution of problems;

b. a concern for meeting the needs of future generations,

otherwise termed as inter-generational equity;

c. a concern not to exceed the carrying capacity of ecosystems;

d. living on the interest rather than on the capital or stock of

natural resources;

e. maintenance or strengthening of vital ecosystem functions in

every development activity;

f. a concern for resource use efficiency;

g. promotion of research on substitutes, recycling, exploration,

etc. from revenues derived from the utilization of non-
renewable resources;

h. a recognition that poverty is both cause and consequence of

environmental degradation;
i. a concern for equity of people’s access to natural resources;

j. a promotion of citizen participation and decentralization in

implementing programs.

Philippine Waters - include all bodies of water within Philippine Territory, such as
rivers, streams, creeks, brooks, ponds, swamps, lagoons, gulf,
bays and seas and other bodies of water now existing, or which
may hereafter exist in the provinces, cities, municipalities,
municipal districts and barrios; and the sea or fresh water around,
between and connecting each of the islands of the Philippine
Archipelago, irrespective of its depth, breadth, length and
dimension, and all other waters belonging to the Philippines by
historic or legal title, including the territorial sea, the seabed, the
insular shelves and other submarine areas over which the
Philippines has sovereignty or jurisdiction. (D-3, E-1)

Physical Planning - the art and the science of ordering and managing the use of land
and its environment and the character and siting of buildings and
communication routes so as to secure the maximum practicable
degree of economy, convenience and beauty. (A-3)

Physical Suitability - characteristic of a potential site for economic or socialized

housing assuring healthful, safe and environmentally sound
community life. It should be stable enough to accommodate
foundation load without excessive site works. Critical areas (e.g.,
areas subject to flooding, landslides and stress) must be avoided.

Picked-up by Garbage
Trucks - a usual manner of household garbage disposal where the local
government or a private contractor manages the systematic
collection of garbage in the community through the use of trucks
or carts. (C-18)

Pilot or Experimental
Projects - any undertaking, activity, or operation, of more or less limited
duration, involving investments carried out with the end in view of
trying out alternative and innovative approaches to managing and
planning human settlements. (A-3)

Planned Area for New

Development - refers to any area/areas identified and segregated for overall
integrated planning and development as a single unit or physical
area. (A-3)

Planned Unit Development

(PUD) - a land development scheme wherein project site is
comprehensively planned as an entity via a unitary site plan which
permits flexibility in planning/design, building, siting,
complementarity of building types and land uses, usable open
spaces and the preservation of significant natural land features.

Planning – one of the four (4) dimensions in the administration of any

development program which includes the determination of
priorities, the analysis and integration of data resources, setting
guidelines and policy standards and actual formulation of the plan.
It is the primary responsibility of the central government and the
local government’s participation includes the formulation of the
plan, the collection of data on particular projects, and the
monitoring of local needs. (H-3)

Planning Balance Sheet

(PBS) - a plan evaluation method which is an improvement of the cost-
benefit analysis. It attempts to present not only the tangible costs
and benefits but also the intangible and unmeasured costs and
benefits for different affected groups. PBS divides the affected
groups into producers/operators and consumers/users. It is not
necessary to express all costs and benefits in money terms.
However, it is necessary to reduce benefits and costs into some
common units to permit aggregation for producers and consumers
separately and comparison of alternatives. (E-5)

Planning Services by a
Registered Environmental
Planner - it shall be unlawful for any person to: (I-1)

a. render planning services as defined in Section 3, Title I (Scope

of Practice) of PD 1308, unless the plans, designs and
programs have been prepared under, and signed and sealed
by a registered environmental planner;

b. sign for any branch of the work, or any function on

environmental planning practice, except the environmental
planner in charge, not actually performed by him;

c. amend, revise, duplicate or make copies of said documents for

use in the repetition of and for other projects whether executed
partly or in whole, without the written consent of the
environmental planner or author of said document.

It shall be unlawful for any environmental planner to sign his

name, affix his seal, or use any other method of signature on
plans, specifications or other documents prepared by another
environmental planner or made under the supervision of another
environmental planner.

The environmental planner in charge shall be fully responsible for

all plans, specifications and other documents issued under his
seal or authorized signature.

Playlot - a safe recreation and play area designed for the pre-school
children. It is usually located in densely populated areas with high
concentration of pre-school age group and with a service radius of
0.25 kilometers from every home and commonly located on
playground sites. (C-18)

Policy - set of related principles and rules of action/conditions that would

govern the pursuit of goals and objectives. (C-18)

- a definite course or method of action selected in the light of given

conditions to guide and usually determine present and future
decisions. (C-18)

Policy Statements - guiding principles for change. (C-14)

Pollution - any alteration of the physical, chemical and biological properties of
any water, air, and/or land resources of the Philippines, or any
discharge thereto of any liquid, gasbugs or solid wastes as will or is
likely to create or to render such water, air, land resources harmful,
detrimental or injurious to public health, safety or welfare or which will
adversely affect their utilization for domestic, commercial, industrial,
agricultural, recreational or other legitimate purposes. (E-9)

Pollution Control – see Strengthening of Residuals Management.

Pollution Control and

Infrastructure Devices - infrastructure, machinery, equipment and/or improvements used
for impounding, treating or neutralizing, precipitating, filtering,
conveying and cleansing mine industrial wastes and tailings as
well as eliminating ore reducing hazardous effects of solid
particles, chemicals, liquids or other harmful by-products and
gases emitted from any facility utilized in mining operations for
their disposal. (E-2)

Pollution Control Device - any device or apparatus to prevent, control, or abate the
pollution control of air caused by emission from motor vehicles at
levels within the air pollution control standards established by the
National Pollution Control Commission (E-13)

Pollutive Industries - these industries emit large amounts of air, water and solid
pollutants. (D-7)

Poor – individuals and families whose income fall below the poverty
threshold as defined by the National Economic and Development
Authority and/or cannot afford in a sustained manner to provide
their minimum basic needs of food, health, education, housing and
other essential amenities of life. (C-19)

Population Density Map – map that shows concentration of population in relation to land
area. (B-3)

Population Projection by
Age Group - (see Municipal Population Estimates Using NSO Population
Enumerated in the Last Two Recent Censuses) (C-3)

Population Pyramid - a tool used in analyzing the demographic history of a given local
government unit population. It shows the relative size of male and
female populations by age groups and provides a profile on
whether a population is young or old. It also shows the proportion
of dependent population with the working population. (C-3)

Post-harvest Activities – includes, but not limited to, threshing, drying, milling, grading,
storing and handling of produce and such other activities as
stripping, winnowing, chipping and washing. (D-1, D-4)

– includes, but not limited to, threshers, moisture meters, dryers,

scales, milling equipment, fish ports, fish landings, ice plants and
cold storage facilities, processing plants, warehouses, buying
stations, market infrastructure and transportation facilities. (D-1)

– include, but are not limited to, fishport, fishlanding, ice plants
and cold storages, fish processing plants. (D-2)

– include, but are not limited to, threshers, moisture meters,

dryers, weighing scales, milling equipment, storage facilities,
buying stations, market infrastructure and transportation facilities.

Every barangay which is predominantly agriculture-based shall be

entitled to at least one (1) storage facility and a multi-purpose
pavement/plaza which can be used for various purposes including
drying of agricultural produce.

These shall be located in the chosen barangay site or in any area

to be approved by the sangguniang barangay in consultation with
the small farmers and farmers’ organizations who shall provide the
labor and other locally available materials for the construction and
maintenance of the facilities. Priority shall be given to areas
where no such facilities are available and predominantly
populated by small farmers. The selected site, as much as
practicable, must be accessible by transportation and
communication facilities and must be near the center of the

Potential Percentage of
Income Available for
Housing - describes the maximum percentage of income that could be
made available for capital costs of housing after excluding
necessary basic expenses such as food, clothing, education,
medical expenses, transportation, income tax and recurrent costs
of housing. (C-14)

Poverty Alleviation – the reduction of absolute poverty and relative poverty. (C-19)

Power - a sub-sector of the Infrastructure and Utilities Sector which refers

to location of power sources and provision of a system for linking
them to the users for varied purposes, e.g., run
household/gadgets/appliances and increase the possibility of
accomplishing tasks and projects more easily and at a much
shorter time in households, small industries and factories. (F-4)

Power Sub-sector - a sub-sector of the Infrastructure and Utilities Sector which refers
to location of power sources and providing a system for linking
them to the users for varied purposes, e.g., run
household/gadgets/appliances and possibility of accomplishing
tasks and projects more easily and at a much shorter time, in
households, small industries and factories. (A-5)

Pragmatic Approach – (see Matching and Iteration) a planning approach in the Local
Development Investment Program (LDIP) process which is a
combination of the Constructive Approach and Development
Approach (G-2)

Precautionary Principle - a process of decision-making in which a cautious approach is

initially taken by policy makers in the absence or lack of reliable
information from which to base their decisions and actions. Under
this principle, resources should not be utilized if it cannot be
ascertained that their use and development would not destroy the
environment. This decision is to the best interest of the present
and future generations. (E-7)

Pre-harvest activities – include, but not limited to, seedbed and land preparation,
planting, weeding, pest and disease control, fertilizer application,
water management and harvesting. (D-4)

Pre-harvest Facilities – include, but are not limited to, plows, harrows, tractors,
rotavators and sprayers. (D-4)

Premature Conversion of
Agricultural Land – the undertaking of any development activity, the results of which
modify or alter the physical characteristics of the agricultural lands
to render them suitable for non-agricultural purposes, without an
approved order of conversion from the Department of Agrarian
Reform. (D-1)

Present Land Use Versus

Potential Land Use - a method for biophysical assessment where the socioeconomic
feasibility of a proposed land use is determined by carefully
matching it with the existing land use. The degree of discrepancy
between the two land uses will indicate the relative degree of
difficulty in implementing the proposed land use. When the
proposed land use entirely deviates from the existing pattern of
land use in an area, it indicates massive investment and
resources input requirement from the government. Changing the
existing land use means changing the traditional cropping system
which may require technology and support services investments
to be readily acceptable to farmers. (E-6)

Price Subsidy - the additional amount paid by the government for every unit of
output sold by the farmers in the open market. (D-10)

Primacy of Developing
Full Human Potential – a principle of sustainable development where people are placed
at the center of development efforts. (E-12)

Primary Commodities - major crops/livestock/fisheries cultivate, raised, or cultured such

as rice, corn, coconut, sugar, livestock and fisheries. (D-15)

Primary Contact
Recreation - any form of recreation where there is intimate contact of the
human body with the water, such as swimming, water skiing or
skin diving. (E-17)

Primary Content of a
Map - the actual subject of the map, i.e., land use, geology,
geomorphology, population density. For a land use map, this is
all, including the names of barangays, municipality and province.

Primary Health Services - the services delivered at health centers or rural health units and
barangay health stations, such as health education, control of
endemic diseases (malaria, dengue, schistosomiasis),
immunization, maternal/child health and family planning, nutrition
(operation timbang, breastfeeding, etc.), treatment of common
diseases and supply of essential drugs. (C-18)

Primary Processing – the physical alteration of raw agricultural or fishery products with
or without the use of mechanical facilities. (D-1)

Prime Agricultural Land - lands falling under class A or B in the category of lands
formulated by the Bureau of Soils which can be highly productive
using applied soil conservation practices. (B-1)

The allowed uses of prime agricultural lands within a strip of 1,000

meters of land along any existing, proposed or on-going public
highway or road Strip, are as follows:

a. cultivation of crops, including but not limited to vegetable,

cereals, tuber, fruits, rubber and abaca;
b. silviculture and industrial plantations; and
c. agricultural institutions and buildings or structures considered
necessary for farm or plantation operations.

- those lands capable of sustaining the economic productivity

levels of crops/land use over time in a given climatic region
without adversely affecting the immediate and adjoining
environment (D-7)

These are lands which are "non-negotiable" for conversion as
provided for under Administrative Order No. 20 (series of 1992) to
wit: [i] all irrigated lands where water is available to support rice
and other crop production and all irrigated lands where water is
not available for rice production but are within the areas
programmed for irrigation facility rehabilitation within the next ten
years by the Department of Agriculture - National Irrigation
Administration (NIA), and [ii] all economically viable irrigable
lands, i.e., those which are already covered by irrigation projects
with firm funding commitments, i.e., there is an existing bilateral or
multilateral agreement and/or included in the agency's program at
the time of the application for land conversion, as determined by
the Department of Agriculture (Source: AO 20, Series of 1992,
Office of the President).

These are agricultural lands reserved for agricultural activity in

order to effectively ensure food security and the success of an
agricultural-led and farming oriented development strategy,
particularly those falling under "Highly Restricted" and
"Traditionally Restricted" for conversion categories. (Source:
Department of Agriculture's network of Protected Agricultural

- all irrigated and irrigable areas and other areas mapped under
the Network of Protected Areas for Agriculture of the Bureau of
Soils and Water Management. (E-9)

Primitive Tribe – a group of endemic tribe living primitively as a distinct portion of

a people from a common ancestor. (E-2)

Private Enterprise - an economic system under which property of all kinds can be
privately owned and in which individuals, alone or in association
with another, can embark on a business activity. This includes
industrial, agricultural, or agro-industrial establishments engaged
in the production, manufacturing, processing, repacking or
assembly of goods, inlcuding service-oriented enterprises. (C-20)

Private Facilities - commercial and institutional/organizational facilities which are

operated and managed by entrepreneurs for economic gains. (C-

Private Hospital - a hospital owned, established and operated with funds raised or
contributed through donations, or by private capital or other
means by private individuals, association, corporation, religious
organizations, from company or joint stock association. (C-18)

Private Land - any land belonging to any private person which includes
alienable and disposable land being claimed by a holder, claimant,
or occupant who has already acquired a vested right thereto under
the law, although the corresponding certificate or evidence of title
or patent has not been actually issued. (E-2)
Private Right – titled rights of ownership under existing laws, and in the case of
primitive tribes, to rights of possession existing at the time a
license is granted under PD 704, which possession may include
places of abode and worship, burial grounds, and old clearings but
excludes production forests inclusive of logged-over areas,
commercial forests and established plantations of forest trees and
trees of economic value. (E-2)

Privy - a structure which is not connected to a sewerage system and is

used for the reception, disposition and storage of feces or other
excreta from the human body. (C-22)

Procedural Review - the screening of the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)

document to determine whether it complied with the required
procedures and content. The examination of the EIA document by
the Department of Environment and Natural Resources at this
stage is based on the following criteria: (E-9)

a. completeness of information
b. order of presentation of information

Process Documentation - a detailed description and analysis of the different activities

undertaken during the course of the study. It captures the
processes of the entire EIA study such as scoping, public
consultations, public hearings and dispute/conflict management.

Processing Plant - any mechanical set-up, machine or combination or machines

used for the processing of logs and other forest raw materials into
lumber, veneer, plywood, wallboard, blockboard, paper board,
paper or other similar finished products. The term “processing
plant” includes circular sawmill, band sawmill, pulp and paper mill,
veneer plant, plywood plant, wallboard plant and blockboard plant.
(D-16, E-7)

Production Areas - areas capable of sustaining intensive and multiple uses primarily
geared to the production of food and cash crops or to the
extraction of natural resources for their economic value. These
areas are not environmentally constrained or ecologically sensitive
as the protected areas and are not covered by existing
conservation laws or policies. (E-5)

Production Forest - the residual dipterocarp forests; pine forests available for
logging; rangelands for grazing; areas under industrial forest
plantation management; areas for community forestry; integrated
social forestry; watersheds and other forest lands for special uses.

Production Forest Lands - all forest lands not classified as protection forest. These forests
shall be devoted mainly to the production of forest products (both
timber and non-timber) and services. (E-8)

Production Forests - existing forest areas either by virtue of land classification or

actual cover. They occur in slopes below 50% and are
predominantly under second growth dipterocarps with grass and
brush undergrowth. (E-5)

Production Infrastructure – farm-to-market roads, irrigation, rural electrification, ports, drying

areas, public sites, warehouses and other physical facilities used
for productivity enhancing services, extension management
assistance, training, research and development. (D-4)

Production Land Use - the direct or indirect utilization of land resources for the following
activities: crop production, agroforestry, grazing and pasture,
mining, fishing, industry and tourism. (B-4)

Productive Population or
Working Age Group - persons in the study area belonging to the age bracket 15-64
years old. (C-3)

Professional Squatters - individuals or groups who occupy lands without the express
consent of the landowner but who have sufficient income for
legitimate housing. The term also applies to persons who have
been previously awarded homelots or housing by the Government
but who sold, leased or transferred the same to settle illegally in
the same place or in another urban area, and non-bona fide
occupants and intruders of lands reserved for socialized housing.
The term does not apply to individuals or groups who simply rent
land and housing from professional squatters or squatting
syndicates. (C-4)

Project - the specific component of the tourism estate such as but not
limited to the tourist facilities/activities described in the definition of
tourism estate. (D-7)

Project Area – means: (C-5)

a. for subdivision projects without housing components, the gross

developed land area;
b. for subdivision projects with housing component, the gross
developed land area and aggregate floor area of all housing
units; and
c. for condominium projects, the gross floor area of residential

Project Cost – cost of the project based on the following:

a. current market value of the raw land plus estimated land

development cost plus estimated housing project cost; or
b. HIGC preliminary appraisal for projects requiring guarantee or
HIGC appraisal.

Project Identification – a stream in the Local Development Investment Programming

which includes a short list and cost estimate of projects to be
considered for implementation. This list will be matched with the
initial estimate of available funds (G-2)

The three (3) major activity outputs in project identification stream

are the following:

b. an initial list of projects derived form the Local

Development Plan and other sources;

c. a preliminary list of projects screened on the basis of

technical and socio-political criteria; and

d. a ranked list of projects with cost estimates

Projected Labor Force - (see Municipal Population Estimates Using NSO Population
Enumerated in the Last Two Recent Censuses) (C-3)

Projected Rural Road

Requirements – Projected Rural Road Requirement = Total Area Intended
for Agriculture x Standard road to area ratio - Existing Rural
Road Length + Additional current requirement

Projected Urban Road

Requirements – Projected Urban Road Requirement = Projected Population
x Standard Road to Population - Existing Urban Road Length +
Additional Urban Road Requirement (B-8)

Projected Volume of
Telegraphic Messages – the volume of telegraphic messages in the preceding year
added to the product of the average annual rate of increase and
the volume of the preceding year. This is expressed using the
following formula: (B-8)

Projected Volume = A + (A x B)

Where: A = Volume of preceding year

B = Average annual rate of

To compute for the average annual rate of increase (B), use the
following formula:

D–C + E–D + F-E
B= ---------------------------------------------

Where: B = average annual rate of increase

D = volume in year after base year
C = volume in base year
E = volume in year after D
F = volume in year after E
t = number of years

The foregoing formula may also be used for telex, telegraphic

transfer and postal services (mail volume less incoming and

Promotion of
Environmental Education - a strategy to implement the Philippine Strategy for Sustainable
Development which is intended to enable citizens to understand
and appreciate the complex nature of the environment, as well as
the role played by a properly managed environment in economic
development; and to develop social values that are strongly
supportive of environmental protection and which will create the
commitment and political will to deal with difficult issues. (F-5)

The task of education is to develop a rational basis for the study of

the environment – and thus equip people with the basic capability
to make up their own minds in an informed way and do something
about their decisions.

Proper Pricing of
Natural Resources – a strategy to implement the Philippine Strategy for Sustainable
Development (PSSD) where natural resources are treated as truly
scarce, and not as if they were free. This is done by proper
pricing based on the cost of replenishment, increasing their supply
and providing appropriate substitutes. In essence, this strategy
aims to correct the gross underpricing of natural resources (e.g.,
logs, minerals) that is substantially responsible for the wasteful
extraction and utilization of these resources. (F-5)

A component of the needed price reform strategy involves

charging a price on those environmental resources (e.g., air,
water) which have until now been regarded as free resources and
which have thus been polluted freely and indiscriminately. A
social price should be assigned to these otherwise free resources.
The system is based on the so-called “polluter pays” principle.

Property Rights Reform - a strategy to implement the Philippine Strategy for Sustainable
Development (PSSD) which includes creative and secure
instruments such as forest stewardship contracts, small-holder
timber concessions, artificial reef licenses, community forests,
community fishing grounds and mining cooperatives to ensure
equitable access and tenurial security in the utilization of natural
resources. It has to be noted, however, that an essential condition
for transferring control over resources or distributing resource
rights is for recipient individuals or communities to demonstrate
the capacity for proper management of such resources. (F-5)

Proportional Mortality
Ratio – see Swarrop-Uemura Index (C-18)

Protected Agricultural
Lands - all agricultural lands which are designated under the Agriculture
and Fisheries Modernization Act (AFMA) or Republic Act No. 8435
as part of the Network of Protected Areas for Agriculture and
Agroindustrial Development (NPAAAD), including all irrigated
areas; all irrigable lands already covered by irrigation projects with
firm funding commitments; all alluvial plain lands highly suitable
for agriculture whether irrigated or not; agroindustrial croplands or
lands currently planted to industrial crops that support the viability
of existing agricultural infrastructure and agro-based enterprises;
highlands or areas located at an elevation of five hundred (500)
meters above and have the potential for growing semi-temperate
and high value crops; and all agricultural lands that are
ecologically fragile, the conversion of which will result in serious
environmental degradation, and mangrove areas and fish
sanctuaries. (E-5)

Protected Area System - areas with legally defined boundaries established to afford
protection and conservation to significant natural and cultural
features. (B-6)

Protected Areas - identified portions of land and water set aside by reason of their
unique physical and biological significance, managed to enhance
biological diversity and protected against destructive human
exploitation; a large area where the environment or one or more
types of eco-systems of high ecological significance are
adequately conserved, where plant and animal species and
habitat are not materially altered by human exploitation and/or
occupation. (B-6)

- areas that perform vital ecological functions or pose some form

of hazards to human settlements. (E-5)

Protected Forest Lands - those areas comprising the National Integrated Protected Areas
(NIPAS) by virtue of RA 7586. These include the following: 1)
strict natural reserves; 2) natural parks; 3) natural monuments; 4)
wildlife sanctuaries; 5) protected landscapes and seascapes; 6)
resource reserves; 7) natural biotic areas; 8) other categories
established by law, conventions or international agreements of
which the Philippine government is signatory. (E-5)

Protected Landscapes/
Seascapes - areas of national significance which are characterized by the
harmonious interaction of man and land while providing
opportunities for public enjoyment through recreational and
tourism within the normal lifestyle and economic activity of these
areas. (E-1)

Protected Water - a watercourse or a body of water, or any segment thereof, that is

classified as a source of public water supply, propagation and
harvesting of shellfish for commercial purposes, or spawning
areas for chanos chanos and similar species, or primary contact
recreation, or that which is designated by competent government
authority or by legislation as tourist zone, national marine park and
reserve, including coral reef park and reserve. (E-17)

Protection Forest Lands - forestlands set aside for preservation primarily for their beneficial
influence on soil and water, socio-cultural value, and ecological
significance. Protection forest lands as defined in this manual are
to include the NIPAS areas, all proclaimed watershed
reservations, forest reserves, mossy forests, old growth forests,
strips of specified widths bordering rivers and streams, areas with
slopes greater than 50%, areas with elevation greater than 1,000
meters above sea level, and other socio-culturally significant or
ecologically critical areas that may be identified locally. Civil and
military reservations are classified as protection forest lands by
virtue of their presidential proclamation which limit the use to that
specified in the proclamation. (E-8)

Protection Land Use - the rehabilitation, conservation, sustainable development and

management of the following areas: (B-4)

a. areas declared as belonging to the National Integrated Areas

(NIPAS) System per RA 7586;
b. areas outside the NIPAS requiring equivalent amount of
protection; and
c. areas prone to natural hazards termed as environmentally
constrained areas.

Protective Services
Sub-sector - a subsector of the Social Sector which includes the services
rendered by the policemen and firemen under the stewardship of
the Philippine National Police. It deals with police-population ratio,
police-civilian relations, programs for peace and order and
services/facilities for efficient delivery of police services. (F-4)

Protective Services
Sub-sector - a sub-sector of the Social Sector which includes the services
rendered by the policemen and firemen and deals with police-
population ratio, police-civilian relations, programs for peace and
order and services/facilities for efficient delivery of police services.

Province – an area composed of a cluster of municipalities, or municipalities

and component cities, which is a political and corporate unit of
government and serves as a dynamic mechanism for
developmental processes and effective governance of local
government units within its territorial jurisdiction. (A-2)

A province may be created if it has an average annual income, as

certified by the Department of Finance, of not less than Twenty
Million Pesos (P20,000,000.00) based on 1991 constant prices
and either of the following requisites:

a. a contiguous territory of at least two thousand (2,000) square

kilometers, as certified by the Land Management Bureau; or
b. a population of not less than two hundred fifty thousand
(250,000) inhabitants as certified by the National Statistics

Provincial Development
Council – see Local Development Council

Provincial Land Use

Committee – an inter-agency committee, attached to the Provincial
Development Council, that will assist the Sangguniang
Panlalawigan in reviewing the comprehensive land use plans of
component cities and municipalities. It is composed of the
Provincial Planning and Development Coordinator as Chairman,
the Provincial Agriculturist, a representative on non-governmental
organizations that are represented in the Provincial Development
Council, and representatives from the following national
government agencies: (G-1, G-3)

a. Housing and Land Use Regulatory Board;

b. Department of Evironment and Natural Resources;
c. Department of Agrarian Reform;
d. Department of Trade and Industry;
e. Department of Public Works and Highways;
f. Department of Tourism; and
g. Department of Interior and Local Government

Provincial Plan - an indicative plan for the province describing the general
direction of development and the various services/infrastructure
that will be provided. Issues/problems are also presented in the
plan. (F-3)

Provincial Roads - roads connecting one municipality with another municipality, the
terminals of which are the public plazas; all roads extending from
a municipality, or from a provincial or national road to a public
wharf or railway station. (B-13)

Public Facilities - those administered and funded solely by government (public)

agency. It is a non-profit institution and use of facilities are free
and/or fee is charged for its maintenance. (C-18)

Public Forest – the mass of lands of the public domain which has not been the
subject of the present system of classification for the
determination of which lands are needed for forest purposes and
which are not. (E-2)

Public Land - lands of the public domain which have not been the subject of
the present system of classification for the determination of which
lands are needed for forest purposes and which are not. (B-6)

- lands of the public domain which have been classified as

agricultural lands and subject to management and disposition
or concession under existing laws. (E-2)

Public Sewerage System - a system serving twenty-five persons or more. (C-22)

Public Utility - a business organization which regularly supplies the public with
some commodity or service, as electricity, gas, water,
transportation or telephone or telegraph service. Its distinguishing
characteristic is the devotion of private property to such use that
the public generally or that part of the public which has been
served and has accepted the service, has the right to demand that
the sue or service so long as it is continued shall be conducted
with reasonable efficiency and under proper charges. (A-1)

Public Waters – in accordance with Philippine laws, water of all natural streams,
ponds and lakes. (B-9)

Public Way – a parcel of land unobstructed from the ground to the sky, more
than 3.00 meters in width, appropriated to the free passage of the
general public.

Punong Barangay - the chief executive of the barangay government. (A-2)

Quarrying - the process of extracting, removing and disposing quarry

resources found on or underneath the surface of private or public
land. (E-2)

Quarry Resources - any common rock or other mineral substances as the Director of
Mines and Geosciences Bureau may declare as quarry resources
such as, but not limited to, andesite, basalt, conglomerate, coral
sand, diotomaceous earth, dirotie, decorative stones, gabbro,
granite, limestone, marble, marl, red burning clays for potteries
and bricks, rhyolite, rock phosphate, sandstone, serpentine, shall,
tuff, volcanic cinders, and volcanic glass. Provided: That such
quarry resources do not contain metals or metallic constituents:
provided, further: That non-metallic minerals such as kaolin,
feldspar, bull quartz, quartz, or silica sand and pebbles, bentonite,
talc, asbestos, barite, gypsum, bauxite, magnesite, dolomite,
mica, precious and semi-precious stones, and other non-metallic
minerals that may later be discovered and which the Director
declares the same to be of economically workable quantities, shall
not be classified under the category of quarry resources. (E-2)

Radioactive Products or
Waste - any radioactive material produced in, or any material made
radioactive by exposure to the radiation incidental to, the
production of utilization of nuclear fuel, but doe not include nuclear
fuel, or radioisotopes which have reached the final stage of
fabrications so as to be usable for any scientific, medical or
agricultural, commercial or industrial purpose. (B-10)

Rare Species - plant or animal species which are not under immediate threat of
extinction but occurs in small numbers. (E-9)

Ratio of Traffic Volume

to Road Capacity – the measure of level of service of the road or intersection. The
lower the value of this ratio, the higher is the level of service or
efficiency of the road or intersection. (B-8)

Real Estate - a type of business which include real estate subdividers and
developers; agents and appraisers; lessors of real property;
miscellaneous real estate activities not elsewhere classified. It
further includes all establishments letting and operating real
estate, such as non-residential buildings, apartment buildings and
dwelling; developing and subdividing real estate into lots including
development of cemetery lots, real estate property; and lessors,
agents, brokers, and managers engaged in renting out, selling,
managing and appraising real estate on a contract or fee basis.

Real Estate Mortgage - the Contract whereby the borrower guarantees the performance
of the housing loan by subjecting the real property as security in
case of non-performance of such obligation within the period
agreed upon and registered in the Register of Deeds ahead of the
other liens on the title. (C-13)

Real Property Tax – levy imposed by provinces, cities and municipalities or ad

valorem tax on the assessed value of property like lands, buildings
and other improvements. Both the province and municipality may
impose the tax rate of not less than one-fourth of one percent but
not more than one-half of one percent. While the city may levy tax
at a rate of not less than one-half of one percent but not more than
two percent. Ten percent of the collection of the province and the
municipality, or the city, accrues to the Barangay where the
property subject to tax is situated. (H-3)

The proceeds of the basic real property tax, including interest and
proceeds from the use, lease or disposition, sale, redemption of
property acquired at a public auction by the province or city or a
municipality within the Metropolitan Manila area shall be
distributed as follows:

In case of Provinces:

 Province - 35% shall accrue to the general fund

 Municipality - 40% to the general fund of the
municipality where the property is located
 Barangay - 25% shall accrue to the Barangay
where the property is located.

In case of Cities:

 70% shall accrue to the general fund of the city

 30% shall be distributed among the component barangays of
the cities where the property is located in the following
: 50% shall accrue to the Barangay where the property
is located; and
: 50% shall accrue equally to all other component
barangays of the city

In the case of a municipality within the Metropolitan Manila area:

 35% shall accrue to the general fund of the Metro Manila

Development Authority
 35% shall accrue to the general fund of the municipality where
the property is located
 30% shall be distributed among the component barangays of
the municipality where the property is located in the following

: 50% shall accrue to the Barangay where the property is

located; and
: 50% shall accrue equally to all other component
barangays of the municipality.

Reassessment – the assigning of new assessed values to property, particularly

real estate, as a result of a general, partial, or individual
reappraisal of the property. (A-2)

Receipts – income realized from operations and activities of the local
government or are received by it in the exercise of its corporate
functions, consisting of charges for services rendered,
conveniences furnished, or a price of a commodity sold, as well as
loans, contributions or aids from other entities, except provisional
advances for budgetary purposes. (A-2)

Recharged Areas of
Aquifers - sources of water replenishment wherein rainwater or seepage
actually enters the aquifers. Areas under this classification shall
be limited to all local or non-national watersheds and geothermal
reservations. (E-9)

Reclassification of
Agricultural Lands - the act of specifying how agricultural lands shall be utilized for
non-agricultural uses such as residential, industrial, commercial,
as embodied in the land use plan. It also includes the reversion of
non- agricultural lands to agriculture use. (D-7)

Reclassification of Lands – the authority of a city or municipality to reclassify agricultural

land through an ordinance enacted by the sanggunian after
conducting public hearings for the purpose provided that there
exists an approved zoning ordinance implementing its
comprehensive land use plan. (A-2)

Agricultural land may be reclassified in the following cases:

a. When the land ceases to be economically feasible and sound

for agricultural purposes as determined by the Department of
Agriculture; or

b. When the land shall have substantially greater economic value

for residential, commercial, or industrial purposes as
determined by the sanggunian.

Reclassification shall be limited to the following percentage of the

total agricultural area at the time of the passage of the ordinance:

a. For highly urbanized and independent component cities - 15%

b. For component cities and 1st to 3rd class municipalities - 10%;


c. For 4th to 6th class municipalities - 5%

Provided, further: That agricultural lands distributed to agrarian

reform beneficiaries pursuant to RA 6657, otherwise known as the
Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Law, shall not be affected by the
said reclassification and the conversion of such lands into other
purposes shall be governed by Section 65 of the said Act.

The President, may, when public interest so requires and upon the
recommendation of the National Economic and Development
Authority (NEDA), authorize a city or municipality to reclassify
lands in excess of the limits set in RA 7160.

Recommended Daily
Allowances (RDAs) - levels of intake of energy and essential nutrients considered
adequate to maintain health and provide reasonable levels of
reserves in body tissues of nearly all healthy persons in the
population. (D-7)

Recreation - the refreshment of body and/or mind during one's leisure hours.

Recreational Services - consist of motion picture production; distribution and projection,

theaters; radio and TV broadcasting studios; booking agencies;
bowling alleys; billiards halls and pool-rooms; swimming pools and
gymnasiums; golf clubs; horse racing; cockpits; coin-operated
amusement machines; sports promotions; etc. (D-7)

Reference Elements - a section of the plan which includes the bibliography and other
essentially related information to make the report concisely
understandable. (A-5)

Reforestation - artificial establishment of forest on land which carried forest

within the previous 50 years or within living memory. (B-6)

Regional Land Use

Committee (RLUC) – an inter-agency committee which will review the comprehensive
land use plans of provinces, highly urbanized cities and
independent component cities, to ensure their consistency with
the Regional Physical Framework Plan and the national policies
set forth by the National Land Use Committee. (G-1)

– a body tasked to review the Comprehensive Land Use Plans

(CLUPs) of highly-urbanized cities, independent component cities
and provinces, to ensure consistency with the Regional Physical
Framework Plan and national policies set forth by the National
Land Use Committee. The RLUC is composed of the following:

a. National Economic and Development Authority as Chairman

b. Housing and Urban Development Coordinating Council
c. Housing and Land Use Regulatory Board
d. Department of Trade and Industry
e. Department of Tourism
f. Department of Transportation and Communication
g. Department of Interior and Local Government
h. Department of Agriculture
i. Department of Environment and Natural Resources
j. Department of Agrarian Reform
k. Department of Public Works and Highways
l. Department of Science and Technology
m. Non-Governmental Organizations

The CLUPs and Zoning Ordinances of cities and municipalities of

Metro Manila shall be reviewed by a Review Committee chaired
by the Assistant General Manager of the Metropolitan Manila
Development Authority with the Housing and Land Use Regulatory
Board and other concerned agencies as members, to address the
various concerns such as traffic, flooding, solid waste disposal
and informal settlements, among others.

Regional Physical
Framework Plan - the plan that provides the spatial delineation/description of
development areas within the region. It indicates current and
proposed future spatial patterns of the
cities/provinces/municipalities which comprise the region. (F-3)

Regional Planning
Bodies - the existing offices or agencies such as the Regional
Development Councils (RDCs) or those which may be created in
the future which are lawfully entrusted with physical planning
functions in the region. (A-3)

Registrant (as
beneficiary of
socialized housing) - the head of the family who meets the eligibility criteria for
beneficiary selection provided for in RA 7279. To register, one
must have the following qualifications: (C-15)

a. Must be a Filipino citizen of legal age;

b. Must be an underprivileged and homeless citizen whose

average monthly income or combined family income falls
within the poverty threshold as defined by the National
Economic Development Authority;

c. Must not own any real property whether in the urban or rural
area and must have not been a beneficiary of any government
housing program except those in leasehold or rental

d. Must not be a professional squatter nor a member of a

squatting syndicate; and

e. Must be the head of the family.

Regular Allotment – one source of local revenues provided under the

Decentralization Act, which states that 17% of the National
Revenue Collection from taxes subject to regular allotment under
Section 362 of the National Internal Revenue Code, such as sales
tax, specific tax, contractor’s tax, tax on banks and finance
companies, fixed taxes on business and occupation, tax on
common carriers, charges tax, millers’ tax (except that on sugar),
percentage tax on cinematographic film owners, lessors and
distributors, certain mining taxes, occupation fees and rentals, and
water rentals was to be distributed to local governments as
follows: 13% to provinces and cities and 4% to municipal
governments. (H-3)

Under PD 1741, it is provided that to strengthen the fiscal

operation of local government units, and consistent with the
decentralization program of the government, part of the collection
of the national government in the amount of 20% of national
internal revenue taxes shall be made available to local
government units.

The amount of assistance is determined by taking into account

local requirements and available national funds, as determined by
the cost of implementing the national development plan.

The total amount available is allocated among local government

units as follows:

a. provinces - 30%
b. municipalities - 45%
c. cities - 25%

The share of local government units is determined on the basis of

the following:

a. population - 70%
b. land area - 20%
c. equal sharing - 10%

Rehabilitation of
Degraded Ecosystems - a strategy to implement the Philippine Strategy for Sustainable
Development (PSSD) where deliberate rehabilitative efforts
towards the rehabilitation of degraded ecosystems must keep
pace with the continuous degradation caused by the increasing
demands for both raw materials and products that come from
natural resources. A concerted action in the reforestation of
denuded watersheds, mangrove re-plantation, clean-up and
control of pollution and revival of biologically dead rivers, and
seagrass transplantation should be vigorously undertaken. (F-5)

Rehabilitation should be linked to ecosystems protection programs

and to policy reforms and institutional strengthening that decisively
deal with the socioeconomic roots of ecosystem degradation.

Relative Poverty – the gap between the rich and the poor. (C-19)
Religious Affiliation - a particular system of beliefs, attitudes, emotions and behaviors
constituting man's relationship with the powers and principalities of
the universe, such as Roman Catholic, Aglipay, Islam, Iglesia ni
Cristo, United Church of Christ in the Philippines, Buddhist,
Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter-Day Saints, Jehovah's
Witness, Born Again Christian, Presbyterian, Seventh Day
Adventist, Philippine Episcopal Church, Baptist Conference of the
Philippines, Bible Baptist, Southern Baptist, etc. (C-2)

Religious Affiliation of
the Population – a particular system of belief, dogma, faith or creed. This
information shall be useful in determining the required places of
worship per religious affiliation (C-3)

Renovation – any physical change made on a building/structure to increase its

value, utility and/or improve its aesthetic quality.

Rent/Rental Values of
Occupied Dwelling Unit - amount which represents the actual monthly rental or the
estimated amount that the owner of the dwelling unit would charge
a household. The rental value is based on the prevailing rate in
the locality. (C-14)

Rental Housing - type of housing, the occupancy of which is permitted by the

owner thereof in consideration of the payment of agreed charges,
whether or not, by the terms of the agreement, such payment over
a period of time will entitle the occupant to the ownership of the
premises. (C-4)

Rented - tenure status of the housing unit where the occupant actually
pays rent either in cash or in kind. (C-18)

Repair – the reconstruction or renewal of any part of an existing building

for the purpose of its maintenance; remedial work done on any
damaged or deteriorated portion/s of a building/structure to restore
its original condition.

Replacement or
Reproduction Cost – the cost that would be incurred on the basis of current prices, in
acquiring an equally desirable substitute property, or the cost of
reproducing a new replica of the property on the basis of current
prices with the same or closely similar material. (A-2)

Reproduction Cost – see Replacement Cost (A-2)

Reservation Watershed - a forestland reservation established to protect or improve the

conditions of the water yields thereof or reduces sedimentation.

Resettlement - the distribution of public agricultural lands to deserving families
and those displaced by the land transfer operation and the
increase in population in the rural areas. The State may resettle
landless farmers and farmworkers in its own agricultural estates.
In such case the estates shall be distributed to them in the manner
provided by law. (A-1)

Resettlement Areas - areas identified by the appropriate national agency or by the

local government unit with respect to areas within its jurisdiction,
which shall be used for the relocation of the underprivileged and
homeless citizens. (C-4, C-18)

Resettlement Assistance
Program to Local
Government Units - a joint undertaking of the NHA and the local government units
(LGU) in the development of resettlement sites, where the LGU's
primary contribution shall be land while the NHA shall provide
funds to cover the cost of land development. (C-6)

Under this program, priority shall be given to the following areas:

a. the major urban centers of the country such as the regional

growth centers, cities and provincial capital towns with high
housing need and high incidence of illegal settlements; and
other urban and urbanizing centers in the particular province
and/or congressional district where no government housing
assistance has been extended.

Resettlement Lands - those areas reserved for the occupation of minority groups
and/or displaced or excess population from urban areas. E-8)

Resettlement Program - land acquisition and site development by the National Housing
Authority to generate serviced homelots for families displaced
from sites earmarked for government infrastructure projects, those
occupying danger areas such as water ways, esteros, railroad
tracks and those qualified for relocation and resettlement
assistance under RA 7279.

In the choice of the particular city or municipality where

resettlement sites shall be developed, the following shall be

a. the availability of land found suitable for resettlement

purposes; and

b. the willingness as well as the capability of the host LGU to

assume project management and administration.

The NHA shall directly purchase the land.

Resettlement Program
with Other Government
Agencies and the Private
Sector - this involves the development of resettlement sites undertaken in
response to the need for resettlement sites by other government
agencies, by private landowners with properties which are illegally
occupied and by community/people's organizations in
depressed/blighted areas with no security of tenure or as
compliance by private developers with the mandatory 20%
subdivision development under Socialized Housing pursuant to
RA 7279. (C-6)

Residential Condominium - see Multi-Unit Residential

Residential Freehold - a grant of residential land within an Urban Land Reform Zone
made by the State upon compliance with development use and
related conditions. (F-2)

Residential Land – land principally devoted to habitation. (A-2)

Residential Lands
(in forest lands) - lands designated for settlement of a defined group. These do
not include areas where casual habitation exists. (E-8)

Residential Lot for a

Displaced Tenant - a parcel of land at least 180 square meters in area where a
tenant displaced by conversion may build his house. The cost per
square meter of the residential lot shall be the same as the cost
per square meter paid as disturbance compensation as provided
by law. (B-2)

Residential Use,
Low Density (R-1) – a subdivision of an area used principally for housing/dwelling
purposes with a density of 20 dwelling units and below per
hectare. The following are allowable uses: (G-4)

 detached family dwelling

 semi-detached family dwelling, e.g., duplex, rowhouse
 customary accessory uses like servants quarter, private
garage, guardhouse
 home occupation for the practice of one’s profession or for
engaging home business such as dressmaking, tailoring,
baking, running a sari-sari store and the like, provided that:

a. the number of persons engaged in the business/industry

shall not exceed five (5), inclusive of the owner;

b. there shall be no change in the outside appearance of the
building premises;

c. no home occupation shall be conducted in any customary

accessory uses cited above;

d. no traffic shall be generated by such home occupation in

greater volume that would normally be expected in a
residential neighborhood and any need for parking
generated by the conduct of such home occupation shall
be met off the street and in a place other than the required
front yard;

e. no equipment or process shall be used in such home

occupation which creates noise, vibration, glare, fumes,
odors and electrical interference detectable to the normal
senses and visual or audible interference in any radio or
television receiver or causes fluctuations in line voltage off
the premises.

 Home Industry classified as cottage industry provided that:

a. Such home industry shall not occupy more than thirty

percent (30%) of the floor area of the dwelling unit.
There shall be no change or alteration in the outside
appearance of the dwelling unit and shall not be a
hazard or nuisance;

b. Allotted capitalization shall not exceed the

capitalization as set by the Department of Trade and
Industry; and

c. Such shall consider same provisions as enumerated


 Recreational facilities for the exclusive use of the

members of the family residing within the premises,
such as swimming pool, pelota court and others.
 Nursery/elementary/high/vocational school
 Sports Club
 Religious use
 Multi-purpose hall/barangay hall
 Clinic, nursing and convalescing home, health
 Plant nurseries

In R-1 zone, no building or structure for human occupancy

whether public or private shall be higher than ten (10) meters

above highest natural grade line in the property or front sidewalk
(main entry) level; low rise dwellings are up to three storeys.

Exempted from the imposition of height regulations in R-1 are the

following: towers, church steeples, water tanks and other utilities
and such other structures not covered by the height regulations of
the National Building Code and/or the Air Transportation Office.

Residential Zone,
General – an area within a city or municipality used principally for
dwelling/housing purposes so as to maintain peace and quiet of
the area within the zone. The following are the allowable uses:

 detached family dwelling

 multi-family dwelling, e.g., row-houses, apartments
 residential condominium
 apartment
 hometel
 pension house
 hotel apartment or apartel
 dormitory
 boarding house
 branch libraries and museums
 customary accessory uses like servants’ quarter, private
quarter, guard house
 home occupation for the practice of one’s profession or for
engaging home business such as dressmaking, tailoring,
baking, running a sari-sari store and the like, provided that:

a. the number of persons engaged in the business/industry

shall not exceed five (5), inclusive of the owner;

b. there shall be no change in the outside appearance of the

building premises;

c. no home occupation shall be conducted in any customary

accessory uses cited above;

d. no traffic shall be generated by such home occupation in

greater volume that would normally be expected in a
residential neighborhood and any need for parking
generated by the conduct of such home occupation shall
be met off the street and in a place other than the required
front yard;

e. no equipment or process shall be used in such home

occupation which creates noise, vibration, glare, fumes,
odors and electrical interference detectable to the normal
senses and visual or audible interference in any radio or
television receiver or causes fluctuations in line voltage off
the premises.

 Home Industry classified as cottage industry provided that:

a. Such home industry shall not occupy more than thirty

percent (30%) of the floor area of the dwelling unit. There
shall be no change or alteration in the outside appearance
of the dwelling unit and shall not be a hazard or nuisance;

b. Allotted capitalization shall not exceed the capitalization as

set by the Department of Trade and Industry; and

c. Such shall consider same provisions as enumerated


 Recreational facilities for the exclusive use of the

members of the family residing within the premises,
such as swimming pool, pelota court and others.
 Nursery/elementary/high/vocational school
 Sports Club
 Religious use
 Multi-purpose hall/barangay hall
 Clinic, nursing and convalescing home, health center
 Plant nurseries

Residential Zone,
High Density (R-3) – a subdivision of an area principally for dwelling/housing
purposes with a density of 66 or more dwelling units per hectare.
The following are the allowable uses: (G-4)

 all uses allowed in low and medium density residential zones

 residential condominium
 pension house
 hometel
 vocational school
 hotel apartment or apartels
 high schools and vocational schools

In R-3 Zone, high rise dwelling units for eight (8) or more storeys
are allowed provided they conform with the zone’s prescribed
Floor Area Ratio (FAR). The FAR of R-3 Zone shall be based on
the planned density of development intended for the zone.

Residential Zone,
Medium Density (R-2) – an area within a city or municipality principally for
dwelling/housing purposes with a density of 21 to 65 dwelling units
per hectare. The following are the allowable uses: (G-4)

 all uses allowed in low density residential zones

 apartment
 boarding houses
 dormitory
 branch library and museum
 elementary and high schools

In R-2 Zone, no building or structure for human occupancy whether

public or private shall be higher than twenty-one (21) meters above
highest natural grade line in the property or front sidewalk (main
entry) level; mid-rise dwellings are four (4) to seven (7) storeys.

Residents – natural persons who have their habitual residence in the

province, city or municipality where they exercise their civil rights
and fulfill their civil obligations, and to juridical persons for which
the law or any other provision creating or recognizing them fixes
their residence in a particular province, city or municipality where
they have their legal residence or principal place of business or
where they conduct their principal business or occupation. (A-2)

Residents - the legitimate lessees of houses, apartments, accessorias, or

other residential units, but do not include those whose possession
thereof is under litigation. (F-2)

The possession of a tenant or resident shall be considered "under

litigation" if at the time of the proclamation of the Urban Zone, a
case involving the legality of his possession over the land or its
structures is found to be pending in court.

Residual or Secondary
Growth Forest - natural forest which has been subjected to timber harvesting or
extraction. (E-8)

Resource Accounting – a process of tracking changes in the environment and natural

resources biophysically and economically (in monetary terms). (D-

Resource Reserve - an extensive and relatively isolated and uninhabited area

normally with difficult access designated as such to protect natural
resources of the area for future use and prevent or contain
development activities that could affect the resource pending the
establishment of objectives which are based upon appropriate
knowledge and planning. (E-13)

Restaurant - any establishment offering to the public refreshments and/or

meals. (D-21)

- any establishment offering to the public regular or special meals

or menu, cooked foods and short orders, benerages and drinks.

Restricted Area – a specific area within the ecozone which has been classified
and/or fenced-in as export processing zone, free trade zone or
such other areas as may be declared by the Board of Directors of
the Philippine Economic Zone Authority (PEZA). (B-10)

Retail Guarantee - a housing guarantee extended to individual residential

mortgages underwritten by private/government lending institutions
to finance the purchase by homebuyers of housing units. (C-18)

Retail Market - type of market where merchandise is retailed directly to the

consumers. It is usually located in town centers. (D-7)

Retail Trade - pertains to the resale (sale without transformation) of new and
used goods to the general public, such trade include: (D-7)

 Sale for personal or household consumption or utilization by

shops, department stores, stalls, mail-order houses, gasoline
filling station, retail motor vehicle dealers, consumers'
cooperatives, auction houses, etc.;

 Sale from displayed merchandise products such as

typewriters, stationary, lumber or petrol, are included although
these sale may not be for personal or household consumption
or use; and/or

 Renting goods to the general public for personal or household

use, except amusement or recreational goods such as books
and comics, motorcycles and bicycles and saddle houses.
Repair and installation services rendered by establishment
mainly engaged in retail trade are included in this group.

Revenue – income derived from the regular system of taxation enforced

under authority of law or ordinance and, as such, accrue more or
less regularly every year. (A-2)

Revenue from National

Aid Fund – aid from the national government provided under PD 1744 and
for the following (H-3):

a. Rural Improvement and Community Development Fund

b. Contingent Fund
c. Calamity Fund
d. Highway Special Fund
e. Philippine Charity Sweepstakes, Horse Race and Lotteries

Review, Adoption and

Approval Process – the final activity in the town planning process. A plan and
zoning ordinance become a legal tool and can only be
implemented if they were reviewed and ratified or approved by an
appropriate reviewing and approving body.

At the local level, review of the comprehensive land use plans is
conducted by the Sangguniang Panlalawigan through the
Provincial Land Use Committee (PLUC) to:

a. ensure that the land use plans of component cities and

municipalities are consistent with the provincial comprehensive
land use plans and national policies, standards and guidelines;

b. recommend solutions to settle disputes among component

units over the alternative use of land resources;

c. promote the community-based program for sustainable

development; and

d. ensure that such plans are supportive of the objectives set

forth in the Urban Development and Housing Act of 1992
(UDHA), Agriculture and Fisheries Modernization Act of 1997
(AFMA), National Integrated Protected Areas System (NIPAS)
Act and other related laws.

At the national level, review of CLUPs of provinces, highly-

urbanized and independent component cities and cities and
municipalities within Metro Manila is conducted by the Housing
and Land Use Regulatory Board, to ensure compliance with
national standards and guidelines.

The CLUPs of provinces, highly-urbanized and independent

component cities and cities and municipalities within Metro Manila
shall be approved/ratified by HLURB.

Rezoning - a process of introducing amendments to or a change in the text

and map of the Zoning Ordinance. It also includes amendment or
change in view of reclassification under Section 20 of RA 7160.

Rice and Corn Land - land primarily devoted to the cultivation and production of rice
and/or corn as of October 21, 1972 and, not being part of the
public domain, is under the actual and effective control and
disposition of natural or juridical persons. Where the land is also
planted with other seasonal crops, the traditional utilization and
suitability of the land for rice and/or corn cultivation and production
shall be the controlling factor. (B-3)

Right of First Refusal - the pre-emptive right of the tenant or resident to buy the leased
premises which are being offered for sale or being sold by the
owner. (F-2)

The right of first refusal shall be limited to natural persons who are
Filipino citizens and are actually occupying the land and structures
primarily for residential purposes. However, the government's pre-
emptive right is paramount to the aforementioned right.
Right-of-Way – that land secured and reserved to the public for highway
purposes. (DPWH) (B-8)

River and Lake Buffers - strips of land along rivers, lakes and similar inland surface
waters reserved by PD 705 and PD 1607 for public easement. (E-

River Basin – see Drainage Area

Road - a highway outside of an urban district. (B-1, B-8)

Road Capacity – the maximum number of vehicles per unit time such that there is
uninterrupted flow of traffic. (B-8)

Road Network Map – a map used to determine the existing road layout vis-à-vis
current land uses and other socioeconomic activities. The map
presents a bird’s eye view of accessibility from one destination
point to another within a locality. (B-8)

Road, Barangay – roads within a barangay which are not classified as municipal or
provincial roads. Barangay roads shall have a minimum right-of-
way of 10 meters and width of traveled way of 4.0 meters
minimum. (DPWH) (B-8)

Road, City – sections of provincial roads which are within the territorial
jurisdiction of a city or all roads within a city which are not national
roads. (DPWH) (B-8)

Road, Provincial – roads connecting one municipality with another municipality, the
terminals of which are the public plazas; all roads extending from
a municipality, or from a provincial or national road to a public
wharf or railway station.

Roads, Municipal – roads within a municipality which are not classified as provincial
or national roads.

Rowhouse - a single-family dwelling containing three or more separate living

units designed in such a way that they abut each other at the
sides, as in a row, and are separated from each other by party
walls; provided with independent access, services and use of
land. (B-11)

– see Accessoria

Rural Area - areas outside of the poblacion and or CBD and where more
than fifty percent (50%) of the population are engaged in
agricultural activities. (HLURB's Model Zoning Ordinance) (F-3)

Rural Area - area outside of designated urban area. (G-4)

- all areas not falling under any of the classifications as urbanized

areas are considered rural. (C-2)

Rural Industrialization – the process by which the economy is transformed from one that
is predominantly agricultural to one that is dominantly industrial
and service-oriented. Agriculture provides the impetus and push
for industry and services through the market that it creates, the
labor that it absorbs, and the income that it generates which is
channeled to industry and services. As development continues,
with agriculture still an important sector, industry and services
begin to generate income and markets and concomitantly
increase their share of total income. (D-1)

Rural Infrastructure - facilities constructed in rural areas to support economic growth.


Rural Population - the population residing in rural barangays as classified by the

National Statistics Office. (C-3)

Rural Road Requirements – determined by multiplying arable land area by the standard road
to area ratio and deducting it from the existing rural road length.

Rural Service Center

Strategy - an urban development strategy which involves the development
or opening up of minor/secondary urban centers/cities whose
primary function is to provide service to their rural hinterlands.
These rural service centers provide marketing facilities and
services to the producers in the rural areas (farmers, fishermen,
etc.) who transport their output to these centers to be marketed
there. Likewise, these centers sell inputs needed for production
and provide consumer goods and social services. The rural
service centers are indicated in the national urban hierarchy on a
per region basis. (F-3)

Salvage and Recreation - this term covers a number of disposal process: sorting
of refuse either individually or mechanically, for metals, tin
cans, paper, rags and other materials that can be resold,
rendering of animal wastes for fats; dehydration garbage to
be used for hog-feed; composting and landfills that reclaim
otherwise unusable land.

Sangguniang Barangay – the legislative body of the barangay composed of the

punong barangay as presiding officer, and the seven (7)
regular sangguniang barangay members elected at large
and the sangguniang kabataan chairman, as members. (A-

Sangguniang Bayan – the legislative body of the municipality composed of the

municipal vice-mayor as the presiding officer, the regular
sanggunian members, the president of the municipal
chapter of the liga ng mga barangay, the president of the
pambayang pederasyon ng mga sangguniang kabataan
and the sectoral representatives, as members. (A-2)

In addition thereto, there shall be three (3) sectoral

representatives: one from women, one from the agricultural
or industrial workers and one from the other sectors,
including the urban poor, indigenous cultural communities,
or disabled persons as members.

Panlalawigan – the legislative body of the province, composed of the
provincial vice governor as the presiding officer, the regular
sanggunian members, the president of the provincial
chapter of the liga ng mga barangay, the president of the
panlalawigang pederasyon ng mga sangguniang
kabataan, the president of the provincial federation of
sanggunian members of municipalities and component
cities, and the sectoral representatives, as members. (A-2)

In addition thereto, there shall be three (3) sectoral

representatives: one (1) from women, one (1) from the
agricultural or industrial workers and one (1) from the other
sectors, including the urban poor, indigenous cultural
communities or disabled persons.

Panlungsod – the legislative body of the city, composed of the city vice
mayor as the presiding officer, the regular sanggunian
members, the president of the city chapter of the liga ng
mga barangay, the president of the panlungsod na
pederasyon ng mga sangguniang kabataan, and the
sectoral representatives a members. (A-2)

In addition thereto, there shall be three (3) sectoral
representatives: one (1) from the women; one (1) from the
agricultural or industrial workers; and one (1) from the
other sectors, including the urban poor, indigenous cultural
communities, or disabled persons.

Sanitary Core - a basic minimum sanitary facility which may or may not
include wall enclosures but should include the following
features: a system of human waste disposal acceptable to
the Department of health or other proper regulatory entity;
roughing-ins for sanitary and water lines; and slab for toilet
and bath.

Satellite Destinations - areas with tourist attributes which could be destinations in

itself and supportive to the nucleus sites. The primary
objective of delineating areas as satellite destinations is to
encourage travel movements at the same time stimulate
investments in tourist plan facilities in said areas. (D-7)

Scale - ratio of distance on a map to actual distances they

represent. The scale enables the users to measure the
actual distance and location of the information reflected on
the map. (B-4)

Scoping - the stage in the EIS System where information and

assessment requirements are established to provide the
proponent with the scope of work for the EIS. It is the first
and most critical step in the EIS process, where most of
the key issues and concerns are identified, discussed,
clarified, and agreed upon by the key actors (like the
proponent, preparer, EMB, DENR Regional Office,
PENRO, CENRO, LGUs, other national government
agencies (NGAs), EIARC and stakeholders) in the EIS
System. Scoping is part of the process of assessing social
acceptability of the project and the EIA review process. (E-

Scoping Report - part of the final EIS and serves as a primary reference of
the EIA and the review process. At the minimum, it should
contain the following: (E-16)

a. the issues and impacts outlined in the scoping

guidelines prepared by DENR. Other available scoping
guidelines by the World Bank, Asian Development
Bank, and other international organizations may also
be used as a reference; and
b. data and information requirement of the project
identified based on the procedural review checklist.

Sea Farming – the stocking of natural or hatchery-produced plants and
animals, under controlled conditions, for purposes of
rearing and harvesting, but not limited to commercially-
important fishes, mollusks (such as pear and giant clam
culture), including seaweeds and seagrasses. (D-13)

Sea Ranching – the release of the young of fishery species reared in

hatcheries and nurseries into natural bodies of water for
subsequent harvest at maturity or the manipulation of
fishery habitat to encourage the growth of the wild stocks.

Seabed - the land underlying the sea or ocean. (E-20)

Seagrass Beds - vegetation dominated by flowering grasses which thrive

best in sandy-muddy portions of the intertidal zone. They
are highly productive habitats which serve as the transition
zone between coral reefs and mangroves. (E-20)

Seashore Park – any public foreshore delimited for outdoor recreation,

sports fishing, water skiing and related healthful activities.

Secondary Care District

Hospital - a hospital that provides definitive care in the four basic
specialties, namely: medicine, surgery, obstetrics,
gynecology and pediatrics. These specialties are,
however, not departmentalized and required to have
services as radiology, pharmacy, dietary and laboratory in
areas where the provincial hospital is accessible, facilities
for emergency cases are provided. (C-23)

The secondary care district hospital has a service radius of

at least 35 kilometers servicing the municipality or
municipalities where it is located including its periphery.

Secondary Health
Services - medical health services provided by some rural health
units, infirmaries, district hospitals and out-patient
departments of provincial hospitals, such as health
education, maternal/child health and family planning,
nutrition (operation timbang, breastfeeding, etc.),
immunization, minor surgery, simple laboratory
examinations, and supply of essential drugs. (C-23)

Secondary Market
System - the system which entails purchase, acquisition,
discounting or refinancing of loan and mortgage packages
or participation therein. These instruments in turn are
traded in the financial market through issuance/sale of
bonds, promissory notes, debentures, conveyances and

other financial instruments or participation therein, backed
by the same pool of mortgages, securitizations and other
assets. Funds generated therefrom are again plowed back
into the mainstream of loan and mortgage trading.
Development and provisions for a Secondary Mortgage
Market is the primary purpose of the NHMFCV under PD
1267. (C-7)

Security of Tenure - the degree of protection afforded to qualified Program

beneficiaries of RA 7279 against infringement or unjust,
unreasonable and arbitrary eviction or disposition, by virtue
of the right of ownership, lease agreement, usufruct and
other contractual arrangements. (C-5)

Seed Tree System - partial clearcutting with seed trees left to regenerate the
area. (E-20)

Selective Logging – the systematic removal of the mature, over-mature and

defective trees in such manner as to leave adequate
number and volume of healthy residual trees of the desired
species necessary to assure a future crop of timber, and
forest cover for the protection and conservation of soil and
water. (E-7)

- systematic removal of mature, over-mature and defective

trees in such a manner as to leave an adequate number
and volume of healthy ones necessary to assure a future
crop of timber and forest cover for the protection and
conservation of soil, water and wildlife. (B-8)

Self-Determination – a principle of sustainable development which means that

the rights and capability of people and nations to decide on
the course of their development should be respected. (E-

Senior Citizen - any person who is at least sixty (60) years of age. (C-23)

Senior Citizens Care

Center - the place established through RA 7876 with recreational,
educational, health and social programs and facilities
designed for the full employment and benefit of the senior
citizens in the city or municipality. It can be any available
sheltered structure, a spacious room in a private or public
building, a room attached to a community center, a
barangay hall or chapel. (C-23)

Service Expenditure
Percentage – measure of expenditure efficiency. The higher the SEP
the higher is the fiscal efficiency of the local unit. (G-5)

To get SEP, use the following formula:

SEP = Total expenditures – Expenditures for
revenue services, debt services and general administration

Setback - the open space left between the building and lot lines. (G-

– the distance between the government property line of the

road right-of-way to the building line of a building or
structure, inclusive of driveways but exclusive of parking
areas. (B-1)

Setback requirements shall be as follows:

50 meters for all traffic generators including but not limited

to schools, theaters, cockpits, coliseums, markets,
cemeteries and commercial centers;
30 meters for industries. In cases where loading and
unloading is done in front of the building, an apron
space or maneuvering area shall be provided
depending on the overall length of service vehicles,
and turning radii of the equipment and the width of
turck berths. Generally, this shall equal but not less
than twice the overall length of the longest service
vehicle; and
setback for subdivisions and residential sites shall be in
accordance with the rules and regulations implementing
PD 957 promulgated by the National Housing Authority.

Settlements - a functional category of broad land uses, which is

characterized as built-up areas. (E-18)

Development Plan - guides the spatial distribution of the population, identifies
the roles and functions of key urban centers, determines
the relationships between settlement areas towards
developing orderly and efficient human settlements
system. (B-6)

Sewage System or Sewage

Systems - pipe lines or conduits, pumping stations, force mains,
constructed drainage ditches, and all other constructions,
devices, and appurtenances used for collecting or
conducting sewage, and industrial wastes or other wastes
to a point of treatment, discharge ultimate disposal. (E-15)

Sewer/Septic Tank - a tank in which the solid matter or sewerage is

accumulated to be disintegrated by bacteria. This is
commonly called "poso-negro". (C-23)

Sex Ratio - the total number of males over the number of females in
the planning area, expressed as number of males per 100
females for current population. (C-3)

A sex ratio that is higher than 100 indicates that there is a

predominance of male population in the area, while a sex
ratio which is less than 100 indicates a predominance of
female population

Sex ratio is expressed as:

Sex ratio = Number of males

Number of females

Share of Local
Government Units in
National Wealth – share of the local government units amounting to forty
percent (40%) of the gross collection derived by the
national government from the preceding fiscal year from
mining taxes, royalties, forestry and fishery charges, and
such other taxes, fees, or charges, including related
surcharges, interests, or fines and from its share in any co-
production, joint venture or production sharing agreement
in the utilization and development of the national wealth
within their territorial jurisdiction. (A-2)

Share of Local Governments

from Any Government Agency
or Government-Owned or –
Controlled Corporation – share based on the preceding fiscal year from the
proceeds derived by any government agency or
government-owned or –controlled corporation engaged in
the utilization and development of the national wealth
based on the following formula, whichever will produce a
higher share for the local government unit: (A-2)

One percent (1%) of the gross sales or receipts of the

preceding calendar year; or
Forty percent (40%) of the mining taxes, royalties, forestry
and fishery charges and such other taxes or charges,
including related surcharges, interests, or fines the
government agency or government-owned or –controlled
corporation would have paid if it were not otherwise

The share shall be distributed in the following manner:

Where the natural resources are located in the province:

Province - 20%

Component City/Municipality - 45%; and
Barangay - 35%

Provided, however, that where the natural resources are

located in two (2) or more provinces, or in two (2) or more
component cities or municipalities or in two (2) or more
barangays, their respective shares shall be computed on
the basis of:

 Population - 70%
 Land Area - 30%

Where the natural resources are located in a highly

urbanized or independent component city:

 City - 65%; and

 Barangay - 35%

Share Tenancy - the relationship that exists whenever two persons agree
on a joint undertaking for agricultural production wherein
one party furnishes the land and the other his labor, with
either or both contributing any one or several of the items
of production, the tenant cultivating the land personally
with the aid of labor available from members of his
immediate farm household, and the produce thereof to be
divided between the landholder and the tenant. (D-8)

Shelter Needs - shelter needs are the new housing units needed (lot,
basic services and dwelling unit) and the upgrading needs
(either land tenure, some of basic services, or structural
improvement of unit or combinations of these). (C-14)

Shelter Plan - a component of the comprehensive land use plan which

is focused mainly on the estimates of present and future
housing needs, land and basic infrastructure needs for
housing. (A-5)

Shelter Planning
Guidelines - step by step procedures by which local government units
could formulate plans that will address their housing
problems. Designed to serve as a model and framework
for the preparation of local shelter plans, it is focused
mainly on the estimates of present and future housing
needs, land and basic infrastructure needs for housing. (F-

Shelter Strategy - a plan of action which defines the objectives for the
development of shelter conditions; identifies the resources
available to meet the objectives and the means by which
they can be used most cost-effectively. It also sets out the

responsibilities and time frame for implementing the
various measure. (C-14)

Shop - a small retail establishment offering a line of goods or

services. (D-21)

Show Window – a store window in which goods are displayed. (B-21)

Sidewalk – a paved footwalk at the side of a street or roadway.

Silviculture – the establishment, development, reproduction and care

of forest trees. (E-20)

Single House - an independent structure intended for one household,

separated by open space or walls from all other structures.

Attached - see Dwelling

Detached - see Dwelling

Residence – a type of residential structure designed to include one
dwelling. (C-12)

Slope Map - a map that shows the degree of inclination of a given

area. This is expressed in percentage rise of land relative
to its ground distance. (B-8)

Slum – blighted area; eyesore; an area where the values of real

estate tend to deteriorate because of the dilapidated,
obsolescent, and unsanitary condition of the building within
the area. Any eyesore is a building or area which is
markedly unpleasant to look at. (B-21)

Slum Improvement – (also known as upgrading of sites and services) – a

strategy for dealing with slums, squatter areas and other
blighted communities in urban areas. It consists basically
of upgrading and introducing, where there are none, basic
community facilities and services such as roads, footpaths,
drainage, sewerage, water and power systems, schools,
barangay centers, community centers and clinics. A
complementary socio-economic program including, but not
limited to, health, sanitation, nutrition, manpower training,
family planning and economic opportunities shall be
undertaken to induce improvement in the quality of life of
the people within the area. (C-11)

Slum Improvement
and Resettlement
Program (or SIR) - the program of the National Housing Authority of
upgrading and improving blighted areas outside of Metro
Manila pursuant to existing statutes and pertinent
executive issuances. (C-6)

Slum Improvement
and Resettlement
Program (SIR) - the program of the National Housing Authority of
upgrading and improving blighted squatter areas outside of
Metro Manila pursuant to existing statutes and pertinent
executive issuances. (C-23)

Slum or Blighted Area – any area where dwellings predominate which, by reason
of dilapidation, overcrowding, faulty arrangement or
design, lack of ventilation, light or sanitation facilities, or
any combination of these factors, are detrimental to safety,
health, or morals.

Small Agricultural
Producer - any self-employed individual who, by himself or with his
family, provides the primary labor requirement of his
business enterprise or one who earns at least fifty percent
(50%) of his gross income from the payment, proceeds or
income of the labor he provides. (D-10, D-15)

Small and Medium

Enterprise - any business activity or enterprise engaged in industry,
agri-business and/or services, whether single
proprietorship, cooperative, partnership or corporation
whose total assets, inclusive of those arising from loans
but exclusive of the land on which the particular business
entity’s office, plant and equipment are situated, must have
value falling under the following categories: micro – less
than phP 50,000.00; cottage – PhP 50,001.00 – PhP
500,000.00; small – PhP 500,001.00 – PhP 5,000,000.00;
medium – PhP 5,000,001.00 – PhP 20,000,000.00. In a
generic sense, all enterprises with total assets of five
million (PhP 5,000,000.00) and below shall be called small
enterprise. (D-13)

Small Farmers - natural persons dependent on small-scale subsistence

farming as their primary source of income and whose sale,
barter or exchange of agricultural products do not exceed
a gross value of one hundred eighty thousand pesos (PhP
180,000.00) per annum based on 1992 constant prices.

Small Property Owners - those whose only real property consists of residential
lands not exceeding three hundred (300) square meters in
highly urbanized cities and eight hundred square meters
(800 sqm.) in other urban area. (C-6, C-7,C-18)

Small-scale Miners - Filipino citizens who, individually or in the company of

other Filipino citizens, voluntarily form a cooperative duly
licensed by the Department of Environment and Natural
Resources (DENR) to engage, under the terms and
conditions of a contract in the extraction or removal of
minerals or ore-bearing materials from the ground. (D-10)

Small-scale Mining - mining activities which rely heavily on manual labor using
simple implements and methods and do not use explosives
or heavy mining equipment. (D-10)

Social Acceptability - the result of a process that is mutually agreed upon by

the DENR, the stakeholders and the proponent to ensure
that the concerns of stakeholders, including affected
communities, are fully considered and/or resolved in the
decision-making process for granting or denying the
issuance of an ECC. (E-15)

Social Acceptability can be achieved through the following:

a. informed decision-making;
b. agreement on process of decision-making through
democratic means;
c. empowerment of stakeholders to decide for
themselves; and
d. acceptance and understanding of issue by those who
know about the project.

Social Dimension
Access to Quality
Basic Services – reforms which refer to equitable control and access to
social services and facilities, such as education, health,
housing and other basic services which enable the citizens
to meet their basic human needs and live decent lives. (C-

Social Infrastructure - services to improve human capital such as those related

to health, nutrition, housing and education. (D-15)

Social Justice, Inter-

Intra Generational and
Spatial Equity - a principle of sustainable development which means that
resources should be equally distributed and that everyone
(the present generation and those yet to be born) should
be provided with equal access to development
opportunities and benefits. (E-24)

Social Preparation - a preliminary activity carried out when there is a need to
involve the community in any program, project or
undertaking. It involves awareness building concerning
the project or activity in terms of its goals, rationale,
objectives, components and activities. Social preparation
is undertaken by means of public information campaigns,
barangay consultations, informal dialogues with community
leaders and other similar activities. It aims to inform and
consult the public about their participation, roles and
responsibilities in the proposed project or activity. (E-15)

Social Reform – the continuing process of addressing the basic inequities

in Filipino society through a systematic, unified and
coordinated delivery of socioeconomic programs or
packages. (C-24)

The Social Reform Agenda focuses on the following

sector-specific flagship programs:

a. For Farmers and Landless Rural Workers -

Agricultural development

b. For the Fisherfolk – Fisheries and aquatic resources

conservation, management and development

c. For the Indigenous Peoples and Indigenous

Communities – Respect, protection and management
of the ancestral domains

d. For Workers in the Informal Sector – Workers’ welfare

and protection

e. For the Urban Poor – Socialized housing

f. For Members of Other Disadvantaged Groups, such as

Women, Children, Youth , Persons with Disabilities, the
Elderly, and Victims of Natural and Man-made
Calamities – the Comprehensive Integrated Delivery of
Social Services (CIDSS)

Social Security System - the primary provider of funds for long-term housing
ortgages for low- and middle-income private sector
employees. (C-10)

Social Welfare Services -basic services and facilities which include but not limited
to the following: "social welfare services, which include
programs and projects on child and youth welfare, family
and community welfare, women's welfare, welfare of the
elderly and disabled persons; community-based
rehabilitation programs for vagrants, beggars, street
children, scavengers, juvenile delinquents, and victims of

drug abuse; livelihood and other pro-poor projects;
nutrition services; and family planning services.." (Section
17, Local Government Code) (C-23)

Social Welfare
Sub-sector - a sub-sector of the Social Sector concerned with uplifting
the socioeconomic status of the lowest 30% of the
impoverished population. (A-5)

- a sub-sector of the Social sector which is concerned with

the uplifting the socioeconomic status of the 30% of the
impoverished population. Inasmuch as poverty is of local
critical importance, the guidelines/standards give emphasis
to tapping all possible local resources to assist the
Department of Social Welfare and Development in carrying
out its programs on nutrition, family planning, education
and self-employment. (F-4)

Socialized Housing – in addition to the definition in the Housing Act (RA 7279),
it shall refer to projects intended for the underprivileged
and homeless wherein the housing package selling price is
within the lowest interest rate under the Unified Home
Lending Program or any equivalent housing program of the
government, the private sector on non-governmental
organizations (C-7)

Socialized Housing
Exemption – proposed main subdivision projects falling under the
category of socialized housing as defined under RA 7279
shall be considered as having fully complied with the
requirements of Section 18 of RA 7279 and are thus
exempted for socialized housing.

Residential subdivision and residential condominium

projects with four (4) units or less shall be exempted from
the 20% requirement for socialized housing.

Socialized Housing
Needs - based on the Urban Development and Housing Act
(UDHA), these are housing needs of underprivileged and
homeless individuals or households residing in urban and
urbanizable areas whose income falls within the poverty
threshold determined by the National Economic and
Development Authority (NEDA). (C-14)

Socialized Housing Tax - an additional one-half percent (0.5%) tax imposed on the
assessed value of all lands in urban areas in excess of
Fifty thousand pesos (PhP 50,000.00) (C-5)

Socialized Housing
Zone – an area within a city or municipality which shall be used
principally for socialized housing/dwelling purposes for the
underprivileged and homeless as defined in RA 7279. (G-

All uses in the General Residential Zone, low, medium and

high-density residential zones are allowed in the socialized
housing zone.

Socialized Housing, Compliance with the

20% Requirement – proposed main subdivision/condominium projects with a
density of one hundred (100) units per hectare are deemed
to have optimized the use and productivity of land and
urban resources and shall be considered as having fully
complied with the 20% requirement for socialized housing.

Soil Condition - soil characteristics such as doughtiness, fertility,

stoniness, salinity, alkalinity, acidity, depth, presence of
toxic substances, etc. (B-6)

Soil Erosion - the process by which soil particles are detached and
transported primarily by run-off water. (B-6)

Soil Map - a map that shows the different soil classification units
found in a given area. These are grouped on the basis of
their external or internal characteristics which include the
soil series, soil type and soil phase. (B-6)

Soil Morphology – physical constitution of the soil including texture,

structure, porosity, consistency and color of the various soil
horizons and their thickness and arrangement in the soil
profile. ((B-6)

Soil Suitability Map - a map that provides data on the degree of soil suitability
for urban development. (B-6)

Solid Waste Disposal - a subsector of the Infrastructure and Utilities Sector which
presents systematic waste and garbage disposal schemes.

Spatial Plan – a plan that provides the specific geographic location

where development should happen, such as where to
construct the infrastructure support services like farm-to-
market roads, agricultural processing and storage facilities
(milling, storage, etc.), irrigation, settlements, and
marketing facilities. Most importantly, a spatial plan shows
where to proceed with a given type of agricultural
development, project or activity. (E-19)

Spatial Strategies
Generation - the process of exploring various ways of combining the
built and unbuilt form that will serve as a framework or
guide for detailed allocation of space and location of
various activities and facilities. (E-18)

Special Economic Zone – also referred to as Ecozones, are selected areas with
highly developed or which have the potential to be
developed into agro-industrial, industrial,
tourist/recreational, commercial, banking, investment and
financial centers. (B-16)

A special economic zone may contain any or all of the


a. industrial estates,
b. export processing zones,
c. free trade zones, and
d. tourist/recreational centers

The following areas are initially identified as ecozones,

subject to the criteria specified in section 6 of RA 7916, as
amended by RA 8748:

 So much as may be necessary of that portion of

Morong, Hermosa, Dinalupihan, Orani, Samal and
Abucay in the Province of Bataan;
 So much as may be necessary of that portion of the
municipalities of Ibaan, Rosario, Taysan, San Jose,
San Juan and cities of Lipa and Batangas;
 So much as may be necessary of that portion of the
City of Cagayan de Oro in the Province of Misamis
 So much as may be necessary of that portion of the
City of Iligan in the Province of Lanao del Norte;
 So may as may be necessary of that portion of the
Province of Saranggani;
 So much as may be necessary of that portion of the
City of Laoag in the Province of Ilocas Norte;
 So much as may be necessary of that portion of Davao
City and Samal Island in the Province of Davao del
 So much as may be necessary of that portion of
Oroquieta City in the Province of Misamis Occidental;
 So much as may be necessary of that portion of
Tubalan cove, Malita in the Province of Davao del Sur;
 So much as may be necessary of that portion of Baler,
Dinalungan and Casiguran including its territorial
waters and islets and its immediate environs in the
Province of Aurora;

 So much as may be necessary of that portion of cities
of Naga and Iriga in the Province of Camarines Sur,
Legaspi and Tabaco in the Province of Albay, and
Sorsogon in the Province of Sorsogon;
 So much as may be necessary of that portion of Batan
Island in the Province of Batanes;
 So much as may be necessary for that portion of Lapu-
Lapu in the Island of Mactan, and the municipalities of
Balamban and Pinamungahan and the cities of Cebu
and Toledo and in the Province of Cebu, including its
territorial waters and islets and it immediate environs;
 So much as may be necessary for that portion of
Tacloban City;
 So much as may be necessary for that portion of the
Municipality of Barugo in the Province of Leyte;
 So much as may be necessary of that portion of the
Municipality of Buenavista in the Province of Guimaras;
 So much as may be necessary of that portion in the
municipalities of San Jose de Buenavista, Hamtic,
Sibalon and Culasi in the Province of Antique;
 So much as may be necessary of that portion in the
municipalities of Catarman, Bobon, and San Jose in
the Province of Northern Samar, the Island of Samar;
 So much as may be necessary of that portion of the
Municipality of Ternate and its immediate environs in
the Province of Cavite;
 So much as may be necessary of that portion of Polloc,
Parang in the Province of Maguindanao;
 So much as may be necessary of that portion of the
Municipality of Pitogo in the Province of Zamboanga
del Norte;
 So much as may be necessary of that portion of
Dipolog City-Manukan Corridor in the Province of
Zamboanga del Norte;
 So much as may be necessary of that portion of Pitogo
in the Province of Zamboanga del Sur;
 So much as may be necessary of that portion of
Mambajao, Camiguin Province;
 So much as may be necessary of that portion of
Infanta, Real, Pollilo, Alabat, Atimonan, Mauban,
Tiaong, Pagbilao, Mulanay, Tagkawayan and Dingalan
Bay in the Province of Quezon;
 So much as may be necessary of that portion of
Butuan City and in the Province of Agusan del Norte,
including its territorial waters and islets and its
immediate environs;
 So much as may be necessary of that portion of Roxas
City including its teritorial waters and islets and its
immediate in the Province of Capiz;

 So much as may be necessary of that portion of San
Jacinto, San Fabian, Mangaldan, Lingayen, Sual,
Dagupan, alaminos, Manaoag, Binmaley in the
Province of Pangasinan;
 So much as may be necessary of that portion of the
Autonomous Region;
 So much as may be necessary of that portion of
Masinloc, Candelaria and Sta. Cruz in the Province of
 So much as may be necessary of that portion of the
Palawan Island;
 So much as may be necessary of that portion of
General Santos City in South Cotabato and its
immediate environs;
 So much as may be necessary of that portion of
Dumaguete City and Negros Oriental, including its
territorial waters and islets and its immediate environs;
 So much as may be necessary of that portion of the
Province of Ilocos Sur;
 So much as may be necessary of that portion of the
Province of La Union;
 So much as may be necessary of that portion of the
Province of Laguna, including its territorial waters and
islets and its immediate environs;
 So much as may be necessary of that portion of the
Province of Rizal;
 All existing export processing zones and government-
owned industrial estates; and
 Any private industrial estate which shall voluntarily
apply for conversion into an ecozone.

Other areas may be established as ecozones in a

proclamation to be issued by the President of the
Philippines subject to the evaluation and recommendation
of the Philippine Economic Zone Authority (PEZA) based
on a detailed feasibility and engineering study which must
conform to the following criteria:

a. The proposed area must be identified as a regional

growth center in the Medium-Term Philippine
Development Plan or by the Regional Development

b. The existence of required infrastructure in the

proposed ecozone, such as roads, railways,
telephones, ports, airports, etc., and the suitability and
capacity of the proposed site to absorb such

c. The availability of water source and electric power
supply for use of the ecozone;

d. The extent of vacant lands available for industrial and

commercial development and future expansion of the
ecozone as well as of lands adjacent to the ecozone
available for development of residential areas for the
ecozone workers;

e. The availability of skilled, semi-skilled and non-skilled

trainable labor force in and around the ecozone;

f. The area must have a significant incremental

advantage over the existing economic zones and its
potential profitability can be established;

g. The area must be situated where controls can easily be

established to curtail smuggling activities; and

h. The area must be situated where controls can easily be

established to curtail smuggling activities.

An ecozone shall be developed, as much as possible, into

a decentralized, self-reliant and self-sustaining industrial,
commercial/trading, agro-industrial, tourist, banking,
financial and investment center with minimum government

Special Education
Fund – a special fund maintained in every provincial, city or
municipal treasury which consists of their respective
shares in the proceeds of the additional tax on real
property to be appropriated for the purposes prescribed in
Section 272 of RA 7160. (A-2)

– fund derived from an additional one percent (1%) tax on

real property, administered by the local treasurers, which is
exclusively devoted to the provisions of elementary level
education. While the national government directly provides
salary and payment to personnel, non-personnel
expenditures are paid out of the SEF. In some localities,
periodic transfer from the General Fund to the SEF, is also
made. (H-3)

The SEF shall be automatically released to the local school

boards. In case of provinces, the proceeds shall be
divided equally between the provincial and municipal
school boards. The proceeds shall be allocated for the
operation and maintenance of public schools, construction
and repair of school buildings, facilities and equipment,
educational research, purchased of books and periodicals,

and sports development as determined and approved by
the Local School Board.

Special Hospital - a hospital that provides services for one particular kind of
illness/disease or health/medical care need. (C-23)

Special Institution Zone - an area within a city or municipality principally for

particular types of institutional establishments, e.g., welfare
homes, orphanages, homes for the aged, rehabilitation
and training centers, military camps/reservations/bases,
training grounds, etc. (G-7)

Special Project Map - a map that reflects the different infrastructure projects
planned to be undertaken within the study area such as
dams, flood control projects, etc. (B-6)

Sports - an occupation that constitutes a diversion or it is a form of

recreation with formal arrangements/agreement for
completion. (C-23)

Sports and Recreation

Sub-sector - a sub-sector of the Social Sector which focuses on the
needs/preferences of the population for indoor and outdoor
sports facilities. The role of open spaces in enhancing the
quality of "built" environment and in providing places of
recreation necessitates its conservation/ preservation is
likewise emphasized. (F-4)

Sports and Recreational

Club/Center - any establishment offering sports ad recreational facilities
to tourist and to the general public. (D-21)

Sports and Recreational

Facilities - these include swimming pools, bowling lanes, tennis
courts, pelota, squash courts, golf courses, riding range,
archery range, aquatic/water sports arrangements, fishing,
water skiing and similar facilities forming part of the resort.

Sports Center - contains the basic features of stadium and in addition has
a swimming pool or auditorium and other facilities for
outdoor sports. It must also have a small multi-purpose
gymnasium but no or minimal space for spectators.
Examples of this are the Cagayan de Oro Marcos Sports
Center, Paglaum Sports Center in Bacolod and Rodriguez
Sports Center in Marikina City. (C-23)

- a structure which contains the basic features of stadium

and in addition, has swimming pool or auditorium and other
facilities for outdoor sports such as a small multi-purpose
gymnasium but without a minimal space for spectators.

(For example: Cagayan de Oro Marcos Sports Center,
Paglaum Sports Center in Bacolod and Rodriguez Sports
Center in Marikina, Metro Manila). (C-23)

Sports Clinic - training of local officiating officials. (C-23)

Sports Complex - contains the basic features of a sports center, but in

addition, it has a gymnasium with ample space allotted to
spectator's gallery. It must also have training and housing
facilities for athletes such as dormitory, cafeteria,
classrooms and administrative offices. All of these
facilities must be located in one area, adjacent to one
another. An example of this is the Rizal Memorial Sports
Complex. (C-23)

Sports Field - any open area distinctly devoted to sports activities. An

open-air track and field, an outdoor grandstand, or a
basketball court may belong under this category. It is
usually provided with appropriate lighting facilities. (C-23)

Spouse - a woman/man married to and living with the head. It

includes legal marriages as well as consensual
relationships. (C-2)

Sprague Multiplier - this method makes possible the disaggregation of an age

bracket, e.g., 0-4 years old into single-year estimates, i.e.,
0, 1, 2, 3, 4, etc. (C-23)

Squatting Syndicates - groups of persons engaged in the business of squatter

housing for profit or gain. (C-6, C-15)

Stable – any structure designed and intended for the enclosure,

shelter, or protection of any horse, carabao, or other cattle.

Stable, Commercial – a stable wherein the animals kept are for business,
racing or breeding purposes.

Stadium - a track oval, the center of which may be used for

baseball, softball or soccer, with a complementary
grandstand and spectators’ gallery. An example of this is
the Roces Stadium in Quezon City. (C-23)

Stage – a partially enclosed portion of an assembly building

which is designed or used for the presentation of plays,
demonstrations, or other entertainment wherein scenery,
drops or other effects may be installed or used, and where
the distance between the top of the prosecenium opening
and the ceiling above the stage is more than 1.50 meters.

Stakeholders - persons or groups who may be significantly affected by
the project or undertaking, directly or indirectly. They may
include: (E-15)

a. persons living or working within the identified impact

(direct and secondary) area;
b. persons with properties in the impact area;
c. persons living or working within the boundaries of the
impact area;
d. organized interest groups (such as NGOs and POs
operating in the impact area;
e. industry representatives in the impact area;
f. local government units;
g. indigenous cultural communities (ICCs) in the impact
h. local institutions (church, school) in the area;
i. concerned national agencies, e.g., HLURB, DOE,
j. persons representing future generations to be
impacted by the project.

Storey – that portion of a building included between the upper

surface of any floor and the upper surface of the floor next
above, except that the topmost storey shall be that portion
of a building included between the upper surface of the
topmost floor and the ceiling or roof above. If the finished
floor level directly above the basement, cellar or unused
underfloor space is more than 3.60 meters above grade as
defined in PD 1096 at any point, such basement, cellar or
unused underfloor space shall be considered as a storey.

Storm Surge - big waves generated by wind from the open sea which
are capable of destroying coastal landforms and
communities. (E-20)

Strategic Operating
Provinces (SOPs)
Project - an implementing mechanism of the Countryside Agro-
Industrial Development Strategy which moved to integrate
the People's Industrial Estate into the agrarian reform
context. (D-7)

Strategies - specific/special techniques and procedures to make

programs and action plans work. (C-23)

Strategy - an action or series of actions set sequentially when

necessary, which is required to reach a specific result or
produce action at a given time. (C-14)

Street – any thoroughfare or public space which has been
dedicated or deeded to the public for public use. (B-21)

Street – a highway in urban areas. . (DPWH) (B-23)

Strengthening of
Citizens’ Participation - a strategy to implement the Philippine Strategy for
Sustainable Development (PSSD) where people solve
problems confronting them through their own efforts. Non-
government organizations (NGOs) can be the central
vehicle to promote active participation of the citizenry for
sustainable development. A strategy in this regard is to
develop a network among NGOs as well as NGOs and
governmental organizations which will work on community
organizing, public information campaigns,
research/situation assessment, environmental surveillance
and monitoring, science and appropriate technology and
the like. (F-5)

Strengthening of
Residuals Management
(Pollution Control) – a move towards adopting innovations in industrial
process designs which are aimed at reducing wastes
streams, especially in increasing restrictions on disposals,
reformulating products, developing saleable by-products
from residuals and redesigning or combining processes, to
reduce wastes and costs. (F-5)

In addition to and in support of technological innovations is

the strengthening of enforcement of appropriate pollution
control laws. Other policy instruments such as the use of
economic incentives to encourage pollutive firms to install
pollution of central control facilities and treatment facilities
for wastewaters are needed to supplement current
enforcement efforts. More conciliatory forms of pollution
regulation involving persuasion and information
dissemination aimed at altering polluter as well as end-
consumer behavior should also be implemented to cause
positive change

Strict Nature Reserve - an area possessing some outstanding ecosystem,

features and/or species of flora and fauna of national
scientific importance maintained to protect nature and
maintain processes in an undisturbed state in order to
have ecologically representative examples of the natural
environment available for scientific study, environmental
monitoring, education and for the maintenance of genetic
resources in a dynamic and evolutionary state. (E-13)

Strip of 1,000 Meters - a tract of land along existing, proposed or on-going public
highway or road measuring 500 meters on each side of the
road starting from the center line of the road right-of-way.

Strip of Runway – that rectangular area determined by a line originating at

the end of the inner edge drawn parallel to the centerline of
the runway having a total length of L + 120 meters, where
L is the length of the runway in meters, and a width equal
to the length of the inner edge.

No building shall be allowed within the strip of a runway.

Development - a ribbon-like or strip form of spatial development. Some
call this strategy concentrated dispersion. Development, in
this case, takes place parallel to or along both sides or
margins of the road or river and any other transport
networks. (E-18)

Strong Waste - wastewater whose initial BOD value before treatment is

equal to or greater than 3,000 mg/l (E-17)

Structural Improvement
Need - housing units under the categories needs major repair,
dilapidated/condemned and unfinished construction. (C-

a. Housing units under needs major repair may have

cracks in the interior walls, leaking roofs, holes on the
floor and broken window;
b. Dilapidated/condemned structures are beyond repair
and need replacement;
c. Unfinished housing unit is a partly constructed house.

Structure – that which is built or constructed, an edifice or building of

any kind, or any piece of work artificially built up or
composed of parts joined together in some definite
manner. (B-21)

Subdivision Lot - any of the lots, whether residential, commercial, industrial

or recreational, in a subdivision project. (B-20)

Subdivision Project - a tract or a parcel of land registered under Act No. 496
which is partitioned primarily for residential purposes into
individual lot with or without improvements thereon, and
offered to the public for sale, in cash or in installment
terms. (C-23)

Sub-lessee - the person who leases or rents out a residential unit from
a sublessor. (C-9)

Sub-lessor - the person who leases or rents out a residential unit

previously leased to him by an owner. (C-9)

Substantive Review - the assessment of the quality of the EIA. The reviewers
are tasked to examine the document on the basis of
criteria such as: (E-15)

 clarity of presentation
 balance in presentation and assessment
 accuracy of information and assessment
 precision of information and assessment

Suitability for Agriculture

Map - a map showing areas suitable, marginally utilizable,
unproductive for cropland to those under utilizable and
potentially productive areas for cropland. (B-3)

Summary Eviction – the immediate dismantling of new illegal structures by the

local government units or government agency authorized
to demolish in accordance with the affected urban poor
organization without providing the structure owner(s) any
benefits of the Urban Development Housing Program. (C-

Sunset Review - the review, by Congress, of the accomplishments and

impact of the National Shelter Program as well as the
performance of its implementing agencies for the purposes
of determining whether or not the programs and the
corresponding appropriations mentioned in RA 7835
deserve to be continued based on a cost-benefit analysis

It means, for purposes of the Act, with respect to any

government program, a systematic evaluation by the
committees of the Senate and House of Representatives
which have legislative jurisdiction over such programs, with
the assistance of appropriate agencies and congressional
support agencies to determine the merits of the program,
justify its continuation rather than termination or its
continuation at a level less than, equal to, or greater than
the existing level. Such review shall be undertaken in the
scope and the detail the committee having jurisdiction
deems appropriate and shall include, but not limited to, an
assessment of the degree to which the original objective of
the program has been achieved, of the problem it was

intended to address, and the costs and benefits of the
program. (C-6)

– a systematic evaluation of the Home Guaranty

Corporation to determine whether or not its performance,
impact or accomplishment with respect to its mandates
merit its continued existence. Such review shall be
undertaken by the Committee on Housing and Urban
Development and the Committee on Government
Corporations and Public Enterprises of the Senate and the
Committee on Housing and Urban Development and the
Committee on Government Enterprises and Privatization of
the House of Representatives which have legislative
jurisdiction over the Home Guaranty Corporation. (C-12)

Superhighway - a highway of major cross sectional and longitudinal

dimension, especially designed to accommodate very large
traffic movement at a high rate of speed and which may
also have provisions for rapid transit in a medial or side
strip. (B-1, B-23)

Sustainable Agricultural
Land use Planning
(SALUP) - a systematic way of putting on maps the best use of an
agricultural land on a sustainable basis given such
considerations as the inherent quality and present state of
land resources in a region, province or municipality, the
nature and characteristics of agricultural land, its
constraints ant potentials. (E-19)
Sustainable Coastal
Land Use Plan
(SCLUP) - the basic framework in the preparation of a coastal area
management plan. It defines options for community
programs in the coastal area and recommends public-
private partnership to accomplish sustainable
development. (E-20)

Sustainable Land Use

Planning - the rational and judicious development, utilization and
management of land resources in a sustainable manner, to
ensure that the needs of the present generation are met
without compromising the needs of future generations.

Sustainable Population – maintaining the number of people at levels that are within
the limited capacity of our natural resources to support.

Sustainable Traditional
Resource Rights - the rights of the Indigenous Cultural
Communities/Indigenous Peoples to sustainably use,
manage, protect and conserve: a) land, air, water and
minerals; b) plants, animals and other organisms; c)
collecting, fishing and hunting grounds; d) sacred sites;
and e) other areas of economic, ceremonial and aesthetic
value in accordance with their indigenous knowledge,
belief systems and practices. (E-14)

Sustained Yield
Management - continuous production of forest products in a working unit
with the aim of maintaining an approximate balance
between harvest and net growth at any given time. (B-1)

- continuous or periodic production of its product with the

aim of achieving at the earliest practicable time an
appropriate balance between growth and harvest or
use. (D-16)

- continuous or periodic production of forest products in

a working unit with the aim of achieving at the earliest
practicable time an appropriate balance between
growth and harvest or use. This is generally applied to
the commercial timber resources and is also applicable
to the water, grass, wildlife, and other renewable
resources of the forest. (E-20)

Swarrop-Uemura Index
or Proportional Mortality
Ratio - refers to deaths in age fifty (50) years and over in a
calendar year per one thousand (1,000) deaths, all causes,
all ages in the same year. (C-23)

SWOT Analysis - assessment of the present condition, characteristics and

current state; development and factors that contribute to
growth of a city/municipality's commercial activities. (D-7)

Strengths - refer to present environmental and ecological

features or attributes that enhances or aids in the growth or
development of commercial activities in a city/municipality.
Some indicators can be a city/municipality's accessibility to
an airport or seaport; accessibility to the regional capital or
major growth centers within the region; the presence of
stable inexpensive power supply; and others.

Weaknesses - refer to the present human, fiscal, and

physical attributes and natural resources that limit or inhibit
a city/municipality's economic progress or development.
This may refer to lack or shortage of support facilities such

as road, power, water, poor location in relation to market;
poor transportation facilities; and others.

Opportunities - refer to economic, social, political,

technological and competitive trends and events that could
significantly benefit a city/municipality in the future. This
pertains to the private sector's or government line
agencies' programs or projects such as power, water,
roads, grants and donations and passage of a new law or
technological breakthrough that could benefit a city or

Threats - consist of economic, social, political,

technological and competitive trends and events that are
potentially harmful to a city/municipality's present or future
development or economic progress, such as adjacent
municipalities are also engaged in the same business
trade; local government unit is typhoon prone, earthquake
or flood prone.

SWOT Matrix - an important strategy-formulation matching tool resulting

in the development of four types of strategies: SO
strategies, WO strategies, ST strategies, and WT
strategies. The S, W, O, and T stand for strengths,
weakness, opportunities and threats.

Target - a translation of the objectives into plans with concrete and

quantified outputs. (C-23)

A target translates programs/plans into concrete and

quantified projects and other outputs vis-à-vis a time
frame. These projects are usually the detailed outputs of a

A target is based on trends, and is usually expressed in

terms of growth rates, percentages or absolute values in
gross or real terms.

Tax – tax which may be levied by the province on each person

engaged in the exercise or practice of his profession
requiring government examination at such amount and
reasonable classification as the sangguniang panlalawigan
may determine but shall in no case exceed Three Hundred
pesos (P 300.00). (A-2)

Tax on Business of
Printing and Publication – a tax which may be imposed by the province on the
business of persons engaged in the printing and/or
publication of books, cards, posters, leaflets, handbills,
certificates, receipts, pamphlets, and others of similar
nature, at a rate not exceeding fifty percent (50%) of one

percent (1%) of the gross annual receipts for the preceding
calendar year. (A-2)

In the case of a newly started business, the tax shall not

exceed one-twentieth (1/20) of one percent (1%) of the
capital investment

Tax on Sand, Gravel

and Other Quarry
Resources – tax which may be levied and collected by the province,
not more than ten percent (10%) of fair market value in the
locality per cubic meter of ordinary stones, sand, gravel,
earth and other quarry resources, as defined under the
National Internal Revenue Code, as amended, extracted
from public lands or from the beds of seas, lakes, rivers,
streams, creeks and other public waters within its territorial
jurisdiction. (A-2)

The proceeds of the tax on sand, gravel and other quarry

resources shall be distributed as follows:

a. Province - 30%
b. Component city/municipality where the sand,
gravel and other quarry resources are extracted – 30%
c. Barangay where the sand, gravel and other quarry
resources are extracted – 40%

Tax on Transfer of Professional

Real Property
Ownership – a tax on the sale, donation, barter, or on any mode of
transferring ownership or title of real property at the rate of
not more than fifty percent (50%) of one percent (1%) of
the total consideration involved in the acquisition of the
property or of the fair market value in case the monetary
consideration involved in the transfer is not substantial,
whichever is higher. (A-2)

Tax, Ad Valorem – a levy on real property determined on the basis of a fixed

proportion of the value of the property. (A-2)

Tax, Amusement – tax which may be levied by the province, to be collected

from the proprietors, lessees, or operators of theaters,
cinemas, concert halls, circuses, boxing stadia, and other
places of amusement at a rate of not more than thirty
percent (30%) of the gross receipts from admission fees.

The proceeds from the amusement tax shall be shared
equally by the province and the municipality where such
amusement places are located.

Tax, Annual, For

Every Delivery Truck or
Van of Manufacturers or
Producers, Wholesalers of,
Dealers, or Retailers in,
Certain Products – annual fixed tax which may be levied by the province for
every truck, van or any vehicle used by manufacturers,
producers, wholesalers, dealers or retailers in the delivery
or distribution of distilled spirits, fermented liquors, soft
drinks, cigars and cigarettes, and other products as may
be determined by the sangguniang panlalawigan, to sales
outlets, or consumers, whether directly or indirectly, within
the province in an amount not exceeding Five Hundred
Pesos (P 500.00) (A-2)

Tax, Franchise – a tax which may be imposed by the province on

businesses enjoying a franchise, at a rate not exceeding
fifty percent (50%) of one percent (1%) of the gross annual
receipts for the preceding calendar year based on the
incoming receipt, or realized, within its territorial
jurisdiction. (A-2)

In the case of newly started business, the tax shall not

exceed one-twentieth (1/20) of one percent (1%) of the
capital investment.

Teaching and Training

Hospital - a fully departmentalized hospital with accredited
residency training program in a specified specialty or
discipline. (C-23)

Technical Aspect of
Land Use Planning - determining what activities (e.g., agricultural,
construction) a given piece of land can support without
causing damage to the land itself in order that it can be
used across many generations without jeopardizing, but in
fact, enhancing its value.(E-18)

Technical Education - the education process designed at post-secondary and

lower tertiary levels, officially recognized as non-degree
programs aimed at preparing technicians, para-
professionals and other categories of middle-level workers
by providing them with a broad range of general education,
theoretical, scientific and technological studies, and related
job skills training. (C-20)

Technical Feasibility – see Engineering Feasibility (B-14)

Tempo of Urbanization - (see Urbanization) (C-3)

Tenant - a person who, by himself or with the aid of his immediate

farm household, cultivates the land belonging to or
possessed by another with the latter's consent and shares
the produce with such landowner or landholder under the
share tenancy system or pays to the latter a price certain
or ascertainable in produce or money or both under the
leasehold tenancy system. (B-2)

- the rightful occupant of land and its structures, but does

not include those whose presence on the land is merely
tolerated and without the benefit of contract possession is
under litigation. (F-1)

- the rightful occupants of residential lands and structures,

utilizing the said properties solely for his own but do not
include those whose presence on the land is merely
tolerated and without the benefit of contract, those who
enter the land by force or deceit, or those whose
possession thereof is under litigation. (F-2)

- a farmer who operates parcels of lands which he leases

or rents or for which he shares his produce with the
landowner. (D-15)

Tenure in Improvement – a land disposition technique which will enable the

occupants of government-owned lands to exercise
ownership over occupant-introduced improvements. (F-2)

Tenure Status - the arrangement which a family occupies its dwelling unit
and lot. (C-1)

Tenurial Instrument - an agreement or contract between DENR and an

individual, people's organization or corporate entity which
guarantees peaceful possession and use of specific forest
land area and the resources found therein within a given
time period. Such an agreement or contract cannot be
altered or abrogated without due process. (E-21)

Tertiary Care Provincial

Hospital - a hospital which offers services similar to that of district
hospitals, but on a departmentalized basis. Additional
facilities/services such as operating rooms, dental services
and out-patient units as well as support service/facilities like
x-ray and laboratory are provided. (C-23)

Tertiary Care Regional

Hospital - usually located in the regional center, it offers more
services than a provincial hospital. Facilities/services

provided are: intensive care units, coronary care units, eye,
ear, nose and throat services, orthopedics and delivery
room facilities. Nursing services to assist the specialists
are likewise provided. (C-23)

A regional hospital should be located within the context of

the region to serve the most number of people in the
region. A regional center must have a medical center or a
regional hospital.

Tertiary Health
Services - include medical and surgical diagnostics, treatment and
rehabilitative care undertaken usually by medical
specialists in a hospital setting. It also includes treatment
of simple and specialized/complicated cases,
maternal/child health and family planning, rehabilitative
care, intensive care, minor and major surgery, and simple
and complicated diagnostic procedures. (C-23)

Thematic Map - a simple outline map depicting one single feature of the
earth's surface or representing a single theme or subject.
They may show population distribution, political units, soil,
water, forests and others depending upon the requirement
of such map. (B-6).

- a map representing a particular theme or subject, such as

vegetation, soils, slope or topography. (E-21)

Threatened Species - any plant or animal species which is likely to become

endangered species within the foreseeable future
throughout all or just a significant portion of its range. (E-

Tidal Flats - lands mostly devoid of trees and shrubs that are
alternatively exposed and inundated by tides. These may
be mud flats or sand flats. (E-20)

Timber License
Agreement – a long-term license for timber in public forest executed
between the Secretary of Agriculture and Natural
Resources (on behalf of the Government) and the grantee,
usually of 25-year duration and subject to review at least
once every five (5) years to ascertain compliance with the
terms thereof and adjust such terms to major policy
changes. (D-17)

Timber/Forest Land - that portion of the public domain, characterized by a

predominant growth of trees pr wood species, including
nipa, mangrove and other swamps, which has been
delimited, classified and declared as such; the phrase
includes all lands of the public domain not otherwise

classified as agricultural or alienable, industrial or
commercial, residential, resettlement, mineral or grazing
land. (D-16)

- when used for purposes of collecting forest charges or

fees, refers to any piece of wood having an average
diamnter of at least 15 centimeters and at least 1.5 meters
long (D-16)

Timberland - land of the public domain which have been the subject of
the present system of land classification and determined to
be needed for forest purposes. Eventually these lands will
be proclaimed as forest reserves by the President (FMB,
DENR) (B-7)

Timberland – see Forest, Public

Toilet Facilities,
Closed Pit - the type of toilet which has no water-sealed bowl and the
depository is constructed usually of large circular tubes
made of clay or concrete, a pit with concrete sides or an
ordinary pit or drum, covered on top and has a small
opening. It may or may not have a box for sitting or
squatting over the opening. (C-1)

Toilet Facilities,
Open Pit - a type of toilet facility which is a dry pit without any
enclosure and usually without toilet bowls. (C-1)

Toilet Facilities,
Water-sealed - all types of toilet, whether used exclusively by the
household or shared with other households where after
water is flushed or poured into the bowl, a small amount of
water is left in the bowl and seals the bottom of the bowl
from the pipe leading to the sewer or septic tank. They
may or may not have depositories such as a sewer or
septic tank. (C-1)

Topographic Survey – survey to delineate the general surface configuration of a

given land area. Contour lines are usually used to show
this configuration; other symbols used are hatchure lines
and shading. (B-14)

Total Dependency Ratio - see Age Dependency Ratio

Total Fertility Rate - the number of livebirths per one thousand female
population in child-bearing ages 15-44 years. (C-18)

Tourism - a sub-sector of the Economic Sector which deals with

tourist attractions/potentials of the locality. (F-4)

Tourism Development
Areas - contiguous land areas endowed with natural or man-
made physical attributes and resources that are conducive
to recreation, leisure and other wholesome activities and
are intended for use of travelers. (B-6, B-7)

Tourism Estate - a large tract of land with defined boundaries in any of the
destination areas identified in the Philippine Tourism
Master Plan, and which is suitable for the development of
integrated resort complex with prescribed carrying
capacities of tourist facilities and activities such as but not
limited to accommodations, food and beverage outlets,
sports and recreational centers and commercial outlets,
and provided with roads; water supply facilities, power
distribution facilities, drainage and sewage systems and
other necessary infrastructures. The estate is under
unified and continuous management. (D-7)

Tourism Gateways - areas where traffic emanate. It might be areas where

there are major airports or any infrastructure that would
facilitate access to nucleus sites and satellite destinations.

Tourism Investment
Priorities Plan - the annual listing of tourism activities to be encouraged
and given priority, and the tourism facilities required to
supply the needs of local and foreign tourists and travelers.

Tourism Master
Plan - a long-range plan for the promotion and development of
tourism in the Philippines where priority tourism
development areas are indicated. The plan identifies
broad goals, objectives, tourism targets and strategies. (F-

Tourism Priorities
Plan - a document that sets forth the tourism activities to be
encouraged and given priority and the tourism facilities
required to supply the needs of foreign tourists and
travelers. Incentives shall be made available to these
projects. (D-19)

Tourism Sub-sector - a sub-sector of the Economic Sector which deals with

tourist attractions/potentials of a locality. It also includes
eco-tourism. (A-5)

Tourist Zone - a geographic area with well-defined boundaries

proclaimed as such by the President upon the
recommendation of the Philippine Tourism Authority (PTA),

and placed under the administration and control of the
PTA. (D-20)

- sites within cities and municipalities endowed with natural

or manmade physical attributes and resources that are
conducive to recreation, leisure and other wholesome
activities. (G-4)

No tourism project or tourist related activities shall be

allowed in tourist zones unless developed or undertaken in
accordance with the Department of Tourism (DOT)
guidelines and standards and granted approval by the
tourism Estate Department of DOT.

Center – an area within the ecozone where tourist
accommodation facilities such as hotels, apartelles, tourist
inns, pension houses, resorts, sports and/or recreational
facilities are provided to render tourism services for both
local and foreign tourists, travelers, and investors in
accordance with the guidelines issued by the Philippine
Economic Zone Authority.

Trade - any group of interrelated jobs or any occupation which is

traditionally or officially recognized as craft or artisan in
nature requiring specific qualifications that can be acquired
through work experience and/or training. (C-20)

Trade Area - that area from which is obtained the major portion of the
continuing patronage necessary for the steady support of
the shopping center.

Trade Policy - policy affecting exports and imports and domestic

commerce formulate4d to achieve specific goals. Thus,
high tariffs or duties, import quotas or even total import ban
of certain commodities may be imposed to protect local
industries producing similar articles. Tariffs are relatively
low so as not to discourage imports and thus raise more
revenues. Import controls are relaxed when they tend to
encourage production of goods that are high-priced and of
low quality. A trade policy may be designed to promote
export industries to earn more foreign exchange or the
domestic-oriented industries to replace imports. (A-1)

Traffic Volume – the actual number of vehicles passing through a specific

road section or intersection. (B-13)

Training Center - any establishment which offers one or more training

programs for tourism manpower development and which is
equipped with training facilities, equipment and
instructional staff. (D-21)

Transportation - a subsector of the Infrastructure and Utilities Sector that
refers to road network facilities and utilities which define
mobility and access to various functional areas of the
community. The circulation network is an essential
element in land use plan formulation. (F-4)

Infrastructure – roads, bridges, ports, airports and the different modes of
transportation using these infrastructures. (D-10)

Transportation Map - a map that indicates data on circulation system within the
planning area. These include bridges, roads, airports and
navigable highways, ports, harbors, water bodies. The
location type and make of transportation infrastructure are
also indicated. (B-4)

Sub-sector - a sub-sector of the Infrastructure and Utilities Sector which
refers to road network facilities and utilities that define
mobility and access to various functional areas of the
community. (A-5)

Tree Farms – any tract of forest land purposely and extensively planted
to trees of economic value for their fruits, flowers, leaves,
barks or extractives, but not for the wood thereof. (E-7)

Tri-polar or Multi-polar
Strategy - a type of spatial development that entails the
simultaneous development of three or more areas
identified as potential urban expansion areas. This
strategy is also known as dispersed concentration in that it
decongests the urban area towards new urban centers.

Tri-regional Development
of the National Capital
Region - a major urban development strategy which involves the
planning and development of the three regions, namely,
Region II, IV and the NCR, as one huge urban settlement
where specific areas for specific functions are assigned.

Tropical Revolving
Storm – term sometimes used to describe cyclone found in the
tropics which is generally very intense and nearly circular
in shape. (B-14)

Trust Funds – a special fund maintained in every provincial, city and
municipal treasury which consists of private and public
monies which have officially come into the possession of
the local government or of a local government official as
trustee, agent or administrator, or which have been
received as a guaranty for the fulfillment of some
obligation. A trust fund shall be used only for the specific
purpose for which it was created or for which it came into
the possession of the local government unit. (A-2)

– private and public monies which have officially come into

the possession of the local government or of a local
government official as trustee, agent or administrator, or
which have been received as a guaranty for the fulfillment
of some obligation. A trust fund shall only be used for
specific purpose for which it was creted or for which it
came into the possession of the local government unit. (H-

Tsunamis - big waves generated tectonically (i.e., by earthquakes,

etc.) that may have devastating effects as storm surges.

Turbidity – approximate amount of suspended load measured

optically on the basis of similarity of interference to
passage of light rays through a water sample when
compared with standard samples of recorded turbidity. (B-

Twenty Percent (20%)

Development Fund – the appropriation in the annual budget of local
government units, amounting to no less than twenty
percent (20%) of its annual internal revenue allotment, for
development projects. (A-2)

Typhoon – see Tropical Revolving Storm (B-14)

Typical Income (or

Mean Income) - represents that level of income which 50% of total
households generally earn. (c-14)

Unacceptable Dwelling
Units - the marginal/sub-standard housing units; improvised barong-
barong; commercial, industrial/ agricultural and other premises not
included for human habitation but are used as living quarters at
the time of the census. (C-23)

Areas - areas characterized by the predominant absence of utility
systems or networks, especially water supply, roads and power.

and Homeless Citizen – the beneficiaries of RA 7279 and to individuals or families
residing in the urban and urbanizable areas, whose income or
combined household income falls within the poverty threshold as
defined by the National Economic and Development Authority and
who do not own housing facilities. This shall include those who
live in makeshift dwelling units and do not enjoy security of tenure.
(C-5, C-15, C-23)

Persons - all those who are reported wanting and looking for work on a full
time basis. The desire to work must be sincere and the person
must be serious about working. (C-3)

Unified Home Lending

Program - the NHMFC program through which the respective housing loan
programs of the Social Security System (SSS), Government
Service Insurance System (GSIS) and the Home Development
Mutual Fund/PAG-IBIG are integrated under the administration of
the National Home Mortgage Finance Corporation. The Unified
Home Lending Program (UHLP) uses funds from SSS, GSIS, and
HDMF for lending to their respective members through accredited
financial institutions and subdivision developers nationwide. (C-7)

Unified Home Lending

Program (UHLP) - a home-borrowers financing program of the government with
long-term funds principally provided by the Social Security System
(SSS), Government Service Insurance System (GSIS), and Home
Development Mutual Fund (HDMF) for the purchase of mortgages
originated by both private and public institutions. (C-18)

Unified Home Lending

Programs – government program that seeks to provide home ownership
opportunities to households who are either members of SSS,
GSIS and HDMF through a housing loan from the NHMFC which
administers the program. The loan may be used to: (C-23)

a. purchase a residential lot;
b. purchase of a lot and construction of new house or dwelling
c. purchase of a newly-constructed residential unit or, of a unit
over one year old, on a first occupancy basis;
d. purchase of existing residential units foreclosed by
government agencies; and
e. construction of a new house or dwelling unit.

Unlawful or Unauthorized
Intrusion – the occupation of lands and utilization of resources within the
ancestral domain without the consent of the Indigenous Peoples
concerned or through invasion, violation, wrongful entry or entry
by stealth or force or uninvited entrance upon the territorial
domain of another. (E-14)

Unregistered or
Abandoned Lands - lands in urban and urbanizable areas which are not registered
with the Register of Deeds, or with the city or municipal assessor's
office concerned, or which are uninhabited by the owner and have
not been developed or devoted for any useful purpose, or appears
unutilized for a period of three (3) consecutive years immediately
prior to the issuance and receipt of publications of notice of
acquisition by the Government as provided under RA 7279. It
does not include land which has been abandoned by reason of
force majeure or any fortuitous event; provided, that prior to such
event, such land was previously used for some useful or economic
purpose. (C-4, C-12, C-18) Urban Areas - all cities regardless of
their population density and municipalities with a population
density of five hundred (500) persons per square kilometer. (C-5,

Upgrading Need - the need for improving land tenure status, e.g., provision of
minimum security of tenure as in a written contract to possessing
a title of land; access to basic services, e.g., dirt road to macadam
road; and house condition, e.g., from semi-permanent to
permanent structure. (C-23)

Upland Farming - planting of upland crops which usually require less water than
other crops, as in non-irrigated and elevated farm areas. (D-10)

Upstream Industries - industries which produce and/or process raw materials for the
manufacture of semi-finished products. (D-19)

Urban Area(s) - all barangays, or portions of which comprising the Poblacion,

Central Business District, and other built-up areas including the
urbanizable lands in and adjacent to said areas and where at least
more than 50% of the population are engaged in non-agricultural
activities. (G-7)

Urban Areas - all cities regardless of their population density and municipalities
with a population density of at least 500 persons per square
kilometer. (C-23)

Urban Base Map - a map that provides a more detailed information regarding urban
areas. Prepared in a much larger scale, it reflects the road
network and other important permanent features such as
institutional sites (schools, churches, municipal halls, hospitals),
monuments, playgrounds, parks and open space. (B-4)

Urban Density - the ratio of the population to the total built-up area. It is
expressed as: (C-3)

Urban density = Total population of urban barangays

Total area of urban barangays

Urban Density, Gross – indicates the concentration of the total urban population over the
total area of identified urban barangays, thus, the resulting density
indicates a lower concentration of population compared to the
built-up density. It is expressed as: (C-3)

Gross urban density = Total urban population

Total area of urban barangays, in sq. kms.

Urban Land Use Map – a map that reflects the detailed distribution of land uses within
the identified urban zones. The information supplied are:
residential, commercial, industrial, parks/open spaces,
agricultural, institutional, rivers/swamps and special projects/uses.

Urban Poor – individuals or families residing in urban centers and urbanizing

areas whose income or combined household income falls below
the poverty threshold as defined by the National Economic and
Development Authority and/or cannot afford in a sustained
manner to provide their minimum basic needs of food, health,
education, housing and other essential amenities of life.

Urban Poor
Organization (UPO) – community-based organizations and/or their aggrupations
whose members are the homeless and underprivileged as defined
in the Implementing Rules and Regulations of the Urban
Development and Housing Act (UDHA). (C-15)

Urban Population - population residing in the urban barangays as classified by the

National Statistics Office. (C-3)

Urban Renewal and
Resettlement - the rehabilitation and development of blighted and slum areas
and the resettlement of Program beneficiaries in accordance with
the provisions of RA 7279. (C-5)

Urban Road
Requirements – determined by multiplying the urban population with the
standard road to population ratio, less the existing urban road
length. (B-13)

Urban Roads – roads that are within the boundary of the Poblacion. (B-13)

Urban Zoning
Map - a duly authenticated map delineating the different zones into
which the urban area and its expansion area are divided. (G-7)

Urbanizable Areas - sites and lands which, considering present characteristics and
prevailing conditions, display marked and great potential of
becoming urban areas within the period of five (5) years. (C-5, C-
15, C-23)

Urbanization - growth in the proportion of a population living in urban areas,. It

takes place when there is development. Some measures of
urbanization and population distribution are as follows: (C-3)

 percent (%) urbanity/urbanization level of the city or

municipality, which can be expressed as:

% urbanity = population of urban barangays

------------------------------------------ x 100
urbanization level total population of city/municipality

 tempo of urbanization, which can be expressed as follows:

tempo of urbanization = Population growth rate of the urban

area minus population growth rate
of the rural area

 built-up density

 urban density

 gross density

Urbanization Level - the percentage of urban population to the total population in the
area. (see Urbanization (C-3)

Urbanized Areas - urbanized areas consist of: (C-2)

a. in their entirety all cities and municipalities having a population

density of at least 1,000 persons per square kilometer;
b. poblacioners or central districts of municipalities and cities
which have a population density of at least 500 persons per
square kilometer;
c. poblaciones or central districts (not included in a. and b.),
which have the following:
 street pattern, i.e., network of streets in either parallel or
right-angle orientation;
 at least six (6) establishments (commercial, manufacturing,
recreational and/or personal services); and
 at least three of the following:

i. a town hall, church or chapel with religious services at

least once a month;
ii. a public plaza, park or cemetery;
iii. a market place or building where trading activities are
carried on at least once a week;
iv. a public building like school, hospital, puericulture and
health center and library.

d. barangays having at least 1,000 inhabitants which meet the

conditions set forth in c. above, and where the occupation of
the inhabitants is predominantly non-farming or non-fishing.

User-led or Market-
Driven Strategy - strategy which promotes strengthened linkages between
educational/training institutions and industry to ensure that
appropriate skills and knowledge are provided by the educational
system. (C-20)

Map - a map which indicates the different facilities/utilities within the
planning area, such as power supply, waterworks,
telecommunications, drainage/sewerage, schools/public libraries,
hospitals/clinics/centers, fire/police stations/facilities, and religious
institutions. Also indicated are the type and make of
facilities/utilities. (B-4)

Valuation of a Building – see Value of Building

Value or Valuation of
Building – the estimated cost to replace the building in kind, based on
current replacement costs.

Variance - a special locational clearance which grants a property owner

relief from certain provisions of Zoning Ordinance where, because

of the particular physical surrounding, shape or topographical
conditions of the property, compliance on height, area, setback,
bulk and/or density would result in a particular hardship upon the
owner, as distinguished from a mere inconvenience or a desire to
make more money. (G-7)

Very Steeply Sloping

Areas - areas with slopes of 50% and over. (E-18)

Vessel - every description of watercraft, or other artificial contrivance

used, or is capable of being used, as a means of transportation on
water. (E-21)

Vicinity Map - a map that shows the geographic location of the study area in
relation to the province/region. (B-4)

Walkway – an exterior passage for walking along, especially one connecting

adjoining buildings and related structures. (B-23)

Wall, Bearing - a wall which supports any load other than its own height. (B-21)

Wall, Curtain - the enclosing wall of an iron or steel framework or the non-
bearing portion of an enclosing wall between piers. (B-21)

Wall, Dead – a wall without openings. (B-21)

Wall, Exterior – any wall or element of a wall or any number or group of

members, which defines the exterior boundaries or courts of a
building. (B-21)

Wall, Fire – any wall which subdivides a building so as to resist the spread of
fire, by starting at the foundation and extending continuously
through all storeys to, or above the roof. Extension above the roof
is 1.00 meter. (B-21)

Wall, Non-bearing - a wall which supports no load other than its own weight. (B-21)

Wall, Parapet – that part of any wall entirely above the roof line. (B-21)

Wall, Party – a wall separating two or more buildings, and used in common by
the said buildings. (B-21)

Wall, Retaining – any wall used to resist the lateral displacement of any material;
a subsurface wall built to resist the lateral pressure of internal
loads. (B-21)

Wastelands - land not suitable for any crop or to any definite economic
purposes. (E-20)

Water Demand – the demand which would be created if the distribution system of
the Manila Water Company (MWC), Maynilad Water Services, Inc.
(MWSI), or the local water district/cooperative, whichever is
available in the area, were extended to supply all parts of the
service area at adequate pressure. (B-13)

Water District – a non-profit, quasi-public, independently administered local

entity created primarily for the purpose of acquiring, installing,
improving, maintaining and operating water supply and distribution
system for domestic, commercial, industrial and municipal uses of
residents within the boundaries of such district. It is also tasked to
provide, maintain and operate the wastewater collection treatment
and disposal facilities of communities within the same area. (B-13)

Water districts are formed on the option of the local government

concerned, in communities with a population of at least 20,000
people. Once formed, a district does not fall under the jurisdiction
of any political subdivision and therefore exercises the powers,
rights and privileges to private corporations under existing laws.

Water Quality - the characteristics of water which define its use in terms of
physical, chemical and biological contents; hence the quality of
water for domestic use is different from industrial use. (E-24)

Water Quality
Standard - a plan that is established by government authority as a program
for water pollution prevention and abatement. Such a standard
may include water use classification and the criteria to support the
uses of the water. (E-24)

Water Quality
Surveillance - a close and continuous supervision of the water quality to detect
developments, movements or changes in the characteristics of the
water. (E-24)

Water Right – right granted by the government to divert water from a public
stream for beneficial use. (B-14)

Water Supply - a sub-sector of the Infrastructure and Utilities Sector which

discusses the need for a reliable and adequate supply of water for
safe and potable drinking use as well as for other uses. Its
constant supply guarantees among others, community health
hygiene. (F-4)

Water Supply
Sub-sector - a sub-sector of the Infrastructure and Utilities Sector which
discusses the need for a reliable and adequate supply of water for
safe and potable drinking use as well as for other uses. (A-5)

Water Supply,
Dug Well - the family gets its water from a dug well. The ordinary dug well
as well as the improved type which is provided with a protective
device against contamination or pollution belongs to this type. (C-

Water Supply, Faucet

Inside House/Yard,
Community Water
System - water supply system where the family gets its water from a
facucet inside the house/yard directly connected to a water
pipeline from the community water system such as the
Metropolitan Waterworks and Sewerage System or the local
waterworks system. (C-1)

Water Supply,
Faucet, Others,
Community Water
System - the family gets water supply from a faucet for public use, or the
faucet of another family, establishment or office which is
connected to the community water system. (C-1)

Water Supply,
Level I -point sources (such as rain collector, wells and springs);
generally for rural areas where houses are thinly scattered to
justify a distribution system. (B-13)

Water Supply,
Level II – communal faucet systems, generally for rural areas where
houses are densely clustered enough to justify a piped distribution
system providing a number of households with faucets. (B-13)

Water Supply,
Level III (or Waterworks
System) – individual supply typical model system for three (3) levels of
water supply service. (B-13)

Water Supply,
Peddler - the family buys its water supply in "latas" or "timbas". This is the
usual source of water supply of families in areas which do not
have a central water system or which have low water pressure.

Water Supply, Rain - refers to water accumulated from rain. (C-1)

Water Supply, Spring,

River, Stream - the family gets its water from natural bodies of water which has
not been developed yet. (C-1)

Water Supply, Tubed/
Piped Well, Own Use - water is taken from tubed/piped well for private use of the family
in the same building or compound. (C-1)

Water Supply, Tubed/

Piped Well, Others - water is taken from a tubed/piped well which was constructed for
public use or from a tubed/piped well for private use of another
family, establishment or office. (C-1)

Water Table – upper surface of zone of saturation where water is unconfined.


Water Zone - bodies of water within cities and municipalities which include
rivers, streams, lakes and seas except those included in other
zone classification. (G-7)

Waterbodies - waters that are tapped for domestic purposes, within the
controlled or protected areas declared by the appropriate
authorities or which support wildlife and fishery activities. (E-15)

Sewer/Septic Tank,
Used Exclusively
by the Households - the type of toilet facility used exclusively by the household
where, after water is flushed or poured in the bowl, a small
amount of water is left in the bowl and seals the bottom of the
bowl from the pipe leading to the depository. (C-23)

Watershed – line which follows ridges or summits forming exterior boundary of

a drainage area or basin and which separates one drainage basin
from another; incorrectly used when referring to an area within a
drainage basin; also called drainage divide. (B-14)

- the area from which a river or lake receives its supply of water.

- a land area drained by a stream of fixed body of water and its

tributaries having a common outlet for surface run-off. (B-8, E-7)

- an area or region bounded peripherally by mountain ridges and

drained by a stream or fixed body of water and its tributaries
having a common outlet for surface run-off. It is synonymous with
a catchment area or drainage basin. (E-21)

It is the continuum of interrelated ecosystems from headwaters in

the forest lands, the downstream areas or lowlands, to the coastal
base and adjacent bays.

The watershed shall be used as the main biophysical resource to
integrate the concerns of productivity, equity and ecological
balance in the use of forest lands. As the key planning unit, it
possesses well-defined boundaries and interactive relationships
for biophysical analysis purposes. Moreover, it can be
disaggregated into micro-watershed units or catchment areas,
allowing the integration of production performance with
conservation measures adopted on land and water resources. It
can also be easily linked to the broader or higher levels of
management, whether at the provincial, municipal or community

For purposes of forestland use planning, watershed units within

the forest zone of the province shall provide the physical
framework for defining appropriate uses and interventions. These
uses shall ultimately become the basis for the integration and
harmonization of municipal forest land uses.

Watershed Forest
Reserve – see Watershed Reservation (E-21)

Management – the protection, conservation and use of natural resources of a
drainage basin to keep the soil mantle in place and make water
available in a manner which best serves human requirements.

Reservation – a forestland reservation established to protect or improve the
conditions of the water yield thereof or reduce sedimentation. (E-

Watershed Reservation/
Forest Reserve/
Watershed Forest
Reserve - a defined area in forest lands that has been proclaimed by law
as such, primarily to establish adequate vegetative cover that
would prevent erosion, conserve water and nurture wildlife. (E-21)

Watershed, Critical - a drainage of a river system supporting existing and proposed

hydro-electric power, irrigation works or domestic water facilities
needing of immediate protection or rehabilitation. (B-8)

Watershed, Critical – a drainage area of a river system supporting existing and

proposed hydro-electric power and irrigation works needing
immediate rehabilitation as it is being subjected to a fast

denudation causing accelerated erosion and destructive floods. It
is closed from logging until it is fully rehabilitated. (E-7)

Wet and Dry Market - a type of market where merchandise is retailed directly to the
consumers. This type of market is usually located in town centers.
In some barangays a TALIPAPA serves as their wet and dry
market. (D-7)

Wetlands - areas like marshes, mangroves, salt beds, fishponds and lakes
dominated either by grassy and wood vegetation. (B-8)

Wholesale Market - a type of market which is intended for wholesale especially to

shop owners and small traders. It is best situated in the periphery
of the town with rail sidings, road access and (where applicable)
canals that skirt the town without crossing it. (D-7)

Wholesale Trade - bears reference to the resale (sale without transformation) of a

new and used goods to retailers; industrial, commercial,
institutional or professional users; other wholesalers; or agents of
such persons or companies in buying merchandise. (D-7)

Widespread Public
Health Dangers - refers to situations applicable in calamity areas; to a displaced
population such as, but not limited to those in evacuation centers
and those trapped in areas of armed conflict; to municipalities,
cities, provinces, or regions where one or more disease outbreaks
occur within one-year period that threaten to reach epidemic
proportions; or to local government units found to have an
inadequate health care system as indicated by the low coverage
of immunization of children under one year of age, the high
incidence of second and third degree malnutrition among children
under six years of age, or a larger portion of the local households
having no access to safe water supply or no sanitary toilet
facilities. (C-23)

Wilderness Area - land of the public domain which has been reserved as such by
the President of the Republic of the Philippines to preserve its
natural conditions, maintain its hydrologic quality, and restrict
public use in the interest of national welfare and security. (B-8)

Wilderness Preserves - forest lands designated for the protection of game animals, birds
and fishes and closed to hunting and fishing in order that the
excess may flow and restock surrounding areas. (E-21)

Wildlife Sanctuary - an area which assures the natural conditions necessary to

protect nationally species, groups of species, biotic communities
or physical specific human manipulations for their
perpetuation.(NIPAS Act) (E-15)

Woodlands - these occur behind the beach and dune on the older beach
areas. In the coastal zone, these consist essentially of a tangle of
low stunted trees or shrubs. Examples are botong, pandan and
the taller agoho and coconut palms. (E-20)

Workers in the
Formal Sector – workers in registered business enterprises who sell their
services in exchange for wages and other forms of compensation.

Workers in the
Informal Sector – poor individuals who operate businesses that are very small in
scale and are not registered with any national government
agency, and to the workers in such enterprises who sell their
services in exchange for subsistence level wages or other forms
of compensation. (C-24)

Working Age Group (See Productive Population) (C-3)

Working Unit - the primary unit of forest management, with well-defined

boundaries usually based on topography, sufficient to support the
predetermined wood requirement of dependent industries or
communities on a sustained-yield basis. (D-16)

Yard or Patio – the yard lying between the side lot lines and the nearest lot line
and the nearest building line. (B-21)

Yard, Rear – the yard lying between the side lot lines and the nearest lot line
and the nearest building line. (B-21)

Yard, Side – the yard lying between the side line and the nearest building and
between the front and the rear yards. (B-21)

Yearly Municipal Population

Projection - see Municipal Population Estimates Using NSO Population
Enumerated in the Last Two (2) Recent Censuses

Yearly Population
by Barangay - see Municipal Population Estimates Using NSO Population
Enumerated in the Last Two (2) Recent Censuses

Young Child Mortality - the number of deaths, all causes, of children aged one (1) to
four (4) in a calendar year per one thousand (1,000) population.

Young Dependency
Ratio – see Age-Dependency Ratio (C-3)

Youth – persons fifteen (15) to thirty (30) years old. (C-24)

Zonal Improvement
Program - the program of the National Housing Authority of upgrading and
improving blighted squatter areas within the cities and
municipalities of Metro Manila pursuant to existing statutes and
pertinent executive issuances. (C-5, C-23)

Zone/District - an area within a city or municipality for specific land use as

defined by man-made or natural boundaries. (G-7)

Zoning - the legislative act of delineating areas or districts within the

territorial jurisdictions of cities and municipalities that may be put
to specific uses and their regulation, subject to the limitations
imposed by law or competent authority. (B-5)

Zoning Administrator/
Zoning Officer - a municipal/city government employee responsible for the
implementation/enforcement of the Zoning Ordinance in a
community. (G-7)

Zoning Map – a map that reflects the subdivision of a community into zones or
districts according to present and potential uses of land to
maximize, regulate and direct their use and development in
accordance with the Comprehensive Land Use Plan of the
community. It is concerned primarily with the use of land and the
control of population density through imposition of building height,
and bulk and open space provision in a given area. (B-4)

Zoning Ordinance – a local legal measure which embodies regulations affecting land
use. The preparation of a zoning ordinance is based on the
Comprehensive Land Use Plan and is enacted by the Local
Sanggunian through a resolution. Such ordinance shall be
presented, in its full context, as a separate document. (G-5)

The minimum feature requirements of the Zoning Ordinance are

the following:

a. It should support and promote the goals and objectives of the

community as reflected in the Comprehensive Land Use Plan;
b. It should reflect the actual and proposed desirable land uses
and community setting;
c. It must contain ample provisions that provide for flexibility; and
d. It must have the legal requirements of an ordinance.


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