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Skeleton Constitution and Bylaws

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Adopted and adapted from the Campus Involvement Center at Ohio University:

A constitution and bylaws are written to govern a student organization in its operations and activities. These
documents should be clearly worded, intentionally structured, and kept up-to-date to meet the needs of the
student organization. Additionally, the constitution should be written your student organization – groups
affiliated with a national/international organization can also attach that constitution during recognition via

The constitution:
 Establishes the broad structure and fundamental principles of an organization
 Should be straightforward and comprehensive
 Should be difficult to amend

The bylaws:
 Outline the rules and procedures of the organization
 Should be consistent with the constitution
 Tend to be easier to amend than the constitution

The following format has been developed as a guide in the effective creation or revision of a student
organization constitution. It is not necessary to follow this template exactly, but it is important to include all
areas that apply to your organization. Statements and areas highlighted in yellow are required.

Should you have any questions, please contact the Office of Campus Activities (OCA) at


Constitution of ____________________________ (insert name of group)

Article I: Name

Section 1: The official name of this organization shall be (Student Volunteering Network), hereafter
referred to as … (SVN)

Article II: Purpose

Section 1: The purpose of this organization are:

To empower youths who are pursuing their career in a volunteering capacity
To help the youths give back to their country through voluntary means
To advance youths in their thinking that they can work without depending on government for Jobs
To give students advice and guidance on the most relevant training in their field of studies
To empower youths through voluntary mains
The function of the organization as a youth’s organization.
Article III: Affiliations
Section 1: This organization would like to affiliate with Starz College of Science & Technology as a
recognized student organization and as such, agrees to abide by the rules, policies, and
procedures of Starz College of Science & Technology.

Article IV: Membership

Section 1: Membership of this organization shall consist of youths from ages 18 to35 years and should be a
undergraduate or college students who had completed three semesters (sophomore student) and
graduate students University.

Section 2: Membership in this organization shall not discriminate against any individuals regardless of race,
national origin, color, religion, sex, age, veteran status, sexual orientation, and/or ability.

Section 3: Membership in this group shall be open to all youths who are interested for membership to the

Section 4: Other classifications of students, faculty, staff, alumni, and/or community members may
participate in the organization, but are not considered members, and may not receive privileges
of membership, may not vote, nor may they benefit from funding.

Article V: Officers

Section 1: Officers of the organization shall consist of … (state all officer titles and duties)
A. President – The President shall…
B. Vice President – The Vice President shall…
C. Secretary – The Secretary shall…
D. Treasurer – The Treasurer shall…
E. Etc.

Section 2: The organization President and Treasurer must be full-time, enrolled undergraduate students.
For undergraduate-only groups, other classifications should specify based on requirements

Section 3: The qualifications for each office, interested candidates should be a youth between the ages of 18
to 35 years and should be willing to delicate his/her time to the office which occupying.

Section 4: The term of each office shall be two years from the first day of office to the term expires, ensure
elections are held before the term expires.

Section 5: Should an officer position become vacant during his/her term, the following will take place, the
will be an announcement made available on the website ( ) or a written
Article VI: Advisor

Section 1: The organization advisor must be a full-time member of the faculty, administration, or
professional staff of a College or University.

Section 2: The duties and responsibilities of the advisor shall be to:

A. Have basic knowledge as to the history, structure, and purpose of the organization
B. Be aware of the group’s finances and budget, as your approval may be needed for financial
C. Provide useful guidance to help the organization identify and attain its goals
D. Be knowledgeable of University policies and regulations and civic ordinances, as well as
state laws that affect the activity of the organization
E. Maintain ongoing contact with club officers
Section 3: the advisor position should become vacant base upon a written documents from the advirsor
President or the board members.

Article VII: Meetings

Section 1: Regular meetings of the organization shall be held … (consider how often the group will meet,
when, where, how many, and who calls the meeting, etc.)

Section 2: Special meetings of the organization shall be held … (consider who has authority to call these
meetings, how much notice is required, reasons, etc.)

Section 3: For the transaction of business and voting, a quorum must be obtained. Quorum is defined as the
minimum percentage of members required to be present. The organization requires XXX (# or
%) for the transaction of business.

Article VIII: Finances

Specify any information to the management of finances including, but not limited to dues, funding process,
fundraising, voting, budgets, etc.

Article IX: Hazing Statement

Membership should be a valuable and beneficial experience for all students. Leadership of this organization
shall provide its new and current members with an experience that is positive, informative and consistent with f
state, and local laws, and the policies and procedures of the College or University. Activities which detract
from the goal of fostering personal and intellectual development have no place in this organization. Hazing will
not be tolerated by or of any member. It is the responsibility of the organization, its leadership and members to
report hazing of any kind by members to the proper authority.

Article X: Amendments

Section 1: This constitution shall be amended by a vote of (2/3, 3/4, etc.) majority of the membership at any
regular or special meeting. (the constitution should not be amended easily or frequently)

Section 2: Provisions for amendments shall be … (explain how amendments can be offered/proposed, how
eligible voting members will be informed of the proposed, etc.)

Article XI: Dissolution

Specify the manner in which such a proposal of voluntary dissolution of the organization must be submitted.
State the notice required and vote required for adoption (not less than that specified for adoption of an
amendment). It should be noted also that dissolution of the organization may, for cause, be ordered by the
Office of Campus Activities.
Date Ratified (Insert date the constitution is initially ratified and voted into action)

Date Revised (Insert date the constitution is revised)

Date Revised (Insert date the constitution is revised)


Bylaws of ____________________________ (Student Volunteering Network)

Article I: Membership

Section 1: The procedure for selection of membership …

Section 2: Dues for this organization shall be (if applicable)… (indicate amount, how often paid, etc.)

Section 3: Minimum membership responsibilities and duties shall include …

Section 4: Membership shall be terminated by …

Article II: Selection or Election of Officers

Section 1: The selection/election of officers shall be done by … (clearly state selection/election rules and
voting procedures, eligibility for each office, and when the elections take place)

Section 2: The provisions for removal of an officer include …

Article III: Selection or Election of Advisor

Section 1: The selection/election of the advisor shall be done by …

Section 2: The provisions for removal of an advisor include …

Article IV: Committees

Section 1: All permanent committees shall be formed by … (list each committee, function and specific
duties of each, how additional can be formed)

Section 2: All ad-hoc committees shall be formed by … (list how to be formed, duration, etc.)

Article V: Rules of Order

Section 1: This organization shall be governed by (if applicable) … (specify any rules of order of
parliamentary procedure, including the use “Robert’s Rules of Order”)

Article VI: Amendment

Section 1: These bylaws may be amended by a vote of … (should be similar to constitution, but tend to be
easier to amend, i.e., simple majority vote, 2/3, etc.)

Date Ratified (Insert date the bylaws are initially ratified)

Date Revised (Insert date the bylaws are revised)

Last updated on July 9, 2012

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