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SAMPLE Notice of Pre Hearing Conference and Script

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SAMPLE Notice of Pre-Hearing Conference




-versus- Administrative Case No.


For: Grave Misconduct

SPO1 Juan Dela Cruz,




Pursuant to Sec. 5, Rule 17, NAPOLCOM memorandum Circular No. 2007-

001, this case is hereby set for its pre-hearing conference on _____________


(Date) (time)

o’clock A.M./P.M. at ___________________________________________________

(complete address of the venue)

_________________________________________________ for the purpose of:

a. Defining and simplifying the issues of the case;

b. Entering into admission and/or stipulation of facts;

c. Limiting the number of witness to be presented;

d. Scheduling the dates of hearing;

e. Marking of exhibits; and

f. Threshing out other matters relevant to the case.

Parties are hereby reminded that witness/es not included in the pre-hearing
stipulations shall in no case be allowed to testify.

Furthermore, parties may agree that summary hearing be dispensed with,

instead, memorandum or position papers be submitted.

And finally, the absence of counsel shall not preclude the parties from signing

the certificate of readiness to appear at the scheduled hearing, which shall be strictly

followed to avoid unnecessary delay in the proceedings.

Given this _________ day of _______________, 201_.

(Date) (Month)


(Summary Hearing Officer)

SAMPLE: Summary Hearing Officer’s

Pre-Hearing Conference Script

Good Morning/Good Afternoon, Sir/Madam. Welcome to the Office of



(SHO’s Office/venue)

I am _______________________________________________________________

(name and rank of the SHO)

As the designated Summary Hearing Officer of the case against respondent

________________________________ for ________________________________

(rank and name) (offense)

docketed under __________________, I now call to order this pre-hearing

conference. (docket nr)

Are both of the parties present?

I want to inform both parties that you have the right to be represented by counsel.
Is the complainant represented by counsel/attorney?

Is the respondent represented by counsel/attorney?

We are now conducting this pre-hearing conference for the purpose of the following:

1) defining and simplifying the issues of the case;

2) entering into admission and/or stipulation of facts;

3) limiting the number of witness to be presented;

4) scheduling the dates of hearing;

5) marking of exhibits; and

6) threshing out other matters relevant to the case.

May I also inform both parties that among the matters that we may discus and/or

take-up is the possibility or willingness of both parties to enter into an agreement to

settle the case.

Now, may we know what are the issues raised by the complainant? (SHO explains

that by issues, this refers to basis of the complaint and complainant’s presentation

should be focused mainly on the charge against the respondent......)

What are the Issues raised by the respondent?

What is the admission of the complainant? (SHO explains that by admission, this

refers to information, events, activities and documents which are acceptable to the

other respondent as true ......)

What is the admission of the respondent?

Based on the admission of the complainant and the respondent, do you now agree

that these are the stipulated facts? (SHO shall enumerate what has been stipulated.)

Note for SHO: Stipulation is an agreement between parties to a dispute or

court action that a certain fact is true or uncontested.

How many witnesses and their respective names would the complainant present?
How many witnesses and their respective names would the respondent present?

What are the exhibits that the complainant wish to submit and mark? We shall now

mark complainant’s affidavits and exhibits using letters.

What are the exhibits that the respondent wish to submit and mark? We shall now

mark respondent’s affidavits and exhibits using numbers.

Now, before we set the dates of the hearing proper, I wish to inform the complainant

and the respondent that pursuant to Sec 5, Rule 17 of NAPOLCOM Memo Circular

2007-001, you may agree that the summary hearing proper be dispensed with, and

instead you will be required to submit memorandum or position papers within ten (10)

days from this pre-hearing conference. If you both agree and opt to dispense with the

hearing proper, you will be required to sign an Agreement to Dispense the Hearing

Proper and I will resolve the case based on the position papers you will submit and

the sets of evidence you have submitted. Otherwise, we will proceed with the hearing

proper as will be scheduled.

Now, may I know the decision of both parties? If you agree to dispense the hearing

please sign the agreement and we will then terminate this pre-hearing conference.

(If both parties opt to dispense the hearing proper.)

May I now ask both parties to sign the Agreement to Dispense the Hearing Proper.

Please submit your Position Papers within 10 days.

This Pre-hearing conference is now terminated. Thank You.

(If both parties opt to proceed with the hearing)

As both parties want to proceed with the hearing proper, may we know and agree as

to what are our hearing dates for the hearing proper? What time would be most

convenient for everybody? I would like to inform both parties that pursuant to Sec 6,

Rule 17 of NAPOLCOM MC 2007-001, the date of the hearing proper shall be

scheduled within five (5) days from the termination of this pre-hearing


May we know and agree as to what are our hearing dates for the hearing proper?

What time would be most convenient for everybody? I would like to inform both

parties that pursuant to Sec 6, Rule 17 of NAPOLCOM MC 2007-001, the date of the

hearing proper shall be scheduled within five (5) days from the termination of

this pre-hearing conference.

I also want to remind both parties that pursuant to Sec 5, Rule 17, both parties shall

sign the certificate of readiness to appear at the scheduled hearings. We have to set

at least three (3) hearing dates over a period of not more than seven (7) days to give

allowance to issue summons to absent parties.

It is AGREED and UNDERSTOOD that the agreed dates of hearing are

NONTRANSFERABLE in nature and as such, the hearing shall proceed on the said

dates despite the absence of either or both parties/counsels, for any reason


So let us now agree to the date/s and time.

(After the hearing dates are set, both parties must sign the Certificate of


May I now ask both parties to sign the Certificate of Readiness.

I would like to further inform the complainant and respondent that pursuant to the

same provision, Sec 5, Rule 17 of NAPOLCOM Memo Circular 2007-001, thie

administrative proceedings is summary in nature thus the date of the hearing

agreed upon by the parties in the Certificate of Readiness shall be strictly

followed to avoid unnecessary delays in the proceedings.

We will no longer send you summons for the hearing proper except for the absent
party, but we will expect you to be present on the set schedule/s.

Both parties shall also attest to the minutes of the pre-hearing conference which shall

be prepared as soon as possible or within 10 days.

We are now terminating our Pre-Hearing Conference.

Thank you and good day

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