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By Laws BSE Organization

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We the students of Bachelor of Science in Entrepreneurship; imploring the aid

of Almighty God and the School administration, in order to form a Young
Entrepreneurs Club that will promote the common interest and welfare of the
students taking Bachelor of Science in Entrepreneurship. It aims to encourage social
participation, and to develop leadership skills and harmonious relationship among
the students, faculty and staffs. Thus, by the help of Almighty Creator, we do hereby
prepare and promulgate this constitutions and by-laws.

Article I

Section 1 The organization shall be known as Young Entrepreneurs Club

Section 2 The official office of the department shall be located at PSU-PCAT CUYO
BAPS Rm. 4

Article II

Section 1 Provide the opportunities for the student of entrepreneurship to have its
own organization and train leaders for a better community.

Section 2 Develop and promote camaraderie, establish cooperation, ensure respect,

poster freedom, spiritual upliftment and uphold unity among its members.

Section 3 Provide opportunities for students` exposure in any social activities and
program of this organization.

Section 4 Help undertake projects and assignments given in connection with school
and its purpose.

Section 5 Provide assistance for the school affairs that will take place.

Section 6 Participate and cooperate actively to the different activities and program
set forth by the department and university.

Section 7 Organize programs and training seminars that will be benefit all the
members of the organization and even the other students of the university.

Section 8 Perform such duties and responsibilities assigned/maybe provided by the

dean and other campus authorities.
Article III

Section 1 All students of Bachelor of Science in Entrepreneurship officially enrolled

in PSU-PCAT CUYO Campus shall be automatically members of the Young
Entrepreneurs Club.

Article IV

Section 1 Every member has the equal right to receive such financial assistance/aid
from all members of this organization in some particular situations such as follows:

a. Financial aid for the ultimately death of the member.

b. Financial aid for the ultimately death of the member`s immediate family member.
c. Financial assistance if the member was confined to the hospital and;
d. Financial assistance if the member will undergo surgery or any medical

Section 2 Every member has the equal right to participate and cooperate in any
meetings/special meetings set forth by this organization.

Section 3 These privileges will be implemented with equality among the members
and officers in order to embrace human consideration for all.

Article V

Section 1 Membership fee of Php. 50.00 shall be collected every semester and shall
serve as the funds and budget of this organization.

Section 2 The collection of this fee shall start upon the approval of this constitution
and by-laws.

Section 3 The treasurer shall be responsible for the collection of this fee.

Section 4 Failure to attend any activities organized by the organization including the
Holy Mass every first Thursday of the month, shall pay Php. 50.00.

Section 5 No member shall be exempted from the payment of the membership fee
and fines.

Section 6 Newly enrolled students for the second semester is required to pay the
membership fee and fines.
Section 7 Valid reasons will be considered for not attending activities provided that
he/she will comply to submit an excuse letter signed by his/her parents and

Article VI

Section 1 The organization shall fill-out the following positions;

a. Mayor
b. V-Mayor
c. Secretary
d. Treasurer
e. Auditor
f. Business Manager
g. P.I.O
h. Peace officers
i. Muse
j. Escort

Section 2 There shall be an Adviser of Young Entrepreneurs Club.

Article VII

Section 1 Mayor. Is the presiding officer of the Young Entrepreneur Club in every
meeting and session. He/ She shall lead in performing the task and duties of every
program and activity of this organization. The Mayor has the mandate of control to
the overall existing class organizations and department`s minor organizations.

Section 2 Vice- Mayor. In the absence of the Mayor, the Vice-Mayor shall take
charge all the responsibilities and duties of the Mayor.

Section 3 Secretary. Keep all the records of all the minutes of the meetings and
other records such as attendance, set of officers and the list of all members of Young
Entrepreneur Club. He/ She shall be responsible also to the incoming and outgoing
correspondence of the organization, project documentation and read the minutes of
the meeting before the start of the meeting.

Section 4 Treasurer. The treasurer shall be the custodian of the money and property
of the organization specifically under his/her charge. It is her duty to receive or
collect all money of the organization and to keep accurate and complete records of
all receipts and expenditures. He/ Shall render to the body his/her financial report at
any time the organization may request.

Section 5 Auditor. Check and audit the fund of the organization and review receipts
and expenditures.
Section 6 Business Managers. Undertake all the business transactions of the
organization and do other task related to their position.

Section 7 Public Information Officers (P.I.O). Responsible for the dissemination of

any announcement prepared by the Mayor. See to it that all concerns are well-
informed of the activities and other task related to their positions.

Section 8 Peace Officers. Shall be responsible to uphold the peace inside or outside
the campus. Assigned to take actions when situation occurs inside the organization.

Section 9 Muse and Escort. The Muse and Escort shall assist the Mayor in
maintaining the harmonious relationships among the members and officers of the
organization. They shall promote public relations among all the members of the

Section 10 Elected officers may serve the organization for a period of 1 year as long
as they are officially enrolled and re-elected.

Section 11 Elected officers shall serve in accordance with the constitution and by-
laws of the organization.

Section 12 Elected officers shall assume office immediately after oath-taking

ceremony set by the student Government.

Article VIII

Section 1 The General election shall be held one month after the opening of the
general election of the 1st semester.

Section 2 Special election for position vacated by the incumbent either by

resignation shall be held upon the call of the Mayor except the Mayors` position by
which the Vice- Mayor will occupy the vacant position.

Section 3 The election shall be done raising of hands.

Article IX

Section 1 The officers of the organization shall have session/meeting once during
the midterm and session once in the final.
Section 2 The organization shall have meeting/special meeting to be scheduled by
the Mayor, Adviser and the Program Head.

Section 3 Meeting/Sessions of the organization shall be held at BAPS Rm 4 or any

vacant room of the building occupied by the Entrepreneurship students.

Section 4 Any officer of the organization who have class during the meeting may be
excused by the instructor from his/her class.

Section 5 The secretary will determine if the members are already in quorum, the
presiding officer shall commence the meeting of the officers and members of the

Article X

Section 1 Any officer of the organization who fails to function his/her position can be
replaced upon by the vote 2/3 majority.

Section 2 In the case of vacancy of positions, the procedure on rule of succession

will be applied for.

Section 3 Any officer who found violating the organizations` constitution and by-laws
can be replaced upon the vote of the majority of the body.

Article XI

Section 1 The constitution and by-laws my be amended every 3 years by majority

(2/3) vote of officers and members of the organization in a meeting called for the
purpose of amendment.

Article XII

Section 1 The constitution and by-laws shall take immediately upon the approval of
majority of its member.
Prepared by;


Attested by;




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