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Solar photovoltaic modules,

inverters and systems: options

and feasibility of EU Ecolabel and
Green Public Procurement criteria
Preliminary report

Dodd, N, Espinosa, N


EUR 30474 EN
This publication is a Technical report by the Joint Research Centre (JRC), the European Commission’s science
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Contact information
Name: Nieves Espinosa
Address: Edificio Expo. C/ Inca Garcilaso, 3. E-41092 Seville (Spain)
Tel.: +34 954 488 476

EU Science Hub


EUR 30474 EN

PDF ISBN 978-92-76-26819-2 ISSN 1831-9424 doi:10.2760/29743

Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, 2021.

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How to cite this report: Dodd, N., Espinosa, N., Solar photovoltaic modules, inverters and systems: options and
feasibility of EU Ecolabel and Green Public Procurement criteria, Preliminary report, EUR 30474 EN,
Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg, 2021, ISBN 978-92-76-26819-2, doi:10.2760/29743,

1. Introduction ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 5

1.1. Background to the Preliminary Assessment ................................................................................................................................................................. 5

1.2. Framework for the assessment............................................................................................................................................................................................ 5

1.2.1. Evaluation as a potential new EU Ecolabel product group ......................................................................................................................... 6

1.2.2. Evaluation as a potential new GPP product group ........................................................................................................................................... 6

2. Scope, definition and review of existing initiatives ............................................................................................................................................................... 8

2.1. Product Scope and Definition ................................................................................................................................................................................................. 8

2.1.1. Basic introduction to photovoltaic technology .................................................................................................................................................... 8

2.1.2. Product scope and definition ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 10

2.2. Measurement and standards .............................................................................................................................................................................................. 14

2.3. Existing legislation ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 14

2.3.1. Legislation and agreements at European Union level ................................................................................................................................ 14

2.3.2. Market leaders at Member State level .................................................................................................................................................................. 16

2.4. Existing voluntary labelling schemes ............................................................................................................................................................................. 17

2.4.1. Existing Ecolabel criteria sets at EU and international level ................................................................................................................... 18

2.4.2. Summary of the results from the first stakeholder questionnaire ..................................................................................................... 23

2.5. Existing Green Public Procurement (GPP) criteria and initiatives ................................................................................................................. 24

2.5.1. Existing GPP criteria sets used in the EU. ............................................................................................................................................................ 24

2.5.2. Summary of the GPP results from the first stakeholder questionnaire .......................................................................................... 24

3. Market analysis ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 26

3.1. Market and stock data ............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 26

3.1.1. PV Modules ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 26

3.1.2. Inverters for photovoltaic applications ................................................................................................................................................................. 27

3.1.3. PV systems.............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 28

3.2. Market trends in technology ................................................................................................................................................................................................ 29

3.2.1. PV modules ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 29

3.2.2. Inverters for photovoltaic applications ................................................................................................................................................................. 31

3.2.3. PV systems.............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 32

3.3. Consumer aspects ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 32

3.3.1. The drivers to become ‘prosumers’ ......................................................................................................................................................................... 32

3.3.2. PV system design processes in the residential market .............................................................................................................................. 34

3.3.3. System and product tests required by subsidy schemes .......................................................................................................................... 35

3.3.4. System and product tests made by selected consumer organisations ........................................................................................... 37

3.4. Public procurement criteria and requirements for PV systems ..................................................................................................................... 39

3.4.1. EU Green Public Procurement (GPP) criteria ...................................................................................................................................................... 39

3.4.2. Public procurement examples and models ....................................................................................................................................................... 42

4. Technical analysis .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 43

4.1. Module improvement options ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 44

4.2. Inverter improvement options ............................................................................................................................................................................................ 45

4.3. Photovoltaic system improvement options ................................................................................................................................................................ 46

4.3.1. Identification of the Best Available Technology (BAT) ................................................................................................................................ 46

4.3.2. Best practice in risk mitigation and reduction in Life Cycle Costs ...................................................................................................... 47

5. Screening of life cycle environmental impacts ..................................................................................................................................................................... 49

5.1.1. Selection of LCA studies for further analysis ................................................................................................................................................... 49

5.1.2. Detailed analysis of the selected LCA studies ................................................................................................................................................. 50

5.1.3. Results of the selected LCA studies ........................................................................................................................................................................ 59

6. Other environmental or non-environmental impacts of relevance for EU Ecolabel certification and GPP .................................... 65

6.1.1. Hazardous substances in solar photovoltaic products ............................................................................................................................... 65

6.1.2. REACH Candidate List substances............................................................................................................................................................................ 65

6.1.3. Substances classified with CLP hazards .............................................................................................................................................................. 66

6.1.4. Substances restricted by the RoHS Directive .................................................................................................................................................... 70

6.1.5. Hazardous substances in manufacturing processes .................................................................................................................................... 71

6.1.6. Social and ethical issues ................................................................................................................................................................................................ 73

7. Preliminary evaluation .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 73

7.1. Identification of lifecycle hotspots .................................................................................................................................................................................. 73

7.2. Assessment of the evidence for the EU Ecolabel .................................................................................................................................................. 79

7.2.1. Contribution to EU policy objectives ....................................................................................................................................................................... 79

7.2.2. Evaluation of the potential new product group for EU Ecolabel .......................................................................................................... 82
7.3. Assessment of the evidence for Green Public Procurement ........................................................................................................................... 83

7.3.1. Contribution to EU policy objectives ....................................................................................................................................................................... 83

7.3.2. Evaluation of the potential new product group for GPP ............................................................................................................................ 86

1. Introduction

1.1. Background to the Preliminary Assessment

This document is intended to provide the background information for a preliminary assessment of the feasibility of
establishing EU Ecolabel and/or Green Public Procurement (GPP) criteria for solar photovoltaic modules, inverters and systems.
This preliminary assessment forms part of a wider Preparatory Study to examine the feasibility of a four policy instruments –
Ecodesign, Energy Labelling, the Ecolabel and GPP.
The study is being carried out for the European Commission's Directorate General for Internal Market, Industry,
Entrepreneurship and SMEs (GROW) by the Joint Research Centre with technical support from VITO and Imec.

The main purpose of this document is to provide a summary of the technical background, options for possible criteria areas
and a preliminary evaluation of their potential and feasibility. This document and the findings presented herein have been the
subject of a webinar meeting held in April 2019.

This document is complemented and supported by the wider Preparatory Study Task Reports, which comprise:
1. Product scope

2. Market data and trends

3. User behaviour and system aspects

4. Technical analysis including end of life

5. Environmental and economic assessment of base cases

Furthermore, during the course of the revision process a general questionnaire on the scope and improvement potential was
sent out to selected stakeholders. The target groups were industry, Member States, NGOs and research institutions. The
specific information, views and suggestions arising from questions about the scope, and improvement potential are
summarised in this report and are taken into consideration as far as possible in the preliminary assessment.

The supporting Preparatory Study Task Reports have been developed and revised based on a stakeholder engagement process,
as well as follow-up research and analysis. Stakeholder working group meetings were held on the 29 th June and 19th
December 2018, and 10th and 11th July 2019, with each being complemented by an eight-week period of written consultation.

1.2. Framework for the assessment

The wider Preparatory Study is designed to assess the feasibility of adopting each of four possible policy instruments, two of
which would be mandatory – Ecodesign and Energy Labelling – and two of which would be voluntary – the Ecolabel and GPP.

The Ecolabel and GPP are designed to support the market for the products with the best environmental performance - exerting
a ‘pull’ effect. It is therefore necessary to evaluate whether possible configurations of these two policy interventions could
have the intended effect In order to do this a set of evaluation criteria have been established. These criteria are based on
existing criteria that are used by DG Environment and the JRC to evaluated new product groups, together with consideration in
more detail of:

 the findings from analysis of LCA literature,

 the EU policy context, and

 the potential application of GPP criteria to PV installation projects.

1.2.1. Evaluation as a potential new EU Ecolabel product group
The preliminary assessment will be made based on an adaptation of criteria used for the evaluation of new product groups for
the EU Ecolabel. The existing criteria of DG Environment have been adapted further by the Joint Research Centre and are
listed in the box below.
In order to assess the potential of the product group(s) to contribute positively to these criteria two supporting technical
analysis have been made:

1. Life cycle hot spot analysis: The mapping of hot spots to have emerged from the LCA literature review onto tangible
‘front runner’ product improvements that:

- exist in the market today,

- for which differentiation can be made in product performance and

- which could be verifiable

2. Policy contribution analysis: The identification of EU policy expectations for the product group in the short to
medium term and, linked to this, the extent to which ‘front runner’ products can contribute to furthering these policy

EU Ecolabel evaluation criteria for the Solar Photovoltaic product group

Adaptation of existing DG ENV/JRC screening criteria

 Feasibility of definition and scope: Is it possible to clearly define and classify the product/sub-products as the basis
for a criteria scope?

 Existence of other ecolabels and schemes: Is there an existing basis in the EU or internationally for product group

 Market significance: Could the Ecolabel criteria be effectively targeted at mainstream products that can be clearly
identified from market data?

 Visibility: Would the product group provide a high level of consumer visibility for the ecolabel?

 Potential uptake: What existing indications are there of the potential uptake?

 Alignment with legislation and standards: Could the Ecolabel make a positive contribution to specific EU
environmental policy objectives?

 Environmental impacts analysis; Can practical, verifiable criteria be identified that are based upon and could
address LCA hot spots and non-LCA issues that are of significance?

1.2.2. Evaluation as a potential new GPP product group

The preliminary assessment will be made based on an adaptation of criteria used as the basis for evaluations of new product
groups for the EU GPP Advisory Group. The ‘decision model’ has been adapted further by the Joint Research Centre and the
steps are described in the box 1 below.
Steps 1 and 2 are covered in part by the EU Ecolabel evaluation whereas Steps 3 and 4 are proposed to be addressed for a
solar PV system installations by making a technical analysis of the options for beneficial criteria at different project stages–
from design through to decommissioning.
BOX 1. GPP evaluation criteria for the Solar Photovoltaic product group

Proposed decision model for the selection of product groups for EU GPP

Step 1: Contribution to objectives

- Reduction of the environmental impact (CO2 reduction, energy/resource efficiency, air pollution, etc.) of products, services
or works
- Stimulation of innovation
- Cost reduction
Step 2: Determine the added value of GPP to existing policy instruments
The next step is to determine the added value of GPP criteria for the proposed product group to existing policy instruments
- Covenants1
- Ecolabel
- Ecodesign
- Directives
- Subsidies
- Fiscal instruments
- Communication
Step 3: Determine if GPP is the most effective instrument to achieve the objectives
The next step is to decide if GPP is among the most effective instruments to reach the objectives (go/no go moment). For this
decision there are the following questions:
1. If by means of procurement public authorities have considerable direct or indirect influence on the sustainable
objectives of the product group concerned.
2. If the influence of public authorities is small, you can further ask if there are other policy objectives (such as
acting as role model) to include the product group in GPP.
3. Does it seem possible to translate the objective(s) into legally admissible and technically achievable
procurement instrument/criteria.
Step 4: Determine the best form of GPP implementation
If you decide, that GPP is an effective instrument, choose the best way to implement it. Elements can include:
- Product criteria (mainly for products*)
- Functional criteria (mainly for works*)
- Process criteria (mainly for services*)
- Support systems for procurers
- Guidelines
- Training
(* = in general, but there are many exceptions)

1 E.g. Covenant of Majors run by DG Energy

2. Scope, definition and review of existing initiatives
The aim of this chapter is to analyse the product scope and definition, together with relevant legislation, existing ecolabels and
initiatives. The starting point for the preliminary assessment is the product scope of the wider Preparatory Study – namely
photovoltaic modules, inverters for photovoltaic applications and photovoltaic systems.
Standards that apply to the product group are reviewed in a separate report of the JRC which will inform possible transitional
methods that may be required to support any mandatory regulations 2.

2.1. Product Scope and Definition

The following sections first provide a brief introduction to photovoltaics, followed by an analysis of existing definitions of
photovoltaic modules, inverters and systems, as used in European statistics, EU legislation, standards and other voluntary
initiatives such as ecolabels; together with stakeholder feedback on the suitability of existing scope and definitions.

2.1.1. Basic introduction to photovoltaic technology

The solar photovoltaic effect was discovered in 1839 as an off shoot from photochemical experiments. The first silicon
photovoltaic cell was created in the 1950's and this technology has been constantly refined since then.

The photovoltaic effect takes place when a semiconductor material absorbs light and positive and negative electrons are
released. These are then extracted from the semiconductor as electric current.

There are different types of solar cells and these are formed into different types of solar panels. The first type is a crystalline
silicon solar cell; the other type is amorphous. Crystalline cells are cut from a solid ingot of silicon whereas amorphous (also
known as thin film) is made by depositing a silicon compound on to a glass. One of the main activities in the PV industry is to
increase the level of efficiency of cells, in relation to their cost.
Crystalline PV cells are more efficient in their conversion of light to electricity because of their contiguous crystalline structure
but usually this comes at a higher cost. There are two types of crystalline cell: the monocrystalline and the polycrystalline.
Monocrystalline can be generally more efficient, but has been traditionally more expensive because it requires ingots that are
grown using special processes and made of silicon with a higher purity (see Figure 1).

Figure 1 Early example of monocrystalline cells in a module Source: Green Building Advisor (2018)

2 Dunlop E.D., Gracia Amillo A., Salis E., Sample T., Taylor N., Standards for the assessment of the environmental performance of photovoltaic
modules, power conditioning components and photovoltaic systems, EUR 29247 EN, Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg,

Thin films do not have the same level of performance as crystalline PV cells and despite being substantially less expensive,
have not had the same market penetration either. The development of thin film has been detrimentally affected by the
constant reduction in the cost of crystalline panels.

Whatever the technology, the electrical current that is created in the PV cell and subsequently extracted as a current, is direct
current (DC) not the alternating current (AC) of the type produced by the alternating magnetic generators in power stations or
wind turbines on which the normal mains supply in the EU operates.

Solar power systems

Solar cells made into modules to optimise the electricity generated, normally form part of a system. There are two types of
systems: those connected to the grid and stand-alone systems or off grid. The latter use the power created on site, and
normally include an electricity storage arrangement. In many EU countries however almost all systems are connected to the
grid. They can be mounted on a building or they can be free standing, being the following components normally present (see
Figure 2):

 The solar panels or module array: the combination of solar cells in a weatherproof package

 The racking: this is the equipment that attaches the solar panels onto the roof of the building.

 Cabling: to transport the current generated from the module array to the inverter

 The inverter: this unit(s) converts the DC current from the modules to AC current that can be used in the building or
transferred to the grid

 Junction box(es): this is the terminus of the DC wiring from each module

 The meters: in order to measure the amount of electricity generated. It is usually a legal requirement to claim
subsidies such a feed in tariff.

Figure 2. Basic installation of a domestic solar photovoltaic system. Source: SMA (2018)

The sun's energy

The impact of the sun’s rays on earth is called irradiance. Levels of irradiance differ depending on the location. Attention
therefore has to be paid to the level of irradiance available for a solar project as this will influence the electricity yield. Figure
3 reproduces the map of EU levels of irradiance. This shows that the Southern latitude (e.g. Spain and Italy) are the best
places for solar power, where the average irradiance is 2000-2200 kWh/m2yr. This level makes the energy payback times
(EPBT) – the amount of time it takes to generate more energy than it took to make the system - are shorter. However, the

greatest interest in installing solar PV has, to date, been in central EU. Germany, France and Italy have been the pioneers in
the deployment of solar energy.

Figure 3. EU irradiation and solar electricity potential

2.1.2. Product scope and definition

The following section provides an overview of existing definitions of photovoltaics modules, inverters and systems, using as its
starting point the following categorisations:

 PRODCOM codes and activities;

 Definitions and categorisations according to EN, IEC and ISO standards;

 Other product specific definitions and categories e.g. labels, Product Category Rules;

The product scope and definition is analysed in turn for each of the three sub-products that are a focus for the wider
Preparatory Study. A first proposal of the scope and definition for modules, inverters and systems as it could apply to the
Ecolabel and Green Public Procurement is presented in the following section. Module products

Product definitions developed by the IEC and IEA, as well for UL, NSF International and the PEF pilot, were consulted in order to
develop a definition for the Ecodesign Preparatory Study. Stakeholders were consulted on an example definition and possible
scope delimitations from December 2017 to January 2018. The headline results were a follows, and are reflected in the first
formal proposal to stakeholders:

 The majority of respondents supported an output power cut off of less than 50 Watts.

 The encapsulant and junction box should be included in the product definition and scope.

 The number of cells, the module area or the form factor should not form part of the product definition and scope.

In addition, the majority of respondents considered that Building Integrated PV should be included within the scope, but will
need to be handled separately from standard modules so as not to hinder innovation and growth of what is currently a
relatively small niche in the market.

Examples of feed-in tariff qualification criteria for BIPV modules, such as those of the UK Micro Generation Scheme, suggest
that one option for managing this could be to focus on the performance of cells, rather than the diversity of different
construction product form factors into which they may be integrated.

For the purpose of modelling module level power electronic components such as micro-inverters and power optimisers are
proposed to be excluded from the scope of PV modules. Instead it is proposed that the potential benefits are analysed within
the PV systems scope.

The first proposal for the solar photovoltaic module product definition and scope are presented below.

Proposed solar photovoltaic module definition and scope

A photovoltaic module is a framed or unframed assembly of solar photovoltaic cells designed to generate DC power. A
photovoltaic module consists of:

 strings of photovoltaic cells (crystalline technology) and/or semiconductor layers (thin film technology),

 a substrate, encapsulation and cover materials,

 the interconnections of the cells,

 the junction box and associated cabling, and

 the framing material (where applicable).

The scope shall correspond to photovoltaic modules produced for use in photovoltaic systems for electricity generation.
The scope shall include Building Integrated Photovoltaic (BIPV) modules that incorporate solar photovoltaic cells and form a
construction product providing a function as defined in the European Construction Product Regulation CPR 305/2011. The
scope shall include street furniture that incorporates solar photovoltaic cells, but it does not include street lighting

Specifically excluded from this scope are:

 Module level power electronics, containing micro-inverters and power optimisers

 Modules with a DC output power of less than 50 Watts under Standard Test Conditions (STC),

 Modules intended for mobile applications or integration into consumer electronic products. Inverter products

Product definitions developed by the IEC and the US EPA addressing both inverters and more broadly power conditioning
equipment were consulted in order to develop a definition for the Preparatory Study. Stakeholders were consulted on an
example definition and possible scope delimitations from December 2017 to January 2018. The headline results were as
follows, and are partly reflected in the first formal proposal to stakeholders:
 The majority of respondents considered that:

- All types of inverters should be included in the scope

- Power output and intended configuration should be addressed in the scope and definition
 Power Conversion Equipment categories in the draft IEC 62093 standard should form a component of the scope and

 It shall be made clear that DC optimisers shall not quality as inverters

The comments have largely been addressed by redrafting the proposal to incorporate the thresholds and categories of draft
IEC 62093 standard. However, upon further consideration of the possible grid and module configurations that may need to be
modelled, the following new proposals are presented for discussion:

 That the scope shall encompass those that are able to function in a utility interactive mode. The rationale is that
the majority of inverters will be connected to distribution grids and this configuration is specifically covered in
testing standards.

 That 'central solution' inverters combining a transformer connected to a distribution network are proposed as being
excluded. The rationale is to ensure comparability and to avoid an overlap with existing Ecodesign Regulations.

 That inverters falling within draft IEC 62093 Category 13 should be excluded from this scope, but shall be within the
scope of photovoltaic systems. The rationale is the potential difficulty in making a meaningful comparison between
standalone and module-integrated functions. Moreover, this approach would reflect that adopted by Germany's
Blue Angel ecolabel inverter criteria.

The first proposal for the product definition and scope of inverters for photovoltaic applications is presented below.

Proposed definition and scope of inverters for photovoltaic applications

An inverter is as an electric energy converter that changes the direct electric current (DC) output from a solar photovoltaic
array to single-phase or polyphase alternating current (AC). The scope shall correspond to:

 Utility interactive inverters that are designed to operate grid connected in stand-alone and parallel modes.

 Inverters with a maximum circuit voltage of 1500 V DC and connections to systems not exceeding 1000 V AC.
Hybrid inverters and micro-inverters sold separately are falling within this category.

 String inverters falling within category 2 as defined in draft IEC 62093 ('String-level power electronics') and
designed to interface multiple series or parallel connected modules and specified for wall, roof, ceiling or rack

 Central inverters falling within Category 3 as defined in IEC 62093 ('Large-scale power electronics') and designed
to interface multiple series or parallel connected modules, but due to its complexity, size and weight are housed
in a free-standing electrical enclosure.

Specifically excluded from this scope are:

 Central inverters that are packaged with transformers (sometimes referred to as central solutions) as defined in
Commission Regulation (EU) No 548/2014 on Ecodesign requirements for small, medium and large power
transformers. System products

As for modules and inverter products, system definitions developed by IEC and IEA, were consulted with the aim to develop a
suitable system definition. They all establish several concepts used to make the categorisation. Systems can be categorised
according to the following distinguishing features/properties:

 Spatial arrangement: Based on the spatial relationship between the different component arrays (e.g. centralised,

 Electricity end-use: Based on the primary end use that the electricity generated is earmarked for (e.g. domestic, non-

3 Category 1: Module-level power electronics (MLPE) – specified to operate at a PV module base level interfacing up to four modules.

 Grid configuration: Based on the type of physical interface with the electricity distribution grid (e.g. grid connected,
off-grid, hybrid).

 Electrical configuration: Based on the systems modes of operation (e.g. isolated, utility interactive).

In the same way as for modules and inverter products, stakeholders were consulted in the same questionnaire on an example
and possible scope delimitations for photovoltaic systems. The feedback received can be summarized as it follows:

 Market segmentation, i.e. residential, commercial, utility, and system size, should be included in the definition and

 The main scope exclusion selected by respondents is 'specific end-uses' of the electricity such as street lighting and
urban furniture or consumer electronic products and other gadgets.

 Grid configuration, module array, power conditioning, tracking systems, spatial configuration, roof or ground
mounted, and were considered to be of relevance for the definition and scope of PV systems.
In addition, the majority of respondents considered that all systems should be included within the scope. However,
to reflect the main scope exclusion proposed by some respondents, and given that most systems are connected to
the grid, the scope of the Preparatory study does not include street lighting, urban furniture, consumer electronic
products nor standalone systems. These systems are too complex and often tailor made. The savings of
introducing a regulation are minimal in comparison with the grid connected systems (including solar home
systems). Moreover, public authorities or consumers are buying these products with solar PV integrated or not,
whereas our focus is on the purchase of a solar PV system.
Substations and transformers for power conditioning directly connected to the distribution network, that may be present in
utility scale PV plants are neither considered within the scope. Transformers are already in the scope of the Commission
Regulation (EU) No 548/2014 on Ecodesign requirements for small, medium and large power transformers.

The first proposal for the product definition and scope of photovoltaic systems is presented below.

Proposed solar photovoltaic system definition and scope

A photovoltaic system is an assembly of components that produce and supply electricity based on photovoltaic conversion
of solar energy. It comprises the following sub-systems: module array, switches, controls, meters, power conditioning
equipment, PV array support structure, and electricity storage components. It also comprises cabling connecting these
Included in the scope of systems are therefore DC optimisers and module integrated inverters falling within category 1 as
defined in IEC 62093 ('Module-level power electronics') and specified to operate at a PV module base level interfacing up to
four modules.
The provision of energy generated by solar PV systems as a service shall be included within the scope for the purpose of
public procurement.

Excluded from the scope are products which are only designed for the following specific applications:

 For use only in street lighting, urban furniture, electric vehicles

 PV integrated consumer and electronic products, i.e. power banks, watches, calculators, etc.

 Systems in which there are modules with DC output power of less than 50 Watts under Standard Tests Conditions

 Substations and transformers for power conditioning

2.2. Measurement and standards
Photovoltaic modules have been found to be well covered by existing standards for production, design qualification
and type approval, power and energy yield. An extensive collection of operational data and correlation with
laboratory testing results give confidence in building an appropriate definition of failure modes and degradation
effects, although an intermediate method may be required for quantifying them.
A definition of technical lifetime and operational service life is still not laid down in standards and this is subject of
ongoing discussions and analysis within the frame of private sector initiatives such as PVQAT4;
However, following the future IEC TS 62994, the IEC/TR 62635 and the guidelines in the ISO 15686 series an
agreed method is considered to be achievable. The issues of recyclability, repairability and durability will be
covered by the general framework of standards being developed under the Mandate M/543 but PV-specific
standards deriving from the horizontal ones will be necessary.
Dedicated standards have been developed for PV inverter performance, such as EN 50530. This however is officially marked
as withdrawn, although the procedure for determining the “European Efficiency” could still be considered technically valid and
is used by industry as a performance metric. This would allow a transitional method for calculating a functional parameter in
terms of AC power output for a nominal PV array. Regarding the definition of technical lifetime and operational service life
the situation is similar to that for PV modules and again a transitional method may be required, also taking into account field

The situation for PV systems reflects a combination of the situation for PV modules and inverters, as well as the system
location and design. Aspects of PV system design are the subject of new draft norms, including the full construction cycle and
the local environmental conditions, that can have a significant effect on the final energy yield (and therefore also on the
material balance).
On-site power measurement and verification standards exist. However, there is no single standard for the
calculation of expected energy yield of a PV system. A transitional method would be required here, based either on
existing monitoring standards or on the module energy rating standards and integrating a model to include the
effects of local environment relative to the specific geophysical position and other derate factors.

2.3. Existing legislation

2.3.1. Legislation and agreements at European Union level

In this section European Union legislation and agreements of relevance to the product scope are briefly described and
analysed for their potential influence on the EU solar PV market. To aid an understanding of how they may influence the EU
solar photovoltaic market – both in terms of technical performance and deployment potential - they have been grouped under
the following broad themes:
 Energy Union and reshaping of the EU electricity market: With reference to the Energy Union Strategy (2015) and
proposed new rules for the common electricity market amending the Electricity Directive (2009/72/EC)

 Driving the market for renewable electricity generation: With reference to the Renewable Energy Directive
2009/28/EC recast and proposals for a revised Directive.

 Driving the market for building renovation and near zero energy buildings: With reference to the recast Energy
Performance of Buildings Directive 2010/31/EU (EPBD) and revised Directive (2018/844/EU).

4 International PV Quality Assurance Task Force,

 Improving information on construction product performance: With reference to The Construction Products Regulation
(EU) No 305/2011.

 Improving material efficiency and creating a Circular Economy: With reference to the Waste Electrical and Electronic
Equipment (WEEE) Directive 2012/19/EU and the EU action plan for the Circular Economy (2015)

 Restricting the presence of hazardous substances in products, with reference to Directive 2011/65/EU of the
European Parliament and of the Council of 8 June 2011 on the restriction of the use of certain hazardous
substances in electrical and electronic equipment (recast), RoHS

 Product policy and consumer information: With reference to the Ecodesign Directive 2009/125/EC and Energy
Labelling Directive 2010/30/EU

Table 1 summarises the findings of the review with the identification of the potential short to medium term influences on the
EU solar photovoltaic market.

Table 1 Potential influence of EU policy instruments on the EU solar PV market

Thematic policy area Possible influence on the EU solar PV market

Energy Union and reshaping of the EU  The proposed new common rules for the electricity market will
electricity market impose more favourable market conditions for self-consumption
and local energy communities
 Provisions for non-discriminatory handling of grid connections,
including associated charges and procedures, will support 'active
Driving the market for renewable  The proposed recast Directive will support self-consumption and
electricity generation storage by simplifying permitting and removing restrictions.
 A new calculation methodology for the minimum contribution of
renewable sources in new buildings and major renovations will
further support rooftop solar PV
Driving the market for building  Targets for all new buildings and major renovations to achieve
renovation and near zero energy Nearly Zero Energy performance by 2020 will further drive BAPV
buildings and BIPV, which are already favoured options. 5
 A renewed focus on the large scale renovation and decarbonisation
of the existing building stock could further drive BAPV deployment.
 Buildings will increasing need to demonstrate their 'smart
readiness' and this will include energy systems
 The EN ISO 52000 series calculation method for BAPV/BIPV
performance will be widely used
Improving information on construction  The EN 15804 and EN 15978 LCA standards, together with the
product performance Commission's Level(s) framework will drive an increased focus on
the life cycle performance of building components.
 Circular thinking will increasingly need to form part of building
design and operation.
Improving material efficiency and  The Critical Raw Materials indium, gallium and silicon metal will be
creating a Circular Economy the focus of actions to foster material efficient solutions
 Member State reporting on rising solar PV waste streams will
increase the focus on end of life routes
Product policy and consumer  Products will need to be smart ready, with the potential to interact
information with home management systems and appliances.

5 Building attached photovoltaics (BAPV) and Building Integrated photovoltaics (BIPV)

2.3.2. Market leaders at Member State level
Intervention at Member State level to improve market conditions for solar photovoltaics has historically played an important
role in supporting growth in the deployment of the technology. Legislation designed to improve the market conditions and
incentivise investment has been pivotal in the growth of the European market and the policy instruments used continue to
evolve in response to policy priorities.

In this section a summary is presented of the review made in the Task 1 Report of the Ecodesign Preparatory study. This
focussed on the legislation and agreements for thirteen selected Member States. They have been selected based on the
significance of their solar photovoltaic markets, in terms of a combination of historical, present and projected market
penetration. The most important policy instruments have been briefly analysed together with selected examples of electricity
price subsidy qualification requirements for equipment, systems and installers. The Member States that have been selected
are identified in Table 2

Table 2 Clustering of the Member States analysed based on their market evolution and penetration

Pioneers High market penetration

(pre 2008) - Germany
Medium market penetration
- Austria
- Netherlands
- Denmark
- Spain
Late starters High market penetration
(post 2008) - Italy
- United Kingdom
Medium market penetration
- Belgium
- Czech Republic
- France
- Greece
Low market penetration
- Bulgaria
- Romania
Key to electricity market penetration levels
High = >5.0%
Medium = 1.0 – 5.0%
Low = <1.0%

The review has enabled the identification and characterisation of a number of different types of policy interventions that are
influencing the deployment, quality and performance of solar photovoltaic systems. They are briefly summarised in Table 3.

Table 3 Effect of Member State policies and requirements on solar PV deployment

Policy or requirement Influence on solar PV deployment

PV system support  Feed-in tariffs are progressively being scaled back and are increasingly being
weighted to support smaller, largely residential systems of <5-30kW .
 Auctions of electricity price contracts are increasingly being used for larger
systems (>100-200kW), but tend to support larger utility scale systems with
greater potential to reduce bid LCOE

BIPV support  Only two large Member States give BIPV preferential subsidy, either in the
form of investment subsidy or an increased feed-in tariff rate.
 BIPV is in some Member States required according to building permits and

Self-consumption support  Net-metering is in permitted in most Member States whereas net-billing is a

newer concept
 A variety of adjustments have been made to legislation and support schemes
in order to incentivise self-consumption at <5-100 kW. These include:
- Reducing feed-in tariffs to below consumer electricity prices
- Waving grid connection study and connection costs

Electricity storage support  At least two Member States have established investment subsidies that
support the installation of battery storages in small systems (<30 kW).

Module qualification  In some Member States modules and inverters must pre-qualify whilst in
others qualification must be shown the point of bidding/contract award
 The IEC standards 61215 and 61646 are specified in all of the requirements
 Other performance aspects include:
- Performance tolerances, including for specific types of BIPV
- minimum warranty periods,
- factory quality inspections and
- coverage by a compliant WEEE take back scheme
 Residential investment support available in former ascension states is
linked to a requirement to use products from a pre-approved list

System qualification  In at least one Member State a system Performance Ratio target with field
testing requirement has driven a focus on installed performance.
 In one Member State an award criteria for the embodied GWP the modules
to be used in a system is included in auction requirements.
 In one Member State performance criteria have been set in support of
product and system warranties. These include coverage of:
- The durability of the mounting system
- Waterproofing of the main system components e.g. junction boxes
- The halogen content of cables

2.4. Existing voluntary labelling schemes

In this section initial review is made of existing voluntary labelling schemes at EU and international level. For each existing
scheme an analysis is made of the product scope and definition used, together with the criteria areas of focus.. Initial
feedback gathered from the relevant questions in the stakeholder questionnaire is also analysed.

2.4.1. Existing Ecolabel criteria sets at EU and international level
The Global Ecolabelling Network (GEN) identifies the following organisations as having developed ecolabel criteria sets with
some relation to the photovoltaic product group at international level:

 TÜV Rheinland: The private body is considering the establishment of criteria for photovoltaic modules under its
Green Product Mark ecolabel6. These are likely to be adopted from EPEAT, the ecolabel scheme of the US Green
Electronics Council (GEC).

 Japan Environment Association (JEA): Criteria have only been developed for consumer products incorporating
photovoltaic cells7.

 Korea Environmental Industry & Technology Institute: Criteria have only been developed for consumer products
incorporating photovoltaic cells 8.
 Singapore Environment Council: Criteria have only been developed for consumer products incorporating photovoltaic
cells 9.

It can be seen that the majority have focussed on photovoltaic cells incorporated into consumer products, which are excluded
from the wider Preparatory Study scope.
In addition to those initiatives listed by the GEN there are three further ecolabelling initiatives that are of more direct
relevance because they focus on modules and inverters that may be used as components of grid connected photovoltaic

 The German national ecolabel the Blue Angel. The ecolabel has since 2012 maintained a criteria set for inverters,
but of potentially broader relevance to this study are their successive attempts to introduce criteria for both systems
and modules.

 As referred to by TÜV Rheinland, module criteria are under development by private US organisation NSF
International with the support of the US Green Electronics Council (GEC).

 The private US non-profit organisation Cradle to Cradle Products Innovation Institute, which has established a
certification for the inherent sustainability of products and their component materials.

Each one of these initiatives is examined in turn in the following sections. Blue Angel criteria for photovoltaic modules, inverters and systems (Germany)

The Blue Angel is an ecolabel established at national level by the German government in 1978. It is a pioneer in the
development of product performance criteria for a broad range of consumer products. A criteria set for inverters was
published in 2012. Several attempts have been made to develop criteria for modules and also systems. The criteria areas
that were identified and the main issues encountered that prevented adoption of the criteria are briefly explained in this
Photovoltaic inverters product group (RAL-UZ 163)

The 2012 Blue Angel criteria for inverters apply to string and multi-string inverters with up to an output power of 13.8 kVA
that are designed for use in grid-connected PV power systems. They identify maximising inverter efficiency as part of a
photovoltaic system and engaging in network management to support grid stability as key challenges that the criteria seek to

6 TÜV Rheinland, Green Product Mark,

7 Japanese Environment Association, Product categories (certification criteria),
8 Korea Environmental Industry & Technology Institute, Certification criteria,
9 Singapore Environment Council, Singapore Green Labelling Scheme directory,

address. The eight technical criteria areas are listed in . Excluded from the product group are inverters integrated into a
module (micro-inverters) and inverters designed for use in stand-alone systems. The criteria are all pass or fail. There are
currently no licenses awarded.

Table 4. Blue Angel photovoltaic inverters criteria overview (Germany). Source: RAL (2012)

Criteria area Criteria Requirement

1. Energy efficiency Overall efficiency Overall European weighted efficiency calculated according to
EN 50530 of 95%
No-load loss [standby] No-load loss not exceeding 0.5 watts
2.Reactive power capability Reactive power capability In accordance with Guideline VDE-AR-N 4105
3. Longevity Warranty Free-of-charge warranty of at least 5 years
Extended option of up to 20 years at extra charge
Service Defective systems repaired or replaced within a maximum of
48 hours
4. Material requirements General requirements for plastics Shall not contain REACH Candidate list substances
Shall not contain substance with specific CLP hazard
classifications (see the criteria document listing which
includes some exemptions)
Additional requirements for plastics used Halogenated polymers shall not be permitted
in housings and housing parts Halogenated organic compounds may not be used as
additives or added to parts (with exemptions)
Additional requirements for plastics used PBBs, PBDEs, TBBPA or chlorinated paraffins may not be
in Printed Circuit Boards added to the carrier material of the printed circuit boards.
Requirements for electronic components Shall not contain lead, mercury, cadmium or hexavalent
chromium. Lead-containing solder shall not be used.
5.Recycling and disposal Recyclability Shall be designed to allow for easy disassembly for recycling
by a specialist firm using ordinary tools.
Product take-back Free take back of the product
Routing to reuse, recycling or professional disposal
6. Safety Safety requirements Meets minimum requirements according to EN 62109 (CE
Certificate of non-objection to integrated electronic load
break switch
Product literature to integrate product into protection systems
7.Electromagnetic capability Compatibility requirements Conformity with EN 61000-6-1/6-3 (CE marking)
8. Noise emissions Maximum level Maximum sound power level of 55 dB(A)

Criteria development for modules and systems

The Blue Angel has made previous attempts to develop criteria sets for systems (2002 and 2008) and modules (2013) 10.
Neither of these criteria sets were adopted, in both cases due to problems reaching agreement on the assessment of energy
yield and the restriction of hazardous substances.

10 Communication with Elke Kreowski, German UBA (2018)

The system criteria were to have included a requirement to simulate the performance of a system. However, agreement could
not be reached on how to ensure comparability between the results whilst allowing designers a choice of calculation methods
and software tools. They were also to have included a criteria on batteries, with a focus of attention on cadmium content and
the warranty.

The module criteria were to have included requirements relating to module quality (with reference to IEC 61215 and IEC
61646), the Energy Payback Time (EPBT) of the product, the marking of components for recycling purposes and a requirement
for RoHS compliance which would have excluded certain PV-technologies containing lead or cadmium. Similarly to systems,
agreement could not be reached on how to measure performance, with exemplars from the German market, such as PV Test
and the Photon Module test, having been studied at the time. It was considered in the end that the development of a test
protocol to measure energy performance fell outside the scope of the criteria study. NSF/ANSI 457 Sustainability Leadership Standard for Photovoltaic Modules (USA)

The US organisation NSF International, with the support of the Green Electronics Council (GEC), has been leading since 2015 a
process to develop environmental criteria for photovoltaic modules. The starting point for the criteria set has been the US
Silicon Valley Toxics Coalition’s (SVTC) 'Solar Scorecard' and the aim has been to develop a criteria set that addresses the full
life cycle of a module. The final criteria set will become ANSI standard 457 and will be qualified to become an EPEAT standard
as part of the global ecolabelling scheme for IT products 11. Given the global success of the EPEAT standards for ICT
equipment, this new standard therefore has potentially wider significance than just within the USA.

In terms of the product scope and definition used within the proposed criteria, the final 2017 release version of the NSF/ANSI
457 standard defines a solar photovoltaic module as being for:

'installation on, or integral with buildings, or to be primarily used as components of free-standing power-generation
systems…' .

It defines a module as including, but not being limited to the following components:

 photovoltaic cells that generate electric power using solar energy

 interconnects (materials that conduct electricity between cells)

 encapsulant (insulating material enclosing the cells and cell interconnects)

 superstrate (material forming primary light-facing outer surface) and substrate (material forming back outer
surface) (e.g., glass, plastic films)

 wires used to interconnect photovoltaic modules and connect junction boxes to the balance of system equipment
 frame or integrated mounting mechanism, if present

Moreover, the product definition then establishes the following exclusions:

 balance of system equipment, such as cabling and mounting structures, equipment intended to accept the electrical
output from the array, such as power conditioning units (inverters) and batteries, unless they are contained in the
photovoltaic module

 a photovoltaic cell that is a part of another device for which it produces the electricity, such as consumer or
industrial electronic products (e.g. calculators, lights, textile) where the photovoltaic cell primarily provides the
energy needed to make the electronic product function

11 NSF International. Joint Committee on Sustainability Leadership Standard for Photovoltaic Modules – NSF/ANSI 457, October 2017,

 mobile photovoltaic cell where the inverter is so integrated with the photovoltaic cell that the solar cell requires
disassembly before recovery

The standard contains product performance criteria and corporate performance metrics and consists of seven performance
categories, which are identified together with the required criteria under each category, in . Like all EPEAT standards three
levels of performance can be achieved – bronze, silver and gold. The bronze level is intended to reflect the performance of
the top third of the market. Few products are currently anticipated to meet the gold level. The criteria set includes both
environmental and social criteria. The criteria documentation contain an extensive set of normative references, which include
IEC standards, European legislation (e.g. REACH, CLP and RoHS). Reference is also made to industry and NGO initiatives, such
as those relating to the development of sources of conflict-free minerals.

Table 5. NSF/ANSI 457 Sustainability Leadership Standard for Photovoltaic Modules required criteria overview Source: NSF
International (2017)

Criteria area Required criteria Requirements for conformity

1. Management of List of declarable substances - Listing of IEC 62474 declarable substance groups
substances - Processes to manage, maintain, update the listing
List of declarable substances used in - List of substances from the ECHA database present in the
manufacturing product
Disclosure of substances on the EU - List of substances from the Candidate List of SVHCs
REACH Regulation Candidate List of present in the product above 0.1%
Substances of Very High Concern
Avoidance or reduction of high Global - Ensure that high GWP gases are not used or emitted
Warming Potential (GWP) gas emissions - That abatement systems are installed, operated and
resulting from photovoltaic module maintained
2. Preferable materials use Declaration of recycled content in - Declaration of the minimum % by weight of recycled
product content in the product (by component)
3. Life cycle assessment Conducting life cycle assessment - Conduct an LCA in accordance with ISO 14040/14044, EU
PEF Guide or IEA PVPS Task 12 guidelines
4. Energy efficiency & Water inventory - Manufacturing in facilities that compile an inventory of
water use water use and wastewater effluent
5. End of life management Product take-back service and processing - Provision of a product take-back service in conformance
& design for recycling requirements (corporate) with the requirements
6. Product packaging Elimination of substances of concern in - Product packaging shall not contain lead, mercury,
product packaging cadmium or hexavalent chromium in total >100ppm
Elimination of chlorine in processing - Paper based materials shall not be bleached with chlorine
packaging materials compounds
Enhancing recyclability of packaging - Non-reusable packaging components 25g shall be
materials separable by material type without the use of tools
- All plastics 25g shall be clearly marked with their material
type according to ISO 11469/1043

7. Corporate responsibility Environmental Management System - The product(s) shall be manufactured in facilities certified
(EMS) certification (corporate) to either ISO 14001 or EMAS
Manufacturer conformance with - Manufacturers' operations covered by their EMS shall
occupational health and safety conform to OHSAS 18001
performance (corporate)
Reporting on Key Performance Indicators - Annual public disclosure of information according to 10
(corporate) Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)
Committment to environmental and - A commitment to continuous improvement in their

social responsibility (corporate) operations and their suppliers
Public disclosure of use of conflict - Declaration of whether products contain conflict minerals
minerals in products (corporate) Cradle to Cradle certification (USA)

The Cradle to Cradle programme is a third party verified labelling scheme that aims to determine the extent to which the
design and material composition of a product are able to facilitate future recycling. Two major solar PV module
manufacturers are currently listed as having products certified according to the US Cradle to Cradle scheme – Sunpower and
Jinko Solar 12. The programme's criteria are grouped according to the following attributes 13:

 Material health: Use of materials that are safe for human health and the environment through all use phases

 Material reutilisation: Product and system design for material reutilisation, such as recycling or composting

 Renewable energy and carbon management: Use of renewable energy in production

 Water stewardship: Efficient use of water, and maintenance of water quality at production sites

 Social fairness: Company strategies for social responsibility.

Certification is in four tiers of attainment - Basic, Silver, Gold, and Platinum levels. The certification program applies to
materials, sub-assemblies and finished products.

Table 6. Cradle to Cradle certification 'basic' level criteria overview (USA). Source: Cradle to Cradle Institute (2016)

Attribute Standard requirements (basic level)

1. Material health - No Banned List chemicals are present above thresholds.

- Materials defined as biological or technical nutrients.
- 100% "characterized" (i.e., all generic materials listed).

2. Material reutilisation - Defined the appropriate cycle (i.e., technical or biological) for the product.

3. Renewable energy and carbon - Purchased electricity and direct on-site emissions associated with the final
management manufacturing stage of the product are quantified.

4. Water stewardship - The manufacturer has not received a significant violation of their discharge permit
related to their product within the last two years.
- Local- and business-specific water-related issues are characterized (e.g., the
manufacturer will determine if water scarcity is an issue and/or if sensitive ecosystems
are at risk due to direct operations).
- A statement of water stewardship intentions describing what action is being taken for
mitigating identified problems and concerns is provided.

5. Social fairness - A streamlined self-audit is conducted to assess protection of fundamental human rights.
- Management procedures aiming to address any identified issues have been provided.

12 Cradle to Cradle certified product registry, Listed under 'building supply and materials>electrical'
13 Cradle to cradle products innovation institute (2016) Cradle to cradle certified – product standard, version 3.1.

2.4.2. Summary of the results from the first stakeholder questionnaire Modules

Q1.8 Do you think that the scope of the study should be broadened or restricted for the specific purpose of the EU Ecolabel?
35 out of the 39 respondents to this question (90%) indicated that the Ecolabel product scope should reflect that used for
Ecodesign and Energy Labelling. Those that felt that the scope and definition should be different cited the potential to 'focus
more on recyclability and Life cycle than power efficiency' as well as 'material use, their toxicity for workers and their depletion'.

Q1.9 Are you aware of any relevant certification schemes or labels for the environmental performance of photovoltaic modules?

In terms of relevant certification schemes or labels, those cited were:

 NSF/ANSI 457 Sustainability Leadership standard (10 respondents),

 Cradle to cradle (C2C) certification, noted as having been achieved by Sunpower (5 respondents),

 the French photovoltaic national call for tenders (4 respondents),

 the French Ecopassport scheme (4 respondents),

 the French E+C labelling (2 respondents).

 the Ecolabel initiative, piloted by CEA-INES and CERTISOLIS, with the support of Fraunhofer ISE and ENEA. (1
 Clean Production Evaluation Index System for PV Cells in China (1 respondent),

 The Silicon Valley Toxics Coalition in the USA (1 respondent),

 'Climate Savers' Partnership between WWF and Yingli Solar (1 respondent),

 The 'Solar Commitment' voluntary scheme in the USA (1 respondent).

One respondent highlighted that a set of Member State national ecolabel criteria had not been developed further because 'the
difference in environmental performance between products was too small' and that it 'could cause confusion for customers'
which would not be desirable given the overall environmental gain from solar electricity production. Inverters

Q2.8 Do you think that the scope of the study should be adapted for the specific purpose of the EU Ecolabel?
12 out of the 14 respondents to this question (86%) indicated that the Ecolabel product scope should reflect that used for
Ecodesign and Energy Labelling. The two respondents who felt that the scope should be adapted considered that Ecodesign
and Energy Labelling have different scopes –'efficiency (energy labelling) is [not always] proportional to a lower environmental

Q2.9 Are you aware of any relevant certification schemes or labels for the environmental performance of photovoltaic inverters?

In terms of relevant certification schemes and labels, the only one mentioned was the German Blue Angel (1 respondent). Systems

Q3.11 Do you think that the scope of the study should be broadened or restricted for the specific purpose of the EU Ecolabel?
Of the 20 respondents to this question all indicated that the Ecolabel product scope should reflect that used for Ecodesign and
Energy Labelling.
Q3.12 Are you aware of any relevant schemes or labels for the environmental performance of photovoltaic systems? In terms of
relevant certification schemes and labels, those mentioned were:

 the French photovoltaic national call for tenders (4 respondents),

 The German renewable energy law (EEG) which sets a requirement for the type of land to be used for PV projects (3

 IEC Renewable Energy conformity assessment scheme for systems (1 respondent)

Under Q3.9 relating to 'existing initiatives or criteria sets used to benchmark or promote an improved quality of installation for
solar photovoltaic system' the following were also identified:

 DNV GL (private) certification for power plants, originating from Norway (1 respondent)

 The 'GRTU approved' quality, efficiency and safety inspection scheme for installed PV systems in Malta (1

 The Quest scheme in Belgium for installation quality (1 respondent)

 VDE (and Fraunhofer ISE) Technical Bankability certification for PV power plants (1 respondent)

The mandatory schemes for certification of installers resulting from art 14 of the Renewable Energy Directive were

2.5. Existing Green Public Procurement (GPP) criteria and initiatives

In this section an initial review is made of GPP initiatives at EU level. Where possible an attempt has been made to identify
the products addressed and the type of GPP criteria that have been specified.. Initial feedback gathered from the relevant
questions in the December 2017 stakeholder questionnaire is also analysed.

2.5.1. Existing GPP criteria sets used in the EU.

There is not currently an EU GPP criteria set for the solar photovoltaic product group. An EU criteria set for green electricity
was published in 2012 by DG Environment 14. The criteria document states part of EU GPP approach shall be to 'increase the
share of electricity from renewable energy sources'. No specific criteria or references to solar photovoltaic technology could be
found in the current criteria document. A review of European Commission surveys of Member State GPP criteria 15 and
collaborative EU projects such as PRIMES and GPP 2020 did not reveal any national criteria sets to be currently in use 16.

2.5.2. Summary of the GPP results from the first stakeholder questionnaire Modules

Q1.11 Should the same scope as set out for the whole study also be used for public procurement purposes?
Of the 24 respondents to this question 23 indicated that the Green Public Procurement (GPP) product scope should reflect that
used for Ecodesign and Energy Labelling.
Q1.12 Are you aware of any existing initiatives or criteria sets used in public procurement for the environmental performance of

In terms of existing initiatives or criteria sets, those mentioned were:

 the French photovoltaic system national call for tenders, which contain 'a carbon criterion for modules and some
additional environmental criteria' (6 respondents),

14 DG Environment (2012) EU GPP criteria for electricity,

15 DG Environment, Studies,
16 DG Environment, GPP Ongoing projects,

 NSF/ANSI 457 Sustainability Leadership standard (1 respondent),

 The German renewable energy law (EEG) which sets a requirement for the type of land to be used for PV projects (1

 US EPA GPP webinar entitled 'Improving Solar PV Results through Collaborative Procurement' which covered the
Renewable Energy Procurement (REP) Project in California (1 respondent)

Amongst the references to the French national call 'a "simplified carbon evaluation" based on specific emission factors
considering material or component manufacturing process' was referred to. One respondent noted that:

'the lower the value is, the better the evaluation for the tender is. The purpose of these steps is to bring manufacturers to
modify their environmental practices by proposing a gradual improvement throughout the periods and calls for tender.'

In relation to the NSF/ANSI 475 standard it was noted by the respondent that 'since the EPEAT ecolabel is widely recognized
globally and within the EU when it comes to GPP, the [standard] could offer a lot of synergies to the GPP process.' Inverters

Q2.11 Should the same scope as set out for the whole study also be used for public procurement purposes?

All 14 respondents to this question indicated that the Green Public Procurement (GPP) product scope should reflect that used
for Ecodesign and Energy Labelling.

Q2.12 Are you aware of any existing initiatives or criteria sets used in public procurement for the environmental performance of

No initiatives were put forward and it was noted by one respondent that 'there are very few public tenders specifically for
inverters'. Systems

Q2.11 Should the same scope as set out for the whole study also be used for public procurement purposes?
Of the 14 respondents to this question 13 indicated that the Green Public Procurement (GPP) product scope should reflect that
used for Ecodesign and Energy Labelling.

Q2.12 Are you aware of any existing initiatives or criteria sets used in public procurement for the environmental performance of
In terms of existing initiatives or criteria sets, those mentioned were:

 the French photovoltaic system national call for tenders (2 respondents),

 The German renewable energy law (EEG) which sets a requirement for the type of land to be used for PV projects (2

 US Department of Energy solar procurement guide for Federal Agencies (1 respondent)

3. Market analysis
In this section an overview of the market for PV modules, inverters and systems is presented. The market and stock data
have been compiled primarily from market research conducted by GTM Research (inverters) and the Becquerel Institute
(modules and systems). The module and system data is in part based on research carried out in support of annual reporting
for the IEA PVPS programme 17 and the PV Market Alliance18.
A brief overview of key technology trends in the market is also presented, drawing upon the Task 2 report of the Ecodesign
Preparatory Study and authoritative sources such as the International Technology Roadmap for Photovoltaic (ITRPV) roadmap.

3.1. Market and stock data

3.1.1. PV Modules
The global market share for PV modules is dominated by crystalline silicon cell types for the reference year 2016 and
projected to 2027. The six categories of PV modules with a market share greater than 1% are: multi-crystalline, mono-
crystalline, amorphous silicon thin films, cadmium telluride films, and CIGS films. Until 2015 mono crystalline was dominant at
utility-scale but since then prices for mono-crystalline have declined as production has expanded.

Although Cadmium telluride is the technology which has experienced the largest growth in the decade 2007-2016, in 2016
Mono silicon represented almost 70% of the market, Multi around 23%, CdTe ca. 4%, closely followed by high efficiency
almost 3%, and CIGS (around 500% each). Concentration and Ribbon PV modules figures were found to be negligible. Figure 4
illustrates global module shipments to 2016.

Figure 4. Cumulative global shipments of PV modules to the EU per technology. CPV and Ribbon PV data are negligible.

Source: Becquerel Institute, 2018

17 IEA Photovoltaic Power Systems Programme (PVPS)

18 The PV Market Alliance,

A new technology that has quickly entered the market and already achieved a significant market share, is the PERC family of
cell structures (Passivation emitter rear cell). These cell structures in general are based on additional passivation of the
semiconductor in order to capture more light.. They are projected to account for the largest market share by 2021. Bifacial cell
types which are a further variance of the PERC cell structure are projected to grow steadily, reaching approximately 20%
market share by 2021, driven largely by large rooftop and utility scale system installations. The ITRPV projects that once
PERC cell structures have become mainstream then bifacial modules will quickly follow in a 12-18 month period.

The total cumulative power of PV modules imported into Europe was approximately 87 GW up until the reference year, 2016.
Adding the local production (23.92 GW) and subtracting the exports (9.43 GW), the installed base that constitutes the stock is
estimated at 101.86 GW for year 2016. This figure represents one third of the cumulative global shipments up until the
reference year (340 GW).

The photovoltaic modules market is highly competitive, which means that there are limited margins, which in turn restricts the
number of intermediaries. Manufacturers' channels to market for conventional modules are generally limited to:
 Direct sales to developers or large installers,
 Sales via local subsidiaries,
 Sales via distributors then to installers
 Products then sold under the brand name of another company.

The market share of distributors in the large-commercial and industrial segment is rather small, due to the small margins, and
larger installations do not normally use distributors for cost reasons.

3.1.2. Inverters for photovoltaic applications

The European inverter market is dominated by single and three phase string inverter technology (73%). The remaining portion
of the market is accounted for by centralised inverters (26%), delivered either as a standalone unit or packaged with other
power conditioning equipment such as transformers, and micro-inverters (1%).

Inverter capacity is generally expressed in watts of AC rated output (WAC). In total 6,854 MWAC of inverter capacity was
shipped to the EU market in 2016. Figure 5 illustrates inverter shipments to the EU, with estimates through to 2022. There is
understood to be a mismatch between shipment data and sales because stock destined for Africa is shipped first to the EU.



Shipments (MWAC)






2015 2016 2017 2018E 2019E 2020E 2021E 2022E

Microinverter Single-Phase String Three-Phase String Central Standalone Central Solution

Figure 5 EU inverter shipments by technology (MWac) E=Estimate

Source: GTM Research (2017)

With an adjustment for the undersizing of inverter AC capacity in proportion to module DC capacity on larger systems, the
installed new stock in 2016 is estimated to be in the range of 5,678 and 6,151 MWAC. Using similar assumptions the total
installed stock until the end of 2016 is estimated to be in the range of 94,400 and 96,913 MW AC.

In terms of channels to market, for systems of a size greater than 100 kW, the system developer will in general tend to go
directly to the inverter manufacturer. The regional or country representatives of manufacturers are in general subsidiaries of
the manufacturers. Distributers tend to be well established companies (e.g. Krannich solar in Germany) that sell mostly to the
residential and commercial segments.

3.1.3. PV systems
The early demand for systems came from a relatively small group of so-called pioneers who were committed to PV’s
environmental, energy security, and self-generation benefits. The PV industry has now evolved to so-called 1st Generation PV
business models where the product is more attractive to a broader market, moving into the so-called early adopter customer
category. 2nd Generation business models have yet to emerge, but will emphasise greater integration of the PV systems into
the grid because emerging technologies and regulatory initiatives are likely to make such integration more viable and valuable.
In terms of the installed stock for systems, the ground mounted installations (which can be mainly considered as utility scale)
experienced the largest growth in the years 2001-2016, followed by the industrial and commercial sectors where there were
years especially between 2008 and 2011 when the growth doubled (over 100% each year).

The total installed system stock in 2016 was 101,788 MWDC. The majority of this stock was accounted for by commercial
(32%) and ground mounted (31%) systems. Residential and industrial systems accounted for 19% and 18% respectively.
Figure 6 illustrates the cumulative capacity installed up to 2016.

Figure 6.Cumulative Capacity installed in most European countries up to 2016 in MW DC.

Source: Solar Power Europe, 2017.

As seen for PV modules and inverters, when dealing with systems, the channels to market can be quite diverse depending also
on the scale of the system, whether it is large scale or small residential installer market. Project developers and engineering
procurement and construction (EPC) companies are normally present in large installations, while system installers normally act
at all scales.

The main PV developers in Europe are found in Germany (with an accumulated value of 2,040 MWp), France (811), Austria
(469), the UK (358) and the Netherlands (307). In the case of EPC contractors, the Member States whose firms have the
highest accumulated capacity are Germany (3,569 in MWAC), Spain (631), the UK (585), Austria (466), France (369) and
Portugal (318).

3.2. Market trends in technology

3.2.1. PV modules
The principal trends apparent to purchasers of modules relate to the cell structure and efficiency. In particular a number of
new cell types, dimensions and bus bar arrangements have rapidly gained global market share. These improvements have in
turn been reflected in higher stabilised efficiency values for the cells used to manufacture module and, for modules products
as a whole, improved Cell to Module (CTM) power ratios. For some products such as CIGS and CdTe there has been a
progressive evolution of the technology platform, such that efficiencies are comparable with some of the crystalline products
in the market.
It can be seen in

Figure 7 that p-type polycrystalline cell types achieved an upper limit to efficiency levels of approximately 21% in 2016,
projected to rise to 23% by 2027 (represented by PERC/PERT cell types) whereas n-type monocrystalline cell types supported
efficiency levels in the range of 21% to 23% in 2016, projected to rise to 24 -26% by 2027 (represented by heterojunction
and back contact cell types).

Figure 7. Average stabilised efficiency level for C-Si solar cells (156 x 156mm2)

Source: ITRPV (2019)

In terms of cell technology trends, other than those that related to the PERC family, the following can be identified:

 Back contact cell types without visible front busbars have also been available for some time in the market as a niche
product that provides both improved efficiency and distinct aesthetics. The market share for this cell type is
projected to continue to grow steadily after 2017.

 Silicon heterojunction cell types have been available for some time in the market, as pioneered by Sanyo, but they
are not projected to achieve a market share greater than 10% until 2021 - 2024.

 Silicon-based tandem cells can theoretically achieve higher efficiencies by layering an additional cell with a different
spectral band gap on top of a silicon cell, but for the purposes of this study are still considered to be classified as a
Best Not (yet) Available Technology (BNAT) They are currently projected to enter the market in some form from
2019 onwards, although the status of research into perovskite type cells, which are commonly identified as a
potential tandem cell component, suggests that this is an optimistic.
 Bifacial cell types allow for both faces of a cell to generate electricity. Field tests suggest increases in yield of
between 5 and 20%. This cell type is considered to be particularly relevant to modules that will be installed on
raised or ground mountings, usually in systems on commercial roofs or at a utility scale. It is anticipated that the
predominant bifacial cell structure will be PERT with n-type silicon 19. This module type will come at a higher cost
due to the 5-10% premium for the n-type wafer, so commentators have also suggested that new cell structures
that allow for use of cheaper p-type wafer substrates will gain market share – for example, mcPERT and pPERT.

19 Kopecek,R, Who's who at the leading edge of bifacial PV technology, PV-Tech special report, September 2017.

Whilst the number of cells in a module is anticipated to increase, with the market standard number increasing from 60 to 72
by 2021, the size of cells is anticipated to now decrease in order to minimise cell interconnection losses. Half cells are
projected to grow steadily, achieving a market share of 20% by 2024.

A number of module level design innovations are available in the market and are claimed to offer a range of life cycle and
operational benefits. They include:
 Alternative framing materials: Steel instead of aluminium is claimed to give a reduction in life cycle embodied CO2
emissions, as well as simplified manufacturing processes 20. However, frame material changes are not projected to
gain market significance in the medium term.
 Frameless modules: With associated reductions in framing materials and the advantage of greater protection of the
cells from damage 21 whilst allowing for bifacial performance gains. Their market share is projected to rise to over
20% by 2028.
 Simplified fixing systems: With associated reductions in the bill of materials, the time of site required for installation
and the spacing between modules.
 Anti-soiling coatings: The application of repellent coatings to the module glass which can reduce the accumulation
of dust and dirt on the surface of each module22.

Within a module, the number of cells is anticipated to increase, and despite the efforts to decrease the cost of encapsulants
and back sheet materials these will be both main contributors in module manufacturing; new materials are being developed
(EVA still having the major share). With the quality and durability of modules being a major focus, in line process control and
automated optical inspections and testing/sorting are rising techniques in modules and cells manufacturing.
For thin film technologies information on trends is rather limited. Improvements for the mainstream products mainly refer to
cost reduction and improving material efficiency, i.e. solar cells with less material but with higher efficiency. Moreover,
because the encapsulation techniques used thin-film technologies fulfil most of the architects’ and constructors’ requirements
for the building skin, hence the BIPV market is expected to gain importance for these technologies.

3.2.2. Inverters for photovoltaic applications

With the exception of micro-inverters, which still appear to have potential for efficiency improvements, inverter efficiency has
increased to the point where the majority of system-level inverters have a declared efficiency in the region of 98%.

In the field of string inverters with a power rating of up to 100 kW, transformerless circuit topologies with high switching
frequencies and Maximum Power Point Tracking devices represent the state of the art. Although still limited, the application of
three phase string inverters to larger utility scale systems is an important application trend. Reducing the bill of materials
through the introduction of silicon carbide (SiC) and gallium nitride (GaN) switching components (transistors) is a main trend in
inverters. As was identified in the analysis of module trends, there are indications that the integration of power electronics at
module level will continue to increase. This will see the further development of modules with integrated micro-inverters and
DC power optimisers.

20 Bessing, N, Q Cells – Steel frame and other module level innovations, Presentation made by Q Cells at PV Module Technology &
Applications Forum 2018, 29th January 2018.
21 Verlinden,P. Advance module concepts, Chapter 10.4, p-502 in Reinders et al (2017) Photovoltaic solar energy – from fundamentals to
applications, Wiley.
22 Voicu et al, Anti-soiling coatings for PV applications, Presentation made by DSM at PV Module Technology & Applications Forum 2018, 29 th
January 2018.

3.2.3. PV systems
New market demands are being created by customers e.g. new technologies, contracting services, and maintenance services.
In the EU, there are two major applications for grid-tied PV: residential and utilities with 22% and 38% of the total EU
capacity, respectively. Residential prosumers are anticipated to increase although the remuneration conditions are not uniform
across EU. For large installations, the major investments portfolios are principally located in three countries, UK, Germany and

The trends in systems can be seen at two main project stages: design and operation:
At the design stage it is expected that dynamic energy simulation grows, especially for large installations where it is already
common its use, but also in small installations. Also in the design stage, 1 axis trackers are foreseen to increase a 50% by
2020, coupled together with bifacial modules, and eventually becoming the dominant design. The expected increase in the
self-consumption will stimulate further storage options to be developed. There are already some manufacturers offering
inverter products combined with batteries, or their integration at module level. Also at module level, there is a trend to include
power electronic solutions. To then connect the modules, the trend expected to continue is the use of combiner boxes.
At operational stage, monitoring and data analytics are increasingly forming part of operation and maintenance contracts.
These services are growing in complexity and range from vegetation trimming to modules cleaning.

3.3. Consumer aspects

In this section the role of public and private consumers as prospective purchasers of PV systems is analysed.
Whilst the level of consumer interaction with a PV system is more limited than most products that carry the EU
Ecolabel, it is nonetheless important to understand the drivers and motivations for those purchasing systems, as
well their expectations of quality and performance. The analysis includes the perspective of public authorities
procuring systems.

3.3.1. The drivers to become ‘prosumers’

The installation of a PV system offers the potential for a consumer to produce and consume energy behind the electricity
meter - also referred to as ‘prosumers’. Examples of prosumers could include:
 residential prosumers producing electricity at home mainly through the use of PV panels installed on their rooftop;
 citizen-led energy cooperatives or community organisations;
 housing associations;
 commercial and industrial prosumers whose main business activity is not electricity production;
 public institutions.
Moreover, evolving electricity market legislation has introduced the concept of communities of prosumers – collective self-
consumption. In this way each prosumer may have a different geographical location, but they may agree to share the self-
produced electricity. Defining what is a prosumer

According to the International Energy Agency (IEA) and cited by (GfK Belgium Consortium, 2017), prosumer installations below
10kW are defined as belonging to the residential sector. Typical residential PV systems do not exceed 20 kW and are usually
roof mounted according to (IRENA, 2012). However, according to (GfK Belgium Consortium, 2017), this number is lower:
“residential prosumer installations across Europe are generally lower than 10kW”.

The legal definition of residential prosumers is not clear or harmonised among different countries. Also the definition of self-
consumption or auto-consumption may differ and include different attributes. Some countries also refer to active consumers
and self-producers23. In some countries, residential prosumers are defined according to the size or the capacity of the
More recently there are also collective prosumers that perform collective self-consumption. In France for example in 2016 a
law has been introduced to allow for this24. Article L 315-2 of the French energy code defines that self-consumption is
collective when the electricity exchange is made between one or more electricity producers and one or more final consumers,
linked together by a legal entity, and from which the injection and exit points are on the same low-voltage loop of the public
distribution grid. The key benefit of such an approach is that it enables electricity users who have no suitable or a collective
roof (e.g. apartment) to become photovoltaic prosumers. Market testing of prosumer attitudes

In the context of the EU funded CLEAR project (Consumers Learn Engage Adopt Renewable Energy Technologies) a market
enquiry was launched in Spain, Portugal, Italy and Belgium to identify ”the best approach to implement a group offer with
regard to Renewable Energy Systems (RES)” (Test-Achats/Test-Aankoop et al., 2015). The sample consisted of a target group
mainly composed by intenders and thinkers and a basic level of adopters. 5012 respondents were gathered. According to the
responses, the two aspects that a user most values concerning renewable energy solutions (RES) are how much money could
be saved if they had a RES compared to their current energy source and total running costs. These two aspects are common in
the four countries in which the survey was conducted.
For Spain, Italy and Portugal the least important information needs were information about performance warranties and the
possibility to personalise the offer. For Belgium, the least important information was a tool to provide personalised solution
and payment possibilities.
A major study on prosumers commissioned by DG Justice (GfK Belgium Consortium, 2017) has carried out a similar analysis
and has included market enquiries in, amongst other Member States, Germany, France, the Netherlands and UK (Figure 8). This
study also identified that the main driver that leads an end-user to invest in solar PV systems is saving money. Environmental
impact and government subsidies play also an important role. The choice and purchase of PV systems from the end-users
perspective would depend on price, aesthetics and payback time (GfK Belgium Consortium, 2017).
Concerning the product characteristics of PV solar panels, (GfK Belgium Consortium, 2017) the researchers conducted an
experiment to identify which characteristics or combinations of characteristics were considered most important to the end-
user when buying a PV system. The sample consisted of respondents owning a house with PV systems but interested in
purchasing a PV system. Selected product features included:
 aesthetics,
 costs per solar panel,
 inverter type,
 installation,
 efficiency,
 lifetime, and
 maintenance costs
Other factors to be considered included the resale value of the houses after the PV system installation.

23 A table summarizing that information can be found in (GfK Belgium Consortium, 2017): Table 1 - Definition of residential prosumers
(page 37).

Figure 8. Main drivers for residential prosumers to invest in solar PV by country (GfK Belgium Consortium, 2017)

3.3.2. PV system design processes in the residential market

The main driver for procuring a PV system is saving money (Figure 8). Therefore the most important consumer requirement is
to calculate the annual Energy output from PV system (AC) (Eout). Based on the annual Energy output (Eout) forecast and the
subsidy scheme, the return on investment or money saved can be calculated.
This PV system energy output (Eout) is related to the Performance Ratio (PR), the reference yield (Yr) [hours/year] and the total
PV array power rating in DC(P0) [kWp]. Therefore the following formula applies:
Eout [kWh/y] = PR x Yr[hours/y] x P0[kWp]
The factors that that could affect the Performance Ratio (PR), referred to as ‘derate’ factors - are therefore of high
importance. A more complete overview of contributing derate factors is made in Task 3 of the Ecodesign Preparatory Study
and with reference to the standard IEC 61724-1 25. Not all parameters within the PR will be under the control of the installer
and therefore there will always remain some margin of uncertainty left between what can be forecasted during the quoting
and the real output. Therefore quality programs and procurement specifications also tend to focus on what can be controlled
under standard test conditions.
Potentially the most important part of the design process is therefore the energy yield forecast (Ey).. A high-quality system
requires the selection of a reliable solar resource database, correct energy simulation, a good layout, and adequate electrical
and mechanical dimensioning26. Depending on the size of the installation, type of mounting (roof-mounted or ground-
mounted) and aim, several design aspects should be taken into consideration.
Design processes for small residential PV systems can be automated and linked to predefined packages of module/inverter
combinations. Therefore already today many large retailers start to offer PV systems to the residential market 27, 28, 29. Mostly
they carry out the design procedure for free during the quoting procedure, mainly related to the analysing the roof orientation
and shading risk. These retailers can also differentiate in the amount of service that is included in the package deal, e.g.
provide loans, insurance, extended warranty, maintenance, etc. Analysis of which roofs are suitable can also be automated by
processing satellite/airplane images and laser range sensor data for a complete region30. Consumer expectations can also
bring into the design process a range of other considerations such as aesthetics (e.g. the appearance of modules or the visual
effect of a system on a roofline) as well as considerations of longer term aspects such as access to modules for cleaning and
inverters for repair/replacement (Which? 2018).

25 Derate factors quantify individual sources of loss with respect to the nameplate's DC power rating (IEC 61724-1).


From the user perspective various system design aspects may be of concern due to their influence on performance. The choice
of the inverter is an important aspect. String inverters are usually cheaper but since they connect the panels in series, if one of
the panels fails, it will impact in the whole system. Micro-inverters, usually more expensive, don't have this drawback and any
problems will be potentially better identified through the power-monitoring system. The location of the inverter is another
important aspect to take into account. Being placed near the panels minimises possible energy losses due to long cabling. The
heat from solar irradiation however may have a negative impact on its performance. The colour of the panels, besides the
aesthetic aspect, may or not influence their performance. Black panels without front surface busbars might, for example, see
their efficiency decreased due to an associated temperature rise.
The choice between roof mounted or integrated, depends on the type of construction: for new constructions, BIPV is an option,
but it can be more expensive and for old construction the only option may be BAPV. In the case of retrofitting, it will be
dependent on the depth of modifications: for example, replacement of roofs might allow the installation of BIPV. It is
important to highlight that one advantage of BIPV is related to their positioning: they sit flush with the roof which leaves no
room for birds to nest underneath. Birds nesting is a problem reported by several PV owners and hence the importance of
making them aware of this possible situation (“Make the most of your solar panels - Which?,” n.d.).
Additionally, and although PV panels might be self-cleaning through the rain when the roof has the right incline, some
additional actions might be required if there are birds, trees or even a high amount of traffic in the area.

3.3.3. System and product tests required by subsidy schemes

Given the importance of subsidy schemes such as feed-in tariffs to the growth of the EU PV market, the qualification
requirements for equipment, systems and installers are of particular relevance as they impose requirements on all equipment,
suppliers and contractors used. In this section the requirements of Italy, the UK, France and Belgium are briefly reviewed.

The countries reviewed make reference to existing type approval quality standards such as IEC 61215 for crystalline modules
and IEC 61646 for thin film modules. Some novel findings from this review are as follows:
 Italy established a Performance Ratio target with field testing requirement which has driven a focus on installed
 France has established an award criteria for the embodied GWP the modules to be used in the points system for capacity
 France has focussed on performance criteria in support of product and system warranties. These include coverage of:
- The durability of the mounting system
- Waterproofing of the main system components e.g. junction boxes
- The halogen content of cables Conto Energia feed-in tariff 2005-2016 (Italy)

In order to receive the feed-in tariff for solar photovoltaic installations made available under successive Energy Bills between
2005 and 2016, systems as well as their component modules and inverters, were required to comply with a series of
standards and requirements laid down in legislation.
Before owners of systems could be in receipt of the feed-in-tariff, the Performance Ratio (PR) of systems had to be tested in
accordance with EN 61724. The PR achieved had to be greater than 0.78 in the case of systems with inverter ratings <20kW
and greater than 0.80 in the case of systems with inverter ratings >20 kW. The system performance was to be tested under
minimum light conditions of 600 W/m2.

In addition, a series of requirements are stipulated for modules which comprise the following product quality standards:

 IEC standards
- IEC 61215 for crystalline modules

- IEC 61646 for thin film modules

 A warranty for 10 years against manufacturing defects

 Adherence of the manufacturer to a system or a consortium that will ensure the recycling of the modules at the end
of life

 Confirmation of the execution of periodic factory inspections and product verifications in support of compliance with
the above technical standards (IEC 61215/61646/62108)
In addition inverters shall be certified to be in compliance with EN 45011. Microgeneration Certification Scheme (UK)

Photovoltaic modules that will be used in systems in receipt of feed-in tariff support must be selected from a pre-approved
list that is maintained under the Microgeneration Certification Scheme (MCS). Systems are also subject to checking in
accordance with the guidance and requirements under the MCS scheme.

The module pre-approval scheme provides independent third party assessment of compliance with the standards EN 61215
(crystalline modules) and EN 61646 (thin film modules). Tolerances applying to the module maximum power rating are also
laid down as follows:

 tolerances as declared on the data sheet and label shall be either a value either side of zero (e.g. +/- 5%) or a value
relative to zero (e.g. 0% to +3%)

 tolerance brackets above zero are not permitted (e.g. +5% to +10%).
 a variation of more than 10% between the upper and lower figures is not permitted.

Building Integrated PV products are the subject of separate MCS requirements. The scheme uses the concept of a BIPV
product family in order to facilitate the approval process via test samples. The main standards tested are the same as for
modules, but more detailed instructions are provided on how to test material or product samples e.g. the number of cells, the
glass or coating type. In addition, the following are specified:

- a measurement of the deflection of the sample,

- application of relevant glazing quality standards from a listing,

- consideration of imposed, static and live loads that the product may be exposed to in the field, and

- application of factory methods to achieve correct lamination in accordance with EN ISO 12543.

All manufacturers shall operate a certified documented factory quality control system, in accordance with specific MCS
'Generic Factory Production Control Requirements'.

System supply, design, installation, commissioning and handover are subject to requirements. These include the professional
competence of the contractor carrying out the installation, the extent to which they have followed MCS installation technical
guidance and that an estimate of annual energy performance has been made in accordance with the MCS methodology.
Products and installers must be accredited under the Microgeneration Certification Scheme (MCS) to be eligible for payments
under the FITs scheme. BAPV and BIPV product warranties (France)

National Technical Assessments (ATecs) of innovative construction products .are made by CSTB. The ATec GS21 'Photovoltaic
systems' evaluation was developed in 2008 to provide assurance to insurers of solar photovoltaic systems.
GS21 has as a pre-requisite the conformity of modules with the performance standards EN 61215 (crystalline modules) and
EN 61646 (thin film modules). Non-standard modules with no rear protection such as those specified for façades, glass roofs
or shading applications must then be subjected to additional durability, strength and safety tests. Where PV modules are
intended as like for like replacements for building systems (e.g. glass products, waterproof membranes, etc.), they must be
tested to demonstrate equivalent minimum performances and behaviour as described in National or European standards.

Moreover, GS21 also makes reference to a number of system components. In the 'construction data form' submitted to CRE
for a solar PV system the following information and certifications of conformity (as relevant to this study) shall be provided:

 A calculation note on the mechanical resistance of the component parts of the mounting system (fixing clips, rails,
screws, etc.) and on the climatic loads that may be applied to the modules.

 Justifications based on test results of the waterproofing of the main system components.

 Justifications based on test results of the resistance and durability of the component parts and their materials
according to their ageing under environmental conditions (e.g. temperature, UV, humidity).

 Junction boxes according to EN 50548, which covers a range of environmental protection aspects, including water
ingress and ambient temperature range, as well as resistance to ageing and corrosion.
Classification of fire cables according to national standard NF C 32-070 which contains the need for reporting on halogen
content in conformance with IEC 60754-1. Qualiwatt feed-in tariff (Belgium)

In order to receive the electricity subsidy available under the Qualiwatt programme the following quality related requirements
must be fulfilled:
 a copy of the certificate of competence for the installer of the solar photovoltaic systems issued by the RESCERT

 a copy of a Factory Inspection Certificate (FIC) which identifies the site of the photovoltaic modules used were

 evidence that photovoltaic modules used are certified according to:

- IEC 61215 for crystalline modules

- IEC 61646 for thin film modules

- IEC 61730 when panels are integrated or superimposed on a building.

The certifications must be carried out by an accredited testing laboratory according to ISO 17025 by BELAC or another
national accreditation body enjoying mutual recognition with BELAC.

3.3.4. System and product tests made by selected consumer organisations

An analysis has been made of the different types of information and tests that three selected consumer organisations carry
out to support residential consumers in installing PV systems. Alongside the information provided by governments and their
associated subsidy schemes, consumer organisations represent an important source of impartial information and guidance.
There are also international initiatives that developed collaboratively 31 PV system testing for their member consumer
organizations. In principle what consumer organisations do is very close to what some retailers are doing 32 33, the key
difference is that they are also the contractor and single point of service. In many cases retailers and/or installers make
proposals or quotes free of charge. Test-Achats (Belgium)

The Belgian consumer organisation ‘for example provides extensive support to their members for purchasing PV systems
(Test-Achats/Test-Aankoop, 2015). They audit PV module manufacturers and check production samples on uniformity,
compliance with the rated power, soldering errors with electroluminescence camera, visual errors in the back sheet laminates


or frames and the quality system in place. They also offer group purchase promotions in which they audit the production
accordingly. Moreover their requirements are that:
- PV modules must comply with IEC 61215 (crystalline cells) or IEC 61646 (thin film cells) IEC 61730 (BAPV) with a third
party certification (BELAC, TUV, ..), as detailed in Task 1.
- They refer to a reference contract proposed by the local authorities 34 for installers (Service Public Wallonie, 2015), see a
later section in this task for more details.
- Minimum warranty in modules and inverter of 10 years.
- At least one of the installers must have followed the Rescert PV installer course 35.
- During installation the consumer organisation will perform regular audits.
- IEC 61215 for crystalline modules
- IEC 61646 for thin film modules Which? (United Kingdom)

The British consumer organisation Which?36 provides similar information to its members consisting of module manufacturer
audits and inspection combined with expert advice for selecting a PV systems. They also carry out surveys of their members
to identify problems and issues to address (see Figure 9)

Figure 9 Top five solar system problems identified by a survey of Which? members


38 OCU (Spain)
The Spanish consumer organization OCU recommends a selection of tested PV systems or kits 37, which are preselected
combinations of modules with inverters which are then given a scoring or rating based on their tested performance. Metrics
that are scored include deviation from manufactured claimed performance and the number of cell defects.

3.4. Public procurement criteria and requirements for PV systems

During the procurement process a public authority will select a contractor for installing the PV system. The entity responsible
for on-site system installation based on the intended design, equipment specifications is called herein the contractor. The
Contractor can thus be seen as one of the entities with the greatest impact on the quality of the asset in terms of safety and
actual system performance (Doyle et al., 2015).
The procurement process can vary according to the ownership. In the particular case of public authorities and green
procurement, or Green Public Procurement, it means the process whereby public authorities seek to procure goods, services
and works with 'a reduced environmental impact throughout their life cycle when compared to goods, services and works with
the same primary function that would otherwise be procured'38. It is one of the objectives of this study to explore the potential
for GPP criteria for PV modules, inverters and systems.

3.4.1. EU Green Public Procurement (GPP) criteria

EU GPP criteria aim at facilitating public authorities the purchase of products, services and works with reduced environmental
impacts. The use of the criteria is voluntary. The criteria are formulated in such a way that they can be, if deemed appropriate
by the individual authority, integrated into its tender documents.

There are four main types of GPP Criteria:

a. Selection criteria (SC) assess the suitability of an economic operator to carry out a contract and may relate to:

- (a) suitability to pursue the professional activity;

- (b) economic and financial standing;

- (c) technical and professional ability.

b. Technical specifications (TS), the required characteristics of a product or a service including requirements
relevant to the product at any stage of the life cycle of the supply or service and conformity assessment procedures;

c. Award criteria (AC), qualitative criteria with a weighted scoring which are chosen to determine the most
economically advantageous tender. The criteria are linked to the subject-matter of the public contract in question
and may comprise, for instance:

- Environmental performance characteristics, including technical merit, functional and other innovative

- organisation, qualification and experience of staff assigned to performing the contract, where the quality
of the staff assigned can have a significant impact on the level of performance of the contract; or


- after-sales service and technical assistance, delivery conditions such as delivery date, delivery process and
delivery period or period of completion.

Award criteria shall be considered to be linked to the subject-matter of the public contract where they relate to the
works, supplies or services to be provided under that contract in any respect and at any stage of their life cycle,
including factors involved in:
- (a) the specific process of production, provision or trading of those works, supplies or services; or

- (b) a specific process for another stage of their life cycle,

even where such factors do not form part of their material substance.
d. Contract performance clauses (CPC), special conditions laid down that relate to the performance of a contract
and how it shall be carried out and monitored, provided that they are linked to the subject-matter of the contract.

The criteria are split into Technical Specifications and Award Criteria. For each set of criteria there is a choice between two
ambition levels:
 The Core criteria are designed to allow for easy application of GPP, focussing on the key area(s) of environmental
performance of a product and aimed at keeping administrative costs for companies to a minimum.

 The Comprehensive criteria take into account more aspects or higher levels of environmental performance, for use
by authorities that want to go further in supporting environmental and innovation goals.

The structure of the tender process is also linked to the preferred type of contractual arrangement, as illustrated by recent EU
GPP criteria for Office Buildings (European Commission 2016). Figure 10 is taken from a guide developed for public
authorities by the US Department of Energy and illustrates the different contracting routes that can be followed. Although the
diagram is in a US context, the same broad options are available in a EU context.

Careful consideration of the contracting route is important because it may have implications for the types of GPP criteria that
can be used, and when they will be applied during the bidding and contract execution process.

Figure 10 Diagram illustrating different financing and contractual arrangements for public procurement (Source: US DoE, 2010)

3.4.2. Public procurement examples and models Findings from an OJEU tenders search

The Office Journal of the EU's tenders database was consulted in order to review the types of criteria that are set when
publishing calls for tender for PV systems. Relatively few European public tenders for solar PV systems were found to be
published39, with 46 tender documents for a period from 7/2015 until 4/2018. The most active country was Poland followed
by France, Germany, UK, Ireland, Italy and Switzerland. Note that public authorities can also procure green electricity but it
seems that they do not often procure and/or own the PV systems used to generate this electricity themselves.

Examples of Award Criteria were based on the price per kWp but sometimes combined with extra points 40. For example in the
case of Main-Kinzig(D) the following were specified: a longer warranty on modules and inverter, installation time, reaction time
in case of failure and how long spare parts are kept for repair of the inverter. Repair response times and installation time are
sometimes specified only in the Contract Performance Clauses instead of the Award Criteria.
Another Tender (Monthey-Switzerland) combined the price (35%) with the forecasted AC output power (35%) combined with
the judging on the technical quality of the proposal (10%), the project management (10%) and previous references (10%).

Note that in these examples elements such as project management and references that are usually Selection Criteria were
found to have been taken into account in the Award Criteria.

Important in all the tenders reviewed were the minimum quality requirements and/or the valuation of quality, which was
related to performance but also trained staff. Facilitating energy services and roof contracts

Apart from directly procuring a PV installation there are also other procurement routes that are designed to attract private
capital investment in solar PV opportunities. A special form of public procurement is using an Energy Service Company (ESCO)
with Third Party Ownership. This can be done by roof contracting to a Third party, for example in Germany the Berliner Energy
Agentur41 and the city of Freiburg are doing this.

In Belgium the Distribution Company offers ESCO services to the local municipalities for their buildings 42 meaning that they
organise the tendering, servicing an financing. Finally, public authorities can simply also procure green electricity. A hybrid of
this approach is being used in some cases due to the absence of feed in tariff subsidies. For example in the case of
Portsmouth City Council in the UK where Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs) have been used 43. Facilitating communities of self-consumption

In both the UK (Reading) and in Germany (Freiburg) renewable energy investment co-operatives have been established to
finance systems that have been installed on a range of public and community buildings 44 45. In France a project in Brittany

39 OJEU Tenders Electronic Daily,

41 Berlin Energy Agency,
43 Solar power portal, Solar PPAs and the public sector, 7th July 2016
44 Reading Community Energy Society,
45 see FESA, and Regiosonne,

has been piloting the role of public authorities in establishing communities of self-consumption whereby the electricity
generated by systems installed in a local area is pooled and shared. Facilitating residential systems - reverse auctions

As was highlighted in the Task 3 report of the Ecodesign Preparatory Study, increasing residential deployment of solar PV
systems is a major challenge. Households wishing to install a solar PV system face a number of possible barriers, depending
on the local context in each Member State. These include access to information and an initial point of contact with installers.
Moreover, in the absence of subsidy regimes there are less economic incentives and prices may be artificially high if the
market is less developed.

One approach to elimination of barriers to residential deployment is the concept of a ‘reverse auction’. This concept is
currently being demonstrated by the ‘Solar Together London’ initiative of the Mayor of London in the UK 46. It consists of a
two part group buying process that is managed by the public authority – the registration of households interested in installing
a system on their home followed by a subsequent supplier shortlisting and tender process to select an installation company
that can service the registered households. The public tender included quality specifications for the systems offered to
households, including monitoring systems and an extended guarantee for each system. The guarantee includes a 10 year
warrantee for modules and inverters and a 25 year performance guarantee for module degradation.

The auction process also has as a principle objective a reduction in the unit price of each system. A price reduction of 35% on
market rates is claimed for the first auction round based on installations for 4,000 households. This is based on the
economies of scale and certainty that can be provided by the household registration process.

Figure 11. The London reverse auction process as seen from the perspective of a household

Source: Solar Together London (2018)

4. Technical analysis
In this section a summary is provided of the technical analysis of improvement potential that was made in Task 4 of the
Ecodesign Preparatory Study. A range of technical improvements were identified and analysed for:
 photovoltaic modules at wafer, cell and product level,

46 Mayor of London, Mayor expands solar panel scheme after 4,000 sign up to first phase, 29th June 2018,

 inverters at product and component level, and
 systems in respect of design, operation and maintenance practices.
In order to facilitate the modelling of future improvement potential of each of the products, a range of design improvement
options were identified that may be candidates to be either a Best Available Technology (BAT) or Best Not Yet Available
Technology (BNAT) at product level.

4.1. Module improvement options

The standard product has been identified as a multisilicon module based on back contact cells also known as Back Surface
Field (BSF) metallisation. With a cell efficiency of 14.7% this technology accounted for the majority (more than 70%) of
module products on the market in 2016/7 and is projected to maintain significant market share past 2020.

In terms of improvement in the module and cell efficiency, as well as life-cycle environmental impacts, possible candidates for
the Best Available Technology (BAT) at module and cell level are CIGS and CdTe thin films, as well as modules based on
PERC/PERT, back contact, heterojunction and bifacial crystalline silicon cell designs. Although the cell efficiency and
degradation rate of CIGS and CdTe appear to be inferior to the crystalline silicon cell technologies identified, initial evidence
suggests that their life cycle performance for the functional unit of 1 kWh may be superior.

As well as module efficiency and life cycle impacts it also important to consider the Energy Packback Time (EPBT) – the
relationship between the energy used to produce a module and primary energy it can generate. This can range, indicatively for
a standard polycrystalline module, from 0.7 years to 2.0 years depending on the climate zone within Europe. In some Member
States, or even between regions within Member States, the lower potential yield from modules results in a longer energy
payback (see Figure 12). It is therefore important in lower yield locations to minimise energy use in the production stage of a
module product.

Figure 12. Map of European solar irradiation and indicative Energy Payback Times (EPBT)

Source: JRC (2017)

Additional module design options that could be combined with the aforementioned cell designs primarily relate to
interconnections, encapsulation and backsheets:
 Interconnections: Electrical efficiency can be improved by using thinner busbars, multi wire design or electro-
conductive backsheets to eliminate busbars, and the use of half cells. A trade-off exists between some of these
options in which the use of silver can be reduced whilst more lead must be introduced into solder compounds and
metallisation paste. Lead-free compounds are understood to have been demonstrated at commercial-scale but
more information is required on their durability and the extent of their application field.

 Encapsulation: In relation to encapsulation, material selection can contribute to the reduction of water ingress and
permeation, resulting in subsequent chemical reactions that can result in performance degradation. These material
options may therefore improve module performance along the lifetime.
 Backsheet: Material selection can influence the durability, recyclability and water permeability of a module. The fire
protection properties must also be taken into consideration and in this respect there appears to be a trade-off
between cost, durability and the potential need for flame retardants – although more information is needed about
the latter.
Opportunities also exist to reduce failure and performance degradation mechanisms at a number of stages in the process of
bringing a product to market. These include, in addition to those already noted in relation to encapsulants, the potential at the
following stages:
 Product design stage: Implement accelerated life testing routines that combine different simulated environmental
testing conditions in order to provide feedback to the design and material selection processes. This may result in
multiple improvements rather than a single identifiable design option;
 Manufacturing stage: Minimise manufacturing defects by implementing a series of factory quality testing and
inspection routines. These are to some extent already reflected in a number of IEC and EN standards;
 Transport stage: Minimise transport damage by considering the packaging and protocols used to ship products and
to distribute modules to installation sites;
 Use stage: Ensure that bypass diodes can be accessed and readily exchanged in order to minimise total or partial
power loss.

Whilst warrantied product performance providing extended coverage of manufacturing defects and more stable long term
efficiency is currently offered by some manufacturers, these have limited validation based on standardised product testing
and performance in the field. This is particularly the case for PERC/PERT and bifacial cells, which have had limited deployment
in the field. Proxies for improved performance could include accelerate life testing with multiple stress factors applied to a
single product.

Candidates for the Best Not Yet Available Technology (BNAT) include modules consisting of crystalline silicon cells created by
lift-off or epitaxial growth – thereby reducing the primary energy used to produce silicon wafers - or where the crystalline
silicon cell is in a tandem formation with perovskite thin films – offering a further improvement in cell efficiency.

4.2. Inverter improvement options

The Ecodesign Preparatory Study has analysed representative inverters according to their application field – 1 string inverter
(residential segment), 3 string inverter (commercial segment) and central inverter (utility scale segment). Improvement options
relating to the residential segment will be of the most relevance to the EU Ecolabel and the commercial segment for Green
Public Procurement.
With digitalisation the Euroefficiency of inverters has improved to the point that there is less scope to differentiate the
performance of products. A performance of 97.5% can be seen in the market as a base case euroefficiency. Only micro-
inverters and inverters forming part of hybrid battery storage systems can be seen to perform worse.
As a component of the Euroefficiency, Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT) is an important variable. The most important
improvement measures identified are at product level:
 Micro-inverters offer benefits at system level because of their module-level Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT)
and enhanced reliability that is intended to match the lifespan of the modules to which they are attached. Further
evidence of the additional steps take to achieve products that have an extended design life is required;
 Inverters that incorporate wide band gap metal-oxide-semiconductor field-effect transistors (MOSFET) which are
able to maintain high performance at higher operating temperatures. They could allow for a reduction in the bill of
materials and a reduction in thermally induced failures, although the possible trade-off from using more energy
intensive silicon carbide or gallium nitride semi-conductors requires further analysis.

Whilst it is understood that central and commercial scale inverters are commonly repaired and that their primary components
can be replaced in order that they approach their estimated design life (cited as 20-30 years), more information is needed on

the potential for repair and replacement of components identified as the common cause of failures and which have
recommended replacement cycles – namely main circuit board, AC contactors, fuses, capacitors and fans. The potential to
diagnose operating system errors is also important, including the possibility to upgrade firmware.

The main candidates for the Best Not Yet Available Technology (BNAT) are inverter designs based on wider band gap semi-
conductors (MOSFET). Whilst some products entered the commercial segment of the market in 2018 their market share and
application field is still very limited..

The complementary role of optimisers installed at module-level in providing the function of Maximum Power Point Tracking
(MPPT) can also be highlighted.

4.3. Photovoltaic system improvement options

The Ecodesign Preparatory Study has analysed representative systems for the market segments of residential (3 kW),
commercial (20 kW) and utility scale (1.5 MW). Improvement options relating to the residential segment will be of the most
relevance to the EU Ecolabel and the commercial segment for Green Public Procurement.

4.3.1. Identification of the Best Available Technology (BAT)

The possible candidates for system-level BAT focus mainly address the potential to transfer optimised performance
improvement practices from the utility scale segment to the residential and commercial segment where Performance Ratios
are typically less optimised and maintenance routines more limited.

The focus for system design improvements should extend to support better operation & maintenance practices. Energy yield
can be optimised by addressing derating factors with the Performance Ratio such as soiling, and by diagnosing failures in the
inverters and on the AC side of the power supplied. The two main improvement options that have been identified are as
• Optimised design and yield forecasting: The use of more dynamic simulation yield modelling and forecasting
software with a higher probability of accuracy (e.g. P90 exceedance level). This could include installation of a class
C monitoring system on inverters to later monitor the yield with a high granularity.
• Optimised monitoring and maintenance: The potential to follow-up module and inverter failure identification with the
repair of key components should be addressed. The use of remote field inspection in order to make fault diagnosis
is also a possibility. This could include the application of IR imaging across multiple residential systems.

In terms of system components, the installation of bifacial modules that have the potential to enhance the energy yield by 5-
15% in combination with the treatment of roof surfaces to improve reflectance, as well as the incorporation of single axis
trackers to improve the yield of large roof and ground-based systems by up to 25% can be options.
An additional option for consumers that wish to maximise self-consumption is the inclusion of battery electrical storage. This
is not yet been considered to be a potential BAT as the battery will create an additional environmental burden and the
potential trade-off between this burden and the displacement of electricity generation at peak times, which may or may not
have a higher grid CO2 emissions factor depending on the nature of the generating capacity dispatched to meet peak demand
in each Member State.

For the end of life phase of a PV system a decommissioning plan is becoming a requirement for large systems. Facilities and
processes are now being developed to handle modules and ensure proper treatment according to WEEE Directive requirements
as waste arising increase into the future. The state of the art is represented by a first stage mechanical dismantling to recover
bulk materials such as glass and aluminium followed in some cases by chemical processing of the semiconductor. More
information is still needed on inverter end of life routes.

4.3.2. Best practice in risk mitigation and reduction in Life Cycle Costs
The concept of Levelised Cost of Electricity (LCOE) is widely used in the electricity sector to express the total Life Cycle Cost
(LCC) of delivering electricity to the grid. The difference between LCOE and LCC is that it is normalised to the unit of power
generated, kWh. This enables comparisons between different power generation options.
LCOE is defined by the European Photovoltaic Technology Platform as the average generation cost, i.e., including all the costs
involved in supplying PV at the point of connection to the grid. The PV LCOE, expressed in €/kWh in real money, can be defined
by equation:

t = time (in years)
n = economic lifetime of the system (in years)
CAPEX = total investment expenditure of the system, made at t=0 (in €/kWp)
OPEX (t) = operation and maintenance expenditure in year t (in €/kWp)
WACCNom = nominal weighted average cost of capital (per annum)
WACCReal = real weighted average cost of capital (per annum)
Utilisation0 = initial annual utilisation in year 0 without degradation (in kWh/kWp)
Degradation = annual degradation of the nominal power of the system (per annum)

and WACCReal = (1 + WACCNom) / (1 + Inflation) - 1

where Inflation is the annual inflation rate.

A number of private initiatives and European Union funded projects have made analyses of the project life cycle for
implementation of solar PV systems with a view to identify how to:
 optimise the potential to generate solar power,
 minimise risks to loss of income from and,
 minimise the LCOE along the life cycle of a project.
These include the IEA PVPS programme 47, the European Photovoltaic Technology Platform 48, Solar Bankability 49 and PV
Finance 50.

The Solar Bankability project is of particular relevance as the recommendations are based on analysis of due diligence,
operation and maintenance records for a range of PV system scales. The outcomes of the project focus on project planning to
minimise technical project risks to the economic operation of a system, with a focus on the LCOE. Table 7 provides an
overview of the main technical gaps in risk management identified by the project.

47 International Energy Agency, Technical assumptions used in PV financial models – review of current practices and recommendations,
Photovoltaic Power Systems Programme, Report IEA-PVPS T13-08:2017
48 European PV Technology Plaftorm, PV LCOE in Europe 2014-2030, PV LCOE working group., March 2015
49 Solar Bankability, Recommendations for minimising technical risks of PV project development and PV plant operation (2017), Merged
deliverable D1.2 and D2.2.
50 PV Finance,

Table 7 Most common mistakes in the present day technical inputs for PV financial models

Source: Solar Bankability (2017)

From the analysis made a set of eight priority mitigation measures have been identified based on their Cost Priority Number
(CPN) and potential impact on LCOE. These can be grouped into preventative and corrective measures, with the combined
effect estimated to have the potential to reduce annual potential economic losses (measured as CPN) by more than 80%:
1 Quality testing of modules and inverters,
2 Design review and construction monitoring to improve design and workmanship,
3 Energy Performance Contractor (EPC) qualification,
4 Implementation of advance monitoring systems for early fault detection/diagnosis,
5 Basic monitoring of system alarms and notifications,
6 Advanced inspection to detect defects,
7 Visual inspection to detect visible changes,
8 Spare part management to minimise downtime and repair/substitution.

Improvement options identified in Task 4 of the Preparatory Study can potentially be overlaid onto these measures in order to
specify requirements. For example, module quality testing standards such as EN 61215, repair operations for an inverter that
are recommended in order to can achieve a notional technical design life.

5. Screening of life cycle environmental impacts

The aim of this section is to systematically assess the environmental impacts that are associated with the three products to
be addressed within the scope.

A screening of existing LCA literature has been made in order to identify ‘hot-spots’ for environmental impacts along the life
cycle. These may relate to specific material flows/inputs, components or emissions. A preliminary analysis has then been
made of the potential for EU Ecolabel and/or GPP criteria to address these hot spots.

The main requirement of the EU Ecolabel and Green Public Procurement is that criteria should be based on scientific evidence
and should focus on the most significant environmental impacts during the whole life cycle of products. The purpose of this
section is to respond to this requirement by using the best available scientific evidence to identify the environmental “hot
spots” in the life cycle of Photovoltaic Modules, Inverters and Systems. This evidence can also be used to cross check and
complement the results that emerged from the MEErP analysis of the base cases.

5.1.1. Selection of LCA studies for further analysis

In the first step, relevant Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) literature regarding the environmental assessment and improvement
potential of Photovoltaic Modules, Inverters and Systems, was identified and critically reviewed for the robustness of the
results (methodology, data quality, age etc.).

This section presents an overview of existing LCA studies together with an initial screening categorising them according to the
following quality criteria:

 Subject of the studies: The analysed products should have representative features of the product group, sub-
categories, technologies or specifications.

 Time-related coverage of data: This refers to the year the inventory data of the analysis is based on; studies should
ideally be less than 4 years old (publication year 2015 or later).

 Comprehensiveness and robustness: this refers to which environmental impacts are considered in the study? The
impact Categories should be comprehensive, ideally following recognised LCA methodologies, and scientifically.
Ideally studies are cradle-to-grave.

A literature search has been performed with the aim of identifying relevant literature. An overview of this screening has been
made and is available in Annex C. For all papers, the following information is available:

- General information: Year of publication, Authors, Journal/source, Title, Region

- Life cycle stages considered: Manufacture, Use, End-of-life, System boundaries

- Technical aspects: Technology, Functional unit, Lifetime, Capacity, Type of system

- Methodological aspects: Environmental impact categories, Assessment method, Main database used, Software, Data
quality and data quality rating

- Results and interpretation: Hot spots, Technology comparison

- Notes
In total 30 recent studies have been identified. The comparative LCA studies seem to be most relevant for further analysis as
in comparative assessments the same methodology is followed to analyse different systems.

The six studies identified to be of suitable quality for detailed analysis are:

- Wyss F., Frischknecht R., de Wild-Scholten M., Stolz P. 2015. PEF screening report of electricity from photovoltaic
panels in the context of the EU Product Environmental Footprint Category Rules (PEFCR) Pilots.

- Frischknecht R., Itten R., Sinha P., de Wild-Scholten M., Zhang J., Fthenakis V., Kim H.C., Raugei M., Stucki M. 2015. Life
Cycle Inventories and Life Cycle Assessment of Photovoltaic Systems, International Energy Agency (IEA) PVPS Task
12, Report T12-04:2015.

- UNEP. 2016. Green Energy Choices: The benefits, risks, and trade-offs of low-carbon technologies for electricity
production. Report of the International Resource Panel. E.G.Hertwich, J. Aloisi de Larderel, A. Arvesen, P. Bayer, J.
Bergesen, E. Bouman, T. Gibon, G. Heath, C. Peña, P. Purohit, A. Ramirez, S. Suh.

- Lecissi E., Raugei M., Fthenakis V. 2016. The Energy and Environmental Performance of Ground-Mounted
Photovoltaic Systems—A Timely Update. Energies 9, 622; doi:10.3390/en9080622.

- Chatzisideris M., Espinosa N., Laurent A., Krebs F. 2016. Ecodesign perspective of thin-film photovoltaic technologies:
A review of life cycle assessment studies. Solar Energy Materials & Solar Cells.

- Tschümperlin L. Stolz P., Frischknecht R. . 2016 Life cycle assessment of low power solar inverters (2.5 to 20 kW)

5.1.2. Detailed analysis of the selected LCA studies

In this detailed analysis we will look at the base parameters of the selected studies (investigated products and type of
system), the goal and scope and functional unit, system boundaries and life time. Next, information on impact categories and
impact assessment, assumptions, data and data quality is are identified. In the final part of the analysis, the results of the
identified studies are discussed. Base parameters of the selected studies

Some details of the products investigated in the selected studies are outlined in Table 8.

Table 8: Description of the investigated studies

Study Products investigated Type of system/capacity

Wyss et al. 2015 CdTe, 3 kWp integrated in roof, 3 kWp mounted on roof and
570 kWp open ground
CIS, microcrystalline -Si51, multicrystalline-Si,
Modules and cabling
Sensitivity assessment with inverter

Frischknecht et al. mono-and multi-crystalline Si, CdTe and high 93 kWp slanted-roof installation, single-Si laminates;
2015 concentration (HC) PV 280 kWp flat-roof installation, single-Si modules; 156
kWp flat-roof installation, multi-Si modules; 1.3 MWp
additional inventory data describing different slanted-roof installation, multi-Si modules; 324 kWp
mounting structures, electrical components (cabling, flat-roof installation, single-Si modules; 450 kWp flat-
inverter, transformer) roof installation, single-Si modules; 569 kWp open
ground installation, multi-Si modules; 570 kWp open
ground installation, multi-Si modules

UNEP. 2016 Poly Si, CdTe, CIGS, inverters, transformers, wiring, Ground and rooftop mounted systems
mounting and construction

51 Microcrystalline Silicon is amorphous Silicon, but also contains small crystals

Lecissi et al. 2016 Mono-c-Si, multi-c-Si, CdTe, CIGS PV modules, Fixed-Tilt Ground-Mounted Photovoltaic Systems and
including BOS (mechanical and electrical comparison to 1-Axis Tracking Installations
components such as inverters, transformers, and
Chatzisideris et al. Review paper of 31 thin-film PV LCA studies covering Review paper of 31 LCA studies with a focus on BIPV
2016 the technologies: CdTe; CIGS; a-Si; nc-Si; CZTS; Zn3P2; applications, thus thin-film PV systems.

Tschümperlin L. et Average European inverter 2.5 kW; Average European Inverters of 2.5 kW, 5 kW, 10 kW and 20 kW.
al. 2016 inverter 5 kW; average European inverter 10 kW and
average European inverter 20 kW.

The selected studies are five comparative life cycle assessment studies and one review paper. The comparative studies all
look at system level. The BOS is included in all studies, sometimes only partly (e.g. Wyss et al. (2015) include the inverter in a
sensitivity assessment). The review paper from Chatzisideris et al. (2016) reviewed 31 thin-film LCA studies. They concluded
that only a small part of the investigated studies included the BOS. The technologies covered by the selected papers are Poly
Si, Mono Si, micromorphous Si, CdTe, CI(G)S and HCPV. The review paper from Chatzisideris et al. (2016) looked at different
thin-film applications. The study from Tschümperlin et al. (2016) looked only at inverters. Goal and scope

The goal and scope of the studies should be compliant to the goal and scope of this report section, being to identify the
environmental “hot spots” in the life cycle of Photovoltaic Modules, Inverters and Systems based on the best available
scientific evidence. The goal and scope of the selected studies can be divided into two broad categories:

 Studies that focus on an individual photovoltaic technology or system component. The goals of the study typically
include hotspot analysis analyses for product improvement options, reporting and or documenting product
performance, benchmarking products usually with a functional equivalent.

 Studies assessing photovoltaic systems in a context perspective, typically at meso and large-scale. These studies are
primarily associated with goals oriented towards policy analysis or decision- and policy-making at urban, national or
regional scales.

Most of the analysed studies fall into the first category with the exception of one study (UNEP 2016). The selected studies are
mainly comparative life cycle assessments (Wyss et al. 2016, UNEP. 2016 and Lecissi et al. 2016). The paper from
Chatzisideris et al. (2016) is a review paper on different thin film technologies. The scope of the study from Frishknecht et al.
2015 is compiling life cycle inventory data on the manufacturing. See Table 9 below.

Table 9: Goal and scope of the studies considered

Study Goal of the study Scope of the study

Wyss et al. 2015 Pilot the use of the PEF methodology in order to To analyse the whole life cycle of five subcategories
determine how to use it as the basis for product of PV modules used in photovoltaic systems. The LCA
category rules for photovoltaic modules. follows the PEF methodology, from cradle to grave
(product stage, construction stage, operation stage
and end-of-life stage)

Frischknecht et al. To present the latest consensus LCA results among To provide updated life cycle inventory data of five
2015 the authors, PV LCA experts in North America, Europe subcategories of PV modules used in photovoltaic
and Asia. At this time consensus is limited to five systems and of the BOS. To provide inventory data
technologies for which there are well-established and for different sizes of PV power plants in Europe.
up-to-date LCI data: mono- and multi-crystalline Si,
CdTe, CIGS, and high concentration PV (HCPV) using
III/V cells. The

LCA indicators shown herein include Energy Payback
Times (EPBT), Greenhouse Gas emissions (GHG),
criteria pollutant emissions, and heavy metal
To present LCI data for the above mentioned
technologies including detailed inputs and outputs for
manufacturing of the cell, wafer, module and BOS.

UNEP. 2016 To provide a comprehensive comparison of High level comparison of different technologies.
greenhouse gas mitigation potential of various energy Details regarding the followed methodology are not
generation technologies, including hydro, solar, provided in the report.
geothermal and wind and it examines the
environmental and human health impacts of these
options and their implications for resource use.

Lecissi et al. 2016 Update of life cycle assessment (LCA) and net energy To compare commercially relevant large scale PV
analysis (NEA) perspectives for the main technologies from cradle to grave. The comparative
life cycle assessment following ISO 14040 and ISO
commercially relevant large-scale PV technologies as
14044 and the IEA guidelines.
of today, namely: single-crystalline Si (sc-Si), multi-
crystalline Si (mc-Si), CdTe, and CIGS providing input
for long-term energy strategy decisions.
Chatzisideris et al. To investigate how results of past LCA studies of Review paper of LCA studies BIPV applications and
2016 thin-film PVs can be used to identify bottlenecks and thus thin-film PV systems with focus on ecodesign
opportunities for technological improvement and aspects of the studies (so not only climate change
mitigation of environmental impacts and to highlight and energy related indicators) and all life cycle stages
the value the value of using LCA as a strategic (not only production, to avoid burden shifting).
decision-support by identifying and critically
reviewing ecodesign aspects of LCA studies across
thin-film technologies.

Tschümperlin et al. The objective of this study is to compile life cycle To generate life cycle inventories for inverters and to
2016 inventories of different power scales of solar compare the environmental impacts caused by the
inverters. Compiling this new life cycle inventory is solar inverters analysed in this study with the
necessary due to significant changes in the environmental impacts calculated based on the
technology used in inverters the past few years. already existing life cycle inventory of a 2.5 kW
inverter for the life cycle stages manufacturing (incl.
raw material production) and disposal. Functional unit, system boundaries and life time

According to ISO 14040/44, the functional unit refers to a quantified performance of a product system for use for
comparisons on the basis for functional equivalence in LCA studies. The system boundary describes which processes are taken
into account in the LCA analysis and which processes are not. The lifetime is the reference duration that the products to be
analysed will be in service.

The functional unit is 1 kWh of electricity generated in Wyss et al. (2016), Frischknecht et al. (2015) and UNEP (2016). Lecissi
et al. (2016) express the results per kWp and per kWh. The paper from Chatzisideris et al. (2016) is a review paper of 31
different studies.

All papers consider the product stage while the majority exclude the end of life stage. Wyss et al. (2016) considers the entire
life cycle excluding end-of-life while UNEP (2016) only considers the dismantling part of the end-of-life stage. The review
paper from Chatzisideris et al. (2016) identified 6 studies covering the entire life cycle, 10 studies covering production and use
stage, 13 studies covering only the production and 2 studies which cover production and end-of-life.

Table 10 provides an overview of the functional unit, system boundaries and life time considered in the selected LCA studies.

Table 10: Functional unit, System boundaries and life time in the studies considered

Study Functional unit System boundaries Life time

Wyss et al. 2015 1 kWh (Kilowatt hour) of Product stage, construction Service life of 30 years
DC electricity generated by stage, operation stage and
a PV module end-of-life stage.
Modules and cabling are
included, the impact of the
inverter is investigated in a
sensitivity assessment

Frischknecht et al. 1 kWh of electricity fed into Included in the product Modules: 30 years for mature
2015 the grid. system are the modules, the module technologies, may be
mounting system, the cabling, lower for foil-only
the encapsulation; Inverters: 15
years for small plants; 30
inverters, and all further
years with 10% part
components needed to
replacement every 10 yrs. for
produce electricity and supply
large size plants;
the grid.
Transformers: 30 yrs.;
Structure: 30 yrs. for roof-top
and facades, and between 30-
60 yrs. for ground mount
installations on metal
supports; Cabling: 30 yrs.
(Fthenakis, 2011)

UNEP. 2016 Results are expressed per The assessment covers Not mentioned
unit of power production (1 production, construction,
kWh). maintenance and dismantling

Lecissi et al. 2016 Results are expressed per Production, system operation 30
kWp and per kWh and maintenance.
End of life (EOL) management
and decommissioning of the
PV systems were not included
including manufacturing,
operation and maintenance

Chatzisideris et al. Review paper: depends on Review paper of 31 studies, Review paper: depends on the
2016 the study depends on the study: paper
6 studies cover the entire life
cycle; 10 studies cover
production and use stage; 13
studies cover only the
production and 2 cover
production and end-of-life

Tschümperlin et al. One solar inverter of a The product system includes 15

2016 given power output with a the supply of materials and
life time of 15 years energy used in the production
and mounting, the production
processes, packaging and the
disposal of packaging
material and of the product
itself after the use phase. Impact categories and impact assessment

Wyss et al. (2015) calculated the 15 mandatory PEF environmental impact categories complemented by three additional
categories, being renewable cumulative energy demand, non-renewable cumulative energy demand and nuclear waste.

Frischknecht et al. (2015) report greenhouse gas emissions and two energy related parameters (Primary energy demand and
Energy payback time).

The life cycle inventory established in Frischknecht et al. (2015) can however be used to calculate other environmental impact
categories as well. UNEP (2016) reports carbon footprint, human health related environmental impacts (ionizing radiation,
photochemical oxidant formation, particulate matter, human toxicity, ozone depletion), ecosystem related environmental
impacts (freshwater ecotoxicity, freshwater eutrophication, marine ecotoxicity, terrestrial acidification, terrestrial ecotoxicity)
and results for land occupation and resource use. Lecissi et al. (2016) report 5 impact categories, global warming potential,
cumulative energy demand, acidification potential, ozone layer depletion and energy pay-back time.

The papers reviewed by Chatzisideris et al. (2016) report many different environmental impacts (see Table 11). Tschümperlin
et al. report the environmental impacts of inverters for six impact categories previously identified as most relevant for PV
electricity generation (Stolz et al. 201652): global warming, human toxicity (cancer effects), human toxicity (non-cancer
effects), particulate matter, freshwater ecotoxicity, mineral, fossil and renewable resource depletion.

The majority of studies use the ecoinvent database and SimaPro software. The impact categories, method used, database
used and software used for life cycle impact assessment are detailed in Table 11.

Table 11: Impact categories, impact assessment method, database and software in the studies considered

Study Impact categories Method Database Software

Wyss et al. 15 impact categories: Gobal Impact assessment Ecoinvent 2.2 – SimaPro 7.3.3
2015 Warming; Ozone depletion; methods according to PEF with some
Human toxicity, cancer; Human Guide adaptations
toxicity, non-cancer; Particulate
matter; ionizing radiation;
Photochemical Ozone
formation; Acidification;
Eutrophication, terrestrial;
Eutrophication, aquatic;
Ecotoxicity, freshwater; Land
transformation; Resource
depletion, water; Resource
depletion, mineral, fossil,
3 additional indicators:
Renewable cumulative energy
demand, Non-renewable
cumulative energy demand
and Nuclear waste

Frischknecht Primary energy demand, For GHG: IPCC method Ecoinvent v2.2 Not mentioned
et al. 2015 Energy payback time, (Fthenakis, 2011) in the report
Greenhouse Gas emissions

UNEP. 2016 Carbon footprint, human health Not mentioned, high level Not mentioned Not mentioned
(ionizing radiation, report in the report in the report
photochemical oxidant
formation, particulate matter,
human toxicity, ozone
depletion), ecosystems

52 Stolz P., Frischknecht R., Wyss F. and de Wild Scholten M. (2016) PEF screening report of electricity from photovoltaic panels in the context
of the EU Product Environmental Footprint Category Rules (PEFCR) Pilots, version 2.0. treeze Ltd. commissioned by the Technical Secretariat
of the PEF Pilot "Photovoltaic Electricity Generation", Uster, Switzerland.

(freshwater ecotoxicity,
freshwater eutrophication,
marine ecotoxicity, terrestrial
acidification, terrestrial
ecotoxicity), land occupation,
resource use

Lecissi et al. Cumulative Energy Demand, CML ecoinvent 3.1 SimaPro 8

2016 Global warming, Acidification,
Ozone depletion One additional
indicator:Energy payback time

Chatzisideris Primary energy demand, Global Eco-indicator 95/99, CML Not relevant – Not relevant –
et al. 2016 warming, Acidification Ozone and ReCiPe were the most review paper review paper
depletion, Photochemical commonly used LCIA
Ozone formation, methodologies among the
Eutrophication, Ecotoxicity reviewed LCA studies.
freshwater, Terrestrial
ecotoxicity, Human toxicity,
cancer; Human toxicity, non-
cancer, Respiratory in-organics,
ionising radiation, Land use,
Agricultural land occupation,
urban land occupation, natural
land transformation, resource
depletion water, Abiotic
depletion non fossil, Abiotic
depletion fossil, Solid waste,
Cumulative energy demand

Tschümperlin Global warming, human toxicity ILCD midpoint 2011 (only Ecoinvent 2.2 SimaPro v8.0.6
et al. 2016 (cancer effects), human toxicity selected impact categories
(non-cancer effects), – see previous column)
particulate matter, freshwater
ecotoxicity, mineral, fossil and
renewable resource depletion. Assumptions

Table 12 lists some of the main assumptions made in the selected LCA papers and provides assumptions made on average
yield, degradation rate, irradiation level, performance ration and average efficiency.

Wyss et al. (2015) report an average yield of 975 kWh/kWp and a degradation rate of 0.7% per year. Average yield and
degradation rate are not mentioned in the other publications. The irradiation rate used by Wyss et al. (2015) is 1090
kWh/m2/yr. This is the annual average yield of optimally oriented modules in Europe, weighted according to the cumulative
installed photovoltaic power when excluding degradation effects (Wyss et al., 2015).

Frischknecht et al. (2015) use an irradiation of 1700 kWh/m2/yr, representative for Southern European (Mediterranean)
conditions. Lecissi et al. (2016) calculated results for three different levels which are representative of irradiation on a south-
facing, latitude-tilted plane in Central-Northern Europe (1000 kWh/(m2_yr)), Central-Southern Europe (1700 kWh/(m2_yr)), and
the Southwestern United States (2300 kWh/(m2_yr)). Wyss et al. (2015), Frischknecht et al. (2015) and Lecissi et al. (2016)
report efficiencies which are in these comparative LCA studies always lower for thin film compared to Si technologies.

The study from Tschümperlin et al (2016) investigates inverters. The assumptions listed in Table 12 are not relevant for
Table 12: Assumptions taken in the different studies considered

Study Average yield Degradation rate Irradiation Performance Average

ratio efficiency

Wyss et al. 2015 975 kWh/kWp 0.7% per year 1090 kWh/m2/yr / CdTe: 14%
CIS: 10.8%
Micro-Si: 10%
Multi-Si: 14.7%
Mono-Si: 15.1%

Frischknecht et al. / / 1700 kWh/m2/yr 0.75 Multi-Si: 14.2%

Mono-Si: 14.5%
CdTe: 11.3%

UNEP. 2016 / / / / /

Lecissi et al. 2016 / / 1000 kWh/m2/yr; 0.8 Sc-Si PV: 17%

1700 kWh/m2/yr
mc-Si: 16%
2300 kWh/m2/yr
CdTe PV: 15.6%
CIGS PV: 14%

Chatzisideris et al. / / / / /

Tschümperlin et Not relevant, Not relevant, Not relevant, Not relevant, Not relevant,
al. 2016 inverters inverters inverters inverters inverters Data quality requirements and data sources

Data quality level and sources of primary and secondary data should be documented. The time-related, geographical and
technological representativeness of the selected LCA studies are summarised in Table 13. This table also contains information
on data sources of primary and secondary data.

The foreground data provided in Frischknecht et al. (2015) are less than 10 years old. The data used by Wyss et al. (2016) are
less than 5 years old, except for input data on CIGS, which are from 2010. Lecissi et al. (2016) collected foreground data for
CdTe. The other data are taken from the IEA task 12 report (Frischknecht et al. 2015). The data presented in Frischknecht et al.
(2015) are company specific data (e.g. data from FirstSolar for CdTe; data from Amonix for HCPV) or average data based on
input from several companies (for mono and multi Si data from 11 companies collected during the Crystalclear project).
Regarding the geographical representativeness, regionalized data have been used in Wyss et al. (2015), Frischknecht et al.
(2015) and Lecissi et al. (2016). The foreground data collected by Tschümperlin et al. (2016) are most likely less than 5 years

Table 13: Time-related, geographical and technological representativeness of data and data sources of primary and secondary data in the studies considered

Study Time-related representativeness Geographical Technological Data sources of primary data Data sources of
representativeness representativeness secondary data

Wyss et al. 2015 Inventory data describing the supply chain of the Europe, regionalised electricity Data collected from leading Manufacturers. For CIGS: ecoinvent
monocrystalline-Si, and multicrystalline-Si PV mixes have been used within the manufacturers during the publication from
modules were provided by leading manufacturers supply chain study, CIGS inventory data SmartGreenScans
representative of 2012. Inventory data describing were from 2010.
the supply chain of thin film PV modules stem from Representative for current
FirstSolar (CdTe), Oerlikon Solar (now TEL, technology (at the time of the
micromorphous silicon) representative of 2012. study)
Avancis and Solar Frontier (CIGS). The CIGS
inventory data are from 2010 and published by
SmartGreenScans in 2014 (de Wild-Scholten 2014).
All data come with uncertainty information.

Frischknecht et al. Primary data: The LCI datasets presented in this Crystalline Si-PV modules: data Data collected from leading Crystalline Si-PV modules: 11 ecoinvent
2015 report correspond to the status in 2011 for from 11 companies from the manufacturers. commercial European and U.S.
crystalline Si, 2010-2011 for CdTe, 2010 for CIGS.. CrystalClear project; photovoltaic module
CdTe PV: First Solar’s CdTe PV
manufacturing plant in CdTe: First Solar
Perrysburg (USA);

UNEP. 2016 No information on time related representativeness No information on geographical Regionalised electricity mixes Not mentioned Not mentioned
of input data representativeness in the are used

Lecissi et al. 2016 CdTe modules: foreground data on the production Real geographic location of each Data collected from leading CdTe: First Solar, Ecoinvent 3.1
provided directly by First Solar, component has been considered. manufacturers
BOS: First Solar
BOS CdTe ground mounted system: foreground
data provided by First Solar c-Si PV and CIGS technologies:

c-Si PV and CIGS technologies:IEA-photovoltaic IEA-photovoltaic power systems

power systems (PVPS) Task 12 Report from 2015 (PVPS) Task 12 Report from 2015

The efficiencies of all the PV technologies as well

as the electric mixtures used in the Si supply chain
and for PV module production have been updated
to reflect the current (2015) situation

Chatzisideris et al. Not relevant, review paper Not relevant, review paper Not relevant, review paper Not relevant, review paper Not relevant, review
2016 paper

Tschümperlin et al. Primary data are collected from three European Europe, data provided by three Data collected for current Primary data collected from three Ecoinvent 2.2
2016 inverter manufacturers. The year for which the data European manufacturers technology (2016) from three European manufacturers.
are representative is not mentioned, but the study European manufacturers.
is published in 2016 and the aim of the study was Inverter mass has been The data gathered differ
to compile a life cycle inventory for inverters. extrapolated to the power considerably in the level of detail.
outputs of 2.5 kW, 5 kW, 10 Only one manufacturer provided
kW and 20 kW using a non- data for each component mounted
linear formula proposed by on their print board assembly. The
Caduff et al. (2011)53: M = data for the print board
6.03 * P0.68 (where M = Mass components have been taken
and P = Power output) directly from one single
manufacturer. This is mentioned in
the study as a clear limitation of
the study.

53 Caduff M., Huijbregts M. A. J., Althaus H.-J. and Hendriks A. J. (2011) Power-Law Relationships for Estimating Mass, Fuel Con-sumption and Costs of Energy Conversion Equipments. In: Environmental Science &
Technology, 45(2), pp. 751-754.

5.1.3. Results of the selected LCA studies
PEF screening report (Wyss et al., 2015) and PEFCR (Technical Secretariat, 2018).

Depending on the PV technology the environmental impacts vary depending on the application. The overall normalised and
weighted results show that CdTe modules have the lowest impact (2.02 10-6 pt/kWh), followed by CIS (3.29 10-6 pt/kWh),
micro Si (4.73 10-6 pt/kWh), multi Si (5.68 10-6 pt/kWh), and finally mono Si (9.28 10-6 pt/kWh)54. Within each technology,
the roof-mounted systems cause the lowest impacts per kWh of electricity produced, followed by the ground-mounted
systems. The latter cause the highest environmental impact of the systems analyzed. These differences are due to the land
use, the mounting system and the cabling.

Based on the outcomes and findings of all environmental footprint screening studies, the method for weighting has been
updated after the publication of the screening study. During the PEF PV screening study an anomaly on the characterisation
factor for indium has been identified. This anomaly was responsible for the high contribution of CdTe modules to the impact
category mineral, fossil, renewable resource depletion. Using the updated method in the PEFCR 2018 has lead to different
results compared to the results published in the screening report.
The environmental performance of a kWh of DC electricity produced with the average PV module mix in Europe and most
impact categories are mainly influenced by the production of the modules, with the exception of human toxicity cancer effects,
freshwater ecotoxicity and eutrophication as well as cumulative energy demand (CED) renewable (see Figure 13). However, it
is to be noted that these impact categories are not reported in the updated PEFCR 2018.

In the case of CIS and CdTe PV modules, the production and the construction stages are the most significant life cycle stages
on average for all impact categories. The impact category that dominates the environmental impact is climate change
followed by the resource use (minerals and metals), resource use (fossils) and particulate matter.

For the silicon based PV technologies, the production stage is the most relevant life cycle stage on average for all impact
categories. The environmental impacts of Chinese electricity production contribute strongly to the weighted result in addition
to the supply of mineral resources.

The use phase across all technologies was not found to be significant for the majority of impact categories except for the CED
renewable (harvested solar energy). The end-of-life stage contributes to overall impacts between 0 % to 5 % while the
potential benefits from recycling can result in a credit of -17 % for human toxicity, cancer effects, shortly followed by
freshwater eutrophication, ionising radiation and water resource depletion.

The production of 1 kWh DC electricity with an average residential scale PV system mounted on a rooftop causes on average
65 grams of CO2-eq and requires 0.795 MJ of non-renewable primary energy. The particulate matter emissions amount to
86.9 mg per kWh and 1 kWh of DC electricity produced with PV modules requires 32.1 mg Sb-eq of abiotic resources and
consumes 72.5 g water-eq of water.

54 Points are dimensionless unit derived from the normalisation of the impact category results based on normalisation factors to which a
weighting is both technical and political.

Figure 13 (taken from Wyss et al., 2015): Environmental impact results (characterized, indexed to 100 %) of 1 kWh of DC
electricity produced with a residential scale (3 kWp) PV system with average PV modules mounted on a slanted roof. The
potential benefits due to recycling are illustrated relative to the overall environmental impacts from production to end-of-life.

IEA, PVPS task 12 (Frischknecht et al., 2015)

A strong focus of this study was the relationship between the primary energy consumed during the production stage of the
modules and primary energy generated in the use stage. In order to relate these figures the energy payback time is calculated.
Figure 14 gives the energy payback time (EPBT) estimates of three major commercial PV module types, i.e. mono-Si, multi-Si,
and cadmium telluride (CdTe). The EPBT for a typical rooftop installation in south Europe, (i.e., irradiation of 1700 kWh/m 2/yr),
corresponds to 1.7 years, 1.7 years and 0.8 years for mono-Si, multi-Si, and CdTe PV technologies, respectively. The impact of
the BOS is not very important for the three investigated systems. For mono-Si and multi-Si the largest share of the impact is
generated during production of the Si feedstock and ingot/crystal and wafer production. For CdTe, the largest impact comes
from laminate production.

Figure 14: (taken from Frischknecht et al. 2015) Energy payback time (EPBT) of rooftop mounted PV systems for European
production and installation under Southern European irradiation of 1700 kWh/m2/yr and performance ratio of 0.75. Data
adapted from de Wild Scholten (2009) and Fthenakis et al. (2009). They were harmonized for system boundary and performance
ratios, according to IEA Task 12 LCA Methodology Guidelines. REC corresponds to REC product-specific Si production; the
corresponding LCI data are not publicly available.

UNEP (2016)

This report compares PV technologies with other energy technologies. It concludes that PV technologies show clear
environmental benefits in terms of climate change, particulates, ecotoxicity, human health and eutrophication relative to fossil
fuel technologies. However, PV electricity requires a greater amount of metals, especially copper, and, for roof-mounted PV,

When looking at the life cycle of the PV systems, UNEP (2016) identified that energy use during the manufacturing process
contributes the most to climate change, particulates and toxicity. The largest contributors to metal use in PV systems are the
inverters, transformers, wiring, mounting and construction.

On the comparison of PV technologies, UNEP (2016) writes that generally thin film technologies show lower environmental
impacts than crystalline silicon. Crystalline silicon requires a greater quantity of electricity and has higher direct emissions
during production of metallurgical grade silicon, polycrystalline silicon wafers and modules.

UNEP also analyses the use of critical raw materials in PV. They mention that PV uses substantial amounts of silver as a
conductor for cell electrodes. Thin film technologies rely on semiconductor layers composed of by-product metals, namely
cadmium, tellurium, gallium, indium and selenium. As the thin film technologies using these elements capture larger market
shares, they may encounter shortages if the recovery of these metals from primary copper and zinc production is not
increased. Metal supply shortage is a particular concern for tellurium in CdTe technology. Due to the toxicity of the involved
metals, proper recovery and recycling is important.

Figure 15: (taken from UNEP 2016) Life-cycle GHG emissions of different energy technologies, in g CO2e/kWh, reflecting
application of technology in Europe

Figure 16: (taken from UNEP 2016) Human health impact in disability adjusted life years (DALY) per 1 TWh of electricity
generated, for Europe 2010.

Figure 17: (taken from UNEP 2016): Ecosystem impacts in species-year affected per 1000 TWh of electricity following different
damage pathways, reflecting Europe 2010.

Figure 18: (taken from UNEP 2016) Bulk material and non-renewable energy requirements per unit power produced.

Lecissi et al., 2016

Lecissi et al. 2016 calculated the energy pay-back time (EPBT) for 4 fixed-tilt ground mounted installations. The EPBT range
from 0.5 years for CdTe PV at high-irradiation (2300 kWh/(m2/yr)) to 2.8 years for sc-Si (mono-crystalline) PV at low-
irradiation (1000 kWh/(m2/yr)) (see Table 14). The Global warming potential (GWP) per kWhel varies between ~10 g for CdTe
PV at high irradiation, and up to ~80 g for Chinese sc-Si PV at low irradiation. In general, the results point to CdTe PV as the
best performing technology from an environmental life-cycle perspective, also showing a remarkable improvement for current
production modules in comparison with previous generations.

The results clearly show that the most impacting step for crystalline Si technologies is from solar grade Si supply to finished
PV cells, which includes ingot/crystal growth and wafer and cell production. The BOS contribution is generally fairly low, with
the partial exception of the acidification potential results, which are negatively affected by the comparatively large amounts
of copper and aluminium required. For CdTe PV and CIGS PV, the contribution of the BOS becomes relatively more important,
due to the lower impact of the PV module production compared to crystalline Si.
Finally, Lecissi et al. 2016 determined that one-axis tracking installations can improve the environmental profile of PV
systems by approximately 10% for most impact metrics.

Table 14: Energy pay-back time calculated by Lecissi et al. 2016

Chatzisideris et al., 2016

Chatzisideris et al. (2016) observed that an LCA study might produce considerably different results for some impact
categories if it disregards the disposal stage. The disposal stage can entail benefits due to the recyclability of certain

Equally important to considering the entire PV life cycle, LCA studies must include all environmental impact categories to
identify the most problematic ones and avoid burden-shifting from one impact category to another one. Chatzisideris et al.
(2016) illustrate this statement with the results of a study from Serrano-Luján. In this study the impact of electricity
generated by a CdTe PV system was lower than the impact of electricity from Spain’s average electricity mix in 9 impact
categories. The results were higher for metal depletion category than the results of Spain’s average electricity mix. The reason
stems from the use of copper, lead and steel for the CdTe modules and BOS.
Based on normalised results presented in some of the reviewed papers, Chatzisideris et al. (2016) identified toxicity impacts
and resource depletion as important impact categories for thin-film PV.

Conclusions on hot spots at module level could only be made by Chatzisideris et al. (2016) for primary energy demand. This is
because most of the reviewed papers only made a hot spot analysis for this indicator. Primary energy demand consumed by
the production of thin-film modules was mainly the result of electricity demanding processes rather than materials with a
high-embedded energy. Across technologies, these are mainly metal deposition processes with vacuum conditions and high
temperatures such as ITO sputtering and layer deposition. Only a few studies were found to identify materials with embedded
energy as hotspots with the highest contribution to energy demand. These include Al as encapsulation or framing material. In
metal-free or ITO-free technologies, main contributors to energy demand are plastics: PET as substrate and encapsulation

Across thin-film technologies, the contribution of BOS to environmental impacts can be significant, ranging from 3% to 95%
depending on the impact category. For CdTe systems cradle to grave, the reported contribution ranges from 40 to 51% for the
impact categories climate change, ozone depletion, photochemical ozone formation and acidification. These findings
demonstrate the significant influence of BOS components on the environmental performance across impact categories.

Tschumperlin et 2016

Tschümperlin et al. (2016) compared the results obtained with the newly compiled inventories for low power inverters (2.5 kW,
5 kW, 10 kW and 20 kW) to existing inventory of a 2.5 kW inverter dating back to products over 10 years old.

They also analysed the main contributors to each of the seven impact categories modelled using the new inverters inventories.
The hot spot is clearly the print board assembly, which is responsible for 59 % of the total result for the impact category
climate change; 50% of the human toxicity cancer effects, 55% of the human toxicity non-cancer effects, 52 % of the total
PM emissions, 67 % of the total freshwater ecotoxicity contribution and 75 % of the overall impact on resource depletion.

On the other hand, the energy used during production is at most responsible for 1.5% of any of the impact categories. Also,
environmental impacts due to packaging, infrastructure, metal processing, transportation of raw materials and end of life
treatment are small in all the considered impact categories.

When comparing the old 2.5 kW inverter with the new 2.5 kW inverter, the results are higher for the new inverter across all
impact categories except for two impact categories: human toxicity cancer effects category, where the impacts are equal, and
mineral, fossil and renewable resources, in which the old inverter has a higher contribution.

6. Other environmental or non-environmental impacts of relevance

for EU Ecolabel certification and GPP
The aim of this section is to identify environmental impacts which are not explicitly identified through standard LCA tools and
PEF, or non-environmental impacts of relevance (e.g. health or social related issues). These impacts are of particular relevance
as the basis for the development of potential EU Ecolabel and GPP criteria.

The identification of environmental impacts which may not detected through standard LCA methods including the
Commission’s PEF method, or non-environmental impacts of relevance (e.g. health or social related issues), is also made. The
former is particularly necessary in order to determine whether workable criteria can be developed that fulfil the Ecolabel
Regulation’s requirement for a criteria addressing hazardous substances in final products sold to consumers.

6.1.1. Hazardous substances in solar photovoltaic products

This section focuses on substances that may be present in the final product and does not consider substances used in
manufacturing as e.g. catalysts, cleaning agents.

The Ecolabel Regulation (EC) 66/2010 contains in Article 6(6) and 6(7) specific requirements that ecolabelled products shall
not contain hazardous substances. The implications of these requirements, which are based on definitions laid down in the
REACH regulation (EC) No 1907/2006 and in the CLP Regulation (EC) 1272/2008, are briefly explored in the subsequent

6.1.2. REACH Candidate List substances

Article 6(6) of the Ecolabel Regulation refers to substances which meet the criteria described in Article 57 of the REACH
Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006. Article 57 provides the criteria for Substances of Very High Concern that may then be included
in the Candidate List. The criteria for being an SVHC are as follows:
 Classified with Hazard Classes 1A and 1B for carcinogenicity, germ cell mutagenicity and reproductive toxicity
according to the CLP Regulation;

 Persistent, bioaccumulative and toxic as defined by the criteria in Annex XIII;
 Substances identified on a case by case basis that may raise equivalent levels of concern.
Suppliers of solar photovoltaic modules and inverters are required to comply with the REACH regulation (EC) No 1907/2006.
The inclusion of a substance in the Candidate List triggers additional duties for EU manufacturers and importers:
o Any producer and/or importer of an article or component containing a 'Candidate List' SVHC in a concentration above
0.1 % (w/w) or in quantities in the produced or imported articles above 1 tonne per year has the duty to notify the
European Chemical Agency (ECHA).
o Suppliers must provide the recipient of the article (downstream users) with sufficient information to allow safe use
of the article. This information also needs to be provided to consumers within 45 days of a request.
The Candidate List is dynamic, with proposals for SVHC’s submitted by Member States being entered onto the list prior to
evaluation by ECHA. As of November 2018 the list contains a total of 191 substances55.
The IEC 62474 substance declaration list56 is understood to be used by the solar photovoltaic industry as a tool to pre-screen
the Candidate List for relevance. The IEC list is referred to in the criteria of the NSF/ANSI 457 Sustainability Leadership
Standard for Photovoltaic Modules. The standard has criteria requiring use of IEC 62474 and the disclosure of substances on
the Candidate List if they are present in products.
A consortium comprising CEA Tech and Fraunhofer ISE made a preliminary screening of hazardous substances in solar PV
products for the EU Ecolabelling Board in 2015. In regard to Candidate List substances they concluded based on screening of
the list at the time that only one family of substances and another specific substance were used within the PV industry:
o Phthalates: These type of substances are mainly used as plasticisers in module connector cables, in particular where
the sheathing is made of PVC. Phthalates of relevance are DMEP, DIPP, DPP, DnPP and DnHP.
o Cadmium sulphide: This substance forms part of the semi-conductor layer in both CIGS and CdTe technologies. The
concentration is understood in both cases to be below 0.1% w/w.
Subsequent to this screening the substances lead, lead monoxide and diarsenic trioxide have been added to the list and are of
relevance to the product group. The inclusion of lead is of high relevance to both modules and inverters being used in solder
and metallisation pastes at concentrations that may exceed 0.1%.
Long chain perfluorinated compounds (PFCs) such as PFOA, may be present as impurities (100-200ppm) in the fluoropolymer
PVDF, which is used in ~50% of module backsheets produced globally. According to ECHA’s restriction report, long chain PFCs
are no longer used in the EU for PVDF manufacturing but they are used in China, where most of the PVDF for backsheets is

6.1.3. Substances classified with CLP hazards

In addition to SVHCs, Article 6(6) of the Ecolabel Regulation refers to substances that 'meet the criteria for classification as
toxic, hazardous to the environment, carcinogenic, mutagenic or toxic for reproduction (CMR)' according to the CLP Regulation
(EC) No 1272/2008. For the purposes of ecolabel criteria development the screening threshold for substances classified as
such is 0.1% for articles. The hazards to screen are presented in Table 15.
Recognising that progress by manufacturers to substitute or eliminate the use of hazardous substances may vary between
products groups, Article 6(7) recognises that in certain circumstances there may be a technical or environmental justification
for still using a substance restricted by Article 6(6). In practice therefore, criteria should reflect those products that can
demonstrate the state of the art in minimising the presence of hazardous substances.
The hazard screening approach adopted during product criteria development generally focusses on substances that fulfil a
necessary function. Following on from initial screening by the CEA Tech/Fraunhofer ISE consortium, the relevance of the

55 ECHA, Candidate List of substances of very high concern for Authorisation, Accessed November 2018,
56 International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC), IEC 62474: Material declaration for products of and for the electrotechnical industry,

substances that provide the function of plasticisers, flame retardants and dirt repellents are briefly reviewed in this in
subsequent sub-sections.

Table 15: Restricted hazard classifications and their hazard categorisation

Acute toxicity
Category 1 and 2 Category 3
H300 Fatal if swallowed (R28) H301 Toxic if swallowed (R25)
H310 Fatal in contact with skin (R27) H311 Toxic in contact with skin (R24)
H330 Fatal if inhaled (R23/26) H331 Toxic if inhaled (R23)
H304 May be fatal if swallowed and enters airways (R65) EUH070 Toxic by eye contact (R39/41)
Specific target organ toxicity
Category 1 Category 2
H370 Causes damage to organs (R39/23, R39/24, R39/25, H371 May cause damage to organs (R68/20, R68/21, R68/22)
R39/26, R39/27, R39/28)
H372 Causes damage to organs (R48/25, R48/24, R48/23) H373 May cause damage to organs (R48/20, R48/21, R48/22)

Respiratory and skin sensitisation

Category 1A Category 1B
H317: May cause allergic skin reaction (R43) H317: May cause allergic skin reaction (R43)
H334: May cause allergy or asthma symptoms or breathing H334: May cause allergy or asthma symptoms or breathing difficulties
difficulties if inhaled (R42) if inhaled (R42)
Carcinogenic, mutagenic or toxic for reproduction
Category 1A and 1B Category 2
H340 May cause genetic defects (R46) H341 Suspected of causing genetic defects (R68)
H350 May cause cancer (R45) H351 Suspected of causing cancer (R49)
H350i May cause cancer by inhalation (R49)
H360F May damage fertility (R60) H361f Suspected of damaging fertility (R62)
H360D May damage the unborn child (R61) H361d Suspected of damaging the unborn child (R63)
H360FD May damage fertility. May damage the unborn child H361fd Suspected of damaging fertility. Suspected of damaging the
(R60, R60/61) unborn child (R62/63)
H360Fd May damage fertility. Suspected of damaging the H362 May cause harm to breast fed children (R64)
unborn child (R60/63)
H360Df May damage the unborn child. Suspected of damaging
fertility (R61/62)

Hazardous to the aquatic environment

Category 1 and 2 Category 3 and 4
H400 Very toxic to aquatic life (R50) H412 Harmful to aquatic life with long-lasting effects (R52/53)
H410 Very toxic to aquatic life with long-lasting effects (R50/53) H413 May cause long-lasting effects to aquatic life (R53)
H411 Toxic to aquatic life with long-lasting effects (R51/53)

Hazardous to the ozone layer

EUH059 Hazardous to the ozone layer (R59)

Plasticisers are used primarily in cable sheathing but may also be present in other soft plastics used in the encapsulation of a
module. As was already identified in section x.y, a number of low molecular weight phthalate plasticisers have been identified
as Substances of Very High Concern because of their classification as being toxic for reproduction and, in some cases, as
endocrine disruptors.
Phthalate-free plasticisers and cable sheathing materials have been developed. Material substitutes include thermoplastic
elastomers (TPE) and Ethyl Vinyl Acetate (EVA). Safer plasticiser substitutes include TOM and DOTP. Plasticisers derogated in
other EU Ecolabel product groups, therefore representing alternatives that at the time of criteria voting were deemed to be
acceptable, are listed in Table 16.

Table 16. Plasticiser alternatives that have been derogated for us in other EU Ecolabel product groups

Plasticiser CAS No Hazard group

Derogated for use in external power cords and power packs, external casings and internal cables

Trioctyl trimetallate (TOM/TOTM) 3319-31-1 Not classified

Dioctyl terephthalate (DOTP) 6422-86-2 Not classified

Hexamoll DINCH 166412-78-8 Not classified

DIDP 68515-49-1 Not classified

DINP 28553-12-0 Not classified.

Flame retardants
Flame retardants are primarily understood to be used in polymer back sheet materials of modules in order to provide fire
protection in line with standards such as IEC 61730 and UL 723/790. This is particularly the case for Building Integrated PV
products, which must meet more exacting fire protection requirements. More information is needed to verify whether they are
used in the junction boxes of modules and in any of the electronic components of inverters, with possible locations including
power supply units and printed circuit boards.
However, at a module level, to ensure compliance with IEC 61730-2, a burning brand and flame spreading test are executed. It
is understood that all commercially available backsheets when they form part of the modules are able to pass these tests
without the use of additional flame retardants. An additional safety concern arises because the fluoro-polymer backsheets can
emit corrosive and harmful fluorinated gases.
In relation to back sheet materials themselves if they are required to meet a fire safety test, the use of flame retardants or
not is understood to be dependent on the chosen polymer. Their use is not necessary in the case that the back sheet material
has a high melting point, such as in the case of fluorpolymers (e.g. PVF, PVDF), or may be necessary in lesser quantities where
the thickness of the material creates a barrier (e.g. PET). For other types of polymer they will need to be considered.
Flame retardants derogated in other EU Ecolabel product groups and therefore representing alternatives that at the time of
criteria voting were deemed to be acceptable, are listed in Table 17 and Table 18. These flame retardants are potentially
relevant for internal electrical components of an inverter and for a module junction box. The type of flame retardants
currently used in back sheet materials require further identification with stakeholder input. It is understood that the use of
inorganic flame retardants may have implications for the properties a polymer back sheet.

In terms of cables, PINFA identify the most significant alternatives to PVC material or brominate chemistries as metal
hydroxides, including aluminium hydroxide (ATH), aluminium oxide hydroxide (AOH) and magnesium hydrovide (MDH).
Intumescent systems based on phosphate chemistry are also identified as having been adopted by industry.
The substitutes available will depend on the chosen material for the cable sheath. Metal phosphinates are detailed as
solutions for Thermoplastic Elastomers (TPE’s), co-polyester elastomers and thermoplastic urethanes. The addition of nitrogen
synergists such as melamine cyanate and melamine polyphosponate can be used to improve performance to fire protection
standard IL94 V0.

Table 17. Flame retardants alternatives for circuitry that have been derogated for us in other EU Ecolabel product groups

Flame retardant CAS No Hazard group

Derogated for use in Printed wiring boards, power supply units, internal connectors and sockets.

Dihydrooxaphosphaphenanthrene (DOPO) CAS No 35948-25-5 Group 3: H411, H412

Fyrol PMP (Aryl Alkylphosphinate) 63747-58-0 Group 3: H413

Magnesium hydroxide (MDH) with zinc synergist 1309-42-8 Group 3: H413

Ammonium polyphosphate 68333-79-9 Group 3: H413

Aluminium hydroxide (ATH) with zinc synergist 21645-51-2 Group 3: H413

Bisphenol A Bis (diphenyl Phosphate) 5945-33-5 Not classified

The benefits of these alternative Flame Retardant systems are understood to include a substantial reduction in smoke when
compared to halogenated materials or retardants. Their disadvantage is understood to be the high concentrations and filler
material required.

Table 18. Flame retardants alternatives for cables that have been derogated for us in other EU Ecolabel product groups

Flame retardant CAS No Hazard group

Flame retardants derogated for use in external power cables and power packs

Aluminium hydroxide (ATH) with zinc synergist 21645-51-2 Not classified

Magnesium hydroxide (MDH) with zinc synergist 1309-42-8 Group 3: H413

Bisphenol A Bis (diphenyl Phosphate) 5945-33-5 Not classified

Ammonium polyphosphonate 68333-79-9 Group 3: H413

Water and dirt repellents

The application of repellent coatings to module glass can reduce the accumulation of dust and dirt on the surface, thereby
reducing performance losses57.
Although such coatings are declared to have a long life-span based on environmental and accelerated life testing parameters
– for example, 1,000 bi-monthly cleaning cycles – their possible degradation and migration into the environment may warrant
further consideration.
An initial screening suggests that repellent properties are combined with Anti Reflective coatings. Chemistries which have
been used as AR coatings include zinc oxide and silicon dioxide. It is understood that titanium dioxide and zinc dioxide are
applied as anti-soiling coatings, together with morphological texturing of the glass surface to aid run-off. Fluorinated organic
compounds are also understood to be used, but they are generally applied in order to renew or maintain the anti-soiling
properties, having therefore a shorter lifetime.

57 Voicu et al, Anti-soiling coatings for PV applications, Presentation made by DSM at PV Module Technology & Applications Forum 2018,
29th January 2018.

The substitution of repellents in other EU Ecolabel product groups has focussed on the long chain length fluorinated repellents
PFOS and PFOA, both of which raised concerns due to their persistency in the environment. They are as a result now the
subject of restrictions under REACH. It is not clear the extent to which these chemistries are applied to module glass.
According to research by the Danish EPA looking at textiles less persistent alternatives such as silicon or paraffin based
repellents may still be classified as hazards so alternative chemistries must be reviewed carefully 58. It is understood that the
fluorinated compounds used to renew or maintain anti-soiling properties can be substituted by silicone repellents.

6.1.4. Substances restricted by the RoHS Directive

Directive 2011/65/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 8 June 2011 on the restriction of the use of certain
hazardous substances in electrical and electronic equipment (recast), referred to as the RoHS Directive, lays down rules on the
restriction of the use of hazardous substances in electrical and electronic equipment (EEE). These relate to the following
substances, to which maximum concentration values in products apply:
 Lead (0,1 %)
 Mercury (0,1 %)
 Cadmium (0,01 %)
 Hexavalent chromium (0,1 %)
 Polybrominated biphenyls (PBB) (0,1 %)
 Polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDE) (0,1 %)
 Bis(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate (DEHP) (0,1 %)
 Butyl benzyl phthalate (BBP) (0,1 %)
 Dibutyl phthalate (DBP) (0,1 %)
 Diisobutyl phthalate (DIBP) (0,1 %)
In terms of the product scope considered by this study, photovoltaic modules (referred to below as panels) are specifically
excluded according to the following definition:
‘photovoltaic panels intended to be used in a system that is designed, assembled and installed by professionals for
permanent use at a defined location to produce energy from solar light for public, commercial, industrial and
residential applications;’
Despite this exclusion it is understood that manufacturers in the sector differentiate themselves by claiming the absence of
substances restricted under RoHS - such as lead, cadmium and phthalates.
In this section the potential to minimise the use of lead and cadmium is therefore briefly reviewed against the background of
current usage:

Lead is present at <0.003 wt.% in the metallization paste of wafer-based and thin film solar cells and is used to enable a
contact formation. It is also present in the tin-lead alloy coating of the copper ribbons used to string together crystalline
silicon cells in modules. The thickness of this coating depends on the number of ribbons and their thickness. The weight per
module has been estimated to be in the range of 0.05% - 0.25% wt. indicating that it may be present at a concentration
greater than the EU Ecolabel screening threshold of >0.1%.

58 The Danish Environmental Protection Agency, Alternatives to perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoro-alkyl substances (PFAS) in textiles, Survey of
chemical substances in consumer products No. 137, 2015.

The CEA Tech and Fraunhofer ISE screening study claimed that there was sufficient evidence at the time that lead-free
soldering (using SnAgCu alloys) and silver pastes were feasible alternatives59. The presence in the market of RoHS compliant
modules with declared lead concentrations <0.1 wt.% and lead-free modules was identified.
The commercialisation of lead-free module specifications by manufacturers Sunpower, Panasonic and Mitsubishi was also
cited. It is to be further cross-checked whether a shift to solders with a higher silver content results in any burden shifting
between product stage environmental impacts.
The thin film technologies CdTe and CIGS both contain cadmium in their semi-conductor layers. CdTe modules contain
cadmium telluride and may contain cadmium sulphide, resulting in a total cadmium content of around 0.05 wt.%, although it
is to be noted that end of life recovery processes allow for up to 95% of this material to be recycled in a close loop. CIGS
modules may also contain cadmium sulphide but data could not be found on the concentration. It is understood that both
products can be manufactured without cadmium sulphide in their buffer layers. Two CIGS manufacturers - Solar Frontier and
Steon - claim that they manufacture modules with cadmium concentrations of less than 0.01%.

6.1.5. Hazardous substances in manufacturing processes

In this sub-section two types of hazards that have been a focus of attention at solar photovoltaic module production sites are
briefly reviewed – fluorinated gases with a high Global Warming Potential (GWP) and exposure to silicon tetrachloride. High GWP (Global Warming Potential) production emissions

Fluorinated gases such as sulfur hexafluoride (SF6) and nitrogen trifluoride (NF3) with a high Global Warming Potential (GWP)
relative to CO2 are used in production processes for mass produced thin film products such as televisions and displays and
have been identified since several years as being used in thin film photovoltaic production processes 60. Available information
suggests that CF4 was used in edge isolation and C2F6, SF6 and/or NF3 for reactor cleaning after deposition of silicon nitride or
film silicon. It was suggested at the time that their use was likely to increase due to a shift from wet to dry processing.

The NSF/ANSI 457 Sustainability Leadership Standard for Photovoltaic Modules includes a specific requirement relating to the
'avoidance or reduction of high global warming potential (GWP) gas emissions resulting from photovoltaic module
manufacturing' suggesting that these emissions are still of relevance. High GWP gases of relevance are identified as including
nitrous oxide (N2O) and fluorinated greenhouse gases (F-GHGs) and it is noted that these may be used in manufacturing or
reactor cleaning operations. The requirement can be met by ensuring that such gases are not emitted or that 'specifically
designed abatement systems are installed, operated, and maintained'.

However, analysis of the processes contributing to the life cycle environmental impacts for the representative CdTe and CIGS
modules modelled in the Ecodesign Preparatory Study suggest that the overall contribution of these gases to the GWP impact
category is not significant. Exposure to silicon tetrachloride by-product

Silicon-Tetrachloride61 is a intermediate product of crystalline silicon production62 for the production of silane and
trichlorosilane. It is highly toxic, to humans, animals and plants, and has to be converted to solid waste before disposal to
landfill. Reports from China also suggest that rapid expansion of production has in the past led to the pollution of rivers 63.

59 P. Schmitt*, P. Kaiser, C. Savio, M. Tranitz, U. Eitner , Intermetallic Phase Growth and Reliability of Sn-Ag-Soldered Solar Cell Joints, Energy
Procedia 27 ( 2012 ) 664 – 669
60 Wild-Schoten,M.J. et al, Fluorinated greenhouse gases in photovoltaic module manufacturing: potential emissions and abatement strategies,
22nd European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference, Milano, Italy, 3-7 September 2007
62 Dustin Mulvaney et al., 2009, ‘Toward a Just and Sustainable Solar Energy Industry - A Silicon Valley Toxics Coalition White Paper’
63 Yanh.H, Huang.X and J.R.Thompson, Tackle pollution from solar panels, Nature, 2014/05/28/online

However, it is understood that there is now an economic impetus to recover this by-product. This is because it can be used as
a raw material for further polysilicon production and also to manufacturer fibre optics 64. Further information is required to
confirm the abatement strategies adopted by the sector. Use of Critical Raw Materials

Critical Raw Materials are defined by the European Commission as 'raw materials of high importance to the economy of the EU
and whose supply is associated with high risk'. Task 1 identified the following CRMs as having potential relevance to the solar
photovoltaic product group - antimony, cobalt, borate, indium, gallium, silicon metal and tantalum. An overview of those raw
materials listed as CRM is presented in Figure 19.

Figure 19 The 2017 list of Critical Raw Materials (in red) to the EU

(HREEs = Heavy Rare Earth Elements, LREEs = Light Rare Earth Elements, PGMs = Platinum Group Metals)
Source: European Commission (2018)

64 Ye Wan et al, The preparation and detection of high purity silicon tetrachloride with optical fibres level, 2017 IOP Conf. Ser.: Mater. Sci. Eng.
207, 012018

Further work on CRM management and the circular economy has identified indium, gallium and silicon metal as being of
particular relevance to the solar photovoltaic product group. A high potential (95%) for economically feasible recycling has
been identified.

The CIS and CIGS thin film cell design are of particular relevance given that indium and gallium are fundamental to their semi-
conductor designs. The potential for the recycling of silicon wafers manufactured from silicon metal was discussed in Task 4
of the Ecodesign Preparatory Study and faces significant economic and technical barriers.

6.1.6. Social and ethical issues

Use of minerals from conflict zones

Solar photovoltaic products may contain a number of scarce mineral resources such as tin and tantalum which have been
identified as being obtained from conflict areas. The Commission has defined conflict areas as:
'areas in a state of armed conflict, fragile post-conflict as well as areas witnessing weak or non-existing governance
and security, such as failed states, and widespread and systematic violations of international law, including human
rights abuses.'
Mining in the Great Lakes region of Africa, a conflict area, is recognised as a major source of minerals and according to
sources under dangerous conditions, and without sufficient maintenance of health and safety standards and in some cases by
Initiatives by the electronics industry to address this issue were stimulated by the US Dodd-Frank Act which requires disclosure
of the source of metals. Corporate initiatives generally focus on improving working conditions as opposed to the black listing
locations. Verification has tended to be linked to participation in a range of projects that have been established in conflict
areas. The Responsible Minerals Assurance Process (RMAP) and the Conflict Free Sourcing Initiative (CFSI) also provide
verification routes that focus on specific points in the supply chain for minerals.

Example projects on the ground include those working to establish traceability systems at a general level - such as the Public-
Private Alliance for a responsible minerals trade and Solutions for Hope - and those focussed on specific minerals, such as
the Conflict-free tin initiative, the Tin Source Initiative and the Tantalum Initiative.

7. Preliminary evaluation

7.1. Identification of lifecycle hotspots

Life cycle assessment has the potential to generate valuable information and knowledge for policy makers, as insights can be
gained by applying LCA into the development of policy criteria. A systematic LCA review has been conducted with a focus on
the information needs of the policy tools. However, to be of relevant use, a LCA study should report the values, or give an
interpretation of the results per components/substances, in order to support hotspot identification or allow for conducting it.
This is specifically useful to develop in a later stage criteria for EU Ecolabel as an example. Product environmental footprint
category rules (PEFCRs) have been a complementary source for the identification of hotspots for photovoltaic modules, Error!
Reference source not found.Table 19 shows a summary of the analysis conducted to translate the findings form the LCA
review for module inverters and systems into possible criteria.
 Modules

- For Si-based technologies a number of hotspots have been identified. Ingot manufacturing or wafer
production is the process that has the largest contribution to the environmental impact categories.

- For thin-film technologies, the metal deposition together with flat glass production have been pointed out
as the process/component having the largest share to the total impact of the module manufacturing

- For all module technologies, the electricity demand in the supply chain of aluminium and copper
production (at construction stage) can exert a large influence on the environmental impact

 Inverters

- For inverter products the main contributor to the environmental impact is the integrated circuit of the
printed circuit board.

 Systems

- The electricity demand in the supply chain of aluminium and copper production for the mounting structure
and cabling can as well have a large impact at system level. The balance of system in thin-film
installations is a hotspot detected from the literature review,

Table 19. Summary table of hotspots to be translated into criteria for EU Ecolabel.
tech/ Measures and verification Scoping improvement
Product Hotspots LCA Technical requirement Verification Precedents
System (suitability) potential
1) A change of processes that
1) Use of less energy intensive consume less energy could
1 and 2) Primary energy and
manufacturing processes, 2) lower the primary energy 1) Reduction in primary energy
GHG emissions reporting
Ingot/wafer Silicon ingot slicing, e.g. change consumed up to x%, and 2) that from ingot/wafer
Si tech standard production specific , NSF 457 (7.1.1 required criteria)
production of laser cutting, lift-off, kerfless measure could reduce the manufacturing, 2) Reduction in
e.g. ISO 14064, 50001 Energy
(epitaxial), diamond wire sawing losses from slicing up to x% and GWP from silicon slicing
Management System
for multicrystalline minimising the silicon needed
for the same energy output
French national PV capacity
The change of the electricity auction, where there is an annex
Change of site to a location GHG emissions reporting
Grid electricity mix used for the production Reduction in GWP from explaining the method to
Si tech with a lower grid emissions standard production specific ,
mix could lower the GWP up to production stage electricity use calculate GHG emissions and
factor e.g. 14064
approx. 100% compare them against a

1) Use of less silver

Silver A reduction down to 50 mg per No standard procedure. It could
metallization paste, 2) Report the amount of silver per
all techs metallization cell is expected to be possible be an information requirement, -
Substitute silver by copper m2 or per Wp of module.
paste by 2028 similar to ROHS requirement

The primary energy consumed

Primary energy reporting
by the deposition process could Reduction in primary energy
Metal deposition Use of less energy intensive according to I50001 Energy NSF 457 (8.1 required criteria),
be reduced and toxicity impacts from metal deposition
in thin films step/process Management System. EPBT Blue Angel proposal
Modules and resource depletion would be processes
as well reduced as a result
1) No standard procedure. It
Thin film Two CIGS manufacturers - Solar
could be an information NSF 457 (9.1.1 End of life
Frontier and Steon - claim that
requirement, similar to ROHS management & design for
they manufacture modules with 1) Reduction of cadmium or
Extraction of requirement. 2) Modules must recycling and 9.1.2 Publicly
Reduce the consumption of Cd 'RoHS compliant' cadmium tellurium content, 2) Circular
cadmium and be covered by a producer available record of annual
and Te concentrations of less than loop recovery process for
tellurium responsibility scheme which recycling and recovery
0.01%. First solar claim a 50% semiconductor materials
ensures a minimum level of achievement (corporate) and
reduction semiconductor
recovery, or a minimum 6.1 (6.1.1 + 6.1.2)
intensity since 2009
recycled content

In series 6 of first solar, the
front glass has reduced the UBA WEEE criteria: proposals
1) Glass thickness for specific 1) Verification of glass
Use of thinner glass, change the thickness from 3.2 to 2.8 mm from WG3 PV modules 3.1 on
Flat glass grade specification,
Thin film type, facilitate recycling or and for the back glass from 3.2 unloading storage and handling,
production 2) Ease of separation of 2) Dismantling tests to show
reuse to 2.2 mm. Lowering also the 3.9. on preferable recycling of
lamination from glass the separation
environmental impact of glass as flat or container glass
An increase in the degradation
rate from 0.5% to 0.7% would
lower the energy yield 7%
meaning that environmental
1) Stablish a technical lifetime
impacts would rise
defined according to the yield
proportionally another 7%.
(>80% at 30y) or
Life time and extended lifetime and lower Comparing a base case (25y, 1) Minimum set of data
All techs 2) Degradation target, e.g. lower -
degradation failure rates 0.5% degradation) to a case provided by JRC C2 Ispra
than 0.5%. Or take a
where lifetime is 30 years and
degradation rate and translate
the degradation rate increases
it into a technical lifetime
to 0.7%), the environmental
impacts produced are 15 %
higher compared to the base
The lower the primary energy in
the production stage, the higher
the energy payback time. No standard exists to calculate
NSF 457 (7.1.1 required criteria)
Variation in the southern to the primary energy during the
northern affects the EPBT, as 1) To maintain an EPBT below a manufacturing stage. There is a
1) Use of less energy intensive French national PV capacity
the system yield strongly certain threshold for a given standard EN 15804 and ISO
Energy payback manufacturing processes, auction, where there is an annex
All techs depends on the radiation of the climate conditions, carbon emissions reporting for
time 2) Change in geographical explaining the method to
location. 2) To include it in an Energy construction products. A third
location calculate GHG emissions and
Multicrystalline silicon modules label party verification against those
compare them against a
installed in a reference system standards and a certain quality
can have 8 years or 4.31 years of data could be use.
if they are installed in Helsinki
or Sevilla65 respectively.
Print board 1) Avoiding toxic elements such Limit the content of hazardous 1) Avoiding toxic elements such No standard exist on the Ecodesign regulations for
Inverters R&C
assembly as cadmium, mercury, beryllium, substances or improve the as cadmium, mercury, beryllium, content of hazardous washing

65 For a MSi module 14.7% efficiency, 30 years lifetime, and a performance ratio of 75%

arsenic, lead and chromium. supply of these materials by arsenic, lead and chromium. substances in PCBs. machines/DWs/fridges/TVs/serve
2)Lead-free soldering recovering as much as possible 2)Lead-free soldering 1) Declaration of content of rs
techniques from the WEEE, would have techniques 3) Give substances from a list of WEEE directive applies to PCBs
positive impacts especially in recommendations for the ease targeted substances larger than 10 cm2
the marine aquatic ecotoxicity, of disassembly for end of life 2) Declaration of no Lead
the freshwater aquatic treatments content
ecotoxicity 3) Declaration of protocols for
the disassembly and recycling

In general hardly feasible to

Possible reduction in the capture in criteria. Integrated
Electricity Amount of cabling form
amount of cabling and structure modules would be a proposal
demand in the module/module connections. For
by e.g. having dual junction box but how to credit the
supply chain of the framing material it could be
Use of less or no framing and design (e.g. Q cells claim up to integration?
R,C,U all aluminium and captured by the GWP of the
mounting structure, use of less 87% cable saving), alternative 1) Declaration of cabling -
techs copper whole module. Integrated
cabling frame materials or use of material,
production modules could be another
lighter structure, or integrated 2) GHG emissions reporting
(construction proposal but how to credit the
PV (substitution of roof standard production specific ,
stage) integration?
structure by modules). e.g. 14064

In general hardly feasible to

Possible reduction in the capture in criteria. Integrated
amount of cabling and structure modules would be a proposal
Systems by e.g. having dual junction box but how to credit the
BOS in thin film Use of lighter structures or Share of the BOS in the total design (to check first solar integration?
U -
technologies more sustainable materials impact could be lower series 6), or use of lighter 1) Declaration of cabling
structure, or integrated PV material,
(substitution of roof structure 2) GHG emissions reporting
by modules) standard production specific ,
e.g. 14064
In this impact category the
Consumption of
resource consumption of copper 1) Declaration of protocols of
copper from the
from the electrical installation dismantling 2) Systems must be
as well as aluminium from the covered by a producer
installation as Recycled content or recovery 1) Ease of dismantling and
mounting structure are responsibility scheme which -
well as processes recovery , 2) Recycled content
responsible for the high ensures a minimum level of
aluminium from
variability. Across all impact recovery, or a minimum
the mounting
categories the variability can be recycled content
from 0-67%

Table 20. General criteria area proposals and benchmark methods for Ecolabel

Criteria area Possible criteria Benchmark methods

Life cycle primary energy/GWP 1) Reporting the life cycle energy 1) Report according to . ISO 14064 normalised to the site yield

2) Acting on individual components: 2a1) Keep to a certain level the kWh/wafer

a) ingot manufacturing 2a2) Keep to a certain level the kWh/wafer 2b) thicckess by grade
a1) reduce energy/gwp
2c) Coverage of 50% of the demand by certificates at the production
a2) reduce losses per wafer
b) Reduce the energy used in the flat glass production

c) Purchase of green electricity mix

3) Energy payback time under certain values
3) Life cycle performance

Circular economy/Material efficiency 1) Ease of dismantling flat glass

2) Reduction of semiconductor materials content

3) Recycle content of materials of concern, e.g. Cd, In, Ga, Te

Lifetime Maintenance of performance in terms of degradation (setting an 1) declared degradation rate, 2) how many years the performance
expected technical lifetime) would be maintained at 80%

Hazardous substances Content limitation in lead, cadmium and phthalates

To be validated by further modelling and supported evidence in the Ecodesign Preparatory Study

Circular economy/Material efficiency 1) Design for repairability and recycling in inverter products 1) There may be potential to differentiate based on design life
disclosure, e.g. by stating the repair cycle
2) Design for recycling of PV modules
2) Protocol for dismantling

7.2. Assessment of the evidence for the EU Ecolabel

7.2.1. Contribution to EU policy objectives

In order to evaluate whether the EU Ecolabel could make a positive contribution to specific EU environmental policy objectives
a matrix of EU policy measures has been compiled in Table 21. Policy measures of relevance to the product group have been
identified from those described in section 1.2.1. Then for each policy measure the need and scope for contribution to policy
objectives has been evaluated.

Table 21 Evaluation from an EU policy perspective of the need and potential for an EU Ecolabel intervention

Policy measure Policy objectives and actions of Is there a role for such a Does the potential exist in the
relevance to the product group voluntary policy intervention? market to differentiate product

Energy Union Citizens take ownership of the Moderate for all products, citizens Not apparent yet, pending the full
Framework Strategy energy transition, benefit from new would be given additional results of the design options
and accompanying technologies to reduce their bills, information with which to make evaluation.
new Electricity market [and] participate actively in the better choices in terms of
rules market. maximising the yield whilst
minimising environmental impacts.
Guaranteeing consumers’ rights to
the self-consumption of electricity.

The establishment of legal No role, outside of the scope of -

frameworks for 'local energy this policy instrument.
communities' to engage in
generation, distribution and supply.

Renewable Energy Increased deployment of solar PV Moderate to limited role for all A differentiation exists between
Directive 2009/28/EC as a contributor to EU energy products, it could give further the highest and lowest efficiency
and the proposed strategy renewables targets for visibility to PV solutions and module products.
recast 2030 promote higher yield solutions.
Differentiation is more limited
between inverter products.

Member States make available Limited role for PV systems, it -

certification schemes or equivalent could give further visibility to the
qualification schemes for installers. need for quality design and

Buildings shall obtain minimum No role, outside of the scope of -

levels of energy from renewable this policy instrument.

New public buildings and existing Moderate for PV systems, it could Not apparent yet, pending the full
buildings subject to major enable better choices in terms of results of the design options
renovation shall fulfill an maximising the yield whilst evaluation.
exemplary role minimising environmental impacts.

Empowerment of citizens to self- Limited to moderate, citizens Not apparent yet, pending the full
consume and store renewable would be given additional results of the design options
electricity information with which to make evaluation.
better choices in terms of
maximising the yield whilst
minimising environmental impacts.

Recast Energy Ensure [at national level] that all No role, outside of the scope of -
Performance of new buildings are ‘nearly zero this policy instrument.
Buildings Directive energy’ (NZEB) by 2020.
2010/31/EU (EPBD)
and 2018 update
A stronger focus on renovation and Moderate, it could enable better Not apparent yet, pending the full
decarbonisation of the existing choices in terms of maximising the results of the design options
building stock. yield whilst minimising evaluation.
environmental impacts.

Enhance the ability of occupants Limited, in the case of a criterion -

and the building itself to react to on smart monitoring capabilities
comfort or operational for systems.
requirements, take part in demand
response and contribute to the
optimum, smooth and safe
operation of the various energy

Construction Products Use in the design, construction and Moderate, in the case that module For modules there has been limited
demolition of buildings to facilitate
Regulation (EU) No more sustainable resource use: and inverter criteria on dismantling work to date on design for
305/2011 and durability are defined. dismantling. There may be
(a) reuse or recyclability of the
their materials and parts after potential to differentiate based on
demolition; degradation rate.
(b) durability;
For inverters there may be
(c) use of environmentally potential for ease of dismantling to
compatible raw and secondary be investigated further. There may
materials. be potential to differentiate based
on design life disclosure e.g. by
stating the repair cycle.

Directive 2011/65/EU The restriction of the use of certain Moderate to strong, in the case For modules there appears to be
hazardous substances in electrical
on the restriction of and electronic equipment that module criteria define potential based on variations in
the use of certain compliance with the RoHS lead, cadmium and phthalates.
hazardous substances thresholds for some/all of the
in electrical and substances restricted.
electronic equipment
Secondary market operations for Limited, as it is not clear the extent
EEE shall from 2019 be compliant
with the Directive. to which remanufactured products
could comply or would be a target
market for the EU Ecolabel.

Directive 2012/19/EU Products shall achieve an overall Limited, it could provide visibility -
collection rate of 85% by 2019
on Waste Electrical and impetus in the case that a
and Electronic set on manufacturers to
Equipment (WEEE), provide a take back route.

From the 15th August 2018 EEE Limited to moderate, in the case For modules there are only some
category 4 products shall achieve
an 85% recovery rate and an 80% that: limited examples of design for
re-use and recycling rate. recycling. For inverters there is no
- criteria are set that encourage
modules, inverters and system
‘Proper treatment’ of solar
components to be better
photovoltaic 'panels' (modules)
designed for
under EEE category 4(b).
Verification of proper treatment For modules there are some
- criteria are set that require a
and depollution is supported by the
EN 50625 standards series. certain level of performance technologies that can achieve a
from take back scheme high level of recovery, including for
Member States shall encourage co- recovery facilities. the semi-conductor material.
operation between product
manufacturers and recyclers in
order to facilitate the re-use,
dismantling and recycling of WEEE
at product, component and
material level.

EU action plan for the Promote the reparability, Moderate to strong, as an For modules there has been limited
upgradability, durability, and
Circular Economy recyclability of products (by instrument to stimulate innovative work to date on design for
developing product requirements) designs in the case that criteria are recycling and dismantling. There
set on repairability, recyclability may be potential to differentiate
and durability based on degradation rate.

For inverters there may be

potential for design for
repairability and recycling to be
investigated further. There may be
potential to differentiate based on
design life disclosure e.g. by stating
the repair cycle.

Specifically consider proportionate Moderate to strong, it could See the previous row.
requirements on durability and the
availability of repair information complement any Ecodesign
and spare parts (under eco-design). measures on durability,
repairability and information as a
pull in the market.

Efficient use and recycling of Moderate to strong, in the case Would require a focus on silicon
Critical Raw Materials
that criteria are set to address the wafer and CIGS semi-conductor
CRM content of modules and recovery, for both of which there is
inverters. limited evidence of progress. For
inverters tantalum is relevant but
more information is needed about
ease of recovery from PCBs.

7.2.2. Evaluation of the potential new product group for EU Ecolabel
In this section the evidence gathered in this report is reviewed in order to answer the evaluation questions for a potential new
EU Ecolabel product group. It is to be noted that to date photovoltaic products have been proposed in 2016 as a new product
group by a private sector consortium.
 Feasibility of definition and scope: Is it possible to clearly define and classify the product/sub-products as the
basis for a criteria scope?
Yes, the scope and definition is currently proposed as being that which has been defined for the Ecodesign
Preparatory Study. However, as modules and inverters are for the most part business-to-business products it is not
clear if they would be appropriate as EU Ecolabel products. Instead PV DIY (Do It Yourself) kits or installed systems
could be labelled, with criteria set to address their main components. The point in the supply of systems to retail
consumers at which the kit or set of components should be labelled would need to be clearly defined, also in terms
of who would be the EU Ecolabel applicant and license holder, as well as who would communicate any change in
the composition of the kit of package of components over time.
Furthermore, there could be the potential to narrow the PV system scope to focus on the sub-5kW residential scale
and to also create the potential to label DIY kits made up of modules and inverters. The rationale for a narrower
focus is that this is the scale that retail consumers would look to purchase an EU Ecolabelled system. Moreover, the
wider Preparatory Study has highlighted the need to transfer best practices in the design, installation and
maintenance of PV systems from larger scale commercial systems to smaller residential systems.
 Existence of other ecolabels and schemes: Is there an existing basis in the EU or internationally for product
group criteria?

Yes, the NSF/ANSI 457 standard for modules and the Blue Angel ecolabel criteria set for inverters. The Cradle to
Cradle certification has also been awarded to a number of module products.

While the above referred to standards and certifications all have criteria that could be reflected in an EU Ecolabel
criteria set, to the best of our knowledge, the only one of these that has currently been awarded to products is
Cradle to Cradle. Whilst this certification does not have specific PV criteria, only ones for general applicability to a
range of products, the criteria could already provide verification material for possible EU Ecolabel criteria on
chemicals, production site GWP emissions and circular design, as well as social fairness.
 Market significance: Could the EU Ecolabel criteria be effectively targeted at mainstream products that can be
clearly identified from market data?

Unclear at this stage, there are no specific products that in their design would achieve all of the identified
improvement potential. There are, however, some products that can achieve combinations of the identified
improvement potential. Care would therefore need to be taken to configure the overall criteria set in order to
ensure there were sufficient possible license holders from the outset.
In order to build some flexibility into how different products could achieve the label there could be merit in
exploring a points=based system as used by the NSF/ANSI 457 standard. Such a system is used on some EU
Ecolabel product groups and consists of mandatory minimum criteria and optional criteria. Applicants must achieve
a points threshold by combining the minimum and optional criteria.
 Visibility: Would the product group provide a high level of consumer visibility for the EU Ecolabel?

Potentially, since it is a high profile green product but in reality the degree of visibility for the EU Ecolabel may
depend on the point of sale for the PV system or components e.g. if it is marketed in IKEA for instance.
 Potential uptake: What existing indications are there of the potential uptake?

There has been an industry consortium proposal for an EU Ecolabel for PV modules. This suggests that there are
potential verifiers and some manufacturers interested and ready to bring products forward for labelling. Some

major manufacturers have been involved with development of the NSF/ANSI 457 standard and have certified
module products with Cradle to Cradle.
 Alignment with legislation and standards: Could the Ecolabel make a positive contribution to specific EU
environmental policy objectives?
Yes, the analysis suggests that it could have a moderate to strong contributing role in implementation of some of
the main objectives of Energy Union Framework Strategy, the Construction Products Regulation, the RoHS Directive,
the WEEE Directive and the EU action plan for the Circular Economy.
 Environmental impacts analysis; Can practical, verifiable criteria be identified that are based upon and could
address LCA hot spots and non-LCA issues that are of significance?

The analysis of the potential to translate hot spots into criteria was able to identify 5 broad categories of potential:
- Those that have a metric and standardised method(s) but for which establishing a benchmark will be
difficult e.g. life cycle GWP emissions.

- Those that have a metric but no standardised method(s) has yet been identified e.g. silver content of a

- Those that have a specific activity and accompanying metric but for which no standardised method(s) has
yet been identified e.g. semi-conductor recovery rate.
- Those that don’t have a clear metric together with the basis for performance benchmarks,

- Those for which an initial threshold can be identified

7.3. Assessment of the evidence for Green Public Procurement

7.3.1. Contribution to EU policy objectives

In order to evaluate whether the EU GPP criteria could make a positive contribution to specific EU environmental policy
objectives, a matrix of EU policy measures has been compiled in Table 22. Policy measures of relevance to the product group
have been identified from those described in section 1.2.1. Then for each policy measure the role for GPP in contributing to
policy objectives has been evaluated.

Table 22 Evaluation from an EU policy perspective of the need and potential for an EU GPP intervention

Policy measure Policy objectives and actions of relevance to Is there a role for such a voluntary
the product group policy intervention?

Energy Union Framework Citizens take ownership of the energy transition, Strong role, in the case of establishing
Strategy and accompanying benefit from new technologies to reduce their bills, community or city-wide ‘reverse auction’
new Electricity market rules [and] participate actively in the market. procurement framework to enable citizens
to purchase systems or electricity.

Guaranteeing consumers’ rights to the self- No role, outside of the scope of this policy
consumption of electricity. instrument.

The establishment of legal frameworks for 'local Strong role, could lead the procurement of
energy communities' to engage in generation, systems or the establishment of
distribution and supply. frameworks.

Renewable Energy Directive Increased deployment of solar PV as a contributor Strong role, both in terms of:
2009/28/EC and the proposed to EU energy strategy renewables targets for 2030
 Making available public buildings and
housing roofs/land

 Investing in new systems

facilitating citizens to purchase systems.

Member States make available certification Limited to moderate, for direct purchase it
schemes or equivalent qualification schemes for could enhance quality of installations
installers. through Selection Criteria and similarly in
the case of reverse auctions but with
potentially wider impact.

Buildings shall obtain minimum levels of energy Moderate to strong, starting with public
from renewable sources buildings/social housing and with
potentially wider impact e.g. community
and citizen installations

New public buildings and existing buildings subject Strong, potential for direct contribution.
to major renovation shall fulfill an exemplary role

Empowerment of citizens to self-consume and Strong role, in the case of establishing

store renewable electricity community or city-wide ‘reverse auction’
procurement framework to enable citizens
to overcome a range of barriers to the
purchase of systems or electricity.

Recast Energy Performance of Ensure [at national level] that all new buildings are Moderate to strong, starting with public
Buildings Directive 2010/31/EU ‘nearly zero energy’ (NZEB) by 2020. buildings/social housing and with
(EPBD) and 2018 update potentially wider impact e.g. community
and citizen installations

A stronger focus on renovation and decarbonisation Strong, potential for direct contribution.
of the existing building stock.

Enhance the ability of occupants and the building Moderate, alongside procurement of
itself to react to comfort or operational Building Energy Management Systems
requirements, take part in demand response and (BEMS)
contribute to the optimum, smooth and safe
operation of the various energy systems…

Construction Products Use in the design, construction and demolition of Moderate, in the case that module and
buildings to facilitate more sustainable resource
Regulation (EU) No 305/2011 use: inverter criteria on dismantling and
durability are defined.
(a) reuse or recyclability of the their materials and
parts after demolition;
(b) durability;

(c) use of environmentally compatible raw and

secondary materials.

Directive 2011/65/EU on the The restriction of the use of certain hazardous Moderate to strong, in the case that
substances in electrical and electronic equipment
restriction of the use of certain module criteria define compliance with the
hazardous substances in RoHS thresholds for some/all of the
electrical and electronic substances restricted.
equipment (RoHS)
Secondary market operations for EEE shall from Limited, as it is not clear the extent to
2019 be compliant with the Directive.66
which remanufactured products could
comply or would be a target market for EU
GPP criteria.

Directive 2012/19/EU on Products shall achieve an overall collection rate of Limited, it could provide visibility and
85% by 2019
Waste Electrical and Electronic impetus in the case that a set
Equipment (WEEE), on manufacturers to provide a take back

From the 15th August 2018 EEE category 4 Limited to moderate, in the case that:
products shall achieve an 85% recovery rate and
an 80% re-use and recycling rate. - criteria are set that encourage
modules, inverters and system
‘Proper treatment’ of solar photovoltaic 'panels' components to be better designed for
(modules) under EEE category 4(b). recycling/depollution.

Verification of proper treatment and depollution is - criteria are set that require a certain
supported by the EN 50625 standards series.
level of performance from take back

Member States shall encourage co-operation scheme recovery facilities.

between product manufacturers and recyclers in
Requirements are set for how the
order to facilitate the re-use, dismantling and
recycling of WEEE at product, component and decommissioning of systems is carried out
material level.

EU action plan for the Circular Promote the reparability, upgradability, durability, Moderate to strong, as an instrument to
and recyclability of products (by developing product
Economy requirements) stimulate innovative designs in the case
that criteria are set on repairability,
recyclability and durability

Specifically consider proportionate requirements on Moderate to strong, it could complement

durability and the availability of repair information
and spare parts (under eco-design). any Ecodesign measures on durability,
repairability and information as a pull in
the market.

Efficient use and recycling of Critical Raw Materials Moderate to strong, in the case that
criteria are set to address the CRM content
of modules and inverters.

66 RoHS restrictions apply at the point of placing on the market for the first time, after that, the equipment can be resold without having to
comply with possible new restrictions. Remanufactured products would have to comply only if they could be classified as a new product, i.e.
if the original performance, purpose or type would be changed or if it would be marketed under a new name.

7.3.2. Evaluation of the potential new product group for GPP
In this section the evidence gathered in this report is reviewed in order to answer the evaluation questions for
a potential new EU GPP criteria for the product group. It is to be noted that to date photovoltaic products
have not been identified as a priority product group for EU GPP criteria development by any stakeholder or
Member States.

Step 1: Contribution to objectives

- Reduction of the environmental impact (CO2 reduction, energy/resource efficiency, air pollution, etc.) of products,
services or works
- Stimulation of innovation
- Cost reduction

The technical analysis and screening of life cycle environmental impacts has shown that the product group has the potential
to contribute to meeting environmental objectives in two broad ways:

 Support greater deployment and yield optimisation of solar photovoltaic power with the associated reduction in
environmental impacts through displacement of fossil fuel energy sources..

 Reduce or manage environmental impacts along the life cycle of solar photovoltaic systems and components such
as energy consumption at the production stage, material efficiency during the use phase and recyclability at the
end of life..

Moreover, GPP can contribute towards achievement of grid parity for the LCOE of solar electricity by promoting best practices
in design optimisation and component selection. In the process this has the potential to stimulate innovation in module and
inverter design as well as system solutions such as smart monitoring.
The specific ways in which GPP criteria could contribute are identified in Error! Reference source not found. under Step 4
of this evaluation

Step 2: Determine the added value of GPP to existing policy instruments

The next step is to determine the added value of GPP to existing policy instruments like:
- Covenants
- Ecolabel
- Ecodesign
- Directives
- Subsidies
- Fiscal instruments
- Communication

The potential contribution of GPP criteria to the added value of existing policies has been evaluated and is shown in Table 22.
A strong role has been identified for a number of policies such as:

 Citizen engagement in the energy transition promoted via reverse auctions (the Energy Union Framework Strategy),
 Increased deployment of solar energy by a more active role on the part of public authorities (Renewable Energy
Directive 2009/28/EC and the new Directive (EU) 2018/2001

 Decarbonising of the existing building stock through a more active role on the part of public authorities (Recast
Energy Performance of Buildings Directive 2010/31/EU (EPBD) and 2018 update)

 Reduction in the presence of hazardous substances in electrical equipment (RoHS Directive 2011/65/EU)

 Promotion of more repairable, durable and recyclable products (EU Action Plan for a Circular Economy)

 Ensuring that for any given geographical location the energy yield is maximised and the energy payback time and
LCOE is minimised

Step 3: Determine if GPP is the most effective instrument to achieve the objectives

The next step is to decide if GPP is among the most effective instruments to reach the objectives (go/no go moment). For this
decision there are the following questions:
1. If by means of procurement public authorities have considerable direct or indirect influence on the sustainable
objectives of the product group concerned.
2. If the influence of public authorities is small, you can further ask if there are other policy objectives (such as acting as
role model) to include the product group in GPP.
3. Does it seem possible to translate the objective(s) into legally admissible and technically achievable procurement

The public sector has a substantial stock of buildings and land on which solar PV could potentially be installed. Once a
decision has been made to procure solar PV systems the potential influence on the design and specification of components is
direct in most cases. In the case of reverse auctions or the procurement of electricity this influence can be extended to third
party, citizen installations.

The proposal presented in Table 22 has mapped from EU studies that have analysed project delivery and risk mitigation. This
suggests a combined focus on product (e.g. quality), works (e.g. protocols) and services (e.g. maintenance). There could be a
case for guidelines that take a procurer through the various steps along a project life cycle. From a cost and risk mitigation,
perspective a proposal of technically achievable and legally admissible criteria is made in Error! Reference source not

Step 4: Determine the best form of GPP implementation

If you decide, that GPP is an effective instrument, choose the best way to implement it. Elements can include::
- Product criteria (mainly for products*)
- Functional criteria (mainly for works*)
- Process criteria (mainly for services*)
- Support systems for procurers
- Guidelines
- Trainings
- Examples
(* = in general, but there are many exceptions)

These elements should relate to the product group in question.

Table 23. Determination of potential types of GPP criteria as related to project phases and risk mitigation

Project phase Risk mitigation Potential type of GPP criteria

Preventative Selection/testing Module and inverter factory quality Selection Criteria for factory quality (e.g.
and performance testing IEC 62941, EN 62788)

Technical Specifications for modules and

inverters (e.g. EN 61215, EN 62093)

Award criteria based on declared module

degradation rate

Design and yield estimation Quality of design yield estimate and Selection Criteria for the field experience
associated modelling data and of the design team/EPC contractor
Award criteria based on an estimate of
Quality of electrical engineering the Performance Ratio (with reference to
design to mismatch and other losses IEC 61724)

Award criteria based on energy payback

time (dependent on climate/location)

Transportation to site Protocols to minimise damage of Selection Criteria evidencing the use of
modules through mishandling such protocols

Technical Specification requiring specific

actions within a protocol

Installation/construction EPC qualification for competencies of Selection Criteria for the field experience
field workers of the design team/EPC contractor

Advanced monitoring systems for Technical Specification for the monitoring

early detection and diagnosis of faults systems

Procedures to minimise damage of Technical Specification requiring specific

modules through mishandling actions within a protocol

Corrective Operation & maintenance Basic monitoring routines to detect Technical Specification/Award Criteria for
failures and deviations the granularity of monitoring system (e.g.
IEC 61724-1)
Advanced monitoring routines
including visual inspection and Technical Specification based on planning
IR/electroluminescence sensing to respond to inverter manufacturers
recommended repair cycle
Spare part management to minimise
costs of downtime and increase
likelihood of fulfilling design life.

Decommissioning Definition of dismantling procedures Technical Specification/Award Criteria

and end of life routes requiring specific actions within a
protocol and/or provision of specific EoL

List of figures
Figure 1 Early example of monocrystalline cells in a module Source: Green Building Advisor (2018) .......................................................... 8

Figure 2. Basic installation of a domestic solar photovoltaic system. Source: SMA (2018) ..................................................................................... 9

Figure 3. EU irradiation and solar electricity potential ................................................................................................................................................................... 10

Figure 4. Cumulative global shipments of PV modules to the EU per technology. CPV and Ribbon PV data are negligible. ........... 26

Figure 5 EU inverter shipments by technology (MWac) E=Estimate ..................................................................................................................................... 27

Figure 6.Cumulative Capacity installed in most European countries up to 2016 in MWDC. .................................................................................... 28
Figure 7. Average stabilised efficiency level for C-Si solar cells (156 x 156mm2) ..................................................................................................... 30

Figure 8. Main drivers for residential prosumers to invest in solar PV by country (GfK Belgium Consortium, 2017) .......................... 34

Figure 9 Top five solar system problems identified by a survey of Which? members ............................................................................................ 38

Figure 10 Diagram illustrating different financing and contractual arrangements for public procurement (Source: US DoE,
2010) ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 41

Figure 11. The London reverse auction process as seen from the perspective of a household ......................................................................... 43

Figure 12. Map of European solar irradiation and indicative Energy Payback Times (EPBT) ................................................................................ 44

Figure 13 (taken from Wyss et al., 2015): Environmental impact results (characterized, indexed to 100 %) of 1 kWh of DC
electricity produced with a residential scale (3 kWp) PV system with average PV modules mounted on a slanted roof. The
potential benefits due to recycling are illustrated relative to the overall environmental impacts from production to end-of-life.60

Figure 14: (taken from Frischknecht et al. 2015) Energy payback time (EPBT) of rooftop mounted PV systems for European
production and installation under Southern European irradiation of 1700 kWh/m2/yr and performance ratio of 0.75. Data
adapted from de Wild Scholten (2009) and Fthenakis et al. (2009). They were harmonized for system boundary and
performance ratios, according to IEA Task 12 LCA Methodology Guidelines. REC corresponds to REC product-specific Si
production; the corresponding LCI data are not publicly available. ....................................................................................................................................... 61
Figure 15: (taken from UNEP 2016) Life-cycle GHG emissions of different energy technologies, in g CO 2e/kWh, reflecting
application of technology in Europe ........................................................................................................................................................................................................... 62

Figure 16: (taken from UNEP 2016) Human health impact in disability adjusted life years (DALY) per 1 TWh of electricity
generated, for Europe 2010. ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 62

Figure 17: (taken from UNEP 2016): Ecosystem impacts in species-year affected per 1000 TWh of electricity following
different damage pathways, reflecting Europe 2010. ................................................................................................................................................................... 63
Figure 18: (taken from UNEP 2016) Bulk material and non-renewable energy requirements per unit power produced. .................. 63

Figure 19 The 2017 list of Critical Raw Materials (in red) to the EU .................................................................................................................................. 72

List of tables
Table 1 Potential influence of EU policy instruments on the EU solar PV market...................................................................................................... 15

Table 2 Clustering of the Member States analysed based on their market evolution and penetration ..................................................... 16

Table 3 Effect of Member State policies and requirements on solar PV deployment ............................................................................................. 17
Table 4. Blue Angel photovoltaic inverters criteria overview (Germany). Source: RAL (2012) ............................................................................. 19

Table 5. NSF/ANSI 457 Sustainability Leadership Standard for Photovoltaic Modules required criteria overview Source: NSF
International (2017) ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 21
Table 6. Cradle to Cradle certification 'basic' level criteria overview (USA). Source: Cradle to Cradle Institute (2016) ...................... 22

Table 7 Most common mistakes in the present day technical inputs for PV financial models ........................................................................... 48

Table 8: Description of the investigated studies ................................................................................................................................................................................ 50

Table 9: Goal and scope of the studies.................................................................................................................................................................................................... 51

Table 10: Functional unit, System boundaries and considered life time ............................................................................................................................ 52

Table 11: Impact categories, impact assessment method, database and software .................................................................................................. 54

Table 12: Assumptions ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 55

Table 13: Time-related, geographical and technological representativeness of data and data sources of primary and
secondary data ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 57
Table 14: Energy pay-back time calculated by Lecissi et al. 2016........................................................................................................................................ 64

Table 15: Restricted hazard classifications and their hazard categorisation .................................................................................................................. 67

Table 16. Plasticiser alternatives that have been derogated for us in other EU Ecolabel product groups .................................................. 68

Table 17. Flame retardants alternatives for circuitry that have been derogated for us in other EU Ecolabel product groups ...... 69

Table 18. Flame retardants alternatives for cables that have been derogated for us in other EU Ecolabel product groups.......... 69

Table 19. Summary table of hotspots to be translated into criteria for EU Ecolabel. ............................................................................................... 75
Table 20. General criteria area proposals and benchmark methods for Ecolabel ....................................................................................................... 78

Table 21 Evaluation from an EU policy perspective of the need and potential for an EU Ecolabel intervention................................... 79

Table 22 Evaluation from an EU policy perspective of the need and potential for an EU GPP intervention ............................................ 83
Table 23. Determination of potential types of GPP criteria as related to project phases and risk mitigation .......................................... 88


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